CFO (0309-182)49535 Loren Ct 0309-182 -a- Cerliricatd-of Occu ancop Y jcK 49MU FD .` a +. v . j r W Y fi r of t ..- Building,&•7Safety Department _ This Certificate is issued pursuant to"the requirements of Section' -109, of the• California..Building,_ Code, certifying that, at the , time of issuance, ',this''structureo4as in. -compliance with : the'., " provisions of the Building Code and the various :ordinances of they City regulating building.. " construction and/or use. s• - ;;: BUILDING'ADDRESS: "49=535 LOREN :'CT. r Use classif c tion ,S.F.D: - - y Building Permit No.: 0309-182 Occupancy Grou R-3 y 'Type of Construction: V -N'" Land -Use Zone: R -L Owner of Building: PM RENAISSANCE LLC1 .1_ ' - Address: 9968 HIBERT ST STE 102 Cit 'ST, ZIP: SAN DIEGO CA 92131 By: G.SHOWALTER , ' Date: 07/09/04: t . .; Building'.Official '. _ `: POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE y