CAC 01 08 2004i CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION AGENDA La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico - La Quinta, CA 92253 January 8, 2004 7:00 PM , I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT The Chair reserves the right to limit discussion on any topic to three minutes or less. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Corrections, deletions or reorganization of the agenda. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR (Items are considered routine in nature and may be approved by one motion.) A. Approval of Minutes of December 11, 2003 B. Department Report for November 2003 V. PUBLIC HEARING VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Election of Vice Chair B. Artist File Organization C. Coachella Valley Arts Alliance Event D. Spring Event VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Art in Public Places Ordinance VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS IX. ADJOURNMENT 0 • Program Community Services Department Attendance Report for the Month of November 2003 Summary Sheet 2003 2002 Variance Sessions Per Month 2003 2002 Leisure Classes 56 55 1 18 27 Special Events 258 273 -15 3 4 Adult Sports 491 347 144 18 19 Senior Center 1339 1427 -88 107 11.3 Total 2144 2102 42 146 163 Senior Services Senior Center 351 503 -152 23 18 Total .351 503 -152 23 18 Sports complex Use AYSO 420 1650 -1230 14 20 Diamond Rinciers 75 0 75 4 0 Jr. All American Football 125 0 125 10 0 Total 620 1650 -1030 28 20 LQ Community Park AYSO 980 0 980 18 0 Total 980 0 980 27 0 Facility/Park Rentals Senior Center Private Party) 400 0 400 2 0 (Churches) 690 0 690 10 0 LQ Community Park Private Pa 280 0 280 7 0 Fritz Bums Park Private Pa 40 0 40 1 0 Total 1410 0 1416 20 0 Total Programs 5,505 4,255 12501 244 201 Volunteer Hours Senior Center 3611 539 -178 Total Volunteer Hours 361 538 -178 r+ t 0 • ■ ^n+Hly Qeuenom - F79riiitu Rantats Senior Center $ 2,080.00 $ I $ 2,080.00 Parks $ 400.00 $ 1 $ 400.00 Total Facility Revenue $ 2,480.00 $ - $ 21480.00 Unnthiv Poughnno Senior Center $ 9,422.50 1 $ 8,185.00 $ 1,237.50 Community Services $ 1;513.00 $ 2,203.00 $ 690.00) 1 Total Revenue $ 10,935.60 $ 10,388.00 $ 547.50 onv nne veer to nate Senior Center $ 42,926.75 $ 33,218.00 $ 9,708.75 CommunityServices $ 49,763.00 $ 27,693.00 $ 22,070.00 Total Revenue to Date $ 92,689.75 $ 60,911.00 . $ 31,778.75 C�7 0 • Community Services Program Report for November 2003 inm 2nm 2003 2002 Participants Participants Variance Meetings Meetings Leisure Classes Mastering the Internet 6 0 6 1 0 Adobe Photoshop Elements 2 7 -5 2 3 Tae Kwon Do 16 8 8 4 6 Hatha Yoga 14 20 -6 1 6 Pilates 9 0 9 4 0 Adobe Photoshop Advance 1 0 1 2 0 Totals 56 35 211 187T 15 15nnz 2nn2 2003 2002 Participants Participants Variance Meetings Meetings Special Events Carlsbad Village Faire 17 15 2 1 1 Getty Museum 16 0 16 1 0 Veterans Day Tribute 225 0 225 1 0 Totals 2581 151 2431 3 1 2nns 2002 2003 2002 Participants Participants Variance Meetings Meetings Adult Sports Open Gym Basketball 271 207 64 14 15 Adult Soccer League 220 140 80 4 4 Totals 491 347 144 18 19 Recreation Totals 1 8051 3971 4081 391 35 r Senior Center Attendance r articipation Participation VlWance Meetings eetings 003 ZU0Z 2003 002 Senior Activities ACBL Bride 136 231 -95 4 4 Ballroom Dancing, Complimentary_18 11 7 1 1 Bridge, Duplicate/Social 538 481 57 14 14 Dog Training, Complimentary 10 6 4 1 1 Monthly Birthday Party 29 28 1 1 1 Monthly'Luncheon 100 106 -6 1 1 . Movie Time 44 44 0 3 5 Seminars 27 9 18 4 1 Senior Activity Total 902 916 -14 29 28 Senior Leisure Classes Arts and Crafts 27 29 -2 3 4 Ballroom Dance 15 23 -8 3 2 Bridge Lessons 45 61 -16 8 6 Ceramics 8 29 -21 3 3 Computer 41 29 12 17 Computer Tutor 4 7 -3 4 7 CPR 9 0 9 1 0 Dog Training Class 14 12 2 1 2 Exercise 50 54 -4 12 11 Golden Tones 45 56 -11 3 4 Knitting 11 16 -5 1 1 Quilting. 24 35 -11 3 3 Rug Hooking 8 13 -5 4 4 Sketching/Drawing 14 25 -11 4 4 Stained Glass 10 11 -1 5 2 Tai Chi 20 14 6 6 2 Tap Dance 26 21 5 6 3 Watercolor 29 15 14 4 3 Woodcarving 23 29 -6 3 4 Yoga 14 32 -18 4 3 Senior Leisure Classes Total 437 511 -74 78 85 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAMS 1339 1427 -88 107 113 Senior Services 0 AARP "55" Course 16 32 -16 2 2 FIND Food Distribution 292 365 -73 4 5 Hearing Consultation 6 1 5 6 1 I.I.D. Energy Assistance 23 9 14 5 4 I.I.D. Energy Assistance/No fee 3 4 -1 3 2 Legal Consultation 7 10 -3 1 1 Medicare/Hi Cap Consultation 4 .9 -5 2 3 Volunteers 73 -73 n/a nJa TOTAL SENIOR SERVICES 351 503 -152 23 18 SENIOR CENTER TOTAL 16901 1930 -240 130 L:::A 0 0 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: January 8, 2004 ITEM TITLE: Election of Vice Chairperson RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Elect one member to serve as Vice Chairperson of the Cultural Arts Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None for this action. WORK PLAN TASK ASSIGNMENT: BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: _A_ The Vice Chairperson will preside over the meeting when the Chairperson is unavailable. An open vote will be taken at the Commission meeting to select a Vice Chairperson. The person being nominated should be present to accept the nomination or have contacted staff to direct staff to accept their nomination in their absence. Voting Procedures: All actions must be taken on a majority vote or by a majority of the quorum present. On the passage of every motion, the vote shall be taken by voice or roll call as appropriate. The Chairperson will open and close nominations to the Commission for Vice Chairperson. The vote will be taken and the Vice Chairperson will be elected. Tie Votes: In the case of a tie vote, an additional motion is made which obtains a majority vote to break the tie. If a tie vote results at a time when less than all members are present, the matter shall automatically be continued to the Agenda of the next regular meeting, unless otherwise ordered by the body. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Cultural Arts Commission include: 1. Elect one member to serve as Vice Chairperson for the Cultural Arts Commission; or 2. Provide staff with alternate direction. Respectfully submitted, Dodie Horvitz, Com unity Services Director �12 0 0 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE ITEM TITLE: i 6 1 06A 04, I I January 8, 2004 Artist File Organization RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None for this action. WORK PLAN TASK ASSIGNMENT: Placement of Public Art BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _B CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: The Cultural Arts Commission began organizing the artist files during the summer months. However, due to busy schedules, the files have not been completed. Staff is seeking direction as to the completion of the files. The Commission could appoint members to complete the file organization or could recommend that staff complete the file organization. At the December 11, 2003 Cultural Arts Commission meeting, the Commission discussed this issue and asked that this be placed on the January agenda for discussion. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Community Services Commission include: S:\Community Services\CAC\CACRPT.382.Artist File Organization.1-8-04.doc C13 0 0 1. Appoint Commission members to complete the file organization; or 2. Recommend staff complete the file organization; or 3. Provide staff with direction. Respectfully submitted, ie orvitz, Co munity Services Director CIA • 0 dll • ' !' h Wit CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: C CONSENT CALENDAR: MEETING DATE: January 8, 2004 STUDY SESSION: ITEM TITLE: Coachella Valley Arts Alliance Event Participation RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None for this action. WORK PLAN TASK ASSIGNMENT: PUBLIC HEARING: Coachella Valley Cultural Conferences, Workshops and Events. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Coachella Valley Arts Alliance (CVAA) is hosting a one day event on February 21, 2004 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the River in Rancho Mirage entitled "Kaleidoscope" which will feature visual and performing arts. The CVAA has asked the City of La Quinta and the Cultural Arts Commission if the Commission and ultimately the City would like to arrange for a performing group to perform during a specific time frame at this event. If the Commission so desires to participate, the Commission would be responsible for arranging for a group to perform and for working with the CVAA to arrange for the performance. If the Commission wishes to participate in this program, staff will present this request to the City Council at the January 20, 2004 meeting for S:\Community Services\CAC\CACRPT.384. Coachella Valley Arts Alliance Event. 1 -8-04.doc A5 • 0 consideration. Should the City Council approve participation, the Commission may begin arranging for the event. The CVAA is not requesting funding for this event. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Cultural Arts Commission include: 1. Approve participation in the CVAA event and direct staff to forward the request for City Council approval; or 2. Do not approve participation in the CVAA event; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, orvitz,� Comrtunity Services Director �_ 1 0 0 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: January 8, 2004 ITEM TITLE: Spring Event RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the Cultural Arts Commission. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Dependent upon the Commission's planning of the event, funds up to $9,849 are available from the Special Projects Account. WORK PLAN TASK ASSIGNMENT: Coachella Valley Conferences, Workshops and Events. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Cultural Arts Commission hosted the "Concert Under the Stars" last year and has expressed an interest in offering a concert in conjunction with the City's birthday and community picnic, which will be held on April 24, 2004. The Commission may wish to request the City Council's consideration of this matter at the January 20, 2004 City Council meeting. The areas needed to be identified for City Council consideration would include the date and venue, the total budget requested, type of entertainment and events as well as the Commission's commitment to assist with the event. S:\Community Services\CAC\CACRPT.383. Spring Event. 1 -8-04.doc In 2003, the Commission arranged for "Taste of La Quinta" in which local restaurants were invited to attend and provide free food, local artists were invited to display their work and a concert was held featuring the Sidestreet Strutters. The Commission had discussed having a fireworks show, however, due to safety concerns, the pyrotechnic show was not offered. Staff was directed to research a laser light show production. Attachment A provides the information on a laser light show. If the City Council approves the Commission hosting such an event, planning could begin at the February 12, 2004 Commission meeting. In order to have postcards designed and mailed to all residents, all information would need to confirmed by the end of March. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the Cultural Arts Commission include: 1. Direct staff to forward the Commission's request for a spring event for City Council consideration; or 2. Do not offer a spring event; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Director Attachment A: Laser Light Show Information IU 0 . ATTACHMENT A c&ht 4 4 Qum& MEMORANDUM TO: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director FROM: Kristin Riesgo, Recreation Coordinatory L DATE: December 18, 2003 SUBJECT: Laser Fireworks Information I have contacted two companies willing to work with us on a Laser Fireworks show. Here is a list of current prices and information. General Information We will need a white backdrop approximately 18' — 20' in diameter. We may rent this from the company or we can use the side of a building, but it must be white. We also need to obtain FFA approval to have the show. We need to provide the conductor with a platform. The platform needs to be at least 10 feet above all of the spectators' heads. Both companies are able to provide a multiple laser show, animation, fog, music, and original fireworks with the show. Lantis Company is out of Utah. They are willing to come out to La Quinta and set up a laser fireworks show. Show length: 10 —15 minutes. The cost: $5,000 - $10,000. All Time Favorites This is a contracting company. They put on shows all across the nation. They have a few companies in Palm Springs we could work with. Show length: 10 — 15 minutes. The cost: $5,000 - $15,000. 1 `� . VII. fJRR. & WRITTEN MATERIAL A CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: January 8, 2004 ITLRA TITI L. Art in Public Places Ordinance BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: i W4.0 f, " N t! F 7 F I I P AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: The Art in Public Places Ordinance is provided as Attachment A. Attachment B provides the form described in section 2.65.070 (B) which states that the project applicant must complete an Art Application at the time of the building permits are issued. If the developer elects to place a piece of art at the project, the Cultural Arts Commission will review the art piece and the City Council approve the art piece before the project is sent to the Planning Commission. In the past, applicants were allowed to pay the fee and then submit their proposal for artwork after the project was under construction. However, the process in which the developer submits the art work prior to Planning Commission review would result in a much more cohesive project, as the art work is an integral part of the project. Staff will ensur this process is followed when projects are submitted for consideration fo&builing per its. Dodie Horvitz, Coymmlinity Services Director S:\Community Services\CAC\WRITTEN CORRSP. 01-08-04.doc ATTACHMENT A Chapter 2.65 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES Sections: 2.65.010 Intent and purpose. 2.65.020 Findings. 2.65.030 Definitions. 2.65.040 Formation and Function of Art in Public Places Committee. 2.65.050 Requirement to provide Art Work or pay development fee. 2.65.060 Projects subject to Art in Public Places Program requirement. 2.65.070 Processing of Arts Application. 2.65.080 Regulations for Art Work. 2.65.090 Development Fee. 2.65.100 Credits-- Agreements as to particular projects. 2.65.1 10 Art in Public Places Fund. 2.65.120 Implementation and Administration of this Chapter. 2.65.010 Intent and purpose. A. This Chapter may be known and cited as the "La Quinta Art in Public Places Program." The City of La Quinta has developed a nationwide reputation through the annual La Quinta Arts Festival and other artistic events, and attracts thousands of visitors every year to view and purchase art and crafts in the City. The public health, safety and welfare, the preservation and enhancement of property values and economic vitality, as well as the popularity and prosperity of the community, are dependent upon and enhanced by visually pleasing and high quality public art. B. The stated goal of the Cultural Resource Element of the General Plan is to provide "enrichment of the community by adequate cultural and recreational facilities and activities." To implement this goal, the General Plan further states that "the cultural resources of a city encompass those facilities and programs which refresh, enhance or re-create people's bodies and spirits". Community parks, recreational activities, historic resources, library facilities and art festivals are included in this classification. The Art in Public Places Program is intended to achieve this purpose by providing visual art throughout the City. C. Residential and commercial development throughout the City will benefit from public art, both financially and visually. All property within the City will prosper through the enhancement and preservation of property values that will result from the location of visual art throughout the City. As such, the cost of providing Ordinance 317 Final. 0 • public art should be shared. This program is a means of achieving a balanced responsibility of providing a cultural enhancement. D. Therefore, the City Council declares that art work in its various physical forms displayed in public venues in the City constitute public facilities of benefit to the citizens and visitors to the City and in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare, it is the policy of the City to require the acquisition and installation of public art works as provided in this Chapter. (Ord. 173 section 1 (part), 1990) 2.65.020 Findings The City Council makes the following findings in connection with the adoption of this chapter: A. There is a reasonable relationship between the acquisition of Art work through the Art in Public Places Program and the projects on which the fees provided by this Chapter shall be imposed because: 1. Art work will enhance the real property values within the City generally, including the developments on which the fees will be imposed, and 2. Art works will, by enhancing the aesthetic values of the City as a whole, making the City an attractive place to live and work, thereby making the City more vital; and B. There is a reasonable relationship between the need for cultural amenities such as art and the developments upon which the fees provided for herein shall be imposed because the development of real property generally necessitates that additional costs be incurred and amenities be provided to provide for harmonious and aesthetically pleasing environments created by the development; and C. The amount of the fee is reasonably related to the Art Works to be acquired because the amount of the fee increases as the value of the development upon which the fee is imposed rises, so there will be direct and proportionate relationship between the size of the development and the quantity or quality of Art Work, which an be purchased from the fees generated by the development upon which the fee shall be imposed; (Ord. 173 Section 1(part), 1990) 2.65.030 Definitions. As used in this Chapter: A. "Arts Application" means the application to be submitted by a Project Applicant pursuant to Section 2.65.070. Ordinance 317 Final. J B. "Art in Public Places Fund" means the fund established by Section 2.65.1 10 C. "Art Site" means any site, upon which an Art Work is to be located, on public or private property within the City which is accessible and visible to the general public. D. "Art Work" means the original creations of art including, but not limited to, the following categories: sculpture, murals, mosaics, fountains, and paving designs. These categories may be realized through such media as steel, bronze, stained glass, concrete, wood, ceramic tile and stone, as well as other suitable materials. E. "Commission" means the Cultural Arts Commission as appointed in Section 2.75.030 of this Chapter and Municipal Code. F. "Fee" or "Fees" means the fees imposed by this Chapter. G. "Project" means all construction or rehabilitation in the City covered by a single building permit. H. "Project Cost" means the value of the improvements for a Project based upon the building permit valuation submitted. 2.65.040 Deleted 2.65.050 Requirements to Provide Art Work or Pay Development Fee. When a Project is subject to the requirements of this Chapter pursuant to Section 2.65.060, the Project Applicant shall pay a development fee, as described in Subsection (A) of this section or shall comply with the provisions of subsection (B) of this section. Project Applicants shall indicate on their Art in Public Places Application whether the Project Applicant will comply with subsections (A) or (B) of this section. A. Development Fees. The Project Applicants shall pay a fee to be deposited in the Art in Public Places Fund established pursuant to Section 2.65.1 10 equal to the amount provided in Section 2.65.090 of this chapter for the Project. B. Provision of Art Work. In lieu of paying the development fee as required by Subsection (A) of this section the Project Applicant may acquire and install an Art Work on an Art Site on or in the vicinity of the Project Site pursuant to Section 2.65.100 of this Chapter. As a guide, the cost or value of such Art Work should Ordinance 317 Final. —3- 0 62. 0 approximate the amount of fee that would be paid under subsection (A) of this section. The Project Applicant shall receive credit for the fee required by subsection (A)of this section only in the actual amount of the cost of value of Art Work acquired and installed, plus costs of installation. Only Project Applicants liable for a fee pursuant to subsection (A) of this section that is in excess of $5,000 shall be permitted to elect to provide an Art Work pursuant to this subsection unless such Project Applicant proposed to furnish Art Work in excess in the amount of such fee and in a minimum amount of $5,000. (Ord. 173 section 1 (part) 1990). 2.65.060 Projects Subject to Art in Public Places Program Requirements. A. Requirements. The requirements of this Chapter shall apply to all works of construction or rehabilitation for which a building permit is applied for within the City which constitute or include the following activities and which are not subject to the exceptions set forth in Subsection (B) of this Section; 1. New commercial or industrial construction. 2. Remodeling, repair or reconstruction of existing commercial or industrial property having Project Costs which exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) in expenditures; 3. Residential subdivisions or development of two units or more, whether by detached single family residential structures, condominiums, apartments, townhouses or other dwelling units, including the repair, remodeling or renovation of same, having Project Costs exceeding one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000); 4. Individual residential units (defined as not more than one single family dwelling which is to be constructed on an individual lot or parcel) having Project Costs of more than $200,000. B. Exceptions. The requirements of this Chapter shall not apply to the following activities: 1. Public projects. 2. Remodeling, repair or reconstruction of structures which have been damaged by fire, flood, wind, earthquake or other calamity. 3. Nonprofit social service or cultural institution projects. 4. Low to moderate housing projects as defined by household income in Health and Safety Code Section 50093.(Ord. 203, sections 3, 4, 1992; Ord. 173 Ordinance 317 Final. —4— 0 • section 1 (part) 1990) 2.65.070 Processing of Arts Application. The requirements and procedures for the processing of an Art in Public Places Application (an "Arts Application") shall be as follows: A. Upon submission of a project application for a Project subject to the requirements of this Chapter, the City shall provide to the Project Applicant a copy of the Ordinance codified in this Chapter and an Arts Application form. B. The Project Applicant shall submit to the City a completed Arts Application form, describing the manner in which the Project Applicant intends to establish compliance with this chapter. The arts application shall include, for project applicants intending to meet the requirements of Section 2.65. 050 (B), a complete description of the Art Work, the artist creating the Art Work, a copy of the contract for commissioning or purchasing the art work, if any, the cost or estimated cost of the art work and installation, the agreement or means in which the project applicant will meet the requirements of Section 2.65.100, of this chapter and a site plan showing the location of Art Work, complete with landscaping, lighting and other appropriate accessories to complement the Art Work. C. The City shall, upon receipt of the Arts Application, submit the Arts Application to the Cultural Arts Commission. D. The Cultural Arts Commission shall, within thirty days from the date of submittal of the application by the City submit to the City Council comments and a recommendation on the proposed Arts Application based upon the guidelines set forth in Section 2.65.080. E. The arts application shall then be submitted to the City Council, which may ratify the application based upon the guidelines set forth in Section 2.65.080. (Ord. 173 section 1 (part), 1990) 2.65.080 Regulations for Art Work. A. Guidelines. Guidelines for the approval of Art Work shall include, but are not limited to, the following criteria: 1. The Art Work shall be easily visible and accessible to the public. 2. The composition of the Art Work shall be of appropriate materials in order to be durable against vandalism, theft and weather, and in order to require a low Ordinance 317 Final. —5— level of maintenance. The review may consider the proposed location of the Art Work. 3. The Art Work shall be related in terms of scale, material, form and content to immediate and adjacent buildings and landscaping so that it complements the Art Site and surrounding environment. 4. The Art Work shall be designed and constructed by persons experienced in the production of such Art Work and recognized by critics and by his or her peers as one who produces works of art. 5. The Art Work shall be appropriately affixed to its site or display. B. Limitations. The following items are not to be considered as Art Works: 1. Art objects which are mass produced from a standard design. 2.. Decorative, ornamental or functional elements which are designed by a building architect as opposed to an artist commissioned for the purpose of creating the Art Work. 3. Services or utilities necessary to operate or maintain the Art Work. C. Use and Maintenance of Art Work. Art Work acquired by expenditures from the Art in Public Places Fund shall be the property of and maintained by the City. The City may dispose of such Art Work at its discretion, subject to any agreement with artists or otherwise relating to any specific Art Work. The Art Work acquired and installed by a Project Applicant for which credit for the fee required by Section 2.65.050 is given pursuant to Section 2.65.100 of this Chapter shall be the property of and maintained by the Project Applicant, except to the extent the City has rights in or to the Art Work or the display thereof pursuant to the agreement with the Project Applicant entered into pursuant to Section 2.65.100 hereof. Alternatively, Art Work acquired by the Project Applicant in lieu of the Fee may be donated to the City to be maintained by the City. (Ord. 173, section 1 (part), 1990) 2.65.090. Development Fee. There will be, and there is hereby, established an Art in Public Places Fee (referred to occasionally as the "Fee" or "Fees") to be collected as follows: A. Fees are to be collected with respect to all Projects prior to or at the time of issuance of a building permit, except in the case of residential developments or more than one dwelling unit, where the fee shall be collected on a pro rata basis for each dwelling when it receive its final inspection or certificate of occupancy, whichever Ordinance 317 Final. —(— occurs first. The City Manager, or other such person appointed by him/her, is hereby appointed as the authorized individual to collect such Fees. B. All residential structures whose Project Costs is in excess of $100,000 will be charged a Fee hereunder equal to the greater of: 1. 1 /4 of 1 % for that portion of Project Cost in excess of $200,000; or 2. Twenty Dollars ($20.00). C. All commercial developments, industrial developments and non-residential development within the City will be charged a Fee hereunder equal to the greater of; 1. %2 of 1 % of the Project Cost; or 2. Twenty Dollars ($20.00) D. The Fees will be collected prior to the issuance of any building permit commencing on the date the Ordinance codified in this chapter become effective. (Ord. 201 section 5, 1992; Ord. 173 section 1 (part) 1990) 2.65.100 Credits; Agreements as to Particular Projects. A. A Project Applicant may apply for a credit against the Fee otherwise required to be paid by the Project Applicant under Section 2.65.050 of one hundred percent of the cost of an Art Work and costs of installation for including an Art Work in an Art Site subject to this Chapter, provided that such work shall be approved by the Commission, and the Project Applicant shall enter into a written agreement with the City providing that the Art Work shall be installed, maintained and open to public view at reasonable hours for a minimum period of 25 years after installation. The written agreement may be extended by the City for 10 year increments. B. Nothing herein shall restrict the City Council from waiving the requirements of this Chapter, in whole or in part, with respect to any Project otherwise subject to the provisions of this Chapter, provided that the City Council determines that the Project Applicant has entered into an agreement with the city making provision for the acquisition and installation of Art Works in connection with the development of the Project which addresses the goals and aims of this Chapter in a manner equally favorable to or on a basis more favorable to the City than would be achieved by strict compliance with this Chapter. 2.65.110. Art in Public Places Fund. A. Accounting. The Fees imposed pursuant to Section 2.65.090 of this Chapter and any other monies collected in accordance with provisions of this Chapter shall be deposited in a separate account, entitled the "Art in Public Places Fund". The City Manager, or his/her designee shall establish accounting records sufficient to identify and control these funds. Ordinance 317 Final. —7— n r} rr • 0 The amounts held in the Art in Public Places Fund shall otherwise be accounted for, deposited, invested and expensed as provided by law and the practices and policies of the City. The account containing these funds may be invested along with other moneys of the City and the investment earnings thereon shall be used for and be subject to the same restrictions established in subsection (B). B. Use of Fund. Expenditures of the Fees collected in the Art in Public Places Fund may include the following: 1. The cost of Art Work and its installation. 2. The cost of purchase or lease of Art Sites. 3. Water works, landscaping, lighting and other objects which are an integral part of the Art Work. 4. Frames, mats, pedestals, and other objects necessary for the proper. presentation of the Art Work. 5. Walls, pools, landscaping, or other architectural or landscape architectural elements necessary for the proper aesthetic and structural placement of the Art Work. 6. Expenditures for maintenance and repair of Art Work. 7. Administrative expenses to otherwise implement any provision of this Chapter, however, in no event shall said administrative expenses exceed 5% of the total funds in the account on July 1 of any year nor $25,000 in any fiscal year. C. Endowments. The Art in Public Places Fund shall also be used as a depository for endowments, bequests, grants or donations. Such sums may be expensed as set forth in subsection (B) of this section and for art exhibitions or displays as approved by the City Council. D. Replacement. For those Art Works that have been purchased with monies from the Art in Public Places Fund or donated to the City, the City may determine to sell or exchange existing Art Works for replacement Art Works. Any funds obtained from the sale of Art Work shall be credited to the Art in Public Places Fund. Art Work owned privately and on display by In -Lieu Agreement may be exchanged with City Council approval or the original Fee paid to the Art in Public Places Fund. E. Reimbursement. In the event Fees have not been committed for a use as specified in subsection (B) within two years of their collection, the Fees in the Art in Public Places Fund shall be distributed by the City to the person or entity who has paid Ordinance 317 Final. —$— the Fees or in any other manner permitted by law. 2.65.120 Implementation and Administration of this Chapter. The City may enter into agreements, upon recommendation of the Cultural Arts Commission or otherwise, for the purchase or commissioning of Art Works on Art Sites not owned by the City, for installation of Art Works or the repair, maintenance or servicing thereof and for or relating to all other matter necessary or appropriate to implement the Art in Public Places Program. r r, J Ordinance 317 Final. —9— or_ J to ATTACHMENT B c&t!t 4 4a Q" ART IN PUBLIC PLACES APPLICATION According to Chapter 2.65 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, all project applicants will comply with the requirement to provide public art. Applicants are required to identify whether they will be paying a fee or integrating art into the project at the time application submittal. If a fee is to be paid, no further information is needed. If artwork is to be integrated into the project site the following information is needed at the time of application submittal. At no time will the project be scheduled for Planning Commission review until a detailed site plan is submitted and approved by the n„hu^ Dl., Cultural Arts Commission. An Art Bank is available to assist you. Please identify whether you are: Paying the Art in Public Places fee Artist Name: Address: Phone Number: Date: Project Case No. Submitted to the Community Services Department: Integrating artwork into the site Gems by Efaine Desert Festival of the Arts Empire Polo Grounds 50725 Monroe Ave. Indio. (between Ave's 50 & 52) Sat/Sun, Feb 14 & 15 Sat/Sun, Feb 21 & 22 Sat/Sun, Feb 28 & 29 Free Admission Free Paring Food 10:00 AM-4:00 PM Info? Call Gwen 4& 775-2091 a P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 January 22, 2004 Andrea Gassman 53-415 Avenida Obregon La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission Dear Mrs. Gassman: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 On behalf of the La Quinta City Council, please accept their congratulations on your appointment to the Cultural Arts Commission. Your appointment will fill the unexpired term of former Commissioner Nicholas Hemes which will come up for re -appointment June 30, 2004. I am enclosing the form 700 which is the Statement of Economic Interests mentioned in your application materials. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this form, please don't hesitate to contact me at 777-7002. The form is required to be filed with me within 30 days of your appointment, which technically begins on February 12, 2004 when you are sworn in. Thank you for your interest in serving the City of La Quinta. I look forward to working with you during the coming years. The Commission meets at City Hall on the second Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m. The staff support for the Commission is provided by Ms. Dodie Horvitz, Director of Community Services. She may be reached at 777-7032. Sincerely, ap�, .C&. C6," June S. Greek, CIVIC City Clerk cc: Director of Community Services JSG 1*1W1:6M, r PS < - s 1" {vt I L jI Pmgmwu I 1 y t , 4 � 1 I lr- I 1 l f f t�� «3 rI ATTACHMENT 1 e ANDREA C. SPIRTOS 53-415 Avenida Obregon La Quiata, CA 92253-3438 Telephone: (760) 564 2100 Facsimile: (760) 564-1144 December 9, 2003 Mayor and Council Members City of Is Quints 79 496 Calle Tampico La Quints, CA 92253 Re: Cultural Arts Commission Letter of Interest Dear Sirs and Madam: . In 1993, when I first moved to La Quints from Pacific Palisades and Washington, D. C., I applied for a position with the Cultural Arts Commission My application was untimely, and correctly so. At the time, I was undergoing treatment for breast cancer. Last year, when a position opened again, I considered reapplying. However, I was involved in the care giving and eventual demise of my husband. It is my distinct pleasure to now tender my application and resume for your consideration. as a Cultural Arts Commissioner. Art has long been a passion of mine as a collector, benefactor, muralist, ballerina with the Chicago Ballet Company, author, and poet Through my educational and life experiences, I have witnessed the beauty in the eyes of our youth as we open them to a world of color, movement, words, and drama. In the words of Johann Wolgang von Goethe, "One ought, every day, to hear a song, read a fine poem, and, if possible, to speak a few reasonable words." This is one of the many facets for which the City of IA Quinta is known as the "Gem of the Desert." It would be my honor to give to the community that has so embraced me, through service as a commissioner. Thank you for your consideration Sincerely, Andrea Spirto 10 ..� �a,� � APPLICATION, CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission..- , .. It is.mnderntanding that the purp aP of 1-he cultural Arts-----,,- - Commission is to support and encourage programs in the arts, in all of its permutations, including, but n6t'.1imited to drama, music, dance, visual arts and literary arts and so advise city council with respect to their desire to develop and enhance -a_rti ci in nrcaati vi fU in the community What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? After attending several meetings and volunteerinCl at Cultural Arts Commission functinnc, T rsanngni7a that comp of the s o problems the commission faces'is that not all members are familiar with "Robert's Rules of Order" or city guidelines as established in the city charter and Brown Act. I believe I can be a voice of reason in this area. What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the La Quinta Cultural Arts Commission? I have worked on the Kennedy Commission for the Performing Arts and have been a ballerina, artist,'and author. My strengths include organizational skills and finding cost effective alternatives. I am a firm believer in volunteerism and giving to the community in which I live. PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK P. O. BOX 1504 78-496 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 18 VhI2 r � ' P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 January 22, 2004 Robert Leidner 56498 Palms Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: La Quinta Community Services Commission Dear Mr Leidner: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 On behalf of the La Quinta City Council, please accept their congratulations on your appointment to the Community Services Commission. Your appointment will fill the unexpired term of former Commissioner Deborah Bechard which will come up for re -appointment June 30, 2005. I am enclosing the form 700 which is the Statement of Economic Interests mentioned in your application materials. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this form, please don't hesitate to contact me at 777-7002. The form is required to be filed with me within 30 days of your appointment, which technically begins on February 9, 2004 when you are sworn in. Thank you for your interest in serving the City of La Quinta. I look forward to working with you during the coming years. The Commission meets at City Hall on the second Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. The staff support for the Commission is provided by Ms. Dodie Horvitz, Director of Community Services. She may be reached at 777-7032. June S. Greek, CIVIC City Clerk cc: Director of Community Services JSG m QW QA �. s. J # 1. I ,. h 1 • 1 t - �3c I, 4 I S rl�iT���IIMl ail I I�� { APPLICATION, COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION PAGE 2. Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Community services, Commission. C,,�A1,#drL f i rlAV TWF darn N/JT o►�% ,�.o,Td �J -T7yS-- i°ur2�a��"e7MT - What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Community Services Commission and do you have any suggestions to address those issues or problems? OV 1jr��,r vTr�s' What specific attitudes, skills- and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the -La Quinta Community Services Commission? �d 7 f'oL 4f"/o/✓ i �/ /u,S- osrnw� l�7iT[.c o-Ai L PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK P. 0. BOX 1504 78-49.6 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT ~ `� .W 1 78-80 - Improving Tomorrow Today - Business and sales training and consulting - Owner/Partner/ Consultant • Provided sales and motivational training programs (Nightingale - Conant, Tom Hopkins -Champions Unlimited) to. companies and individuals • Sold interest to partner after 24 months due to conflicts in management style and priorities. 76-78. - Continental Conservation Systems - VP Sales and Marketing Developed marketing strategies and a sales force of nine local representatives selling patented energy conservation products to 'large industrial and commercial facilities, • Increased company sales volume by nearly 500% in two'years _ Company dissolved after, owner fled the US due to IRS problem 74-76 - Tram AC - Sales rep ---- focal -sales rep of resdeentr- al and commercial air-conditioning systems . • Exceeded quotas regularly • Was considering Sales Management position, but accepted VP position with Continental Conservation Systems 72-74 - Wii Wright's - Director of Operations Was responsible for a ten restaurant chain and ice cream manufacturing facility • Primary achievement was to turn around annual losses in excess of $2 million to a projected loss of $500,000 in two years. This enabled the owner (International Industries) to sell the company in. 1974. The new owner, a private investor closed. the company several months later. Education: - 69-74 - Snn `. t +I � - ff•: r 77 jr � F f< - _ '� _ of [ I• � `k z 4x 4 r ! X A4 Y 4 � ✓ Y el -'i F� C .. ... .. � .. zn. a.a Laxt ��"i2X(tl��� ��`L�iFk �•'i'��'.e'r.'..+uid5.k £.,t�:.ixi�ttuS.viz'�'l-i# h. ; _. ±e.it' �. .. JsS a`Yrarxw�fulkda"ei�?'%�f+ta� • December 12, 2003 Dear City Council, BOB LEIDNER 56498 Palms Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 760 564-4427 Thank you for this opportunity to apply for an appointment to the La Quinta Community Services Commission. During this brief letter, I hope to express why I would be a good candidate for the appointment. Although a long time visitor to La Quinta and the Coachella Valley, it was only within the past few months that my wife, Sue, and I became residents. It had always been my dream, upon retirement from the corporate world, to live in an area like La Quinta, open a small consulting practice, and to be able to become active in local government and civic concerns. On August 30, 2003 I retired as President/Chief Financial Officer of Regency Lighting after twenty-one years of service. Under my leadership, Regency Lighting was taken -plighting distributor -based uys .to- one of d e reuogntzx 7e�ers in the industry with five locations situated across the United States. In addition, with my financial knowledge and proven ability tofind solutions to the daily problems that businesses face today, Regency Lighting had twenty-one consecutive years of growth and profitability during my tenure. Although my position at. Regency Lighting was extremely time -intensive, I did find time to get involved with a number of organizations, mostly industry -related I have attached a list of industry and civic affiliates for your review. My experience and approach, both as a businessman and as a volunteer, have been based upon the same principles. In order to make the proper recommendations, I believe you must: • understand the ultimate goals • envision the rewards of accomplishing them • realize the consequences of not achieving the goals • acknowledge the possible obstacles recommend the possible solutions Lastly, your recommendations must be made with a high degree of integrity and must be in the best interest of those you are serving. If selected to the Commission, I am confident that my solution -based management background and my desire to be an active participant in La Quinta's future will make me a valuable addition. Thank you r yo consideration. Bob Leidner f P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 January 22, 2004 Ed Hackney 79-915 Rancho La Quinta Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: La Quinta Community Services Commission Dear Mr Hackney: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 On behalf of the La Quinta City Council, please accept their congratulations on your appointment to the Community Services Commission. Your appointment will fill the unexpired term of former Commissioner Mike Davis which will come up for re -appointment June 30, 2004. I am enclosing the form 700 which is the Statement of Economic Interests mentioned in your application materials. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this form, please don't hesitate to contact me at 777-7002. The form is required to be filed with me within 30 days of your appointment, which technically begins on February 9, 2004 when you are sworn in. Thank you for your interest in serving the City of La Quinta. I look forward to working with you during the coming years. The Commission meets at City Hall on the second Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. The staff support for the Commission is provided by Ms. Dodie Horvitz, Director of Community Services. She may be reached at 777-7032. Sincerely, June S. Greek, CIVIC City Clerk cc: Director of Community Services JSG T APPLICATION, COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION PAGE 2 Describe your knowledge of the functions, regulations, and procedures of the La Quinta Community Services Commission. What specific issues or problems face the La Quinta Community Services Commission and do you have any suggestions to address.ahose issues or problems? 4/0 tAywlze4. -Z What specific attitudes, skills and/or expertise do you think you have which would enhance the work of the to Quinta Community Services Commission? r] PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION TO: CITY CLERK P. 0. BOX 1504 78-496 CALLS TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT -1)r) 4. 4W