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(2004-506) (Structural & Truss Calculations)
is: w � CITY LA QUINTA U)suani s snFEnr Dear. f+7F.APPROVED- OR � Q � Z lidO J co U .O Cfl J r%_ Q E 2 j� O . Ir Q U W U_ c� 2 • N H N QN Ir- I cnui W � M .-� Z � O w L]j J (� D U U O w � CITY LA QUINTA U)suani s snFEnr Dear. f+7F.APPROVED- OR � Wd-:loCT4 Des"r:CGI "-ot 5"QUI"** Top chord 2x4 SPF 1650f -1.5E Bot chord 2x4 SPF 1650f -1.5E Webs 2x4 HF Std/Stud Roof overhang supports 12.00 psf soffit load THIS jWPARE,jftCOMPL#MUT (Ift DIMEM SUBtldY TR�'. E' 70 mph wind, 11.17 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-93, OPEN bldg, located anywhere in roof, 100 mi from coast, CAT I, EXP C, wind TC DL=9.4 psf, wind BC DL=`o1.2 , psf. 4X4= Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. [-----2-0-0---J 5 0- E 6-9-0 0 I 7-2-10 I 6-9-0 1 1-1-6-0— 1 5-3-0 'I I_ 6-9-0 1_ 6-9-0 I 13-6-0 Over 2 Supports' R=689 U=180 W=3.511 R=482 U=180 W=3.511 (tddd-:lot 54 Designer:CG • lot 54 LA OUINTA, ** PLT TYP. Wave TPI Design Crit: TPI -1995 STD UBC 7.01.0421.11 BC DL 7.0 Spates 760-397-4122 "WARNING— IRNSSIS REOInRF, EYIRCME CARE II! fII AFIRICAIION. ANn1.ING. SRIPPING. IM51A11ING AHO XPAGOIG. RUI.R InFICSI SAfLLr 0.0 O 85-435 Middleton Street, Thermal CA I-nJ ptun,nnl.C.DMPONFNI IXrnaMA.unN>,PnN1.ISRLDBY IPI (nun<PI.All %1 All !":1n 'Pont Rio OR., SuI IL 200, MADISON, u1 5]719) AND WIGA (W(101) TRUSS Cn11RC11, .1 A>INR1fe. lJnn f.N II I!r1!I <I, PSF DUR.FAC. 1.25 MAD15n... w1 h:i'/,,) TOR SAIFIY INACIIGIS PRIOR In PI:PF.RMIT1& 1111:5! I11H f.I1 n11S, 11!!11,55 nIIII P.wI SI' I1t 1111 A 11 IDP CN Den SMALL NAVE PROPERLY -AI TACIIEB SIRNCIRRAL PANE15 AND O01 IOM CIInPn SNAIJ. HAVE A PROPI RI,Y AT IAC111'D SPACING 24.011 .RIGID CEILING. h 'IMPORTANT" rURRISN A COPT OF IIII$ DESIGN 10 INE IHS IAI.LAIIoN CONI.RACIOR, nI,PIN1' I: NGINr I:PF,n ^,'e04C V IW. UU45 r a ALPINE - PROONCTS. INC. SMALL NOT aE RESPONSIDLE FDR ANY DIVIAI1011 ;'ROM 11115 nCSIGN: ANI FAIIANtt To INTI I.1) TNI. I RIISS IM f.O NF eN. t]IA SMG �W' WII[W.J DPMn Nf.0 NI FII TPI: OR FAO R. CA II NG. NANDI. ING, 5111 PPING. INSI ATI. ING A MN nC Nf. IT IRIISSTS. GEST G;; f.O NFOR Ms. MITN APPLICABLE PROVISIONS Of NDS (NATIONAL DESIGN SPEC.. BY A11% A. tPl. AI, PINI: 1 1 R iL CONN F(,IDR PLATES ARE MADE OF 20/IB/Ifi GA (W.11/S/K) ASI. A65J GRA DC A0/60 (W, K/11.5) GAIN . .111':1.1.. 4P PI.Y Alpine Engineered Products; Inc. Sacramento, CA 95828 PLAITS t0 EAD11 FACE OF iA115$ AND. IInLE55 OTNERMISC LOCA TCD ON IIIIS ITSIGN, Pn% 1101I rI:R DRAWINGS IGnn 2. ALIT INSPECIInN OF PLATES FOLLOWED BY (1) SMALL BE PER ANNE% AJ of IPIi Jnn2 SCC ,;i, n 51:A1. Orf 11115 IT X'TG INDIf AlCS ACCEPIA Nf.E OF PROFESSIONAL CNG INCCRIHG. R(.SPOrISIDIL IIY 50L F.I.Y I'n P. TNI' TNM SS GnMr nrl l;Nl BE SIGN 511DN11. 1.11 5111 IABILITY AND II SC OF INIS COMPO NE MI FOR AXY U111LDINf. I5 III I. R15PONS*1RII IIY 111" IR1: BUILDING DESIGNER PER ANSI/IPI 1 SEC. 2. y ��� ��� /� Qf �FA�`\0 T1) CA/2/1/ /E TC LL 16.0 PSF TC DL, 14.0 PSF BC DL 7.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT_LD. 37.0 PSF DUR.FAC. 1.25 SPACING 24.011 T 2-6-15 Scale=.37511/Ft REF R795-- 45001 DATE 07/15/04 DRW CAUSR795 04197073 CA -ENG MEM/CWC SEON- 32860 FROM DS JREF- 1SEN795 ZO2 - d -:lo Des -- -lot - "* 5 OUIN �• �+ 'aw THIS PAREf�iOMPU�UT (� DIME SUBM Y TRIM. n r:CG Top chord 2x4 SPF 1650f -1.5E' PLT TYP. Wave TPI Design Crit: TPI -1995 STD UBC 70 mph wind, 11.04 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-93, OPEN bldg, located anywhere in Bot chord 2x4 SPF 1650f -1.5E Scale roof_, 100 mi from coast, CAT I; EXP C, wind TC DL=9.4 psf, wind BC DL=5,.2 "WARNING" 1RIISSES RCOIIIRE EXTREME CARE IN'FABRTCAtiON. HANn1.l Ilf„ SHIPPING. IIISIALLING Ann nP.A(IIIG, R" C0. 1° °($I 1 03 (BNILnING COMPONENT SArETY INFOP.MAIION), PIIBLISHED BY IPI (TRUSS PLAIE INSTITUTE:. 583 DIDx0 In D0..., SHITE 200. MADISnN, NI S.1119).AND MICA (WOOD 'IROSS f,nn NC11. .r AMI:"ICA. 6;100 I: N I I: NPR I SE: 1. 14. MADISON, NI 53119) FOR SAFETY PRACTICE$ PRIOR IO PERT OR"r11Nf.ilONS. IIxI.I:SS .I H. RNISr. IIInIICH:.AIn. TnP C1I.RB SIIA"' IIA VC PROPCRLY nTinLNEO SIRUCIURAI. PANEL$ ANO n0110M CH 0 SHALT. IInVI:' n PROPI:RI.Y nilAD/ Webs 2x4 HF Std/Stud T C T C L L D L psf. PSF PSF REF DATE Roof overhang supports 12.00 psf soffit load. RIG'o CFILINB. "IMPORTANT— FURNISH A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. - ALPIIIL ENGIIB.LRrn Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. DL #1 hip supports 6-0-0 jacks with no webs. Corner sets are conventionally Building designer,is responsible for conventional framing. PRoDDCIS. INC. SHALT. NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION rROM TMs OLSTEN: ANY rAn.IIRC to nun.n 1111. I RusI "I.rnxrnn.ANrc NI n1 r,l: oR rAnRI CA T I Nf.,. HANDLING, IN1111NG. IIII I Al. I. IIID ..1.Nnr.u1,, 11 11.1111 s. framed. BC LL 0.0 PSF CA ENG MEM/CWC Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. Sacramento, CA95828 D1:5I CN Cn16nRMs NI r APPLI CABL r. PRDVISIIT 1., nF no, (NATIONAI. DESIGN SPL(. BY AFAPA) AND IPI. M.r INF CTINNF. r,1OR PI.AI ES AR r. MAnr. or '2n/In/16GA (N,11/S/N) ASI. A... GRA. r, An"" IN.Y./11,51 I:AI.V, 1,1AL1., ArPlr PLATES In EACH FACE Or IRITIS AIID. IINI.LIS OIN RNISr. IOCAtrn nil 11115 nESlrx, POSIT U, r[N nN nNINGS I.OA /. AIIY INSPECTION OF PLAIEs rmtoNEn nr (i) SHALL OE PER ANIITY A3 nl' IPII-2n02 STC.3. n STA1 nil IVIS nPANING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE or PROrESSIONAL ENGIN(EP,ING RESPONSInE1:nY, SOLr1Y I P 1111: 1RNSS COUPONIln N. sulrnnnllr AND USE or rxls rn.rnNENT cnR ANY n1nLnlnG Is me NEsrnn5nu11n m 1nE. D.E5GN n°HL$10NuC "'. Extend sloping top chord of truss and jacks to hip rafter. Support . L D . In lieu of structural panels use purlins to brace all flat TC @ 24" OC. extensions every 4.00 ft to flat TC. Spacing of supports originates from D S SPACING 24.0" JREF- 1SEN795_ZO2 1/1 hip. Attach 2x4 lateral bracing to flat TC @ 24" OC with 2-16d nails Shim all supports to solid bearing. and diagonally brace per DWG. BRCALHIPH1103. Support hip rafter with cripples at 5-7-14 OC. 4X4 5X7 (R) L.C-2-0-0—>J ' E 5-5-0 ,I, 2-6-4 5-6-12 I 5-11-11 T 1-11-9 5-6-12 I, 5-11-11 _I, 1-11-9 _L, 5-.6-12 _I 13-6-0 Over 2 Supports R=1114 U=180 W=3.5 R=907 U=180 W=3.5" I 10-0-12 T 2-3-13 (tddd-:lot 54 Designer:CG -- lot 54 LA OUINTA, ** T2) PLT TYP. Wave TPI Design Crit: TPI -1995 STD UBC CA/2/1/-/E/-/- Scale S ateS Fabricators 760-397-4122 85 °435 Middleton Street, Thermal CA "WARNING" 1RIISSES RCOIIIRE EXTREME CARE IN'FABRTCAtiON. HANn1.l Ilf„ SHIPPING. IIISIALLING Ann nP.A(IIIG, R" C0. 1° °($I 1 03 (BNILnING COMPONENT SArETY INFOP.MAIION), PIIBLISHED BY IPI (TRUSS PLAIE INSTITUTE:. 583 DIDx0 In D0..., SHITE 200. MADISnN, NI S.1119).AND MICA (WOOD 'IROSS f,nn NC11. .r AMI:"ICA. 6;100 I: N I I: NPR I SE: 1. 14. MADISON, NI 53119) FOR SAFETY PRACTICE$ PRIOR IO PERT OR"r11Nf.ilONS. IIxI.I:SS .I H. RNISr. IIInIICH:.AIn. TnP C1I.RB SIIA"' IIA VC PROPCRLY nTinLNEO SIRUCIURAI. PANEL$ ANO n0110M CH 0 SHALT. IInVI:' n PROPI:RI.Y nilAD/ /f T C T C L L D L 16.0 14.0 PSF PSF REF DATE R 7 9 5 - - 45002 07/ 15/04 . RIG'o CFILINB. "IMPORTANT— FURNISH A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. - ALPIIIL ENGIIB.LRrn C1 U -5 '04 t�VRA N& C43845 r A BC DL 7.0 PSF DRW cAusR795 04197074 ALPINE PRoDDCIS. INC. SHALT. NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION rROM TMs OLSTEN: ANY rAn.IIRC to nun.n 1111. I RusI "I.rnxrnn.ANrc NI n1 r,l: oR rAnRI CA T I Nf.,. HANDLING, IN1111NG. IIII I Al. I. IIID ..1.Nnr.u1,, 11 11.1111 s. * E� 6304005 * BC LL 0.0 PSF CA ENG MEM/CWC Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. Sacramento, CA95828 D1:5I CN Cn16nRMs NI r APPLI CABL r. PRDVISIIT 1., nF no, (NATIONAI. DESIGN SPL(. BY AFAPA) AND IPI. M.r INF CTINNF. r,1OR PI.AI ES AR r. MAnr. or '2n/In/16GA (N,11/S/N) ASI. A... GRA. r, An"" IN.Y./11,51 I:AI.V, 1,1AL1., ArPlr PLATES In EACH FACE Or IRITIS AIID. IINI.LIS OIN RNISr. IOCAtrn nil 11115 nESlrx, POSIT U, r[N nN nNINGS I.OA /. AIIY INSPECTION OF PLAIEs rmtoNEn nr (i) SHALL OE PER ANIITY A3 nl' IPII-2n02 STC.3. n STA1 nil IVIS nPANING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE or PROrESSIONAL ENGIN(EP,ING RESPONSInE1:nY, SOLr1Y I P 1111: 1RNSS COUPONIln N. sulrnnnllr AND USE or rxls rn.rnNENT cnR ANY n1nLnlnG Is me NEsrnn5nu11n m 1nE. D.E5GN n°HL$10NuC "'. f� �Ln^� 1r'�1 pf1�E� C A TOT . L D . 3 7 . 0 'PSF S E O N - 32863 D U R .FAC . 1 . 2 5 FROM D S SPACING 24.0" JREF- 1SEN795_ZO2 911�! A I� N INM1 BCSI-B�i SUMMARY SHEET -GUIDE FOR HANDLING, INSTALLING AND BRACING OF METAL PLATE CONNEC"TED WOOD TRUSSES '`GENERAL NOTES NOTAS GENERALES HAND ERECTION — LEVANTAMIENTOAMANO BRACING FOR THREE PLANES OF RA()F { J` Trusses 20' or _ - = �: - Trusses 30' or :,;Trusses are not marked in any way to identify .Los trusses no estop marrados de ninglin modo que �( _ �( t the frequency or location of temporary bracing.' identifique la frecuencia o localizacitin de los arfiostrfs IPcc. sllp(,nrr u less, Support at EL ARRIOSTRE EN TRES PLANOS DE TECHO 1 Follow the recommendations ,fpr handling(Gm%ny) LempUiaies. Use ItIs rec6mendaciones de manejo, at peak. r� quarter points. r ' Ihsttelling afid temporary bracing of trusses. instalad6n y arriostre temporal de IDs trusses. Vea el f&jgi Levante Levante de rJ( This bracing method is for all trusses except 3x2 and 4x2 parallel chord trusses. ,;Refer to BCSI 1-03 Guide to Good Practice for BCSI 1-03 Gufa de Buena Practira para el Manejo. Instalaci6n LJ ` Handling. Installing &Bracing of Metal Plate y Amostre de los Trusses de Madera Connectados con del pico los los cuartos _ Este metodo de arriostre es pare todo trusses excepto trusses de cuerdas paralelas 3x2 y 4x2. Connected' Wood Trusses for more detailed trusses de 20 trusses tremo los r Plass de Metalpare pat mayor informacibn. pies o menos. trusses de 30 1) TOP CHORD —CUERDA SUPERIOR 4 Y ,formation. A Trusses u to 20' Trusses up to 30' Los in, de disefio de los Wsses pueden espedficar F P i pies o menos. Truss Design Drawings may specify locations of Trusses hasty 20' Trusses hasty 30' {' permanent bracing on individual compression las localizaciones de los arriostres permanentes en los t members. Refer to the BCSI-83 Summary miembros individuales en compresi6n. Vea la hoja resumen , Sheet - Web Member Permanent Bracing/Web •BCSI-83 para los arc ostres permanentes y refuerzos de los r _ miembros secundados (webs) para mayor informadbn. EI HOISTING — LEVANTAMIENTO W Reinforcement for more information. All other I permanent bracing design is the responsibility resto de arriostres permanentes son la responsabilidad del Hold each truss in position with the erection equipment until temporary bracing is installed and 'of the Building Designee Disenador del Edificio. truss is fastened to the bearing points. r The consequences of improper handling, Installing s+,Sostenga sada truss en posici6n con la gr6a hasta que el arriostre temporal este instalado y el - x'y�ir � r ® r f and bracing may be a collapse of the structure, or truss asegurado en los soportes. � � _ . worse, serious personal injury or death. _ Do not lift trusses over 30' by the peak. Truss Span Top Chord Temporary Lateral Brace (TCTLB) Spacing Longitud de Tramo Espaciamiento del Arriostre Temporal de la Cuerda Superior Up to 30' 10' o.c. max. Hasta 30 pies 10 pies m6ximo 30' to 45' 8' o.c. max. 30 a 45 pies 8 pies m6ximo . 45' to 60' 6' o.c. max. n 45 a 602 ies 6 pies m6ximo 60' to 80'* 4' o.c. max. 60 a 80pies* 4 4 pies m6ximo a resu o e.un mane o, Into act n y arrlDoe inadecuados, puede ser la tarda de la estructura o (`fl No levante del pito los trusses de mas de 30 pies. "Consult a Professional Engineer for trusses longer than 60'. ;a6n peor, muertos o heridos. *Consulte a un Ingeniero para trusses de mas de 60 pies. 44°Greater than 30' Ir1 _r r Mas de 30 pies r Ir, See BCSI-B2 for TCTLB options. HOISTING RECOMMENDATIONS BY TRUSS SPAN ' LJ Vea el BCSI-B2 pare las opciones Banding and truss plates have sharp edges. Wear RECOMMENDACIONES DE LEVANTAMIENTO i de TCTLB. .�. Q gloves when handling and safety glasses when • o�oo POR LONGITUD DEL TRUSS C .,cutting banding. Empaques y placas de metal tienen bordes m 60' or less ;.r afilados. Use guantes y lentes protectores cuando Summary Sr to � SI e� torte los empaques. ( t - I Gable End Frame ., II Brecina. HANDLING -. MANEJO pp i i I'7f RepeatDSarri styes es. A cox. 1/2 Vea el resumen IJ truss length BCSI-B6 - Arr ostre Repita los arriostres Tagline �` del truss terminal diagonales. ' TRUSSES UP TO 30' el Use special care in Utilice cuidado de un techo a dos Allow no more No permits mas Q TRUSSES HASTA 30' , A u than 3" of defiec- de 3 pulgadas de windy weather or especial en dias "- r7( Set first five trusses with spacer pieces, then add diagonals. Repeat bon for eve 10' `' near :J ' IJ every pandeo por sada 10 power lines ven[osos o cera de `' r ll process on groups of four trusses until all trusses are set. ": of s an. pies de tramo. and airports. cables electricos o de fr r P aeropuertos. S reader bar Instate los cinco primeros trusses con espaciadores, luego los arriostres *:r as � M•, - -- . tl - diagonales. Repita €Ste procedimiento en grupos de cuatro trusses la I hasta que todos los trusses esten instalados. a i - Toe -in � T� oe-in t r . u s to 'Spreader bar for Spreader bar 1/2 to 2) BOTTOM CHORD — CUERDA INFERIOR " ,truss bundles 2/3 truss length Tagline I - TRUSSES UP TO 60' I f e e max. pQ��p Lateral braces TRUSSES HASTA 60' F length lapped over tw r•^; T � . over two trusses. k I. to , I to --I - Locate Spreader bar Attach * ; i Check banding Revise los empaques above or stiffbad prior to moving antes de mover los mid -height I max. bundles. paquetes de trusses. p• QPick up vertical ' Levante de la cuerda ; f bundles at the .superior los grupos Q Avoid lateral bending. — Evite la Flexi6n lateral. top chord. verticales de trusses. Spreader bar 2/3 to •I r, ~ 3/4 truss length Diagonal braces I M Tagline_ every 10 truss 1 TRUSSES UP TO AND OVER 60' _� « q spaces (20' max.) ( W > TRUSSES HASTA Y SOBRE 60' 10'-15' max. r " ' Some chord and web members not shown for clarity. BRACING- ARRIOSTRE © Refer to BCSI-B2 Summary Sheet - Truss Installa- tion and Temporary Bracing for more information. Vea el res6men BCSI-B2 - Instalaci6n de Trusses y Ardostre Temporal para mayor informaci6n. Do not walk on unbraced trusses. Nc Gamine en trusses sueltos. Top Chord Temporary Lateral QLocate ground braces for firsttruss directly Bracing (TCTLB) in line with all rows of top chord temporary lateral bracing. 9 Coloque los arriostres de tierre Para el q primer truss directamente en linea con sada Una de las filas de arriostres laterales T 2x4 min. ' temporales de la cuerda superior. Brace first truss well before erection of additional trusses. 3) WEB MEMBER PLANE — PLANO DE LOS MIEMBROS SECUNDARIOS r • s. Diagonal braces , _ � ' every 0 v 1 r ° e truss , ' 10'-15' max. spaces (20' max.) • ' " same spacing as bottom chord ^ Some chord and web members not shown for clarity. lateral bracing �DIAGONAL BRACING IS VERY IMPORTANT ;iEL ARRIOSTRE DIAGONAL ES MUY IMPORTANTE! [HOJAI RESUMEN I DE FA GUTA DE BUENA R"C-T'ICA PARA EL MANEJOr INSTALACION NWARRIOSTRE I DE BRACTNG Fng 3x3 AD 4.2 PARALLEL LHURD TRUSSES Height (h) ••_� QRefer to BCSI-B7 Maximum lateral brace spacing Plywood or OSB Summary Sheet 30' D.C. for 3x2 chords Asphalt Shingles + Do not store No almacene Permanent Brecino IV of every 15 truss _ unbraced bundles verticalmente los Trusses for more �- upright. trusses sueltos. Vea el resumen BCSI-B7 - Arriostre _, "c( ( r ' ONE WEEK OR LESS MORE THAN ONE WEEK - \� Y wt, para mayor trusses must be placed Lateral braces -Y _ WW r j I'7f Bundles stored on the ground for one" k.' Ll^ - week or more should be raised by blockin 9 at 8' to 10' on center. Q Max. Bow Mex eow • Length —► M nC'''tttt s almacen n I r or . Los paquetes ados e a he re p Do not store on No almacene en � h ung semana o mas deben ser elevados uneven round. tierre desi ual. e 9 9 con bloques a sada 8 o 10 pies. Tolerances for �• fFor long term storage, cover bundles to pre-. - • Q. IJ Out -of -Plumb. vent moisture gain but allow for ventilation. ' Para almacen-amlento por mayor It empo, Tolerencias para cubra. IDS paquetes para prevenir aumento- »= de h_umedad pero permita ventilaci6n_ ; 3/4" 3' 22.9' ow Plumb bob 1" 4i 1-1/2" 25.0' i 1-1/4" 5' BRACING- ARRIOSTRE © Refer to BCSI-B2 Summary Sheet - Truss Installa- tion and Temporary Bracing for more information. Vea el res6men BCSI-B2 - Instalaci6n de Trusses y Ardostre Temporal para mayor informaci6n. Do not walk on unbraced trusses. Nc Gamine en trusses sueltos. Top Chord Temporary Lateral QLocate ground braces for firsttruss directly Bracing (TCTLB) in line with all rows of top chord temporary lateral bracing. 9 Coloque los arriostres de tierre Para el q primer truss directamente en linea con sada Una de las filas de arriostres laterales T 2x4 min. ' temporales de la cuerda superior. Brace first truss well before erection of additional trusses. 3) WEB MEMBER PLANE — PLANO DE LOS MIEMBROS SECUNDARIOS r • s. Diagonal braces , _ � ' every 0 v 1 r ° e truss , ' 10'-15' max. spaces (20' max.) • ' " same spacing as bottom chord ^ Some chord and web members not shown for clarity. lateral bracing �DIAGONAL BRACING IS VERY IMPORTANT ;iEL ARRIOSTRE DIAGONAL ES MUY IMPORTANTE! [HOJAI RESUMEN I DE FA GUTA DE BUENA R"C-T'ICA PARA EL MANEJOr INSTALACION NWARRIOSTRE I DE BRACTNG Fng 3x3 AD 4.2 PARALLEL LHURD TRUSSES Height (h) EL ARRIOSTRE PARA TRUSSES DE CUERDAS PARALELAS 3x2 Y 4x2 QRefer to BCSI-B7 Maximum lateral brace spacing Plywood or OSB Summary Sheet 30' D.C. for 3x2 chords Asphalt Shingles - Tempos and 15' D.C. for 4x2 chords 15 Diagonal braces Permanent Brecino IV of every 15 truss for Parallel Chord Trusses for more information. r Vea el resumen BCSI-B7 - Arriostre _, "c( permanente de The end diagonaltrusses de cuerdas brace for cantileveredp3C�ld5 para mayor trusses must be placed Lateral braces informaci6n. on vertical webs in line 2x4xl2' length lapped with the support. over two trusses. INSTALLING - INSTALACION Tolerances for Out -of -Plane. — Tolerancias para Fuera-de-Plano. Q Max. Bow Mex eow • Length —► Max. Truss Bow Length f - 9 - U �— Len ih ► P U 3/4° 12.5' Len lh —► Max. g 7/8" 14.6 Tolerances for D/50 D(ft.) 1° 16.7' IJ Out -of -Plumb. 1/4„ 1, 1.1/8° 18.8' Tolerencias para 1/2° 2' 1.1/4° 20.8' Fuera-de-Plomada. a1,3/8• 3/4" 3' 22.9' ow Plumb bob 1" 4i 1-1/2" 25.0' i 1-1/4" 5' 1-3/4° 29.2' 0/5o max 1-1/2° 6' 2° 233.3' N� 1-3/4° 7' 2° 8, CONSTRUCTION LOADING — CARGA DE CONSTRUCCION QDo not proceed with construction until all bracing is securely Maximum Stack Height and properly in place. for Materials on Trusses No proceda con la construcci6n hasta que todos los arriostres esten colocados en forma apropiada y Segura. Do not exceed maximum stack heights. Refer to BCSI-84 Summary Sheet - Construction Loadino for more information. No exceda las m6ximas altures recomendadas. Vea el res6men BCSI-B4 Carga de Construcci6n para mayor informaci6n. Material Height (h) Gypsum Board 12" Plywood or OSB 16" Asphalt Shingles 2 bundles Concrete Block B" Clay Tile 3-4 tiles high ir 0 Do not overload small groups or single trusses. . No sobrecargue pequenos grupos o trusses Individuales. QPlace loads over as many trusses as possible. Coloque las cargas sobre tantos trusses tomo sea posible.: QPosition loads over load bearing walls. Coloque las cargas sobre las paredes soportantes. / ALTERATIONS — ALTERACIONES ® Refer to BLSI-BS Summary Sheet - Truss Damage. 3obslte Modifications and Installation Errors. Vea el res6men BCSI-B5 Dafios de trusses. Modificaciones en la Obra y Errores de Instalad6n. Do not cut, alter, or drill any structural member of a truss unless specifically permitted by the Truss Design Drawing. No torte, altere o perfore ning6n miembro estructural de los trusses, a menos que est6 especificamente permitido en el dibujo del disefio del truss. ®Trusses that have been overloaded during construction or altered without the Truss Manufacturer's prior approval may render the Truss Manufacturer's limited warranty null and void. Trusses que se han sobrecargado durente la construcci6n o han sido alterados sin Una autorizaci6n previa del Fabricante de Trusses, pueden reducir o ellminar la garantla del Fabrlcante de Trusses. NOTE: The Truss Manufacturer and Truss Designer must rely on the fact that the Contractor and crane operator (if appliable) are ca- pable the work they have agreed to do on a particular project. The Contractor should seek an required assistance regarding cable ro tiopractices ti e ey g pa p) y req raga n radices from a competent .The methods and procedures outlined are intended to ensure that the overall construction construction p Dere Party. techniques employed will put floor and roof mosses Into elate SAFELY These recommendations for handling, Installing and bracing wood tNSSea a. based upon the collective ex rience of leading technical personnel In the wood truss Indo but must due to the nature of Po Pe 9 Pe son/ Involved, be presented on as a GUIDE for use a qualified Building per or Er InstalWtlon Contrador. It Is responsibilities wed, prese ed h W 4 9 � ectiaN not Intended that these recommendations be Interpreted as superior to any design specification (provided by either an Architect, Engineer, the Building Designer, the Erection/Installation Contractor or otherwise) for handling, Installing and bracing wood trusses and It does not preclude the use of other equivalent methods for bracing and providing stability for the walls and columns as may be determined by the truss Erection/Installation Contractor. Thus, the Wood Truss Council of America and the Truss Plate Institute expressly disclaim any responsibility for damages arising from the use, application, or reliance on the recommendations and Information contained herein. WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE One W TCA Center• 6300 Enterprise Lane • Madison, WI 53719 583 D'Onofrio Drive • Madison, WI 53719• 608/274-4849 • www.woodtruss.com 608/833.5900 • wwwApinst.org q ':. BIWARN11x17031125 DE I MADE RA CONECTADOS CON I PLACAS DE I METAL BEARING BLOCK NAIL SPACING DETAIL MAXIMUM NUMBER OF NAIL LINES PARALLEL TO GRAIN MINIMUM SPACING FOR SINGLE BEARING BLOCK IS SHOWN. DOUBLE NAIL SPACINGS AND STAGGER NAILING FOR TWO BLOCKS. GREATER SPACING MAY BE REQUIRED TO AVOID SPLITTING. A — EDGE DISTANCE AND SPACING BETWEEN STAGGERED ROWS OF NAILS (6 NAIL DIAMETERS) B — SPACING OF NAILS IN A ROW (12 NAIL DIAMETERS) C — END DISTANCE (15 NAIL DIAMETERS) IF NAIL HOLES -ARE PREBORED, SOME SPACING MAY BE REDUCED BY THE AMOUNTS- GIVEN BELOW: * SPACING MAY BE .REDUCED BY 50% / ** SPACING MAY BE REDUCED BY 33% BEARING BLOCK TO BE SAME SPECIES, SIZE AND GRADE AS BOTTOM CHORD. C** NAIL LINE -7-7A AAA C+* LENGTH OF BLOCK SPECIFIED ON SEALED DESIGN (12" MINIMUM — 24" MAXIMUM) B* B/2* DIRECTION OF LOAD AND NAIL ROWS MINIMUM NAIL SPACING DISTANCES CHORD SIZE DISTANCES NAIL TYPE 2X4 2X6 2X8 2X10 2X12 8d BOX 0.113"X2.5" 3 6 9 12 15 10d BOX 0.128"X3" 3 5 7 10 12 12d BOX 0.128"X3.25" 3 5 7 10 12 16d BOX 0.135"X3.5" 3 1 5 7 10 12 20d BOX 0.148"X4" 2 1 4 5 6 8 8d COMMON (0.131"X2.5-) 3 5 7 10 12 10d COMMON 0.148"X3" 2 4 6 8 10 12d COMMON 0.148"X3.25" 2 4 6 8 10 16d COMMON 0.162"X3.5" 2 4 6 8 10 0.120"X2.5" GUN 3 6 8 11 14 0.131 "X2.5" ' GUN 3 5 7 10 12 0.120"X3.0" GUN 3 6 8 11 "14 0.131"x3.0" GUN 3 5 7 -10 12 MINIMUM NAIL SPACING DISTANCES THIS DRAWING REPLACES DRAWING B139 AND CNBRGBLK0699 ..YARNING-- TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CARE IN FABRICATING, HANDLING, SHIPPING, CccI REF BEARING BLOCK INSTALLING AND BRACING. REFER TOBY TPI (TRUSS PLATE -HIB-91 (HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING), PUBLISHED Of�_ SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERFORMING TRETE FUNIC IONS. 200 OTHERVISE3 INDtCapTED, DATE 12/16/99 TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAL PANELS AND BOTTOM CHARD SHALL 1� � HAVE A PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING. � DRWG CNBRGBLK1299 ■oIMPORTANTr■ FURNISH A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ALPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS, INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS y ALPINE DESIGN) ANY FAILURE TO BUILD THE TRUSSES IN CONFORMANCE WITH TPIi OR FABRICATING, (43845 m -ENG SJP/KAR HANDLING, SHIPPING, INSTALLING AND BRACING Of TRUSSES. DESIGN CONFORMS WITH 7 APPLICABLE 'PROVISIONS Of NDS (NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION PUBLISHED BY THE n' Exp. 6342005 � gMERICAN FOREST AND PAPER ASSOCIATION) AND TPI. ALPINE CONNECTORS ARE MADE OF 20Gq ASTM A653 GR40 GAL V. STEEL EXCEPT AS NOTED. APPLY CONNECTORS TO EACH FACE Of ALPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS, INC. URpVjNGSAND 160NAE2T OE SEALS LOCATED ON POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FOR THE TRUSS COMPONENT DESIGN SHOWN. DISTANCES NAIL TYPE A B* C** 8d BOX 0.113"X2.5" 3/4" 1 3/8" 1 3/4" 10d BOX 0.128"X3" 7/8" 1 5/8" 2" 12d BOX 0.128"X3.25" 7/8" 1_ 5/8" THE SUITABILITY AND USE OF THIS COMPONENT FOR ANY PARTICULAR BUILDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF TME BUILDING DESIGNER, PER ANSI/TPI I-1995 SECTION 2. 2" ' 16d BOX 0.135"X3.5 7/8" 1 5/8" 2 1/8" 20d BOX 0.148"14" 1" 1 7/8" 2 1/4" 8d COMMON(0.131"X2.5")_ 7/8" 1 5/8" 2" 10d COMMON 0.148"X3" 1" 1 7/8"' 2 1/4" 12d COMMON 0.148"X3.25" 1" 1 7/8" 2 1/4" 16d COMMON 0.162"X3.5" 1' 2" 2 1/2" 0.120"X2.5" GUN 3/4" 1 1/2" 1 7/8" 0.131"X2.5" GUN 7/8" 1 5/8" 2" 0.120"X3.0" GUN 3/4" 1 1/2" 1 7 8" 0.131"x3.0" GUN 1 7/8" 1 5/8" 1 2 . THIS DRAWING REPLACES DRAWING B139 AND CNBRGBLK0699 ..YARNING-- TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CARE IN FABRICATING, HANDLING, SHIPPING, CccI REF BEARING BLOCK INSTALLING AND BRACING. REFER TOBY TPI (TRUSS PLATE -HIB-91 (HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING), PUBLISHED Of�_ SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERFORMING TRETE FUNIC IONS. 200 OTHERVISE3 INDtCapTED, DATE 12/16/99 TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAL PANELS AND BOTTOM CHARD SHALL 1� � HAVE A PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING. � DRWG CNBRGBLK1299 ■oIMPORTANTr■ FURNISH A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ALPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS, INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS y ALPINE DESIGN) ANY FAILURE TO BUILD THE TRUSSES IN CONFORMANCE WITH TPIi OR FABRICATING, (43845 m -ENG SJP/KAR HANDLING, SHIPPING, INSTALLING AND BRACING Of TRUSSES. DESIGN CONFORMS WITH 7 APPLICABLE 'PROVISIONS Of NDS (NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION PUBLISHED BY THE n' Exp. 6342005 � gMERICAN FOREST AND PAPER ASSOCIATION) AND TPI. ALPINE CONNECTORS ARE MADE OF 20Gq ASTM A653 GR40 GAL V. STEEL EXCEPT AS NOTED. APPLY CONNECTORS TO EACH FACE Of ALPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS, INC. URpVjNGSAND 160NAE2T OE SEALS LOCATED ON POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FOR THE TRUSS COMPONENT DESIGN SHOWN. - THE SUITABILITY AND USE OF THIS COMPONENT FOR ANY PARTICULAR BUILDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF TME BUILDING DESIGNER, PER ANSI/TPI I-1995 SECTION 2. OFCA��F ' p r M rr' m m W it a M 00 M) m' so mom sar aw, -'� 2X6 HIP RAI -TER DETAIL LUMBER GRADES ICLL ICDL MAXtSE1@K TCLL 1CDL MAX SE- 5Pr 16507 -►.SC 16/7.23/ 8-16/14.301 3x5 31(5 8-0-0SPF 21001-18 16/7=23/ 6-16/14.301 (N(ANCEPED PRODUCIS. INr. SMALL NOT It R[SPasuLC FOR ANT DEVIAIJUN Floon 11tl%"UESI(.N, 8-4-0 NOTE: MAXIMUM SETBACK IS rROM INSIUE OF BEARINGS. PLATING PITCH 2.82-3.00 3.00-4.50 4.500-6.00 (A) 3X8 3x7 31(6 (B) 3x5 3x5 31(5 (C) 3X8 3118 3118 ' (XTENSIUN MUST UE SUNPORIEU EVERY 4-0-11 MAX. EXTENSIONS CONVENTIONAL FRAMING IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILI(Y Or THE TRUSS MAY BE PLATED rQR ApO1110NAL " DESICNER. PLATE MANUFACTUR(R, NOR TRUSS rABRICATOR. PERSONS LENCIH. USE 3118 PI AI(S FUR ?x4 ERECTING TRUSSES ARE CAUTIONE0 10 SEEK THE ADVICE Or n LOCAL DEFLECTION CRITERIA LUMBER, 5316 PLATES PUN 2X0 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER REGAROMdG CONVENTIONAL FRAMING. LIVE LOAD L/240 LUMBER. EIC. TOTAL LOAD = L/180 (SS) SHIM ALL SUPPORTS SOLID TO BEARING `C) (SS) (NO) NO QVENCUTIINC ALLOWED ON NIPPED CHURO. "THIS HIPJACK DESIGNED 10 SUf'POI?1 CONVENTIONALLY rRAM[Q RAFTERS (A) - 1r,) , 1, •. t R=.:34?N MAX. 1V= 1 5' MIN VARIES VAIN SETBACK J 11=694# ,MAX. V = I S MIN, VARIES "Ill" 1'11C14 CANTILEVER HEEL RAISED HEEL 2x4 3x4 PLATE OVER SUPPORT 1 1 _ 1 1 1 1,5 CAIN — --!I —3x4 TIE2X4 —7,X6 tC LL - PSr RLF 2x4, 1X6. 2X8. 2X10 BLOCK FL' GRADE ' !7 vrpwlw6•• TRUSSES REOUIRC L-I-TNr. [AYE IN IIANLILINU. SIIII'PINV. INsIAt111", I'll I••ALINU +C1(H 10 Mls-91 MANULING INSIALLING AND BRAI INIII. PUILIS1lU IIT IN 'Iw17SS r1.Al( I= (� INSIIIUIE• 587 DVMYR1O DR. S•711L 800. MA D1sOM. VI 5]7111, r1p $Art it PIr A.:lh'CS PR10P 1 r CD o I r[PrOPMIN6 tKSE ruNC1107NS UKI:SS 01�(YVIiE INDICATED. 1(p C14WO StIAtL NAVE mor[Rtr / •t AfTACH[0 SIPUCIUPAL PAN(LS AND 1011004 [w1R0 SMALL HAVE A POOPERL\ AIIALIIE1) PICA 11 CE IL IA C1 ••11+POPI ANT•. rug%ISN A I:DP♦ ur 1«IS 0(%11* 10 1NE IMSIALLAIILW CON1PAr IOP ALPIN( UUN r AC (N(ANCEPED PRODUCIS. INr. SMALL NOT It R[SPasuLC FOR ANT DEVIAIJUN Floon 11tl%"UESI(.N, P I NI- '� IAN. rAILURE 10 BUILD IN( IRUSS(S IN COWEIRMV11C( WITH 1PI. OR IIANOLING. SIIIPr1NG INSInLLING ANP {RACIN(, (jr 'Russ(: IKSIGN I:UTA Uk"% w 1N APPLICABLE 1'VIIVI[IUNS UI x1115 \ cz, INA 110NAL D(SI[N SP[ CIr ILA110N pull(ISIIED O1 IN[ AM(RIEAN rORESI ANL# PAVLP ASSIICIAIIIWt. ,- c� AND IN ALPINE CONKCIOPS APE MACE Or 20(.A AS11. ASS) 6P)7 GALV Sll El (IIE(ri A( ,OI CU APPt• COWALC101f.TO EAC,, rAC( or 'PUSS [�O ANO. Ipw.(SS 01.I1PVISE LOCAI(b UN InTC f.SI(.N,CU rUSI11ON CONNECTORS PER IwAVINL.S I IO ISO ANY 11.0 A -r A/I't NGINEEP•S St AI lP. IVIS ' c-7 C� O E� DPAVIN6 APPLIES ONLr 10 IM(. K%Ko. to l.( 1VUSS KPICIED 14;BE AMU SHALL NUI UL A(LI(0 UPON IN AN• OINCR VA• PLAT[ / 'BLOCK PLATE ?x6' =?xB 1x8 — ?xt0 1(t -.'MIN I 71'10 —7x17 TC DL L(tAOING PSr IIIAIC 'Pv 7/16/gh S1 ( -I BC DL AtIUVC Psr I'DR',f, I _cc11q 101 1. D _I r'Sr ,, UUN r AC 1 75 RAI ICR pL IASL SPACING ;4' n c j I A J tan - AM STANDARD JACK DETAIL (REPLACES C0101, CD101A). DESIGN CRITERIA: (**) LIVE (CONSTRUCTION) LOAD DEFLECTION LIMITED TO L/180. LIVE (SNOW) LOAD DEFLECTION LIMITED TO L/240. TRUSSES SPACED AT 24" ON CENTER. REPETITIVE MEMBER INCREASE (1.15) USED FOR BENDING STRESS. LIVE LOAD OF 16 PSF APPLIES ONLY TO ROOF PITCH AT LEAST 4:12 LIVE AND DEAD LOAD APPLIED TO HORIZONTAL PROJECTION. I (*) 2X4 STD, STUD, #3 OR BETTER END VERTICAL WEB WITH W1.5X4 CONNECTORS REOUIRED IF UPPER BEARING POINT IS NOT USED. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER AND TRUSS FABRICATOR TO REVIEW THIS DWG PRIOR TO CUTTING LUMBER TO VERIFY THAT ALL DATA, INCLUDING DIMENSIONS AND LOADS, CONFORM TO THE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS/SPECIFICATIONS AND FABRICATOR'S TRUSS LAYOUT. THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) �UUMIIILU dy IMUJ0 MHH ' W1.5X4 III Ce111ng 12 Rafter Pitch I II RAFTERuN II II Rafter WI .5X4 III W ) W3X4 FOR 3X4 - CEILING JOIST SPAN>8'0" Pitch>4 -6-0MI SPAN VARIES MAXIMUM MAXIMUM Maximum Rafter Span Table Ce111ng Rafter Rafter Rafter Rafter Rafter Rafter Rafter Rafter Rafter (Horl.zontal span in FT -IN -SX) J01 St P1tch>4 Pitch>4 P 1 t c h > 4 Pitch>4 Live Load (psf) 10 16 16 16 16 20 20 20 30 40 Dead Load ( sf) 7 10 15 20 23 10 15 23 10 15 Duration Factor 1.15 1.25 ** 1.25 ** 1.25 ** 1.25 ** 1.25 ** 1.25 ** 1.25 ** 1.15 1.15 2X4 SPF #2 (S) 7-7-0 8-1-0 7-5-0 6-10-8 6-7-4 7-6-4 6-11-12 5-10-4 6-0-4 5-5-8 2X4 SPF #1 (S) 7-9-8 8 4 12 7-7-8 7-3-12 7-0-4 7-9-8 7-5-0 6-2-12 6-2-4 5-7-8 2X4 SPF#1/#2 (Canadian) 8-2-8 8-7-4 8-0-0 7-3-12 1 0 4 8 0 0 8 0 0 6 2 12 6-6-4 5-- 2X4 Hem -Fir #2 8-0-4 8-5-12 8-0-0 7-2-8 6-11-0 8-0-0 8-0-0 6-1-12 6-8-0 4 5 994 2X4 Hem-F1r #1 8-4-12 9-0-12 8-2-12 7-8-8 7-5-0 8-4-12 8-0-0 6-7-0 6-11-8 6-0-12 2X4 Doug.Flr-Larch #1 8-9-4 9-2-4 8-5 0 7-9-12 1 6 0 8-6-12 8 6 0 6-8-0 6 11 8 6-3-12 2X4 Doug.Fir-Larch SS 9-1-0 9-9-8 9-0-4 8-4'-8 B-0-0 9-1-0 8-6-0 7-1-12 7-2-8 6-6-12 2X4 MSR 1650f -1.5E 8-4-12 9-0-12 8-10-0 8-2-4 7-10-8 8-4-12 8-3-12 6-11-12 6-8-0 6-0-12 2X4 MSR 2100f -1.8E 8-11-4 9-7-8 9 7 8 8-8-12 8 8 12 8-11-4 8 11 4 7-10-8 7 1 0 6-5-4 2X6 SPF #2/Hem Fir #2 11-11-0 11-10-0 10-10-0 10-0-12 9-8-0 11-0-4 10-2-8 8-7-0 9-1-12 8-2-4 216 DF -L #2/Hem-Fir#1 13 2 8 12 7 0 11-4-4 10-8-4 10-3-4 11-8-8 10-10-0 9-1-8 9-8-12 8-8-4 2X6 Doug.Fir-Larch #1 13-9-4 13-5-8 12-3-12 11-5.4 10-11-12 12-6-4 11-7-0 9-9-0 10-4-12 9-3-8 2X6 Doug.Fir-Larch SS 14-3-2 15-4-12 15-1-0 13-11-0 13-5-8 14-3-8 14-2-8 11-11-4 11-4-0 10-3-12 2X6 MSR 1650f 1.5E 13-2-8 14-2 12 13 10 B 12-10-8 12-4-8 13-2-8 13-0-12 10-11-1 10-5-12 9-6 4 2X6 MSR 2100 - - 1 14-0-8 15 1-8 15-.1-8 1 13-8-12 13-8-12 14-0-8 14-0-8 12-4-12 11-1.12 10-1-8 (S_CD101A Jack Standard - AM AM) PLT TYP. Wave TPI -95 � Desi n Criteria: TPI STD S ales Fabricators '"WARNItIG"' TRUSSES REOUIRE EXTREME CARE IN FABRICATION, HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING AND BRACING. REFER TO HIB -91 (HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING). PUBLISHED BY TPI (TRUSS PLATE 85-435 Mi dleton Street, Thermal CA INSTITUTE, 583 D'ONOFRIO OR., SUITE 200, MADISON, WI 53719). FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED r STRUCTURAL PANELS. BOTTOM CHORD SHALL HAVE A PROPERLY ATTAC 11ED RIGID CEILING. "IMPORTANT•"FURNISH A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ALPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS, INC. SMALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE;FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN; ANY FAILURE TO BUILD THE TRUSSES IN CONFORMANCE WITH TPI: OR FABRICATING, HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING AND A L P I N E 8R ACING OF TRUSSES. THIS DESIGN CONFORMS WITH APPLICABLE PROVISI011S OF NOS (NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN FOREST AND RAPER ASSOCIATION) AND TPI. ALPINE CONNECTORS ARE MADE OF 20GA ASTM A653 GR40 GALV. STEEL. EXCEPT AS NOTED. APPLY CONNECTORS TO EACH FACE OF TRUSS, AND UNLESS OTHERWISE LOCAT EO ON THIS DESIGN. POSITION CONNECTORS PER fj1 DRAWINGS 160 A-2. THE SEAL ON THIS DRAWING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. RESPONSIBILITY SOLEIY FOR THE TRUSS COMPONENT DESIGN SHOWN. THE SuiTABiI ITY AND USE OF THIS Sacramento, CA 95828 COMPONENT FOR ANY PARTICULAR BUILDING IS TME RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER. DER ANSI/TPI 1.1995 SECTION 2. EIS, 63002005 j* CA/1/-/-/-/R/- TC LL TC DL BC DL SEE ABOVE BC LL TOT.LD. SPACING 24.0" REF R795--34086 DATE 06/03/03 D R W CAUSR795 03154031 CA -ENG GTP/CWC STANDARD JACK DETAIL JREF- 1S3B795 ZO1 ASCE 7-93 AND 7-98: EXPOSURE C COMMON RESIDENTIAL GABLE END WIND BRACING REQUIREMENTS - STIFFENERS 80 MPH FASTEST MILE WIND, 30 FT MEAN HGT, ASCE 7-93, CLOSED BLDG, LOCATED -ANYWHERE IN ROOF, I=1.05, CAT I, EXP C, WIND TC DL=5.0 PSF, WIND BC DL=5.0 PSF, OR 100 MPH 3 SECOND GUST WIND, 30 FT MEAN HGT, ASCE 7-98, CLOSED BLDG, LOCATED ANYWHERE IN ROOF, I=1.00, CAT II, EXP C, WIND TC DL=5.0 PSF, WIND BC DL=5.0 PSF, LATERAL CHORD BRACING REQUIREMENTS TOP, CONTINUOUS ROOF SHEATHING BOT) CONTINUOUS CEILING DIAPHRAGM SEE ENGINEER'S SEALED DESIGN REFERENCING THIS DETAIL FOR LUMBER, PLATES, AND OTHER INFORMATION NOT SHOWN ON THIS DETAIL. NAILS) lOd COMMON (0.148'X3') OR 0.125'X3' GUN NAILS 2X4 BLOCKING NAILED TO 45 SHEATHING AND EACH TRUSS H 2X4 STUD, #3 H/2 OR BETTER DIAGONAL BRACE ATTACH EACH END FOR 560#, H LESS THAN 3'3' - NO STUD BRACING REQUIRED H GREATER THAN 3'3' TO 7'8' IN LENGTH PROVIDE A 2X6 STIFFBACK AT MID -HEIGHT AND BRACE STIFF - BACK TO ROOF DIAPHRAGM EVERY 6'0' (SEE DETAIL BELOW) H GREATER THAN 7'8', PROVIDE A 2X6 STIFFBACK AT HEIGHT INTERVALS OF 48' OR LESS BRACE STIFFBACK TO ROOF DIAPHRAGM EVERY 6'0' (SEE DETAIL BELOW) GABLE STUDS MAY STAPLED TO CHORDS, EXCEPT AT SPLICES AND CHORD ENDS. USE (3)15 GA. 3/8'x2.0' WIRE STAPLES (.074 Dla.) TOE NAILED THROUGH CHORD INTO WEB & WEB INTO CHORD ON ONE FACE FOR A TOTAL OF 6 STAPLES PER CONNECTION. NOTCHES MAY NOT OCCUR IN OVERHANG OR FIRST PANEL OF TOP CHORD. 2X6 #2 STIFFBACK ATTACHED TO EACH STUD W/ 4 NAILS THIS DRAWING MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF A08030ECxxxx, GBLBRSTCxxxx, r ■;YARNING.. TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CARE IN FABRICATING, HANDLING, SHIPPING, INSTALLING AND Q BRACING REFER TO BCSI 1-03 (BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION), PUBLISHED BY TPI (TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE, 583 D'ONOFRIO DR., SUITE 200, MADISON, WI. 53739) AND VTCA (WOOD TRUSS C13UNCIL OF AMERICA, 6300 ENTERPRISE LN, MADISON, VI 53719) FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISEINDICATED, TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAL PANELS AND BOTTOM CHORD SHALL HAVE A PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING. ..IMPORTANT-- FURNISH COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ALPINE ENGINEERED PR13DL No, 1 ALPINE SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN) ANY FAILURE TO BUILD THE TRUSS IN CONFORMANCE WITH TPI) OR FABRICATING, HANDLING, SHIPPING, INSTALLING L BRACING OF TRUSSES. DESIGN CONFORMS WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF NDS (NATIONAL DESIGN SPEC, BY AFLPA) AND TPI. ALPINE CONNECTOR PLATES ARE MADE OF 20/I9/16GA (V,N/S/K) ASTM A653 GRADE 40/60 (W,K/H,S) GALV. STEEL. APPLY PLATES TO EACH FACE OF TRUSS AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE LOCATED ON THIS ALPM ENOPMEM momcm INCDESIGN, POSITION PER DRAWINGS 160A -Z. ANY INSPECTION OF PLATES FOLLOWED BY (1) SHALL BE PER '4 ANNEX A3 OF TPI. 1-2002 SEC. 3. A SEAL ON THIS DRAWING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL OF, POMPANO BEACIL FLOFDA ENGINEERING .RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FOR THE TRUSS COMPONENT DESIGN SHOWN. THE SUITABILITY AND USE OF THIS COMPONENT FOR ANY BUILDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER, PER 2 ANSI/TPI 1 SEG 2. (xxxx= any prlor date) . *J ITOT. LD. 50.0 PSF DUR. FAC. 1.25 MAX SPACING 24' 11 REF GE WHALER DATE 01/20/04 DR WG GBLBRSTC-R795 -ENG SJP/KAR/GWH TC LL 20,0 PSF / TC DL 20.0 PSF BC DL 10.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF *J ITOT. LD. 50.0 PSF DUR. FAC. 1.25 MAX SPACING 24' 11 REF GE WHALER DATE 01/20/04 DR WG GBLBRSTC-R795 -ENG SJP/KAR/GWH ar r. �■r r r r r � �r rr r r _..- �r--.....� �� . � .�� .�Ir.�..�.r.�� e� ..��r ISLULKINV UtIAIL) OUTLOOKER BLOCKING DETAIL (B) Outlooker Block 4X2 SPF. HF. DF -L Stud/Standard (0) Outlooker, Design by others. Attach outlooker block to dropped top chord using a minimum of (3)16d sinkers (0.148"x3.25"). Refer to table below for nail requirements based on shear requirements. (T) Top Chord of truss. Refer to individual truss design for specific truss design. (DTC) Dropped Top Chord Truss. Truss with 1.5" dropped top chord. Refer to specific truss design. Shear Based Fastener Table (16d sinker (0.135"x3.25") Loads adjusted for 1.33 Duration Factor Nail Spacing(in) Max Shear If .6 174 5 234 4 290 3 348 (•) Refer to original drawing for specfic loading information PLT TYP. Wave TPI Design Crit: TPI -1995 STD /UBC 7.01.0421.11 CA/2/1/-/-/-/- Scale =.375"/Ft. SP35 Middleton Street, 122 'REE EER TOBSCSIT1.07E(BUILDING COMPONENT REQUIRE E)47TREKE ` SAFETY INFORMATION). PUBLISHED BYITPIN(TRUSS PLATEGINSTIMEAND !NSN7 OFESS/ TC LL ' REF: R795-- 72433 85 435 Middleton Street, Thermal C o oxoFRlo OR.. SUITE zoo, MADISON. WI 5]718) AND WTu (HOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA. 8300 ENTERPRISE I.N. MADISON. WI 57718) FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. ��W O�i`. TC DL ' DATE 06/16/04 TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAL PANELS AND BOTTOM CHORD SHALL HAVE A PROPERLY ATTACHED V RSG 10 CEILING. 6 BC DL • DRW CAUSR795 04168067 "IMBRTAWT— FURNISH A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ALPINE ENGINEERED r ALPINE PRODUCTS. INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN: ANY FAILURE TO BUILD THE MABC LL O.O PSF CA -ENG /CWC TRUSS IN CONFORMANCE MIT" TPI: OR FABRICATING. HANDLING. SNIMING. INSTALLING A BRACING OF TRUSSES. W1/oM./ OESI COMECTOR PLLAATTES E MADEUP TH MOOFF 20/110/1LE 16GAO(N,H/SS OF /K) ASTM (NATIONAL DES GRADEN40//60SPEC. (W. H/HBy VS) DALY. STEEL. APPLYALPINE TOT. LD. ` SEQN - 6880 PLATES TO EACH FACE OF TRUSS AND. UNLESS OTHERWISE LOCATED ON THIS DESIGN. POSITION PER DRAWINGS 160A.2. C1\Ir ANY INSPECTION -OF PLATES FOLLOWED BY (1) SHALL BE PER ANNEX A] OF TPI1-2002 SEC.]. A SEAL ON THIS DUCT .FAC . 1.25 FROM 1 V Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. DRAWING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FOR THE TRUSS COMPONENT CAS Sacramento, CA 95828 DESIGN SHOWN. THE SUITABILITY AND USE OF THIS COMPONENT FOR ANY BUILDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE C BUILDING DESIGNER PER ANSI/TPI 1 SEC. 2. SPAC I NG • JREF- 1 SDU795_Z12 �Ir . r �■r rr �r �r >.Ir a.r r s r rr �r rr Ir �r +fr r HIP FRAME* DETAILS _ ,HIP FRAME W4X4, MIN. 24 TYP., W1.5X3 TYP. 2x4 CHORDS W3X4, MIN HIP FRAME*, 'R' HIP FRAME STOPS AT PLUMB CUT OF JACKS TO MAINTAIN PITCH CONTINUITY. 2x4 PURLINS AMON JSSES ?PED HIP ;TEM TRUSSES SET BACK N J C #1 HIP �4AiPTTQHED AND SHEATHED CHORD AREA / HIP FRAME* B BOTTOM CHORD 0'- ATTACH HIP FRAME TO FLAT CHORDS OF STEPPED HIPS W3X4, MIN. AT ALL OVERLAPPING POINTS WITH 3-8d (0.131"X2.5") OR 2-10d (0.148"X3") COMMON NAILS. BOTTOM CHORD OF HIP FRAME TO BE ATTACHED TO #1 HIP WITH IOd COMMON NAILS ® 6" O.C. MAXIMUM SPACING. HIP FRAME SECTION B -B HIP FRAME* LUMBER IS SPF, SO. PINE, HF, II �I II II �I OR DFL STANDARD, STUD GRADE, OR BETTER. u u U u u SEE ENGINEER'S SEALED DESIGN FOR SETBACK, LUMBER, PLATING,�— SETBACK _T_ STEPPED HIP �f SYSTEM TRUSSES I LOADING AND DURATION FACTOR REQUIRED. * THIS HIP FRAME MAY BE USED WITH A MAXIMUM 120 PSF WITH HIP FRAME* - PROVIDED BY TRUSS MANUFACTURER. TOP CHORD LOADING. HIP FRAME* IS DESIGNED TO PROVIDE BRACING FOR FLAT TOP CHORDS OF HIP FRAME SYSTEM WHERE INDICATED. 'R' HIP FRAME CHORDS MAY BE TRIMMED UP TO 2" TO FIT. STRUCTURAL PANELS MUST BE PROPERLY ATTACHED DIRECTLY PURLINS MUST BE INTACT AND PROPERLY ATTACHED. TO HIP. FRAME PURLINS. THIS DRAWING REPLACES DRAWING CD126 rrVARNINGrr TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CARE IN FABRICATING, HANDLING, SHIPPING, INSTALLING AND BRACING. REFER TO HIB -91 (HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING), PUBLISHED �FESSI REF HIP FRAME DATE 06/25/99 BY TPI (TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE, 583 D'ONGFRIO DR., SUITE 200, MADISON, WI. 53719) FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, Q DRWG HIPFRAME0699 TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAL PANELS AND BOTTOM CHORD SHALL HAVE A PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING. THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ALPINE v .O -ENG DLJ /KAR rrIMPORTANTrr FURNISH A COPY OF ENGINEERED PRODUCTS, INC. SHALL'NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS FABRICATING, Z ,,, S4 w G38A5 ALPINE DESIGNi ANY FAILURE TO BUILD THE TRUSSES IN CONFORMANCE WITH TPIi OR . rr 7APPLICABLE HANDLING, SHIPPING, INSTALLING AND BRACING OF TRUSSES. DESIGN CONFORMS WITH PROVISIONS OF NDS (NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION PUBLISHED BY THE O- Exp. 6-3 5 AMERICAN FOREST AND PAPER ASSOCIATION) AND TPI. ALPINE CONNECTORS ARE MADE OF 20GA ASTM A653 GR40 GALV. STEEL EXCEPT AS NOTED. APPLY CONNECTORS TO EACH FACE OF TRUSS DNA2O�OIEI TEPOSITION CONNECTORS R ALPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS. WC FLORIDA DRWINGS160-. THE SEAL ON T4ISBRAVINGINDICASCCEPTANCEOF.PROESSONAL FOR THE TRUSS COMPONENT DESIGN SHOWN. THE FOF POMPANO BEACH, ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY SUITABILITY AND USE OF THIS COMPONENT FOR ANY PARTICULAR BUILDING IS THE CAI.\FD RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER, PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 SECTION 2. lilt 1 N j m' r '"�!A '' C!!'!,'N ' 'P E "AA"E" IWA*(N@► IOTA PERMANENT BRACING CRIPPLES SPACED FROM HIP CRIPPLE SUPPORT LAYOUT �'LA PURLINS SETBACK B SETBACK START OF TO CHORD (Tl�'TICAL� CHORD (CONTINUOUS 2z4)START OF TOP CHORD EXTENS14N5 �JIAI'1NG TED{TST?NS (SLOPING TD FLAT A BAC iii% j PERMANENT DIAGONALS FORM BRACED BAY. REPEAT AT ALL HIP ENDS, MAXIMUM' INTERVAL EQUALS 20'. (NOTE: THE IST BAY OF PERMANENT DIAGONALS FORMING BRACED, BAY AT THE #I HIP CAN BE EXCLUDED WHEN ALL OF THE FOLLOWING THE FLAT TOP CHORD OF NS ARE MET: � CONTINUOUS2)TOP CHORD THE END JACKS � SHEAAREATTACHED HED � � PROPERLY ATTACKED STRUCTURAL PANELS.) d r SECTION A—A FIELD APPLIED ' OR BUILT—IN CRIPPLES CRIPPLE IN PLANE. OF TRUSSES CRIPPLE SPACINGCOMMON (c) (c) H) PURLINS SPACED 24" O.C. TYP. (CONTINUOUS 2X4) (C) CRIPPLES SPACED W O.C. TYP. (D). BUILT—IN FILL CRIPPLES (HORIZONTAL MEMBER OPTIONAL; 7 .. ALPIN AVfGUnM= PROM= iCRAUMC o. CAUMM (D) * SET BACK � r COMMON TRUSSES CALIFORNIA HIP SYSTEM TRUSSES �--#1HIP H CHORD A EA BREATHED o —CRIPPLE (C), SUPPORT LOCATIONS. SUPPORTS EXTENDED MEMBERS TO FLAT TOP CHORD (4' O.C. CRIPPLE SPACING SHOWN.) CONNECT CRIPPLE TO FLAT TOP CHORD AND EXTENDED TOP CHORD, USING 9 — 8d COMMON TOE NAILS OR 2 — 10d COMMON NAILS THROUGH FACE. u 1 HIP GIRDER SECTION H—B BUILT—IN CRIPPLES OR FIELD CRIPPLE SPACING REFER TO ORIGINAL DRAWING FOR CRIPPLE SPACING. FOR JA TYPE USING .*NOTE: SEE ORIGINAL DESIGN FOR SETBACK, LUMBER, PLATING, LOADING AND DURATION FACTOR REQUIRED. ' THIS DRAWING REPLACES DRAWING CD110 AND BRCAL IP0899 104ma� n�sr� nrm" 1�� QR NTC LL PSF REF CALIF. BRACE F= nA. SUrM eii aM " W' C F'!�, TC DL PSF DATE 05/01/02 PAWLS No WrTD+ ocm � M 'DCaar�TM a NTRACM K PM O = HC DL PSF DRWG HRCALHIPH0502 RESPONSMX FON. ANY WvUT= FRO+ T= W x a co�v+wwce vrTH Trr ,.aac�rn+4 a BC LL PSF ENG TSH/CWC vTm ftRm_rm+ P1m tS►ED tl_. *_ TOT. M. • PSF DUR. FAC. SPACING CONVENTIONALLY FRAMED' VALLEY DETAIL (A) 2X6 OR LARGER SP #2 OR SPF #1/#2 VALLEY RAFTER CRIPPLE (B) 2X4 SP OR SPF #3 CRIPPLE (MAX HEIGHT 6'-3") uVARNINWm TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CARE IN FABRICATM HHNmLING, SHIPPING. INSTALLING (C) 2X4 SP OR SPF #3 CRIPPLE (MAX HEIGHT 6'-3") COMMON (D) 2X6 OR LARGER SP #2 OR SPF #1/#2 RIDGE BOARD TRUSSES BC DL PROPERLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAL PANELS AND BOTTON.CHQO SHALL HAVE A PROPERLY ATTACHED AT 24" 0! NOTE: RIDGE BOARD D) MUST NOT BE OF LESS SIZE THAN MUM RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY �►T�DIG. BLDG. ANG. DRT � VITH TPIjIX BC LL THAT OF VALLEY RAFTER (A). 0 NOTE: REFER TO VALLEY DETAIL VALTRUSS1001 FOR VALLEY RAFTERS TOT. LD. SUPPORTING TRUSS BRACING DETAILS. AT 24" 01 (B), (C) MAX HEIGHT WITH 1X4 "T" BRACE IS W-10". RIDGE (B), (C) MAX HEIGHT WITH 2X4 "T" BRACE IS 11'-2". BOARD FOR 1X4 AND 2X4 "T" BRACING, BRACE TO BE SAME GRADE AS CRIPPLE. FASTEN 1X4 "T" BRACE TO CRIPPLE WITH 8d BOX (0.113" x 2.5") NAILS AT 4" OC. FASTEN 2X4 "T" BRACE TO CRIPPLE WITH 16d BOX (0.135" x 3:5") NAILS AT 4" OC. TOP CHORD OF TRUSS BENEATH VALLEY SET MUST BE BRACED WITH PROPERLY ATTACHED RATED SHEATHING OR PURLINS AT 24" O.C. (2) 16d BOX NAILS, TOE -NAILED THRU CRIPPLE INTO RIDGE BOARD �(3) 16d BOX NAILS(D)r(A) 16d BOX NAILS (C) / e L ?2) 16d BOX NAIIS, TOE -NAILED (TYPICAL) L PROPERLY ATTACHED RATED SHEATHING L (3) 16d BOX NAILS, TOE -NAILED THRU CRIPPLE INTO RATED SHEATHING REF uVARNINWm TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CARE IN FABRICATM HHNmLING, SHIPPING. INSTALLING TC DL AND BRACING REP TO HIS -91 OWIDLING INSTALLING AND BRWM0, PUBLISHED BY TPI (TRUSS 15 PLATE INSTITUTE, 303 DMNO'RIO DR., SUITE 200, HAMM VI. 53719) FOR SAFETY PRACTICES DATE PROR TO PERFONNING THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTlEWISE IOD'.ATED, T13P CHORD SHALL NAVE BC DL PROPERLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAL PANELS AND BOTTON.CHQO SHALL HAVE A PROPERLY ATTACHED 10 0pOR�TNNTIM FURNISH COPT OF TIOs DESE N TO INSTALLATION WRRACTON. ALPINE ENGINEERED ALPINE MUM RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY �►T�DIG. BLDG. ANG. DRT � VITH TPIjIX BC LL 1D %JADD TIE DI�F� R FA . SRACONG OF TRUSSES. DESIGN PDiOMS WITH APPLICAMIE PROVISIONS O' LOS ONATIO N. 0 DESDiN SPCC. 0Y WIPIU AND TPL ALPIE CONNECTOR PLATES ARE MADE O' WASAG GA (V,IVS K ALPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS, INC. POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA ASTM ALSS GRADE 40/60 CWAALS) GALV. STEEL. APPLY PLATCS TO EACH FACE OF TRUSS AND, UNIU i UrPCRVM LOCATT9 ON THIS DESM PURIM PER DRAWINGS MA -Z' ANY DSPBCTMN OF PLATES M ZED BY m SHALL K PER ANES A3 O' TPI I-eW IEC a A SEAL ON THIS DRAWING DmIGM A TANOE OF_MCIFEiSOIAL E1=9E01t= K PONSU3ITY SOLELY ICOR THE PARTIAL FRAMING PLAN 16d BOX NAILS, -NAILED RATED SHEATHING %,%Imm..l. •i%vLj.jr,.j na F.z W%l (2) 16d BOX NAILS, OE -NAILED (3) 16d BOX NAILS, TOE -NAILED (D) (A) H 2'0" SUPPORTING TRUSSES AT 24" OC MAX SPACING EW. 6-30-2005 \P (3) 16d BOX NAILS, TOE -NAILED GIRDER THIS DRAWING REPLACES DRAWING V105—CONV TC LL 30 30 40 PSF REF CONY. VALLEY TC DL 20 15 7 PSF DATE 02/18/03 BC DL 10 10 10 PSF DRWG VALCONVF0203 BC LL 0 0 0 PSF -ENG MI/KAR TOT. LD. 60 55 57 PSF DULFAC.1.25A.3311.1511.15 SPACING SEE ABOVE p t. a is6omtSCUT ETAI DETAIL FOR TRUSSES OFFSET FOR 30" SCUTTLE OPENING TRUSSES EACH SIDE OF SCUTTLE OPENING SHALL BE DESIGNED TO SUPPORT THEIR FULL TRIBUTARY LOAD. FOR AN OPENING 'OF 30", WITH TRUSS SPACING OF 24" ON CENTER, TRUSSES EACH SIDE SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR 28" 0/C. (30 1' 1.5 1 24) / 2 = 27.75. ADEQUATE SPAN -RATED DECKING SHALL BE USED. BLOCKING AS SHOWN SHALL BE INSTALLED IF THE TRUSS SPACING EXCEEDS THE SPAN -RATING OF THE DECKING MATERIAL, OR AT THE DISCRETION OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER. THIS DETAIL IS NOT TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PULL-DOWN OR PERMANENT. STAIRS. (B) BLOCKING LUMBER DF -L STUD (GREEN) OR SPF #2. ATTACH BLOCKING WITH TWO 10d COMMON (0.148X3") NAILS, TYPICAL. THIS Q1.1r, PFPA 8014 CQ4P I IT ER I LOAD 114FN SU8 RY TP I I P1FR SEE ORIGINAL DRAWING FOR LUMBER, CONFIGURATION, CONNECTOR SIZES, AND SPACING AND LOADING INFORMATION. TOP VIEW 24"� TYPICAL BOTTOM VIEW L PARTIAL ROOF TRUSS LAYOUT .. - —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— — 30"X30" ACCESS OPENING. I24" I24" I24" 124" 31.5"I 24" 24" 24"I 31.5" - 31.5" (R—Detail T12A) PLT TYP. High Strength,Wave TPI -95 CA 1 R F Spates Fabricators 760-397-4122 "`WARNING- TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CARE IN FABRICATION. HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING ARO TC LL REF R795 77901 85-435MiddletonStreet,ThermalCA TAMADISONNDWBRAC53719) PUBIORSSA�EBY 7RACTICESL'PPIDP,PLATE BRSTITUTE.REFER TO 583 D' 110FR0IO DRHgNSU1TE 200NG TO PERFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPERLI' ATTACHED TC D L DATE 01/04/02 ' STRUCTURAL PANELS. BOTTOM CHORD SHALL HAVE A PR REPLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING. 'IMPORTANT" FURNISH A CORY OF THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ALPINE ENGINEERED �( / BC DL DRW 02004021 r PRODUCTS, INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN: ANYFAILURE TO CAUSR795 .'BUILD THE TRUSSES IN CONFORMANCE WITH TPI: OR FABRICATING. HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING AND PROVISIONS OF NOS DESIG14 3845 rn BC LC CA -ENG / G W H A L P I N E BRACING OF TRUSSES: THIS DESIGN CONFORMS WITH APPLICABLE (NATIONAL PLATES ARE MADE OF 20/16GA IST H 1653 Eip. &30-2WS SPEC. BY AFBPA) AND TPI. ALPINE CONNECTOR (W.HS/K) * SEON (W. K/HS) GALV. STEEL. APPLY PLATES TO EACH FACE OF TRUSS AND UNLESS OTHERWISE LOCATED ON THIS .k TOT.LD. _. - 27046 .DESIGN. POSITION PEP DRAWINGS 160A-2. ANY INSPECTION OF PLATES FOLLOWED BY (1) .SHALL BE PER/^� PROFESSIONAL (` Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. ANNEX A3 OF TPI 1.2002 SEC. 3. A SEAL ON THIS DRAWING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FOR THE TRUSS COMPONENT DESIGN SHOWN. THE SUITABILITY AND T Vr•1 FROM P J Sacramento, CA 95828 USE OF THIS COMPONENT FOR ANY BUILDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER. PER ( 0[ ^�` ANSI/TPI 1 SEC. 2. lJ _{• PACING See above `1S `NgpECTION 4 TF�l J � SIR. qT�q NO OgEGO ___ ledA TIMBER PRODUCTS INSPECTION, INC. dba GENERAL TESTING AND INSPECTION AGENCY 105 SE 124TH AVENUE VANCOUVER, WA 98684 We are an inspection agency recognized by the International Conference of Building Officials. Council of American Building Officials NER — QA275. . This is to verify that:" - SPATES FABRICATORS, INC 85-435. MIDDLETON STREET THERMAL, CA 92274 is under our Audited Quality Control Program and has been since: JUNE, 1990 We audit the production Quarterly under the Uniform Building Code Section 2304.4.4. .rj.,:. TONY LEWIN MANAGER OF WESTERN TRUSS DIVISION ��' _C�i'l: �'���ars_"�.�':d�' :1��: �iv�i'i`i: �:i�'ti ii�.��d 5.ti..'•. /�'..v�ti. ;,, SREPORT TM ER -5352 Reissued July 1, 2001 IICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. • 5360 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California 90601 e www.icboes.org Filing Category.: DESIGN -Wood (038) WAVE- METAL CONNECTOR PLATE FOR WOOD TRUSSES ALPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS, INC. 1950 MARLEY DRIVE HAINES CITY, FLORIDA 33844 1.0 SUBJECT ' WAVE- Metal Connector Plate for Wood Trusses. 2.0 DESCRIPTION 1 C� t i] 1 2.1 General: The WAVE plate is a metal connector plate for wood trusses. The plates are manufactured from galvanized steel in various lengths and widths and have integral teeth that are designed to laterally transmit loads between truss wood members. Plans and calculations must be submitted to the building offi- cial for the trusses using metal connector plates described in this report. 2.2 Materials: The WAVE plate is manufactured from No. 20 gage 10.0356 inch (0.90 mm)], ASTM A 653-94 SO, Grade 40, structural - quality steel with a hot -dipped galvanized coating designated G60. The WAVE plate has slots approximately 0.50 inch (12.7 mm) long by 0.12 inch (3.0 mm) wide that have been punched -- 'along the longitudinal axis of the plate. Each punched slot forms rivo opposite -facing, sharply pointed teeth protruding at right angles from the parent metal. The punched slots are spaced approximately 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) on center across the width of the plate and approximately 1 inch (25.4 mm) on cen- ter along the length of the plate, with adjacent longitudinal rows staggered 0.06 inch (1.5 mm). Connector plates are available in 1 -inch (25.4 mm) increments of width and length. Minimum plate width and length are 1 inch (25.4 mm) and 2 inches (51 mm), respectively. See Figure 5 for details of plate dimensions. There are 8 teeth per square inch (1.24 teeth per square centimeter) of plate surface. The length of each tooth, includ- ing the thickness of the parent metal, is approximately 0.41 inch (10.4 mm), and the width of each tooth is approximately 0. 12 inch (3.05 mm). The shank of each tooth is concave and the tip of each tooth is twisted approximately 40 degrees with respect to the plate width. 2.3 Allowable Loads: Tables 1, 2 and 3 show allowable lateral loads, tension loads and shear loads for the WAVE metal plate connectors. Also, refer to Figures 1, 2 and 3 for load conditions. These values are based on the National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction, ANSI/TPI 1-1995. A copy of the ANSI/TPI 1-1995 standard must be supplied to the building department when requested by the building official. 2.3.1 Lateral Resistance: Each metal connector plate must be designed to transfer the required load without exceeding the allowable load per square inch of plate contact area, as determined by species, the orientation of the teeth relative to the load, and the direction of load relative to grain. Design for lateral resistance must be in accordance with Section 11.2.1 ofANSI/TPI 1-1995. Table 1 shows allowable lateral loads for the metal connector plates. 2.3.2 Tension Resistance: Each metal connector plate must be designed for tension capacity, based on the orienta- tion of the metal connector plate relative to the direction of the load. Design for tension must be in accordance with Section 11.2.2 of ANSI/1-PI 1-1995. Table 2 shows allowable tension loads (in units of pounds per lineal inch per pair of plates) for the metal connector plates, based on the net section of the metal connector plates for tension joints, which is the allow- able tensile stress of the metal multiplied by the metal con- nector plate tensile effectiveness ratio. 2.3.3 Shear Resistance: Each metal connector plate must be designed for shear capacity, based on the orientation of the plate relative to all possible lines of shear. Design for shear must be in accordance with Section 11.2.3 of ANSUTPI 1-1995. The net section of the metal connector plates for heel joints and otherjoints involving sheaf must be designed using the allowable shear values (shown in Table 3 in units of pounds per lineal inch per pair of plates) for the metal connec- tor.plates, which is the allowable shear -stress of the metal multiplied by the shear resistance effectiveness ratios shown in Table 3. 2.3.4 Metal Plate Reductions: Several allowable -load re- duction factors for the metal plates must be considered cumu- latively, when applicable, in the design of metal connector plates used in fabricated wood trusses. The reduction factors to be considered cumulatively are as follows: 1. Allowable lateral resistance values for the WAVE metal connector plates must be reduced by a strength reduction factor, OR, shown in Table 4, when the plates are installed in lumber with a single -pass, full -embedment roller sys- tem having minimum roller diameters equal to 18 inches (457 mm). This reduction does not apply to embedment hydraulic -platen presses, multiple roller presses that use partial embedment followed by full embedment rollers, or combinations of partial embedment roller/hydraulic-plat- en presses that feed trusses into a stationary finish roller. When trusses are fabricated with single -pass roller press- es, the calculations for the truss design submitted to the building department for approval must specify the mini- mum diameter of the roller press and the appropriate strength -reduction factor from this report. 2. Allowable lateral resistance values for the WAVE metal connector plates must be reduced by 15 percent when the plates are installed on the narrow face of truss lumber members. 3. Allowable lateral resistance values must be reduced by 20 percent when the WAVE metal connector plates are installed in lumber having a moisture content greater than 19 percent at the time of truss fabrication. J%REPORTs'tire nut to he constnred its representing uesthetirs or unv other urtribures not specilicullr addressed, nor are ilrev it) he cunstnred es an endurremrnt rd the subject nl the report oro recommendotiun ]or its use. There a nu nrtrrrmn' by /C80 £r'uluutyurr Seryrc-e. 'lnc., r.rpress' ur nnphrd..rj n, tint tindurq ur other mutter in thu report. or as to onr product covered hr the rrpurt. (Copyript 2001 [i Page 1 of 5 4. Allowable lateral resistance values for WAVE metal con- matic embedment presses; multiple roller presses that use nector plates installed at the heel joint of a fabricated partial embedment followed by full embedment rollers; com- wood truss must be reduced by the heel -joint reduction binations of partial embedment roller/hydraulic or pneumatic factor. HR, as follows: presses that feed trusses into a stationary finish roller press; HR = 0.85 - 0.05 (12 tan 6 - 2.0) or, if the adjustment factors given in Table 4 are used, single- roller presses. where:pass When truss fabricators use single -pass roller presses, the 0.65 <- HR <_ 0.85 rollers must have minimum 18 -inch (457 mm) diameters. 6 = angle between lines of action of the top and Plates embedded with a single -pass, full -embedment roller bottom chords shown in Figure 4. press must be preset before passing through the roller press This heel -joint reduction factor does not apply to conditions by striking at least two opposite corners of each plate with a with top chord slopes greater than 12:12. hammer. 2.3.5 Combined Shear and Tension: Each WAVE metal 2.6 Identification: , connector plate must be designed for combined shear and Each WAVE metal connector plate is embossed with the iden- tension capacity, based on the orientation of the metal con- tifying mark "WAVE" stamped into the parent metal. nector plate relative to the directions of loading. Design for 3.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED , combined shear and tension must be in accordance with Sec- tion 11.2.4 of ANSI/TPI 1-1995. Test data in accordance with National Design Standard for 2.3.6 Combined Flexure and Axial Loading: Metal con- Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction, ANSVTPI nector plates designed only for axial forces are permitted as 1-1995. splices in the top and bottom chord located within 12 inches 4.0 FINDINGS (305 mm) of the calculated point of zero moment. Design of metal connector plates located at splices in the top and bot- That the WAVE metal connector late for wood trusses P tom chord not located within 12 inches (305 mm) of the calcu- complies with the 1997 Uniform Building Code-, subject lated point of zero moment must include combined flexure to the following conditions: ' and axial stresses. 4.1 For the trusses using metal connector plates de - 2.4 Truss Design: scribed in this report, plans and calculations must Plans and calculations must be submitted to the building offi- be submitted to the building official. cial for the trusses using metal connector plates described in 4.2 The metal connector plates are designed to trans - this report. The truss design must show compliance with the fer the required loads in accordance with the de- code and accepted engineering principles. Allowable loads sign formulae in ANSI/TPI 1-1995. A copy of the for the metal connector plates may be increased for duration ANSI/TPI 1-1995 standard must be supplied to the of load in accordance with Section 2335.5 of the code. Cal- building department when this is requested by the culations need to specify the deflection ratio or the maximum building official. deflection for live and total load. For each truss design draw- 4.3 The allowable loads for the metal connector plates ing, the following information, at a minimum, should be speci- must comply with this evaluation report. tied by the design engineer: 4.4 Teeth of metal connector plates placed in knots, 1. Truss slope or depth, span and spacing. bark, pitch pockets, holes, and joint gaps are con- e. Dimensioned location of truss joints. sidered Ineffective. 3. Model, size and dimensioned location of metal connector 4.5 Metal connector plates are installed in pairs on op- posite faces of truss members connected by the 4. Truss chord and web lumber size, species and grade. plates. 5. Required bearing widths at truss supports. 4.6 Trusses using metal connector plates described in 6. Top and bottom chord live and dead loads, concentrated this report must be fabricated by a truss fabricator loads and their locations, and controlling wind or earth- approved by the building official In accordance ' quake loads. with Sections 2311.6 and 2343.8 of the code. 7. Design calculations conforming to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and 4.7 Allowable loads shown in the tables In this report r any adjustments to lumber -and -metal -connector -plate al- may be increased for duration of load in accord- ance with Section 2335.5 of the code. 2.5 Truss Fabrication: 4.8 Application of the allowable loads (shown in the Plate connectors shall be installed by an approved truss fabri- tables in this report) for metal connectorplates em- catorwho has an approved quality assurance program cover- bedded in lumber treated with fire -resistive chemi- ing the wood truss manufacturing and inspection process in cals is outside the scope of this report. accordance with Sections 2343.7 and 2343.8 of the code and Section 4 of ANSlrTPI 1-1995, National Design Standard for 4.9 Where one-hour fire -resistive rating is required for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction. The allow- trusses using WAVE connectors, see evaluation re - ports ER -1632 and ER -5640. able loads recognized in this report are for plates that are pressed into wood truss members using hydraulic or pneu- This report is subject to re-examination in one year. ' t ur� For S1: I inch 25:4 mm. FIGURE 2—END DISTANCE REDUCTION REQUIREMENTS FOR SEMI -NET AREA METHCGD TABLE 2—ALLOWABLE TENSION VALUES AND TENSION EFFICIENCY RATIOS FOR THE WAVE` METAL CONNECTOR PLATEI DIRECTION OF LOAD WITN RESPECT TO LENGTH OF PLATE 7 0' 90' p• j 90' _ Allowable Tension Load PLATE MODEL _-- - (pounds per linter Inch per pan of plates) Tension Lose EMO-ey Rstlo i94----- Sd9 U 5 i? ._-------.. C aSE• , Of or: I psi - 6.89 kPa. . tSre Figure 3 for a description of p!z!c Oricr.:aaar. The length of plate refers to the d:mensr r c! :hr :or. •I--dina! axis of the arca of the plate from which the plate teeth mere sheared;alc fabrication. _ i_P.nafh__ Load Load ;a) 0" -date Orientation Load F Width � IIIIIIIIIIII a IIIIIIIIIIII j -j II1111111111 l'I (b) 90' Plate Orientation FiCURE. 1—PLATE LENGTH AND WIDTH FOR TENSION ORIENTATION Load TABLE 3—ALLOWABLE SNFAH VALUES AND SHEAR EFFICIENCY RATIOS FOR THE WAVE" METAL CONNECTOR PLATE OIRECTION CF L04❑ ca!?v RESPECT TO LENGTH OF OLATE DIRECTION OF LOAD WITN RESPECT i s.ENG'. H CSF PLATE PLATE 0' 70' T F11•—._.T 90• 120• 130' 0• 70' t0• 54` i �U' I 150• —MODEL Allowable Sheol Li.aA Ipuunat�or Irnasr hen per pair of platen) !hoar Load Emumcy WAVE' 656 S61 1 6:,' 567 5.9 ::6 0.563 0.-,.,9 ?,c.= 0.4=- r -4 For SI: I psi = 6.59 LPa. - Load Load Load AA Orientation AE Orientation I I I I I I I I I I I I IIIIIIIIIIII I' t TI•I?I'(;I I I�.I:•I - • �i � =� • :I TABLE I—ALLOWABI.ii LA T ER,t i. R!::SISTANCE VALUES FOR THE WAVE" METAL CONN EC TOR PLATE' IIIIIIIIIIII 1 "tP��' `' "`� �• DIRECTION OF GRAIN ANO 10A0 WITH RESPECT TO LENGTH OF Pu7E7 PI AA EA AE ATE MODEL Species ! :'Ill tc Gravity Allowsblo Lose Per PlatsIPounes per square Inco of prate contact veal: NiET-11. PL.4TF VALUES R4TED 81' GROSS AREA METHOD EE Douklas ;:: 0.;tj ' __._._._._� ._.___. 206 156 !45 I 153 Hem -fn 164 _.._..__ ....._.._...__.......__..._.__ 109 106 I I24 Southern p me U '.5 ! 206 158 16 ----......_.._._.__�_ ..._._ WAVE` Spruce-pine•!i_-- — -- !)- • _1— 159 109 i06 110 118 ' _ 'DIET.=.1. ?LATE VALUES RATED BY SEMI -NET AREA NIETHOD' Douglas tit_ 0.49 --_— 275 195 115 153 Hem -fir 0.13 208 134 ;06 Southern pine 0.55 275 124 -- -- 195 ;63 170 Spruce-pirl fir 1 042 208 130 ;C6 118 For SI: I inch = 25.4 mm. I psi m 6.59 kPa. tSee Figure I for a descnption of plate onertanon. ,The tabulated values are for a single The values doubled for plate. are plates installed on both faces of a joint if area is calculated for a single plate. 'Metal connector plates must be installed in pairs on opposite faces of puss members connected by plates. "For metal plates rated by the semi -net arca method, the end distance of 1.,, inch, measured parallel to grain, must be excluded when detenntng the metal plate for each member ofa joint. See Figure 2 for examples of joints affected by the mandatory reduction of plait coverage. coverage Load Load Load AA Orientation AE Orientation EA Orientation FIGURE —PLATE ORIENTATIONS EE Orientation I I I I I I I I I I I I IIIIIIIIIIII I' t TI•I?I'(;I I I�.I:•I - • �i � =� • :I IIIIIIIIIIII . , ' • :f;l�l.l'��1 EA Orientation FIGURE —PLATE ORIENTATIONS EE Orientation Page 5 of 5 - ER -5352 ;,._„_,,,•,,,�;.TABLE,4--ALLOWABLELATERAL.LOADADJUSTMENT, FACTOR,..QR,FOR-THE-WAVE"-•METALCONNECTOR•PLATE— INSTALLED WITH MINIMUM 18 -INCH -DIAMETER SINGLE -PASS ROLLER PRESSES PLATE MODEL LUMBER SPECIES DIRECTION OF GRAIN AND LOAD WITH RESPECT TO LENGTH OF PLATE SPECIFIC GRAVITYr AA EA AE EE WAVE" 0.49 0.815 0.885 0.815 0.885 0.5C 0.870 0.905 0.870 0.905 For SI: I inch = 25.4 mm. 'The QR value for the lumber species specific gravity of 0.49 applies to all wood species combinations with average published specific gravity of 0.49 or lower. and the QR value for the lumber species specific gravity of 0.50 applies to all lumber species combinations with average pubiished specific gravity of 0.50 or higher. 0 E) C) FIGURE 4—HEEL JOINTS TO WHICH THE REDUCTION FACTOR, HR, APPLIES �3/0 in i Plate Length . Plate Width b 16.35 nn) o.c. between slots • in (3.05 nn) Slot \ slot width 0.0756 in (nininun) 1 in (25.E nn) o.c. 0.5 in (12.7 nn) between slots urrset between Stut length ' adjacent slots 0.06 in (1.52 nn} PLATE AVAILABLE 1N INCREMENTS OF 1 1N (25.4 mm). For Si: I inch= 25.4 mm. ' FIGURE 5—WAVE PLATE” DIMENSIONS 44100 MONTEREY AVE., SUITE 201-C, PALM DESERT, CA 92261 PHONE (760) 836=1000 FAX (760) 836-0856 DESIGN CRITERIA ROOF .LOAD AT 4 TO 12 SLOPE: j TILE ROOF = 14.00 psf PLYWOOD = 2.50 psf ; TRUSSES = 3.00 psf ' DRYWALL = 2.50 psf INSULATION = 1.00 psf MISCELLANEOUS =1.00 psf _ DEAD LOAD = . 24.00 psf LIVE LOAD 16.00 psf TOTAL 40.00 psf EXTERIOR WALLS = 15.00 psf INTERIOR WALLS = 10.00 psf . SEISMIC ZONE 4 FAULT TYPE A Na = 1.08 APPROXIMATELY 8 &m TO FAULT SOIL PROFILE Sd SEISMIC COEFFICIENT Ca = 0.44Na STRUCTURAL SYSTEM R = 4.5 SEISMIC FACTOR = (2.5 x 0.44 x 1.08 x 1.00)/(1.4 x 4.5) = 0.189W SEE CALCULATIONS FOR p FACTOR, WIND EXPOSURE C WIND SPEED 70 MPH MAXIMUM HEIGHT 15 ft WIND FACTOR 17.36 psf MAXTVIUM HEIGHT 20 ft WIND FACTOR 18.51. psf MAXIMUM HEIGHT 25 ft WIND FACTOR 19.49 psf SOIL BEARING PRESSURE ASSUMED 1500 psf 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE/2001 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE COMPANY PROJECT R. F. Structural Consultants, Inc.. Detached Guest Suite / 44-100 Monterey Ave. Suite 201-C Lot #54 Tract #28912 I r Palm Desert, CA 92260 Beam #1 - At rear (supporting June 17, 200418:35:54 ' Girder Truss) Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 2002a LOADS: ( lbs, psf, or plf ) Load Type Distribution Magnitude Start End Location [ft] Start End Pattern Load? Loadl Dead Partial Area 19.00 (4.50)* 0.00 1.00 No Load2 Live Partial Area 16.00 (4.50)* 0.00 1.00 -No fb/Fb' = b.53 Load3 Dead Point 460 1.00 No Load4 Live Point 390 1.00 No LoadS Dead Partial Area 19.00 (8.50)* 1.00 5.25 No Load6 Live Partial Area 16.00 (8.50)* 1.00 5.25 No Load? Dead Full Area 15.00 (2.00)* No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REi ,G 1 IUIVJ lDs) ana t9tAKINU LLNU I tis In 0' 5'-3" 1 Dead 822 Value 599 Live 615 Shear 425 Total 1437 95 1024 Bearing: fb = 615 Fb' = 1170 fb/Fb' = b.53 Live Defl'n 0.02,= -Length 1.0 L/360 1.0 Lumber -soft, D.Fir-L, No.2, 4x8" Self Weight of 6.03 plf automatically included in loads; Lateral support: top= full, bottom= at supports; Load combinations: ICC -IBC; SECTION VS. DESIGN CODE NDS -1997: (stress=psi, and in) Criterion Analysis Value Desi n Value Anal sis/Desi n Shear fv @d = 78 Fv' = 95 fv/Fv' _' 0.82 Bending(+) fb = 615 Fb' = 1170 fb/Fb' = b.53 Live Defl'n 0.02,= <L/999 0.17 = L/360 0.11 Total Defl'n 0.06 = <L/999 0.26,= L/240 0.22 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC#' Fb'+= 900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.30. 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 F7r' = 95 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00. - E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M 1572 lbs -ft Shear LC# 2.= D+L, V 1437, V@d = ' 1320' lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 177.83e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. .(D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction CLd=c6ncentrated) (All LC's are listed in the' Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2.awn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1 COMPANY PROJECT R.F. Structural Consultants, Inc. Detached Guest Suite 44-100 Monterey Ave. Suite 201-C Lot #54 Tract #28912 Palm Desert, CA 92260 Beam #2 - Left Elevation June 17, 2004 18:37:18 Design Check Calculation Sheet Sizer 2002a - LOADS: I lbs, psf, or plf ) Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location [ft] Pattern -Analysis Shear 250 Total Start End Start End Load? Loadl Dead Full Area 19.00 (5.00)* 1170 No Load2 Live Full Area 16.00 (5.00)* L/360 No Load3 Dead Full Area 15.00 (2.00)* L/240 No *Tributary Width .(ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) : OEM 0' 6'-3" 1 Dead 405 - - 405 Live 250 -Analysis Shear 250 Total 655 95 655 Bearing: fb = 696 Fb' = 1170 fb/Fb'.= 0.59 Live Defl'n 0.04 = Len th'� 1.0 L/360 1.0 Lumber -soft, D.Fir-L, No.2, 4x6" Self Weight of 4.57 plf automatically included in loads; Lateral support: top= full, bottom= at supports; Load combinations: ICC -IBC; SECTION vs. -DESIGN CODE NDS -1997: (stress=psi, and in) Criterion Value Design Value Analysis/Desi n -Analysis Shear fv @d = 94 Fv' = 95 fv/Fv' = 0.96 Bending,(+) fb = 696 Fb' = 1170 fb/Fb'.= 0.59 Live Defl'n 0.04 = <L/999 0.21 = L/360 0.17 ,Total Defl'n 0.12 = L/618 0.31.= L/240 0.39 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 900 1.00 1.00. 1.00 1.000 1.30 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 95 -1.00 1:00 . 1.00 1.00 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 - E' = 1.6 million 1.00 .1.00 2 .Bending(+): LC# 2-= D+L, M.= 1023 lbs -ft Shear ' : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 655, V@d =. 559 lbs ' Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 77.64e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction CLd=concentrated) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) .DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. ,IFNI sour WOOF r LATERAL ANALYSIS SECTION #1 LONGITUDINAL PLATE HEIGHT 10.00 FT ROOF AVERAGE HEIGHT = 12.50 FT WIND FORCE (70 MPH) = 17.36 PSF WIND LOAD = 17.36 psf x (12.50 ft-10.00ft/2) = 130.20 PLF SEISMIC LOAD= 0.189 x ((19.00 x 13.00)+(15.00 x 2 x 5.00)+(10.00 x 1 x 5.00)) , SEISMIC LOAD= 84.48 PLF WIND GOVERNS = 130.20 PLF MAX. SHEAR = 130.20 plf x (30.00 ft)/(2 x 13.00 ft) = 150.23 PLF CHORD FORCE = 130.20 plf x (30.00 ft**2)/(8 x 13.00 ft) 1126.73 LBS USE (10) 16 D's PER TOP PLATE SPLICE. SECTION #1 TRANSVERSE PLATE HEIGHT = 10.00 FT ROOF AVERAGE HEIGHT = 12.50 FT WIND FORCE (70 MPH) = 17.36 PSF WIND LOAD = 17.36 psf x (12.50 ft -10.00ft/2) = 130.20 PLF `SEISMIC LOAD= 0.189 x ((19.00 x 30.00)+(15.00 x 2 x 5.00)+(10.00 x 2 x 5.00)) SEISMIC LOAD= 154.98 PLF SEISMIC GOVERNS = 154.98 PLF MAX. SHEAR = 154.9.8 plf x (15.00 ft)/(2 x 30.00 ft) = 38.75 PLF CHORD FORCE = 154.98 plf x.(15.00 ft**2)/(8 x 30.00 ft) 145.29 LBS USE (6) 16 D's PER TOP PLATE SPLICE. LATERAL ANALYSIS SHEAR WALL #1 LEFT ELEVATION AT KITCHEN TOTAL LOAD ,= 130.20 plf x (30.00 ft/2) = 1953.00 LBS SHEAR WALL LENGTH = 13.50 - 6.00 = 7.50 FT (AROUND WINDOW) _ SHEAR WALL = 1953.00 lbs/7.50 ft = 260:40 PLF USE SHEAR WALL TYPE 10 WITH 5/8" x 12" A.B. AT 48" O/C_ MAX. DRAG LOAD = 462.93 LBS..USE (6)-16D'S PER TOP PLATE SPLICE. MAX. UPLIFT. LOAD = 600.67 LBS USE 00P. SON BPAHD22 TO HOLD DOWN EACH END, USE HTT22 AT CORNER. SHEAR WALL12 RIGHT ELEVATION AT BATHROOM TOTAL, LOAD = 130.20 plf x (30.00 ft/2) 1953.00 LBS SHEAR WALL LENGTH = (13.50 2.00) = 11.50 FT (AROUND WINDOW) SHEAR WALL .= 1953.00 lbs/11.50 ft = 169:83 PLF - USE SHEAR WALL TYPE 10 WITH ' 5/8" x 12" A.B. AT 48" O/C. MAX. DRAG LOAD = 188.68 LBS. USE (6) 16D'S PER TOP PLATE SPLICE. MAX. UPLIFT LOAD = 447.70 LBS NO SIGNIFICANT UPLIFT, NO HOLDOWNS REQUIRED. . -SHEAR WALL, #3 FRONT ELEVATION TOTAL LOAD = 154.98 plf x (15.00 ft/2) = 1162.35 LBS SHEAR WALL LENGTH = 12.00 FT SHEAR WALL = 1162.35 lbs/12.00 ft = 96.86 PLF USE SHEAR WALL TYPE 10 WITH 5/8" x 12" A.B. AT 48" O/C. MAX. DRAG LOAD = 464.94 LBS. USE (6) 16D'S PER TOP PLATE SPLICE. MAX. UPLIFT LOAD = -447.40 LBS NO SIGNIFICANT UPLIFT, NO HOLDOWNS REQUIRED. SHEAR WALL #4 REAR ELEVATION TOTAL LOAD = 154.98 plf x (15.00 ft/2) = 1162.35 LBS SHEAR WALL LENGTH = 8.00 + (8.00 - 2.00) = 14.00 FT (AROUND WINDOW) SHEAR -WALL = 1162.351bs/1.4..00 ft = 83.03 PLF USE SHEAR WALL TYPE 10 WITH 5/8" x 12" A.B: AT 48" O/C. MAX. DRAG LOAD = 387.45 LBS. USE (6) 16D'S PER TOP PLATE SPLICE. MAX. UPLIFT LOAD = 333.00LBS NO SIGNIFICANT UPLIFT, NO HOLDOWNS REQUIRED. w - . Y � • TITLE 24. Energy Conservation Standards Cbmpliance Repopt .. DETACHED GUEST HOUSE LOT 54 - APN 649-21-010-9 C HO LA QUINTA Ct1Y aF LA0 N QUINTA BUILDfNQ SAF DEPT. APPROV D -� FOR CON TRUC ION ' DA n 22, 200 Job Number: 24455A Prepared For. - P T.D. DESERT DEVELOPMENT r 4` SPARKS CONSTRUCTION LA QUINTA, CA 92253 'Madlin s enterprises' Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst Post Office Box 1443 v Palm springs, CA 92263 760-322-5004 /'323-3644 (fax) Madlin s enterpi7ses Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst v 760-j2275004 1.323-3644 (fax) ...... Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards Compliance Report This proposed project has been reviewed for compliance with the 2001 State of California. Energy Conservation Standards, Title 24, by Madlin's Enterprises. - The building design described in this compliance portfolio is in conformance with the standards as outlined in the attached compliance forms and documentation. Date: June 22, 2004 Job Number: 24455A i Prepared For: T.D. DESERT, DEVELOPMENT Builder's Name: SPARKS CONSTRUCTION Project Name: DETACHED GUEST HOUSE Project,Location: LOT 54 -,APN 649-21-010-9 RANCHO LA QUINTA Method 'of Compliance: MICROPAS V6.1 CERTIFIED COMPUTER PROGRAM Orientation Of Entry: FOUR CARDINAL ORIENTATIONS (N,E,W,S) Certified Energy Analyst 4 Catherine M. Madlin NR 98-90-544 r r R 98-90-144 rr K C�lDEC California Association of Building Energy ConsultonM • .Post. Office Box 1443 V Palm Springs, ' Ca 92263 v Madlin -s en te�pfzses Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Ene V Analyst . 760-322-50041323-3644 (fax) ....... ;:;SCEP C7C}N flF <�CIZLDING COM1?NEiT' .....11V IIRE1UlEt'TS::;:: Job Name DETACHED GUEST HOUSE Job No. / File No. 24455A Method of Compliance Micropas V6.1 Computer. Simulation Total Conditioned Square Footage 381.Sq. Ft. Total Glazing % (Floor/Glass Area Ratio) 17.8% Insulation: Roof / Ceiling R-38 with Radiant Barrier at Roof Insulation: Walls - Exterior R-13 + 1".Falcon Board Insulation: Walls - Firewall R-13 - Insulation: H.V.A.C. Ducts/Location/Testing R-4.2 / Attic./ No Duct Testing Required Glazing U Value / Type: Operable. or Fixed 0.40, Dual Pane, Low E2, Vinyl or Aluminum Frame (NFRC Tested Value)., Glazing Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (Uncoated) Operable; Fixed: 0.36 Thermal Mass Square Footage & % 118 Sq. Ft. _ H.V.A.C. System Type Gas .Heating / Electric -AC - Spilt, System HVAC System Efficiencies (heating/cooling) 78% AFUE / 11.5 SEER Domestic Hot Water Heater (1) 40 Gal. Gas Energy Factor / Eff. / Standby Loss 0.62 or better R12 Blanket on Tank No Recirculating Pump for DHW No Other Requirements Applicable Mandatory Measures , v Post Office Box 1443 v Palm Springs, Ca 92263• v { Title 24 Compliance Forms Title 24 Compliance Forms CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF -1R Project Title.......... SPARKS.LOT54.GUEST Date..06/22/04 13.05.35 Project Address......... LOT 54 ******* --------------------- RANCHO LA QUINTA, L.Q. *x6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Bui ing Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan, Cec Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6.v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24455A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -LOT 54 G.H. PERMIT CALC GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Conditioned Floor Area..... 381 sf j Building Type....... .... . Single Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Cardinal - N,E,S,W Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Stories.. ....... 1 Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Glazing Percentage......... 17.8 % of floor area Average Glazing U -factor... 0.4 Btu/hr-sf-F -i Average Glazing SHGC....... 0.36 Average Ceiling Height..... 10 ft M BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Component Frame ------------------------- Cavity Sheathing Total Assembly Type ------------ Type R -value R -value R -value U -factor Location/Comments Wall ---,---- Wood -------- R-13, -------- R-3.7 -------------- R-16.7 0.064 ----------------------=- Wall Wood R-13 R-0 R-13 0.088 ' Door None R-0 R-0 R-0 0.330 .RoofRadiant Wood R-11 R-27 R-38 0.025 SlabEdge None R-0 R-0 F2=0.760 SlabEdge None. R-0 R-0 F2=0.510 - FENESTRATION ------------ Over U- Interior Exterior hang/ Orientation (sf) Factor SHGC Shading, Shading, Fins Window ----- Front (N) ----- ------ 6.3 ------ 0.400 --------------- 0.360 Standard -------------- Standard ----- None Window Front (N) 8.0 0.400 0.360 Standard Standard None Window Left. (E) 25.0 -0.400 0.360 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 4:0 0.400 0.360 Standard Standard None Window Left (E) 4.0 0.400 0.360 Standard Standard None Window Back (S) 8.0 0.400 0.360, Standard Standard None Window Right.(W) 12.5 0.400 0.360 Standard Standard None M CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF -1R Project Title.......... SPARKS.LOT54.GUEST Date..06/22/04 13.05.35 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24455A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -LOT 54 G.H. PERMIT CALC ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- THERMAL MASS WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Number Tank External in Energy Size Insulation Tank Type Heater Type ,Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R -value ------------------------------------ -------------- ------ ---------- storage Gas Standard 1 0.62 40 R- n/a SPECIAL•FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** s This is a. multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building'incorporates a High Mass Design. REMARKS The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards: The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without additional compliance calculations. E . The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor is responsible for determing the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accord- ance with industry standards. The load calculation in -this report considers ambient temperature load, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic Area Thickness Type Exposed (sf) (in) Location/Comments ------------ S1abOnGrade -------------- ------ Yes 118 --------- 3.5 ----------------------- Exposed S1abOnGrade No 263 3.5 Covered HVAC SYSTEMS ----------- Refrigerant Tested ACCA ` Equipment Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Thermostat Type ------------ Efficiency Airflow Location ------------------------------ R -value Leakage D Type Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic -------------- R-4.2 No ------ No ---------- Setback ACSplit 11.50 SEER No Attic R-4.2 No No Setback WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Number Tank External in Energy Size Insulation Tank Type Heater Type ,Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R -value ------------------------------------ -------------- ------ ---------- storage Gas Standard 1 0.62 40 R- n/a SPECIAL•FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** s This is a. multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building'incorporates a High Mass Design. REMARKS The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards: The owner may (at his/her option) install better materials without additional compliance calculations. E . The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor is responsible for determing the HVAC design loads and equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accord- ance with industry standards. The load calculation in -this report considers ambient temperature load, solar gain, people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. This basic CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3, CF=1R ------------------------------------------------------ Project Title........... SPARKS.LOT54.GUEST Date.'.06/22/04 13:05:35 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24455A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF-lR I. User4-MP0207 User=Madlin's Enterprises Run -LOT 54 G.H. PERMIT CALC I------------------- --------- ---------------- ------------------------ ----------- REMARKS -- -----REMARKS load must be adjusted for•additional design conditions,'and system/equipment performance. The installing glazing contractor shall provide the required CF -6R Installation Certificate with installed glazing values and areas. j The installing hvac contractor shall providethe required CF -6R with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. A night setback thermostat is',required to be installed' -with the i HVAC system. t The installed plumber shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model number(s) and certified plumbing fixtures. i A • , Im CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL' .Page 4 CF-1R, Project Title.......... SPARKS.LOT54.GUEST' Date..06/22/04 13:05:35 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24455A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R ------User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -LOT 54 G.H. PERMIT CALL COMPLIANCE STATEMENT - This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title -24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to • implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When'this certificate of compliance is - submitted for a single building plan to be•built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that is .varied is indicated in the Special Features Modeling Assumptions section. DESIGNER or OWNER DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Name.... NOLAN SPARKS Company. SPARKS CONSTRUCTION Address. 79-295 RANCHO.LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA 92253 / Phone... 760-711-1941. `( License. Signed.. `l/ % L' \ ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name.... Title... 1 Agency.. Phone... Signed.. (date) t tSf CI�t CATHERINE M. MADLIN. oma ;y. Madlin's Enterprises Addre s. P.O. Box 1443 Palm Springs, CA 92262 Pho•e.... 760-322-5004 Signed.. (date) (o •ZZ -.4 Certified Energy Analyst Catherine M. Madlin NR 98-90-544 r r R 98-90-144 rr CAD EC California Association of Building Energy Consultants r - MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 MF -1R Project Title.......... SPARKS.LOT54.GUEST Date..06/22/04 13.05.35 Project Address......... LOT 54 ******* --------------------- RANCHO LA QUINTA, L.Q. *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan C ec Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004, Field Check/ Date Climate Zone..... ... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24455A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM MF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run-LOT'54 G.H. PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (*) may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents., the features noted shall be considered by all parties 'as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or -on this checklist only. BUILDING ENVELOPE MEASURES -------------------------- *150(a): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation. 150(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R -Value. *150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in wood framed walls or equivalent U -factor in metal frame walls (does not apply Design- Enforce- er ✓ ment to exterior mass walls). *150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors. 150(1): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. 118: Insulation specified or installed meets insulation quality j standards. Indicate type and form. 116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors and Infiltration/ Exfiltration Controls 1. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. 2. Fenestration products (except field fabricated) have tlabel with certified U -factor, certified Solar Heat Gain z Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration certification. 3. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. 150(g): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. i 150(f): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with i Sec. 151 meets Commission quality standards. 150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative GasAppliances and Gas Logs 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: ' a. Closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. —1 MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 MF -1R Project Title........... SPARKS.LOT54.GUEST Date..06/22/04 13.05.35 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24455A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM MF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -LOT 54 G.H. PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPACE CONDITIONING, WATER HEATING AND PLUMBING SYSTEM MEASURES Design- Enforce- er ment 110-113: HVAC equipment, -water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Commission., ' 150(h): Heating and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance ' with ASHRAE, SMACNA or'ACCA. 150(i): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems. ✓ 150(j): Pipe and Tank insulation 1. Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor less than 0.58 must be externally wrapped with insulation E having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. 2. First 5 feet of pipes closest to water heater tank, non - recirculating systems, insulated (R-4 or gr -eater). 3. Back-up tanks for solar system, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external insulation or R-16 combined internal/external insulation. 4. All buried or exposed piping insulated in recirculating sections of hot water system. ' 5. Cooling system piping below 55 degrees insulated. 6. Piping insulated between heatingsource and indirect hot water tank. *150(m): Ducts and Fans , 1. All ducts and plenums installed, sealed and in- sulated, to meet the requirements of the 1998 CMC sectons 601, 603, and'604, and standard 6-3; ducts insulated to a minimum installed level of R-4.2 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape, aerosol sealant, or other duct -closure system that meets the applicable.requirements of UL181, UL181A, or UL181B. If mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used. Building cavities shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber addhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used in -combination with mastic and drawbands. 2. Exhaust fan systems have backdraft or automatic dampers. 3. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually ° operated dampers. 114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment 1. System is certified with 78% thermal efficiency, on-off switch, weatherproof operating instructions, no electric resistance heating and no pilot light. 2. System is,installed with: a. At least 36 inches of pipe between filter and heater for future solar heating. b. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. 115: Gas-fired central furnaces, pool heaters,.spa heaters or household cooking appliances have no continuously burning 4 MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 MF -1R Project Title.......... SPARKS.LOT54,.GUEST Date..06/22/ MICROPAS6 x6.01 File -24455A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM MF -1R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's'Enterprises Run -LOT 54 G.H. PERMIT CALC -------------------------------------------------------=------=- pilot fight (Exception: Non -electrical cooking appliances with pilot ,< 150 Btu/hr). LIGHTING MEASURES ----------------- Design- Enforce- 150(k)l: Luminaires for general lighting in kitchens shall er ment have lamps with an efficacy of 4.0 lumens/watt or greater for general lighting in kitchens. This general lighting shall be controlled by a switch on a readily accessible lighting•control.panel at an entrance to the kitchen. 150(k)2: Rooms with a shower or bathtub must have either at least one luminaire with lamps with an efficacy of 40 lumens/watt or greater switched at the entrance to the room or one of the alternatives to this requirement allowed in Sec. 150.(k)2.; and recessed ceiling fixtures are IC (insulation cover) approved. �/ COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 1 C -2R Project Title.......... SPARKS.LOT54.GUEST Date..06/22/04 Project Address........ LOT 54 ******* .13.05.35 ------------ ----05_35 RANCHO LA QUINTA, L.Q. *v6.Ol* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field C ec Date Climate Zone........... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24455A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 ------------------ Program -FORM C -2R. User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -LOT 54 G.H. PERMIT CALC ------------------------------- = MICROPAS6 ENERGY USE SUMMARY = ---------------------- = Energy Use -Standard Proposed Compliance _ _ (.kBtu/sf-yr) Design 0000-------�---- Design Margin = -----_-- = Space Heatin0.44 P Heating ......... 5.10 4.66 ---- = = Space Cooling.......... 71.30 77.93 -6.63 = = Water Heating.......... 47.82 - 38.32- 9.50 = -------- -------- North Total 124.22 120.91 -------- 3.31 = Space Heating.......... 5.10 4.18 0.92 _ = Space Cooling.......... 71.30 78.05 -6.75 _ = Water Heating.......... 47.82 38.32 9.50 = -------------- = East Total 124.22 120.55 -------- 3.67 _ = Space Heating....... 5.10 4.48 0.62 = = Space Cooling........... 71.30 79.92 -8.62 = = Water Heating..... ... 47.82 38.32 9.50 _ -------- -------- South Total 124.22 122.72 -------- 1.50 = Space Heating.......... 5.10 4.9.1 0.19 = - Space Cooling.......... 71.30 74.75 -3.45 = = Water Heating.......... 47.82 38.32 9.50` - -------------- _ ..West Total 124.22 117.98 -------- 6.24 _ _ *** Building complies with Computer ----------------- Performance *** GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Conditioned Floor Area.,.... 381 sf Building Type..... ........ Single Family Detached Construction, Type ......... New Building Front Orientation. Cardinal - N,E,S,W Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Building Stories. 1 Weather Data Type.......... FullYear Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Number ,of Building Zones... 1 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page,2 C-2R Project Title.......... SPARKS.LOT54.GUEST Date 06/22/04 13 05.35 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File-24455A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program-FORM C-2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run-LOT 54 G.H. PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------ Conditioned Volume.......... 3810 cf Slab-Ori-Grade Area......... 381 sf Glazing Percentage:........ 17.8 % of floor area Average Glazing U-factor... 0.4 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC....... ,0.36 ti Average.Ceiling Height..... 10 ft'' I BUILDING ZONE-INFORMATION --------------------- Floor # of Vent Vent Air Area Volume Dwell Cond- Thermostat Height Area Leakage ! Zone Type (sf) (cf)' Units itioned Type (ft) (sf) 'Credit -------------- ------------ ------------ -------- ----- ------ - ------ i 1.ZONE --- - - -- 1 Residence 381 3810 1.00 Yes Setback 2.0 Standard_ No OPAQUE SURFACES . -------------- Area U- Insul Act Solar Form 3 Location/ Surface '(sf) factor R-val Azm Tilt Gains Reference ;Comments -------------- ------ ----- ----- --- ---- ----- ------ -- --- ----- - 1.ZONE --- --- ---- .} 1 Wall 112 0.064 16.7 0 90 Yes.,W.19.EQ1 s 2 Wall 267 0.064 16.7 '90 90 Yes W.19.EQ1_ i 3 Wall 115 0.064 16.7 180 90 Yes W.19.EQ1 4 Wall 243 0.064 16.7 270 90 Yes W.19.EQ1 5 Wall 85 0.088 13 •0 90 No W.13.2X4.16 j 6 Door 24 0.330 0 0 90 Yes None 7 Roof Radiant 381 0.025 38 n/a 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24 I PERIMETER.LOSSES ---------------- Length F2 Insul Solar Surface (ft) Factor R-val Gains Location/Comments ------------- 1.ZONE 8 SlabEdge 83 0.760 R-0 No 9 SlabEdge 9 0.510 R-0 No FENESTRATION-SURFACES --------------------- Area U- Act Exterior Shade Interior Shade Orientation (sf) factor SHGC Azm Tilt Type/SHGC Type/SHGC ---------------------- ----- ----- ---- --- ------------------ ------------- 1.ZONE 1-Window Front (N),' 6.3 0.400.0.360 "0 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 2 Window Front (N) 8.0 0.400 0.360` 0' 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 3 Window Left (E), 25.0 0.400 0.360 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 4 Window Left (E): 4.0 0.400 0.360 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 5 Window Left (E)� 4.0 0.400 0.360 90 90. Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 6 Window Back ('S)� 8.0 0.400 0.360 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 7 Window Right (W) 12..5 0.400 0.360 270 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/.0.68 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C -2R Project Title.......... SPARKS.LOT54.GUEST Date..06/22/04 13.05.35 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24455A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -LOT 54 G.H. PERMIT CALC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THERMAL MASS WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Number Tank External in Energy Size Insulation Tank Type Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R -value ------------ ----------- ------------------- -------------- ------ ---------- 1 Storage Gas Standard 1 0.62 40 R- n/a SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. M This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates a High Mass Design. REMARKS The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install -better materials without additional compliance calculations. The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor is responsible for determing the HVAC design loads and - equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accord- ance with industry standards. The load calculation in this report considers ambient temperature load, solar gain, Area Thick Heat Conduct- Surface Mass Type --------------- (sf) (in) Cap ivity UIMC R -value Location/Comments 1.ZONE -----= ----- ------------- ---- ------- ---------------------- 1 SlabOnGrade 118 3.5 28.0 0.98 4.60 R-0.0 Exposed 2 S1abOnGrade 263 3.5 28.0 0.98 1.80 R-2.0 Covered HVAC SYSTEMS ---------- Refrigerant Tested ACCA' System Minimum Charge and Duct Duct Duct Manual Duct Type ------------- Efficiency Airflow Location ----------- R -value Leakage D Eff 1.ZONE -------------------- ------- --------- -------- ---- Furnace 0.780 AFUE n/a Attic R-4.2 No No 0.743 ACSplit 11.50 SEER No Attic R-4.2 No No 0.637 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Number Tank External in Energy Size Insulation Tank Type Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R -value ------------ ----------- ------------------- -------------- ------ ---------- 1 Storage Gas Standard 1 0.62 40 R- n/a SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ----------------------------------------- *** Items in this section should be documented on the plans, *** *** installed to manufacturer and CEC specifications, and *** *** verified during plan check and field inspection. *** This is a multiple orientation building with no orientation restrictions. M This printout is for the front facing North. This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. This building incorporates a High Mass Design. REMARKS The values and materials used in this compliance portfolio are the minimum required to show compliance with Title 24 Energy Conservation Standards. The owner may (at his/her option) install -better materials without additional compliance calculations. The HVAC load calculations included in this compliance report are for permit purposes only. The installing HVAC contractor is responsible for determing the HVAC design loads and - equipment selection(s). The HVAC design shall be done in accord- ance with industry standards. The load calculation in this report considers ambient temperature load, solar gain, COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 4 C -2R Project Title.......... SPARKS.LOT54.GUEST Date..06/22/04 13.05.35 MICROPAS6 v6.01, File -24455A1 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R' User#-MP0207User-Madlin's'Enterprises -Run-LOT 54 G.H. PERMIT CALC REMARKS people and a fixed latent heat gain percentage. -This basic load must be adjusted for additional design conditions and ,system/equipment performance. i The installing glazing contractor shall provide the required CF -6R Installation Certificate with installed glazing°values and areas. The installing hvac contractor shall provide the required CF -6R with the installed hvac equipment model numbers. A night setback thermostat is required to be installed with the HVAC system. r The installed plumber"shall provide the required CF -6R listing the water heater model number(s) and certified plumbing. fixtures. i i is • j ki HVAC SIZING Page 1 HVAC ___________________________ Project Title.......... SPARKS.LOT54.GUEST Date..06/22/04 13:11:51 Project Address........ LOT 54 ******* --------------------- RANCHO LA QUINTA, L.Q. *v6.01* Documentation Author... CATHERINE M. MADLIN ******* Building Permit Madlin's Enterprises P.O. Box 1443 Plan Check Date Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-322-5004 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone.......... 15 --------------------- Compliance Method...... MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. __________________________ MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24455A1 Program -HVAC SIZING User#_MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -LOT 54 G.H. PERMIT CALC ------ ------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Floor Area ................. 381 sf Volume.. .. ........... 3810 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 0 deg (N) Sizing Location............ PALM DESERT Latitude ................... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design....... 32 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range. .... ..... 34 F Interior Shading Used ...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY -----------7-------------------- Heating Description ------------------ (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar...... ----------- 5312 Glazing Conduction............... 1030 Glazing Solar .................... n/a Infiltration ..................... 2012- 012Internal InternalGain .................... n/a Ducts. .................... 835 Sensible Load ................ .. 9189 Latent Load ...................... n/a Minimum Total Load 9189 Cooling (Btuh) 2205 922 1628 1331 1050 714 7850 1570 9420 Note: The loads -shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing., availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 2 HVAC -------------------------------------------------- Project Title.......... SPARKS.LOT54.GUEST Date..06/22/04 13:11.-51 MICROPAS6 x6.01 File -24455A1 Program-HVAC.SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -LOT 54-G.H. PERMIT CALC GENERAL INFORMATION --- Floor Area .............. 381 sf Volume. ... 3810 cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 90 deg (E) Sizing Location.. PALM DESERT Latitude ....... ............ 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design 32-,F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F. Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. .... 3.4 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY -------------------------------- Heating Cooling Description (Btuh) (Btuh) --------------------------------------- Opaque Conduction and Solar....*.. - 5312 2205 Glazing Conduction..... ... ... 1030 922 Glazing Solar.. ......... n/a 1232 Infiltration..... 2012 1331 Internal Gain ................ n/a 1050 Ducts. ............. .... 835 674 Sensible Load........ 9189 7.415 Latent Load........................ n/a 1483 ----------------------- Minimum Total Load 9189 8897 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 3 HVAC Project Title....:..... SPARKS.LOT54.GUEST Date..06/22/04 13:11.51. MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24455A1 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -LOT 54 G.H. PERMIT CALC -------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Floor Area .............. . 381 sf Volume.. ... ........ 3810 cf Front•Orientation.......... Front Facing 180 -deg (S) Sizing Location............ PALM DESERT Latitude.. . 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design 32 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design..... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F . Summer Range.. . .. 34 F i Interior Shading Used No Exterior Shading Used'...'. No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Heating Cooling Description (Btuh) (Btuh) ------------------------------------- Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 5312 2205 Glazing Conduction ............. 1030 922 Glazing Solar .................... n/a 1674 Infiltration............ ....... 2012 1331 Internal Gain. . ................. n/a 1050 Ducts. 835 718 Sensible Load..... ............... 9189 7900 Latent Load .................... n/a 1580 ----------- ----------- Minimum Total Load 9189 9480 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered.. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. HVAC SIZING Page 4 HVAC Project Title.......... SPARKS.LOT54.GUEST Date..06/22/04 13:11:51 MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -24455A1 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP0207 User-Madlin's Enterprises Run -LOT 54 G.H. PERMIT.CALC GENERAL INFORMATION Floor Area ............... 381 sf ` Volume.. .. ... 3810.cf Front Orientation.......... Front Facing 27Q deg (W) Sizing Location............ PALM DESERT Latitude... ... 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 32 F Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design...... 112 F Summer Inside Design....... 78 F Summer Range.. ... ..... 34 F Interior Shading Used...... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY -------------------------------- Heating Cooling j Description (Btuh) (Btuh) -------------------------------------------------------- Opaque Conduction and Solar...... 5312 2205 Glazing Conduction .............. 1030 922 Glazing Solar........... ..... n/a 1082 Infiltration ..................... 2012 1331 Internal Gain ............... n/a 1050 Ducts. . 835 659 Sensible Load .................... 9189 7250 Latent Load.. .................. n/a 1450 ----------- ----------- Minimum Total Load 9189 8700 Note: The loads shown are.only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outside air, outdoor' design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc..,, must also be considered It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. . IV r Madlin's enterprises Catherine M. Madlin, Certified Energy Analyst • 760-322-5004 1'323'-3644 (fax) ....... Title 24 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Residential Manual Excerpt RADIANT BARRIERS Introduction /� A radiant barriers aerial th t-eixhrr r flea i rad ant,�heat opinh'bita the em ssion of radiant heat. Aluminuml of p 166io vyith�a;reflgc"iiVe fila boa:irig arq'examples of such a material. Installation of radjan'tpaelriyr�-haslhe; eats savings pot tial ring the cooling season, although they wide some hf� i aA] bene as %eIL The Commission has approved an energy credit for radiant barriers meeting specific eligibility and installation criteria. The radiant barrier energy credit is an adjustment to the ceiling U -value when the ceiling is adjacent to an attic with a radiant barrier. The credit is automatically applied by modeling a radiant barrier in an approved computer program with this optional capability. Construction Below are the parameters for receiving credit for a radiant barrier, including' criteria for the installation, ventilation and material, all of which contribute to the performance of the radiant barrier. Installation Installation must be in conformance with ASTM C-1158-97 (Standard Practice for Use and Installation of Radiant Barrier Systems (RBS)'in Building Construction.), ASTM C-727- 90(1996)el (Standard Practice for Installation and Use of Reflective Insulation in Building - Constructions.), ASTM C- 113-975 (Standard Specification for Sheet radiant Barriers for Buildirig construction Applications), and ASTM C-1224-99 (StarFgard Specification for Reflective Insu $ii for Building Applications ark rad ant barrier must be securely i stalled in a ermann rr�at-i� r wltht the s �r� ide a ing o�v t vii rd t a iCAbor� ( II (( l \ Y Radiant lar�Alel�jmust1�e stall; e o f tr�lss/raft rs (op cho ds �n ny o#ih fol o ang mp' hni+c wifih fT�P matoria� • a IBJ 1. Draped over the truss/rafter ( the top chord) before the upper roof deck is installed. .1 2. Spanning' between the truss/rafters (top chords) and secured (stapled) to each side. • 3. Secured (stapled) to the bottom surface of the truss/rafter (top chord). A minimum air space must be maintained between the top surface of the radiant barrier and roof decking of not less than 1.5 inches at the center of the truss/rafter span. • P.O. Box 1443 • Palm Springs, Ca 92263-1443 v; E-mail: Cmadlin@aol.com • Madliia's Enterprises — Addendu.ms & Notes 4. Attached [laminated] directly to the underside of the roof decking. The radiant barrier must - be laminated and perforated by the manufacturer to allow moisture/vapor transfer through the roof deck. The radiant barrier must be installed to cover all gable end walls and other vertical surfaces in the attic. Ventilation The attic must be,vbntiiated to: ! 1. Conform to maraufactOrer's-instructions: w- 2. Provide a mfinimijm free Ventilatiorrontless an Qneis each 150 Oaflguare footent area•for`4t,rea,,` ! � iI u Li 3. Provide no less than 30 percent upper vents. (Ridge vents or gable end vents are recommended to achieve the best performance. The material should be cut to allow for full air flow to the venting.) The radiant barrier (except for radiant barriers laminated directly to the rood deck) must be installed to: 1. Have a minimum gap of 3.5 inches between the bottom of the radiant barrier and the top of the ceiling insulation to allow ventilation air to flow between the roof decking and the top surface of the radiant barrier. 2. Have a minimum of six (6) inches (measured horizontally) left at the roof peak to allow hot air to escape from.the air space between the roof decking and the top surface of the radiant barrier. When installed in enclosed rafter spaces where ceilings are applied directly to the underside of roof rafters; a minimum air space of 1 inch must be provided between the radiant barrier and the top of the ceiling insulation, and ventilation must be provided*r each rafter space. Vents must beproved a# -bo h the +ppe n to' ependsof t e enclosed after ac Emissvi i • The emissivity of the radiant barrier must be less than or equal to 0.05as tested in accordance with ASTM C-1371-98 orASTMf408-7(1996)e1. • The product must meet all requirements for California certified insulation material [radiant barriers] of the Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation. Madlin's Enterprises - Addendum & Notes Note: Aluminum. will deteriorate or corrode in the presence of alkaline materials. Unless the aluminum foil is protected by waterproofed paper or plastic coating, keep it from coming into direct contact with anything alkaline, such as masonry surfaces. Inspection If a radiant barrier was used for compliance credit, check the installation guidelines provided above for the builder. Especially critical are the ventilation and air space requirements that enable the radiant barrier to perform as expected. CEC Title 24 Residential Design Manual 2001-CodeY•_^\ f Figure 3-2: Methods ` or Installation R for a iant Barriers i Ul M. .- "fir: ��ri '�°e �!� �'�� f► Manufacturer's Specifications u LoE n 1984 Cardinal introduced its LoE Insulatingglass. In 1985 Cardinal intro- duced LoE Sun and in 1989 Cardinal introduced LoE' Coated Glass Products. The LoE Sun coatings were developed to provide improved shading coefficient and solar heat gain Coefficient performance. The LoE' coatings were developed to provide better summer daytime perfor- mance with only a slight reduction in visi- ble light transmittance. Because of the excellent winter nighttime and summer daytime performance characteristics of the LoE' product, it is becoming the prod- uct of choice for many residential window applications. Lot Descriptions LOE' 71 Series: The Lo E2 71 coated glass products are specifically designed as second surface coatings. They have a slightly lower visible light transmittance compared with the LoE 78 series product with significant improvements in shading coefficient and solar heat gain coefficient. LoE' 71 products may be subject to mini- mum order requirements. Feature and Benefits of Lot' -171 • High visible light transmission: 72% • Lower visible light reflectance (indoor and outdoor) than clear glass • Lowest winter U -Value of all LoE prod- ucts: 0.24 - • Low shading coefficient: 0.47 • Low solar heat gain coefficient: 0.41 • Low relative heat gain: 98 btu/hr/ft' • Warmest center glass temperature for winter conditions of all LoE products: 57°F. (Lot -178 also 57°) • Coolest center glass temperature for summer conditions of all LoE products: 83°F. • Lowest ultraviolet light transmission of all Lot products: 16% • Reduces heating and cooling costs for both cold and warm climates compared to other glazings • Allows the use of single glass inventory for both warm and cold climates Lot 78 Series: The LoE 78 coated glass products are designed as either sec- ond or third surface coatings. These coat- ings are neutral in color and have the high- est visible light transmission of all Lot products. The LoE 78 coated glasses offer improved 1 -1 -values, shading coefficient and solar heat gain coefficient, compared with non -coated glass products. Feature and Benefits of LoE -178 • High visible light transmission: 78% • Lower visible light reflectance (outdoor and indoor) than clear glass • Low winter U -Value: 0.26 • Low shading coefficient: 0.68 • Low solar heat gain coefficient: 0.58 • Low relative heat gain: 139 btu/hr/ft' • Warm center glass temperature for win- ter conditions: 57°F. (LoE'-171 also 57°F.) • Reduces center glass temperature for summer conditions compared to clear glass: 85°F. • Reduces ultraviolet light transmission • Reduces heating and cooling costs for both cold and warm climates compared to other glazings Lot Sun 45 Series: The LoE Sun 45 coated glass products are designed as second surface coatings.These coated products have the lowest visible light transmittance, shading coefficient, and solar heat gain coefficient of all LoE prod- ucts and will have a bluish gray outdoor reflected color. Feature and Benefits of LoE-Sun-145 • Grey color with slight blue cast • Visible light transmission: 44% • Same visible light reflectance (outdoor and indoor) as clear glass • Low winter U -Value: 0.27 • Low shading coefficient: 0.38 • Low solar heat gain coefficient: 0.32 • Warm center glass temperatures for winter conditions: 56°F. • Cool center glass temperatures for summer conditions: 86°F. • Reduces ultraviolet light transmission to:15% • Reduces heating and cooling costs for both cold and warm climates compared to other glazings • Application - For maximum solar control applications Lot Product Code Low Emissivity Coatings The following generalizations can be made regarding low emissivity coatings utilized in insulating glass: 1. U -Value (heat transfer) performance does not change whether the coating is on No. 2 or No. 3 surface. 2. The lower the emissivity of the coating, the lower the U -Value of the IG unit. 3. The shading and solar heat gain coeffi- cients of the unit will be lower when the coating is. placed on No. 2 surface than when the coating is on the No. 3 surfaco. 4. LoE is not a heat trap. Lot is beneficial for winter and summertime conditions. Radiant Energy The energy from the sun (Short Wave Radiation) is transmitted through the insulating glass unit to the building's interior. After being absorbed by carpet- ing, draperies, furniture, walls, etc., the radiation becomes long wave infrared radiation. Heat energy from lights, heat- ing registers, office equipment, etc., is also long wave infrared radiation. When the long wave infrared energy tries to escape through the glass, the LoE'-171 coating reflects approximately 96% of this energy back into the room with a resultant lower winter U -Value. Energy Diagram First Numbers 2nd/3rd No Product Glass Substrate Daylight Transmittance LOE'-171 1 -Clear 72% LoE-178 1 -Clear 78% LoE Sun -145 1 -Clear 45% Low Emissivity Coatings The following generalizations can be made regarding low emissivity coatings utilized in insulating glass: 1. U -Value (heat transfer) performance does not change whether the coating is on No. 2 or No. 3 surface. 2. The lower the emissivity of the coating, the lower the U -Value of the IG unit. 3. The shading and solar heat gain coeffi- cients of the unit will be lower when the coating is. placed on No. 2 surface than when the coating is on the No. 3 surfaco. 4. LoE is not a heat trap. Lot is beneficial for winter and summertime conditions. Radiant Energy The energy from the sun (Short Wave Radiation) is transmitted through the insulating glass unit to the building's interior. After being absorbed by carpet- ing, draperies, furniture, walls, etc., the radiation becomes long wave infrared radiation. Heat energy from lights, heat- ing registers, office equipment, etc., is also long wave infrared radiation. When the long wave infrared energy tries to escape through the glass, the LoE'-171 coating reflects approximately 96% of this energy back into the room with a resultant lower winter U -Value. Energy Diagram Winter Nighttime Performance Heat Loss X X = Log -178 OWave X Indoors Short X LOESun-145 Radiation X Room Side X Heal Outdoors X Listed Below X=Lot-178, LoE'-171 X Long Wave or LoESun-145 X Radiation Coating X Winter Nighttime Performance Heat Loss X X = Log -178 Reduced X LOP -171 or 51% With X LOESun-145 Lo€ Coatings X Coating X Products As X Listed Below X Room X=Log-178 X SJW1Mn LoE' -171 or X _ X A Coating X 89° X `fin X Relative 0° X 70° Gear Unit U -Value Tinted Unit (Btu/hdtt'r F) Standard Unit Tinted with LoE-178 Coating 122 0.49 Standard Unit With LoE -178 LoE'-171 or Log Sun -145 With Argon 0.24-0.27 Summer Daytime Performance Emissivity Measurements Emissivity is measured by using a spectrometer. By using this method, only normal emissivity energy data is obtained. To establish the most exact and realistic emissivity, the normal emissivity must be converted to a hemi- spherical emissivity by formula. If normal emissivity is used in lieu of hemispherical emissivity, the normal emissivity will show an unrealistic lower emissivity and therefore will underpredict the glass energy transfer and resultant wintertime U -Value. Cardinal IG has used hemispherical emissivity and the PGMC (Primary Glass Manufacturers Council) Emittance Calculation Procedure for determining the U -Values of the LoE-178, LoE'-171 and LoE Sun -145 products listed in this brochure. X X Room Side X Heat Gain X Reduced X With LoE X Products As X Listed Below X X X=Log-178 X LoE' -171 or X LoE Sun -145 X A Coating 89° X 75° X Relative Heat Gain Gear Unit (Btu/hr/ft') 18r Tinted Unit 155 Clear Unit WMLoE-178 139 Tinted with LoE-178 Coating 122 Clear Unit With LoE'-171 98 Clear Unit with LoE Sun -145 79 Emissivity Measurements Emissivity is measured by using a spectrometer. By using this method, only normal emissivity energy data is obtained. To establish the most exact and realistic emissivity, the normal emissivity must be converted to a hemi- spherical emissivity by formula. If normal emissivity is used in lieu of hemispherical emissivity, the normal emissivity will show an unrealistic lower emissivity and therefore will underpredict the glass energy transfer and resultant wintertime U -Value. Cardinal IG has used hemispherical emissivity and the PGMC (Primary Glass Manufacturers Council) Emittance Calculation Procedure for determining the U -Values of the LoE-178, LoE'-171 and LoE Sun -145 products listed in this brochure. Built-in Savings f -or Smart Homebuyers Lday's savvy homebuyer is looking for an attractive, comfort- able, and energy-efficient home. Scientific tests show when building an energy-efficient home the use of Polar-PlyT^" radiant barrier sheathing can effect savings on cooling as much as 25% each year for the life of the home. Radiant barrier technology has been in limited use since the 1800's, but with its widespread applications in space exploration, has now begun to emerge as a new standard in energy-efficient home design. Perhaps the most difficult thing about radiant barrier technology is it's explanation. "R" values measure "resistance" to conductive heat only, not radiant heat. Radiant heat is measured by "emittance" (E) values. This is an important 0 transfer, and almost'all summer heat, is by radiation. For summer comfort forget "R", think "E". Polar-PIyTM is an innovative product composed of an aluminum radiant barrier which j blocks 97% of summer radiant heat, laminated with flame resistant adhesive to roof sheathing. Direct lamination to the roof sheathing provides durability, requires no additional construction labor, and substantially reduces the flammability of the roof sheathing. Polar-PlyTm has been designed specifically to combat the increasing high costs of energy. It costs far more to cool a home one degree in the summer than to heat it one degree in `z difference since the primary mode of heat the winter. Homebuyers know that these costs will rise and are demanding more energy-efficient homes. ,�- The technology you build with today pays off in Polar�pl comfort and energy savings for the life of your home. Radiant Barrier- Sheathing Y ECT 8095 SoLdh Lake Circle Superior Radiant Insulation, Inc. (909) 305-1450 Granite say, CA 95746-8132 916-791-4372 800-426-6200 9 '^ I o S Radiant Bar i,ier Sheathing Product Description A high -purity aluminum foil laminated as a facing to either plywood or OSB of selected thicknesses using a flarne- resistant adhesive. After lamination, the facing is perforated to help with the dissipation of moisture. ( * See Application Notes) Properties Emittance (E -value): .03 Reflectivity: 97% Permeance of facing: 53.3 Flame spread of facing: 0 Smoke of facing: 0 UBC class of facing I NFPA class of facing A Flame spread of composite': 50 Smoke of composite': 95 UBC class of composite': II NFPA class of composite': B How does it work? It is a proven scientific fact that most heat transfer is by radiation. Polar-PIyT"" ig very effective in stopping heat transfer because it is a barrier to radiant heat transfer employing the principles of low emissivity (low -e) and high reflectivity. NASA uses this same technology to protect its astronauts and space vehicles. When most people think of insulation they tend to think of mass insulation such as fiberglass. Mass insulation retards heat flow through resistance to conductive heat transfer (R -value). Mass insulation only addresses radiant heat flow incidentally and inefficiently. During hot weather, homes experience unwanted heat gains predominantly by radiant heat transfer. Summer heat equals radiant heat. This is certainly true • and easy to understand during the daylight hours when the hot sun is blazing on your roof. But, even after the sun sets,. the accumulated heat remains stored in the mass insulation, drywall, and framing 1 Tested with 7/16" CDX plywood members. The ceiling and wall surfaces continue to re -radiate this heat into your home long into the night. This keeps your air conditioner working longer and harder, all the while adding to your cooling bills. Instead of this intense radiant heat transfer into your attic and ceiling, Polar-PIyT"" effectively stops 97% of these heat rays. Your mass Insulation stays cooler and your ceiling stays cooler. This translates Into comfortable living spaces at significantly lower cost. Benefits of Polar-PlyT" 1. Keeps the temperature of existing mass insulation and ceilings lower, thereby reducing the radiant heat transfer into the living space and increasing occupant comfort. 2. No additional installation labor required. 3. Approved for energy credit in Model Energy Code & California Energy Commission Title 24. 4. Significant savings in utility cooling bills; as much as 25%. 5. Important reduction in flame spread rating of the roof sheathing. 6. Reduces workload for the cooling equipment, extending its life expectancy. 7. Cooler attic air and the elimination of most radiant heat gain make for marked improvement in efficiency of vulnerable a/c supply ducts located in attics. 8. Noticeably reduces garage temperature. 9. Durable; should last for the life of the home. 10. Environmentally friendly. ECT 8095 South Lake Circle Granite Bay, CA 95746-8132 916-791-4372 800-426-6200 Application Notes Install according to panel manufacturers' recommended installation specifications. No special procedures are necessary. - For proper performance, the radiant barrier should face an evacuated air space of at least 3/4". * Care should be taken in the storage, handling, and installation of Polar-PlyTM to ensure that the moisture content does not exceed that of the board manufactur- ers' recommendation. A high moisture content may lead to delamination of the radiant barrier facing and possible deterioration of the board. Research Acknowledgments National Aeronautics and Space Administration US Department Of Energy Florida Solar Energy Center Oak Ridge National Laboratory Tennessee Valley Authority Davis Energy Group Numerous University studies Superior Radiant Insulation, Inc. P.O. Box 247 San Dimas, California 91773 Phone: (909) 305-1450 Fax: (909) 305-1448 email: Polar-Ply(SuperiorRB.com Warnings Aluminum is a good conductor of electricity. During installation avoid open electrical circuits and other exposed electrical current situations to prevent electric shock. Electric shock can result in injury or death. This product may have an effect on whether condensation will occur. Condensation is a natural and common phenomenon that can occur at the walls and roof of buildings under certain conditions. Many circumstances including the mix of material, weather, and other factors will effect whether condensation occurs, the degree to which it occurs, and the effect condensation will have on the components of the building. Where these conditions may exist, special attention should be given to proper ventilation and corrosion -resistant fasteners. @ 1999 superim Radiant Insulation, Inc. All rights reserved. C ['%Aatcm`Ea1.s, Air Spaces aand F---Hmm. R GM6rn Board 112" 0.45 Insulation Board 5/8" 0.56 FALCON FOAMe @ T�W 1/75-F 3.90 Plywood 1/4" 0.31. FALCON FOAM'@ Type VIIY75 F 4. 0 3/8" 0.47 FALCON FOAM- @ Type 11/75-F 4.40 1/2" 0.62 FALCON FOAM'@ Type IX175*F 4.40 3/4" 0.94 Extruded Polystyrene @ 75*F 5.00 Hardboard, Underlayment 1/4" 0.31 Polyurethane/Polyisocyanurate 1" 1.24 Ajed @ 75-F 5.60 Insulation batts-blankets augid�rig Pa�ier Mineral Wool Per Inc I h175*F 3.66 Permeable Felt. 151b. 0.06 Insulation Loose Fill Plastic Film Neg FALCON FOAM' 3.40 Cellulosic/Inch 3.1-3.7 Perlite, Expanded/Inch Vermiculite. exfoliated/inch 2.2-2.9, 2.1-2.3 Concrete blocks, three oval cores Cinder aggregate 4' thick 1.11 12" thick 1.89 8' thick '1.72 Heat FloNv Up Sand and Gravel Aggregate 8" thick 1.11 Non -reflective 0.75 (Summer) Lightweight Aggregate 8" thick 4' thick- 2.00 1.50 Reflective, one surface 0.87 (Winter) 2.22. (Summer) Gypsum Mortar or Plaster 1/4" 0.05 2.21 -(Winter) 1/2" 0.16 Heat Flow Down 1 0.20 Non -reflective 0.85 (Summer) Gypsum Plaster (Perlite) 1" 0.64 1.02 (Winter) Gypsum Plaster (Vermiculite) 0.59 Reflective, one surface 3.29 (Summer) Brick, per inch 0.20 3.59 (Winter) Fake bricK per inch 0.11 Heat Flow Horizontal Stucco, per inch 0.20' Non -reflective 0.84 (Summer) 1.01 (Wir�ter) Reflective, one surface 3.24 (Surnmer) �;bestos Cement �hingles 3.46 (Winter) Asphalt Roll Roofing Asphalt Shingles 0.15 0.44 SUrface Air Fil.m.s., iriside (Stikl A ir) Built Up Roofing 3/8" 0.33 Heat Flow Up Wood Shingles 0.94 (through a horizontal surface) Non -reflective 0.61' Reflective 1.32 Asbestos Cement, 1/4" thick lapped 0.21 Heat Flow Down Asphalt 0.15 (through a horizontal surface) Wood Shingle. 16"x7.5 . Exposure 0.87 Non-reflecEive 0.92 4.55 Doublevurith 12" Exposure 1.19 Reflective Wood Drop Siding, I *x8" 0.77 Heat Flow Horizontal (through a vertical surface) Wood Bevel Siding. .5"x8" (lapped) 0.81. 0.68 Wood Bevel Siding. .3/4"xl0' Gapped) 1.05 Non -reflective Wood Plywood. .318" (lapped) 0.59 Structural Glass 0.10 iNlaving Air Sur1fac-es Any Position or Direction 15 NTH Wind Winter) 0.17 7.5,MPH Wind.(Surrimer) 0.250 r -M Rh Coal Sirp 1;rr, F a. ; I c 0, un o", a, k I,, - 1: