AR (05-3669)C_ City Of La Quinta Rnitiinn nr C,fea, n Permit # 366 p J%l / P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Project Address: — Zza&— wmu4 Owner's Name: x_A4fV' A. P. Number: Legal Description: Address: L°l,_t1a G Cite. ST. Zip: K •ccs Contractor: x. UJ0Atzet— R,' 004ti Telephone:'Z(c,)- _)77—CO % Address: Project Description: City. ST. Zip: 617 77P jtr Telephone: h one: xdtPLe State Lic. # : K° Citv Lic. #: Arch., Engr.. Designer: (AW )S N N© b Address: v I S' W qq VCJ' —1?' City, ST, Zip ®® Telephone: 2, tat S e' Ltc. #• _ Name of Contact Person: x IVALr-z-_ 4 JA Con V_ P Construction T e: Oc Y cu P an v. c. Project le o ne type (circle rc) New Add' n Alter Repair .Demo Sq. Ft.:/Y,/V1#Stories: #Units: Telephone # of Contact Person: Q _ 3 _ SO 7 Estimated Value of Project: X 3 app, a O APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # Submittal Req'd Rec'd TRACKING PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted Q Item Amount Structural Calcs. S, . Reviewed, read}, for orrection Plan Check Deposit Truss Calcs. Called Contact Person f0 Plan Check Balance Title 24 Calcs. Plans picked up $ Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted % Mechanic Grading plan 2"a Review, ready for correctio s/issue trical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person — Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S M1t.l H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- 3d Review, ready for corrections/issue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees ° Total Permit Fees - 2(ng 0 S Nag 9 FCS 9 ERXt -t—), Mai Gl zvE ASAP/7 ` U 1 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR NEW ROOF / CEILING BEAM @ LIVING ROOM a PROJECT: CONDOMINIUM IN SANTA ROSA COVE 20-541 Calle Maria La Quinta, CA 92253 OWNER: Brian Sear 50-241 Calle Maria La Quinta, CA 92253 IE goo, cot ARCHITECT: MORELAN ASSOCIATES, INC. 1101 South Winchester Blvd. Suite G-173 San Jose, CA 95128-3917 TEL: 408-247-3322 FAX: 408-247-5560 e-mail: aim _morelan.net August 17,2005 Revised: August 30, 2005 CITY OF LA QUINTA L'ILDING & SAFETY DEPT I i FOR CONST CTIO `t ..,_•.. Com" ATE—\ \d5 BY Controlling otal Design Load. Properties For_ #2-1 ouglas Fir• Larch (North) Bendinq Sb ass: Shear Stre: K Modulus of Jasticity: Stress Pen: sndicularto Grain: Adjusted Properties Fb' (Tensio 0: Adjus ment Factors: Cd=1.25 Cf --1 .10 Fri: Adju-- ment Factors: Cd=125 Design Reauiremen s: Coritrollina Moment 7.25 :from left support Critic ►i moment created by combining all dead and live loads. Controllinp Shear_ At a, istance d from support Critic rl shear created by combining all dead and live loads. Comparisons With tequired Sections: Section Mi dulus (IlAomenty Area (She r): Moment c Inertia (Deflection): Fb= Fv= E_ Fcperp= Fb'= FV= M= V__ 850 PSI 95 PSI 1600000 PSI 625 PSI 1169 PSI 119 PSI 7144 FT -LB 1734 LB CITY = LA M's I N, MA BUILDIi3 pSAAF�F jD� - AD fj"=f1tJq v1W. FOR C'O'=N ION r 2000 International Building Code (97 NDSI l Ver. 6.00.61 Co .1bination Roof and Floor Beam( PM MORELAN ASSOCIATES, INC. on: 08-17-2005:1:15:13 BY: JiM MORELAN , Project SEAR - LA QU NTA - Location: (N) Beam (g Living Rm Wall Summary: 3.5 IN x 11.25 IN x 14.5 FT /2 - Dou las Fir -Larch North - D Use Dep Required 11.21 In -S-ii ®ri�'egt �Y qg o ro mg a or. ecfion odulus! Deflections: Dead Load. DLD= LLD-- 0.19 0.22 IN IN = 1_/791 Live Load TLD= 0.41 IN = L/428 Total Load: Reactions (Eacb Ends LL-Rxn= 1006 LB Live Load: DL-Rxn= 905 LB Dead Load: TL-Rxn= 1971 LB Total Load:BL= Bearing Leng i Required (Beam only, support capacity not checked): 0.90 IN Beam Data: off, L= 14.5 FT Span: Lu= 0.0 FT Maximum Un ►raced Span: c0 Live Load De iet Criteria: }� � IJ Li 24 Total Load D flect Criteria: Pr J. Non -Snow Live Load:�� 4rea: RLA= 106.6 SF Roof Loaded Roof Loading: RLL1= 20.0 PSF ��+ Roof Live Lo: d•Side One RDL1= 15.0 PSF Roof Dead U ad -Side One: Roof Tributal / WidthSide One: �a RLL2= 20 0 PSF Roof Live Lo id -Side Two: RD12= 15.0 PSF Roof Dead L -ad-Side Two: ,`�� R 2= 3.75 FT '. Roof Tributa V Width -Side Two: Cd -roof= 1.25 Roof Duratio i Factor. Floor Loading: Floor Live Li ad -Side One: FLL1= FUL1= 10.0 5.0 PSF PSF Floor Dead I aad-Side One: WINVV ���c `> FTW1= 0.0. FT Floor Tribute 'y Width -Side One: i, �� FLL2= 0.0 PSF Uwe ve U ad -Side Two: Floor Dead I oad-Side Two: cg r4jp Jp>v � ' FDL2= FTW2= 0.0 0.0 PSF FT Floor Tribub ry Width -Side Two: I / -floor- loo rat' Fa = 5 PLF Wall Loa Beam Lo wL-root- 147 PLF Roof Unifon i Live Load.D-roof= Roof Unifon i Dead Load (Adjusted for roof pitch): w 110 0 PLF PLF Floor Unitot n Live Load: wD-rcor- wD-floor- 0 PLFFloor Unifon n Dead Load: SSW- . 10 PLF Beam Self 1 !eight. WL__ 147 PLF Combined t niform Live Load- wD= 125 PLF Combined I niform Dead Load: WT= 272. PLF Combined 1 niforrn Total Load: WT -cont=• 272 . PLF Controlling otal Design Load. Properties For_ #2-1 ouglas Fir• Larch (North) Bendinq Sb ass: Shear Stre: K Modulus of Jasticity: Stress Pen: sndicularto Grain: Adjusted Properties Fb' (Tensio 0: Adjus ment Factors: Cd=1.25 Cf --1 .10 Fri: Adju-- ment Factors: Cd=125 Design Reauiremen s: Coritrollina Moment 7.25 :from left support Critic ►i moment created by combining all dead and live loads. Controllinp Shear_ At a, istance d from support Critic rl shear created by combining all dead and live loads. Comparisons With tequired Sections: Section Mi dulus (IlAomenty Area (She r): Moment c Inertia (Deflection): Fb= Fv= E_ Fcperp= Fb'= FV= M= V__ 850 PSI 95 PSI 1600000 PSI 625 PSI 1169 PSI 119 PSI 7144 FT -LB 1734 LB CITY = LA M's I N, MA BUILDIi3 pSAAF�F jD� - AD fj"=f1tJq v1W. FOR C'O'=N ION Footing Design ( 2000 International Building Code (97 NDS) ) Ver. 6.00.81 BV: JIM MORELAN , MORELAN ASSOCIATES, INC_ on: 08-30-2005: 3:52:44 PM Proiect: SEAR - LA QUINTA - Location: (E) Ftg @ (N) Bm Living Rm Wall -Left End Revised Summarv: Footing Size: 1.0 FT x 4.25 FT x 12.00 IN Reinforcement in Long Direction: #4 Bars Footing Loads: Live Load: Dead Load: Total Load: Ultimate Factored Load: Footing Properties: Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure: Concrete Compressive Strength-. Reinforcing Steel Yield Strength: Concrete Reinforcement Cover. Footing Size: Width: Length: Depth: Effective Depth to Top Layer of Steel: Column and Baseplate Size: - Column Type: Column Width: Column Depth: Bearing Calculations: Ultimate Bearing Pressure: Effective Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure: Required Footing Area: Area Provided: Baseplate Bearing: Bearing Required: Allowable Bearing: Beam Shear Calculations (One Way Shear): Beam Shear. Allowable Beam Shear. Punching Shear Calculations (Two way shear): Critical Perimeter- Punching erimeterPunching Shear: Allowable Punching Shear (ACI 11-35): Allowable Punching Shear (ACI 11-36): Allowable Punching Shear (ACI 11-37): Controlling Allowable Punching Shear. Bending Calculations (Long Direction): Factored Moment. - Nominal Moment Strength: Reinforcement Calculations (Long Direction): Concrete Compressive Block Depth: Steel Required Based on Moment: Minimum Code Required Reinforcement: Controlling Reinforcing Steel (Shrinkage/Temperature ACIA0.5.4): Selected Reinforcement: Reinforcement Area Provided: Development Length Calculations (Long Direction): Development Length Required: Development Length Provided: Bending CalculgVons (Short Direction): Factored Moment: Nominal Moment Strength: Reinforcement Calculations (Short Direction): Concrete Compressive Block Depth: Steel Required Based on Moment: Minimum Code Required Reinforcement (Shrink./Temp. ACI -10.5.4) Controlling Reinforcing Steel: for t;t;: 'rl gj<'7el'wiv� �Vu PL= 1948 LB PD= 1565 LB PT= 3513 LB Pu= 5503 LB Qs= 1000 PSF F'c= 2500 PSI FV= 40000 PSI C= 3.00 IN W= 1.0 FT L= 4.25 FT Depth= 12.00 IN d= 8.25 IN a -long= (Concrete) IN m= 4.00 IN n= 4.00 IN Qu= 827 PSF Qe= 850 PSF Areq= 4.13 SF A= 4.25 SF Bearing= 5503 LB Bearing -Allow= 47600 LB Vu1= 1645 LB vel = 8415 LB Bo= 24.00 IN Vu2= 4181 LB vc2-a= 50490 LB vc2-b= 74683 LB vc2-c= 33660 LB vc2= 33660 LB Mu -long= 29792 IN -LB Mn -long= 112223 IN -LB a -long= 0.62 IN As(1)-lonq= 0.10 IN2 As(2)-lonq= 0729 IN2 As-reqd-lonq= 0.29 IN2 #4 Bars @ 5.50 IN. O.C. / (2) Min. As -long= 0.39 IN2 Ld-long= 15.00 IN Ld-prov-long= 20.50 ,IN Mu -short= 3668 IN -LB Mn -short= 662589 IN -LB a -short= 0.87 IN As(1)-short= 0.01 IN2 As(2)-short= 1.22 IN2 As-reqd-short= 1.22 IN2 Selected Reinforcement: #4 Reinforcement Area Provided (Total): Development Length Calculations (Short Direction): Development Length Required: Development Length Provided: Note: Plain concrete adequate for bending, therefore adequate develop -V i 1 I rOF LA20u I [TrA Mlsl?dW &®SAUBT ( DEPT. it Ieng -jt`k Pr a O V E 0 rt len Fin � � e w � FOR CONSTRUCTION DfkTE BY A Footlna Design ( 2000 IMemational BuIff mp Code (97 NDS) 3 Ver. 6.00.81 Bv:.IIM MORELAN . MORELAN ASSOCIATF-S. INC. on: 08-117-21305: 1:37:40 PAIL �( Proiect SEAR - LA ( UINTA - Locatlorc (E)1=tg Q (N) em Living Rm Wall "t . & 1f W a� �_ I Summary Y1 FootinC W, : 1.0 FF x 2.5 FT x 12.00 IN -ReiffiBrcem nt in oust Orr W4 Mrs Footing Loads: PL= 1066 LB Live road: PQ= 905 LS Dead Load: PT 171 LB Total Load: pun 3079 LB Ultim2tu3 Fa :tored Load: Footing Properties: Qs= 1000 PSF Allowable S A Bearing Pressure: F'c_ 2600 PSI Concrete C -mpressive Strenslth: Fv= 40000 PSI Reinforcina Steel Yield Strenath: �= 3.00 IN Concrete R :inforcemwd Cover. Footing Size: W= 1.0 FT Width: L= 2.5 FT Lensrth: Depth= 12.00 IN Depth: Effective 0, pth to Top Layer of Steel: d= 8.25 IN Column and Basest to Size: (Concretel Column Tv Pe: m-- 4.00 IN Column W 11th: n= 4.00 IN Column Of 11th: Bearing Calculation : Qu-- 788 PSF - Ultimate B, arina Pressure: pe= 850 PSF Effective A owable Soil Bearing Pressure: Areq= 2 32 32 SF ReRequiredF toting Area: An SF Area Provi ed: Baseplate Bewim: Bearina-- 3079 LB Bearinq R -quired: Bearing -Allow-- 47600 LB Allowable 3earinsl: Beam Shear Calcul dions (One Way Shear): Vu1= 488 LB Beam She it vc1= 8415 LB Allowable ieam Shear. Punching Shear C2 culations (Two way shear): Bo= 24.00 W Critical Pe imeter. Vu2= 1822 L8 Punchinq : ;hear.a= miowabie 'unching Shear (ACA 11-35): vc2 -b=— 50480 146$3 LB LB Allowable 'unching Shear (ACI 11-36): -b =- 33660 LB Allowable 'unchina Shear (ACI 11-37): vc2= 33660 LB Controlft Allowable Punching Shear . Bending Calculatio s (Long Direction): Mu-lanq= 8673 IN -LB Factored t foment Mn4ong= 112223 IN -LB Nominal A oment Strength: Reinforcement Cal ulabons (Long Direction}. Block Depth: a44onp= 0.62 Concrete - :ompressive Steel Rea iced Based on Moment As(1Nonq= 003 0.29. - Minimum :ode Required Reinforcement Reinfi Steel (ShrinkagelremperatureACI-10.5.4): As(2}4ona= Ar-regd-low 029 Colin ntinq Selected I einforcement #4 Bars {aa 5.50 IN. O.C. / (2) Agin. Ar Pnovided• te As4ong= 0.38 Reinforce len a Development Lenf h calculations (Long Direction): Ld4onq= Develops =nt Length Required: Ld-prov-Io6a= Develops ant Length Pravided: adequate for bending, therefore adequate development length not 'required Note: Pia 1 concrete Bending Calculates ns (Short Direction): Mu -short= Factored Aoment Nominal - loment Strength: Mn -short -- Reinforcement Ca-ulations (Short Direction): a -short= Concrete-ompresslve Block Depth: As(1)-short= Steel Res aired Based on Moment Minimum Code Required Reinforcement (Shrink•rremp. ACI -10.5.4}: As�Qs�trotr Controtlii q ReinforcingrteStep: f4 Bare 4,00 IN. O.C. i Selected 3einforcemeret 15.00 10.00 IN 1N2 IN2 IN2 IN2 IN IN 2053 IN -LB 386690 IN -LB 0.86 IN 0.01 IN2 0.72 IN2 o.72 1N2 Reutfora meet Area Provided (Total): ro — (, I NTA Development Lon 11th Calculations (Short Direction): �F p Develop) rent Lenath Required: 110"KOING & f�FEINDEPT. DeveloviPli lent Lenncre to Provided:not � r d- R Note: Pli in concrete adequate for bending, therefore adequate development 1 gfh \ / E D FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE -- BY Y-DINGe& Alcr— .'`"`r 6- AP P .. O ED FOR CONS