CACMIN 09 09 2004
September 9, 2004
A regular meeting of the Cultural Arts Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
in the Study Session Room of the La Ouinta Civic Center. Chairperson Loudon
presided over the meeting. Commissioner Lane led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Else Loudon
Commissioner Sheldon Brodsky
Commissioner Andrea Gassman
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds
Commissioner Charlene Lane
Dodie Horvitz, Community Services Director
Therese Vella-Finorio, Community Services Secretary
II. PUBLIC COMMENT- Director Horvitz introduced Kathleen Hughes, Events
Manager for the La Ouinta Arts Foundation.
A. Approval c:>f Minutes of July 8, 2004
B. Department Report for June 2004
C. Financial Report for June, July, and August 2004
It was moved by Commissioners Lane/Gassman to approve the consent
calendar. Unanimous.
A. Old Town Mural Project - Director Horvitz introduced artist Tom McGraw
who made a presentation regarding the Old Town Mural Project. He showed
his design for two murals, one on the Carmel Building south side and the
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other on tlie La Ouinta Building south walkway. Wells Marvin chose three to
four artists, one of whom was Tom McGraw to create additional art pieces
which will be displayed on each of the four new units. Commissioner
Brodsky thanked Mr. McGraw for his beautiful and thorough presentation.
Director Horvitz explained funds are paid from developers for art projects
within the City, but it is the City's decision if they want to own the art piece
at the site. If the City owns the art piece, they becomes responsible for the
maintenance of the art work. Commissioner Reynolds commented that Mr.
McGraw has a beautiful display of tile work at his studio in Old Town. It
was moved by Commissioners Brodsky/Gassman to recommend this project
for City Council consideration. Unanimous.
B. Old Town Art Program - Tom McGraw stated his intention has been for
the Commissioners to be involved with this project by attending and
supporting the artists at Old Town La Ouinta. Kathleen Hughes, Events
Manager of the La Ouinta Art Foundation, spoke about the upcoming Art
Under the Umbrella's events (two in October, one in November and one in
December). The Foundation is hoping to have the Commissioners attend the
opening in October. There are 32 artists signed up for the December event.
It is a great opportunity to bring in all local artists and will feature sculpture,
fine jewelry and artwork. Ms. Hughes will distribute brochures and Wells
Martin will be doing radio ads to promote both the Street Fair and Art Under
the Umbrellas. .
Ms. Hughes did not believe the Art Under the Umbrellas was competition for
the Street Fair, and thought there is room for both events. The Street Faire
has been attracting young families with children. Commissioner Brodsky
stated he had mixed emotions about the Street Fair because although he
wants to promote artists he also has been a retailer and some vendors are
competing with the local retailers who may be unhappy with the
competition. Tom McGraw said this is something that the landlord needs to
work out with the tenants.
For clarification, Director Horvitz stated the Street Fair is an endeavor which
is not organized by the La Ouinta Arts Foundation or the City Of La Ouinta.
She also stated we shouldn't forget the entire community's needs. Ms.
Hughes stated the artists who have signed up for the Arts Under the
Umbrellas will be contributing 20% of their sales to the La Ouinta Arts
Foundation. Commissioner Louden asked for a recommendation to support
the Arts Under the Umbrellas. Motion made by Commissioner
Lane/Reynolds. Unanimous. The Commissioners thanked Tom McGraw and
Kathleen Hughes for their presentations.
C. Path of the Bighorn Event - Director Horvitz stated on March 2, 2004 the
City Council approved the Commission's recommendation to display two
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bighorn sculptures. Because the artist wanted them in a more secure
location, in June, the Commission considered new locations but did not
recommend changing the location. However, the City Council approved the
location changes. Presently, the City Hall Campus has one of the bighorn
sheep on display and the Senior Center has the other one. At 5:30 p.m.
prior to the October 14th Cultural Arts Commission Meeting, we will have an
unveiling of the sculptures in the courtyard of the Civic Center. Auction of
the sculptures will not take place at this unveiling. Commissioner Lane
asked to be excused from the meeting since she will be traveling out of the
country. Motion made Gassman/Louden to host the Path of the Bighorn
unveiling. Unanimous.
D. Artist Partnership Day - Director Horvitz asked the Commission to give
recommendations on artists they would like to have represented.
Commissioner Reynolds said she could provide staff with the names of
several artists. She said she would be happy to invite them to the next
Commission meeting on October 14th. Some of the names suggested were
Ed Hill, Kathy Dunham and Leslie McMillan. Director Horvitz gave
background information on how this program works. The artists chosen will
do their presentations at La Ouinta Middle School and La Ouinta High School
on October 27th and October 28th Commissioner Gassman said she will be
unable to assist in the Artist Partnership Day as it is held during the day.
Open discussion regarding types of artists could include photographers,
poets, storytellers, musicians, museum curators and biographers.
A. Annual Joint Meeting with the City Council - Director Horvitz stated the
annual Joint Meeting with the City Council will be held on Tuesday,
September 28th at 7:15 p.m. in the Study Session Room. Commissioner
Louden asked the commissioners to prepare their ideas and suggestions to
present to the City Council.
B. Letter from Ellie Berliner - Commissioner Reynolds stated this may be very
favorable to bring culture to the community. Commissioner Louden
wondered if anyone had heard them perform. Commissioner Gassman
recommended the Cultural Arts Commission ask staff to invite Ellie Berliner
to an upcoming meeting.
C. Upcoming Events - Commissioner Louden asked the commissioners for
their suggestions. Open discussion on ideas and suggestions made to
include a series of cultural events to be held monthly on Sunday afternoons
possibly using the Senior Center, local parks, high school and other locales.
These events could be scheduled for the remainder of the 2004 - 2005
fiscal year. It was moved Commissioners Lane/Reynolds to recommend to
the City Council a schedule of monthly cultural events for the balance of
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fiscal yeat 2004 -2005 to be held on Sunday afternoons using the current
budget. Unanimous
A Attendance at Community Functions - Commissioner Gassman attended
the La Ouinta Library groundbreaking on August 18th. She also attended the
Art Fair in August. She stated she is looking forward to the Arts Under the
Open discussion held on the Street Fair and the previous Main Street events.
Director Horvitz explained that the Main Street event was sponsored by the
Chamber of Commerce and was held before the building and development of
Old Town.
Commissioner Lane asked if there could be a Menorah lighting to coincide
with the Annual Tree Lighting event in December. Director Horvitz stated
that would be a question for the City Attorney. She will contact the City
Attorney and respond back to the Commission with the findings.
Commissioner Reynolds will be one of the artists exhibiting at the Arts Under
the Umbrellas events.
Commissioner Louden announced the CV AA has approved having a float in
the 2005 Rose Parade. They are working on raising $250,000 The
Coachella Valley has only been represented one other time at the Rose
Parade. AU of the Mayors of the Coachella Valley are in support of this
It was moved by Commissioners Brodsyk/Lane to adjourn the Cultural Arts
Commission meeting. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.
Submitted by:
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Therese Vella-Finorio, Community Services Secretary
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