CACMIN 03 04 2004 e e CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES March 4, 2004 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Guinta Civic Center. Chairperson Else Loudon presided over the meeting. Commissioner Gassman led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Else Loudon Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky Commissioner Andrea Gassman Commissioner Elaine Reynolds MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Linda Young STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director II. PUBLIC COMMENT-NONE III. PUBLIC HEARING - NONE IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of February 12, 2004 B. Department Report for January 2004 It was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Reynolds to approve consent calendar. Unanimous. V. PUBLIC HEARING - None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS Staff stated that the Oath of Office listed on the March 4, 2004 Agenda was a misprint and not intended to be a part of this meeting. A. Concert Under the Stars Event ., ... Cultural Arts Commission Meetie Minutes e February 12, 2004 Page 2. Commissioner Gassman found the event budget very helpful and thanked staff for providing it to the Commission. Commissioner Loudon asked if the City has rented lights in the past for performances at the amphitheater. Staff stated that the City does not have lights and therefore rents all of the equipment for a performance. Commissioner Loudon asked about the staff time for the event. Director Horvitz reported that many full time staff will be working overtime for this event and this cost must be recovered. There was a question regarding the advertisement for the event, staff reported that a postcard will be designed for the event and sent to each resident. The cost includes design, printing and mailing of the postcard. The Commission discussed having the steel drum band from Desert Sands schools perform at the event. Commissioner Reynolds would like to see the steel drum band perform, however, since the Jazz band has already been contacted, she felt that the Commission should honor that commitment. After some discussion, the Commission directed staff to contact the steel drum band for availability and to begin the concert at 5:30 p.m., to include both the steel drum band and the jazz band. The Commission suggested that a $500 donation be given to the high school band to be split between the two bands. The order of the performances will be left to the band director, due to the movement of the equipment. The Commissioners will act as hosts for the bands and to serve refreshments. It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Brodsky to include the steel drum band as well as the jazz band, with a $500 stipend to be split evenly between the bands, the event to start at 5:30 p.m. Unanimous. B. Kennedy Art Piece Proposal Commissioner Reynolds stated that Mr. Kennedy has offered the art piece 'Solitude" to the City for the price of $15,000. She also discussed the plant that is growing in front of the piece that is an obstruction. She would like to see the landscaping reworked to complement the art piece instead of hide it. S:\Community Services\CAC\CACMIN.3.4.04.doc 3 Cultural Arts Commission Meetie Minutes e February 12, 2004 Page 3. Commissioner Brodsky stated that he thinks the piece is a bargain at $15,000 and recommends the City purchase it. Commissioner Reynolds stated that the piece really must be relandscaped. It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Brodsky to recommend the City Council purchase the art piece "Solitude" from Mr. Kennedy and improve the landscaping around the piece to include lighting and a new plaque. Unanimous. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS None VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner Brodsky suggested the Commission write a letter of gratitude to Kathy Dunham for her work at Adams School in the after school art program sponsored by the La Guinta Arts Association. Staff was directed to write the letter for Commissioner Loudon's signature. Commissioner Loudon invited everyone to visit The Lodge in Rancho Mirage to view the bighorn sheep sculptures. Staff reported that the City Council approved the Commission's recommended locations for the sculptures at the La Guinta Park and the Senior Center. Commissioner Reynolds shared a picture of an amphitheater in Germany that she visited. Commissioner Gassman would like to see more dramatic arts included in performances offered by the City. Commissioner Brodsky stated that the City of Palm Springs has a portable stage that he thinks is perfect for performing arts. He also stated that the City of Yucca Valley has a portable stage that they rent for $ 5 50 for the first 3 hours and then $ 5 5 for each hour plus the cost of the staff and tow vehicle. After some discussion the Commission decided they would like to have the City Council consider modifying the existing amphitheater and perhaps getting a corporate sponsor for the amenity. The Commission asked that this be placed on the next agenda. Commissioner Reynolds shared that there will be an art show in Old Town on March 13 and invited all the Commissioners to attend. Commissioner Brodsky shared that the art gallery in Old Town is a very nice gallery. S:\Community Services\CAC\CACMIN.3.4.04.doc '1 Cultural Arts Commission Meetine Minutes e February 12, 2004 Page 4. Commissioner Reynolds suggested the Cultural Arts Commission should work with the Community Services Commission to accomplish some of their common goals. Commissioner Gassman asked for a copy of the Commission's work plan and the Commission asked that the work plan be put on next month's agenda. XI. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Gassman to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM. NEXT MEETING INFORMATION: Thu~day, April 8, 2004 La Quinta ivic Center Study Session Room by: yJ Do orvitz Community ServIces Director S:\Community Services\CAC\CACMIN.3.4.04.doc 5