CAC 07 10 2003T4ht 44Q" CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION AGENDA La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, CA 92253 July 10, 2003 7:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT The Chair reserves the right to limit discussion on any topic to three minutes or less. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Corrections, deletions or reorganization of the agenda. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR (Items are considered routine in nature and may be approved by one motion.) A. Approval of Minutes of June 12, 2003 B. Financial Report for June 2003 C. Department Report for May 2003 V. PUBLIC HEARING VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Election of Chair B. Election of Vice Chair C. La Quinta Court Landscape Plan D. Artist Partnership Day E. Soliciting Donations for Special Events F. Guidelines for Amphitheater Use G. Memorial Art Piece for Fallen Officers H. Tiles for Public Restrooms I. RFP for Arch Sculpture Modification J. August Meeting Date VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Update on Current Commission and Board Members VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS IX. ADJOURNMENT SACommunity ServicesTAMAGN 07.10.03..doc - 0 0 IV. CONSENT CALENDAR B. City of La Quinta Recap Arts in Public Places Available Funds 06/30/03 Deposits collected through development Interest earned City Contribution Total Sources Less expenditures: Operating expenses Maintenance expenses Art purchased Total Uses Equity Available before encumbrances and committments: Add back Accounts Payable Reduction for Interest Receivable Cash Available before encumbrances and committments: Less Encumbrances - Less Commitments: Hwy 111 TDC - Credits Hwy 111 TDC - Future Louis De Martino -Movie Theater Art Work K.Emerson & A.Dematteis-Spray tower -Fritz Bums Park Civic Center Art Purchase Construction of Base for New Art Piece -City Hall City Entrance Monuments Obelisks Pilot Program -City Street Markers -Peter Urbon Civic Center Campus - Design Civic Center Campus - CIP Admin Civic Center Campus - Available Water feature/LQ Court -Manuel Mendoza Place/repaint Darroll art piece (donated, accepted by CC 6/19/01 rFritz Bums Park Base for Reiman art piece (Wilderness Totem) -City Hall Residency Inn sculpture project -Bighorn Sheep -Bill Ware Omri & Boni Restaurant Art Piece (Desert Dolmen) Artist -Roger Hopkins Total Commitments - Art Purchases Total Commitments - Art Maintenance Total available funds 06/30/03 FY 2003 Cumulative Current through Year-To- 06/30/02 Date Total $1,502.683.23 $227,732.20 $1,730,415.43 211,275.19 $7,716.19 218,991.38 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 1,763,958.42 235,448.39 1,999,406.81 21,623.52 1,206.07 22,829.59 1,830.00 0.00 1,830.00 1,058,358.25 306,385.06 1,364,743.31 1,081,811.77 307,591.13 1,389,402.90 682,146.65 (72,142.74) 610.003.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 682,146.65 (72,142.74) 610,003.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,418.07 14,581.93 1,764.00 960.37 2,324.00 2,938.50 14,167.76 5,670.53 12,206.15 14,719.00 112,328.46 10,000.00 1,405.00 750.00 92,000.00 8,375.00 0.00 7/2/2003 File: APP.WK4 City of La Quinta • Arts in Public Places Recap Expenditures Inception to 06/30/03 Page 1 Operating Expenses: Expended Conference - Phoenix 07/24/92 Bank of America 821.66 07/31/92 Meg Robertson 244.08 $1,065.74 10/15/92 A.E.S. 23.70 01/12/93 Jerry Allan 2,275.00 03/10/93 Regents - University of Calif. 105.00 03/31/93 Martin & Chapman 242.05 03/31/94 City of La Quinta Admin Fee 6,000.00 05/10/95 Rositas Shamis - Reimburse for supplies 35.91 06/30/98 Charrie Chappie Travel 325.21 06/30/98 Elaine Reynolds Travel 360.61 06/30/98 Rosita Shamis Travel 2,141.01 06/30/98 Susan Benay Travel 1.125.32 08/30/98 Americans For The Arts Registration 150.00 09/30/98 Susan Benay Travel - Reverse (1,125.32) 01/25/99 Art in La Quinta Inserts (Arrow Printing) 1,150.00 05/07/99 Recreation Brochures -Postage 473.50 05/29/99 Summer Brochures (Arrow Printing) 1,239.13 06/30/99 Patrick Welch - Anderson Travel 428.00 06/30/99 Welch/Reynolds - Atlanta Hilton 1,313.28 06/30/99 Susan Benay - Best Western 245.00 06/30/99 Ca Assembly of Local Arts -Membership 199.00 06/30/99 Welch/Reynolds - Americans for the Arts Reg. 600.00 06/30/99 Susan Benay - Travel 272.36 08/19/99 US Postmaster. 05/19/1999 Appropriation -Summer Brochure 160.00 08/29/99 Arrow Printing - brochures 1,481.60 11/29/99 CA Assembly of Local Arts -Membership 75.00 12/14/99 US Postmaster: Brochure 160.00 01/08/00 Arrow Printing - Brochures 1,636.75 02/11/00 Travel & Conference - Credit (931.64) 03/06/00 Americans for the Arts 150.00 512/00 U S Postmaster - postage 160.00 6/30/00 Russell Jacques - Art Base 693.75 7/31100 Russell Jacques - Art Base (693.75) 8/00 Maintenance -art piece -Hwy 111-DeMartino 500.00 8/00 Global Mural Conference 2000 100.00 8/00 U.S. Postmaster: Brochure 320.00 9/00 Reclassify maint. to separate account (500.00) 2/01 Art Wall Certificates 268.81 8/01 Freight, packing for sculpture 275.00 8/01 Reclass expenditures at year end (1,060.00) 11101 Bruce Kribbs supplies - reclassified from General Fund 5/02 128.00 3102 APP Supplies - reclassified from General Fund 5102 55.50 10/02 Best Signs - (2)Dedication Bronze Plaques -Civic Center Campus 1,206.07 Total Operating Expenses $22,829.59 0 Art Maintenance Expenses authorized by Council: Expended 6/30/01 Total through 6130/01 (carried to Fiscal 2002) 1,060.00 6/30/02 Total through 6130/02 770.00 Total - prior years 1,830.00 Year to Date, Fiscal 2003 0.00 Total Art Maintenance Costs charged to APP $1,830.00 7/2/2003 File: APP.WK4 City of LaQuinta • Arts in Public Places Recap Expenditures Inception to 06/30/03 Page 2 Art Purchases: 06/09/92 Adams/Truman PTA 07/31/92 Hwy 111 TDC - Paid 07/31/92 Hwy 111 TDC - Credits 07/31/92 Hwy 111 TDC - Future 12/15/1992 Ministrelli TT25429-Painted Cove -Air Motion -Bruce Thomas 04/14/93 Louis De Martino -Movie Theater Art Work 06/01/01 Louis De Martino -modifications -Hwy 111 Gem of the Desert 06/29/94 K.Emerson & A.Dematteis-Gate-Fritz Bums Park 06/29/94 K.Emerson & A.Dematteis-Mosiac Tiles -Fritz Bums Park 06/29/94 K.Emerson & A.Dematteis-Spray tower -Fritz Bums Park 06/06/1995 Bear Creek Path Art Work -LOAF -Bear& Tile 0111611996 Fritz Bums Park - Spray Tower installation 05/21/1996 Rancho La Quinta - Paid 05/21/1996 Rancho La Quinta - Credit 12/17/96 Fritz Bums Park -Art Femandez-Playground Equip(Bus Shelter Panels) 06/17/97 Marcia Gibbons-L.Q. Car Wash -Mural 06/17/97 Eagle Hardware -Credit -Eagles 05/05/98 Washington St. Bridge-Navarrete/Holmes & Narver-Design 07/07/98 Landscaping for Artpiece-Hwyl11/Wash. St-DeMartino Art Pieces 09/15/98 Washington St. Bridge-Navarreta/Holmes & Narver-Construction 10/20/98 Washington St. Bridge -Artwork Construction 03/16/99 Civic Center Art Purchase 04/06/99 Construction of Base for New Art Piece -City Hall 05/18/99 City Entrance Monuments 07/01/99 Obelisks Pilot Program -City Street Markers -Peter Urbon 09/07/99 City Entrance Monument Right -of -Way (#655) 01/18/00 Civic Center Campus - Native American themes - P. Ladochy 01/18/00 Civic Center Campus - LQ Mountain range - B. Ware 01/18/00 Civic Center Campus - Sandy Swan - Bronze relief map 01/18/00 Civic Center Campus - Animal tracks - Sandy Swan 01/18/00 Civic Center Campus - Design 01/18/00 Civic Center Campus - CIP Admin 01/18/00 Civic Center Campus - Available 05/02/00 Construction of Base for New Art Piece -City Hall 02/06/01 Water feature/LQ Court -Manuel Mendoza 02/01/01 Phase 1-Jefferson St Bridge Artwork -Design 07/03/01 Jefferson Bridge artwork -bridge railings -Construction 07/17/01 Placetrepaint Darroli art piece (donated, accepted by CC 6/19/01}Fritz Bums Park 07/17/01 Base for Reiman art piece (Wilderness Totem) -City Hall 8/01 Point happy artwork project-Cahuilla Family -Felicity 11/01 Senior Center Art Mural 9/02 Residency Inn sculpture project-Bighom Sheep -Bill Ware 01/07/03 Omri & Boni Restaurant Art Piece (Desert Dolmen) Artist -Roger Hopkins Total Art Purchases Total Balance of Commitments Expended Commitments Number 846.00 $846.00 0.00 7.00 47,578.99 47,578.99 0.00 7.00 10,810.63 1,392.56 9,418.07 7.00 36,610.38 22,028.45 14,581.93 7.00 15,000.00 15.000.00 0.00 1.00 72,530.00 70,766.00 1.764.00 12.00 35,870.00 35,870.00 0.00 12.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 6.00 10.000.00 10,000.00 0.00 9.00 31,000.00 30,039.63 960.37 11.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 4.00 16,786.00 16,786.00 0.00 11.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 0.00 10.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 0.00 10.00 37.000.00 37,000.00 0.00 15.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 3.00 43,000.00 43,000.00 0.00 5.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 13.00 18.800.00 18,800.00 0.00 7.00 39,500.00 39,500.00 0.00 13.00 21,999.00 21.999.00 0.00 13.00 7,327.00 5,003.00 2,324.00 19.00 4,000.00 1,061.50 2,938.50 28.00 299,713.00 285,545.24 14,167.76 14.00 98,762.00 93,091.47 5,670.53 16.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 14.00 57,600.33 57,600.33 0.00 20.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 0.00 21.00 35,094.17 35.094.17 0.00 22.00 13,085.00 13,085.00 0.00 23.00 34,000.00 21,793.85 12,206.15 24.00 14,719.00 0.00 14,719.00 25.00 114,101.83 1,773.37 112,328.46 26.00 2,693.75 2,693.75 0.00 27.00 98,725.00 88,725.00 10.000.00 17.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 18.00 7,800.00 7,800.00 0.00 18.00 10,700.00 9,295.00 1,405.00 32.00 750.00 0.00 750.00 0.00 94,950.00 94,950.00 0.00 30.00 4,000.00 4.000.00 0.00 29.00 92.000.00 0.00 92,000.00 31.00 35,000.00 26,625.00 8,375.00 33.00 $1,668.352.08 $1,364.743.31 $303,608.77 7/2/2003 File: APP.WK4 - V City of La Quir a Arts in Public Places Recap Expenditures Inception to 06/30/03 Number Artwork Expended 1 Air Motion -Bruce Thomas $15,000.00 2 Civic Art Purchase -General Fund $0.00 3 Desert Mural -Marcia Gibbons $10,000.00 4 Bear Creek Bike Path Art-LQAF $5,000.00 5 Eagles -Jeffrey Fowler $43,000.00 6 Gates at the Pool - Gateway to the Desert-DeMatteis $10,000.00 7 Gem of the Desert -De Martino $90,646.00 8 Kennedy Art Piece - Rotary Donation $0.00 9 Sidewalk Mosiac Squares - Dances with the Landscape-DeMatteis $10,000.00 10 Rancho La Quinta Don -Bill Ware $70,000.00 11 Spray Structure -In between Earth & Sky wtr life to all creatures-DeMatteis $46,825.63 12 Sun & Moon Beam-DeMartino $106,636.00 13 Washington St Bridge Railing-Navarrette $64,499.00 14 City Entrance Monuments -Ray Lopez. $300,545.24 15 Bus Stop Metal Work -Art Fernandez $37,000.00 16 Obelisks -Peter Urbon $93,091.47 17 LQ Court Water Feature -Manuel Mendoza $88,725.00 18 Jefferson St Bridge Railing-Navarrette $10,800.00 19 Lizards - Civic Center Campus South Entrance -Steve Rieman $5,003.00 20 Civic Center Campus - Native American themes - P. Ladochy $57,600.33 21 Civic Center Campus - LQ Mountain range - B. Ware $90,000.00 22 Civic Center Campus - Tree of Life - Sandy Swan - Bronze relief map $35,094.17 23 Civic Center Campus - Animal tracks - Sandy Swan $13,085.00 24 Civic Center Campus - TDK Design $21,793.85 25 Civic Center Campus - CIP Admin $0.00 26 Civic Center Campus - Available $1,773.37 27 Art Base for R. Jacques Artwork $2,693.75 28 Art Base for Lizards Artwork $1,061.50 29 Senior Center Art Mural-LQAF $4,000.00 30 Point Happy Artwork Project -Felicity $94,950.00 31 Residency Inn Sculpture Project -Bill Ware $0.00 32 Place/paint Darroll art piece (donated, CC accepted 6/19/01 }F Bums Prk $9,295.00 33 Omri & Boni Restaurant Art Piece (Desert Dolmen) Artist -Roger Hopkins $26,625.00 Total Art Purchases to date 1,364,743.31 Page 3 7/2/2003 File: APP.WK4 - City of La Quinta Recap Arts in Public Places Interest Earned Annual Interest FY 1990/91 3,525.59 FY 1991 /92 11,646.54 FY 1992/93 12,156.96 FY 1993/94 7,137.38 FY 1994/95 11,444.17 FY 1995/96 14,109.65 FY 1996/97 16,170.79 FY 1997/98 14,845.19 FY 1998/99 28,328.00 FY 1999/00 32,168.62 FY 2000/01 36,787.35 FY 2001/02 22,954.95 Total Accumulated Interest FY 2002/03 Interest YTD Interest Through $211,275.19 7,716.19 06/30/03 218,991.38 Note: The City records interest earned on pooled cash quarterly. 7/2/2003 File: APP.WK4 _' Q IV. CONSENT CALENDAR C. 4 4a TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COU CIL FROM: DODIE HORVITZ, COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECT DATE: JUNE 17, 2003 - SUBJECT: TRANSMITTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 2003 UPCOMING EVENTS OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 2003: July 1 *Tap Dancing Lessons July 1 *Watercolor Painting Lessons July 2 *Sketching & Drawing Class July 3 *Beginning & Advanced Ceramics Class July 3 *Ballroom Dance Workshop July 5 Summer Golf Tour, Trilogy Golf Club July 5 Night Lite Tournament, Trilogy Golf Club July 7 *Quicken® Computer Course July 7 *Microsoft® Word Computer Course July 7 *Scanning Computer Class July 7 *Monthly Putting Contest July 9 *Digital Photography Computer Class July 10 *Cooking Class July 11 Teen "Open Mic" Comedy Night, Civic Center July 12 Summer Golf Tour, Westin Mission Hills July 14 *Photo Editing Computer Class July 15 *Free Hearing Consultations July 15 *AARP Driver Safety Program July 15 Tae Kwon Do, La Quinta High School July 15 Hot Rocks: Gems and Minerals, Senior Center July 17 *Patriot's Luncheon July 17 Adobe PhotoShop, Senior Center July 19 Summer Golf Tour, Desert Willow July 19 San Clemente Beach Train Excursion July 21 *Introduction to Computers Class July 21 Beginning Computers, Senior Center July 22 CPR Class July 22 Acrylic Painting, Senior Center -11 July 23 *Introduction to the Internet Computer Class July 23 Intermediate Computers, Senior Center July 26 Summer Golf Tour, Sun City July 27 Imperial Beach Sandcastle Competition Excursion July 28 Classic/ Latin Ballroom Dance Lessons, Senior Center July 28 Imaged Journals, Senior Center July 29 Hatha Yoga, Senior Center July 29 Italian for Travelers, Senior Center July 30 *Hatha Yoga Class July 31 Mercedes-Benz Cup Excursion *Daytime Senior Center class or activity 0 Community Services Department Attendance Report for the Month of May 2003 Summary Sheet Program 2003 2002 Variance Sessions Per Month 2003 2002 Leisure Classes 18 48 -30 16 16 Excursions 24 94 -70 1 3 Adult Sports 436 308 128 21 17 Senior Center 1717 1714 3 177 112 Total 2195 2164 31 215 148 Senior Services Senior Center 521 508 13 21 15 Total 521 508 13 21 15 Sports Complex Use LQ Sports & Youth 1,600 1,500 100 25 30 Total 1,600 1,500 100 25 30 Facility/Park Rentals Fritz Burns Park (Private Rental) 1 0 1 0 0 Total Programs 1 4,3081 4,1721 136 2611 193 Volunteer Hours Senior Center 1 430 808 -378 Total Volunteer Hours 1 4301 808 -378 Monthly Revenue Senior Center $ 4,930.00 $ 3,853.50 $ 1,076.50 Community Services $ 2,041.00 $ 3,483.00 1 $ (1,142.00) Total Revenue $ 6,971.00 $ 7,336.50 $ 65.50 Revenue Year to Date Senior Center $ 89,158.00 $ 78,240.00 $ 10,918.00 Community Services $ 68,916.00 $ 65,137.00 $ 3,779.00 Total Revenue to Date $158,074.00 $143,377.00 $ 14,697.00 13 Community Services Program Report for May 2003 2003 2002 2003 2002 Participants Participants Variance Sessions Sessions Leisure Classes Hatha Yoga 7 0 7 4 0 Vin asa Flow Yoga 5 0 5 4 0 Yoga Package 61 01 6 8 0 Totals 181 01 181 16 10 2003 2002 2003 2002 Excursions Participants IParticipants lVariance Sessions Sessions Catalina 241 251 1 1 1 Totals 241 25 -1 1 1 2003 2002 2003 2002 Participants Participants Variance Sessions Sessions Adult Sports Open Gym Basketball 276 168 108 17 15 Adult Soccer League --T-4361 160 140 20 4 2 Totals 308 128 21 17 Recreation Totals 4781 3331 1451 381 18 14 Alk Senior Center Attendance mk Particieation VMince Meetings eetmgs ---20-02-7 Senior Activities ACBL Bride 218 243 -25 5 5 Ballroom Dancing, Complimentary 12 6 6 1 1 Bridge, Duplicate/Social 336 382 -46 14 13 Computer Open House 17 0 17 1 0 Dog Training, Compliments 6 5 1 1 1 Ice Cream Social 19 21 -2 4 4 Monthly Birthday Party 28 31 -3 1 1 Monthly Luncheon 62 97 -35 1 1 Movie Time 80 71 9 10 10 Putting Contest 15 12 3 2 2 Seminars 35 15 20 3 1 Senior Activity Total 828 883 -55 43 39 Senior Leisure Classes Arts and Crafts 29 19 10 4 4 Ballroom Dance 32 15 17 8 3 Ceramics 11 11 0 5 5 Computer 14 3 11 4 1 Dog Training Class 8 23 -15 4 3 Exercise 47 43 4 12 18 Golden Tones 72 42 30 4 3 Knitting 14 10 4 1 1 Painting 7 0 7 2 0 Quilting 48 57 -9 51 5 Rug Hooking 3 2 1 31 1 Sketching/Drawing 13 0 13 4 0 Tai Chi 16 16 0 4 4 Tap Dance 15 0 15 4 0 Watercolor 14 0 14 43 0 Woodcarving 23 33 -10 5 5 Yoga 2 49 -47 1 5 Senior Leisure Classes Total 368 323 45 113 58 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAMS 1196 1206 -10 156 97 Senior Services AARP Driver Safety 48 26 22 2 2 FIND Food Distribution 341 373 -32 5 5 HEAP Utility Program 27 0 27 1 0 I.I.D. Energy Assistance 50 32 18 8 6 I.I.D. Energy Assistance/No fee 4 1 3 2 1 Legal Consultation 6 8 -2 1 1 Medicare/Hi Cap Consultation 2 1 1 2 n/a Volunteers 43 67 -24 n/a n/a TOTAL SENIOR SERVICES 521 508 13 21 15 SENIOR CENTER TOTAL 1717 1714 3 177 112 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: ITEM TITLE: Election of Chair RECOMMENDATION: July 10, 2003 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Elect one member to serve as Chairperson for the Cultural Arts Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None for this action. WORK PLAN TASK ASSIGNMENT: BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: —A - A Chairperson for the Commission is selected to preside over the meetings. An open vote will be taken at the Commission meeting to select a Chairperson. Voting Procedures: All actions must be taken on a majority vote or by a majority of the quorum present. On the passage of every motion, the vote shall be taken by voice or roll call as appropriate. Staff will open and close nominations to the Commission for Chairperson. The vote will be taken and the Chairperson will be elected. Tie Votes: In the case of a tie vote, an additional motion is made which obtains a majority vote to break the tie. If a tie vote results at a time when less than all members are present, SACommunity Services\CAC\CACRPT.264.Election of Chairperson.doc -16 the matter shall automaSklly be continued to the Agenda o*e next regular meeting, unless otherwise ordered by the body. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Cultural Arts Commission include: 1. Elect one member to serve as Chairperson for the Cultural Arts Commission; or 2. Provide staff with alternate direction. Respectfully submitted, Dodie Horvitz, community Services Director SACommunity Services\CAC\CACRPT.264.Election of Chairperson.doc 17 • • T4ht 4 4 Q" CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: ITEM TITLE: Election of Vice Chairperson RECOMMENDATION: July 10, 2003 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Elect one member to serve as Vice Chairperson of the Cultural Arts Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None for this action. WORK PLAN TASK ASSIGNMENT: BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: B The Vice Chairperson will preside over the meeting when the Chairperson is unavailable. An open vote will be taken at the Commission meeting to select a Vice Chairperson. Voting Procedures: All actions must be taken on a majority vote or by a majority of the quorum present. On the passage of every motion, the vote shall be taken by voice or roll call as appropriate. The Chairperson will open and close nominations to the Commission for Vice Chairperson. The vote will be taken and the Vice Chairperson will be elected. Tie Votes: In the case of a tie vote, an additional motion is made which obtains a majority vote to break the tie. If a tie vote results at a time when less than all members are present, S:\Community Services\CAC\CACRPT.265.Election of Vice Chairperson.doc Im • the matter shall automatically be continued to the Agenda of the next regular meeting, unless otherwise ordered by the body. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Cultural Arts Commission include: 1. Elect one member to serve as Vice Chairperson for the Cultural Arts Commission; or 2. Provide staff with alternate direction. Respectfully submitted, Dodie Horvitz, mmunity Services Director 4 19 Tiht 4 4v Q" CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: ITEM TITLE: La Quinta Court Landscape Plan AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: C July 10, 2003 CONSENT CALENDAR: RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None for this action. WORK PLAN TASK ASSIGNMENT: Placement of Public Art. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: At the March 4, 2003 City Council meeting the City Council discussed the landscaping at the southeast corner of Washington Street and Hwy. 1 1 1, as provided in Attachment A. The Cultural Arts Commission reviewed the project at their March 13 meeting, and after some discussion, recommended that a landscape architect be involved with the improvements to the location. Per Section 2.65.110 B (3) and (5) of the Art in Public Places Ordinance, Art in Public Places funds can be used to fund landscaping to enhance the existing art piece and surrounding area. On April 15, 2003, the City Council authorized staff to solicit quotes for the design portion of the modifications to the southeast corner of Washington Street and Hwy. S:\Community Services\CAC\CACRPT.351.LQ Court Landscape 7-10-03..doc 20 9 • 1 1 1 and authorized the City Manager to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with a landscape architect in an amount not to exceed $10,000. On June 13, 2003, the City entered into an agreement with Ray Lopez Associates to provide two design concepts for the Cultural Arts Commission's review. In order to expedite this project, Mr. Lopez is currently working on two landscape concepts for the Cultural Arts Commission's review. As of this report, the concepts are not available. However, it is anticipated that the concepts will be presented at the Cultural Arts Commission meeting on July 10, 2003 for the Commission's review. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Cultural Arts Commission include: 1. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Doi '1=iorvitz, CQmrrJunity Services Director Attachment A: Minutes of the March 4, 2003 City Council Meeting 21 ATTACHMENT A • City Council Minutes 10 March 4, 2003 discussion about the homeless shelter in Palm Springs, and some questions as to whether or not it should even be brought before the Committee. Chamber of Commerce Workshop & Information Exchange Committee — Council Member Perkins reported the Chamber is looking for a larger facility with better exposure. Council Member Adolph noted the Legislative luncheon is Friday, March 71n League of California Cities -Riverside Division — Council Member Henderson announced the March 6 h Legislative dinner has been cancelled. SunLine Transit Agency/SunLine Services Group — Mayor Adolph stated SunLine is getting hit by the State much like the cities, and is looking at ways to deal with it. All other reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Mayor Adolph complimented the City Clerk's Office on putting on a nice program at the United Way dinner. 5-A. REPORT ON LANDSCAPING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND WASHINGTON STREET - LA QUINTA COURT. Council Member Sniff stated he feels the site is incomplete at best and an eyesore at worst. He believes it needs some type of lateral work such as boulders, and suggested some type of colored the with an attractive pattern to enhance the flat concrete area and concrete walls. He further suggested the use of stones, up to three feet high, in the landscape areas to provide some definition. Mayor Adolph agreed with taking a long hard look at the site for some type of enhancements. Council Member Henderson questioned tile making a difference in the way the site looks from the street when vehicles go by. Council Member Sniff noted the area is inclined, and stated he is not suggesting a small pattern but rather one that gives a sense of flow and color. 22 City Council Minutes 11 March 4, 2003 Council Member Henderson asked who owns the concrete area, to which Community Development Director Herman replied he didn't know. Council Member Henderson suggested using something vertical to improve the site. Council Member Perkins stated he doesn't have a problem with tile but cautioned against drawing the attention of drivers from traffic. In response to Council Member Henderson, City Manager Genovese stated the project can be forwarded to the Cultural Arts Commission for review and an RFP done for design concepts. Council Member Sniff stated he would like to see the project expedited and dealt with within the next three months. 9. POLICE CHIEF REPORT. Council Member Osborne thanked Police Chief Horton for the helicopter tour of the City. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS - None Council recessed to Redevelopment Agency meeting. Council reconvened and recessed to and until 7:00 p.m. 7:00 P.M. Council reconvened with all members present with the exception of Council Member Perkins. PUBLIC COMMENT Sandra Hawks, 78-770 Spyglass Hill, spoke on behalf of the residents of Bajada, Painted Cove, and La Quinta Fairways who would like to know when the strip at Park Avenue and Avenue 50 will be landscaped. Mayor Adolph referred the matter to staff. 23 • V � o� tGG`trGv 4 Sep •�it•C��� OwS� OF IKti CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: ITEM TITLE: Artist Partnership Day 2003 RECOMMENDATION: July 10, 2003 As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: D None for this action. The luncheon for the artists historically totals over $250 per year and the Community Special Events account is used to fund this expense. The Community Special Events account has a current balance of $40,000. WORK PLAN TASK ASSIGNMENT: Coachella Valley Cultural Conferences, Workshops and Events. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Cultural Arts Commission started Artist Partnership Day in 1997. This program was designed to bring artists into the classrooms of Middle School and High School students to share the business side of producing artwork. The artists are asked to share the "ups and downs" of the art world, from a business standpoint. Both La Quinta Middle School and La Quinta High School have participated in the program since 1997. Historically, the artists visit the Middle School students on the last Wednesday of October and the High School on the last Thursday of October. This year, the dates for the program would be Wednesday, October 29 and Thursday, October 30. The program usually runs from approximately 9:30-11:30 a.m. The Cultural Arts Commissioners arrange for the artists to attend art classes, attend the presentations and then invite the artists to lunch at a La Quinta restaurant. S:\Community Services\CAC\CACRPT.352. Artist Partnership Day 7-10-03..doc '24 Should the Cultural Arts Commission decide to provide the "Artist Partnership Day" program this year, up to two Commissioners may be appointed to select the artists, make the arrangements for the artist's presentations with the schools and attend the event. Attachment A provides a list of artists that have participated in the past. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Cultural Arts Commission include: 1. Select up to two Cultural Arts Commissioners to coordinate the artists for Artist Partnership Day to be held on October 29 and 30, 2003; or 2. Do not select up to two Cultural Arts Commissioners to coordinate the artists for Artist Partnership Day; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, DoditrRo vitz, ity Services Director Attachment A: List of Artists That Have Participated in Artist Partnership Day 25 40 ATTACHMENT A Artist Partnership Day Participants 1999 -La Quinta High School Louis De Martino Sculptor Phil Cordova Photography Herb Moses Pottery Barbara Serranella Author La Quinta Middle School Leslie McMillian Actress/Producer Joyce Spizer Author Gwen Hughes Ceramist/Painter 2000-La Quinta High School Peter Urbon Sculptor Phil Cordova Photography Bill Ware Sculptor La Quinta Middle School Bill Ware Sculptor Herb Moses Pottery Sandy Shaw Muralist 2001-La Quinta High School Joyce Spizer Author Leanna Bonamici Movie Producer Gwen Hughes Sculptor Barbara Seranella Author La Quinta Middle School Gwen Hughes Sculptor Barbara Seranella Author 2002-La Quinta High School Mark Stephenson Photographer Clonard Thomas Watercolorist John Weidenhamer Artist Joyce Spizer Author John Kennedy Sculptor Michael Escher Filmmaker La Quinta Middle School Mark Stephenson Photographer Michael Escher Filmmaker Bill Ware Sculpture Joyce Spizer Author Elaine Reynolds Jewelry Maker T4ht 4 4 Qum& CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: ITEM TITLE: Soliciting Donations for Special Events RECOMMENDATION: July 10, 2003 As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None for this action. AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: E WORK PLAN TASK ASSIGNMENT: Coachella Valley Cultural Conferences, Workshops and Events. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the June 12, 2003 Cultural Arts Commission, the Commission requested this item be placed on the July 10 agenda for discussion. As identified in the Commission's 2003-04 Work Plan, under the Coachella Valley Cultural Conferences, Workshops and Events, one step to completion is to solicit contributions to offset the cost of the program as approved by the City Council. At this time, the Commission has identified one program offered under this task, this being the Artist Partnership Day offered in October. The Commission could solicit contributions to offset the cost of lunch for the artists that participate in the Artist Partnership Day program. The Commission may also consider waiting to solicit contributions for a larger program to be planned for a future date. S:\Community Services\CAC\CACRPT.353. Soliciting Donations 7-10-03.doc 27 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Cultural Arts Commission include: 1. Solicit contributions for the Artist Partnership Day event; or 2. Do not solicit contributions for the Artist Partnership Day event; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, I�b W4, Dodie Horvitz, C�mmunity Services Director M • AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: F CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: July 10, 2003 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Guidelines for Amphitheater Use PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None for this action. WORK PLAN TASK ASSIGNMENT: Coachella Valley Cultural Conferences, Workshops and Events. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the June 12, 2003 Cultural Arts Commission, the Commission requested this item be placed on the July 10 agenda for discussion. As part of the Civic Center Campus, there is an approximately 1,000 square foot amphitheater located on the west side of the Campus. The amphitheater has electrical outlets for use by performers and a stone wall at the rear of the amenity. There have been some preliminary inquiries for use of the amphitheater by local groups wishing to use the amphitheater for various events, such as concerts and theatrical performances. The Commission may wish to define the parameters for use of the amphitheater by groups to ensure the site is appropriate for the requested use to be considered by the City Council. S:\Community Services\CAC\CACRPT.354.Guidelines Amphitheater Use 7-10-03.doc 29 • FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Cultural Arts Commission include: 1. Appoint up to two Commissioners to draft a preliminary amphitheater use policy; or 2. Do not appoint up to two Commissioners to draft a preliminary amphitheater use policy; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, INb W4, Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director 30 • `f&� 4 aCP Qu&rcu CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: ITEM TITLE: Memorial Art Piece for Fallen Officers RECOMMENDATION: July 10, 2003 As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None for this action. WORK PLAN TASK ASSIGNMENT: Placement of Public Art. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: G At the June 3, 2003 City Council meeting, the City Council asked that the Cultural Arts Commission work on a memorial to be located on the Civic Center Campus in honor of fallen officers as provided in Attachment A. The Cultural Arts Commission may wish to recommend a Request for Proposal be issued for concepts for such a memorial be issued and considered by the Cultural Arts Commission at the September meeting. Another option could be to commission Mr. Bill Ware to propose a concept which is compatible with the acknowledgement areas on the Civic Center Campus in which veterans, artists and sports figures are recognized. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Cultural Arts Commission include: SXommunity Services\CAC\CACRPT.355.Fa11en Officers Artpiece 7-10-03.doc 31 • CJ 1. Direct staff to prepare a Request for Proposal for concepts for a memorial art piece to be located at the Civic Center Campus; or 2. Direct staff to contact Bill Ware regarding a concept for a memorial art piece to be located at the Civic Center Campus; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Doaf"o- rvitz, CQmnjunity Services Director Attachment A: Minutes from the June 3, 2003 City Council Meeting 32 ATTACHMENT A City Council Minutes 10 June 3, 2003 SunLine Transit Agency — Mayor Adolph referenced an issue about a street sweeper purchase that was reported in the newspaper. He stated it seems obvious the Board was not aware of what had transpired, and will be making sure it doesn't happen again. Coachella Valley Economic Partnership — In response to Council Member Henderson, Mayor Adolph confirmed new Executive Director Pat Melvin is on board. All other reports were noted and filed. PUBLIC COMMENT Audrey Ostrowsky asked for special permission to address the Council at this time on an issue related to street sweeping. She suggested the street sweeping schedule be posted on signs so residents know when to remove their vehicles from the curb for proper street cleaning. Council Member Perkins noted some cities post one side of the street for no parking between 8:00 a.m. and Noon on a certain day of the week and post the other side for a different day. Council Member Sniff asked if the streets are cleaned weekly, to which City Manager Genovese responded, "Yes." DEPARTMENT REPORTS Council Member Henderson referenced the requests to rename The La Quinta Park after Deputy Bruce Lee, and commented on the need to send a response. She noted the City has directed the Cultural Arts Commission to work on a memorial for the Civic Center, and that could be included in the letter. After a brief discussion, City Manager Genovese stated staff will send a response to the residents informing them of what the City is doing, and how to contact the Community Services Department regarding the park -naming process. City Clerk Greek asked what date the Council prefers to hold the Volunteer Firemen's Dinner. 3a a,(�T 0 • �z64ZO t'J CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: ITEM TITLE: Tiles for Public Restrooms RECOMMENDATION: July 10, 2003 As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None for this action. WORK PLAN TASK ASSIGNMENT: Placement of public art. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: H At the December 12, 2002 Cultural Arts Commission meeting, the Commission discussed the possibility of having hand designed tiles placed as a border in public restrooms such as the Civic Center Campus restrooms being included as part of the library building. This information is provided as Attachment A. At the January 9, 2003 Cultural Arts Commission meeting, the Commission was informed that the person in charge of the program was no longer doing the project and therefore the project was tabled until the details were available. Attachment B provides minutes from the January 9, 2003 meeting. Tom McGraw, former Commissioner, has provided two tiles for review by the Commission and consideration that the tiles be used as a border around the public restrooms at the library site. Attachment C provides a sample of the artwork on the tiles. S:\Community Services\CAC\CACRPT.357. Foundation for Retarded Tiles 7-10-03.doc 34 11 • Design plans are being finalized and will be presented for City Council consideration at the August 5, 2003 City Council meeting. Internal details of the facility have not been finalized at this time. Should the Commission recommend the tiles be used in the restrooms, this recommendation can be included in the August 5, 2003 staff report to City Council. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Cultural Arts Commission include: 1. Recommend that the City Council consider adding tiles to the restrooms at the La Quinta Library; or 2. Do not recommend that tiles be considered as part of the La Quinta Library restrooms; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Do orvitz, CQm unity Services Director Attachments: A. Minutes from the December 12, 2002 Cultural Arts Commission Meeting B. Minutes from the January 9, 2003 Cultural Arts Commission Meeting C. Sample of Tile Artwork 35 Cultural Arts Commission Mee* Minutes December 12, 2002 ATTACHMENT A VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS Commissioner McGraw asked that Luanne Alvarez be sent a "thank you" card from the Commission for assisting with the bands during the Dedication event. Staff will provide the address for Commissioner Loudon. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner Loudon asked that the locations for artwork presented as Attachment A to Business Session B be added to a future agenda. Staff recommended that once a development is approved for the site at Washington Street and Fred Waring, the Commission may want to address the art piece at that time instead of placing an art piece in a vacant piece of land. Staff reported that there is a development planned for Washington Street and Miles Avenue. Staff will notify the Commission if the developer would like to include an art piece as part of their development. The Commission would like to review the list of art sites at the next meeting. Commissioner Loudon stated that Mr. Archie Sharp of the Historical Preservation Committee has asked that historical plaques be placed at the Civic Center Campus. According to Commissioner Loudon, the Historical Preservation Committee has discussed this. Commissioner McGraw was directed to contact Mr. Sharp for more details and bring this back to the next meeting. Commissioner McGraw reported that he anticipates having the list of art ready by the next meeting. The information will be sorted by location, artist name, certificate of authenticity, name of art piece and type of artwork. He will research how many directions the information can be sorted. Terry Henderson suggested that the historical plaques be added to this art list. Commissioner Reynolds said that she thought the Dedication went well, and enjoyed the Marine Corp. Band and the High School Band. Commissioner McGraw suggested that in the future, public restrooms have tiles designed by the Foundation of the Retarded installed, perhaps around the border of the tile. He will bring tiles to the next meeting for the Commission's consideration. The City of La Quinta could thereby support a non-profit organization and get good publicity from the project. These tiles could be used inside the restrooms, as a colorful band around the tile. Staff reported that new public restrooms are planned for the Community Park and one at the Library building. Commissioner McGraw will research the cost of the program. Commissioner McGraw reported that he has received many requests from cove residents that the Bear Creek Trail has mileage markers located along the trail. These could be in quarter mile increments and could be color -coded as to the mileage. A six- inch tile with the City seal and mountains would provide mileage markers along the trail. A legend could be provided so that people could identify what the mileage markers represented. These could be affixed to the right side of the trail, using the colors of the City's entrance monument logo. Commissioner Reynolds suggested that Commissioner SACommunity Services\CAC\CACMIN.12.12.02.doc 3 6 Cultural Arts Commission Meeti� Minutes January 9. 2003 ATTACHMENT B F. Public Restroom Tile Program Commissioner McGraw stated that the coordinator of this program, Rita Bishop is no longer in this position at the Foundation of the Retarded; therefore working on this project will require locating her and establishing a program. This item was tabled until the individual is located and details are arranged. G. Bear Creek Trail Mileage Marker Program Commissioner McGraw stated that he had planned to design and install the tiles but due to his involvement with the Commission. Commissioner Reynolds supports this project. Staff will provide a draft Call for Artists for the Bear Creek Trail Mileage Markers program at the next meeting. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. MTA Metro Art Artist Workshop offered by the Transit Authority. Commissioner McGraw will provide information when he receives it. Vill. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner Reynolds asked about the vacancy on the Commission. The City Council will appoint a new Commissioner at the February 4, 2003 Commission meeting. Commissioner McGraw gave an update on the Certificate of Authenticity for the artwork. Staff has completed the draft of the Certificate and when it is final!zed, it will be sent to the artists that have provided public artwork for the City. Commissioner McGraw stated that he wants the "Meet the La Quinta Artist" program to have a photograph of the artist's work in the Chamber Newsletter. Commissioner McGraw feels that it is hard to promote artists without a picture of their work. Commissioner McGraw shared that the artist Kamil Zelieik will display his work in Riverside later this month. Commissioner McGraw introduced Marshall Marmolejo who, according the Commissioner McGraw, will repair "Air Motion" when the time comes. Mike Murdock provided his concept for Shakespeare in the Park. Staff stated that once Mr. Murdock's proposal has been reviewed, Mr. Murdock will be notified of the options available to him. Commissioner McGraw asked that the Commission consider limiting an artist to three pieces of APP funded artwork in the City. This will be placed on the next agenda. SACommunity Services\CAC\CACMIN.01.09.03.doc 37 0 • Ll V � OF CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: July 10, 2003 ITEM TITLE: Request for Proposal for Arch Sculpture Modifications RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: A budget has not been determined for the project at this time, due to the various materials that could be proposed for construction of the Gambel's Quail. In addition, the City Council may wish to consider requesting proposals for two palm trees to be fabricated and installed to complete the City logo at the arch sculpture as well as having the wording painted on the arch sculpture to be consistent with the City's logo. Once an art proposal has been accepted by the Cultural Arts Commission, staff will request an allocation of funds along with the recommendation forwarded for City Council consideration. WORK PLAN TASK ASSIGNMENT: Placement of public art. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: At the June 3, 2003 City Council meeting, the City Council directed staff to have the arch sculpture located at Fritz Burns Park painted the colors represented in the City's 20th Anniversary lapel pin, as represented in Attachment A. The City Council also directed the Cultural Arts Commission to consider adding a S:\Community Services\CAMCACRPT.359. Arch Sculpture RFP 7-10-03.doc 39 Gambel's quail statue 9 ornamental palm tree to the arch ulpture to complete the art piece as a City logo, as provided in Attachment B. The Cultural Arts Commission is being asked to consider a Request for Proposals for the quail statue and possibly two artistically produced palm trees to be added to the arch sculpture. A Request for Proposals for artists to submit their qualifications to produce this type of artwork and their specific proposal for this project is provided as Attachment C. The Commission may also consider recommending having the words "City of La Quinta California, Gem of the Desert" painted on the largest rib of the arch sculpture, to be consistent with the City's logo. This can be done as a final touch to the arch sculpture modifications. The section "Request for Qualifications Deadline and Information" establishes the selection process time line. The deadline for submitting artwork proposals as outlined in the Request for Proposal is August 22, 2003. At that time, staff will review the projects to ensure that the artist has provided all required information with the submittal. The Cultural Arts Commission will review the completed proposals at the September 11, 2003 Cultural Arts Commission meeting. The artists submitting proposals will be requested to attend the Cultural Arts Commission meeting to answer any questions the Commission may have. The Cultural Arts Commission will then submit their recommendation for proposed artwork to the City Council for consideration at the September 16, 2003 City Council meeting. The artist of the proposed artwork will be asked to attend the City Council meeting to answer any questions the Council may have. Once the City Council approves the commissioning of artwork for the La Quinta Park, staff will prepare an Art Purchase Agreement and appropriate the required funding for City Council approval at the October 7, 2003 City Council meeting. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Cultural Arts Commission include: 1. Approve the Request for Proposals for the addition of a Gambel's quail and two palm trees to be added to the arch sculpture artwork, and authorize the City logo wording be painted on the largest rib of the sculpture; or 2. Approve the Request for Proposals for the addition of a Gambel's quail to be added to the arch sculpture artwork, authorize two palm trees to be planted at the arch sculpture and authorize the City logo wording be painted on the largest rib of the sculpture; or HE 0 3. Do not approve the Request for Proposal for additions to the arch sculpture artwork; or 4. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Do orvitz, CQm unity Services Director Attachments: A. 201h Anniversary City Pin Mock-up B. Minutes from the June 3, 2003 City Council Meeting C. Request for Proposals for Additions to the Arch Scultpure Artwork 41 • ATTACHMENT B City Council Minutes 6 June 3, 2003 Council Member Henderson voiced opposition to changing the colors because some people choose to be negative. She suggested placing a quail art piece in front of the rainbow to identify the rainbow with the City seal. Council Member Sniff concurred, and suggested including an ornamental palm to tie into the City seal. Council Member Osborne concurred. Council Member Perkins noted a quail art piece is likely to be stolen or vandalized. He feels different shades of blue would be very unique and attractive, and strongly supports that versus a lot of colors. Mayor Adolph suggested using a color other than blue if various shades of the same color are going to be used. He supported using the same rainbow colors and making the art piece into something other than what has been implicated. He stated he doesn't support changing the colors because of the opinion of a few individuals. Council Member Henderson noted art pieces have been damaged in other areas of the City but she feels the community should continue to strive to meet the highest goals possible. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff to utilize the colors in the City seal (starting with green) to paint the "Walk Thru Rainbow" art piece, and direct the Cultural Arts Commission to look into the placement of a quail statue in front of the art piece, along with an ornamental palm tree. City Manager Genovese stated staff will take the matter of the quail to the Cultural Arts Commission, contact a landscape architect about placement and planting of a tree, and come back to Council for allocation of funds. If Council wishes to move forward with painting the rainbow, an allocation of funds needs to be included in the motion. Council Member Henderson amended the motion to include an allocation of $1,200 from the Art in Public Places Fund for repainting the art piece. Council Member Sniff concurred. Amended and Restated Motion - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff to utilize the colors in the City seal (starting with green) to paint the "Walk Thru Rainbow" art piece and allocate $1,200 from the Art in Public Places Fund for the repainting, and direct the Cultural Arts Commission to look into the placement of a quail statue in front of the art piece, along with an ornamental palm tree. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2003-51. 43 City Council Minutes 5 June 3, 2003 Council Member Sniff asked if this involves waterways that potentially lead to the Whitewater River, and what CVWD's role is in this. Mr. Jonasson stated, in theory, any waterway that leads to the Whitewater River would be subject to these requirements. He noted the NPDES permit applies to anything determined to be an environmentally -sensitive area. Assistant City Engineer Speer stated CVWD will monitor any drainage outlets that let water into the channel. However, the City has mostly retention basins and very little drainage goes into the channel: The City's monitoring and implementation has more to do with prevention of pollution into any of the blue line streams on USGA maps. Council Member Sniff commented on the evacuation channel not being functional, and asked if the drain pipe installed at Highway 1 1 1 and Washington Street is still functional. Mr. Speer advised that drain pipe has been superceded with gravity storm drains. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff to authorize the City Manager to.execute the Whitewater River Municipal Stormwater Permit Implementation Agreement with Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 2003-50. 2. CONSIDERATION OF COLORS FOR THE "WALK THROUGH RAINBOW" ART PIECE. Community Services Director Horvitz presented the staff report. Council Member Sniff questioned the rationale of painting the rainbow all blue. Ms. Horvitz stated some negative comments have been received about the art piece because of rainbows being representative of an alternative lifestyle, and the art piece has been graffitied with sentiments along that line. Council Member Adolph stated he doesn't feel all blue against the background of the blue tennis courts will show up very well. 4 �" • 0 ATTACHMENT C Titit 4 4aQ" CITY OF LA QUINTA REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A GAMBEL'S QUAIL AND POSSIBLE PALM TREES FOR CITY LOGO SCULPTURE The City of La Quinta is requesting proposals from qualified individuals to provide an originally designed Gambel's Quail and possibly two palm trees to match the City's logo to be placed at the arched sculpture located at Fritz Burns Park on Avenue 52 east of Avenida Bermudas in La Quinta, CA. This proposal will include the design, construction, construction management, materials and appurtenances. The request to receive proposals will close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 22, 2003. The proposal packages are to be delivered to: City of La Quinta Community Services Department P.O. Box 1504 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Proposals will be addressed to the attention of Ms. Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director. Please call (760) 777-7090 for more information. PRnPnSal Applicants are encouraged to keep their proposals brief and relevant to the specific services required. The City has not established a budget for this project, and is soliciting proposals for the project, "turn key," including, but not limited to: Design, plans, estimate, professional services, permits, approvals, any and all meetings, and full construction of an originally designed Gambel's Quail and possibly two palm trees to match the City's logo For this proposal, the originally designed Gambel's Quail and possibly two palm trees to match the City's logo is defined as follows: "Originally designed" means an art piece that has been designed by an individual that is recognized as an artist, in which a Gambel's Quail is fabricated from a material that is structurally sound and will withstand the outdoor elements with A5 • • ATTACHMENT(! T4'yl 4 Qg&ro CITY OF LA QUINTA REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A. GAMBEL'S QUAIL AND POSSIBLE PALM TREES FOR CITY LOGO SCULPTURE The City of La Quinta is requesting proposals from qualified individuals to provide an originally designed Gambel's Quail and possibly two palm trees to match the City's logo to be placed at the arched sculpture located at Fritz Burns Park on Avenue 52 east of Avenida Bermudas in La Quinta, CA. This proposal will include the design, construction, construction management, materials and appurtenances. The request to receive proposals will close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 22, 2003. The proposal packages are to be delivered to: City of La Quinta Community Services Department P.O. Box 1504 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Proposals will be addressed to the attention of Ms. Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director. Please call (760) 777-7090 for more information. PROPOSAL: Applicants are encouraged to keep their proposals brief and relevant to the specific services required. The City has not established a budget for this project, and is soliciting proposals for the project, "turn key," including, but not limited to: Design, plans, estimate, professional services, permits, approvals, any and all meetings, and full construction of an originally designed Gambel's Quail and possibly two palm trees to match the City's logo For this proposal, the originally designed Gambel's Quail and possibly two palm trees to match the City's logo is defined as follows: "Originally designed" means an art piece that has been designed by an individual that is recognized as an artist, in which a Gambel's Quail is fabricated from a material that is structurally sound and will withstand the outdoor elements with A5 little maintenance and is in scale with the arch sculpture. The proposal is also soliciting concepts for two palm trees to reflect the City's logo and must be structurally sound in order to withstand the environmental elements, and is in scale with the arch sculpture The Gambel's Quail and possible palm trees includes but is not limited to: design and construction of original artwork appropriate for a community park, all landscaping and lighting needed to enhance and art feature. Seven, copies of the proposals shall be submitted and should include the project approach, project schedule, construction team (including all professional and construction companies involved), and a listing of similar projects with references that are relevant to this type of work. In a separate sealed envelope, applicants must submit a cost breakdown for each item and phase of the proposed work. Each representative of the construction team must be listed along with each firm name. SELECTION PROCESS: The Cultural Arts Commission will review proposals. The Commission will rank each proposal based upon the artist's experience, approach to the project, project schedule, qualifications, written proposal, and verbal presentation to the Cultural Arts Commission. It is anticipated that interviews will be conducted on September 11, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. Artists will be encouraged to bring a Marquette of the proposed artwork. Upon Cultural Arts Commission review, a recommendation will be forwarded for City Council consideration at the September 16, 2003 City Council meeting. The successful artist will be expected to enter into an Art Purchase Agreement.* ANTICIPATED PROJECT TIMELINE 2003: Request for Proposals July 23-August 22 Cultural Arts Commission Review of Proposals September11 City Council Consideration of Proposals September 16 Approval of Art Purchase Agreement October 7 Completion of Art Feature February 2004 SITE VISITITATION The site for the originally designed Gambel's Quail and possible palm trees is at Fritz Burns Park on Avenue 52, east of Avenida Bermudas, to be incorporated into the arch sculpture. *All costs associated with the completion and submission of a proposal are the sole responsibility of the person submitting the proposal. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or to cancel the RFP at any time during the process. 4 t� 0 Sep QUM& V iG OF fKF� CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: ITEM TITLE: August Meeting Date July 10, 2003 RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None for this action. WORK PLAN TASK ASSIGNMENT: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: J CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Historically, the Cultural Arts Commission has gone dark for the August meeting. At the June 12, 2003 meeting, the Commission asked that this item be placed on the July 10 agenda for consideration. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Cultural Arts Commission include: 1. Go dark for the August meeting date; or 2. Hold the regularly scheduled meeting in August; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. S:\Community Services\CAC\CACRPT.358. August Meeting Date 7-10-03.doc 17 Respectfully submitted, v Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director