CACMIN 07 08 2004 it e ~ of 1p(Jpurtt CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES July 8, 2004 I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Study Session Room of the La Guinta Civic Center. Chairperson Loudon presided over the meeting. Commissioner Gassman led the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Else Loudon Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky Commissioner Andrea Gassman Commissioner Elaine Reynolds Commissioner Charlene Lane STAFF PRESENT: Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director Therese Vella-Finorio, Community Services Secretary II. PUBLIC COMMENT- NONE III. PUBLIC HEARING - NONE IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of June 10, 2004 B. Department Report for May 2004 C. Financial Report for June 2004 It was moved by Commissioners Gassman/Brodsky to approve the consent calendar. Unanimous. Commissioner Loudon stated that the issue of the amphitheater on the prior Commission agendas did not impact staff's work load as stated in the minutes of June 10, 2004 because it was her understanding that staff is hired to do the work assigned. Community Services Director Horvitz pointed that that each item on the agenda requires staff time, as the reports must be written and processed for the agenda. Commissioner Loudon stated that the Commission did not direct staff to do any work outside of the Commission's role. She also stated that she did not mean to be critical of staff when she e Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes e July 8, 2004 Page 2. directed staff to quote her in the minutes of June 10, 2004 but wanted to be sure that the City Council understood the Commission understands their role. Community Services Director Horvitz pointed out that it was her opinion that the City Council was not upset at the Commission but merely asked the Commission to be patient with their request for amphitheater improvements. Community Services Director Horvitz invited the Commission to listen to the tape of the City Council meeting to hear the inflection of the City Council's voice and the actual words used so that they may form their own opinion of the Council's comments. V. PUBLIC HEARING - None VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Election of Chairperson It was moved by Commissioner Brodsky/Gassman to re-elect Commissioner Loudon as Chairperson. Unanimous. B. Election of Vice Chairperson It was moved by Commissioner Gassman/Reynolds to re-elect Commissioner Brodsky as Vice Chairperson. Unanimous. C. Old Town La Guinta Art Show Commissioner Loudon explained the relationship between the City Council and Commission, that the Commission is an advisory body to the Council. Commissioner Loudon then stated that in the past, the Commission was responsible for planning and offering events but this has changed and now the Commission gives direction to staff and staff does the work. Commissioner Loudon stated that it was important for Commissioner Lane to understand this point, as it will come up again in the future, as to what role the Commission plays in special events. Commissioner Loudon also stated that she wants to do more than one concert during fiscal year 2004-05. Commissioner Loudon stated that the La Guinta Arts Foundation will be hosting art under the umbrellas at Old Town in September. Commissioner Reynolds stated that she does not want to compete with the La Guinta Arts Foundation in offering events. S:\Community Services\CAC\CAC Min '04\CACMIN.7.8.04.doc e Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes e July 8, 2004 Page 3. Commissioner Brodsky stated he is concerned that this event does not benefit the artists but instead benefits the developer of Old Town. He stated that this is not a black or white issue. Commissioner Loudon stated that this event should be a good will event for all artists. She requested Tom McGraw attend this meeting but has not heard from him. Commissioner Lane asked how the Commission selected a group to support. Commissioner Loudon stated that the City would not be involved financially in the Old Town event. She stated that the only involvement would be attending the event to support the artists. Commissioner Gassman asked if Wells Marvin is making money from this event. Community Services Director Horvitz stated that she understood Mr. McGraw's request of the Commission was to attend the event to show support for the event and not host the event. Commissioner Gassman asked how often the Commission should attend, as this could be a large time commitment. Commissioner Loudon stated that she did not believe the Commissioners were expected to attend every event. Commissioner Brodsky felt that Mr. McGraw wanted the Commission to endorse this event. The Commission asked that this item be tabled until the next meeting. Commissioner Reynolds stated that when the La Guinta Resort offered the Umbrella shows, the artists were charged a fee. Commissioner Gassman asked for more information from the La Guinta Arts Foundation, and asked if a representative from the Foundation could attend the next meeting. Commissioner Loudon stated that she did not feel it was appropriate to have a representative from the Foundation at the next meeting. Commissioner Lane stated that it would be helpful to have a representative from the Foundation explain the program. S:\Community Services\CAC\CAC Min '04\CACMIN.7.8.04.doc e Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes e July 8, 2004 Page 4. D. Path of the Bighorn Sculptures Commissioner Brodsky stated that he finds it very sad and indicative of the time we live in when sculptures have to be placed inside areas instead of outdoors. He is very much against changing the locations and if the artist want to rescind the offer of the loan, so be it. Commissioner Gassman stated that she wants more sculpture in North La Quinta. Commissioner Reynolds stated that she would like to see these sculptures where the public has access. Staff gave an overview of the program: The Bighorn Sheep sculptures have been painted and will be auctioned in November to raise funds for the Bighorn Sheep Institute. The Institute has placed sheep sculptures in various locations and one has been stolen. Now, the Institute has requested that any sculptures be placed in secure locations. Commissioner Brodsky stated that he did not want to see the sculptures moved from the previous approved locations. It was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Lane that the locations should not be moved. Unanimous. E. Point Happy Art Piece Commissioner Brodsky felt that this issue was putting the cart before the horse. Commissioner Reynolds stated that this developer already has one art piece and the Commission should not an additional piece. Commissioner Loudon stated that the location is a vital location and is very large, and two pieces should be displayed. She stated that money is available for this art piece. Commissioner Reynolds stated it is only visible if you go into the development. Commissioner Gassman is reluctant to spend money for two pieces in one location. Commissioner Brodsky has mixed emotions about this issue and finds it a tough call. He agrees that the City should not subsidize two pieces. He agrees with Commissioner Gassman and Reynolds. S:\Community Services\CAC\CAC Min '04\CACMIN.7.8.04.doc e Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes - July 8, 2004 Page 5. Commissioner Reynolds stated that the art piece would not be visible to the general public. The Art in Public Places funds should be used for art pieces in more visible locations. Commissioner Lane agrees with Commissioners Reynolds and Gassman. It was moved by Commissioner Lane/Gassman to recommend to City Council not to subsidize the second art piece at this location. Unanimous. F. Public Art Brochure Staff gave an overview of the focus of the City's 2005 Calendar, in which the public art pieces will be highlighted. The Economic Development department of the City will be producing this piece and the Cultural Arts Commission is being asked to provide information regarding the selected art pieces. Commissioners Gassman and Lane volunteered to work on the project. Commissioner Gassman suggested that the next calendar not have squiggly lines on it, as it was hard to read. Staff stated that the City has received many comments regarding the calendar and these will be taken into consideration for the next calendar. It was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Reynolds to have Commissioners Gassman and Lane provide information for the selected art pieces for the calendar. Unanimous. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIALS A. Annual Work Plan Staff gave an overview of the City Council's action regarding the Cultural Arts Commission's request to host a concert as part of their work plan. The City Council approved a concert to be offered. Staff also explained to the Commission that the La Guinta Arts Foundation had requested $125,000 for their 2005 event, the City had budgeted $75,000, the City Council allocated $25,000 from the Community Events line item to be used for the La Ouinta Arts Foundation's Festival, leaving a balance of $15,000 for a concert. Commissioner Loudon stated that a professional band could be hired and the school groups could perform for free. Commissioner Loudon also stated that concerts should be offered on a regular basis because people get used to a pattern of events. She stated that a portable stage is not necessary, and the events should start small. S:\Community Services\CAC\CAC Min '04\CACMIN.7.8.04.doc e Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes e July 8, 2004 Page 6. Commissioners Gassman and Brodsky agreed with Commissioner Loudon. Commissioner Reynolds produced a letter written in 1999 to Community Services Director Horvitz from the Berlinger's stating that they would play at the Culture in the Courtyard event for $150. Commission Loudon asked that the Commissioners be given a copy of the letter. The Commission discussed having more than one concert each year. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner Loudon stated the Coachella Valley Arts Alliance is sponsoring a Rose Parade float in which the Desert Sands Steel Drum band would be featured. She asked the Commissioners for suggestions as to possible sponsors for the float. Commissioner Loudon also reminded the Commission of the beautiful plaque she received from the City on behalf of her work on the Cultural Arts Commission. Commissioner Reynolds asked that the Commission consider possible concert ideas for the annual Tree Lighting Ceremony. Commissioner Loudon asked that the Commission begin planning the Artist Partnership Day event. Staff stated that this could be placed on the September agenda. Commissioner Loudon stated that the planning for this event could not wait until September and wanted the Commission to begin planning the event at this time. Commissioner Loudon stated that she would coordinate this event as she has done in the past. Staff stated that the components of the program needed to be refined and that staff could meet with Commissioner Loudon to discuss the details of the program as soon as the next day. Commissioner Brodsky stated that if staff tried to "control" the program, he would not support the Commission being involved with the program. Commissioner Loudon stated that there could not be two "chiefs' involved, as if staff was involved, she would not be involved. Commissioner Loudon stated that she could not support a program if staff "interfered" with her planning of the program. Community Services Director Horvitz stated that she would meet with Commissioner Loudon to discuss the components of the program. Commissioners Reynolds, Gassman and Lane agreed that the meeting should take place and components discussed. Then the Commission could S:\Community Services\CAC\CAC Min '04\CACMIN.7.8.04.doc e Cultural Arts Commission Meeting Minutes e July 8, 2004 Page 7. determine whether they wanted to participate in the Artist Partnership Day after the meeting. Commissioner Loudon suggested that Commissioner Brodsky should attend the meeting as well. Commissioner Brodsky stated that he was unavailable to meet but trusted Commissioner Loudon would make the proper decision and he would participate in any way Commissioner Loudon recommended. XI. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Commissioners Reynolds/Gassman to adjourn the Cultural Arts Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM. Submitted by: J~}/~.~ Therese Vella-Finorio, Community Services Secretary S:\Community Services\CAC\CAC Min '04\CACMIN.7.8.04.doc