BLCK (04-3601)50470 Los Verdes Way 04-3601 G -X 64PO BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT: P.O. BOX 1504 (760) 77747012 78495 CALLS TAMPICO . FAX (760) 777-7011 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 INSPECTION REQUESTS (760)777-7153 Application Number BUILDIN94P 17IID3601 Date 4/20/04 ' Property Address 5-0470 LOS VERDES WY APN: 772-250-999-96 -30357 - Application description'. WALL/FENCE Property Zoning LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Application valuation 1025 Owner Contractor TOLL CA V TOLL BROS, INC. C/O KEVIN D DUERMIT.., 73121 FRED WARTNG DRIVE,.#100 8901 E MOUNTAIN -VIEW 200. PALM DESERT` CA"92260 SGPTTSDALE AZ. $5258 .:.. :WCC : ROGAL .&. HAMILTO. `WC;. - " WA'264D00472301 .0:9/01/04 CSLBr 777699 :04/30/06 Permit ..... WALL/FENCE PERMIT Additional detc - . Permit Fee .. 27.00. Plan Check..Fee 00 Issue Date..". Valuation. 1025 Qty Unit'.Charge. Per: Extension BASE FEE 15.00 6.00 2.0000 HND BLDG 501=2,000 12.00 Special `.Notes..: and Comments -------- 41:L'.F: 6' GARDEN WALL, ORCO SYSTEM, PER. APPROVED PRECISE Fee summary. Charged: Paid". ­.Credited'.':.:. Due Permit Fee Total .,.27.00 .00 .00. 27.00 Plan Check -Total .00' .00.. .00 .00 Grand Total 27'.00 ...00 .00 27.00.. _.. P.O. Box 1504 cu 79-495 79-495 CALLE TAMPICO i' ` VOICE (760) 777-7011 LA QUINTAL CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-701441 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT Application Number. Applicant: Date:' Architect or Engineer. Applicant's Mating Address: Archdect or Engaleer's Address: Lic. No BUILDING PERMIT DECLARATIONS I hereby .aaffirm undo LIAISED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION penalty a perjury tat a am ioensed navdor provisions a Chapbr 9 (Commencing vrlh SOC606 7000) d Divkion 3 a ft Business and Professionals Coda. and my Lioeiroe isin lull toroa and e(ted. License Ctass License No. Dib • conlracior 1 heaby arum Y^dary a perjury t W Ism, 0W4kRAIULDER DECLARATION CRY or county 11at areirrpt tom #w CArtradoW Stab License Law for ria k4wAV reason (Sec. 7031A Business and Professions Cods: Any ermert tat he de ls i b L aNef tapnveg l #* lid Cana fir any syucm dor b ks kwanoa. also P CI A Ss WWW'" fa ttIa permit b 68 a signed and Peofasslorns Code) ar tat he or b the Orvvlslorns a!a CorMraeioes' Stale Choanae Law (06PIK 9 (Commencing with Secian 7000) a Division 3 of tie Business #0 appiag b • dd pert ft of rot more 11nrn ivs Irrndne0 dolxs (5500). lmmg&*I WW "bask br 11n 9110000 Any viataw a Secion 7031.5 by any aI r k I for a pe wiA vAjects U Lis sines a d properly, or cry employees vft waves as tnei< sole ConpensOWN •oil do to wa*n ind 1118 Sb , Is not frnended or oftaed for sale (Sm 7044• hiraer ori Coda The—waclolr Stab License Law does not apply b an owner a property who builds or improves tvetson. and who does tie work sold wi11in ora t"ugh his or her Own arpbyeas. provided tat to Lmprovanneks are not Intended or non ler sale. r, howepsr. ft bulidrg a beprovement is ( L ss coax a On y d Its °Nsw4 vtl have tw burden a proving int he' or she dd rot bull or improve ler the purpose d sale k Stab License not vpe ioernse0 wrntracbrs b MWAW 1110 projed (Sec. 7044. Business and Professions Coda The CertrscsoW tro Con raciow Stab License Law. an owner d propeAy who bolds or irrnproves Hasan. and nolo ootntracts ler 111e projects vvltl a oonbada(s) tioensed pursuant b U i am emmpt under Sec _ . BA P.C. for tis reason Da(e" Owner 1 hereby alum under pena11y of perjury one of tie lolowyr0 dedara WOFUCER• COIWOMTION DECLARATION _ I have and rrB as maintain ldda - a consent o sef*wjm for vwrhes• ocmpensatign, provided for by section 3700 a 11w Labor Code• for 111e petorrnarnoe a tie wrxk for which tis per.. Is issued _ 6an iwrr wwc. as required by Section 3700 a tie Labor Code. for tie peoa foance tw work for vrhicfn iia pa" is. 1 haus and wi rnirdain woAurrr;' oompensa Cam Issued* My wo*A s• cornpentaion Insurance tinier and policy aro: PNumber • _ I.cerfdy t1at, h 11nepalormic at the work for vtich tis ww CompW=Wn laws of Ca"Ornia.'anq agree that. r 1 sllouldbe orme vAied b the wa person in any manner w as a beoona object b ire workers• brtwvNh Comply vft (rose provisions Compensation provisions Of Section 3700 of to Labor Code, l dial Dale APOicart WARNING: FAIURE TO SECURE WOR(EW COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AM SFWI SUBJECT IW EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE .NI"MED THOUSAND DOL.LAFtS ($100A00). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVOW FOR Ri SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE. WTEFtEST. AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. . 1 hereby affirm wder penalty of perjury tat hersis a conslnrciorn CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY brndng agenq ler 1110 venom wm of to work for which tis permit Is Issued (Sec 3007. Civ. C.). Lenders Name Lenders Address IMPORTANT AppGatiorn is hereby mide b the Direcbr a APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1. Each person upon vhgose behaa ftBa rg and Sal* ler a pemil subject b the oondrfans and resfricions set lora) on tis appica5a► Issuedas a nnult d 11is application. ' sm at nd le mWed ON whose benefit work Is perlomned under or pursuart b any pemit 0mows. opens and empfoyses ler askant, Oath agrees b, and shah, defend. indenray and hold hamiess f e City a L.a Quina. ks _ any ad or omisslon related b tle work being Performed under or following Issuance a 11is peno . t Any permit tI wue ler * reSM ad fft awficaGon becomes null and void rwak is no( c0mr sed wittin 160 days from date of issuance a such per. at 1 ce(W that I have read Us days Dem b carnodlation. aPP on and stab trot the a oonubucTion, and hereby aualoniae reptrxerta6,res of bove ktonnabon Is Coned ( agree b comply with al city and County ordmanoes and state t ws retaGng b building lis Dourly b eget upon ft above-mentioned property ler inspecbon pwposes. Date Signature (Applicant or Agentr