CACMIN 02 13 2003
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February 13, 2003
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
in the Study Session Room of the La Guinta Civic Center. Chairperson Else Loudon
presided over the meeting. Commissioner Brodsky led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky
Commissioner Nicolas Hemes
Commissioner Else Loudon
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
Commissioner Linda Young
Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
Hally Savio, Community Services Secretary
June Greek, City Clerk
Rob Atkins
Joe Perlo
Tom McGraw
Mark Russell
Roger Hopkins
Mr. Tom McGraw distributed to the Commission copies of the City Page of the La
Guinta Chamber of Commerce newsletter to illustrate the lack of photos and gallery
telephone numbers regarding the City's "Meet the La Guinta Artist" program.
Staff reported that only ten artists are selected each year for the program, and the
City does not want to slight other artists in the community by providing publicity
for a few. This program is not designed to be free advertisement for artists, but
just a glimpse of the variety of artists that live in the City.
Commissioner Brodsky will call the Chamber to find out if artists have paid for
promotion in the Chamber newsletter. He will report back at the March 13th
Cultural Arts Commission Meetin.
February 13, 2003
Page 2.
Mr. McGraw also stated his opinion regarding the Community Services Director's
responsibilities to the Commission, and the duties of Commission members. He
reminded the Commission that they are responsible for working on the events they
A. Financial Report for January, 2003
B. Approval of Minutes of January 9, 2003
C. Monthly Department Report for December, 2002
It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Brodsky to approve the Consent
Calendar with a minor change in the Minutes. Unanimous.
Civic Center Campus Clock Project
Mr. Rob Atkins presented materials from the Verdin Clock Company in support of
his proposal to install a clock tower on the Civic Center Campus. He reported that
the Verdin Company would install the clock and maintain it for the first three years
under a service contract. The Commission supported the idea of a clock tower to
lend ambiance to the campus, and discussed customizing the clock to compliment
the style of the Civic Center. Staff noted that any customizing would increase the
cost of the clock significantly. Consensus was to obtain more information, then
get estimates before forwarding to Council. Commissioner Young will take the lead
on this project to ask for a competitive bid from the clock manufacturer. Mr. Atkins
offered to assist Commissioner Young with follow-up on this project.
B. La Guinta Arts Festival Art Purchase Committee
Staff reported that two Commissioners are needed to select artwork from the La
Guinta Arts Festival to be displayed at City Hall. The Committee will meet on
Thursday, March 20th at 9:30 AM at the Arts Festival grounds to view and select
artwork for display. Commissioners Brodsky and Hemes volunteered to assist.
Discussion followed, led by Chairman Loudon. It was moved by Commissioners
Brodsky/Hemes to appoint Commissioners Young and Reynolds to choose artwork
from the Arts Festival for City Hall display. Unanimous.
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Cultural Arts Commission Meete
February 13,2003
Page 3.
C. La Quinta Park Water Feature
Staff provided background information concerning plans for installation of an
interactive water feature at La Guinta Park, noting that necessary electrical and
plumbing has been brought to the site. The water feature will be located near the
tot lot and picnic area.
It was moved by Commissioners Loudon/Brodsky to recommend that the City
Council issue an RFP with an estimated budget of $40,000 for an interactive water
feature at La Guinta Park. Unanimous.
D. Spring Performing Arts Event
Staff reported that the Spring Performing Arts Event is scheduled for Friday, April
25th at the a'mphitheater on the Civic Center Campus. A proposal is currently
underway for the fireworks and the SideStreet Strutters have been booked for
Director Horvitz clarified for Chairman Loudon that this event would be publicized
by the City along with the Community Picnic set for the following day, April 26th.
Post cards will be mailed out to the community on April 1 st. Commissioner Hemes
volunteered to handle necessary media follow-up. Commissioners agreed to wait
until the March meeting to appoint a subcommittee for this event.
E. Cove Oasis Trailhead Benches
Artist Roger Hopkins was present to discuss the Commission's idea to place a few
of his stone benches and picnic tables at the Cove Oasis Trailhead. Staff reported
that the City Council may be interested in some natural stone seating for the area.
Aggregate stone benches and tables are currently being installed by the City near
Cove Oasis. Items discussed included materials, placement, protection from graffiti
and number of pieces desired.
It was moved by Commissioners Hemes/Reynolds to wait until the aggregate tables
and benches are installed, then travel to site before taking further action.
F. Bear Creek Trail Mileage Marker Program
Staff provided overview of plan to identify hiking trails and walking locations
throughout the community. Upon completion of this plan, a marker system is to be
developed and installed. Staff clarified for Commissioner Young that art sites will
be identified in the plan.
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Cultural Arts Commission Meetin.
February 13, 2003
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Following discussion, it was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Reynolds to wait
for the completion of the draft plan before proceeding with this project.
G. Limited Artist Participation
Commissioners Brodsky and Reynolds expressed strong feelings against limiting
artist contributions to the City's Art in Public Places program.
It was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Hemes not to limit artists to three pieces
in the City's Art in Public Places program. Unanimous.
H. Sunday in the Park Program
Mr. Tom McGraw discussed his idea to invite local artists to Civic Center Campus
for an annual event held on a Sunday to display their artwork while painting live
scenes throughout the park. Commissioners supported the idea of this project and
suggested inviting local restaurants to provide lunch box meals for the event. Staff
suggested that this would be a possible item to add to the Commission's Work Plan
for the upcoming year to be submitted to the City Council for approval. Consensus
was to bring this item back to the Commission for consideration for Fiscal Year
A. La Guinta Park Playground Equipment Artwork
Staff distributed plans for playground equipment at La Guinta Park, which includes
panels to be customized with artwork. The La Guinta Arts Foundation is
sponsoring an art competition for children age 5-12 from Adams and Trumal1
Elementary Schools. The artwork will be presented for approval at the March 13th
Commission meeting. A special event will be held at the completion of the project
for the participating children and their families. Commissioners enthusiastically
supported this project and look forward to seeing the finished project in the park.
Newly-appointed Commissioners Hemes and Young gave the Commission an
overview of their backgrounds and experience in the area, and expressed
enthusiasm to serve as Cultural Arts Commissioners.
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Cultural Arts Commission Meetin.
February 13, 2003
Page 5.
Commissioner Hemes also expressed his concerns about the sculpture located in
front of LG's Restaurant. Staff reported that the surrounding landscaping would be
enhanced. He also suggested more lighting for the art piece at "Point Happy".
It was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Reynolds to adjourn the Cultural Arts
Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
March 13, 2003 7:00 PM
La Guinta Civic Center Study Session Room
Agenda items for next meeting:
Performing Arts Subcommittee
Submitted by:
cti ~
Hally ~
Community Services Secretary
S:\Community Services\CAC\CACMIN.02.13.03,doc