CACMIN 04 08 2004 e e CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES April 8, 2004 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Else Loudon presided over the meeting. Commissioner Young led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Else Loudon Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky Commissioner Andrea Gassman Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Linda Young STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director II. PUBLIC COMMENT-NONE III. PUBLIC HEARING - NONE IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of March 4, 2004 B. Department Report for February 2004 C. Financial Report for February and March 2004 It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Brodsky to approve consent calendar. Unanimous. V. PUBLIC HEARING - None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Community Picnic The Commission reviewed the shifts available and determined that Commissioners Gassman, Brodsky and Reynolds will work the 9:30-12:00 shifts and Commissioners Gassman and Reynolds will work the 11 :00-1 :30 shift. Commissioner Loudon stated that she will be at the picnic as well. .' '-' C 2 Cultural Arts Commission Meetine Minutes . April 8, 2004 Page 2. B. Concert Under the Stars Event The Commissioners will work the following assignments for the Concert Under the Stars event: Commissioner Gassman will arrive at the Senior Center at 3:30 p.m. to meet Nels and the Peanut Butter Cookies Band. Commissioner Brodsky will act as host for the Steel Drum Band and Electics Choir while Commissioner Reynolds will act as greeter and be responsible for handing out programs. Commissioner Loudon will assist with refreshments. All Commissioners will fill spots needed at the event. C. "The Letter" Art Piece Donation Commissioner Gassman stated that Ms. Moline who works for the Norman Rockwell Foundation would like to donate an original Norman Rockwell painting entitled "The Letter" to the City. According to Commissioner Gassman, the autheniticty of the art piece has been confirmed. Ms. Moline has requested that the piece be hung in a secure location in City Hall. The Commissioners viewed a video tape news piece that was produced by CNN about the discovery of this art piece. According to Commissioner Gassman, there may be shipping costs involved with this piece. After some discussion it was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Brodsky to recommend the City Council accept the donation of "The Letter" to be displayed at City Hall. Unanimous. D. Possible Amphitheater Improvements Commissioner Gassman stated the Commission has not received direction from the City Council to research amphitheater improvements and no budget has been established. She recommended starting with a small but effective commitment and is recommending the Commission consider the inflatable shell which would meet the needs for performers but would not obstruct the views of the campus. From the information provided, an acoustically balanced system could bring a professional element to the events. Commissioner Reynolds thinks the inflatable shell would discourage vandalism. She suggested perhaps Wayne McEvilly could perform as a fund raiser for the funds for the inflatable shell. Commissioner Gassman thought that selling bricks or stones as a fund raiser could take a very long time and thinks a concert would be a great fund raiser. It would also bring people to the Civic Center Campus and get them used to coming to the Campus for performances. 03 S:\Community Services\CAC\CACMINA.8.04.doc Cultural Arts Commission Meetintt Minutes - April 8, 2004 Page 3. Commissioner Brodsky recommended the recommendation be sent to the City Council and if approved, colors could be chosen. Commissioner Reynolds stated that Mr. McEvilly charges $400 per performance. It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Gassman to recommend for City Council considerat!on the large inflatable band shell be purchased for $13,000. Unanimous. E. Annual Work Plan Commissioner Loudon suggested a committee be formed to work on streamlining the annual work plan as she felt it is redundant in information. Commissioner Gassman asked that the standing events be provided in chart form so that the year is easily reviewed. Commissioner Reynolds would like to see the Cultural Arts Commission work more closely with the Community Services Commission in offering events, such as the holiday tree lighting ceremony. The Commission asked staff to provide a calendar of events for 2004-05 for the next Cultural Arts Commission meeting. After some discussion, the Commission recommended leaving the annual work plan "as is" as some felt it was as concise as it could be. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS Coachella Valley Arts Alliance: The Commission was impressed with the event offered at The River by the Alliance. The Figurative Contemporary Art Gallery: The Commission discussed the planned art show for 1I0ld Towne" and that it was cancelled due to the disagreement of location on the site. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner Reynolds stated that the La Ouinta Arts Association would like to host an art show on the Civic Center Campus but some artists have expressed their concern that the last show was only for La Ouinta artists or those that have a studio in La Ouinta. S:\Community Services\CAC\CACMIN A.8.04.doc C4 Cultural Arts Commission Meetine Minutes e April 8, 2004 Page 4. Commissioner Brodsky feels that since it's City property, the event should be used to promote La Ouinta artists. Commissioner Young stated that "Art in the Park" was cancelled when it was reported that Wells Marvin wanted to offer art shows. She also feels that La Ouinta artists should be singled out but would like to see the event expanded to include performing arts as well. She would like to see young artists perform and get involved. Commissioner Reynolds stated that the postcard sent out for the spring event was nicely done, however, the font was very faint. Commissioner Brodsky stated that he was talking to Karen Wilkerson at Point Happy Ranch and she expressed a desire to have an art piece in the development. The Commission asked what could be done to increase the lighting at the Point Happy art piece and also to raise the art piece higher. Commissioner Young will provide a photo album of the City's public art pieces at the June meeting. Commissioner Reynolds asked to be' excused from the May meeting as she will be out of town. Commissioner Young asked to possibly be excused from the May meeting due to surgery. The Commission agreed by consensus. XI. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Reynolds to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM. ervices Director C5 S:\Community Services\CAC\CACMIN.4.8.04.doc