CACMIN 06 10 2004
June 10, 2004
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
in the Study Session Room of the La Ouinta Civic Center. Chairperson Else Loudon
presided over the meeting. Commissioner Brodsky led the Pledge of Allegiance.
There was a moment of silence out of respect for President Reagan.
Commissioner Else Loudon
Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky
Commissioner Andrea Gassman
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
Commissioner Linda Young
Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
A. Approval of Minutes of May 20, 2004
B. Department Report for April 2004
C. Financial Report for May 2004
It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Brodsky to approve the minutes
with changes. Unanimous. It was moved by Gassman/Brodsky to approve
the Department Report and Financial Report as submitted. Unanimous.
A. Old Town La Ouinta Art Show
Cultural Arts Commission Meetie
May 20,2004
Page 2.
Commissioner Reynolds suggested the City support this project by sending
out postcards and putting an article in the GEM advertising this event. The
artists would like support.
Commissioner Loudon stated that the request by Mr. McGraw was that the
City support this event by participation and an article in the GEM, with no
cost to the City and work to the Commission.
The Commission agreed that they do not have definite plans from Mr.
McGraw as to what Mr. Wells Marvin is planning, therefore, they will wait to
get more information from Mr. McGraw.
It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Brodsky to table this until the
next meeting. Unanimous.
B. August Meeting Date
After a short discussion, the Commission agreed to go dark in August. It
was moved by Gassman/Reynolds to go dark in August. Unanimous.
A. Point Happy Art Piece Update
Staff reported that Rick Wilkerson stated that he had not received a revised
proposal from Felicia as of this meeting.
Commissioner Reynolds stated that the City has heavily subsidized the first
art piece at Point Happy and that the developer should pay the balance for
the art piece if he wants a second piece as part of his new development.
Commissioner Loudon stated that she would like to see a second art piece at
Point Happy.
Commissioner Young stated that the City Council is the ultimate decision
makers and they will set the appropriation for the piece.
This item was tabled until the next meeting.
B. Annual Work Plan
Commissioner Reynolds handed out brochures she had collected from
Newport Beach in which the City's cultural and visual art is promoted. She
stated that Newport Beach is a much older City, but this is a good way to
promote the art in the City, especially to new residents.
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Cultural Arts Commission Meetie
May 20, 2004
Page 3.
The Commission asked that staff present the brochures to the City Council
for direction on whether the Commission should pursue this project in the
Staff reminded the Commission of the insert in the Community Services
Department brochure some years ago. This could be done at little expense
and is mailed to all the residents of the City and has an outside distribution
as well.
The Commission would like to work on the insert, but tabled this until next
Commissioner Loudon asked about Artist Partnership Day and if staff would
do this project this year. Staff reported that Commissioner Loudon has done
this program for several years and she could do it again this year if she
would like, if not staff will coordinate the program.
The Commissioners will volunteer to assist Commissioner Loudon in this
The Commission pointed out that they did not intend to remove concerts
from the Work Plan. Staff stated that the discussion amongst the
Commissioners was that the attendance was so low, and disappointing to
the performers. The Commission discussed canceling concerts. However,
the issue was not addressed again, therefore staff understood Commission
did not want to offer concerts in the future work plan. Staff will listen to
the tapes from this meeting and determine the outcome of the conversation.
If the Commission stated that they wanted to offer concerts in the future,
staff can present an amended work plan for City Council consideration.
Commissioner Loudon stated the staff had prepared the letter for Kathy
Dunham and due to her being out of town, the letter had not been signed.
Commissioner Loudon reported that the Coachella Valley Arts Alliance was a
wonderful event and that last year she gave the longest speech, this year,
her speech was the shortest. She was also acknowledged for all of her work
with the City and the Alliance. She also reported that the Alliance will not
be hosting a gala this year, but is planning some type of fund raiser in the
Commissioner Reynolds was thankful the City purchased the John Kennedy
piece "Solitude" and stated that a book of Mr. Kennedy's work is available at
the CODA gallery for $2,100, the cover of the book is cast in bronze.
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Cultural Arts Commission Meetie
May 20, 2004
Page 4.
Commissioner Loudon wanted clarification regarding the City Council
meeting of April 20, in which the City Council discussed the Commission's
recommendation for an inflatable bands hell. Commissioner Loudon was
concerned that a Council member "slapped" the Commission for directing
staff to research this topic.
Community Services Director Horvitz stated that she did not believe the
Council member chastised the Commission. It was her interpretation that
the Council . merely asked the Commission to be patient with the
improvements to the amphitheater, and that the project will be considered as
priorities are met.
Commissioner Loudon was under the impression that the Council believes
the Commission directed staff to research this topic.
Commissioner Gassman felt that the Council stated that the Commissioners
overstepped their boundaries and that they should not have done that.
Commissioner Reynolds felt that the Commissioners were talked down to by
the Council on this issue.
Commissioner Loudon does not want even one Council member to assume
the Commission "would jump the gun."
Commissioner Loudon directed staff to include the following in the minutes:
"The Commission did not officially overstep their request in asking you
(Community Services Director Horvitz) to take additional time to investigate,
you happened to be at the seminar and this came up and you kindly got the
information for the Commission."
Commission Loudon expressed her concern that staff did not represent the
Commission well by explaining to the Council that the Commission had not
directed staff to research this topic. Ms. Horvitz stated that she did not
interpret the Council's comments as being directed to researching this topic.
Ms. Horvitz stated that each time the Commission discusses the issue this
involves staff time, and this item has been discussed many times by the
Commission. Therefore this item has involved several hours of staff time.
Commissioner Reynolds felt that the Council member Sniff's remarks were
uncalled for toward the Commission.
Commissioner Young stated that the Commission had even. invited the
architect for Palm Desert to the commission meeting, spending many hours
on this project.
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Cultural Arts Commission Meetie
May 20,2004
Page 5.
Community Services Director Horvitz stated that the Council considered the
Commission's request and asked that the Commission be patient, it was Ms.
Horvitz understanding that the Council was not upset at the Commission,
but she would listen to the tape of the meeting for clarification.
It was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Reynolds to adjourn the Cultural Arts
Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:07 PM.
. es Director
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