SFD (04-4417)51840 Avenida Martinez 04-4417 r Titf 4 4 a" BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 1504 (760).777-7012 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO " FAX (760) 777-7011 LA QU.INTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 INSPECTION REQUESTS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT Application Number .. 00004417 Date 6/01/04: Property Address ,. 51840 AVENIDA MARTINEZ APN: 773-181-005-20 . '00' = --_ Application description .. DWELLING - SING DE ACHE Property Zoning . . . . . . . COVE RESIDENTI Application valuation 97506 JUL 262004 Owner -----------==-------- Contract r CITY OF LA QUINTA --- CORONEL ENTERPRISES INC -- IE DIEIT-- CORONEL CONSTRUCTIO 78150 TAMPI.CO P.O. BOX 389 LA QUINTA CA 92253 LA QUINTA CA 92253 (760) 56474604 WCC: STATE FUND WC: 1744453 01/01/05 CSLB:' 634981 01/31/0.6 CCC:. B -C13 ------ Structure Information 1533, S.F. SFD ----- . Construction Type ... TYPE V - NON RATED Occupancy Type . .. DWELLG/LODGING/CONG <=10 Flood Zone... . . . . . . NON -AO FLOOD ZONE Other struct info . . . . . CODE EDITION' 2001 CBC # BEDROOMS 3.00 FIRE SPRINKLERS NO GARAGE SQ FTG 467.00 PATIO.SQ FTG 50.00 NUMBER OF UNITS 1.00 FIRST FLOOR SQ FTG 1533.00 Permit . . . . BUILDING ------------------------------ PERMIT - Additional desc . Per mit.Fee . . . . 630.50. Plan Check Fee 409.83 Issue Date . . . . Valuation. 97506 Qty. Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 414.50 48.00 4.5000,THOU BLDG 50,001-100,000 -------- 216.00 ------- Permit . . . . . . MECHANICAL ------------------------------- ----------------- Additional desc . Permit Fee 52.50. Plan Check Fee 13.13 Issue Date. .. Valuation . . . . 0 Qty Unit Charge Per' Extension P.O. Box 1504 • VOICE (760) 777-7012 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO FAX (760) 777-7011 LA QUfNTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT Application Number: Applicant: Applicant's Mailing Address: Date: - / o y Architect or Engineer: Architect or Engineer's Address: Lic. No.: BUILDING PERMIT DECLARATIONS LICENSED I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions Code, and my Licee is in full force and effect. License Class rl i ;,.ne. M„ / _ Date'? -'Z fo - C.) -e :TOR'S DECLARATION 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractors' State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractors' State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).): U 1, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself or through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). U I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). U I am exempt under Sec. , BA P.C. for this reason Date Owner WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. _ workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier _ . Policy Number )L-74445= _ I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of Ca ' ia, and agree that, if I sh ecome subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with tho e p ovis• ns. Date -7-Z-L- Applicant WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name Lender's Address APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work.being perfo a nder or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not mme within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the abo information is correct. 1 agre to co ply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this co nt o enpr upon the^ove-me tion property for inspection purposes. Date 7 -2 6 -di Signature (Applicant or Agent): 4 ,omq Page 2 Application Number . . . . . 04-00004417 Date 6/01/04 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 1.00 9.0000 EA MECH FURNACE <=100K 9.00 1.00 9.0000 EA MECH B/C <=3HP/100K BTU 9.00 2.00 6.5000 EA MECH VENT FAN 13.00 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.5000 EA MECH EXHAUST HOOD 6.50 Permit . . . . . . ELEC-NEW RESIDENTIAL Additional desc Permit Fee 93.00 Plan Check Fee 23.25 Issue Date . . . . Valuation 0 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 1533.00 .0350 ELEC NEW RES - 1 OR 2'FAMILY 53.66 467.00 .0200 ELEC GARAGE OR NON-RESIDENTIAL 9.34 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15.0000 EA ELEC TEMPORARY POWER.POLE 15.00 Permit . . . . . . PLUMBING Additional desc Permit Fee . . . . 123.00 Plan Check Fee 30.75 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 9.00 6.0000 EA PLB FIXTURE 54.00 1.00 15.0000 EA PLB BUILDING SEWER 15.00 1.00 7.5000 EA PLB WATER HEATER/VENT 7.50 1.00 3.0000 EA PLB WATER INST/ALT/REP 3.00 1.00 9.0000 EA PLB LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM 9.00 6.00 .7500 EA PLB GAS PIPE >=5 4.50 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15.0000 EA PLB GAS METER 15.00 Permit . . . . . GRADING PERMIT Additional desc Permit Fee 15.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . > 0 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments 1533 S.F. SFD PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE •04. i Fee summary =---------------- Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Other Fee Total Grand Total Charged Paid 914.00 Page 3 Application Number . . . . . 04-00004417 Date 6/01/04 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments 250.00 BLOCK WALL, POOL/SPA OR DRIVEWAY APPROACH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . ART IN PUBLIC PLACES -RES .00 DIF COMMUNITY CENTERS -RES 97.00 DIF CIVIC CENTER - RES 366.00 ENERGY REVIEW FEE 40.98 DIF FIRE PROTECTION -RES 97.00 GRADING PLAN CHECK FEE .00 DIF LIBRARIES - RES 225.00 DIF PARK MAINT FAC - RES 5.00 DIF PARKS/REC - RES 502.00 COVE PRECISE PLAN FEE 100.00 STRONG MOTION (SMI) - RES 9.75 DIF STREET MAINT FAC -RES 15.00 DIF TRANSPORTATION - RES 1098.00 Fee summary =---------------- Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Other Fee Total Grand Total Charged Paid 914.00 .00 476.96 250.00 2555.73 .00 3946.69 250.00 Credited Due .00 914.00 .00 226.96 .00 2555.73 .00 3696.69 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE xYIFZ Desert Sands Unified School District 4 cS 1Rl 'o 47950 Dune Palms Road Q BERMUDA DUNES r Date 7/26/04 La Quinta INDIAN WECA 92253 RAN AN WELLS LSMIRAG( . No. 26219 (760) 771-8515 PALM LA QUINTDESEnTy INDIO Q O Owner Coronel Enterprises, Inc. APN # 773-181-005 Address Jurisdiction La Quinta City Zip Permit # Tract # "Study Area Type Single Family Residence No. of Units 1 Lot # No. Street S.F. Lot # No. Street S.F. Unit 1 51840 Avenida Martinez Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Comments 1533 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not colied fees on garages/carports, covered patiostwalkways, residential additions under 500 square feet, detached accessory structures (spaces that do not contain facilities for living, sleeping, cooking, eating or sanitation) or replacement mobile homes. It has been determined that the above-named owner is exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code 65995 Et Seq. in the amount of $2.24 X 1,533 S.F. or $3,433.92 have been paid for the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project may now be issued. Fees Paid By CC -Valley Independent Bank-Ish Coronel Check No. 310907 Name on the check Telephone 564-4604 By Dr. Doris Wilson Superintendent Fee collected /exempted by Beth Schieferstine r Funding Residential Payment Recd $0.00 $3,433.92 Over/Under NOTICE: Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d)(1), this will serve to notify you that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest the fees or other payment identified above Will begin to run from the date on which the building or installation permit for this project is issued, or from the date on which those amounts are paid to the District(s) or to another public entity authorized to collect them on the Distfictfs) behalf, whichever is earlier. NOTICE: This Document NOT VALID if Duplicated Embossed Original - Building Department/Applicant Copy - Applicant/Receipt Copy - Accounting JUN -01-2004 TUE 02:01 PM Coronet Construction FAX No, 160 564 4202 P•003 1'Ir'11 r,Q C.✓JC14 1 1 • 1 O rm rimJ I mrimR 11...x11`/ '1 J I LC U Jb0 JmJ• 1 V OJOlt YGUr_ r• . rsc RecQ di ►9 A Requested C mpany 91rCopDt 'Bf 'B°w E4afaw No, E22Q•KC Title Ordrr No. 1448034 When Reaorded Mail Document and TO 5totemsnt To: Zeke Coronel PO Box 390 Le Quint,, CA 92253 .8Y0 Ave' DbC Is ea:@iK+ fau;le.M i/ e4/esl21 raea 1 rr x Doo t 'fax 1't+td, orAa NIGZr/7I j 1 J l geoordfd t^ tfRW rst r county ' vary t.. lrss counO1{(1.11k i Paoardar 1 A 1 WI-Illi'11.,1 I1 p1■■ 1I g1`1I gi I pcea law w Nm. c u PAGE ° °` 2 M .. 1 ' V I 1 /•— a AMC ct u1 _ Q •,4 Lu , ,. „rural....,, J r..., b hrL A JV Y L DEEB GRANT the undersigned 9rariterlj) dectetols) Documentary treneter tax to A183.70 art conveyed, or . (X ) computed on full vsluo of Property I ) U r npu d on d l vul s lon full val ess value of of Le {]uitvtans or encumbrances rem,inina at ti►1te of ba e, 1 ) Victor F. Andersen, Jr. and FOA A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, recelpt of which to harehY gcicn wiedged, Katherine J. Andersen, Husband and Wife ee Joint Tenants hereby GRANTt5I to Coronal Enterprises, Inc., a California Corporation the fogowing described real prapeny In the City of La flulnta County or Hversida, Stale of California: SEE EXHIBIT ONE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART NFPEOP. DATED: April 30, 2004 STATE OF CAUPORNIA COUNTY OF before me, ON persDneUy eppe5i0d --proved to ma on the basis of east e evidence► w ba.the personls) whose n% and nemet6} a ubscreb o the withil;hBynsXe Utad In ume auk nowi deed to SO me in h air thorized cape re and that by his( their s196sture(s) on the Inatrumant the ' Which Mo acted, executed the instrument, person(sl Witness my ban ,0 and Fico Si9hatUr® Victor E. Anderann, Jr. Ke[he na J, A 'r8en U C RaLy N G21=Q6++ T0 No FART ru,ucc pju cu>rm0 owkNes couNN l. tom, arm@ s,1oo4 MAIL. TAX STATEMENTS AS I)IRFCTFD 'kBOVV GRANT DpeD FD -943 tM 71981 order.• 05-2g-2004 1 36-04 AM CommentCA ? 73-181.00639009 Page. 7 0!2 r 5_ LOT#&D - L . Q. C69R0W-G1..- -51 -e4o Arc. M to Q 7-4M = 13 - t b1= TITLE 24 REPORT i A'^V1LCO M -FA, Te - Title 24 Report for: Coronel Enterprises Inc. Acapulco Santa Fe -All Orientations La Quinta, CA 92253. Project Designer: Stephen R. Nieto 78-120 Calle Estado Ste. 206 La Quinta, CA 92253 760-564-4707 Report Prepared By: Stephen R. Nieto South West Concepts 78120 Calle Estado, Suite 206 La Quintal CA 92253 (760) 564-4707 Job Number: 00112 Date: 5/18/2004 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE 6- •O BY 5i n c:ClGC The EnergyPro computer program has been used to perform the calculations summarized in this compliance report. This program has approval and is authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential 2001 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. This program developed by EnergySoft, LLC (415) 883-5900. EnergyPro 3.1 By Ene rgySoR Job Number. 00112 User Number. 5970 I TABLE OF CONTENTS I Cover Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Form CF -1 R Certificate of Compliance 3 Form MF -1 R Mandatory Measures Checklist 6 Form C -2R Computer Method Summary 8 HVAC System Heating and Cooling Loads Summary 12 Room Load Summary 13 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft Job Number. 00112 _ User Number. 5970 J V Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Part 1 of 2) CF -1 R Coronel Enterprises Inc 5/18/2004 Project Title Date Acapulco Santa Fe -All Orientations La Quinta Project Address Building Permit # South West Concepts (760) 564-4707 Plan Check I Date Documentation Author Telephone Computer Performance 15 Field Check 1 Date Compliance Method (Package or Computer) Climate Zone Enforcement Agency Use Only GENERAL INFORMATION Total Conditioned Floor Area: 1,533.f? Average Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft Total Conditioned Slab Area: 1,533 ft2 Building Type: (check one or more) X❑ Single Family Detached ❑ Addition ❑ Single Family Attached ❑ Existing Building ❑ Multi -Family ❑ Existing Plus Addition Front Orientation: All Four Orientations Floor Construction Type: ® Slab Floor Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Number of Stories: 1 ❑ Raised Floor Component Const. Frame Assembly Location/Comments Type U -Value (attic, garage, typical, etc.) R-38 Roof (R.38.2x14.16) Wood 0.028 Exterior Roof R-13 Wall w/1" EPS Wood 0.059 Exterior Wall Solid Wood Door Wood 0.387 Exterior Door Slab On Grade n/a 0.756 Covered Slab w/R-0.0 Perimeter Insulation FENESTRATION Shadinq Devices Type Orientation Area Fenestration Exterior Overhang Side Fins SF U -Factor SHGC Shading Yes / No Yes / No Front 40.0 0.55 0.53 Woven Sunscreen X❑ ❑ ❑ X❑ Front 12.0 0.57 0.55 Woven Sunscreen x ❑ ❑X❑ Left 32.0 0.87 0.70 Woven SunscreenX❑ ❑ ❑ X❑ Left 4.0 0.72 0.73 Woven Sunscreen X❑ ❑ ❑ X❑ Rear 33.0 0.72 0.73 Bug ScreenX❑ ❑ ❑X❑ Rear 80.0 0.85 0.70 Bug Screen X❑ ❑ ❑ 0 Rear 16.0 0.87 0.70 Bug ScreenX❑ ❑ ❑X❑ Right 4.0 0.57 0.55 Woven Sunscreen X❑ ❑ ❑ X❑ Right 20.0 0.60 0.53 Woven Sunscreen X❑ ❑ ❑ X❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Run Initiation Time: 0611810409,18:42 Ru Code: 108489 122 En Pro 3.1 By EneraySoft User Number. 5970 Job Number. 00112 Pa e:3 of 13 Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Part 2 of 2) CF -1 R Coronel Enterprises Inc 5/18/2004 Project Title Date HVAC SYSTEMS Note: Input Hydronlc or Combined Hydronic data under Water Heating Systems, except Design Heating Load. Distribution Heating Equipment Minimum Type and Duct or Type (furnace, heat Efficiency Location Piping Thermostat Location / pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPF)(ducts, attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments r`.antral Fumarp 92%AFUE Ducts in Attic 42 Setback Ree HVAC Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Location / heat pump, evap. cooling) (SEER) (attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments Split Air Conditioner 12.0 SEER Ducts in Attic 42 Sethack Rpc HVAr WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Water Heater Water Heater System Name Type Distribution Type Rated 1 # in Input Syst. Btu/hr Tank Cap. (gal) Energy Fact! 1 External or Recovery Standby Tank Insul. Efficiency Loss (%) R -Value Standard Gas 50 gal or Less Small Gas Standard 1— 40,000 50 0.53 n/a 12 1 For small gas storage (rated inputs of less than or equal to 75,000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list energy factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input of greater than 75,000 Btu/hr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input and Recovery Efficiency. REMARKS COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. The undersigned recognize that compliance using duct sealing and TX\Ps requires installer testing and certification and field verification by an approved HERS rater. Designer or Owner (per Business & Professions code) Documentation Author Name: Name: Stephen R. Nieto Title/Firm: Stephen R. Nieto Title/Firm: South West Concepts Address: 78-120 Calle Estado Ste. 206 Address: 78120 Calle Estado, Suite 206 La Quinta, CA 92253. La Quinta, CA 92253 Telephone: 760-564-4707 4 Telephone: 760 564-4707 Lic. #: 52 tp-)-qq- s- (8 It (signature) (date) (signature) V (date) Enforcement Agency Name: Title/Firm: Address: Telephone: IEnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 5970 Job Number. 00112 Paae:4 of 13 Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Addendum) CF -1 R Coronel Enterprises Inc 5/18/2004 Project Title Date Special Features and Modeling Assumptions The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local .—a- ..a . A-4 c thn adn anv of thn inctiFratinn and may raiart a hi ldina or dasian that Otherwise comDlies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. Plan Field The DHW System "Standard Gas 50 gal or Less" Energy Factor = 0.530. An EF below 0.58 requires an R-12 External Blanket. The HVAC System 'Res HVAC' includes credit for a Radiant Barrier installed per Section 8.13 of the Residential Manual. An Air Retarding Wrap must be installed per the manufacturer's specifications that must comply with ASTM E1677-95. HERS Required Verification These features must be confirmed and/or tested by a certified HERS rater under the supervision of a CEC anproved HERS provider. The HERS rater must document the field verification and diagnostic testing of these measures on a forth CF -6R. Plan Field The HVAC System 'Res HVAC' includes Refrigerant Charge and Airflow Credit (or a TXV). A certified HERS rater must provide verification of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. The HVAC System 'Res HVAC' is using reduced duct leakage to comply and must have diagnostic site testing of duct leakage performed by a certified HERS Rater. The results of the diagnostic testing must be reported on a CF -6R Form. Run Initiation Time: 05/18/04 09:18:42 Run Code: 1084897122 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 5970 Job Number. 00112 Page:5 of 13 Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential (Page 1 of 2) MF -1 R NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (7 may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether thev are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. DESCRIPTION Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes or enter NIA if not applicable. DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Building Envelope Measures ❑ "§150(a): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation. §150(b): Loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R -Value. '§ 150(c): Minimum R-13 wall insulation in wood framed walls or equivalent U -value in metal frame walls (does not apply to exterior mass walls). 0'11150(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation in framed floors or equivalent §150(1): Slab edge insulation -water absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no ® greater than 2.0 perm/inch. a§118: Insulation specified or installed meets insulation quality standards. Indicate type and form. ®11116-17: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors and Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls 1. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. 2. Fenestration products (except field fabricated) have label with certified U -Factor, certified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration certification. 3. Exterior doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. §150(g): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. ❑X §150(f): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with Section 151 meets Commission quality standards. ❑ §150(e): Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Logs. 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures §110-13: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Commission. © §150(h): Heating and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA. §150(1): Setback thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems. ❑X §1500): Pipe and Tank Insulation 1. Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor less than 0.58 must be externally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance of R-12 or greater. 2. First 5 feet of pipes closest to water heater tank, non -recirculating systems, insulated (RA or greater) 3. Back-up tanks for solar system, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks have R-12 external insulation or R-16 combined internal/external insulation. 4. All buried or exposed piping insulated in recirculating sections of hot water systems. 5. Cooling system piping below 55 degrees F. insulated. 6. Piping insulating between heating source and indirect hot water tank. EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 5970 Job Number. 00112 Page:6 of 13 -Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential (Page 2 of 2) MF -1 R NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (") may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. DESCRIPTION Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes or enter NIA if not applicable. DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: (continued) FX—] 4150(m): Ducts and Fans 1. All ducts and plenums installed, sealed and insulated to meet the requirements of the 1998 CMC Sections 601, 603, 604 and Standard 6-3; duds insulated to a minimum installed level of R-4.2 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape, aerosol sealant, or other dud -closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL181, UL181A, or UL181B. If mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used. Building cavities shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Joints and seams of dud systems and their components shag not be sealed with doth back rubber adhesive dud tapes unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and drawbands. 2. Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contain duds. Duds installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross sectional area of the duds. 3. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with doth back rubber adhesive dud tapes unless such a tape is used in combination with mastic and drawbands. 4. Exhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampers. 5. Gravity ventilation systems serving conditioned space have eitherautomatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers. 6. Protection of Insulation. Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind but not limited to the following: Insulation exposed to weather shall be suitable for outdoor service e.g., protected by aluminum, sheet metal, painted canvas, or plastic cover. Cellular foam insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material. ❑ § 114: Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment 1. Certified with 78% thermal efficiency, on-off switch, weatherproof operating instructions, no electric resistance heating, and no pilot. 2. System is installed with at least 36" of pipe between filter and heater for future solar, cover for outdoor pools or spas. a. At least 36" of pipe between filter and heater for future solar heating. b. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulation pump time switch. ❑ §115: Gas fired central furnaces, pool heaters, spa heaters or household cooking appliances have no continuously burning pilot light. (Exception: Non -electrical cooking appliances with pilot < 150 Btu/hr) ❑ §118 (f): Cool Roof material meet specified criteria Lighting Measures IX -J 11150(k)1: Luminaires for general lighting in kitchens shall have lamps with an efficacy 40 lumens/watt or greater for general lighting in kitchens. This general lighting shall be controlled by a switch on a readily accessible lighting control panel at an entrance to the kitchen. FRI§150(k)2: Rooms with a shower or bathtub must have either at least one luminaire with lamps with an efficacy of 40 lumens/watt or greater switched at the entrance to the room or one of the aftemative to this requirement allowed in Section 150(k)2.; and recessed ceiling fixtures are IC (insulation cover) approved. 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 5970 Job Number. 00112 Page:7 of 13 Computer Method Summary (Part 1 of 3) C -2R Coronel Enterprises Inc. 5/18/2004 Project Title Date Acapulco Santa Fe -All Orientations La Quinta Project Address Building Permit # South West Concepts _ (760) 564-4707 Plan Check/Date Documentation Author Telephone COm uter Performance 15 _ Field Check/Date - Compliance Method (Package or Computer) Cimate Zone Source Energy Standard Use (kBtu/sf-yr) Design Space Heating 0.89 Facing North Margin Facing East Margin Wall_ 276 0.059 _a gn Facing South Margin I-1 Facing West Margin 0.37 0.52 0.33 0.56 0.69 0.19 1.11 -0.22 Space Cooling 33.66 34.07 -0.4 31.90 1.76 .R=13_Wall_W=2,S, lot Fl 26.30 7.37 34.07 -0.41 Domestic Hot Water 15.53 15.37 0.15 0.15 .R_1.3_Wall_w/JLERS - 1st FloocZone 15_37 0.15 ❑ 15.37 0.15 _1.5.37 47.97 2.11 42.78 7.30 49.82 0.26 Totals 50.08 49.77 _ 0.31 This C-211 describes the front facing North occurrence of a four cardinal orientation analysis. Features are identical in all orientations. Total Conditioned Floor Area: 1,533 ft Building Type: Single Fam Detached Floor Construction Type: ❑ Raised Floor [I Slab Floor Building Front Orientation: All Four Orientations Total Fenestration Area: 15.7% Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Total Conditioned Volume: 15,330 ft 3 Number of Stories: 1 Total Conditioned Slab Area: 1,533 ft BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Zone Name .Res_HVAC _ _ # of Thermostat Vent Floor Area Volume Units _ Zone Type Type Hgt. Area 1.,533 15 330 1.00- Conditioned- -Setback- _-2 n/a OPAQUE SURFACES Solar Act. Gains Type Area U -Val. Azm. Tilt Y / N Form 3 Reference Location I Comments Rnnf 1„533 0.028 0 -22 R738_Roof_(R.3R 2x14 1r 1stFloorinnP Wall_ 276 0.059 _a gn I-1 R-13 ZI-11 M/1° EPS 1St Finnr 7n _ Door 20 -0.387 0_ 9t) ❑ Solid Woad nonr 1stEloocZone Wall 418 0-059 go 90 ❑ .R=13_Wall_W=2,S, lot Fl Wall - 142 -0-059- ___t$Q 90 332 0 059 270 ElR-13 Wall w/1" FPS 1st.Floorlone _wwi_ AQ - E .R_1.3_Wall_w/JLERS - 1st FloocZone ❑ ❑ °❑°❑ F-1 - - - -- --- u Run Initiation Time: /1 / 4 :1 :42 Run Code: 1084897122 31 By EnergySoft User Number. 5970 00112 Page:8 of 13 Computer Method Summary (Part 2 of 3) C -2R Coronel Enterprises Inc. _ 5/18/2004 Project Title Date FENESTRATION SURFACES U- Act. Glazing Type Location/ # Type Factor SHGC Azm. Tilt Comments 1 --Area Window Front(Nodh) 40.0 0.55.0_ x.53. __ 0 90 Double NonMtl Tinted Default_ -sLEloor_Zone 2 _ Window Front (North) 12.0 0.570 0.55 0 90 Double NonMtl Tinted Default 1st Floor Zone 3 Window Left 16.0 0.870 0.70 90 90 Double Metal Clear Default _ 1s1 Floor Zone 4 _ ___(East1 Window Left (East) 12.0 0.870 0.70 90 90 Double Metal Clear Default 1st Floor Zone 5 Window Left (East)_ 4.0 0.720 _ 0.73 90 _ 90 Double Metal Clear Default 1st Floor Zone 6 Window Left (East 4.0 0.870 0.70 90 90 Double Metal Clear Defaul 1st Floor Zone 1 Window Rear (South) 9.00.7211 0.73 _180 90 [Zouble Metal Clear Default-_ Jst Floor Zone _ 8 Window Rear (South) 40.0 0.850 0.70 180 90 Double Metal Clear Default 1st Floor Zone indow Rear (South) 12.0_ 0 720 _070 -180 90 D9 e Metal Clear Default j-qEoor Zone 1.0. Window Rear (South) 40.0 0.850 --0.1-0- 180 9.0. Qouble Met;tl Clear_D"f im -ASLFloor Z9ne 11 Window Rear (South) 12.0 0.720 0_73 180 90 Double Metal Clear Default 1st Floor Zone 12 Window Rear (South) 16.0 0.870 0.70 180 ___90 Double Metal Clear Default 1st Floor Zone 1. Window Right_(West). 4.0 0.570 -0..55_ __270L 90 DQub.le_NonMll Tinted Default_._ 1st Flooflnne 14 Window Right (West). 4.0 0.600 0.53 270 90 Double NonMtl Tinted Default 1st Floor Zone _ 15 Window Right (West) 16.0 0.600 0.53 270 90 Double NonMtl Tinted Default 1st Floor Zone INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SHADING Window Overhang Left Fin Right Fin # Exterior Shade Type SHGC Hgt. Wd. Len. Hgt. LEA REA Dist. Len. Hgt. Dist. Len. Hgt:- 1 Woven Sunscreen 0.30 6.6 6.0 _0.0 0.0 0.0 2 Woven Sunscreen 0.30 2.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 Woven Sunscreen 0.30 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 Woven Sunscreen 0.30 3.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 Woven Sunscreen y 0.30 1.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6 Woven Sunscreen 0.30 _2.0 _2.0 __010 0:0 0:0 --Q-Q 7 Bug Screen 0.76 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8 Bug Screen 0.76 6.6 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9 Bug Screen 0.76 2.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10 Bug Screen 0.76 6.8 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 _ 11 Bug Screen 0.76 2.0 6.0 0.0 OA OA 0.0 12 Bug Screen 0.76 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 _ 13 Woven Sunscreen 0.30 1.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14 Woven Sunscreen 0.30 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 T5 Woven Sunscreen 0.30 4.0 4.0 _ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.1 8v EnerpvSoft User Number. 5970 Job Number: 00112 9of13 Computer Method Summary (Part 3 of 3) C -2R Coronel Enterprises Inc 5/18/2004 Project Title Date THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS DESIGN Area Thick. Heat Inside Location Type (sf) (in.) Cap. Cond_ Form 3 Reference R -Val. Comments Fme WaLI Stucco _ _276. AM _21 ..0.4Z R--13-Wall-W/J" FPS _2 SsiEloor_Zone1F)de.noLMass PERIMETER LOSSES F2 Insulation Type Length Factor R -Val. Depth Location / Comments HVAC SYSTEMS Heating Equipment Minimum Distribution Type Type (furnace, heat Efficiencyy and Location Duct Thermostat Location / pump, etc.) (AFUE/HSPF)(ducts/attic, etc.) R -Value Type Comments Central Furnace 92% AFL1F-- Ducts in Attic —A2— ----S jback Res HVAQ Hydronic Piping Pipe Pipe Insul. System Name Length Diameter Thick. Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct Type (air conditioner, Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Location / heat pump, evap. cooling) (SEER) (attic, etc,) R -Value Type Comments unlit Air Conditioner 12.0 SEER uc sin Attic —A. 2_ Setback Res HVAC WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Rated' Tank Energy Fact' 1 Tank Insul. Water Heater Water Heater Distribution # in Input Cap. or Recovery Standby R -Value System Name Type Type Syst. (Btu/hr) (gal) Efficiency Loss (%) Ext. Standard Gas 50 gal or Less_ Sr r e1L Gam _Sj.andard 1 40.000 50 0.53 n/a __ 12 1 For small gas storage (rated input <= 75000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list energy factor. For large gas storage water heaters (rated input > 75000 Btu/hr), list Rated Input, Recovery Efficiency and Standby Loss. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Rated Input, and Recovery Efficiency. EnemvPro 3.1 By EnerovSoft User Number. 5970 Job Number. 00112 Pane:10 of 13 1 Computer Method Summary r "' (Addendum) C -2R Coronel Enterprises Inc 5/18/2004 Project Title Date Special Features and Modeling Assumptions The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local ..• .. l...;iA;- . — A—; . Ih * nfhan is cmmnlipA f.111VF4alllalll Oval BUY Yala/III 11— a„a aYvm—y — "—J— based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. Plan Field The DHW System "Standard Gas 50 gal or Less" Energy Factor = 0.530. An EF below 0.58 requires an R-12 External Blanket. The HVAC System 'Res HVAC" includes credit for a Radiant Barrier installed per Section 8.13 of the Residential Manual. An Air Retarding Wrap must be installed per the manufacturers specifications that must comply with ASTM E1677-95. HERS Required Verification These features must be confirmed and/or tested by a certified HERS rater under the supervision of a CEC approved HERS provider. The HERS rater must document the field verification and diagnostic testing of these measures on a form CF -6R. Plan I Field The HVAC System "Res HVAC" includes Refrigerant Charge and Airflow Credit (or a TXV). A certified HERS rater must provide verification of the TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Airflow. The HVAC System "Res HVAC" is using reduced duct leakage to comply and must have diagnostic site testing of duct leakage performed by a certified HERS Rater. The results of the diagnostic testing must be reported on a CF -6R Form. EnerovPro 3.1 By EnemySoft User Number. 5970 Job Number. 00112 Page:11 of 13 1 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Coronel Enterprises Inc. 5/18/2004 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA Res HVAC 1,533 CH Number of Systems 28,274 Heating System Output per System 37,000 Total Output (Btuh) 37,000 Output (Btuh/sgft) 24.1 Cooling System Output per System 23,200 Total Output (Btuh) 23,200' Total Output (Tons) 1.9 Total Output (Btuh/sgft) 15.1 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 792.9 Air System CFM per System 895 Airflow (cfm) 895 Airflow (cfm/sgft) 0.58 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 462.9 Outside Air (%) 0.0 Outside Air (cfm/sgft) 0.00 Note: values above given at ARI conditions 26.0 OF 1 Outside 0 cfm 69.0 of 15.0 / 73.5 of outer--- 1 side Air 0 drn 79.5/62.4 of 3.1 Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD CFM I Sensible) Latent I I CFM I Sensible 1,155 28,274 d55 514 19,14 0 1,414 957 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,414 957 31,14581 21,055 BDP CO. 563AN024-A 18,479 975 37,000 Total Adjusted System Output I 18,479 975 37,000 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 2 pm Jan 12 am PSYCHROMETRICS (Airstream Tel 69.0 of 69.0 of ng 105.0 of Supply Fan Heating Coil 895 cfm �% Return Air Ducts 'I 79.5 / 62.4 of 79.5 / 62.4 of rM 55.0 / 53.5 of Supply Fan Cooling Coil 895 cfm User Number. 5970 Return Air Ducts Job Number. 00112 Supply Air Ducts 104.0 of ROOMS 70.0 of I Supply Air Ducts 56.5/54.1OF 40.00/6 R.H. OMS 78.0 / 61.9 of 2of13 OOM LOAD SUMMARY M ATC PROJECT NAME Coronet Enterprises Inc. SYSTEM NAME Res HVAC 5/18/2004 FLOOR AREA 1,533 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME 1st Floor Zone ROOM NAME 1 st Floor Mult. 1 CFM 1,155 SENSIBLE 28,274 LATENT -455 CFM 1,155 SENSIBLE 28,274 LATENT X55 CFM 514 SENSIBLE 19,141 PAGE TOTAL 1 1,155 28,274 -455 514 19,141 TOTAL 1 1,155 28,274 -455 514 19,141 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 5970 Job Number. 00112 Page:13 of 13 MMRT-ti%--101-005-`_;LoT-,eD-L-.P - TRU'-S---` i fes. :/lo. A Company You Can Truss. _ QTY OF ( UINTA C . DEPT. BUILDING & SAF D AP ONR ucTloN FOR c 75-110 OST. CHARLES PLACE DATE SUITE IIA JOB No.: PALM DESERT, CA 92260 PHONE: 760-34.1-2232 FAX: 760-341-2293 NAME '048 LI. : PROJECT: ACAP u-oIAn FF MANUFACTURING YARD: 55755 TYLER STREET, THERMAL, CA. 92274 FAX 760-399-9786' Ck., NIA --- Quality Systerns Management, Inc, 3 NatL(9nad Tesiingeyy, Inc.. Jn i>usion Dare: 01-20t Accr-edited Quality Assut•ance / Control Acyncy 1AS A-4-583 Afetal Plate Connected 4 bod Truss Non .fisted fc7b •icator's Auclit Revision No. AF i eport Nurn ber: Il -12 3 3 --- — — - --- f Audit Date/Arrive/Depart:---- Fabricators Name: T/9 ._ ;cl)G1Q _ Location: Does the Fabricator have a current Agreement with the Agency for Audit?.................... Is the Quality System Manual, "QSM" up to date per AC -10 & AC -98? .....................___..-......__. Has the QSM been reviewed within a twelve month period?........................................................ Are materials used in Production per National Standards-& Engineers Specifications?_-.....-_.. Is an acceptable ln-H[ouse Quality Control System according to National Standards in. place?.. Are In -House Quality Control Inspections being conducted per National Standards?'__. ............... Is Final Inspection of the Trusses completed prior to Labeling & Shipment? ............................... Is there a System in, place to deal with Non -Conforming Materials? ........................ ................... Are written Q.C. Inspection Reports and Agency Audits kept for -at least two years?-_.. .............. Yes No —_ Yes I_ No Yes _— No Yeses No_ Yes _{ / No Yes t- No Yes P--- No Yes _ _— No Yes -L_ No Have any Corrective: Action. Requests, "CAR", been issued during .this Audit? ............................ Yes No P/-oduct Check CATEGORY CONFORMING NON -CONFORM. I REMARKS Lumber Grade - Joint Accuracy is within 1H' I Plate Placement i ANSI / TPI 2002 Plate Size JICC ES Plate to Wood Tolerance is within 1132" F I Label Legibility - Labels on Site - Stampsq Labels nn , CATEGORY YES NO REMARKS Changes In Supervisory Personnel, Production Process Per AC -98 Any Test Performed or WAI messed - // Per AC -98 Is There Product TractabiUrty f ( Pet- AC -98 Any "CAR" Reports Fronn Last Audit Per AC=98 Any Shut Dovens or Dismptions In Production Per AC -98 Any Samples Taken Per AC -98 Any Test / Measuring Equipment That Requires Calibration Per AC -98 Does the Final Product meet UBC / IBC and National Standards? Required Signatures abricator Q.C. Supervisor Auditor for Naiional Inspection Association V - - P.O. Box 3426 _ E -Mail: NIAgillette@vcn.com Gillette, Wyoming 82717-3426 Cellular Phone: (307) 689-5977 Page One of Two (307) 685-6331 Offiic (307) 685-6331 Fa 12=6 _ 21-4 8-0 E 25-10 Phone (760) 341-2232 A C A P D L C O QaDFax # (760) 341-2293 p B T RU S S W O RK S A Company You Can Truss! LQ 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A Palm Desert, CA. 92211 S AN TA FIFE SALES REP SB DUE DATE : DSGNR/CHKR SB / SB TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 10.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 10.00 psf Total 40.00 psf APR 0 5 2004 WO# B4714 , Date 4/5/2004 13:42 DurFac-Lbr 1.25 DurFac-Plt 1.25 O.C. Spacing 24.0 Design Spec UBC -97 #Tr/#Cfg : 44 / 16 Job Name: BREEZE ADOBE Truss ID: A01 Qtv: 1 Drwa: TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPF1650F-1.SE GSL ELK .2x4 HF . STUD Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals designed for axial loads only Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. C+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. Diagonals may be omitted if adequate bracing designed by others, is provided to prevent racking of the truss under lateral loads. Truss without diagonal web members or adequate sheathing applied to the truss face is designed to support only vertical load as noted. 2 3 4 5 0 This truss is designed using the UBC -97 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.27 ft, mph 80 UBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 17.0 psf ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0- 0- 0 6 0- 0- 0 2 1- 4- 0 7 1- 4- 0 3 2- 8- 0 8 2- 8- 0 4 4- 0- 0 9 4- 0- 0 5 5- 8- 0 10 5- 8- 0 36 3-6 4-0-0 4-M ZE HIP 2-8-9 2-9-15 sED D. LL 0 R lei 101 lei- t M No. C11991 10/31/2005 2.4 2-4 ExP DATE P l lFOF CAS - 5-6-0 PR 0 5 200 34 -4 _ TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 STUB 6 7 6 9 10 4/ 5/2004 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 13132" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: 84714 ® T R U S S W O R KS This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Chk' SB Dsgnr: SB A Company You Can Trussl 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A Palm Desert, CA. 92211 Phone 760 341-2232 ( ) Fax # (760) 341-2293 utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the followingstandards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail R g sports available output from G AND software', 'nNsvrPl 1•,'wTCA I' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 10.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 10.00 psf TOTAL 40.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec UBC -97 Seqn T6.4.12 - 50797 Job Name: BREEZE ADOBE' Truss ID: A02 Qtv: 1 Drwq: I G R -LOC REACT- SIZE REO'D 1 34- 5-12 227. 3.50• - 1.50• 2 39-10- 4 227 3.50• 1.50• G REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE ARL BND CSI 1-2 -3 0.00 0.36 0.36 BC FORCE ARL END CSI 3-4 0 0.00 0.17 0.17 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-3 -170 0.06 2-4 -169 0.06 1-4 0 0.00 TC 2x4 'SPF 165OF-1.5E BC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.58 WEB 2x4 HF STUD Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals designed for axial loads only Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -39 lb Support 2 -39 lb This truss is designed using the UBC -97 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.27 ft, mph = 80 UBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 17.0 psf 5- 0 5-8-0 5-8-0 2 ---== Joint Locations = - 1 0- 0- 0 3 0- 0 0 2 5- 8- 0 4 5- 8- 0 ARCy/T t 4-" 4-" C Q y 2-8-9 2-g-15 U { o. C119gI 1Q/31l2005 f .4 3-4 F APR 0 5 2004 5-8-0 34-4-0 TYPICAL PLATE: 3-6 STUB 3 5-8-0 4 4/5/2004 5-8-0 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 13132" = 1' all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: 84714 ®WAPNINGRead This design is for an individual building component not tntss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr• SB are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company YCTl p Youanrussnoted. is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 10.00 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any psf 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss to accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSIrrPI 1','WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES'- (FEB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 50798 Job Name: BREEZE ADOBE - ' Truss ID: A03 Qty: 1 Drwg: RG X -LOC- REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 22- 7-12' 700 3.50• 1.50• 2 39-10- 4 700 3.50• 1.50• RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY n the trues material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL END CSI 1-2 3 0.00 0.27 0.27 2-3 -1313 0.01 0.43 0.44 3-4 -5 0.00 0.43 0.43 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 5-6 954 0.09 0.41 0.50 6-7 1271 0.13 0.41 0.54 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -89 0.03 3-6 134 0.06 2-5 -1092 0.51 3-7 -1358 0.70 2-6 386 0.13 4-7 -159 0.06 TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE BC 2x4 SPF' 1650P-1.58 WEB 2x4 HF STUD GBL BLE 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supporta 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This trues requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. ®web bracing required at each location shown. See standard details (TX01087001-001). Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the'bldg. UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -84 lb Support 2 -84 lb This truss is designed using the UBC -97 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Trues Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.27 ft, mph = 80 UBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 17.0 psf 6- TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 4-M 2-5,0 4-2-0 4-2-0 2 6-8-0 10-10-0 02_ 3 6-8.0 17-6-0 4 22-6 STUB 5 9-" 9-6-0 6 7 88-0 17.6-0 4-" 5 SHIP =_=== Joint Locations ====o 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 4- 2- 0 6 0 3 10-10- 0 1 17- 6- 0 4 17- 6- 0 0 Na C11991 10/31/2005 Ex OF APR05 200$,x. 4/5/2004 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9132" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: 84714 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr' SB are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design mea or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company YCTrussl p youan is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 10.00 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any psf 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSI/TPI F,'WTCA I'- Wood Thus Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 50799 Job Name: BREEZE ADOBE Truss ID: A04 Qty: 6 Drw : RG X -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP. 1650P -1.5E - Web bracing required at each location shown. UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 22- 7-12 700 3.50• 1.50^ BC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.58 ® See standard details (T%01087001-001). Support 1 -84 lb 2 39-10- 4 700 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 Support 2 -84 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF This truss is designed using the n the truss material at each bearing. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. UBC -97 Code. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AXL END CSI - Extensions above or below the truss profile Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 3 0.00 0.27 0.27 (if any) require additional consideration Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C 2-3 -1313 0.01 0.43 0.44 (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft 3-4 -5 0.00 0.43 0.43 Mean roof height = 16.27 ft, mph = SO UBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 17.0 psf BC FORCE AXL HND CSI 5-6 954 0.09 0.41 0.50 6-7 1271 0.13 0.41 0.54 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -89 0.03 3-6 134 0.06 2-5 -1092 0.51 3-7 -1358 0.70 2-6 386 0.13 4-7 -159 0.06 44-2-0 4-2-0 2 6-8_0 10-10-0 025 3 6-8-0 17-6-0 4 22-6-0 STUB 5 9-6-0 9-6-0 6 7 8-" 17.6-0 4-M 5 SHIP MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 IN MEM 5-6 (LIVE) L= -0.13" D= -0.13" T= -0 ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 4- 2- 0 6 9- 6- 0 3 10-10- 0 7 17- 6- 0 4 17- 6- 0 103 No. C11991 0131112005 ptP DAX 2 v PRp52a0 A 4/5/2004 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9/32" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. w0: B4714 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr• SB TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 10.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 T R U S S W O R KS A Company YCT! p youanruss utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A Palm DesertCA. 92211 Phone (760) 341-2232 environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSI/TPI 1.,'WTCA I'. Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES'- (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 10.00 psf P O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec UBC -97 9 P Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 11 I 1 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 50800 Job Name: BREEZE ADOBE Truss ID: A05 Qty: 1 Drwg: IRG R -LOC REACT SIZE' REQ'D 1 0- 1-12 1480 3.50• 2.12• 2 39-10- 4 1480 3.50• 2.12• RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY n the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE ARL END CSI 1-2 4 0.00 0.29 0.29 2-3 -4891 0.34 0.50 0.84 3-4 -6817 0.43 0.24 0.68 4-5 -6285 0.43 0.36 0.79 5-6 -3966 0.13 0.39 0.52 6-7 -5 0.00 0.39 0.39 BC FORCE ARL END CSI 8-9 4024 0.60 0.15 0.75 9-10 6627 0.64 0.11 0.75 0-11 6893 0.67 0.12 0.79 1-12 5769 0.86 0.11 0.97 2-13 3361 0.50 0.14 0.64 WES FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-8 -142 0.05 4-11 -694 0.33 2-8 -4225 1.00 5-11 669 0.23 2-9 1135 0.39 5-12 -1971 0.66 3-9 -1850 0.65 6-12 1087 0.38 3-10 237 0.08 6-13 -3591 0.94 4-10 -93 0.04 7-13 -163 0.06 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 TC 2x4 SPF 2100F-1.81 Web bracing required at each location shown. 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE 5-7 ® See standard details (TB01087001-001). BC - 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.58 Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 2x4 SPP 210017-1.813 9-10, -10-11 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF WEB 2x4 HP STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. GBL SLR 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load Extensions above or below the truss profile at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. (if any) require additional consideration Additional design considerations may be (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. required if sheathing is attached. 75-110 St. Charles pl. Ste -11 A s [a] indicates the requirement for lateral BC Live 0.00 psf bracing (designed by others) perpendicular Palm Desert, CA. 9pl. to'the plane of the member at 63"intervals. BC Dead 7.00 psf Bracing is a result of wind load applied Phone (760) 341-2232 to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as Fax # (760) 341-2293 designed by others, applied to the truss TOTAL 37.00 psf face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -191 lb Support 2 -191 lb This truss is designed using the UBC -97 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.27 ft, mph = 80 USC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 14.2 psf 6-06-01 7-6-3 6-5-0 6-8-1 6-7-15 6-8-0 6-0-13 13-7-0 20-0-0 26-8-1 33-4-0 40-0-0 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/513 IN MEM 10-11 (LIVE) L= -0.93" D= -0.79" T= -1 ==.== == Joint Locations ===== 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 2 6- 0-13 9 8- 0- 0 3 13- 7- 0 10 16- 0- 0 4 20- 0- 0 11 24- 0- 0 5 26- 8- 1 12 32- 0- 0 633- 4- 0 13 40- 0- 0 7 40- 0- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 025 6-6 3-4 6-6 4-10 3 T T T 3 4-12 e 412'0 0 2'9-15 4-0-0SHIP . RED ARC il 1I MX/5-16 MX/5-16 MX/5-16 3-8 l D. Gqq( 3-12 3'10 Q r Q` `9 * N0.011991 0 >¢ 10MM05 40-0-0 EXP to) Alt a -mss 10 X11 X12 -138-0_0 9 OF CAL F Q \ 8-0-0 8-0-0 8-0-0 8-0-0 8-" 16-" 24-" 32-" 40-" APR 052004 4/5/2004 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/8" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: 84714 ® This design is for an individual building component not [ruts system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr' SB are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Brazing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 10.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. Ste -11 A s environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software, BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 9pl. 'ANSI/TPI 1','WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at I I I 119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 37.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 50801 Job Name: BREEZE ADOBE WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. Truss -ID: A06 Qty: 12 Drw : RGR-LOC REACT SIZE REO'D TC 2x4 SPP 210OF-1.88 Web bracing required at each location shown. UPLIFT REACTION S) 1 0- 1-12 1480 3.50• 2.12• . 2x4 SPF' 165OF-1.58 5-7 ® See standard details (TX01087001-001). Support 1 -191 lb 2 39-10-4 1480 3.50• 2.12• BC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.513 Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 Support 2 -191 lb RG REQUIREMENTS Showa are based ONLY 2x4 SPF 2100F-1.BE 9-30, 10-11 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF This truss is designed using the n the trues material at each bearing WEB 2x4 HP STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. UBC -97 Code. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Bldg Enclosed Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. 5 26- 8- 0 12 32- 0- 0 Seqn T6.4.12 - 50802 6-0-13 End verticals designed for axial loads only. Truss Location = End Zone TC FORCE AXL END CSI 6 33- 4- 0 13 40- 0- 0 Extensions above or below the truss profile Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C 1-2 4 0.00 0.29 0.29 40-M 7 40- 0 - 0 (if any) require additional consideration Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft 2-3 -4891 0.34 0.50 0.84 6 7 (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. Mean roof height = 16.27 ft, mph = 80 3-4 -6817 0.43 0.24 0.68 02_ UBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 14.2 psf 4-5 -6285 0.43 0.36 0.79 6 6 3-4 6.6 4-10 3 T 5-6 -3966 0.13 0.39 0.52 4-0�2-0-0 4_,2 6-7 -5 0.00 0.39 0.39 2-i5 41 SHIP °• BC FORCE AXL END CSI 8-9 4025 0.60 0.15 0.75 9-10 6627 0.64 0.11 0.75 0-11 6893 0.67 0.12 0.79 1-12 5770 0.86 0.11 0.97 2-13 3362 0.50 0.14 0.64 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-8 -142 0.05 4-11 -694 0.33 2-8 -4225 1.00 5-11 669 0.23 2-9 1135 0.39 5-12 -1972 0.67 3-9 -1850 0.65 6-12 1087 0.38 3-10 237 0.08 6-13 -3591 0.94 4-10 -93 0.04 7-13 -163 0.06 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/513 IN MEM 10-11 (LIVE) L= -0.93" D= -0.79" T= -1 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/8" =,' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: 84714 ® ===== Joint Locations ===== Chk: SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TP1 and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr• SB 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can TrUSSI 2 6- 0-13 9 8- 0- 0 TC Dead 10.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 noted. Brazing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed any 3 13- 7- 0 10 16- 0- 0 environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint from Truswal BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 e this ss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output software, and brace tru 'ANSIlfPI 1','WTCA P- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 7.00 psf 4 20- 0- 0 11 24- 0- 0 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. 5 26- 8- 0 12 32- 0- 0 Seqn T6.4.12 - 50802 6-0-13 7-6-3 6.5-0 6-8-0 6-8-0 6-8-0 6 33- 4- 0 13 40- 0- 0 6-0-13 13-7-0 20-" 26-8-0 33-4-0 40-M 7 40- 0 - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 02_ T3 6 6 3-4 6.6 4-10 3 T �aEo �c 4-0�2-0-0 4_,2 2-i5 41 SHIP °• Q�s MX/5-16 MX/5-16 MX/5-16 3-8 SQ 0 3-12 3-10 10.0991 10!31/2005 Exp DATE 40-0-0 OFC 8 9 10 11 12 13 8-" 8-" 8-" 8-0-0 8-0-0 8-0-0 16-0-0 24-0-0 32-" 40-0-0 APP 0 5 200 / 5/2004 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/8" =,' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: 84714 ® This design is for an individual building component not thus system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TP1 and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr• SB are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can TrUSSI is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise in TC Dead 10.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 noted. Brazing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed any 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint from Truswal BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 e this ss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output software, and brace tru 'ANSIlfPI 1','WTCA P- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 37.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 50802 2" Job Name: BREEZE ADOBE Truss ID: A07 Qtv: 1 Drwq: I RGR-LOC REACT SIZE REQ 1 0- 1-12 1980 3.50 2.12• 2 39-10- 4 1480 3.50• 2.12• RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY n the trues material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 4 0.00 0.29 0.29 2-3 -4891 0.34 0.50 0.84 3-4 -6817 0.43 0.24 0.68 4-5 -6285 0.43 0.36 0.79 5-6 -3966 0.13 0.39 0.52 6-7 -5 0.00 0.39 0.39 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 8-9 4024 0.60 0.15 0.75 9-10 6627 0.64 0.11 0.75 0-11 6893 0.67 0.12 0.79 1-12 5770 0.86 0.11 0.97 2-13 3362 0.50 0.14 0.64 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-8 -142 0.05 4-11 -694 0.33 2-8 -4225 1.00 5-11 669 0.23 2-9 1135 0.39 5-12 -1972 0.67 3-9 -1850 0.65 6-12 1087 0.38 3-10 237 0.08 6-13 -3591 0.94 4-10 -93 0.04 7-13 -163 0.06 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 TC2x4 SPF. 2100F -1.8E Web bracing -required at each location shown 2x4 SPF .1650F -1.5E 5-7 ® See standard details (TX01087001-001). BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 - 2x4 SPF 210OF-1.SE 9-10, 10-11 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF WEB 2x4 HP STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. GBL ELK 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607 Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. End verticals designed for axial loads only Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load Extensions above or below the truss profile at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. (if any) require additional consideration Additional design considerations may be (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. required if sheathing is attached. f+) indicates the requirement for lateral psf bracing (designed by others) perpendicular 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. BC Live 0.00 psf Bracing is a result of wind load applied Palm Desert, CA. 92211 to member.(Combination axial plus bending). BC Dead 7.00 psf This truss requires adequate sheathing, as Phone (760) 341-2232 designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in Fax # (760) 341-2293 the truss plane and creating shear wall TOTAL 37.00 psf action to resist diaphragm loads. 6-0-13 7-6-3_i 6-5-0 6-0-13 13-7-0 20-" 1 2 3 4 025 6-8-0 6-8-0 6-8-0 26-8-0 33-4-0 40-" 5 6 7 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -191 lb Support 2 -191 lb This truss is designed using the UBC -97 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.27 ft, mph - 80 UBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 14.2 psf 3-12 40-" 8 9 10 11 8-0=0 8-0-0 8-0-0 8-0-0 8-" 16-0-0 24-0-0 32-0-0 3-10 12 13 B -M 40-" T 4-0-0 SHIP MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/513 IN MEM 10-11 (LIVE) L= -0.93" D= -0.79" T= -1 7-Joint Locations =---= 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 2 6- 0-13 9 8- 0- 0 3 13- 7- 0 10 16- 0- 0 4 20- 0- 0 11 24- 0- 0 5 26- 8- 0 12 32- 0- 0 '33- 4- 0 13 40- 0- 0 7 40- 0- 0 9 * v No. C11991 d 10/31/2005 C 1 EXP DAT APR 0 5 200 4/5/2004 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/8'• = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: ,EJ. WO: 84714 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: SB are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S W O R KS utiliud on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company YCTrussl p youan is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 10.00 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any psf 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Trumal software', ANSIrrPI 1','WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 37.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 50803 lJob Name: BREEZE ADOBE Truss ID: A08 Qtv: 3 Drwci: I GX-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 1-12 767 3.50 . 1.50• 2 21- 1-12 1833 3.50• 2.62• 3 39-10- 4 662 3.50• 1.50• G REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the truce material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 6 0.00 0.66 0.66 2-3 -931 0.01 0.66 0.67 3-4 1095 0.16 0.38 0.54 4-5 1107 0.16 0.37 0.53 5-6 -1094 0.01 0.65 0.66 6-7 -6 0.00 0.65 0.65 BC FORCE AXL ago CSI 8-9 979 0.09 0.45 0.53 9-10 535 0.04 0.45 0.48 0-11 -12 0.00 0.11 0.11 1-12 44 0.01 0.09 0.10 2-13 175 0.00 0.51 0.51 3-14 1250 0.12 0.51 0.63 JWEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-4 -153 0.11 10-12 582 0.20 1-8 -190 0.14 5-12 -1405 0.48 2-8 -1093 0.41 5-13 1041 0.36 2-9 153 0.07 6-13 -242 0.07 3-9 555 0.19 6-14 -1307 0.44 3-10 -153 0.06 7-14 -189 0.07 3-12 -1573 0.90 TC 2x4 , SPF 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E 2x4 HF STUD 11-4 WEB 2x4 HP STUD 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.59 8-2, 6-14 Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BCLL. Install interior support(s) before erection. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. T 60 -OT 141 ®Web bracing required at each location shown See standard details (TB01087001-001). Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607 Mark all interior bearing locations. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -40 lb Support 2 -101 lb Support 3 -36 lb This truss is designed using the UBC -97 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 17.27 ft, mph = 80 UBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 17.0 psf MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 IN MEM 8-9 (LIVE) L= -0.21" D= -0.21" To -0 _= Joint Locations ===== 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 2 8- 0- 0 9 10- 6- 0 3 16- 0- 0 10 16- 0- 0 m 4 20-10- 4 11 20-10- 4 8-0-0 8-" 4-10-4 ` 8-0-0 8-0-0 5 24- 0- 0 12 20-10- 4 8-0-0 16-0-0 20-10-4 32-" 40-" 6 32- 0- 0 13 29- 6- 0 7 40- 0- 0 14 40- 0- 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 19-M 40-M 8 9 10 112 13 14 10 5-6-0' 4-10-4 g 8-7 10 i 10-6-0 16-" 20-10-4 1 A 29-6-0 40-0-0 4/5/2004 OVER 3 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 118" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: 84714 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DSgnr: SB are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl p y is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 10.00 Rep Mbr Bnd noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any psf 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 p psf O.C.S acro 2- 0- 0 p g Palm Desert, CA. 92211 truss and brace this uss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output firm Truswal software', 'ANSIfrPI 1.,'WTCA I' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onoftio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 50804 Job Name: BREEZE ADOBE Truss ID: A09 Qty: 1 Drwg: GR -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 1-12 767 3.50•1.50• 2 21- 1-12 1833 3.50• 2.62• 3 39-10- 4 662 3.50• 1.50- G REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE ARL END CSI 1-2 6 0.00 0.66 0.66 2-3 -931 0.01 0.66 0.67 3-4 1095 0.16 0.38 0.54 4-5 1107 0.16 0.37 0.53 5-6 -1094 0.01 0.65 0.66 6-7 -6 0.00 0.65 0.65 BC FORCE ARL END CSI 8-9 979 0.09 0.45 0.53 9-10 535 0.04 0.45 0.48 0-11 -12 0.00 0.11 0.11 1-12 44 0.01 0.09 0.10 2-13 175 0.00 0.51 0.51 3-14 1250 0.12 0.51 0.63 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-4 -153 0.11 10-12 582 0.20 1-8 -190 0.14 5-12 -1405 0.48 2-8 -1093 0.41 5-13 1041 0.36 2-9 153 0.07 6-13 -242 0.07 3-9 555 0.19 6-14 -1307 0.44 3-10 -153 0.06 7-14 -189 0.07 3-12 -1573 0.90 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.56 . 2x4 HF STUD 11-4 WEB 2x4 HF STUD 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.SE 8-2, 6-14 GBL BLR 2x4 HF STUD Mark all interior bearing locations. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. T L T4 ®Web bracing required at each location shown. See Standard details (TR01087001-001). Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATS VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Loaded for 10 PSP non -concurrent BOLL. Installinterior support(s) before erection. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. (+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -40 lb Support 2 -101 lb Support 3 -36 lb This truss is designed using the UBC -97 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 17.27 ft, mph - 80 UBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 17.0 psf ---== Joint Locations ===== 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 2 8- 0- 0. 9 10- 6- 0 3 16- 0- 0 10 16- 0- 0 8-M 8-M 4-10-4 8-0-0 8-0-0 4 20-10- 4 11 20-10- 4 - 5 24- 0- 0 12 20-10- 4 8-M 16-M 20-10-4 32-0-0 40-0-0 6 32- 0- 0 13 29- 6- 0 7 40- 0- 0 14 40- 0- 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 025 19-0-0 8 9 10 112 13 14 10_6-0 5-" 4-10-4 g 8-7-12 10-6_0 10-6-0 16-" 20-10-4 29-6-0 40-0-0 ry T 5 6-" SHIP 2-0-0 ,W; s D. No. C11991 10/31/2005 EXP DATE \ 9p OF CA F A l 2004 4/5/2004 OVER 3 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/8" = V all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: 84714 ®WARNINGRead This design is for an individual building component not trues system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: SB are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company YCTruss l p youan is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 10.00 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any psf 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software, 'TCA I' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL 'ANSI/TPI 1., W BC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES'- (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onoftio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 50805 Job Name: BREEZE ADOBE Truss ID: A10 Qty: 1 Drwg: TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE BC '2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E GBL BLR 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. Diagonals may be omitted if adequate bracing designed by others, is provided to prevent racking of the truss under lateral loads. Truss without diagonal web members or adequate sheathing applied to the truss face is designed to support only vertical load as noted. 6-M T 2-6-15 T 2 l[PMI=PLATE MONITOR USED -See Joint Report* Pating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. 3 4 5 6 7 Or 25 2-4 2-4 T 2.6.,4 T 6-M S 4113 This truss is designed using the UBC -97 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg width 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.23 ft, mph = 80 UHC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 17.0 psf ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 2 1- 4- 0 9 1- 4- 0 3 2- 8- 0 10 2- 8- 0 4 4- 0- 0 11 4- 0- 0 5 5- 4- 0 12 5- 4- 0 18- 8- 0 13 6- 8- 0 7 8- 0- 0 14 8- 0- 0 10j3112005 opowe 8_" 27.10.0 4.2-0 APR 05200 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 STUB B 9 10 11 12 13 14 STUB — 415/2004 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9132" = 1' ® T R U S S W O R KS WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord Eng. Job:. EJ. Chk: SB Dsgnr• SB w0: B4714 TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss I is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally brazed by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 10.00 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any psf 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 PalmDesertCA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSI/TPI 1%'WTCA I' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at III 119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 50806 Job Name: BREEZE ADOBE Truss ID: A11 Qty: 6 Drwg: I GA -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 1-12 936 3.50• 1.50• 2 21- 2- 4 550 3.50• 1.50- 3 25- 8- 4 580 3.50• 1.50- 3 REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the trues material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL END CSI 1-2 4 0.00 0.41 0.41 2-3 -2582 0.11 0.43 0.54 3-4 -2208 0.04 0.42 0.46 r4-5 -402 0.00 0.33 0.33 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 6-7 2292 0.34 0.21 0.55 7-8 2670 0.40 0.21 0.61 8-0 1425 0.21 0.56 0.77 8-9 1425 0.21 0.56 0.77 9-10 2 0.00 0.51 0.51 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-6 -138 0.05 4-8 941 0.33 2-6 -2405 0.98 4-9 -1286 0.40 2-7 366 0.13 5-9 500 0.17 3-7 151 0.08 5-10 -442 0.14 3-8 -639 0.17 TC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.SE' - BC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.SE WEB 2x4 HF STUD Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607 Install interior support(s) before erection End verticals designed for axial loads only Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. T 4-0-0-F 2-0-0 11 6-06-0 6-0-13 2 ®Web bracing required at each location shown See standard details (TX01087001-001). Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD,CASES. Mark all interior bearing locations. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. 7-6-3 6-5-0 13-7-0 20-" 3 025 5-10=0 i 25-10-0 4 5 UPLIFT RRACTION(S) : Support 1 -93 lb Support 2 -30 lb Support 3 -86 lb This truss is designed using the USC -97 -Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Trues Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.12 ft, mph = 80 USC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 17.0 psf MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 IN MEM 7-8 (LIVE) L= -0.23" D= -0.23" T= -0 =-== Joint Locations =---- 1 0- 0- 0 6 0- 0- 0 2 6- 0-13 7 8- 0- 0 3 13- 7- 0 8 16- 0- 0 4 20- 0- 0 9 22- 9- 3 5 25-10- 0 10 25-10- 0 6 7 8 9 10 STUB " 3-0-13 APP 0 5 200k 4/5/2004 OVER 3 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 3/16" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy ojit to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: 84714 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr' SB are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Com an You Can Trussl p y is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 10.00 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any psf 75-11 O St. Charles pl. Ste -11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install in following 'Joint Cutting Detail Reports as output from Truswal software', BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss accordance with the standards: and available 'ANSUPPI 1','WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 50807 Job Name: BREEZE ADOBE Truss ID: Al2 Qty: 1 Drwg: TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.56 BC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.56 GBL BLR 2x4 HF STUD Mark all interior bearing locations. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals designed for axial loads only Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. 4-" 2-5-4 Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Install interior support(s) before erection. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. (+I indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. Diagonals may be omitted if adequate bracing designed by others, is provided to prevent racking of the truss under lateral loads. Truss without diagonal web members or adequate sheathing applied to the truss face is designed to support only vertical load as noted. 2 3 4 5 02_ 2-4 2-4 4-9-8 2"-8 r 14-2-0 STUB 6 7 8 9 10 STUB This truss is designed using the UBC -97 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.12 ft, mph = 80 UBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 17.0 psf ===== Joint Locations = - 1 0- 0- 0 6 0- 0- 0 2 1- 4- 0 7 1- 4- 0 3 2- 8- 0 8 2- 8- 0 4 4- 0- 0 9 4- 0- 0 5 4- 9- 8 10 4- 9- 8 0. C11991 ' 10131/2005_ , o(D ,DA 0F0 APR APR 0 5 2004 4/5/2004 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 13/32" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: 84714 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: SB are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFaes L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Truss l is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally brazed by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 10.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. Ste -11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spaeing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TPI 1','WTCA I' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES'- (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onof io Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 50808 Job Name: BREEZE ADOBE Truss ID: A13 Qty: 1 Drwq: G x -LOC' REACT SIZE REQ -D 1 0- 1-12 844 3.50•1.50' 2 21- 2- 4 863 3.50• 1.50• 3 21- 2- 4 863 3.50' 1.50- G REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the trues material at each bearing JTC FORCE ARL BND CSI 1-2 4 0.00 0.39 0.39 2-3 -2183 0.04 0.50 0.54 3-4 -1522 0.02 0.50 0.52 IBC FORCE ARL END CSI 5-6 1987 0.20 0.28 0.48 6-7 2115 0.32 0.18 0.49 7-8 3 0.00 0.16 0.16 Wllll FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -139 0.05 3-7 -775 0.21 2-5 -2086 0.85 4-7 1641 0.57 2-6 246 0.11 4-8 -819 0.25 3-6 125 0.06 - TC '2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1 -SE WEB 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Mark all interior bearing locations. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. ®web bracing required at each location shown See standard details (T%01087001-001). Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Install interior support(B) before erection End verticals designed for axial loads only Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. UPLIFT RRACTION(S) : Support 1 -87 lb Support 2 -93 lb Support 3 -93 lb This CruBS is designed using the UBC -97 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg width 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.08 ft, mph = 80 UBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 17.0 pBf 9" "7 I 4-0-7 2-0-0 1 6-06-0 7-67-83 6-0-13 13-7-0 2 3 0 7-9-0 21-0-0 4 . I T4-0-0 SHIP 2-5-4 1 3-8 21-2-4 =1=Joint LocationB 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 6- 0-13 6 8- 0- 0 3 13- 7- 0 7 16- 0- 0 4 21- 4- 0 8 21- 4- 0 21-4-0 r 18-8-0 _ 5 6 7 8 STUB 88-0"88-0" 5-4-0 8-0-0 16-0-0 21 4 0 APR 0 5 2004 4/5/2004 OVER 3 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7/32" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: 84714 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: SB are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacS L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company YCTl p youanrussnoted. is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached unless otherwise TC Dead 10.00 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any psf 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSI/TPI F,'WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES'- (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 50809 Job Name: BREEZE ADOBE Truss ID: A14 Qtv: 1 Drwa: TC - 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE BC 2x4SPF 1650F-1.58 GBL BLR 2x4 . HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT ((1607. Install interior support(s) before erection. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. Diagonals may be omitted if adequate bracing designed by others, is provided to prevent racking of the truss under lateral loads. Truss without diagonal web members or adequate sheathing applied to the truss face is designed to support only vertical load as noted. I 4-04T 12-M 1 •-[PM)=PLATE MONITOR USED -See Joint Report— Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Mark all interior bearing locations. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 112 13 14 15 16 1718 02— This truss is designed using the UBC -97 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.08 ft, mph = 80 UBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 17.0 psf 1=Joint Locations ===== 0- 0- 0 19 0- 0- 0 2 1- 4- 0 20 1- 4- 0 3 2- 8- 0 21 2- 8- 0 4 4- 0- 0 22 4- 0- 0 5 5- 4- 0 23 5- 4- 0 6 6- 8- 0 24 6- 8- 0 7 e- 0- 0 25 8- 0- 0 8 9- 4- 0 26 9- 4- 0 9 10- 8- 0 27 10- 8- 0 10 12- 0- 0 28 12- 0- 0 11 13- 4- 0 29 13- 4- 0 12 13- 7- 0 30 14- 8- 0 13 14- 8- 0 31 16- 0- 0 14 16- 0- 0 32 17- 4- 0 15 17- 4- 0 33 18- 8- 0 to ru_ o_ n ae on_ 0- 0 f- 0 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 4/5/2004 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7132" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job:. EJ. WO: B4714 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions TR U S S W O R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads DS nr' SB g utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 10.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A en°rronmrnt that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 se Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software, Phone ( ) 341-2232 ANSI/TPI 1','WTCA F- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE BC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 Fax # (760) 341-2293 CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 50810 Job Name: BREEZE ADOBE Truss ID: A15 Qtv: 1 Drwa: TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E GBL BLR 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. Diagonals may be omitted if adequate bracing designed by others, is provided to prevent racking of the truss under lateral loads. Truss without diagonal web members or adequate sheathing applied to the truss face is designed to support only vertical load as noted. 4 0-0 T 2-" 1 1 2 3 4 *[PM)=PLATE MONITOR USED -See Joint Report** Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. 5 6 7 8 9 Or 25 This truss is designed using the UBC -97 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 15.98 ft, mph 80 UBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 17.0 psf ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0- 0- 0 12 0- 0- 0 2 1- 4- 0 13 1- 4- 0 3 2- 8- 0 14 2- 8- 0 4 4- 0- 0 15 4- 0- 0 5 5- 4- 0 16 5- 4- 0 6 6- 8- 0 17 6- 8- 0 'a1 7 8- 0- 0 18 8- 0- 0 8 9- 4- 0 19 9- 4- 0 910- 8- 0 20 10- 8- 0 10 12- 0- 0 21 12- 0- 0 11 12- 6- 0 22 12- 6- 0 1 2-4 2-4 12-" 0 27-6 APR 0 5 2004 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.6-3 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 STUB 4/5/2004 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 13132" = V all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. w0: B4714 ®WARNINGRead This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chit: SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: SB are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S W O R KS utiliud on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company YCTl p youanruss is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 10.00 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any psf 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint psf BC Live 0.00 p O.C.S acin 2-0-0 p g Palm Desert, CA. 92211 truss and brace this ss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TPI rTCA Wood 'HANDLING BC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 Phone (760) 341-2232 I',' I'- Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute is located D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 (TPI) at Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 50811 Job Name: BREEZE ADOBE Truss ID: A16 Qty: 6 Drwg: RGR-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 1-12 500 3.50" 1.50• 2 12- 4- 4 500 3.50• 1.50 - RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY n the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AAL END CSI 1-2 5 0.00 0.43 0.43 2-3 -720 0.00 0.43 0.43 BC FORCE AAL END CSI 4-5 921 0.09 0.25 0.34 5-6 2 0.00 0.25 0.25 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-4 -135 0.05 3-5 786 0.27 2-4 -967 0.79 3-6 -477 0.17 2-5 -268 0.06 TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE BC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.58 WEB 2x4 HF STUD Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals designed for axial loads only. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. Plating spec ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 10 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. I+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the trues face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. 6-0-13 6-0-13 2 Or 25 6-5-3 12-6-0 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -68 lb Support 2 -68 lb This trues is designed using the UBC -97 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height - 15.98 ft, mph 80 UBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 17.0 psf 3 4-" HIP MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 IN MSM 4-5 (LIVE) L= -0.08" D= -0.08" T= -0 =---= Joint Locations =---- 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 6- 0-13 5 8- 0- 0 3 12- 6- 0 6 12- 6- 0 D. li110. 011991 10/3112005 EXP DATE V 91FOF CAL1Eo AP 2004 27-0" 4 s 6 STUB 4/5/2004 TYPICAL PLATE: 3-4 8-0_0 -14-6-0 8-0-0 12-6-0 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 13/32" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: 84714 ® This design is for an individual building component not thus system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: SB and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DSgnr' SB ' are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company YCTssl p youanru is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 10.00 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any psf 75-110 St. Charles PI. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports available as output from Truswal software', 'ANSUTPI 1','WTCA I' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL BC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 Phone (760) 341-2232 PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (HIB -91) and'HIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at D'Onofrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1 111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 40.00 psf Seqn T6.4.12 - 50812 411 5 National Testin u 111C. Report Number: 1 INDINGS: Nurnber of "Correction Action Requests" Issued: ; Hea4c c F' 7 41 L _3 a (,, r:; 7 — - - If there are "Corrective Action Requests" noted in the FINDIA"GS, please forward evidence ro otjr office o -T the` corrections. Until the corrections have been. forwarded to the NL4 office, the audit is noc-a ch.)std audit - Auditor for National Inspection Association / nualih, Systems Management P.O. Box 3426 E -Mail: VAbilletteCavcn.com a (3+07) 6;j.5435 'T Lh;'- - Gillette, 'Wyoming 82717-3426 Cellular Phone: (307) 689-6977 F= Page Two of Two DETAILS ARE: INTEND -ED TO S F, (yj YZEQUIRED CONNECTIONS R--j201 -iENDED BY TRUSWAL SYSTEMS. THP DETAILS -DO N REPLACE OR SUPERSEDE S!'ECIFIE0 BT A PROJECT El..:; _4 A2'qY DETAILS NCER OR -` : '-'-_,TE'CT 011 A PARTICULAR _R0 - HAVE THEY BF'FX ANAI.,YZED FOIL T" P _' A31 *Z:C.'T ' ' , NOR Ol SEISM 'EC WiND FORCES ACTING' ON T' 'E C0N-Nj.:l'C- TIONS FROM THE: RESPONSE OF THE S-!- v- I - '"UA -T THE 2UPRo\rAL OF THE PROJE, . CTI 0 SUCH LOADS IT IS _PE-0O3,L-qENDE_l) -1 D A_ E D 'L OB' y'' USING THESE DE"VAILS. BE.',V,,jNG -y" OR -IRClil' 'C'. -E _3Ep()Rjj: iO',qN ON Ph;C'.I.y,'IC S DE'SIGNS la-U.ST BE SATISFIED, INCLUDING CONlC SLZ'-2_-Z:N.S FOR UPLIFT REACTIONS. J'RUSS CONNECTION TO rX,lf - li"f2IOR BFAJZI-N.G —_— TRUSSES @ BLOCK DLOC-F BLOCK "0 ' O 7 TOP PLATES - -05 1 -U S'fUDS A - - — 6 J. t_ --a S E CT i PR0(_.!EDUR.E: 1. _TOL- 2 . IAJ L BLOCK TO TRUSS W- -a, 6d Co , PLACE MON A!L. ,\'EXT TRU, ,3 AGAINS"-7- TO TOP'PLATE A I D I'OE-NAIL TRUSS 3 W1 IT 2-16d E14D NAIL THROUCt -1 4 TRUSS PLACE NEXII BLOC.<'AG •WI-TH 1--16d COMMON NA -11-11 -:1-ND REPEAT STEPS 1 J. BLOCKS MAY BY' AT"ACHED ':EQ P 'I" WITH SIMPSON A3'5F' (C FRAMING ANCHORS SEE CAT],LOG FOR DE': SPECIFICATIONS. 'TRUSS CONNECTION TO INTERI-';R BEARING . -ING B.C. OF TRUSS OR E?;D VERTICAL RUN T'--IROUGII TO BEARING. WALL MUST BE AT HEIGHT SPECIFIED ON.SIGN DRAWING OR - MUST BE SHIMMED TO THE, CORREC-1 USE 2-16d COMMON NAILS TOE -NAILED 'N70) T'HE TOP PLATE THROUGH EACH TRUSS. DIAGONAL 'X' BRACING IS. REQUIRED AT ENE -S, OF THE BUILDING (OR WALL) AND AT A MAX. OF 16' 'N-_'E'RT,'r_kT_S ALONG WALL . 'X' BRACING IS MIN. 2x3 MATERIAL W'ITE EACH END. BLOCKING SIMILAR TO EXTERIOR WALL DDE--_A T- 11S RECOIAMENDED. lAub,') UUNNECTION TO NON -BEA -RING P_aT_-T—ION WAILS WALL PERPENDICULAR TO TRUSS -BOT CHORD .4 B ZX TOP PLATE SECT. S 1-16d COMMON NAIL OR SIMPSON STC (OR EQUIV.) TRUSS CLT? FILE NO. CD -1 DATE: 9/10/92 REF.: WALL PARALLEL TO TRUSS 2X4 BLOCKING Boll, CH ?k_ ; 2 S E CT C Tc Top, P 00_2 -9 -`ON NAIL OR 24" O.C. Si.'!FPSoni STC (OR EQUIV) (TYP - . ) TRUS.S C7_lp , d ISMSb. - DES. BY: L.M. CK. El": TRUS%m A OAT E HIP FRAv ITING DETAIL 1/21/98 I. 2x4 POST AT ; ACHFD TO F-ACII TRUSS PANEL POINT AND OVER.I(EAD 10, 1It. I_ I i'l y 2. 2x4 91 11- OR 42 DF PURLINS 4'- O O.0 P 3. 2x4 Jr I !;F OR Jit DF CONTINUOUS STIFFENER ATTACHED TO POST. 4. HIP TRUSS 81 SETBACK FROM END WALL AS NOTED ON TRUSS DESIGN 5. l:YTE_NDED END JACK, TO^ CHORD (i'YPICAL) 7. I IIP r0p.V N AAFFF.k 1 CONTINUOUS LATERAL BRACING. 8 9. EXTENDED DO T TOlM CHORD. LATERAL ST,4BIUTY OF ROOF SYSI'EM IS PER BUILDING DL''SIGNE'R. SF T13ACK AS NOTED ON TRUSS UESIGN. SECTION A y I. HIP TRUSSES 24" 0 C. (TYPICAL ) SECTION B -f0 Fit ja. WARMNG Read all nolo9 on thla shoot and give a copy 0111 to the Erecting Conlyaclor. fhu ua: 'Jn a lo: 34~, an mon dust Du :drne Cunpon onl. 11 N. Cern Oa.:bo on ipoohcanon: provaep by m• cunponant mmol--' Am oon. vs al'COr UJnGO wn 1hoCu/rOM va/asUaO, T?I and Ai PA sLi w yfr n :l]nUJ/Oa. Mo /as la oa vunhad oy IRI CCmppnanl Manu It Clu/« u;Wor Gona2airy as aa: wneo lu dunw[ on Jl iGCv rC7 Om MyWV uudwnu dv: 0n•r pna to taon uon N , dudwn0 dv* dn./ snip ac.rtm Inst In• lo+raa uli6r slut des b)n mbar u 1—b Ill.lu u adm0 bnpuabu Uy Ihb 1,W'111--Veudv F: y II , aaauinvu II v Ih. (op e/p/u rs Wr sly 9rac. a by W ruol or Ila*r snoalhm0 arW Ihb o'„VIOM Chord is IJl ar ally ,aCn by a .nl a. 4 snlh,niT ma,b.wl do v: ihl al taulA,, w N:1 an.r ti:• npl ed graarM talar al support of ccrt: ponmis m*mo•ra ony 10 -Idwu auc:hnp 1•npin Thu component 1N 1 nu w pl.acw n any an.vo,vss •rt maa ..m uu:, Ina mwlwro conlorn a Iho wood *.Coad 19X anu/os uuaa 1!1USWA1 Sy$i;M.$ ;;ORPORAI;ptt cGlnbClu Pu'* col'oswn FJIII'.;al•, r ndle, nsla:l and beca P+a pwa r, aCCunlaneo wqh Ilw IUIo•sn alandl•du 'TRU SCO+; MANUAL' by Lurval, 'OUALITY CONTAOL STAJ;UAA0 FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTEO 1'1000 )BLAS SES' TOSFB7). -yWtOL,,x) INSTALUNG A110 BRACING METAL PLATE CO;I/IECTEO'N000 TAUSS,ES' • (suTl•911 ard'NIa 91 SUMMARY SFIEcr' GY TPI. Tho irWa P'at* InDInU1a (TPI) r: 10'JIOd al SB7 OOnonso Orna, ua0son, Vluconsn 17719. TM AmonUn Fuw and tapas AuoGlalgn (APPA) la Ir) 14d Ll 17`.A Crnnoo'cuI Ave, N11. Sla 200, 'ty :hu+olon, OC 20036. 4050 PIGGYBACK DET Ir,l r rllnit. - . PMG iUnGl a e \ CONT. 2X4 - SUPPORT TRUSS - 72" O.C. TYP. 1630 (1,S 3) P3260 (5-75) I 1630 / -3 5 1'030 ...1630 --- I 1630 2','i✓ 6N. REQUIRES 2X4 BRACE WHEN VERTICAL EXCEEDS 5'-0" 2 BRACES AT 10'-0" ETC. 3 t/2"X8"X1/2" PLYWOD GUSSET AT EACH END OF TRUSS (ANO 6'-0" O.C. FOR SPANS 36' AND LARGER) ATTACH WITH (4) 1.5" - LONG 8d NAILS. USE 2X4 AS AN ALTERNATE WITH (4) 16.d EACH END. X245 I 1630 SP 3260 1.5X3 GAR F 2X4 CONTINUOUS SUPPORT URACING. ATTACH TO THE TOP SIDE OF TOP CHORD OF Lu TRUSS SUPPORTING PIGGYBACKS WITH (2) 10d M No O+jg95 NAILSOF 1 j3112fl E Z 4LJ9-fn e.F_ SHO LDER DETAIL Po J% ylu''li p;: 1r ir`-44 uIFY ,119 ' I:'Il11 - 770 1. oll 1' tl,i p I 1hl0 i1s€ U iCft El I I •tD1 VALID§. -- -15 3- 4- 7rusaal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or "H"(16 qa.), positioned ner .hint P—r« r; -- i a ' Lj.3WAL SYSTEMS i145 Northparl• D:., Coio s {aaj• 00 80%r 705.0 Version 09.30.98 11-i-12 i.l•1.•12 Ci i 11U °Mu 'Vl]1/J 1:'.'. f17 .• _ 1E115 DUES! I 15 1FI" Cr Ux)SI E RE )Li U —Ul'61r1 uCAI lUl(9) ! PAn fir F IrNn rr;F9: 1'1J11L VA ,IlCS I'EII lifil ilESislti i tltr alr IrllJl: s1_rlort ci li u@ IXI II'll' PernAnent bracing is r_rl./1red (by utl'ers) to 194 L4 .31 XII usit" UP y r r:r ro.. VIN'( /4t 4,,1,ti_44/. t%. t)i-d,. :olii1n/' ail •- 1.J 'I J. y, 1, • FlFli.4%J..F4.,14 .45:1, -'fac% Ei -I,.Z44M..'.114 FUPi I'cai'Pf0eti1 L11f?Fauu"lal:g 1,",{ = l SL! LerTh = 99.O0ft, aldg 4fidtn = XJ. CI)ft, 1y.y 18,fC Ili = 'u cla-iftCit! Cit! = /I, i J 11 _ 1z.6 I nqD CASE N'1 DES Irl i 111 S UIf L. 11 L; Lu,' II:I,6f it: U-1 u/I. 2-11-5 fe Vert b o- o- 0 1/42.3 9--10-13 4-1-1 .A 7G vert X0:0 9-•10-'1_ 30:0 111- 5- 2 :53 4- 7rusaal Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by "18"(18 ga.) or "H"(16 qa.), positioned ner .hint P—r« r; -- i a ' Lj.3WAL SYSTEMS i145 Northparl• D:., Coio s {aaj• 00 80%r 705.0 Version 09.30.98 11-i-12 i.l•1.•12 2-11-5 4-1-1 1 SHIP ARCy/T GAq, ` 1/2" GAP MAXI g • 9,,\ 4 11-1-12 1 11.1-12 5/99 P;-- A I< 0 A IT: 12,(x1) MMWjiMl ii -Y SAVE' wiTH W;0" MAYIMIVA Vil'11-1 Ax2z h bk b'IA. L Q11 I' 1111"'I [71ARIJ: Q 2IVb.d. 2xrl. BRACE 1 tea, 2m,1 Y2 Mit'llmum opt I IpIldouri /5x L9nAf:'F*D TO P.nOF s'111111"illm- Al' 0'-fyl I +\ jl I z " jr- STRONGIIACK AT; 2x4 A ST ' RONGBACK BRACEIJ V,10" ( LXA--'WAPI, 10 MrIl r rivrny MAXIMUM 1.5-3, TYPICAL 4'-I,VCUAfISPAN, 00 MPH F7 CONNECTION N MIIMUM GRADE CHORDS AND P STUDS 2x4 STUD/STANDARD. L STUDS I'D BE MAXIMUM 24"ox. I \\ WALL BRACING PER BUILDING DESIGNER. HEEL PLATE: 3 1,—,L.ILAT -4 (2X4) 5.512x6) /. — ------- M7 6-612X8) BC SPLICE: 3-4 (2X4) 5-5 2XB) CONT;1NUOUS DEARING WALL 2x4 CONTINUOUS BACKING WITH I 6d NAILS AT 24' G.C. 6-6 2x8j IN TO THE WALL PLATE. SECTION A GABLE END FRAMING CONNECTION DETAILS (MIN. NAIL 11EQUIREMENTS SHOWN) MAXIMUM 40 PSF LIVE LOAD. SHEATHING TO GABLE 2.,<4 SOLID BLOCK WITH 3-16d NAILS 8d AT 6" O.C. GABLE STU AR -1 WWI) FX;'0S!)R9 r TP!!13V o`4 AT r, A. — E - ND - AND -- Bid NAILS FROM SHEATHING 00 MM G4 LESS THAN 1-18dLU zz SOLID 0 CK WITH 2BL18d Toi Cc 0 ,0. 011ACINO 155TAII.q 2.16d I A' NOTCH 32" O.C. tit c 1413112 SOLID BLOCK WITH 2-18d TOE - 2x4 8nACF 2-16d NAILED EA. END '2-1 d WITH 4.15d NAILS ©F•• CODE SPACINO OAFE 01111-IFINING Read all nolost an this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. NIGIDEL 20 UBC CONTh"WOUS 2/11/99 11), on building componew. It 1133 peen h,17nd on so*cjI,r.jtt"3 crin-jeo oy the compo—ni manviaciury and done to c and AIPA design standards. no tasoonstbitu-, is assumed for dimqhslonal accuracy. Oimens,ons are by Inn, romponenl manulaclurer antllor ouud:nq des.gnor poor to !abrlra<wn The building daz:,nar snap atcenain Ina1 the loads .11W-1 rri, this dasir)n meet or exceed the 102dinq;morssed by the local hWiJi.,q code. it is assumed inat the too chord is!aterafly otacad by the -)of or Poor snowhing and Ilia bosom chord is talreally traced by a right sheathing malarial diracay atiacnea. unless olnetwise noted. erationg TRUSY0,11 is h)t lateral support of components members Only 10 reduce TrUCkli.19 langils. this comprright shall not be pIncea in any environment that M"N' 9,&bVr4 SYSIMWS rauvim,,nrsi,-we chn,fsh, of the wood exceed 19% and/or cause min"or dials corrosion. Paoricata. handle, install and brace this truss in =TA I IIJUTHAI. 5YF.TF.-'AS COM-AAHON with ihe!o:Io­n9 sianciaids; "TAUSCOMMANUAC by Titiswal.'OUALITY CON TnOL STANDARD FOA METAL PLATE CONNECTIEC r'(1110 ;AUSSES' - (OST -8a). HANOUTIG INSTALLING ANO artACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOO TRUSSES' - and 'H 13-91 C31 A B LE D SIf1,AtJArTYD.EET*byTPI. Tho Truss Plate Inslitule (TPI) is loscal" a! 563 O'Choti,o, oil- a. M aoson. W,scoh son 53719, Th! Ama',c,;snFor9s and co P '41 I'ItCS5U1 BLOCKTIG DETAIL., FOR C1\ID IACIC 00-1—FOM CI IOIt!) UP TO IU' -U" AT HIP NO. I WITH CEILING LOAD OF s P S F PRESSURE BLOCK 3-10d I WITH 4-16d NAILS O.C, 'TYPICAL 9 3-10d 3-10d PRESSURE BLOCK Q1__._.___ WITH 4-16d NAILS 3-10d 1101" 1'OM HIP NO. I 'I"RUSS NO A71 ACH ? 4 DOUG FIR PRESSURE BLOCK TO BOTTOM CHORD OF HIP NO. I WITH 4-16d NAILS. BOTTOM CHORDS OF END JOINTS ARE ATTACI;EL '„-VITH 3-10d NAILS AT EACH END OF THE PRESSURE BLOCK. HIP i"v0. I "['Russ SIDE VIEW f IiNfO JACK PRESSURE LILOC'K 3-10d --c SAACDIG On TE 7TCOOOE 1 W20 UB CC' i`IA '1i1 .7 11 f 9 7 5 .5/97 1 _ TRUS '' •v f, meq! , , `'A `A . ®vi.i$ +Yds7 TRU WiiL J($Tt(• i$C0 017A(!ON it115 111E Ill, IS IdlEitr % p'It In iSCEata lv nai I1,E ICU,l”E`OCllpitjCaoiiQpay05tl{rplrClUr'('lu'0 11,E li•+EOEO OSrJ'C•a05E00w9*win 4SlOC.l gU1 01wOC[OpErW ICIOn IC• Ii. niilCi10'I utEE rC OPE dal INOrn'{ CQ,nI C 16n 1aL, iE 5I S:10v 55 aE01nV0 EO'fi n9E0'r0a ?OAL CE GEC r+S YS aCC Ir ICOE n USv,`. Cnusrow w•r-" •lE P•rr( hl Elir`C IP IC 1 wu'U,E' pr r"E raVSS oE.r[ VISI Inti[ I'rII A"o rK Sr'f Cl+• c 0'r E lin +011 5+'- OE S I:r1,1E0 nE t0 OE EOV,II, 01,1Dfo A OEr,oi u115 111 SiOv , 1, ltl'n, Clrlc rtov1prO 0. Ir,01+10V, ro E5 ';U_,, r! IOn Cn n i l uSS wf wgfns iS n01E.0 0•, ro l5 Cf,.. „n nh:1U r,f 11 lnc li +m`1 IfU nl VCrEo gEOC"", l l "OUSE• q^•Cr0 0, snt ,I.,(r10 Ip 1Ei ;: On•E a•I S; S', Ifp vngm III' U' 11 n%p1+; f111 (IIIIo rnl/s SEC .nf I f no110' Cl pnu II r':lE qE gn+CIU .I I,rrl nv'ls "U' l,Ct101•'f. IP,u; I,1•: w„II II IS 'Lw , rs nr yllnEp I pnf vl0'nru r0 Sf E nn0'FOOw i•ri: Cw IC1E 11;;.1101 nOnl[,.rOn rn, r -f Clio-, C nw..i rrl .n, ,+IU ni. Cuwwrrlp.riprr;• Itap 1, On 11'ro " girl a 0 q 'cl",, *`),n iaussr5 n. Lr IInl on q°.nirr, II 5'(C•rt j0t'rr g9 r.np i i:l5r CO'¢: mll,11 asoma u rngCrlO.1, iir5i 't, 111011 °11W ip'1Io 1El 19ts nll: Un iUg IC Uf E`',ECI'Elp f" . r E rr, i"o—f,rl'"'A'p IkLC,USC IN5w01 S' Tl( COr,rf„I.0, 1'1 r. I5 uESr pf rfa,. i.rEO qr /IIUIC I0U1 A, li.'I0n 0r iraFaiEwCE •u0alt a(Oan051TI E.wOf a, vnEn r.ECE 1.1" ",,b" Cr0 E IS OVISIOi n{ SCO1E 0l of S„OnS iq III I, Or I1US v,E 2 F - J f INoollno Jno IU]n'i!nu o1 u G oo o W C o c c v O _ L o V w I 7 u> C — G1 a V .. E- - n W rl . 7 J 7 .J SUPPORT REQUIRED < BEARING SUPPORT FOR TOP CHORDS OF END JACKS EVERY 4'-d' MAXIMUM. 48" MAX WHERE THEY GROSS SUPPORTING MEMBERS B 1. FOR REACTIONS OF 300# OR LESS THE TOP CHORD MAY BE TOE -NAILED A TO THE SUPPORTING MEMBER WITH (2)10d NAILS. 2. FOR REACTIONS GREATER THAN 300#, THE DETAILS BELOW ,JAY BE TYPICAL END JACK WITH USED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE BEARING SUPPORT. VARYING TOP CHORD B. SIZE OF WEDGE, BRACE OR BEVEL CUT IS DETERMINED BY THE LENGTHS. I I P ^'JIRED BF_A7::.!"r I F`;-3TH) AS SHOWN ON THE IND;VIDUAL I rW55 DESIONa. LATERAL bRAAG9 Id 4. FOR EACH DETAIL BELOW TIME TOP CHORD MAY BE `PGL -'-NAILED TO •I HE BASED ON BRACE SUPPORTING MEMBER WITH (2) 1 O NAILS. FORGGJ DETERMINED S. UPLIFT REACTIONS, IF THEY EXIST, MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL BY IHE BUILDING CONNECTION CONSIDERATIONS IF THEY EXCEED THE VALUE OF THE TOE -1 HIP GIRDER (ONE OR MORF PLY). NAIL. CONNECTION. HIP TRUSSES 6. OTHER OPTIONS MAY BE USED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER. 7. REFER TO OTHER DETAILS FOR SPECIFICATIONS RELATING TO A HIP SYSTEM THAT ARE NOT SHOWN HERE. DETAIL OPTIONS 0 WEDGE OR BEVELED TOP PLATE UNDER JAcK TOP GI 10110 EXTENSIONS. I'bR WEGGE, U8E ( ) lei Te€01.AIL9 €A: Fart T(aP PLATE, NAIL_ WIINI 0 @'• Q:C: INTQ TOP CHORD OF MIP 01powl3. 0 CUT UT CIN TOr. blii71i1:1 ul' 'll tUSD _ ,M:nN•.:.i, J.., i7' •b.. <iTx: e.ih ,Jh : a• END OF I :h TLI FAI- pRACr I ! lt3f<.U kS MAY I LATERAL bRAAG9 Id TAU§g CHORL) BASED ON BRACE NAIL CHORD TO FORGGJ DETERMINED FACS OF BRACE BY IHE BUILDING WI Ili (1) IUJ) D€,5IGNER, FE; BEVELED LEDGER MAY BE USED INSTEAD OF DETAILS SHOWN ABOVE, LEDGER MAY BE ATTACHED EITHER FACE OF TRUSS WITH 10d NAILS, SPACING OF NAILS IS DEPENDENT ON LOADING CONDITIONS a 4HIPULD Be DETERMINED BY OUII-PING DESIGNER, ` SHOWN QYL,Y• IT 13 NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE OR SUPERCEOE ANY SIMILAR m DETAIL THAT MAY HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY THE BUILDING DESIGNER. IT 13 v THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS TO VERIFY THE'ADEQUACY OF THIS DETAIL " IN RELATION TO ANY SPECIFIC PROJECT, AS TO ITS APPLICATION AND INTENT APPLIED TO THIS OR ANY SIMILAR ISSUE. TRUSWAL SYSTEMS ASSUMES NO ftfv ON61 ! ITY FOR FI&W INS gCTION OR WQrlKMAN5;1liP QUALITY. AAS, C7 tLLJx Ile U o• 1 g9 0j31f2 Fy.P,p © CUT UT CIN TOr. blii71i1:1 ul' 'll tUSD _ MMPI=i : Nig ITIA`f I If 1 l If IAF TF Ys MUST ALLOyi I'19Ft TI IIP, _r...IRPI!:,..,..-...,..-.,.- :M _.._.,.-.-, LATERAL LOADS IN LINE WITH THE CHORDS HAVE NOT BEEN CONSIDERED. ' THESE 1-0`)An1& Ahl!1 THEM RFCIUIRF..r?, C::7,'J :ECT10N& ARE THE R -:-PONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER. 12 ANY PITCH KAJa MUM WIND SPEED IS 85 MPH. REFER TO THE APPROPRIATE TRUSWAL DESIGNS FOR THE REQUIRED WEB CONFIGURATION FOR BOTH THE CAP TRUSS AND THE SUPPORTING BOTTOM TRUSS. a 2-16d NAILS TOENAILED CAP TRUSS iOL 1 112 _- — — 2-1od NAILS 2x4 BRACE ' _, i BOTTOM TRUSS—L--Z Q AR S Q' GA9 X Ir 3 r1o. C11991 1013112005 2x4 CONTINUOUS LATERAL\X O 9T OF GP F I PRAOIKI.'d An01 IFI) 1T ^ '. Y CHOP, /YE'EB SIZE ARE r 601'TUlv4 I nu:)S VVi•I'm L- I UU / NAILS AT EACH INTERSECTION, \ „ rOE-NAIL THE C T USS TO - . g BRACE WITIll 1.10d NAIL ` kO FROM EACH ,SIDE AT EACH INTERSEC°rjC?iV. CODE SPACIIJG '- .. . DATE --... _-_ .... ... _.. .. _ . .. ----- ---- WARNfNO head all nnlea on Ihls 0ee1 and Alva p Fnpy of 11 to tha Fw4inp r:nnfrar:tnrl nn: UV>rypl I> Iw ml wJrnJlmt InnldlPy wglpl,nera II r,is Gam 6vitJ wI sp.ud!.auml> Pruonrun uy Ulv um1.mlEn1 m<,uavuhnu bud uuor m nn _PcP!c1anc9 ynlh 1110 c4llvnl y9re! ntl al rP1 ong APPA dp% m99prp;: Nq rmpen;IBiliry if as39mpd lot 13imanilePal al: plipy. Punon11P45 of? IJ n C, 24 Ile C rI 710 -OR In be vuillithl by Illio imppollhnl mA011!M4Up.1 Arllll4l Will biLll onsimpr owir In 1pmicAllQn I11F {r 1lll llnlf II.rn1n N1 fll III B.( -11141n Itrtl II1B IQarll IIIIIIr.J un II > GV=I,JII 11!01 UI -PM-4 Ill. Iupon'bj I III,e)a,1 L/ It., 141:91 GIIIIUu1y CQu, Il If a -.n n.'I Illwl II I N lu-1 to sal V wny G a nJ 4i Ih. Inol 4r Iltln mwillllp Blip the IIPIII;!Il choly I! I71Ff Ily lalpfpn rly a fluid melinlnp III@Ipl1_ l lllipCll( nllal h til 11111E+1 I.III@fffl(C IIggIJ plpr:np / /' 1 \III IYIII 11 IIII IPIe.I'll IIIIIIIIII III I;NIIIII1111P1111111MIIIIIPII AllIIIOIIIII:I 11111:01 IIID leliplll Illli I,1 111 I.Inl11 ellall I fa 11, Illsall III mq prltill 111.11 n!ll III@I Cf,.I T' C4/Iii Iv1 ,n1 1RUMM .1v._ Y'i K ( Irlll r.wll0c Ills II II I:I IIo t ....... 111 Ill..IIIA...... A'" IU"i ......... I.nll:n Ln111I+r.1111 rllxlo I. uul.... :I hdlll P:wic II Illllc ,,: t.11l .0„I !n ql.c III : I:IIe: u1 II4U5Wn65Y;ichn (Grrl'Vlt/uTON:u;c r6rnul!nyp•Ilyw,ug5lbl:r„sglu'111U!eQl/,IAPd:!Jm,nyp;l,„ y,,LII'r(II,IIrtnE<.I.'NV/,I!L'rl hl!I'! 6htAIt:G6nrIrlLl€U' W001) 111/1644 - (O jr.001,'nAN4l,llln UINrA1J.INl1 Atli.) 611A(-,11Ili UF1AI, 1,I:AIF 611F1 1:f@U woof, IRI15 yE5 , 11tl11 011anll'1114VI SUMMAII'( S11EE.r• by TPI. the rrim Plain Institute (TPII 15 In Ca toll at W D'DPOIIIU !7rlve. Wallisoll, Wlernnpai 5:1110 Ine S,ua,lcnn f0, ps, a"o ccPnper A;enClnlipn (APPA) it IUGal5tl hl 1,50 Conligliclll Avp, hliv, we "'M wohnlplon, UC 30036. e .. TRUSWAL SYSTEMS 4:45 NORTHPARK DRIVE, SUITE 200 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80907 (800) 322-4045 FAX:(719) 598-8463 8/3/00 To whom it may concern: It is permissible to repair o - False Frame*joint with the procedure outlined below, provided that the following statements are true: ® Ceiling loading is 10 PSF or less. ® Trusses are soared 24" o.c. or less. False Frame verticals are spaced 6'-0" o.c. or less. O No additional point loads or uniform loads are p: esent on the false frame that would cause the loads to exceed 10 PSF for any season. O The joint(s) io. repair does not have a sup 1.-A bearing directly underneath the joint. ® There is no damage to the lumber at the joint, such as excessive splits, cracks, etc. c The joint fits tight! ' (within all TPI tolerances). All lumber in the false frame is 2x4 or 2x3. Repair as follows: 1. Cut a'/2" CDX APA G;o:,p 1 plywood (or equivalent O.S.B.) gusset, 4" wide by 8" long, or larger. 2. Apply gusset to th_e­face of the truss at each joint with a missing plate. If one face of truss has missing plate, then gusset is required cn only that face. ti both faces of the jointure unplated, then the gusset is required on each face. 3. Use (3) 8d nails into eac'-) member, from each face (see detail belovr). Typical Joint. False frame refers only To non-structural members (zero design forces). BE 4 --► yG' GHAR 4" FL9 QF o - a' 9 C'n cr a of 2N/A i A TRUSWAL SYSTEMS 4445 NORTHPARK DRIVE, SUITE 200 "OLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80907 (1100) 322-4045 FAX:(719) 598-8463 1/10/01 Uses of Truswal engineering: The TrusPlusTM . r.gineering software will :correctly Jesigrt thae tOc2.iioc6 requirements for perman7: nt continuous lateral bracing (CLB) on members fO which it is required to r - .duce buckling length. Sealed ar;gineer,ing dw i`ug-_ from Truswal will show ',`ja required number and approximate locations, cr brace-_ for each member need:!n..4 bracing. In general, this bra:;ir,g 'is dome;' try utiing Truswal Systems Brace -ii M or a 1x or 2x member (attached to the toy oL bat orn edge of the member) ;.Inning perpendicular-to.the. tresses and. ad-aquate.11y designed, co-inected a d braced to the building per the bui;ding; desi.5,ner. ((Ser__ ANSI/TPI current versic:-). The following are other options (when CLEC b-: ciraa ri not possible or desira",k) that will also satisfy bracing reeds for- 1ri5siv[,tuaj members (no_ building s., em bracing) - 1 . racing): 1. A ;x or 2x str: `urally graded "T" brace maybe n2iled fiat to tnie E:--,-"gc of the membt.with 10d common or box nails a': 8" o..c. 1-9- only- one brace is requ' o i, or may be nailed to both edges of the mem,!_,ac if; CWe, braces are re.:,- red. The "T" brace must extend a minimum. or. ga% & the member's igth. 2. A scab (add -c of the same size and structural gr-3de as t;;te ..-..e pe.-, may be naile,.; .o one face of the member with 1-.]d ccmrnOr;: or 10ON nails at 8" o.c only one brace is required, or rr £ y be nai1!!e,_ to totfi faces of the ,7.-nber if two braces are requirec . A minirn'ci r of ?x6 scabs are rCired for any member exceednt; 14'-0" tri ferrothL Scab(s) must end a minimum of 90% of the m. -.,tubers ten.ath-. 3. Ari; member wiring more than two braces m:as: use pee-: tdicul bracing or a c. -mbination of scabs and "T" br,:ces, or any achef approved met c , as specified and approved by the building, :'esigner- EXAMPLES T,. _!:.ACE SC 90% L L Please contact a Trus::- :ngineer if there are any questlo 1' i L. rt991 X005 EiP. CATE \ ' `. C/. LC 0 q F TRUSWAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION 4445 NORTHPARK DRIVE, SUITE 200 COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO 80407 (800) 3224045 17101 coo cc - PLAN VIEW A CENTER R DG` DETAIL A P,AFTEF —Tv RAFTER / I ( YP ) 2 -Io; / ' TOE NAILS I (TYP) 2 X < BLOCK W17ry < • 16C PLA'-: n V1r DETAIL C 2 X 4 PURLIN TRUSS TOPx CHORD ' \ ELEVATION VIEW t 5- 2 X 4 •2X4 BLOCK WITH 2. loo Notes: The m¢ximur„ Taal Top Chord Load = 48 PSF TRUSSES @ 24" O.C. Minimum Top ;>,,rd Dead Load = 7 PSF The design for Izl,1r_! loads and Iheir connections is G!ROER DESIGNED TO SUPPORT the responsibilih of I.he Building Designer. The details H_ "TIE-IN' TRUSSES provided addresj )raaity and wind uplift loads only per the U3C . The maximum w.. ;:J speed is 115 MPH, 25 n lv.e n Roof B Heigh( (max.), a: zp. C. 16d box nails are ryP;-21 throughout, exceol as noted ( in details ) / The Center Ridge .iaher ( CRR) is 2 x 6 slud. Anach (his to C the 1 x 8 with 4164 loe nails ( 2 from each face I. Artacn the opposite and Ic Ih truss the same. ELEVATION VIEW The Valley Raflor.:, PL-lins, and blocking malarial are 2 x 4 The blocking mus! be spaced 24' O.C. and be adequalaly br.caz in the lateral direction :I 6-0-0 O.C. Anach this blocking to the Valley Rafter with 3-16d. Anach this blocking to the purGn with 2_,Ec_ The lrUa.seS Belo,,,: the valley are spaced 24. O.0 The purtin"re full ienglh under the-valloY sol and must Le ins o8ac ac 24 O.C. They ars :o be anoched to aach overlapping Irtss too cnor._ w•tlh 2-16d nails. If :he'. are not one conlinuous length, add a 12" Ing nailer to the face o: the Truss lop chord mlh 4-16d _nd one puri_^ Se_, DETAIL S on the Truss an(.` beam the additional sr. `lion on the nailer. VALLEY RAF TER A lx 8 . perimeter runner must be anached through the shealh,n; ane mrc each Irises bel0.,• with 3-6d box nails. This 1 r 8 follo„5 the .e r-ii c of the motley. outs. r t The Valley Raners e s aced 24" O. 1 5 I 2-16d toe nails. Anach t e o C. Anach them to the CR ppo%Ae end to the 1 x 8 wrlh 3 U toe naiis. 2 X BLOCK PLAN VIEW WITH 3 - 16d 1 X 5 PERIMETER RHNNER 7/16 - SHEATHING ELEVATION V =E % DET, AIL) _ 15- VALLEY P,AF ER rG 2-16C TO NAILS 0S\