05-4159 (RER)52820 Avenida Alvarado
09/16/2005 14:00
es/16/20[35 HB;09 9847969497
Notice of Richt td Cancel
(Notice ay}'Cemoea1alio])
Pursuant la section 16191 of t11s Caiisr Wil, Youtoax uttoni thia transac ' without an
otth�Mla, at any trmepraarto :raicMf bL afrhe thin! besribeas dry t&r thetitanaaetical drw Abaft Penalty to
tfyo+A cancel, any property tri in, Luny Avant Ina& byymr ander rbo aattnwct or pale, and my ce u ii ie irsinunent
wrt&f by ytsu will by r%tne! wit>ain 10 hyi lam rooeipt by tie SeNtx Of your enncellation aortas, and y y r 1y
interest :Mirka ow of the tranaaefiao will ba cancelled.
tr'yon Deice], yea moat mks evyQshlc to ale *elks at yo rreaidonc , its strtnitmti*Ily y gaad 6erndition as'Alm' reeiAved, ley
gods [o'
pm* oFratdd , # the ria is Prod t o } undgr dus scatrscx ca MU ti ar Mb rimy, Li you vriab, comply with the
instootakaa of the stilet shipment dithe goods st the i 4kr>r`
=perm mid rrsi[,
If ybu de makk en, y+oeF a soodi ratatu or
to atteller a,nd the nails? dcrl nat pick thsrst ttp with 20 days 4€ Lbe dors of your notice or
Witt, la o you two or%topads withotst any rhe; nligat;on, if you raiz ID melee thr y
b y ffieet to rattan the goo da t o the nelter mid fill to do aa, tate ya,, attain llihle for performance
of 11 tbitic to late
oda Lila annum
p rFtrrmaa:e of all r�blsga+ti>asua
To autcu1 ibio tra :taloa, snail or deli vet ,''ivied anidatoloopy Of dila ceneellatino notice, or opy eat: v./dilatant ea or Bend
e in fa: !Meal interim, 155(/ 8. 'Victoria Flue, Sart
m9)790not tater Urtus aatdnlslst of / Milan ate;.4). 42401, fax ra+ambsr
X thereby canes) this s ran/Indus
Signature of E#uyet•
Dime tlf Trabs icLion
C have initialed s omrxaek dr#aad
S4OLINTArN INTERIORS, INC„ dbn W} ieriarsneetion with te�eine o� 'mice, with INLAND it
15uratutttt to Section 1689,13 vrthe Callfernis Cir41 Codt,1 adatowledge and hereby WAIVE all rights to cancel that
Bssls ('etttette) within three fpr- ff' r ranee' the contract, WILSON
INTIZIUMS eantteet prices) fbr Lilo service!' performed up to the time ofuovnceifatiwill be a7atieltcl to psyt�txtt (et
Print Name:
_�._. California Cornfactor'a Rats Limpe. Rout I -Doo --21-2752
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OWnerIAgaerrt S'
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