BRES2015-0043 (Addition)61385 Living Stone Dr BRES2015-0043 Date: 3/16/2015 Application Number: BRES2015-0043 Owner: Property Address: 61385 LIVING STONE DR KEN SMOOKE APN: 764770004 61385 LIVING STONE DR Application Description: DAZ CONSTRUCTION/SMOOKE/ADDTION 300 SQ FT CASITA LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Property Zoning: Application Valuation: $24,240.00 Applicant: D Q a Contractor: DAZ DAZ P.0 BOX 5083 P 0 BOX 5083 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 1-hAR 1 2015 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 COMMUNITYTY EVOELO MEENTDTPARTMENT (760)285-3793 Llc. No.: 944325 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: B License No.: 944325 Date: Contractor: OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Divisio�y� of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the ` basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold, within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_) I am exempt under Sec. B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: Lender's WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier:- Policy Number: _ I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. Iter Applicant: v f z WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each,person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application., the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or.omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree.to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building. construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above- mentioned property for inspection purposes. Date: Signature (Applicant or Agent):._ i . i,•"�x aix?Nri•=3�.,.e ,.-S,.a a'1s'.XC .xuT.-`.,Rs-'".=::?T..... YW Ei,4 �4 •y. :`3" :- ..P,x.a.,.yij #,*"`." Y S =�g-vRb s.:tt+ Sn: .'fit Yv',i'F.--`.,`"�'s#.-:Ep$%. Fih.Z:I.,;: •gwx"Te{iz. r :DESCRIPTION° s� f� A000UNT A1,11,10:11 �l,, DATE : n -Mr ?? . F AP- "€ € QN a.: UN s.'f� ADDITION, EA ADDITIONAL 500SF.." - 101-0000-42400` . 0 " ;. . , $62 36.' ' $0:00 S.' �y�, - ^"�: 4 s. . rri' i'k .L'.r `'44 3� METHOD,g , �xra�£�..' , Tf Y �'-'�P YY3Y3 i hT'r``<-'WTFt°i3x"-i�t8b, i e { 41'*+.:i:.YSR =file r nRECE1PT _�;-� s i.i=Y S';x?'F.::A"...:.es`X�. �ia s ffx'zx..,A�s `L { N? ! gvv liliil i��byNi ✓..: pp 2. � � � amm' { .D, sifflX f'OESCRIPTION>: „ACCO PUNT 1 . QTY 'Y .< .. $E = F EAMOUNT Y PA10 PAID; DATE __-fl M _ ,� ADDITION - - EA ADDITIONAL 500 SF PC, 161_0000:14'2600: 0 $17 40 l - ;$0 e$i l :. vi-�fii=:kta af.lk< 9-- 'Ci.'=i i `t 'el:`3..rtie•,4,i• y. _", sh fi .:.�:= 's.: `I -'"?3` .X?.Y.Y'2`sc2r";' ` - t Citi, :... 'n' :;3, PAID BY .: ME#TROD Y {{ L tt Yr. ,w.vds4 2" si,✓a'3✓ri�$F �E RECEIPTS# CHECK # CIff, l' ... ..:. h;MP-MOR,..`�.--=xe :5 §b£%s<. .'+?E3F.{ F.�=x:.^ wam 1Y.k.X: xY. 'i<�'Y"s":$�t�f ,'€n�'��Kx �... .$c�a'six�J'�. ,a :5... ve.«».Lis YP$0.;n WY.. :d'k i..:ew Ta`.�i ,s<V <Y S°:.fi £i k& .:, :; -Y mY's4. .m� ,�,��� � sM MMM sky- DESCRIPTIONEr��XXACCOUNTQTY "n ." r.: { of i .ec;s:" ,x T'4' -S PAID -f •:AMOUNT:r" ;PAIDkDATE`! .rt4'.4: ADDITION, FIRST100 SF ;101-0000=42400' ,. 0 $120 83' $0.00 f, •'' 4£.rY«.`4�.' @{t vf!;•'l. 'smi tH+ss: I4 i.?3'a'nR:.dr.cisF"P .'. '!.04'" :4 t W :PAID BYE � ' MET : � ' ,%v..%I:.m '`'4 wx.r r 5 - tib y �� : CHECK # CLTD BY , =>....K..,: z?- ,.t� a`x, 5. ;.. 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PAID =a0.:-3".... - S_;. <m PAIDkDATE W" „DESCRIPTION ,QTY � , R , z FURNACE =, 101 0000-42402-= 0 $36.2'6, 0 00 + iifZz�$ s.^^'e:. "•.:,''t � PAID<BY , �` i k''4� a"r7'i„+`i3.h -. '” u 'r.u". ,. , _::,.W R4,:: :'x6`. ,'T Y+' 3^,�^:,_ RECEIPT: # '`'•i`S•^?% q f. +1..3t..- CHECK # _ t 1. '"f "CL BY y ,s �( ., aman"<:E�.fi�'J.Y.s,�'a..:.`�..&i+Si:33e; .. r.. .,..-. - .... _ r :- - - _ .a - to �� <! 'a• ..w:,1G•' 77, ay3;-_Li..,.. ESCRIP::TION <.„h�AtCCOUNT � ; E� C!TY AMOUNT ��PAID” PAIUMATEif x x FURNACE k: " 101-0000-42600' 0 :' $24 17 „ : $0.00 ',� fi� : ' �°`i �x h 5°`}.Px'i�-.i'--:iu �3 Y �T a�E*,�• h>>�;}� .3 %'�"S�+ ��' .,P�iE?' �,ii i n, , � ,f',* �..FY�` >METHODs��� t.- '-K.vi'..F� �e fi q- i�..�'lw°. 4 •m.&a. 4%%5' G.."���, M.iid H6zwi<,:.`2<..,"M ',,"x`-"s,isk Mi?=DESCRIPTION x; S 01f: s -�s i ' ..:;r •s..::;;,✓..3+.?a'?' ..',':i°a sf^' ACCOUNT try : �s"'° > TY Q� �T: L :? >3;• @....CWF; z AM UNT .`w., �<p .'+ . 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CHECK # CLTD�BY e yqq � .-.`mMs"vri`rw�%�< :%=i.ekr Yl3.x.L.iS'ja�cffi>"'a'#i:Lv:.r. xv 3a.._.e&.' a E' ,kr.,a wl <....�t :.s„ >;6. i>,`:`� y _. ,ti liYC,aw..:.......: 5-v�.�..n.hi�P;. <6 }> a £<�i't_...,.:.�,�."Zi."-'`tf1...:�J.�1.,.5Y-.:riX:Xn :.. Total Paid forMECHANICAL: $137.78 $0:00 �..' x:,sS' ��DESCRIP�TION ".r' ,� v % A000UNTYa�AMQUNTP.AIDY h>riE, :. 'ia 3`-. `., 61 FYi<, ,E>'a' `-.,°�<. , rr a`.~ , �R:zg "y;%•S:.'h. 7 <s«E'k.,N P:AIU✓D"ATEA ,crWna4t�r,:...x 7sx"„x,'...P'a:f:>S;Ef,`i�..,'.``:.xs:.C.as'`:',i.:�.:.�: ...c f:.Fv-.- w�<,(S.a��.:ti'G:EgI`kkik:`�.�rm..F:t:,nLsY:t?•F.'E,LR. PATIO COVER, STD, OPEN .`. 101-00002404' ' 0:.. $97 17 `F `?�. BY Wd g , � PAID � � -��AR% .n� ,. #, . �tLTeI�)aMceY i : 4 ... _£CHECK�.a. :. Asn.b ,, �: f)ESCRIPTIONg E4 x ti �i'`f.',n`:Y fig. :,,: x Pdb ,<A3`F✓ ACCOUNT :la° ' f `<.' _ .., MJ, � � :s e PAIDsDATE. ;, QTY�AMOUNTq PAID < PATIO COVER, STD, OPEN PC0000-42600'; 0 :- '$95.72 ".. $0:00 ���'T: <:azf •".'4".x- ', :NAyr,�. 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R<W>k. $<`Tr.. �. uY fES-"ro"Y'. 'i %- dx �� T kEr.,:..i'v'f. WATER HEATER/VENT PC 101-0000-42600 -: 0 :.. $7 25 $0:00 IzPy� ---k i - ' a; PAIDaBY mak' E ���.,::_x:a��.Yk ,., E. x, .-?"..x; ..:x' c . £ .� . � 'rbc IVIETHOU° ' f-si' `-�z` ;. >,c•' : t S .>-`:.. k x a RECEIPT # ' g <.,.;sa ' [ €,: ,'•;s" ;~; rtt : #CLTDBY� ,,� .� . a Q OUNT PAID r .��nE� PAID"DATE . ,: r.:; tea•_ � :�£'�-.><`r.::��dr.,���.�,.��.r -�?. '��3;�.i<. �,,::�� x�.�vst.,»t,E_,;-.��,,�"�:. tt3 tx':;�.,-Y: .';��:a�. rhe-��, �w��;X� rs..;'� :.�:� i WATER SYSTEM INST/ALT/REP 101-0000-42401 0 $12.09 t $0.00 PAIDBY, s's1 ?3r's METHOD#ns� ,, RECEIPT #a F :, 4� ti .# CHECK # m CLTD BY 4) „> sDESCRIPTIONu max" .,ACCOUNT«i#�# `QTY" AMOUNT r'" xrf PAID - PAID.DATE. WATER SYSTEM INST/ALT/REP PC 101-0000-42600 0 $12.09 .$0.00 ;. 2 .y:zex PAIDBY¢.°a �� -. _ 'sx; 7 ,�y� - ••.,T. i, METHOD `i e -r. z} •ry �r' yyRECEIP.T #4 �;`�,� _ lm �` CHECK #e t� - _yst ,, CLTD BY _ Total Paid forPLUMBINGTEES: $140.24 $0.00 - -DESCRIPTION 'cN K c ACCOUNT #k k y �QTYx i— 'AMOUNTPAID f PAID DATE SMI - RESIDENTIAL 101-0000-20308 0 $3.15 $0.00 k ti, PAID BY xx a Qa r t, METHOD% r� yE E RECEIPT #'s CHECK # CLTD BY Total Paid forSTRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTATION SMI: $3.15 $0.00 TOTALS:• • •• •s r a Description: DAZ CONSTRUCTION/SMOOKE/ADDTION 300 SQ FT CASITA ' Type: BUILDING, RESIDENTIAL Subtype: ADDITION Status: APPROVED Applied: 2/9/2015 SKH , Approved: 3/13/2015 JJO Parcel No: 764770004 Site Address: 61385 LIVING STONE DR LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 30023-6 Block: Lot: 10 Issued: Lot Sq Ft: 0 - Building Sq Ft:0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $24,240.00 Occupancy Type: - Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 - - Details: 300 SQ. FT. ATTACHED CASITA 2/9/2015 32•,' 77� • ��- APphed to Approved s � � ' . s.! ADDITIONAL 1 Printed: Monday, March 16, 2015 4:22:21 PM 1of4 Ar ' CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY.TYPE +` . STAFF NAME ACTION DATE' `- COMPLETION DATER p KK _�' NOTES PLAN CHECK PICKED UP PHILIP JUAREZ 2/19/2015 2/19/2015 PLAN CK PICKED UP BY ALBERTO DAZA PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL STEPHANIE KHATAMI 2/9/2015 2/10/2015 ' RECEIVED , - PLAN CHECK SUBMI` TTAL STEPHANIE KHATAMI 3/9/2015 l 3/9/2015 RECEIVED TELEPHONE CALL JIM JOHNSON 2/19/2015 2/19/2015 CALLED ALBERTO DAZA THA T PLANS ARE READY FOR CORRECTIONS TELEPHONE CALL JIM JOHNSON 3/13/2015 3/13/2015 CALLED ALBERTO DAZA TO INFORM HIM PLANS ARE READY TO ISSUE. NEED SCHOOL FEE LETTER. CONDITIONS'' • Printed: Monday, March 16, 2015 4:22:21 PM 1of4 Ar ' ME" YPU ssl ;6v HPN CONTRACTOR DAZ P 0 BOX 5083 LA QUINTA CA 92253 OWNER KEN SMOOKE 61385 LIVING STONE DR LA QUINTA CA 92253 . . . Printed: Monday, March 1i2O1S4[22:21PN1. 2of4 ^ Cff="== ^".°° FINANCIAL 114FORMATION DESCRIPTIO C M. -ADDITION, EA 101-0000-42400 0 $62.36 $0.00 ADDITIONAL 500 SF ADDITION, EA 101-0000-42600 0 $17.40 $0.00 ADDITIONAL 500 SF PC ADDITION, FIRST 100 SF 101-0000-42400 0 $120.83 $0.00 ADDITION, FIRST 100 SF 101-0000-42600 0 $171.14 $0.00 PC Total Paid forADDITION: $371.73 $0.00 Total Paid forbUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION' $1.00 $0.00 RESIDENTIAL, FIRST 101-0000-42403 .0 $14S.03 .$0.00 RESIDENTIAL, -FIRST 101-0000-42600 0 $47.86 $0.00 1,600SF', PC Total Paid for ELECTRICAL -NEW CONSTRUCTION: $192.89 $0.06 CONDENSER/COMPRES 101-0000-42402 0 $36.26 $0.00 SOR 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00 SOR PC . . . Printed: Monday, March 1i2O1S4[22:21PN1. 2of4 ^ Cff="== ^".°° Printed: Monday, March 16, 2015 4:22:21 PM 3 of 4 C§FWIYS7,cms -QTY ,CHECK ,DESCRIPTION %CCOUNT AMOUNT PAID =:PAID.D DATEi, R MOT Jf- ETH PAID BY 4` 91v 4N FURNACE PC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00 VENT FAN 101-0000-42402 0 $12.09 $0.00 VENT FAN PC 101-0000-42600 0 $4.83 $0.00 Total Paid for MECHANICAL:. $137.78 $0.00 PATIO COVER, STD, '101-0000-42404 0 $97.17 $0.00 OPEN PATIO COVER, STD, 101-0000-42600 0 .$95.72 $0.00 OPEN PC Total Paid for PATIO COVER / COVERED PORCH LATTICE $192.89 $0.00 FIXTURE/TRAP -101-0000-42401 0 $48.36 $0.00 FIXTURE/TRAP PC 101-0000-42600 0 $48.36 $0.00 WATER HEATER/VENT 101-0000-42401 0 $12.09 $0.00 WATER HEATER/VENT 101-0000-42600 0 $7.25 $0.00 PC WATER SYSTEM 101-0000-42401 0 $12.09 $0.00 INST/ALT/REP WATER SYSTEM 101-0000-42600 0 $12.09 $0.00 INST/ALT/REP PC Total Paid forPLUMBING FEES: $140.24 .$0.00 SMI - RESIDENTIAL 101-0000-20308 -FO 1 -$3.15 $0.00 Total Paid forSTRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTATION SMk $3.15 $0.00 TOTALS: $1039.68 $0.00 Printed: Monday, March 16, 2015 4:22:21 PM 3 of 4 C§FWIYS7,cms BOND INFORMATION - mCREATED R URNED n�STATU � REMARKS �` �` `• `� REVIEW TYPE ..REVIEWER 5ENT DATE; DUE DATE «D $ "'' " NOTES d' .� 0 TE BUILDING DR..docx DR..docx CONVENTIONAL 1ST. PLAN CHECK CONVENTIONAL FRAMING NON-STRUCTURAL 2/10/2015 2/23/2015 2/19/2015 REVISIONS REQUIRED HOA LETTER BRES2015- HOA LETTER BRES2015- BUCKET 0 FRAMING CORRECTIONS NON-STRUCTURAL JIM JOHNSON 3/9/2015 3/23/2015 3/13/2015 APPROVED APPROVED PLANS APPROVED BOND INFORMATION Attachment Type mCREATED ATTACHMENTS '` OWNER- ;DESCRIPTION {. , PATHNAINIE � SUBDIR "ETRAKIT=ENABLED DOC 2/19/2015 JIM JOHNSON 61-385 LIVING STONE 61-385 LIVING STONE 0 DR..docx DR..docx r DOC 2/9/2015 STEPHANIE KHATAMI HOA LETTER BRES2015- HOA LETTER BRES2015- 0 — 0043.pdf 0043.pdf DOC 3/9/2015 STEPHANIE KHATAMI HVAC SPECIFICATIONS HVAC 0 SPECIFICATIONS.pdf ' CORRECTION LIST AND CORRECTION LIST AND ` DOC 3/9/2015 ' STEPHANIE KHATAMI COMMENTS BRES2015- COMMENTS BRES2015- 0 00433-9-15 0043 3-9-15.pdf Printed: Monday, March 16, 2015 4:22:21 PM i 4 of 4 CITWSYSTEMS Bin # Permit #P.O. City o1 La Q uin to . Building sr Safety Division Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico . La Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777 7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Project Address: J Owner's Name: A. P. Number: /,�a Address: Legal Description: City, ST, Zip: IV 2 25 Contractor: � Telephone: Address: .d,� 5� Project Description: City, ST, Zip:. Ji ilt �� / Tt;lephonc:�i'oii .State Lic: 4: City Lic. #; Arch., Engr., Designer: V s Address: City., ST, Zip: Telephone: ::.>.:>„:::::;::<:z >'>:>::`"">':::<:: <:>:> Construction T e• Occupancy: YP State17— Lic. #: w dd' Alter. Re air Project type (circle one): Ne p Demo Name of Contact Person: �H/ , ^� Sq. Ft.: 60 It Stories: # Units: Telephone *,of Contact Person: o Vw, Estimated Value of Project:kiod # Submittal Rcq'd APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Rcc'd TRACKIIQG PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Pian Checksubmitted ��__ Item Amount ,rf Structural Calcs. Reviewed, ready f corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss Cala. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance • Title 24 Calcs. 2 Plans picked up � Construction Flood plain plan, Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading.plan 2°' Review, ready for corrcctio /issue Electrical Subcon factor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Decd Plans picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN IiOUSE:- '`° Review, ready for corrcclionsrissue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fccs Total Permit Fees . chella Valle Unified School District Valley This Box For District Use Only 83=733 Avenue 55;: Thermal, CA 92274 DEVELOPER FEES PAID (760)398- 5909 — Fax (760).398-1224 AREA: AMOUNT LEVEL ONE AMOUNT: - LEVEL TWO AMOUNT:' MITIGATION AMOUNT: COMM/MD.'AMOUNT: DATE: RECEIPT: CHECK#: ' INITIA[S' CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (California Education Code .17620) Project Name: ri^ 1 gy . Date. - March 13, 2015, Owner's Name:. Ken S.mooke Phone No. 760-2.85-3793 Project Address: 61-385 Living.Stone, LaQtainta Project Description: ,. Attached Casita APN: 767-770-004 Tract #:::.: Lot #'s: Type of Development::.: Residential XX! Commercial Industrial Total Square Feet of Building Area: 300 Certification of Applicant/Owners: The person signing certifies that the above information is correct and makes this statement under penalty of 0erjury and further represents that he/she is authorized to si n on behalf of the owner/developer. Dated: Signature:.. SCHOOL DISTRICT'S REQUIREMENTS'FOR THE ABOVE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: (CIRCLE 'ONE) Education Code : Gov. Code; Project Agreement, Existing Not Subject to Fee 17620 65995 Approval:: Prior to 1%1/87 Requirement :. ;. Number of Sq.Ft. 300 Pursuant to AB 181.any,room additions or enclosures of 500 ... . sqft. or less are exempt from developer fees. Any mobile Amount per Sq.Ft. $0.00 homes being.relocated within_the same school district's . Amount Collected _ , . $0.00 ' jurisdiction are exempt from developer fees. Building Permit:Application Completed: Yes/No By: Elsa F. Esqueda, Director of Facilities and Maintenance Certificate issued by Laurie Howard; Secretary Signature: ��- NOTICE OF 90 DAY PERIOD FOR PROTEST OF FEES AND STATEMENT OF FEES Section 66020 of the Government Code asserted by Assembly Bill 3081, effective January 1, 1997, requires that this District provide (1) a,written notice to the project appellant, at the time of payment of school fees, mitigation payment or other'exactions ("Fees"), of the 90 -day period to protest. the imposition of these': Fees and (2)'the amount of the fees. Therefore, in accordance with section 66020 of the Government code and other applicable law, this Notice shall serve to advise you that the 90 -day protest period in regard to such Fees or. the:validity thereof, commences with the payment of -the fees or performance of any other requirements as described in section 66020 of the Government code: Additionally, the amount of the fees imposed is as herein set•forth, whether payable at this time or in whole or in, part: prior to issuance of a_Certificate of Occupancy.. :As in the latter, the 90 days starts on the date hereof..: This Certificate of Compliance is valid for thirty. (30) days from the date of issuance. Extension will be: granted only for good cause, as determined by the Scfiool District, and up to three (3) such extensions may be granted. MV:c/myctocs!devfees/certificate ofcompliance form updated 3-2007 11/2010 Ts a'`La Quinta 60-750 Trilogy Pkwy La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph: 760-777-6059 Fax: 760-777-1620 Wednesday, January 21, 2015 KENNETH P. SMOOKE / .MELISSA I. SMOOKE 61385 Living Stone Dr LA QUINTA CA 92253 Tril6gy Trffnm at La QWnfa Maintenance 4ssoriafion RE: Design Review Modification Received 61385 Living Stone Dr / Customer ID #: TRLAQ-1141-02 Dear Kenneth P. Smooke / Melissa I. Smooke: This shall confirm receipt of an Design Review submission, received on January 20, 2015, for the above referenced address for installation of a casita and landscape modifications in the front yard. Please be advised that the application and plans have been forwarded to the Design Review Committee for review. The governing documents for your Association allow forty five days (45) for review; however, we hope to have a response to you within 3-4 weeks. The Design Review Committee is composed of volunteers. As such, it does not review applications to ensure compliance with building codes,. or other local or state laws. You are encouraged to contact the governmental agencies involved to ensure your plans comply with these codes: Thank you for your patience in this matter and for complying with the Association's policies and standards. Sincerely, For the Design Review Committee, Mirna Hernandez Asst Manager On -Site Property cc: Board of Directors TRILOGY AT LA QUINTA H.O.: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Property Address: V �V p Date Reviewed: T Conditions Your plans have been approved, proWled that you meet die items checked below and all work is consistent vViih the ol'Approval Design Guidelines. 1 The patio cover material must be Alumna wood or other similar wood like construction. Roofing materials shall match the roof material of the dwelling or be open wood lattice 2 The color of the patio cover matches the home's stucco, accent, fascia or white. 3 Any patio cover or awning to be installed and attached to the home must be installed in such a manner Chat it does not compromise die integrity of die water permeability of the home. 4 Due to die patio cover's size it must be constructed ,6th variable heights or must be constructed in two sections with a separation un between 5 The size of the patio cover is limited to die size of the proposed patio slab. 6 The proposed retractable awning may not. be a striped awning. It must be a neutral color that blends with the !home. Please submit a sample of the fabric. 7 Obtain services of a state licensed professional for consultation. V 8 Obtain necessary building per -nuts from die city of La Qui.nta, meeting setback. requirements per city code and maintain die existing drainage. 9 Maintain positive drainage in accordance with the Trilogy Design Guidelines (Section 3.8). 10 The screen door must be die color of tie, house stucco or be black. 11 unc ergroun c ralnagc Is installed, , the drain needs to terminate In the grass Swale ani e flush with the Lurl and capped 1vidn a Pop -up drain cover. fool, spa, fountain, and air conditioning equipment set backs must comply with City of La Quinta codes. All 12 equipmentt slhall be located, screened, or recessed in a manner so as to not be viewable from any lot or street. and die .noise from the equipment attenuated for the adjacent property owners. Pool set, backs arc 6" for hardsca.pe and 18" for water line. 13 The color of the proposed concrete is natural or a neutral tore. 14 Rear yard may not exceed 7096 hardscape mid must have a minimum of 3096 softscape, measured from die rear building face of wall to the side property lines. i/ 15 Proposed planting meets n'iti the Trilogy Rear Yard Minimum Planting Requirements standards and all plants are included on the Revised Approved Plant List contained in the Design Guidelines. 16 'I lle proposed wall or ion work to match the existing developer retaining wall in material, style and color or shall be the Frazee Paint color specified in the guidelines. 17 Replace block wall per Shea Homes standard block wall specification, if removing any portion of block wall to gain access to rear or side yard (requires inspection of rebar before cap is installed). 18 Refer to Exhibit "F" in die Design Guidelines. (Block Wall Design). X 19 Wien work is completed, please submit Notice of Completion form attached. 20 Make sure rear yard property line pins (markers) remain during construction (applies to golf course lots only) 21 All contractors must meet the Association representative prior to commencing construction. 22 Resubmit showing drainage flora/plans. 23 See notes on plans (if any) 24 Ani independent irrigation controller must be used for the rear yard, it cannot be tied into the front yard. Notes �hGL/ !Ai9Y' La Quinta 60'-'150 Trilogy Pkwy La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph: 760-777-6059 I, ax: 760-777-1620 Thursday, January 22, 2015 KENNETH P. SMOOKE / MELISSA I. SMOOKE 61385 Living Stone Dr LA QUINTA CA 92253 RE: Design Review Modification Conditionally Approved 61385 Living Stone Dr / Customer ID #: TRLAQ-1141-02 Dear Kenneth P. Smooke / Melissa I. Smooke: Trilogy. Trilogy at La Qalnta Maintenance Association We are pleased to inform you that your plans for installation of a casita and landscape modifications in the front yard, received on January 20, 2015, have been approved by the Design Review Committee with the following conditions: 7 8, 9, 11 15 19 and 23 (see attached copy) 1. See notes on plans regarding: a. Size of proposed plants b. Additions of plants c. make planter in the front of the casita meandering instead of straight 2. Homeowners to work with neighbor on the north, to determine landscape modifications to the neighbors yard. a. Will require the submission of the proposed design. The plants must be from the approved plant list b. Appropriate modifications to the irrigation may be required 3. Consider stepping down the wall as it progresses to the front of the property, however, keep -wall high enough 'to screen casita a/c unit riease note: any Gama es caused by contractors due to construction must be repaired; all irri ati.on and landscape shall be restored to the original condition . This approval does not constitute consent by the Association for the applicant to encroach, trespass, or build on any property other thanthat of the applicant. This'approval is related solely to the items reserved for approval by the CC&R's in accordance with the Design Review Guidelines. The approval does not extend to the quality of work done by your architect, or contractor, or to any structural engineering, soils engineering, or site grading and :drainage design. You are urged to obtain the services of a state licensed professional for consultation as needed. Fhe Design Review Committee is composed of volunteers. As such, it does not review applications to ensure ,ompliance with building codes, or other local or state laws. Please be advised that this approval does not relieve ,,ou from obtaining any necessary building permits from the governmental agencies involved to ensure ,ompliance with these codes. Any violations of these ordinances will be your responsibility to correct. Thank you br your patience in this matter and for complying with the Association's policies and standar ®®---_ ,incerely, FFBE0*20%5 BUILDING ENERGY ANALYSIS REPORT PROJECT: Smooke Casita 61385 Living Stone Dr. La Quinta, CA 92253 Project Designer: Alberto Daza r 760-285-3793 Report Prepared by: Gina Rose EQS, Inc. P.O. Box 170 Gold Hill, OR 97525 760-218-3350 WR r Y G1� of A � E XV Job Number: Date: -CITY OF LA QUINTA 2/9/2015 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT, APPROVED The EnergyPro computer program has been used to perform the calculations summan ed in this com�ll nge' ri? oT TMs�r i4t�has appoval and is authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential a Nonresidential 2013 Building Energy Efficiency S anclards. This program developed by EnergySoft, LLC VGWJd.raergysoSc��_BY Ene Pro 6.4 by EnegySft User Numbe, 5862 ID: n,, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 'RESIDENTIAL _PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Smooke Casita Calculation. Date/Time: 10:29, Mon, Feb 09 2015 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: Smooke Casita-2-9-15.xml GENERAL INFORMATION 01 Project Name Smooke Casita v r; )a # -- f V hi i k x r 02. This building incorporates features,that require field testing and/or;verification by a certified HERS°rater underthe supervision of a CEC-approved '� -f •rfC• F, .Ir, F!'tr`sit 02 Calculation Description Title 24 Analysis 03 Project Location 61385 Living Stone Dr. ENERGY USE SUMMARY 04 City La Quinta 05 Standards Version Compliance 2015 06 Zip Code 92253 07 Compliance Manager,Version BEMCmpMgr 2013-3bl (694) 08 Climate Zone CZ15 09 Software Version EnergyPro 6.4 10 Building Type Single Family 11 Front Orientation (deg/Cardinal) 270 12 Project Scope Newly Constructed 13 Number of Dwelling Units 1 14 Total Cond. Floor Area-(FT2) 300 15 Number of Zones 1 16 Slab Area (FT2) 300 17 Number of Stories 1 18 Addition Cond. Floor Area N/A 19 Natural Gas Available Yes 20 Addition Slab Area (FT2) N/A 21 Glazing Percentage (%) 13.3% COMPLIANCE RESULTS'" T1 01 Building Complies with Com m puter,Perfo�ance y .c-� r .. s- i �- v r; )a # -- f V hi i k x r 02. This building incorporates features,that require field testing and/or;verification by a certified HERS°rater underthe supervision of a CEC-approved '� -f •rfC• F, .Ir, F!'tr`sit HERS provider. 03 This building Incorpoiates one or more Special Features shown below: ENERGY USE SUMMARY 04 05 .. 06 07 08 . e Standard Proposed, 51 ( kTDVI 2- ) Design Design Compliance Margin Percent, Improvement rn S t ng .0.50 0.01 0.49 98.0% b ISace C Ing 198.78 176.64 22.14 e la on 2.68 2.68 0.00 0.0% O r t ng 55.84 75.78 -19.94 -35.7% et -- 0.00 0.00 - 4f__x c e y Total 257.80 255.11 2.69 1.0% i - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHODCF1R-PRF-01 Project Name: Smooke Casita Calculation Date/Time: 10:29, Mon, Feb 09, 2015 Page 2 of 7 Calculation Description:, Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: Smooke .Casita-2-9-15.xm1 HERS FEATURE SUMMARY . The following is a summary of the features that must be field -verified by a certified HERS Rater as a condition for meeting the modeled energy performance for this computer analysis. Additional detail is provided in the building components tables below. Building -level Verifications: s • High Quality Insulation Installation (QII) r • IAQ mechanical ventilation _ Cooling System Verifications: _ • -- None -- HVAC Distribution System Verifications: • Duct Sealing • Verified low -leakage ducts located entirety in conditioned space Domestic Hot Water System Verifications: Point of Use 'y ENERGY DESIGN RATING . I c; F \.• et'.. . This is the sum of the annual TDV energy corsumption�for.energy use;comPonents included in Mie perfoymani e.mpliance a`pp{oachffo�^this Standard Design Building (Energy Budget) and the annual TDV energy consumption for lighting and'components no`t regulated by Title 24` Parf (§uchas: domestic appliances;and oonsumerelectronics) and accounting for the annual TDV energy offset by an on-site renewable energy system. i Reference Energy Use Energy Design Rating Margin Percent Improvement Total Energy (kTDV/f2-yr)• 400.87 39818 2.69 0.7% inZdes calculated AppJjaQc and Miscellaneous Energy Use (AMEU) ' m W �) ILDING UfE RMATION 02 03 ... -•• 04 05. 06 07 em Conditioned Floor Area (ft2) Number of Dwelling Units " Number of Bedrooms Number of Zones Number of Ventilation Cooling Systems Number of Water Heating' Systems CU o (r'�psi 300 1 1 1 0 1 NE IN 02; 03 04 05 06 07 Zhl z Zone NafI% --� Zone Type HVAC System Name Zone Floor Area {ftZ) :'. Avg. Ceiling Height Water Heating System 1 Water Heating System 2 Whole House Conditioned Whole Housel 300 .10 DHW Sys 1 Registration Number: 215-N0039279A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2015-02-09 13:31:27 HERS Provider: CaICERTS inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Report Version - CF1R-01142015-694 Report Generated at: 2015-02-09 10:30:54 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Smooke Casita Calculation Date/Time: 10:29, Mon, Feb 09, 2015 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: Smooke'Casita-2-9-15.xm1 OPAQUE SURFACES A tj�!.,:` 01- 02 03 04, 05 06 07 Name Construction Roof Rise 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Name Zone Construction Azimuth Orientation Gross Area (ft) Window Area (ft) Tilt (deg) North Wall., Whole House R-15 Wall w/1 EPS 0, ' Left 144 8 90 East Wall Whole House R-15 Wall w/1 EPS 90 Back 180 24 90 South Wail Whole House R-15 Wall w/1 EPS 180 Right, 144 8 90 West Wall Whole House R-15 Wall w/1 EPS 270 ' Front 180 0 90 Roof Whole House R-38, Roof Attic 0.23 Insect Screen (default) 340 Window South Wall (Right -180) f ATTIC A tj�!.,:` 01- 02 03 04, 05 06 07 Name Construction Roof Rise Roof Reflectance Roof Emittance Radiant Barrier Cool Roof Attic Whole House Attic Roof -Cons Whole Hou' f� a . r 4 s'"�t►+-mac! ` •e -T t w> = 0.1 • 0.85 Yes No .s0''°�rr• WINDOWSAF A tj�!.,:` 02 f_ 03 04 I7 7 I Name Side of Building Area (ftp) U -factor (7Door West Wall 21.4 : 0.50 01 02 05+/ 40A. 07 08 09 10. Name Type e, Surface(Orientation-Azimuth) Width (ft) Height (ft) Multipli er r Area (ft2) U -factor - SHGC Exterior Shading G5 Window ' North Wall (Left -0) — -- 1 8.0 0.30 0.23 Insect Screen (default) Window . East Wall (Back -90) 2.0 2.0 3 12.0 0.30, 0.23 1 Insect Screen (default) G3 Window East Wall (Back -90) 2.0 2.0 3 12.0 0.30 0.23 Insect Screen (default) _n _ Window South Wall (Right -180) -- -- 1 4.0 0.30 0.23 Insect Screen (default) Window South Wall (Right -180) — -- 1 - 4.0 0.30 0.23 Insect Screen (default) DOD --n cd 01 02 f_ 03 04 I7 7 I Name Side of Building Area (ftp) U -factor (7Door West Wall 21.4 : 0.50 z®MZ Registration Number: 215-N0039279A-000000000-0000 Registration Date /Time-: 20142-09 13:31_:27 HERS Provider: CaICERTS inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards- 2013 Residential Compliance Report Version - CF1R-01142015-694 Report Generated at: 2015-02-09 10:30:54 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE.- RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name:, Smooke Casita j Calculation Date/Time: 10:29, Mon, Feb 09, 2015 y Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis „ Input File Name: Smooke.Casita-2-9-15:xm1 OVERHANGS AND FINS 01 02 . 03 04 05 06 07 Total Cavity 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 1 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 • Cavity/ Frame: no insul. / 2x4 Top Chrd Overhang 2x4 Top Chord of Roof Truss @ 24 Left Fin Roof Deck: Wood Siding/sheathing/decking Right Fin- Attic,Roofs Window - Depth. Dist Up Left Extent Right Extent Flap Ht. Depth Top Up DistL Bot Up. Depth Top Up Dist R Bot Up G4 2 0.1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 •0 0 0 0. G3 2• 0.1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OPAQUE SURFACE CONSTRUCTIONS 01 02 . 03 04 05 06 07 Total Cavity Winter Design Construction Name Surface Type Construction Type Framing R -value U -value Assembly Layers • Cavity/ Frame: no insul. / 2x4 Top Chrd 2x4 Top Chord of Roof Truss @ 24 Roof Deck: Wood Siding/sheathing/decking Attic Roof Cons Whole Hou Attic,Roofs Wood Framed Ceiling in. O.C. none 0.644 Roofing: Light Roof (Asphalt Shingle) • Inside Finish: Gypsum Board R-15 Wall w/1 EPSExterior Wa" Its i Wood amed" Wa"177 2x4a�@ n O:C � R 15 0.065 • Cavity /Frame: R -15/2x4 Exterior Finish: R4 Synthetic Stucco Ceilings (bele ./S� fr N J ° ,: a• J Inside Finish: Gypsum Board Cavity/Frame: R-9.1 / 2x4 R-38 Roof Attic attic) ffW" Wood -Fra Ceiling •.. <2x4: @ 24 in O:G � 5R-38, i ra 0.025 Over Floor Joists: R-28.9 insul. SLAB:FLOORS , 01 02 03 04 05 06 07` 0N e Zone Area (ft2) Perimeter (ft), Edge Insul. R -value & Depth Carpeted Fraction Heated ` r naa#r r de Whole House 300 72 R-5, 8 inches 0 No :r'x Bum VEL P - HERS VERIFICATION 01 02 03 04. Z lit Ins lation Installation (QII) Quality Installation of Spray Foam Insulation Building Envelope Air Leakage ACH @ 50 Pa ' < -{Required. Not Required Not Required -- - F r W I STEMS � - 02 03 04 05 06 Z M System Type Distribution Type Water Heater Number of Heaters Solar Fraction (%) C3tfi - 1/1 _ DHW (HERS req'd) Point of Use' DHW Heater 1 1 .0% Registration Number: 215-140039279A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2015-02-09 13:31:27 HERS Provider: CaICERTS inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Report Version - CF1R-01142015-694 Report Generated at: 2015-02-09 10:30:54 / CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Smooke Casita Calculation Date/Time: 10:29, Mon, Feb 09, 2015 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: Smooke Casita-2-9-15.xml WATER HEATERS M ' 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Name Heater Element Type Tank Type Tank Volume (gal) Energy Factor or Efficiency Input Rating Tank Exterior Insulation R -value Standby toss (Fraction) DHW Heater 1 none Small instantaneous 0 1 2312 -watts 0 .0 WATER HEATING - HERS VERIFICATION 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Name Pipe Insulation Parallel Piping Compact Distribution Point -of Use Recirculation Control Central DHW Distribution DHW Sys.1 - 1/1 – – – – -- – SPACE CONDITIONING SYSTEMS " 01 02 03 04 05 06 SC Sys Name r �71 System Type f wHeating Unit.Name { Cooling Unit Name ' Fan Name Distribution Name :Heat Pump System 1:Air Distribution System 1:HVAC Fan 1:2 Heat-PumplHeating and`. t Cooking System Heat Pump System 1 '" Heat Pump -System 1 HVAC Fan 1 Air Distribution System 1 HVAC - HEAT PUMPS �02 02 03 04 05 O6 07• 0809 07 _ 10 —n 24mrs Type Heating HSPF/COP Cap 47 Cap 17 Cooling SEER EER Zonally Controlled Multispeed Compressor HERS Verification at sem 1 SplitHeatPump 8.2 17000 1 16000 14 12 No No 12 14 H16C VC&IWUfIIT TYPES' �02 03 04 05 O6 07 _ D' Efficiency ' Multi -speed Cm System Type EER SEER • Zonally Controlled Compressor HERS Verification SplitHeatPump 12 14 Not Zonal Single Speed z® z Registration Number: 215-N0039279A-000000000-0000 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2015-02-09 13:31:27 Report Version - CF1R-01142015-694 •tea ,•r HERS Provider: CaICERTS inc. Report Generated at: 2015-02-09 10:30:54 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Smooke Casita Calculation Date/Time: 10:29, Mon, Feb 09, 2015 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: Smooke Casita-2-9-15.xml HVAC - DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 .. Name Type Duct Leakage Insulation R -value Duct Location Bypass Duct HERS Verification Air Distribution System 1 Y DuctslnEx12 Sealed and tested 12 � Attic None Air Distribution System 1 -hers -dist HVAC DISTRIBUTION - HERS VERIFICATION 01 02 03 04 05 - 06 07 08 Name Duct Leakage Verification Duct Leakage Target (%) Verified Duct Location Verified Duct Design Buried Ducts Deeply Burled Ducts Low -leakage Air Handier Air Distribution System 1 -hers -dist Required 6.0 Required Not Required Not Required Not Required — HVAC -FAN SYSTEMS 01 02 03 04 Name Type Fan Power (Watts/CFM) • HERS Verification HVAC Fan 1 "' p. Single'Speed-PSC'F,urnacelFan� - 0.58 VAC FAN SYSTEMS - HERS VERIFICATION 01.�+r!rr...02; �r� w.Z'!"t« 03 Name Verified Fan Watt Draw Required Fan Efficiency (Watts/CFM) IA12 (Indoor Air Quality) F S M 0100 02 03 04 05 06 IAQ Recovery Hyl n IAQ CFM IAQ Watts/CFM IAQ Fan Type Effectiveness(%) HERS Verification -. Sq�OCie 18 0.25 Default 0 Required W Z.M �o�� �. <m� «, a ���C ,zoff Registration Number: 215-N0039279A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2015-02-09 13:31:27 HERS Provider: CaICERTS inc. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Report Version - CF1R-01142015-694 Report Generated at: 2015-02-09 10:30:54 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name: Smooke Casita Calculation Date/Time: 10:29, Mon, Feb 09, 2015 Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Input File Name: Smooke Casita-2-9-15.xml CFI R -PRF -01 Page 7 of 7 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT 1. 1 certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Name: Documentation Author Signature: Gina Rose —/— Company: Signature Date: EQS 2015-02-09 11:00:32 Address: CEA/HERS Certification Identification (If applicable): 2032 2nd Ave City/State/Zip: Phone: Gold Hill, CA 97525 760-218-3350 RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: 1. 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design identified on this Certificate of Compliance. 2. 1 certify that the energy features and performance specifications identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Part 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. 3. The building design features or system design features identified -on -this -Certificate of Compliance-are.consistent-with the information provided on other applicable compliance documents, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted,to'the enforcement agency for approval w`ith,this building permit application. Name: Designer Responsible / 'Cy P 9 Responsible Designer Signature: F��} Cf? Alberto Daza �f Company: Date Signed: Dazarchstudio 2015-02-09 13:31:27 Address: License: P.o.box 5083 N/A Ci 11 /Ste/Zip: Phone: L q�inta, CA 92248 7602853793 iformatio ' ' 1 � C z0 -Z Re ' ion Number: 215-1 CA Building Energy Efficient 1' his digital signature is provided in order to secure the content of this registered document and in no way implies Registration Provider responsibility for the accuracy of the 039279A-000000000-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2015-02-09 13:31:27 HERS Provider: CaICERTS inc. Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance Report Version - CF1R-01142015-694 Report Generated at: 2015-02-09 10:30:54 2013 Law -Rice Residential Mandatory Measures Summary Pipe for cooling system lines shall be insulated as specified in § I50.0(j)2A. Piping insulation for steam and hydronic heating § 50.0(j)2C: s stems or hot waters stems with pressure > 15 psig shall meet the requirements in TABLE 120.3-A. § 50.0O-)T:-----insul tec a damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind. Insulation exposed to weatIe,�Si 1 either be rated for outdoor use or installed with a cover suitable for outdoor service. For 150.0(] 3A: example, protected by aluminum sheet metal, painted canvas, or plastic cover. Cellular foam insulation protected as specified or NO hat is Ovate retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that degrades the material. ("� s o d Oval—i" piping and refrigerant suction piping located outside the conditioned space shall have a Class I 15Q�0(j�a �CJJ^I o ng facin , or the insulation shall be installed at the thickness that qualifies as a Class I or Class II vapor 1. .. __ y ems e w ter heaters to serve individual dwelling units shall include: a 120V electrical receptacle within 3 �ne e e he��tojj;��l��QQto ry III or N vent, or a Type B vent with straight pipe between the outside termination and the druiri is 2 inches higher the base the installed ace w rs stalled; a condensate that no more than than of iew6t>sr�ial®t water heater, an draining without pump assistance; and a gas supply line with a capacity of at least 200,000 Btu/hr. § 150.0(n)2: Recirculating loops serving multiple dwelling units shall meet the requirements of § 110.3(c)5. Solar water -heating systems and collectors shall be certified and rated by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation (SRCC) § 150.0(n)3: or by a testing agency approved by the Executive Director. Ducts and Fans Measures: All air -distribution system ducts and plenums installed are sealed and insulated to meet the requirements of CMC §601.0, §602.0, §603.0, §604.0, §605.0 and ANSI/SMACNA-006-2006 HVAC Duct Construction Standards Metal and Flexible 3rd Edition. Supply -air and retum-air ducts and plenums are insulated to a minimum installed level of R-6.0 (or higher if required by CMC §605.0) or enclosed entirely in directly conditioned space as confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing (RA3.1.43.8). Connections of metal ducts and inner core of flexible ducts are mechanically fastened. Openings shall be sealed §150.0(m)l: with mastic, tape, or other duct -closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL 181, UL 181A, or UL 181 B or aerosol sealant that meets the requirements of UL 723. If mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than Y< inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used. Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross-sectional area of the ducts. Factory -Fabricated Duct Systems shall comply with specified requirements for duct construction, connections, and closures; joints § 150.0(m)2: and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape is . used in combination with mastic and draw bands. § I50.0(m)3-6: Field -Fabricated Duct Systems shall comply with requirements for: pressure -sensitive tapes, mastics, sealants, and other requirements specified for duct construction; duct insulation R -value ratings; duct insulation thickness; and duct labeling. §150.0(m)7: All fan systems that exchange air between the conditioned space and the outside of the building must have backdraft or automatic § 150.0(m)8: Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers except combustion inlet and outlet air openings and elevator shaft vents. Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind but not § 150.0(m)9: limited to the following: insulation exposed to weather shall be suitable for outdoor service. For example, protected by aluminum, sheet metal, painted canvas, or plastic cover. Cellular foam insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation. §150.0(m)10: Flexible ducts cannot have porous inner cores. When space conditioning systems use forced air duct systems to supply conditioned air to an occupiable space, the ducts shall be § 150.0(m) 11: sealed and duct leakage tested, as confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing, in accordance with Reference Residential Appendix RA3. Mechanical systems that supply air to an occupiable space through ductwork exceeding 10 feet in length and through a thermal § 150.0(m)12: conditioning component, except evaporative coolers, shall be provided with air filter devices that meet the requirements of §150.0(m)12. Space conditioning systems that utilize forced air ducts to supply cooling to an occupiable space shall have a hole for the placement of a static pressure probe (HSPP), or a permanently installed static pressure probe (PSPP) in the supply plenum. The § 150.0(m)13: space conditioning system must also demonstrate airflow> 350 CFM per ton of nominal cooling capacity through the return grilles, and an air -handling unit fan efficacy:5 0.58 W/CFM as confirmed by field verification and diagnostic testing, in accordance with Reference Residential Appendix RA3. Zonally controlled central forced air cooling systems shall be capable of simultaneously delivering, in every zonal control mode, §150.0(m)15: an airflow from the dwelling, through the air handler fan and delivered to the dwelling, of>_ 350 CFM per ton of nominal cooling capacity, and operating at an air -handling unit fan efficacy of <_ 0.58 W/CFM as confirmed by field verification and diagnostic testing, in accordance with Reference Residential Appendix RA3. All dwelling units shall meet the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.2. Neither window. operation nor continuous operation of § 150.0(0): central forced air system air handlers used in central fan integrated ventilation systems are permissible methods of providing the Whole Building Ventilation. § 150.0(o)lA: Whole Building Ventilation airflow shall be confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing, in accordance with Reference Residential Appendix RA3. Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment Measures: Any pool or spa heating system shall be certified to have: a thermal efficiency that complies with the Appliance Efficiency § 110.4(a): Regulations; an on-off switch mounted outside of the heater that allows shutting off the heater without adjusting the thermostat setting; a permanent weatherproof plate or card with operating instructions: and shall not use electric resistance heating. 200 Low -Rise Residential Mandator Measures Summar §11 Any pool or spa heating equipment shall be installed with at least 36 inches of pipe between filter and heater or dedicated suction built -u connections for future solar heating. §11 A(b)2: Outdoor�m s or ve a h pump or gas heater shall have a cover. §11 .4(b)3: Pools shall have directional in adequately mix the pool water, and a time switch that will allow all pumps to be set or pro - ed to run only during off a electric demand periods. §11 .5: 5i:0e4ters sha 1 not have a continuous burning pilot light. § I OA(p : i r equipm nt shall meet specified pump sizing, flow rate, piping, filters, and valve requirements. Li h ' eastne . t$ ENIQlI § 1 0.9. g g c 1 e c sys ems, ballasts, and luminaires shall meet the applicable requirements of §110.9. § I50.0(k)IA: es s a c � ed as high -efficacy or low -efficacy for compliance with § 150.0(k) in accordance with TABLE 150.0-A or TABLE 150.0-B, as applicable. § 150.0(k)1B: When a high efficacy and low efficacy lighting system are combined in a single luminaire, each system shall separately comply with the applicable provisions of 150.0(k). The wattage and classification of permanently installed luminaires in residential kitchens shall be determined in accordance with §150.0(k)]C: §I30.0(c). In residential kitchens, the wattage of electrical boxes finished with a blank cover or where no electrical equipment has been installed, and where the electrical box can be used for a huninaire or a surface mounted ceiling fan, shall be calculated as 180 watts of low efficacy lighting er electrical box. § 150.0(k)] D: Ballasts for fluorescent lamps rated 13 watts or greater shall be electronic and shall have an output frequency no less than 20 kHz. Permanently installed night lights and night lights integral to installed luminaires or exhaust fans shall be rated to consume no §150.0(k)IE: more than 5 watts of power per luminaire or exhaust fan as determined in accordance with § I30.0(c). Night lights do not need to be controlled by vacanc sensors. § 150.0(k)IF: Lighting integral to exhaust fans (except when installed by the manufacturer in kitchen exhaust hoods) shall meet the applicable r uirements of 4150.0(k). § 150.0(k)2A: High efficacy luminaires must be switched separately from low efficacy luminaires. § 150.0(k)2B: Exhaust fans shall be switched separately from lighting systems. § 150.0(k)2C: Luminaires shall be switched with readily accessible controls that permit the luminaires to be manually switched ON and OFF. § I50.0(k)2D: Controls and equipment are installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. § 150.0(k)2E: No control shall bypass a dimmer or vacancy sensor function if the control is installed to comply with § I50.0(k). § 150.0(k)2F: Lighting controls comply with applicable requirements of § 110.9. An Energy Management Control System (FMCS) may be used to comply eith dimmer requirements if. it functions as a dimmer § 150.0(k)2G: according to § 110.9; meets Installation Certificate requirements of § 130.4; the EMCS requirements of § 130.5; and all other r uirements in 150.0 k 2. An Energy Management Control System (EMCS) maybe used to comply with vacancy sensor requirements of § I50.0(k) if: it § 150.0(k)2H: functions as a vacancy sensor according to § 110.9; meets Installation Certificate requirements of § 130.4; the EMCS requirements of 130.5; and all other requirements in 6 150.0(k)2. § 150.0(k)2I: A multiscene programmable controller may be used to comply with dimmer requirements of this section if it provides the functionali y of a dimmer ac 11!11!! to S 110.9, and co lies with all other a3plicable requirements in § 150.0(k)2. § 150.0(k)3A: A minimum of 50 percent of the total rated wattage of permanently installed lighting in kitchens shall be high efficacy. Kitchen lighting includes all permanently installed lighting in the kitchen except internal lighting § 150.0(k)3B: the inside of the cabinets. Lighting in areas adjacent to the kitchen,p d g m cabinets that illuminate only considered kitchen fighting f the are not s aratel switched from kitchen lightingut t hurled to dining and nook areas, are gh g i Y y § I50.0(k)4: Permanently installed lighting that is internal to cabinets shall use no more than 20 watts of power per linear foot of illuminated cabinet. § 150.0(k)5: A minimum of one high efficacy luminaire shall be installed in each bathroom; and all other lighting installed in each bathroom shall be hieh efficacy or controlled by vacancy sensors. § ] 50.0(k)6: Lighting installed in attached and detached garages, laundry rooms, and utility rooms shall be high efficacy luminaires and controlled by vacancy sensors. §150.0(k)7: Lighting installed in rooms or areas other than in kitchens, bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, and utility rooms shall be high efficacy, or shall be controlled by either dimmers or vacanc sensors. Luminaires recessed into ceilings shall: be fisted for zero clearance insulation contact (IC) by Underwriters Laboratories or other nationally recognized testing/rating laboratory; have a label that certifies that the luminaire is airtight with air leakage less than 2.0 CFM at 75 Pascals when tested in accordance with ASTM E283; be sealed with a gasket or caulk between the luminaire housing § 150.0(k)8: and ceiling, and shall have all air leak paths between conditioned and unconditioned spaces sealed with a gasket or caulk; and allow ballast maintenance and replacement without requiring cutting holes in the ceiling. For recessed compact fluorescent luminaries with ballasts to qualify as high efficacy for compliance with § 150.0(k), the ballasts shall be certified to the Ener Commission to comply with the applicable requirements in 110.9. For single-family residential buildings, outdoor lighting permanently mounted to a residential building or other buildings on the same lot shall be high efficacy, or may be low efficacy if it meets all of the following requirements: i. Controlled by a manual ON and OFF switch that does not override to ON the automatic actions of Items ii or iii below; and § I50.0(k)9A: ii. Controlled by a motion sensor not having an override or bypass switch that disables the motion sensor, or controlled by a motion sensor having a temporary override switch which temporarily bypasses the motion sensing function and automatically reactivates the motion sensor within 6 hours; and iii. Controlled by one of the following; methods: wil I r nw_Rieg, Rpeidpntial Mandatory Measures Summary a. Photocontrol not having an override or bypass switch that disables the photocontrol; or b. Astronomical time clock not having an override or bypass switch that disables the astronomical time clock, and which is programmed to automatically tum the outdoor lighting OFF during daylight hours; or c. n An r tem which meets all of the following requirements: At a minimum provides the functionality of an astronortt�a� tmTt`''C� iatl danc with §110.9; meets the Installation Certification requirements in §130.4; meets the in 4l have or bypass switch that allows the luminaire to be always ON; and, requirements for an EMCS § es not an override is to ed to automaticall turn th4 outdoor lightin OFF during daylight hours. f Ite tial bui dings, outdoor lighting for private patios, entrances, balconies, and porches; and outdoor o e u p ots and esidential carports with less than eight vehicles per site shall comply with one of the § 150.0 k)9d �r 3 Q $113 I � co wrt6the a a re irements in §110.9, §130.0, § 130.2, §130.4, §140.7 and §141.0. s d al d' th our or more dwelling units, outdoor lighting not regulated by § 150.0(k)9B or 150.0(k)9D § 150. C: th thea rCd u ments in § 110.9, § 130.0, § 130.2, § 130.4, § 140.7 and § 141.0. Outdoor lighting for residential g lots and residential carports with a total of eight or more vehicles per site shall comply § 150.0(k)9D: with the applicable requirements in § 110.9, § 130.0, § 130.2, § 130.4, § 140.7 and § 141.0. Internally illuminated address signs shall comply with § 140.8; or shall consume no more than 5 watts of power as determined §150.0(k)10: according to § 13 0.0 c . Lighting for residential parking garages for eight or more vehicles shall comply with the applicable requirements for § 150.0(k)11: nonresidential garages in 110.9, 130.0, 130.1, 130.4, 140.6, and 5141.0. In a low-rise multifamily residential building where the total interior common area in a single building equals 20 percent or less of §150.0(k)12A: the floor area, permanently installed lighting for the interior common areas in that building shall be high efficacy luminaires or controlled by an occupant sensor. In a low-rise multifamily residential building where the total interior common area in a single building equals more than 20 percent of the floor area, permanently installed lighting in that building shall: ' Comply with the applicable requirements in §110.9, §130.0, §130.1, §140.6 and §141.0; and §150.0(k)12B: ii. Lighting installed in corridors and stairwells shall be controlled by occupant sensors that reduce the lighting power in each space by at least 50 percent. The occupant sensors shall be capable of turning the light fully On and Off from all designed paths of ingress and egress. Solar Ready Buildings: Single family residences located in subdivisions with ten or more single family residences and where the application for a § 110.10(a)1: tentative subdivision map for the residences has been deemed complete, by the enforcement agency, on or after January 1, 2014, shall comply with therequirements of § 110.10(b) through 110.10(e). § 110.10(a)2: Low-rise multi -family buildings shall comply with the requirements of § 110.10(b) through § 110.10(d). The solar zone shall have a minimum total area as described below. The solar zone shall comply with access, pathway, smoke ventilation, and spacing requirements as specified in Title 24, Part 9 or other Parts of Title 24 or in any requirements adopted by a local jurisdiction. The solar zone total area shall be comprised of areas that have no dimension less than 5 feet and are no less than 80 square feet each for buildings with roof areas less than or equal to 10,000 square feet or no less than 160 square feet each for § 110.10(b)1: buildings with roof areas greater than 10,000 square feet. For single family residences the solar zone shall be located on the roof or overhang of the building and have a total area no less than 250 square feet. For low-rise multi -family buildings the solar zone shall be located on the roof or overhang of the building or on the roof or overhang of another structure located within 250 feet of the building or on covered parking installed with the building project and have a total area no less than 15 percent of the total roof area of the building excluding any skylight area. § 110.10(b)2: All sections of the solar zone located on steep -sloped roofs shall be oriented between 110 degrees and 270 degrees of true north. No obstructions, including but not limited to, vents, chimneys, architectural features, and roof mounted equipment, shall be § 110.10(b)3A: located in the solar zone. Any obstruction, located on the roof or any other part of the building that projects above a solar zone shall be located at least twice § 110.10(b)3B: the distance, measured in the horizontal plane, of the height difference between the highest point of the obstruction and the horizontal projection of the nearest point of the solar zone, measured in the vertical plane. For areas of the roof designated as solar zone, the structural design loads for roof dead load and roof live load shall be clearly § 110.10(b)4: indicated on the construction documents. The construction documents shall indicate: a location for inverters and metering equipment and a pathway for routing of conduit from the solar zone to the point of interconnection with the electrical service (for single family residences the point of § 110.10(c): interconnection will be the main service panel); a pathway for routing of plumbing from the solar zone to the water -heating system. A copy of the construction documents or a comparable document indicating the information from § 110.10(b) through § 110.10(c) § i 10.10(d): shall be provided to the occupant. § 110.10(e)1: The main electrical service panel shall have a minimum busbar rating of 200 amps. The main electrical service panel shall have a reserved space to allow for the installation of a double pole circuit breaker for a § 110.10(e)2: future solar electric installation. The reserved space shall be: positioned at the opposite (load) end from the input feeder location or main circuit location, and permanently marked as "For Future Solar Electric". 2013 Low -Rise Residential Mandatory Measures Summary NOTE: _ L ."ye- �a�ggs.- ocI tmrt o the an must comply with all applicable mandato, measures listed, regardless of the ..,.,t; ., �.,.,,�.,� vco a 6, Review -he resnective code section for more information. ilding nvelope Measures: 10.6(a) s ee conditioned nd unconditioned spaces are manufactured to limit air leakage. r:111 abric ted windows) have a label listing the certified U -Factor, certified Solar Heat Gain 10.6(a : that eets the r uirements of 10-111 a . loo: ld��ikvbl��'�d i ers 'Peed; all joints and penetrations are caulked and sealed. § 110.8(a V j9fttnd o " all d St dards for Insulating Material. Indicate type and include on the CF2R. a • a ctance values of the cool roofing material meets the requirements of § 110.8(i) when the e thermal emit d § 110.8(1 : installation o a coo roo r e CF1R. § 110.86): A radiant barrier shall have an emirtance of 0.05 or less wben the installation of a radiant barrier is specified on the CFIR. Minimum R-30 insulation in wood -frame ceiling; or the weighted average U -factor shall not exceed 0.031. Minimum R-19 in a § 150.0(a): rafter roof alteration. Attic access doors shall have permanently attached insulation using adhesive or mechanical fasteners. The attic access shall be gasketed to prevent air leakage. § 150.0(b): Loose fill insulation shall conform with manufacturer's installed design labeled R -value. Minimum R-13 insulation in 2x4 inch wood framing wall or have a U -factor of 0.102 or less (R-19 in 2x6 or 0.074 maximum U - §150.0(c): factor). § 150.0(d): Minimum R-19 insulation in raised wood -frame floor or 0.037 maximum U -factor. In Climate Zones 14 and 16 a Class H vapor retarder shall be installed on the conditioned space side of all insulation in all exterior §150.0(g)l: walls, vented attics and unvented attics with air -permeable insulation. In Climate Zones 1-16 with unvented crawl spaces the earth floor of the crawl space shall be covered with a Class I or Class H § 150,0(g)2: vapor retarder. In a building having a controlled ventilation crawl space, a Class I or Class H vapor retarder shall be placed over the earth floor of § 150.0(g)3: the crawl space to reduce moisture entry and protect insulation from condensation, as specified in the exception to Section 150.0(d). § 150.0(1): Slab edge insulation shall: have a water absorption rate, for the insulation material alone v6thout facings, no greater than 0.3%; have water vapor permeance rate is no greater than 2.0 perm/inch, be protected from physical damage and UV light deterioration; and when installed as part of a heated slab floor meets the requirements of § 110.8( ). Fenestration, including skylights, separating conditioned space from unconditioned space or outdoors shall have a maximum U - § 150.0(q): factor of 0.58; or the weighted average U -factor of all fenestration shall not exceed 0.58. Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Log Measures: § 150.0(e) lA: Masonry or factory -built fireplaces have a closable metal or glass door covering the entire opening of the firebox. Masonry or factory -built fireplaces have a combustion outside air intake, which is at least six square inches in area and is §150.0(e)IB: equipped with a readily accessible, operable, and tight -fitting damper or a combustion -air control device. §150.0(e)1C: Masonry or factory -built fireplaces have a flue damper with a readily accessible control. § 150.0(e)2: Continuous burning pilot lights and the use of indoor air for cooling a firebox jacket, when that indoor air is vented to the outside of the building, are prohibited. Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: § 110.0-§ 110.3: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads, faucets and all other regulated appliances are certified to the Energy Commission. § I I0.3(c)5: Water heating recirculation loops serving multiple dwelling units meet the air release valve, backflow prevention, pump isolation valve, and recirculation loop connection requirements of § 110.3(c)5. Continuously buming pilot lights are prohibited for natural gas: fan -type central furnaces, household cooking appliances (appli- § 110.5: ances without an electrical supply voltage connection with pilot lights that consume less than 150 Btu/hr are exempt), and pool and spa heaters. § 150.0(h)1: Heating and/or cooling loads are calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA using design conditions specified in § 150.0(h)2. § 150.0(h)3A: Installed air conditioner and heat pump outdoor condensing units shall have a clearance of at least five feet from the outlet of any dryer vent. § 150.0(i): Heating systems are equipped with thermostats that meet the setback requirements of § 110.2(c). § 150.00) IA: Storage gas water heaters with an energy factor equal to or less than the federal minimum standards shall be externally %NTapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. § 150.06)IB: Unfired hot water tanks, such as storage tanks and backup storage tanks for solar water -heating systems, have R-12 external insulation or R-16 internal insulation where the internal insulation R -value is indicated on the exterior of the tank. For domestic hot water system piping, whether buried or unburied: the first 5 feet of hot and cold water pipes from the storage tank, all piping with a nominal diameter of 3/4 inch or larger, all piping associated with a domestic hot water recirculation system § I50.06)2A: regardless of the pipe diameter, piping from the heating source to storage tank or between tanks, piping buried below grade, and all hot water pipes from the heating source to kitchen fixtures must be insulated according to the requirements of TABLE 120.3- A. § 150.0(j)2B: All domestic hot water pipes that are buried below grade must be installed in a water proof and non -crushable casing or sleeve that allows for installation, removal, and replacement of the enclosed pipe and insulation. 2013 Low -Rise Residential Mandatory Measures Summary NOTE: Low-rise residential buildings subject to the Standards mast comply with all applicable inandaton, measures listed, regardless of the _i_ __ _L ..-4 4 r..,.,,.,r;,.,,..., .,1., P­im B,o --ti- rndo cortinor fnr mnrp infnnnatinn_ Building Envelope Measures: § 110.6(a)1: Doors and window's between conditioned and unconditioned spaces are manufactured to limit air leakage. Fenestration products (except field -fabricated windows) have a label listing the certified U -Factor, certified Solar Heat Gain § 110.6(a)5: Coefficient SHGC , and infiltration that meets the requirements of § 10-111 a). § 110.7: Exterior doors and windows are weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations are caulked and sealed. § 110.8(a): Insulation specified or installed meets Standards for Insulating Material. Indicate type and include on the CF2R. The thermal emittance and aged solar reflectance values of the cool roofing material meets the requirements of § 110.8(i) when the § 110.8(i): installation of a cool roof is specified on the CFIR. § 110.80): A radiant barrier shall have an emittance of 0.05 or less when the installation of a radiant barrier is specified on the CFIR. Minimum R-30 insulation in wood -frame ceiling; or the weighted average U -factor shall not exceed 0.031. Minimum R-19 in a § 150.0(a): rafter roof alteration. Attic access doors shall have permanently attached insulation using adhesive or mechanical fasteners. The attic access shall be gasketed to prevent air leakage. § 150.0(b): Loose fill insulation shall conform with manufacturer's installed design labeled R -value. Minimum R-13 insulation in 2x4 inch wood framing wall or have a U -factor of 0.102 or less (R-19 in 2x6 or 0.074 maximum U - §150.0(c): factor). § 150.0(d): Minimum R-19 insulation in raised wood -frame floor or 0.037 maximum U -factor. In Climate Zones 14 and 16 a Class II vapor retarder shall be installed on the conditioned space side of all insulation in all exterior §150.0(g)l: walls, vented attics and unvented attics with air -permeable insulation. In Climate Zones 1-16 with unvented crawl spaces the earth floor of the crawl space shall be covered with a Class I or Class U § 150.0(g)2: vapor retarder. In a building having a controlled ventilation crawl space, a Class I or Class 11 vapor retarder shall be placed over the earth floor of § 150.0(g)3: the crawl space to reduce moisture entry and protect insulation from condensation, as specified in the exception to Section 150.0(d). Slab edge insulation shall: have a water absorption rate, for the insulation material alone without facings, no greater than 0.3%; § 150.0(l): have water vapor permeance rate is no greater than 2.0 perm/inch, be protected from physical damage and UV light deterioration; and when installed as part of a heated slab floor meets the requirements of § 110.8( ). Fenestration, including skylights, separating conditioned space from unconditioned space or outdoors shall have a maximum U - § I50.0(q): factor of 0.58: or the weighted average U -factor of all fenestration shall not exceed 0.58. Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Log Measures: §150.0(e)IA: Masonry or factory -built fireplaces have a closable metal or glass door covering the entire opening of the firebox. Masonry or factory -built fireplaces have a combustion outside air intake, which is at least six square inches in area and is §150.0(e)lB: equipped with a readily accessible, operable, and tight -fitting damper or a combustion -air control device. §I50.0(e)IC: Masonry or factory -built fireplaces have a flue damper with a readily accessible control. § 150.0(e)2: Continuous burning pilot lights and the use of indoor air for cooling a firebox jacket, when that indoor air is vented to the outside of the building, are prohibited. Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: § 110.0-§ 110.3: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads, faucets and all other regulated appliances are certified to the Energy Commission. § 110.3(c)5: Water heating recirculation loops serving multiple dwelling units meet the air release valve, backflow prevention, pump isolation valve, and recirculation loop connection requirements of § 110.3(c)5. Continuously burning pilot lights are prohibited for natural gas: fan -type central furnaces, household cooking appliances (appli- § 110.5: ances without an electrical supply voltage connection with pilot lights that consume less than 150 Btu/hr are exempt), and pool and spa heaters. §150.0(h)1: Heating and/or cooling Ioads are calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA using design conditions specified in 150.0 2. § 150.0(h)3A: Installed air conditioner and heat pump outdoor condensing units shall have a clearance of at least five feet from the outlet of any dryer vent. § 150.0(i): Heating systems are equipped with thermostats that meet the setback requirements of § 110.2(c). § 150.06) I A: Storage gas water heaters with an energy factor equal to or less than the federal minimum standards shall be externally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. § 150.06)1B: Unfired hot water tanks, such as storage tanks and backup storage tanks fors wa er- - e temal insulation or R-16 internal insulation where the internal insulation R -value is in c o e o th For domestic hot water system piping, whether buried or unburied: the first 5 feet o hot d wa p e tank, all piping with a nominal diameter of 3/4 inch or larger, all piping asso iate {�w ic�sAP! e diameter, from hearing betty 6dT!atn § 150.0(j)2A: regardless of the pipe piping the source to storage t or a hot from the heating kitchen fixtures be insula ao �r 120.3 all water pipes source to must ed accor inn Lmwl A. F § I50.06)2B: All domestic hot water pipes that are buried below grade must be installed id a water proof and non-&dsh0TVPchQ bN sleeve that allows for installation, removal, and replacement of the enclosed pipe sulation. 45491 Golf Center_ Parkway, Indio, CA 92203 Telephone: (760).347-3332 Fax: ' (760) 341-0202- IN 47-0202 tN c con Cv opo z n 's is a truss placement diagram only. �" hese trusses are designed as individual building components to be Builder / Developer :. ncorporated into the building design at the specification of the building 7��', ,� c SMUUKE CEiSITA esigner. See individual design sheets for each truss design identified on TRUSS he placement drawing. The building designer is responsible for temporary !ed 45-491 GOLF CENTER PKWY Address nd permanent bracing of the roof and floor system and for the overall • INDIO, CA. 922o1 tructure. The design of the truss support structure including headers, eams, walls, and columns is the responsibility of the building designer. or general guidance regarding bracing, consult "Bracing of Wood Trusses" T. (76o) 347-3332 . F. (76o) 347-0202 - 61-385 LIVING STONE DRIVE LA QUINTA, CA- 92253 vailable from the Truss Plate Institute: SWIding Materials and 583 D'Onifrio DriveMadison, WI 53179 Services Designer: A.GERARDO /07/15 Date : 02Canstructipa MiTek MiTek. USA, Inc. 7777 Greenback Lane Suite 109 Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Telephone 916/676-1900 Re: Smooke Casita Fax 916/676-1909 The truss drawing(s) referenced below have been prepared by MiTek Industries, Inc. under my direct supervision based on the parameters provided by BMC -Indio, CA. Pages or sheets covered by this seal: R43966848 thru R43966852 My license renewal date for the state of California is December 31, 2015. Lumber design values are in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1 section 6.3 These truss designs rely on lumber values established by others. • �OQ�pFESS/pN�l SOO �N o�F�y C 074486 m * EXP. 12-31-15 F F March.6,2015 Ong, Choo Soon The seal on these drawings indicate acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the truss components shown. The suitability and use of this component for any particular building is the responsibility of the building designer, per ANSI/TPI 1. Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.30 Vert(LL) -0.09 ' R43966848 SMOOKE_CASITA A01 Hip Girder 2 1 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr NO WE 0.30 Horz(TL) 0.09 7 n/a n/a Job Reference (optional) BMC, Indio, CA - 92203 7.430 s Jul 25 2013 MTek Industries, Inc. Fri Mar 06 09:35:39 2015 Paye 1 ID:gNfsOSadlUdidyy6DYnE? znXd7-COhUoJtPeaTxkAoHnSO9owh8rUG_OF5G?BM25zdfEl 17- 3-11-13 6-0-0 7S0 9-0.0 11.0-3 15-0.0 3.71-13 2-0.3 11'x0 11x0 3-11-13 NAILED 5x6 = 4 n r - NAILED 3x4 = 4 NAILED 5x6 = Scale = 1:25.4 3x10 = 1.5x4 II 3x10 = NAiLtu 3x10 = 1.5x4 II 3x10 = Special Special • i 3-11-13 6-0.0 30.0 11.0-3 15-0.0 V N I6 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deb Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.30 Vert(LL) -0.09 9-10 >999 360 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.55 Vert(TL) -0.30 9-10 >586 240 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr NO WE 0.30 Horz(TL) 0.09 7 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2012rrP12007 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.06 9-10 >999 240 Weight: 62 Ib FT = 20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 DF No.1 &Btr G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-" oc purlins, except BOT CHORD 2x4 DF No.1 &Btr G 2-0-0 oc purlins (3-9-3 max.): 3-5. WEBS 2x4 DF Std G BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1337/0-3-8 (min. 0-1-8),7=1337/0-3-8 (min. 0-1-8) Max Horz 1=19(LC 10) Max Uplift 1=-60(LC 4), 7=60(LC 5) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=3509/179, 2-3=3327/182, 3-4=3090/177, 4-5=-3090/176, 5-6=3327/182, 6-7=3509/179 CHORD 1-11=156/3266, 10-11=156/3266, 9-10=152/3136,8-9=143/3266,7-8=143/3266 BS 3-10=0/730, 5-9=0/730 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vuft=110mph (3 -second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=6.Opsf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=25ft; Cat. ll; Exp C; enclosed; MWFRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.00 plate grip DOL=1.00 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) ' This truss has been designed for a live load'of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 1-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 60 Ib uplift at joint 1 and 60 Ib uplift at joint 7. 8) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2012 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSVrPI 1. 9) Graphical puriin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. 10) "NAILED" indicates 3-10d (0.148"x3") or 3-12d (0.148"x3.25") toe -nails. For more details refer to MTek's ST -TOENAIL Detail. 11) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 477 Ib down and 28 Ib up at 6-0-0, and 477 Ib down and 28 Ib up at 8-11-4 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. 12) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Q?,OFESS/pN ����OO S O O� L C 074486 c rn * E 12-31-15 9TFOFO O March 6,2015 ® WARNING - Verify design Parameters and READ NOTES ON "9S AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE MIP7473 rev. 027612015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only vAth Mliek connectors. This design 6 based only upon parameters shown. and is for an individual building component. �• Applicability of design parameters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibility, of the MiTek• erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control• storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/71`I1 Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 7777 Greenback Lane Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 781 N. Lee Street, Suite 312, Alexandria. VA 22314. Suite 109 °f Job t. Truss Truss Type Qty Ply R43966848 SMOOKE_CASITA A01 Hip Girder 2 1 Job Reference (optional) BMC, Indio, CA- 92203 7.430 s Jul 25 2013 MTek Industries, Inc. Fri Mar 06 09:35:39 2015 Page 2 I D:gNfsOSadl Ud idyy6DYnE?_znXd7-C OhUoJtPeaTxkAoHnSO9owh8rU G_OF5G?B IM25zdfE l LOAD CASE(S) Standard Uniform Loads (ptf) Vert: 1-3=68, 3-5=68, 5-7=68, 1-7=-20 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 3=-129(B) 5=129(8) 10=-477(6) 4=129(B) 9=-477(B) 12=38(B) ti 1� u ®WARNING - Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON TMS AND INCLUDED k9TEK REFERANCE PAGE M167473 rev. 02/1&2015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only Mth MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. �• Applicability of design parameters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individuol web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability, during construction is the responsiblfiy of the erector. Additional bracing of the overall is the the building designer. MITe'k' permanent structure responsibility of For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component Sally Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 781 N. Lee Street. Suite 312. Alexandria. VA 22314. 7777 Greenback Lane Suite 109 am Job Truss Truss Type Qy Ply LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud R43966849 SMOOKE_CASITA A02 Common 3 1 -0.08 10-11 >999 360 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.67 Job Reference o tional BMC, Indio, CA - 922037.430 s Jul 25 2013 MiTek Industries, Inc. Fri Mar 06 09:35:40 2015 Page 1 ID:gNfsOSadlUdidyy6DYnE?_znXd7-gaFs?ftl PtboMKNTIAvOK7EKTuaO7cVPDrSwbXzdfEH 5-10.0 , 7-fi0 9-2-0 11-2-14 15-0-0 3-9-2 2-414 1-8-0 1-8-0 2.0.14 3-9.2 Scale = 1:25.3 4x6 II 4x4 = 3x4 II 3x4 II 3x10 = 4x4 = • 3-9-2 510-0 9.2-0 11-2-14 15-0.0 442 7-0.14 4d-0 7.0-14 40. Plate Offsets (X,Y): (8:0 -3 -9,0 -1 -81,[10:0 -z -12.0-3-8j [11:0-2-12.0-3-81,[13:0-3-9.0-1-8j LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.24 Vert(LL) -0.08 10-11 >999 360 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.67 Vert(TL) -0.3510-11 >503 240 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.67 Horz(TL) 0.14 7 n/a , n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC20121TP12007 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.05 10-11 >999 240 Weight: 65 lb FT = 20% LUMBER BRACING. TOP CHORD 2x4 DF No.1 &Btr G TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-10-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 DF No.1 &Btr G 'Except BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. 3-12,59: 2x4 DF Std G MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing WEBS 2x4 OF Std G be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=717/0-3-8 (min. 0-178), 7=717/0-3-8 (min. 0-1-8) Max Horz 1=24(LC 10) FORCES (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 11-2=1736/0,2-3=-275410. 3-4=2841/0, 4-5=2841/0, 5-6=2754/0, 6.7=1736/0 BOT CHORD 1-13=0/1601, 10-11=0/1855,7-8=0/1601 WEBS 4-10=0/1122, 6-8=714/0, 4-11=0/1122, 2-13=714/0, 11-13=0/1557, 8-10=0/1557, 2-11=0/976, 6-10=0/976 TES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; VuK=110mph (3 -second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=6.Opsf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=25ft; Cat. 11; Exp C; enclosed; MWFRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.00 plate grip DOL=1.00 3) 140.01b AC unit load placed on the bottom chord, 7-6-0 from left end, supported at two points, 2-6-0 apart. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 1-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) A plate rating reduction of.20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 7) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2012 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Q�OFESS/ON CO LU C07 c r * P 2-31-15 9TFOFCA March 6,2015 ®WARNING - Verity design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK-REFERANCE PAGE MII-7073 rev. 02/168015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MTek connectors. This design's based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. �• Applicability of design parameters and proper incorporation of component B responsibility, of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support or individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to inwre stability during construction is the responsibilliity, of the iTe k' erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure a the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality confrol, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPl1 Qua Sty Criteria, DSB-89 and SCSI Building Component 7777 Greenback Lane Safety Informallon available from Truss Plate Institute. 781 N. Lee Street, Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. Suite 109 01, Job' Truss Truss Type Qty Ply PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.12 Vert(LL) n/a n/a 999 R4R43966850 SMOOKE_CASITA Bili GABLE 1 1 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.05 Horz(TL) 0.00 5 n/a n/a Job Reference (optional) BMC, Indio, CA- 922037.430 s Jul 25 2013 MTek Industries, Inc. Fri Mar 06 09:35:42 2015 Page 1 ID:gNfsOSadlUdidyy6DYnE? znXd7czMdQLvlxVrWbeXsSaxsQYJilhOEbfhih9xOfQzdfEF 5-7-0 11-2-0 S•7-0 Scale = 1:18.3 5x8 = 6 5 4 3x4 % 1.5x4 II 1.5x4 11 1.5x4 II 3x4 L LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.12 Vert(LL) n/a n/a 999 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.13 Vert(TL) n/a n/a 999 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.05 Horz(TL) 0.00 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Cade IBC2012rTP12007 (Matrix) Weight: 45 Ib FT = 2061. LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x6 DF SS TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 DF No. 1&Btr G BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 DF Std G OTHERS 2x4 DF Std G MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer 111stallation guide, REACTIONS All bearings 11-2-0. (lb) - Max Harz 1=17(LC 25) Max Uplift All uplift 100 Ib or less at joint(s) 5 except 1=-281 (LC 17), 3=283(1_C 28) Max Grav All reactions 250 Ib or less at joint(s) 6, 4 except 1=365(LC 34), 3=365(LC 33), 5=362(LC 1) FORCES (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=858/868, 2-3=-849/861 BOT CHORD 1-6=810/829, 34=810/829 WEBS 2-5=421/54 WTES \ Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vuft=11 Omph (3 -second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=6.Opsf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=25ft; Cat. II; Exp C; enclosed; MWFRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.00 plate grip DOL=1.00 3) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. 4) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 5) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. 6) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 7) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 1-0-0 wide will rd between the bottom chord and any other members. 8) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 9) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 Ib uplift at joint(s) 5 except (it=lb) 1=281 , 3=283. 10) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2012 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 11') This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 150 plf. Lumber DOL=(1.33) Plate grip DOL=(1.33) Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0.0 to 11-2-0 for 150.0 pff. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Q�pFESS/p� So�N 0 2 L C07 4 6 c rn t *� �10j2 31-15 /* \� ® WARNING - Verify design Parameters and READ NOTES ON TMS AND INCLUDED WTEK REFERANCE PAGE MI -7473 rev. 0211612015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MITek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shovan, and is for an individual building component. �• Applicability of design parameters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer- not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibilfity, of the M iTek, erecta. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication. quality control, storage, delivery. erection and bracing, consult ANSUTPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and SCSI Building Component 7777 Greenback Lane Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 781 N. Lee Street. Suite 312. Alexandria, VA 22314. Suite 109 March 6,2015 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply DEFL in (loc) Udefl Ud PLATES . GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 843966851 SMOOKE CASITA COI Common 5 1 Lumber Increase ` BC 0.07 Vert(TL) -0.01 4 >999 240 Job Reference(optional)p • 1 43U sjui 252U73 miiex mauslnes. mc.,I-n mar 06u9:3S422015 Pagel I D:gNfsOSadlUdidyy6DYnE?_inXd7czMdQLvlxVrVvbeXsSaxsQYJiOhPCbffih9xOFQzdfEF 5-5-0 - 2•&8 2-8-8 r �. . r,r, r.—, 2 4x4 = Scale = 1:10.7 N d 2x4 = LOADING (pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Udefl Ud PLATES . GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.09 Vert(LL) -0.00 4 >999 360 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.07 Vert(TL) -0.01 4 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Ina NO WB 0.05 Horz(TL) 0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2012/TPI2007 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.00 4 >999 240 Weight: 16 Ib FT = 20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 DF No.18Btr G 'TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-5-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 DF No.18Btr G BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 DF Std G MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation uide. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=225/0-3-8 (min. 0-1-8), 3=225/0-3-8 (min. 0-1-8) Max Horz 1=9(LC 10) FORCES (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=356/0, 2-3=356/0 BOT CHORD 1-4=0/312, 3-4=0/312 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 10Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=11 Omph (3 -second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=6.Opsf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=25ft; Cat. II; Exp C; enclosed; MWFRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.00 plate grip DOL=1.00 ) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSIrrPI 1. 4) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6)' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 1-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 7) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 8) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2012 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. LOAD CASE(S) Standard " ® WARNING - Vertly design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED M1TEK REFERANCE PAGE NII -7473 rev. 02/16/2015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with Welt connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shovm, and is for on individual building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper incorporation of component is responsblity, of building designer- not truss designer. Bracing shovm is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery. erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and 8CSI Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 781 N. Lee Street. Suite 312. Alexandria. VA 22314. t OQ9 OFESS/pN9 SOON o�Fy CD C 074486�co � rnc t *\ E�^-31-15 /* s�9TFOF CA � �Q' March 6,2015 MiTek• 7777 Greenback Lane Suite 109 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/def! Ud PLATES GRIP 843966852 SMOOKE CASITA CGO1 Diagonal Hip Girder 4 1 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.24 Vert(TL) -0.08 1-5 >999 240 5) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. Job Reference (optional) BMC, Indio, CA - 92203 7.430 is Jul 25 2013 MTek Industries, Inc. Fri Mar 06 09:35:43 2015 Page 1 ID:gNfsOSadlUdidyy6DYnE? znXd7A9w?ehwwiozMDn6201S5ymsrU5iiK4pswpg6CszdfEE 5-2-D 845 52-0 3-2-5 Stale = 1:16.9 1.5x4 II 3 NAILED 3x4 = NAILED • 5-2-0 i 845 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [1:0-4-7,Edge) TOP CHORD 1-2=923/41 T CHORD 1-5=-43/871, 4-5=-43/871 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/def! Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.26 Vert(LL) -0.02 1-5 >999 360 MT20 220/195 TCDL 14.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.24 Vert(TL) -0.08 1-5 >999 240 5) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.19 Horz(TL) 0.01 4 n/a n/a 8) "NAILED" indicates 3-1Od (0.148"x3") or 2-12d (0.148"x3.25") toe -nails. For more details refer to MTek's ST -TOENAIL Detail. CASE(S) BCDL 10.0 Code IBC2012/TPI2007 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.01 5 >999 240 Weight: 31 Ib FT = 20% LUMBER 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 BRACING Uniform Loads (plf) TOP CHORD 2x4 DF No.1&Btr G Vert: 1-3=68, 1-4=20 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except BOT CHORD 2x4 DF No. 1&Btr G Vert: 6=1(F=O, B=0) 7=120(1`=60, B=-60) 8=4(17=2, B=-2) 9=35(F=18, B=18) end verticals. WEBS 2x4 DF Std G BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=405/0-4-9 (min. 0-1-8), 4=459/Mechanical Max Harz 1=58(LC 7) Max Uplift 1=-14(LC 4), 4=23(LC 8) FORCES (Ib) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=923/41 T CHORD 1-5=-43/871, 4-5=-43/871 BS 2-5=0/268, 2-4=940/59 � NOTES 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; VuR=110mph (3 -second gust) Vasd=87mph; TCDL=6.Opsf; BCDL=6.Opsf; h=25ft; Cat. 11; Exp C; enclosed; MWFRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.00 plate grip DOL=1.00 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 1-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 5) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 Ib uplift at joint(s) 1, 4. 7) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2012 International Building Code section 2306.1 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 8) "NAILED" indicates 3-1Od (0.148"x3") or 2-12d (0.148"x3.25") toe -nails. For more details refer to MTek's ST -TOENAIL Detail. CASE(S) �()FESS/r7 OQ Nq� Sooty 9) In the LOAD section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). ��� O Fy LOAD CASE(S) Standard CO 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 CD rti C 074486 Uniform Loads (plf) UJ rn Vert: 1-3=68, 1-4=20 Concentrated Loads (lb) * E 12-31-15 Vert: 6=1(F=O, B=0) 7=120(1`=60, B=-60) 8=4(17=2, B=-2) 9=35(F=18, B=18) SX9TFOF ti1F0��\P March 6,2015 ® WARNING - Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED M1TEK REFERANCE PAGE MII-7473 rev. 0211612015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown. and is for on individual building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper incorporation of component B responsblity of building designer- not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsiblrity of the Mire k' erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage. delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 7777 Greenback Lane Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 781 N. Lee Street, Suite 312, Alexandria. VA 22314. Suite 109 Symbols Numbering System General Safety Notes PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION 3 " Center plate on joint unless x, y 1 /4 6 4 $ dimensions shown in ft-in-sixteenths �i (Drawings not to scale) Failure to Follow Could Cause Property Injury Damage or Personal In offsets are indicated. 9 Dimensions are in ft-in-sixteenths. Apply plates to both sides of truss 1 2 3 1. Additional stability bracing for truss system, e.g. and fully embed teeth. TOP CHORDS diagonal or X-bracing, is always required. See BCSI. O ci-2 c2-3 2. Truss bracing must be designed by an engineer. For truss individual lateral braces themselves -1/t 6"4 wide spacing, T o WEBS �z, Q O°P him �9 14 W z u 3 �' 3 b O may require bracing, or alternative Tor I bracing should be considered. 3. Never exceed the design loading shown and never U �° U a stack materials on inadequately braced trusses. 4. Provide copies of this truss design to the building For 4 x 2 orientation, locate ' designer, erection supervisor, property owner and plates 0-'Al' from outside BOTTOM CHORDS all other interested parties. edge of truss. 8 7 6 5 5. Cut members to bear tightly against each other. 6. Place plates on each face of truss at each This symbol indicates the JOINTS ARE GENERALLY NUMBERED/LETTERED CLOCKWISE joint and embed fully. Knots and wane at joint required direction of slots in AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING AT THE JOINT FARTHEST TO locations are.regulated by ANSI/TPI 1. connectorTates. p THE LEFT. 7. Design assumes Trusses will be suitably protected from CHORDS AND WEBS ARE IDENTIFIED BY END JOINT the environment in accord with ANSI/TPI 1. Plate location details available in MiTek 20/20 NUMBERS/LETTERS. 8. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of lumber software Or upon request. shall not exceed 19% at time of fabrication. PRODUCT CODE APPROVALS 9. Unless expressly noted, this design is not applicable for PLATE SIZE ICC-ES Reports:use with fire retardant, preservative treated, or green lumber. The first dimension is the plate 10. Camber is a non-structural consideration and is the 4 4 width measured perpendicular ESR-131 1, ESR-1352, ESR 1988 responsibility of truss fabricator. General practice is to X to slots. Second dimension is ER-3907, ESR-2362, ESR-1397, ESR-3282 camber for dead load deflection. the length parallel to slots. 11. Plate type, size, orientation and location dimensions indicated are minimum plating requirements. LATERAL BRACING LOCATION 12. Lumber used shall be of the species and size, and in all respects, equal to or better than that Indicated by symbol shown and/or specified. by text in the bracing section of the 13. Top chords must be sheathed or purlins provided at Output. Use T Or I bracing spacing 1ndicated on design. if indicated. 14. Bottom chords require lateral bracing at 10 ft. spacing, or less, if no ceiling is installed; unless otherwise noted. BEARING 15. Connections not shown are the responsibility of others. Indicates location where bearings 16. Do not cut or alter truss member or plate without prior (supports) occur. Icons.vary but © 2012 MiTek® All Rights Reserved approval of an engineer. reaction section indicates joint 17. Install and load vertically unless indicated otherwise. number where bearings occur. Min size shown is for crushing only. 18. Use of green or treated lumber may pose unacceptable environmental, health or performance risks. Consult with project engineer before use. Industry Standards: ANSI/TPI1: National Design Specification for Metal 19. Review all portions of this design (front, back, words pictures) before use. Reviewing pictures alone Plate Connected Wood TCU$$ Construction. is not sufficient. is DSS-89: Design Standard for Bracing. � BCSI: Building Component Safety Information, MiTek 20. Design assumes manufacture in accordance with Guide to Good Practice for Handling, ANSI/TPI 1 Quality Criteria. Installing & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. Engineering Reference Sheet: MII-7473 rev. 02/16/ Building Materials and Construction Services 45-491 GOLF CENTER PARKWAY, INDIO, CA. 92203 0.760-347-3332 F. 760-347-0202 CONTENTS .........................PACE TIMBER PRODUCTS INSPECTION (LETTER)..................................1 TPI (GTI) STAMP - SEE PAGE 1 ..2 EXPLANATION OF ENGINEERED DRAWING....................:.............3 DETAIL FOR COMMON AND END JACKS - 16 PSF ..................................4 DETAIL FOR COMMON AND END JACKS - 20 PSF ..................................5 SIIPPORT OF B.C. (PRESSIIRE BLOCK) STANDARD OPEN END JACK..................................6 INTERIOR BEARING OFFSET DETAIL ......:...........................T BEARING BLOCK DETAIL 3 V BEARING ..................................8 BEARING BLOCK DETAIL 5 V BEARING ..................................9 UPLIFT TOE -NAIL DETAIL .................................10 LATERAL TOE -NAIL DETAIL .................................11 WEB BRACING RECOMMENDATIONS .................................12 T -BRACE AND L-BRACE .................................13 VALLEY TRUSS DETAIL ..................................14 VALLEY TRUSS DETAIL (CONT'D.) .................................15 •PURLIN GABLE DETAIL PIIRLIN GABLE DETAIL (CONT'D.) ..16 .................................1T PIIRLIN GABLE DETAIL (CONT'D.).................................19 STANDARD GABLE END DETAIL ..................................20 STANDARD GABLE END DETAIL (CONT'D.) .................................21 STD. REPAIR - MISSING STUD ON GABLE TRIISS ....................................22 STD. REPAIR - BROKEN STIID ON GABLE TRIISS ....................:..............23 STD. REPAIR - REMOVE CENTER STUD ON GABLE TRUSS .................................24 STD. REPAIR - NOTCH 2X6 TOP CHORD ON GABLE TRIISS .................................25 STD. REPAIR - NOTCH 2X4 TOP CHORD ON GABLE TRUSS .................................26 STANDARD REPAIR DETAIL - 25% .....................................2T FALSE BOTTOM CHORD FILLER DETAIL .................................28 OVERHANG REMOVAL DETAIL .................................29 SCAB APPLIED OVERHANGS .................................30 PIGGYBACK TRUSS CONNECTIONS ...........:................31 - 34 PLEASE CONTACT BMC FOR MORE INFORMATION OR QUESTIONS REGARDING -THESE SHEETS PAGE: 0 OF 34 t•; • September "11, 2012 To Whom It May Concern: This is to verify that BMG of Indio, CA is a Subscriber in the. Timber Products Inspection (TP) and GenEral Testing and Inspection (GTI) Truss Ouality Auditing Program. The TP and GTI Truss Quality Auditing Programs are recognized by the Interhational Accreditation Service (IAS) with the asgigned'nuinber 6f AA -664. TP and the GTI quality assurance marks have been recognized in the West by the truss industry and code jurisdictions since 1969. TP currently audits truss manufacturing facilities nationwide. TP is conducting unannoUriced, third par(:y audits at. BMC of Indio, CA. This facility is currently in good standing in the TP Truss Qualify Auditirfg Program. BMC's personnel are authorized to apply the GTI quality mark to trusses that are- I7ianufactured in accordance with the latest revision of the ANSI/TPI Standards, All stariiping takes place at the truss nianufactuting facility, under supervision of qualified plant personnel, If you have questions regarding the status- of any plant in the TP/GTI Program, please contact me. on my. cell 208.818.7869. , Sincerely, T.MBER PRODUCTS INSPECTION c Brian.Hensley Truss Manager — Western Division r� Xc: File - 105 SE 1241h Avenue Vancouver, Washington 98684 3601449.3840 > FAX: 3601449.3953 v TQ, �r V Tl :_VIiii pae P.O. Box, 919 a 1641 Sigman Road Conyers, Georgia 30012 770/922-0000 a FAX: 170/922-1290 ON �aeilding Materials. and c anseraeeeian -services 03-05-2012 To Whom It May Concern: It is our standard policy to manufacture all of our trusses with a minimum camber of 1/8" per ten lineal foot of truss span. • Mike Goodman Design manager 0 BIAC 45-311 Golf Center Parkway Suite B Indio CA 92201 t; 760.770.3303 t 760.391.4230 • c DESIGN CRITERIA BMC TC LL ps-f INDIO,'CATC QL Psf GTI BC DL psf TOTAL LOAD psf BUR. FACTOR QUALITY AUDITED BY R f.IPARFR PRODUCTS INSPECTION.' INC. SPAN_ t Pae#2 • • Job Truss Truss Type Y DISPLAY ROOM COMMON 1 1 e Feb 6 2003 Mifekn ustries, Inc. ton Mar 17 14:26:39 ge 1 A -2-0-0 5.45 • 10-2-3 15.0.0 19.9-13 247-11 30" 32-0.0 J 2-0.0 54-5 4-913 49-13 49-13 4-0.13 5.45 2-0•D - 4x4 = 6 C 6.00r 1x4 11 txd II 30 5 7 2X4 4 8 , E D 1x4 Q 1x4 3 9 10 n 2 o, F 12 3x6 3x6 — 14 13 . 3x8 = 3x8 = 2x8 = A 10..2-3 19-9-13 3D." `-" B 10.2-3 9.7-11 10.2-3 Plate Offsets ()(,Y): [2:0-30,0.1-4), [10-0-3-0,0-1-4) H u LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 J I V I GSI I V DEFL in (10c) Vdefl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15TC 0.29 Ven(LL) -0.09 14 ASS MI120 249/190 -TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 K BC 0.83 Ven(TL) -0.39 12-14 >907 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.36Horz(TL) 0.07. 10 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code BOCA/ANSI95 L Q i st LC LL Min I/deft - 240 Weight: 158 lb LUMBERp � BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP NoV TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-2-1 oc purlins. .2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 Q BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-6-11 oe bracing. WEBS' 2 X 4 SYP No-3 pp R S REACTIONS (Ib/size) 2-131710-38,10-13117i!0-3-13 TMax Horz 2=-175(load case 5) Max Uplift2--341(load 4),10--341 (load case 5) `ca'se Load Case Only FORCES (lb) - First ,V TOPCHORD 1-2-26, 2-3--2024, 3-4--172245=-1722, 5-6--1722, 6-7--1722, 7-8--1722, 8-9=-1722, 9-10=-2024, 10-11 =26 BOT CHORD 2-14-17C-14,13-14-1140,12-13-1140,10-12-1794 WEBS 5-14--294, 7-12--294, 3-14-288, 6-14742, 6.12-742, 9-12=-288 �f�� NOTES n+ v 1) Unbalanced roof live bads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-9B per BOCA/ANS195; 90mph; h-25ft; TCDL-5.Opsf; BCDL-5.Opsf; occupancy category 11; exposure C; encosed;MWFRS gable and zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; and vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL -1.33 plate grip DOL— 1.33. . 3) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 341 Ib uplift at pint 2 and 341 Ib uplift at Joint 10. ' A Cumulative Dimensions MTC, BC, and Web fAeximum Combined Stress Indices X B Panel Length (feet- inches - sixteenths) LOAD CASSIS) Standard X N Deflections (inches) and Span to Deflection Ratio - C Slope O Input Span to Deflection Ratio D Plate Size and Otientefion P MTek Wats Allowables (PSI) E Overall Height Q. Lumber Requirements a F Bearing Location R,Reaction(pounds) G Truss Span (feet- inches - sixteenths) S Minimum Beaiing Required (inches) H Plate Offsets T Maximum Uplift and;or Horizontal Reaction if Applicable I Design Loadbng (PSF) U Required Mamber Bracing J Spacing O.C. (feet - inches . sixteenths) V Member Axial Foces for Load Case I K Duration of Load for Plate and Lumber Design W Notes L Code X Additional Loads/Load Cases Page # 3 • DETAIL FOR COMMON AND END JACKS � (hilt/SAC - 8 -16PSF 3/30/2004 PAGE 1 MAX LOADING (psi) 5 .AGING 2'40 BRACING METek Industries, Inc. . TCL 16.0 P tes ilu7ease 125 TCDL t4:o L11ber Increase t.25 TOP CHORD Sheathed.OL Bftl- ML In Division BGDL to.n Rep Stress Incr YES BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied. _ MINIMUM LUMBER SIZE AND GRADE TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF, HF. DF -L No.2 I LENGTH OF EXTENSION BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF, HF, DF -L N6.2 AS DESIGN REWD 20'-0" MAX SPLICE CAN -EITHER BE 3X6.MT20 PLATES OR 22" LONG 2X4 SCAB CENTEREDATSPLICE W/SAME LUMBER AS TOP CHORD ATTACH TO ONE FACE it Wl (.131°X3.0" MIN) NAILS @ 3" O.C. 2 ROWS NOTE: TOP CHORD PITCH: 4/12-8112 BOTTOM CHORD PITCH: 0/12-4112 PITCH DIFFERENCE. BETWEEN TOP AND BOTTOM.CHORD TO BE "2" MIN. SPACING= 24" O.C. SUPPORT AND CONNECT N BY OTHERS OR 2-16d COMMON WIRE (0.162"D1A. X 3.5� LGT TOE NAILS SUPPORTS SHALL BE PROVIDED � 4'-0° O.C. ALONG THE EXTENSION OF TOP CHORD. CONN. W/316d COMMON WIRE (0.162"DIA, X 3,5" LGT) TOE NAILB V� 3x4 — CONN. W1216d COMMON WIRE- (0..16`Y'DIA X 3.5- LGT) TOE NAILS (�O,��Gf'• C� /` f 6 ryo (�1t6 4.3 7 _ _ I EX?. 3-31-1 6" 1 — EXT. 4-0.0 2.0.0 z-ao OF �c0 EXT. .. - EXT. 2-0-0 _ gg zoo 2 -D -0o ="l.-•' APR v (t 9 2Ul3 j CONN. W13 16d COMMON WIRE (0.16MIA. X 35' LGT) TOE NAILS .� '� BOTTOM CHORD LENGTH MAY BE 7-0" R!j -,, 30 = OR A BEARING BLOCK, CONN. W12 16d COMMON WIRE(0.162 D1A X 3.51 LGT TOE NAILS OR SEE DETAIL MIIISAC-7 FOR 2.0-0 &0-0 PRESSUREBL.OMONG INFO. NOTE: NAILING SHALL BE SUCH THAT THE LUMBER DOES NOT SPLIT. ®NARHINR•vcrir8 dvtgn pwameeas msd xFaa ND1E5 Ox 7RISAND DTL170EU 1rDTF.RltESFT�tEIsTS PAQS d�•74778F6i'ORS IsS& 7777 Grmfttts Lane Design wkd to use orrty w1 h MQek conrwclm This desSgo Is bored only upon po)amelers shown ossd Is for an Indlvlduol buildurg companerd. SNIe 109 AppT¢abi�y of design ppmomrenlea and proper kseorpuotlon d enl 7s r 001 Wgdln deal g gradnp shown Citrus Helghlq CA, 4551 #sduol web mess Y g 9rsr1- rwt buss desl ner. b lot blerol support of ony. Add�rorml lemlroray bros9ng to Inaae s1a691y durtng eorsdnsefLxs b the responslbffily d the erector. AddAlorwl permarsenl hrodng of Ilse overaA sinsclure b the rerponspslWy of the bsAkflrsg designer, fw general guidance regordmg _ lalzieollort quoHy eoMral. stooge, de6vmy arceeibn and bradng, consuN AN51/TPII Ctuofllq G11eda DSB-64 and et311 ifulidirsg Cempener,t � *�p' � Salety Infortmibn ovaibbte 1romTnns Plote Irsslllute, Sit D'Onolrb Dave. ModlwR N'154719. 9 i6R DETAIL FOR COMMON AND END JACKS MIIISAC - 8 -20PSF 18/31/2005 1PAGE1 = MAX LOADING {psf) S p.. ACING z 00 BRACING TCLL 20.0. P1atPs".Inrrt ase t.1s W to Industries, Inc. TLbI is 0 Iri7ease 1 is TOP CHORD Sheathed Western Dltils)on BCLL 0.0eR p Si+ess firux YES BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied. 13CDL 10.0 - _ MINIMUM LUMBER SIZE AND GRADE TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF, DF -I_ No.1 LENGTH OF EXTENSION BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF, HF, DF -L No.2 AS DESIGN REO'D 20•-0" MAX SPLICE CAN EITHER BE 3X6 MTZO PLATES OR 22" LONG 2X4 SCAB CENTERED AT SPLICE W/SAME LUMOtA AS TOP CHORD ATTACH TO.ONE FACE WI (A 31-X3.0" MIN) NAILS (d 3" O.C. 2 ROWS NOTE: TOP CHORD PITCH: 3/12—B/12 BOTTOM CHORD PITCH: 0112--4/12 PITCH DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TOP AND BOTTOM-G.H6kD'TO BE "2" MIN. r: SPACING= 24" O.C. SUPPORT AND CONNECT ON BY OTHERS OR 2-16dWI 16d COMMON RE (0.167'DIA. X 3.51 LGT TOE NAILS SUPPORTS SHALL BE PROVIDED @ 4'-W O.C. ALONG THE EXTENSION OF TOP CHORD. • CONN. W/3 16d COMMON MR (0.162 -DIA. X 3.5' LGT) TOE NAILS 7 2-0.0 3X4 - CONN. W12 16d COMMON WIRE (e.-IMIA X 3.S LGT) TOE MAILS nQ� 8.0-0 rx 13-0-0 EXP.'S -31 60.0 1 SOF CtKL 2.0.0 EXr. . EXT. 2-0-0 APR (�0 ✓ 20 13 EXT. 2 -D -0- 2D-0 CONN. W13 16d COMMON WIRE (4162'DIA X3.5' LGM TOE NAILS 3X4— BOTTOM CHORD LENGTH MAY BE Z'-0" OR A BEARING BLOCK CONN. W216d COMMON WIRE(0JS2"D1A X 3.5") LST TOE NAILS OR SEE DETAIL MIVSAC 7 FOR PRESSUREBLOCIONG INFO, NOTE: NAIUNG SHALL BE SUCH THAT THE LUMBER DOES NOT SPLIT. A, wAp mm. V.A& design-paran,etma and READ DDTZS'oN 2M AM DgMIVED AV= ASFJ=0=PAGE JW -74 73 SAPORS 173P. _ 7777 Gmenlmek lanew DeAgn vt4d I= use a* vAh Weft camdom Ttdr design h bwodony upon pommelen shown, and Is for an Indvidual buk t compbnmi.App6eolslM of des)gn paonr§ Fu folarorwpport ollndMdereelot. sLP peurrmnelatxkolian gvagy cantml sSalefy lntorrmflem owDoble 6omTrun Pbte Indllule. 583 DOno}do Ddve. Modlmn,1V153719. sli OF STANDARD OPEN E!ND MIUSAC - 7 3/30/2004 PAGE 1 ..PRESSUR2 BLOCKS • CAI SL GM CAL GRE • Loading (PSF): BCDL 10.0 PSF MAX 20 bot. chord jarriar tru�s of jack `• I X X,2- (,l3l'Y3.V MIN) '�uttts (bp) (— �_l2x4 block jack between Jacks, ' truss ' nai(W to catrier (typ) w10 WI(.131-X3.0" MIN) mauls spaced at 3o.c. PARTIAL FRAMING PLAN OF . CALIFORNIA HIP SET WITH SUB GIRDER BC of carrier truss s•o•o T'!P MITek Industries, Inc. Western Dfvislon F 2-(.131"X3.0" MIN) NAILS (typ) ��— BOTTOM CHORD OF OPENS END JACK /2x4blodc between jades, Walled to carrier BC 0046433 wl 6-(.131"X3.(r MIN) NAILS @ 3" o.c. EXF. 3-31-15 CIVIL OF Page # 6. APR 0 9 2013 e /A,1P8R7�VNG • Vag jfy dr�rlgn parmn4era mcG READ ND7't� DN TFJS AND D�CLDDSD AJJSStC ltEiFJtFJICE pAt.B hffi•74r9 8GtO8b r1S8. 77.77 Gmenbad Lane d� • ` . • Such tog oblgn ypTid for vse Doty wgh Aa1ek eonneeloe. fits design 4 bored ol+tr' upon poramelers shown and b br an IrdNldvaE bu�dmg eornpaneni. aloes HelgMs, C0., 9561 - App4eabAdy of dedgn ppa�ootmnaanntee ord proper trieaporatlon d emrrponenl k respommiilY � btimdln9 designer • nd bsrss des�net. Brodng shown k idria]eralsvpporl dhdMsAsol web membe*s only. Addliianal temporary bnxtrsg to fisure siablGiy dur4sg tpnsiruelbn k the mspotumWlY d Lha ersicrol': Addd�ill � pennonerd brodn¢ of Itre ovvaY sln+dvie&!he rrspo�®IY d Il+e bWide� ddDner. rw generol9uYdonce regwdag - robnedpoey quo, rty oonlioL slaoge deF"ety, eree6on and bmdng, tomvll ANSt/TPLI QudkY Ql1eAa. DS9-99 and 9t�iT 9v9ding Component Soley irslorsr�allon o"a'bble norrtrhes Pble Iral9vle� 58.9 lYOndrio Dri"e, rfodhon WI A7 t9. 0 • • INTERJOR BEARING OFFSET DETAIL MIIISAC - 6 313012& PAGE 1 MITek Industries, Inc, lWesterii bMilon :• r T NOTE: INTERIOR BEARINGS MAY SHIFT TO THE LEFT OR RIGHT A DISTANCE EQUAL TO THE DEPTH OF THE BOTTOM (d). (7 112" MAX) BOTTOM CHORD PITCH MAY VARY NOTE: THIS DETAIL MAY BE USED FOR ROOF OR FLOOR TRUSS DESIGNS DOUBLE WEB JOINT SINGLE WEB JOINT TRIPLE WEB JOINT A WARMNa • Verity dcvfVn pnr—mM and JLrAD N077B olf 7TIIS AND DCL=ED Dedgn v $d ler ure c* wAh PAA aamedom This design Is bored only upon pctcn h AppAcobbRRl1yy of design ess and proper Ineorporolion ol casrg�orenl k respandl k lar bfer�ssuuppport of uolwab marnbars onFy. AddlnwW lamporaiy bmcbsg la7r ¢cedar. Addtfbrml PenrisarX-4=01 erti bsedng of the a�vva6skuctvre k the respan:mIDly of the hbrfcalhn, quoLiY eo T slwage, de9very, arodlon and brodnp, eweuA AN31/tPn Q 5alely WAwmm?on available kominns Pbte tratihdea 983 D'Onobio Drive, modlson, WI S Pa e# AP.R 09 1013 s PAID =7473 JiBFVRS USE. an kewkfuol bu8dklg campononl. 7777 Cxemrba3.lane Sufis 5D9 Iver •nal ltua designer. &odng shown gbuo Heiphls, Ck Mi oon�trucllok the nesponsp-m of fhe cr Benemi guldonce mgwdhg 9 and BC51I iStAdlnp Component y� PAGE 1 BEARING BLOCK DETAIL 3 1/2`r BEARING MMI/SAG - 3A 3/25/2004 REFER TO INDIVIDUAL TRUSS DESIGN FOR PLATE SIZES AND LUMBER GRADES IMPORTANT This detail to be used only with one ply trusses (EXCEPT AS NOTED BELOW) with a D.O.L.,lumber increase of 1.15 or higher. Trusses not fitting these criteria should be examined individually, 0-3-8 ACTUAL BEARING SIZE i BEARING BLOCK 6 WOOD BEARING ALLCdPBLE LOAr.3 ALLOWABLE LOADS---- L_LLOWABLE BOTTOM CHORD SIZE "NUMBER 1 REACTION ANE, GRADE (Ic) :4A. -NG PAT'rEi.N ---- (NOTE 1) _ -� (NOTE4,5) 2852 s1 e 2966 2>,4 BOTTOM CHORD _ DF 3281 RaWs 6 3" G.C. AFF i 1393 e TICAL NP-rLS) - --- 2126 • SO 2231 _ ___.._...__..__ ; SvP 2966 2.x6 BOTTOM CHORD .- _LF _ _-, 3281 =ows 3" o.c. He 2126 'F(ITAL RAILS) �'--�----.-..---- 2231 I 3598 — —�_ - ( 1452 3683 _ srP _ 2966 • .?� '::8 BOTION CHORD ; DF ->- 3281 R90S @ 3" O.C. NF . 2126 !i.6 TOTAL NAILS) _- sP- i 2231 W11(CR lffu] zm w., 111V. Western Division SEARING BLOCK i BEARING BLOCK 6 WOOD BEARING ALLCdPBLE LOAr.3 ALLOWABLE LOADS---- --1--- •- -•--•-• ----- ---•-------' ALLOWABLE LOAD (_b) TOTAL (NOTE 4) — N� OTE 4j 1 - ---- EQJIVALEENT BEARI14C L_HCTR -- 929 1 _ 3895 0-4-9 855 _ 1 4136 0-4-6-._ ... . . 736 2852 0-4-11 _L._. 726 2957 - -1--._...... ._..._..D-4' 1.0... .. i 1393 -_!_-- 4359 1282 4563 ! 0-4-13 1104 _ 3230 ! 0-5-5 1089 3320 -- - -- 0-5-3 , 1858 — --- 4824 _ ! 0-5-11 1710 I _ 4991 ! +-- 0-5-5 -- - �_ 1472 I 3598 — —�_ - 0-5-14 _...__._ ( 1452 3683 _..._ D-5-12 %' FOR 2X10 BOTTOM CHORD USE 2X8 BOTTOM CHORD VALUES. 4" MINIMUM FEEL HEIGHT • ' BRG BLOCK TO BE SAME'J 22 1/2" V CC. SIZE, ,RADE, 6 SPECIES . PS &XISTING BOTTOM CHORD. APPLY 1a ONE FACE OF TRUSS �w CASE 2 APR 0 9 2013 NOTES: 1. USE LOWER OF TOP PLATE OF BEARING WALL OR BOTTOM CHORD OF TRUSS WOOD SPECIES. 2.THE END DISTANCE. EDGE DISTANCE, AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID UNUSUAL SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. 3. NAILS DESIGNATED ARE (.131" DIAW x 31 MINIMUM 4. FOR BEARINGS NOT NEARER THAN 3" TO THE END OF A MEMBER (CASE 2), THESE VALUES MAY BE MULTIPLIED BY A BEARING FACTOR OF 1.03 5. THE TABLE VALUE CAN BE DOUBLED FOR A 2 -PLY TRUSS PROVIDED THAT THE LENGTH OF THE BLOCK IS T -T LONG MIN. AND BLOCKS ARE ATTACHE TO EACH SIDE OF 2 -PLY TRUSS WITH NAILING PATTERN AS SPECIFIED AND 2-112 A307 BOLTS TO CONNECT ALL 4 PLIES TOGETHER. LOADS BASED ON FOLLOWING Fc PERPENDICULAR VALUES: SYP = 565 psi OF = 625 psi HF = 405 psi f SPF = 425 psi NOTE: VALUES DO NOT INCLUDE MSR LUMBER WITH "E1i VALUES p� GREATER THAN 1,900,000 PSI OR NON -DENSE GRADE LUMBER. Page # 8 ® WARXINO • VerTy dedgn pernm u— and READ NOTES ON TIDE AAP &MUDED Aff= REPFJtENCE PA OZ AM. 7473 BEFORE UM S Isle Greenback Lane Design vorid los use only with AMl et conneclms.lhb design b bused onN upon paramelas shown. orld'u for on indWiduN buBdul9 aomponenl. Cflnn ttetgnts, CA, 9561 AppGCob3ily of design poramenlen and proper ir+corporotion of component a responsiCifrlY at drrldng deirgner • noS tnm designer. &acing shown a for b1ero1 suppoA of Individual web member only. Adtlirmrol temporary broe'e,g to iMac sfaWlty during apn:lruClfan fs the relPons1bN61y of the erector. Addliono! permanent kroong d the overall sinsclwe c the responsibtIDy of the bulldrng designer. For general gudance regarding y ! Iobrico6on, quaFly conp0l storage, debvery, erecfion orrd bracing. consul! AN51/iPli Quallly Crlletia, DSe•89 and 8CSI1 Bubding Component M W 0. !\ Safely Wormolion o+oibble Irom truss Pto1e trsslilufe. SB3 D'Oroeio terve, Moduon. WI 53719. , !\ —]— BEARING BLOCK DETAIL 5112" BEARING @II'.11 SAC - 4A 1_.3/25/2OD4 PAGE 1 Mrrek Industries, Inc. Western Division I REFER TO INDIVIDUAL TRUSS DESIGN I FOR PLATE SIZES AND LUMBER GRADES ; IMPORTANT This detail to be used only with one ply trusses (EXCEPT AS NOTED BELOW) with a D.O.L. lumber increase of 1.15 or higher. Trusses not fitting these criteria should be examined individually. 0-5-8 ACTUAL BEARING SIZEWITH BEARING BLOCK APPLIED ON ONE SIDE OF TRUSS :(Y:TOM CHJ?L' SIZE LUMBER REACTALLOON i BEARING BLOCK BEARING BLOCK 6 WOOD BEr1RiNG r=�LM4BLE iOALS .alT'v GRADEIib) ' ALLOWABLE LOADS 'L__(1b)LOAD (1b{ Np.iLING 'rATTERN (NOTE 1) (NU TE4,5) 1--,.. (NOT;_4) NOTE 4) :TCSAL EQUI�AI.ENT Z�AFt1NG LENS's`fs \ ' ; CASE 2 ;CASE1 -I I., 'r_EEL 31EIGBT � �--•' 1' .+ • ; FRG BLOCK TO BE SAME i 22 SIZE, GRADE, 6 SPECIES �--•-_---- PS EXISTING BOTTOM CRORD. :2' 6LOC9 1 APPLY TO ONE FACE OF TRUSS. ;�•• � n❑ NOTES: A r R 0 9 2013 1. USE LOWER OF TOP PLATE OF BEARING WALL OR BOTTOM CHORD OF TRUSS WOOD SPECIES. 2.THE END DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID UNUSUAL SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. 3. NAILS DESIGNATED ARE (.131" DIAM. x 31 MINIMUM 4. FOR BEARINGS NOT NEARER THAN 3" TO THE END OF A MEMBER (CASE 2), THESE VALUES MAY BE MULTIPLIED BY A BEARING FACTOR OF 1.03 5. THE TABLE VALUE CAN BE DOUBLED FOR A 2 -PLY TRUSS PROVIDED THAT THE LENGTH OF THE BLOCK IS 3'-0" LONG MIN. AND BLOCKS ARE ATTACHE TO EACH SIDE OF 2 -PLY TRUSS WITH NAILING PATTERN AS SPECIFIED AND 2- 112 A307 BOLTS TO CONNECT ALL 4 PLIES TOGETHER. LOADS BASED ON FOLLOWING Fc PERPENDICULAR VALUES: SYP = 565 psi OF = 625 psi HF = 405 psi SPF = 425 psi NOTE: VALUES DO NOT INCLUDE MSR LUMBER WITH "E" VALUES GREATER THAN 1,900,ODO PSI OR NON -DENSE GRADE LUMBER. WrsRNINC . Dcrib design parameters and RETES AD NOON TMS AND DR:l.VDSD W=REFF.B&w_s PAGE TCD -7078 BEFORD USE- 7777 G+¢enbatk Lane � Design valid for use any wlih "Ie! connectors. This design h own based only upon porometen shown. and h lor on indieiduol budding component. S111n tog Appricobigy,of design poramenlers and proper incorporohon of component b respor sbWy of buEdmg designer - not Inas designer. 9tocing shown Nelpnts. CA. 9561 is for lolero) support of Individuolweb member or y. Additional lemporwy bracing to inswe slob8ily during eonsliuc6on h the resporsibddly of fhe erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overo8 struc•I uee is the responsibd of the bulking designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, puoflly conird storage, delivery. erection and bracing. comull ANSVTPIt Quality Cdieda. DS11•89 end SCS11 SulkDng ComponcnlQl Airi'�th $a" lyda lien avollobte from Truss Pble Inslirvle. 583 D•Onofrlo Drive. Madison, WI 53719. Awe � � %'l 30Tsot? :HORS :. ROWS l 3 O.C. :6 TOTP.L NAILS) =-- SYF C:F :_.. ; T;F SPF --._.._.. 4661 __T_.....__ 5156 t -f 3341 i --- — 3506 929 855 _ _736 -- 726 ? ' -_M4077 5590 6011 4232 • SYP 4661 j 1393 1 6054 _ I- D= 5156 ( 1282 '• 6438 .6 aoTT�3 cao; D ROtes h 3" o:c. NF i3341 1104 4445 TUTAL NAI LSI •-•--------- S'F .—T—�� 3506 I 1089 — 4595 _cYP -_.._ _ _ 4661 _-1858 - - - -� - ---- 6519_ r.;:e aDTTo3 CHORD^ cF 5156 1710 + 6866 4 ?(WS a 3^ O.C. - -- --- i_ 3341 1472--^ j ;i6 TOTAL NAILS) 1-- _---4813 3506 1452 ^_ 4958 - -_-- -sP__ _i- •: FOR 2X10 BOTTOM CHORD USE 2X8 BOTTOM CHORD VALUES. \ ' ; CASE 2 ;CASE1 -I I., 'r_EEL 31EIGBT � �--•' 1' .+ • ; FRG BLOCK TO BE SAME i 22 SIZE, GRADE, 6 SPECIES �--•-_---- PS EXISTING BOTTOM CRORD. :2' 6LOC9 1 APPLY TO ONE FACE OF TRUSS. ;�•• � n❑ NOTES: A r R 0 9 2013 1. USE LOWER OF TOP PLATE OF BEARING WALL OR BOTTOM CHORD OF TRUSS WOOD SPECIES. 2.THE END DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID UNUSUAL SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. 3. NAILS DESIGNATED ARE (.131" DIAM. x 31 MINIMUM 4. FOR BEARINGS NOT NEARER THAN 3" TO THE END OF A MEMBER (CASE 2), THESE VALUES MAY BE MULTIPLIED BY A BEARING FACTOR OF 1.03 5. THE TABLE VALUE CAN BE DOUBLED FOR A 2 -PLY TRUSS PROVIDED THAT THE LENGTH OF THE BLOCK IS 3'-0" LONG MIN. AND BLOCKS ARE ATTACHE TO EACH SIDE OF 2 -PLY TRUSS WITH NAILING PATTERN AS SPECIFIED AND 2- 112 A307 BOLTS TO CONNECT ALL 4 PLIES TOGETHER. LOADS BASED ON FOLLOWING Fc PERPENDICULAR VALUES: SYP = 565 psi OF = 625 psi HF = 405 psi SPF = 425 psi NOTE: VALUES DO NOT INCLUDE MSR LUMBER WITH "E" VALUES GREATER THAN 1,900,ODO PSI OR NON -DENSE GRADE LUMBER. WrsRNINC . Dcrib design parameters and RETES AD NOON TMS AND DR:l.VDSD W=REFF.B&w_s PAGE TCD -7078 BEFORD USE- 7777 G+¢enbatk Lane � Design valid for use any wlih "Ie! connectors. This design h own based only upon porometen shown. and h lor on indieiduol budding component. S111n tog Appricobigy,of design poramenlers and proper incorporohon of component b respor sbWy of buEdmg designer - not Inas designer. 9tocing shown Nelpnts. CA. 9561 is for lolero) support of Individuolweb member or y. Additional lemporwy bracing to inswe slob8ily during eonsliuc6on h the resporsibddly of fhe erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overo8 struc•I uee is the responsibd of the bulking designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, puoflly conird storage, delivery. erection and bracing. comull ANSVTPIt Quality Cdieda. DS11•89 end SCS11 SulkDng ComponcnlQl Airi'�th $a" lyda lien avollobte from Truss Pble Inslirvle. 583 D•Onofrlo Drive. Madison, WI 53719. Awe � � UPLIFT TELE -NAIL DEVIL I IVIIIISAC - 24 � 11/1812004 f PAGE 1 MTek Industries, Inc. Q NOTES: Western Division A 1. TOE -NAILS SHALL BE DRIVEN AT AN ANGLE OF 30 DEGREES WITH THE MEMBER AND STARTED 1/3 THE LENGTH OF. THE NAIL FROM THE MEMBER END AS SHOWN. 2. THE END DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND'SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID UNUSUAL SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. 3. ALLOWABLE VALUE SHALL BE THE LESSER VALUE OF THE BOTTOM CHORD SPECIES OR TOP PLATE SPECIES FOR MEMBERS OF DIFFERENT SPECIES. SIDE VIEW NEAR SIDE '_', I i� CT_• FAR SIDE • TO] OF SIDE END VIEW VIEWS SHOWN ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY VALUES SHOWN ARE CAPACITY PER TOE -NAIL APPLICABLE DURATION OF LOAD INCREASES MAY BE APPLIED. EXAMPLE: (3) -16d NAILS (.162" diam. x 3.5") WITH SPF SPECIES TOP PLATE For Wind DOL of 1.33: 3 (nags) X 36.8 (Ib/nall) X 1.33 (DOL for wind)=146.81b Maximum Allowable Uplift Reaction Due To Wind For Wind DOL of 1.60: 3 (nails) X 36.8 (lb/pall) X 1.60 (DOL for wind)=176.61b Ma)dmum Allowable Uplift Reaction Due To Wind if the uplift reaction spectffed.on the Truss Design' Drawing Is more than 146.8 lbs (176.6 lbs) another mechanical uplift connection must be used. C .64,3,3 EXP. 3-31-1 - USE (3) TOE -NAILS ON 20 BEARING WALL Pia a ## 101 APR 0 9 2013 TOE -NAIL WITHDRAWAL VALUES PER NDS 2001 (lbinail) - USE (4) TOE -NAILS ON 2x6 BEARING WALL .DIAM, SYP OF HF SPF SPF -S Ur .131 58.5 46.1 31.6 29.8 �D.3 Z' 135 60 3 47.5 328 30.7 20.9 .162 72.3 • 57.0 39.1 36.8 25,1 ri Z .128 53.1 41.8 28.7 27.0 18.4 .131 54.3 42A 29.3 27.7 N .148 61.4 48.3 332 31.3 21.3 vi CD .120 24.8 23.4 15.9 p ' .128 26.5 25.0 17.0 J c 131 M5D.139.5 27.1 25.6 17.4 148 30.6 28.9 19:6 VALUES SHOWN ARE CAPACITY PER TOE -NAIL APPLICABLE DURATION OF LOAD INCREASES MAY BE APPLIED. EXAMPLE: (3) -16d NAILS (.162" diam. x 3.5") WITH SPF SPECIES TOP PLATE For Wind DOL of 1.33: 3 (nags) X 36.8 (Ib/nall) X 1.33 (DOL for wind)=146.81b Maximum Allowable Uplift Reaction Due To Wind For Wind DOL of 1.60: 3 (nails) X 36.8 (lb/pall) X 1.60 (DOL for wind)=176.61b Ma)dmum Allowable Uplift Reaction Due To Wind if the uplift reaction spectffed.on the Truss Design' Drawing Is more than 146.8 lbs (176.6 lbs) another mechanical uplift connection must be used. C .64,3,3 EXP. 3-31-1 - USE (3) TOE -NAILS ON 20 BEARING WALL Pia a ## 101 APR 0 9 2013 - USE (4) TOE -NAILS ON 2x6 BEARING WALL ® WARTDrltl • 9mj(g Hvlgn paramelnrs andREdD NOSES ON TIi1S AND rNCLi7DSD /m7E3CREFERF./!CS TAM AW -7473 ASiORS VSB. 7M Gieenhad;!Etre Sufla 109 � 18 Design vo9d Svt use onty wllh 1J67ek eoroxaclws. This desSgn it Isased only upon paramelen shown. and k Sot on lrxifvlduol bufld4rg component, Chm Heights. CA, 9581 App3aol$�' of design prnomenSen and puoper trrcrnporallon of eomponenl k resporsdblAly rs1 bukdh+g designer • not inns designer. lbvcing shown to Inswe dumsg comhucrxm k the responsmt®ly of the 11$ h las bleralsupp� 01 hsdru7dual web members only. AddBlonvl lensporay ao9 slols4ily AddObnat pennarsenl brosasg d the ww0 shsscltsre h the respomORly of the Ixdidwg daslgnet. For genesoi guidance regardarg � I erec4rn. falsticolbn. qualNy con{<ol, slasaga, defnery, ereellon and brocing, aonsuA AN51/rPtl Quatlly ohlaity OSB -84 and BCSn BUDdSng Component MI l�k® i � Sab1y Inlamw0on ovo!'able 4om truss Plate tnslBvle, 5lCi D'OrwSrlo LLNe, Modhon, 1Y153719, LATERALTQE-NAIL DETAIL (iii/SAC - 25 11/1$/2004 PAGE 1 MiTek Industries, Inc. 0 NOTES: Western DlvWon 1. TOE -NAILS SHALL BE DRIVEN AT AN ANGLE OF 30 DEGREES WITH THE MEMBER AND STARTED 113 THE LENGTH OF THE NAIL FROM THE MEMBER END AS SHOWN. 2. THE END DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID UNUSUAL SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. - 3. ALLOWABLE VALUE SHALL BE THE LESSER VALUE OF THE BOTTOM CHORD SPECIES FOR MEMBERS OF DIFFERENT SPECIES. . VALUES SHOWN ARE CAPACITY PER TOE -NAIL APPLICABLE DURATION OF LOAD INCREASES MAY BE APPLIED. • EXAMPLE: (3) - 16d NAILS (.162" diam, x 3.5) WITH SPF SPECIES BOTTOM CHORD For load duration increase of 1.15: 3 (nails) X 91.9 (Ib/nail) X 1.15 (DOL) = 317.0 Ib Maximum Capacity �� ap. 3-31-13 CF APR 0 9 2013 SQUARE CUT I SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW (2x4, 2x6) (2x3) 3 NAILS 2 NAILS NEAR SIDE NEAR SIDE FAR SIDE NEAR SIDE X_ FAR SIDE 45 DEGREE ANGLE BEVEL CUT c- `45.00" 1_2 1,2;::x. `f, I VIEWS SHOWN ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY i 45.00" Y WARMW • V,,Vy dcrlyn ya,•nnrctcra and READ NOTES ON 7 W AND VK LE= M17GS REISRENCE PAGE AM 7473 BEFORE VSE =Design voW for vse only with A41ek COMOiClaa. Thisdesign 's based o* upon polomeiers shown, avid s component.I" on individual bullring component. ficobW of design poromenfers and proper inoorporaticn of component is responsUlity of buBdsng designer • not kun designer. Bracing shown It I= lohnat support at indvrdual web members arty. Addiliond temporary brodng to kawe stats * during construction is the resporslbBfWy of the eredor. Add',onal pemwnsnf broci g of the overall stricture's the responMAW f al the bulli g designer. For general guidance regmdi g lobricelian gvcay contnoL storage. delivery. etedion and brocing. comull ANSVMI Quality Crilesla, 0S869 end SCSII SuBding Component Sotety Indormaoon avoiloWe kom 1r Plate Insidule. SO D'Onotrio Drive, Mod'son. W1 S3719. SIDE VIEW (2103, 2x4) ' 2 NAILS ry NEAR SIDE rA NEAR SIDE SIDE VIEW 324)ILS _ J NEARSIDE � ', NEAR SIDE NEAR SIDE Pa e # III -- 7777 Greenbedl Lane �•..� Suite 7 • . CBfa6 Heights, CA, 0561 6k jj''��� yyyy� I 0 TO IL SINGLE SHEAR VALUES PER NDS 2001 (lb/nail) DIAM. SYP DF HF SPF SPF -S - .131 88.1 80.6 69.9 68.4 59.7 p 135 93.5 85.6 742 72.6 63.4 J ,162 118.3 108.3 93.9 91.9 602 .128 1 84.1 76.9 66.7 65.3 57.0 Z 131 86.1 80.6 69.9 68.4 59.7 .148 106.6 97.6 84.7 t 82.8 72.3 l� Z L .120 73.9 67.6 58.7 1 57.4 50.1 O .128 84.1 76.9 66.7 j 65.3 57.0 J 0 131 88.1 60.6 69.9 1 68.4 59.7 148 t 106.6 97.6 84.7 1 82.8 72.3 VALUES SHOWN ARE CAPACITY PER TOE -NAIL APPLICABLE DURATION OF LOAD INCREASES MAY BE APPLIED. • EXAMPLE: (3) - 16d NAILS (.162" diam, x 3.5) WITH SPF SPECIES BOTTOM CHORD For load duration increase of 1.15: 3 (nails) X 91.9 (Ib/nail) X 1.15 (DOL) = 317.0 Ib Maximum Capacity �� ap. 3-31-13 CF APR 0 9 2013 SQUARE CUT I SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW (2x4, 2x6) (2x3) 3 NAILS 2 NAILS NEAR SIDE NEAR SIDE FAR SIDE NEAR SIDE X_ FAR SIDE 45 DEGREE ANGLE BEVEL CUT c- `45.00" 1_2 1,2;::x. `f, I VIEWS SHOWN ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY i 45.00" Y WARMW • V,,Vy dcrlyn ya,•nnrctcra and READ NOTES ON 7 W AND VK LE= M17GS REISRENCE PAGE AM 7473 BEFORE VSE =Design voW for vse only with A41ek COMOiClaa. Thisdesign 's based o* upon polomeiers shown, avid s component.I" on individual bullring component. ficobW of design poromenfers and proper inoorporaticn of component is responsUlity of buBdsng designer • not kun designer. Bracing shown It I= lohnat support at indvrdual web members arty. Addiliond temporary brodng to kawe stats * during construction is the resporslbBfWy of the eredor. Add',onal pemwnsnf broci g of the overall stricture's the responMAW f al the bulli g designer. For general guidance regmdi g lobricelian gvcay contnoL storage. delivery. etedion and brocing. comull ANSVMI Quality Crilesla, 0S869 end SCSII SuBding Component Sotety Indormaoon avoiloWe kom 1r Plate Insidule. SO D'Onotrio Drive, Mod'son. W1 S3719. SIDE VIEW (2103, 2x4) ' 2 NAILS ry NEAR SIDE rA NEAR SIDE SIDE VIEW 324)ILS _ J NEARSIDE � ', NEAR SIDE NEAR SIDE Pa e # III -- 7777 Greenbedl Lane �•..� Suite 7 • . CBfa6 Heights, CA, 0561 6k jj''��� yyyy� I 0 • • MARCH 12, 2009 UVEB BRACING RECOMMENDATIONS ST-WEBBRACE OO ® MTek Industries, Chesterfield, MO Page 1 Of 1 I V LJLJ 0 00 0 00 �a MiTek Indusbies, Inc. Bay size shag be measured in between the centers of pairs of diagonals. TYPE MAXIMUM TRUSS WEB FORCE (Ibs.)(See note 7) BRACE BAYSIZE 24"O -C. 48"O.C: 72" O.C: BRACING MATERIAL TYPE BRACING MATERIAL TYPE BRACING MATERIAL TYPE A B C D A B C D C D ROOFANDA)R CELONG OAPHRAGN.THE DIAPHRAGU (STORE DESIGNED BYA Ol1AL.IFTED 1610 1886 1886 2829 :• ': z•�'�„=' 't 5 _: mac:~ =� ;: a• =: ~.F+ r,,.'= �'+.+ ' 'i.'•�:f„+., •y ..� ::: :� .:' K� r. '-4+'-'-. ' %a; PRORMSIONAL " _ _,..y,.v'h-: 5e' .-.: ..`C l:ri:1'C�^',`' �^:-Yh'.^.�i`.:`•_a5'.Sf�•5 ��4�Xyw. 1141- `;+;r, A 1342 1572 1572 235g n �:' • 3143 3143 _ .y..� 4715 4715 7074 3. DIAGONAL BRACING MATERIAL WUSr BE SANE SIZE AND GRADE OR MTMR,AS THEIATERAL BRACE 1150 13477347 2021 ,�1ti."c` ' �,�y-`S :"'i .=ri:�:_:. ' ti� ^::e:::�s }, •.;� ... :'-{`�-' °` •w4°i,' ���y`„�'nth-.wLL�:r.arb•.:•ry�n.�`i•y.r�,>-� M4TERIAL AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SUCHA MANNER THAT R INTERSECTS WEB MEMBERS �:'.?c:i-�''cti"��''""r�'-:..r '.°•. >?`:� ter: • • GI:Y.�=•� 1 X 4 02 SRB (DF, HF, SPF) 16'-0' 1DD6 1179 1179 1768 :�: y . +Y,�.,y'.x,:" 2358 2356 3536 (0.1317257 FOA IrA BRACES, Z•10d (0.731713) FOR 20 &M224 BRACES,AND3-10d (0.13170') FOR 2G BRACES. tyr% .Nl.,`i.... 1B. -D 894 1048 1048 1572 ia•,•-:.���,.'yogis?�Sa-'>~.--'�T ? s�.;.:,✓•T-:` ;:ar :�n.; 3143 4715 2 X 3 93, STD, CONST (SPF, DF, HF, OR SYP) ti.:.::'•:s^''_'�:'; =�=•;i:?:^r' ~ 2D' -O" SDS 949 943 1414 =� a"<1' 1886 1886 2829 "'�.r--'` �`";".-�'='''`': ';:� �'�`'`•-• n' -:y,2•w Tr.�i):'�=•sig {:`t ^.-Z"�^-�• Bay size shag be measured in between the centers of pairs of diagonals. TYPE BRACING MATERIALS GENERAL NOTES 1. DIAGONAL IS REOUIREDTOTRANSFER THE OUK"TNE LATERAL MACE FORCEINTOTHE ROOFANDA)R CELONG OAPHRAGN.THE DIAPHRAGU (STORE DESIGNED BYA Ol1AL.IFTED PRORMSIONAL " 1 X4 IND. 45 SYP 2. THESECALQAATIONS ARE BASED ON LATERAL BRACE CARRYNB MOFTHEWEB FORCE A -OR_ 3. DIAGONAL BRACING MATERIAL WUSr BE SANE SIZE AND GRADE OR MTMR,AS THEIATERAL BRACE ' M4TERIAL AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SUCHA MANNER THAT R INTERSECTS WEB MEMBERS 1 X 4 02 SRB (DF, HF, SPF) ATAPPROX 4S DEGREES AND SMALL BENALrD AT EACH END AND EACH KTERNEDuTETRUSS WITH2-W (0.1317257 FOA IrA BRACES, Z•10d (0.731713) FOR 20 &M224 BRACES,AND3-10d (0.13170') FOR 2G BRACES. 4. CONNECT LATERAL BRACE TO EACHTRUSS WITH 2.8d (03M=51 NAILS FOR IAN LATERAL BRACES. B 2 X 3 93, STD, CONST (SPF, DF, HF, OR SYP) 2-10d (0.131W) NAILS FOR 20 and 204 LATERAL BRACES, AND 9.100 (0.131WI FOR W LATERAL BRACES. S LATERAL BRACE SHOULD BECONTINUOUS AND SHOULD OVERLAP AT LEAST ONETRUSS SPACE FOR CONT9AIIrY. 4 FOR ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE REGARDING DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF BRACING, CoNSI1LT C 2 X 4 93, STD, DONST (SPF, DF, HF, OR SYP) DSB-WTEMPORARY BRACING OF METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES AND BCSI I GUMETO GOOD PRACTICE FOR II "MNG, INSTALLING L BRACING OFMErAL PLATE CONNECTED WOW.1,.TRUSSES, JO0NTLY PRODUCED BY WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA udTRIES PLATE RISTITITTE. D 2 X 89308 BETTER (SPF, DF, HF, OR SYP) 7. REFERTO SPECOCTRISS DESIGN DRAWING FOR WEB MEM3EA FORCE ' & TABULATED VALUES ARE BASED ON A DOL. 1.15 1• VK b 1 A13IULL:K'. FOA ASPACM OF 2N• OG.ONLY mnEK'STABLErr TRS BRACH SYSTEMS UNI BE RkAL. DIADOA18RACING FOR STA MIMPSBmDEDEA RNRAHO WHERE DIAPHRAGM BHACIIB B RECO IRED AT PROM BRFANS,67A9L?ER3 MAY BE REPLACED WITH WOOD BLOC CMD. SEE •STABUMPr Tr015S BRAC2NGP+S 'wnoNGUOE AND PRODUCTSKOVIU.TION. This information is provided as a recommendation to assist in the requirement for permanent bracing of the Individual truss web members. Additional bracing may still be required for the stability of the overall roof system. The method shown here is just one method that can be used to provide stability against web buckling. TRUSS WEB tEAIBERS CDNnNUOUSLATERAL RESTRAINT 2-10d NAILS (SEE NOTE 4) Pa a#1 T -BRACE AND L-BRAGE Nallirig PPtiern L -Brace size NaI! Size Nail.Spacing 1x4 or 6 10d (0.148X3' B" o.c. 2x4, 6, or 8 6d(0.182X3 1/2") . B° o.c. Nate: Nail along entire length of L -Brace or T -Brace (On Two -Piles Nall to Both Plies) • WEa' Neils t Ir SPACING k k APR i1 9 TU13 MIUSAG - 23 8/27/?_ .0.04 1 PAGE 1 MITek Industries, Inc. Western Division L -Brace or T -Brace Size for One -Ply Truss Specified Gontlnuous Rows. of Lateral Bracing Web Size i 1 _ 2 2x3 or 2x4 U4 2x4 2x8 1x8 2x6 2x8 2x8 **� DIRECT SUBSnTUTiON NOT APUCABLE. SBodon Detail Nalis NalIB` Web Web L -Brace T -Brace L -BRACE or T BRACE T -Brace ori -Brace Size for Two -Ply Truss Specified Contlnuous Rows of Lateral Bracinb Web Size 1 2x3 or 2x4 2x4. •2x4 2x8 2x6 1,13 2x8 2x6 2x8 Nails / 10d (0.148X3') @ 9" o.c• Web 1 -Brace Nails Section Detail Note: 1. L -Bracing or T -Bracing to be used when continuous lateral bracing is Impractical. L -brace must cover 90% of web length. 2. L -Brace or T -Brace must be same species grade (or better) as web member. 3. The Stabilizer or Eliminator of MiTek Ind. Inc, can replace the bracing members. Please refer to engineering document provided by MiTek-Ind. inc. jPage # 13 WdRlmJB • T.rt& d -11M parmnetnra bn vaifd la uia ortty with Ndf ek cormar �1r�hffiFy of denten Pmamenl erc m+d p� MMMSP Mn=A3MU NrJi PAQS Z&7479 n pw melat rbowr;. mid4 lar cn b*Adual W rm emenbw* Isar 51rRe 90B Cihaa He1BMs, � 8661 eld hog .1 WNW. ����A�LLEY�TRQS�SDET�AIL �(f/SSC — '(9 4!26/2004 PAGE 1 OF 2 • LIVE LOAD = 60 PSF (MAX) MITek Industries, ific. DEAD LOAD =16 PSF (MAX) Western Dlvision D.O:L. INC = 1.15' NOTE: VALLEY STUD SPACING NOT GAi3LE END, COMMON TRUSS 85 MPH WIND SPEED, 3 SECOND GUST OR GIRDER TRUSS TO EXCEED 48" O.C. SPACING VALLEY TRUSS TYPICAL ( 24" O.C.) A BASE TRUSSES TYPICAL (24" O.C. ) 11 VALLEY TRUSS TYPICAL GABLE END, COMMON TRUSS —., ., r• . na r-lonco rol ice 13 BEVEL VALLEY TOE,- NAIL VALLEY TO 13ASE TRUSS Wl TRUSS (2) (.131"X3.0" MIN) TOE NAILS_ JL VALLEY TO ,USS W/ "X3.0" MIN) LS VALLEY TRUSS RESTS ON 2x6 DETAIL B (BASS TRUSSES SHEATHED) (GREATER THAN 3112 PITCH) ATBEVELED 2x4 CONTINOUS NO2 SPF TO THE FACE OF THE ROOF W/TWO (.1$1703.0" MIN) NAILS INTO EACH TRUSS BELOW ATTACH VALLEY TO BEVELED 2x4 W/ (2) (.131"X3.0" MIN) TOE NAILS DETAIL C TOE - NAIL VALLEY TO (GREATER THAN 3112 PITCH BASE TRUSS W/ LESS THAN 6/12 PITCH) (2) (.131"X3.0" MIN) TOE NAILS N ` 10 ATTACH 2x6 CONTINOUS NO.2 SPF TO THE FACE OF THE ROOF Wl TWO (.131"X3.0" MIN) NAILS INTO EACH TRUSS BELOW Paa # NOTES: APR 0 9 2013 1. SPAN OF VALLEY TRUSS SHALL BE LIMITED TO 30'-0" MAX AND PITCH BETWEEN 2-6/12- 2- -6/122. PROVIDE LATERAL SUPPORT FOR TOP CHORD OF BASE TRUSS WITH SHEATHING ( BY OTHERS) 3. MAX WEB LENGTH WITHOUT BRACE (6'-3'1 WITH BRACE (12'-6") 4. IF TOP CHORD LATERAL BRACING REQUIRED IS LESS THAN SPACING OF VALLEY TRUSSES (24" O.C.) THAN ADDITIONAL 2X4 BRACING IS REQUIRED. 5. LATERAL BRACING SHALL BE NAILED W/MIN 2 1 D NAILS. e ® �• Dertfg design prvmneterc and RFr}D NDYF.S ON75IIS AND lNCLUD$D Ml7ER REFFJtTJJCE PAGE iHII 7477 9BiDRE DSE. pesfgn %tqW for use osry vAlh Mpet eonneefws. Thh degdgnh bwed wry upwi p=ojea drown orrd h for an h&4ducl but<dhg eonvmenl, AppSeob6dy of design parornenitn orrd pops krsxrpwollon of component h r@spotulb8ily of bupdrrp dedgnes • rw1 Truss deslg+ra. Isrodnp shown h'lorloleiolsvpporf o1 hcp+idualweb members only. AddHbrrol.le*nporwy"brr>drrg lohrss4e siabIIty dursrg cwrslnsdion h the lesporriBAplY of fhe ereelw. AdifAwrol perrrrbnenl 6roolne of the overop slivclvre h the respondEilBlyof tht bufldeq deslgrser. Fw gms7a9 Ooldonee regwdkrg IobpeoFioR Qwfdy eonlro>, sldoge, delivery aeeliwr orrd brocing, csrwsp AN51/TPII Oumlfy Crllede, DSB•89 and BC511 pupolnp Coaipenenl Soley Irdmme9en ovoHobk 6om Trus Pble tretpufe. SHS IYOrrolrio Drive. Modlrws, WI53/19. Supe 109 CIOUS MelphlS, CA. ���VA�LLEY�TRUS�SDET�AIL ������4/26/20�04PA�GE20�F2 MiT.ek Industries, Inc. Western Div}sion 0 BEVEL VALLEY TRUSS BEVEL VALLEY TRUSS TOE - NAIL VALLEY TO SECURE VALLEY TRUSS. BASE TRUSS W/ W/ USP RT7 OR (2) 16d TOE NAILS EQUIVALENT DETAIL D (NO SHEATHING) DETAIL E (NO SHEATHING) NOTES: FOR CONNECTION OF VALLEY TRUSSES TO BASE TRUSS ' USING DETAIL D OR DETAIL E. 1. SPACING OF LATERAL BRACING REQUIRED ON TOP CHORD OF BASE TRUSS SHALL BE tARGER THAN THE SPACING :OF•VALLEY TRUSSES (24" O:C. MAX) OTHERWISE, ADDITIONAL BRACING SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR TOP CHORD OF BASE TRUSS. 2, LATERAL FORCE SYSTEM SHALL BE CHECKED BY PROJECT ENGINEER TO VERIFY THE PROPER TRANSFER OF ALL THE VERTICAL AND LATERAL FORCE. IVARaNa. Verify design p-' t:tcm ondAUD.N0769DN 7RISAND WM=50lII7F1C ESF>OtF.NCE fAGS'AM-7473DEMRS 0.58 Destrn vokd lar use dn}y w9h Mtrek eamreclom This deslgn b bored o* upon pwemelea drowm opd b im on brdlvkW bulldtng componenl. App6cnb9fy d dedgn Paomenierc and proper breorpmafbn of eornponenl b respondbIDly of br&ldbrg dedgna • rwf bust design®. &oemg drown b for blerolsuppaf of ndHldud web member on1/. AddlBonallemparmy btot�rg to briure dobiQly,dyArig rorrslnrerion.h the respohdb091y of the ` eraclor. hddHlorral perrwnenl tiroetrrg of the wmol ilrVclwe h 1M responstbIDly d Dse hutdMg drsigr�. for gerrerd gutdonce regmdrrg • taizicalbn, yrrDely conlroL dorcsge, detivmy aedbn and brodrg, annAl ANSI/1Fl1 Qualify 68eda. DSB•B4 mrd BOAT euSdtrrg Component ' Saieiy'hrlmmalion ovaboble boor Trus Pble IndliWe, 5930'Oroh'r� DrHe, Modison• WI 53119. ' APR 0 9-2013 ?M Greenback Lene State ID9- CKM Helghtb. CA. 9551 PURLIN GABLE DETAIL Mll/SAC — 12 7/15/2005 PAGE 1 OF4 • . I APR 0 9 2013 a Ikkl WARWhia. 9ert(g drelgnpm ctc'e mrd READ N07E90N 77�9A"Rft9M.VA XT=AEFZ%EMIZPAlw=-744J BAMIM VSB, 7777 Greenba*tmv .r MIteiClltrrs ��B•� 0581 .r I THE PURLIN GABLE TO BE LAID ON TOP OF THE HIP TRUSSES AND ATTACHED WHERE IT HAS JAN; CONTACT WITH THE Q oll TRUSSES BELOW. • SEE DETAIL # SEE DETAIL # JACKS SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR ALL DETAILS 1vilTex Inaustries, Inc. Western Divisfori STUD SPACING ON PURLIN GABLE TO BE LESS THAN'OR EQUAL TO THE LEAST TOP CHORD: PURLIN SPACING ON THE GIRDER OR HIP TRUSS. Z-, 5x5 3x5 US ALL PLATES TO BE 20 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED TYPICAL "PURLIN GABLE". REFERJO ENGINEERED TRUSS DRAVA G FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL TRUSS SEE DETAIL #F3 H Z O O U I— o � o Pa e # 16 APR 0 9 2013 a Ikkl WARWhia. 9ert(g drelgnpm ctc'e mrd READ N07E90N 77�9A"Rft9M.VA XT=AEFZ%EMIZPAlw=-744J BAMIM VSB, 7777 Greenba*tmv MIteiClltrrs ��B•� 0581 erl supped a! lndrviduril web member orsly Add6lwwf lerrworwy hror3rg to bsure afahWy durtrrgeorsdrualbn h the tesponslblf6fy of ifre. Al pvmanerd brsulrig of the overo6 siruciure h the tespordbDly of the bv6dMg designer Fv genmd giAdanee regsuc6ng i {abAcalbrS quoalY� siornge, def>rery, aedlan smd brodng, coru�i ANS1/tPt1 QuaBty Psllorfa 056-89 orui itCS11 BuilrDng Compenerdi Sa}aly Irdemmtlen wa6able tram inrss Pbte bsd8ule, Sii D'Onohb Drive. FAodlmrs, WI Sa719. 'i�� PURLIN GABLE DETAIL MII1SAC - 12 7/15/2005 ' PAGE 2 OF 4 • MITek Industries, Inc. Wester)t Divislon- 16d SINKER OR 18d BOX THE TOP OF THE HIP GIRDER O•C. SPACING BY OTHERS TRUSS AT THE BASE OF THE PURLIN GABLE IS DROPPED LESS THEN ALL THE OTHERHIP TRUSSES. T`HE BOTTOM EDGE HIP GIRDER _& OF. THE PURLIN CABLE ALIGNS WITH. THE LEFT �> FACE OF.THIS TRUSS QGP AND BEARS ON TOP. • DETAIL #1 CONNECTION OF JACK TO HIP GIRDER TO BE ATTACH 2x LEDGER TO FLAT TOP CHORD DESIGNED BY OTHERS WITH 2 -ROWS OF 1Dd NAILS (.131" DIAM. x3*) SPACED 9" O.C. HIP GIRDER _& APEX ° o QJ SIP S HSES GP ON ROOF SLOPES OF 2112 A ACH PURLIN GABLE TO 6112 1Nf �2• )_10d Q •. R�: G SHANK OR 1?d COMMON . vt+IRE m NAILS- THESE NAILS MUST 21NCH MINIMUM PENETRATION THBTRUSS TOP CHORD. SLOPE IS THAN ACHIEVE.A INTO IF THE ROOF 6112 THEN USE =� �jj COi 3GREATER A USP UN FRAMING ANCHOR OR EQ ALENT. ALL NAILING SHALL BE DONE IN g� LL ACCORDANCE STAT DARD BUAPPLICABLE LDING PRACTICES. DETAIL #3 • DETAIL #2 ° THE PURLIN GABLE DOES NOT IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL CONNECTION NAILING -SHALL ,• NOT SPLIT ANY LUMBER ALIGN WITH THE END OF THE CHORD SECTIO SHEATHING J ,� FV0 y PURLIN GABLE Q� FLAT TOP CHORD PORTION OF THE LOWER TRUSS CW 46433 TRUSS TOP CHORD ECP. 3-31-15 DETAIL #4� Page # 17 OFC . APR 0 9 2013 ® WARIaNO • V -ft deign par n tbl and RBdD NOM DN MWAM Z=L=ED dIIIYJCRBF ==S PA0L' =74" BEFORE OSB. G..bert len@ 1D9 of e>ig b ed onty u parNO91W on kidrvidud bt@dine rnmponen . Mus Wd2htc. rk 956f n voBd I use w(ih AdReY eefms, hh d ((:�f��Q,1.•1•p�ey.. 01 d 7�1ea a W PR i B as ntua a ICf BfOI 1 Web TB Otl i j1 ahl�,ya�.1lfp,{gCa}at7VCQDn b@elBC)Of�wOBd�nh@I tCfpOnEjCg'....,ty.o. �afQ@11�m f�tobfrLak gluDDnW ear+finL sof= e, da ery, eradfon and b��1 oon3u uni}ly Crllodq OSB -89 and BC571 &Aldlnp Component '.�'' (� SafeH hdannatlan aw9obla hom T is PbIs huMule. S830.On@hio D&a. Wodhon, WI53719. M 6k a , PURL -IN GABLE DETAIL M11111SAC -12 T7/15/2005, PAGE 3 OF 4 MITek Indusb*s. Inc. Western Division PURUN GABLE =R OR 16d BOX :;ING BY OTHERS 0 0 PURLIN U \16d SINKER OR 16d BOX O.C. SPACING BY OTHERS HIP SET TRUSS t�J4 C0 64W EXP. 3-31-15 0>CMIL DETAIL ##2 StJ PP Lo ������`��� Page # 18 APR 0 9 1013 WARNDse • 9er;/g d—fyn psaemet— mid REAa N072;5 Off 7M AND VOCLODED A'v7sxREFWMP -' PAG& A41F76Td $TF'ORE UM 7n7 pBgEn n td ler use Ordp/owrlalhmaMrl�fak conneelon.7k�y�d4e k bon�sed any upo psortr o h Ior on Ind1�0! bufldn0 exnponen� 1�d1 sitie{BMs. Cly 8585 . of desl d nl dlviduolfw�eb�trref�rm�ms onry. q�loswt � respa�b�fy o� ^�u�n�a �lsslnsna�lBlassu�ts�yheeslgnet 8r1oa�G9.0! the . dor A P nent �� of the overo6 sUueture q �� �oltlhhe ��rrer7w Benerd quid ce T�eg rd4� _ Faclb4�� slomQe, delvefy, erecllom orW LPoarsg eDtwf�JlPll Q�kM4 OSB -84 mrd BCS1T Bing Componesd f$ ty hdmma8on ovOirsble Iromirvss Pole tru8lute, 5� D'OrroM0Ot4'& hhod'con. WI Si719. �k PURLIN GABLE DETAIL M111SAC -12 7/15!2005 [PAGE 4 OF 4 MITek Ifidustrias, Inc. Western Dibisidn 16d SINKLR OR 16d BOX TYPICAL — 4 RIDGE BLOCKING PURLIN GABLE FIRST COMMON 2X BLOCKIN W/CONNECTIONS W/FRAMING CONNECTORS LAST HI BY OTHERS 2-0-0 MAX � I DETAIL #3 SUPPL. 0-0-12 . TIGHTLY SET JOINTCO p� -- _ -- I \ PURLIN GABLE 1 \ HIP SET TRU S ROOF SHEATHING BY OTHERS DETAIL #4 SUPPL. HIP SET TRUSS ROOF SHEATHING AND DIAPHRAGM NAILING BY OTHER r ' s. EXP. \ PULIN GABLE HIP `6- OF cft� ®EiA I L #4A S . a e" APP 09 1013'. ® WAIMM - VerW derlgn parmaeftm and RSAD MTS9 ON TMS AND i =rV 301g-.RBMWMN= PAGE MU -7473 BEPORB vSe. 7St�47e CreellDBL1t Lane ®- Delon vo8d IoF Vje. onH wHh M7[ek conoeciars. the dedgn.h based ony.vp?p pamarelen. shov+n._gnd 4.Iw an 6dividuoi bulldeu� eomoonenl, �'�S HaSIBn�. rA B561t� ,R ��STA�NDAR�DGA�BLE�ENDDEi�iL IUit[lS�IC " �� 4/27/2004 PAGE 1 OF 2 CONT DIAGONAL OR L -BRACING REFER TO TABLE BELOW SEE PAGE V2'FOR —ALTERNATE BRACING DETAIL — 1 X4 OR 2X3 (TYP) VARIES TO COM 12 TRUSS ' �VERTiCAL STUD TYPICAL 2x4 L -BRACE NAILED FZ TO 2x4 VERTICALS W/8d NAILS SPACED AT 8" O.C. LCIADINQpsf) SPACING 2-0-0 TCLL 50.0 Plates increase 1.15 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress incr YES BCDL 10.0 Code IBC/IRC TOP CHORD 2 X 4 DFUSPF/HF - No2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 DFUSPF/HF - STUD/STD OTHERS 2 X 4 DFUSPF/HF - STUD/STD 0 SHEATHING (BY OTHERS) 3 1/2° �1 1/2" NOTCH AT 24" O.C. (MIN.) TOP CHORD NOTCH DETAIL 24" MAK 2X4 LATERAL BRACING AS REQUIRED PER TABLE BELOW Mrrek Industries, Inc. Western Division 24' O.C. END WALL IGID CEILING MATERIAL DETAIL A LATERAL BRACING NAILING SCHEDULE VERT. HEIGHT # OF NAILS AT END UP TO 7'.7-011 - 81-611 2 OVER 8'-6" 4 - 16d NOTES I VERT. STUDS HAVE BEEN CHECKED FOR 85 MPH WIND 3 -SECOND GUST, EXP. B, HEIGHT 30 FT 2) CONNECTION BETWEEN BOTTOM CHORD OF GABLE END TRUSS AND WALL TO BE PROVIDED BY PROJECT ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT. 3) FURNISH COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO CONTRACTOR FOR BRACING INSTALLATION, 4) BRACING SHOWN IS FOR INDIVIDUAL TRUSS ONLY, CONSULT BLDG. ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER FOR TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT BRACING OF ROOF SYSTEM. 5) DETAIL A (SHOWN ABOVE) APPLIES TO STRUCTURAL GABLE ENDS AND TO GABLE ENDS WITH A MAX. VERT. STUD HEIGHT OF 8'-6", TOP CHORD NOTCHING NOTES 1)THE GABLE MUST BE FULLY SHEATHED W/RIGID MATERIAL ON ONE FACE BEFORE NOTCHING IF STUDS ARE TO BE SPACED AT 24" O.C. ATTACH SCAB (EQUAL OR GREATER TO THE TRUSS T,C,) TO ONE FACE OF THE TOP CHORD WITH 1 OD NAILS SPACED AT 6' O.C. IF STUDS ARE SPACED AT 24" O.C. AND FACE OF TRUSS IS NOT FULLY SHEATHED. 2) NO LUMBERQEFECTS ALLOWED AT OR ABOUT NOTCHES. [Page 3) LUMBER MUST MEET OR EXCEED VISUAL GRADE #2 LUMBER AFTER NOTCHING. i P 4) NO NOTCHING IS PERMITTED WITHIN 2X THE OVERHANG LENGTH. Continued on page 2 APR 0 9 2013 A mA?u • 9ervlf design parame— and a e+D NO— ON 2816 AND MMMED l417'EK REFZWNC5 PAGE 2W.747J DEJVRE Vs& 7777 Greenback lane .4.6 Design wfd for use oidy wph lAllek connect ort. Thb design b bored only upon parameters fMwrt and b for an k+dMduol bu9ding eortspmrenf. CMUstme SOB mg gatOW of design poromenlers and proper lncoryorolion o1 component b responstb0ly of bvfiding dealgner-noi truss designer, &odng slwwn CWrus Hefphk, CA, 9561 vlerot support of bid)vlduol wab members ordy. Addlllorat lemporory.brodng to Wure stafa7Byy during consWcllon b the respor>Sibl6ly of the o:. Additional permonen) brocing of the weraBsfrvcture b iherespanslWUly of the bullJarg dedgner. For generol guidance regorderg atbn, quaWy eonirot storage, delivery. eteerwn and hro�g. ransuB A!l9Jfpii Gva1By CNede, DSB-B9 end BCAI BuBdln9 Component � /� ��k® InlamaBan ovoilabfe 4ominm 1'lole NslBufe. SB3 D'Onofrio Driva Movaon Vi153/19. �� t MAXIMUiVI VERTICAL STUD HEIGHT SPACING OF VERTICALS WITHOUT BRACEWITH LATERAL BRACE WITH L - B 12 INCH O.C. 6-7-0 13-2-0 11-0-0 16 INCH O.C. 24 INCH O.C. 4-8-0 9-4-0 NOTES I VERT. STUDS HAVE BEEN CHECKED FOR 85 MPH WIND 3 -SECOND GUST, EXP. B, HEIGHT 30 FT 2) CONNECTION BETWEEN BOTTOM CHORD OF GABLE END TRUSS AND WALL TO BE PROVIDED BY PROJECT ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT. 3) FURNISH COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO CONTRACTOR FOR BRACING INSTALLATION, 4) BRACING SHOWN IS FOR INDIVIDUAL TRUSS ONLY, CONSULT BLDG. ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER FOR TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT BRACING OF ROOF SYSTEM. 5) DETAIL A (SHOWN ABOVE) APPLIES TO STRUCTURAL GABLE ENDS AND TO GABLE ENDS WITH A MAX. VERT. STUD HEIGHT OF 8'-6", TOP CHORD NOTCHING NOTES 1)THE GABLE MUST BE FULLY SHEATHED W/RIGID MATERIAL ON ONE FACE BEFORE NOTCHING IF STUDS ARE TO BE SPACED AT 24" O.C. ATTACH SCAB (EQUAL OR GREATER TO THE TRUSS T,C,) TO ONE FACE OF THE TOP CHORD WITH 1 OD NAILS SPACED AT 6' O.C. IF STUDS ARE SPACED AT 24" O.C. AND FACE OF TRUSS IS NOT FULLY SHEATHED. 2) NO LUMBERQEFECTS ALLOWED AT OR ABOUT NOTCHES. [Page 3) LUMBER MUST MEET OR EXCEED VISUAL GRADE #2 LUMBER AFTER NOTCHING. i P 4) NO NOTCHING IS PERMITTED WITHIN 2X THE OVERHANG LENGTH. Continued on page 2 APR 0 9 2013 A mA?u • 9ervlf design parame— and a e+D NO— ON 2816 AND MMMED l417'EK REFZWNC5 PAGE 2W.747J DEJVRE Vs& 7777 Greenback lane .4.6 Design wfd for use oidy wph lAllek connect ort. Thb design b bored only upon parameters fMwrt and b for an k+dMduol bu9ding eortspmrenf. CMUstme SOB mg gatOW of design poromenlers and proper lncoryorolion o1 component b responstb0ly of bvfiding dealgner-noi truss designer, &odng slwwn CWrus Hefphk, CA, 9561 vlerot support of bid)vlduol wab members ordy. Addlllorat lemporory.brodng to Wure stafa7Byy during consWcllon b the respor>Sibl6ly of the o:. Additional permonen) brocing of the weraBsfrvcture b iherespanslWUly of the bullJarg dedgner. For generol guidance regorderg atbn, quaWy eonirot storage, delivery. eteerwn and hro�g. ransuB A!l9Jfpii Gva1By CNede, DSB-B9 end BCAI BuBdln9 Component � /� ��k® InlamaBan ovoilabfe 4ominm 1'lole NslBufe. SB3 D'Onofrio Driva Movaon Vi153/19. �� t STANDARD GABLE ENI? DETAIL . MIIISAC - 20.4!27!2004 PAGE 2 OF 2 4-10d NAILS MIN. ,PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO 2X4 STD, DF -L BLOCK 2- 10d (TYP) SIMPSON A34 OR EQUIVALENT LEDGER-� 2X4 No. 2 OR BTR GABLE ENDS 45" STRONGBACK 2X4 No. 2 OR' BTR 2X4 BLOCK 2X4 S D OR BTR SPACED @ 5'-0" O.C. SHAL E PROVIDED AT EACH END OF BRAC EXCEPT FOR BRACE EXTENDED INTO -IE CHORDS 8& CONNECTED TO CHOF I S WJ4< 10d NAILS. ' MAX. NGTH = T-0" V 3" MAX TO STANDARD TRUSSES BEARING WALL SPACED @ 24" O.C. ALTERNATE 9RA►CIN..G-DETAIL NOTES .1)2X4 NO.2 OR BTR. FOR LEDGER AND STRONGBACK NAILED TOGETHER WITH 10D NAILS @6" O.c. A P R 0 9 2013 2 2X4 LEDGER NAILED TO EACH STUD WITH 4-10d NAILS. 32X4 STRONGBACK TO BE CONNECTED TO EACH VERT. STUD WITH 2-10d TOE NAILS • 4)THE 10d NAILS SPECIFIED FOR LEDGER AND STRONGBACK ARE 10d BOX NAILS (0.131" DIA. X 3.0" LGT) THIS ALTERNATE BRACING DETAIL 1S APPLICABLE TO STRUCTURAL GABLE END IF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE MET: 1, MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF TRUSS = 8'-6", UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED BY PROJECT ENG. OR QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER. 2. MAXIMUM PANEL LENGTH ON TOP AND BOT, CHORDS = 7'-0" 3, THE HORIZONTAL TIE MEMBER AT THE VENT OPENING SHALL BE BRACED @ 4'-W O.C. MAX. 4. PLEASE CONTACT TRUSS ENGINEER IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS, . PB a#21 WARNIND. VcrV# dclVa parmncta and AU 0 N07VS 09 MW AND DiMUDED AD= AEFXJISNCE PAGE ffiL7472 BF -MM OBE. TT77 Gfeanbadi Lane " ��� Design valid for use ono/ % Oh Kok connectors, This design h based a* upon pommelers:howrt and h rat on ksdn6dsrd bvHding component. SNIe t OBMR mm Appkcobfay of design ppa�oornentas and proper Ineatporolbn of component is reslsons}bfE7y d bu9ding designer - not inns designer. Btoong shown Carus HOMWOW. CA, 8561 h lot lolerd support of NrNldud web members any. Additional lezrgxwary NaWg to Ensure slobiBly doing m slruceon Is the resports bWty of the ereclor. Additional pemwneni bracing of the overa0 slrudWe Is the respondbilly of the bulding deslgner. For general gvldonee regardng man n lohofcolbm gVo9ty eonhoy sloroge, doflvery, erection and btodn9, rnrr:u8 ANSI/TRI (iva0fy Crflerfa, D58 -B9 and BCSII BuAr9ng Component e Soley IntannoBon ovoRobie homTruss Pole Iralflule, 93 D'Dnotrb Drive, Modaon, WI53714. �� � • REPLRCr= A MISSING STUD ON A GABLE TRUSS 10111,5AC - 27 11/18/2004 1 PAGE 1 M17•ekTnd*des, Inc- We'sterri *tslon 1. THIS IS A SPECIFIC REPAIR DETAIL TO 9E:USED ONLY FOR ITS ORIGINAL INTENTION. THIS REPfUR.DAES NOT IMPLYTHAT THE REMAINING PORTION' OF'PHE.TRUSS 1S UNDAMAG,ED. THE EN71ItE TRUSS SHALL BE INSPECTED TO tiEL?I.AT'NO'FURTHEf - REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. WHEN Tt1E REQUIRED REF-- RS:1{RE PRQPE736'. APPLIED, THE TR1155 VIIiL1 BE GAP PABLE OF SUPPORTING THE (tADS;yIpI6A D. 2. ALL.MFrM59Rv-m..i5T8E 3ETUf?NED.T.Q:T_ EIR ORIGNA.L POSITIONS -BEFORE APP1.1'It�t3;l3EPAIi2.A?11p:t�ElA 1N. PLACE D.URIkG APPUGATION 6F.'90A FR 3. THE ENL?:D15iANCE; GE.i91S AN )=, A(JD.SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE $1J'(e�i f►S. TCd JyVC31D; SPLff;!'iNG_QF T}9E W OAD. 4. WHEIJ t�iAiUNGSCASS OftP.Us ETS, TH>j USE OF A BACKUP WEIGHT IS RECOMMENDED TO AVOIDLOOSENING OF THE CONNEC, OR PLATES AT THE JOINTS OR SPLICES. 5. THIS REPAIR i5 Tb SE USED FOR SINGLE PLY TRUSSES IN THE 25(ORIENTATION ONLY. REPLACE MISSING WEB WITH A NEW MEMBER OF THE SAME • TO THE INSIDE FACE OF TRU9$ WITH FIVE 6d NAILS(.113" X 2.0') INTO EACH MEMBER (TOTAL 1-0 NAILS PER GUSSET) THE OUTSIDE FACE OF THE GABLE MUST BE SHEATHED WITH (MIN) 7/16" O.S.B OR -PLYWOOD. SEE MITEK STANDARD GABLE END DETAILS FOR WIND BRACING REQUIREMENTS. TRUSS CRITERIA LOADING: 40-10-0-10 (MAX) LOAD DURATION FACTOR :1.15 SPACING: 24" O.C. (MAX) TOP CHORD: 2X 4 OR 2X 6 (NO 2 MIN) PITCH: 3/12 712/12 BEARING: CONTINUOUS STUD SPACING :24" O.C. (MAX) REFER TO INDNIDUAL TRUSS DESIGN FOR PLATE SIZES AND LUMBER GRADES Page ## 22 e WAAIiUMf • F .'dcsl9n parame4m andltEAD MM ON Mg=AND M -LUDED JID7ER8ET=Z??CE fAOS Akn-74Td SAMBA US'S. D'erlgn v djy of tae oMyintlh Ato Lvnnedwc TAh dedgn h baled onH upon paromelea;ho>vn. and h Iw an Indrd iuol bulk9ng camponenl. Appicob9lY deft vdrinenlers and proper incwperallon pt conipdmo h respondbMi of bu.6dkv dedgner • rwi Inas &n*ner. 6rodng Ot n i. (q Idleiolsvppod"q1 Mdpdduol web memSe+s only MkMwral I.,M rory bs odag io Imwe dabhly duMg conihuclion b She respon�bMly of the aterJov. Adcgl$c al pwriwher i biodn0 of the ovaral siruchne b the respondb v of the binding detignw, Fpr general gudance ragaiding fabieo>loit, qu_?81y cptArd-sidroM dafwery, eteclbnand tuadng• eorwA ANSV7?11 Orw61y Cdleda, 0SB-B9 a d BmI SuBding Cempenenl s.rriri(errriniten vSoi6life trbm'irua Pfale tmBluVe. 563 D'Orroldo Drive, Modhon WI53719. COMMON fI5-3 s�. elrAl�- or APR 0 9 1013 e 7-m Greenback Ube Suite IQ9 r thus Helphls, C!, 9561 REPAIR A BR60KEN STUD ON A GABLE TRUSS Ilt[[i/SAC - 2$ 11/18/2DD4 PAGE 1 .0 MI -Tek Industries, Inc. © Westem Division 1. THIS IS A SPECIFIC REPAIR DETAIL TO BE USED ONLY FOR ITS ORIGINAL INTENTION. THIS REPAIR DOES NOT IMPLY -THAT THE REMAINING PORTION OF THE TRUSS IS UNDAMAGED: THE ENTIRE TRUSS SHALL BE INSPECTED TO VERIFY THAT NO FURTHERREPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. WHEN THE REQUIRED REPAIRS ARE PROPERLY APPLIED, THE TRUSS WILL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE LOADS INDICATED. . 2. ALL MEMBERS MUST BE RETURNED TO THEIR ORIGINAL POSITIONS BEFORE APPLYING REPAIR AND HELD IN PLACE DURING APPLICATION OF REPAIR. 3. THE END DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. 4. WHEN NAILING SCABS OR GUSSETS, THE USE OF A BACKUP WEIGHT IS RI=COMMENDED TO -AVOID LOOSENING OF THE CONNECTOR PLATES AT THE JOINTS OR SPLICES. 5. THIS REPAIR IS TO BE USED FOR SINGLE PLY TRUSSES IN THE 2X ORIENTATION ONLY. SCAB LUMBER SHOULD BE OF THE SAME SIZE, GRADE, -AND SPECIES AS THE ORIGINAL • NAILS INTO THE TOP AND BOTTOM CHORDS THE OUTSIDE FACE OF THE GABLE MUST BE SHEATHED W/ (MIN) 7/16" O.S,B.OR PLYWOOD. SEEMITEK STANDARD GABLE END DETAILS FOR WIND BRACING REQUIREMENTS. TRUSS CRITERIA LOADING: 40.-10-0-10 (MAX) DURATION FACTOR: 1.15 SPACING: 24" TOP CHORD: 2X 4 OR 2X 6 (NO 2 MIN) PITCH: 3112 -12/12 BEARING: CONTINUOUS STUD SPACING :24" O.C. (MAX) FREFER:TO INDIVIDUAL TRUSS DESIGN PTE SIZES AND LUMBER GRADES Pa G Z3 ® IVARMTR' • 7"rifN deatgn paramelanc and BEAD NDTEB ON 9db MID INCLDDJia 119TFX REIEREHCE PAGB J� 7479 9EFDli'E D52 petiyn void la vse ontr wllh 1.111ek eormedas. TMs des>an Is based ordy upon pommeten shown, ond'a la on htdi�ldual building eomponenl. pppEcoblBly of dedgn paomenlen: and proper 4scaparotlotf d �mponeni k resporratiblHly of bt9lding dedgner • nol Inns designer, 8rodng shown B la blom7 nsppoA d bs�rlduW web members onN- Add81aw1 temporary brocin8 to truwe slobirly during eonslruclbn k the responsb831y of the eraCFar, AddHbn01 pemanerA lvodng of the ovemS s4vclure B the iespanSslily of the b+Aldln9 designer. for gerierd gutdonee regaiding lalxkallon, googly t7onlr� alorvge, defnary, erec8on and Modng, consUll ANS1/R)1 Aualiiy CrlForta DS&84 and BCSII Bulkling Componerd Sale4y 4+lomra8an ovoHobje From lnm Ploie 1nsiBUle, 533 D'Onoirfo DAae, Modhon, N7 5914. COMMON CA.6Q3 EXP, 3-31-15 APR 0 9 1013 GmmbadcLam ..,.. 1D8 Halghts, CA, 8561 WOW REPAIR TO REMOVE CENTER ilii!/SAC a 29 11/18/2004 PAGE 1 STUD ON A GABLE TRUSS k d trl 1 Mire In us as, nr. ® Western Division 1. THIS IS A SPECIFIC REPAIR DETAIL TO BE USED ONLY FOR ITS ORIGINAL INTENTION. THIS REPAIR DOES NOT IMPLYTHATTHE REMAINING PORTION OF THE TRUSS IS UNDAMAGED. THE ENTIRE TRUSS SHALL BE INSPECTED TO VERIFY THAT NO.FURTHER REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. WHEN THE REQUIRED REPAIRS ARE PROPERLY APPLIED, THE TRUSS WILL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE LOADS 2- ALL MEMBERS MUST BE RETURNED TO THEIR ORIGINAL POSITIONS BEFORE APPLYING REPAIR AND HELD IN PLACE DURING APPLICATION OF REPAIR. 3. THE END DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND'SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID. SPLITTING OF THE WOOD: 4. LUMBER MUST BE CUT CLEANLY AND ACCURATELY AND THE REMAINING WOOD MUST BE UNDAMAGED. 5. THIS REPAIR IS TO BE USED FOR SINGLE PLY TRUSSES IN THE 2X_ ORIENTATION ONLY. 6. CONNECTOR PLATES MUST BE FULLY IMBEDDED AND -UNDISTURBED. *M'AXIMUM STUD SPACING = 24'0.C. LUMBER TO BE CUT CLEANLY AND ACCURATELY. NO PLATES ARE TO BE DISTURBED., NO REPAIR NEEDED. OTHE OUTSIDE FACE OFTHE M TEK STANDARD GABLEAEND DETAILS OR W ND BRALE MUST SESHEATHED W1CING REQUIREMENTS.ELYWOOD. S IMPORTANT aced This repair to be used only With trusses (spans less than 50) spaced 24° o.c. maximum, having pitches between 3112 and 12112, total top chord loads less than 50 psf and maximum wind speeds of 100 mph. Trusses not fitting these criteria should be examined individually. TRUSS CRITERIA LOADING: 40-10-0-1 D (MAX) DURATION FACTOR: 1.15 SPACING: 24° MAXIMUM TOP CHORD: 2X 4 OR 2X 6 (NO 2 MIN) PITCH: 3/12 -12/12 BEARING: CONTINUOUS STUD SPACING :24" O.C. (MAX) REFER TO INDIVIDUAL TRUSS DESIGN Pagel # Z FOR PLATE SIZES AND LUMBER GRADES 7" • p r(fg dvlgn Ppr•mne4rs wd READ NOTES DN 77dS AND nVCLRDED WTXKXEFOtENCE PAG81=- 7473 BraDRE U&& d D�edgn wfd torose onk,' wlih tN7 e! rsnnaelors Shb decl(3n k bored ony upon paramolar shvwtt ond k la an Individud bu'Iding component. Appbrnbl<dy of dedpn poremer,lers and proper hcorporolbn d eomponrrt B rerponsibbly of bvlid>np desipnrr - not huD desipn�. Bmdng shown k lorblerd supptal of indh5dual web member onVy Add@onol lempornry broom to Im'vre sloblAly dump rnminrdlon b the res}wnt4f9ily of the . ereclot. AddOlonol pemarienl bradn9 of fhe wero>J rWclure k fhe resppmlb�y of the buBdMg deslpner,for penerol Bufdance repmding IabrlrbBon, quoDy eonlrol Sltsape. delvery. elecllon and bradng. coruVA APfSViPlI QwINy FaBerlo, DSb89 and BCSn BuBdkr9 Component Solrlp Inlormvllon owltob� mominns PIo1e IngBule. 5'8.'' D'Onohlo brute. Modhvn, W159719. COMMON r10 W(z a w E-r.?�ii5 SOF CAL4� APR 09 2013 o M7 Greenback Lane SBRe loo offs Hetphls, M 9581 MiTbW REPAIR TO NOTCH 2X6 TOP MII/SAC - 30 11/18/2004 PAGE 1 CHORD ON A GABLE TRUSS Western DlvtslDn 1. THIS IS A SPECIFIC REPAIR DETAIL TO BE USED ONLY FOR ITS ORIGINAL INTENTION. THIS REPAIR DOES NOT IMPLY THAT THE REMAINING PORTION OF THE TRUSS IS UNDAMAGED. THE ENTIRE TRUSS SHALL BE INSPECTED TO VERIFY THAT NO FURTHER REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. WHEN THE REQUIRED - REPAIRS ARE PROPERLY APPLIED, THE TRUSS WILL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE LOADS INDICATED. 2. ALL MEMBERS MUST BE RETURNED TO THEIR ORIGINAL POSITIONS BEFORE APPLYING REPAIR AND HELD IN PLACE DURING APPLICATION OF REPAIR. 3. THE END DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE; AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID SPLITTING.OF THE WOOD. 4, LUMBER MUST BE CUT CLEANLY AND ACCURATELY AND THE REMAINING WOOD MUST BE UNDAMAGED, 5. THIS REPAIR IS TO BE USED FOR SINGLE PLY TRUSSES IN THE 2X_ ORIENTATION ONLY. 6. CONNECTOR PLATES MUST BE FULLY IMBEDDED AND UNDISTURBED. 3 112" X 1 112" NOTCH IN TOP CHORD 24. O.C. AS SHOWN MAXIMUM STUD SPACING = 24" O.C, LUMBER TO BE'CUT CLEANLY AND ACCURATELY, NO PLATES ARE TO BE DISTURBED. NO REPAIR NEEDED. THE OUTSIDE FACE OF THE GABLE MUST BE SHEATHED W/ (MIN) 7/16" O.S.B OR PLYWOOD. SEE MITEK'STANDARD GABLE END DETAILS FOR WIND BRACING REQUIREMENTS. •IMPORTANT This repair to be used only with trusses (spans less than 50) spaced 24" o.c. maximum, having pitches between 3/12 and 12112, total top chord loads less than 50 psf and maximum wind speeds of 100 mph. Trusses not fitting these criteria should be examined Individually. TRUSS CRITERIA LOADING :40-10-0-10 (MAX) DURATION FACTOR :1.15 SPACING: 24" MAXIMUM TOP CHORD: 2X 6 (NO 2 MIN) PITCH: 3112 -12112 BEARING: CONTINUOUS STUD SPACING :24" O.C. (MAX) . REFER TO INDIVIDUAL TRUSS DESIGN FOR PLATE SIZES AND LUMBER GRADES Pe e # 25 SVARlID18 - IIer�fS dcnign parmn.?ara smdREAD NOTES ON MW AND lA =sD W= R&F=ZNW PAGE UIP7478.Mpo B USE. Des1An void lot use ordl' wBh N01ek eonneelon. ills dedpn ¢ lsased onlyupon poromelea shown and Is for on bn A uol bk Mding =Vonenl. AppScolsTBly d design poramenMrs and proper trreorporalbn of wmponent h respordb6ly d bu&9ng sSrslpnes • nd truss dosigner. irachr8 shown & For lolerat svppor{ of IndNldw{web members ony. Addlitorrof temporary tooting to lnsyse slabrBly dump eorxlnseflon b the resporsdbtl6ly d the erector, Addlltand pesrronenl lvocing d the overo➢ stnxluse'a the resporidbbiy d the bsfAdtrsB tl�gn�• Fa gersatot gvidonce regordkrg IoMro!!on 4�NY cvnirai sls>roge. detamy, eJedlon and LuadnE4 easnull ANS1/tPll Oun]fly Qllede. OSB•B4 end BCSn •BuAding Compon"nl Sdc4y Informotlnn ovollabfe WmTruss Plole InslHu1e. 583 D'Orrotrio Drive, F/odaon, WI53714. E M6433 EXP. 3-31-15 OF CAL1'c APR 0.9 2013 7777 GnsenbaekLane .� SVtle toy C71Ns Heights, CA, 9561 MW REPAIR TO NOTCH 2X4 TOP MII/SAC - 31 11/18/2D04 PAGE 1 CHORD ON A CABLE TRUSS �jc• ` TOP CHORD: 2X 4 (NO 2 MIN) MITeh Industries, Inc. 1. THIS IS A SPECIFIC REPAIR DETAIL TO BE USED ONLY FOR ITS ORIGINAL Western Dtvision INTENTION. THIS REPAIR DOES NOT IMPLY THAT THE REMAINING PORTION OF THE TRUSS IS UNDAMAGED. THE ENTIRE TRUSS SHALL BE INSPECTED TO VERIFY THAT NO FURTHER REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. WHEN THE REQUIRED REPAIRS ARE PROPERLY APPLIED, THE TRUSS WILL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE LOADS INDICATED. 2. ALL MEMBERS MUST BE RETURNED TO THEIR ORIGINAL POSITIONS BEFORE APPLYING REPAIR AND HELD IN PLACE DURING APPLICATION OF REPAIR. 3. THE END DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. 4. LUMBER MUST BE CUT CLEANLY AND ACCURATELY AND THE REMAINING WOOD MUST BE UNDAMAGED. 5.31-1I8 REPAIR IS TO BE USED FOR SINGLE PLY TRUSSES IN THE 2X_ ORIENTATION ONLY. 6. CONNECTOR PLATES MUST BE FULLY IMBEDDED AND UNDISTURBED. LUMBER TO BE CUT CLEANLY ANDACCURATELY, NO PLATES ARE TO BE DISTURBED. APPLY 2X4 NO.2 SCAB TO ONE FACE OF TOP CHORD OF TRUSS WITH CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ADHESIVE AND 1 ROW OF 10d (3' X 0.131`) NAILS SPACED 6" O.C. `, MA>aMUM STUD SPACING = 24" O.C. THE OUTSIDE FACE OF THE GABLE MUST BE SHEATHED WI (MIN) 7116" O.S.B OR PLYWOOD. SEE MITEK STANDARD GABLE END DETAILS FOR WIND BRACING REQUIREMENTS. •IMPORTANT This repair to be used only with trusses (spans fess than 50') spaced 24 o,c. maximum, having pitches between 3/12 and 12M2, total top chord loads less than 50 Psf and maximum wind speeds of 100 mph. Trusses not fitting these'criteria should be examined individually. 1 TRUSS CRITERIA LOADING: 40-10-0-10 (MAX) ` DURATION FACTOR: 1.15 SPACING: 24" MAXIMUM F �jc• ` TOP CHORD: 2X 4 (NO 2 MIN) PITCH: 3112 -12J12 BEARING: CONTINUOUS STUD SPACING :24" O.C. (MAX) COVA533 Exp. 3-a 1 - 16 REFER TO INDIVIDUAL TRUSS DESIGNN,20t FOR PLATE SIZES AND LUMBER GRADES ���@ - APR 0 9 2013 ® tVAJildNO • Der•4rp .r.aHn Aa�nebcrs tmd lt£AD NOTA ON 7fa5 AHD DICLUDED MJTT.R BSFERENCE PADS !x•7478 SF.F'OHP OSB, 7777 GRenbaCk lane .�...® Design void for use anb wtlh Mnek conneclon. ihh desf¢n h based onSy upon poromelen shown. Ond U lot an Indvidus>! hu&dtng srornponenl. C9 laftrus SAP1011 Rpperob�ly d derlgn ppoo��mmenlen or,d proper Fnearpocoflon d rnrt+Fwnenl h respandblFly of bvAdtng drslgnsv • rwl Wa designer. �n9 shovnf lruWOW'. 950.1 b Icr latera(��r�po��1 of Indhldvdweb mers#a only. Additional iert>parary bsodng to Wu<e dobIDly dscln9 condnrdlan Is the respons�O81y of IM erector. Addilbrrol pertnnnenl huatdng sd the overall drueltae u the respondbl$y o1 the bW9ding deslgr+er. Fos general guidance regordbtg Iabrteonon. gtrailry eonUoL sloroge, dekvsuy, median and brodng, rnrWB At1Sl/fPll Quogty l'rNes1¢ 028.84 and 9GSI1 Bu9ding Compsmcn) )71: ]� �ii�ek Salofylnlom+ononavolkshklrominmPlolQinsinule,SE3D'OnabioThlve,NadfsonWI53719, ��(�� ve'^}.i3!JARD REPAIR Mi) A4i.... 250/O I F`AV/ SSAC - 21,E 5/3/2004. 1PA,GE I YgOfE551O R s � Q r 7 C D46433 EXPI 3-31-1 & Jj CNA. 4 - OF CAW OR a 9 2013 MiTek Indust es, Inc. LNestefn Division NUMBER OF MAXIMUM FORCE (Ibs) 25% LOAD DURATION [NAII_SOTAL EACH SIDE SYP ! DF SPF HF OF BREAK ` x �— I INCHES -� 1 2x4 r 2x6 2x4 2x6 2x4 2x6 1 2x4 1 2x6 i 14 21 24" 1 2240 7360 2065 3097 1750 2625 1 1785 1 2677 1 j- 27 ' 13982 i 18 F-- 30" 1 2830 432072555 I 2250 3375 2295 1 3442 i —�-- I L 22 33 36" ' 3520 5260 13245 4867 2750 ! 4125 `• 2805 1 4207 j 26 I 39 42- 4160 1 6240 3835 15752 11 3250 I 4875 3315 4972 1 30-45 I 48" 4300 i 7200 1 4425 16637 I 3750 5625 3825 I 5737 'DIVIDE EQUALLY FRONT AND BACK ATTACH 2x SCAB OF THE SAME SIZE AND GRADE AS THE BROKEN MEMBER TO EACH FACE OF THE TRUSS ENTER, ON BREAK OR SPLICE) W/CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ADHESIVE AND 10d NAILS (TWO {CROWS FOR 2x4, THREE ROWS FOR 2x6) SPACED 6"oc STAGGERED AS SHOWN.(. 148"dia. x 3") THE LENGTH OF THE BREAK (C) SHALL NOT EXCEED 12". (C=PLATE LENGTH FOR SPLICE REPAIRS) THE MINIMUM OVERALL SCAB LENGTH REQUIRED (L) IS CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS; L=(2)X+C . 1 Od NAILS NEAR SIDE + 10d NAILS FAR SIDE 6" MIN TRUSS CONFIGURATION AND BREAK LOCATIONS FOR ILLUSTRATIONS ONLY THE LOCATION OF THE BREAK MUST BE GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO THE REQUIRED X DIMENSION FROM ANY PERIMETER BREAK OR HEEL JOINT AND A MINIMUM OF 6" FROM ANY INTERIOR JOINT (SEE SKETCH ABOVE) DO NOT USE REPAIR FOR JOINT SPLICES NOTES: i. THIS REPAIR DETAIL IS TO BE USED ONLY FOR THE APPLICATION SHOWN. THIS P.EPAIft DOES NOT IMPLY THAT THE REP4AINING PORTION QF THE TRUSS IS UNDAMAGED. THE ENTIRE TRUSS SHALL BE INSPECTED TO VERIFY THAT NO FURTHER REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. WHEN THE REQUIRED REPAIRS ARE PPOPERLY APPLIED, THE TP.USS WILL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE LOADS INDICATED, 7.. ALL MEMBERS MUST BE RETURNED TO THEIR ORIGINAL POSITIONS BEFORE APPLING REPAIR AND HELD IN PLACE DUPING APPLICATION OF REPAIR, 3. THE END DISTANCE. EDGE DISTANCE A140 SPACING OF NAILS SHA.Li BE SUCH AS TO AVOID UNUSUAL SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. 4. WHEN NAILING THE SCABS. THE USE OF A 8ACrUP WEIGHT IS RECOMMENDED TO AVOID LOOSENING OF THE CONNECTOR PLATES AT THE JOINTS OR SPLICES. S. THIS REPAIR IS TO BE USED FOR SINGLE PLY TRUSSES IN THE 27:_ ORIENTATION ONLY. 6. THIS REPAIR l5 LIMITED TO TRU$.SES WITH NO MORE THAN THREE BROKEN MEMBER,$. IR.:R,NFNG • p A«gn perarne;srx runt P -1n9 7R7TFi ON TI US AND 1/ axDra 7arzk R«F.•RF•HL= ;•n GE iITI.7473 RZFOR2 USF. I T7iT Gleenb:tk Lane �•' ' I;��'+j� I Dotirjn —Cd for use only with Welk eonnecion. this design u bossed only upon peromelers shown_ and n Ip on indi.iduol b mem eomponenl. Srnle 109 4. SEI Appf._o'ARy d deign poromeMers dhd proper irrorP=Iien d ecm:�.Alenl Is rp,Ponliblily pl L "'.9 des>yner - ncl I— defgner. Proeing shown I Cine, Heigh )s, G1, 9561 - e1Sf!i n for 4nle.+el Ivpporl of indi•iduol web men,l)ert ony. nodiliorgl lymponvy t7tbcng )o awry ,IuUn%Y during cwrllruefgn is the responstIMUy G the erel— A.ddriionol pern,onenl broeirvl 01 the o.eroe ,bucirue a 1.5� respon:fofliy of the StoyicOlion. 7uofly cenl+eL yfa•7ge, deG¢yy. erKl'pr urvJ Iroc:rp. con,Wl • W,I�PI7 girbouGw'ry-v deigner, fa geneovCmponl cic:y Info—icon —oJolle 4em bns FbIttn50 O'Onolrr) Drive, Mcdi,on9W -7719. I d, ! All �j i C?, li C 9 666 i FALSE BG)TTO-M CH RD FILLER DETAIL MIIISAC - 1 3/10/2004 PAGE s • ALT. TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD BRACED PER MAIN TRUSS ENGINEERING BRACING SPECIFICAI FILLER BOTTOM CHORD 2X4 NO2 OR BETTER LUP FILLER BC MAYBE SPLICED WITH 3x4 M20 PLATES OR WITH ZX4 NO2 2'-0" LONG k__L6:_Ty_p SCAB, CENTERED ABOUT THE SPLICE, NAILED TO ONE FACE Wl(.131"X3.(" MIN) NAILS @ 4" O.C., 2 ROWS. MITel< Industries, Inc. Western Division MAX 3-0-0 EXTENSION 1 x4 M20 PLATES (TYP) OR ALTERNATE CONNECT W/ 2-10d COMMONS (TYP) FILi4.R VERTIqk STUD ; . 2X4 STD OR BETTER LUMBER NOTES: • 1) FOR LUMBER SIZE AND GRADE, AND FOR PLATES TYPE AND SIZE AT EACH JOINT REFER TO MAIN TRUSS ENGINEERING DESIGN. 2) LOADING: FOR TOP CHORD SEE MAIN TRUSS ENGINEERING DESIGN. BOTTOM CHORD LOADS: LIVE = U PSF; DEAD: = 10 PSF 3) TRUSS SPACING = 24" O.C. MAX 4) MAX BOTTOM CHORD PITCH = 4112 5) FILLER MEMBERS ARE NON STRUCTURAL PART OF THE MAIN TRUSS; THEREFORE THEY MAYBE FIELD ADJUSTED TO FIT EX ING CONDITIONS, PROVIDED THAT STUD SPACING, CONNECTION AND EXTENSION REQUIREMENTS ARE AS SPECIFIED. ADJU -MAY INCLUDE ADDITION OR REMOVAL OF FILLER MEMBERS. Pa a ## 28 W 15 APR 0 9 201 WARNWO. 9u j fg doalgn pmametan a� ItSAD NDTES ONTfDB 61m INCLTIDBD AII7E8 REFB�iBNCB YdDB d�79�. BSFOR6 D9E. T17T � �s ��® . S� 1 � Dedgn vald lar use onty wlih FMek connedort.lhk deign k based ony upon paramefors shown, and k lot an MdMdual6vBding component. 1pp9xbtaty of design tart and Fcoper fneorpnrallan'od comrmnonl k respansiblAlY o! hu6ding desiansr • rrol Irvtt dedgner. Brodne sfiawn k Iv.lolmol svppad at web ma mass ony AddlBonal lemparey brodng to kawe dabIDiy d atop consUvellon k the respanstb�y d the k the 6u9�ng T;Pous HetBhfs, CA, 8561 . � eredat. larasl pennonenl ibadng al the awraB sWelum the raspnndbi))ai dedg�r: Far Br�er01 guldwtce regmding {ubdralbn, quolBy eanlrot storage, delkery eteellon a� bmcktg, eovauil ANAJIPn Oua1Ay Cfierks, DSB•89 and 14CS11 BuAdlnp CornpotreN Irom Tons P1ofe Sffi D'Onofdo Otive, Modisan, WI 53719. ' ��.':���® l S Satey Irdormatlon ava8able trssNule, OVERHANG REMOVAL DETAIL MII/8AC 5C 12/6/2005 PAGE 1 Wdsterri DlvEston TRUSS CRITERIA: LOADING: 25-1B-0-10 (MM DURATION FACTOR: 1.1511.25 SPACING: ZV O.C. TOP CHORD: 2x4 OR 2-x6. HEEL HEIGHT: STANDARD HEEL UP TO 12r' ENERGY HEEL END 13EAI2ING'CONDITION Trusses not fdting these criteria should be examined individually. NOTES: 1. THIS DETAIL IS FOR REMOVING OVERHANG. THIS DETAIL IS NOT TO BE USED WHEN OVERHANG HAS BEEN BROKEN OFF. 2. NO LUMBER DAMAGE OR DEFECTS SHALL GO BEYOND REMOVAL LINE. NO CONNECTORPLATE DAMAGE ALLOWED • 0 12 2- 12 F� APR 0 9 1013 ® WdRJID�G-gert/y doolgn Pnrsar,dors mrd EEA11 NOTES ONTdISdJ7D 7AICJ.G�SD BIITESREFSREH[:6 PdQ8IdII•7479 SSFOltB USE. 7777 Gnwbnk lane 51 Ueslgn vaCd tar vse only wllh A9fe1: oo/uvelcrs. Thlc design k bored ameten shown, and is !os on fidNtduol bu1lding cortmmreM, 918 1 oIRM ff hls, CA. 95 l' upon P� . Hety91 A bb77��yy of design PP�1en and propos IneorposatWn d oosnponant h reryonslbi6ty o! bu9ding deslgnes - nol'Irvss drsignes. &o�1g sham h Iw�lofarolsuppnrl d h�dh�duol vrab members only Add9bnod'lanpwary brodng to Iruure dablHty drobig eoroirvellon b the mspont�9y of the , Inemka[lon a91y�res}omga, dna very, ete� ,a and Firoedng. eons A of Ihe�� � ad�0i6-89 mid BCstl 9g Component Solely )ntomm9en wo8able kom inns p1oSe Imt9ule, 583 D'Ono9b D9ve. Modkan W153719. M1 L� SCAB APPLIED OVERHANGS MII/SAG a 5 3/25/2004PAGE 1 NITekIndustrles, Inc, Wer6m Division TRUSS CRITERIA: LOADING: 40-14-0-10 DURATION FACTOR: 1.15 SPACING: 24" O.C. TOP CHORD: 2x4 OR 2x6 HEEL HEIGHT: STANDARD HEEL UP TO 12" ENERGY HEEL END BEARING. CONDITION Trusses not fitting these criteria should be examined individually, NOTES: 1. THIS DETAIL IS FOR TRUSSES BUILT WITHOUT AN OVERHANG. THIS DETAIL IS NOT TO BE USED WHEN OVERHANG- HAS BEEN BROKEN OFF. 2. ATTACH 2x_ SCAB SAME LUMBER SIZE AND GRADE AS TOP CHORD TO ONE FACE OF TRUSS WITH TWO ROWS OF (0.131"X3" ) MAILS SPACED Q 6" O.C.' 3. THE END DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID UNUSUAL SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. •4. WHEN NAILING THE SCABS, THEUSE OF A BACKUP WEIGHT IS RECOMMENDED TO AVOID LOOSENING OF THE CONNECTOR PLATES AT THE JOINTS OR'SPLICES. 12 2--1Z [��' 2x SAAB (L) (2e0 x L� ������1zs r. uc. 24" MAX 24" MIN Q =6,433 • EXP. 3-31-1 b REFER TO INDIVIDUAL TRUSS DESIGN FOR PLATE SIZES AND ES Ct�tittia APR 0 9 2013 ® WA7tf�Jg•9u+jty doaignpnrruncCorc and"." NDTW ON TMNANDINMMW XTZK,.WPSREN=PA=AXF414"PEFODS OMrsenbadrlana a ® Dedgn v fid Iw use o* v4h WAsk connecica, Thb drslgn is based only upon pwam len shown, and b foron Srdrvlduo] buildbg mmpononl. CSnis Hefghls, Ck 8681 Applleoldtl of dedgn paamenlen and proper lnewporoNon o! component h respondbRly o1 bu➢ding designer • nal truss dedgner, &orNg shown @ fw 2o1Bml suppwl ol4sdlylduolweb membws only Addilbtid 1Bmpwary Moe'�ng to kraue slabOFy dra6+g eondn+ellon fs Ihe.respansib>Bly of the erBelw. AddBfona! permanent fxodng d the overo>f structure b the relpo��y of the bsMft desipm. Fw ganert9 guldonee rapordkm labdea��n, qua6ly central dana�e, deNary, erecllnn wuf broctrrg, eonsu' 6 ANS(Mj QuoiNy CNbt1o, DSB-89 and SCM1 S'Ading Cempmront m mi— Mn'/knn. w, "" MITak FP IGGYBACK TRUSS CONNECTION � MII/SAC - 2C 94/01/2004 PAGE•1 ................:_... 4 --•=mss 2x x E'-0". SIZE TO MATCH TOP CHORD OF PIGGYBACK • ATTACHED TO EACH SIDE OF TOP CHORD Wi H (.141M3.0'ti W) NAILS AT S" Q.C. STAGGERED 2 ROWS. \ AA • MmO thosiiies, Inc. Wesfem DNtslon PIGGYBACK TRUSS SPACE 2X4 PURLINS ACCORDING TO THE MAXIMUM SPACING Ory THE TOP CHORD OF THE BASE TRUSS (SPACING NOT TO EXCEED 48" O.C.), a" x•8" X 11r PLYWOOD (or 15mr.OSB) GUSSET EACH SIDE @ 44" O.C. MAX ATtACH WITH 2 - (,14M.0" MIN) NAILS INTO EACH CHORD FROM EACH SIDE BASE TRUSS 0046433 NOTE: CONNECTION DETAIL DESIGNED FOR GRAVITY LOAD ON L EXP. 3-31-15 NOT CHECKED FOR ANY WIND LOAD OR LATERAL LOADS. cf0- PLEASE CONSULT WITH TRUSS ENGINEER OR QUALIFIED o,rc�u�°�� BUILDING DESIGNER FOR CONNECTION DETAIL TO TRANSFER LATERAL LOADS APR 0 9 2013 Page # 31 0 ® WMHING.7ar((j/ eteelD^P�+�sF m;d Ai 0 No= 6N TmS ARD Mi&.ft=--TSR pXin RENCE PAGE 21¢7479 MMI?Z V= 77T7 f3Me"bsdl U 6C4n vo6d lo; usa arty vd3h lAfek connecfo�c Thb dedgn b bused only upon panus+efen,shor� and b (of on tndh4luol bu6d}np eartnpanenf, M Hal A.'vbl' 01 design nlen�d proper Meospo}a8un o1 compotrenlis a1 d LlUuc Ftelptu:;. eerroeffs pp��omee �°^��Y . +0 �8nar •not lrua dedgner. BrcrJnp:hawn k {anal vpp�t o! lscitvidval web membra only, Add@anat {enspwory baec9ng So Insure �lab}py du>�g condnstilon k the tespoesl6lGty of the eiedo7 Add9lcnolpemvnenfbaodrsgollhe'avaa3slruelweh,lberaspassslbWyoflhebu)1r>♦nDdaslgner.imgassarolBddanee'egcsiitng Lal.fyallon 9 V eoalrol domga detiveay, ersellon and 6cacLsg corssu8 AHSf/TPIT Qw91y Cs8ed4' DSB B9 and BCSti Bulldlnp Compmmn5 SaFe4y Idasma8nn ovollablc Irma isuss Polo bat8vle, 583 D'Ondblo 13rtro, Hodson, VJI537f 9, STANDARD PIGGYBACK TRUSS CONNECTION DETAIL1. Il:IIII/SAC R 28 t012l 4 PAGE 1 OF 1 �iVIAY I3E.tJ � I°OR DRAG TRUSS_ ES) OeR r I e C. D GENERAL NOTES: cg`y EI' S. 1. UPLIFT AND LATERAL LOAD CAPACITY OF THIS DETAIL SHALL BE•REVIEWI AND taY APPROVED BY PROJECT ENGINEER OR QUA1I0Wb BUILDING DESIGNER. 2- PITCH -12112 MAX A P R Q 9. 2013 EXP. 3-31-15 3. MAX CAP TR;USS SPAN = 20•-0" 4. MilUOMUM SHEAR CAPACITY OR LATERAL LOADe- TRANSFER BETINIEEN PIGGBACK AND BASE TRUSS= 160 PLF ��OFCALICA� TYPICAL PIGGYBACK TRUSS CONNECTION (MAY BE USED FOR DRAG TRUSSES) 2 x_x 6'-W SIZE TO MATCH TOP CHORD OF PIGGYBACK8" x 8 112"x 112" PLYWOOD (or 7116" OSB) ATTACHED TO ONE FACE .OF TOP % GUSSET EACH SIDE AT EACH, BASE TRUSS CHORD WITH 2 ROWS OF 10d (0,131"X 3') / JOINT OR MAX. Zr O.C. ATTACH WITH NAILS SPACED 6- O.C. AND STAGGERED 2 -1od NAILS INTO EACH CHORD FROM \ All EACH SIDE (TOTAL - 4 NAILS EACH CHORD) p BASE TRUSS ATTACH PIGGYBACK TRUSS TO EACH PURUN WITH 2 -16d NAU TOENAILED. SPACE PURLINS ACCORDING TO 11-iE MAXIMUM ATTACH EACH PURUN TO TOP SPACING ON THE TOP CHORD OF THE BASE CHORD OF BASE TRUSS WITH TRUSS (SPACING NOT TO'EKbEEO 24' O.C.j . 2 -16d NAILS. A PURLIIN TD BE LOCATED AT EACH BASE TRUSS JOINT. �e FOR PIGGY aACK TRUSSES WITH SPANS -c 12' SCAB MAY BE OMIIIO MD Piko1nDED THAT: ROOF SHEATHING TO BE CONTINUOUS OVER JOINT (SHEATHING TO OVERLAP MINNUM 1Y OVER JOINT) CAP CONNECTION IS MADE TO RESIST'UPUFf. SEE MAXIMUM CONNECTION CAPACITIES AND COMPARE WITH ENGINEERING DRAWING CONNECTION CAPACITIES FOR SCABS, PURLINS, AND SHEATHING MAY BE COMBINED WHEN DETERMINING OVERALL UPLIFT CAPACITY. IF NO GAP EXISTS. BETWEEN CAF' TRUSS AND BASE TRUSS (MAY BE USED FOR DRAG TRUSSES) 2x _ x 6'-0" SIZE TO MATCH TOP CHORD OF PIGGYBACK ATTACHED TG EACH FACE OF TOP CHORD WITH 2 ROWS OF 10d (0.131" X NAILS SPACED 6" O.C. AND STAGGER! REPLACE TOE NAILING OF CAP TRUSS TO PURLINS WITH GUSSETS AS SHOWN, AND APPLY PURLINS TO LOWER EDGE OF BASE TRUSS TOP CHORD AT P.ECOMENDED SPACING SHOWN ABOVE. op 8" x 8112" x 112" PLYWOOD (or 7116" OSB) GUSSET EACH SIDE AT EACH BASE TRUSS JOINT OR MAX. 24" O.C. ATTACH WITH 2 - iOd NAILS INTO EACH CHORD FROM EACH SIDE (TOTAL - 4 NAILS EACH CHORD) 2x4 PURLINS @ 24" O.C. ATTACHED WI 2-10 D NAILS MAXIMUM UPLIFT SCAB CAPACITY USING (10) 10d (0.131" X 3) NAILS: SYP = 1060 LBS SPF = 620 LBS DF = 970 LBS HF= B40 LBS SPFS = 720 LBS MAXIMUM UPLIFT PURLIN CAPACITY USING (2) 16d (0.131"X 3.5") NAILS: SYP = 117 LBS SPF = 60 LBS DF = 92 LBS HF = 63 LBS SPF -S = 41 LBS MAXIMUM UPLIFT SHEATHING CAPACITY USING 112" SHEATHING AND (2.)-8d (0.131-12,5") NAILS: SYP = 82 LBS SPF = 42 LBS DF = 64 LBS HF = 44 LBS SPF -S = 28 LBS VALUES SHOVIM ARE BASED ON LOAD DURATION OF 1.00 MAXIMUM UPLIFT GUSSET CAPACITY USING 7116" GUSSETS AND (4) 10d (0.131" X 3") NAILS: SYP = 300 LBS SPF = 276 LBS DF = 294 LBS HF = 276 LBS SPF -S = 258 LBS VALUES SHOWN ARE BASED ON LOAD DURATION OF 1.00 ® WAItJM-;rerM d vign paramcf mwdAMD 007W OAV=AND WCT.DDED A=JXFxUW= PAGE Tffi9472 BEFORE CBE. .... u,OwOaa4 Dedgn vckl lo; use a* wllh ARlek mmaelan. This dedM Is bored adr upon pacma{en thovm and is lot On IndWlduoi bu%ftp component. Sutle 109 APA�obFd1' d design pwomenien and proyar Mcorpnranon o! ewrgronanl is respondb@fY d buDding det�ner- nvl trsus designer. firodn8 shown CJOus Haots. CA. h lod• IOlerd suppout oflndlvlduol web memban only. Addl9otsd letrsporary brocing {o hu»re dob6ty duArm mndtsreflon k Ose responsfa>Wly of the eredu. Al pemranetd hrodngg o11he ovO� drvcture tr the respandbNlY e1 the btAc&s8 dezlgnet, fw eenmol 8uldonce regarding lafairntlan, 9uotiy eontroi sloroge, da0very, areclbn arsd btadn0. mnsvH AN31/fPl1 CweAy Qilerla Die -A9 and BCSn BvBding Component Solely InlomroOon ova9obie from Trus Plate IrulAule. SB3 D'Onoldo Drive, Madison, WI53719. STANDARD PIGGYBACK �It[/SAC - � TR . 6S C{3f I E1`lGI�I ©E 'AIL 4 PAGE 1 OF 2 ESSJr EW.r .4ndi�ier, � $.. /� . , Inc. 0 GENERAL NOTES: O�� � '►� Dtviston 1. UOLIF—T AND LATERAL LOAD CAPACITY OF _ - THIS. D&AP IL SHALL. 13E REVIEWED AND � ✓�T Q API?ROVEi3 BY PROJECT ENOIPlEER OR CO -16433 QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER. EXP. 3-31fl 2. 0ITCI4i4il2 MAX APR 0 9 2013.� 3: MAX OAN = 30'-0" s} C'fdlt- 4. MAX1M1JM.SWR CAPACITY OR LATERAL�LOAD TRANSFER BEZWEEN PIGGBACK AND BASE TRUSS=120 PLF w"mm. verw dalgn twffi h,r wo alb "h I At o, o1 doobn aalam &esn cioingt d, Pa e##33 4 m,d=& V Mr= ON 1RfS MID V=U= drMX XZrML . V= FAos MM7472 SWORE ASID. 7M Gmmnbod U :los, Tide desbn.h !:, ed &* upen pommE4en awWn, and k ht an W*mun1 buB conVwmnb Sage 109 oem 1n®amcilon e1 mmmnnni k,.,— a Mw „s F:,dl.N, A..b...-. - —4 1-4.d— w.,.a,.., .6..,... Mue He1gMe, CA, MAXIMUM U PLIFT SCAB TYPICAL PIGGYBACK TRUSS CONNECTION cAPAcrTY USING (10) 1Od (0.131° Y 3') NAILS: � 2 X_X 6"-D" SIZE TO MATCH' _ TOP CHORD OF PIGGYBACK SYP = 1060 LBS ATTACHED TO ONE FACE OF TOP CHORD WITH 2 RDWS OF 10d (D.131" X 3") SPF = 820 LBS NAILS SPACED B" O,C. AND STAGGERED DF =970 LBS HF = 84D LBS SPFS = 72O,LBS ATTACH PIGGYBACK TRUSS MAXIMUM UPLIFT PURLIN TO EACH PURLIN WITH CAPACITY USING (2) 16d 2-1Bd NAILS TOENAILED. (0.131" X 3.6••) NAILS: SYP = 117 LBS bop SPF = 6D LBS Li DF = 02 LES " HF = 63 LBS SPF -S = 49 LBS BAS TRUS5 'MAXIMUM UPLIFT SHEATHING CAPACITY USIt4G 112" SHEATHING AND (2) 8d (0,131" X2.5-) NAILS: SPACE•PURLINSACCORDING TO THE.[JiAiDMUM ATTACH EACH PURLIN TO TOP SPAdING ON711E TOP CHDR.Q oFTHE BABE CHORD OF BASE TRUSS WITH TRUSS (SPACING NOT TO EXCEED 24" O.G ), z -1Bd NAILS. SYP = 82 LB$ SPF = 42 LBS A PURLIN TO BE LOBATED AT EACH BASE TRUSS JOINT. 9e FOR PIGGY BACK TRUSSES. WITH SPANS c 12 `MAY DF = 64 LBS HF = 44 LBS SCAB BE'OMNIITED PROVIDED THAT: ROOF W*ItK HING.TO HEWMINUOUS OVER JOINT SPF -S = 2$ LBS (SHEATHING TD OVERLAP MINIMUM 12` OVER JOINT) +ti CAP CONNECn. DN IS MADE TO RESIST UPLIFT. SEE MAXIMUM CONNECTION CAPACI11E5 AND COMPARE WITH ENGINEERING DRAWING VALUES SHOWN ARE BASED ON CONNECTION CAPACITIES FOR SCARS, PURLINS, AND SHEATHING MAY BE COMBINED WHEN LOAD DURATION OF 1.00 DETERMINING OVERALL UPLIFT CAPACITY. IF NO GAP EXISTS BETWEEN CAP TRUSS AND BASE TRUSS: MAXIMUM UPLIFT GUSSET CAPACITY USING 7116" GUSSETS AND (4)1Od (D.131"X 3'1 NAILS: REPLACE TOE NAILING OF CAP TRUSS TO PURLINS Wf lH GUSSETS AS SHOWN, AND APPLY PURLINS TO LOWER EDGE OF BASE SYP = 300 LBS TRUSS TOP CHORD AT RECDMENDED SPACING SHOWN ABOVE. SPF = 276 LBS DF= 294 LBS 3c 8" x 8" x i12" PLYWOOD (or 7118" OSB) HF = 276 LBS GUSSET EACH SIDE AT SPF -S = 258 LBS EACH BAST 'TRUSS JOINT. ATTACK VYITH 2 -1 Dd NA1LS ` INTI? EACH CHORD FROM EACH SIDE (TOTAL, 4 NAILS EACH CHORD) \ \ti 2x4 PURLINS @ 24" O.C. ATTACHED W! 2-10 D NAILS VALUES SHOWN ARE BASED ON LOAD DURATION OF 1.00 w"mm. verw dalgn twffi h,r wo alb "h I At o, o1 doobn aalam &esn cioingt d, Pa e##33 4 m,d=& V Mr= ON 1RfS MID V=U= drMX XZrML . V= FAos MM7472 SWORE ASID. 7M Gmmnbod U :los, Tide desbn.h !:, ed &* upen pommE4en awWn, and k ht an W*mun1 buB conVwmnb Sage 109 oem 1n®amcilon e1 mmmnnni k,.,— a Mw „s F:,dl.N, A..b...-. - —4 1-4.d— w.,.a,.., .6..,... Mue He1gMe, CA, 0 STANDARD PIGGYBACK MII1SAC - 2 i'R §p -CONNECTION DETAIL • : © - 9e�o�sslo APR 0 9 2013 a c04M33 . FOR LARGE CONCENTRATED LOADS APPLIED TO CAP TRUSS REQUIRING A VERTICAL WEB: 't?,q VERTICAL WEB TO 1) VERTICAL WEBS OF PIGGYBACK AND BASE TRUSS EXTEND THROUGH MUST MATCH IN SIZE, GRADE, AND MUST LINE UP BOTTOM wok AS SHOWN IN DETAIL OF PIGGYBACK 2). V ftCAL WEBS OF PIGGYBACK MUST RUN THROUGH BOTTDM CHORD SO THAT THERE IS FULL WOOD. TO WOOD CONTACT BETWEEN WEB OF PIGGYBACK AND THE'fiOP CHORD OF THE BASE TRUSS. 3) CONCENTRATED LOAD MUST BE APPLIED, TO BOTH THE PIGGYBACK AND THE BASE TRUSS. ' 4) ATTACH 2 x .. x G'-0" SCAB TO EACH'FACE OF TRUSS ASSOMFSJ:Y WITH 2 ROWS OF 10d NAILS (0,131`X3') AT 6" O;C,.ST pbtRED. (SIZE AND GRADE TO •MATCI J VERTICAL WEBS OF PIGGYBACK AND BASE TRUSS.) 5) THIS CONNECTION IS ONLY VAUDTOR A MAXIMUM CONCENTRATED GOAD OF 3700 LBS (@1.15). REVIEW BYA QUAUFIED'ENG(NEER IS REQUIRED FOR LOADS GREATER TITAN 3700 LBS, PIGGYBACK TRUSS CONNECTION FOR SPANS LESS THAN 10'-0" 2x_x4U- SIZETO MATCH TOP CHORD OF PIGGYBACK. ATTACHED TO ONE FACE OF TOP CHORD WITH 2 ROWS OF 1Dd 40.131'X 3") NAILS SPACED 6" O.C. AND STAGGERED 3t AtYACH PIGGYBACKTRUS, TO EACH PURUN WITH 2 - 16d NAILS TOENAILED. bQA 3; CAP CONNECTION IS MADE TO RESIST UPLIFT, SEE MAXIMUM CONNECTION CAPACITIES AND COMPARE WITH ENGINEERING DRAWING CONNECTION CAPACITIES FOR SCABS, PURLINS, AND SHEATHING MAY BE COMBINED WHEN DETERMINING OVERALL UPLIFT CAPACITY, 4/30/Z004 j PAGE 2 OF 2 ll MITakIndustrles, Inc. I . Western Division CIMUM UPLIFT SCAB ACITY USING (10) 16d (0.131" X 31 NAILS: SYP = 1060 LBS SPF = 620 LBS DF = 970 LBS HF = B40 LBS SPF -S = 720 LBS VALUES. SHOWN ARE BASED ON LOAD DURATION OF 1.00 MAXIMUM UPUFT SCAB CAPACITY USING -(4)-- 10d (0.131"X 3) NAILS: SYP = 424 LBS SPF = 328 LEIS DF = 3BS UBS HF = 336 UBS SPF -S = 268 UBS MAXIMUM UPUF7 PURUN CAPACITY USING (2) 16d 10.131" X 3.6^) NAILS; SYP — 117 LBS SPF — 60 LBS OF = 92 LBS HF = 83 LBS SPF -S - 41 LBS VALUES SHOWN ARE BASED ON LOAD DURATION OF 1.00 Pa a#3 Ak WAxMN� • veryg aessyn parameters ana7t£6D NDTEB DN I7aS AND DPCLUDED la1TE1C �EF7.�IIBNGB PAGE eD7.747a Hd30Rit USG Dadpn vaDd tat we only wAh Mil ak eonnedote Sh§ des7gn Is bated Dray upon pwomsless shrAvn and h loe on IndNtduol buDd)ng catrryonaN. AppL.o of ded9n ppa�omanlen and psopm fncwpgrollntt oleorrpsone�d b resparu�tdry of bulfding dedgner- no! lrua dadgtret. 9rocMg showy k In bl nqip�{ of btdNtduN wab mortfsetsaat}y. AddlOonal lemprnory tsaelnp to hture tlob181y during exraltvcllan 61he resporxiblPJy of Die { eredar. AddlYotrol parmanonl bracing of Dss wer6B shudvre h the reipandSBly of the huBdlnp designer. fol generol gutdanee regarding I Iandmllan, qua�8ly rnnlrol tltuoga, daBvery, gee6an and btoeing eorisvry Aht51/fPlt l?uo9fy Crlieda, OS8•D9 and DC'311 Dr>tidinp Component Sab1y Mtosmallap tsvot�bls from buts Plale kuinuiq s� fY0naU10 Wive, Modhan, W151719, 1�y BAS TRUSS \\ \ SPACE PURLINS ACCORDING TO THE MAXIMUM ATTACH EACH PURUN TO SPACING ON THE TOP CHORD OF THE BASE j TRUSS (SPAGNG NOT TO EXCEED 24" D.C.). CHORD OF BASE TRUSS V A PURUN TO BE LOCATED AT EACH BASE TRUSS JOINT. 2 - 18d NAILS. 3; CAP CONNECTION IS MADE TO RESIST UPLIFT, SEE MAXIMUM CONNECTION CAPACITIES AND COMPARE WITH ENGINEERING DRAWING CONNECTION CAPACITIES FOR SCABS, PURLINS, AND SHEATHING MAY BE COMBINED WHEN DETERMINING OVERALL UPLIFT CAPACITY, 4/30/Z004 j PAGE 2 OF 2 ll MITakIndustrles, Inc. I . Western Division CIMUM UPLIFT SCAB ACITY USING (10) 16d (0.131" X 31 NAILS: SYP = 1060 LBS SPF = 620 LBS DF = 970 LBS HF = B40 LBS SPF -S = 720 LBS VALUES. SHOWN ARE BASED ON LOAD DURATION OF 1.00 MAXIMUM UPUFT SCAB CAPACITY USING -(4)-- 10d (0.131"X 3) NAILS: SYP = 424 LBS SPF = 328 LEIS DF = 3BS UBS HF = 336 UBS SPF -S = 268 UBS MAXIMUM UPUF7 PURUN CAPACITY USING (2) 16d 10.131" X 3.6^) NAILS; SYP — 117 LBS SPF — 60 LBS OF = 92 LBS HF = 83 LBS SPF -S - 41 LBS VALUES SHOWN ARE BASED ON LOAD DURATION OF 1.00 Pa a#3 Ak WAxMN� • veryg aessyn parameters ana7t£6D NDTEB DN I7aS AND DPCLUDED la1TE1C �EF7.�IIBNGB PAGE eD7.747a Hd30Rit USG Dadpn vaDd tat we only wAh Mil ak eonnedote Sh§ des7gn Is bated Dray upon pwomsless shrAvn and h loe on IndNtduol buDd)ng catrryonaN. AppL.o of ded9n ppa�omanlen and psopm fncwpgrollntt oleorrpsone�d b resparu�tdry of bulfding dedgner- no! lrua dadgtret. 9rocMg showy k In bl nqip�{ of btdNtduN wab mortfsetsaat}y. AddlOonal lemprnory tsaelnp to hture tlob181y during exraltvcllan 61he resporxiblPJy of Die { eredar. AddlYotrol parmanonl bracing of Dss wer6B shudvre h the reipandSBly of the huBdlnp designer. fol generol gutdanee regarding I Iandmllan, qua�8ly rnnlrol tltuoga, daBvery, gee6an and btoeing eorisvry Aht51/fPlt l?uo9fy Crlieda, OS8•D9 and DC'311 Dr>tidinp Component Sab1y Mtosmallap tsvot�bls from buts Plale kuinuiq s� fY0naU10 Wive, Modhan, W151719,