CACMIN 04 10 2003
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April 10, 2003
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Else Loudon
presided over the meeting. Commissioner Hemes led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky
Commissioner Nicolas Hemes
Commissioner Else Loudon
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
Commissioner Linda Young
Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
Hally Savio, Community Services Secretary
Kathy Dunham
Gail Taylor
Joseph Rounaghi
Sid Scotten
Michael Quintana
Roger Hopkins
Lisa House
Patricia Merchant
Jan Blakley
Dorry Wynham
Robert Quintana
Alber De Matteis
A. Approval of Minutes of March 13, 2003
B. Financial Report for March, 2003
C. Monthly Department Report for February, 2003
Cultural Arts Commission Meetinlt
April 1 0,2003
Page 2.
It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Brodsky to approve the Consent
Calendar as submitted. Unanimous.
A. Spring Performing Arts Event
On behalf of the Commission, Commissioner Brodsky thanked all artists present
for participating in the Spring Performing Arts Event by submitting their
artworks. All artists submitting work for consideration will be invited to display
their art pieces at the event on April 25, 2003. The artists will supply their
own easels and any necessary lighting. Business cards may be handed out, but
no selling will be allowed at the event. Set up on the Civic Center Campus will
begin at 3:00 PM, with Artists and Commissioners meeting at the Senior Center
to mark off display areas with chalk The evening program will begin at 5:00
PM. Commissioner Brodsky asked that staff add the names of the Artists to
the Program.
Chairman Loudon reported that due to scheduling difficulties, the La Quinta
Middle School Band has been replaced by the High School Band. She also
announced that Larry New will serve as emcee for the evening. She presented
the schedule for the evening as follows:
5 :00 - 5 :45 PM: Mariachi Band
6:00 - 6:30 PM: La Quinta High School Band
6:05 - 6: 10 PM: Dance Presentation: La Quinta High School
6: 15 - 6:30 PM: Dance Presentation: liThe Tough Guys & Gals" Group
7:00 - 9:00 PM: Performance: Side Street Strutters
Commissioner Hemes reported on his coordination of the "Taste of La Quinta"
food sampling at the event. Five restaurants will be participating, including La
Quinta Cliffhouse, David's Deli, The Beer Hunter, Desert Cities Catering and
Desert Sage. Discussion followed concerning the lack of electrical outlets
available on site and the need to provide six 6-foot tables with cloths.
Commissioner Hemes will compose thank-you letter to restaurant owners and
forward to staff for mailing.
It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Brodsky to hold a special
Commission Meeting on Monday, April 14th at the Senior Center for
Commissioners and staff to plan the layout for the event. Unanimous
(Staff will post necessary public notice for the special meeting.)
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Cultural Arts Commission Meetin!l
April 10, 2003
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C. La Quinta Park Interactive Water Feature (This Item Was Taken Out of Order)
Artist Alber De Matteis was present to answer questions about his proposal for
an interactive water feature at La Quinta Park entitled, IIWater Dragon". This
proposal was the only one received in response to the City's RFP issued on
March 7, 2003. Chairman Loudon invited Commissioner to give their opinion of
the water feature. In answer to an inquiry by Commissioner Hemes, Mr. De
Matteis reported that the water pressure of the mist can be controlled. He also
clarified for Commissioner Reynolds that the blue color of the feature holds up
better than the green. Staff reported that the submitted price for the water
feature includes all but the safety surface underneath. Commissioner Young
expressed her concern about the dragon theme for the feature.
It was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Hemes to recommend the City Council
accept the proposal for the IIWater Dragon" interactive water feature. Motion
Carried 411, with Commissioner Young opposed.
B. Community Picnic Booth
Chairman Loudon reported that there are no performers available from La Quinta
High School for the Commission's Picnic Booth this year. Commissioner
Brodsky recommended handing out suggestion cards to ask what types of
cultural events citizens would like to see in La Quinta. After discussion, it was
agreed to include crayons and roll paper for children to draw their suggestions.
Staffing for the Picnic Booth will be as follows:
9:00 - 11 :30: Commissioner Brodsky & Commissioner Hemes
11 :30 - 1 :30: Commissioner Young & David Young
D. Annual Work Plan
Staff presented the redline version of the Commission's Annual Work Plan for
2003-04, including consideration of an alternate method for selecting artists to
participate in the IIMeet the La Quinta Artist" program. All Commissioners
participated in discussion of a change of venue for this program.
Motion was made by Commissioners Young/Reynolds to eliminate the former
IIMeet the La Quinta Artist" program as outlined on Page 9 of the Work Plan,
include it in the upcoming April 25th Spring Performing Arts Event, and make
this event an annual exhibition to IIMeet the La Quinta Artists". Unanimous
Chairman Loudon asked for volunteers to inventory current artwork and sites
for the City's II Art in Public Places" program as outlined on Page 4 of the Work
Plan. As the files are located in City Hall, this project would be during week
day hours. Commissioners Hemes, Young and Loudon agreed to try to help
with this project before June 30th.
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Cultural Arts Commission Meeting"
April 10, 2003
Page 4.
Commissioners discussed possible cultural conferences, workshops and events
as outlined on Page 7 of the Work Plan. Suggestions included a Seminar on the
Arts with artist guest speakers to be conducted in the Council Chambers,
possibly with speakers contacted through the Palm Springs annual Film Festival
in January or the La Quinta Arts Foundation festival in March. Commissioner
Young recommended the Coach ell a Valley Archeological Group for interesting
knowledgeable programs on the La Quinta area.
Staff reminded Commissioners to keep in mind ongoing programs of other
organizations when scheduling events.
Chairman Loudon requested that Commissioners come to the next meeting in
May with ideas for next year's events in order to finalize the Work Plan.
E. Placement of Civic Art Piece
Commissioners discussed a permanent location for the recently-purchased
bronze sculpture by Jon Seeman entitled, IIBalancing Forms". Consensus was
to locate the sculpture in the courtyard at the La Quinta Civic Center.
Commissioner Reynolds discussed the possible purchase of a statue to add
to the fountain at LG's Steakhouse. As Director Horvitz reminded
Commissioners that the landscaping improvements for this site are on the
City Council Agenda for Tuesday, April 15th, Chairman Loudon recommended
that discussion regarding additional art pieces be postponed until the next
Commission meeting.
Commissioner Young inquired as to the status of the art piece for Omri &
Boni's Restaurant. Director Horvitz reported an item regarding the
engineering for the site would be brought to the next Commission meeting.
Chairman Loudon notified Commissioners that the Riverside Arts Council is
conducting an ongoing Call for Entries for their II Artwork for Riverside
County's Administrative Center" program.
Commissioner Hemes inquired whether staff was aware if the new Palm
Desert National Bank Building under construction on Washington Street is
putting in an art piece. He also commented that the temporary art piece at
the Senior Center needs enhancement, and suggested adding it to the
Agenda for the next Commission meeting.
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Cultural Arts Commission Meetinf!'
April 10, 2003
Page 5.
It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Hemes to adjourn the Cultural Arts
Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.
Special Meeting Monday, Apri/14, 2003 @ 1:30 PM
La Quinta Senior Center
Submitted by:
tI~ t~
Hally Savib
Community Services Secretary
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