CACMIN 02 12 2004 e e CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES February 12, 2004 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Guinta Civic Center. Chairperson Else Loudon presided over the meeting. Commissioner Brodsky led the Pledge of Allegiance. City Clerk Greek administered the Oath of Office to Commissioner Andrea Gassman. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Else Loudon Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky Commissioner Andrea Gassman Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Linda Young (Excused) STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director II. PUBLIC COMMENT-NONE III. PUBLIC HEARING - NONE IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of January 8, 2004 B. Department Report for December 2004 C. Financial Report It was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Reynolds to approve consent calendar. Unanimous. V. PUBLIC HEARING - None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Public Safety Officer Acknowledgement Area Proposals 2 Cultural Arts Commission Meetine Minutes e February 12, 2004 Page 2. Jeffery Fowler presented the Marquette of his art proposal "Out of Harm's Way", which depicts a firefighter and peace officer appearing to be emerging from black granite portals with a small girl running between the two portals. Mr. Fowler has visited the proposed location on the Civic Center Campus for the sculpture and is very pleased with the location and design of the site. The black granite portals would stand 7 and a half feet high and be 3 and a half feet wide and 10 inches deep. Commissioner Gassman asked about the lighting for the piece. Mr. Fowler stated that the lighting would be designed to minimize vandalism yet showcase the artwork. Commissioner Gassman asked about the stability of the piece in the event of an earthquake. Mr. Fowler stated that he takes the stability of the piece very seriously and this would be structurally sound. Mr. Fowler then presented a second Marquette which depicts a firefighter and peace officer rising from a pile of building rubble with a small girl lying in their outstretched hands. Mr. Fowler explained that all the figures would be made from bronze and the rubble and the base would be made from a fiberglass/concrete/foam material which would be stained like cement or red brick. The construction time line for this type of work should be extended to a 10 month time frame. Mr. Fowler stated that although the edges of the art piece appear to be rough and/or sharp, he can fabricate them so that they are not dangerous to anyone that may touch them. He also stated that this piece must be elevated on a raised platform in order to have the dramatic effect the piece is intended to evoke. Commissioner Brodsky asked if people would be tempted to climb on the art piece. Mr. Fowler stated that people climb on and have damaged the police memorial that is located within 50 feet of the Palm Springs Police Department front doors. However, Mr. Fowler stated that he would rather have people touch and climb on his work rather than not embrace the artwork. After some discussion, the Commission determined that the art piece should be on a raised base. S:\Community Services\CAC\CACMIN.2.12.04.doc ') ~ Cultural Arts Commission Meetine Minutes e February 12, 2004 Page 3.' Mr. Fowler then suggested the City. could sell "bricks' to raise money to offset the cost of the piece. He felt that the community would embrace the piece if they had a financial stake in it. Mr. Fowler also stated that the officers could be molded after real officers or an imaginary person. Commissioner Gassman asked if one of the officers could be a female. Mr. Fowler assured the Commission that one of the officers could be a female if that was requested. The Commission was concerned that Mr. Fowler's art proposal exceeded the approved budget by $45,000. The Commission thanked Mr. Fowler for his proposal. The proposals by Mark Leichliter and Gary Alsum were reviewed. The proposal includes a black granite slab with a firefighter's badge on one side and a Riverside County Sheriff's badge on the other. Mr. Alsum's proposal was of a firefighter holding a girl and a police kneeling talking to a small boy. Commissioner Reynolds did not find the pieces exciting and Commissioner Brodsky felt as though it was difficult to compare a Marquette with pictures of an art piece. Both pieces have a budget of $100,000. Commissioner Reynolds reminded the Commission of a past incident in which an artist was selected to do an art piece with a budget higher than the approved budget in the RFP. She would not want to see the City go through another incident like that one. After some discussion, it was the recommendation of the Commission to recommend consideration of Mr. Fowler's second proposal if the budget issue can be resolved. It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Reynolds to recommend the City Council consider Mr. Fowlers proposal if the budget issue can be resolved or to reissue another RFP if needed. Unanimous. It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Brodsky to recommend the City Council consider "Out of Harm's Way" proposal number two. Unanimous. B. Concert Under the Stars Staff reported that the Sidestreet Strutters were unable to perform as they are doing a nationwide tour during the time requested by the S:\Community Services\CAC\CACMIN.2.12.04.doc 4 Cultural Arts Commission Meetin_ Minutes e February 12, 2004 Page 4. Commission. Staff also reported that the Las Adelitas Mariachi were unable to perform until 8:00 on April 24. Commissioner Brodsky expressed his concern with the amount of time that has passed without a commitment for entertainment. Commissioner Brodsky stated that he could not work within the confines of the City processes. Commissioner Loudon asked staff to give an overview of the Brown Act. Staff reminded the Commission that they had received a copy of an article from the League of California Cities regarding the Brown Act and how to avoid violating the conditions. Staff reminded the Commission that phone calls and emails made to solicit a decision outside of a posted Commission meeting is in violation of the Brown Act. The public has the right to attend meetings in which decisions are made. Commissioner Gassman stated that the Commissioners are not allowed to caucus outside of posted meetings. Commissioner Brodsky dismissed himself at 8:30 due to having an early morning appointment the next day. Commissioner Gassman suggested that the La Guinta High School dancers be included in the Concert under the Stars. The Commission agreed that the event should be a family event; therefore, the event should start at 6:00. Staff reported that the La Guinta High School Jazz and Concert bands are available on April 24. The Commission would like to have the band play for this event. Staff reminded the Commission that at the Civic Center Campus Dedication, Nels and the Peanut Butter Cookies Band played which incorporated children and families into the performance. The Commission directed staff to contact the Cookies Band and to get a good price for a one hour performance. The Commission also would like to see a person that makes balloon animals at the event. Staff will research the entertainment and costs and will present this information at the next meeting. C. Bighorn Sheep Institute S:\Community Services\CAC\CACMIN.2.12.04.doc 5 Cultural Arts Commission Meetin_ Minutes e February 12, 2004 Page 5. The Commission considered locations in which to place the two bighorn sheep sculptures donated for temporary use to the City. After some discussion, it was determined that "Aries" by William Stout be located at the Senior Center, in an area that is visible to many. The bighorn sheep sculpture "Bright Future" by Rick Farrell should be located at the La Guinta. Park. It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Reynolds to recommend for City Council consideration that "Aries" be located at the Senior Center and "Bright Future" be located at the La Guinta Park. Unanimous. D. Community Picnic Booth The Commission discussed hosting a booth at the City's Birthday Bash and City Picnic on April 24 at Fritz Burns Park. It was determined that the Commission would like to hand out surveys for people to fill out. The interactive mural last year was very successful, based upon the Commission's recommendation, this will be offered again this year. Staff suggested the mural paper be designed like a birthday cake, so that it can be easily displayed on the student art wall this year, due to the inability to properly display the mural last year. The Commission concurred. The Commission also asked to have flyers to hand out at the Picnic for the concert. Staff was asked to contact Kathy Dunham regarding participating in the picnic with a booth of her student's artwork. It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Reynolds to have a booth at the Birthday Bash and Community Picnic. Unanimous. E. March Meeting Staff reported that due to a prior commitment, she will not be able to attend the March 11, 2004 meeting. The Commission was asked to select another date. After checking calendars, it was determined March 4 would be suitable for a meeting. It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/R~ynolds to host the March Cultural Arts Commission meeting on March 4 instead of March 11. Unanimous. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS S:\Community Services\CAC\CACMIN.2.12.04.doc 6 Cultural Arts Commission Meetine Minutes e February 12, 2004 Page 6. Arts Festival Committee: Staff reported that due to the lack of space at City Hall, the City Council has decided to pass on attending the La Guinta Arts Festival this year. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner Reynolds asked to have the John Kennedy piece put on the next agenda. Commissioner Loudon stated that the Scratch Band will perform at the River and represent the City of La Guinta. Commissioner Gassman would like to see more dramatic arts included in performances offered by the City. Commissioner Reynolds contacted Ed Kibbey regarding the use of Art in Public Places and funding for landscaping of art pieces. According to Mr. Kibbey, the funds can be used for landscaping if that is part of the original art project. XI. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Reynolds to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION: Thursday, March 4, 2004 La Quinta Civic Center Study Session Room Dodie Horvl Community Services Director S:\Community Services\CAC\CACMIN.2.12.04.doc 7