CACMIN 11 13 2003 e _ IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. ~ of ~atdJt CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES Navember 13, 2003 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting af the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Else Loudon presided over the meeting. Commissioner Hemes led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Else Loudon Commissioner Nicolas Hemes Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky Commissioner Linda Young (arrived at 7:10PM) Commissioner Elaine Reynolds, excused absence MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Hally Savio, Community Services Secretary PUBLIC PRESENT: Leonor Vivanco, Reporter, Desert Sun Denice Saxman, Chorale I?irector, Amelia Earhart School Bill Ware, Artist II. PUBLIC COMMENT Artist Bill Ware presented a proposal for artwork at Santa Rosa Plaza, located on the future Embassy Suites site at 78-495 Calle Tampico. The artwork proposed is a sculpture o.f two three'"dimensional horses. This item will be on the December 11 th Agenda for Commission consideration. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Tree Lighting Ceremany (this item was taken aut af arder) Commissioner Loudon invited Denice Saxman, teacher and chorale director, to provide details on the program Amelia Earhart and Truman Elementary Schools will provide on December 5. Mrs. Saxman said that '"02 Cultural Arts Commission Meetin_ Minutes e November 14, 2003 Page 2. there will be approximately 60 students and they will sing 4 songs, including a Channuka song. Mrs. Saxman will provide staff with the details for the program and staff will work with Mrs. Saxman to arrange the details. Community Services Director Horvitz gave an overview of a situation for the Veterans Day event in which she was not informed as to what had been arranged with the High School Band and how that issue created difficulties with several components of the program for the event. Director Horvitz also reminded the Commission that the Commission's role is to act in an advisory capacity, providing ideas and general direction to enable staff to perform the necessary tasks. The Commissioners are also requested to act as ambassadors for the City at the event. In this role, they can host the entertainment and ensure the public is having a good time. Director Horvitz also thanked the Commission for bringing their dedication and expertise to the Commission, which provides a wealth of information to the events. She also stated that this is a team effort, and every team member has a different role. Not every team member does every job. However, there is a contact person who must know that every component is being covered, or there may be gaps in components of the program. Discussion took place as to past events for which the Commissioners arranged details of the event and did not feel that they received enough recognition for their many hours of work. Commissioner Brodsky read the definition of the Commission's role as stated in the Commissioners Handbook. Commissioner Hemes stated that he felt as though the Commission did not receive enough credit for their dedication to the City and would like to have a more involved role in the details of the events. Commissioner Loudon asked staff for clarification as to what the Commission's role will be for the December 5, 2003 event. Staff asked that the Commission provide the names and telephone numbers of those groups which have already been contacted regarding the event. Staff will follow through and will arrange the details. Once staff has contacted the entertainment recommended by the Commissioners, Commissioners '-" - -03 S:ICommunity ServicesICACICACMIN.11.14.03.doc Cultural Arts Commission Meetin_ Minutes e November 14, 2003 Page 3. do not need to follow up on details. Staff also asked that the Commission attend the event and act as hosts and hostesses for the entertainment. Commissioner Young asked if staff needed additional help, would staff contact the Commissioners? Staff responded yes, that additional duties may need to be completed that would be appropriate for the Commission to do, but this won't be known until the details are nearing completion. Commissioner Young stated that it is an honor to be a Commissioner and to be asked for recommendations. She also stated that the Commission is not to perform staff functions. She has commitments in her life and therefore does not want to do staff duties on top of being a Commissioner. Commissioner Young reminded the Commission that they are ladies and gentlemen representing the City and therefore it is an honor to host events. Director Horvitz reminded the Commission that they are to contact her if they need something from the Community Services Department and she will direct it to the appropriate staff person. Commissioners contacting Community Services Department staff directly and assigning tasks puts the staff in an awkward situation. The Commission recommended there be 1 20 chairs set up at the amphitheater for the audience. Staff stated that the entertainment will not be presented the entire two hours of the event, and therefore chairs may not be needed. The Commission stated that they would like to have chairs at the event. Staff will order chairs, and Commissioner Hemes volunteered to assist with the set up of the chairs. Staff asked the Commissioners if they would like to have an art event for children at the event. The Commission stated that they did not feel this was the appropriate venue and therefore they would not like to host such an event. Director Horvitz reminded the Commission that flexibility is needed when offering special events. Even though the event is very well planned, things change and the plans may need to be altered. She asked that the Commissioners be flexible. Commissioner Hemes stated that he will not be at the event, as he will be out of town. Staff will contact the Commissioners as to the details of the event. S:ICommunity ServicesICACICACMIN.11.14.03.doc -04 Cultural Arts Commission Meetin_ Minutes e November 14, 2003 Page 4. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR (this item was taken aut af arder) A. Approval of Minutes of October 9, 2003 B. Financial Reports for October 2003 C. Monthly Department Report for September 2003 It was moved by Commissioners Hemes/Brodsky to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. Unanimous. III. PUBLIC HEARING - NONE VI. BUSINESS ITEMS B. Saliciting Danatians far Special Events (this item was taken aut af arder) Commissioner Young read the solicitation letter she composed on behalf of the Commission to obtain donations to fund special events. If the Commission decides to raise funds for an event, they will forward names and addresses to City staff to prepare and mail the approved letters. Director Horvitz informed Commissioners that donated funds can be received by the City, but the Commission may not accept donations. Guidelines are in place for the donation process, including a required Resolution to the City Council. Commissioner Hemes suggested that the solicitation letters should be signed by the individual Commissioner who is familiar with the contact. C. Fallen Officer Memarial Director Horvitz provided background on the City Council's decision at their meeting of August 5th to expand the Officer Memorial to include all public service officers, and to issue an RFP for a lifelike artpiece for the Civic Center Adknowledgement Area. One hundred fifty RFPS were sent out, and just one proposal was received from Colorado artist Gary Alsum which depicts a firefighter holding a small girl with a little boy looking up at the firefighter. Commissioner Hemes commented that one proposal was not enough to consider at this time, and suggested that the RFP be sent out again. It was moved by Commissioner Hemes/Y oung to again send out the RFP for the officer memorial in order to obtain more proposals. Unanimous. S:ICommunity ServicesICACICACMIN.11.14.03.doc -C5 Cultural Arts Commission Meetin_ Minutes e November 14, 2003 Page 5. Director Horvitz will take this recommendation to the December 2nd City Council Meeting. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS Commissioners were presented with an informational article from Western City, the magazine of the League of California Cities regarding the Brown Act and Email communications. Following discussion with Chairperson Loudon regarding the Brown Act, Director Horvitz requested that Commissioners read the article, and contact her with any questions they may have. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner Hemes reported that he will be out of town on December 5, 2003 and unable to attend the Tree Lighting Ceremony. Chairperson Loudon commented that the Coachella Valley Arts Alliance Annual Gala on November 1st was a big success, with all proceeds going to benefit children across the Valley. Chairperson Loudon thanked Stan Sniff, Mayor Pro Tem, for attending the meeting, and requested that Commissioners and staff extend courtesy to one another as they continue to work together to benefit the City. XI. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Young/Hemes to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION: Thursday, December 11, 2003 La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room Submitted by: M~~~ Hally Savio Community Services Secretary S:ICommunity ServicesICACICACMIN.11.14.03.doc r-n6 uv