04-7010 (SOTB)54001 Madison St 04-7010 P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: 04'00007010 Property Address: 5400.1,MADISON—ST APN: 775-100-004- - - Application description: STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BUILD Property Zoning: MAJOR COMMUNITY FACILITY Application valuation: 65000 Applicant: C&t!t 4 4& a9ba . _. BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Architect or Engineer: Owner: CITY OF LA QUINTA P O'BOX 1504" LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Contractor: TRI -COMM 2845 BANCROFT DRIVE SPRING VALLEY, CA 91977 (858)518-2527. Lic. No.: 751178 VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 12/20/05 -------------------------------------------------- LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION ----------------------------------------------- WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION ' I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under'provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Ihereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect._ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided License Class: 13 License No.: 751178 for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this.permit is %*Contraaor —ZA issued. Date: ,- — _ I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation W R.BUILDER DECLARATION insurance carrier and policy number are: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that.) am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the Carrier EXEMPT Policy Number ' EXEMPT following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions. Code: Any city or county that requires.a permit to _ I certify that,* in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the, applicant for the person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the .Contractor's State and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall fort ith comply with those provisions. . that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil of not more than five hundred dollars ($5001.: — lApplicant:' 11 penalty :Date: as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The —WARNING: FAILURE -TO -SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND - and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the DOLLARS (8100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or ' improve for the purpose of sale.). APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1 _ 1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed - 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, 1 _'1 I am exempt under Sec. , B.&P.C. for this reason the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: LQPERMIT of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. ' I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this county to enter upon the above-mentioned_ptopertytfor inspectiign purposes. Application Number . . . . . 04-00007010 Permit . . BUILDING PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 482.00 Plan Check Fee 313.30 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . 65000 Expiration Date 6/18/06 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 414.50 15.00 4.5000 THOU BLDG 50,001-100,000; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67..50 Permit . . ELEC-MISCELLANEOUS Additional desc . Permit Fee 15.00 Plan Check Fee 3.75 Issue Date Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 6/18/06 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 --------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments -------------- 230 S.F. UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY W/MONOPALM TOWER & 100 L.F. BLOCK WALL '11/23/04 11:28:49 AM JJOHNSON ----------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . ART IN PUBLIC PLACES -COM 317.50 DIF CIVIC CENTER - COMM 21.85 ENERGY REVIEW FEE 31.33 DIF FIRE PROTECTION -COMM 7.36 GRADING PLAN CHECK FEE ..00 STRONG MOTION (SMI) - COM 13.65 DIF STREET MAINT FAC -COMM 5.29 DIF TRANSPORTATION - COMM 396.52 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ---- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 497.00 .00 .00 497.00 Plan Check Total 317.05 300.00 .00 17.05 Other Fee Total 793.50 .00 .00 793.50 Grand Total 1607.55 300.00 .00 1307.55 LQPERMTT t YT • e_'',,]Kyr'jf '.:' '{147 I f ~' I + 'R.' ' "'r ^, y` ` ! anF"">!i S./ "•`.- 'e'C.J !• .l 3 l 't' ? >T s - +r . t..rt f t ,, M, A M / • F ., .F i. F ,L44 T ,J .• r+ 1 /..r ! ^% j ,y : '7 ' : a s w r ;, ta: zi.l .. ,e i r s , . ' r'c•: c a . _;- ,. ,r• -,,,(I ._. .=, `iii. r ►* %' r / " 1, r r' PW BOXy1504 '. t L ' ,` z •,: 4 APPLICATION 0NLY r , ° Bulldtng r " 78 495 CALLErTAMPICO t ? ;Adtlress. tir "f LA°QUINTA CALJEORNIA92253 ow ' II •` [/ BUILDING: TYPE CONS OCC GRP.I ' ' 3 „Mailing"} 'Address rL c 1'O(J •`% > , Tel- ZiP' _ fid Legal Descnptlon _ contractor P Ojkl: DescnptlonA `'$ -t . G`-1 ,,':„Adtlressl` YG , i _ f ! `" `+ 11:t. ! •'Z•. ,- ^ `' 1,4 'r'Cl lry,r, l - - 1Pgj • : Statetic.. I 4 . - I a ty ;; Sq F,tr j Nbr No ,Dws Ciasstf. a Lic. #, Sizes Stories Unit§ Archy e , N w Add.0 AkeKt7! Repair, , D;emolitton,O"T Designer's ! ddressl VL TPP; r + GI e l i JZlp Statet -•, Zu. ' LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATIONI 0 dere affil 4het9'am licensed under provisions of y r ' of P Chapter;9r(commendng with Section 'FJ,: 7000 Div' on 3,of the Business and Professions Code; and Tn ,license is in full;force.and } Y+SIG ATUREsJ - DATE,- f • - f. OWNER-BUILDER.DECLARATIONI ' f .• - Estimated Valuation - `t G' "t } > I hereby f5rm tfiat l am,exempt from'the Contractor s License Law „for. the following j • r t reason (Sec 70315 Business and Professions Code Any,crty.or counliwhich requires a; permit to.con truct, alter, -improve; demolish, or repair any structure, prior -to its issuance also' I requires the applicant for such permrt.to file a.srgned statement that he is licensed pursuant -to PERMITi ;, AMOUNT,- -the rovisio l ` Tter 9 (commencing. with'Section 7000) of , p i of the ContractoYs License Lsw, Clr g ti Drvkron 3 of. he Business and Piofessions Code; or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis + Plan Clik. Dep:* forthea//egn !exemption. Myvioladon of Section,7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects ` Y the app' lican Fo a civil penally of not more.than Are hundred dollars ($5o0)• Plan Chk. Bdl:'' O I, as ovine of,the'pioperty,;or my employees with wages as:their sole compensation, will dd the work, air [the structureis notmtended-or offered forsale: (Sec: 7044; Business and Proles- Const. j sions Code:, (he Contractor's License Law does not apply ,to.anowner of property who builds • , , orimproves hheneon and who.does such workhimseff or through his own em toyees provlded Mech. x r that such im rovements are not intended or offered for sale. N, however, the building or,rm- provementa Isold.withm one year of complation,,the owner -builder will have the burden of EIBCtricaP .• proving that. le did not build or improve, for the.purpose of ❑ I, as owne' of the property em';excl6ively contracfing'with licensed contractors to• construct Plumbing .- the project fSec. 7044, Busfness,and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does. S'MI: t „ not appty_to tro owner of propertywho builds or improves, thereon; and who contracts'for:such r* ' projects w ►j Ia contractor(s) hcensed. pursuant to the:Contractoi s'License; Law.) > ' O I am exert `t underSec' B? & P.C. for this reason Grading; y - Driveway;Enc: ~Date ' ' Owner, ` Infrastructure, WORT rzR'S`COMP;ENSATION DECLARATION$ '• I hereb laffinri that l have a certificate:of consent to self insure; or a certificate of Worker Compensatun l urance, ora certified copythereof.•(Sec. 3800,11aboi Code.) Policy, No, , it L.: Company a - ,❑ Cop rs filed'with tf ai`city ❑ Certified copy is hereby furnished. CERTIFICATE=OE EXEM PTIOW FROM TOTAL d t WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE ' s (This sectio t need.not be completed d -the permit -Is for, one hundred, dollars ($100) valuation REMARKSI or less). .. C tY Ice that,in the, performance ofzthe,work for.vghich this permit ,is:issued; 6shall not.. `. emp1 any[esonr in any manner so as to become subject to Workers'. Compensation Laws ofl a + California. Date Ow le s> ' NOTICE;TG APPLICANT !f, after;making.this,Certificate'&i1E emption you should becomer subject to hhe,Workers' Compensation,Provislons'of:the Labor: Code, you must, forthwith n ,'complywi irsuch pruyislons or,this,permitshall be deemed revoked: _ v ZONE:; BY: • ., ;, :, r i Mlrnmum-Setback.Distances: r a. ,• •t ? t •CONSTRUCTION LENDING 1=rOnf Setback from.Ce s: i rhereb atfirm that tliere is a construction tending agency.for the performance of ttie.work - .- for -which ,if s permit is issued}(Sec. 3097,'Civil Code.) hear. Setback fiOrThFi LI t f: Lender's N e g r' . `Al .7 ..Lender,'s,Aldress4y. e - .. Side -Street Setb`a `nt er e f d rte _ r This is,ta building,penoit:when pioperty,filled out,'signed'and'validated, and Is subject to f< Side Setback ' y • • ^ expirration i work thereunder is suspended:for 180'days: ^I ,, r I `ceni J,that,l have "read this appilcation.and state; that the atiove Informatiorris:cortect FINAL DATE a(; I,agrea=to Fomply.with all,city;end-county;ordlrtances'andlstate laws^ relating,to,buildmg « constr6eticn,and hereby, representatives of;this city, to. enter, the:above•mentioned V ' . property:f dqi inspection purposes:. Issued by f ` D m er "SL'. Signature appllcant •"a' Y 1 Mai ing Validated by s e ' CIty, State. Z = t« A r' a Validation:--- i WHITE -:BUILDING+;DEPARTMENT YELLOW APPLICANT PINK =FINANCE .R : fi.-K.r i•., 5 4e - a 3 . ,3 rtr ' P, -- i • GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT NEXTEL COMMUNICATION FACILITY PGA WEST CA -8586 AT 54001 MADISON STREET LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FOR NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 310 COMMERCE IRVINE, CA 92602 PROJECT NO: NT -2742-0I SEPTEMBER 13, 2004 I GEOTECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. GEOTECHNICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL. ENGINEERING Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. =I Geotechnical, Structural & Environmental Engineering i 'September 13, 2004 Project No: NT -2742-01 V Nextel Communications 310 Commerce Irvine, CA 92618 Re: PGA West (CA -8586) 54001 Madison Street La Quinta, California J LA ie • IA • C: Gentlemen: Submitted herewith is the report of the Geotechnical Engineering study conducted by this. office at the proposed Nextel Wireless Cell site, which includes 60 -foot high monopalm; an equipment shelter and enclosure walls at the subject property. The project site is located inside existing Fire Station property located south of 54t' Street and west of Madison Street adjacent to the Fire Station facility in the City of La Quinta, California as. shown on the Vicinity Map (Plate A). Based on the investigation findings, it is concluded, that development of the project' is feasible from a geotechnical point of view and moderately deep cast -in-place caisson will be the suitable foundation system for the proposed 60400t high monopalm, the equipment shelter and enclosure walls can be supported on conventional continuous footings bearing on existing subgrade soil. The closest known active fault capable of producing a major earthquake is the San Andreas — Southern Fault, which is located about 6.8 miles away from the site. The site does not lie within or near an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone as designated by the California Geological Survey (CGS). The potential for direct surface fault rupture at the site is considered unlikely. Phone: (949) 453-0406 27 Mauchly, Suite 210,.Irvine, CA 92618 Fax: (949) 453-0409 Project No. NT-2742-01 PGA West (CA-8586) - The investigation was made in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and procedures and included such field and laboratory tests j considered necessary under the circumstances. In the opinion of the undersigned, the accompanying report has been substantiated by mathematical and other data and presents i fairly the design information requested by your organization. i j Respectfully submitted, Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. elkOFESS,p, K-) V Z,- e; 9 0 11 a j Project No. NT -2742-01 ff PGA West (CA -8586) TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Proposed Construction Site Description Faulting and Seismicity Exploration Soils Condition Laboratory Testing Moisture and Density Mechanical Analysis Direct Shear Expansion Consolidation Chemical Analysis Design Values Liquefaction Conclusions and Recommendations Equipment Shelter Support Drilled Pier Foundation Mat Foundation Lateral Passive Pressure Floor Slab for Equipment Shelter Seismic Factors Field Resistivity Corrosivity Grading Procedures Recommendations for Construction Limitations 4ppendix A 4ppendix B 4ppendix C .5 7 R R 9 10 . 10 10 11 11 12 12 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 .5 7 R R 9 10 . 10 10 11 11 12 12 1 2 3 0 • 6 • • 0 0 • I 0 j Project No. NT -2742-01 PGA West (CA -8586) Introduction i The primary objectives of this study were to explore subsurface conditions beneath the project site and evaluate the existing earth materials relative to foundation support and lateral pressure design factors. In general, the study objectives were met by a visual reconnaissance of the site and If vicinity, review of available tentative development plans, exploratory drilling, seismic, evaluations, and engineering analysis. The general scope and objectives of the study were established in collaboration with the client. Proposed Construction The project will consist of constructing of a 60 -foot high monopalm, equipment shelter and enclosure walls at the subject -leased site: The design vertical load of the pole will not exceed 60 kips, and horizontal shear force will vary in relation to the height of the pole and transient loads. Site Description The proposed Nextel PGA West cellular facility is to be located west of Madison Street and, south of 54`' Avenue, in the City of La Quinta, California (P1ate'B). Nextel intends to construct a 60 -foot high monopalm, an equipment shelter and enclosure CMU walls (see Plate B) at the subject property. Faulting and Seismicity No faults have been mapped projecting towards or through the site area: The site does not lie within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone as designated by the California Geological Survey. For these reasons the potential for direct surface fault rupture are considered unlikely. UBCSEIS version 1.03 a computer program show that San Andreas - Southern Fault to be closest to the site. The tabular data for UBCSEIS indicates that the San Andreas 2 ] r. a Project No. NT -2742-01 } PGA West (CA -8586) Southern Fault to be 6.8 miles (10.9 km) away from the site. The San Andreas - Southern ` Fault has been assigned a maximum earthquake magnitude of 7.4, is a Source Type A and has a slip rate of 24.0 mm per year. The site lies in,Seismic Zone 4 (1997 UBC). r • • • • 11 C Probabilistic risk analyses were performed using the computer program FRISKSP, 2000 Edition, by Blake. The fault database was provided from the California Geological Survey (CGS). FRISKSP models earthquake sources, as three dimensional planes and computes site specific probabilities of exceedance of given acceleration levels or pseudo - relative velocity levels for each earthquake source: The cumulative effects from all modeled earthquake sources are tabulated and graphically plotted. The program offers a choice of attenuation relationships by various persons to evaluate the attenuation of earthquake energy with source distance. For this study the attenuation relationship developed by Campbell & Bozorgnia (1997) was used for the alluvial soil type. The calculated peak ground acceleration using the attenuation relationship for a ten percent chance of exceedance in 50 -years or a return period of 475 -years was 0.56g. In addition to possible very high ground motions at the site from local large earthquakes, other secondary effects were considered which include: Liquefaction, induced flooding, subsidence and landsliding. Due to the geographic/topographic position, lack of near surface groundwater, the potential for any of the secondary effects mentioned above are not likely to occur. Exploration The field investigation consisted of subsurface exploration by means of one test boring to a depth of 31.5 feet; made with an eight -inch hollow stem drill rig. Approximate boring location is shown on Plate B. A continuous record of the soils encountered during exploratory drilling was made by the field engineer and is presented on Plate C, log of Test Hole. It should be noted that lines designating interfaces between soil strata on the boring log represent approximate boundaries since the actual transition between ,materials is 3 • • • • 0 • • 0 Project No. NT -2742-01 PGA West (CA -8586) !somewhat gradual. Limited undisturbed samples were secured at frequent depth intervals for laboratory examination and testing. Disturbed bulk samples representative of the surficial subgrade materials were also obtained. The relative sampler penetration resistance exhibited by the deposit's sample is tabulated + in the Blow per Foot column of the pertinent boring logs. Recorded blow counts for 12 inches of sampler penetration ranged between 16 to 48. This is generally indicative of medium to high shear resistance (140 pounds hammer at a 30 inch drop). Ground water was encountered at the depth of 30 feet below surface and caving occurred during this exploratory drilling operation. I Soils Condition Artificial fill was not encountered at the boring location during the exploratory drilling. The upper and underlying natural soils are generally sand to medium sand encountered. A more detailed soil profile is shown.on Plate C, Log of Test Hole. Laboratory Testing Laboratory testing was programmed following a review of field investigation data and after considering the various foundations, floor slabs, and grading elements to be evaluated. In general, this includes physical testing to establish . foundation -bearing characteristics, and classification tests. A. Moisture and Density In situ moisture content and density were determined for all the undisturbed core samples obtained during test boring drilling operations. Test results are tabulated on Plates C, Log of Test Hole. B. Mechanical Analysis The texture composition of a selected typical sample determined by the hydrometer test method was as follows: _ - r 4 >' 1] 11 • • s • 11 • • • Project No. NT -2742-01 PGA West (CA -8586) Boring Depth Percent Percent Percent' No. (Feet) Sand Silt Clay i 1 1-3 89 9 2 C. Direct Shear Direct shear tests were performed. on undisturbed natural samples of soil encountered within the full depth explored, and were considered most pertinent in the design of mat/ spread footings, and moderately deep pier. Tests were performed in the saturated d condition at the field density. Individual test results are shown on Plate D. D. Expansion Expansion characteristics were determined by the Expansion Index test of a typical bulk sample considered to be generally representative= of the near subgrade soils. Test results are as follows: Boring Moisture Dry Density Expansion Index NO. 1 10.5 108.3 0 According to the current Unified Building Code, Table 18-1-13, the upper soil layer is classified as very low expansive. E. Consolidation Consolidation (load deformation) tests were performed on undisturbed samples at selected depths. Plotted test results are presented on Plates E through G. F. Chemical Analysis Chemical sulfate analysis was performed on a, representative sample by the CAL 417-A method. A soluble sulfate of 120 parts per million was indicated, therefore, type II Portland cement should be used for the foundation elements in contact with the underlying soil. 5 0 A • • • • C El • • 0 Representative values were selected from the test data and other sources for design and is tabulated below: Field Density 110 pcf Expansion Index 0 I Angle of Internal Friction 28-30 deg Cohesion 100-200 psf Subgrade Reaction (K) 100 pci Liquefaction Earthquake -induced vibrations can be the cause of several significant phenomena, including liquefaction in fine silt and sands. Liquefaction results in a complete loss of strength and can cause structures to settle or even overturn, if it occurs in the bearing zone. If liquefaction occurs beneath sloping ground, a phenomenon known as Lateral Spreading can occur. Liquefaction is typically limited to the upper fifty (50) feet of the subsurface of the soils. Four items are generally considered to have the most significance in liquefaction: 1. Poorly graded fine and silty sands are the types of soils most susceptible to liquefaction. Soils that contain a wide range of soil particle sizes and coarse soils that drain freely are not generally susceptible to liquefaction. 2. The water table perched or otherwise, usually must be within the upper fifty (50) feet of soils, for liquefaction to occur. Soils above the water table do not liquefy. 3. Liquefaction has been shown to be unlikely where the relative density of the soils is greater than 75%. A soil that has relative density of less than 75% may liquefy 6 • • • • • • • • • i Project No. NT -2742-01 PGA West (CA -8586) jdepending on a number of factors. The two most important of which are the strength and duration of the seismic shaking and the percentage of the soil particles that are silt and clay sized. 4. If the clay content (determined by the percent finer than 0.005 mm) is greater than (15%) percent, the, soil is usually .considered non -liquefiable, unless it is extremely sensitive. The site will be susceptible to liquefaction, if all four items discussed above meet the criteria. An examination of the existing conditions at the site, in relation to the criteria listed above, indicates the following: 1. Determination of soil gradation shows that the underlying soil particle sizes are very fine -to -fine. 2. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 30 feet below existing ground. 3. Penetration test using California Sampler indicates that the soil within the depth range study is in low to medium state, with a relative density of over 70 percent. 4. The soil generally contains less than 15% of clay constituent. Based upon evaluation of above criteria and our preliminary screening, it is our opinion that the potential for liquefaction exist from low to moderate, however earthquake induced liquefaction potential should not be considered a constraint for this development which will not be used as a human occupancy structure. Conclusions and Recommendations It is concluded that the site will be suitable for the proposed construction described in this report, provided that the design and construction are properly executed. Our recommendations are based on site conditions encountered during the exploration, laboratory tests, and experience with similar sites, and are in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. 7 li • • • • • • • • • • • Projeu No. NT -2742-01 PGA West (CA -8586) It is recommended that the project design team should thoroughly consider/incorporate all related sections of the Uniform Building Code and other approved standards, where appropriate. Followings are more specific recommendations for design and construction. Equipment Shelter Support Proposed equipment shelter may be supported by a minimum of 18 -inch deep and 12 inches wide continuous footings bearing into the approved compacted subgrade soil. An 18 -inch deep continuous footing resting on approved subgrade soil may be designed for an allowable bearing value of 1,500 pounds per square foot. Estimated total settlement will be less than one-half of an inch and differential settlement will be negligible. Recommended bearing values are for dead plus live loads and may be increased one-third for combined dead, live, and seismic forces. All continuous footings shall be incorporated with 2#4 bars at the top and 2#4 bars at the bottom. It is recommended to over excavate and re -:compact the equipments pad area to a depth of 18 inches below bottom of the footing and re -compact. Drilled Pier Foundation It is understood that a monopalm of 60 -foot in height will be constructed at the site. Cast - in -place reinforced concrete pier may support the proposed monopalm. The lateral forces will be the controlling element in this case depending on the height of the monopalm and wind load. Therefore, it is recommended that the minimum pier diameter should be 48 inches and should be extended to a minimum depth of 12 feet into firm subgrade soil. Caisson may be designed for an allowable end bearing of 3,000 pounds per square foot or for an average frictional resistance of 150 ,pounds per square foot. Either skin resistance or end bearing will provide adequate foundation support for the monopalm. 8 L • • • • • • • • • 0 i Project No. NT -2742-01 PGA West (CA -8586) It is recommended that concrete be placed immediately after drilling. The concrete for the pier should be placed through tremmie or other directional devices. Pier drilling operations should be subject to observation by this office to confirm the conditions encountered are consistent with the conclusions and recommendations of this report and/or to make any appropriate modifications, if necessary. During caisson drilling of the pier, caving may occur at any depth, therefore, proper drilling equipment and necessary measures should be considered to prevent the drilled shaft from caving (i.e. casing or watering). Cell Block Foundation As an alternative a Pre -cast Cell Blocks can be utilized in lieu of a deep pier foundation, for support of the monopalm. .Either exposed or buried cell block foundation may be designed for an allowable bearing value of 1,500 pounds per square foot with minimum depth of 1.5 feet below grade, bearing on approved subgrade soil. If cell block foundations are used, manufacturer's recommendations should be followed and plans to be reviewed by us. Lateral Passive Pressure Horizontal forces may be resisted_ by the combined effect of friction resistance of 0.4 times the dead load and a passive pressure of 300 pounds per square foot, per foot of depth. The weight of the pier may be neglected. If combining friction and passive resistance, the friction component shall be reduced by 1/3. The allowable bearing capacity and the allowable resistance of horizontal forces may be increased 1/3 for earthquakes and other transient forces. U 11 • • • • • • • F -M 0 Project No. NT -2742-01 ` "Y PGA West (CA -8586) . Floor Slab for Equipment Shelter f , Based on test results, the underlying surface soils are very low -expansive; therefore, special measures will not be required for expansion potential. The subgrade for slab on grade should be kept moist (optimum moisture) at top 18 inches and be incorporated with reinforcement of # 3 bars 12 inches center to center each way. The slab thickness should be 4 inches minimum and shall be placed over approved subgrade. Seismic Factors a. Soil Profile Type Type SD b. Seismic Zone 4 c. Seismic zone Factor 0.4 d. Fault Distance 6.8 miles (10.9 km) d. Seismic Source Type Type A e. Seismic Coefficient Ca 0.44 Na, CV' =0.64 N„ f. Near Source Factor Na= 1.0 N„ = 1.2 g. Earthquake Magnitude 7.4 h. Maximum Slip Rate 24.0 mm / year. i. Maximum Site Acceleration 0.56g Field Resistivity Resistivity tests were performed at the field using NILSSON Model 400 Soil Resistance Meter by driving 4 test rods 12 inches deep into the ground in a straight line with a 10 • • • • • • • L Projdct No. NT -2742-01 PGA West (CA -8586) uniform distance of 5 and 10 feet in the same line. Test results and the field engineer's report are enclosed in Appendix C. I Corrosivity A major factor in determining soil corrosivity is 'electrical Resistivity. The electrical resistivity ' of a soil is a measure of its resistance to .the flow of electrical current. Corrosion of buried metal is an electrochemical process in which the amount of metal loss due to corrosion is directly proportional to the flow of electrical current (DC) from the metal into the soil. Corrosion currents, following Ohm's Law, are inversely proportional to soil resistivity. Lower electrical resistivities result from higher moisture and chemical contents and indicate corrosive soil. Other soil characteristics that can influence corrosivity toward metals are pH, chemical content, soil types and site drainage. f Based on the test results the soils are classified as severely corrosive to ferrous metals and low corrosive to Portland cement concrete. Therefore, it is recommended to use Type II Portland cement for all concrete elements in contact with soil. Ferrous metals and pipes shall be properly coated and wrapped. Grading Procedures In view of dry soil profile of the underlying material, 'followings are our general recommendations related to the grading: a. After the site clearing, the equipment shelter area should be excavated, moisture conditioned and compacted at top 18 inches of subgrade. b. On-site material is acceptable "for backfill if moisture conditioned. If required, import fill should consist of clean, granular, non -expansive soils free from vegetation, debris or rocks larger than three inches in size. The Expansion Index value should not exceed a maximum of 20. 0 • • • C • • L C C7 Project No. NT -2742-01 F PGA West (CA -8586) f j C. All recompacted native and import soil should be spread, watered or aerated, mixed and compacted by mechanical means of approximately six-inch thick lifts. d. The minimum degree of compaction obtained should be at least 95 percent of the ASTM D-1557-00 Laboratory test standard. e. Backfill placed in narrow, restricted areas such as along utility trenches, may be placed in 12 to 18 inch thick lifts, provided; the minimum required degree of compaction is obtained. f. Observation and testing of all compaction should be under the direction of the Geotechnical Engineer. The Engineer should be notified at least two days in advance of the start of the grading. Recommendations for Construction . .Caisson Drilling. Drilling operation of the pier and footing excavations should be observed by a representative of Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. Site Drainage: The site should be sloped to direct water away from all structures. All roof and pad drainage shall be conducted to appropriate drainage systems via non-erosive devices. All drainage systems should be maintained in good working condition. Limitations This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner or his representative to see that the information and recommendations contained herein are called to the attention of the other members of the design team for the project and that the applicable information is incorporated into the plans, and that the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractors and the subcontractors carry out such recommendations. The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the conditions of a property can occur with the passage of -time; . whether due to natural processes or due to the works of man, on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes 4 12 . s' x Project No. NT -2742-01 PGA West (CA -8586) in applicable or appropriate standards may occur, ..whether, they result from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated, wholly or in part, by changes outside of our control. The validity of the recommendations of this report assumes that Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. will be retained to provide these services. Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. 13 ..:y . d t C '„ • , ' '"".,B , , nom+. " 2 f. i r+ r . f .y VICINITY MAP j"I` I! Bc p E E530 . 2 r -- - ! VB4UE 54 '. -SITE - 3 &ESE#cH MOUNTA24 VF v' ¢mxr+ AIRPORT ; t • L Y O r u s IM+ ,©1 996 Thomas Bros Mas f ?' µ••.. T PGA West'(CA-8586) Project'No.' NT-2742-01 Plate:: A r• 54001 _Madison Avenue, La Quinta, California j # 1' `; ' Geotechnical Solutions;" Inc. , +•F ir4 i.?. , ,+ . " h , y i ` rte' 0 • • 0 7 • • • 0 (. ' .. B•1Cf [i QNB Ar TREES 1 ' f EQINNNIT f I PAw Hiss (m.) GTE (f l, BWIIND 11 TREES M) 1.,111 eIn ID fl ED[E w w1alE1E . # 411® W LU M0 PAW TREE MOE OF PARxTW QBE j V/ • _ PosTwl OF DEDDET[ CODADPIAI6 PR[POSED (TTPJ s.ax W)LE.— O"Es ALL BAQI OE QIPB 41.1' PAW TREE / Y 6V Qql kA11 PNBNID`,/ // BAOt d QNB TL191 Q1QOAl1E " 1./ .. TRANWORUET IIBSBP 167 PAW TEE . 42f PAW TEES (TTP.) Dv f . M.1• PAW TREE BAIX W QIRB BAQE K QNB GTE 1R.v141NLFB F.M Approx. Scale 1" = 50' PGA West (CA -8586) Project No. NT -2742-01 54001 Madison Avenue, La Quinta, California Plate: B Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. r Fill p Log of Test Hole No. 1 Drilling Equipment: Power Hand Auger Drilling Date: 9/7/2004 Driving Weight: 64 lbs. @ 30" Drop • D€': thft escription Grass , Sand, slightly silty 2 - fine to medium, clean 16 96 10 Light hard gray • 5 — fine to medium 20 .102 6 gray brown - clean , pebbles 10 — Same 22 101 5 15 — Same 38 3 • 20 slightly silty 48 _ 10 , 25 — Same GWL @ 28 feet 24 22 30 — silk' 25 16 - tnd o ormg a - . - Groundwater @ 28' - Possible Caving 35 — Legend: • S ®Calif.Mod Core Sample N B Bulk Sample C Color Number of Blows D #4 % Passing Sieve No. 4 F Firmness Dry Density W Field Moisture Content #200 %Passing Sieve No. 200 • SPT Sampling & Blow counts. PGA West (CA-8586) Project No. NT-2742-01 54001 Madison Avenue Lauinta California ornia Plate: C Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. r 0 0 0 7 L 5 4 1 0 0 1 2 3_ 4 5 NORMAL LOAD (K,SF) DEPTH COHESION FRICTION IIBOL LOCATION (FT) TEST CONDITION (PSF) (DEG) A Boring 1 2 Saturated - Drained Peak 100 28 B Boring:1 10 Saturated - Drained Peak 200 30 PGA West (CA -8586) Project No. NT -2742-01 54001 Madison Avenue, La Quinta, California Plate: D Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. B A 00 0 1 2 3_ 4 5 NORMAL LOAD (K,SF) DEPTH COHESION FRICTION IIBOL LOCATION (FT) TEST CONDITION (PSF) (DEG) A Boring 1 2 Saturated - Drained Peak 100 28 B Boring:1 10 Saturated - Drained Peak 200 30 PGA West (CA -8586) Project No. NT -2742-01 54001 Madison Avenue, La Quinta, California Plate: D Geotechnical Solutions, Inc. • Project No. NT -2742-01 PGA West (CA -8586) • L • APPENDIX B - Seismic Data - UBCSEIS - FRISKSP • 2 • • • 0 Lm 0 :m m :m :m 0 0 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 i F 300 i i 200 i 100 I " 0 -100 -4uu -suu -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 CALIFORNIA FAULT MAP PGA West (CA -858.6); NT -2742-01; a f l i *********************** * * * U B C S E I S * Version 1.03 * * COMPUTATION OF 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS II JOB NUMBER: NT -2742-01 DATE: 09-07-2004 JOB NAME: PGA We S t (CA -8586) I FAULT -DATA -FILE NAME: CDMGUBCR.DAT • SITE COORDINATES: SITE LATITUDE: 33.6556 SITE LONGITUDE: 116.2517 i UBC SEISMIC ZONE: 0.4 UBC SOIL PROFILE TYPE: SD NEAREST TYPE A FAULT: NAME: SAN ANDREAS Southern DISTANCE: 10:9 km (NEAREST TYPE B FAULT: NAME: SAN JACINTO-COYOTE CREEK DISTANCE: 32.4 km II SELECTED UBC SEISMIC COEFFICIENTS: IL Na: 1.0 Nv: 1.2 j Ca: 0.94 Cv: 0.74 i Ts: 0.669 f To; 0.139 f * CAUTION: The digitized data points used to model faults are I * limited in number and have been digitized from small- * scale maps (e.g., 1:750,000 scale). Consequently, j* the estimated fault -site -distances may be in error by * several kilometers. Therefore, it is important that * the distances be carefully checked for accuracy and * adjusted as needed, before they are used in design. --------------------------- SUMMARY OF FAULT PARAMETERS --------------------------- JPGA West, Page 2 I APPROX.ISOURCE I MAX. I SLIP '1 FAULT ABBREVIATED IDISTANCEI TYPE I MAG. I RATE I TYPE FAULT NAME -----I (km) I(A,B,C)I,(Mw) 1 (mm/yr) I(SS,DS,BT) SAN ANDREAS - Southern 1 10.9 1 A 1 7.4 1 24.00 1 SS SAN JACINTO-ANZA 1 30.8 1 A I 7.2 1 12.00 1 SS SAN JACINTO-COYOTE CREEK 1 32.4 I B. 1 6.8 1 4.00 1 SS BURNT MTN. 1 34.2 I B 1 6.5 1 0.60 1 SS EUREKA PEAK 1 35.5 1 B .1 6.5 1 0.60 1 SS SAN JACINTO - BORREGO 1 50.9 1 B 1 6.61 4.00 1 SS PINTO MOUNTAIN 1 54.8 1 B. 1 7.0 1 2.50 1 SS EMERSON So. - COPPER MTN. 1 56.1 1 B 1 6.9 1 0.60 1 SS PISGAH-BULLION MTN.-MESQUITE LK 1 58.2 1 B 1 7.1 1 0.60 I SS LANDERS 1 58.5 1 B 1 7.3 1 0.60 1 SS EARTHQUAKE VALLEY 1 60.9 1 B.1 1 6.5 1 2.00 1 SS BRAWLEY SEISMIC ZONE 1 61.0 1 B 1 6.5 1 25.00 I SS SAN JACINTO-SAN JACINTO VALLEY I. 62.3 1 B 1 6.9 I 12.00 I SS ELSINORE-JULIAN 1 67.3 I A 1 7.1 I 5.00 I SS NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (East) 1 68.7 I B 1 6.7 1 0.50 I DS ELMORE RANCH d 72.6 1 B 1 6.6 1 1.00 I SS JOHNSON VALLEY (Northern) 1 75.8 1 B 1 6.7 1 0.60 I SS ELSINORE-TEMECULA 1 77.0 1- B I 6.8 1 5.00 I SS ELSINORE-COYOTE MOUNTAIN 1 77.5 1 B 1 .6.8 1 4.00 I SS CALICO - HIDALGO 1 78.1 1 B 1 7.1 1 0.60 I SS SUPERSTITION MTN. (San Jacinto) 1 79.7 1 B 1 6.6 1 5.00 I SS SUPERSTITION HILLS (San Jacinto) 1 81.1 1 B 1 6.6 1 4.00 1 SS LENWOOD-LOCKHART-OLD WOMAN SPRGS 1 85.3 1 B 1 7.3 1 0.60 1 SS NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (West) 1 88.1 1 B 17.0 1 1.00 1 DS HELENDALE - S. LOCKHARDT 1 98.0 1 B I 7.1 1 0.60 1 SS SAN JACINTO-SAN BERNARDINO 1 99.7 1 B 1 6.7 1 12.00 1 SS ELSINORE-GLEN IVY 1 101.5 1 B 1 6.8 1 5.00 1 SS IMPERIAL 1 103.5 I A, 1 7.0 1 20.00 1 SS ELSINORE-LAGUNA SALADA 1 109.0 I B 1 7.0 1 3.50 I SS CLEGHORN 1 112.4 I B 1 6.5 1 3.00 I SS ROSE CANYON 1 121.9 I B I 6.9 1 1.50 I SS NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (Offshore) 1 122.3 1 B 1 6.9 1 1.50 I SS CHINO -CENTRAL AVE. (Elsinore) 1 123.3 1 B 1 6.7 1 1.00 I DS CUCAMONGA 1 124.2 1 A 1 7.0 1 5.00 1 DS ELSINORE-WHITTIER 1 130.1 1 B 1 6.8 1 2.50 1 SS SAN ANDREAS - 1857 Rupture 1 138.9 1 A 1 7.8 1 34.00 1 SS SAN JOSE 1 142.6 1 B 1 6.5 1 0.50 1 DS CORONADO BANK 1 145.8 1 B 1 7.4 1 3.00 1 SS SIERRA MADRE (Central) 1 147.2 1 B 1 7.0 1 3.00 1 DS GRAVEL HILLS - HARPER LAKE 1 148.7 1 B 1 6.9 1 0.60 1 SS NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (L.A.Basin) 1 154.•7 1 B 1 6.9 1 1.00 1 SS CLAMSHELL-SAWPIT 1 161.2 1 B 1 6.5 1 0.50 1 DS PALOS VERDES 1 161.4 1 B 1 7.1 1 3.00 I SS BLACKWATER 1 167.9 1 B 1 6.9 1 0.60' 1 SS RAYMOND 1 172.0 1 B 1 6.5 1 0.50 1 DS VERDUGO 1 181.1 I B 1 6.7 1 0.50 I DS • J Ll Ll • • 0 --------------------------- SUMMARY OF FAULT PARAMETERS --------------------------- PGA West, Page 3 I APPROX.ISOURCE I MAX. I SLIP I FAULT ABBREVIATED IDISTANCEI TYPE I MAG. I RATE I TYPE fl FAULT NAME I (km) I(A,B,C)1 (Mw) I (mm/yr) I(SS,DS,BT) HOLLYWOOD 1 190.2 1 B 1 6.5 1 1.00 1 DS SIERRA MADRE (San Fernando) 1 201.3 I B - 1 6.7 1 2.00 1 DS SAN GABRIEL 1 201.7 1 B 1 7.0 1 1.00 1 SS SANTA MONICA 1 205.2 1 B 1 6.6 .I 1.00 1 DS MALIBU COAST 1 215.2 1 B 1 6.7 1 0.30 1 DS DEATH VALLEY (South) GARLOCK I 215.8 I. B 1 6.9 1 4.00 I SS (East) 1 216.2 I A 1 7.3 1 7.00 I SS SANTA SUSANA 1 220.5 1 B 1 6.6 1 5.00 I DS OWL LAKE 1 224.5 1 B 1 6.5 2.00 I SS PANAMINT VALLEY 1 225.5 1 B 1 .1 7.2 1 2.50 1 SS HOLSER 1 228.8 I B 1 6.5 1 0.40 1 DS ANACAPA-DUME 1 229.0 I B 1 7.3 1 3.00 I DS TANK CANYON 1 239.5 I B 1 6.5 1 1.00 I DS OAK RIDGE (Onshore) 1 242.1 I B 1 6.9 1 4.00 1. DS GARLOCK (West) 1 242.4 I A 1 7.1 1 6.00 I SS SIMI-SANTA ROSA 1 246.0 1 B 1 6.7 1 1.00 1 DS " SAN CAYETANO 1 248.0 1 B 1 6.8 1 6.00 I DS LITTLE LAKE 1 253.1 1 B 1 6.7 1 0.70 1 SS So. SIERRA NEVADA 1 260.3.1 B 1 7.1 1 0.10 I DS "SANTA YNEZ (East) 1 265.4 1 B 1 7.0 1 2.00 I SS !DEATH VALLEY (Graben) 1 271.4 1 B 1. 6.9 1 4.00 1 DS PLEITO THRUST 1 275.4 1 B 1 6.8 1 2.00 I DS WHITE WOLF 1 276.2 1 B 1 7.2 1 2.00 I DS VENTURA - PITAS POINT 1 278.2 I B 1 6.8 1 1.00 I DS M.RIDGE-ARROYO PARIDA-SANTA ANA 1 284.5 1 B I 6.7 1 0.40 I DS BIG PINE 1 286.0 1 B I 6.7 1 0.80 1 SS RED MOUNTAIN 1 292.3 1 B 1 6.8 I 2.00 I DS SANTA CRUZ ISLAND 1 304.4 1 B 1 6.8 1 1.00 I DS OWENS VALLEY 1 324.3 1 B 1 7.6 1 1.50 I SS SANTA YNEZ (West) I 326.3 1 B 1 6.9 1 2.00 I SS DEATH VALLEY (Northern) 1 326.7 1 A 1 7.2 1 5.00 1 SS HUNTER MTN. - SALINE VALLEY 1 332.5 1 B 1 7.0 1 2.50 I SS SANTA ROSA ISLAND 1 340.7 I B I 6.9 1 1.00 I DS INDEPENDENCE 1 359.4 1 B 1 6.9 1 0.20 I DS LOS ALAMOS -W. BASELINE 1 369.2 1 'B 1 6.8 1 0.70 I DS SAN JUAN 1 381.3 1 B 1 7.0 1 1.00 I SS LIONS HEAD 1 386.5 I B 1 6.6 1 0.02 1 DS SAN LUIS RANGE (S. Margin) 1 390.6 1 B 1 7.0 1 0.20 I DS CASMALIA (Orcutt Frontal Fault) 1 402.6 1 B 1 6.5 1 0.25 1 DS BIRCH CREEK 1 415.4 1 B 1 6.5 1 0.70 I DS WHITE MOUNTAINS 1 416.8 1 B I 7.1 1 1.00 I SS LOS OSOS 1 420.0 1 B 1 6.8 1 0.50 I DS DEATH VALLEY (N. of Cucamongo) 1 427.3 1 A 1 7.0 1 5.00 I SS DEEP SPRINGS 1 431.3 1" B 1 6.6 1 0.80 I DS HOSGRI 1 432.4 1 B 1 7.3 1 2.50 I SS RINCONADA 1 434.8 1 B 1 7.3 1 1.00 I SS 0 E 0 F, F, 0 Ll Li 0 0 0 --------------------------- SUMMARY OF FAULT PARAMETERS --------------------------- PGA West, Page 4 I APPROX.ISOURCE I MAX. I SLIP I FAULT ABBREVIATED IDISTANCEI TYPE I MAG. I RATE I TYPE FAULT NAME I (km) I(A,B,C)I (Mw) I (mm/yr) I(SS,DS,BT) ROUND VALLEY (E. of S.N.Mtns.) 1 454.8 1 B 1 6.8 1 1.00 1 DS FISH SLOUGH 1 457.3 1 B. 1 6.6 1 0.20 1 DS SAN ANDREAS (Creeping) 1 476.6 1 B 1 5.0 1 34.00 1 SS HILTON CREEK 1 481.3 1 B '1 6.7 1 2.50 1 DS HARTLEY SPRINGS 1 507.8 I B 1 6.6 1 0.50 I DS MONO LAKE 1 544.1 1 B 1 6.6 I 2.50 1 DS " ORTIGALITA 1 552.0 I B 1 6.9 1 1.00 I SS CALAVERAS (So -of Calaveras Res) 1 563.0 1 B 1 6.2 1 15.00 I SS MONTEREY BAY - TULARCITOS 1 573.8 1 B 1 7.1 1 0.50 1 DS QUIEN SABE 1 574.5 1 - B 1 6.5 1 1.00 I SS ROBINSON CREEK 1 575.8 1 B 1 6.5 1 0.50 1 DS PALO COLORADO - SUR 1 580.1 1 B 1 7.0 1 3.00 1 SS ZAYANTE-VERGELES 1 595.3 1 B 1 6.8 1 0.10 I SS SARGENT 1 599.3 1 B 1 6.8 1 3.00 1 SS SAN ANDREAS (1906) 1 600.5 1 A 1 7.9 1 24.00 I SS ANTELOPE VALLEY 1 616.2 1 B 1 6.7 1 0.80 I DS GREENVILLE 1 641.6 I B 1 6.9 1 2.00 I SS GENOA 1 644.8 1 B' 1 6.9 I 1.00 I DS HAYWARD (SE Extension) 1 646.4 I B 1 6.5 1 3.00 1 SS GREGORIO 1 648.0 I A I 7.3 1 5.00 1 SS MONTE VISTA - SHANNON 1 649.1 1 B 1 6.5 1 0.40, I DS ,SAN HAYWARD (Total Length) 1 664.8 1 A 1 7.1 1 9.00 1 SS CALAVERAS (No.of Calaveras Res) 1 664.8 1 B 1 6.8 1 6.00 I SS - GREEN VALLEY 1 708.6 1, B 1 6.9 1 6.00 I SS ,CONCORD WEST NAPA 1 747.7 1 B 1 6.5 1 1.00 I SS iRODGERS CREEK 1 748.6 I A 1 7.0 1 9.00 1 SS iHUNTING CREEK - BERRYESSA 1 766.5 1 B 1 6.9 1 6.00 I SS POINT REYES 1 773.6 I B 1 6.8 1 0.30 1 DS MAACAMA (South) 1 809.2 I B 1 6.9 1 9.00 1 SS COLLAYOMI 1 823.8 I B 1 6.5 1 0.60 I SS IBARTLETT SPRINGS 1 824.2 I A 1 7.1 1 6.00 1 SS MAACAMA (Central) MAACAMA 1 850.6 I A 1 7.1 1 9.00 I SS (North) 1 907.9 1 A 1 7.1 1 9.00 1 SS ROUND VALLEY (N. S.F.Bay) I 910.0 I B I 6.8 1 6.00 1 SS .BATTLE CREEK 1 915.6 1 B 1 6.5 1 0.50 1 DS LAKE MOUNTAIN 1 968.1 1 B 1 6.7 1 6.00 1 SS GARBERVILLE-BRICELAND 1 987.2 1 B 1 6.9.1 9.00 1 SS MENDOCINO FAULT ZONE 1 1046.0 1 A 1 7.4 1 35.00 1 DS MAD RIVER 1 1047.7 1 B 1 7.1 1 0.70 I DS LITTLE SALMON (Onshore) 1 1047.8 1 A 1 7.0 1 5.00 1 DS McKINLEYVILLE 1 1058.8 1 B 1 7.0 1 0.60 I DS TRINIDAD 1 1059.6 1 B 1 7.3 1 2.50 I DS FICKLE HILL 1 1060.5 I B 1 6.9 1 0.60 I DS CASCADIA SUBDUCTION ZONE 1 1061.7 I A 1 8.3 1 35.00 1 DS TABLE BLUFF .1 1068.9 I B 1 7.0 1 0.60 1 DS LITTLE SALMON (Offshore) 1 1081.8 I B 1 7.1 1 1.00 1 DS BIG LAGOON - BALD MTN.FLT.ZONE 1 1095.3 I B 1 7.3 1 0.50 1 DS • RETURN PERIOD 0 vs. ACCELERATION l.A1V1Y. l5L tSlyy/ KeV.) ALL; N'T-2742=01; PGA West; 100000 0 • • • • Lm AN • 0 0 PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE CAMP. & BOZ. (1997 Rev.-) AL 1; NT -2742-01; PGA West; 25 yrs 50 yrs 100 J i uv rs o . r 90 80 70 m 60 0 50 40-- m 30 a a U 20 X W 10 0 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 Acceleration (q) • :l r, r, 0 Site Name: PGA West (CA -8586)) Site Address: 54001 Madison Street, La Quinta, California. Report Prepared by: Geotechnical Solutions, Inc Give two or three sentences description of the soil as seen at the site: Sand clean, dry very fine to fine to medium Soil Condition: ❑ WetDam Y . ❑ p ®Dry Choose one and only one of the following descriptions that best describe the earth conditions: ❑ Good clay earth ®Sandy soil El Solid rock ❑ High -Rise site If high-rise site was checked, verify the location of the main water line entering the building and give the following information: ❑ The line was located and verified as copper and is inches in circumference. ❑ The line was located and verified as iron and is inches in circumference. ❑ I was unable to locate the water main and recommend further engineering study for the grounding of this site. Provide the following information: Date of Resistivity test: 9-7-04 Weather for the seven days preceding the test: Sunny and moderately warm (The last.three days must have been clear and sunny.) Model number of test instrument: NILSON MODEL 400 Serial number of test instrument: 4-7368 f 1 • .,. it ,,. 'w, y. r - y. r':. 5 Lei. ' ' fD t , - rte.- . Project No. NT -2742-01 • ` , + •;. _ , - , ,s t rP ,z , ' -0x , _ ' w PGA West (CA -8586) • A' y r Project Name: PGA West (CA78586) Date: 9-7-04 Project No: NT -2742-01 • RESISTIVITY DATA , - • ., . Jam„ " ,y ' • [ t' Zt • A (ft) ; 5 •, F t 10 1 20 = n t 7 , 30 v T 40e _, - ;ot- >fx t' F: ..r'- !r Stu i - s 7.. •jT• ,fir`' . Formula. .. . y ;(Ohm cm ' 957.5*R 1915*R": 3830*R 5745*R 7660*R _ - M Measured R Area A 1 1,244 1.532 r alci Ohm -cm Ohm -cm' 3M'easured R - • : aArea 2 IMF • ry '•1 'tj'st CalcM, : , }2cC1 T ti,.. .. <. .. 2. ' . L fir.• .r r .t r' Ca, lec • _ 7 Ft y ' ' , - • ., . Jam„ " ,y ' J' Date of Calibration: 3/2004 = Field Engineer: Sal r . .. 2. ' . L fir.• .r r .t r' I (3) LEW eECEPmR ONACKM COM PLAsy lIr "Or ow t k1l } 1 47 Tw I A.,MrYLA rtfi% Au 'a -%.* 41) , ,T w cs) --- l------- -- w N) 2 5/8' 01A. "OLES ON A 35i DIA. B.C. 1# ow Im 1/2" X 4 1/2i ) REO. 3f 1TR 2' ► i 11 stt all Z41 4 14 1 . 14 1. p UI ► 4- - ANICHM GMT$ 2 1/4"# x 7`-0' 8J A615 GR. 75) ON A 354 B.C. PLMVECw' (4) – ANCHOR 80L.TS 2 1/4i# X 7`-4'(#I W A,615 Ot 75) IM/(5) CAIN: HKN. & (2) GALL. FW. EACH AT TOP — TEMPLATE J r 1 (20) 07 VER7ICAL - - -4 REHAB L - - J L --j L J IIIIIII IIII II IIIIII . I i I A.,MrYLA rtfi% Au 'a -%.* 41) , ,T w cs) --- l------- -- w N) 2 5/8' 01A. "OLES ON A 35i DIA. B.C. 1# ow Im 1/2" X 4 1/2i ) REO. 3f 1TR 2' ► i 11 stt all Z41 4 14 1 . 14 1. p UI ► 4- - ANICHM GMT$ 2 1/4"# x 7`-0' 8J A615 GR. 75) ON A 354 B.C. PLMVECw' (4) – ANCHOR 80L.TS 2 1/4i# X 7`-4'(#I W A,615 Ot 75) IM/(5) CAIN: HKN. & (2) GALL. FW. EACH AT TOP — TEMPLATE J r 1 (20) 07 VER7ICAL - - -4 REHAB ;, 4 a k Ilt III 1 1 NOTE; FOR ANTENNA LOADING D SIGN CRITERIA SEE STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 05-10247–E, ft cameam volom AO Ail N iiC1l 011IR :8 t 1/2 DIS Ki Lm .LL:I (TOTAL RWAR 1IT.I 8.37 LBS. J PIER TIES TO HAVE If OVERLAP OR Jr 6 HOOD AS SHOWN U U VERTICAN` DEBAR PIED TIE HOOK DE U& GREM& KQM: 1. ALL ANCFIL'1R @OLTS ! AND VERTICAL REIWWING BARS ANTE TO BE SECURELY TIED BEFORE ATE IS PLACED 90 THEY TALL REMAIN PARALLEL. TO THE CENTFRIM OF THE PIER. 2. 1HE GROUND ELEVATION SHALL BE A MA91>wNN OF 1`-0i MOW 7HE TOP OF THE PER. * ALL EXPOSED CONCRETE CORNERS ARE TO 6E CHAMFERED 3/4 INCH. 4. ALL RE)WORCIMG STEM SHALL. CONFORM M AS7MN A615 GRADE 60 DEFMIED BARS. 5. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE: A WMN 25 DAY OOMPFtMVE STRENGTH OF 4,004 PSI IN AODDRDANCE VAIN ACI 318-02 0. REINI AORCOG STEEL ! TO HAVE A 3" M NRr1Uk1 i 04METE COVER. 7. F011NI4ATION DESA 15 BASEtt ON THE {GEOTECHNICAL REPORT BY tE007MINICAL Sd.U7101M INC., PROW "0. NT -2742-41, I A70 SEPTEMM 13, 2004. B. A,NCHOIt OmTS 2 t1C x 7'—D' p$J Am GK 75 ON A 35'0 BOLT CIRCLE (4 REOV). 9, CONICRIM REQUIRED! 10.01 CUBIC YARM 10. SEE THE GEOTECH NODAL REPORT FOR MAO PER INSTALLA701 WAILIEMEN M IF SP'ECiF1ED. 11. USE TYPE I PORTLAND CEMENT 97H A MA)2" WATER—CEMENT RATIO OF 0.5 FOR ALL CONCRETE 01 CONTACT WTH SOIL s 03 FT. MONOPOLE To Rw NEIL Sabre Corm mrkations i a bv& sax* ,IOp h10. Q5-14247 w' m Cgds 0. 554 and . a sole D 05- -10247—P 1rlYale or in park for ai>yr plxpase wwtfi Wt prior wRtin caneant mm" JAW act Sabra Gpmmuriioa #ians Corpwuum. _ OS -142#7–E Kane my 0 L - - J L --j L J ;, 4 a k Ilt III 1 1 NOTE; FOR ANTENNA LOADING D SIGN CRITERIA SEE STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 05-10247–E, ft cameam volom AO Ail N iiC1l 011IR :8 t 1/2 DIS Ki Lm .LL:I (TOTAL RWAR 1IT.I 8.37 LBS. J PIER TIES TO HAVE If OVERLAP OR Jr 6 HOOD AS SHOWN U U VERTICAN` DEBAR PIED TIE HOOK DE U& GREM& KQM: 1. ALL ANCFIL'1R @OLTS ! AND VERTICAL REIWWING BARS ANTE TO BE SECURELY TIED BEFORE ATE IS PLACED 90 THEY TALL REMAIN PARALLEL. TO THE CENTFRIM OF THE PIER. 2. 1HE GROUND ELEVATION SHALL BE A MA91>wNN OF 1`-0i MOW 7HE TOP OF THE PER. * ALL EXPOSED CONCRETE CORNERS ARE TO 6E CHAMFERED 3/4 INCH. 4. ALL RE)WORCIMG STEM SHALL. CONFORM M AS7MN A615 GRADE 60 DEFMIED BARS. 5. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE: A WMN 25 DAY OOMPFtMVE STRENGTH OF 4,004 PSI IN AODDRDANCE VAIN ACI 318-02 0. REINI AORCOG STEEL ! TO HAVE A 3" M NRr1Uk1 i 04METE COVER. 7. F011NI4ATION DESA 15 BASEtt ON THE {GEOTECHNICAL REPORT BY tE007MINICAL Sd.U7101M INC., PROW "0. NT -2742-41, I A70 SEPTEMM 13, 2004. B. A,NCHOIt OmTS 2 t1C x 7'—D' p$J Am GK 75 ON A 35'0 BOLT CIRCLE (4 REOV). 9, CONICRIM REQUIRED! 10.01 CUBIC YARM 10. SEE THE GEOTECH NODAL REPORT FOR MAO PER INSTALLA701 WAILIEMEN M IF SP'ECiF1ED. 11. USE TYPE I PORTLAND CEMENT 97H A MA)2" WATER—CEMENT RATIO OF 0.5 FOR ALL CONCRETE 01 CONTACT WTH SOIL s 03 FT. MONOPOLE To Rw NEIL Sabre Corm mrkations i a bv& sax* ,IOp h10. Q5-14247 w' m Cgds 0. 554 and . a sole D 05- -10247—P 1rlYale or in park for ai>yr plxpase wwtfi Wt prior wRtin caneant mm" JAW act Sabra Gpmmuriioa #ians Corpwuum. _ OS -142#7–E Kane my 0 NOTE; FOR ANTENNA LOADING D SIGN CRITERIA SEE STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 05-10247–E, ft cameam volom AO Ail N iiC1l 011IR :8 t 1/2 DIS Ki Lm .LL:I (TOTAL RWAR 1IT.I 8.37 LBS. J PIER TIES TO HAVE If OVERLAP OR Jr 6 HOOD AS SHOWN U U VERTICAN` DEBAR PIED TIE HOOK DE U& GREM& KQM: 1. ALL ANCFIL'1R @OLTS ! AND VERTICAL REIWWING BARS ANTE TO BE SECURELY TIED BEFORE ATE IS PLACED 90 THEY TALL REMAIN PARALLEL. TO THE CENTFRIM OF THE PIER. 2. 1HE GROUND ELEVATION SHALL BE A MA91>wNN OF 1`-0i MOW 7HE TOP OF THE PER. * ALL EXPOSED CONCRETE CORNERS ARE TO 6E CHAMFERED 3/4 INCH. 4. ALL RE)WORCIMG STEM SHALL. CONFORM M AS7MN A615 GRADE 60 DEFMIED BARS. 5. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE: A WMN 25 DAY OOMPFtMVE STRENGTH OF 4,004 PSI IN AODDRDANCE VAIN ACI 318-02 0. REINI AORCOG STEEL ! TO HAVE A 3" M NRr1Uk1 i 04METE COVER. 7. F011NI4ATION DESA 15 BASEtt ON THE {GEOTECHNICAL REPORT BY tE007MINICAL Sd.U7101M INC., PROW "0. NT -2742-41, I A70 SEPTEMM 13, 2004. B. A,NCHOIt OmTS 2 t1C x 7'—D' p$J Am GK 75 ON A 35'0 BOLT CIRCLE (4 REOV). 9, CONICRIM REQUIRED! 10.01 CUBIC YARM 10. SEE THE GEOTECH NODAL REPORT FOR MAO PER INSTALLA701 WAILIEMEN M IF SP'ECiF1ED. 11. USE TYPE I PORTLAND CEMENT 97H A MA)2" WATER—CEMENT RATIO OF 0.5 FOR ALL CONCRETE 01 CONTACT WTH SOIL s 03 FT. MONOPOLE To Rw NEIL Sabre Corm mrkations i a bv& sax* ,IOp h10. Q5-14247 w' m Cgds 0. 554 and . a sole D 05- -10247—P 1rlYale or in park for ai>yr plxpase wwtfi Wt prior wRtin caneant mm" JAW act Sabra Gpmmuriioa #ians Corpwuum. _ OS -142#7–E Kane my 0 +emr-pYq :6daTMcT i't'e1¢'? vf.'1" '1i" +.'+ it' j4 - sew•¢tFt}79+"y a, r,.R YlW9t Feisy*'a Vw" T 'F'33d7 %, `5 p'w(1 sr'v'w i' y'., i' 1+'I!'f''a"v'w o r o z 4DEMAND /. CHECK REQU48TT X Return check_ to requestor Mail check D. Aaker Name I Title of person requesting check JUN 21_2005 TOM Hartung CITY of LA QUINTA ,0 FINANCE DEPT. Departi ent individual is associated with: r:, e Building & Safety Check 'Payable to: SEI1SMIC WARNING SYSTEMS, INC. Amount:$ 119775.00 ...(Name) (Vendor No.) \ 56L 9 Scotts Valley Drive, Suite 180 Account Number: 101-5055-422.71-01 (Address)% Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Project Number: • w Check description and invoice number: , Fin<tl payment for QuakeGuard seismic sensors and system installation der attached invoice for Fire Station #70 PGA West (automati-c door systems) a Y ) P.0,9 No. 00889 - Total $23,550. Sigriatu' i e: (DepartmentHead) (Date) . ;4. ,r^jl ti T , s _ >, 3r ,t]+ ))''` wF' 1 4• fa'7 a1 +.w 'AS:w z .y +,_' " fi rA i", r .,+•"y i ;a'r` je, f 1.i stw 5! SEISMIC "•WARNING SYSTEMS, f INC rtt' , ti 5619 SCOTTS VALLEY ;` nA ti SUITES qf SCOTTS;VALL° "yr l'. t° 'C" ..5% ' { tS °O ,! • , ' », 1¢t t .`r SS r 5° r.fe. .. i' 1? qti ,rfA THhrO- IZE 11'0000 6 4 2 3 411' 1. 12 L000 2481: 4 L59 28.248 211' IL Seismic Warning Systems, Inc 5619 Scotts Valley Drive Invoice ;? X . . Suite 180 Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Phone # (831) 440-1122 Fax #(831) 440-1131 DATE INVOICE # 5/26/2005 LaQuinta4 For questions email: BILL TO snebenzahl@seismicwarning.com City'; of La Quinta attnTom Hartung 54001 Madison Avenue La Ouinta, California 92253 P.O. NO. TERMS Description 50% down, balance on.completion Page 2 YC'iMct n _J Item Description Curr Paymt % Qty Total Amt Amount Due An additional charge for installation may appear if: " AC power not readily available -(customer can provide at their own cost). F * Sensor routing involvespiercing concrete walls. * Integration with existing audio systems requires special equipment. * Special requirements for conduits or hazardous environments: FINAL PAYMENT.2 of 2 Subtotal $11,000.00 Sales Tax (7:75%) Approved Payments/Credits $0.00 Print na:rettitis ........................................ .........................................Amount Due( -"$11,775.00 Page 2 YC'iMct n _J '.. Seismic Warning Systems, Inc 5619 Scotts Valley Drive Suite 180. . Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Phone # (831) 440-1122 Fax # (831) 440-1131 DATE INVOICE # 5/26/2005 LaQuinta4 . For questions email BILL TO snebenzahl@se.'ismicwarning.com li City of La Quinta attnt Tom Hartung P.O.. NO. TERMS 54001 Madison Avenue La,�uinta, California 92253 50% down, balance on completion Item Description Curr Payrnt % .Qty Total Amt Amount Due QucikeGuard-Fire Dept 1 master processor + enclosure, 2 . 50.00% 1 20,000.00 10,000.00T seismic sensors; Network Ethernet. interface; 1 day batterybackup; 1 , NO/NC relay output to control up to 4. external systems (such as doors) - expandable to. 32 external systems; serial outputs for automated device C control; 2 channels of audio output for voice alarm (isolated line level); 1 reset switch for_canceling alert; remote system monitoring capability via Internet; initial programming of sensors, system test. 1 year parts/labor warranty: For La Quinta Fire Station #70 (La Quinta PGA West) System Installation System Installation (given available 50.00% 2,000.00 1,000.00 AC circuit). Subtotal Sales Tax (7.75%) Approved Payments/Credits Print namettit,e ...-.................................................................................... ,t Amount Due ..+.._ r 'f .... K._wia,rY. .. ^.r-. .w•.,,......... ,,.r^c#+, ..i;T:.'^•r d.w X'-; •a ,%!i"^".; zs . _r, ,;ia PURCHASE ORDER CITY OF LA QUINTA P.O. BOX 1504, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 (760)777-7000 SHIP TO 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 777-7000 78-450 Ave.. -a Fonda, La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 564-0096 78-160 Fran<iis Hack Lane, La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 777-7075 VENDOR NAME and ADDRESS: SEI-SMIQ WARNING SYSTEMS, INC. 5619 Scotts Valley Drive,' Suite 180 Scotts Vai 1 ey, CA 95066 831-440-1122 FAX 831-440-1131 1 .NN'T`m 'r...f"T i.. u'li'.•.,= 1i.w.i'•/e -..i iT"c ` .i;iCw.Ay,q..r"w-.r." , + ` 00889 f IMPORTANT Show above Purchase Order number on all shipping containers and correspondence. This order is subject to the terms and conditions shown on the face hereof. Vendor Number: DATE3-2-05 VENDOR DATE DELIVERY REQUIRED F.O.B. POINT TERMS ITEM QUANTITY REQUIRED (QUANTITY RECEIVED UNIT DESCRIPTION WAREHOUSE STOCK NUMBER UNIT PRICE AMOUNT TA FIR - PGA W QuakeGuard Seismic Sensor Automatic Door System per attached invoice System Installation 50% in processus Emergency Request for $11,775.00 D. Aaker -T-U'Vea,SALES TAX Department Director or AuthorizecyPerson TOTAL INSTRUCTIONS TO VENDOR 1. Submit all invoices in DUPLICATE and mail to the attention of the Finance Dept. P.O. Box 1504, La 2. Separate invoice 'must be submitted for each purchase order. 3. Delivery must be prepaid to destination indicated unless otherwise stated. PURCHASE OREREXCEEDING $999.99 IS NOT VALID Sign. UNLESS SIGN' ,BY THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT C DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Section 3.12.240 of the la Quints Municipal Code states that purchase orders in an amount greater than $2,501 and less than $25,000 require 3 informal bids. If the amount of this Puri ase Order is between $2,501 to $25,000 please list the 3 vendors contracted and the price quoted. $20,000.00 2,000.00 /5150 1 - .00 3, SSD -2- VENDOR - WHITE FINANCE - YELLOW PURCHASING - PINK DEPARTMENT COPY - GOLDENROD VENDOR PRICE QUOTE ITEMS ACCOUNT NUMBERS AMOUNT TOTAL SEISMId WARNING.SYSTEMS. INC. 101-5055-422.71-015 C 3 SSo SOLE SOURCE PROVIDER VENDOR - WHITE FINANCE - YELLOW PURCHASING - PINK DEPARTMENT COPY - GOLDENROD F m: Scott Nebenzahl [snebenzahl@seismicwarning.com] Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 9:22 AM TA: Diane Aaker' C Scott Nebenzahl Subject:. Re: Invoice Diane . . , • beli``ve it is correct. L 2U ,2000 x 7.75% y 1550 tx 23,550.00 s , <11;775.00> 11,775.00 t . Scott Nebenzahl \ Vice President Sales Seismic Warning Systems, Inc. 561!5 Scotts Valley Drive, Suite 180 Scotts Valley, CA 95006 831.440-1122 ' 83117440-1131 fax 7071732-7274 direct cellular . sneti,enzahl seismicwar ing.com ww`v.seismicwarning com - Original Message ----- ; Fr6m: Diane Aaker 4 Tod: snebenzahl@ seismicwarning.com Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 8:57 AM Subject:'Invoice Jod morning, Please e-mail a corrected invoice for $11,000. Fifty percent ($111775) was already paid in March 2005 as pur chase order #00889. Thank you for your assistance. Diene Aaker Y City of La Quinta -Building & Safety (7E0) 777-7019 da' ker la-quinta.or4. 5,127%2005 Page 1 of 1 Tom Hartung 11 From: Scott Nebenzahl [snebenzahl@seismicwarning.com] 1i Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 5:50 PM To: ll om Hartung Cc: Mike Price; Scott Nebenzahl; Ignacio.Otero@fire.ca.gov, . Subject: liaQuinta Final Sign Off Tom, l FYI- Mike Price (our CTO) will be at the LaQuinta Station tomorrow (Wed.) for final testing. Please let me know if you need to meet him at -the station or if he could fax over to your office the acceptance sheet while he's there and subsequently process the balance invoice. For your rec�irds, Mike Price's direct cellular is: 650-924=0849. ' Thanks for a l your help and assistance. - Scott i Scott Nebenzahl Vice President Sales Seismic Warning Systems, Inc. 5619 Scotts Valley Drive, Suite 180 Scotts Valley, CA 95006 831-440-112`2 831-440-112.1 fax 707-732-721;4 direct cellular snebenzahl(c�seismicwarning.com www.seismi,warnin.g.com i 5/25/2005 Page 1 of I Tom Harltung .............. .............. From: Gooley, Dorian [Dodan.Cooley@fire.ca.gov] 1. Sent: 1,'uesday, May 24, 2005 8:55 PM To: I J! 70m Hartung Cc: Barrier, Gil II Subject: FW- Early E.Q. warning system -Tom can you or 1 an assigned staff person assist with this? I believe that the City. should probably be the one interacting, with the contractor. Let me kno, w if you need any assistance from me. thanks di -----Original Message ----- From: Barri(,>r, Gil Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 8.:51 PM To: Cooley, !Dorian Cc: pfuson@la-quinta.org Subject: Ea rly E.Q. warning system Chief Cooley; the electricians are here at 70 0 (still) and the system they have installed is nearly done. They will be out tomorrow for the final 6n -line hook-ups. They have had to far exceed what was anticipa'ted,.and that has led to a great deal more than what was explained to me on the walk through and decision making tour of two weeks ago. The challencles that they faced have resulted in repairs that are still pending.. I may'needsome assistance with Paul Fuson, or the coordinator from the city that wanted this put in. I will be contacting the companies involved to attempt to work out the repairs at the "lowest level" but just as heads -up, somebody will need to be back here doing drywall repair, and safety covers over -boxes. Thanks, Gil P6.0 L14L &441% 11 t4i GIV4 I; Battalion 7 I.A.C. Training & Resp. Protection Program Coordinator PGA West Fire station - 70 54001 Madison St. La Quinta CA 92253 760-564-2122 760-564-4872 fax 5/25/2005- \ , Return cfieck;to requestor • Mail check. , a Name /Title of person requesting,check fi Tom a.rtuno . Departiiient individual is associated with: , Date check required by: BufId ng &•Safety Fri. March 4, 200.5 Check Fiayable to: ' '` c -11 775 00 Amount••'$' . ame "' endor No. 5' v 619 Lotts. Account Number: 101-505.5-'422.71-01, (AddTess Dr d S c o t t V a Project Number: 1111 w LAARI 4 K,5 . UO Check description and invoice number: i CITY OF LA QUINTA FINANCE DEPT QuakelUard -seismic sensors'and system inst&1lation e.r attached -invoice .for FGire t.' Station) #70'' -,,PGA West. (automatic P.0. No 008.89.door sy tPm) . .. M, Total = $22,775.00 Descrit'ie emergency in 'detail: ` _ ' :" Itis requestedthat a check for. 50X of, the t6tal ' be processed before 'next. . • i, . -moi warrant.run cvclp to Pynadita nrnracc a _ SEISMIC WARNING SYSTEMS, 'INC. 5619 SCOTTS VALLEY DRIVE' SUITE 180 SCOTTS VALLEY CA, 95066 11'00006 266711' 1: 2 1000 2481: L. IS9 28 2t. 211' (,Ctc 'a Ca Quircta CHECKAO. - 62667- rt SEISMIC WARNING SYSTEMS, INC 1663 03/03/2005 DATE INVOICE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 02/22/05 LAQUINTA 3 P 101-5055-422-71.01 SEISMIC SENSORS 11,775.00 SEISMIC WARNING SYSTEMS, 'INC. 5619 SCOTTS VALLEY DRIVE' SUITE 180 SCOTTS VALLEY CA, 95066 11'00006 266711' 1: 2 1000 2481: L. IS9 28 2t. 211' Seismic Warning Systems, Inc 5619 Scotts Valley Drive ....... :: Suite 180 Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Phone # (831) 440-1122 Fax # (831) 440-1131 117 [(BILL TO City of La QUlnta at3n Tom Hartung 5,4001 Madison Avenue La Quinta, California 92253 (7;60) 564-2122 Invoice DATE INVOICE # 2/22/2005 LaQuinta3 For questions email: snebenzahl@seismicwarning.com P:O. NO. TERMS Curr Paymt % 50% down, balance on completion Item Description Curr Paymt % Qty Total Amt Amount Due QuakeGuard-Fire Dept 1 master processor + enclosure, 2 50.00% 1 20,000.00 10,OOO.00T seismic sensors; Network Ethernet interface; 1 day battery backup; 1 NO/NC. relay output to control up to 4 external systems (such as doors) - expandable to 32 external systems; serial outputs for automated device' control; 2 channels of audio output for voice.alarm (isolated line level); 1 reset switch for canceling alert; remote system monitoring capability via Internet; initial programming of sensors, system test. 1 year parts/labor warranty. For La Quinta Fire Station #70 (La Quinta PGA West) System Installation System Installation (given available 50.00% 2,000.00 1,000.00 l C AC circuit). Please call us about our Customer Service Plan. Subtotal IIII i Sales Tax (7.76%) Approved Payments/Credits / Print')r]i'"eitlt: { 6&I I jI LeA16- ................................................................................ dl it Amount Due Seismic Warning Systems, Inc 5619 Scotts Valley Drive , Suite 180 Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Phone # (831) 440-1122 Fax #(831) 440-1131 DATE INVOICE # 2/22/2005 LaQuinta3 For questions email: • 11BILL TO snebenzahl@seismicwarning.com City of La Quinta a'ttn Tom Hartung 5{4001 Madison Avenue La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 564-2122 P.O: NO. - TERMS Description 50% down, balance .on completion Item Description Curr Paymt % Qty Total Amt Amount Due An additional charge for installation may appear if: ' ' AC power not readily available -(customer can provide at their own , cost) Sensor routing involves piercing concrete walls. Integration with existing audio systems requires special equipment. Special requirements for conduits or hazardous environments. callus about our Customer Service Plan. Please III{III{ Subtotal $11,000.00 Sales Tax (7.75%) $775.00 Apprrved_ Print na:re,tit e..--... ..D:. z N. t-.....:. Payments/Credits $0.00 ...:.... .4 g Amount Due $11,775.00 QuakeGuardTm Earthquake Early'Warning System Purchase Agreement QuakeGuard m -Earthquake Early Warning System-, Purchase Agreement LaQuinta Fire Department, referred to as °Buyer," and Seismic Warning Systems, referred to.as "SWS," in consideration of the promises made in this Agreement agree as follows: Agreement to Purchase 1. Buyer agrees to purchase from SWS and SWS agrees to sell to Buyer, pursuant to the terms and conditions of: this Agreement, the equipment ("Equipment') described on the Proposal attached to this Agreement and incorporated herein by reference. Purchase Price, Payment and Title 2. The purchase price for the Equipment shall be the price specified on the Proposal. (a) 50% of the total is payable at the time of placement of order. (b)'Upon installation, Buyer shall have the right to perform Acceptance Testing to determine that QuakeGuard functions substantially in accordance with the relevant specifications. SWS shall provide any required, support and.assistance. Acceptance Testing shall be completed within 3 days of installation. (c) The balance of 50% is due upon the completion of acceptance testing. Payment terms are net 30 days. 1. Title to the Equipment shall pass to Buyer on the date of final payment. Installation 2. SWS will provide and furnish all labor,, materials, necessary tools, expendable equipment and all utility and transportation services required to install the Equipment, using an authorized subcontractor that is. licensed and bonded. 3. To assure reliable installation of the proposed QuakeGuard Early Warning Detection System, specific installation requirements will be determined upon a site inspection by an authorized Seismic Warning Systems, Inc. installation team. Typical site requirements are as follows: ■ Access to communications interfaces, wiring and.wire closets for connection to overhead paging and/or public address. systems. ■ Remote shutdown systems specification and interfaces. • Suitable wall space to mount QuakeGuard System unit. • Connections to power for each QuakeGuard System unit. • Staff availability for hardware/software installation. • Staff availability for hardware/software testing. ■ List of the staff and contact points for each station. • Blueprints of facility for installation areas. 4. Buyer shall meet all of the requirements for installation of the Equipment specified by SWS, including a suitable place of installation and suitable electric power supply. Buyer's install ation.an d facilities shall at all times meet the minimum standard of the National Board of Fire Underwriters for the protection of,the Equipment as recommended by the National Fire Protection Association. Warranty of Title 5. (a) SWS warrants that it has good title to the Equipment and the right to sell it to Buyer free of any proprietary rights of any other party or any other encumbrance whatsoever. (b) SWS shall defend Buyer against any and all claims that the Equipment or Buyer's use thereof under this . Agreement violates any trade secret, patent, or other proprietary right asserted by any third party. SWS shall not be liable for consequential damages arising out of the subject matter of this Agreement. Buyer Confidential and Proprietary The information contained herein is not to be reproduced, disclosed or redistributed without. Seismic Warning Systems express written .consent. QuakeGuardTM Earthquake Early Warning System .Purchase Agreement shall notify SWS of the assertion of any such claim and shall cooperate with SWS in the investigation and resolution thereof. (c) SINS shall not indemnify Buyer against any claim or liability based on Buyer's modification or conversion of the Equipment. System Warranty and Disclaimer 6. 1 -year warranty on parts and labor is included.. Should the equipment malfunction within that period it will be fixed or replaced free of charge. 7. Pursuant to the System Warranty, the customer will provide a suitable on-site mounting location that includes 2 separate walls. Suitability includes locations that will not be tampered with, hit, bumped.into, or exposed to magnetic fields, rain,. or other water sources. Any relocation or tampering with the system after installation except work done by an authorized Seismic Warning Systems technician will render any warranties as to the units effectiveness null and void until corrected by Seismic Warning Systems, Inc. 8. The customer acknowledges that the amount of -advance warning before an earthquake is entirely dependent upon the depth and.distance from the quake's hypocenter. Seismic Warning Systems makes no guaranties express or implied regarding how much advance warning will be.given or that actions triggered by the QuakeGuard unit will necessarily be triggered or complete before. any destructive portion of an earthquake arrives. 9. The customer acknowledges that the equipment has certain limitations and must be properly located, installed and. maintained as described in the manufacturer's information included with the equipment. Upon purchasing.the system, the customer agrees that in no event shall Seismic, Warning Systems or any of its partners be.liable for any injuries to persons or property or for incidental or consequential damages or for 'any other loss or damage whether or not related to the implementation, use, or operation of the equipment described above. No agreement altering or extending Seismic Warning Systems' limitation of liability or disclaimer of warranties shall be valid unless executed in writing and signed by a duly ''authorized officer of Seismic Warning Systems. 10. (a) BUYER AGREES THAT THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. (b) SWS shall. not be liable for any lost profits, or for any claim or demand against Buyerby any other parry other than a claim for patent infringement. (c) Buyer further agrees that SWS shall not be liable for consequential damages arising out of the subject matter of this Agreement. Ownership of Network Seismic Information 11. SWS has the exclusive right to all information gathered or produced by the QuakeGuard unit and may utilize such information without the consent of Buyer. SWS grants use: of the information produced by the QuakeGuard system for use within the facilities of the, Buyer but does not grant Buyer the right to provide this information to any 3`d party. Patent Claims 12. SWS shall defend, at its own expense, any action brought against Buyer to the extent that the action is based on a claim that the Equipment or the operation'of the Equipment infringes a United States patent ("patent infringement claim"). SWS shall pay all costs and damages finally awarded against Buyer pursuant to any patent'infringement claim. However, SWS's obligation is conditioned on the following: (a) SWS is promptly notified in writing by Buyer of any notice of patent infringement claim: (b) SWS shall have sole control of the defense of any patent infringement action and all negotiations for its settlement or compromise. (c) SWS shall have no liability to Buyer with respect to any patent infringement claim based on any of the following: (i) The combination or use of the Equipment with equipment not manufactured by SWS; Confidential and Proprietary The information contained herein is not to be reproduced, disclosed or redistributed without Seismic Warning Systems "express written consent. QuakeGuardTm Earthquake'Early Warring System Purchase Agreement (ii) The modification by Buyer of the Equipment or of software furnished by SWS.. (d) SWS shall not be liable for any consequential damages arising out of any patent infringement claim. (e) The foregoing states the entire liability of SWS with respect to infringement of patents. Assignments 13. Buyer shall not assign this Agreement or its rights under this Agreement without the prior written permission of SWS. Buyer agrees that any attempt to assign any rights, duties, or obligations that arise under this Agreement without SWS's prior written consent shall be void. Marketing Cooperation' . 14. Buyer agrees to the following: Buyer will provide a quote about the. i.mportance of earthquake early warning to similar customers; and be willing to speak occasionally as reference customer of SWS to investors and press. ■ Buyer will allow SWS to use Buyer as a reference in its promotion of SWS technology. This. includes reference by name in marketing and.promotional materials in both print and electronic media, referral to TV and print media sources. Buyer will make reasonable efforts to provide PR program cooperation and information about their application of the technology as convenient to them. ■ Buyer will from time to time allow access to its property to demonstrate the technology (given advance notice and approval as to ti.ming). • In case of an actual earthquake, Buyer will supply a. written testimonial within 2 days of the seismic event of the performance of the QuakeGuaid technology. This testimonial will be used for promotional activities by SWS.. ■ Buyer will not disclose the actual .price it paid for the technology. Entire Agreement 15. - Buyer and SWS agree that this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between them relating to the subject matter of this Agreement and that it supersedes all proposals or other communications, oral or written, between them relating to the subject matter of this Agreement, Governing Law and Amendments 16. This Agreement shall be governed by, and the rights of the parties shall be construed under, the laws of the State of California. 17. This Agreement may be amended only by a written agreement'executed by SWS and Buyer: The term "this Agreement" as used herein includes any amendment made in accordance withthis paragraph. Attorneys' Fees 18. If any legal action is necessary to enforce the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees in addition to any. other relief to which that party may be entitled. This provision shall be construed as'applicable to the entire Agreement. Executed on 2004, at California. ,. Seismic Warning Systems, Inc . 5619 Scotts Valley Drive, Suite 180 Scotts Valley, CA 95066 831-440-1122 Seismic Warning Systems, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary The information contained herein is not to be reproduced, disclosed or redistributed without Seismic Warning Systems express written consent. • .. _ i=, t,yy n ., , t s i { t i fi x t COUNTY OF -RIVERSIDE .HEALTH`SERVICES AGENCY,' I .DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OCT27REC'p October 21, 1999 Site #9915044"Y'LDING AIV,, r ETy ;City of La Quinta b P.O. Box 1504. La Quinta CA 92253 / i _•.' y t - RE: Underground Storage Tank Cleanup at. La'Quinta Fire Station`#70 at 54001. Madison Street, "I ` La Quinta •- - _ ,. -.. .. , ;.—f- .,', :_ ::.: , '=..:; .; yam. Dear Responsible Parties, This letter confirms the completion of site investigation for the underground storage tank formerly located at the above described location. Thank you for your cooperation throughout this investigation. Your willingness and promptness in responding to our inquires concerning the former underground storage tank are greatly appreciated. Based on the information in the above -referenced file, and with the provision that the information provided to this agency was accurate and representative of site conditions, no further action related to the underground tank release is required. - This notice is issued pursuant to a regulation contained in Section 2721(e) of Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations. f . If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Linda D. Shurlow at (760) 863-8976.. Sincerely, Earl E. Tuntland Assistant Environmental Health Administrator - Enclosure: Case Closure Summary cc: Abdi Haile, CRRWQCB Cleanup Fund file 4 caseclos.ltr 03/26/97 47-923 Oasis Street 4065 County Circle Drive, Rm. 123 v' 1370 S. State Street, #101 Indio, CA 92201 Riverside, CA 92503. San Jacinto, CA 92583 Fax (760) 863-8303 Fax (909) 358-5017 ;. Fax (909) 487-0328 (760)863-8976 _ (909)358-5055.. (909)791-2200 Department Web Site - www.rivcoeh.org r ' ' _ r .. . ± +:• ti _, '' is '" ~ ,- . CASE CLOSURE SUMMARY ` LEAKING UNDERGROUND FUEL STORAGE TANK PROGRAM SITE NAME: La Quinta' Firer Station #70 SITE NO: 9915044 I. Agency Information Date: 9/9/99 AGENCY NAME: County of Riverside, Department of Environmental Health Hazardous Materials Management Division ADDRESS: 47923 Oasis Street, Indio CA 92201 (760) 863-8976 ` STAFF PERSON: Linda D. Shurlow, REHS— Hazardous Materials Management Specialist 111. Case Information rQ SITE NAME: La Quinta Fire Station #70 • i' - `' . ". • SITE ADDRESS: 54001 Madison, La Quinta, III. Release and Site Characterization Information CAUSE & TYPE OF RELEASE: waste oil from the remote fill , SITE CHARACTERIZATION COMPLETE? Yes [ X ] No [ ] DATE APPROVED BY OVERSIGHT AGENCY: 9/9/99 ' MONITORING WELLS INSTALLED? Yes [ J No [ X] NUMBER: ' PROPER SCREEN INTERVAL? Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A [ X I. - HIGHEST GW DEPTH BELOW GROUND SURFACE: 69' LOWEST DEPTH: FLOW DIRECTION: southeast MOST SENSITIVE CURRENT GW USE: domestic ARE DRINKING WATER WELLS AFFECTED? Yes[ J No [ X-] AQUIFER NAME: ' r ` SURFACE WATER AFFECTED? Yes[ ],No[ X ] „ NEAREST/AFFECTED SW NAME: OFFSITE BENEFICIAL USE IMPACTS (ADDRESSILOCATIONS): REPORTS ON FILE? Yes [ X } No[ ] LOCATION OF REPORTS: County of Riverside, Department of Environmental Health Hazardous Materials Management Division 4065 County Circle Drive P.O. Box 7600 Riverside CA 92513-7600 909 358-5055 Y rev. 9/95 RB LUSTIS CASE NO: " "'' '` LOP/LOCAL CASE N6.9915044 URR FILING DATE: 3/23/99 SWEEPS NO: RESPONSIBLE PARTIES ADDRESS • PHONE NUMBER City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 760-777-7000 La Quinta CA 92253 TANK #. I SIZE ICONTENTS I REMOVED/CLOSED IN-PLACE? JDATE 1 550 gal. waste oil removed 2/18/99 III. Release and Site Characterization Information CAUSE & TYPE OF RELEASE: waste oil from the remote fill , SITE CHARACTERIZATION COMPLETE? Yes [ X ] No [ ] DATE APPROVED BY OVERSIGHT AGENCY: 9/9/99 ' MONITORING WELLS INSTALLED? Yes [ J No [ X] NUMBER: ' PROPER SCREEN INTERVAL? Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A [ X I. - HIGHEST GW DEPTH BELOW GROUND SURFACE: 69' LOWEST DEPTH: FLOW DIRECTION: southeast MOST SENSITIVE CURRENT GW USE: domestic ARE DRINKING WATER WELLS AFFECTED? Yes[ J No [ X-] AQUIFER NAME: ' r ` SURFACE WATER AFFECTED? Yes[ ],No[ X ] „ NEAREST/AFFECTED SW NAME: OFFSITE BENEFICIAL USE IMPACTS (ADDRESSILOCATIONS): REPORTS ON FILE? Yes [ X } No[ ] LOCATION OF REPORTS: County of Riverside, Department of Environmental Health Hazardous Materials Management Division 4065 County Circle Drive P.O. Box 7600 Riverside CA 92513-7600 909 358-5055 Y rev. 9/95 CASE CLOSURE SUMMARY" 1' LEAKING UNDERGROUND FUEL STORAGE TANK PROGRAM :SITE NAME: La Quinta Fire Station #70 SITE NO: 9915044 11111. Release and Site Characterization Information (cont.) TREATMENT & DISPOSAL OF AFFECTED MATERIAL MATERIAL AMOUNT ACTION (Treatment or disposal & destination) DATE TANK 1 removed 2/18/99 PIPING BEFORE RINSEATE AFTER DEPTH BEFORE SOIL TPH (GAS) , GROUNDWATER OTHER MAXIMUM DOCUMENTED CONTAMINANT CONCENTRATIONS -- Before & After Cleanup SOIL GROUNDWATER CONTAMINANT BEFORE DEPTH AFTER DEPTH BEFORE AFTER TPH (GAS) TPH (DIESEL) TRPH (418.1) 39000 ppm 2' BENZENE ND 2' TOLUENE ND 2' XYLENE ND 2' ETHYLBENZENE ND 2' MTBE ND 2' LEAD 19 2' COMMENTS (soil types, depth of remediation, etc.): silty sand and clay with a perched water table at 15' bgs believed to be the result of recent landscape saturation. IV. Closure DOES COMPLETED CORRECTIVE ACTION PROTECT EXISTING BENEFICIAL USES AS PER THE REGIONAL BOARD BASIN PLAN? Yes [ X ] No [ ] DOES COMPLETED CORRECTIVE ACTION PROTECT POTENTIAL BENEFICIAL USES PER THE REGIONAL BOARD BASIN PLAN? Yes [ X ] No [ ] DOES THE CORRECTIVE ACTION PROTECT PUBLIC HEALTH FOR CURRENT LAND USE? Yes[ X ] No[ ] SITE MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS: SHOULD CORRECTIVE ACTION BE REVIEWED IF LAND USE CHANGES? Yes [ ] No [ X J MONITORING WELLS DECOMMISSIONED? Yes [ ] No [ ] None Installed [ X ] NUMBER DECOMMISSIONED: NUMBER RETAINED: LIST ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS TAKEN: LIST ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS RESCINDED: f r Page 2 of 3 *, rev. 9/95 - is .t +'3 n.—y : .'k, ., - •, . ,?. t itr r CASE CLOSURE SUMMARY:., ` i LEAKING UNDERGROUND FUEL STORAGE TANK PROGRAM SITE NAME. La Quints Fire Station #70 : SITE NO: 9915044 V. Local Agency Representative Data NAME: rl Tuntl d TITLE: Hazarqous Materials Program Manager SIGNATURE: , DATE: VI. RWQCB Notification DATE SUBMITTED TO RWQCB: `' ., RWQCB RESPONSE: RWQCB STAFF. E: Abdi. Haile , ` TITLE: Senior Eng. Geolo ist SIGNATURE: DATE: VII. Additional Comments, Data, Etc. On February 18, 1999, one waste oil tank was removed from the property and soil samples were taken from under the tank and remote fill. Soils samples from under the tanks showed 10 ppm TRPH at 2' below the tank and ND at 6' below the tank. Samples at 2' below the remote filled showed 39,000 ppm TRPH, 90 ppb 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 140 ppb 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, 4300 ppb naphthalene, 68 ppb tert-Butylbenzene, and 150 ppb:tetrachloroethene. The site was placed into the LOP program. A community water well is located —800' to the south of the site. On July 16, 1999 two soil borings were drilled to 40' bgs at the site, one at the tank location and one at the remote fill. A perched water table was encountered at 15' bgs immediately above the uppermost clay layer and was believed to be present as a result of recent landscape saturation. This watertable was not noted at the tank pull and soil sampling. A 418.1 and 8260 -scan was run for all samples and were ND for all constituents tested. The consultant is requesting closure based on their observations and the chemical testing results, which show the TPH in the soil appears to be limited' , iw z FREGIONAL ZUwww)BOARD a < LLJLL, Q J m Z C11 N TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK)1 CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT F UNKNOWN UNDERGROUND STORAGE PIPING LEAK EMERGENCY HAS STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES BEEN FILED 7 :'FOR lOCALlGENCY USE„ NL ..;,,; .;;, THIS INFORMA ACCORDING TO THE >; 1 HAVE DISTRIBUTED TK>r1 DATE DISCHARGE BEGAN REPORT © NO ❑ YES Q NO 1 HEREBY.CERJIFYTHAT ON THE NSTRUCTION SHEET ON THE BACK PAGE OF THIS w YES DISTRIBUTKJN SHOWN REPORT RT D ATE C ASE a E O G M C' c. e 1 c a MI Y •fIGKED <:;::>'iii:<i`3z::': £`>i `:'.i`ici;i%ri'..>`;:i:`::;i;`i^'r-.fi:`.';;;, ^;:;..:; `:2:;:; i:. :.1: DA 7 .S ... .......... ... .. O EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) O ENHANCED BIO DEGRADATK)N (IT) NAME OF INDIVIDUAL FILING REPORT PHONE SIGNATURE (SEE B.CK FCR 00"S) EXCAVATE 8 TREAT (ET) PUMP 8 TREAT GROUNDWATER (GT) REPLACE SUPPLY (RS) Line.! ;.::ri.o",: m o REPRESENTING OWNERIOPERATOR REGX)NAL BOARD • COMPANY OR AGENCY NAME w LOCAL AGENCY Q OTHER. Fa:crt lr:r Cp r.t1 l -; [. E^:. 1:• clt?, S 4 NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) TREATMENT AT HOOKUP (HU) VENT SOIL (VS) Lu G cc ADDRESS VACUUM EXTRACT(VE) 1 a ...• [c (.. in- CmY STATE ZIP PHONE CONTACTPERSON w co m y NAME a . cva UNKNOWN f.. . ..t F,... I;Er. i, I,i.:L•); 1 '_C T.•Y2tt: lf:', fM,"2 if U.0 5&.-"1157 zI- 0.4 . Qa ADDRESS Lu t - • t C., i i.'7 C 3 . +GVi. t:c:..Su:i : • CITY STATE P FACILITY'NAME (IF APPLICABLE) OPERATOR PHONE z COF Firestatior. a ADDRESS wFteu Lr put intr. CA 92:53 CITY Riverside CO. COUNTY ZIP Lu y CROSS STREET z FREGIONAL ZUwww)BOARD a < LLJLL, Q J m Z C11 N 1 SOURCE OF DISCHARGE HOW DISCOVERED 0 TANK TEST M UNKNOWN c j Ul DATE DISCOVERED F UNKNOWN v PIPING LEAK F OTHER < DATE DISCHARGE BEGAN m a v a cai w J HAS DISCHARGE BEEN STOPPED 7 O D YES F NO . IF YES, DATE (' 1 SOURCE OF DISCHARGE HOW DISCOVERED 0 TANK TEST M UNKNOWN c j Ul TANKLEAK F UNKNOWN v PIPING LEAK F OTHER Lu w CHECK ONE ONLY 0 v a cai F UNDETERMINED O SOIL ONLY REMEDIATION PLAN CHECK ONE ONLY CASE CLOSED (CLEANUP COMPLETED OR UNNECESSARY) Q CLEANUP UNDERWAY CONTACT PERSON PHONE PHONE NAME QUANTITY LOST (GALLONS) UNKNOWN UNKNOWN INVENTORY CONTROL SUBSURFACE MONITORING D NUISANCE CONDITIONS 0 TANK REMOVAL 0 OTHER METHOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) REMOVE CONTENTS 0 CLOSE TANK & REMOVE EDREPAIR PIPING REPAIR TANK CLOSE TANK b FILL W PLACE = CHANGE PROCEDURE 4 REPLACE TANK OTHER Y Y CAUSE(S) OVERFILL RUPTUREIFAILURE CORROSION UNKNOWN SPILL 0 OTHER Er GROUNDWATER E] DRINKING WATER - (CHECK ONLY IF WATER WELLS HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN AFFECTED) w O NO ACTION TAKEN PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT WORKPLAN SUBMITTED F] POLLUTION CHARACTERIZATION - M4 U) LEAK BEING CONFIRMED 0 PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT UNDERWAY O POST CLEANUP MONITORING IN PROGRESS N t) REMEDIATION PLAN ED CASE CLOSED (CLEANUP COMPLETED OR UNNECESSARY) Q CLEANUP UNDERWAY . o CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(S) O EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) O ENHANCED BIO DEGRADATK)N (IT) z (SEE B.CK FCR 00"S) EXCAVATE 8 TREAT (ET) PUMP 8 TREAT GROUNDWATER (GT) REPLACE SUPPLY (RS) != ❑ CAP SITE (CD) w4 M U = CONTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) 4 NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) TREATMENT AT HOOKUP (HU) VENT SOIL (VS) Lu G cc VACUUM EXTRACT(VE) C t' : S' t t. i :' 6.: r• OTHER(OT) NsC 05 z U) . o NsC 05 State Water Resources Control Board Division of Clean Water Programs UST Local Oversight Program ' NOTICE OF RESPONSIBILITY , SITE #: 9915044 DATE FIRST REPORTED:3/23/99 SITE NAME: CDF Fire Station #70 SUBSTANCE: waste oil ADDRESS: 54001 Madison St. FEDERAL X STATE _ .• CITY/STATE/ZIP: La Quinta CA 92253 RESPONSIBLE PARTY: La Quinta Fire Dept. , RESPONSIBLE PARTY CONTACT: Doug McKain ADDRESS: 54001 Madison St. CITY/STATE/ZIP: La Quinta CA 92253 Pursuant to Section 25297.1 and 25297.15 of the Health and Safety Code, you are hereby notified that the above site has been placed in the Local Oversight Program and the individuals) or entity(ies) shown above, or on the attached list, has(have) been identified as the party(ies) responsible for.investigation and cleanup of the above site. Section 25297.15 further requires the primary or active Responsible Party to notify all current record owners of fee title before the local agency considers cleanup or site closure proposals or issues a closure letter. For purposes of implementing section 25297.15, this agency has identified La Quinta Fire Department as the primary or active Responsible PartyAt is the responsibility of the primary or active Responsible Party to submit a letter to this agency within 20 calendar days of receipt of this notice which identifies all current record owners of fee title. It is also the`responsibility of the primary or, active Responsible Party to certify to the local agency that the required notifications have been made at the time a cleanup or site closure proposal is made or before the local agency makes a determination that no further action is required. If property ownership changes in the future, you must notify this local agency within 20 calendar days from when you are informed of the change. Any action or inaction by this local' agency associated with corrective action, including responsible -party identification, is subject to petition to the State Water Resources Control Board. Petitions must be filed within 30 days from the date of the action/inaction. To obtain petition procedures, please FAX your request to the State Water Board at (916) 227-4349 or telephone (916).227-4408. Pursuant -to Section 25299.37(c)(7) of the Health and Safety Code, a responsible party may request the designation of an administering agency when required to conduct corrective action. Please contact this office for further information about the site designation process. Contract Project Director: (760) 863-8976 - ------------------- - y ---------------------------------------------------------------=3----------- Signature `-! Telephone Number Date Add: x Reason: New site Delete: _ Reason: Change:_ Reason: CQUNTY OF RIVERSIDE • HEALTH SERVICES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL,HEALTH f CERTIFIED MAIL #Z 159'236 437 March 23, 1999Site # 9915044 xr r S h Doug McKain La Quinta Fire Dept. 54001 Madison St., La Quinta CA 92253 Dear Mr. McKain: 1 RE: 'Underground' Storage Tank Cleanup at CDF Fire Station #70; 54001 Madison St., La Quinta The purpose of this letter is to inform you that County of Riverside, Department of Environmental Health, Hazardous Materials Management Division has entered into an agreement with the State of California Water.Resources Control Board to oversee the cleanup and mitigation of contaminated sites resulting from the unauthorized release of hazardous substances from underground storage tanks. The 'cleanup of these sites is, necessary to protect the groundwaters of the state, from contamination and to protect the public from exposure to hazardous materials.` Enclosed you will find the Notice of Responsibility. This is formal notification concerning your. responsibility for corrective action at this site. If any of the information is incorrect, or if you should have any questions, please contact meas soon as possible at (760) 863-8976. Sincerely, Linda D. Shur HS Hazardous Materials ' Management Specialist III cc: Abdi Haile, CRRWQCB file • notnew.sit 03/26/97 4065 County Circle Drive • Riverside, CA 92503 • Phone (909) 358-5316• FAX (909) 358-5017 (Mailing Address P.O. Box 7600 • Riverside, CA 92513-7600) printed on recycled paper. i r COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE • HEALTH SERVICES AGENCY Zj DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CERTIFIED MAIL #Z 159 236 437 , March 23, 1999 , Site # 9915044 Doug McKain La Quinta Fire Dept. 54001 Madison St. La Quinta CA 92253 x Dear Mr. McKain: , RE: Underground Storage Tank Cleanup at CDF Fire Station #70, 54001 Madison St., La Quinta It has come to the attention of the County, of Riverside,' Department of Environmental Health, Hazardous Materials Management Division. that -an unauthorized release has occurred from the underground storage tank system at the above referenced site. The resulting soil and/or groundwater contamination must be handled accordingly. As a responsible party, it is your responsibility under the California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16, Article 11 to take corrective action for the unauthorized release at the above referenced site. At this time, a subsurface investigation must be conducted to. delineate the lateral and vertical extent of soil contamination and determine possible impacts to groundwater. Based on the results of this investigation, it is your responsibility to remediate the adverse effects , of .the unauthorized release. ' Bids for work should be solicited and received from at least three companies. Please be certain that. you and your contractor(s) have all appropriate licenses and permits necessary to perform this work, such as a C-57 for well .drilling, County of Riverside well permits, South Coast Air Quality Management District permits, etc. Copies of these documents should be available for inspection by County personnel on request' Results of all investigations must be submitted to this office in the form of technical reports prepared by a qualified professional who is registered as an engineer or geologist' in the State of California. Prior to conducting any work at the site, a detailed workplan must be submitted and accepted by this office. Contact this office on or before April 23, 1999 to discuss the plans for the first phase of work on the site. A workplan must be received by this office on or before May 23, 1999. notnew.sit 03/26/97 4065 County Circle Drive • Riverside, CA 92503 • Phone (909) 358-5316,9 FAX (909) 358-5017 (Mailing. Address — P.O. Box 7600 • Riverside, CA 92513-7600) l _ . printed on recycled paper • r Page 2 ' Site #9915044 It is also your responsibility under California Code of Regulations Title 23 Water Sections 2652(d), 2726(b) and 2727(c) to provide at a minimum, a quarterly status report to this office every three (3) months until site investigation and cleanup are complete. The status report should detail any investigative, remedial; or other action(s) taken regarding the site. The status report should include, at a minimum, information listed on the sample quarterly status report form*enclosed with this letter. We suggest that you make copies of the report form for use each quarter. The quarterly status report shall be submitted within, 15 days of the end of each quarter on the following schedule: Quarter 1 - January thru March......... Submit by April 15 Quarter 2 - April thru June ................ Submit by July 15 - Quarter.3 - July thru September......... Submit by October 15 ` Quarter 4 - October thru December.. Submit by January 15 Failure to provide underground quarterly status reports is a violation of Riverside County Ordinance 617.4. Violations of this ordinance can result in the issuance of a citation. The State of California has set up the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund to pay for corrective action at sites where unauthorized releases of petroleum from USTs have caused contamination of soil.and/or water. Monies -from this Cleanup Fund (up to $995,000) may be available to you. Please + refer to the enclosed pamphlet for more information regarding the Cleanup Fund. Copies of all correspondence submitted to this office should be sent to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Colorado River, Region at 73-720 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 1000, Palm Desert, CA 92260. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me or James Ray at (760) 863- 8976. , Sincerely, .Linda D..Shurlow, HS Hazardous -Materials Management Specialist III Enclosures cc: Abdi Haile, CRRWQCB • _ file F L notnew.sit 03/26/97 t 4, Page 2 - - Site #9915044 It is also your responsibility under California Code of Regulations Title 23 Water Sections 2652(d), 2726(b) and 2727(c) to.provide at a minimum, a quarterly status report to this office every three (3) months .until site investigation and cleanup are complete. • 'The status'report should detail any investigative, remedial, or other action(s) taken regarding the site. The status report should include, at a minimum; information listed on the sample quarterly status report form enclosed with this letter. We suggest that you make copies of the report form for use'each quarter. The quarterly status report shall be submitted within 15 days of the end of each quarter on the following schedule: Quarter 1 - January thru March......... Submit by April 15 Quarter 2 - April thru June ................ Submit by July 15 Quarter 3 - July thru September........ Submit by October 15 Quarter 4 October.thru December.. Submit by January 15 Failure to provide underground quarterly status reports is a violation of Riverside County Ordinance. '617.4. Violations of this ordinance can result iri the issuance of a citation. • The State of California has set up the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund to pay for corrective action at sites where unauthorized releases of petroleum from.USTs have, caused contamination of soil and/or water. Monies from this Cleanup Fund (up to $995,000) may be. available to you. Please refer to the enclosed pamphlet for more information regarding the Cleanup Fund. Copies of all correspondence submitted to this office should be sent to'the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Colorado River Region at 73-720 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 1000, Palm .Desert, CA 92260. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me or James Ray at (760) 863- 8976. Sincerely, /D .-Linda D.,Sh4io" W, ;HS ' Hazardous aterials ' Management Specialist III Enclosures cc: Abdi-Haile, CRRWQCB file notnew.sit 03/26/97 P. O . Boa 1504 1982 f / 78-495 CALLS TAmlrlco t (760) 777-7000 LA QUINTA,`.CALIFORNIA 92253 i (TDD) (760) 777-1227 September 1, 1999 Linda Shurlow. #' Riverside. County Environmental Health , r.° 47-923 Oasis St., Rm. E-4 Indio CA 92201 Dear Ms. Shurlow: Please find attached, for your reviekn, the Report of Subsurface Investigation of CDF Fire ' Station No. 70, prepared by Earth Systems. Per the conclusions and recommendations of the report, I would like to request that the file for the site be "closed", and that the City ' receive confirmation from your Department that no further action is required regarding this issue. Thank .you for. your assistance regarding this matter: Sincerely, ij Tom Hartung Director of Building and Safety t COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE HEALTH SERVICES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL :HEALTH Ic /Ty OF kA ' JUSc !iVrq June 14,1999'- ; ' 2.3 RECD Ci Mr. Tom Hartung, Director ' ' City of La -Quinti-Building arid' Safety Dept: ' . ;77495 Calle Tampico La,Quinta CA 92253 - "` ARE:'CDF Fua Station;#70 at `540U1'Nladison St L;a-Quinta f i Site 9915044,_ J ,. f Dear Mr. Hartung r - The Riverside,County; Department of Environmental Health, Hazardous' 1VlaterialsYDivision has. " received your workplan for subsurface investigation above referenced`site. The workplan was dated May 27," 1999 and signed by, Scot Stormo, of Earth Systems Consultants: This office accepts the workplan. Contact.this office at-least,five"working days"prior,to the - commencement of.the site field activities. Prior to. commencing work, it is recommended.that you , contact the State Water Resources Control' Board,.UST Clean-Up.Fund Program to see whether; , I the.project'you,are proposing will be fully.rennliursed by the, State: Apr 23 99 08:48a Earth Systems Consultants 760 345-7315 CITE" OF LA QUINTA - BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Rpr 23 99 08:48a Earth Systems Consultants '760 345-731.5 Earth Systems Consultants Southwest 79-811B Country Club Drive Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 (760)345-1588 (800) 924-7015 FAX (760) 345-7315 April 23, 1999 Proposal No. SWP-99-131 City of La Quinta - Building and Safety Department P. O. Box 1504 78-495 Calle Tampico _ - La Quinta, California. 92253 Attention: Mr. Tom Hartung, Director Subject; Proposal for Subsurface Investigation at Former Waste Oil Storage Tanks Project: CDF Fire Station No. 70 54001 Madison Street La Quinta, California Dear Mr. Hartung: Earth Systems Consultants Southwest (ESCSW) is pleased to submit this proposal to conduct a subsurface investigation at the site referenced above. The area of investigation is located near the fill piing that connected a former waste oil underground storage tank (UST) with a floor drain. The fill pipe for this UST was located remotely from the .UST, and during recent UST removal activities samples collected at the remote fill were found to contain hydrocarbons at concentrations of concern. The site has been added to the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health Services (RCDEHS) Local Oversight Program (LOP), and further. investigations are required by the RCDEHS to assess the extent of contamination along the fill piping. _ This' proposal is : submitted in response to the your verbal request of April 19, 1999. The scope of this proposal was designed to meet the requirements of the LOP, as described in the County LOP Convective Action Guidelines and as discussed with Ms. Linda Shurlow with the LOP. rurpose and Scone The purpose of this investigation is assess the .extent of diesel -affected soil at the location of the remote -fill. To achieve this objective, we propose to' drill one boring to a depth of 40 feet at the location of the remote fill. Soil samples will be collected at 5 foot interials, and selected samples will be analyzed for the presence of waste oil and solvents. The scope of work will" include the following: 1. A workplan will be prepared for submission to the RCDEHS for their. review and approval (as . required);. 2. Underground Service Alert will be contacted quid as -built drawings of the current utility layout will be reviewed to select boring locations that will not conflict .with existing improvements (Note that it is the client's responsibility to provide the as -built drawings and check and approve the location of the borehole); 3. A site-specific Health and Safety Plan will be developed to guide onsite activities, in. accordance with federal and state regulations, and ESCSW's corporate policy; P.3 Rpr 23 99 08:48a Earth Systems Consultants 760-345-7315 p.4 April 23, 1999 -2- Proposal No. SWP-99-131 4. Two borings will be drilled at the former location of the remote fill to a depth of 40 feet. Mote that this may need to be deepened if evidence of contamination is encountered in the lower 20 feet. Undisturbed soil samples will be collected at five-foot intervals using a soil probe split - spoon sampler; 5. The soils will be examined in the field for soil type and indications of contamination, such as staining, odors, or organic vapors (as detectable with a Photoionization Detector [PID]}; 6. Selected samples will be submitted to a California -certified testing laboratory for analysis. The samples will be tested for: Total petroleum hydrocarbons .using EPA method 418.1 and solvents using EPA Method 8260. If MTBE is detected in,the analyses, up to two samples will be reanalyzed for MTBE using EPA method 3260 to confirm the presence of MTBE. The cost estimate assumes that a total of 8 soil samples will be analyzed on a standard (two-week) turn- around basis; 7. The down -hole drilling and sampling equipment will be cleaned before use to prevent cross contamination of the samples or boreholes. Wash water and soil cuttings generated during the investigation will be containerized and left onsite I for disposal. Disposal will be the responsibility of the client; 8. After drilling, the borehole will be backfilled with bentonite chips. The surface of the site will be covered with dirt to match existing conditions; ; 9. A report will be prepared to summarize our activities, observations, and chemical testing results, and present our professional opinion regarding the presence or absence of contamination at the site. The report will meet the requirements of the RCDEHS LOP. Methodology The methods to be utilized during this investigation will be consistent with industry standard practices and the requirements of the LOP, and are designed to provide reliable, accurate information regarding subsurface conditions. The boring,will be drilled using a "Geo -probe" push -type sampler. Care will be taken to prevent cross -contamination' of the samples including:, cleaning the down -hole sampling equipment in a detergent wash and distilled -water rinse before each use; using the deepest intact sample from each sampling interval as the sample to submit to the laboratory for analysis; using brass or stainless steel sleeves in the sampling device to collect and store the samples; and placing Teflon sheets and new plastic end -caps over the ends of the samples, placing the samples in plastic bags, and storing the samples in an ice -cooled ice -chest for transport to the analytical laboratory. Soil and wash water generated during the drilling process will be placed in drums and left onsite pending receipt of the laboratory results. Note that if significant contamination is noted in the borings, offsite disposal of these wastes may be required. Costs for, handling and disposing of waste materials are not included in this proposal, and will be the responsibility of the client, though we will be available to assist in identifying an appropriate disposal alternative. Drilling activities will be performed under the supervision of a Registered Geologist, who will log the boring using the Unified Soil Classification System. Visual and olfactory evidence of contamination will be noted on the boring logs, as will the readings of the PID. The boring logs will be included in the report on the project. If evidence of contamination is identified, the: client ' will be notified as soon as practical. f EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTSSOUTHWLST Apr 23 SS 08:4.Sa Earth Systems Consultants 760 345-7315- p.5 April 23, 1999 -3- Proposal No. SWP-99-131 Qualifications Earth Systems Consultants Southwest is well qualified to perform the proposed scope of services. The staff at ESCSW has performed numerous similar investigations at srnular sites in the Coachella Valley. ESCSW is the largest environmental and geotechnical engineering firm in the Coachella Valley, and provides consistent quality service at reasonable prices. For this project, Mr. Scot Stormo will be the project manager and lead consultant. Mr. S.tormo is a Registered Geologist and Certified Hydrogeologist with over 14 years of professional experience evaluating sites with potential soil and/or groundwater contamination, including industrial, commercial, agricultural, and residential properties. Mr. Stormo is familiar with the proposed method of investigation, the behavior of the potential contaminants in the subsurface, and the regulations governing USTs. A resume further describing Mr. Stormo's background is attached for your review. Fees . We propose to provide these services on a fixed -fee basis. The fees to perform the proposed scope of work are presented below. Subsurface Investigation Prepare Workplan and Health & Safety Plan $400.00 Drill and Sample Borings $2,000.00 Lab Analysis (8 samples) $1,400.00 Report Preparation and Project Management $200.00 Total $4,700.00 Schedule We anticipate that the workplan can be prepared within 1 week following written authorization to proceed. Field activities should take 1 day to complete, and can be performed within 1 week of receiving approval of the workplan from the RCDEHS. The laboratory analyses will be performed on a 2 -week turn -around basis. A report of our findings will be available about 20 working days after completion of the field work. A verbal report of the laboratory results will be provided upon receipt. Terms and Conditions We will notify the Client of any major change in the proposed scope of work prior to initiating such a change. Fees for additional. services requested after authorization or in the field will be charged at the hourly rates in effect at the time the services are requested. If the proposed scope of work, attached Terms for Service, and fees are satisfactory, please sign in the space provided below and return one copy to our office. This will constitute authorization for us to proceed with work on the project. This agreement can be terminated by either party by notification in writing. ESCSW's responsibility for the project will end upon completion of the services described herein or termination of the agreement; unless authorization to perform additional work and agreement for payment thereof is provided by the client. This proposal is valid for a period of 90 days. If authorized after 90 days, ESCSW reserves the right to reconsider the fees presented herein. EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST S - d April 23, 1999 -4- 1 Proposal No. SWP-99-1'31 We look forward to assisting you on this project. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. If any questions arise or if additional information is desired, please call the undersigned at (760) 345-1588.. Respectfully submitted, EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED Southwest % CLIENT NAME (IN PRINT) Craig S. Hill President SIGNATURE AND TITLE PLEASE RETURN A SIGNED COPY TO EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS DATE Proposal/pc (760) 777-7075 PHONE (760) 777-7 55 FAX Distribution: 21City of La Quinta 1/BD File f EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTMM SOUTHWEST STEL -SBC 09L s4ue4Tnsu03 swalsRS 41ue3 e0S=80 66 62 jdd EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTMM SOUTHWEST STEL -SBC 09L s4ue4Tnsu03 swalsRS 41ue3 e0S=80 66 62 jdd EARTH. SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST TERMS FOR SERVICES 1. INVESTIGATION, MONITORING & INSPECTION: If the services include monitoring or inspection of soil, construction and/or materials, Client shall authorize and pay for Consultant to provide sufficient observation and professional inspection to permit Consultant to form opinions according to accepted statistical sampling methods as to whether the work has been performed in accordance with recommendations. Such opinions, while statistically valid, do not guaranty uniformity of conditions or materials. Similarly, soils and geology investigations do not guaranty uniformity of subsurface conditions. Client hereby represents and warrants that it has provided and shall provide to Consultant all information and sufficient advance notice necessary in order for Consultant to perform the appropriate level of services. No statement or action of Consultant can relieve Client's contractors of their obligation to perform their work properly. Consultant has no authority to stop the work of others. 2. SITE ACCESS & UTILITIES: Client has sole responsibility for securing site access and locating utilities. 3. BILLING AND PAYMENT: Client will pay Consultant the proposal amount or, if none is stated, according to the fee schedule attached to the proposal. Prior to initiation of field work, a 'retainer is required. This retainer shall be maintained throughout the project and shall be applied to the final invoice. Payment is due on presentation of invoices, and is delinquent if Consultant has not received payment within thirty (30) days from date of an invoice. Client will pay an additional charge of 1 1/2 (1.5) percent per month (or the maximum percentage allowed by law, whichever is lower) on any delinquent amount, excepting any portion of the invoiced amount that is disputed in good faith. Each payment will first be applied to accrued interest, costs and fees and then to the principal unpaid amount, All time spent and expenses incurred (including any in-house or outside attorney's fees) in connection with collection of any delinquent amount will be paid by the Client to Consultant per Consultant's current fee schedule. 4. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: Consultant owns all documents it creates and grants Client limited license to use the documents for the purposes stated in the documents. Consultant reserves the right to withhold delivery of documents to Client until payment in full of current invoices has been received.. 5. TERMINATION: This agreement may be terminated by either party effective 7 days from the date of written notice, or if the client suspends the work for three (3) months. In the event of termination, Consultant will be paid for services performed prior to the date of termination plus reasonable termination expenses. If Consultant has not received payment for any invoice within 30 days from the date of the invoice, or in the event of anticipatory breach by Client, Consultant may suspend performance of its services immediately and may terminate this contract. 6. RISK ALLOCATION: In order for Client to obtain the benefit of a fee which includes a lesser allowance for compensating Consultant for its litigation risk, Client aerees to indemnify. hold harmless and defend Consultant, its agents, employees, or officers, from and against any and all loss, claim, expenses, including attorney's fees, injury, damages, liability or costs arising out of non -design services (i.e., services other than as defined by Civil Code Section 2784) performed by Consultant on this project, except where such loss injury, damage, liability, cost, expenses or claims are the result of the sole negligence or willful misconduct of Consultant. Regarding any loss due to the sole negligence or willful misconduct of Consultant, or any loss dare to design defects, Client agrees to limit th Mal aggmeate liability of Consultant, its agents, employees, and officers to Client, and to all construction contractors and subcontractors on the entire project, to the lesser of $15,000.00 or total fees charged by Consultant. Client further agrees to require of the contractor and his subcontractors an identical limitation of Consultant's liability for damage suffered by the contractor or the subcontractor arising from any alleged breach or negligence of Consultant. Client agrees to provide to Consultant proof of insurance covering claims for property darnage including construction defects and related personal injury on an occurrence basis in an amount of not less than $1 million per occurrence and in the annual aggregate. You should consult with an attorney experienced in construction contracts and litigation regardingthis his provision 7, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Consultant is responsible only for hazardous materials brought by Consultant onto the site. Client retains ownership and responsibility in all respects for other hazardous materials and associated damage. 8. ASSIGNS AND THIRD PARTIES: Neither the client nor Consultant may delegate, assign or transfer his duties or rights in this Agreement without the written consent of the other party. This Agreement is intended only to benefit of the parties hereto. Person's who are not a signatory to this agreement shall have no rights hereunder to rely on this contract or on any of Consultant's services or reports without the express written authorization of Consultant. 9. GOVERNING LAW, SURVIVAL AND FORUM SELECTION: The contract shall be governed by laws of the State of California. If any of the provisions contained in this agreement are held invalid, the enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be impaired. Limitations of liability, indemnities, representations and warranties by Client will survive termination of this agreement. The signatories represent and warrant that they are authorized by the entities on whose behalf they sign to enter into this contract and that their principals have filed fictitious business name statements, if required. All disputes between Consultant and client related to this agreement will be submitted to the court of.the county where Consultant's principal place of business is located and client waives the right to remove the action to any other county or judicial jurisdiction. BD -BF -302 3/99' HANDWRITTEN CHANGES NOT VALID Client Initials L'd SIEL-S>bE 09L s4uelInsuo0 swa-4sRS 4lje3 eIS:80 66 62 udU 4 Earth Systems Consultants Southwest Scot A. Stormo SELE ED MAJOR PROJECT EXPERIENCE continued • Law Suit Involving Pre -Existing Contamination. Mr. Stormo was project manager, principal geologist and expert witness in a law suit involving pre-existing contamination on a former service station property with numerous prior owners, operators and adjacent spills. He evaluated prior remedial activities for appropriateness; evaluated likelihood of upgradient sources; used computer modeling, and fate and transport simulations to evaluate the likelihood of various release scenarios; and, developed cost estimates for clean-up. • Groundwater Contamination at Two Landfalls. Mr. Stormo was field manager and chief author of an investigation of the extent of groundwater contamination at two landfills. The project included well installation, aquifer testing, groundwater modeling, risk assessment, and remedial alternatives evaluation. • Phase I and II Investigations and Leaking UST's. Mr. Stormo was involved in numerous investigations related to leaking underground storage tanks and hundreds of environmental site assessments, (Phase I Investigations) of industrial, commercial, residential, agricultural, and vacant properties, with follow-up (Phase H. Investigations) of the sites identified as potentially contaminated. • Bunker C. Fuel Oil Spill. Mr. Stormo authored the Vacuum Extraction Pilot Test and the Soil Column Bioventing and Surfactant Flushing Treatability Study pertaining to this site. He performed data analyses and provided geochemical consulting services. • Groundwater Contamination Plume Geochemical Evaluation. Mr. Stormo evaluated the chemistry of a groundwater contamination plume involving. solvents. He used an analysis of the relative concentrations of the two primary contaminants to identify three separate plumes with distinctive chemical signatures. He then delineated plume boundaries, mixing zones, and probable source areas-. • Metal Working Facility Airborne Contaminant Investigation. Airborne metallic dusts -such as lead, cadmium, and chromium were the primary concern at this site. As project manager and principal investigator, Mr. Stormo performed ambient air sampling and surficial dust sampling and analysis, and used the isotopic concentrations of 'the lead and the ratios. of the various metals in the different media, to identify the source of the airborne materials. PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND 1991 to 1997 Senior Geologist . Dames & Moore, Spokane, Washington Ontario, California 1989 to 1991 Senior Project Geologist Exceltech, Inc. Irvine, California 1986 to 1989 Staff Geologist Leighton & Associates, Riverside, California 1985 to 1986 Consulting Geologist Epoch Well Logging Ventura, California' EDUCATION M. S. Geology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1984 B. S. Geology, California Lutheran College, Thousand Oaks, California, 1981 BD -R-003 10/98 T -d STEL -SSE 09L -z- duel T nsuo0 swagsRS y, ,Je3 eo T :E;0 66 Cz -idd Scot A. Stormo REGISTRATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS Registered Geologist, State of California, 1990, (No,. 4826) Certified Hydrogeologist, State of California, .1995 (No. 204) OSHA 40 -Hour HAZWOPER Course, Hazardous Materials and Site Investigations (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120[e]), 1987, 8 -hour refresher courses taken annually Princeton Groundwater, 1994 Short course: Groundwater Pollution and Hydrology California Registered Environmental Assessor, 1990 to 1995 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS National Groundwater Association Inland Geological Society j BD -R-003 10/98 .3- 2 -Cl STEL-Sbc 09L s,4uegjnsuo0 swagsRS ggje3 e01=60 66 62 idd Earth Systems Consultants 1 Southwest 79-811B County Club Drive 0 Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 (760)345-1588 (800)924-7015 FAX (760) 345-7315 M May 27, 1999 City of La Quinta - Building and Safety Department P. O. Box 1504 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Attention: Mr. Tom Hartung, Director Subject: Work Plan Subsurface Investigation Project: CDF Fire Station,No. 70 54001 Madison Street La Quinta, California Dear Mr. Hartung: File No. 07201-01 99-05-745 Earth Systems Consultants Southwest (ESCSW) is pleased to submit this work plan to conduct a subsurface investigation for evaluating the vertical extent of hydrocarbon contamination at the above referenced site (Figure 1). The area of investigation is the former location of a remote fill pipe for a waste oil underground storage tank (UST) with a floor drain. The fill pipe for this UST was located remotely from the UST, and during recent UST removal activities samples collected at the remote fill were found to contain hydrocarbons at concentrations of concern. The site has been added to the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health Services (RCDEHS) Local Oversight Program (LOP), and further investigations are required by the RCDEHS to assess the extent of contamination along the fill piping. The scope of this work plan was designed to meet the requirements of the LOP,' as described in the County LOP -Cor ective Action Guidelines. This work plan should be submitted to Ms. Linda Shurlow at the Riverside - County Department of Environmental Health Services. (RCDEHS) 'for her review and approval. Site Description and Location The "site" for the purposes of this investigation is the location of the remote fill for the Waste Oil UST. This is currently a concrete and asphalt paved area on the southeast corner of the fire station building. The fill line to the waste oil tank was located within the building, in the center of the first parking bay. The Waste oil tank was located on the outside off the southwestern corner of the building. (Figure 2). The inside height of the building will permit work with a small Geoprobe- type rig or limited access rig, but not a larger conventional hollow stem auger rig. The site is located in the northeast quarter of Section 16, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino baseline and meridian. The site is generally flat. The elevation of the' site is approximately 10 feet below Mean Sea Level. May 27, 1999 -2- File No. 07201-01 99-05-745 Geology and Hydrogeology The site is located in the Coachella Valley of Southern California. The Coachella Valley is part of the tectonically active Salton Trough, which is a closed, internally draining basin bounded by the San Jacinto and Santa Rosa Mountains to the southwest, the San Bernardino Mountains to the northwest, and the Little San Bernardino and Orocopia Mountains to the northeast and east. These mountain ranges, and the basement rock underlying the Coachella Valley, are primarily composed of granitic and metamorphic rock. Within the Coachella Valley, the basement complex is overlain by a series of unconsolidated and semi -consolidated continental clastic sediments eroded from .the surrounding mountain ranges, lacustrine deposits of ancient Lake Cahuilla, and wind-blown sand deposited in the active blow -sand area of Riverside County (DWR, 1964). The site is located on lacustrine deposits of ancient lake Cahuilla. The northwest trending San Andreas Fault Zone is the major geologic feature of the Coachella Valley. The Banning, Mission Creek, and Garnet Hill faults, which are part of the San Andreas Fault system, divide the Coachella Valley into four distinct hydrogeologic subbasins. Each subbasin is further divided into subareas, based on either the type of water -bearing formation, water quality, areas of confined groundwater, forebay areas, groundwater divides, or surface water divides. The site is located within the Thermal subarea of the Indio subbasin. This subarea consists of the confined portion of.the Indio subbasin, where water from the up -gradient Palm Springs subarea moves into the interbedded sands, silts and clays underlying the central portion of the valley. Groundwater in this subarea generally flows in a southeasterly direction toward the Salton Sea. The water bearing materials in this area have been divided into four units: a semi - perched zone at the ground surface and extending to a depth of up to 100 feet; an upper aquifer which is 150 to 300 feet thick; a lower aquifer in excess of 500 feet thick; and an aquitard between these two aquifers which is 100 to 200 feet thick. The semi -perched zone may be the uppermost water -bearing zone under the site. Water quality within this zone is generally poor. The deeper and upper aquifers are typically used for water supply. Throughout the Thermal subarea, the horizontal permeability is several times the vertical permeability resulting in a predominantly lateral flow of groundwater (DWR, 1964). Data from the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) indicates that groundwater is present at a depth of about 110 feet in a well located immediately south of the site (CVWD, 1999). Background It is our understanding that petroleum hydrocarbons were identified at the remote fill location during recent UST removal activities. The RCDEHS is requiring that additional investigations be performed to investigate the vertical extent of this contamination. The waste oil storage system has been removed, which precludes a further release, Purpose and Scope The purpose of this investigation is to assess the extent of hydrocarbon -affected soil at the location of the remote -fill. To achieve this objective, we propose to drill two borings to a depth of 40 feet at the location of the remote fill and along the piping running to the UST. Soil samples will be collected at 5 -foot intervals, and selected samples will be analyzed for the presence of total petroleum hydrocarbons and solvents. The scope of work will include the following elements: This work planhas been prepared for submission to the RCDEHS for their review and approval (as required); EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST May 27, 1999 -3- File No. 07201-01' 99-05-745 2. Underground Service Alert will be contacted and as -built drawings of the current utility layout will be reviewed to select boring locations that will not conflict with existing improvements (Note that it is the client's responsibility to provide the as -built drawings and check and approve the location of the borehole); 3. A site-specific Health and Safety Plan will be developed to guide onsite activities, in accordance with federal and state regulations, and ESCSW's corporate policy; 4. Two borings will be drilled at the former location of the remote fill to a depth of 40 feet. Note that this may need to be deepened if evidence of contamination is encountered in the lower 20 feet. Undisturbed soil samples will be collected at five-foot intervals using a soil probe split -spoon sampler; 5. The soils will be examined in the field for soil type and indications of contamination, such as staining, odors, or organic vapors (as detectable with a Photoionization Detector [PID]); 6. Selected samples will be submitted to a 'California -certified testing laboratory for analysis. The samples will be tested for: Total petroleum hydrocarbons using EPA method 418.1 and solvents using EPA Method 8260. The cost estimate assumes that a total of 8 soil samples will be analyzed on a standard (two-week) turn -around basis; 7. The down -hole drilling and sampling equipment will be cleaned before use to prevent cross - contamination of the samples or boreholes. Wash water and soil cuttings generated during the investigation will be containerized and left onsite for disposal. Disposal will be the responsibility of the client; _ 8. After drilling, the borehole will be backfilled with bentonite chips. The surface of the site will be resurfaced with concrete to match existing conditions; 9. A report will be prepared to summarize our activities, observations, and chemical testing results, and present our professional opinion regarding the presence or absence of contamination at the site. The report will meet the requirements of the RCDEHS LOP. Methodology The methods to be utilized during this investigation will be consistent with industry standard practices and are designed to provide reliable, accurate information regarding subsurface conditions. Care will be taken to prevent cross -contamination of the samples including: • Cleaning the down -hole sampling equipment in a detergent wash and distilled -water rinse before each use; • Using the deepest intact sample from each sampling interval as the sample to submit to the laboratory for analysis; • Using brass or stainless steel sleeves in the sampling device to collect and store the samples; • Placing Teflon sheets and new plastic end -caps over the ends of the samples; and, • Placing the samples in plastic bags and storing the samples in an ice -cooled ice -chest for transport to the analytical laboratory using chain -of -custody protocols. Soil and wash water generated during the drilling process will be placed in drums and left onsite pending receipt of the laboratory results. Note that if significant contamination is noted in the EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST May 27, 1999 -4 File No. 07201-01 99-05-745 borings, offsite disposal of these wastes may be required. Disposal is the responsibility of the client, though we' will be available to assist in identifying an appropriate disposal alternative. Drilling activities will be performed under the supervision of a Registered Geologist, who will log the boring using the Unified Soil Classification System. Visual and olfactory evidence of contamination will be noted on the boring logs, as will the readings of the PID. The boring logs will be included in the report on the project. If evidence of contamination is identified, the client will be notified as soon as practical. Schedule We expect that the field work can begin within 1 to 2 weeks following approval of this work plan by the LOP. Field activities should take 1 day to complete. The laboratory analyses will be performed on a 1 to 2 week turn -around basis. A report of our findings should be available about 20 working days after completion of the field work. A verbal report of the laboratory results will be provided upon receipt. We trust this meets your needs at this time. If you have any questions regarding this work plan, or desire additional information, please feel free to contact us at (760) 345-1588. Respectfully submitted, EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS Southwest Ep OFo`o SCOT A. C, N Scot A. Stormo, R.G., C.HG. ST Vice President CERTIFIED HYDROGEOLOGIST RG 4826 ESE Report/pc HG 204 Distribution: 4/CitY a Q of Luinta C Enclosures IBD File 1/VTA File Figures 1 and 2 EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST May 27, 1999 -5- File No. 07201-01 99-05-745 References California Department of Water Resources (DWR), 1964, Bulletin No. 108, Coachella Valley Investigation, July 1964. Harrel, Alan, Coachella Valley Water District employee, personal communication, May 26, 1999. United States Geologic Survey, 7.5 minute La Quinta, California, Quadrangle, 1959( photo revised 1980). EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST al 17 J/ ..4VENUE 52 OPG u. • rte•. -w: ,J, !.. •'T. 1 tl A A", h1 -^ ` < ,a+, +•_ sera :. t.y - :,.t•ox<es'.<„ ^,eau ta``I.:.b sJ o:aa.z •t 4. liC Trail I ,. N , 1. LL.®r . rJ :aaC i+: ccc ., oe.•c filctid,ff.' i' f>O d — I ..vS Vr Y+.:•..J r. /"' ./ SS. ,de11C:.i;h d• ` v.f Qiltlt -c n;.c, •. r.sn hurt e: ,\r,..r D 't :n:o . `. .. 0-.. I. `s f , 0 42 Ij lSndde i•na pq ' ,I su sa:. nrn ses all vx oonf veeo a.,N a:. as=nu/ 0 r' r l : /r 1 A n a4 v SITES it 1 r m;r=----- 1 n u u it n II •1 11 It „ 11 U It 11 n I 41' —!2 !' i ii -25 % Reference: USGS La Quinta (1980) and Indio (1972). Calif. Quad. Maps 1:24,000 Scale: 1" = 2,000' 0 2,000 . 4,000 C r 0 15 1---1it II +.t ' .. n .a jj 11 ' •Vd3 r I it II Isco, -U II PRei Td•TF; «.«•-r.. .. ,:o II P+, Ma S:.0 u.uY ' ,.• 'sra Ali dJ4+.. cso nR 1;- R -t4 O •t •: tYit L'a♦Na_. ..GY. •/'M::Cn Y.. {I 3v e9:>ai'naec at.:e. +e II p.4ct_•• .J 1 ;S..n• AA4Fr ua3 ., !.t.', : ✓ : : 'l:3 c• J .S i!sel z .:.1x89::::<v.e.FL.rG SL c: iry VO ecf A':r::5q 'a»ai eLn 6i.Y a?ar•C w:6Ni vF n <•a ¢o•a .•k:.r:: fd: ryJ H'n e8 e.'s SQ•E ,ip Qn . r>. n.wu: CSC.'r'n!CI; y' y ' oma c.:afa^a•-doc.v r. :f!r.yroa: .ta. cv <a:;.;az uC3 hS r•.agd:1 f1.2 Nrd •+t• _f •d..iu f• •+: s.3bq a... `v9dt:g?44 e•ya.,9YA J" aO:y:c :.'s r2..: •.f. CV:fu'aC. '..h:.. atr 'A .:aa '!1 fi tr,, t'a•:t:.::ui 7 caa 0ord.::l en ` Jcdj!. ae :.c :+; F:s e: .• s.2r.6Na,.vb»4 Ltift : ar ef-` .• +.^<: v S b • •O l< n V' rya.=JCa.... Figure 1 Site Vicinity CDF Fire Station No. 70 Subsurface Investigation Project No.: 07201-01 Earth Systems Consultants Southwest Avenue 54 ...... ...... ...... _.._........ ...... _.._.._. Property Line Driveway Madison Street —)P. K •• Floor •' Drains- CDF Station ••`' • Vehicle No. 70 • • Parking Landscape •`•• Floor—*. Drains .O • tio d#yB_1 Patio oz\ surface ash 7 rV\ ;in • Waste Oil Tank (Removed) C Thick a •• • a Concrete Paving • oma, Parking Existing Road\.• • Driveway Reference: Facsimile of Site Plan, City of La Quinta Figure 2 Boring Locations CDF Fire Station No. 70 Subsurface Investigation Project No.: 07201-01 N Approximate Scale: 1" 40" , 'Earth Systems Consultants Southwest I 0 40' 80' ' OF TN { April 27, 1999 r . ' Battalion Chief Doug McKain 54-001 Madison St. La Quinta CA. 92253 Subject:,Soil; Contamination at Station 70 t % Dear Chief McKain: In the interest of expediting the testing process toydetermine the extent of the soil . . and/or groundwater contamination at the above site, the.City will enter into a contract with a qualified agency to perform the'necessary tests. This action by the City should not..be construed as an acceptance -of responsibility for the unauthorized release of contaminants' into the soil, or for their removal. We reserve the right to seek reimbursement for the costs -associated with the required testing if it is so indicated by. the lease, agreement between the City and the County for the premises. Estimated costs for'the "testing is $4,700. Sincerely, Tom Hartung Director of Building and Safety - a c Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Dawn Honeywell, City Attorney Earth Systems Consultants 1i Southwest J Consulting Engineers and Geologists Earth Systems Consultants 1 Southwest 79-811B County Club Drive Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 (760)345-1588 (800)924-7015 FAX (760) 345-7315 April 23, 1999 Proposal No. SWP-99-131 City of La Quinta - Building and Safety Department P. O. Box 1504 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Attention: Mr. Tom Hartung, Director Subject: Proposal for Subsurface Investigation at _ Former Waste Oil Storage Tanks Project: CDF Fire Station No..70 ' 54001 Madison Street La Quinta, California Dear Mr. Hartung: Earth Systems Consultants Southwest (ESCSW) is pleased to submit this proposal to conduct a subsurface investigation at the site referenced above. The area of investigation is located. near the fill piping that connected a former waste oil.underground storage tank (UST) with a floor drain. The fill pipe for this UST was: located remotely from the UST, and during recent UST removal activities samples collected at the remote fill were found to contain hydrocarbons at concentrations ' of concern. The site has-been added to the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health Services (RCDEHS) Local Oversight Program (LOP), and further investigations are required by the .RCDEHS to assess the extent of contamination- along the fill piping. This ,,proposal is ' submitted in response to the your verbal request of April 19, 1999.' The scope of Athis proposal was designed to meet the requirements of the LOP, as described in the County LOP Corrective Action Guidelines and as discussed with Ms. Linda Shurlow with the LOP. Purpose and Scope The purpose of this investigation is assess the extent of diesel -affected soil at the location of the remote -fill. To achieve this objective, we propose to drill one boring to a depth of 40 feet at the i ,location of the remote fill. Soil samples will be collected at 5,foot intervals, and selected samples " will be analyzed for the presence of waste oil and solvents. ' The scope of work will include the following: 1. A workplan will be prepared for submission to the RCDEHS for their review and approval (as ' required); 2. Underground Service Alert will. be contacted and as -built drawings of the current utility layout will be reviewed to select boring locations. that will not ' conflict with existing improvements (Note that it is the client's responsibility to provide the as -built drawings_ and check and approve the location of the borehole); ' 3. A site-specific Health and Safety Plan will be developed to, guide onsite activities, in accordance with federal and state regulations, and ESCSW's corporate policy; rApril 23, 1999 -2- Proposal No. SWP-99-131 ' 4. Two borings will be drilled at the former location of the remote fill to a depth of 40 feet. Note that this may need to be deepened 'if evidence of contamination is encountered in the lower 20 feet. Undisturbed soil samples will be collected at five-foot intervals using a soil probe split - spoon sampler; 5. The soils will be examined in the field for soil type and indications of contamination, such as ' staining, odors, or organic vapors (as detectable with a Photoionization Detector [PID]); 6. Selected samples will be submitted to a California -certified testing laboratory for analysis. The ' samples will be tested for: Total petroleum hydrocarbons using EPA method 418.1 and solvents using EPA Method 8260. If MTBE is detected in the analyses, up to two samples will be reanalyzed for MTBE using EPA method 8260 to confirm the presence of MTBE. The cost estimate assumes that a total of 8 soil samples will be analyzed on a standard (two-week) turn - wound basis; 7. The down -hole drilling and sampling equipment will be cleaned before use to prevent cross - contamination of the samples or boreholes. Wash water and soil cuttings generated during the investigation will be containerized and left onsite for disposal. Disposal will be the responsibility of the client; ' 8. After drilling, the borehole will be backfilled with bentonite chips. The surface of the site will be covered with dirt to match existing conditions; ' 9. A report will be prepared to summarize our activities, observations, and chemical testing results, and present our professional opinion regarding the presence or absence of contamination at the site. The report will meet the requirements of the RCDEHS LOP. ' Methodology The methods to be utilized during this investigation will be consistent with industry standard practicesand the requirements of the LOP, and are - designed to. provide reliable, accurate information regarding subsurface conditions. The boring will be drilled using a "Geo -probe" push -type sampler. Care will be taken to prevent cross -contamination of the samples including: cleaning the down -hole sampling equipment in a detergent wash and distilled -water rinse before each use; using the deepest intact sample from each sampling interval as the sample to submit to the laboratory for analysis; using brass or stainless steel sleeves in the sampling device to collect and store the samples; and placing Teflon sheets and new plastic end -caps over the ends of the samples, placing the samples in plastic bags, and storing the samples in an ice -cooled ice -chest for transport to the analytical laboratory. Soil and wash water generated during the drilling process will be placed in drums and left onsite pending receipt of the laboratory results. Note that if significant contamination is noted in the borings, offsite disposal of these wastes may be required. Costs for handling and disposing of waste materials are not included in this proposal, and will be the responsibility of the client, though we will be available to assist in identifying an appropriate disposal alternative. Drilling activities will be performed under the supervision of a Registered Geologist, who will log the boring using the Unified Soil Classification System. Visual and olfactory evidence of contamination will be noted on the boring logs, as will the readings of the PID. The boring logs will be included in the report on the project. If evidence of contamination is identified, the client will be notified as soon as practical. EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST } April 23, 1999 -3- Proposal No. SWP-99-131 Qualifications Earth Systems Consultants Southwest is well qualified to perform the proposed scope of services: The staff at ESCSW has performed numerous similar investigations at similar sites in the Coachella Valley. ESCSW is the largest environmental and geotechnical engineering firm in the Coachella Valley, and provides consistent quality service at reasonable prices. ' For this project, Mr. Scot Stormo will be the project manager and lead consultant. Mr. Stormo is a Registered Geologist and Certified Hydrogeologist with over •14 years of professional experience ' evaluating sites with-, potential soil and/or groundwater contamination, including industrial, commercial, agricultural, and residential properties. Mr. Stormo is familiar with the proposed method of investigation, the behavior of the potentialcontaminants in the subsurface, and the ' regulations governing USTs. A resume further describing Mr. Stormo's background is attached for your review. Fees ' We propose to provide these services on a fixed -fee basis. The fees to perform the proposed scope of work are presented below. Subsurface Investigation Prepare Workplan and Health & Safety Plan $400.00 ' Drill and Sample Borings $2,000.00 Lab Analysis (8 samples) $1,400.00 Report Preparation and Project Management $900.00 Total $4,700.00 Schedule ' We anticipate that the workplan orkplan can be prepared within 1 week following written authorization to proceed. Field activities should take 1 day to complete, and can be performed within 1 week of ' receiving approval of the, workplan from the RCDEHS. The laboratory analyses will be performed on a 2 -week turn -around basis. A report of our findings will be available about 20 working days after completion of the field work. A verbal report of the laboratory results will be provided upon receipt. Terms and Conditions We will notify the Client of .any major change in the proposed scope of work prior to initiating such a change. Fees for additional services requested after authorization or in the field will be charged at the hourly rates in effect at the time the services are requested. If the proposed scope of work, attached Terms for Service, and fees are satisfactory, please sign in the space provided below and return one copy to our office. This will constitute authorization for ' us to proceed with work on the project. This agreement can be terminated by either party by notification in writing. ESCSW's responsibility for the project will endupon completion"of the services described herein or termination of the agreement, unless authorization to perform' additional work and agreement for payment thereof is provided by the client. This proposal is. . valid for a period of 90 days. If authorized after 90 days, ESCSW reserves the right to reconsider the fees presented herein. EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST ' Earth Systems Consultants Southwest SCOT A. STORMO, Vice President, Senior Geologist, Hydrogeologist Employed with Earth Systems Consultants Southwest's Bermuda Dunes office, Mr. Stormo is manager of our environmental services department. In this capacity, he directs environmental ' operations, conducting investigations into the presence, source, and extent of hazardous materials and contaminants in soil and groundwater. During his professional experience, Mr. Stormo has performed numerous investigations related to landfills, leaking underground storage tanks, and properties of industrial, commercial, residential, and agricultural usage. A registered hydrogeologist, his expertise includes- groundwater modeling and groundwater plume evaluations. ' HIGHLIGHTS OF RESPONSIBILITIES AND EXPERIENCE • . Conducts preliminary site assessments (Phase I) entailing site reconnaissance, historical ' research, regulatory agency records and database searches, aerial photograph review, and final report preparation. • Performs site characterizations (Phase H) entailing subsurface exploration, sampling of soil and groundwater, chemical analyses of samples, evaluation of laboratory data, preparation of final report including recommendations for remediation. • Designs and implements remediation programs such as groundwater monitoring and sampling; ' delineation of contaminant plumes; monitoring well installation and developments; in situ and above ground bioremediation systems; vapor extraction and soil venting systems; thermal/catalytic oxidation; and groundwater extraction, air stripping, activated carbon. filtration, bioreactors. ' • Conducts investigations of surficial contaminants such as lead, cadmium, chromium, zinc, copper and pesticides. • Directs landfill investigations which include cover analysis and risk assessment. • Performs risk evaluations and feasibility studies involving calculating mobility and potential impact of subsurface contaminants. ' • Evaluates release scenarios using computer modeling and fate and transport simulations. • Assesses and evaluates potential geologic hazards such as faults, liquefaction, and landslides. • Provides expert witness and consultation services. SELECTED MAJOR PROJECT EXPERIENCE • Industrial Park Environmental Assessment. Mr. Stormo was project manager for this assessment which involved research of current and past uses : and practices, collection and analysis of soil and groundwater samples, and removal of underground storage tanks. Additionally, the project involved asbestos assessment and abatement, development of an asbestos management plan, and assessment of metallic dust residues. • Former. Above -Ground Storage Tank and Pipeline Facility. Mr. Stormo managed the environmental investigation of this facility. He evaluated whether the facility contributed t contaminants to .a regionally extensive groundwater plume emanating from a nearby refinery. This involved differentiating between gasoline and diesel fuel in soil samples, estimating the extent of weathering of the hydrocarbons, and evaluating whether BTEX compounds were migrating upward through the soil as vapors. 1 ' BD -R-003 10/98 1- Apri123, 1999 -4- Proposal No. SWP-99431 . ' We look forward to assisting you 'on this project. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. If any questions arise or if additional information is desired, please, call the undersigned at (760)345-1588. - Respectfully submitted, EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS _ AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED Southwest ` • L NT NAME(IN ) ' Craig S. Hill - C I ry. AA4#jAce-e SIGNATURE President •AND TITLE PLEASE RETURN A SIGNED COPY — ' TO EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS- " DAT– E (760)777-7013 ' Proposal/pc '_ PHONE. J (760).777=7011 FAX Distribution: 2/City of La Quetta . _ • 1/BD File 41 a EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST ' EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST TERMS FOR SERVICES 1. INVESTIGATION, MONITORING & INSPECTION: If the services include monitoring or inspection of soil, ' construction and/or materials, Client shall authorize and pay for Consultant to provide sufficient observation and professional inspection to permit Consultant to form opinions according to accepted statistical sampling methods as to whether the work has been performed in accordance with recommendations. Such opinions, while statistically valid, do not guaranty uniformity of conditions or materials. Similarly, soils and geology investigations do not guaranty uniformity of subsurface conditions. Client hereby represents and warrants that it has provided and shall provide to Consultant all information and sufficient advance notice necessary in order for Consultant to perform the appropriate level of services. No statement or action of Consultant can relieve Client's contractors of their obligation to perform their work properly. Consultant has no authority to stop the work of others. 2. SITE ACCESS & UTILITIES: Client has sole responsibility for securing site access and locating utilities 3. BILLING AND PAYMENT: Client will pay Consultant the proposal amount or, if none is stated, ' according to the fee schedule attached to the proposal. Prior to initiation of field work, a retainer is required. This retainer shall be maintained throughout the project and shall be applied to the final invoice. Payment is due on presentation of invoices, and is delinquent if Consultant has not received payment within thirty (30) days from date of an invoice. Client will pay an additional charge of 1 1/2 (1.5) percent per month (or the maximum percentage allowed by law, whichever is lower) on any delinquent amount, excepting any portion of the invoiced amount that is disputed in good faith. Each payment will first be applied to accrued interest, costs and fees and then to the principal unpaid amount. All time spent and expenses incurred (including any in-house or outside attorney's fees) in connection with collection of any delinquent amount will be paid by the Client to Consultant per Consultant's current fee ' schedule. 4. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: Consultant owns all documents it creates and grants Client limited license to use the documents for the purposes stated in the documents. Consultant reserves the right to withhold delivery of documents to Client ' until payment in full of current invoices has been received. 5. TERMILNATION: This agreement may be terminated by either party effective 7 days from the date of written notice, or if the client suspends the work for three (3) months. In the event of termination, Consultant will be paid for services performed prior to the date of termination plus reasonable termination expenses. If Consultant has not received payment for any invoice within 30 days from the date of the invoice, or in the event of anticipatory breach by Client, Consultant may suspend performance of its services immediately and may terminate this contract. ' 6. RISK ALLOCATION: In order for Client to obtain the benefit of a fee which includes a lesser allowance for compensating Consultant for its litigation risk, Client agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Consultant, its agents, employees, or officers, from and against any and all loss, claim, expenses, including attorney's fees, injury, damages, liability or costs arising out of non -design services (i.e., services other than as defined by Civil Code Section 2784) performed by Consultant on this project, except where such loss injury, damage, liability, cost, expenses or claims are the result of the sole negligence or willful misconduct of Consultant. Regarding any loss due to the sole negligence or willful misconduct of Consultant, or any loss due to design defects, Client asrees to limit the total aggregate liability of Consultant, its agents, employees, and officers to Client, and to all construction contractors and subcontractors on the entire project, to the lesser of $15,000.00 or total fees charged by Consultant. Client further agrees to require of the contractor and his subcontractors an identical limitation of Consultant's liability for damage suffered by the contractor or the subcontractor arising from any alleged breach or negligence of Consultant. Client agrees to provide to Consultant proof of insurance covering claims for property damage including construction defects and related personal injury on an occurrence basis in an amount of not less than $1 million per occurrence and in the annual aggregate. You should consult with an attorney experienced in construction contracts and litigation regarding this provision ' 7. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Consultant is responsible only for hazardous materials brought by Consultant onto the site. Client retains ownership and responsibility in all respects for other hazardous materials and associated damage. ' 3. ASSIGNS AND THIRD PARTIES: Neither the client nor Consultant may delegate, assign or transfer his duties or rights in this Agreement without the written consent of the other party. This Agreement is intended only to benefit of the parties hereto. Person's who are not a signatory to this agreement shall have no rights hereunder to rely on this contract or on any of Consultant's services or reports without the express written authorization of Consultant. ' 9. GOVERNING LAW, SURVIVAL AND FORUM SELECTION: The contract shall be governed by laws of the State of California. If any of the provisions contained in this agreement are held invalid, the enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be impaired. Limitations of liability, indemnities, representations and warranties by Client will survive ' termination of this agreement. The signatories represent and warrant that they are authorized by the entities on whose behalf they sign to enter into this contract and that their principals have filed fictitious business name statements, if required. All disputes between Consultant and client related to this agreement will be submitted to the court of the county where Consultant's principal ' place of business is located and client waives the right to remove the action to any other county or judicial jurisdiction. BD -BF -302 3/99 HANDWRITTEN CHANGES NOT VALID Client Initials Earth Systems Consultants Southwest Scot A. Stormo SELECTED MAJOR PROJECT 'EXPERIENCE continued • Law Suit Involving Pre -Existing Contamination. Mr. Stormo was project manager, principal geologist and expert witness in a law suit involving pre-existing contamination on a former service 'station property with numerous prior owners, operators and adjacent spills. He . evaluated prior remedial activities. for appropriateness; evaluated likelihood of upgradient' sources; used computer modeling, and fate and transport simulations to evaluate the likelihood of various release scenarios; and, developed cost estimates for clean-up. • Groundwater Contamination at Two Landfills. Mr. Stormo was field manager and chief author of an investigation of the extent of groundwater contamination at two landfills. The project included well installation, aquifer testing, groundwater modeling, risk assessment, and remedial alternatives evaluation. • Phase I and II Investigations and Leaking UST's. Mr. Stormo was involved in numerous investigations related to leaking underground storage tanks and hundreds of environmental site assessments (Phase I Investigations) of industrial, commercial, residential, agricultural, and vacant properties, with follow-up (Phase II Investigations) of the sites identified as potentially contaminated. • Bunker C. Fuel Oil Spill. Mr. Stormo authored the Vacuum Extraction Pilot Test and the Soil Column Bioventing and Surfactant Flushing Treatability Study pertaining to this site. He performed data analyses and provided geochemical consulting services. • Groundwater Contamination Plume Geochemical Evaluation. Mr. Stormo evaluated the chemistry of a groundwater contamination plume involving solvents. He used an analysis of the relative concentrations of the two primary contaminants to identify three separate plumes with distinctive chemical signatures. He then delineated plume boundaries, mixing zones, and probable source areas. • Metal Working Facility Airborne Contaminant Investigation. Airborne metallic dusts such as . lead, cadmium, and chromium were the primary concern at this site. As project manager and principal investigator, Mr: Stormo performed ambient air sampling and surficial dust sampling and analysis, and used the isotopic concenirations of the lead and the ratios of the various metals in the different media, to identify the source of the airborne materials. . PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND 1991 to 1997 Senior Geologist Dames & Moore, Spokane, Washington 'Ontario, California 1989 to 1991 Senior Project Geologist Exceltech, Inc. Irvine, California 1986 to 1.989 Staff Geologist Leighton & Associates, Riverside, California 1985 to 1986 Consulting Geologist Epoch Well Logging Ventura, California ' EDUCATION ' M. S. Geology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1984 B. S. Geology, California Lutheran College, Thousand Oaks, •,California, 1981 BD -R-003 10/98 2 _ ' Earth Systems Consultants- Southwest ' Scot A. Stormo REGISTRATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS , ' Registered Geologist, State of California, 1990, (No. 4826) Certified Hydrogeologist, State of California, 1995 (No. 204) OSHA 40 -Hour HAZWOPER Course, Hazardous Materials and Site. Investigations - (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120[e]), 1987, 8 -hour refresher courses taken annually Princeton Groundwater, 1994 Short course: Groundwater Pollution and Hydrology California Registered Environmental Assessor, 1990 to 1995 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS. - National Groundwater Association ` Inland Geological Society 1 BD -R-003 10/98 -3- COUNTY OF RIV SIDE • HEALTH SERVICES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH March 23, 1999 Doug McKain La Quinta Fire Dept. 54001 Madison St. La Quinta. CA 92253 Dear Mr. McKain: CERTIFIED MAIL #Z 159 236 437 Site # 9915044 RE: Underground Storage Tank Cleanup at CDF Fire Station #70, 54001 Madison St., La Quinta The purpose of this letter is to inform you that County of Riverside, Department of Environmental Health, Hazardous Materials Management Division has entered into an agreement with the State of California Water Resources Control Board to oversee the cleanup and mitigation of contaminated sites resulting from the unauthorized release of hazardous substances from underground storage tanks. The cleanup of these sites is necessary to protect the groundwaters of the state from contamination and to protect the public from exposure to hazardous materials. Enclosed you will find the Notice of Responsibility. This is formal notification concerning your responsibility for corrective action at this site. If any of the information is incorrect, or if you should have any questions, please contact me as soon as possible at (760) 863-8976. - Sincerely, Linda D. Shur HS Hazardous Materials Management Specialist III cc: Abdi Haile, CRRWQCB file n a/f rr il notnewsit 03/26/97 4065 County Circle Drive • Riverside, CA 92503 • Phone (909) 358-5316 • FAX (909) 358-5017 (Mailing Address - P.O. Box 7600 e Riverside, CA 92513-7.600) - - printed on regyded pope, (x Earth Systems Consultant's r,%ge7 Southwest CITY OF LA QUINTA - BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT ' P. O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 . n ' REPORT OF SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION CDF FIRE STATION NO. 70 ' 54001 MADISON STREET LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA - ' File No. 07201-01 . 99-08-743 Earth Systems Consultants Southwest 79-811B Country Club-Drive, Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 (760)345-1588 (800)924-7015 FAX (760) 345-7315 August 23, 1999 File No: 07201-01 ' 99-08-743 ' City of La Quinta - Building and Safety Department P. O. Box 1504 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Attn: Mr. Tom Hartung, Director Subject: -Report of Subsurface Investigation Project: CDF Fire Station No. 70 54001 Madison Street La Quinta, California ' Dear Mr. Hartung: This report has been prepared by Earth Systems Consultants Southwest (ESCSW) to describe our investigation of the vertical extent of hydrocarbon contamination at the above referenced site (Figure 1). The area of investigation is the former location of a remote fill pipe fora waste-oil ' underground storage tank (UST). The fill pipe for this UST was located remotely from the UST, and during recent UST removal activities, samples collected at the remote fill were found, to contain hydrocarbons at concentrations of concern. The site was added to the Riverside County ' Department of Environmental Health Services (RCDEH) Local Oversight Program (LOP), and further investigations were required by the RCDEH to assess the extent of contamination along the fill piping. The scope of this investigation was designed to meet the requirements of the ' LOP; as described in the County LOP Corrective Action Guidelines. Site Description and Location The site for the purposes of this investigation is the location of the remote fill for the waste oil ' UST. This area is currently surfaced in concrete. The fill port was located within the building, in the center of the first parking bay. The waste oil tank was located on the outside off the southwestern corner of the building (Figure 2). ' The site is located in the southwest quarter of Section 16, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino baseline and meridian. The site is generally flat. The elevation of the site is approximately 5 feet below Mean, Sea Level. August 23, 1999 -2- File No. 07201-01 99-08-743 Geology and Hydrogeology ' The site is located in the Coachella Valley of Southern California. The Coachella Valley is part of the tectonically active Salton Trough, which is a closed, internally draining basin bounded by ' the San Jacinto and Santa Rosa Mountains to the southwest, the San Bernardino Mountains to the northwest, and the Little San Bernardino and Orocopia Mountains to the northeast and east. These mountain ranges, and the basement rock underlying the Coachella Valley, are primarily composed of granitic and metamorphic rock. Within the Coachella Valley, the basement complex is overlain by a series of unconsolidated and semi -consolidated continental clastic sediments eroded from the surrounding mountain ranges, lacustrine deposits of ancient Lake ' Cahuilla, and wind-blown sand deposited in the active blow -sand area of Riverside County (DWR, 1964). The site is located on lacustrine deposits of ancient Lake Cuhuilla. ' The northwest trending San Andreas Fault zone is the major geologic feature of the Coachella Valley. The Banning, Mission Creek, and Garnet Hill faults, which are part of the San Andreas Fault system, divide the Coachella Valley into four distinct hydrogeologic subbasins. Each ' subbasin is further divided into subareas, based on either the type of water -bearing formation, water quality, areas of confined groundwater, forebay areas, groundwater divides, or surface water divides. The site is located within the Thermal subarea of the Indio subbasin. This subarea consists of the confined portion of the Indio subbasin, where water from the up -gradient Palm Springs subarea moves into the interbedded sands, silts and clays underlying the central portion of the valley. Groundwater in this subarea generally flows in a southeasterly direction toward the Salton Sea. The water bearing materials in this area have been divided into four units: a semi -perched zone at the ground surface and extending to a depth of up to 100 feet; an upper aquifer which is 150 to 300 feet thick; a lower aquifer in excess of 500 feet thick; and an aquitard ' between these two aquifers which is 100 to 200 feet thick. The semi -perched zone may be the uppermost water -bearing zone under the site. Water quality within this zone is generally poor. ' The deeper and upper aquifers are typically used for water supply. Throughout the Thermal subarea, the horizontal permeability is several times the vertical permeability, resulting in a predominantly lateral flow of groundwater (DWR, 1964). ' The Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) indicated that the depth to groundwater in a well '/a mile north of the site was recently measured to be 69 feet. No information regarding water ' quality was available (CVWD, 1998). Scope of Work & Methods The purpose of this investigation was to assess the extent of hydrocarbon -affected soil at the location of the remote -fill. To achieve this objective we drilled two borings to a depth of 40 feet, ' one at the location of the remote fill and one near the UST. Soil samples were collected at 5 -foot intervals, and selected samples were analyzed for the presence of total petroleum hydrocarbons and solvents. J ' EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST ' August 23, 1999 -3- File No. 07201-01 99-08-743 t The scope of work included the following elements: P g ' 1. A work plan has been prepared, submitted, and approved by the RCDEH; 2. Underground Service Alert was contacted to select boring locations that did not conflict with ' existing improvements' 3. A site-specific Health and Safety Plan was developed to guide onsite activities, in accordance ' with federal and state regulations, and ESCSW's corporate policy; 4. Two borings were drilled at the former location of the, remote fill to a depth of 40 feet. Undisturbed soil samples were collected at five-foot intervals using a soil probe split -spoon sampler; 1 u n I iJ 5. The soils were examined in the field for soil type and indications of contamination, such as staining, odors, or organic vapors (as detectable with a Photoionization Detector [PID]). Logs of the borings are presented in Appendix B. 6. Selected samples were submitted to Centrum Analytical, a California -certified testing laboratory for analysis. The samples were tested for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) using EPA method 418.1 and solvents using EPA Method 8260. The laboratory report is presented in Appendix C. 7. The down -hole drilling and sampling equipment were cleaned before use to prevent cross - contamination of the samples or boreholes. 8. After drilling, the boreholes were backfilled with bentonite chips. The surface of the site were covered with concrete to match existing conditions;' ` 9. This report was prepared to summarize our activities, observations, and chemical testing results, and present our professional opinion regarding the presence or absence of contamination at the site. This report was written to meet the requirements of the RCDEH LOP. Findings The soil encountered in the borings consisted primarily of silty sand and clay. Perched groundwater was encountered in both borings immediately above the uppermost clay layer and is believed to be present as a result of recent landscape saturation. Soil staining and hydrocarbon odors were not noted. PID readings in the samples indicated trace amounts of organic vapors but are more likely a reflection of equipment reaction to moisture in the soil samples screened. TPH and solvents (including MTBE) were not detected in the samples tested from the two borings. Conclusions and Recommendations Based on our observations and the chemical testing results, the extent of TPH in soil appears to be limited. The results of our investigation meet the RCDEH standard of 20 feet of unaffected EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST <` August 23, 1999 -4- File No. 07201-01 99-08-743 soil at the base of investigative borings. Therefore, further investigations do not appear ' warranted, and the site appears suitable for closure. We recommend that this report be forwarded to the RCDEH along with a request that the file for the site be "closed." We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service to you. :If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact'us at (760) 345-1588: Note that this report was prepared for the exclusive use of the City of La Quinta. The scope of this investigation may not `be appropriate to satisfy the needs of other users and any use of this report by other parties is at the ' sole risk of those parties. Additional limitations on the use of this report are presented in. Appendix D and are incorporated herein by reference. Respectfully submitted; EARTH SYSTEMS- CONSULTANTS Southwest o GE o . V SCOT A. nim cc STORMO N ' Scot A. Stormo, R.G..4826 CERTIFIED ( HYDROGEOLOGIST Vice President RG 4826 Q . HG 204. ESE Report/tg OF CALIF©Q Attachments: Appendix A - Site and Boring Location Maps ' Appendix B — Boring Logs Appendix C - Laboratory Report and Chain of Custody Form Appendix D -,Limitations ' Distribution: 4/Cit *of La Quinta - Building and Safety Department 1/VTA File 1/SS ' EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHWEST AVENUE A EO Pal 52 II II 0 it rt ii 154 . ..... AVENi j, ITEJ AVENUE A EO Pal 52 II II 0 it rt ii Reference: USGS La Quinta (1980) and Indio (11972) Calif. Quad. Maps 1:24,000 Scale: 111 = 2,000' mmmmmmmmmmmmp 0 2,000 4,000 0 A 47 .1Z Figure 1 Site Vicinity CDF Fire Station No. 70 Subsurface Investigation Project No.: 07201-01 Earth systems Consultants Southwest 154 ITEJ 'Q1 15 Reference: USGS La Quinta (1980) and Indio (11972) Calif. Quad. Maps 1:24,000 Scale: 111 = 2,000' mmmmmmmmmmmmp 0 2,000 4,000 0 A 47 .1Z Figure 1 Site Vicinity CDF Fire Station No. 70 Subsurface Investigation Project No.: 07201-01 Earth systems Consultants Southwest Figure 1 Site Vicinity CDF Fire Station No. 70 Subsurface Investigation Project No.: 07201-01 Earth systems Consultants Southwest I Avenue 54 ............... ...... Property Line Driveway Reference: Facsimile of Site Plan, City of La Quinta N Approximate Scale: 1" = 40" . 0 40' 80' Madison Street Landscape Driveway -.- Figure 2 Boring Locations, CDF Fire Station No. 70 Subsurface,lnvestigation .-,Project No.: 07201-01 Earth Systems Consultants, Southwest . . . . . _. 4 Earth Systems Consultants Southwest 1u13a Sixth it. Unit u, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Phone (909) 484-5455 FAX (909) 484-5995 Boring No: B-1 Drilling Date: July 16, 1999 Project Name: CDF Fire Station No. 70 Silty SAND: brown, fine, medium dense, damp, no odor, no staining Drilling Method: Core Probe Project Number: 07201-01 Drill Type: Direct Push' Boring Location: Remote Fill Port Logged By: } JTG _ 0 Penetration 0.3 small layer of perched water above clay a 3 Resistance 0 0 Pik DESCRIPTION OF UNITS o U) I (Blows/Ft) cn SM (ppm) Page I of 1 -0 -5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 SM • Silty SAND: brown, fine, medium dense, damp, no odor, no staining 0 0 0.3 small layer of perched water above clay CL I CLAY: brown, plastic, stiff, moist, no odor, no staining . 1.2 Silty SAND: brown, fine, loose, wet, occasional Clay layers, no odor, no staining SM 2.0 CL CLAY and SILT: brown, non -plastic, interbedded, firm, wet, no odor, no staining 1.2 - 1.3 SP I SAND: light brown, fine, loose to medium dense, moist, no odor, no staining I Total Depth = 40' • .- I! Groundwater Encountered at 15 feet. Backfilled with Bentonite. • Earth Sys Southwest s Consultants 10134 Sixth St. Unit G, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Phone (909) 484-5455 FAX (909) 484-5995 Boring No: B-2 i Drilling Date: July 16, 1999 Project Name: CDF Fire Station No. 70 Silty SAND: brown, fine, medium dense, damp, no odor, no staining Drilling Method: Core Probe Project Number: 07201-01 Drill Type: Direct Push Boring Location: Remote Fill Port Logged By: JTG 0 Penetration 0.3 r E Resistance - v- PID : ,DESCRIPTION OF UNITS a o in (Blows/Ft) E cn rn (ppm) i Page I of I -0 -5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 SM Silty SAND: brown, fine, medium dense, damp, no odor, no staining 0 0.3 small layer of perched water above clay 1.9 CL Silty CLAY: brown, slightly plastic, stiff, moist, no odor, no staining 3.0 1.6 1.0 1.0 ' Total Depth = 40' ' Groundwater Encountered at. 18 feet. Backfilled with Bentonite. Centrum Analytical. Labo*ratories, Inc._ CERTIFIED HAZARDOUS WASTE TESTING LABORATORY . CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ANALYSES ' Client: Earth Systems Date Sampled: 07/16/99 10134-G 6th Street Date Received:. '07/16/99 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 -Job Number:. 15186 - ' Project: CDF Sta. No. 70 - ' . CASE NARRATIVE ' The following information applies to samples which were received on 07/16/99: The samples were received at the laboratory chilled and,sample containers were intact. Unless otherwise noted below, the Quality Control acceptance criteria were met for all samples . for every analysis requested. ' Report ov ' Obert R. Clark, Ph.D. Laboratory Director ELAP # 1184 DL: Detection Limit --The lowest level at which the compound can reliably be detected under normal laboratory conditions. ' ND: Not Detected -- The compound was analyzed for but was not found to be present at or above the detection limit. NA: Not Analyzed -- Per client request, this analyte was not on the list of compounds to be analyzed for. 290 TENNESSEE STREET REDLANDS, CA 92373 (909) 798-9336 FAX (909) 79371559 (800) 798-9336 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EPA 418.1 - Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons Client: Earth Systems Project: CDF Sta. No. 70 Job No.: 15186 Matrix: Soil Analyst: JL ACentrum Lt (800) 798-93j6 Date Sampled: 07/16/99 Date Received: 07/16/99 Date Extracted: 07/19/99 Date Analyzed: 07/19/99 Batch Number: 4181S1074 Petroleum Detection Limit Hydrocarbons Sample ID ma/ka mo/ka B-1 10' 10 ND M: ... .. .... . . .... ... ....... D B-1 30' 10 ND ....... .... . .. . ..... ... 0 . ... ... R ND: ­ B-2 10' 10 ND .. . .. .... .. W. ND B-2 30' 10 ND 2:40 :.10 .... ...... . ..... .... w w: 'ND, Page 2 of 8 ' Centrum (800) 798-9336 ' QC Report - EPA 418.1 Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons ' Matrix: Soil Batch #: 4181 S 1074 Batch Accuracy Results ' Sample ID: Laboratory Control Sample Analytical Notes: mb/mbu sample IU: U-2 40' O (D N E U O N J J E d C U N C C c .• N . • U rn O . N p a u - Analyte E w ¢ a a cn E o a Reference Oil 40 124 72,-131 Pass mb/mbu sample IU: U-2 40' ' MS: Matrix Spike Sample MSD: Matrix Spike Duplicate ' Page 3 of 8 . ®I'lll.ly nii Nr. cl Zi I` nre. (D E NEL 2 w O ' U E d C N C N C U @ N > U > W f0 N CL LL U) Analyte E w of o Z) w a u) cn Reference Oil 58.40 58.96 1% 22% Pass ' MS: Matrix Spike Sample MSD: Matrix Spike Duplicate ' Page 3 of 8 . ®I'lll.ly nii Nr. cl Zi I` nre. EPA 8260 - Volatile Organics —A Cen trum (800) 798-9336 Client: Earth Systems Date Sampled: 07/16/99 Project: CDFGta. No. 70 Date Received: 07/16/99 Job No.: 15180 Date Analyzed: 07/19/99 Matrix: Soil Batch Number: 8260S1778 Acetone 0.05- ND ND Chloroethane 0.005 ND ND ND ND ND ND Compounds DIL mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg Acetone 0.05- ND ND ND ND ND ND nf ND- Bromobenzene 0.005 ND ND ND ND ND ND bi 00106'm 02: Nb Bromodichloromethane 0.001 ND ND ND ND ND ND a -c prop .ane Bromomethane 0.005 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND n-Butylbenzene 0.002 ND ND ND ND ND ND A. ic Oro enzen ND- tert-Butylbenzene 0.002 ND ND ND ND ND ND Carbon tetrachloride 0.001 ND ND ND ND ND ND Chloroethane 0.005 ND ND ND ND ND ND Oro D ND Chloromethane 0.001 ND ND ND ND ND ND nf ND- 4-Chlorotoluene 0.002' ND ND ND ND ND ND bi 00106'm 02: Nb 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.002 ND ND ND ND ND ND a -c prop .ane Dibromomethane 0.001 ND ND ND ND ND ND 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene 0,002 ND ND ND ND ND ND A. ic Oro enzen ND- Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.005 ND ND ND ND ND ND 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.001 ND ND ND ND ND ND cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.002 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.001 ND ND ND ND ND ND 2,2-Dichloropropane 0 . 001 ND ND ND ND ND ND cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.001 ND.. ND ND.. ND ND ND NO ND Page 4 of 8 11 EPA 8260 - Volatile Organics —A Centrum (800) 798-9336 Client: Earth Systems Date Sampled: 07/16/99 Project: CDF0a. No. 70 Date Received: 07/1099 Job No.: 15186 Date Analyzed: 1 07/1909 Matrix: 8ni| Batch Number: 8200G1778 Analyst: GR NO NO 1 2,3-Trichloropropane 0.003 ND ND ND Compounds DL mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg Ethylbenzene 0.001 NO NO NO NO NO NO xa NO 2-Hexanone 0.01 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Vin 1:8ki, p-1 sopropyltoluene 0.002 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 4-Methyl-2-penta none 0.01 NO NO NO ND NO ND M. Napthalene 0.002 NO NO NO NO NO NO n— rop Styrene 0.001 NO NO NO NO NO NO 2,2 -Tetrachloroethane 0,002 NO NO NO NO NO NO Toluene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0,002 ND NO NO NO NO NO 1, 1,2 -Trichloroethane 0.003' NO NO NO NO NO NO 1 2,3-Trichloropropane 0.003 ND ND ND - 1, 3.5-Trimethyl benzene 0.001 NO NO NO NO NO NO Vin 1:8ki, Xylenes (total) 0.003 ND NO NO NO NO NO Surrogates (96recovery) Limits: 8O'13O Sample IDBlank B-1 ------ Page 5 of 8 EPA 8260 - Volatile Organics —A—Centrum (800) 798-9336 Client: Earth Systems Date Sampled: 07/16/99 Project: CDF Sta. No. 70 Date Received: 07/16/99 Job No.: 15186 Date Analyzed: 07/19/99 Matrix: Soil Batch Number: 826OS1778 Analyst: GR ND ND 1 2 Dibromoethane Sample ID: B-2 20' B-2 30' B-2 40' Compounds DL mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg Acetone 0.05 ND ND ND Benzene ......: 0:001 ND :: ND ND Bromobenzene 0.005 ND ND ND Bromochloromethane 0:005 -: ND ND ND' Bromodichloromethane 0 001 ND ND ND Bromoform.......::. _ 0 005... ND ND ND' Bromomethane 0.005 ND ND ND 2Butanone:(MEK) ND<... n-Butylbenzene 0.002 ND ND ND sec Butylbenzene 0 002 .. ND :ND ND:: tert-Butylbenzene 0.002 ND ND ND Carbon disulfide0'01 ...:..... ... ............ ... ... ....... ND .... ND NR!,. .. Carbon tetrachloride 0.001 ND ND ND Chlorobenzene 0 001::.ND ND :: ::ND... ND :: Chloroethane 0.005 ND ND ND Chloroform ;.. .......................:.......: 0.001 ND ND ND Chloromethane 0.001 ND ND ND 2 ChloroColuene ....... 0 002 ND..< ND ND -; 4-Chlorotoluene 0.002' ND ND ND Dlpromochl;orome... ne 0;002 ND ND ND 1 2 Dibromoethane 0.002 ND ND ND 1 2 Dibromo 3 chloropropane :0:01 ND ND ND: Dibromomethane 0.001 ND ND ND 1 2 Dichlorobenzene ND 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene 0.002 ND ND ND 1 4 Dichlorobenzene ..... .. 0 002. .:.:: ..... ND.:;:. .:.: ND >.. ND Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.005 ND ND ND 11;-Dich1oro:ethane` 0;001 ND ND ND 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.001 ND ND ND 1 1-Dichloroethene ND<... cis -1 2 Dichloroethene 0.002 ND ND ND trans 1 2 Dichloroethene ::: 0 002 .. ND :ND ND:: 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.001 ND ND ND 1;3-pichloropropane 0.001 ND :: ND ND:' 2,2-Dichloropropane 0.001 ND ND ND 1 1=Dichloropropene 0 001 ND :: ND <:ND, .:. cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.001 ND ND ND trans-1,3-Dichloro ro ene. 0.001 ND ND ND Page 6 of 8 EPA 8260 - Volatile Organics Client: Earth Systems Date Sampled: Project: CDF Sta. No. 70 Date Received: Job No.: 15186 Date Analyzed: Matrix: Soil Batch Number: Analyst: GR Hexachlorobutadiene ....... .................. . ... ......... Centrum —A (800) 798-9336 07/16/99 07/16/99 07/19/99 8260S1778 Sample ID: B-2 20' B-2 30' B-2 40' Compounds DL mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg Ethylbenzene 0.001 ND ND ND Hexachlorobutadiene ....... .................. . ... ......... -0 001 ND ' .: ND ND 2-Hexanone 0.01 ND ND ND Isopto .ylbenzene 0 001 ND ND p Isopropyltoluene 0.002 ND ND ND Meth lene chloride .: y .......... .......:......:. 0 06 ND ND ND 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.01 ND ND ND Methyl tett butyl ether (MtBE} 0 005 ND ND ND ....:.. Napthalene 0.002 ND ND ND n Prl:0:oyenzpe001 D ND ND Styrene 0.001 ND ND ND 2 Tetrachloroethane: ............. .......... . 0.:001 ND ND ND 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane 0.002 ND ND ND Tetrachloroethene 0 001 ND ND Toluene 0.001 ND ND ND 1 2 3 Trichloroberizene .. _.. 0 002 ND ND ND - 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.002 ND ND ND 1 1„1 Tnchioroethane 0 001 ND ND ND 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane 0 003 ND .... ND .....:..:... . ND TncFiloroethene 0:001 ND ND ND -.. 1 2 3 Trichloropropane 0.003 ND ND ND Tncllorofluoromefhane ......ND 0 001 NO'ND- Trichlorotrifluoroethane 0.05 ND ND ND 12 4 TnmeEhylbenzene 0 001 ND ND ND' 1,3,5 -Trim ethyl benzene 0.001 ND ND ND Vinyl chloride 0 002 ND ND ND Xylenes (total) 0.003 ND ND ND >urrogates (% recovery) Limits: 80 - 130 Sample ID B-2 20' B-2 30' B-2 40' )ibromofluorometliane oluene-d8 98 99 102 Iromofluorobenzene 10:1 107 `' 10.5: ' Page 7 of 8 QC Sample Report - EPA Method 8260 Matrix: Soil Batch #-. 8260S1778 Batch Accuracy Results Q0111PIC IU. L-awUlatuly %'UIII ful OdlllplC E C .0 Cn _j E — 0 C _j CU 0 > U C > 0 C) Cm w 0 0 a) M 0 — 0 CL a) M LL Analyte Analyte CM CL E W. a- of a)6 U) U) M V) 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.0256 0.0255 0% 22% 1,1-Dichloroethene Benzene Lnzn'w" -w- 0.020 107 59 172 Pass ... ... . genzen Trichloroethene ... ...... ...... 0 020 01 ..... .. . : :'A . . . P, ............ Trichloroethene Toluene To 0.020 96 71 137 Pass ..P.. a ss:-,;. Chlorobenzene 0.0264 ............ ew. 139 Xy Pis. Chlorobenzene 0.020 ............ 100 60 = 133 Pass Batch Precision Results mwm6u tsarnpie iu: B-1 lo, MS: Matrix Spike Sample MSD: Matrix Spike Duplicate Page 8 of 8 iAnaiyucai NOTes: I Notes: LCentrum (800) 798-9336 01-11. ". Nc"'A'j 1v- E _j 0) CL C.) — 0 E EE CL 4) M W ai :3 0 ami L) 0 > 0 CD > 0 f0 N d Cl LL Analyte CL a) W. a- of a)6 0 CL XCL V) 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.0256 0.0255 0% 22% Pass Benzene Lnzn'w" -w- ..... .... .. ...:::::, .ass Trichloroethene 0.0259 0.0237 9% 24% Pass Toluene To 0. 025.4 i-::', : ]::O :02 21%` ..P.. a ss:-,;. Chlorobenzene 0.0264 0.0243 8% 21% Pass MS: Matrix Spike Sample MSD: Matrix Spike Duplicate Page 8 of 8 iAnaiyucai NOTes: I Notes: LCentrum (800) 798-9336 01-11. ". Nc"'A'j 1v- 0 0 2 T m ]7 N M (O 00 Z Z Z Sn N C-) Cn D m (o N (n W --j V w m M G 0 u) OD (0 Ln (.n w (0 am V to M 0 1 m m o •7N~ C . 0 ` ' V V V p • $ T 0 (D 0 CD. @ 3S< a H A y o OZ d . C. ° obi o 10, t" N 7a N- 3 3 1 S G d 1 N d N p 7 a a Cn m 3 o -p '? M w N vl G Nr j o S0N G - m. 0 7 7 S d c C^ . s C y J N CD _ m d N' 3 °' CD0 s _77 o 7' N N N N N 0 d ° HCl N r. oNi=1 arOo < 0 CL vt m N m o cN, (D a ^ Z 3 _ M ton CL m o W # o W1, en m 7n y ^ tri N ! O o O8260 C 8240 8010 524.2 c 8080: Pesticides PCBs-Pest/PCB 3 3 3 3 8015M: Diesel Fuel Screen 0 m m co 8015M: Gasoline 8020 Gas/BTEX ❑ c m --1 x : 18.1 (TRPH 3 8270 625 0 3 gSemivolatiles: N p R N p 3 Metals: TTLC(CAM) PP RCRA ❑ c " C: m c m J d m ❑ Lead Only N R O1 fTD Xj N g " pH TDS TSS Conductivity COD ❑ ° 0 Flashpoint Fluoride Hex Chrome 7 N Q. 0 N o m ❑ 7 . Z a c r' ❑ ❑ ❑ . El 13V Gl w 3 Cn m M0 d a N c m a 3 .» 3 • ;0 Z o W A 3 d r -N B m 3 3 2 2 e 1 1 0 0 O N M M r- o n 7c o C C D > _a a w uJ Z w d o 3 o Ln =3m ]7 N M (O 00 Z Z Z Sn N C-) Cn D m (o N (n W --j V w m M G 0 u) OD (0 Ln (.n w (0 am V to M 0 1 r r r s r r r rr r r r r r CtJob # I L Centrum Analytical Laboratories, Inc. enrum 290 TENNESSEE STREET r (909) 798-9336 • (800) 798-9336 Chain of Custody Record REDLANDS, CA 92373 FAX (909) 793-1559 Page of Analvgpq Rpnupgtprf Project No.: Project C Z o 0I_( Turn -around time cw m 14 9 U U 2 o ❑ 24 Hr. RUSH* Project Manager: Phone: Fax: JI VA C0 g61 q9 y 1G Y13y57"15 ama„ c m a n cSm9 . o a a v' o v _ ❑ 48 Hr. RUSH' Normal TAT Client Name: 2104 &AY5 Address: U 13 4 f j j', (Company) y r' C i/t 4rvy d YJZs C — (.% 1 .0 °D w u F O m wco m 0 ¢ T O H o LL Requires prior approval. additional charges apply f0i"N Centrum ID Sample IDDate Time Sample Site location o o g Remarks/ (Lab use only) (As R should appear on report) sampled sampled matrix # and type 2 6 UI @ v m ~ m Special Instructions coo coo 000 v (/1 n Q C/., b LA- Q ui it rA1 X x 2- 2 0 cl i o X >C c s- /ZY 30”' q zs k is- 3 c Relin wished by: (Sampler's Signature) Date Time Relinquished by: Date Time + To be completed by laboratory personnel: Sample Disposal Samples chilled? -s ❑ No Recei ed by: 0V Date Ime Received by: Date Time Custody seals? ❑ Yes e'No All sample containers Intact, s ❑ No ❑ Client will pick up ❑ Return to client The delivery of samples and the signature on this chain of custody form Relinquished by: Date Time constitutes authorization to perform the analyses specified above under ❑Courier ❑UPS/Fed Ex O Hend carried Rece(v d r r t by: D the Terms and Conditions set forth on the back hereof. ITIme ❑ Lab disposal fee $5 Laboratory Notes: Sample Locator No. White Copy - Original (Accompanies Samples) Yellow Copy - Centrum Files Pink Copy - Client Copy, 1 - ' f Limitations ' This report.has been prepared for the exclusive use of City of La Quinta. The conclusions and recommendations rendered in this report are opinions based on readily available information obtained to date within the scope of the work *authorized by the client. The scope of work for this ' project may not meet the needs of other parties, and any other use of or reliance on the information and opinions contained in this report without the written authorization of ESCSW is at the sole risk of the user`. It should be noted that any level of assessment cannot ascertain that a property is completely free of chemical or toxic substances. It is possible that variations exist beyond or between points explored during the course of the investigation, and that changes in conditions can occur in the future due to the works of man, contaminant migration, variations in rainfall, temperature, and/or' other factors not apparent at the time of the field investigation. . The services performed by ESCSW have been conducted in a manner consistent with the level of " care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of our profession currently practicing under similar conditions. in the site vicinity.. No warranty is expressed or implied. 6100 Quail Valley Court CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Riverside, CA 92507 909 653-3351 ~_ es. BAecocK FAX) 909 653-1662 & SONS, INC. ( / { I Lab #s: .. LLL--- /// ✓✓ I Invoice No. Project No. PrycmiLocation'S . , DeterminatioRequested Condition Sampleof aTR %O 3yoo /ils3a•so .4✓ cA %Zz7'y /' M a ` N o u n b a S h P r s Samplers: (signature e i r e i e 03 COt n o e r s a I e d " I I e d r v e d Description. Sampled Remarks Date Time ; zoo 4 X 0 Ile 1.210 L -. r S 1 f nquis y: Date/Time Received By: Relinquished By:. Date/Time, Received By: Relinquished By: Date/Time - ,Received_By:- Received For Lab By: I Date /Time i f Environmental Laboratory Certification #1156 D CITY OF A r l9wTA " 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507-0704 P.O. Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 y. t ® MAR 22 RECD 'PH (909) 653-3351 FAX (909) 653-1662 } e-mail: esbsales@aol.com E. S. BABCOCK v✓ww.babcocklabs.com &SONS, INC. ESTABLISHED BUILDING 1906 d 2401. Client: >" <<<'>: -:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:::.:::;:;<..;::::.;.:.;.::.>:.;:.;:>:::<>:::>:>::>::>::>::> City of 'La Quinta ab€€> Q > <><ai5...... €)s01 < Tom Hartung ' P.O. Box 1504 epa_te Reported: 03/18/99 La Quinta,CA 92253 Collected By:' RR' Date: 02/18/99 Client I.D.: #1 REMOTE FILL Time:'1200 Site: LA QUINTA F.S.#70 `Submitted By: RR Description: La Quinta, CA. Date:'02/18/99 _Time: .1530 Matrix: soil -env Date / Constituent Result Method RL Analyst Cadmium ND mg/kg:::::::::::: EPA 6020 990302/DA .:.: .................. :::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::5::.:::::::::::.....:: :>>gov::::.::> .. ........................... Lead 19 10 990302 DA ickel.::::::::::::::::::::::.............................................:::::::::::::::::.:: ........................mg/kJ::::::::::::EPA...602.0...........:.......... /... %:::::::::. Zinc 86. mg/kg EPA 6020 10 990302/DA ;::.......... ;:.:;:.;;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.; a:::>::::>::::>:<>EPPi>:>4:$< tal•::: Pe:tsro:leum::.H.: dr..ocarbons .................::::::3.9. 00::.::::::::::::::::.....f..::::::::::::.....:.:..:.......................:.::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::..::::::::::::::::..:::::::::: :1:N1Qil.......................................LM... ND = None detected at RL (Reporting Limit). RL units same as result. Evidence tape intact. Results reported on as received basis.` CC: L '`• =ti w" - s ' " f Environmental Laboratory Certification #1156 , ® ,, ; ' c c: ` •, ` 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507-0704 ^, - - ' "+- Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 } `y «' 'r'' aQ w. _ 9 = .` y C f • '' >. PH (909) 653-3351 FAX (909) 653-1662 e-mail: esbsales@aol.com;.', r ' E.S. BABCOCK L y L www.babcocklabs.com ` . & SONS, INC. ESTABLISHED 1906 -+ •' • - _ 2401 _.. Client: age<<:;;:.;:.;:.;;;;:.;;:. City of La uinta C Q 1>Nati<>'1587:::;i3.0a:.;:.;:.;:.. Tom Hartung P.O. Box 1504 ,' ,. _' `` r, _ . Date Reported: 03/18/1999 La Quinta,CA 92253 -•r -' ^ Collected By: RR ' _ r Dater, 02/18/1999 Client•I.D.: #1 REMOTE FILL ? '' Time:',1200, Site: LA QUINTA F.S:470. ;°Submitted By:,-.RR Description: La Quinta, CA..', Date: 02/18/1999 - - Time:. 1530 s Matrix "I't- soil-env t y' . . nt EPA Method'.-13260 • `RL Constituent ' ^ Result • Constituent Result RL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane. ND ug/kg 20. Chloroform, ND ug/kg 20. :::::>hlo:r .::. an .:»»»>::»::>:<::«:::>::::>:::> 1....:1::.7:::_ 'X 3C............Oetli.e .:.::::::::::::::::::::: NIi............ «<> " fa 41et ! :>::<:> ti:: ::)C «:'20;>.........h.. f....................................:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::.:::::::::::::::::.:.::::::::::::::::::::::................................................ ............ f..... ...................... :::;•:::::::::::::::;::::::::::.::::::::::::::::............................................................g......g................................. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND . ug/kg 20. cis-1 2-Dichloroethene ND ug/kg 20. .....................:«:>:::::::::>::>::>::>::>::>::»::>::>::>:.:.:.:<.;:.;;:<:. chloro.et hone.:::.:::.:........................................ :::.....::::::::::::::::::...::.._.::::::.:_::::: hoc rn ene::a::::>::::>::::>::::<<<....... ................:.:::::::.:::::::::::::::..r.................................P......t?..:.:..::::.....::::::.:.:::::.::.::::::::.:..,,,:,:: .......... 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/kg 20. 1,1-Dichloroethene' •ND ug/kg 20. methane:::>::::»::>:::<:::>::;:..::;...............Nib.........u..:..........................,....................................... i?a 1?;ro?noch oro;::; ::>::>:::> .::.::::.... k...2.0::.;::>::>::>::»:i:°1:':i3zchloro ra /9:.:.:....................................................F......P:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::. ....... . :.9 Dibromomethane ND ug/kg 20. '1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 20. ..;..:.:. :..:...-20 >} cel proda1 uaromha>e:.;;;:.;:;::.;:.:;;;.;:.;:.;:.:<:.> Nb:.;:.;;:.':. ::::::::::::::::::f:::.::::..::::::::::::::::::r..::::.:::::::::::::.:.............:........P......P..........,..............................................5.................. .:.:: . >:. ;t :..:::.;:.;;;:.:1..:..,:::: `r chi c a o : ..::........................................................ /...g........::.:...:.:::. . .::::::............:.......:::......:....................... . 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/kg :.:::::::::.:::.:•::•::::::::::.:::::::::.::::::...:::::::::::::.::.:::ug./kg... ...... lbenz. li.....................................::. r.:::: < ... ...20............Ethylbenzene :::.)t :....i)................... c......A...:................................................................: f:.;:::.;:::;<.;:;::<;<.;:.:.::.::. .:::::::::::::::.::::::::::::...................................................... Hexachlorobutadiene ND ug/kg 20. 1,2-Dichloroethane _ ND 20. is 8T1: ! 2.............nz n' rQ15Trittteth I e::................:.:.:.:.:...:.:.:.:.:.:.:....:.:.:.:.:.:.......:.....:.......uu 3: ..... .... ............ . 5/k...g......:«......:..:>.. ... :.2:::.D2ch100 ,ro Isopropylbenzene ND ug/kg 20 1,3..-..D.ichlorobenzene, ND• ug/kg 20. 1; :3.:::i =.chlo.rq/i r ......... . fAh text::»But 1 tither;:: .... ... .... ..'............. ..:.............................................g......J:;:...::.:::.;:;;:.;.:: I9E3 . :::n :.......XX :::::::::::::::::::::::.::.::........1?.......................................... 1, 4-Dichlorobenzene . ug..kg.5.........2.0........ ug/kg 120 . : ...:.: apt:: :::::u:::. . ........../::or:. :.:........ zo>> :.haleze 2-But (MEK) ND ug/kg200n-Butylbenzene' g/kg20;:: : u:::::.::::.: .Met..h:.:.:.y....l..e...n.....e..........C......h......P1or.....Fi.d...e.......................... 2-Chlorotoluene -ND ug/kg 20-p Isopropyltoluene::- ND" -ug/kg-20.' ehorotolue:::.;; »::>::>:. :: '.::>::; :: ;: <::::.... . c Bsxt...lbenzene....................... Y.......................... . :.:::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::5/:::.J.......::.................................. 4-Meth 1-2-Pentanone(MIBK) ND ug/kg 200 Styrene ND ug/kg 20. i:••>:>;:;ix::;:'•" tt:..... ::: Benz.ene:;::>::>::>::>::»::»::>::>::>:<::<:::;:.;;::; :::;::>::>::>:::::;:•;;:•::t> :.::::.:....:..:.:...........1...:.g.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::.::.................................................................................... ............... : ;:.;:.:> >:••: .;:.:;.;:.;:.;:.;:.:.:.:......................:....:>::>::i::i::i::.::.;:.;:.;:.;:.::.;:.;:.;:.;:.;>:::.;:.;:.. z...:: .:::.a. J....:::::::. cro ezn........:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...................... . . ..::::::::: .: .: ...: . ..... :.:...::...:.::.::::: . :::::::::::::::::::::::..:...............................................................g Tetrachloroethene 150 F......:..Acrylonitr:l:l:e; ND .::..:::..::ug. kg::.4:0:0.:::::::::. ........ug/kg...2.0.: :::::::.::::::::::::.:,::::;:::::::::;:::::::;;::::.: Tmxx Date analyzed / Analyst: 02-26-1999 / HG ND = None detected.at RL (Reporting Limit),: RL units same as result. Evidence tape iritact;, Results• reported onjan as*received bas is.• , ` CC: ,+ }r., ,. . ,t 7.f: tide •' .r ; #`'r 'l , ry~ Environmental Laboratory Certification #1156 ._ 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside,.CA 92507-0704 • " 6 ;. a P.O. Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 PH (909) 653-3351 FAX (909) 653-1662 e-mail: esbsales@aol.com - ' E. S. BABCOCK t www.babcocklabs.com & SONS, INC.. , • ESTABLISHED 1906 2401 Client: `. ...........Je:............................... City of La Quinta k'i>1 t<; :;:;::: L1 8::<::<::>:: Tom Hartung P.O. Box 1504 Date Reported: 03/18/1999 La Quinta;CA 92253 t _ -Collected By: RR Date:, 02/18/1999 Client I.D..; #1 REMOTE FILL' Time:- `1200,--_, Site: LA QUINTA F.S.#70 Submitted.By. RR -Description: La Quinta, CA. Date: 02/18/1999 ' Time: '153.0 Matrix. soil -en ✓ ; ' :" : ♦- , a EPA Method 8260` s " Constituent Result RL Constituent Result RL Bromobenzene ND ug/kg 20. trans-l,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/kg 20. g g frompckl.orom.1.kane::::.:::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::.........................................F...... .........................:::.::.::::::.:::::::::::::..:::::::::::::::::::::.::.:::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::.....................::::.:::::. :<::»::>::>::>:::;...:.: ::.:.:;;..,..:..> .:.:.:.:.....o ra .ere:::::>::::>::>::::>::<:<::<:N#::::>::::>::::>u.::k :>::2:0::::::<:>: NIJ::::::::: u....k ... t).............tn..::...:::: A.x.hl.o..::...:...................................................g/... <3..................... P................................................................................. Bromodichloromethane ND ug/kg 20. Trichloroethene ND ug/kg 20. : tn:::::::::::::::::::::::::..........................................:D.:::::::: ........... ...................... . ::. h ok.n:fluorome:tierie::>:::>:::>::::>::::>::::>:::...... .:: :::... fl....................................................:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::...:.:..51..:...x:::.:::. Bromometharie ND ug/kg 20. Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/kg 400 :::::::::::::::::::::.:.ND.........u. .k.....2.....:..::::: Carbon.:: T....:.:...c...........................................................................3i.....g.......:.............. .......................... .................... Xylenes (ortho) ug/kg 20. .....:<:2t>:::::::<>::u.......:::::::::::. ND Chlorob.......e.....n...,...z......e......n.......e......... NDug//:: y.. .................. .20; C : : : :>:: ::::::: .................tPg............. ::»:......:::a{l i•, u . ,l. ; - .J+'. -rte r-•---+-r,.; ---_ -" K- .+•-.ems <.; - +-- '-?- ..1.a r _. _- _ Date analyzed / Analyst: 02-26-1999 / HG, - ND = None detected.at RL (Reporting Limit) .` RL.:units 'same as result:_, i w Evidence tape intact. Results reported•on an as received basis.~ Babco k So Inc. l,a tel• • " - • "a - .. / Environmental Laboratory Certification #1156 " 4 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507-0704 D - 3 P.O. Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 +:; s, PH (909) 653-3351 FAX (909) 653-1662 e-mail: esbsales@aol.com E.S. BABCOCK www.babcocklabs.com & SONS, INC. ESTABLISHED 1906 2401 , Client: ...............ge.....:>: :>. City of La Quinta ;ak>N<<.8::::::::€.0.:::.:: Tom Hartung- P.O. Box 1504 Date Reported: 03/18/99 La Quinta,CA 92253 Collected By: RR Date: 02/18/99 Client I.D.: #2 TANK 2 FT. BELOW, Time: 1210 Site: LA QUINTA F.S.#70 Submitted By: RR Description: La Quinta, CA. Date: 02/18/99 Time:: 153.0 - Matrix: soil-env - Date / Constituent Result Method RL Analyst Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 10.,, mg/kg EPA 418.1-MODIF 10. 990224/LM ND = None detected at RL (Reporting Limit). RL units sameas result. Evidence tape intact.. TPH reported on as received basis_. cc. - E. Babcoc on Inc. Environmental Laboratory Certification #1166 ' 4 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507-0704 P.O. Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 PH (909) 653-3351 FAX (909) 653-1662 ` e-mail: esbsales@aol.com E.S. BABCOCK www.babcocklabs.com & SONS, INC. ESTABLISHED 1906 - - 2401 Client: d.. e......:: .... Cit y o f La Q u i n t a ab>Nc>>`>»»> i 87::-:>a>0:>» Tom Hartung P.O. Box 1504 Date Reported: 03/18/99 La Quinta,CA 92253 ti Collected By: RR - Date: 02/18/99 Client I.D..: #3 TANK 6 FT BELOW Time: 1220 Site: LA QUINTA F.S.#70 Submitted By: RR Description: La Quinta, CA. Date: 02/18/99 Matrix: soil -env ;Time.: -1530, , ' Date / Constituent Result Method RL Analyst Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND mg/kg EPA 418.1-MODIF 10. 990224/LM ND = None detected at RL (Reporting Limit). RL units same as result. Evidence tape intact. TPH reported i on as received basis. CC: E. Babcoc on nc. F 6100 Quail Valley Court CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ® Riverside, CA 92507 BA _ / U /Y/ f ^' / Co / 909 653-3351 ) 1, j ' Lab #s: E.S. BABCOCK FAX 909 653-1662 & SONS, INC. ( ) ! I V Invoice No. Project No. Project Name / Location 114Qv/.v'T S . '70 Determinat' Requested Condition Sample of C -L' A 9W74( N o m t b a S• C h P e s Samplers: (signatur '. ato.t ei e i e crti r n e a I I I r v Sampled Description c o r s e d e d ei d Remarks Date Time I Zoo % e L 3 T',✓ o y / /22,D t Sty - J L—L—LLt I y: Date/Time R©ceived By: Relinquished By: ( Date/Time Received By: Inquis Relinquished By: Datefrime Received By: - Rec ived For Lab By: _ Date / Time Environmental Laboratory Certification#1156 Q x 6100 ouail Valley Court Riverside,.CA 92507 0704 ;; y ®r }` 7 P..O. Box 432 Riverside; CA 92502 0432_^ - ~ ! PH (909) 653-3351 FAX (909) 6,53-1662 .t j:` y '' email: esbsales@aol.com. E.S. BABCOCK www.babcocklabs.com ` & SONS, INC. ,. , _ : " •'".y' - y' ESTABLISHED 1906 2093 Client: ::;:::;:::.:::::::::::::::::.::.....::::::::..;:;:;:Riverside w..E County Fire Dept. US: 5 8 44:0Ron Reynolds:::::.:::.:..::.::::..::.::..::::.:.. ' 1550 East 6th St. Date Reported:•03/03/1999 Beaumont, CA 92223 - Collected By: RR Date: 02/18/1999 Client I.D.: #1 REMOTE FILL Time: 1200 Site: LA QUINTA F.S.#70 Submitted By: RR Description: La Quinta, CA. Date: 02/18/1999 Matrix: soil -env ,s s"`' .. ;., :>N ,;" .:e ;'n•{ Win, !' w ',}, ^ Time "'►'• .'+ " •. 1530 eb n M-.r ;: ^ ' EPA Method 8260-, Constituent Result RL Constituent Result RL 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ,1roa...:e.. u0Chloroform ND ug/kg 20. 0 . :.tha.n...e.................. ,.,,..1...:,..m.2..-.:Tectr.loa.crhqe:lo.:. .e................... ..................g. . : : ... k2<au 3.............1r: ................... .. 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane ND ug/kg 20. cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/kg 20. ,,. .;: , nloro:e.thane::::>:>::::>::::::::::::::::>a::»>::.::.ND<:»::>::n y : it ... fl.......... > i'°l oro ro erie«>>_€€><` ::>I1D€€:%>>u k .>20:: < 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/kg 20. 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/kg 20. »::>::>::>:<:::>:»>:>::>:;::.>::>::>::>::>:..:>;:: D bromochl:c romethane..................................ND:::.::::u../....1 :.x :.•:::::<:>::>::>::;::1::;::;1:: J.::::a:.:::.::::::..:.,.:...::..:...:......................... ;-l:chlo:ro ;ro::ene:::>::::>::::>::::>::::>::::>::>::::>::::>::::>::::....... .....................................................::::::::::....9/.,.:..g:::..:..::.::::::::::. .::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::.:.:::::::.::::..::::::::::::::::::::::................g...... Dibromomethane ND ...........................................................p......P................................................................................................ ug/kg 20. .1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND -ug/kg 20. 0 ome>haze><::::><:::<::>:::>::»:::::::::Iib:.:......u.:::.k....4::4:,:::..:.:::.3...2.J......... xhJ gzoda.lu...:x.; .::.:.:::::::::::::..: j'srach7ox ..xo at e.. ;: «< ...... ><' :<: k <;.20._...:>;. %.... ...................... ........:...:............::................. ::.::::.:::.::::::::::::::5.f..:::.::..:::::::::::::::::::::::..::::::::::::.::::.....................F..............................................................5...................... 1, 2, 4-Trichlorobenzene ND.........ug/kg...20 .l3arizen.::::.:::::::::::.::::::9Q.,..........0 ...........Ethylbenzene ..........................::::::::::...::::::::::::4bk.::::................................................................ I/....5.....:..:.....::...... :::.:.::.:::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::,::::::::::::,::ND:::::::,.:u5/k5:::2:0:'.:::::::::: 2<`=n ` iii >:D. Hexachlorobutadiene ND ug/kg 20. 1, 2-Dichloroethane .'• ND 20. >::»;<.;:::::<:;::.:.;:;•;l ti3i. k...:.2:41...3:.:5Tr:i .. .. meth. ;1:kienzene...................: ..................................... .......ug/kg: a .....::::::::.....:.... ug/ ;;:2:g:.....:..::.:::::...::. Isopropylbenzene ND ug/kg 20. '1,3 -Dichlorobenzene . .- ND ug/kg 20. 1,.. .: >....... r.: ane.::::::;;::<:::>::>::>::>::>::>:«<:;«:<:::>::>:ND.........0 , 3.. D ci}lorol?;:::qP.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::.5/.::.5. Q. : <:::. ...k. ..2t). <>::> i era>.:But .:l .Ether Meth .:...:::............................................. •:.............X..............................Y.........................:..................... .;><:>::: :ND:° :;>u : <k ... . $/....8.:::::::....:.....;:.;;: 12Q;;<< 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 20. Methylene Chloride ND ug/kg 120 .......:.::.:.0..:: ::::::::::.:::::::::::.3/.::::.:::::::::::::::.::::::...................................F......I?.......................................................... ............ ..: :::::::::....:.......... k......2.0............2......2. . x c .3 cox 4 : r..:.:.................................................:..:......::.:::. X.:J 2-Butanone(MEK) ND ug/kg ..............._ 2:...chlo a.e.>ir...lv.:.:::Ethe ...2.00..........n-Butylbenzene:::;:.:.:::.; ::.:::::::::::::::..::::::;:::::..,:::;::ND::::::::ug/kg..•:.2:°-&...' .a.{iTie.::::::::::.:::::::::::::.:..::.:................................._....... ......................._.............._.../..5..,........::::::::::::::::::::::::.!....................:...........................:::.::.::::::::.::::::::::::::::.::::.:.:.::.%.::.::.:::....:.....:... 2-Chlorotoluene ` ND ug/kg 20. Iso ro ltoluene -ND" u /k 20.. - .... ........... hlor..ot a2uene::::::::::::::::::J/::.g..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::..::::::::::Y..:...........::.::.:..................................................................................................... ND::>:::::;::;:.tr : ;.k :..:2:fl.::>::>::>::>::>sec...sut...li enzer e ...:::::..:...:....::::::::::.....................................gl...g...................... .............. . .......::..................:.::::.............. X ..... . 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone(MIBK)............ND.........ug./kg...200....._._Styrene ... ....::x::>::>::>::>ro Y.: P. ::..::::::::::::..:::::::.:..;.:,..:::::::::.::::::;::,:::::::::::::::::,::::::ND::c.::::u5/kg:::2:0:'::::.:..... ezz :;>;:::::::::.:................. ...... ...................... .......9.......,.............. Tetrachloroethene 150 ug/kg...2.0..: D?I?;,,:ug/kg .:.:4:0:.::::::.;::. ne ....... ..Acrylonitr:la:e;:'.:::.',...::.:; .Date =analyzed `/ Analyst. 02-26-1999 / HG +c` ND =- None detected at ;RL (Reporting Limit) . RL, units same as result .`, Evidence tape intact. Results reported,on•an as received basis. Environmental Laboratory Certification•#1156 Q 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside„CA 92507-0704 P.O. Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 Q PH (909) 653-3351 FAX (909) 653-1662 e-mail: esbsales@aol.com E.S. BABCO_CK www.babcocklabs.com. & SONS, INC. ESTABLISHED 1906 2093' . Riverside . County Fire Dept. :............ Ron Reynolds 1550 East.6th St. Date Reported: 03/03_/9.9 Beaumont,CA 92223 Collected By:.RR Date: 02/18/99 Client I.D.: #2 TANK 2 FT. BELOW Time: 1210 Site: LA QUINTA F.S.#7.0 Submitted By: RR Description: La Quinta, CA. Date: 02/_18/99. >¢ Time.: 15.30 Matrix: soil -env Date / Constituent Result Method RL Analyst Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 10. mg/kg EPA 418.1-MODIF 10. 990224/LM ND = None detected at RL (Reporting Limit). RL units same•as result. Evidence tape intact. TPH reported on as received basis. cc: E. Babco k o s Inc. WU 4. 9 14, n viro'nme:ntai-La6or'atoryC6rtificati6n#ll56'-",, 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 62607-0704" Po Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 'PH'(609) 653-3351, FAX (909) 653-16621. A 41i", el e 71 -mail: esbsales@aol.com BCOCK www.babcocklabs.com INC. ESTABLISHED 1906 2093 Client: ................. Riverside County Fire Dept., ............ ........................ .... ... ........ T: 0' -.1 ... XN Ron Reynold's 1550 East 6th, St. 'Date Reported: 03/03/1999 Beaumont,CA 92223 Collected By: RR , Date: 02 ji 8/1999 Client'I.D.: #1 REMOTE FILL :Time: 1200 Site: LA QUINTA F.S.#70 Submitted By: RR Description: La Quinta, Date: .02/18/1999 .,CA. -4 0 Time: 1 Mir 153' 's' blat'rix : 01 env' EPA Method'826,01 Constituent Result RL Constituent Result RL Bromobenzene ND ug/kg 20. trans-1,2-Dichlo*roethene ND, '.ug/kg 20. ....... ...... 0 1 ........ ...... .... . ............... X, ...... ... ....... ....... X. X . ..... ..... ........ mw: k, 0: P.T. ............ .......... Bromodichloromethane ND ug/kg 20. g 20. ug/kk. ..................................N......D.. ....................... ..... ... . t X .Trichlo......r......o.......e....t..h.......e...n...e....... X....... . - Bromomethane ND ug/kg 20. Trichlorotrifluoroeti ane ND ug/kg 400 ride .. .................. ............ . ............. ......... h . . ... ... .. ............................... ....... ............................ . ...... ..... . ............... * ... ...... ............ . .......... M .. . .. ..... . ... . . ............ xxx k ........ .. .. ............. ............... .................... ... . ............. Xylenes (Ortho) ND ug/kg 20.- Chlorobefizene ND ug/kg 20. .. . ..... .............. ................. ......... e .............. ... ........... ...... ............................ ............. ................. ........ ...... . ...................... ki ...... ........ .. .. ..... . .......... No .... .................. ............... 2`0::-:::::""' ............. ............................ ........................ V % K .0 Date - analyzed /'Analyst', 02-26-1999, /: HNG: _7 ND None detected at RL (Reporting Limit) Rj -.unit s same as'r-esult; Evidence tape intact. Results reported,on7 an.as received basis*. - CC: MoI E. Ba co 0 s Incn c . 4abco 4- Environmental Laborato,y'Certification #1156 ------------------- 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside -CA 92507-0704 ( P.O. Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 © - PH (909) 653-3351 FAX (909) 6534662 e=mail: esbsales@aol.coin. E.S. BABCOCK www.babcocklabs.com ` L.,4SONS, INC. ESTABLISHED 1906 - - 2093 County Fire Dept. 58 - : fl 0 Riverside Ron.Reynolds 1550 East 6th St. Date Reported: 03/03/99 Beaumont,CA 92223 Collected By: RR Date: 02/18/99 Client I.D.: #3 TANK 6 FT BELOW Time: 1220 Site: LA QUINTA F.S:#70- Submitted By: RR Desc:ription: La,,Quinta,-_CP, Date: 02/18/99 - - :Time-•` '1530 Matrix: soil -env Date / Constituent Result Method RL Analyst Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND mg/kg EPA 418.1-MODIF 10. 990224/LM ND None detected at,RL (Reporting Limit). RL units same as result. Evidence tape intact. TPH reported on as received basis._ CC: E. LBabcgoo'nc.s APR -15-99 THU 17:00 INDIO ENV, HEALTH FAX NO. 7608638303 CONSULTING FIRMS Inclusion of company names on this list should not be construed as an endorsement ur recommendation by the County of Riverside, Hazardous Materials Division, Academy Consulting: 16776 L,akcshorc Drive, #C-233 Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 (909) 245-2200 Advanced Geo Environmental 3315 E. Miraloma Avenue, Suite 117 Anaheim CA 92806 (714)996-5151 AeroVironment, Inc: 222 E. Huntington Drive, # 200 Monrovia, CA .91016 (818)357-9983 ALTA Enviro-management 8300 Butica Avenue, 3rd Floor Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730 (909) 476-2120 Aman Environmental Construction, Me. 614 E. Edna Place Covina CA 91723 (818)967-4287 American Remedial Technologies 2680 Seminole Avenue Lynwood CA 90262 (213) 357-1900 (800) 401-4988 Anacapa Geosciences C 4 (,L n : / ot$-/q e, 55,581 Winged Foot Drive La Quinta CA 92253 (619) 771.-35-1.4 (800) 658-4928 A P Engineering Corp. . 1271 Columbia Avenue, Scute 10 Riverside CA 92507 (909) 686-2512 Aqua Science Engineers 17895 Sky Park Circle. Suite E Irvine, CA 92714 (714) 833-3667 P. 01 N M 2 APR -15-99 THU 17:00 INDIO ENV, HEALTH FAX NO, 7608638303 P,02 ATC 17321 Irvine Blvd., 2nd Floor. Tustin CA 92780 (714)734-0303 Atlas Environmental 5122 Bolsa Avenue, Suite 107 Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714)890-7129 Bechtel Group, Inc. PO Box 193965 San Francisco CA 94119-3965 (415)768-1234 Block Environmental Services 2451 Estand Way Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-3911 (925)682-7200 (800)682-7255 r Brown & Caldwell 16735 Von Karman Avenue, #200 Irvine, CA 92714-491 R i (714)660-1070 CHJ-Environmental, Inc. 1355 East Cooley Drive Colton, CA 92324 (909)824-7210 CRC Environmental Risk Mang. 301 Commerce Street, # 1450 Ft. Worth, TX 76102 (817)870-2255. Camp, Dresser, & McKee F 18881 Von Karman Ave., # 650 Irvine; CA 92715 (714)752-5452 Chambers Group, Inc. 16700 Aston Street Irvine, CA 92714 (714)261-5414 Clayton Environmental Consult: 5785 Corporate Avenue, #150 \ Cypress, CA 90630 (714)229-4806 t APR -15-99 THU 17 00 I ND I O ENV; HEALTH 1-, "FAX NMf7608638303 7608638303 M3 "41 , ,44 .• i .- In .-moi rf _ i% _ j d4 i•} d f , ' Clayton Environmental Consultants 23272 Mill Creek Drive, # 300 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 f ` (714) 472-2444 Comtox Corporation PO Box 3040 Big Bear City, CA 92314-3040 » `` (909)'585-7100 Converse Professional Croup, The 222 East Huntington Drive, Suite 211113 Monrovia, CA 91016-3500' (626) 930-1200 "Dames & Moore , F.O R _ ----OQTE_JL—TIME ` 7 .M. „ 6 Hutton Centre Drive, # 700, M Santa Ana, CA 92707 (714) 433-2000 O F ar i0NED F PHONE ' • RETURNED ' Delta Environmental Consult_ A EA COOED YOUR CALL NU ER EXTENSION 11225 North 28th Drive, #D-115 M ESSAG ESASECALLv I Phoenix, AZ 85029.,wlLt CALL• (602) 866-3469® , 1 ,AGAIN / I Q -- CAME T.O' , Earth Sciences y SEE YO,U ' 10061 ,Talbert Avenue, Suite 200 SIGNED WANTS TO SEE YOU Fountain Valley CA 92708 TOPS FORM 4003 (714) 962-8540 f ',` •' -- " •. - 1 - - ., i o Earth Systems Environmental S pole .. . 79-81113 Country Club Drive . ` , ► ' _ " - . Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 • '(619) 345-9992- Ise - •„ • -'.. `• • .. _, .17; ,. ,. . Earth Technology Corporation ' 100 W, Broadway, Suite 5000 - ` r. Long Beach, CA 90802 ` ^ (310) 495-4449 µ Engine Corp.. r PO Box 95 o< s ^ Temecula, CA 92593 (909) 676-3095 " .Emlcon. Associates 732 E.Carnegie Dr., Suite 125 - s k • r`• yK - "' San Bernardino, CA 92408 y : \ >' (909) 383-8286 Engineering -Science, Inc: at - ; _ ., .. V a .. .. 4 .. . - 4„ '• ,nY , l 1 - APR-15-99 THU 17:00 INDIO ENV, HEALTH 100 W. Walnut Street Pasadena, CA 91124 (818)440-6000 England & Associates 1537513arranca Parkway, Suite F-106 Irvine, CA 92718 (714)453-8085 ENV America 16 Technology Drive, Suite 154 Irvine CA 92618 (949) 453-9191 EnviroGuard 1420+6`66miont.tlvd:., Suite 205;B la elmo n G'A 4f7iI. (800j5975-f'4N 00962,4-3342 J Environmental Engineering Consultants PO Box 9697 South Laguna CA 92677-0697 (714) 499-0015 Environmental Engineering & Contracting,Inc. 150 Camino Real, Suitt #120 Tustin CA 92780 (714) 573-4441 Environmental Engineering Technology 2578013altrustrol Drive Sun City CA 92586 (909) 679-2533 Environmental Science & Eng 7390 Brookhurst St- Suite #110 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714)964-8722 Enviromental Assessment &Remediation Management Inc. 2175 Sampson Avenue, Suite 118 Corona CA 91719-6014 (909)735-5575 (800)454-6131 First USA R E Inc 2172 Dupont Drive, Suite 3 Irvine, CA 92715 (714) 955-2844 Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp. 2525 Natomas Park Drive, Suite 250 FAX NO, 7608638303 P, 04 0 APR -15-99 THU 17,01 INDIO ENV, HEALTH `FAX-.NO,'7608638303• -'P,05' Sacramento CA 95833-2900 (916) 921-2525 t - Frey Environmental, Inc. 2817 A Lafayette Avenue NewportBeach, CA 92663 (714)723-1645 Fugro West, Inc. 315 Arden Avenue, Suite 24 Glendale CA 91203 (818)546-2090 Geo Cal 4370 Hallmark Parkway, Suitc 101 San Bernardino CA 92407 (909) 880-1146 Geochemical Engineering Ass. PO Box 55508 Riverside, CA 92517 (909)686-1838 GeoSec 237 S. Waterman Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92408 (909)885-7072 Groundwater Remediation ' 1963 N. Main Street Orange CA 92665 (714) 282-6676 Groundwater Technology, Inc. 20000 Mariner Avenue, Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 371-1394 Growth. Resources Inc. 8420 Executive Court North, Suite G Suisun, CA 94585 (707) 863-4171 Harding Lawson Associates 30 Corporate Park, #400 Irvine Ca 92606 (714)260-1800 HAGPAK, Inc. 9980 Cherry Avenue Fontana CA 92335 APR -15-99 THU 17;01 INDIO ENV, HEALTH FAX -NO. 7608638303 P,06 (909)822-7667 (800)326-1011 Hemphill, Green and Associates 30174 Delise Drive Hemet, CA 92543 (909)658-0114 Holguin Fahan and Associates 143 South Figueroa Street Ventura, CA 93001 (805)652-0219 Industrial Waste Utilization 5601 State Street Ontario, CA 91762 (909) 984-9984 IT Corporation 1425 South Victoria Court, Suite A San. Bernardino CA 92408-2923 (909)799-6869 JPJ Associates 78140 Larbrook Drive Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760)345-4231 Kendall/Adams Group 417 W. Allen Avenue, #106 San 'Dimas CA 91773 (909) 592-4736 Kinsbursky: Brothers Inc. 1314 N. Lemon Street Anaheim CA 92801 (714) 738-8516 (800)548-8797 Kleinfelder 1940 Orange Tree Lane Redlands CA 92373 (909)793-2691 Laidlaw 1369 W. 9th Street Upland CA 91786 (909)' 983-0342 Layne Christianson Co. 11001 Etiwanda Avenue Fontana CA 92337 (909)390-2833 APR -15-99 THU 17;01 INDIO ENV, HEALTH, FAX NO, 7608638303 P.07 . Levine -Fricke 1920 Main Street, Suite 750 Irvine, CA 92714 (714)955-1390 Lindmark Engineering 314 Chatsworth Drive San Fernando CA 91340 (800) 886-1170 (818) 365-1170 LWD, Inc. PO Box 327 Calvert Citv, KY 42029 (502)395-8313 Maddox and Associates 39371 San Thomas Court Murrieta CA 92562 (909)696-9493 The Mark Group; Inc. 1560 Brookhoilow Drive_, #205 Santa Ana, CA 92705 , (714)546-0602 McLaren Hart 16755 Von Karrna.n Avenue, #200 Irvine, CA 92714 (714)756-2667 Marine Shale Processors, Inc. 9828 Highway 90 East Morgan City LA 70380 (504) 631-3161 (800) 8726774 Meredith/Boli & Associates 6701 Center Drive West, # 900 Los Angeles, CA 90045-1535 (310) 670-9221 MTA Consulting PO Box 747 Cardiff, CA 92007 (619)722-8544 Miller Brooks Env. 18700 Beach Blvd., Suite 205 Huntington Beach CA 92648 (714)965-9161 APR -15-99 THU 17;01 INDIO ENV,*HEALTH FAX NO, 7608638303 P.08 National Enviromental Consultants, Inc. 734 W. Alegria Ave., Sierra Madre. CA 91024 (818)355-4114 Ninyo & Moore 9272 Jeronimo Road, Suite 123A Irvine CA 92618 (949)472-5444 Pacific Soils Environmental 10653 Progress '91ay Cypress CA 90630 (714)220-0770 Park Corp., The 5100 East Hunter Avenue Anaheim, CA 92807 (714) 777-1001 PFS Environmental_ Inc. 1682 Novato Blvd., Suite 100 Novato CA 94947 (415) 899-1.600 Petroleum Industry Consultants 1768 Arrow Hwy.,--# 102 La Vemu, CA 91750 (909)596-3355 Quest Environmental 1.55 Arovista Circle Brea CA 92621 (714)671-7777 Radian Corporation 300 N.Sepulvada Blvd. El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 640-0045/(213) 615-5764 ' R M Environmental PO Box 575 Calimesa CA 92320-0575 (909),446-0041 Rollins Environmental Services PO Box 2349 Wilmington' VE 19899 (302)426-2768 R. Shafer Consulting Co. .\ APR -15-99 THU 17:01 INDIO ENV, HEALTH r 'FAX -NO. 7608638303 P:09 i ■ PO Box 1347 La Quinta, CA 92253 (619)564-2526 SECOR 25864 F Business Center Drive Redlands, CA 92374 (909)335-6116 Simpson Services 1451 5th Street t Norco CA 91760 (909) 735-5340 Smith -Emery Company 22795 Savi Ranch Parkway, #B 'Y"orba Linda CA 92887 (714) 693-1026/(213) 749-3411 Specktrum Engineering 2 Salt Spray Laguna Nigel CA 92651 ' (714)495-3095 StateEnvironmental Management 4045 Guasti Road, Suite 216 Ontario CA 91764 (800)638-1587 Tait & Associates, Inc. r 1100 Town & Country Rd.,#1200 Orange, CA 92613 (714)560-8200 Tetra. Tech, Inc. 670 N. Rosemead Blvd. Pasadcn.a, CA. 91107-21.96 (818)449-6400 Toxguard Systems, Inc. 32-B Mauchl.y Irvine; CA 92718 (800)345-1585 ' Ultrasystems Environmental Incorporated 26461 Crown Valley parkway, Suite 140 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (714) 367-8888 (800) 908-3477 Vector Three Environmental 11605 S. East End Avenue APR -15-99 THU 17;02 INDIO ENV, HEALTH- FAX NO, 7608638303 P,10 Cbino CA 91710 (909) 627-0627 Wayne Perry Constniction, Inc. 8281 Commonwealth Avenue Buena Park, CA 90621 (714)826-0352 Woodward -Clyde Consultants - 4220 E First Street, Ste 400 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714)835-6886