BSOL2014-0043 + SFD (11347)53300 Avenida Madero BSOL2014-0043 11347 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUIL I JG PERMIT VOICE (760) 777-7125 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Application Number: BSOL2014-0043 Owner: Property Address: 53300 AVENIDA MADERO D 7r y MARIA NOLAN APN: 774034003 u 1 53300 AVENIDA MADERO Application, Description: 5.61kW PV SYSTEM - (22) 255W PANE / 1) INVERTER LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Property Zoning: DEC 0 3 2Q14 Application Valuation: $12,398.00. EnyQUINTA Applicant: . COMMUNITYD VOEL MEENTDEPARTMENT Contractor: SOLARCITY CORPORATION SOLARCITY CORPORATION 3055 CLEARVIEW WAY 3055 CLEARVIEW WAY ATTN ZOE STEELE ATTN ZOE STEELE SAN MATEO, CA 94402 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 (650)963-4722 Llc. No.: 888104 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: C46. B. C30, A License No.: 888104 `.. Date: 12- 3 Contractor: D OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State . License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (1 I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work', himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). ( I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. .(Sec. 7044, Business.and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). ( I I am exempt under Sec. . B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Lender's Address: Date: 12/3/2014 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one.of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier: _ Policy Number: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. Date: Applicant: ' WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT. AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVILTINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF . COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and (shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any.permit issued as a result of -this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above- mentioneli roperty for inspection puWeses. Date: & I I j —` Signature (Applicant or Agent) F T V Description: 5.61kW PV SYSTEM - (22) 255W PANELS/ (1) INVERTER Type: SOLAR Subtype: Status: APPROVED Applied: 11/26/2014 PJU Approved: 12/2/2014 JFU Parcel No: 774034003 Site Address: 53300 AVENIDA MADERO LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: SANTA CARMELITA VALE LA QUINTA Block: 182 Lot: 22 Issued: UNIT 18 - NOTES Lot 5q Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $12,398.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: 5.61kW SOLAR ARRAY - (22) 255W KYOCERA PANELS+SOLAREDGE P300 OPTIMIZERS W/ (1) SOLAREDGE SESOOOA-US-ZB-U INVERTER [352SF] 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE. Applied to Approved Printed: Wednesday, December 03, 201412:37:15 PM 1 of 2 r SYSTEMS .CHRONOLOGY,'., CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE - COMPLETION DATE - NOTES E-MAIL JAKE FUSON 12/2/2014 12/2/2014 EMAILED MELISSA WITH SOLAR CITY NOTIFYING HER PLANS WERE APPROVED AND PERMIT READY TO ISSUE. PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL PHILIP JUAREZ 11/26/2014 RECEIVED CONDITIONS NAME TYPE' NAME. ADDRESSI CITY STATE ZIP - PHONE. FAX EMAIL APPLICANT SOLARCITY CORPORATION 3055 CLEARVIEW WAY SAN MATEO CA 94402 (760)333-6272 CONTRACTOR SOLARCITY CORPORATION 3055 CLEARVIEW WAY SAN MATEO CA 94402 (760)333-6272 OWNER MARIA NOLAN 53300 AVENIDA LA QUINTA CA 92253 (760)333-6272 MADERO Printed: Wednesday, December 03, 201412:37:15 PM 1 of 2 r SYSTEMS PARENT PROJECTS BOND INFORMATION ATTACHMENTS Printed: Wednesday, December 03, 201412:37:15 PM 2 of 2 SYS Tf:MS INFORMATION C D. DESCRIPTION _ ;' ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT • PAID -DATE , :RECEIPT 0 CHECK # METHOD PAID BY SOLARCITY BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $1.00 12/3/14 R3069 220550 CHECK MFA CORPORATION Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $1.00 $1.00 BSA: PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $24.17 12/3/14 R3069 220550 CHECK SOLARCITY MFA FIRST 20 CORPORATION PV SYSTEM -ARRAY, 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $24.17 12/3/14 R3069. 220550 CHECK SOLARCITY MFA. FIRST 20 PC CORPORATION Total Paid forELECTRICAL: $48.34 $48.34 SOLARCITY PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $91.85 12/3/14 R3069 220550 CHECK MFA CORPORATIO-M Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $91.85 PARENT PROJECTS BOND INFORMATION ATTACHMENTS Printed: Wednesday, December 03, 201412:37:15 PM 2 of 2 SYS Tf:MS Bill # La Q Bu(kUng 81 Safety DWon P.O Box 1504, '78-495 CaOe Tampfca La.QLdnta, CA 92253 -(760) 777-7012 Building Permit A001cadon' and Tracking Sheet Penta # 2 0 2-0 4 'J5 Project Address: J3 3UU _A V 1 q.dAOwner's Name:.p I• -``Vl - GS 11 l A. P. Number.- .1 y - 0'3H I Address: V f j P.I'11r C Q () Legal Desc 4tion: City, ST, Zip: La Quinta, CA Contracto, Solar City Telephone: -i ub - 33 3 -(o21 2 ProjegDescription: 2 2 roof mounted solar panels . Address: 3055 Clearview Way. city, ST, zip: San Mateo, CA, 94402 I inverter(s) Telephone: 650-638-1028 u State Lia # : 888104 City Lic. #; Arch., EM., Designer Address: City. ST. Zip: Telephone: State Lia #: NameofContactPerson:Melissa Quintero Construction Type: , occupancy: Project type (circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Sq. Ft: #Stories: #Univ: Telephone # of contact Person: 909-855-0038 Estimated value of Projeck 12S 9 • wq U i cn.w 14 -LI. C GM APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS UNE # Submittal Req'd Reed TRACKING PERMiP FF.FS Plan Sets Plan Cheek submittedbp Item Amount . ' Structural Coles. Reviewed, ready for I4v6 { Pian Check Deposit. . Tress Cater. Called Contact Person. Mq.11r Plan Check Balance Tide24 Calve. Pians picked up Construction Flood plainplan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan '! Review, ready for correctionsrissue Electrical Subeontaetor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading 1N HOUSE.- '"d Review; ready for eorreetionallssac Devdoper Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.i.P.P'. Pub. Wks. Appr - Date of permit Issuer School Fees Total Permit Fees r FI NANCIAL] N FORMATION DESCRIPTION:ACCOUNT K ' AMOUNTS" sy PAID` PAID DATEx ,;QTY :` BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 $1.00 $1.00 12/3/14 .0 PAID BY" F METHOD ; #,g CHECK # CLTU BY x4 w.RECEIPT z` .r •!'. s 4j SOLARCITY CORPORATION CHECK R3069 220550 MFA Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION BS, c $1.00 $1.00 xu'F DESCRIPTION ,- F ;ACCOUNT AMOUNT a 'zT4'vPAID¢ ` PAI "TE, t PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, FIRST 20 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $24.17 12/3/14 09 s '€PAID BY #T x.g s METHOD"„ ? x- RECEIPT #0 CLTD BY s,= 6.:r $, y CHECK# , r SOLARCITY CORPORATION CHECK R3069 220550 MFA mDESCRIPTION A ACCOUNTS QTYY £ANIOUNTE PAID PAID'DATE #Es „ rr t_ rW PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, FIRST 20 PC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $24.17 12/3/14 4 °PAID BY+ Via' `...:" . METHODa x < #w CHECK # i z e.. „• ,RECEIPT !' _ < LT BY SOLARCITY CORPORATION CHECK R3069 220550 MFA Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $48.34 $48.34 ' DESCRIPTION "*1= ACCOUNT € &' 'QTY `S R AMOUNT Q} Ay 1 PAID!DATE u` " , FR t , 4 xPAID PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85. $91.85 12/3/14 N'_' " PAID:BY tMETIiOD r ?RECEIPT #, CHECK #CLTD BYE' " SOLARCITY CORPORATION CHECK R3069 220550 MFA Total Paid forPERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $91:85 TOTALS: ABBREVIATIONS - ELECTRICAL NOTES JURISDICTION NOTES A AMPERE- 1. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID—INTERTIED VIA A ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2013 • ' AC ALTERNATING CURRENT ►UL—LIST D POWER—CONDITIONING -INVERTER. CALIFORNIA BUILDING, RESIDENTIAL, MECHANICAL, _ • * t ' ''' • ' BLDG BUILDING 2. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES, NO UPS. ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, ENERGY, AND GREEN CONC CONCRETE 3. A NATIONALLY—RECOGNIZED TESTING BUILDING CODES AND THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL DC DIRECT CURRENT LABORATORY SHALL LIST ALL EQUIPMENT IN CODE EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR A COMPLIANCE WITH ART. 110.3. (E) EXISTING 4. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING D' } • Y ti ; ': , - _ EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING , MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, FSB FIRE SET—BACK A SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING OF THE GALV GALVANIZED _ HAZARDS PER ART. 690.17. GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR • 5. EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF 'THE } ti`-' •'} , GND GROUND.. "` MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL BE IDENTIFIED BY T .. , CITY OF LA QUINTA ' HDG, HOT DIPPED -GALVANIZED ~` , PHASE AND SYSTEM PER ART..210.5. • • r " _ - ...4:.: ; BUILDING SAFETY DEPT. I CURRENT' ; ' E- 6. CIRCUITS OVER 250V TO GROUND SHALL • '`' _ ImpCURRENT-AT MAX POWER, ' J - ,COMPLY'WITH ART. 250.97; 250.92(B). * .iy.. APPROVED. r ,., ry 1 s t" Isc SHORT CIRCUIT -CURRENT- '' 7. DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER r ` FOR CONSTRUCTION h ` kVA KILOVOLT AMPERE ' . H` ` . ' BUILDING OR. ARE. RUN IN METALLIC RACEWAYS OR } <: f kW KILOWATT 4 . - l"F ENCLOSURES TO THE FIRST ACCESSIBLE DC ~ LBW. LOAD BEARING, WALL *. z • ^ DISCONNECTING MEANS PER ART.' 690.31(E). ri ' , DATE Z 2Ery } ` MIN' MINIMUM - • ,,. .' _ , ,. ,; ' 8. - - ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STRAIN NOV 2 2014 F:a u "' ;, RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO .BOXES AS REQUIRED BY?c, (N) NEW :F.4 •.... . NEUT NEUTRAL ,' },r . - UL LISTING.. tfi+w , `' j'r NTS NOT TO SCALE - _ P. 9. MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED AT :THE CMOFLAQUINTA - '`a COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OC ON CENTER • s ; t; UL—LISTED LOCATION PROVIDED BY THE PL PROPERTY LINE MANUFACTURER USING UL LISTED GROUNDING' - P01 POINT OF INTERCONNECTION '' HARDWARE. PV PHOTOVOLTAIC 10: MODULE FRAMES, •RAIL, AND POSTS SHALL BE SCH SCHEDULE BONDED WITH EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS. '` A S STAINLESS' STEEL .. STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS 5 I - 3 , TYP TYPICAL ` UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY V , VOLT, r _ Vmp VOLTAGE *AT -MAX POWER 4,VICINITY MAP INDEX s Voc VOLTAGE AT OPEN CIRCUIT = ' r . W WATT T i . PV1 COVER SHEET 3R NEMA 3R, RAINTIGHT - ., r` • PV2 SITE PLAN PV3 STRUCTURAL VIEWS •INN• ; .— 001 1 PV4 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS i •► LICENSE — GENERAL NOTES """"''' ` . " PV5 THREE LINE DIAGRAM i r' ,. '` PV6 ONE LINE` DIAGRAM - 4 "• 'm: • `• ';;"'; • PV7 ELE ICAL CALCULATIONS 1. ALL WORK TO BE DONE TO THE 2013 a" .,'t *;' ' aCA,# 888104 i ► t_ '., a tached CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE AND THE 2013 , , ,. r ` , " Cutsh C-10 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE. q. 2. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH *''f V' — THE 2011 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE AS AMENDED BY P t "? 14 > THE 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRIC CODE_. . _ `.,#01 MODULE GROUNDING METHOD: ZEP SOLAR. REV B DATE COMMENTS AHJ: La Quints • 'i ' ' "'• - A REV N TE COMMENTS UTILITY: Imperial Irrigation District CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN ae NUMBER:_. JB -9222198 O O OWNER DESCRIPTION: DESIGN: CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE NOLAN,' MARIA, 'NOLAN RESIDENCE ``- Steven Sysavath = `''• - • BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SDLARa,Y INC., MOUNTING SYSTEM: j;,SOIa CIty NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN ZEP Mighty"Hook 53300 AVENIDA MADERO 5.61 KW -PV ARRAY' t:. ' ;? PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S oRcaNlunoN, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH MODULES: LA QUINTA, CA 92253 THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (22) KYOCERA # KD255GX—LFB3 AP 774-034-003-4 ` 3055 anew Way SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PAGE NAME +' SHEET: REV San 1028 CA 64402 INVERTER: . '. ' ; T.-(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 PERMISSION OF SOLARaTY INC. 7603336272 PV 1 ! , 2014 (W) -SOL -CITY (765-2489) .nrsolarcitycon, SOLAREDGE SE5000A—us-z6-u x COVER SHEET ..__ _ y' /. LM sm&& • TRANSFORMER INFORMATION: KVA PHASE HIGH KV LOW 120/240V —METER# 93567205 "PROPOSED BI—DIRECTIONAL METER#-------" CUTLER HAMMER 30A #DG221URB — AC DISCONNECT: 1FT FROM MAIN PANEL — INVERTER: SOLAREDGE 5000 WATT T 0 0 0 C Ln (D 0 C; 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 3' FSB CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE 2 2 B 200A, 240V, SINGLE PHASE, 2 WIRES, 22kAiC XISTING BI DIRECTIONAL DETER 93567205 9222198 00 KD255GX—LFB3 3FFSB 7 ,;4 — — `I a Nr*, zvs °d\ Md LLI Fn O O O O 0 T 0 00 0 3 AC Inv ©IOM NOLAN, MARIA 53300 AVENIDA MADERO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 7603336272 O '1 1 O 0 0 o M P2 aC•1!• V ■v NOLAN RESIDENCE 5.61 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME: SITE PLAN PITCH: 20 ARRAY PITCH: 20 © MPl AZIMUTH: 90 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 90 Al. , CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE JOB NUMBER: MOUNTING SY g BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., • NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE ZEP Mi( MODULES: (22) K' R SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. INVERTER: SOLARE MP3 AZIMUTH: 1 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 1 T 0 0 0 C Ln (D 0 C; 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 3' FSB CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE 2 2 B 200A, 240V, SINGLE PHASE, 2 WIRES, 22kAiC XISTING BI DIRECTIONAL DETER 93567205 9222198 00 KD255GX—LFB3 3FFSB 7 ,;4 — — `I a Nr*, zvs °d\ Md LLI Fn O O O O 0 T 0 00 0 3 AC Inv ©IOM NOLAN, MARIA 53300 AVENIDA MADERO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 7603336272 O '1 1 O 0 0 o M P2 aC•1!• V ■v NOLAN RESIDENCE 5.61 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME: SITE PLAN 1 cr7cnin 0 (E) UTILITY METER & WARNING LABEL mINVERTER W/ INTEGRATED DC DISCO & WARNING LABELS PITCH: 20 ARRAY PITCH: 20 © MPl AZIMUTH: 90 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 90 AC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS MATERIAL: Spanish Tile STORY: 1 S1 °0 T'IP2 PITCH: 20 ARRAY PITCH: 20 AZIMUTH: 180 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 180 LOAD CENTER & WARNING LABELS O MATERIAL: Spanish Tile STORY: 1 S1 O STANDOFF LOCATIONS PITCH: 18 ARRAY PITCH: 18 CONDUIT RUN ON EXTERIOR MP3 AZIMUTH: 1 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 1 GATE/FENCE MATERIAL: Spanish Tile STORY: 1 Si HEAT PRODUCING VENTS ARE RED PITCH: 20 ARRAY PITCH: 20 INTERIOR EQUIPMENT IS DASHED MP4 AZIMUTH: 1 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 1 MATERIAL: Spanish Tile STORY: 1 S1 1 cr7cnin 0 (E) UTILITY METER & WARNING LABEL mINVERTER W/ INTEGRATED DC DISCO & WARNING LABELS SITE PLAN N Scale: 1/8" = 1' W E 0 1' 8' 16' s DESIGN: Steven SysavaRh solarCity _r f' 3M aewWen Way SHEET: REV: DATE: San Mateo, CA 94402 T:(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 PV 2 10/31/2014 (888) -SOL -CITY (765-2489) www.solarcity.com © DC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS AC AC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS DC JUNCTION/COMBINER BOX & LABELS °0 DISTRIBUTION PANEL & LABELS Lc LOAD CENTER & WARNING LABELS O DEDICATED PV SYSTEM METER O STANDOFF LOCATIONS CONDUIT RUN ON EXTERIOR _—_ CONDUIT RUN ON INTERIOR GATE/FENCE O HEAT PRODUCING VENTS ARE RED L _ J INTERIOR EQUIPMENT IS DASHED SITE PLAN N Scale: 1/8" = 1' W E 0 1' 8' 16' s DESIGN: Steven SysavaRh solarCity _r f' 3M aewWen Way SHEET: REV: DATE: San Mateo, CA 94402 T:(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 PV 2 10/31/2014 (888) -SOL -CITY (765-2489) www.solarcity.com • i • S X -SPACING X -CANTILEVER si 5 N. SIDE. VIEW OFMP1 NTS - r• . - MP1 . X -SPACING X -CANTILEVER si Y -CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE '48" 24" 56" 24" PORTRAIT' 48" SIDE. VIEW OFMP1 NTS - r• . - MP1 . X -SPACING X -CANTILEVER Y -SPACING Y -CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE '48" 24" 56" 24" PORTRAIT' 48" 20" 56" 2411- TOP CHORD 20 @ 24" OC BOT CHORD 2X4 @24" OC ROOF AZI ARRAY AZI 90 PITCH 20 90 PITCH 20 STORIES: 1 , S -Tile (Cement) SIDE VIEW OF MP3 NTS nc (E) 2x4 SIDE VIEW OF MP2• NTS MP2 X -SPACING X -CANTILEVER Y -SPACING Y -CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE '72" 24" 56" 24",. PORTRAIT 48" 20" 56" 24" TOP CHORD 2X4 @ 24° OC ROOF AZI 180 PITCH 20STORIES: 1 ARRAY AZI 180 PITCH 20 BOT CHORD 2X4 @24" OC : ` S -Tile (Cement) .. + (E) 2X4 rc " INSTALLATION ORDER ZEP SPANNER BAR LOCATE RAFTER, MARK RAFTER (6) LOCATION, AND REMOVE TILE: (1) PLACE STANDOFF BASE &DRILL PILOT HOLES AT THE RAFTER LOCATION, ,. DIA BOLT & NUT(1) (2) (Z) (3) 2=CLEAN PER AROUND PILOT ' ZEP SPANNER HOLE. BAR CLAMP3) ADJUST STANDOFF TO BATTEN L HEIGHT. STANDOFF y (E) TILESEAL PILOT HOLES AND BOTTOM ((4) OF STANDOFF WITH POLYURETHANE ;. (E) ROOF DECKING (5) (4) SEALANT. 5/16" DIA STAINLESS MP3 X -SPACING X -CANTILEVER Y -SPACING Y -CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 72" 24" 56" 24" PORTRAIT 48" 20" 56" 24" TOP CHORD 2X4 @ 24" OC ROOF AZI 1 PITCH 18 STORIES: 1 ARRAY AZI 1 PITCH 18 BOT CHORD 2X4 @24" OC S -Tile (Cement) STEEL LAG BOLT 5) LAG STANDOFF INTO RAFTER. (2-1/2" EMBED, MIN) LOWEST MODULE SUBSEQUENT MODULES' _ 6) NOTCH TILE WEATHERING TO FIT (E) RAFTER AROUND STANDOFF. S1 STANDOFF .., Scale: 1 1/2" = 1' ) REINSTALL TILE. PREMISE OWNER DESCRIPTION: DESIGN: CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER JB -9222198 0 0 ■ CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE NOLAN, MARIA NOLAN RESIDENCE Steven Sysavath BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCIY INC., MOUNTING SYSTEM: '° SOIarCIt NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN ZEP Mighty Hook 53300 AVENIDA MADERO 5.61 KW PV ARRAY " ;. ►r 1® PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS '° "_'.=• ` - MODULES: LA QUINTA CA 92253 3055 gea 4err way ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH M THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (22) KYOCERA # KD255GX—LFB3 _ SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN - PAGE NAME " _ SHEET. REN DATE San Mateo, CA 94402 PERMISSION OF SOLARgTY INC. INVERTER '1:(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 SOLAREDGE SE5000A—US—ZB—U 7603336272 STRUCTURAL. VIEWS PV- 3 10/31/2014 (868)-SOL—CITY (765-2489) www.soladtyeom I (E) 2X4 rc " INSTALLATION ORDER ZEP SPANNER BAR LOCATE RAFTER, MARK RAFTER (6) LOCATION, AND REMOVE TILE: (1) PLACE STANDOFF BASE &DRILL PILOT HOLES AT THE RAFTER LOCATION, ,. DIA BOLT & NUT(1) (2) (Z) (3) 2=CLEAN PER AROUND PILOT ' ZEP SPANNER HOLE. BAR CLAMP3) ADJUST STANDOFF TO BATTEN L HEIGHT. STANDOFF y (E) TILESEAL PILOT HOLES AND BOTTOM ((4) OF STANDOFF WITH POLYURETHANE ;. (E) ROOF DECKING (5) (4) SEALANT. 5/16" DIA STAINLESS MP3 X -SPACING X -CANTILEVER Y -SPACING Y -CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 72" 24" 56" 24" PORTRAIT 48" 20" 56" 24" TOP CHORD 2X4 @ 24" OC ROOF AZI 1 PITCH 18 STORIES: 1 ARRAY AZI 1 PITCH 18 BOT CHORD 2X4 @24" OC S -Tile (Cement) STEEL LAG BOLT 5) LAG STANDOFF INTO RAFTER. (2-1/2" EMBED, MIN) LOWEST MODULE SUBSEQUENT MODULES' _ 6) NOTCH TILE WEATHERING TO FIT (E) RAFTER AROUND STANDOFF. S1 STANDOFF .., Scale: 1 1/2" = 1' ) REINSTALL TILE. PREMISE OWNER DESCRIPTION: DESIGN: CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER JB -9222198 0 0 ■ CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE NOLAN, MARIA NOLAN RESIDENCE Steven Sysavath BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCIY INC., MOUNTING SYSTEM: '° SOIarCIt NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN ZEP Mighty Hook 53300 AVENIDA MADERO 5.61 KW PV ARRAY " ;. ►r 1® PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS '° "_'.=• ` - MODULES: LA QUINTA CA 92253 3055 gea 4err way ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH M THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (22) KYOCERA # KD255GX—LFB3 _ SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN - PAGE NAME " _ SHEET. REN DATE San Mateo, CA 94402 PERMISSION OF SOLARgTY INC. INVERTER '1:(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 SOLAREDGE SE5000A—US—ZB—U 7603336272 STRUCTURAL. VIEWS PV- 3 10/31/2014 (868)-SOL—CITY (765-2489) www.soladtyeom I STEEL LAG BOLT 5) LAG STANDOFF INTO RAFTER. (2-1/2" EMBED, MIN) LOWEST MODULE SUBSEQUENT MODULES' _ 6) NOTCH TILE WEATHERING TO FIT (E) RAFTER AROUND STANDOFF. S1 STANDOFF .., Scale: 1 1/2" = 1' ) REINSTALL TILE. PREMISE OWNER DESCRIPTION: DESIGN: CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER JB -9222198 0 0 ■ CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE NOLAN, MARIA NOLAN RESIDENCE Steven Sysavath BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCIY INC., MOUNTING SYSTEM: '° SOIarCIt NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN ZEP Mighty Hook 53300 AVENIDA MADERO 5.61 KW PV ARRAY " ;. ►r 1® PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS '° "_'.=• ` - MODULES: LA QUINTA CA 92253 3055 gea 4err way ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH M THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (22) KYOCERA # KD255GX—LFB3 _ SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN - PAGE NAME " _ SHEET. REN DATE San Mateo, CA 94402 PERMISSION OF SOLARgTY INC. INVERTER '1:(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 SOLAREDGE SE5000A—US—ZB—U 7603336272 STRUCTURAL. VIEWS PV- 3 10/31/2014 (868)-SOL—CITY (765-2489) www.soladtyeom I I C SIDE VIEW OF MP4 NTS MP4 X -SPACING X -CANTILEVER Y -SPACING Y -CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 72" 24" 56" 24" ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH PORTRAIT 48" 20" 56" 24" TOP CHORD 2X4 @ 24" OC BOT CHORD 2X4 @24° OC ROOF AZI ARRAY AZI 1 PITCH 20 STORIES: I 1 PITCH 20 S -Tile (Cement) c4 ZEP SPANNER BAR —\ k DIA BOLT & NUT EEP SPANNER l I I- Lfr T— im STANDOFF (E) TILE: — (E) ROOF DECKING (5) (4) 5/16" DIA STAINLESS STEEL LAG BOLT (2-1/2" EMBED, MIN) LOWEST MODULE SUBSEQUENT MODULES (E) RAFTER STAN DOFF INSTALLATION ORDER LOCATE RAFTER, MARK RAFTER LOCATION, AND REMOVE TILE. (1) PLACE STANDOFF BASE & DRILL PILOT HOLES AT THE RAFTER 2) CLEAN PAPER AROUND PILOT HOLE. 3) ADJUST STANDOFF TO BATTEN HEIGHT. SEAL PILOT HOLES AND BOTTOM (4) OF STANDOFF WITH POLYURETHANE SEALANT. 5) LAG STANDOFF INTO RAFTER. Q6) NOTCH TILE WEATHERING TO FIT AROUND STANDOFF. 7) REINSTALL TILE. CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE JOB NUMBER: Jg-9 2 2 219 rrtcwix umvrn ucauuruun: NOLAN, MARIA NOLAN RESIDENCE ur un: Steven Sysava?h zr _ MOUNTING SYSTEM: ZEP Mighty Hook BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARGTY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS 53300 AVENIDA MADERO 5.61 KW PV ARRAY LA QUINTA, CA 92253 WOO I OI I y , 6r . ."" Gly . , MODULES. ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH r' 3055 Gearview Way San Mateo, CA 94402 THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (22) KYOCERA # KD255GX—LFB3 PAGE NAME SHEET: REV; DATE: INVERTER SOLAREDGE SE500OA—US—ZB—U SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. 7603336272 STRUCTURAL VIEWS PV 3 10/31/2014 L•(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 (888) -SOL -CITY (765-2489) www.sdmdtycom J 2" MAX 2" MIN CLEAR SPAN is DIAMETER _,4,TO UNDERSIDE . a V1N I 'SPAN IN DETAIL OF MODULE . . _ NTS Rlsk'C tegON,,.,.-- .—... 6" MIN.' VENT t* w s ` HEIGHT'FROM TOP - SOLAR PANEL OF ROOFI G MATERIAL ;.SPallish The Roof La' eters a f'Co ' mRoofl' ` SOLAR MODULE i ' MOUNTING HARDWARE. - - .... SEE STANDOFF DETAIL Raf^' ter `Won ' PV System Module'Orientation • ROOFING' MATERIAL' + ` ,- 4414 ' PLYWOOD' VENT PIPES _ (E) RAFTER.. , • — , : — PV Module L- gth Standoff Attachment Hardware + A2 , g 1JIU Jc530 Z141C '•' , 7 • ,yK/tC{i .• !' k * r •SPANNING PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES OVER VENTS ETrr . t '• 03 OiJi 3-:800CD F1a13 • i +, , MINIMUM VENT HEIGHT IS 6" ABOVE THE SURFACE',OF HE ROOF PER 2007;CPC SECTION Ground Snow1oad,• . pg, 0 O psf 9061'. Suroundy" in Roof Snowy' 0 O p Roof eo--a Oxer PV ttitodules.c - 0.0 ' _ _ . 2013 CPC 310.5 STATES :'NO FITTING,- FIXTURE,' AND PIPING CONNECTION,--APPL-IANCE°,ZDEVIjCE, OR METHOD OF INSTALLATION THAT OBSTRUCTS t`}. Y •' OR RETARDS THE FLOW OF WATER, WASTES;_SEWAGE,;5 .,AIRYIN-THE-DRAINAGE OR -VEN°TING SYSTEMS IN • AN AMOUNT EXCEEDING THE NORMAL FI_OW, Wind Design Code Wind D6sign M ttiod _ FRICTIONAL RESISTANCE TO SHALL BE USED UNLESS IT IS INDICATED AS ACCEPTABLE IN THIS CODE OR IS APPROVED IN ACCORDANCE , WITH SECTION 301.1 -THIS CODE." FROM THIS SECTION, ITIS CLEAR THAT MOUNTING SOLAR -MODULES OVER A'VENT IN A MANNER -THAT,'. Elasi c Wind Speed .OF ' WILL NOT HAVE A GREATER FRICTIONAL RESISTANCE TO AIR FLOW WOULD BE ACCEPTABLE , , . - a- ` •c ^ ` , Exposure Cateadry EQUATIONS: *` ' THE FRICTIONAL RESISTANCE TO FLOW IS DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL' TO THE AREA THAT THE. AIR CAN FLOW THROUGH °, IN. THE VENT,i THAT. IS '. THE CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA OF THE VENT PIPE: .• ., :' Avent = 1T*R' Mean Roo gtit , WHEN THE AIR EXITS THE VENT, THE AREA IT HAS TO FLOW THROUGH IS THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE VENT TIMES THE VERTICAL DISTANCE S'fiSedion 25 BETW EEM THE VENT AND THE MODULE ABOVE -(IN THIS CASE, WE ARE LEAVING THE DIAMETER BETWEEN THE TOP OF THE VENT AND THE ' BOTTOM OF THE PANEQ.-THIS METHODOLOGY ASSUMES THE'WORST CASE- SCENARIO OF MOUNTING THE MODULES HORIZONTALLY OVER THE 17:Tsf- _ VENT. IN ACTUALITY,- THE MODULES WILL BE -TILTED WHICH WILL OFFER MORE AREA FOR AIR TO -FLOW THROUGH. Wind Pressure. Cilcul4' n Coeffic ents - Wind Pressure. Exposure ICz1 0:85': Table 303=1: Agap = C*CLEARANCE _ (7T*D)*D = (1T*2*R)*(2*R) = 4*7T*R2. _ ' 4*TT*R2 > 1T*R2 Kzt; i + .?e i FROM THE EQUATIONS ABOVE, IT IS EVIDENT THAT MOUNTING -THE MODULES IN THIS MANNER ALLOWS FOUR TIMES THE AMOUNT OF AIR FLOW Kd ABOVE 'THE VENT THAN IN THE VENT ITSELF. ` Section 26 erTr Im orta+'~ nce Factor--- _- - -I' VENT HEIGHT WILL BE A MINIMUM OF 6 INCHES ABOVE THE ROOF, OR -THE MINIMUM VALUE ALLOWED BY LOCAL BUILDING CODE. MINIMUM CLEARANCE BETWEEN THE TOP •OF -THE VENT AND THE BOTTOM OF THE SOLAR MODULE GLASS SHALLBEAT LEAST THE DIAMETER OF -, THE VENT. E nation 30' 3 1 q Ext Pressure Coefflaent (UP) Ext P:iessure Coefflcient D"own •• IF IN THE DIRECTION OF THE SLOPE OF'THE ROOF, THERE SHALL BE A GAP OF.AT LEAST 1/2 INCH BETWEEN MODULES. :} G Down ' 0.45; THE ROOF SLOPE MUST HAVE A MINIMUM INCLINATION OF 10' OR THE PANELS MUST. BE SLOPED . AT A MINIMUM INCLINATION OF 10'. CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE JOB NUMBE:RJB-.9222198 O O PREMIA OWNER N O L A N, MARIA _ • ' BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., MOUNTING SYSTEM: 53300 AVENIDA MADERO ^• [+. NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR INZEP Mighty Hook - _ PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S MODULES LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Ybrreition ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (22) KYOCERA # KD255GX—LFB3• 72" .; SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. I 7603336272' Z4". Stb6doff:G6nfl uraUon SOLAREDGE SE5000A=US—ZB—U Not.Sta" 9ered' ..F -. r «' UPLIFT, CALCULATIONS • L Y . X11 ;!i • 'y _'t * ^... .. ` - 10J&2014 SleelcMountT'"+P1/ System' VeYsron_lt39.5 'rw SO t fClt structural besiam Oftware IF. ro ism-1.0.rmat1on & Table Of Contents . Rlsk'C tegON,,.,.-- .—... PV`System Type SolarCaty,;Sleeld 9ount'"_' _ Spanish Tile Roof ;.SPallish The Roof La' eters a f'Co ' mRoofl' ` ' Roof' -Slope - -" - - .... - 18°' - Raf^' ter `Won ' PV System Module'Orientation Landscape and P_ortralt> PI Motlule Area 30 sf _ PV Module Width:39" 'a PV Module L- gth Standoff Attachment Hardware 65" ' _k'1QljtyJfookJHI5b5T Reduged Ground/Roof Live%Snow,`Loads} Ground Snow1oad,• . pg, 0 O psf ASCE Table9 1 E 4-1 Suroundy" in Roof Snowy' 0 O p Roof eo--a Oxer PV ttitodules.c - 0.0 ' _ _ . ASCE E . 2.4 1 WdndQesii n"Criteria - Wind Design Code Wind D6sign M ttiod ASCE 7=10 Partially/Ful`ly En`cl'osed Method Elasi c Wind Speed U, 110 mpti Fig 26w 5 1A Exposure Cateadry CeS6won 2fiA' Raof-S!tyle• Gable/Hip Roof 3o a zNe/c-sA/e Mean Roo gtit , _ h""'ter S'fiSedion 25 Effective.Wlnd Area. 1 Module A 17:Tsf- _ 1130-15093_1- Wind Pressure. Cilcul4' n Coeffic ents - Wind Pressure. Exposure ICz1 0:85': Table 303=1: TopographlezFait0r Kzt; 1.00.' Sechon{26.8',r Wind Dkeit nih Factor` Kd 0.85? Section 26 erTr Im orta+'~ nce Factor--- _- - -I' y _ - NA':.. Vel.ociCy Pressure , ..,_. ' +'yh, qh= 0:00356 (Kz) (Kzt) (Kd),(U'.`2j E nation 30' 3 1 q Ext Pressure Coefflaent (UP) Ext P:iessure Coefflcient D"own •• GCP (UP) _ _ -0.88- G Down ' 0.45; Fia,aa a-zA/eJc;sa/ E iiadon 30:4:1. °-- d -- Ipx Wl nd<Pressure Dowd _ _ 16.0 - y - _ Allowable Stando.'ff<S djA s " ?X Direx6ion' Ybrreition Max Allowable.Sta Ibff'Spaong, Landscape 72" 56" Maz•Alh, owable Cantllever. e _ • 24"' Z4". Stb6doff:G6nfl uraUon Landscape Not.Sta" 9ered' Max Standoff Tribreati r -A-J_ Trib __' F PV Assembly Dead Load W'.PV 3 psf. N„ Wind Upltft a Standoff T -281}ibs Uplitt`Capadty of • Staandoff, Ilo, 61w 3501bs; - Siandoff Demand •Ca a D.CR Max Allowable Standoff Spacing Max=Allowable[antilever' ' P&Ibit'. 4° " t': X20"= Standoff Confl" uration Portia f _ Not-Sta eyed; Ma is*_ndaff _Tributary Area . PV Assembly:D6d, LoadT Tit - 19 sf' w7PV Net 9nd Uplift dt Sta ldgff Uplift Capadty af.Standoff ndofirDeman Ca d r - T-actual 187 Jbs; T=:allow " DfR'7 350: Itis, 753.545., DESCRIPTION: NOLAN RESIDENCE 5.61 KW PV. ARRAY PAGE NAME- UPLIFT AMEUPLIFT CALCULATIONS f • - DESIGN: - Steven Sysavath . SHEET: - REV.. DATE- PV ATE:PV 4 10/31/2014' - hSola .-L ty 3055 CIeardew Way Son Moteo, CA 94402 T:(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 (868)—SOL—CITY (765-2489) www.solarcity.eom a 'a - hSola .-L ty 3055 CIeardew Way Son Moteo, CA 94402 T:(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 (868)—SOL—CITY (765-2489) www.solarcity.eom GROUND SPECS MAIN PANEL SPECS GENERAL NOTES INVERTER SPECS MODULE SPECS LICENSE OND (N) #6 GEC TO (E) LIFER AT PANEL Panel Number: Inv 1: DC Ungrounded INV 1 - (1)SOLAREDGE ##SE5000A-US-ZB-U LABEL: A - (22)KYOCERA # KD255GX-LFB3 CA # 888104 WITH IRREVERSIBLE CRIMP Meter Number: 93567205 Inverter; 500'OW, 240V, 97.574 w/Unifed Disco and ZB, AFCI PV Module; 255W, 228.3W PTC, 40MM, Black Frame, ZEP Enabled C-10 INV 2 Underground Service Entrance Voc: 37.6 Vpmax: 30.4 v INV 3 Isc AND Imp ARE SHOWN IN THE DC STRINGS IDENTIFIER E 200A MAIN SERVICE PANEL SolarCity E 200A/2P MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER Inverter 1 CUTLER -HAMMER 4 A 1 20OA/2P Disconnect 5 SOLAREDGE SE5000A-US-ZB-U A DC+ 11DGLLY ' P2 and MP3: 1x1 (E) LOADS B_ Ecc------------- - ---- L Dc+ 1 3OA/2P GND N DG I EGG DC+ --- 3 2 DC+ - - ---- ----------------- A -------------------- --- GEC DG DC- P1 an MP+ 1x1 8 1 1 1 GND -- EGC------------ ---------------F---- -- EGC----'--------------j 1 1 (1)Conduit Kit; 1' EMT N I I EGCIGEC - z z c --- GEC -- TO 120/240V CITY OF LA QUINTA SINGLE PHASE BUILDING & SAFETY UTILITY SERVICE DEPT. 1 APPROVED I FOR CONSTRUCTIO I DATE Z Z Z0 BY PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CONDUCTORS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AND GROUPED. THE MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION SHALL BE PERMITTED BY SEPARATE COLOR CODING, MARKING TAPE, TAGGING, OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS. THE MEANS OF GROUPING SHALL BE WIRE TIES OR SIMILAR MEANS AT LEAST ONCE, AND THEN AT INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED SIX (6) FEET. PHOTOVOLTAIC EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS AND ALL ASSOCIATED WIRING AND INTERCONNECTIONS SHALL BE Voc* = MAX VOC AT MIN TEMP INSTALLED ONLY BY QUALIFIED PERSONS Ol (1) CUTLER-HAMM? BR230 PV BACKFEED BREAKER Breaker, 30A 2P, 2 Spaces B (1)CUTLER-HAMMER 8 DG221UR8 Disconnect; 30A, 24OVac, Non -Fusible, NEMA 3R /fj A A (1) SdarCit 4 STRING JUNCTION BOX D 2x2 SAGS, UNFUSED, GROUNDED -0) CUMER & DG030N8 Ground%Neutral it 30A, General Duty (DG) PV (22)SOLAREDGEj 300-2NA4AZS PowerBox timizer, 300W, H4, DC to DC, ZEP 1 AWG #10, THWN-2, Black O Isl- (I )AWG g10, THWN-2, Red LOLL (1) AWG #10, THWN-2, White NEUTRAL VmP = 240 VAC Imp = 20.83AAC 1 AWG #6, THWN-2, Block Voc* 500 VDC O (1) AWG #6, THWN-2, Red Vmp = 350 VDC (1 AWG /10, THWN-2, EGC Isc 15 ADC Imp= 7.19 ADC (2 AWG #10, PV WIRE, Block O (1)AWG #10, Solid Bare Copper EGC Voc* = 500 VDC Isc = 15 ADC Vmp = 350 VDC Imp= 8.63 ADC - 0 )AWG #6,, THWN-Z,. Green .. ECC/GEC,- (1)Conduit. Kit;. 3/4'.EMT.......... .Green.. . , . • • .... • . , , , • • • . • (1 AWG {6, THWN-2, Black Voc* = 500 VDC ® (1) AWG /6, THWN-2, Red Vmp = 350 VDC .... • ...... _ . Isc = 15 ADC Imp= 8.63 ADC (2 AWG $10, PV WIRE, Blodc O (1)AWG #10, Solid Bare Copper EGC Voc* = 500 VDC Isc =15 ADC Vmp = 350 VDC Imp= 7.19 ADC i 1) Awc /10, ntwy-2. ,Green.. Ecc ................................ ................................................................ CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT E USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., JOB NUMBER: JB -9222198 O O PREMISE OM NOLAN, MARIA AVENIDA DESCRPRON: NOLAN RESIDENCE MADERO DESIGN: Steven Sysavath . '\`?`SolarCity. •,.c MOUNTING SYSIEM: 0 n NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN ZEP Mighty Hook 53300 5.61 KW PV ARRAY h • PART TO OTHERS EXCEPT IN THE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, IXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH LA QUINTA CA , 92253 MODULES 3055 Cleorvlew Way San Maeo. CA 94402 THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (22) KYOCERA # KD255GX-LFB3 SHEET: REV: DATE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. 7603336272 PAGE NAME THREE LINE DIAGRAM PV 5 10/31/2014 T:(650) 638-1029 (888) -SOL -CITY (765-2489) www.solarcity.com IHVL7i1ER: SOLAREDGE SE5000A-US-ZB-U Y, - EXIS QELECTRICAL SERVICE ENTRANCE D LOAD CENTER ,. 2 240V 10 ' 200A MA REAKER - i . 200A _ '.7_« , PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM UTILITY a ' ° t , 10 MODULES DISCONNECT SWTCH (1) ' Conduit Kit; 3/4 EMT DC: 2550 WATT CUTLER HAMMER"# DG221UR6 30A, 240vAC - i, • _ 3 AC: 2283 WATT • r. _ k 5 Z PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY #1 AC AC 30A/2P .? DC 12 MODULES `A'. ' i• PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DC: 3060 WATT DC JUNCTION BOX AC: 2740 WATT ' r - 3800 WATT UTILITY INTERACTI VERTER SolorCity # 4.STRING JUNCTION BOX ' 230 TO 600 VDC TO 1 240 VAC 10 2x2 STRINGS, UNFUSED, GROUNDED PHOTOVOLTAIC TO 120/240V SOLAREDGE 000-US-ZB-U ARRAY #2 , • SINGLE PHASE UTILITY SERVICE • -+ Jr (2) AWG #10, THWN-2:.' 3 (1)AWG #6, THWN-2 (2) AWG #10, PV WIRE, Black • •' (1) AWG #10, THWN =2; Whit NEA (1) AWG #6, THWN-2 vL (1 ) AWG #10, Solid Bare Copper EGC (1) AWG #8, THWN-2, Green, EGC - (1 )AWG #10, THWN-2, Green EGC IN + (1) Conduit Kit; 3/4". EMT • (2) AWG #10, PV WIRE, Black • Vmp = 240 VAC 4 (1 ) AWG #6, THWN-2 vL (1) AWG #10, Solid Bare Copper EGC •. Imp = 20.83 AAC (1 ) AWG #6, THWN-2 i= 1) AWG #10; THWN=2, Green EGC - ' LINE 4_ ' .' T!' - JB -9222198 0 0 PRENSE OWNER DESCRIPTION: DESIGN: CONFIDENTIAL —THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER:f CONTAINED SHALL NOT 'BE USED FOR THE NOLAN, MARIA NOLAN RESIDENCE Steven Sysavath NO SHALL IOF T BEDISCLOSEDN WHOLE ORSOLARCITY CIN MOUNTING fight: - 53300 AVENIDA MADERO 5.61 KW PV ARRAY 'i •SolarC ty ZEP Mighty Hook PART LA QUINTA OTHERS E THE RECIPIENTS MODULES: CA 92253 W55 pe ,ae. Way ORGANIZATION, EXCEPTEPT IN CONNECTION NTH MODULES: - - THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (22) KYOCERA # KD255GX—LF63 PAGE NAME SHEET: REV: DATE San Mateo, CA 9"02 SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN INVERTERT:(650) 638-1028 'F:(650) 638-1029 PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. SOLAREDGE SE5000A-US—ZB—U 7603336272 ONE LINE DIAGRAM PV 6 •.10/31/2014 (868)—SOL—CITY (765-2489) www.solarcity.com ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS 4 Is • Hardware Qty Model - 228.3 37.6 Voltage Drop Calculations 9.09 8.39 0.13536 Module: 22 Kyocera KD255GX-LFB3 16.664 A Vmax_output= Vdrop= (Imp) (2'Length) (Resistance) / (Vmp) DC Converter: 22 SolarEd a OP300 MV Inv Power DC W PTC DC W STC Conduit Fill Derate= ` Inverter A Imp (A) Max. Length (ft) Wire 30 Inverter A: 1 SolarEd a 5000 AFCI 5000 4922.15 5610 > 14.2 A Input: 8.39 A > 11.36 30 AWG -10 0.58 Inverter B: Conduit Fill Derate= 1 Vdrop= ( 8.39 * 60 * 0.00124 Ohms) 257.8528 0.21 String 2 5000 4922.15 5610 Vmp= Inverter A Imp (A) Max. Length (ft) Wire A Imp= A Output:7.19 90 aC:Table 310.15(B)(16) 50 AWG_6 75 > 15 A Corrected Ampacity= 24.6 A > 15 A Vdrop= ( 7.19 1* 100 1 * 0.000491 j Ohms) 257.8528 0.14 Inverter A Stringing OCP= 25 Inverter B Stringing Comb. Drop Imp (A) Max. Length (ft) Wire String 1: 10 Modules String 1: Modules 8.63 15 AWG_10 String 2: 12 Modules Strinq 2: Modules VdroD= ( 8.63 1 30 1 * 0.0012 Ohms) 1 0.12945 1 0 ara KD255GX-LFB3 Power (STC)= Power (PTC)= Voc= Vmp= Isc= Imp= Tvoc= Tvmp= Tisc= 255 W W V V A A V/deg C V/deg C mA/deg C 228.3 37.6 30.4 9.09 8.39 0.13536 0.13984 5.454 Power= Efficiency Factor= Vmin_input= Vmax_input= Imax_input= Vmax_output= Imax_output= 300 W V V A V A 0.987 5 60 10 500 15 rEdge 5000 AFCI 350 Voc at Min Temp= Powe - 5000 W Vmp_input= 350 V Vmax_input= 500 V Imax_input= 16.664 A Vmax_output= 240 V =Service Voltage Imax_output= 20.83 A =lcont Photovoltaic Source Circuit (Modules to PowerBox) 350 Voc at Min Temp= 42.34 V 7.19 Voc= 37.6 V SHEET: REV: DATE PV 7 10/31/2014 Vmp= 37.6 V 310.15(B)(16) Vmp at Max Temp= 25.79 V 26.0375 A Isc= 9.09 A ..20.83 A Imp= 8.39 A Conduit Fill Derate= Icont= 11.36 A 30 Wire Size: AWG #10 Table 310.15(B)(16) Ampacity= 30 > 14.2 A Corrected Ampacity= 17.40 A > 11.36 A Temperature Derate= 0.58 Conduit Fill Derate= 1 Inverter A Input Circuit 1 (PowerBox to String Combiner) String 1 String 2 Vmax= V Wire Length Vmp= V Imax= A Imp= A AWG #6 90 aC:Table 310.15(B)(16) Ampacity= 75 > 15 A Corrected Ampacity= 24.6 A > 15 A Temperature Derate= 0.41 Conduit Fill Derate= 0.8 OCP= 25 A 500 500 350 350 15 15 7.19 8.63 Inverter A Output Circuit , NUMBER: JB -9222198 0 O PREMISE OWNER: DESCRIPTION: NOLAN, MARIA NOLAN RESIDENCE 53300 AVENIDA MADERO 5.61 KW PV ARRAY LA QUINTA CA 92253'``` ' PAGE NAME: 7603336272 ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS Service Voltage = 240 V Icont = 20.83 A Wire Lengl SHEET: REV: DATE PV 7 10/31/2014 ISOLAREDGE SE5000A-US-Z8-U AWG #10 90 aC:Table 310.15(B)(16) Ampacity= 40 > 26.0375 A Corrected Ampacity= 36.4. A > ..20.83 A Temperature Derate= 0.91 Conduit Fill Derate= 1 OCP= 30 A Imp Calculations °F °C Record Low Temp: 14 -10 Max Average High Temp: 105 41 Inverter A Input Circuit 2 (String Combiner to Inverter) 30 Vmax= 500 V Wire Length Vmp= 350 V Imax= 15 A Imp= 8.63 A AWG #6 90 aC:Table 310.15(B)(16) Ampacity= 75 > 15 A Corrected Ampacity= 24.6 A > 15 A Temperature Derate= 0.41 Conduit Fill Derate= 0.8 OCP= 25 A Unused Service Voltage =F::: :]A V 15 Icont = Wire Le Ampacity= > A A Corrected Ampacity= A > Temperature Derate= Conduit Fill Derate= OCP= A 1 50 1 CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT E USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. , NUMBER: JB -9222198 0 O PREMISE OWNER: DESCRIPTION: NOLAN, MARIA NOLAN RESIDENCE 53300 AVENIDA MADERO 5.61 KW PV ARRAY LA QUINTA CA 92253'``` ' PAGE NAME: 7603336272 ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS DESIGN: Steven Sysovath •, SolarCity. ►V . MOUNTING SYSTEM: ZEP Mighty Hook 1 , " MODULES (22) KYOCERA # KD255GX-LFB3 3055 Clearvlew Way San Mateo, CA 94402 (m)-so° a48(765-248 )50 www.solaraciiiYaam SHEET: REV: DATE PV 7 10/31/2014 ISOLAREDGE SE5000A-US-Z8-U CAUTION POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTS LOCATED AS SHOWN: - Address: 53300 Avenida Madero Y AC i DISCONNECT r- ` ` UTILITY - SERVICE !A G-j I OuaTm ooT1 :1 INVERTER AND- DC ND.DC DISCONNECT 1 SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAYS) L--------------------------J PHOTOVOLTAIC BACK—FED CIRCUIT BREAKER IN MAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL IS AN A/C DISCONNECT PER NEC 690.17 OPERATING VOLTAGE = 240V CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE JOB NUMBER J B-9 2 2 219 8 00 PREMISE OWNER: NOLAN, MARIA DESCRIPTION: - NOLAN RESIDENCE DESIGN: Steven Sysavath 4\`ht -' ■' BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN MOUNTING SYSTEM: ZEP Mighty Hook ' 53300 AVENIDA MADERO 5.61 -KW PV ARRAY n'. ' . ;,;SOIarClty.. PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS MODULES LA QUINTA CA 92253 r ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (22) KYOCERA # KD255GX—LFB3 , 3055 georview Way S3 Mateo, CA 94402 SHEET: REV DAZE SOLARgTY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN' PERMISSION of SOLARCITY INC. INVERTER, SOLAREDGE sES000A—US—ZB—U 7603336272. ; ., PAGE NAME - SITE PLAN PLACARD PV 10/31/2014 T:(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 (666) -SOL -CITY (765-2489) www.solamity.com .8 Label Location: (C)(IC)(CB) Per Code. - CRC R331.2 Label Location: (DC) (INV) Per Code: CEC 690.14.C.2 Label Location: (DC) (INV) Per Code: CEC 690.53 Label Location: (DC) (CB) Per Code: CEC 690.17 Label Location: (INV) Per Code: CEC 690.5(C) Label Location: (AC) (POI) Per Code: CEC 690.14.C.2 Label Location: (AC) (POI) Per Code: CEC 690.54 Label Location: (AC) Label Location: (DC) Per Code: CEC 690.17 Label Location: (POI) Per Code: CEC 705.12.D.7 Label Location: (POI) Per Code: CEC 690.54; CEC 690.17 Label Location: (D) (POI) Per Code: CEC 690.64.B.4 Label Location: (POI) Per Code: CEC 705.12.D.7 Label Location: (DC)(INV)(CB) Per Code: CEC 690.35(F) TO BE USED WHEN INVERTER IS UNGROUNDED A CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIO DATE Z Z / BY (AC): AC Disconnect (C): Conduit (CB): Combiner Box (D): Distribution Panel (DC): DC Disconnect (IC): Interior Run Conduit (INV): Inverter With Integrated DC Disconnect (LC): Load Center (M): Utility Meter (POI): Point of Interconnection CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR QN11"fo 3055 aeaview way THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, SC CA Label Set - - ,►•soialcilcy.. San Mateo, CA 94402 - I Cm 89)w) EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (888}SOi www.solardty.com (765-2489) www.solardty.tarn -SOL-)638-15-2 SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. . . , _ .: r . ' .. a _ ! . _ a E ,w '• r - f,. rX_ ..r - ." `; •, l . ,' }rf - ' _ tn.. y ...:'+R f - - a .Ya' - 's. . • • e. • ,+/ ?•<, .a .rte • ^' Y- ` •r` " i. . rN - •' *, •.. v'.f•X ., '>, • r^ +». •"'_., ii. - t • - •.• ,i. •, y _ 'f} - '{• -, 1 1. ^• t M•' a + s,r ' X. 41 is ' .. + •., ,t - a . - _ a SolarCity SleekMountT"" - Tile .- SolarCity SleekMount' "" - Tile s 4 46 d • ' - • .. T . • ,,• ' • r 17 lit t - The SolarCity SleekMount hardware solution E; r r . Utilizes Zep Solar hardware and UL 03 sedInstallation lnstructiolns , r . , r w. Zep Compatible TM modules a a ' ' arta' , ` t N t a t„ i • t ' i r f is optimized to achieve superior strength and'> f, } til C ,, 1© ..Remove tile and locate rafter r 1 ' , - '_ ` aesthetics while minimizing roof disruption and ' . i ` ` f ,• Interlock and grounding devices in system UL '.>' I rx } i t y; labor. The elimination of visible rail ends and t j,'`S _ listed to UL 2703 , «- , • , ♦ • Q2 Drill plot holes of proper diameter for r • i mounting clamps, combined,with the addition ”. ` ' ' r '+ '' r,` f " #' - ; fastener size per NDS section ` a_,R ~ `j _ M«• Interlock and Ground Zep ETL listed to UL 1703 s r+ r t ' u ` "} t•r. f .. y _ p I contribute to r 0 Seal pilot holes with roofing sealant t. ,w = a' of arra tnm and a lower profile al as ;Grounding and Bonding System" Y* w a more visually appealing system: SleekMount +`. 3„ § t ' = Tnn "` •_ Ground Zep Wand ETL listed to UL'467 as®'Place the hook utilizes Zep Compatible , modules with , N i .. , roundin de4iceY - 'Install las ursuant to NDS section 11.1.3' strengthened frames that attach directly to Zep 9 .. g ,'Yip 9 P ' •! washer ith fender w + '•',' -a~', w - , i• • i . °'•, • = Solar standoffs, effectively reducing the number ' .' , ,. _ • Anodized components for corrosion resistance .;of standoffs required, when compared to' : • ;' : 1; ; ' ' ., t , ' - © Notch underside of tile and reinstall tile t' ` I I b d t • I' bl f ent s annin f nctions ' Q Attach S anner Clam sand ti hte f' ml , + App conven lona rai • ica a or v ► Components`` Cam Foot ` t • _ e Spanner Bar ©3/S" KA—hi— Screw and Nut ' .1 - p p g nit y a •, . ; in place • _ f.. t.. ©e _ Insert Cam Foot into Spanner Bar and rotate r i t Cam Nuf100 degrees , • s _' y c • '-' .y` tea..• s P ,. ., ir©g Place`modules •„ ti + ' y"7,'ti jr' t " x,. ` "~. ' 3_µi • • e ' { • D Spanner Bar Clamp . f , - .' ♦ .. : } c , a _ Tile Hook.. OF Lag Screw (2) - - - :A_ r! iii. ` • a t r'•`•s ^ r .. , A' . ' - • " _ . , _ ii _ ,, /. • ® • , : - + r , ' .. .,.. - fir` , „ , ` Z. , . , • - t , . r • ` ,1` r '7` };"x .••., a ,• .. - .- .. + - CO So8a January 2013' o V t ®, rY , . r O UL LISTED ., 'Janna 2013 ' w ' , - ' .T s ;^ • _ ,♦a S .L ! 1 • solar- .. = solar=ee SolarEdge Power Optimizer Module Add -On for North America P300 / P350 / P400 SolarEdge Power Optimizer P300P3S0 P400 Module Add -On For North America (for60-cell PV (for 72 -cell PV (for 96 -cell PV modules) modules) modules) P300 / P350 / P400 INPUT Rated Input DC Power"' 300 350 400 W Absolute Maximum In ut Volta a Voc at lowest tem erature ............................................................................................................................................................................ 48 60 80 Vdc MPPTOpe.rating Range ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8-48 8.60 8-80 Vdt . Maximum Short Circuit Current (Ise) 10 Adc Maximum DC Input Current ..Maximum ...........................................................................................99.5 12.5 ...........................................%..... Adc Efficiency .............................................................................................................................................................................. Weighted Efficiency .............................................................................................................................................................................. overvoltage Category II OUTPUT DURING OPERATION (POWER OPTIMIZER CONNECTED TO OPERATING INVERTER) _ _ Maximum Output Current ... .. ................................................................................................................. 15 .. ..... Voltage Maximum Output Voltage axim"........ Output 60 Vdc r OUTPUT DURING STANDBY (POWER OPTIMIZER DISCONNECTED FROM INVERTER OR INVERTER OFF) - -> Safety Output Voltage per Power Optimizer 1 Vdc STANDARD COMPLIANCE _ - _ _ _ - - - EMC FCC Part15 Class B IEC61000.6-2 IEC61000 6 3 Safety ............................................................................... IEC62109-1 (class II safety), UL1741 .................................................................................. ............. ..rte RoHS Yes ,INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS _ _ _ _ j Mazimum Allowed System Voltage 111110 Vdc Dimensions(W xLx H) .................................................................................................................................................................. 341x212x40.5/S.55x8.34z1.59 mm/in Weight (including cables)' .............................................................................................................................................................................. 950/2.1 ... gr / Ib Input Connector MC4 /Amphenol /Tyco .............................................................................................................................................................................. Output Wire Type / ConneRor ..... Double Insulated; Amphenol .................................................................................................................................................................. Output Output Wire Length...........................................................::95./.3:.......I....................... 9 1:2/3............. ............................... m/k Operating Operating Temperature Range ..... -40 - +85 / -40 -+185 'C / -F Protection Rating .............................................................................................................................................................................. IP65 / NEMA4 Relative Humidity ................................................................................................................................................................. 0- 100 % ............. 'n --power of me—.A .Mop Wo of.11..5%power lWrn . N. PV SYSTEM DESIGN USING A SOLAREDGE THREE PHASE THREE PHASE SINGLE PHASE ;INVERTER 208V 480V PV power optimization at the module -level Minimum string Length (Power Optimizers)8 .................................................................................................................................... 10 1.8 ........... ............ .... .......... Length Maximum String Length (Power Optimizers) aximOpt............................................................................................................................... 25 25 SO ... — Up to 25% more energy................. ............... ......r .... .... — Superior efficiency (99.5%) Mazimum Power. per String .................g.............................................................................................-.......................................................... 5250 6000 12750 W — Mitigates all types of module mismatch losses, from manufacturing tolerance to partial shading Parallel Strings of Different Lengths or Orientations """"""""""""""""..... Yes """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""' """""'-' — Flexible system design for maximum space utilization - Fast installation with a single bolt T — Next generation maintenance with module -level monitoring f — Module -level voltage shutdown for installer and firefighter safety iY USA - GERMANY - ITALY - FRANCE - JAPAN - CHINA - ISRAEL - AUSTRALIA www.solaredge.us , `_Yn' _ CY ,,,ti'y. ..- .... } . Y , , .. ` .!... ,• ' • w • - ♦ • Jai: .t, - , .. r N '• • y , S i . r 'R,y. w- ' ` " ,J E , ° } y «:... , G.f t; T -, - i !, _ -, } } ' a t ..,• r, 4 v w , r t . • + • •. 1 +• `' 1St •t ' 't.l, i}- "t. .F a ,. - F' 0 {' i- , » *la .. , •,L. . ': ,,+a . •1 - ; i or,North America erica Single Phase Inverters for, North SE3000AUS SE380OA -US/ SE6000A USsoIar /soIarr .SE7600A-US/SE10000A-US/SE11400A-US t+ , 7 '' + • , , ' ' • ' y -' ,, ` SE300DA-US SE380OA•US SESOOOA-US SE6000A-US SE76COA-US SE10000A-US SE1140OA-US r1 $OUTPUT ti. ~ t SolarEd a Sin le'Phase~Inverters« i+• ' •NominalACPowerOutput 3000 t 3800; • 5000 6000 7600 100 + 11400 VA ' f •. 9 9 t .#t4 +- - ...................... .... .. - ..10800 0@240V - ... ......... - +..• • i .. .... •.l i , i Max. AC Power Out ut p '• 3300 .4150 5400 @ 208V.. 6000 8350 @ 208V •- 12000 VA " , F j h America r 1 1 A I I I G r I C For Not _ ~ p ..... + 5450 @240V ... ..... .... ... 10950 @240V ........ .......... •y _ , „ •.= t ' . ' ,.r,rAC Output Voltage Min: Nom: Max.' r . ' ,` ,• • - .. + - - SE5000A7US SE6000A-US /Min.-Nom.-Max.*T ,•'.. s' 183. 208 - 229 Vac. ' ... ti ......... - ...... .............. ..... .... .... '• y s. a , V SE3000A-US / SE380OA-US / / + . ' AC Output Voltage >"•/•• •.+` , L.: _ _ ' + » SE7600A=US / SE10000A,US /,SE114UOA'UJ t•,. 211- 240 - 264 Vac "• .593 •- r •'. 4 n, • . .. '• ,. - ., _. `=;•; -, • ACFrequencyMin--Nom:Max.•. 3 , .... ...... ....... .... ........... ..... 60 60.5(wrth'Icount sewn 57-.60-60.5) ......... .. .. ...24 ...............`..8........ Hz.. .... +' - .. .•: - -..^ + .. - .. . - - Max. Continuous Output Current !... j . ♦ ,. • -- 12.5 16 1 @ 2 OV 25 I 32 208V... I 42 @ 240V `. '-47 5 4 A+ - .. .•L• c- .. ..... .. • ' 1 ................. .... ....... A ,• t= :. ., - '< • " ,K .tiff, Utility Monitoring; Islanding• • T •. .{. . • ♦ , .Yes. ~ - rt • .' Protection, Country Configurable - •a i - - b 'i y --- .. ' ' c ` • t . ' c r -,.c .. verte ` - q - Thresholds a _}. .. + { - j: t + +C -M INPUT t 3' •....,«___ '1 G •r3 A f- Recommended Max. DC Power** .. _• - -{ •, • cue aW m Isrc)...i '• 3750 4750 ., 6250. 7500 9500 12400 14250 W .., : r, r..•. L... RantY - a , .. } - ' y r .TN.r.oa.mn.:.s..foD..rCmed . ,......:...............................:........................:.... ... Yes `......--........ .. .. - .' . , e a W' i+.r a :.,, • B:%" ..................... Input Voltag ,y'a, ...... ......•...... 50 .. VdcMax .- -.. - - ' ,. .....- .. ",o-' ' t.V..ro.eUl.t.angg,ero.und .. ........... .I.enp..u.,...- .- .... ... 325 @208V 350@ •-... ,..,•. ... ...V..... ................. ... ..,.......:.... 240...... --.-. ...-... ... Vdc. .... .. • a.. r •f-' ,: . , i ; :. -.x- r;:',+y>f ',, ,`.•r. Max. Input Current• .fi. 95 ' 8V 116.5@20. '18 I 23 33@V 34.5 Adc r1 •_ ,Z.. _ - d- _.r__ _ -` .......... 15.5 @ 240 . .. .. .. .. 3 ............... ..... .. .-.• L r ! .- •. { rr +; « Max. Input ShortCircuit Current 30 T ......... .Adc... .... _ . • ...................................... Reverse Polarity Protection -... .:". .. . ..... ...... ...... ...........45......... .. ..... ...... .. - .. rs ..'............... F......... .•.Yes .................... .. ........... r . ,.,. .. - + r. - - - .y •,-r3' '•Ground-Faultlsolation Detection .•. - 600koSensitivity•ti-. -98 •' .+ « .,. .. - Y- ...; ........... ......... .'• R,'Yr + . Maximum Inverter Efficiency- .............. - 97.7' 98.2 ........ 98.3 • ..... .....:. + 98.3 _ ............ 98 -•. ....... .•-98 .. ............. .. .......... .. --•%• ... ........ ,v ......................... ':. ..,.. CEC Weighted Efficiency ... a 97 5 98 .5@208V.. L 97 5 I..... 97.5 97@208V 97.5 i. % .: + • : - - .. ' ....... 98 @ 240V .....- ... ................975 @ 240V... .......... ... ...W . • .,; ._ ... 1 ti, . NighttimePowerConsumption - <25 ....' <4.. ,• ADDITIONAL FEATURES . a Supported Communicaticn ln[erfaces • R5485,.R5232, Ethernet, ZigBee (optional) . + • .w, '. ,:_. .,.+ }^ . ,. .-- ..--.-.- .- . ... ....- s .... '„e ”. Optional - ' '` -: A' ; +•^ a * MSTANDARDCOMPLIANCE • i ' .. ^ - +;... Safety. UL3741, UL16998, UL3998, CSA 22:2 .... ... ,. • ... - • r'•'. -•' - " •.,, - , Grid Connection Standards y. '-.: i IEEE1547 _ : ..;,....,...,,. - `•: - .; , t - Emissions -FCC part15 class B _- + / 'r f'• rINSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS `. output conduit size range 3/4" minimum / 24-6 AWG - 3/4 minimum / 8 3 AWG i --•r.,,-•-M.,, _-^----` =tr+ .• , - .AWG i. DC input conduit size / If of strings • t - ..... ..........' ........ ........ ............ 3/4" minimum / 1-2 strings / 24-6 AWG ......... ...... 3/4" minimum/ 1-2 strings/ 14-6 AWG P ; _ - >} ,. - .. • • ., - y AWG ranBe....................... ........... ........................... ... ... .............. ... ....................................... ....... .. .. .+-._ a _ _ (m.3 -. - :' '► Dimensions with AC/DC Safety 30.5 x 12.5 x 7 / . 30.5 x 12.5 x 7.5 / " ,.30.5x12.5x10.5/775x315x260 in /• - a4+ m „,_.,,o• F, _ + ._ 5 Switch (HzWxD) - 775 x 315 x 172 775 x 315 x 191 _ ............ - mm .... ......................:................................................:................................!.• Weight with AC/DC Safety Switch 51.2/23.2 54.7/.24.7,-88.4/40.1 - .. Ib/kg .. . ' - • - s ................................................ ° s•w Cooling ... ......... Natural Convection Fans (user replaceable) - - ' . y, c . • - The best choice for SolarEd a enabled systems g y {...................................... Noiset ...... w,• ,,.' in -1 lax Operating m Min: Max. Temperature ................................... .... ........ < 25 ................................... ... ........ ........ , ................. x.50............... ... ... ..deA.... - 4'F , .. -13 to +146 / 25 to +60 (CAN version•••• -40 to +60) /'C - Integrated arc fault protection (Type 1) for NEC 2011690.11 compliance Range ................................. ................................... ..... .............. ............. ......................... ......... - h g - ProtectionRatin «.. NEMA'3R• t _ - • .. Sup _ - -- ' r ,+ - regional i - ' or other reBlonal settlngs please mntact SolarEdee + 'F ................. ....... ...... ........ .............. ........................... support. . . Z • """' ' - ...... „ •' — Small, lightweight and easy to install on provided bracket - "+ ••• Limited to 125% for locations where the yearly average high temperature is above 77'F/25'C and to 135% for locations where it is below 77'F/25'C. • • module -level monitoring - _ For detailed information, refer to httD://www.wiaredee.us/files/oWfslnwrter do oversieinc guide odf i. , + A higher current source maybe used; the lmerter will limit its Input current to the values stated. i V - -.Built-in , "U1N P/Ns are eligible far the Ontario FIT and microFlT lmicronT ea. SE13aODA-U5-CANI. - ' — Internet connection through Ethernet or Wireless t + Outdoor and indoor installation » — Fixed voltage inverter, DC/AC conversion only t ; T - Pre -assembled AC/DC Safety Switch for faster installation ' — Optional - revenue grade data, ANSI 012.1 ;sLmsvEc — RoHS USA GERMANY -ITALY -FRANCE -JAPAN -CHINA -AUSTRALIA- TH E N ETH ERLAN DS -ISRAEL www.solaredge.us ! 4 y J ».. + HIGH EF.FIGIENCY MULTICRY•STALTP.HOTbVQL•TAI_C-IM60UIY QGpMP4T'A KY01ERa A% t COMPA e CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY As a pioneer with over 39 years in the solar energy industry, Kyocera demonstrates leadership in the development of solar energy products. Kyocera's Kaizen Philosophy, commitment to continuous improvement, is shown by repeatedly achieving world record cell efficiencies. QUALITY BUILT IN • UV stabilized, aesthetically pleasing black anodized frame • Supported by major mounting structure manufacturers • Easily accessible grounding points on all four corners for fast installation • Proven junction box technology with 12 AWG PV wire to work with transformerless inverters • Quality locking plug-in connectors to provide safe and quick connections RELIABLE • Proven superior field performance • Tight power tolerance • First module manufacturer to pass rigorous long-term testing performed by TUV Rheinland QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS UL Listing 1/ 0 QIGU.E173074 C &US - NEC 2008 Compliant, UL 1703, ISO 9001, and ISO 14001 UL1703 Certified and Registered, UL Fire Safety Class C KD 200-60 F Series KD250GX-LFB3 KD 255GX-LFB3 S_OLAR by K*Q(f RA CI T KD 200-60 F Series ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MODULE CHARACTERISTICS • • Dimensions: 65.43in/38.98in)1.57in g 2= •o ptl r,bt C)twnY iQurr■XLrJtstrp,7a AR(? jzry crprlAp flengthl-dth/height (1662mm)990mm)40mm) Weight: 47.4lbs (21.5kg) CP 250 255 W Vm1, 29.8 30.4 v PACKAGING SPECIFICATIONS L, P 8.39 8.39 A - Modules per pallet: 20 V. 36.9 37.6 V Pallets per 53' container. 36 Pallet box dimensions: 66ini40ini43in [l 9.09 9.09 A )-g1h1Wd1h/heigh1 (1675mm)1005mm)1055mm) Pmxmn<e +5/-0 +5/-0 % Pallet box weight: 1060lbs (480kg) IxiKC"dw ft"Wwom• • pkwq 1.5T- TR_ 45 45 °C 1 g pg JPIAtCTION 0% 1,85) = B 0 P 180 184 W rV 1, 26.8 27.4 V CABLE / I- - - __ -- - -- — — ---- (-) (+) LABEL 1.1, 6.72 6.72 A STABILIZER BAR Iv 33.7 34.4 V I 11 7.36 7.36 A J PTC 223.7 228.3 W 1 STABILIZER BAR us"VC^- I.10. 2 P 0.46 -0.46 %/°C vm1, -0.52 -0.52 %/°C \ C1 v DD65 D.DD65 °C \ 38.98-(990.) v, -0.36 -0.36 %I°C 11 0.060 0.060 %/ C ° 1111 __--- _-___ _ _- ____ -_ —..___ -- —] Grounding Hole Slotted Mounting Hole Operating 40 t0+90 40 t0+90 °C o. le- (oma" (lb-12W Temp FRAME CROSS SECTION DIAGRAM rm>d [Series Fuse Rating 15 A Maximum DC System Voltage (UL) 600 V a --- - --- ---- -- --- - -- _ [Hailstone Impact in (25mm) @ 51 mph (23M/sl) .wow .. W (OW .subject to simulator measurement uncertainty of+) -3%. LOWSHORT SIDE STABILIZER BAR RYOCERA reserves the right to modify Nese specifications without notice. ' NEC 2008 COMPLIANT '1 WARNING: Read the ins[nMction C 7L us O / manual Mn its elling& operat- ing UL1703 LISTED ® (Q handling, installing8optrat- ing Kyocera Solar modules. 062614 OUR VALUED PARTNER KYOCERATSoIar Inc. 80022■3_9 80 800, 2.3_28329f.x \NW\\. voter o L•om I V 1 4. . s 2 1 I V 1 4. 3 2 1 6.89 (175]. .. f ., .. 6.81 [173]• . .. N f _ 5.73 (145] " 6.36 [162] .34,(9] ON I a o a 4A. Y O C O o 'o OFF ® - 1 d • .. ®y ® O CONCENTRIC KNOCKOUTS FOR TANGENTIAL KNOCKOUTS FOR • in y 1/2, 3/4 CONDUIT 1/2, 3/4 CONDUIT _ Q1I&g to QUANTITY 2 QUANTITY 4 0 N . 27 j6.81 DIA. _ t N 2.46 (62] _ 3 MOUNTING HOLES - tom`+ 3.75 95 ( ]v ,0 N .88 [22] m _ n 4.75.(121] .. i 1.01 (26) .. _ •1 c ` TANGENTIAL KNOCKOUTS FOR • " tir' [ 1/2, 3/4, 1 CONDUIT QUANTITY 1 - -+NOTE: • ' y, t 1. METRIC DIMENSIONS (IN MILLIMETERS) - ARE SHOWN IN BRACKETS. 261 (5.5 DIA. 2. WIRE RANGE OF LUGS IS AS FOLLOWS • KNOCKOUT [46 [46 LINE AND LOAD LUGS '#6-#14 COPPER OR ALUMINUM QUANTITY, 1 s ,• •82 .82 N NEUTRAL #4-#14 COPPER OR ALUMINUM • - u 6.10: (155) 1O A _ nc osaawtnx ax nas ow,.oa n om. txcwartxrcnrumxaysawnx WARREN SIPE 8/19/88 CUTLER -HAMMER 6'T•N PmSBu t R PRORASKA 8/is/9B DIMENSION SHEET NT WR 'MLM R 6 MliBlm. O m .a as 30 AMP TYPE 3R GENERAL DUTY s5=1445MaDWC ss7aoca i=z a c °"°-95-14451 of 1 rnr ` 4 3 2 T I V 1 F . f A 6 I T Switching Devices 8 ,1 Safety Switches v OG32INRB 120/240 Vac General -Duty, Fusible, Single -Throw, continued H - - Maximum Horsepower Ratings (D NEMA1 ' NEMA Si -Pham AC Three -Phase AC DC Ampere Fuse Type g Enclosure Indoor Enclosure Rainproof System Rating Provision 120V 240V 240V 250V Catalog Number Catalog Number Cartridge Type -Three -Pole, Three -Wire (Three Blades, Three Fuses) -240 Vac INcSingle 3-7-1/2 - DG32INGB OG32INRB DG221UGB0 60 H 3-10 7-1/2-15 00 - - - - - 0 i I I I 200 - - - - - O C 400 11 - - 50-125 - OG325FGK00 OG325FRK00 600 H - - 75-200 - DG326FGK00 OG325FRK@@ Cartridge Type -Four -Wire (Three Blades, Three Fuses, S/N)-120/240 Vac Enclosure Rainproof System Rating 12011 240V 240V 250V 30 H - 1-1/2-3 3-7-1/2 - DG32INGB OG32INRB DG221UGB0 60 H 3-10 7-1/2-15 DG322NGB OC322NRB DG223URB0 100 H = 7-1/2-15 15-30 = DG323NGB OG323NRB 200 H - 15 25-60 - DG324NGK UG324NRK 400 H - - 50-125 - OG325NGK DG325NRK 600 H - - 75-200 - DG326NGK OG326NRK DG322URB 120/240 Vac General -Duty, Non -Fusible, Single -Throw 3 7-1/2 Maximum Horsepower Ratings NEMA1 NEMA 3R Ampere Single -Phase AC Three -Phase AC DC Enclosure Indoor Enclosure Rainproof System Rating 12011 240V 240V 250V Catalog Number Catalog Number Two -Pole, Two -Wire (Two Blades) -240 Vac 5111 - G323UGB O DG3Z3URB 30 2 3 - - DG221UGB0 DGZZIURB(D 60 3 10 - - DGZZZUGB(') DG222URB(0 Y Y 100 - 15 - - DGZZ3UGS(D DG223URB0 200 - - - - 0 GO Three -Pole, Three -Wire (Three Blades) -240 Vac 30 2 3 7-1/2 - DG3Z1UG80 DG321URB 0 600 3 15 30 - G323UGB O DG3Z3URB 200 - 15 60 - DG324UGK0 DG324URK0 400 - - 125 - OG325UGKOO DG325URK OO 600 - - 200 - OG326UGK0 0G3261111K0 Notes 0 Maximum hp ratings apply only when dual element time delay fuses are used. (D Use four -wire catalog numbers below. OO Solid neutral bars are not included. Order separately from table on Page 15. t,r WARNING! Switch is not approved lot service entrance unless a neutral kit is installed. W Use three -wile catalog numbms below. 0 Drilled to accept field installed neutral kits. All general -duty safety switches are individually packaged. Accessories are limited in scope on general -duty safety switches. See Page 15 for availability. In addition, clear line shields are available as an accessory on 200-WUA general -duty switches. Catalog Numbers: 200A = 70 -X759 -11.400A = 768063-8, 60GA = 70.8054.8. Volume 2 -Commercial Distribution CA08100003E-February 2011 www.eatoncom 27 6:T•N Fh-n,798VS1neS9 W0ff&tde- 30A, DG221 URB General buty Safety Switch hnterru for de se undad servicio li ero 2 Pole Non -Fusible series: MY: polos sin fusibles series: B cant.: MODE IN U.S.A. r e 3R Rainproof NECHO EN E.U.A. 09/16/2012 NEMA) Tipo 3R a prueba de LI $531490 U 7 82113 12023 2 4 3 f. 2.1 T D p 6.89 (175] . - 1 • 6.81 [ 173] . N . 5.73 [145) " .. 6.36 [162) 1 .34 (9) ' N ON C * O C O o O o. OFF • r ® ® ® O 1 .• .. CONCENTRIC KNOCKOUTS FOR TANGENTIAL KNOCKOUTS FOR 1/2, 3/4 CONDUIT 1/2,3/4 CONDUIT . O QUANTITY 2 QUANT 4 ri C 27 [6.81 DIA. 2.46 [62] 3 WUNTING HOLES W u •' 3.75 [95] N ra .88 [22] N •. , m 4.75 [121). B m ® n " - .. - - 1.01 (26] TANGENTIAL KNOCKOUTS FOR 1/2, 3/4, 1 CONDUIT - ' - - ."Q I&aQ QUANTITY 1 I NOTE: . • •. 1. METRIC DIMENSIONS (INMILLIMETERS) ARE SHOWN IN BRACKETS. ' r ..281 [5.5j DIA. . 2. WIRE RANGE OF LUGS IS AS FOLLOWS - KNOCKOUT LINE AND LOAD LUGS $6-(/14 COPPER OR ALUMINUM QUANTITY 1 .82 [46 .82 [46 u N NEUTRAL #4-#14 COPPER OR ALUMINUM A 6.10 [155] ,P m A • p ! i - - na warwnox ox rws oxn+wc is arm. nrEnnrtmrafGmxmwmanx 4PE eil9/9e CUTLER—HAMMER WARREN B T•N _ ` - ss maw w maouce wo Prrrs,u GN PA rar ro ec m»moucta uan. " i • a nsarffn uasr w4 ra nu- R. PROHASKA 8%18/98 ^ DIMENSION SHEET - ^'n 30 AMP TYPE 3R GENERAL DUTY -' ' •} 4 _ 95-1445.0WG S574DGCI 1-2 . A °" —c1--95-144511 f 1 4 3 2 1 O. ZepSolar Datasheet: ZS Tile ZS Tile" offers the fastest and least expensive way to install PV arrays on tile roofs. It's designed to interoperate with a growing list of Zep Compatible PV modules that incorporate the patented Zep Groove frame specification. Utilizing quarter -turn, rock -in, and drop-in con- nections, ZS tile eliminates the need for rails and separate grounding hardware while offering a superior aesthetic approach. Key System Benefits Dramatically reduces installation time Eliminated mounting rails and clip hardware Eliminates separate grounding hardware Rapid,top-accessible precision array leveling Ultra -reliable hyper -bonded grounding matrix Ultra-low parts count Enhanced aesthetics Key Technical Features Low system weight Easily enables additional support at array edges for high wind applications Interlock ETL listed to UL 1703 as ground bond means Ground Zep UL and ETL listed to UL 467 as grounding and bonding device Interlock, Leveling Foot, and Ground Zep listed to UL 2703 as PV bonding device Zep Compatible'" ZS Tile mounting hardware is designed for use with Zep Compatible`" PV modules from leading PV module Manufacturers. Visit zepsolar.com for a current list of Zep Compatible`" PV modules. Our Other Product Families LISTED 0 onvnc Page 1 of 2 ., f Datasheet ZS Tile Components Interlock The Interlock provides north -south and east -west structural and ground bond connections creating a structurally contiguous hyper -bonded array. Interlock UL listed to UL 2703 and ETL listed to UL 1703. Leveling Foot i31.25in 130:21 in 1- 1.25n 1.21in mj 139.4L 2.25in I.SSiT n 181.2mm] 3.20in I— 1101.6mm] 4.O0in The Leveling Foot provides a means of attachment between the PV array and the mounting surface or flashed attachment apparatus and allows for easy array height adjustment (1.25" throw). Array Skirt — 1 The Array skirt facilitates easy front -row installation while providing a clean look at the front of the PV array. Ground Zep d_T The Ground Zep provides a point of connection between the PV array and the equipment grounding conductor. One Ground Zep is required for every 72 PV modules. UL and ETL listed to UL 467. UL listed to UL 2703. Universal Box Bracket AC/DC Cable Cllp Replacement Tile The Universal Box Bracket allows rapid attachment of Clips into Zep Groove for ultra -fast and easy The Replacement Tile provides a means of flashed electrical boxes to the moduleframe. management of PV wiring and micro -inverter cables. attachment for ZSTile installations. Array Skirt Cap Set The Array Skirt Cap Set provides an aesthetic cover for the exposed end of the Array Skirt. Made of anodized aluminum, each set comes with two Skirt Caps. Tools Zep Toot:4 functions.I tool; Flat Tool: For inter -module removal. This document does at neatemry exoen immaly by Iep but or about Its VIAUCta or sunrises. Zep Solar's sole rattsuty hantained in the winen product yrartznry Ins each product. The enk. d oammaion tipped.ith Zep Solar's products amtin t es the sale specifications t elected to in the product srmtauh, The asucom is solely responsible for miffing the suiudotyof ZepSotars products for each use. Specifcatbnsace subject to change"inmm atiae.Copftight m 3010-2013 Zep SOWAM U Patent 12Sa3331, LLS. Patent 8.10101&8LMinal Patents Pending. LasiOpdate:Rbmaryb,20133:IIPM Psit ninsclia—m for more inf naation about out products ad company. Page 2 of 2 ZS Aero for low -slope & flat roofs .ZS Comp' for composition shingle roofs ®ZS Seam' for standing seam metal roofs ZS Span - for rail -based applications OZS Trap - for trapezoidal metal roofs OZS Wave - for corrugated roofs LISTED 0 onvnc Page 1 of 2 ., f Datasheet ZS Tile Components Interlock The Interlock provides north -south and east -west structural and ground bond connections creating a structurally contiguous hyper -bonded array. Interlock UL listed to UL 2703 and ETL listed to UL 1703. Leveling Foot i31.25in 130:21 in 1- 1.25n 1.21in mj 139.4L 2.25in I.SSiT n 181.2mm] 3.20in I— 1101.6mm] 4.O0in The Leveling Foot provides a means of attachment between the PV array and the mounting surface or flashed attachment apparatus and allows for easy array height adjustment (1.25" throw). Array Skirt — 1 The Array skirt facilitates easy front -row installation while providing a clean look at the front of the PV array. Ground Zep d_T The Ground Zep provides a point of connection between the PV array and the equipment grounding conductor. One Ground Zep is required for every 72 PV modules. UL and ETL listed to UL 467. UL listed to UL 2703. Universal Box Bracket AC/DC Cable Cllp Replacement Tile The Universal Box Bracket allows rapid attachment of Clips into Zep Groove for ultra -fast and easy The Replacement Tile provides a means of flashed electrical boxes to the moduleframe. management of PV wiring and micro -inverter cables. attachment for ZSTile installations. Array Skirt Cap Set The Array Skirt Cap Set provides an aesthetic cover for the exposed end of the Array Skirt. Made of anodized aluminum, each set comes with two Skirt Caps. Tools Zep Toot:4 functions.I tool; Flat Tool: For inter -module removal. This document does at neatemry exoen immaly by Iep but or about Its VIAUCta or sunrises. Zep Solar's sole rattsuty hantained in the winen product yrartznry Ins each product. The enk. d oammaion tipped.ith Zep Solar's products amtin t es the sale specifications t elected to in the product srmtauh, The asucom is solely responsible for miffing the suiudotyof ZepSotars products for each use. Specifcatbnsace subject to change"inmm atiae.Copftight m 3010-2013 Zep SOWAM U Patent 12Sa3331, LLS. Patent 8.10101&8LMinal Patents Pending. LasiOpdate:Rbmaryb,20133:IIPM Psit ninsclia—m for more inf naation about out products ad company. Page 2 of 2 74 Fill `, +• rrY: •fir The SolarCi• Standard .Box 4J is a Manufactured to meet UL 1741 Standards. • s. r J•; : . y . : : • !.- •t ta• y " Y X Fi Y- Infused Junction' Box. -The box, 4 -String U t+a•'Non-Metallic'CorrosionResistantNEMA4XEnclosure. f.- E ~FJ f. `,' a. . a ! • r' L Y 1 _ r t,. ._ +. a _Y -• • .. r - .. _ ' r,+ 1 f YA •r .• F , • A • .' ` } •• • • `"• •' p: Factory -Installed Cordgrip Enhances Installation Speed. using the (4) jumper, blocks included YR rte. _ ; • •' . lei q5 t1 r each box. A factory installed cordgrip BreakThru SkinneOver Glands on Cordgrip Provide ' ,. z P .enhances installer roductiVit Y + Wea#herti ht Seal for All Confi urations P `, +• rrY: •fir The SolarCi• Standard .Box 4J is a Manufactured to meet UL 1741 Standards. • s. r J•; : . y . : : • !.- •t ta• y " Y X Fi Y- Infused Junction' Box. -The box, 4 -String U t+a•'Non-Metallic'CorrosionResistantNEMA4XEnclosure. f.- E ~FJ f. `,' r- •' . a ,. t` :s + ... .r > r is hi hl ,confi urable and adaptable 9 Y 9 P "+r t .t, r, ter• `"• •' p: Factory -Installed Cordgrip Enhances Installation Speed. using the (4) jumper, blocks included YR rte. _ ; •' . . each box. A factory installed cordgrip BreakThru SkinneOver Glands on Cordgrip Provide ' ,. z P .enhances installer roductiVit Y + Wea#herti ht Seal for All Confi urations P -CIF / z 'Y•• .Y^ , - . ,+: c . k - a 1' L•=. ' V.- ,I 't 1 .. f r - Easily Configurable Terminal Blocks Permit Adaptation , t - ':, „ , . i k ° , •,- • tto Site -Specific Stringing Needs:' Tr1 yeY •i%, i. f '{ ' ` « ` <ir' + - ! . _Ft' • - + . , tf i ". ,. 1 c - •an :n/ ` r . ,`• ] ."t Ari"- . -t , • - -. .. • .. _a - - t • `-•t y ,. • .. ,. Technical Data /Specifications • ;. .' . w,'_ 1 ;; _' . - A • Voltage Rating [VDC] : 600V ' rrr r . 4 * , .. , :' ac ." iJ , ;, -•, •- B Maximum DC Current [A]: 57A w .. ; • • ; f, : t r 5he - • ' .1- r _ - _ . -- , ,.1 _ . ,i `Q, Maximum Continuous Current [A]: 42A14 ,1 e . • w ,-I ' Maximum Voltage [VDC]: 600V t r; . ✓ -. ti , w F _ • t. E Wire Size Range [AWG): #6 to #14 F - - • F Enclosure Rating: NEMA 4X r• r ° ` `_ °• - • .iq'^y aR9 Q Operating Temperature Range [°C]: -40 to 50 • • - .' `r. ` r r ,. r 1f w, ►a.rav O Typical Overall Dimensions [in]: Wx6" x4" .t .. ` a t• 4 ' • , _ ' , Y .. • f • ' y — • - .. . " ' " - • ` •. * ,r 1. • r ... -°. .. , • `. ,, _r.1 i ' 'i F . t 1 iii Sola . y' October 2013 ; a `, ., y - T r ARROW PRINTING. INDIO. CA 2500 11/90 271213 -CJ L c • ' V adddP 9 53-300 Madero P.O. BOX 1504 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Owner Jay Nolan Mailing Address 27 Joya Dr. City Zip Tel. P.D. 92260 340-3741 Contractor Owner/Builder . City & Classif. I Lic. # Designer Address Tel. City Zip State Lic. # LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7tof Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is In full force and effec I LGNATURE DATE I OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION i I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractors License Law for the following I reason: (Sec. 7031.5,Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which requires a I{ permit to construct, after. Improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its Issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law, Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of ' Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, or that. he Is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by 'any applicant for a permit i subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). I as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will the work, and the structure is not Intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Bulsness and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or bnproves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such Improvements are not Intended or offered for.sale. d, however, the building or Improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner•bullder *111 have the burden i of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.) _. O I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to con- struct the on•struct'the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or Improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects with a contractors) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law.) O 1 am exempt under Sec. B. & P.C. for this reason Date Owner WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I have a certificate of consent to self insure, or a certificate of Worker's Compensation Insurance, or a certified copy thereof. (Sec. 3800, Labor Code.) Policy No. Company O Copy Is filed with the city. O Certified copy is hereby furnished. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed If the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) valuation or less.) 1 certify that In the performance of the work for which this permit is Issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of Callfornia. Date Owner NOTICE TO APPLICANT: M, after making this Certificate of Exemption you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (Sec. 3097, Civil Code.) Lender's Name Lender's Address This is a building permit when properly filled out, signed and validated, and is subject to expiration If work thereunder is suspended for 180 days. 1 certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives -of this city to enter the above•, mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature of applicant Date Mailing Address City, State, Zip No. 11347 BUILDING: TYPE CONST. OCC. GRP. A.P. Number 774-034-003 Legal Description Lot 22 Block 182 Unit 18 Project Description SFD Sq. Ft. 17 5 0 Size No. No. Dw. Stories Units New ❑ Add ❑ Alter ❑ Repair ❑ Demolition ❑ Permit does not include block walls or pool Estimated Valuation 104 229.00 PERMIT AMOUNT Plan Chk. Dep. 250.00 Plan Chk. Bal. 300.55 Const. 657.00 Mech. 49.00 Electrical 133.15 Plumbing.... 141.00 S.M.I. 10.50 Grading 20.00 " Driveway Enc. .00 Infrastructure 2235.08 Arts in Publi,,25.00 TOTAL 3821.28 3571.28 REMARKS ZONE: BY: Minimum Setback Distances: Front Setback from Center Line Rear Setback from Rear Prop. Line Side Street Setback from Center Line Side Setback from Property Line FINAL DATE INSPECTOR Issued by: —Date—Permit Validated by: Validation: DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 4 , 82-879 Highway 111 NOTICE: Indio, CA 92201 Document Cannot Be Duplicated (619) 347-8631 Y Date 10/30/92 . ' Type of Permit I La Quinta No. 11805 r Permit # 11347 Log # Owner Name . Jay Nolan .y ,.No. 53-300 street Madero city. La Quinta zip 92253 Study Area 111 APN # Tract # .Lot # , Square Footage 11750. Type of Development Single Family, Residence No. of units Comments At the present time, the. Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees -on garages/carports, covered patios/walkways, residential additions under 500 square feet, detached accessory structures or replacement mobilehomes. It has been determined' the -above-named owner is exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Government Code 53080 F in the amount of1.58 X 1750 or $ 2,765.00 have been paid to D.S.U.-S.D. for the. property listed aboveand that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy. for this square footage. in this proposed project may now be issued. Fees Paid By Jay Nolan Telephone 340-3741 . Name on the check by James E. Lively M1w l! h' Assistant Superintendent, Business Servicesy ; r A - Fee collected /exempted by. Arthur e } Payment Received , . w! Signature ,2:nock No.1',046 Collector: Attach a copy of county.or city plan check application form to district copy !o°r allwa arses Embossed Original- Building Dept./Applicant Copy - Apphcant/R.eceipt Copy - Accounting , 'r—A r -C COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT /( A CASH RECEIPT DETAIL N2 R3 Received From: iDate:- -2 O'Z $• ^7 / I n v 1^ , ra, Date• Address: ( O l . * //)` -7 - U L' E s... 7 ! Z Account No. U l.2 i / a(. 0,O Lot(s) Z Tract_ Service Address S3-3100 AVSfl l IYI '•I f .C} _ ( G.A. Code J• ( eter(s) r 3 9 $ c-2 6 ❑ Backflow(s) ❑ House Lateral(s) ❑ DetectorCheck(s) ❑ Meter Surcharge anitation Capacity Charge("710 =. O W.S.B.F.C. ❑ Temporary Construction Meter ❑ Turn•ori Charge ❑ Uncollected Account - Name ❑ Inspection Fee - Traci -• Fee - ❑ Plan Check Fees Water I Sewer - Tract - ~ ❑ Bond Payment - A.D. - Bond Assmt. ❑ Customer Deposit ❑ Other TOTAL $ Remarks: ` ❑Copy to: Cash Check j0 Water Service Money l Order >j Q,a Cashier _ CVWD-438 (11189) Am-vett/ o ern : • o- i -1t2 - 5--q 3 Amt of Account A Amt Pdid.,vos lf tin O 0 Bolo nce Due ,1 y .6t o"xn 1 R-116919!2 " a s cRON.1 ! -JC 6SS6 MSD anceptow MAIL TOs d "! t ' • Jay M. Nolan 27 Joys Drive Palm Desert, Ce. 92260 •*ACS ARM TMI• LINS TOR PZCMSR'/ tion RAIL TAS STATSMSwTo !VI Jay M. Nolan 27 Joys Drive Palm Desert, Ce.92260 600 01tA81 D a a D The undersigned grantor(@) declarejs)s Documentary transfer tax is $72.60 (x) computed on lull value of property conveyed, or l 1 computed on lull value leas value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale . 'i *N) Unincorporated areas (.1) TOR A VALUABLE CONSIDSRATIoN, receipt of which is hereby aoknowled9e41 C" $TAR on"MOSS, ZwC. A CAwro miA Corave ew hereby GRANT(B) To is r Jay N. Nolan, A MARRIED Maw, SIR wOfi oRlARAlS0lolT! that property in Riverside County, state of California, described ass PARCEL 1s Lot 171 of Tract 396S as per Map recorded in Rook 49 pages 70 to •2 of Records of Riverside county, California. PARCEL 2s Lot 22 of Block 182 of SANTA CARKELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA, UNIT No. shown by Map on file in Book 19, pages 30 and 21 of Maps, Records of Riverside California. Dates August 7, 1992 CNN STAR kMTRRPRISEe, INC. e California Corporation COON t Y On _J -. --nny o r. L. ✓ . 9 ` iH, ae m . 1tua unC►nrg pv+ee. C_ Mope, I$, as County# 0