May 20, 2004
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
in the Study Session Room of the La Quinta Civic Center. Chairperson Else Loudon
presided over the meeting. Commissioner Brodsky led the Pledge of Allegiance.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Else Loudon
Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky
Commissioner Andrea Gassman
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
Commissioner Linda Young (excused)
STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
Tom McGraw gave a presentation regarding an art show at Old Town La
Quinta. Artists could sell their works with a free booth space and an
umbrella. Wells Marvin would like to have more people at his shopping
center. This could be held in the summer or maybe in the fall for more people
to attend.
Commissioner Brodsky asked how the city could support a private venture.
Commissioner Reynolds stated that Wells Marvin is already working on a
program when the artists can show their work in the evening. Mr. McGraw
wants the events in the evenings on alternating the Saturday evenings. The
lighting is better on the streets instead of under the covered patios. Mr.
McGraw wants this event to be distanced from the street fair being offered
on the site. Commissioner Brodsky asked for clarification - would it be the
City and Commission sponsoring the event?
Mr. McGraw stated that he wanted the Commissioners to support the
program and attend and the City to promote the event. He would suggest
mid October and Wells Marvin is receptive to this idea. This event should
not cost much according to Mr. McGraw.
Cultural Arts Commission Meetio May 20, 2004
Minutes Page 2.
Commissioner Loudon asked that this be placed on next month's agenda.
A. Approval of Minutes of April 8, 2004
B. Department Report for March 2004
C. Financial Report for April 2004
It was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Gassman to approve consent
calendar. Unanimous.
A. Point Happy. Madison Development would like to present a focal point to
the new building. The buildings will have a Mediterranean feel. Electricity
and water have been provided to both circles in the plaza because the
developer was not sure what art piece would be presented.
Madison Development is offering to help financially with this project.
Commissioner Brodsky appreciates Madison Development's commitment
to the community. He does not feel the art work proposal is Tuscan but
more Greek. Madison wants something that the public would be proud
Commissioner Reynolds wants the art piece to be visible from Hwy. 1 1 1,
she also feels the developer should pay more for the art piece. She
doesn't want something Grecian looking.
Commissioner Gassman wants something more then a Grecian urn look.
Mr. Wilkerson explained that the "Cahuilla Family" art piece was placed
there due to the requirements of the Cahulla tribe. Mr. Wilkerson said
that he donate $20,000-$25,000 for this art piece.
Commissioner Reynolds asked if the art piece would it hidden? Madison
Development would be a recommendation from the Commission as to
what they would like to see here.
Commissioner Gassman stated that having a piece of artwork in this
location is important but not this art piece.
Commissioner London asked that Felicia modify the art piece to fit the
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Cultural Arts Commission Meeting May 20, 2004
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Mr. Wilkerson stated that a rendering will be presented next meeting.
B. Annual Work Plan
Commissioner Loudon stated that specific tasks should be identified.
Commissioner Gassman feels the Temporary Art Donation program is a tight
contract, and artists may not want to participate due to the insurance
clause. The artists find this too restrictive. Commissioner Reynolds proposed
eliminating the Temporary Donation program because artists wouldn't
Commissioner Loudon stated that Arts Alliance is having a difficult time
producing a master calendar of events. It takes a very tremendous amount of
time and staff time. She feels that a master calendar of events would
benefit all organizations in the community.
The Commission discussed the Concert Under the Stars event and felt that it
was too much to offer a concert on the same day as the picnic. The
Commission recommended not offering another concert.
The Commission also discussed promoting the public art in the City via City
publications. The Commission would be responsible for writing the articles
and staff will produce the material.
The Commission discussed co -hosting events with the Community Services
Commission such as the annual Tree Lighting Ceremony and City Picnic and
Birthday celebration. In addition, the Commission would like to work more
closely with the Coachella Valley Arts Alliance in offering and promoting
cultural events.
The Commission expressed concern regarding soliciting donations for special
events that they are directly responsible for planning. However, the
Commission would like the City Council to know that if the City Council asks
them to solicit donations, the Commission would be pleased to do so.
After some discussion it was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Reynolds
to direct staff to make the changes to the work plan and submit for City
Council consideration. Unanimous.
A. "The Letter" Art Piece Donation
Staff reported that the City Council had accepted the loan of "The Letter"
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and asked staff to send Ms. Moline the Temporary Art Loan Agreement.
Commissioner Gassman reported that Ms. Moline was very uncomfortable
with the agreement and was not interested in the loan any longer.
B. Possible Amphitheater Improvements
Staff reported that the City Council thanked the Commission for their
recommendation regarding the inflatable band shell, however, the Council
stated that the City has prioritized projects and to please be patient, as the
amphitheater is not in the top priority.
Commissioner London asked if the letter to Kathy Dunham had been
prepared for her signature. Staff reported that it had not and would be
completed soon.
Commissioner London reported that the Coachella Valley Arts Alliance will
host an event at the Augusta Restaurant on El Paseo and each City will give
a report on their arts programs and cultural events. Starts at 10:30 A.M.
Commissioner Brodsky stated he was embarrassed for the performers at the
Concert Under the Stars, he said there was no publicity about concert. He
called the Desert Sun and got something in the paper. Commissioner
Gassman stated that television stations were not there. Staff reported that
the press releases were submitted to the Desert Sun and the television
stations. Staff had heard that the television stations were running the
announcement and that Channel 2 had done a story on the concert before
the event.
The Commission recommended darker font on postcards and to not to do a
concert next year, not the day of the picnic and not the night before. The
October concert series brought in 200 people at the middle school. It was
discussed that perhaps a concert, art show and taste of La Quinta event
might be successful with Chamber music during the art show might be a
better decision.
Commissioner Loudon stated that Commissioner Linda Young is not
supporting the Commission and not does it follow through on actions. She
stated that the Commission must be able to count on each Commissioner to
support the commission. Each one must be obligated to attend the events
and meetings.
It was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Reynolds to adjourn the Cultural Arts
Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.
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Cultural Arts Commission Meeting
May 20, 2004
o..-- c
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Dodie Horvitz
Community Services Director
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