MECH78100 Main St Ste 102 P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 'September 14, 2009 Mery Tyer, Partner/Owner Old Town Coffee Company 78-100 Main Street, Suite 102 La Quinta, CA 92253 Reference: NUNU Oven Installation Dear Mr. Tyer: BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT (160) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 On September 11, 2009, an inspection was performed at the above property. The purpose of this inspection was to verify the installation of a NUNU OP-2FM electric oven and its required ventilation system. The oven that was currently installed from NUNU Food Service Systems was observed as having been listed with Underwriters Laboratory 197 specifications. Per the 2007 CMC §507.1.5, "Cooking equipment that has been listed in accordance with UL 197 shall not be required to be provided with an exhaust system." The La Quinta Building and Safety Department has determined that the current installation is in compliance with the ventilation requirements as specified in the 2007 California Mechanical Code. Please contact me directly by telephone (760-777-7018) or by e-mail (aortega@la- quinta.org) if there are any further questions regarding this approval. Sincerely, AOrtega Building Inspector II City of La Quinta RIV RSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTT FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING SECTION IRE & IFE SAF NOTI E -76 v - S- 9 3 . - - 523 c {. .715l T ID # + A--1- A 0 DATE i SUS. NAME I OVJ N I U (-K?p 1 ) {1n Ioi{1\ UBC TYPE NOTICE NO. ADDRESS W - 1 0 u `I v)d (N (p _ CITY PHONE INSPECTED BY xmJ .J TITLE STA RECEIVED BY TITLE At this time a notice was issued indicating the corrections required to provide compliance with the applicable codes, regulations and ordinances. All items shall be corrected IMMEDIATELY. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact the Fire Protection Planning Section at (760) 863-8886. SIGNED RE -INSPECTION DATE ITEM NEEDING CORRECTION LOCATION ITEM NEEDING CORRECTION LOCATION 1) HYDRANT, FDC PIV 8) FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS (Class I, II, III -A) _ a) Caps missing. CFC 1001.6.2 _ a) Approved safety cans. CFC 7902.1.8.1 b) Obstructions. CFC 1001.7.1 _ b) Approved cabinets exceeding 10 gal. CFC 7902.5.9 c) Red curb -15' each side. CFC 1001.8 _ c) Legible labeling. CFC 7901.9 2) FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS 9) GENERAL HOUSEKEEPING _ a) Red curb or signs. CFC 901.4 _ a) Rubbish/trash buildup. CFC 1103.2 _ b) Obstructions (Width 20', Vertical 13'6"). _ b) Secure pressurized cylinders. CFC 7401.6 CFC 902.2.2.1 _ c) 36" clearance around water heater. CMC 304.1 3) PREMISES IDENTIFICATION _ d) Storage not within 24 inches of ceiling. _ a) Numbers plainly visible and legible. CFC 901.4.4 CFC 1103.3.2.2 _ e) Storage under stairs prohibited. CFC 1210.3 4) FIRE EXTINGUISHERS _ f) Storage, use and handling of combustible materials a) Minimum 2A1 OBC. CFC 1001.10 in attic, under floor & concealed spaces. b) Servicing due. CFC 1002.1, T-19 CFC 1103.3.2.5 c) Mounting 3-5 feet from floor. CFC Standard 10-1-6.9 —' _ g) Storage in boiler rooms. mechanical rooms or _ d) Obstructions. CFC Standard 10-1-6.5 - electrical equipment rooms not allowed. _ e) Commercial kitchen. CFC 1005.2.7 CFC 1103.3.2.4 _ h) Candles and other open flame devices used in 5) AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLERS SYSTEMS approved manner. CFC 2501.17 a) 5 yr. riser/sprinkler servicing. _ i) Candles and other open flame devices in places of T-19 Art. 4, Sec. 904A assembly or drinking or dining establishments. b) Clearance to riser. CFC 1001.7.1 CFC 2501.18 c) clearance below sprinkler head deflectors. NFPA 13 10) WALLS AND CEILINGS d) Inspectors valve test. NFPA 13 _ a) Holes in fire rated walls sealed. CFC 1111 e) Sprinkler wrench. NFPA 13 _ b) Tiles in fire rated ceilings in place and undamaged. _ f) 6-12 spare sprinkler heads. NFPA 13 CFC 1112 _ g) Missing escutcheon. NFPA 13 11) EXITS 6) HOOD AND DUCT SYSTEMS _ a) Common knowledge hardware. CBC 1003.3.1.8 a) Service within 6 months. CFC 1005.2.8 _ b) Sign above door stating "This Door To Remain b) Proper nozzle position, caps, coverage. c Unlocked During Business Hours. CBC 1003.3.1.8 CFC 1005.2.8 c _ c) Illuminated EXIT sign(s) operable. CBC 1003.2.8.4 c) Automatic gas/electric shut off. CFC 1005.2.4.1 _ c) 44" clear access aisle width to exits. CBC 1014.2 _ d) Fuseable links, cables, conduits. CFC 1006.2.8 _ d) Exit obstruction. CFC 1203 _ e) Filters/ducts clean. CFC 1005.2.8 _ e) Maintain fire rated doors, windows, dampers, and _ hardware. CFC 1112.2 7) ELECTRICAL f) Emergency lighting operable. CBC 1003.2.9 a) Zip cords/cube adapters not allowed. CFC 8507 _ _ g) Panic hardware operable. CBC 1003.3.1.9 b) Circuit breaker panel - Clear, unobstructed means of access with a minimum width of 30" 12 OCCUPANT LIMIT/SIGN ) and a minimum of 78". CFC 8509 _ a) Occupant load sign(s) posted. CFC 2501.16 c) Abatement of electrical hazards. CFC 8504 r _ b) Required NO SMOKING signs. d) Extension cords not allowed as permanent wiring. rJ 13) KNOX BOX/KEYS CFC 8506 e) Outlet faceplate/covers in place. NEC 380-9 a) CFC 902.4 b) City Permit required CBC 106.1 _ t) Cover open space in circuit breaker panel. CFC 8504 _ COMMENTS 264-161 FPPS (Rev 11/06) COPIES TO: WHITE—BUSINESS; YELLOW—INSPECTOR; PINK—FIRE 02/04/2009 12:43 9068635889 NUVU FOODS PAGE 01 May 13, 2004 To Whore It May Concern: This is in response to your recent requeq for information regarding ovens without the installation of hoods and positive exhaust systems. We requested the assistance of health officials from the Orange County and Long Beach , City Health Departments in the state of California in the review of existing operating ovens In the retail food establishments !ocated in these health department jurisdictions. The state of California has some of the Evzoghest laws In the nation regarding ventilation. These reviews indicated that these ovens were NOT creating a problem as to the emission c.` excessive heat or grease vapors or bread odors. As a result of these evaluations, NU -VU oven_ and oven/proofer combinations (including OP-2FM) are In widespread use throughout the state of California as well as all across the nation without exhaust hoods for the production of bakes products. If you have any questions, please fePI free to contact me. Sincerely, NU -VU good Service Systems Marianne Schusster-Yenor Inside Sales Manager 800-338-9886 x-310 -----7 Guar of lh GJI*V& Deft ram r NU -VU" Food sevlCe 5yftMs D1Asj o. Wln-NDI; Equipment Group 1.800338.9885 560013`" SUM crtk'i: 2W=pL-Yu._-M 906.863.44o1 Menominee, MI 49858 Wnb Site, zNLu) .cam OMm Far- 906.863.5889 Service Fax: 906.863.6322 `w Ra lllwwMl •..__.. 02/04/2009 12:43 9068635889 N1 -IVU FOODS BAARD OV BUILDING CITY OF 1_OW ANGELES OMMIA eRS COMMf5S1ONERS CALIFORNIA M:l.Fl.S. F'A L 9r:J:vR - f EORO 91P?A 11r-=.19E9•.-1E : `IAN A1cI8ATIEIOS HELENAJUBANr Gt.ENnRF A W,L:.I WA, ANTONIO R- VILCARC.IGOSA MAYOR ,'MATT DEMINC Filc Nttmher: M-u802l'9 NUVt; FOOD SERVICE SYST..EVIS 3600 13TH STREET Efr ctive Datc: AIlOJ20(14 NTT NOMINE.c. MI 49SSS >rxpirntion Daa:: 0ll'Ol/2010 Telephone: 906-9(0.1451 iVla711,10 111'cr, SAME PAGE 04 Dar-,AR-mrm- .)F' BUILDING AND SAFETY ANCIREW A 4ORVAN, P E. .•F.na4AL. PA4NA3FA RAWOND CHAN . Y,fCI.:RFgF-rYev i lo3cls: iterrL: OVYINMR00FER A -,VP -12. ASMP-36 , -G$/S 0p, -V9A, -6/8, , Ii•d/R•3FM, -3/9x1 -4/8A, -4/3511 I PIZ.Uµ:: -8. • 18 ! RA -S fc;K. RK1-5'fCii $t_!li: -1:3. -123P 1 PIXA.5E: REFF R •I -q TH}: APPLICATIO` N't'VAER ONALL 1.:ORRF,SF(7-T;EiNf'E.'PT•IONE CALLS & SAMPLES i he itcnt Pmt esc Yl. under the above &1C nu.Tber 11&s hcen meted, exam i.ncd end Found to comply with applicahic Los Argelm. Plumbing Cade (1„A.PC) and/or LOS Angeles MecSanic d Couc (LANK-) and s hcrcbn approved' unies9 revoked far cause, This letter or the letterhead copy maynot be repmduced for use in labeling or advcrt.isir.g, but wpics of this letter ntay be used within your r-2anization surd shown as evidence orappr-,::al, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: ). An approved spring-loaded double check valve sf:all be installyd an each water inlet to Iltexc producla per Section 94.603 of LA PC, 2008 £ditinn. 3. Drain line shall be routed without dips or sags to terminate I'I nr two -pipe site, whichever is greater, grieve the flood level Htn of Rn Approved indirect wststc receptor per Section 9;5,310 of I,A hie end Section ter, a of ILA PC 2008:Ed::ion. 3. lnstnllations of these. units $hail be In accordance w,,..th the LAPC anti LA,MC, 2008 Edition anti printed instructions from the maM INcturer, Each Itcm shall have the name or lmdcmark of manuf tcturcr and model number where it tviil he vitlhle for imoction In order Io rmcw this approval, :an application and remamination fee must be submi:tcd on cr heforc the, expiration date shownfromthe dote of this »nticC Hill rrn . Arrangement shall he made to tC movean I ditt•s from y rampacs Pining in the Labamtorygtxl , Samr j'cS remaining alter be shipped cnllcet bm” Cc"Cnicnl terrierr disp y the upof in.acutrtlanee applicably regulation. .• . , Jos" j 7"ran -\tech:mical Tciting I.nharunrv.'Test 1'inpiaecr i lcrhartit.al '1.'estinK l,nNuralory 1212/04/2009 12:43 9068635889 NUVU FOODS PAGE 02 State of California—Health and Human Services Agency Department of Health Services Food & Drug Branch Epp - menl of DIANA M. 80NTA, R -N., Dr. P.H. Director GRAY DAVIS Governor April 8, 2003 Pete Bodarai Subway Sandwiches & Salads 9280 Telephone Road Ventura, CA 93003 Dear Pete Bodarai: RE: Exemption from External Mechanical Exhaust Ventilation for Nu -Vu model Sub -123 convection ,ven and proofer_ The Department of Health Services' Food and Drug Branch (FDB) has reviewed the information provided by Nu -Vu Corporation regarding the granting of an exemption from the requirements of California Health and Safety Code section 1141140 regarding mechanical ventilation for the Nu -Vu model Sub -123 convection oven and proofer. The Nu -Vu convection oven and proofer is listed by NSF :mtemational as meeting the requircments of ANSUNSF Standard 4 for heating and cooking equipment. The Nu -Vu model Sub -123 convection oven and pmrifer was evaluated on February 6, 2003. The oven was in operation at the Subway Sandwiches & Salads, 9280 Telephone Road, Ventura, CA 93004, Bread was being baked and prepared during the time the oven was evaluated. The bread is proofed on special ^"moble and heat resistant trays and then moved directly to the oven for baking. Ternperaturer were observed using a Delta Track model 15003 infrared temperature -screening device. I took several temperatures of the air new the oven as well as the oven sides and front. The air around the oven was about 70° F which was just above ambient temperature. The sides and'q temperattures were 75° F — 90° F. The glass front of the oven was considerably warmer with temperatures near 20D ° F. There was some steam release when the oven was opened at the completion of baking. No smoke was observed. The facility was constructed with a gravity flue over the evert. Mere was no observed accumulation or discoloration noted on the ceiling. Because the :united release of steam is unavoidable during the baking process, it is required to have good iacility ventilation and recommended to have a ceiling register located in close proximity to the oven --'—' U9MIL4 'N VE*tr-f + VIM 6erIymIPM WV l.IrdWua'th DJ year part to help California save anergy. 7o learn more about saving energy, visit the following web site: www.consumeren@M!;gat2r.org/flexlfnd html 601 N. 7 Street M5.357, P.O. Bar. 9427;., Sacrarre*, CA, 942347320 ' (016) 445.22.63 Internet Address: w .dhs.ce,gov B2/04/2009 12:43 9068635889 NUVl1 FOODS PAGE 03 Petc Soduai NU -VU Fit-] 23 aPr;i s, loos 14c- ;41 .;a _ V The Idu-Vu model Sub -123 convection ov m and proofer may be operated without mechanical ventilation under the following conditions: t a'.SIu.R. !,.Nd-•' ii! : ' •.-tytf's f..rs:..r: ,3d•.r3•:ijy «°: .r^i' -Ti{ t 1 _ There shall be no more than one Nu-Va model Sub -123 convection oven and proofer in the facility without mechanical ventilation. 2. No other heating or cooking appliances subject. to mechanical ventilation requirements may be operated vritb ,at mechanical ventilation in the food establishment, unless permiwion to operate more than. one unventilated appliance is granted by the local enforcement agency , , 3. The unit(s) will be operated in a well -ventilated area approved for food preparation with a ceiling register near the oven when possible. 4. The unit will be inst::;led, servicea, and maintained according to the manufacturer's specifications. 5. The exemytion shall not be deemed to supersede any local fire or building codes. •`I'lieoven► .•, p •t c.0 r s ink%cfin ys" to wa,rniitg and baking read t, read Meing,_VdY e ,.roUs 3 ! and croissants that have no other ingredients than flour, spiouted grains, butter, margarine, lard, vegetable oil, sugar, yeast, salt_ spices, water, appropriate food additives (enrichment, dough conditioners, leavening agents; etc.), and eggs. Any tood•residuE ' Pi inittS, fal1ftf> stick} -to the grill surfactes•shall be ;inanediately scraped off before the next fdbd item, is heated. "sir ; This excr P ion shall be in effect until revoked_ However, should any local enforcement agent find that the operation of the Nu -Vu model Siiba 123 convection oven and proofer without mechanical ventilation creates a sanitation or sa.ety problem, the local enforcement agent may require the unit to be used only with mechanical ventilation. These problems may include but are not limited to problems of installation, use mainumance, cleaning or other site specific considerations which exceed the above limitat ons or pose a discernable health or safety problem., This letter may be used as evidence of the evaluation Nu -Vu modol Sub -123 convection oven and proofer. However, it is not to be constripi+ as an endorsement of the subject item and may not be used for advertising or promotional purposes. If you have any questions you may call me ai (805) 654-4387. Sincerely, Bruce Morden Program Specialist, Retail Food Unit Peen 2 of 3 7Kfc SA ---3 h-3 11,9to cl. cto, w 1 •ooya- Awa- %as 2Ib4e _ _ --_, yo -yo A11101At1( NU-VUO FOOD SERVICE SYSTEMS .=The-UBYOOP7Wr d"SUBl=1.233 series;-ele-ctrit-overt%proofbrs-are-designed to operate with -or: without/ w hood. The -oven .operates-with=1.00 -%-re-circulated=air during4he-cooking-process.- There=is--a smalkvent=owthe=top=of1he oven- to -equalize the- pressure -in -the -oven. cavity to. help maintaiw our- door- seall during- the -'baking process': What1t-exhausted from -the vent is. a=small. amount -of, hot air an& steam. Our experience has been that not all local inspectors refer to the ,International Mechanical Codes. We do, however, suggest that these inspectors refer specifically to the "IMC (International Mechanical Code) 2004 Supplement" Section 507.2.2 which reads. "Type II hoods shall be installed where cooking or dishwashing appliances produce heat or steam and ,do not produce grease or smoke, such as steamers, kettles, pasta cookers and dish washing machines. Exceptions: 1. - 2. - 3. A single light-duty electric convection, bread, retherm or microwave oven." I hope this helps, but in the end the inspector has final say on the subject. If you need more detailed information or have any questions or concerns please feel free to call. Thank you Matt Deming Engineering Manager NUNU Food Service Systems 7 Phone: (906)-863-1451 Fax: (906)-863-5889 } E-mail: mdeming@nu-vu.com!, *ALA -0011 0 ` Appendix A: The volume that exits the vent pipe is contingent on interior volume of the cooking cavity and the size and type of product processed. Example: During a standard three -pan bake in an SUB -123 oven, you convert 1 lb of water to steam. The steam has a volume of 26.8 ft^3 and the expansion of air from 68 deg F'to 350 deg = 1.8 ft^3. So total increase in volume = 28.6 ft^3 of this 28.6 ft^3 90% (25.74 ft^3) goes up the vent pipe. The remaining portion is released when the door is opened to remove the product. NU -VU® Food Service Systems Web site: www.nu-vu.com Phone: (906) 863-4401 5600 13"' Street Sales fax: (906) 863-5889 Menominee, Ml 49858-1029 Service fax: (906) 863-6322 rz ci (20