CAC 04 10 2003CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION AGENDA La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, CA 92253 April 10, 2003 7:00 PM CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT The Chair reserves the right to limit discussion on any topic to five minutes or less. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Corrections, deletions or reorganization of the agenda. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of March 13, 2003 B. Financial Report for March 2003 C. Department Report for February 2002 V. PUBLIC HEARING VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Spring Performing Arts Event B. Community Picnic Booth C. La Quinta Park Interactive Water Feature D. Annual Work Plan E. Placement of Civic Art Piece VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS IX. ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING INFORMATION May 8, 2003 7:00 PM La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room SACOMMUNITY SERVICES\CAC\AGN 04-10-03..DOC • IV. CONSENT CALENDAR B. City of La Quinta Recap Arts in Public Places Available Funds 03/31/03 Deposits collected through development Interest earned City Contribution Total Sources Less expenditures: Operating expenses Maintenance expenses Art purchased Total Uses Equity Available before encumbrances and committments: Add back Accounts Payable Reduction for Interest Receivable Cash Available before encumbrances and committments: Less Encumbrances - Less Commitments: Hwy 111 TDC - Credits Hwy 111 TDC - Future Louis De Martino -Movie Theater Art Work K.Emerson & A.Dematteis-Spray tower -Fritz Bums Park Civic Center Art Purchase Construction of Base for New Art Piece -City Hall City Entrance Monuments Obelisks Pilot Program -City Street Markers -Peter Urbon Civic Center Campus - Design Civic Center Campus - CIP Admin Civic Center Campus - Available Place/repaint Darroll art piece (donated, accepted by CC 6/19/01)-Fritz Burns Park Base for Reiman art piece (Wilderness Totem) -City Hall Residency Inn sculpture project-Bighom Sheep -Bill Ware Omri & Boni Restaurant Art Piece (Desert Dolmen) Artist -Roger Hopkins Total Commitments - Art Purchases Total Commitments - Art Maintenance Total available funds 03/31 /03 FY 2003 Cumulative Current through Year-To- 06/30/02 Date Total $1,502,683.23 $129,456.52 $1,632,139.75 211,275.19 $6,587.67 217,862.86 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 1,763,958.42 136,044.19 1,900,002.61 21,623.52 1,206.07 22,829.59 1,830.00 0.00 1,830.00 1,058,358.25 256,603.06 1,314,961.31 1,081,811.77 257,809.13 1,339,620.90 682,146.65 (121,764.94) 560,381.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 682,146.65 (121,764.94) 560,381.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,418.07 14,581.93 1,764.00 960.37 2,324.00 2,938.50 14,167.76 22,657.53 12,206.15 14,719.00 102,328.46 7,800.00 750.00 92,000.00 26,625.00 325,240.77 0.00 4/3/2003 File: APP.WK4 City of Lac • . Arts in Public Places Recap Expenditures Inception to 03/31/03 Operating Expenses: Conference - Phoenix 07/24/92 Bank of America 07/31/92 Meg Robertson 821.66 244.08 Page 1 Expended $1,065.74 10/15/92 A.E.S. 23.70 01/12/93 Jerry Allan 2,275.00 03/10/93 Regents - University of Calif. 105.00 03/31/93 Martin & Chapman 242.05 03/31/94 City of La Quinta Admin Fee 6,000.00 05/10/95 Rositas Shamis - Reimburse for supplies 35.91 06/30/98 Charrie Chappie Travel 325.21 06/30/98 Elaine Reynolds Travel 360.61 06/30/98 Rosita Shamis Travel 2,141.01 06/30/98 Susan Benay Travel 1,125.32 06/30/98 Americans For The Arts Registration 150.00 09/30/98 Susan Benay Travel - Reverse (1,125.32) 01/25/99 Art in La Quinta Inserts (Arrow Printing) 1,150.00 05/07/99 Recreation Brochures -Postage 473.50 05/29/99 Summer Brochures (Arrow Printing) 1,239.13 06/30/99 Patrick Welch - Anderson Travel 428.00 06/30/99 Welch/Reynolds- Atlanta Hilton 1,313.28 06/30/99 Susan Benay - Best Western 245.00 O6130199 Ca Assembly of Local Arts -Membership 199.00 06/30/99 Welch/Reynolds - Americans for the Arts Reg. 600.00 06/30/99 Susan Benay - Travel 272.36 08/19/99 US Postmaster: 05/19/1999 Appropriation -Summer Brochure 160.00 08/29/99 Arrow Printing - brochures 1,481.60 11/29/99 CA Assembly of Local Arts -Membership 75.00 12/14/99 US Postmaster. Brochure 160.00 01/08/00 Arrow Printing - Brochures 1,636.75 02/11/00 Travel & Conference - Credit (931.64) 03/06/00 Americans for the Arts 150.00 5/2/00 U S Postmaster - postage 160.00 6/30/00 Russell Jacques - Art Base 693.75 7/31/00 Russell Jacques - Art Base (693.75) 8/00 Maintenance -art piece -Hwy 111-DeMartino 500.00 8/00 Global Mural Conference 2000 100.00 8/00 U.S. Postmaster. Brochure 320.00 9/00 Reclassify maint. to separate account (500.00) 2/01 Art Wall Certificates 268.81 8101 Freight, packing for sculpture 275.00 8/01 Reclass expenditures at year end (1,060.00) 11/01 Bruce Kribbs supplies - reclassified from General Fund 5/02 128.00 3/02 APP Supplies - reclassified from General Fund 5/02 55.50 10/02 Best Signs - (2)Dedication Bronze Plaques -Civic Center Campus 1,206.07 Total Operating Expenses $22,829.59 Art Maintenance Expenses authorized by Council: Expended 6/30/01 Total through 6/30/01 (carried to Fiscal 2002) 1,060.00 6/30/02 Total through 6/30/02 770.00 Total - prior years 1,830.00 Year to Date, Fiscal 2003 0.00 Total Art Maintenance Costs charged to APP $1,830.00 4/3/2003 File: APP.WK4 City of La Quinta Arts in Public Places • Recap Expenditures Inception to 03/31/03 Page 2 Total Balance of Art Purchases: Commitments Expended Commitments 06/09/92 Adams/Truman PTA 846.00 $846.00 0.00 07/31/92 Hwy 111 TDC - Paid 47,578.99 47,578.99 0.00 07/31/92 Hwy 111TDC -Credits 10,810.63 1,392.56 9,418.07 07/31/92 Hwy 111 TDC - Future 36,610.38 22,028.45 14,581.93 12/1511992 Ministrelli TT25429-Painted Cove -Air Motion -Bruce Thomas 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 04/14/93 Louis De Martino -Movie Theater Art Work 72,530.00 70,766.00 1,764.00 O6/01/01 Louis De Martino -modifications -Hwy 111 Gem of the Desert 35,870.00 35,870.00 0.00 06/29/94 K.Emerson & A.Dematteis-Gate-Fritz Bums Park 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 06/29/94 K.Emerson & A.Dematteis-Mosiac Tiles -Fritz Bums Park 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 06/29/94 K.Emerson & A.Dematteis-Spray tower -Fritz Burns Park 31,000.00 30,039.63 960.37 06/06/1995 Bear Creek Path Art Work-LQAF-Bear & Tile 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 01/16/1996 Fritz Burns Park - Spray Tower installation 16,786,00 16,786.00 0.00 05/21/1996 Rancho La Quinta - Paid 35,000.00 35,000.00 0.00 05/21/1996 Rancho La Quinta - Credit 35,000.00 35,000.00 0.00 12/17/96 Fritz Bums Park -Art Fernandez -Playground Equip(Bus Shelter Panels) 37,000.00 37,000.00 0.00 06/17/97 Marcia Gibbons-L.Q. Car Wash -Mural 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 O6/17/97 Eagle Hardware -Credit -Eagles 43,000.00 43,000.00 0.00 05/05/98 Washington St. Bridge-Navarrete/Holmes & Narver-Design 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 07/07/98 Landscaping for Artpiece-Hwyl 11/Wash. St-DeMartino Art Pieces 18,800.00 18,800.00 0.00 09/15/98 Washington St. Bridge-Navarrete/Holmes & Narver-Construction 39,500.00 39,500.00 0.00 10/20/98 Washington St. Bridge -Artwork Construction 21,999.00 21,999.00 0.00 03/16/99 Civic Center Art Purchase 7,327.00 5,003.00 2,324.00 04/06/99 Construction of Base for New Art Piece -City Hall 4,000.00 1,061.50 2,938.50 05/18/99 City Entrance Monuments 299,713.00 285,545.24 14,167.76 07/01/99 Obelisks Pilot Program -City Street Markers -Peter Urbon 91,312.00 68,654.47 22,657.53 09/07/99 City Entrance Monument Right -of -Way (#655) 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 01/18/00 Civic Center Campus - Native American themes - P. Ladochy 57,600.33 57.600.33 0.00 01/18/00 Civic Center Campus - LQ Mountain range - B. Ware 90,000.00 90,000.00 0.00 01/18/00 Civic Center Campus - Sandy Swan - Bronze relief map 35,094.17 35,094.17 0.00 01/18/00 Civic Center Campus - Animal tracks - Sandy Swan 13,085.00 13,085.00 0.00 01/18/00 Civic Center Campus - Design 34,000.00 21,793.85 12,206.15 01/18/00 Civic Center Campus - CIP Admin 14,719.00 0.00 14,719.00 01/18/00 Civic Center Campus - Available 104,101.83 1,773.37 102,328.46 05/02/00 Construction of Base for New Art Piece -City Hall 2,693.75 2,693.75 0.00 02/06/01 Water feature/LQ Court -Manuel Mendoza 88,725.00 88,725.00 0.00 02/01/01 Phase 1-Jefferson St Bridge Artwork -Design 3,000,00 3,000.00 0.00 07/03/01 Jefferson Bridge artwork -bridge railings -Construction 7,800.00 7,800.00 0.00 07/17/01 Place/repaint Darroll art piece (donated, accepted by CC 6/19/01)-Fritz Burns Park 9,500.00 1,700.00 7,800.00 07/17/01 Base for Reiman art piece (Wilderness Totem) -City Hall 750.00 0.00 750.00 8/01 Point happy artwork project-Cahuilla Family -Felicity 94,950.00 94,950.00 0.00 11/01 Senior Center AR Mural 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 9/02 Residency Inn sculpture project-Bighom Sheep -Bill Ware 92,000.00 0.00 92,000.00 01/07/03 Omri & Boni Restaurant Art Piece (Desert Dolmen) Artist -Roger Hopkins 35,500.00 8,875.00 26,625.00 Total Art Purchases $1,640,202.08 $1,314,961.31 $325,240.77 4/3/2003 File: APPAK4 City is Arts in Public Places in P lic Places � Recap Expenditures Inception to 03/31/03 Number Artwork Expended 1 Air Motion -Bruce Thomas $15,000.00 2 Civic Art Purchase -General Fund $0.00 3 Desert Mural -Marcia Gibbons $10,000.00 4 Bear Creek Bike Path Art-LQAF $5,000.00 5 Eagles -Jeffrey Fowler $43,000.00 6 Gates at the Pool - Gateway to the Desert-DeMatteis $10,000.00 7 Gem of the Desert -De Martino $90,646.00 8 Kennedy Art Piece - Rotary Donation $0.00 9 Sidewalk Mosiac Squares - Dances with the Landscape-DeMatteis $10,000.00 10 Rancho La Quinta Don -Bill Ware $70,000.00 11 Spray Structure -In between Earth & Sky wtr life to all creatures-DeMatteis $46,825.63 12 Sun & Moon Beam-DeMartino $106,636.00 13 Washington St Bridge Railing-Navarrette $64,499.00 14 City Entrance Monuments -Ray Lopez $300,545.24 15 Bus Stop Metal Work -Art Fernandez $37,000.00 16 Obelisks -Peter Urbon $68,654.47 17 LQ Court Water Feature -Manuel Mendoza $88,725.00 18 Jefferson St Bridge Railing-Navarrette $10,800.00 19 Lizards - Civic Center Campus South Entrance -Steve Rieman $5,003.00 20 Civic Center Campus - Native American themes - P. Ladochy $57,600.33 21 Civic Center Campus - LQ Mountain range - B. Ware $90,000.00 22 Civic Center Campus - Tree of Life - Sandy Swan - Bronze relief map $35,094.17 23 Civic Center Campus - Animal tracks - Sandy Swan $13,085.00 24 Civic Center Campus - TDK Design $21,793.85 25 Civic Center Campus - CIP Admin $0.00 26 Civic Center Campus - Available $1,773.37 27 Art Base for R. Jacques Artwork $2,693.75 28 Art Base for Lizards Artwork $1,061.50 29 Senior Center Art Mural-LQAF $4,000.00 30 Point Happy Artwork Project -Felicity $94,950.00 31 Residency Inn Sculpture Project -Bill Ware $0.00 32 Place/paint Darroll art piece (donated, CC accepted 6/19/01)-F Burns Prk $1,700.00 33 Omri & Boni Restaurant Art Piece (Desert Dolmen) Artist -Roger Hopkins $8,875.00 Total Art Purchases to date 1,314,961.31 Page 3 4/3/2003 File: APP.WK4 City of La Quinta Recap Arts in Public Places Interest Earned Annual Interest FY 1990/91 3,525.59 FY 1991 /92 11,646.54 FY 1992/93 12,156.96 FY 1993/94 7,137.38 FY 1994/95 11,444.17 FY 1995/96 14,109.65 FY 1996/97 16,170.79 FY 1997/98 14,845.19 FY 1998/99 28,328.00 FY 1999/00 32,168.62 FY 2000/01 36,787.35 FY 2001/02 22,954.95 Total Accumulated Interest $211,275.19 FY 2002/03 Interest YTD 6,587.67 Interest Through 03/31/03 217,862.86 Note: The City records interest earned on pooled cash quarterly. 4/3/2003 File: APP.WK4 —z— • �V. CONSENT CALENDAR C. Lam Q� z V U � ti5 OF I19 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY C NCIL FROM: DODIE HORVITZ, COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRE DATE: MARCH 18, 2003 SUBJECT: TRANSMITTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2003 UPCOMING EVENTS OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 2003: April 1 Hatha Yoga, Senior Center April 1 Tae Kwon Do, La Quinta High School April 1 Karate for Kids, La Quinta High School April 1 *Free AARP Tax Assistance April 1 *Tap Dancing Lessons April 1 Acrylic Paintings, Senior Center April 1 Mexican and Italian Cooking Class, La Quinta High School April 1 *Representative from Bonnie Garcia's Office April 2 *Introduction to the Internet Computer Class April 2 Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Senior Center April 3 *Ceramics Class April 4 *Watercolor Painting Lessons April 5 Algodones Excursion, Civic Center April 7 Beginning Computer Lessons, Senior Center April 7 Stained Glass for Beginners, Senior Center April 7 *Monthly Putting Contest April 7 *Stained Glass April 8 The Far East Cooking Class, La Quinta High School April 9 *Senior Sports Day April 9 Intermediate Computer Class, Senior Center April 9 Wrap it in a Wonton and Let's Stack It Cooking Class, La Quinta High School April 10 Light Cooking, La Quinta High School April 10 *Cooking Class April 10 *Ballroom Dance Workshop April 14 Spring Break Camp, Children's Discovery Museum April 14 *Computer Scanning Lesson April 14 *Introduction to Computers April 15 Spring Break Camp, The Living Desert April 15 *Free Hearing Consultations April 15 *CPR Class • 0 April 16 Spring Break Camp, Party and Park Picnic at Fritz Burns Park April 16 Conversational Russia, Senior Center April 17 *Volunteer Luncheon April 17 Spring Break Camp, Movies in Cathedral City April 18 *Conversational Spanish Class April 18 Spring Break Camp, Knott's Soak City April 19 Annual Egg Hunt and Chalk Drawing Contest, La Quinta Sports Complex April 21 *Photo Editing Computer Class April 22 *AARP Mature Drivers Course April 24 *Tai Chi April 24 *Jazz Guitar: Basics and Beyond April 26 City of La Quinta Picnic and Birthday Bash, Fritz Burns Park April 29 *Office On Aging Nutritional Mobile Van *Daytime Senior Center class or activity a Program Community Services Department Attendance Report for the Month of February 2003 Summary Sheet 2003 2002 Variance Sessions Per Month 2003 2002 Leisure Classes 152 80 72 57 20 Special Events 94 92 2 2 2 Adult Sports 542 492 50 18 20 Senior Center Total 788 664 124 77 42 Senior Services Senior Center 497 473 24 15 13 Total 497 473 24 15 13 Sports Complex Use AYSO 900 800 100 20 20 LQSYA baseball 800 500 300 14 6 Total 1,700 1300 400 34 26 Facility/Park Rentals Fritz Burns Park (Birthday Parties) 2 0 2 0 0 Sports Complex (Desert Springs Church) Total 80 82 0 01 80 82 4 4 0 0 Total Programs Volunteer Hours Senior Center 8681 9241E-516 Total Volunteer Hours 868 924 U-"446Iv r20ven..o ........... Senior Center $ 11,043.00 $ 10,535.00 $ 508.00 Community Services $ 1 10,136.00 1 $ 5,096.00 $ 1 5,040.00 Total Revenue $ 21,179.00 $ 15,631.00 $ 5.548.00 o—.sn..n Veer 4n n2ta Senior Center $68,954.00 $ 61,222.00 $ 7,414.00 Community Services $ 55,138.00 $ 45,731.00 $ 9,407.00 Total Revenue to Date $ 124,092.00 $ 106,953.00 $ 16,821.00 0 0 Community Services Program Report for February 2003 gnns 2nn2 2003 2002 Participants Participants Variance Meetings Meetings Leisure Classes Beginning Computers 9 8 1 4 4 Intermediate Computers 5 4 1 4 3 Acrylic Painting 5 0 5 2 0 Adobe Photoshop Elements 4 3 1 2 2 Tae Kwon Do 11 0 11 3 0 Karate for Kids 4 0 4 3 0 Hatha Yoga 33 35 -2 2 6 Vin asa Flow Yoga 10 0 10 2 0 Hatha/Vin asa Combo 8 0 8 2 0 Line Dance Lessons 17 0 17 4 0 Botanical Watercolor Class 7 0 7 2 0 Bell dance Lessons Tu. 9 0 9 4 0 Bell dance Lessons Th. 9 0 9 4 0 Conversational Russia 2 0 2 3 0 Italian for Travelers 7 14 -7 8 3 Ballroom Dance Lessons 61 16 -101 4 2 Art of Jazz Guitar 61 01 61 4 0 Totals 1521 801 721 57 20 2nns 2nn2 2003 2002 Participants Participants Variance Meetings Meetings Special Events Pet Show 27 40 -13 1 1 Mexico Excursion 67 52 15 1 1 Totals 94 921 21 21 2 2nn� 2002 2003 2002 Participants Participants Variance Meetings Meetings Adult Sports Open Gym Basketball 382 292 90 16 16 Adult Soccer League 160 200 -40 2 4 Totals 1 6421 4921 Sol 181 20 Recreation Totals 7881 6641 1241 77 42 Page 2 • Senior Center Attendance . Participation Participation Variance Meetings Meetings 0 0 2003 2002 Senior Activities ACBL Bride 335 320 15 4 4 Ballroom Dancing, Complimentary 21 0 21 1 0 Bridge, Duplicate/Social 574 561 13 14 10 Dog Training, Complimentary 10 4 6 1 1 Ice Cream Social 23 34 -11 3 5 Monthly Birthday Party 41 38 3 1 1 Monthly Luncheon 96 100 -4 1 1 Movie Time 64 60 4 4 8 Nabisco Putting Contest 113 122 -9 1 1 Putting Contest 5 8 -3 1 1 Seminars 50 0 50 2 0 Tennis 33 0 331 6 0 Tennis Social 9 5 4 1 1 Senior Activity Total 1374 1252 122 40 33 Senior Leisure Classes Arts and Crafts 33 19 14 4 4 Ballroom Dance 30 22 8 3 8 Bridge Lessons 84 94 -10 14 12 Ceramics 11 13 -2 3 4 Computer 63 31 32 17 9 Computer Tutor 4 8 -4 4 7 Cooking 18 19 -1 1 1 CPR 6 13 -7 1 1 Dog Training Class 17 11 6 2 2 Exercise 55 61 -6 11 11 Golden Tones 93 50 431 4 3 Jazz Guitar 5 0 5 4 0 Knitting 15 8 7 1 1 Painting 19 31 -12 3 4 Quilting 28 40 -12 3 4 Rug Hooking 15 4 11 3 2 Sketching/Drawing 11 0 11 4 0 Spanish 33 37 -4 3 6 Stained Glass 10 10 0 2 2 Tai Chi 16 44 -28 3 3 Tap Dance 32 29 3 8 4 Watercolor 16 12 4 4 4 Woodcarving 26 24 2 2 3 Yoga 16 0 16 6 0 Senior Leisure Classes Total 656 580 76 110 95 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAMS 2030 1832 198 1501 128 Senior Services AARP "55" Course 26 40 -14 2 2 AARP Tax Aide 61 51 10 4 4 FIND Food Distribution 263 255 8 4 4 Health Screenings 18 18 0 2 2 I.I.D. Energy Assistance 14 13 1 n/a n/a I.I.D. Energy Assistance/No fee 26 8 18 n/a n/a Legal Consultation 12 7 5 1 1 Medicare/Hi Cap Consultation 8 8 0 2 n/a Volunteers 69 73 -4 n/a n/a TOTAL SENIOR SERVICES 497 473 24 15 13 SENIOR CENTER TOTAL 2527 2305 222 165 141 VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A T4'!t 4 4 Q" CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: April 10, 2003 ITEM TITLE: Spring Performing Arts Event RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the March 13, 2003 Cultural Arts Commission meeting, the Commission selected the activities they would like to see presented at the Spring performing arts event being held on Friday, April 25, 2003 at the Civic Center Campus. One of the events was a display by La Quinta artists of their work. Staff sent press releases to the various print media. Attachments A through G are photographs from La Quinta artists that have been submitted for consideration by the Commission. Attachment A: Kathy Dunham, 55-172 Oak Tree, 771-6367 Attachment B: Lisa House, 78-628 Avenida Tujunga, 771-8489 Attachment C: Gail Taylor, 52-910 Avenida Velasco, 771-2783 Attachment D: Patricia Merchant, 79-830 Tangelo, 771-4305 Attachment E: Joseph Rounaghi, 51230 Eisenhower, 771-6700 Attachment F: Jan Blakley, 54105 Avenida Juarez, 771-9732 Attachment G: Elsie Grace, 50890 Paradise Dr. E., 771-4026 Attachment H: Dorry Wynham, 49-275 Rio Arenoso, 777-8420 Attachment I: Michael E. Quintana, 53-060 Avenida Alvarado, 564-7296 Attachment J: Robert C. Quintana, 43-720 Taurus Ct., 340-5419 The Commission may wish to evaluate the space available on the Civic Center Campus to determine the area allocated to each artist for the event. ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Commission are: S:\CommServ\CAC\CACRPT.344.SpringEvent.doc 0 1. Select La Quinta artists to display work at the Spring performing arts event; or 2. Do not select La Quinta artists to display work at the Spring performing arts event; or Pro de staff with alternate direction. _j On,"Orvitz, o munity Services Director ATTACHMENTS: Artworks submitted for consideration: Attachment A: Attachment B: Attachment C: Attachment D: Attachment E: Attachment F: Attachment G: Attachment H: Attachment I: Attachment J: Kathy Dunham Lisa House Gail Taylor Patricia Merchant Joseph Rounaghi Jan Blakley Elsie Grace Dorry Wynham Michael Quintana Robert Quintana S:\CommServ\CAC\CACRPT.344.SpringEvent.doc ADDENDUM TO BUSINESS ITEM A 5 GSM OF T 9� CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: April 10, 2003 ITEM TITLE: Addendum to Business Item A Spring Performing Arts Event The following attachments K through M are photographs from La Quinta artists that were submitted after the deadline of Friday, April 41n. ATTACHMENTS: Artworks submitted for consideration: Attachment K: Diana Van Hall, 54017 Avenida Madero, 771-5699 Attachment L: Sid Scotten, 49095 Tango Court, 564-6619 Attachment M: Darria Kosich, 50995 Calle Quito, 777,4128 • *VI. BUSINESS ITEMS B T-vf °f:WQ" CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: April 10, 2003 ITEM TITLE: Community Picnic Booth RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the March 13, 2003 Cultural Arts Commission meeting, the Commission discussed having a booth at the Community Picnic to be held on Saturday, April 26 from 10:00 am to 1 :00 pm at Fritz Burns Park. The Commission decided that a mime and ballerina will be invited to perform at the picnic and the Commission will hand out candy to participants. The Commission would also like to have suggestion cards in which the community could request cultural events they would like to see offered. Attachment A is a sign-up sheet for the event. The Commission may wish to allocate time for Commissioners to host the Commission's booth. The Commission may wish to confirm the mime and ballerina's participation and design the suggestion card that will be used at the picnic. Once the suggestion cards are designed, staff will make the copies for the Commission. Staff will provide a table, chairs, shade structure and candy for the Commission. ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Commission are: 1 . Select an Commissioner to confirm the participation of the mime and ballerina, design the suggestion card to be used at the picnic and assign Commissioners specific times to host the Cultural Arts Commission booth; or S:\CommServ\CAC\CACRPT.345. Picnic Booth.doc • 0 2. Do not select an Commissioner to confirm the participation of the mime and ballerina, do not design the suggestion card to be used at the picnic and/or do not assign Commissioners specific times to host the Cultural Arts Commission booth; or 3. Rrovide staff with alternate direction. Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director ATTACHMENT A: Community Picnic Booth Sign Up Sheet S:\CommServ\CAC\CACRPT.345. Picnic Booth.doc T � • U Ivc �xn�m C4 G�h1 OF T1�� Time Community Picnic Sign In Sheet April 26, 2003 Commissioners 9:00-11:30 1 2 10:00-12:30 1 11:00-1:30 1 2 ATTACHMENT VI. BUSINESS ITEMS C V - 5 CF� OF 9ti CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: April 10, 2003 ITEM TITLE: La Quinta Park Interactive Water Feature RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Cultural Arts Commission recommended a Request for Proposals be sent out for an interactive water feature for the La Quinta Park, located on the northeast corner of Adams Street and Westward Ho. Attachment A provides a proposal submitted by Alber De Matteis entitled "Water Dragon". Mr. De Matteis is the artist that created the artwork at Fritz Burns Park: Spray towers, sidewalk mosaics and the gates to the pool house. As of this report, this is the only proposal received regarding this project. Should the Cultural Arts Commission wish to recommend Mr. De Matteis's proposal to for City Council consideration, staff will forward this information to the City Council for the April 15, 2003 City Council meeting. Should the Cultural Arts Commission desire, an extension to the RFP can be granted to solicit additional proposals. ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Commission are: 1. Recommend the interactive water feature "Water Dragon" be forwarded for City Council consideration: or 2. Issue an extension to the RFP for the interactive water feature; or S:\CommServ\CAC\CACRPT.347.LaQuintaParkWaterFeature.doc Provide staff with alternate direction. e Horvi,�ommunity Services Director ATTACHMENT A: Proposal for "Water Dragon" S:\CommServ\CAC\CACRPT.347. LaQuintaParkWaterFeature.doc LA QUINTA PARK INTERACTIVE WATER FEATURE PROPOSAL " WATER DRAGON " Prepared by Artist Alber De Matteis 707 W. Alvarado St. Fallbrook, CA 92028 Tel/Fax: (760) 723-4351 E-mail: alberdematteisna,netzero.net 0 PROJECT VISION The sculpture I am proposing for La Quinta Park is a large-scale representation of a dragon. The dragon is a mythological animal that has great appeal to the imagination of children and adults alike. In many cultures around the world the dragon is associated with the power of the life-giving waters. Its more common aspect of monster to be fought, allows the child in his play to become the hero, to conquer and befriend the "beast". I want the dragon to be welcoming and friendly, a giant "dinosaur like" pet that the children will want to go and visit. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The dragon will be in a semi -circular position, approximately 16 feet in length and 10 feet tall. The structure will be made of structural pipe, rebar and wire -mesh, with a plaster coating. The surface will be a combination of ceramic tiles and colored cement. I am including in this proposal pictures of the " Rain Birds fountain" at Children's Hospital in San Diego, where I used a similar construction. PROJECT INTERACTION The dragon will have two types of water interaction. The first will be a shower like spray coming out of the mouth. The second will be a water curtain under the arch created by the body of the dragon. The arch will be at least 6 feet tall so that children can run underneath it, through the water curtain. Both water features will be activated by a pushbutton that's stops the water after a few minutes. The sculpture will be structurally sound and safe to withstand the "onslaught" of children. The overall shape of the dragon will encourage children to find many ways to interact with their "pet" PROJECT SCHEDULE I anticipate 2 months of construction to complete the sculpture, with work scheduled to start at the beginning of July. Valley Coast Landscaping, the contractor from San Diego, I worked with in previous projects doesn't extend its work range out to La Quinta. However I consulted with them for technical and budget consideration. Since I will be doing all the construction work with my team, I will need only to hire a local plumbing contractor to execute that portion of the work. RA • ALBER DE MATTEIS BORN 707 W. Alvarado St Fallbrook, CA 92028 Tel/Fax: (760) 723-4351 E-mail: alberdematteisOnetzero.net SCULPTOR ■ Paris, France. 1957. United States Citizen since 1994. SELECTED PUBLIC ART PROJECTS ■ San Diego State University, "From Macrocosm to Microcosm, A Journey of Wonder" 28 feet x 9 feet Entrance lobby Sculpture. Mai 2003 ■ Costal Rail Trail, Cities of Oceanside, Carlsbad, Encinitas and Solana Beach. Team Member with Dokken Engineering, Landscape Architects and City engineers. 2003, in progress. ■ Animal Shelter Facilities, City of San Diego. Fountain, Benches, Fences. May 2002, San Diego, CA ■ X Simposio Internacional de Escultura en Acero Inoxidable 11 feet 1310 cm Tall Stainless Steel Sculpture. " El Amanecer de la Nueva Tierra" March 2001. Tultepec - Mexico ■ Central Area Police Station, "Tribal Shields for Common Ground" City of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture. Twenty Metal Shields & Mosaic Frieze. 1999-2000. San Diego, CA ■ Children's Hospital of San Diego, Carley's Magical Gardens. Two Entrance Gates & One Fountain. 1998-1999. San Diego, CA ■ North Ocean Beach Revitalization Project, City of San Diego, Consulting Artist of Master Plan Design for Community Entryway in Collaboration With BRW Inc. Engineering and Estrada Land Planning Inc. 1998, Phase One Currently in Progress. ■ City of La Quinta, Fritz Burns Park, Project in collaboration with Artist Kim Emerson, Twelve Mosaics for Sidewalk, Interactive Shade Structure and Steel Entrance Gates. 1994-1996 La Quinta, CA • City of Carlsbad, "Mother Earth, Father Sky", Freestanding Sculpture Located at Downtown Fountain, 1995 ■ Hage Elementary School Mosaic Murals, Hage Elementary School, Mira Mesa, CA 1992-1993 ■ "Save the Rain Forest", Bas-relief Mural, Sunset View Elementary School, Point Loma, CA, 1991 ■ "Images of our Ancestors", Three Garden Sculptures, Longfellow Magnet School, San Diego, CA, 1990 ■ "Mother's Newborn", Mural in collaboration with Japanese Artist Teiko Nishimori, San Diego/Yokohama Sister Cities Artists Exchange Program, San Diego, CA, 1990. ■ "Come and join the Dance", Sculpture garden. Point Loma, CA, 1989. ALBER DE MATTEIS SCULPTOR SELECTED PRIVATE COMMISSIONS ■ Hoffineister Residence, "Golden Marriage" 15Feet/460cm Tall Stainless & Bronze Sculpture. Del Mar, CA,2000. ■ Bartell Residence, "Primordial Couple" 1 OFeet/3IOcm Tall steel Sculpture, Rancho Santa Fe, CA, 1999 ■ Rancho La Puerta Resort,"Hommage to Mt Cuchama" Main Entrance Gates, Tecate, Mexico, 1998 ■ Weinstein Residence, Mosaic Gate/Wind Break, San Diego, CA 1998 ■ Mission Pacific Apartments, Main Entrance Gate, San Diego, CA 1997 ■ The Golden Door Health Resort, Garden Railings, San Marcos, CA 1996-1997 ■ "Aura" Sound Sculpture, For Dance and Music Performance, San Diego, CA, 1993 ■ Sho-En Sculpture Garden," Spiritual Warrior Taking Flight" Forged Steel Sculpture, Ramona, and CA 1990. SELECTED EXHIBITIONS • City of Carlsbad, "The Art of Healing: Wind, Water & Relaxation" Carlsbad Sculpture Garden Exhibit, Carlsbad, CA, 1998-1999. ■ International Friendship Festival, Exhibit and Conference, El Cajon, CA 1996. ■ II Bienam, Bienal Internacional Afro-Americain de Cultura, World Exhibit & Conference, Bahia, Brazil, 1996. ■ Santa Ysabel Gallery, Two -Artist Exhibit, Santa Ysabel, CA, 1995. ■ "ABANA Comes of Age", National Ornamental Metal Museum, Memphis, Tennessee, 1994. ■ "Journey" an Installation, in Collaboration with Artist Elizabeth Woolrych, Combined Organization for the Visual Arts (COVA), MBS Sculpture Garden, San Diego, CA 1994. ■ "Cyberfest 94", Port of San Diego. B Street Pier Exhibition Gallery, High -Tech Global Telecommunication Art & Cultural Exchange Between San Diego, Mexico, Brazil, Japan, Hong Kong and Guyana, 1994. ■ San Diego/Tijuana/Yokohama Art Exchange: Tijuana Cultural Center, Tijuana, BC, Mexico, 1993. COVA Gallery at the Grove, San Diego, California, 1992 Yokohama Citizens Gallery, Yokohama, Japan, 1992. ■ "Pieces of Eight", Multimedia Exhibit, Bard Hall, San Diego, CA, 1991 ■ "The Urge to Draw on the Walls", San Diego Art Institute, San Diego, California, 1991. • 0 ALBER DE MATTEIS SCULPTOR SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ■ "Direct Metal Sculpture", Dona Z. Meilach Shiffer Publishing Ltd. 2001 ■ "The Contemporary Blacksmith" Dona Z. Meilach Schiffer Publishing Ltd. Book for Collectors, 2000 ■ San Diego Union Tribune, "Grand Openings", Pat Stein. 2000 ■ San Diego Home/Garden lifestyles, Art Design News by Phyllis Van Doren, 1998 ■ KPBS "On Air" Magazine, On The Town, 1996 ■ San Diego Magazine, Featured Artist for La Jolla Arts Festival 1995 ■ Anvil's Ring, Artist Blacksmith Association of North America Magazine, "Abana Comes of Age" 1995 ■ San Diego/ Tijuana/ Yokohama Art Exchange Catalog, Yokohama, Japan, 1992 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ■ Artist in Residence, "Young at Heart" Program, San Diego City Schools, San Diego, California, 1989-1993 ■ Assistant to James Hubbell, Internationally Acclaimed Artist/Designer, Julian, California, 1987-1992. ■ Visual Artist for San Diego Foundation for the Performing Arts, San Diego, California, 1990-1991 ■ Coordinated and Taught Workshops, San Diego Museum of Art, San Diego, California, 1989-1990 TRAINING AND EDUCATION ■ Blacksmithing Training, with Franck Turley, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1990, Julian, California, 1992. ■ Extensive Travel, Europe, Asia, Australia, North and South America, 1977-1986. ■ Nanterre University, Paris, France, Psychology and Anthropology, 1975-1976. ■ Apprenticeship in all Building Trades, with Luigi De Matteis, Paris, France and Naples, Italy, 1968-1976 U Children's Hospital of San Diego Carley's Magical Gardens " Rainbirds Fountain " Media: Bronze, Cement, Glass, Granite, mosaic, plants. ALBER DE MA'I"rEIS - SCU11I1P'roR 707 W.Alvarado St. Fallbrook,CA 92028 Tel/Fax:(760) 723-4351 E-mail: alberdematteis@netzero.net • 0 "Crossing of the Waters" City of San Diego Animal Shelter Dimensions: 300 in x 68 in x 60 in Media; Concrete, Granite, Glass Mosaic, Water ALBER OE MATTEIS/SCULPTOR 707 W.Alvarado 5t. Fallbrook, CA 92028 Tel/Fax: (760) 723-4351 E-mail: alberdematteis@netzero.net • 0 Interactive Shade and Water Structure Fritz Burns Community Park City of La Quinta, CA Dimensions: 240 in x 120 in x 120 in Media: Concrete, Copper, Steel, Ceramic Tiles. ALBER DE MATTEIS/SCULPTOR 707 W. Alvarado St. Fallbrook, CA 92028 Tel/Fax: (760) 723-4351 E-mail: alberdematteis@netzero.net • ALBER DE MATTEIS: List of references Sepi Amirazizi, Associate Engineer City of San Diego Engineering & Capitol Project 1010 Second Avenue, Suite 800 San Diego, CA 92101 Tel (619) 533-3142 Mike Marshall, Architect Vasquez & Marshall 13220 Evening Creek Drive, Suite 117 San Diego, CA 92128 Tel: (858) 513-2290 Libby K. Coalson, Special Projects Coordinator City Manager's Office 1010 Second Ave, Suite 500 San Diego, CA 92101 Tel: (619) 533-3454 Anthony Cutri, Principal Architect Martinez, Cutri & Mc Ardle Architecture & Urban Planning 750 B Street, 1050 Symphony Towers San Diego, CA 92101 Tel (619) 233-4857 Connie Beardsley, Public Arts Manager City of Carlsbad Arts Commission 1200 Carlsbad Village drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 434-2920 • 0 Alber De Matteis Sculptor 707 W. Alvarado St Fallbrook, CA 92028 Tel/Fax: (760) 723-4351 E-mail: alberdematteisna netzero.net LA QUINTA PARK INTERACTIVE WATER FEATURE "WATER DRAGON" BUDGET Design $ 5,000.00 Engineer Fees $ 2,000.00 Insurance $ 1,000.00 Plumbing Contractor $ 5,000.00 Fabrication $ 22,000.00 Miscellaneous: Travel, Permits, Contingency $ 5,000.00 TOTAL $ 40,000.00 • c&h. 4 4 Q" CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: April 10, 2003 ITEM TITLE: Annual Work Plan RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: BUSINESS ITEMS D Each year, the Commission is required to submit an annual work plan for City Council approval. This work plan outlines the tasks that the Commission would like to complete in the coming year. Attachment A is the 2002-03 Annual Work Plan provided as a redline version. Staff has proposed language clarification on the "Meet the La Quinta Artist" task. The Commission Steps To Completion has been redlined. The current program does not adequately represent the La Quinta artists. An alternate method for selecting artists should be considered in order to ensure an unbiased selection method. ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Commission are: 1 . Approve the Cultural Arts Commission 2003/04 Work Plan; or 2. Do not approve the Cultural Arts Commission 2003/04 Work Plan; or 3. jProvide staff with alternate direction. die Horvitz, Cpmmunity Services Director Attachment A. 2003/04 Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan Redline Version SACOMMUNITY SERVICES\CAC\CACRPT.343.2003-04 WORK PLAN.DOC 6 0 Approved by City Council �v 4 • Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan July 2002 Task: Annual Work Plan Completion Date: May 2003 2004 Participants: Commissioners Suggested Resources: Commissioners, Staff Commissioner Steps to Completion: • Review existing assignments • Review programs being offered by other Cities and orc aniza ion that offer cultural events • Suggest programs to fill any voids Commission Time: 1-2 hours per plan Staff Time: 3-4 hours per plan Fiscal Commitment: None Staff Role: Provide support and act as liaison to City Council Council Role: Review and approve Work Plan Goal: Chapter 2.75.040 (4) of Ordinance 317: "Make recommendations to the City Council concerning the resources and needs on the subject of the arts..." 3 Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan Task: Completion Date: Participants: Suggested Resources: Commission Steps To Completion: Commission Time: Staff Time: Fiscal Commitment: Staff Role: Council Role: July 2002 Placement of Public Art On -going Commissioners, Staff Commissioners, City Council, Residents • Inventory current artwork and sites • Schedule artist for Cultural Arts Commission meeting • Review the proposed artwork • Make a recommendation to the City Council regarding the artwork and recommend the appropriation of a specific amount to be committed to the site 5 hours per project 10-12 hours per project Funds appropriated from the Art in Public Places Account Consider site, art piece and appropriation of funds PF0Vide suppewt. Art placement subject to final City Council approval. Goal: Chapter 2.75.040 (12) The Commission will submit to the City Council a recommendation for ratification of public art to be financed by the Art in Public Places program. (15) The Commission will make recommendations to the City Council for the commissioning of artworks, the purchase or lease of art sites, agreements for the purchase and display of artwork, or the repair, maintenance or servicing of artwork. 2 0 0 Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan July 2002 Task: Completion Date: Participants: Suggested Resources: Commission Steps To Completion: Commission Time: Staff Time: Fiscal Commitment: Staff Role: Council Role: Temporary Art Placement Program On -going Commissioners Commissioners, local artists and art galleries Notify artists that the program exists �„ -- Once requests have been received, work with developers/land owners and artists to select a pFedeteFffli site specific art piece for a location to reGemmend to Gee nGil , r City • Obtain Council approval 10 hours per project 4-6 hours None at this time Provide support and act as a liaison to City Council Provide suppert and Review and approval e of ^^ site and' artw rlr. Goal: Chapter 2.75.040 (4) Make recommendations to the City Council concerning the resources and needs of the community on the subject of the arts, opportunities for participation of artists and performers in City sponsored activities, and ways to encourage community involvement. 5 Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan July 2002 Task: Completion Date: Participants: Suggested Resources: Commission Steps To Completion: Commission Time: Staff Time: Fiscal Commitment: Staff Role: Council Role: Develop Public Art Program Information On -going Commissioners, Staff Staff, Commissioners, printed materials, activity calendars, lists of organizations • Work with City Council to determine the best method to inform the public about of Public Art • Commissioners to design and draft contents of the information for Commission review and recommendation to the City Council for their approval • Publish information in current City brochures, on the City's Website and Chamber of Commerce map 15-20 hours per month 6-8 hours per publication Costs would need to be determined for the printing Provide support and liaison with City Council Consideration of content and funding Goal: Chapter 2.75.040 (4) Make recommendations to the City Council concerning the resources and needs of the community on the subject of the arts, opportunities for participation of artists and performers in City sponsored activities and way to encourage community involvement. 3 Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan July 2002 Task: Coachella Valley Cultural Conferences, Workshops, & Events Completion Date: On -going Participants: Commissioners, City Council Suggested Resources: Community members, City Council, Coachella Valley Cities, private cultural arts interests, State and Federal sources, and other appropriate organizations Commission Steps to Completion: • Recommend for City Council consideration one proposed ' educational conference, workshops & possibly three events such as concerts, dances, puppet shows, chorale and mimes. • Participate in the annual Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony and Artist Partnership Day • Work with Coachella Valley Cities to determine proposed speakers and budget for consideration by Council s Solicit contributions to off -set the cost of the program as approved by the City Council s Conduct the conferences, workshops & events Commission Time: Up to 100 hours per event Staff Time: Up to 60 hours per event Fiscal Commitment: Up to $10,000 per event and up to a maximum of $40,000 per year for four events. Staff Role: Provide support and act as a liaison to City Council Council Role: Review purpose of conferences, workshops & events and consider participation and budgets for events VA i 0 Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan July 2002 Goal: Chapter 2.75.040 (6) Work cooperatively with City boards, commissions and committees, and other public and private organization in promoting art and cultural activities within the City. • C� Cultural Arts Commission Work Plan July 2002 Task: Completion Date: Participants: Suggested Resources: Commission Steps To Completion: Commission Time: Staff Time: Fiscal Commitment: Staff Role: Council Role: Goal: "Meet the La Quinta Artist" Bi-Monthly Commissioners Commissioners, Staff, Residents, Media sources A �r+;e+ rnnrnQnntir.n - diffor we :rts�e M-HE"T M. 5 hours per event 1 hour per month None Provide support and act as liaison to City Council Provide direction and supper, review and consider the program Chapter 2.75.040 (10) Develop public art awareness through the presentations of speakers, forums, mixers and special events. • VI. BUSINESS ITEMS E U I-Y ti5 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: April 10, 2003 ITEM TITLE: Placement of Civic Art Piece RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Civic Art Purchase Committee selected a bronze sculpture by Jon Seeman entitled "Balancing Forms". Attachment A is a photograph of the art piece. The Commission may wish to select a permanent location for the art piece to be considered by the City Council. ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Commission are: 1. Select a site for the art piece "Balancing Forms" to be considered by the City Council; or 2. Do not select a site for the art piece "Balancing Forms"; or 3. Provide staff with alternate direction. odie Horvit;et%munity Services Director ATTACHMENT A: Photograph of "Balancing Forms" SACommServ\CAC\CACRPT.344. Spring Event.doc ATTACHMENT A 78365 Highway ill, Suite 158 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Phone/Fax: 760 777 1417 hemesnamsn.com April 10, 2003 SUBJECT: "A TASTE OF LA QUINTA" DATE: FRIDAY APRIL 25TH,2003 From 5.00 to 7.00PM AT: LA QUINTA CIVIC CAMPUS The following restaurants have agreed to participate: 1) LA QUINTA CLIFFHOUSE, 78-250 Highway 111,LA QUINTA,CA 92253. Contact: Mark Milton.Tel: 360-5991 2) DAVID/s DELI, 50-855 Washington Street,LA QUINTA, CA 92253.Contact: David McCullagh. Tel: 771-6827 3) THE BEER HUNTER, 78-483 Highway 111, LA QUINTA,CA 92253.Contact: Dan Held. Tel: 564-7442 4) DESERT CITIES CATERING,P.O.BOX 671,LA QUINTA,CA 92253.Contact: Sherry Pena. Tel: 777-1668 The following restaurants are strongly considering their participation: ANDREWS, SANDBAR/CUNARD'S GARDEN & THE DESERT SAGE. BEVERAGES THE COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY has generously agreed to provide at no cost, 500 cans of assorted products. A total of 17 LA QUINTA restaurants were contacted for this program and a substantial number indicated their interest in a 2004 program. Respectfully7ted, Nicums P. Hemes, Commissioner, Cultural Arts Commission, City of LA QUINTA s \,) )k�TA. ()-- cl �- as�-2 April 25, 200i Schedule of Events. 5:00 — 5:45 PM Mariachie Band 6:00 — 6:30 PM La Quinta High School Band 6:05 — 6:10 PM Dance Presentation: La Quinta High School 6:15 — 6:30 PM Dance Presentation: "The Tough Guys & Gals Group Program 7:00 — 9:00 PM Side Street Strutters Performance 1.Report on entertainment: 2.Middle School cancellation, show letter 3.1-ligh School band replacement, yes now. explain 4.Read schedule: give one to Dodie 5.Meeting with Mariachi leader tomorrow at 5:15 PM at Senior Center r 6. MC: Larry New, great voice 7. Vince Verdi: everything set, will be there at 4 PM to set up 8. Nicolas - list of restaurants 9. Proposed locations, passed out list at the last meeting. 10. Meet with each commissioner at park before event 11. Meet with Dodie as soon as she is available to discuss locations, electrical outlets, watering schedule, possible seating for City Council All commissioners, please be at the Senior Center at 3:00 PM on April 25th, so we can go over last minute details. Thursday, April 10, 2003 America Online: Qsel-oudon Papa: 1 v - 5 ti5 GF or Tt� CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING La Quinta Senior Center 78-450 Avenida La Fonda - La Quinta, CA 92253 April 13, 2003 1:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER II. BUSINESS ITEM Plan Civic Center Campus Layout for Spring Performing Arts Event On Friday, April 25, 2003 III. ADJOURNMENT S:\COMMUNITY SERVICES\CAC\AGN SPECIAL MEETING.DOC