DEMO (0208-280)57325 Madison St 0208-280 LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licens„ d under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date 471328 C21 A. {}3/,37/.7,{ Date Signature of Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). (w ) 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed -'contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). () I am exem t under Section B&P.C. for this reason n sDate P 11 c'+i Signature of Owner ft_. . 1Q"• 0 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under''penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. () I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier uI'.c' `,'I: i?LIND Policy No. G 169t121t)1 (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, Irshal shallforthwith j,5 ith comply with those p ovisio s. . „, Date `O I 19 t App licant h Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify .& hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature (Owner/Agent) Date BUILDING PERMIT PERMITp DATE , VALUATIONS LOT TRACT y JOB -SITE ADDRESS r f 1n2 } % S'r ON rX=J 1 APN . ! OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / EN (NEER KT'S.£ .1A..AVJL PAPTI"5 ,` U4 DEMO Y3a'.11..TW*0. INC. 17 -7 G C► Off' UPPERIA00NEMSY MY RD W7 NO ,AV's- 50 PC:"lc i:LIA1 `D OR 411224 TN.101:7 'C"A #12C.I USE OF PERMIT AMMAN= CO, r, CONSTRUCTION OX0 i"kwai..l: 1.,Krw 19 Li.LYJ.1,vJAR DEMOLITION 'EEC, D vr, 2, MR CITY OF LA QUINTA 1 'FINANCEDEPT_ r F[Jai-;t'UM, CON'wMMM01' AADD PLAN CHECK = T45.00 LESS PUF-PAW Mill SUCK► TOTAIV. PKR.i'4 111 14TIE, SS DUI, NOW MM RECEIPT DATE , BYE DATE FINALED INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans 0. K. to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans 8 Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final BLOCKWALL APPROVALS POOLS - SPAS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fbdures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: 08/01/2014 FRI 06:08 FAX 1002 . t 08/21/02 WED 17:15 FAX 5036701604 OAC LAND MGNT 001 QPACIFIC SAMA FE August 21, 2002 Greg Butler Building and Safety Department City of is Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico •^. La Quinta, CA 92253-1504 RE- Puerta Azul — Tract No. 30096-1• - Demo Unlimited contract Dear Greg This letter is to notify the City of La Quinta that we have reviewed and signed the = contract for Dema Unlimited to complete the Puerta Azul•Demolition. Demo Unlimited will work on site until the demolition is finished. If you have any questions please contact Deborah Masterson at 503-670-5437 or email her at deborahm@pacifiesantafe.com Sincerely, PUERTA AZUL PARTNERS, LLC Pacific Santa Fe Corporation, Manager and Member Mark P. Rockwell President NM. -d 17700 SW Upper Boones Ferry Road, Suite 100 Portland, Oregon 41224-7010 503.610-9300 Facsimile. 503-670-9400 • = M E T R O S CANN P R O P E R T Y P R O F I L E . Riverside' (CA) * * * <<< OWNERSHIP .INFORMATION >>> * * * Parcel Number .:762 240 003 S,:21 T:06S R:07E Q:SE * Ref Parcel # :000 000 000 Pos Interest: * Owner Name :Puerta Azul Ptnrs * CoOwner * Site Address :57325 Madison St La Quinta 92253 * Mail Address :17700 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd Portland Or 97224 * Telephone :Owner: Tenant:. * <<< SALES AND LOAN INFORMATION »> * Transferred :07/.07/2000 Loan Amount :$750,000 * Document # :264755 Lender :Private * Sale Price :Non -Disc'- Loan Type :Aitd *. Deed Type :Grant Deed Interest Rate :Fixed * % Owned :100 Vesting Type * * * * * <<< ASSESSMENT AND TAX INFORMATION >>> * Land :$685,000 Exempt Type * Structure :$304,000 Exempt.Amount * Other Tax Rate'-Area :20-073 * Total :$989,000 Taxes :$10,925.92 * % Improved :31 * * * «< PROPERTY DESCRIPTION >>> * * * Map Grid : * Census :Tract: Block: * Land Use :RO1 Res,Single Family Residences * Legal :19.64 ACRES M/L IN POR SE 1/4 OF * :SEC 21 T6S R7E FOR TOTAL * :DESCRIPTION SEE ASSESSORS MAPS * Sub/Plat ' * Book Page: * <<< PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS >>> * Bedrooms Stories YearBuilt": AgPreserve * BathFull Units :1 MiscImprv:No * Bath3Qtr Bldg SgFt: Street ADDITIONAL * BathHalf Gar SgFt Waterfrnt: * Fireplce :No Gar Type Elect Svc: RmAddtns :No * Cntrl Ht :No Lot Acres:19.64 Gas Svc RmAddSF * CntrlA/C :No Lot SgFt :855,518 WaterSrce:_ AddGarType * Pool :No Roof Type: SewerType': OthrPkng Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. y SIM / t. Locating / Opening Fe (per flour) ,.' r t. Locating / Opening Fe (per flour) ,.' Slze System P ; f •r 3 '1 .s v-; • ., P- a t r SER VICE CHAR04,0F:S20 WILL GE DUE. ,ONALL'RETURNED. CHECKS' 18%,PER YEAK:W;LL':BE l • ` HOURS- CHARGED PAST' DUE'ACCOU,NTS.'OVER;3:O.DAYS. :;:• ' >f' • r. LABOR+:._ _ t AMOUNT MECHANICS ` ® TOTAL MATERIALS ' HELPERS ` TOTAL` 4. LABOR . hereby acknowledge the. 9lisfactory 'tSIGNATUR com lev f e ab a escribed work: TOTAL LABOR ' •:: i J TAX COMPLETED + . r //-DATE ! l (' f O TOTAL d ,•- rF • T nV SCOTT MORRISON & ASSOCIATES y P.O. Box 55329 1130 E. Fuerte Circle Riverside, CA 92517 Palm Springs, CA 92262 (909) 624-1665 r DOSH 92-0248{ (800) 824-3353 ASBESTOS SURVEY REPORT Completed On August 7, 2002 PLM0802#2901- Client: Elder Construction 2144 Knollwood Avenue Fallbrook, CA 92028 -Project: 57-325 Madison La Quinta, CA (Art Sculpture Park) On August 2nd, 2002 an asbestos inspection and bulk'.sampling was conducted at the above project address. Bulk samples were taken of all suspect asbestos containing building materials (ACBM) at the request of the client' named above. A total of (28) bulk samples were submitted to Carolina Environmental; Inc. in Cary, NC (NVLAP Code 101768-0 and Cala Environ. Lab. Cert. #2483) to estimate the percentage of asbestos by volume and determine the type(s) present. Carolina Environmental, Inc. determines percentages and type of asbestos by using EPA approved method 600/M4-82-020: interim Method for the Determination of Asbestos'in Bulk Samples. Asbestos is' quantified by using the visual arena estimation technique and can only determine the' approximate percentage of asbestos present. , After a thorough search is conducted and no asbestos is detected "none detected" will be noted in the- report. hereport. The essence.of polarized light microscopy is not to emphatically determine that no asbestos is present, merely that none was detected or,, if it was, it was likely to be less than 1.0% of the sample. When findings reveal less than or close to 1.0% asbestos contained in a sample, further analysis may be called for on additional samples to confirm or denounce the initial findings. The California Code of Regulations (CCR 1529) requires bulk sampling be conducted according to the-A.H'E.R.A. protocol provisions of 40 CFR Part 763.86. The A.H.E.R.A. protocol recommends three (3) or more friable surfacing samples from a homogeneous area be collected and analyzed before any building material is determined -to be non -asbestos containing. ASBESTOS INSPECTION BY: Scott Morrison, DOSH #92-0248 BULK SAMPLES ANALYZED BY: Carolina Environmental, Inc., NVLAP #101768-0 The results on the, following page(s) indicate that asbestos was detected in 02 of the 28 samples analyzed. SCOTT MORRISON & ASSOCIATES . r P.O. Box 55329 R 1130 E. Fuerte Circle Riverside, CA 92517 Palm Springs, CA 92262 (909) 6241665 DOSH 92-0248 (800) 8243353 r PLM0802#2901 ' Sample #EC -01 Type of material:`roof felt, t Location: roof of southeast gazebo, under clay tiles - Area: throughout roof above gazebo Friable:no 'Results: none detected Sample #EC -02 Type of material: roof felt Location: roof of soutti-central gazebo, under Gay tiles Area: throughout roof above gazebo Friable: no Results: none detected Samples #EC -03 thru #EC -16 and #EC -19 thru #EC -23 were taken from the main building. y Sample #EC -03 Type of material: exterior stucco- cream (1 rst layer) Location: exterior northwest wall of main bldg- Area: ti ►roughout•exterior walls of main bldg.. Friable:no Results: none detected Sample #EC -04 Type of material: plaster- grey (2nd layer) _ Location:behind sample #EC -03 Area: throughout exterior walls of main bldg. Friable:no Results: none detected Sample #EC -05 Type of material: troweled on plaster- white (1 rst layer) Location: interior walls and ceiling of garage Area: throughout interior of garage - - Friable:no s Results: none detected` Sample OEC -06 Type of material: drywall 4 Location:. behind sample #EC -05 Area: throughout interior_ of garage Friable:no Results: none detected Sample #EC -07 Type of material: drywall mud Location: interior ceiling of garage skylight Area: unable to determine Friable:no Results:, none detected Sample #EC -08 Type of material: mudded drywall tape Location: interior east wall of kitchen , Area: unable to determine Friable:no Results: none detected ` SCOTT MORRISON & ASSOCIATES P.O. Box 55329 1130 E. Fuerte Circle Riverside, CA 92517 'Palm Springs, CA 92262 (909) 624-1665 DOSH 92-0248 (800) 824-3353 } PLM0802#2901 Sample #EC -09 Type of material: wall mastic- black ' Location: northeast bathroom behind mirrors k > Area: less than 100 total sq. ft. (various bathroom walls throughout main building) Friable: no Results: 20°% Chrysotile asbestos Sample #EC -10 Type of material: interior wall stucco (1 rst layer) Location: interior east wall of northeast room Area: throughout interior walls Friable:no Results: none detected Sample #EC -11 Type of material: drywall (2nd layer) Location: behind sample #EC -10 Area: tr roughout interior walls Friable:no Results: none detected Sample #EC -12 Type of material: insulation- yellow s Location: above interior ceilings. Area: throughout area just above interior ceilings Friable:yes Results: none detected Sample #EC -13 Type of material: wall mastic- black Location: interior north wall of central bath • Area: less than 100 total sq. ft. (various bathroom walls throughout main building) Friable:no Results: 20"/o Chrysotile asbestos Sample #EC -14 Type of material, troweled on plaster- white Location: interior ceiling of large southeast room Area: throughout interior ceilings 7 '. Friable:no Results: none detected Sample #EC -15 Type of material: stucco. plaster core Location: exterior south wall Area: throughout exterior walls of main bldg. Friable:no Results: none detected .. Sample #EC -16 Type of material: roof felt Location: ground debris south of bldg. under clay tiles Area: throughout exterior roof above main bldg. • Friable:yes Results: none detected (3) T P.O. Box 55329 Riverside, CA 92517 (909) 624-1665 PLM0802#2901 ZIP SCOTT MORRISON- & ASSOCIATES 1130 E. Fuerte Circle ' Palm Spiings CA 92262 DOSH 92-0248 (800) 8243353 Sample #EC -17 Type of material: exterior stucco (Irst layer) °+ Location: exterior wall'of dog house Area: throughout exterior walls of dog house Friable:no Results:, none detected Sample #EC -18 Type of material: exterior. wall plaster (2nd layer) Location: behind sample #EC -17 _ ' Area: throughout exterior walls of dog house Friable:noResults: none detected ' Sample #EC -19 Type.of material: interior plaster, raked finish Location: interior west wall of southwest room Area: throughout interior walls of southwest'room Friable:no Results' none detected Sample #EC -20 Type of material: penetration roof mastic black - Location: exterior roof penetrations Area: approx. 20+ total sq. ft. Friable:no Results: none detected Sample #EC -21 Type of material: tar & gravel (1 rst layer) Location: exterior northwest roof area Area: approx. 1650 total sq. ft. ` Friable:no Results: none detected ' Sample #EC -22 Type of material: roof felt (2nd layer) Location: under sample #EC -21 Area: approx. 1650 total sq. ft. Friable:no Results: none detected Sample #EC -23 Type of material: tar & gravel' Location: exterior southeast roof area ` Area: approx. 1650 total sq_ ft. ;a Friable:no Results: none detected. Samples #EC -24 thru #EC -28 were taken from the mobile home south of main bldg. Sample #EC -24 Type of material: rolled vinyl flooring- yellow/grey Location: floor of east room and bathroom , Area: approx. 200 total sq. ft. Friable:no Results: none detected . ;.., (4) SCOTT MORRISON & ASSOCIATES • P.O. Box 55329 1130 E. Fuerte Circle Riverside, CA 92517 ; Palm Springs, CA 92262 (909) 624-1665 DOSH 92-0248 (800) 824-3353 PLM0802#2901 Sample #EC 25 Type of material: floor linoleum- white Location: floor of south-central bedroom Area: approx. 70 sq. ft. Friable:no Results: none detected Sample #EC-26 Type of material: floor linoleum (2nd layer) Location: floor of bathroom Area: approx. 30 sq. ft. Friable:no --Results: none detected Sample #EC-27 Type of material: floor mastic (3rd layer) Location: under sample #EC-26 in bathroom Area: approx. 30 sq. ft. Friable:no Results:= none detected Sample #EC-28 Type of material: floor linoleum- greenlyellow Location: floor of southwest bedroom closet Area: approx. 15 sq. ft. Friable:no Results:' none detected Note: All asbestos containing building material(s) containing greater than 1.04 asbestos .01, .;e ar weiy~t, must be removed by a state caftiffied asbestos abatement contractor prior to any demolitivr'i or renovation-of the property. Inspector G/G' Scott C. Morrison - Certified Asbestos Consultant DOSH#92-0248 CA-HOUti k, :ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. LABORATORY REPORT ,.i lew<r?EdCtion Court, Cary, NC 27511 ASBESTOS BULK 1e1NAI,Y3I3' Pl or (9191,181.1413 Fix (919) 481.1442 Client: Scott Morrison & Associates CEI Lab Code: A02-4991 1130 Fuerte Circle Palm Springs. C A 92262 Received: 08-05-02 ' Analyzed: 08-06-02 Reported:. 08-06-02 ' Project: 57-325 Madison, La Quinta Analyst: Edwin J. Stager Project # PLM 0802 # 2901 - CLIENT ID CEI LAB ID- SAMPLE DESCRIPTION ASBESTOS EC -01 A63532 FELT ND Heterogeneous. 'Black, Fibrous,Tightly Bound, TAR 15% CELL 65% EC -02 A63533 -EELT ND Heterogeneous, Black, Fibrous,Tightly Bound TAR 15% CELL 85% EC -03 A63534 STUCCO ND Heterogeneous, -Off-white, Fibrous, Loose BIND 25% CELL <1 % PAINT 15% . _.- -... SILI 60% EC=04 A63535 PLASTER No Heterogeneous. Grey, Fibrous, Bound PLAS 100 % CELL c1 EC -05 A63536 PLAS.TF.B PAINT N D Heterogeneous, Yeilow,White, Fibrous, Bound' PLAS 90% CELL 0 % PAINT 10% EC -06 A63537 DRYWALL ND Heterogeneous, Brown,White, Fibrous, Bound - PLAS 50.% CELL 45 FOGL 5% Page 1. CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. . Project: 57.325 Madison, La Oulnta 101 New Edition Court, Cary, NC 27511 Project # PLM 0802 # 2901 Phone: 819481.1413 Fax: 91Wt-t442 Lab Code: A02-4991 CLIENT ID CEI LAB 10 SAMPLE QESCRIPTIdN ASBESTOS EC -07 A63538 JOINT CQMPOUhlp &PAINT N p Heterogeneous, Off-white, White, Fibrous,Bound CELL <1 % FBGL ' 100 EC -08 A63539 PAPER & Jo1NT COMPOUNC ND Heterogeneous, Off-white,White, Fibrous,Bound PLAS 50 % CELL 35 MICA 15% EC -09 A63540 • MASTIC 'CHRY 2 0% Heterogeneous, Black, Fibrous,Tigh tLy Bound CHRY 20 % TAR 80% CELL <1 % ' EC -10 A63541 B= 0 - NO Heterogeneous, Off-white, Pink, Fibrous, Bound PLAS 90% CELL c1 % PAINT 10 % EC -11 A63542 D13-YWALL N 0 Heterogeneous, Brown,White, Fibrous,Bound PLAS 501% CELL 45.% F8GL 5 % EC -12 A63543 INSULATION NO Heterogeneous, Yellow, Fibrous, Loose PLAS 50% CE=LL 45% F8GL 5% ' EC -13 A63544 MASTIC - - CHRY 2 0 % Heterogeneous, . Black, Fibrous, Tightly Boland CHRY 20. °% TAR 80% CELL <1 % EC -14 A63545 PLASTF.R A PAINT ND Heterogeneous, Off-white, White, Fibrous, Bound PLAS 90% CELL <1 % PAINT 10% .. t CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Project:' 57-32$ Madison, La Quinta 107 New Edition Court, Cary, NC 27511 Proiect # PLM 0802 # 2901 Phone: 919481.1413 Fax: 919.481.1442 Lab Codec A02-4991 - CLIENT ID CEI L'AB'ID SAMPLE DESCRIPTION °E ' AS6E$T05 EC -15 A63546 STUCQO ND Heterogeneous, Off-white, White, Fibrous,Bound` PLAS 95% CELL <1 PAINT 5% EC -16 A63547 FELT µ ND _ Heterogeneous, Black, Fibrous,Tightly Bound TAR 15% CELL 85% EC -17 A63548 STUCCO ND Heterogeneous, Off-white,White, Fibmus,Bound PLAS .95% CELL c1.% PAINT 5 ' EC -18 A63549 PIASTER N O , Heterogeneous, Grey, Fibrous, Bound PLAS 100% CELL <1 orb EC -19 A63550 DRYWALL PAINI &JOINT COMPOUQ NO Heterogeneous,, Off-white,White, Fibrous, Bound PLAS 55% CELL 35 % . TAR 5 % FOGL' <1 % MICA 5% ' EC -20 A63551 PENETRATIoN MASTIC NO Heterogeneous, Black, Fibrous,Bound TAR 75 % , CELL 25% EC -21 A63552 TAB &GRAVEL NO Heterogeneous, Black, Fibrous,Tightly Bound ` - TAR '. " 100% CELL '<1 % EC -22 A63553 FELT _ NO Heterogeneous, Black, Fibrous, Tightly Bound TAR 35% CELL <1 % - FER L 65 Page '3 CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Project: 57.325 Madison, La 00nta 107 New Edition Court, Cary, NC 27511 Proiect # PLM 0802 # 2901 Phone: 919481.1413 Fax: 919481.1442 Lab Code: A02-4991 CLIENT 4D CE! LAB ID $AMPLE DESCRIPTION ASBESTOS. EC -23 A63554 TAR a' GF:AVEL • N D Heterogeneous, Black, Fibrous,Tightly Bound TAR • 45 % CELL <t % FBGL 55% EC -24 A63555 SEAMLESS FLOORING &MASTIC ' ND Heterogeneous, Off-white,Grey, Fibrous,Bound VINYL 35% CELL 35% BIND 15% F"i3GL 10% EC -25 A63556 SEAMLESS FLOORING & MASTIC N D Heterogeneous, Off-white,Grey, Fibibus,Bound VINYL 45% CELL '35% BIND15% MAST 5% EC -26 A63557 SFAMLESS FLOORING " ND - DHeterogeneous, Heterogeneous, Off-white,Grey, Fibrous,Bound VINYL 30% CELL 45% BIND 15% FBGL 10 EC -27, A63558 - MASTIC - - ND - •, Heterogeneous, Tan, Fibrous, Bound MAST 100% CELL <1 % FBGL <1 % EC -28 A63559 SEAMLESS FLOORING ND , Heterogeneous, Green,Grey, Fibrous;Bound VINYL 40 % CELL 35% BIND 15% SYNT 10%- 0%`EC-29 EC-29. SAMPLE MISSING - s - Page 4 The following definitions apply to the abbreviations used In the ASBESTOS BULK ANALYSIS REPORT: CHAY = Chrysotile CELL = Cellulose, DEER = Debris AMOS = Amosite FBGL = Fibrous Glass BIND =Binder CROC = Crocidolite OAGN = Organics SILI = Silicates . TREM = Tremolite SYNT . = Synthetics GRAV = Gravel ANTH = Anthophyllite WOLL = Wollastonite MAST = Mastic ACTN = Actinolite CERWL T Ceramic Wool PLAS =Plaster ND = None Detected NTREM = Non-Asbestdorm PERL = Perlite NANTH = Non-Asbes6form Tremolite RUBR =Rubber Anthophyllite - + CLIENT: Scott Morrison & Associates r PROJECT: 57-325 Madison, La Ouinta - • Project # PLM 0802 # 2901. CEI LAB CODE: A02-4991 Stereoscopic microscopy and polarized light microscopy coupled with dispersion staining is the analytical technique used for sample identification. The percentage of each component is visually estimated by volume. These results pertain only to the samples analyzed. The samples were analyzed as submitted by the client and may not be representative of the larger material in question. Unless notified in writing to_retum samples, Carolina Environmental, Inc.. will discard all bulk samples after 30 days. . f• Many vinyl floor tiles have been manufactured using greater than I% asbestos. Often the asbestos wasmilled to a fiber size below the detection limit of polarized light microscopy. Therefore, a "None Detected" (NO) reading Ion vinyl floor Us does not necessarily exclude the presepce of asbestos. Transmission electron microscopy provides a more conclusive form of analysis for vinyl floor tiles. 'Wrs.ci:itdied by the signature below that Carolina. Environmental; Inc. is accredited by the National Voluntary Accreditation s zl?. 4 a h (NVLAP) for the analysis of asbestos in bulk materials. The accredited test method is EPA 1600 / M4-82 / 020 for 4r,'14a. alysis of asbestos in building materials. Procedures described in EPA / 600 / R-93 / 116 have been incorporated Where applicable. The detection limit for the method is 0.1 % (trace amount). Carolina Environmentai, Inc.'s NVLAP accreditation number is #101768.0. This report is not to be used to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U. S.•Govemment. This report and its contents'are only valid when reproduced in full. Dust and soil analyses for asbestos using PLM are not covered under NVLAP accreditation. ANALYST REVIEWED, BY x Tianbao Bai, Ph.D. Laboratory Director - - End of Report From: Scott ;Morrison & Associates 1130 Fuerte Circle Palm Springs, CA 92262 323--7743— CHAIN OF CUSTODIA To: Carolina Eavironmental, Inc. 0-4 b114Eti' too" (i,.Q— (919) 481-1413 NVLAP Code 101768-0 CA FLAP #2483 ClienaELDM Cerin t Lc-nol Person Taking Samples::Scat: hlorrison. CA0192-11248 Joh No. f LfA09 ,tYZ'*'2gp Site Address: 53 —325 ALA LA O utN'EA Sample 9 Sample Date Material & Description I,M AA -Pb Other Informalion G-. 03 - az 2°° E LT - Ir C_ r 4P 3-5'D z e c-65- wA-zL C_ C- - ZC- CoWe3 _ 7- — C- w s'rt C — '_ L( Raw in Upeli te. 7. V.. u. Relinquished By: Datcaime: a -02 '2 PA& Received By:—Date/Time:_ Mai!!Fax To: Scott Morrison & Asoeiates,1130 Fuerte Circle, Paem Springs, CA 92262,(76(0)323-7743' r 7r'!n a I CHAIN OF CUSTODY '- Froln: Scott Morrison & Associates To: Carolina Environmental, Inc. o 1130 Fuerte Circle 07 . AjC----+ Ew-T'1 J:-.&Uor N - Palm Springs, CA 92262 Cary, NC 27511 _ (919) 481-1413 N N NVLAP Code 10176" CA FLAP 112483 a r .. Client: Ns'j t?' 4 1 Sample Date Person Taking Samples: Scott Morrison. CAC#92-0248 1 AA -Pb Job Na.'" Ovm*,pI Site Address: 5-4 327 jUAD I SMY (A_6L.,Ar* ely LP,5- Sample # Sample Date Material & Description 1 AA -Pb Other Information r -C - 14 ce-m 7ipcn_-ragwsUeD ely LP,5- M— IS, IFt~ U r E C,- 1 1 N ?v - --- -Ec:- V- _ <13 Ti•nr in Iincnlfe 7 t Vm f►t_ - -- - -- -- - - - - v Relinquished By: Date/Time:10 -6 A- Received By: Date/Time:CY S NIALIFax To: Scott Morrison Asociate;, 1130 )Fuerte Circle, Paim dings, CA 92262, (760) 323-7743 CHAIN OF CUSTODY from: Scott Morrison & Associates To: Carolina Environmental, Inc. 1130 Fuerte Circle D' ilii 0t; ourt Palm Springs, CA 92262 _ Cary, NC 27511 _ -----(7"y323--1743— (919) 481-14.13 -- -- NVLAP Code 201768-0 CA ELAP #12483 Client: 1 'iZ C_..QN SYaJ-&GT) bNJ Person Taking Samples; Scott Morrison. CAC#92-8248 Job No. 9laVlp9p2 29bt SiteAddreBs: ' - 328 AAi4 (, _ 1 L1g f. u N VA 9-S PUF a Sample # — Swnple Date Material & Description - LM AA -Pb Otheuln#'onnation s Cn t VA 9-S PUF a ELVD& M&. Sit e - tzek L: &JO te-u-;f,& -Get _ 7-c a FaY in Roadfu ? 1 Voaw Via - Relinquished Bj: __.. - jamj-- Date/Time: 'L O-0 -o Received B . ALJ DatelTime: s -' Mail!Fax To: Scott :Morrison & Asociates, 11.30 Fuerte Circle, Palm Springs, CA 92262. (760) 323-7743