CACMIN 07 10 2003 . e IV. CONSENT CALENDARA. ~ of ./tNfJ.tdJt CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES July 10, 2003 I. CAll TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Else Loudon presided over the meeting. Commissioner Reynolds led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky Commissioner Else Loudon Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Linda Young MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Nicolas Hemes (Excused Absence) STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Hally Savio, Community Services Secretary PUBLIC PRESENT: Bill Shimsky, Joe Perlow, Kathy Dunham Michael Hinkle, Andrea Spirtos II. PUBLIC COMMENT Kathy Dunham, representing the La Quinta Arts Association, asked for the Commission's support and participation in the Association's upcoming event, "A Day of Art in the Park". The event to benefit La Quinta's children is now in the planning stage. It will be a hands-on experience for children to work together with artists in various media. Commissioner Brodsky volunteered to be the liaison for this project, which will be discussed by the Commission at a later meeting. Bill Shimsky gave a brief biography of his extensive cultural arts experience, including the establishment of a grant program for emerging artists. Michael Hinkle discussed his background as fine arts appraiser and informed Commissioners that he is opening a gallery in the village area. 3 Cultural Arts Commission Meetin_ Minutes e July 10, 2003 Page 2. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of June 12, 2003 B. Financial Report for April 2003 C. Monthly Department Report for March 2003 It was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Reynolds to approve the Consent Calendar with the following correction to the Minutes: Page 4, Paragraph 5, Line 4 concerts total cost changed from $40,000 to $30,000. V. PUBLIC HEARING - NONE VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Election of Chair Community Services Director Horvitz opened nominations for Chair. Commissioner Reynolds nominated Commissioner Else Loudon. It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Brodsky to appoint Commissioner Loudon as Chairperson. Unanimous. B. Election of Vice Chair Chairman Loudon opened nominations for Vice Chair. Commissioner Brodsky nominated Commissioner Hemes. Due to the absence of Commissioner Hemes, the election of Vice Chair for FY 2003 was carried over to the September meeting, with strong opposition voiced by Commissioner Brodsky. C. La Quinta Court Landscape Plan Ray Lopez of Ray Lopez Associates Landscape Architects presented two concepts for landscape improvements to the La Quinta Court site, and invited questions and comments from Commissioners. Concept 1 includes dry stream beds for nuisance water, colored, curved concrete sidewalk, desert gold rock and boulders. Landscape materials include color and drought tolerant plants. Concept 2 includes similar plant materials and adds an acid-washed scroll cut concrete sidewalk and stepping stones, and includes plenty of room for native plants to fill in on site. S:\Community Services\CAC\CACMIN. 7.1 O.03.doc 4 Cultural Arts Commission Meetin. Minutes e July 10, 2003 Page 3. Commissioners discussed both concepts and made inquiries concerning the concrete work and plant materials. Commissioner Young suggested adding trees to the plan, perhaps dwarf palms. Commissioners agreed that the median adjacent to the site should also be improved. Staff explained that Caltrans regulates the median strip, and thus any improvements could require permission from Caltrans. It was moved by Commissioners Young/Reynolds to recommend the approval of Concept 1, with the highlights of Concept 2 included, for the La Quinta Court landscape improvements, and to expand the scope of work to include use of the same materials on the island median adjacent to the site if possible. Unanimous D. Artist Partnership Day Chairman Loudon inquired whether Commissioners wished to continue this important annual program of artists visiting local schools. Consensus was to continue the program. Commissioners Loudon and Brodsky will coordinate the artists for this year's Artist Partnership Day to be held on October 29, 2003. E. Soliciting Donations for Special Events Commissioners discussed the composition of a letter of solicitation for donations to fund cultural events. Chairman Loudon requested that Commissioner Young draft a standard letter that can be changed for different events. After approval by City, the Commission will send out letters. F. Guidelines for Amphitheater Use Chairman Loudon requested that Commissioners be prepared to bring their ideas and recommendations to the next meeting for setting guidelines for use of the Civic Center Amphitheater. Commissioner Reynolds suggested looking at Palm Desert's amphitheater. G. Memorial Art Piece for Fallen Officers Commissioners discussed plans for a memorial for fallen officers to be located on the Civic Center Campus. Commissioner Young spoke about the need to include a landscape architect along with an artist when installing new art pieces in the future. Commissioner Young also said she would like to have the art piece at Point Happy raised so that it can be seen. She pointed out that lighting is also very important to present art properly. S:\Community Services\CAC\CACMIN.7.10.03.doc 5 Cultural Arts Commission Meetin. Minutes e July 10, 2003 Page 4. It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Young to direct staff to contact artist Bill Ware regarding a concept for a memorial art piece to be located on the Civic Center Campus, and invite him to the September meeting to discuss this item. Unanimous J. August Meeting Date (This item was taken out of order.) It was moved by Commissioners Young/Reynolds that the Cultural Arts Commission go dark for the August meeting date. Unanimous H. Tiles for Public Restrooms Staff presented tiles depicting children made by the Foundation for the Retarded. Commissioners agreed they would like to see a different design with a nature theme for the public restrooms in the new Library. It was moved by Commissioner Young/Reynolds to invite an artist from a local non-profit organization to come to a future meeting to give ideas for use on tiles for the public restrooms. Unanimous I. RFP for Arch Sculpture Modification At City Council direction, Commissioners considered adding a Gambel's quail statue and two ornamental palm tree sculptures to complete the arch sculpture located at Fritz Burns Park. It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Brodsky to approve the Request for Proposals for the addition of a Gambel's quail and two palm tree sculptures to the arch sculpture artwork, and authorize the City logo wording to be painted on the largest rib of the sculpture. Unanimous VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Commissioners received a list of the latest information on current members of the City's Commission and Board Members. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Chairman Loudon inquired on the progress of the art piece proposed for the development at Washington and Miles Streets. Staff will report back at the September 11 th Commission meeting. Chairman Loudon also requested staff to bring a list of possible public art locations to the next Commission meeting. S:\Community Services\CAC\CACMIN.7.1 O.03.doc 6 Cultural Arts Commission Meetin. Minutes e July 10, 2003 Page 5. Chairman Loudon also received a progress report from staff on the mileage markers along Bear Creek Trail and the Air Motion artpiece proposed for the downtown area. Chairman Loudon requested that Commissioners think about suggestions to draw up a revised Work Plan for the Commission to include major holidays such as Memorial Day, Veteran's Day and Christmas. She also suggested that a joint meeting be held with the Community Services Commission at the end of September to begin planning a Christmas program. Chairman Loudon and Commissioner Brodsky will check out appropriate entertainment for the event and report back at the September Commission meeting. Commissioner Brodsky expressed his strong opposition to the City Council's hiring of Martin Langer to put on a series of concerts for the City. Commissioner Brodsky felt that Mr. Langer should have appeared before the Commission before going to the Council with his proposal. Staff provided a history regarding Mr. Langer, and reported that the Cultural Arts Commission and the City Council had previously approved his proposal at a time when there were no funds available for concerts. The concerts will take place at La Quinta middle school during the upcoming year. XI. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Young to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION: Thursday, September 11, 2003 La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room Submitted by: d~/G Hally Savio / Community Services Secretary S:\Community Services\CAC\CACMIN.7.10.03.doc 7