BLDG (9807-231)51489 Avenida Martinez 9807-231 LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of "'Chapter 9 -,(commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date / 1,2 pU2 6 , . - 1. is 11118 X DateSignature of Contractor / / 3 41 / y., r . • o OWNER -BUILDER DECLARL,TION 4 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ( ) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier Policy No. (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Se lion 3700 of the Labor Code, I shill fofhwith comply with tWc a/pr6visi s. Date: a n`i,, r Applicant- Warning: Failure to secure Worker;Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to crimina penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct! I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representative of this City to enter upon thelabove-mentioned property for ins ection purp ses. vSlgnature (Owner/Agent) ;1 r=` t tt 1 t Date t ,' 4 . BUILDINGPERMIT PERMIT# CONTROL# 4 DATE // ' VALUATION + LOT TRACT 7230 JOBSITtl ADDRESS J 5`1e89 ESN1041IDA MAWrJN EZ APN 7734,1192^4112 OWNER CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/ENGINEER TLA :n:E,tw::E.,00,110IN'"I' 31.4 89 A.VENIDA MAKFIN.EZ 74-841 VALIE WAY tA I,,t1.QUIP3'17-1 <'A 92251 ptlf.tYt O,, r tv.Et 92160 (760) 5843 C.B11 95% PAI USE OF PERMIT tA`fVERA.I, Wil„.DI[ O .0AMA.0F.0 ilc)[J.15L J U L Z 9 1998 A u r SMIAINITO CO Sl' OV OIDN'S'. RI Ca.1011 P1.AI'1 t -`.: ft% tt'F F_ tUl-0(M).4;J9r308 1. 13 f'<:;i+lFYt'txit,:"i'4fYt F S F±t? 6t)€ tt(j{ :tf i-tl( 14,3111. 50 iv11 cC -IF'i ,AC.A .17L`1 Ili! G Qa-= ! ` t)t? fsi.4:i !'ltlf:flL l 1il% lot -4100-420-000 111.W41ltt`t GFIX ttll 19.000 t!''f7f`1Rf 71Ff'1't`IF_ l t! 6+t' _ !I1l;;F;l) IP 1. 100-Vt.l 10 Vi 41) ST til M,Y C'Al, C.OWI'ILL.ICTION AND PIAN rJ1 VCi; . PRf)o ()a LESS Pltd"s- 'r,t 3 F'E ,S $0.0€1 T4 `PIa.RAlIT- FElN. D I I K'N0VV U09.03 RECEIPT DATE BY/ t ` ./ DATE FINALED INSPECTOR II INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR r BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck /j Exhaust Fans O.K to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath ol Final Final AlPOOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROV LS steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final COMMENTS: ' . Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G. F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power t Final Utility Notice (Perm) ,, •, °};nit Ir •ir.fi 4 Y X , n{ JV V !C 1\A\ \1 ps r ♦ /' l l t J 1 _I ♦ C` v1 It f CIO Z LO r 0 l t C 1 ryS ,, •, °};nit Ir •ir.fi 3 O r r 4 Y X , n{ JV V !C 1\A\ \1 ps r ♦ /' l l t J 1 _I ♦ 1, W v1 It 3 O r r Y V !C 1\A\ \1 O v1 LU U' N J -09 s rn .o S '! V E s n! 7 ! 1st jo 111:1 ,r o LU U' N J -09 s rn .o S LU U' N J F I Lt No. UUb UbiL11 '96 14.'410 1 ll - HI ItK 1 I.NN i tLHVULUU 1 t - r 14 y , J -4JJ1 «' r "„ " AMERICAN TECHNOLOGIES V I N C O R P O R A r E 0 May 21, 1998 i, r Mr,4ack Goodban Driver:Eddy Contruction Company .370 Orange Show Lane San Bernardino, CA 92408 RE. .Shaljonr Residence 51-489 Avenida Mardnez La Qulnla, CA 922-13 Dear Jack, In jaccordance with Labor Code Section 6501.9, we have made a good faith determination of the presence of asbestos prior to contracting to engage in asbestos related work. Samples of specific t construction materials were retrieved in order to make this determination. This letter is not, and should not be considered, a building inspection, abatement project design, sample collection or i preparation of asbestos management plan as referred to in Business and Professions Code Section 7181 or a building survey as referred to in Business and Professions Code Section 7182. Attached is a Chain of Custody record and independent laboratory analysis with regard to the presence or absence of asbestos. Asbestos was detected in the floor the and mastic. <1 . If -you should have any additional questions regarding this report or need further assistance, please feel free to give me a call. Sincerely, 444 Cruy Alati ,AMERICAN TECHNOLOGIES, INC. GA: sl enc. USAN DIEGO CORPORATE OFFICE CHATSWORTH -466 18 Federal Blvd. 1801 Talbot War 21621 Marilla Sbeel Lmw Grove, CA 91945 Anaheim, CA 92805 Chatsworth. CA 91311 (619) 229.3684 • Fax: (819) 582J533 (714) 939.4940 • Far (714) 919.4990 (8 18) 700.5050 • fax: (ale) 100-5085 I- ILL NO. UUJ UtJ%,: 1 114-441 I U • HI ILI\ I k HIJ I L'_r11JULUU i L..- 1 AMERICAN RESTORATION ..k,5y AND INTERIORS DIV11SION OF AMERICAN TECHNOLOGIES. INC. INVOICE FEDERAL m N: 33-0352215 INVOICE b: 911343 DATE: May 21, 1998 BILL TO: RE: _:. `Mriver Eddy Construction Company Jhailont 370 Orange Show Lane 51-489 Avenida Martinez San Bernardino, CA 92408 La Quinta, CA 92253 ATTN: Mr. Jack Goodban American .Technologies Incorporated conducted sample retrieval on the above referenced address. Outlined below is a breakdown of the cost: .';'Bulk Sample Retrieval, Chain of Custody Record, and Report $ 75.00 7 Asbestos Bulk Samples 4 $35.00 per Sample $ 245.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE GA: sl ' ' i I PLEA!S'E.'REMIT 'SAN DIEGO 166 18 Federal Blvd. Lomon Grove. CA 01945 (dig) 229-3684 a Fax: (819) 582.3533 $ 320.00 ALL PAYMENTS TO CORPORATE OFFICE CORPORATE OFFICE 1801 Talbot Way An;,heim. rd OlJt(A (714) 979.4940 0 fac (714) 939.4990 NORTHRIDGE 8733 Shirley Avenue Nnrfhrldw CA 21314 (818) 700•SO60 • rat• (818) 700•S06S FILE No. UUJ Ut)iLj1 'yo 14;41 1U-'H1'ILKJLHN lbLHNULUUIL ) 06/19/88 TUB 08:38 FAX P'4RIt NJ32C ANALYTSCAL 1'14 y,J gJ)Ji Page ( of I' ruaL _ 40002/003 FAX TRANSMISSION Summary of Results Polarized Light Microscopy Toy t0 COT L"ff /'tDete/Times ! ! L' American Technolo les Incorporated Projects 9-1134-3 Report '594743 Atlnr• Bent bys Customer Service If you do not elve all pages, please contact us at 13141 763-2378 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C1 Chrysotile Cro Crocidolite A: Amosite NDo No Asbestos detected P P Preliminary, oubyect to review SGMIe Number --------------- 1C ZA 28 2C 3A 4A SA Asbestos I 5-10 r- N1 L) L Mb Asb. Typs(o) Notes --------------------- 61au4r- ,pr c ,r IOaSi a-iYe- G IPAXND TO A hard copy report will follow in the mail. Thank you. Supervisor Approvals Q J UlUl LL /"%AMEMICAN 'rw FCM1Y0itOGIFS C(*' CDY RECORD = control faro. 4 Q 4.3 speew Possble SIGNATURES: , Date and ) 1. FWRrgjlshad By: S Received 8r 2 ple imWWtted By. Received BX - LEGEmD- C - Chrysone A - A+nosae In accordance with Labor Code Section 60501.9. we have made a good fattA det".nation of tine presence of asbestos polar to contmcing to engage in asbestos related work. Samples of Vocift cartatrudios materials wens retrieved in odder to matte this detemArm lon. This is not, and shotdd not be considered, a buying atsipedlat, abalertted project desigr%-m mple coilecilon or preperadw-of a3be903 management plan as ffl~ d .to in Business 'and Prole slons Code Sedion 7.181 or a building survey as referred to in Business end Profts 2wm Code Section 7182. - ND - W Deed Mg%g - Mllogcans Per imam PPM - Parts Par MUM ANNE r speew Possble SIGNATURES: , Date and ) 1. FWRrgjlshad By: S Received 8r 2 ple imWWtted By. Received BX - LEGEmD- C - Chrysone A - A+nosae In accordance with Labor Code Section 60501.9. we have made a good fattA det".nation of tine presence of asbestos polar to contmcing to engage in asbestos related work. Samples of Vocift cartatrudios materials wens retrieved in odder to matte this detemArm lon. This is not, and shotdd not be considered, a buying atsipedlat, abalertted project desigr%-m mple coilecilon or preperadw-of a3be903 management plan as ffl~ d .to in Business 'and Prole slons Code Sedion 7.181 or a building survey as referred to in Business end Profts 2wm Code Section 7182. - ND - W Deed Mg%g - Mllogcans Per imam PPM - Parts Par MUM r 1 Lt W. VVq V: l e l JO 14-4U l ll• H Itn 1 (,Hu 1 Lt-r1NUL.UU 1 L" .) 1 1 v JjV Before we commence work, this document, a purchase order, or equivalent document must be signed and faxed to American Technologies incorporated. .You may authorize the work described in this proposal by signing the page where noted. Retain one copy. for your records and return the other copy back to our office. A contractual agreement must :bef:executed before work commences. Respectfully Submitted, Guy Alati Cfat • latf American Technologies, Inc. License #571784 Gk: sl •"Thereby authorize American Technologies Incorporated to carry out the work described above. BY: GENERATOR ID # DATE: TAX ID # im roa: l nr6 F115 4k laA mso 1(6 V 1,r All o "w/j P.02 iCB0 Evaluation Service, Inc. •• ?w Asubsidiary corporation ofthe International Conference of Building Officials EVALUATION REPORT Report No.1602 Copyright® 1993 IC80 Evalvarion Service, Inc. February, 1993 Filing Category: FIRE -RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTIO"ypsum Wallboard (080) REGULAR AND RESILIENT GYPSUM CONSTRUCTION AND for through and membrane penetration fire stops required in Sections TRIPLE -SEALED SHEATHING CONSTRUCTION 4304 and 4305 of the code. UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY B. Fire -resistive Gypsum Wallboard Assemblies: 1. Partitions: a. POST OFFICE BOX 806278 One-hour Fire -resistive Load-bearing Assembly: See Figure No. 1. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60680 I. Subject: Regular and Resilient Gypsum Construction and Triple - sealed Sheathing Construction. iI. Description: A. General: Wood -frame wall and ceiling assemblies are based on the following descriptions and Figures Nos.1 through 6: 1. Framing: General framing complies.with Section 2517 of the code. Maximum allowable stud spacing Is 24 inches unless 16 inches is specifi- cally indicated. Strips of 112-inch-thlck regular gypsum panels, THERMA- FIBER® mineral insulation 2 inches thick by 6 inches wide or other approved materials may be used when the space between resilient chan- nels and studs or joist faces must be fire stopped. 2. Fasteners: Unless otherwise noted, attachment for fire -resistive assemblies must Comply with Table No. 43-B nr q3 -C of the code. As an alternate, Type W 11/4 -inch screws installed 12 inches on center may be substituted for nails on single -layer fire -resistive wall and partition assemblies In Table No. 43.8 of the code, provided the assembly uses s/B-inch-thick SHEETROCKO FIRECOOE's or Type C gypsum wallboard. Screw substitution for nails does not apply to Table No. 1. Gypsum panels may be installed parallel or perpendicular to studs, unless specific direc- tion is noted. All joints must be staggered 16 or 24 inches from adjacent joints. 3. Joint Treatment: Joints not backed by framing or another layer of gypsum board must be taped in fire -resistive construction_ BAXBORD® gypsum panels (V-shaped tongue -and -groove edge) do not require joint treatment. 4. Alternate Gypsum Panel Assemblies: SHEETROCK FIRECODE is a USG registered trademark for a Type X core gypsum panel. Type 8 and Type C are USG trademarks for a proprietary Type X core which may be substituted for any Type X gypsum panel specified in Table No. 43-A, 43-B or 43-C, provided the panel thickness is the same. BAXBORD and TEX- TONE° (vinyl-facedl gypsum panels or IMPERIAL° plaster base may be substituted for assembles herein or in Table No. 43-A, B or C of the code, provided the same thickness and core type are used and the fastener sae and spacing are equivalent. 5. Insulation: 7mtAMAFIBEA mineral wool blankets orTHERMAFIBER Sound Anenuation Fire Blanket may be installed within the stud or joist space of any system described herein. Also see Evaluation Report No. 2331 for firestopping with THERMARBER Sating insulation. 6. SHEETROCK Acoustical Sealant: The product Is an elastic water- based caulking for sound -rated partition and ceiling systems that is applied around cutouts in all voids, gaps and openings and at perimeters of partitions and ceilings to reduce transmission of airborne sound. Use of the product in fire -resistive wall assemblies described in this report will not affect the fire -resistance rating, provided it is not used as a substitute O is M0 10 1 FIGURE NO.1 (1) Five -eighths -inch SHEETROCK FIRECODE gypsum panels, applied horizontally. (2) USG RC -1- Resilient Channels --C-shaped section 21/2 inches Ovide formed from ASTM A 446 Grade A, No. 25 gauge galvanized steel: attached with 1 7l -inch-tong 6d No. 13 gauge gypsum wallboard nails, cement coated, l /4 -inch Type W screw or 1 -inch Type S screw (one chan- nel within 6 inches of top plate and 24 inches on center horizontally, 1/27inch gypsum board filler strip 6 inches wide at base). (3) Three-inch THERMARBER mineral wool blanket. (4) 2 by 4 wood studs 16 or 24 inches on centerforfire rating (16 inchos maximum on center for sound). (5) Fasteners 1 -inch Type S screws 12 inches on center to RC -1 Resil- ient Channel. (6) Channel splices have a 4 -inch lap and are fastened through the lap into the stud. Vertical butt joints in horizontally applied gypsum panels on resilient side are back blocked with resilient channels or strips of gypsum board, minimum 3/a inch thick and 8 Inches wide, placed between flanges of and secured to the horizontal channels with 1 -inch -tong USG Type S or Type G drywall screws. b. Sound Rated Partition: The assembly described in Section It 81-a has a Sound Transmission (STC) of a minimum 50 when tested and deter- mined in accordance with ASTM E 90 and E 413. provided SHEETROCK Acoustical Sealant is applied around perimeter of partitlon. Tape and joint - treatment compound may be used at ceiling and vertical angles in lieu of the acoustical sealant. Joints and fastener heads are taped and finished with joint compound. c, One-hour Fire -resistive Exterior Bearing Wall: See Figure No. 2. Evaluation riporu oficao Evaluation Service, ine., are issued sorely to provide information to CkmA members of iCSO, tdliang the code upon which the reporr is basedEvaluadonreportsarenotmbeconstruedasrepresentingaestheticsorany'otherailoibatetnottpec icailyaddressednorasanendorsementorrecommen- dation for use of the subject reporL This report br based upon independent tests or other technical data submitted by lite applicant Tbs KDO Evaluation Service, Inc., technreal stehas reviewed the tea ressdtr andforother data, but does nor possess Un facilities to crake an independent retvteadon. Then is no warrane byi O Evaluation Service, tat-, express orimpUed,attoany •finding" or other noaerinthe. report oras toany product corertdbylhereportTAhdisclaimerinctudes,batisnolUntitedlo,menhant MDi Page 1 of 3 Page 2 of 3 (1) Five -eighths -inch SHEETROCK FIRECODE gypsum panels. (2) USG RC -1 Resilient Channels (optional). Attachments per Figure No. 1. (3) One -hall -inch USG Gypsum Sheathing (Trademark GYPIAPS) with water-repellent paper and regular core complying with ASTM C 79-82a. (4) Three -quarter -inch drop siding or 3/8 -Inch exterior plywood with joints caulked, treated with battens, shiplapped or equivalency treated to prevent moisture Infiltration, (5) 2 by 4 wood studs at maximum 16 inches on center (6) Construction and nailing conforms to Item No. 17-1.1 of Table No. 43-8 of the code. Weather -protective barrier may be omitted per Section 17.08 (a) 4 of the code where joints are treated as indicated In Item No. (4). No sound classification has been assigned to this assembly. TABLE NO. 1 ALLOWABLE SHEAR FOR WIND OR SEISMIC FORCES IN POUNDS PER FOOT FOR VERTICAL DIAPHRAGMS OF SHEETROCK GYPSUM PANEL WOOD -FRAMED WALL ASSEMBLIES WITH 2 BY 4 STUDS 24 INCHES ON CENTERI naacrtess wAu Iwt srAarti SWM MIrtMUY MAT91tAL ( ) CorSr UM00 I k0iMU1AeeNw) YAWS "l. so /Z Unblocked 7 75 5d Common 4 110 /s Unblocked T 4 145 6d Common 'These vertical diaphragms shall not be used to resist loads imposed by masonry or concrete walls. See Scction 4714 (b). values are for short -tem, loading due to wind values and must be reduced 25 Percent for normal loading. The values must be reduced 50 percent for dynamic loading due to earthquake on Seismic Zones Nos. 3 and 4. 2A.Mies tonailing at all studs, top and bottom plates. The minimum edge distance shall be 3/8 inch. 2. Floor/Ceiling Assemblies: a. One-hour Floor/Ceiling Assembly. DIMCI Suspenslon System: See Figure No_ 3. FIGURE NO.3 (1 and 2) Double -wood floor and joists as per Table No. 43-C of the code. (3) No. 12 SWG galvanized steel hanger wires not over 48 inches on center along main runners (MB -12) and at ends of main runner, sup!,orted by 8d common nails 11/2 inches below subflooring. P.03 ReportNo- 1602 (4) Recessed light fixtures, 2 feet by 4 feet, not over 24 square feet per 100 square feet of ceiling area. Suspended by No. 12 SWG wire at Corners and midspan of'fixture. The 4 -toot sides of light fixtures are to be sup- ported by cross beams (CB -4). (5) Gypsum Wallboard Fixture Protection minimum 1/2 -inch SHEE- TROCK FIRECODE "C° wallboard is cut to form a four-sided, trapezoidal enclosure, 1/2 inch wider and longer than the fixture and deep enough to provide minimum 1/2 -inch clearance between fixture and enclosure. (6) Where ducts are permitted, they shall be minimum 20 MSG galva- nized steel and supported by No. 16 MSG 11/2 -inch cold -rolled channels approximately 24 inches on center. Total area of duct openings not over 57 square inches per 100 square feet, with no individual opening over 12 inches one dimension or 113 square inches total area. Fire dampers as required by the code. (7) Steel framing members -USG Direct Suspension Systems with No. 24 MSG main tee beam (MB -12)12 feet long spaced 4 feet on center. Adja- cent lengths of main runners secured together with main runner splices. No. 26 MSG cross -furring channels (CFC -4) 7/g Inch high, 27/8 inches across the base, 1318 inches across the face and 4 feet long, are installed perpendicular to the main tee beams, spaced 24 Inches on center. Addi- tional cross furring channels placed 8 inches from light fixtures and from butted end joints. CFC -4 channels clip Into main runner slots and are secured to wall angle with 1/2 -inch -long self -drilling and self -tapping screws having athread diameter of 0.138 inch and 5/1S -inch -head diame- ters. The cross beams (CB4) supporting 4 -foot sides of light fixtures are formed from No. 28 MSG steel, 4 feet long, and installed perpendicular to the main tee beams. (8) One -half-inch SHEETROCK FIRECODE Type C gypsum panels. No sound classification has been assigned to this assembly. b. Two-hour Floor/Ceiting Assembly with "RC -1" Resilient Channels: See Figure No. 4. 0 1112 ,1' Nal !r i cx•• c a= w_vra.-_ ie-'+cs-._.rar' FIGURE NO.4 (1 and 2) Double -wood floor and Joists as per Table No. 43-C of the code. (3) Five -eighths -inch SHEETROCK FIRECODE Type C gypsum panels. (4) USG RC -1 Resilient Channels No. 25 gauge galvanized at 24 inches on center perpendicular to joists with 15/g -inch Type S screws. (5) Base layer attached perpendicular to framing with 8d drywalt nails at 7 inches on center, with end joints over joists. (6) Face layer perpendicular to channels with 1 -inch Type S screws 12 inches on center. (7) Support butt joints with 60 -inch -long resilient channel centered on butt attached to joist with two 11/4 -inch Type W Screws 32 inches on cen- ter. Butt ends of wallboard attached to channel with 1 -inch type S screws 12 inches on center. (8) Joints are not required to be covered with tape and screwheads are not treated. c. One-hour Floor/Ceiling Assembly of Wood Truss Members with Steel Plate Connectors: See Figure No. 5. FIGURE NO. S Page 3 of 3 (1) Parallel -chord wood trusses minimum 12 inches deep spaced a maximum of 24 inches on Center. Trusses are fabricated from nominal 2 by 4 Inch or greater lumber, oriented either horizontally or vertically, and truss plates. (2) No. 20 gauge truss plates having nail -type projections a minimum of 5/16 inch long. The projections are In pairs facing each other and made from the same punch. The pairs were repeated approximately 7/8 inch on center with four rows per inch of plate width. The truss plates must be rec- ognized in a current NES or ICBO ES evaluation report. (3) Seven-eighths-inch-deepfurring channels with 11/4 -inch -wide face formed from No. 26 gauge steel. Channels are installed 24 inches on cen- ter perpendicularto trusses and secured to bottom chords of trusses with double strand of No. 18 gauge be wire 48 inches on center. Where the gyp- sum panel buttjoint is to be located, two rows offurdng channels spaced 3 triches apart are Installed. (4). Five -eighths -inch -thick SHEETROCK FIRECODE Type C gypsum panels applied at right angles to steel furring channels with 1 -inch Type S drywall Screws spaced 12 inches on center. End joints located midway between spaced channels. Gypsum panel johns are taped, and joints and screw heads are covered with a double layer of joint compound. (5) Nominal 23/32 -inch -thick interior plywood with exterior glue, tongue -and -groove edges, installed perpendicular to trusses. joints stag- gered 4 feet with construction adhesive and No. 6d ring -shank nails 12 inches on center. Adhesive applied to'ea h top chord and grooved edges of plywood. C. USG Triple-sealed'Sheathing consists of a regular gypsum core with a special water-resistant paper firmly bonded to both faces and edge. The ends and all cut edgesare treated with awater-repellent sealer. The sheathing is 0.4 Inch thick, 4 feet wide and 8 or 9 feet tong. It is intended for use on exterior or interior wood framing. When used as a shear wall, it is applied vertically to 2 by 4 studs spaced a maximum of 16 inches on center. A 3/e -Inch continuous bead of an approved gypsum wall- board adhesive complying with ASTM C 557-73 is first applied to all studs and plates. The sheathing is then positioned and fastened to all studs with No. 11 gauge, 41/2 -inch -long, 71t6 -inch -diameter head galvanized nails spaced a maximum of 12 inches on center All edges must be supported and a minimum 3/8 -inch edge distance maintained for nailing. The maxi- mum allowable diaphragm shear for sheathing applied on one side as set forth above is 125 pounds per linear foot with a maximum height -to - length ratio of 11/2:1. When applied as previously described, the sheath- ing is considered equivalent to Section 2517 (g) 3. of the code. The sheathing may also be used without the adhesive and with conven. tional drywall nails spaced at 8 inches on center at all studs and plates, provided the wall is braced for horizontal loads as specified in Section 2517 (g) 3 of the code, or by other approved methods. When triple -sealed sheathing is used, a weather -resistive barrier of building paper as required by Section 1708 (a) of the code may be omitted, provided an approved weatherboarding is applied over the sheathing. Where stucco Is used as an exterior covering. the building paper may be omitted, provided the sheathing is installed vertically with no horizontal joints and all vertical joints occur on framing members. Where stucco is applied, weep screeds are required per Chapter47 of the code. If horizon- tal joints occur in any application, joints must be treated with waterproof tape or an approved caulking compound unless an approved weather- boarding is used as an exterior covering. D. Fire -resistive Gypsum Piaster Assemblies: 1. Partition Construc- tion: onstructtion: a. Direct -attachment One-hour Load-bearing Wood Stud Partition: The load-bearing partition Consists of 2 by 4 wood studs spaced 16 inches on center. One -half-inch IMPERIAL FIRECODE "C" gypsum base is applied vertically or horizontally to the studs using 6d cement -coated box or cooler nails spaced 7 Inches on center along all studs and at 7 inches on center along all edges. Vertical joins shall be staggered 16 inches on Opposite face of the partitions. All joints and inside corners are reinforced with a 21/2 -inch -wide strip of 10 by 14 fiberglass mesh secured to the base with 3/8 -inch staples at 8 Inches on center. See figure No. 6. The entire P.04 Repwart NQ 1602 surface of each face Is covered with 1/16 -inch -thick (minimum) IMPERiAk or DIAMOND® Interior veneer plaster finish. c m FIGURE No. 6 (1) One -half-inch IMPERIAL FIRECODE "C" gypsum base. (2) One -sixteenth -inch IMPERIAL or DIAMOND Interior veneer plaster finish. (3) 2 by 4 wood studs 16 inches on center maximum. (4) Fastenersl7ta-inch, 66 gypsum drywall nails 7 Inches on center. D. Two-hour Fire -resistive Load-bearing Partition: The wood stud bearing partition construction is identical to that described in item No 14-1.4 of Table No. 43-8 of the code, except 3/8 -inch ROCKIATH FIRE - CODE gypsum lath is substituted for the 3/o -inch perforated lath and tbte plaster mix consists of 100 pounds gypsum to 2 cubic feet of periite. 2. Floor -Ceiling or Roof -Ceiling Construction: Direct Applicatlon-- One-hour Fire -resistive: The wood joist floor -ceiling construction con- sists of nominal by 10 wood joists spaced 16 Inches on centersupport- ing 1 -inch nominal tongue-and-9toove wood subfloor and finish floors. Three -eighths -inch -thick, 16 -inch -wide, 48 -Inch -long ROCKLATH FIRE - CODE gypsum lath is fastened directly to the joists with long dimension perpendicular to the joists. Fasteners are 11/4 -inch -long No. 13 gaugo shank and 9/32 -inch head nails or No. 16 gauge, 7/16 -inch crown. 11/2 -inch -long staples, using tour fasteners per lath per joist USC STRUCTO-LITE plaster is then applied over the lath in accorpance with manufacturer's instructions. E. Vertical Diaphragms on Wood Stud W311s: The maximum allowable shear for wind or seismic forces for vertical diaphragms with 4 -foot by 8 -foot gypsum panels applied horizontally or vertically on 2 by 4 wood studs spaced at 24 inches on center shall be as set forth in Table No. 1. F Identification: Each unit of SHEETROCK FIRECODE and BAXBORD FIRECODE is identified by the name printed on the boards along with Underwriters Laboratories Inc. label. The boards are bundled in pairs wim the name printed on the end tapes. USG THERMARBER regular insulation blanket or THERMARSER Sound Attenuation Fire Blanket is identified by the name of the product printed on each batt or package. The gypsum lath is identified by a face imprint in blue ink "ROCKLATH FIRECODE Plaster BaseType X" on every third piece of lath. Code produc- tion numbers on back of every lath verity that lath without face print are from same production run. (Back also is imprinted Type X.) 111. Evidence Submitted: Report of fire tests in accordance with U_B.C. Standard No.AL-1, sound -transmission tests in accordance with ASI M E 90 and E 413, descriptive literature and racking load tests. 1992 Supplement to the U.B.C.: This report is unaffected to the supple- ment. Findings IV. Findings: That the United States Gypsum Company regular and resitient gypsum panel applications an wood traming, described in this report comply with the 1991 Uniform Building Code for the respective fire -resistive ratings. This is contingent on allowable axial loads lot load-bearing, fire -resistive wood stud wall assemblies not exceeding a design stress of 0.78 F' in accordance with Section 2507 (c) of tho code. The maximum stress may not exceed 0.76 F', based on a ION ratio of 33. This report is subject to re-examination In two years. 0cra I v A