2006 09 19 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 3:30 p.m. by Mayor Adolph. PRESENT: ABSENT: Council Members Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph None PUBLIC COMMENT - None CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with the City's real property negotiator. Douglas, R. Evans. pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of real property located southwest of the intersection of Highway 111 and La Quinta Centre Drive. Property Owner/Negotiator: Stamko Development Co.. Chris Clarke. Council recessed to the Redevelopment Agency and to Closed Session to and until the hour of 4:30 p.m. 4:30 P.M. Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT Estela Fuentes, 54-545 Avenida Carranza, requested sponsorship for the "March for Family Values" event to be held October 6th and 7th at the Riverside County Fair Grounds. Council concurred to refer the request to the Community Services Grant Program. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Mayor Adolph requested a Mayor and Council Members' Item be added regarding school traffic issues on Palm Royale. City Council Minutes 2 September 19, 2006 ANNOUNCEMENTS - None PRESENTATIONS Police Chief Meyer introduced Deputy Marlayna Covington as the City's new commercial corridor officer. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. CORRESPONDENCE FROM LEADERSHIP COACHELLA VALLEY. DATED AUGUST 31. 2006. REQUESTING SPONSORSHIP FUNDING. Bill Cuff, representing Leadership Coachella Valley, requested sponsorship of $5,000 to help in their efforts to train people in leadership skills. In response to questions from the Council, he indicated they currently have 39 students from all over the Valley. He anticipates they will receive funding from other cities in the Valley and that it will be a recurring request each year. Council concurred to refer the request to the Community Services Grant Program. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Osborne to approve the City Council Minutes of September 5 2006, as submitted. Motion carried with Council Member Sniff ABSTAINING. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Member Kirk requested Item No. 13 be moved to Business Session Item No.5. He also requested Item Nos. 5 and 6 be taken up separately due to a potential conflict of interest. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED SEPTEMBER 19. 2006. 2. RECEIVE AND FILE TREASURER'S REPORTS DATED JUNE 30 AND JULY 31.2006. 3. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE & EXPENDITURES REPORTS DATED JUNE 30 AND JULY 31.2006. City Council Minutes 3 September 19, 2006 4. APPROVAL OF AN ADVANCE FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE SilverRock GOLF ENTERPRISE FUND. 5. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FOR TRACT MAP 33076-1. THE MADISON CLUB. EAST OF MADISON. LLC. (See separate action below.) 6. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE TIME FOR COMPLETION OF ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FOR TRACT MAP 33076-1. THE MADISON CLUB, EAST OF MADISON, LLC. (See separate action below.) 7. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FILED BY LEON KAGAN - DATE OF LOSS: JUNE 25.2006. 8. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR, RECREATION SUPERVISOR. AND ONE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSIONER TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA PARKS AND RECREATION SOCIETY CONFERENCE IN SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA. MARCH 8-10. 2007. 9. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE ASSISTANT ENGINEER II TO ATTEND THE BASIC TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN SEMINAR TO BE HELD IN SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA. SEPTEMBER 26-28. 2006. 10. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF A FINAL MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT MAP 30138. DIAMANTE. LA QUINTA DEVELOPERS, LLC. (RESOLUTION NO. 2006-103) 11. APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TO OBTAIN PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE LAGO LA QUINTA AND VILLAS AT LA QUINTA SOUND ATTENUATION WALLS. PROJECT NO. 2006-02. 12. APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TO OBTAIN PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TO UPDATE THE CITY'S PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. PROJECT NO. 2006-12. 13. SEE BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO.5. 14. APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TO OBTAIN ON-CALL ENGINEERING PLAN/MAP CHECK SERVICES. City Council Minutes 4 September 19, 2006 15. APPROVAL OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH CROWSON MANAGEMENT SERVICES AND COMMERCIAL AND CONSTRUCTION GRAFFITI ABATEMENT SERVICES AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS. 16. ACCEPTANCE OF SilverRock RESORT SOIL STABILIZATION, PROJECT NO. 2002-07M. 17. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (NIMS). (RESOLUTION NO. 2006-104) 18. APPROVAL OF THE FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE. 19." APPROVAL OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH PW CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THE LA QUINTA MUSEUM EXPANSION, PROJECT NO. 2006-10. 20. ACCEPTANCE OF TRANSFER OF THE ARNOLD PALMER CLASSIC GOLF COURSE, GOLF MAINTENANCE FACILITY, AND GOLF COURSE COMFORT STATIONS AT SilverRock RESORT FROM THE LA QUINTA RE"DEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Osborne/Henderson to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended and amended with the exception of Item Nos. 5, 6, and 13 and with Item Nos. 10 and 17 being approved by RESOLUTION NOS. 2006-103 through 2006-104 respectively. Motion carried unanimously. Item Nos. 5 and 6: MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Osborne to approve the following resolutions: RESOLUTION NO. 2006-105 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FOR TRACT MAP 33076-1, THE MADISON CLUB, EAST OF MADISON, LLC. City Council Minutes 5 September 19. 2006 and; RESOLUTION NO. 2006-106 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINT A, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE ON-SITE IMPROVEMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FOR TRACT MAP 33076-1, THE MADISON CLUB, EAST OF MADISON, LLC. Motion carried with Council Member Kirk ABSTAINING due to a potential conflict of interest. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF EXPANDED MARKETING PROGRAM FOR THE ARNOLD PALMER CLASSIC COURSE AT SilverRock RESORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007 AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDING. Community Services Director Hylton presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Kirk, Judy Vossler, representing Landmark Golf Management, stated the Civic and Community Networking and Tradeshows section of the Narrative Marketing Plan provides for someone to represent SilverRock at trade shows. Council Member Kirk asked if some type of City incentive is needed to attract golf tournaments that might have been affected by the non-resident rate. "Ms. Vossler stated she doesn't recommend changing the rate plan. She feels it's time to do some marketing through the Chamber of Commerce organizations and the Palm Springs Desert Resorts Convention & Visitors Authority. In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. Vossler stated the Chamber's decision not to hold the golf tournament at SilverRock was because of the food and beverage opportunities elsewhere. Council Member Henderson asked how much of the budget will go toward leveraging the Jim Murray Golf Tournament to be held at SilverRock. City Council Minutes 6 September 19, 2006 Ms. Vossler stated a dollar amount hasn't been determined but she feels Landmark, Kiner, and staff believe that the tournament provides the best opportunity to get to the national sports writers at the beginning of the season. She stated she doesn't see more than half of the public relations budget being dedicated to the Jim Murray tournament. In response to Mayor Adolph, Ms. Vossler confirmed the Jim Murray tournament is not requesting funding from the City this year. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Kirk/Henderson to approve an expanded marketing program for the Arnold Palmer Classic Course at Silver Rock Resort for Fiscal Year 2006/2007, and appropriate $33,557. Motion carried unanimously. 2. CONSIDERATION OF THE PURCHASE OF AN ANTIQUE BELL FOR OLD TOWN LA QUINTA. Community Services Director Hylton presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Henderson, Norene Hudson, representing Marvin Investments, stated an informal survey of Old Town businesses indicates support for the bell but they have not surveyed anyone outside of Old Town. The bell can be turned off as desired, and keeping its size down to 24 inches will keep the noise level down to 65 decibels. She added the hit of the hammer can be adjusted if the sound of the bell becomes a nuisance. Council Member Henderson inquired about the possibility of using a bell that was donated to the City. City Manager Genovese responded that staff is researching the location of the bell. In response to Mayor Adolph, Ms. Hudson stated she understands the bell will be set not to chime after 9 p.m. Mayor Adolph commented that he wants to make sure the City has the right to turn the bell off. Council Member Kirk stated he doesn't feel staff should have to be involved in selecting appropriate tones as long as it can be adjusted later on. City Council Minutes 7 September 19, 2006 MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Kirk/Henderson to approve the purchase for up to $15,000 from the Art in Public Places Fund of an antique bell for Old Town La Quinta with the condition that the property owner agrees to adjustments later on, including disconnection, if so desired by the City Council. Motion carried unanimously. 3. CONSIDERATION OF AN AWARD FOR A CONTRACT TO GKK WORKS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES TO CONSTRUCT THE CITY HALL EXPANSION, PROJECT NO. 2002-01, AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDING AND ADVANCE FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE CIVIC CENTER DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE (DIF) FUND. Building & Safety Director Hartung presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Kirk, Mr. Hartung stated the bid climate is very favorable right now, and he is comfortable with the bid amount. Council Member Henderson inquired about the protest on the bid regarding one of the subcontractors. City Attorney Jenson advised the contractor can substitute the subcontractor if necessary. In response to Mayor Adolph, Mr. Hartung stated the contractor will be subject to liquidated damages if the project is not completed within the 12- month timeframe. He indicated impacts to the Civic Center Campus and City Hall will be minimized, and that the parking lot extension may be constructed first to allow it to be used as a staging area. He confirmed there will be no construction during the Arts Festival. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Kirk to award a contract to GKK Works Construction Services in the amount of $8,710,514 to construct the City Hall Expansion, Project No. 2002-01, appropriate $9,072,153 from the Civic Center DIF, and advance $9,615,094 from the General Fund to the Civic Center DIF Fund. Motion carried with Council Member Sniff voting NO. City Council Minutes 8 September 19. 2006 4. CONSIDERATION CHAMBER OF COMMITTEE. OF SELECTION OF A REPRESENTATIVE TO THE COMMERCE WORKSHOP/INFORMATION EXCHANGE There were no changes to the staff report as submitted and on file in the City Clerk's Office. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Osborne to appoint Council Member Kirk to serve for three consecutive meetings on the Chamber of Commerce Workshopllnformation Exchange Committee. Motion carried unanimously. 5. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TO OBTAIN ON-CALL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING/PLANNING SERVICES FOR THE VISTA SANTA ROSA ANNEXATION AREA DEFICIENCY STUDY, PROJECT NO. 2006-13. (This item was moved from Consent Item No. 13.) There were no changes to the staff report as submitted and on file in the City Clerk's Office. In response to Council Member Kirk, Public Works Director Jonasson advised the deficiency study will help determine what additional improvements to existing streets may be needed. He confirmed changes in land use will impact the analysis but the schedule for considering annexations will be delayed if the analysis isn't started now. He added staff anticipates the study costing only half the projected amount, and the information will help in determining whether or not it makes sense to join the TUMF program. Council Member Kirk suggested this be referred back to the subcommittee. Council Member Henderson noted the pre-zoning of 4 dwelling units per acre may require a substantially more-intense road system, and it will be easier to calculate down instead of up. She supports going forward but would like to reduce the timeframe if possible. She feels there is an expectation of getting somewhere by the end of the year, and isn't sure how the five-month timeframe will affect that. Community Development Director Evans commentec! on the engineering firms being very busy, and voiced concern that the best firms may not submit a proposal if sufficient time is not allowed. He noted Vista Santa Rosa will be a "moving target" for some time. and the circulation system will City Council Minutes 9 September 19, 2006 not be fixed in three or four months. He indicated the consultant would probably be asked to start on the base data and watch where we are relative to other items. Council Member Kirk asked if the current DIF structure can be applied to smaller annexations. Mr. Jonasson responded that the DIF applies to the build out of the current General Plan. Mr. Evans stated it's his understanding that it doesn't include the sphere of influence area. He noted pre-annexation development agreements may be needed to provide a contractual obligation to pay a fee based on assumptions that could later be updated. Council Member Kirk stated he supports moving forward with the study as long as adjustments can be made in the proposal process if changes occur. Mayor Adolph spoke about the importance of moving forward with the study. Council Member Osborne concurred. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Osborne to authorize staff to distribute a Request for Proposals (RFPI to obtain Professional Engineering/Planning Services for the Vista Santa Rosa Annexation Area Deficiency Study, Project No. 2006-13, and appoint a Consultant Selection Committee consisting of the Public Works Director, Community Development Director, Principal Engineer, and Nick Nickerson, of NAI Consulting. Motion carried unanimously. STUDY SESSION - None REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Animal Campus Commission - Council Member Henderson reported the Red Jeep Tours gave a presentation about their tours through the desert and concerns about local desert animals. Chamber of Commerce Workshopllnformation Exchange Committee - Council Member Henderson reported no board members were present at the last meeting, and she recommends the Chamber cancel future meetings if board members are City Council Minutes 10 September 19, 2006 not going to be present. She noted the purpose of the committee is to have Council interaction with the Board. Santa Rosa/San Jacinto National Monument Advisory Board - Council Member Henderson encouraged everyone to attend the dedication of the relief map at the top of the Cove on October 20th. Palm Springs Desert Resorts Convention & Visitors Authority - Council Member Henderson stated discussions will continue at their next meeting about the potential of a slight change in the name. Riverside County Transportation Commission - Council Member Henderson reported she facilitated a meeting between the District 8 CalTrans Director and the City Manager and Public Works Director when RCTC held their meeting in La Quinta last week. She added she has been assured that CalTrans is interested in working with the City. League of California Cities-Riverside Division - Council Member Henderson reported there was a lot of emphasis placed on Proposition 90 at the convention in San Diego last week, and the need to defeat it. Riverside County Child Safety Commission - Council Member Henderson stated she will not be able to attend their first meeting September 26th because of an appointment conflict. CVAG Public Safety Committee - Council Member Kirk reported the Committee is working with the Sheriff's Office to get the Trauma Intervention Program going again. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mayor Adolph commented that he has asked the City Manager to look into why some dead plants in the library atrium have not been replaced. He also indicated the media questioned him regarding expenditures on SilverRock and how people could ask questions during closed session. He explained public comment is not allowed in closed session. * * * * * * * * * * * * * All other reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS - None City Council Minutes 11 September 19, 2006 MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS 1. DISCUSSION REGARDING TRAFFIC ISSUES ON PALM ROYALE. Mayor Adolph stated he received a phone call from Scott Arthur in the Bella Vista development regarding vehicles being parked in his neighborhood during school functions. He suggested the possibility of the school utilizing their grass areas for parking during school events. He also commented on the need for painted crosswalks, signage, and a traffic signal at Palm Royale and Fred Waring Drive. Public Works Director Jonasson stated the signs should be installed this week, and staff is working on a schedule for the painted crosswalks. As for the traffic signal, it's not scheduled to be done until the corner lot is developed. Council Member Osborne commented on the possibility of the City installing the traffic signal ahead of schedule with the agreement that the developer pay his portion when the property is developed. Mr. Jonasson advised of additional street improvements that need to be done before a traffic signal can be installed. Mayor Adolph asked about the safety of vehicles parking on both sides of Palm Royale. Mr. Jonasson stated he believes parking is allowed on both sides of the street but the street is not wide enough for people to double-park. Mayor Adolph commented on the concerns of the residents related to security, parking, and safety, and stated he feels the school should have onsite parking for their events. He suggested a letter be sent to the School District asking them to consider the concerns voiced by the residents and the potential safety problem. Council Member Henderson referenced a similar problem at the La Quinta Park wherein one side of the street is posted "No Parking" but vehicles park on both sides. Mayor Adolph asked staff to come back with a recommendation on the Palm Royale/School issue. City Council Minutes 12 September 19, 2006 Council recessed to the Redevelopment Agency meeting. Council reconvened and recessed to Closed Session to and until 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. The City Council meeting was reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session which require reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government Code (Brown Act). PUBLIC COMMENT - None PRESENTATIONS - None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 31910, THE SUBDIVISION OF APPROXIMATELY 38 ACRES INTO 130 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF MONROE STREET APPROXIMATELY % MILE NORTH OF AVENUE 58. APPLICANT: DESERT ELITE, INC. Community Development Director Evans presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Evans stated the average lot size is 8,707 square feet. Mayor Adolph inquired about the status of the street frontage construction. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:03 p.m. John Pedalino, 78-401 Highway 111, representing Desert Elite, stated they have completed the off-site storm drainage improvements, and the off-site street improvements should be done about the third week in October. There being no other requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:04 p.m. City Council Minutes 13 September 19, 2006 RESOLUTION NO. 2006-107 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA. APPROVING A ONE-YEAR TIME EXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 31910 TO SUBDIVIDE APPROXIMATELY 38 ACRES INTO 130 SINGLE FAMILY AND OTHER COMMON LOTS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF MONROE STREET APPROXIMATELY % MILE NORTH OF AVENUE 58 (DESERT ELITE, INC.). It was moved by Council Members Kirk/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2006-107 as submitted. Council Member Osborne stated he is not in favor of a project of this density in that area. He voiced concern that it will bring about more of the same, and the streets are not ready for it. Mayor Adolph stated he doesn't disagree but feels density issues should be addressed upfront and not after the developer has started work on the project. Motion carried with Council Members Osborne/Sniff voting NO. 2. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO APPROVE AN AGREEMENT TO SELL REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 53-925 AVENIDA MARTINEZ BY AND BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND CYNTHIA R. GUEVARA. Community Development Director Evans presented the staff report. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:08 p.m. There being no requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:08 p.m. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Osborne to approve the agreement to sell real property located at 53-925 Avenida Martinez to Cynthia R. Guevara to maintain an affordable housing unit for a purchase price of $165,000. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes 14 September 19, 2006 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Kirk/Henderson to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, bYu~r~-i~~. DEBORAH H. POWELL, Interim City Clerk City of La Quinta, California