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51930 Avenida Martinez BSOL2014-0014 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Tjbt 4 4 Qu,!Kro COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Application Number: BSOL2014-0014 Property Address: 51930 AVENIDA MARTINEZ APN: 773181009 Application Description: 2.5kW PV SYSTEM - (10) 250W Property Zoning: Application Valuation: $3,000.00 Applicant: TAK ELECTRIC INC OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS OCT p 6 2014 CITY OF LA QUINTA f COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 {commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: License No.: :LIC -762388 Date: //)--in' /`f Contractor: 1/ I OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who.builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_) I am exempt under Sec. . B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: Lender's Add VOICE (760) 777-7125 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 10/6/2014 Owner: KATHLEEN HERRING 51930 AVENIDA MARTINEZ LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Contractor: TAK ELECTRIC INC OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS Llc. No.: :LIC -762388 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier: Policy Number: _ I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. te Date: Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that 1 have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above• mentioned property for inspection purposes. - Date: G1 Signature (Applicant or Agent):- . INSPECTIONS SEQID INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED COMPLETED DATE DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES SOLAR FINAL" CL DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY BY BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $1.00 10/6/14 R1746 50533 CHECK TAK ELECTRIC MFA Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $1.00 $1.00 BSA: PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $24.17 10/6/14 R1746 50533 CHECK TAK ELECTRIC MFA FIRST 20 PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $24.17 10/6/14 R1746 50533 CHECK TAK ELECTRIC MFA FIRST 20 PC Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $48.34 $48.34 PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $91.85 10/6/14 R1746 50533 CHECK TAK ELECTRIC MFA Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $91.85 TOTALS: INSPECTIONS SEQID INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED COMPLETED DATE DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES SOLAR FINAL" PAREIUT PROJECTS BOND INFORMATION Printed: Monday, October 06, 2014 2:55:19 PM 2 of 2 dr ...... DESCRIPTION FINANCIAL INFORMATION ACCOUNT : QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $1.00 10/6/14 PAID.BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY: TAK ELECTRIC CHECK R1746 50533 MFA Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION BSA $1.00 $1.00 .DESCRIPTION ' `ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, FIRST 20 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $24.17 10/6/14 PAID BY ' METHOD RECEIPT # '' CHECK # .. CLTD BY TAK ELECTRIC CHECK R1746 ' 50533 MFA DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, FIRST 20 PC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $24.17 10/6/14 PAID BY METHOD.. RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY TAK ELECTRIC CHECK R1746 50533 MFA Total Paid forELECTRICAL: $48.34 $48.34 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT . PAID PAID DATE PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $91.85 10/6/14 PAID BY .METHOD RECEIPT #: CHECK # CLTD BY . TAK ELECTRIC CHECK R1746 50533 MFA Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $91.85 TOTALS: Bina City of La Quina Building 8L Safety Division P.O. Box 1504,78-495 Calle Tampico La.Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # g 2dt41— Project Address: ?j Owner's Name: rJ Number. Address: ( N kxiption: actor: L City, ST, Zip:, 2253 Telephone: Q 5 rAdd,mss:' j S Project Description: ST, Zip:hone: 20d _ MOM Stats Lia # : ; . City Ad City., ST, Zip: Telephone: State Lic. #: Construction Type: , Occupancy: Project type (circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Sq. Ft.: #Stories:#Units: Name of Contact Person: Telephone # of Contact Person: Estimated Value of Projectj(C APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE N Submittal Req'd Recd TRACKING PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Pian Cheek submitted CC Item Amoaat Strgctural Cales. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit. Truss C21cs. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance Tide 24 Calm Plana picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Gioding plan 2'! Review, ready for correeteone/•essue Electrital Subcorrtaetor list Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M L iLOAL Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- '`' Review; ready for eorrectio e Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person P. Pub. Wks. Appr " Date of permit Issue School Fees tT-tP-,,&XoLA;,e SEP 16 2014 CITY O LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1 2 PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK: INSTALLATION OF A SAFE AND CODE -COMPLIANT GRID -TIED SOLAR CSFM SETBACKS PV SYSTEM ON AN EXISTING RESIDENTIAL ROOF TOP. SYSTEM SIZE: AC / DC kW STC: 2.18 kW / 2.5 kW A EQUIPMENT: PV MODULES: (10) Trina Solar TSM-250PA05.05 INVERTER(S): (1) ABB PVI-3.0-OUTD-S-US-A (240V) INVERTER WITH INTEGRATED DC DISCONNECTS & LOCUS MONITORING UNIT (INSIDE GARAGE) CSFM SETBACKS PENETRA PENETRATE ROOF CSFM PATHWAYS: PER 2013 CRC R331.4.2.1 - R331.5, - - - - - - - PANELS INSTALLED ON RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS WITH A B SINGLE RIDGE SHALL BE LOCATED IN A MANNER THAT F/zrl ( . I I 3. PROVIDES TWO, 3 -FOOT -WIDE ACCESS PATHWAYS FROM RRA 2 J < THE EAVE TO THE RIDGE. PANELS SHALL BE LOCATED NO 3 HIGHER THAN 3 -FEET BELOW THE RIDGE IN ORDER TO ALLOW FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT SMOKE VENTILATION OPERATIONS. m ROOF 2 T.A.K. Electric Inc. T.A.K. CSLB #947912 C-10 Efa,Ijj? .6 (951) 970-3150 wwwAak-electrical.com,1V_ n . C Q a 0 z LU Q CITY Or LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. - APRIF3 01.1 E FOR CONSTRUCTION i- ADATE 2Jq ow I DRIVEWAY r 3 1 4 ih RAY 11 FOR INSTALLER USE ONLY SHEET INDEX POST INSTALL SUNEYES REQUIRED? YES NO I CERTIFY THAT NO CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE TO THE ARRAY LAYOUT: E= Z JB I- - a RAIL -MOUNTED J -BOX UNDERNEATH ARRAY TYP. 1 OF 2 MAIN SERVICE PANEL & UTILITY METER AC DISCONNECT ADJACENT TO THE MSP WITHIN 15' ROOF 1 EXTERIOR 1 CONDUIT .001' ITE DETAI N SCALE: N.T.S. .c-— Ll ` `l Z sunGEVITY° SITE PLAN GENERATE POSITIVE' SCALE: N.T.S. SUNGEVITY INC. 66 FRANKLIN ST SUITE 310 OAKLAND, CA 94607 By: DESIGN2 Date:9/102014 Location: C:IUsersIDESIGN21DesktoplSungevRy DesignsVIERRING 218555 Sheet THESE DRAWINGS, S 2- -17 2 ROOF- MOUNTED CONDUIT RUN UTILITY METER CALLOUT: EXISTING METER NUMBER: X1 B4-1432 MSP CALLOUT: (E) MAIN SERVICE PANEL I 200AMP PANEL, END -FED MODULE CALLOUT: TRINA SOLAR TSM-250PA05.05 1 DC STC RATING: 250W DC PTC RATING: 229.1W 5 PV0.0 COVER AND SITE FwMr PV1.0 GENERAL NOTES PV2.0 ROOF 1 LAYOUT PV2.1 ROOF 2 LAYOU PV3.0 LINE DIAGRAM CALCULATION OLD PV4.0 PV5.0 LABELS X.O PV6.0 DIRECTORY C O v1 -C n F - --- KEY: PROPERTY LINEUse -- Sl L P ------ CONDUIT RUN OC DCMINNECT DRIVEWAY AO A( ISCONNECT Q SOLAR MODULE J6. JUI TION BOX NV N MAIN SERVICE PANEL fV1 MONITORING UNIT m ❑ UTILITY METER CB COMBINER BOX PV METER ENV INVERTER ROOF OBSTRUCTION APPLICABLE CODES: THE INSTALLATION OF SOLAR ARRAYS AND PV POWER SYSTEMS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH: 2013 CEC 2013 CBC 2013 CRC 2013 CA MECHANICAL CODE 2013 CA PLUMBING CODE WITH LA QUINTA, CITY OF AMENDMENTS CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: TAK ELECTRIC 1654 ILLINOIS AVE. SUITE #18 PERRIS, CA 92571 PHONE: (951) 679-4063 JURISDICTIONAL INFORMATION: ADDRESS: 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 PHONE NUMBER: (760) 777-7012 NOTES TO INSTALLER ARRAY TO BOS IDC): ROOF MOUNTED CONDUITS RUN FROM RAILS MOUNTED J -BOX ON ROOF 1 CONNECT TO ARRAY ON ROOF 2. PENETRATE ROOF AND RUN CONDUIT ALONG THE EAST INTERIOR WALL OF THE GARAGE AND CONNEr0NNNECTT0 E SOS ON THE EAST WALL. BOS TO POC (AC): PENETRATE ROOF AND RUN ROOF MOONT TOWARD EAST SIDE OF THE HOUSE. PENETRATE OVERHANG, DROP DO AC DISCONNECT THEN TIE INTO THE MSP. MONITORING RUN: LGATE 120 CELLULAR CONNECTION ADDITIONAL NOTES: CONDUIT RUN FROM ARRAY: ROOF MOUN AND THROUGH WALLS TO BOS. ADJUST VSTART TO 150V FOR 2 STRI F 5 MODULES. • CUSTOMER NAME: - J1 4. I INVERTER CALLOUT: ABB PVI-3.0-OUTD-S-US-A(240V), 3000W Kathleen Herring /Herring - 21 AC DISCONNECT CALLOUT: 51930 Avenida Martinez EATON, DG221 URB, 30AMP La Quinta, CA 92253 — - — ' - i - - — AC / DC kW STC: 2jk_W REFER TO PLAN NOTES DESIGNED E. 7r7R77EV# p , PAGE PV1.0 - SECTION N1 -N11 MB 0 r V O' O i, AND DESIGNS ARE THE PROPERTY OF SUNGEVITY INC. NO PART SHALL BE COPIED OR USED FOR OR WITH ANY OTHER WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED WITHOUT OUR WRITTEN CONSENT 1 1 4 1 Ij I -r GENERAL NOTES: GENERAL NOTES: N1. DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC ONLY. THE LOCATION AND ROUTING OF RACEWAYS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OR STANDARDIZED. N2. ALL EQUATIONS ACCOUNT FOR WORST CASE CONDITIONS. N3. IF A DISCREPANCY IN QUANTITY OR SIZE OF CONDUIT, WIRE, EQUIPMENT DEVICES, OVERCURRENT PROTECTION, GROUNDING SYSTEMS, ETC. (ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AND INSTALLING ALL MATERIALS AND SERVICES REQUIRED BY THE STRICTEST CONDITIONS IN THE SPECIFICATIONS OR NOTED ON THE PLANS TO ENSURE COMPLETE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL CODES AND TO ENSURE THE LONGEVITY AND SAFETY OF THE OPERABLE SYSTEM. N4. ALL OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE MIN. NEMA 311 RATED. N5. METAL CONDUIT AND ENCLOSURES SHALL BE USED WHERE PV SOURCE OR OUTPUT CIRCUITS ARE RUN INSIDE A BUILDING. N6. MODULES SHALL NOT BE PLACED OVER ANY PLUMBING VENTS AND AT LEAST 6" ABOVE FLUSH VENTS. N7. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ANY AND ALL REQUIREMENTS GIVEN BY UTILITY COMPANIES. N8. FOR ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS, SEE PROVIDED CUT SHEETS. N9. ALL LABELS AND MARKINGS SHALL BE ATTACHED ACCORDING TO REQUIREMENTS BY NEC AND THE LOCAL AHJ. THE AHJ MAY HAVE SPECIAL LABEL REQUIREMENTS BEYOND THE SCOPE OF THIS DOCUMENT. THIS MAY ENCOMPASS LANGUAGE INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THAT FOUND IN NEC ARTICLES 690.5 (C), 690.14 (C)(2), 690.17, 690.53,690.35(F), 690.54, 690.64(B)(7) and 705.10 N10. INSTALLER TO FOLLOW ALL LOCAL JURISDICTION GUIDELINES. N11. ALL NEC REFERENCES SHALL BE DIRECTLY INTERCHANGEABLE WITH CEC REFERENCES. STRUCTURAL NOTES: S1. MOUNTS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND EXACT LOCATION MAY CHANGE, BUT SHALL BE ACCURATELY SPACED. . 52. MOUNTS SHALL BE STAGGERED WHEN NECESSARY TO EVENLY DISTRIBUTE LOAD AMONGST RAFTERS. S3. DO NOT SPLICE RAILS IN MIDDLE 50% OF SPAN BETWEEN TWO MOUNTS. SUf1GEVITY' GENERATE POSITIVE' s ELECTRICAL NOTES: E1. ALL EQUIPMENT IS LISTED FOR USE. E2. MAXIMUM VOLTAGE DOES NOT EXCEED 600VDC. E3. ANY EQUIPMENT OR ELECTRICAL MATERIALS USED FOR THIS INSTALLATION SHALL BE NEW AND LISTED BY A RECOGNIZED ELECTRICAL TESTING LABORATORY. E4. AN INVERTER IN AN INTERACTIVE SOLAR PV SYSTEM SHALL AUTOMATICALLY DE -ENERGIZE ITS OUTPUT TO THE CONNECTED ELECTRICAL PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION NETWORK UPON LOSS OF VOLTAGE IN THAT SYSTEM AND SHALL REMAIN IN THAT STATE UNTIL THE ELECTRICAL PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION NETWORK VOLTAGE HAS BEEN RESTORED. E5. ALL PV ARRAYS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH DC GROUND FAULT PROTECTION. E6. ANY AC COMPONENT SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT CALCULATED AT THAT COMPONENT. E7. ALL MODULES AND ANY RELATED ROOF MOUNTED METALLIC EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PROPERLY GROUNDED. E8. DC EQUIPMENT SHALL BE 60OVDC RATED MINIMUM. E9. MARKINGS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO INDICATE THAT ALL CONTACTS OF THE DISCONNECT EQUIPMENT MIGHT BE ENERGIZED. E10. CONDUIT RUNS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SUFFICIENT WEATHERPROOF PULL BOXES OR JUNCTION BOXES/COMBINER BOXES PER APPROPRIATE JURISDICTIONAL REQUIREMENTS. E11. FOR ANY UNGROUNDED PV SYSTEM, A LABEL READING: "WARNING - ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. THE DC CONDUCTORS OF THIS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE UNGROUNDED AND MAY BE ENERGIZED." SHALL BE PLACED AT EACH JUNCTION BOX, COMBINER BOX, DISCONNECT AND DEVICE WHERE ENERGIZED, UNGROUNDED CIRCUITS MAY BE EXPOSED DURING SERVICE. E12. INVERTE-R(S).SHALC'CONTAIN A GROUND FAULT DETECTION AND INTERRUPTION DEVICE. E13. ALL METALLIC RACEWAYS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE BONDED AND ELECTRICALLY CONTINUOUS. E14. THE POINT OF CONNECTION COMPLIES WITH APPLICABLE CEC/NEC. E15. BACKFED SOLAR BREAKER(S) SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE OPPOSITE END OF THE CIRCUIT OR FURTHEST AWAY FROM THE MAIN BREAKER. E16. ALL WIRE, VOLTAGES, AMPERAGES AND EQUIPMENT IS SIZED ACCORDING T&TEMPERATURE DERATING AND LOCATION. T.A.K. E17. ONLY COPPER (CU) CONDUCTORS SHALL BE USED. CONDUCTORS SHALL Bt, STRANDED OR SOLID WITH PROPERLY RATED CONNECTORS. E18. DISCONNECT SHALL BE WIRED SO NO BLADES ARE ENERGIZED E19. ALL MODULES AND RACKING SHALL BE GROUNDED VIA IRON RIDGE RAIL - INTEGRATED GROUNDING (PLEASE SEE DATA SHEET) OR WITH TIN PLATED DIREer BURIAL RATED LAY IN LUGS USING STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE, STAR WASHjERS, AND THREAD FORMING BOLTS OR WEEBS. E20. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE GROUNDED, INCLUDING BONDING JUMPERS WHERE NECESSARY ACROSS RAIL SPLICE PLATES TO BOND INDIVIDUAL PIECES OF RAIL.. JURISDICTION SPECIFIC NOTES: T.A.K.- Electric Inc. CSL13 #947912 C-10 (951) 970-3150 wwwAak-electrical-c®rr,jl, 555 ;.2.5 kW SUNGEVITY INC. 66 FRANKLIN ST SUITE 310 OAKLAND, CA 94607 By: DESIGN2 Date:M02014 Location: C:\UsemkCD SIGN21Desktop%Sungevity DeslgnsIHERRING 218555 Sheet THESE DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND DESIGNS ARE THE PROPERTY OF SUNGEVITY INC. NO PART SHALL BE COPIED OR USED FOR OR WITH ANY OTHER WORK OTHER THAN THE SPECIFIC PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN UFVELOPED WITHOUT OUR WRITTEN CONSENT w r. tE SUf1GEVITY` GENERATE POSITIVE" L I J REFER TO ARRAY SPECS FOR ROOF PITCH SOLAR MODULE IRONRIDGE XRL RAIL IRONRIDGE 6105-T5 ALUMINUM L -FOOT QUICKMOUNT SHINGLE FLASHINC AND LOW PROFILE MOUNT COMPOSITE SHINGLE 1/2" ROOF DECKING (1) is' x5"S.S. LAG BOLT MIN. 2 z" RAFTER EMBEDMENT 2x4 RAFTER -T MOUNTING DETAIL ROOF 1 SECTION 2 SCALE'./2" = 1'-0" CSFM PATHWAYS: PER 2013 CRC R331.4.2.1 - R331.5, PANELS INSTALLED ON RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS WITH A SINGLE RIDGE SHALL BE LOCATED IN A MANNER THAT PROVIDES TWO, 3 -FOOT -WIDE ACCESS PATHWAYS FROM THE EAVE TO THE RIDGE. PANELS SHALL BE LOCATED NO HIGHER THAN 3 -FEET BELOW THE RIDGE IN ORDER TO ALLOW FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT 42'4" SMOKE VENTILATION OPERATIONS. 12'-1 e 3' TYP. 6' MOUNT SPACING I I I I I I I I I I ROOF 1 I I I I I I I I N I ...... I I I! I I I I to 6' I I I I I I I 2' 3' T.A.K. Electric Inc. 0 ° — ---- - ----- -- ----- -- -- - — -- I °' .AX CSLB #947912 C-10 o l I I I I ....- I L......... -A RAY -11........I ...........-. .. - (951) 970-3150 4' II 12'-1" 42'-3" 1 M OFo1TLAYOUN SCALE.T16"=1'-0" 3' Wv"j.tak-electrical.com.- SUNGEVITY INC. 66 FRANKLIN ST SUITE 31D OAKLAND, CA 94607 By: DESIGN2 Date:911012014 Location:C:\UsersIOESIGN21Desktop%Sungevtty DesignsHERRING 218555 Sheet THESE DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND DESIGNS ARE TILE PROPERTY OF SUNGEVITY INC. NO PART SHALL BE COPIED DR USeU run un vvl lnwvr u I nen vvunn u I nen lnruv lnc orcuriu rnwca.i run I-- I nor nuui uun vvnn icry wivauvi Sitq 11,17 L 7 J Y ROOF 2 SECTION CSFM PATHWAYS: PER 2013 CRC R331.4.2.1 - R331.5, PANELS INSTALLED ON RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS WITH A SINGLE RIDGE SHALL BE LOCATED IN A MANNER THAT PROVIDES TWO, 3 -FOOT -WIDE ACCESS PATHWAYS FROM THE EAVE TO THE 31'-1" RIDGE. PANELS SHALL BE LOCATED NO HIGHER THAN 3 -FEET BELOW THE RIDGE IN ORDER TO ALLOW FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT 3 TYp, 6' MOUNT SPACING SMOKE VENTILATION OPERATIONS. I I I IM I I I I I I I I I i 3 1 6' 4' _ 7 I 1 r3 13' C: D- If 1 ... AR AY..2 1..• .....I 2 1 1 I 1 I 1 ... ,.. I ... I I I I ROPF 2 1 I I I 3' 20'-5" 1'-1 " 21'-l" e. ROOF 2 LAYOUT S U f1G E V I T Y° _ AZIMUTH: 1800 TN SCALE: 3/16" 1'-0" GENERATE POSITIVE" g T.A.K. Electric Inc. T•A. K. CSLB #947912 C-10 (951) 970-3150 www-ta k -electrical xomNc, 5UNUtvITT INC. 56 FRANKLIN ST SUITE 310 OAKLAND, CA 94607 By: DESIGN2 Date:911=014 Location: C:\Users\DESIGN2\Desktop\Sun9evlty Deslgns\IIFRRING 216555 Sheet THE5EDRAININGS,SPECIFICATIONS, AND DESIGNS ARE THE PROPERTY OF SUNGEVITY INC. NO PART SMALL BE COPIEDOKUStUFUK UK WI)MMT U I RtRWUKKU I MR I r lNtsrtarlc DRUJ—i rVKWMIUN intT RHVCnttNUM—LUMUM muU I UUKWKI II tNUUNStNI CI>q• 11 r17 wl I Conduit Schedule TAG Conductors Conduit A #10 CU PV -WIRE 8.85 A BREAKER TO STRAIN RELIEF OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE (Voc): 37.6 V (4) #10 THWN-2 1/2 in. EMT B (1) #8 THWN-2 OPERATING VOLTAGE (VMP): MAX SERIES FUSE RATING: STC RATING: CEC PTC RATING: C (3) #10 THWN-2 1/2 in. EMT (1) #8 THWN-2 HIGHEST 2% DB DESIGN TEMP. (*C): D (3) #10 THWN-2 1/2 in. EMT -5 °C (1) #8 THWN-2 INVERTER 1 SPECS E (3) #10 THWN-2 1/2 in. EMT 4 (1) #8 THWN-2 31 UTILITY METER CALLOUT: EXISTING METER NUMBER: X164-1432 MSP CALLOUT: (E) MAIN SERVICE PANEL 200AMP PANEL, END -FED MODULE CALLOUT: TRINA SOLAR TSM-250PA05.05 DC STC RATING: 250W DC PTC RATING: 229.1W INVERTER CALLOUT: ABB PVI-3.0-OUTD-S-US-A(240V), 3000W AC DISCONNECT CALLOUT: EATON, DG221 URB, 30AMP U Note: • All AC equipment is rated to 250VAC. # OF MODS X CEC PT RATING X INVERTER CEC EFF = NET NAMEPLATE RATING (W)l 10 X 227AW X 0.96 = 2,183.04W (120/240V 3WIRE SINGLE PHASE) CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. wP FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE BY 200AMP MCB (E) LOADS I r A B AC Disconnect, 30Amp, ice_ PV INVERTER WITH C D Non -Fusible, C -H T DC DISCONNECT DG221URB (E) LOADS (E) 200AMP END -FED MSP SEE SPEC TABLE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION %\ (D1 String(s) of G PPT 1 -AC LOCUS 20A 240V 2P 3-W 1 cG P T.A.K. Electric Inc. 5 Modules per strin METER g DC - OUTPUT LOAD LINECID— T ------- GEC - - --------- - -------------- --------- C ... CSLB #947912 C-10 G 1 StringJBOX MPPT 2s) of (951)970-31,50 5 Modules per string INVERTER wuuwr.talc-electrica1.c0m4,,L NEMA4 UL LISTED JUNCTION LGATE 120 PV PRODUCTION METER BOX WITH 90eC TERMINAL RATINGS SELF-CONTAINED METER GEC IRREVERSIBLY SPLICED TO - LOCATED ON ROOF EXISTING GEC OR BONDED DIRECTLY (2) MOTION TECHNOLOGIES J -BOX 4 SOCKET WITH SEALING RING TO EXISTING GROUNDING ELECTRODE NEMA 3R, UL414 LISTED sunGEVITYe d GENERATE POSITIVE' .... nccir_.n n_._.er.nnn.. i ---u__. n1'.__-_-_.'___ -__.--- ..cool nrn -nccc er.-..r r ne -01- 11-11 FOR nR 1MTN ANY nTHFR WORK nTHFR THAN THF SPFCIFIC. Size: 11X17 r -_ CUSTOMER NAME: Kathleen Herring / Herring - 218555 51930 Avenida Martinez La Quinta, CA 92253 AC / DC kW STC: 2.18 kW / 2.5 kW DESIGNED BY: REV # P ,^ . O MB 0 d - V 3 Y)R WHICH THFY HAVE BEEN DFVELOPEn WITMnl1T MIR WRITTFN CONSENT IP IE I[ J ELECTRICAL KEY: MODULE ELECTRICAL SPECS (10) Trina Solar TSM-250PA05.05 SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT (Isc): 8.85 A BREAKER - SWITCH OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE (Voc): 37.6 V 0 SCREW TERMINAL OPERATING CURRENT (IMP): 8.27 A FUSE SPLICE EARTH GROUND OPERATING VOLTAGE (VMP): MAX SERIES FUSE RATING: STC RATING: CEC PTC RATING: 30.3 V 115A 250 W 227.4 W m CHASSIS GROUND DESIGN CONDITIONS - - GEC. HIGHEST 2% DB DESIGN TEMP. (*C): 44 °C EGC MIN. MEAN EXTREME ANNUAL DB (*C): -5 °C INVERTER 1 SPECS (1) ABB PVI-3.0-OUTD-S-US-A (240V) RATED WATTS (EACH): 3000 W AC OPERATING VOLTAGE: 240 V AC OPERATING CURRENT: 14.5 A MODULES PER STRING MPPT DUAL INPUTS: 5&5 INVERTER EFFICIENCY: 96% INTEGRATED DC DISCONNECT SWITCHWITH DUAL MPPT INVERTER 1 STRINGING (690.53) MPPT 1 MAX POWER POINT CURRENT (IMP): 8.3 A MAX POWER POINT VOLTAGE (VMP): 151.5 V MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE (VOC) 690.7(A)1: 205.3 V SOURCE CIRCUIT CURRENT (ISC) 690.8(A)1: 11.1 A MAX SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT (ISC) 690.8(A)2: 11.1 A INVERTER 1 STRINGING (690.53) MPPT 2 MAX POWER POINT CURRENT (IMP): 8.3 A MAX POWER POINT VOLTAGE (VM P): 151.5 V MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE (VOC) 690.7(A)1: 205.3 V SOURCE CIRCUIT CURRENT (ISC) 690.8(A)1: 11.1 A MAX SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT (ISC) 690.8(A)2: 11.1 A 200AMP MCB (E) LOADS I r A B AC Disconnect, 30Amp, ice_ PV INVERTER WITH C D Non -Fusible, C -H T DC DISCONNECT DG221URB (E) LOADS (E) 200AMP END -FED MSP SEE SPEC TABLE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION %\ (D1 String(s) of G PPT 1 -AC LOCUS 20A 240V 2P 3-W 1 cG P T.A.K. Electric Inc. 5 Modules per strin METER g DC - OUTPUT LOAD LINECID— T ------- GEC - - --------- - -------------- --------- C ... CSLB #947912 C-10 G 1 StringJBOX MPPT 2s) of (951)970-31,50 5 Modules per string INVERTER wuuwr.talc-electrica1.c0m4,,L NEMA4 UL LISTED JUNCTION LGATE 120 PV PRODUCTION METER BOX WITH 90eC TERMINAL RATINGS SELF-CONTAINED METER GEC IRREVERSIBLY SPLICED TO - LOCATED ON ROOF EXISTING GEC OR BONDED DIRECTLY (2) MOTION TECHNOLOGIES J -BOX 4 SOCKET WITH SEALING RING TO EXISTING GROUNDING ELECTRODE NEMA 3R, UL414 LISTED sunGEVITYe d GENERATE POSITIVE' .... nccir_.n n_._.er.nnn.. i ---u__. n1'.__-_-_.'___ -__.--- ..cool nrn -nccc er.-..r r ne -01- 11-11 FOR nR 1MTN ANY nTHFR WORK nTHFR THAN THF SPFCIFIC. Size: 11X17 r -_ CUSTOMER NAME: Kathleen Herring / Herring - 218555 51930 Avenida Martinez La Quinta, CA 92253 AC / DC kW STC: 2.18 kW / 2.5 kW DESIGNED BY: REV # P ,^ . O MB 0 d - V 3 Y)R WHICH THFY HAVE BEEN DFVELOPEn WITMnl1T MIR WRITTFN CONSENT IP IE I[ %I 31 L sunGEVITY• GENERATE POSITIVE" DC wire size Location 1 Number Strings Combined: 1 Conductors In Raceway (Conduit fill derate): 4 Nipple (less than 24"): NO Wire Rating ('C): 90 Terminal Rating ('C): 75 Distance Above Roof to Bottom of Conduit: 0.5" - 3.5" Conduit Fill derating: 0.80 Corrected Highest 2% DB design temp ('F): 151 Tempterature Correction factor: 0.58 Maximum Circuit Current {690.8(A))(IpvMax): 11.06 Method A: 1.25'Continuous Current {215.2) (A): 13.83 Method B: Max. Circuit Current with conditions (A): 23.84 Min. Ampacity required (A): 23.84 Wire sized pre-terminal comparison (AWG): #14 Wire size ampacity post -terminal comparison (A): 30 Minimum Wire Size (AWG): #12 AC wire size Inverter 1 Quantity: 1 Conductors In Raceway (Conduit fill derate): 2 Nipple (less than 24"): NO Wire Rating (°C): 90 Terminal Rating ('C): 60 Conduit FIII derating: 1.00 Highest 2% DB design temp ('F): 111 Tempterature Correction factor: 0.87 Inverter Rated output Current {690.8(A)): 14.5 Method A: 1.25'Continuous Current (215.2) (A): 18.13 Method B: Max. Circuit Current with conditions (A): 16.67 Min. Ampacity required (A): 18.13 Wire sized pre-terminal comparison (AWG): #14 Wire size ampacity post -terminal comparison (A): 30 Minimum Wire Size (AWG): #12 Max. System Voltages INV1 MPPT1 INV 1 M P PT2 Modules Per string: 5 5 Min. Mean Extreme Annual DB ('F): 23 23 NEC 2008/2011 temp. correction factor: 1.12 1.12 Manufacturers Cof of Temp (V/'C): -0.11532 -0.11532 Temperature Difference (°C): -30 -30 Module Voc (V): 37.6 37.6 Max System Voltage: 205.3 V 205.3 V '.r CITY OF LA QUANTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE 8!4= DC WIRE SIZE: SOURCE CIRCUIT [690.8(A)(1)] (Isc): 'Isc' 1.25 OUTPUT CIRCUIT [690.8(A)(2)] (Isc): Isc' 1.25' # STRINGS MIN. DC WIRE AMPACITY: [690.8(a), 690.8(b), 210.19(A)1, 215.2(A), 110.14(C)]: THE MAXIMUM OF: 1. (Isc1.25) / (CONDITIONS OF USE) 2. (Isc' 1.25' 1.25) DERATE WIRE FOR TERMINALS DEPENDING UPON TEMP. AC WIRE SIZE: INVERTER OUTPUT [690.8(A)] (Isc): INV. OUTPUT' 1.25 MIN. AC WIRE AMPACITY: [690.8(a), 690.8(b), 210.19(A)1, 215.2(A), 110.14(C)]: THE MAXIMUM OF: 1. (INV. OUTPUT' 1.25) p 2. (INV. OUTPUT) / CONDITIONS OF USE DERATE WIRE FOR TERMINALS DEPENDING UPON TEMP. GROUNDING SIZE: GEC NEC 690.47 Sized per Table 250.66 for AC Sized per Table 250.166 for DC DC EGC Table 250.122 Use 1.56' Isc' # strings (if applicable) AC EGC NEC 250.122 Sized based on OCPD. MAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE: NEC2008/2011 requires to use manufacturers Coefficient if available Method A: Voc' # of modules in series' NEC Coefficient Method B: {((T min 'C - 25•C) ' V/°C] + Voc)' # of modules in series 120% RULE: NEC2008: (690.64(B)2] NEC2011: 705.12(D)2 MINIMUM BUS BAR OR CONDUCTOR = TOTAL NUMBER OF BREAKERS FEEDING / 1.2 OCPD SIZING: MIN DC: ISC' 1.56 MIN AC: INV. OUTPUT' 1.25 VOLTAGE DROP: E (2KID/CM)NOLTAGE' 100 = VOLTAGE DROP % K = 12.9 FOR COPPER I = CURRENT (IMP OR OUTPUT AC) D = DISTANCE IN FEET, ONE WAY CM = CIRCULAR MILS 120% Rule on Main Amperage Panel Main Panel OR Sub Bus (A): 200 Main Breaker (A): 200 Allowable Input Breaker (A): 40 DC EGC Size Min. amperage: 13.81 Min. EGC size: 1 #14 T.A.K. Electric 111c'AC EGC Size Min. amperage: 20.00 KCSLB ##947912 C-10 Min. EGC size: #12 C • (951) 970-3150 CUSTOMER NAME: wwW.tak-e1ectrica1-00M* , Kathleen Herring / Herring - 218555 51930 Avenida Martinez La Quinta, CA 92253 AC / DC kW STC: 2.18 kW / 2.5 kW DESIGNED BY: I REV # PV4.0 MB 1 0 iUNUtVIIY INC. tiff FRANKLIN ST SUITE 310 OAKLAND,CA94607 _ By: DESIGN2 Date:9/102014 Location:C:\Users\DESIGN21Desktep%Sungevity Oes1gnsvttKK1NU 216777 Sneel IntSt UKAVVINGS,SPECIFICATIONS, AND DESIGNSARt int PHUPtRIY OF 5UNGEVITY INC. NO PART SHALL BtCuPltu VH u- rvnvrt vvlln uvr vincrc vvvnnv ncn nwv int arc ri . rnwcv rvn vvnwn inti rvvc occas vcvavrcv vvi nv i wnvvniiic v w„ ov, Sl 11,17 NEC 690.5(c) PLACE THIS LABEL ON INVERTER(S) OR NEAR GROUND -FAULT INDICATOR (ON INVERTER(S) U.O.N.) WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD IF A GROUND FAULT IS INDICATED, NORMALLY GROUNDED CONDUCTORS MAY BE UNGROUNDED AND ENERGIZED NEC 690.17 PLACE THIS LABEL ON ALL DISCONNECTING MEANS WHERE ENERGIZED IN AN OPEN POSITION WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS TERMINALS ON BOTH THE LINE AND LOAD SIDE MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION NEC 690.31 (E) 3 & 4 PLACE ON ALL JUNCTION BOXES, EXPOSED RACEWAYS EVERY 10' PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE NEC 690.35(F) PLACE THIS LABEL A I EAUH JUNCTION BOX, COMBINER BOX, DISCONNECT AND DEVICE WHERE ENERGIZED, UNGROUNDED CIRCUITS MAY BE EXPOSED DURING SERVICE: NEC 705.12(D)7 PLACE THIS LABEL AT P.O.C. TO SERVICE DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT (I.E. MAIN PANEL (AND SUBPANEL IF APPLICABLE)) WARNING INVERTER OUTPUT CONNECTION DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE NEC 705.12(D) 4 PLACE LABEL ON ALL EQUIPMENT CONTAINING OVERCURRENT DEVICES IN CIRCUITS SUPPLYING POWER ,TO A BUSBAR OR CONDUCTORS SUPPLIED FROM MULTIPLE SOURCES. CAUTION, CONTAINS MULTIPLE POWER SOURCES sunGEVITY° GENERATE POSITIVE" WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD THE DC CONDUCTORS OF THIS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE UNGROUNDED AND MAY BE ENERGIZED NEC 690.54 PLACE THIS LABEL AT "INTERACTIVE POINT OF INTERCONNECTION" (AT MAIN SERVICE PANEL AND SUBPANEL IF APPLICABLE INTERACTIVE PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE RATED AC OUTPUT CURRENT (A): 14.5 A NOMINAL OPERATING AC VOLTAGE (V): 240 V INVERTER 1 MPPT 1 DC DISCONNECT PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DISCONNECT RATED MAX POWER POINT CURRENT (IMP): 8,3 A RATED MAX POWER POINT VOLTAGE (VMP): 151.5 V MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE (VOC): 205.3 V SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT (ISC): 11.1 A INVERTER 1 MPPT 2 DC DISCONNECT PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DISCONNECT RATED MAX POWER POINT CURRENT (IMP): 8.3 A RATED MAX POWER POINT VOLTAGE (VMP): 151.5 V MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE (VOC): 205.3 V SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT (ISC): 11,1 A CALIFORNIA STATE FIRE MARSHAL PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATION GUIDELINES LABELS PLACE ON ALL CONDUIT, LOCATED ON ROOF, INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR, EVERY 10 FEET, AT TURNS AND ABOVE AND/OR BELOW PENETRATIONS AND ALL DC COMBINER AND JUNCTION BOXES, IN %" WHITE LETTERING ON RED BACKGROUND, ON FADE -RESISTANT MATERIAL: PLACE THIS LABEL WITHIN MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT (OR ON OUTSIDE IF DISCONNECT IS OPERABLE WITH COVER CLOSED) CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE BY T.A.K. Electric Inc. T.A.K. CSLB #947912 C-10 E&116 (951) 970-3150 wwwAak-electrical-com 0c SUNGEVITY INC. 66 FRANKLIN ST SUITE 310 OAKLAND, CA 94607 By: DESIGN2 Date:91102014 Location: C:\Users\DES IGN2\Desktop1SungeVlty DeslgnslHERRING 218555 Sheet THESE DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND DESIGNS ARE THE PROPERTY OF SUNGEVITY INC. NO PART SHALL BE COPIED OR USED FOR OR WITH ANY OTHER WORK OTHER THAN THE 5PhGIHG PROJECT FOR WHICH THEY HAVE SttN UtvtwPtU WITHOUT OUR WHIT 1 tN CONseN I Ait 1 -1 c 3 31 DIRECTORY LABEL PER NEC 705.10 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE BY T.A.K. Electric Inc. T.A.K. CSLB #947912 C-10 (951)970-3150 wwwAak-electrical.colv1wG sunGEVITY° GENERATE POSITIVE' a i Cllun FlnN INr i __..u__. —01— nD I1— MR nR WTH ANY nTHFR W Qk nTHFR THAN TNF SCFCIF17 lE # PV6.0 WTHn11T n11R INRITTFN CONSENT IC Mono Multi Solutions TSM-PA05.05 THE AESTHETIC MODULE 60 CELL MULTICRYSTALLINE MODULE 235-255W POWER OUTPUT RANGE 15.6°I2o MAX EFFICIENCY 0'"` +3% POWER OUTPUT GUARANTEE As a leading global manufacturer of next generation photovoltaic products, we believe close cooperation with our partners is critical to success. With local presence around the globe, Trina is able to provide exceptional service to each customer in each market and supplement our innovative, reliable products with the backing of Trina as a strong, bankable partner. We are committed to building strategic, mutually beneficial collaboration with installers, developers, distributors and other partners as the backbone of our shared success in driving Smart Energy Together. Trina Solar Limited www.trinasolar.com Trinasolar Smart Energy Together Our most versitile product Compatible with all major BOS components and system designs One of the industry's most trusted modules • Over 2 GW sold across all major global markets • Field proven performance Highly reliable due to stringent quality control Q • Over 30 in-house tests (UV, TC, HF, and many more) • In-house testing goes well beyond certification requirements © Certified to withstand challenging environmental L1 conditions U130 km/hr wind load (2400 Pa) • 900 kg snow load per module (5400 Pa) - . - - - - -- - - - - - .1 LINEAR PERFORMANCE WARRANTY ' t 10 Year Product Warranty • 25 Year Linear Power Warranty 6100% Addil/onal vol 2190% Value from Trina Solor's llneor warronfy 80% Years 5 10 IS 20 25 Industry standard V _ Trina Solar TSM-PA05.05 THE AESTHETIC MODULE DIMENSIONS OF PV MODULE TSM-PA05.05 E E 0 941 mm Back Vlew E 35mm I A -A I-V CURVES OF PV MODULE TSM -240 PA05.05 0.. 10.- 20.- 30.- Voltage(V) 0 3 3 TEMPERATURE RATINGS TSM -235 TSM -240 TSM -245 TSM -250 TSM -255 ELECTRICAL DATA@STC PA05.05 PA05.05 PA05.05 PA05.05 PA05.05 Peak Power Watts -P.- (Wp) 235 240 245 250 255 t Power Output Tolerance-PMAx 1%) 0/+3 0/+3 0/+3 - 0/+3 0/+3 Maximum Power Voltage-VMw (V) 29.3 1 29.7 30.2 30.3 30.5 [ Maximum Power Current-IMvv (A) - 8.03 8.10 8.13 8.27 8.36 Open Circuit Voltage-Voc (V) 37.2. I 37.3 LLL 37.5 37.6 37.7 Short Circuit Current-Isc (A) t 8.55 8.62 8 68^ 8_85 8.92 , Module Efficiency rlm 1%) 14.4 14.7 15;0 3 15.3 15.6 STC: Irradiance 1000 w/m2, Cell Temperature 25•C, Air Mass AMI.5 according to EN 60904-3. Average efficiency reduction of 4.5% at 200 W/m2 according to EN 60904-I. TSM -235 TSM -240 TSM -245 TSM -250 TSM -255 ELECTRICAL DATA@NOCT PA05.05 PA05.05 PA05.05 PA05.05 PA05.05 Maximum Power - Pm- (Wp) 171 174 178 181 184 C.Max lmum Power Voltage-VMw (V) 26.4 26.6 26.8 27.0 ' 27.2 Maximum Power Current-IMvv (A) 6.48 T' 6.55 _ I 11 6.64 6.70 6.77 iOpen Circuit Voltage (V)-Voc (V) 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 Short Circuit Current (A)-Isc (A) 6.97 7.04 I 7.10 7.25 7.31 NOCT: Irradiance of 800 W/m2, Ambient Temperature 20°C, wind Speed 1 m/s. MECHANICAL DATA Solar cells MUlticrystalline 156 x 156 mm (6 inches) Cell orientation 60 cells (6 x 10) - Module dimensions 1650 x 992 x 35 mm (64.95 x 39.05 x 1.37 inches) IWeight 18.6 kg (41.0 lbs)_ - Glass High transparency solar glass 3.2 mm (0.13 inches) Backsheet`. - Black Frame `- Black Anodized aluminium alloy,-,_ IJ-Boxes.- -_ IP 65 or IF 67 rated Cables Photovoltaic Technology cable 4.0 mm2 (0.006 inches2), - _ 1000 mm (39.4 inches) Connector Original MC4 TEMPERATURE RATINGS Nominal Operating Cell 45•C (t2•C) Temperature (NOCT) /` _l - Coefficient of PMvx - 0.45%/•C _.Temperature • Temperature Coefficient of Voc -0.31%/OC Lmperature Coefficient of Isc 0.05Y/°C WARRANTY - 10 year Product Workmanship Warranty 25 year linear Power Warranty (Please refer to product warranty for details) j CERTIFICATION { /` _l - I 'rCun • 41 p PV CYCLE V c sPvs PACKAGING CONFIGURATION ' Modules per box: 29 pieces } o Modules per 40' container: 812[ Modules per container: 812 pieces MAXIMUM RATINGS OperationalTemperature-40-+85•C Maximum System _ 600V DC(UL) Voltage Max Series Fuse Rating 15A U m r 0 yr l +•✓ E c .L us Usm 2x. CAUTION: READ SAFETY AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT. Trina solar 02013 Trina Solar Limited. All rights reserved. Specifications included in this datasheet are subject to change without notice. Smart Energy Together ®Id IRON RIDGE Roof Mount System Rails Built for solar's toughest roofs. Anchored by the strongest rails in solar, the IronRidge Roof Mount System provides the durability and versatility to handle virtually any residential or commercial rooftop. The unique curved profile of the XRS Rail increases its strength while also giving it an attractive look, making it very customer -friendly. In addition, IronRidge Rails are certified for integrated grounding, which eliminates separate components and procedures for module grounding, making it very installer -friendly. Strongest Rails PE Certified Longer spans between attachments, Pre -stamped engineering letters fewer roof penetrations. available in most states. Simple Assembly Design Software O Versatile and adjustable components ®n Online tool generates a complete bill simplify any array design. of materials in minutes. Integrated Grounding 20 Year Warranty UL 2703 system eliminates separate Twice the protection offered by module grounding components. competitors. Standrard Rails (XRS) Light Rails (XRL) Rail Splices Datasheet Curved rails provide greater strength and aesthetics. • Available in clear and black anod. • Multiple sizes between 12' and 18' • Made of corrosion resistant alum. Attachments Standoffs Lightweight rails reduce cost for lighter load conditions. • Available in clear and black anod. • Multiple sizes between 12' and 18' • Made of corrosion resistant alum. Adiustable L -Feet Internal splices seamlessly connect rails, allowing easy L -foot installation. • Different versions for XRS and XRL • Includes self -tapping screws • Available with grounding straps Tilt Leg Kits Flush and tilt mount standoffs attach L -feet and tilt legs to roof. • Sized for Oatey flashing • Multiple sizes between 3" and 7" • Ships with lag bolts Clamps & Accessories End Clamps Slotted L -feet provide adaptable attachment to standoffs and flashings. • Available in clear and black anod. • Works with XRS and XRL rails • Compatible with third -party parts Mid Clamps E) End Caps Fixed and adjustable tilt legs allow adjustment in all three axes. • Attaches directly to XRS and XRL • Ships with all required hardware • Multiple sizes for 5-45 deg. tilts Secure modules to the end Fasten modules in the of the rails. middle of the rails. • Clear and black anod. Clear and black anod. • Sizes from 1.22" to 2.3" T -bolt or hex nut designs • Optional bottom clamps Grounding clamp offered Online Software The IronRidge Design Assistant helps you go from rough layout to fully engineered system. For free. Go to ironridge.com/rm Provide a finished look for rails. • Keeps out debris • Black polycarbonate • UV protected Wire Clips Organize both DC and AC wiring along the rails. • Attaches to both rails • Supports ten 5mm wires • UV protected Available with Integrated Grounding IronRidge offers UL 2703 certified e components that automatically bond modules and rails to ground. Go to ironridge.com/ig ©2013 IronRidge, Inc. All rights reserved. Visit www.ironridge.com or call 1-800-227-9523 for more information. _ Installation Overview ® Install Roof Attachments - Install appropriate roof flashing and/or standoff for roof type. - Attach L -Feet to flashing or standoff. ® Prepare Rail Connections - Insert splice into first rail, then secure with Grounding Strap and self -drilling screw. • Slide second rail over splice, then secure with opposite end of Grounding Strap and self -drilling screw. ® Mount & Ground Rails - Attach rails to L -Feet and level rails. - Install one Grounding Lug per row of modules. • Connect Grounding Lug to grounding conductor. Install Modules & Clamps - Install first module using End Clamps and Grounding Mid Clamps - Install additional modules using Grounding Mid Clamps. - Finish row with a second pair of End Clamps. Testing & Certification The IronRidge Integrated Grounding System has been tested and certified to UL 2703 by Intertek Group plc. UL 2703 is a proposed UL standard for evaluating solar module mounting and clamping devices. It ensures these devices will maintain strong electrical and mechanical connections over an extended period of time in extreme outdoor environments. The testing process closely mirrors that of UL 1703, the solar module testing standard, including temperature and humidity cycling, electrical and mechanical load testing, and manufacturing quality reviews. J FB] Module Frame Compatibility A Any module frames whose parameters are not listed in the provided table have not been tested for compatibility. Ll L—i The Grounding Clamp has proven robust in grounding 60 -cell and 72 -cell solar module frames with box construction and a range of anodization thicknesses. All solar modules listed to UL 1703 and with frame construction within the parameters stated above are compatible with the IronRidge Integrated Grounding System. Q'> Go to ironridge.com/ig Dimension Range A 31.Omm - 51.Omm B 5.08mm (minimum) AUTHORIZATION TO MARK This authorizes the application of the Certification Mark(s) shown below to the models described in the Product(s) Covered section when made in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Certification Agreement and Listing Report. This authorization also applies to multiple listee model(s) identified on the correlation page of the Listing Report. This document is the property of Intertek Testing Services and is not transferable. The certification mark(s) may be applied only at the location of the Party Authorized To Apply Mark. Applicant: IronRidge, Inc. Manufacturer: IronRidge, Inc. Address: 1495 Zephyr Ave Address: 1435 Baechtel Road Brand Name: Hayward, CA 94545 Models: Willits, CA 95490 Country: USA Country: USA Contact:. Jon Ash Contact: Jim Norsworthy Phone: (707) 459-9523 Phone: (707) 459-9523 FAX: (707) 459-1833 FAX: (707) 459-1833 Email: jash@ironridge.com Email: inorsworthv aironridge.com Party Authorized To Apply Mark: Same as Manufacturer Report Issuing Office: Lake Forest, CA J/Ire l for Thomas J. Patterson, Certification Manager Control Number: 4007559 Authorized by: (MILIS Intertek This document supersedes all previous Authorizations to Mark for the noted Report Number. This Authmvation to Mark is for the exclusive use of Irtertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the certification agrsemeM between Intertek and its client. Imetek's responsibility and rraNity are limited to the terms and oormd'Nons of Bre agreemerit. brterfek assumes no rrabifty to any party, other than to the client in accordance with Ore sgrty eement for aloss, expense or damage occasioned tw by the use of this Au raation to Mark Orgy the Client is authorized to permit copying g or dfstrilo of this AuOmaization to Mark and Men arty in its entirety. Use of Intertek's certification mark is restricted to Cone conditions laid out In the agreement and in this Auftdzaficn to Mark Any frOrer use of me Intertek name for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or sevlca must first be approved in wit N by Intertek. Initial Factory Aaseswwft and Flow up Services are for the purpose of assuring appropriate usage at tiro Certification mak In accordance with the egcemam, They are not for are purposes of production qusfay control and do not mUew Ota Curt otOWr oblgatlms in Oda mWecL Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 545 E. Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Telephone 800-345-3851 or 847-439-5667 Fax 847-439-7320 Standard(s): UL Subject 2703 Outline of Investigation for Rack Mounting Systems and Clamping Devices for Flat -Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels, Issue Number. 1, October 4, 2010 Product: Standard and Light Rails with Integrated Grounding Brand Name: N/A Models: 51 -61 -GD -005 and 51 -61 -GD -005B ATM for Report 100978592LAX-003 Page 1 of 1 ATM Issued: ILL C 13 ED 16.3.15 (1 Jarr13) Mandatory IRON RIDGE Installation Manual Rails with Integrated Grounding Electrical Considerations Note: IronRidge Standard (XRS) and Light (XRL) Rail Mounting Systems with Integrated Grounding must be used with UL 1703 listed PV modules and must be installed per PV module manufacturer's installation instructions. All electrical installation and procedures should be conducted by skilled, licensed and bonded electricians or solar contractor. All work must comply with all national, state and local installation procedures, product and safety standards. These standards include but are not limited to applicable National Electrical Code (NEC') sections, National Electrical Installation Standards (NETS-), UL Standards, and OSHA Regulations. Basic Grounding Diagram A. IronRidge Grounding Lugs and Wiley Electronics, LLC #WEER -6.7 are approved for use with this system. B. The Rail to Rail (Splice) Connection requires proper grounding on rails with grounding lugs by using one of the two Rail to Rail Connection methods described in Step 3 of this manual. C. A minimum 10 AWG solid copper grounding conductor must be used to properly ground the system, as shown below. L p ort@ r L pp ironridge.com (800) 227-9523 Page B 2013 v1.13 su A 111111 Trinasolar Smart EnergyTogether Reference No.: DL2014-026 Date: June 24, 2014 Declaration for mounting Trina Solar PV Modules with the IronRidge Roof Mount System "Reference": • Structure Type: IronRidge Roof Mount System, Please refer to Exhibit 1 • Module Type: TSM PADS, TSM PD05, TSM PD14 To whom it may concern. After evaluating the mounting system structure which showed in Exhibit 1, Trina Solar hereby states that the IronRidge Roof Mount System can be used for installing Trina SolarTSM PAOS, TSM PDOS, TSM PD14 modules. All other conditions from the Installation Manual (TSM_UL_IM Feb_2014 RevE) shall apply and remain In full force. The end user shall comply with all its terms and provisions at all times. In the event of any future claim, Trina Solar LIMITED MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY FOR TRINA SOLAR CRYSTALLINE SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE will be valid only if the above granted exceptions and conditions, as well as the rest of the Installation Manual recommendations, are all adhered to. Customer Care Director: Signature Date: June 24. 2014 Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Co. Ltd. No 2. Tianhe Road, Trina PV Industrial Park, New District, ChangzhoU, Jiangsu, 213031 Tel. +86 519 8548 2008 Fax: +86 519 8517 6021 Customer Service Portal: http:/tcustomerservice.trinasolar.com This family of single-phase string The high-speed MPPT offers real- Highlights: inverters complements the typical time power tracking and improved — Single phase and split phase output number of rooftop solar panels energy harvesting. grid connection. enabling home -owners to get the most The flat efficiency curve ensures high — Wide input range for increased efficient energy harvesting for the size efficiency at all output levels allowing stringing flexibility. of the property. a consistent and stable performance — The high speed and precise MPPT PVI-4.2-OUTD-US across the entire input voltage and algorithm offers real time power This inverter offers a dual input output power range. tracking and improved energy section that processes two strings The transformerless operation gives the harvesting. with independent Multiple Power Point highest efficiency of up to 97.0%. — Outdoor NEMA 4X rated enclosure Tracking (MPPT). The wide input voltage range makes for unrestricted use under any This is especially useful for rooftop the inverter suitable to low power environmental conditions. installations with two different installations with reduced string size. — Integrated DC disconnect switch orientations from two sub -arrays This rugged outdoor inverter has been in compliance with international oriented in different directions. (For designed to be a completely sealed Standards (-S Version). axantiplc: 16.31 an id W®sl) unlT M510 t0 Withstand the harshest 3600 The dual input sections with environmental conditions. i 4200' independent MPPT enable a more i 4200 i 46001 i optimal energy harvesting condition. Maximum output power wattage Power and productivity W W for a better world TM ♦+,.,. Additional highlights: — RS -485 communication interface (for connection to laptop or data logger). — Integrated Arc Fault Detection and Au Interruption (-A Version). 3 Technical data and types < U.byy,_ Stand-by consumption < 8W,,,, liCommunication I User -interface 16 characters x 2 lines LCD display ..Remote. ...nit rin......1.XR...4.............i.............................,........................................................................................VSN700 0 o g( S85nc) µ JEnvironmental Type code PVI-3.0-OUTD-US Ambient air storage temperature range...................i..............................................................................._"40°F PVI-3.6-OUTD-US PVI-3.8-OUTD-US 0-100% RH condensing........................................................................................ PVI-4.2-OUTD-US < 50 db 1A) @1m (Mechanical specifications Nominal output power 3000W 360OW 3W0 380OW 4200W .......................................................................................................i...................,...............{...,...............i...':...................,...................,............... 3000: 3300 3300 3600 4000' 4000{ € 3300 i 4200' 42001 i 4200 i 46001 i 4601 Maximum output power wattage W W W W W W W W W W W W ............................................................... Rated grid AC voltage 240V 277V 208V 240V 277V 208V 240V 277V 208V 240V 277 IInput side (DC). -- - - - - — - — Number of independent MPPT channels 2 2 2 2 .. ......................................:......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............ Maximum usable power for each channel 2000W 3000W 3000W 3000W ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Absolute maximum voltage (Vmax) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 600V Start-up voltsge(Vstart)....................................................f..............................................................................................?OOV.(ad1: 120 350V)......................................................................................... Full power MPPT voltage rang.8....................................i................._160-530V..................€..................120-530V..................i..................140-530V..................€..................140-530V............ Operating MPPT voltage range0 7 x Vstart - 580V (>=90V) Maximum current (Idcmax) for both MPi 7 it ............. 32A 32A 32A arallel20A P.........................................................................................................:...........................................................:.....................................................................................................................:..................................................... r Maximum usable current per channel ....................... €.........................10A.........................i ........... ..............16A.........................i .............. ... ..... ...16A.........................i ...... ......... .............6A .................. . Maximum short circuit current limit per 12.5A 20.OA20.OA 20.OA channel .............................................................................................................i...........................................................:...........................................................:...........................................................:..................................................... Number of wire landing terminals per channel ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... '. 2 pairs Array wiring termination Terminal block, pressure clamp, AWG10-AWG4 Output side (AC) . Grid connection type 10/ ;Split- 10/ [ 10/ Split- 10/ 10/ [ Split- 10/ 10 Split- 10, 2W OS/3W I 2W € 2W 0/3W € 2W 2W i 0/3W I 2W 2W 0/3W i 2Ve ......... .................................................................................................... Adjustable voltage range (Vmin-Vmax) (V) ........................................................................................................................................................................................................:................................ 183 - 211 - 244- 183- 211- 244- 183- ': 211- 244- 183- 211- 244 228V 264V i 304V 228V 264V € 304V i 228V i 264V i 304V 228V 264V i 304 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2.2...............2........................4 Grid frequency .......................................................................... ................................. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 60Hz . - Adjustable grid frequency range 57-60:SHz Maximum current ...... ,) 14.5 ': 14.5'. 16.0 16 0 16.0 '. 16.0 '. 16.0....'. 20.0 '. 20.0 20.1 .................................................................................................................MS.... Ni i........RMS.....:....ARMS .............RMS......... ARMS .........ARMS ....:........RMS....:........RMS....:........RMS...........RMS....:....ARMS ....:........ Powerfactor ..............................................................................€..............................................................................................................x..0 Totalharmonic distortion at rated power...............€.................................................................................................................< .:995 ............................................................................................................. 2%............................................................................................................ Reverse Varistor, 2 (L, - Lx / L, - ............................................ I .................... 20A,„, ' 20A,_ 20A,,,, um NIgnT time consumption < U.byy,_ Stand-by consumption < 8W,,,, liCommunication I User -interface 16 characters x 2 lines LCD display ..Remote. ...nit rin......1.XR...4.............i.............................,........................................................................................VSN700 0 o g( S85nc) Date ........o...t:....................................................................................... Logger(p) JEnvironmental AmuIeIII dlr 8 i3P9 tem erature ran a ................................ p.......................... P......................... g... .............. :......................................................................................... -13°F to +140°F with der atin above 122°F (50*C) ........... ................... ........ 9..............................._(.......' )...................................................... ......... Ambient air storage temperature range...................i..............................................................................._"40°F to +176°F.( -40°C to.+80°C).................................................................................. Relative humidity ......... ............ 0-100% RH condensing........................................................................................ Acoustic noise emission level < 50 db 1A) @1m 1. Capability enabled at nominal AC voltage and with sufficlent DC power 2 ABB Solar Inverters I Product Flyer for PVI-3.0/3.6/3.8/4.2-TL-01LITD Block diagram of PVI -3.0, 3.6, 3.8, 4.2-TL-OUTD ,_________. ._________________________________________________________-__-__________, ' I MPPr1 INVERTER I +, (DUDQ BULK CAPS (DC/AC) LINE GRID PARALLEL FILTERRELAY / + I IN1 IN' I , L1 L2 , I , T , r_____r___ I I MPPr2 I ' I (DC/DC) IN2.1(+) ' ---1 II rI IN2 ' IIL , RESIDUAL TECTIOCURRENT I 1 DETECTION N2 (N2.1( -)M -r PE R5485 1 , = I SVERSION ----------- -- -- - ----- REMOTE CONTROL' DUDC DC/AC' u _Ly----------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DSP DSP IJCONTR. CONTR. GROUND P FAULT DETECTION ALARM CONTROL CIRCUIT •Remote control function not available on -Aversion L_______________________________________________________________________ PVI-4.2-OUTD-US 97 f 99 as w04 031 92 91 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 90% 90% t00% % of Rated Output Power - S Group 15 & 20 years i/ - 200 Vtlt - 34D Vdc G 480 Vdc Standard without DC swtich and wiring box ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... p PVI-3.6-OUTD-US PVI-3.8-0UTD-US ? PVI-4.2-OUTD-US PVI-4.2-0UTD-US +T/R -T/R RTN +RR N.0 N.O C Technical data and types TvDe code PVI-3.0-OUTD-US PVI-3.6-OUTD-Us PVI-3.8-OUTD-US PVI-4.2-OUTD-US Natural convection ........................................................... x 12.8 x 8.7in f859 x 325 x u out alto rwb Lc ca x vc) aliu Lc t, n I-Iry , u fncuca bwc, n Conduit connections' Side: (2) plugged 3/4" openings, (2) Concentric KOs 3/4", 1 ...........................................................................................................................................OL 1741, It X1547 ..It i 1547.1, CSA C22.2N. 107.1 01, UL199811C16996 ..PGG..K'art.i6... Safety and EMC standard Extended warranty 15 & 20 years Available models Standard without DC swtich and wiring box ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PVI-3.0-OUTD-US PVI-3.6-OUTD-US PVI-3.8-0UTD-US ? PVI-4.2-OUTD-US Standard - with DC switch and wiring box PVI-3.0-OUTD-S-US PVI-3.6-OUTD-S-US ' PVI-3.8-0UTD-S-US PVI-4.2-OUTD-S-US N/ith DC switch, w'irrig box and arc fault detector and i PVI-3.0-OUTD-S- E PVI-3.6-0UTD-S- PVI-3.8-0UTD-S- PVI-4.2-0UTD-S- interrupter US -A US -A US -A. US A .. ................, ........................ 2. When equipped with optional OC switcli erid wlrliig tioz ............................... ........................................................................ ............................................ .......................................... All data Is subject to change without notice - Product flyer for PVI-3.0/3.6/3.8/4.2-TL-OUTD I ABB Solar Inverters 3 1 Certificate of Compliance Certifi cate: 2708406 Project: 2722409 Issued to: ABB, Inc. 16250 W. Glendale Drive New Berli n, WI 53151 USA Master Contract: 259813 Date Issued: April 24, 2014 The products listed below are eligible to bear the CSA Mark shown with adjacent indicators 'C' and 'US' for Canada and US or with adjacent indicator 'US' for US only or without either indicator for Canada only. PRODUCTS Issued by: Jocelyn Jens Product Group Coordinator ( , us Authorized by: Lindsay Clark Operations Man dards Utility Interactive Inverter, Models PVI-4.2-OUTD-US, PVI-3.8-OUTD-US, PVI-3.6-OUTD-US, PVI-3.0-OUTD-US, PVI-4.2-OUTD-S-US, PVI-3.8-OUTD-S-US, PVI-3.6-OUTD-S-US, PVI-3.0-OUTD-S-US, PVI-4.2-OUTD-S-US-A, PVI-3.8-OUTD-S-US-A, PVI-3.6-OUTD-S-US-A, PVI-3.0-OUTD-S-US-A, PVI-4.2-OUTD-US-W, PVI-3.8-OUTD-US-W, PVI-3.6-OUTD-US-W an ager CLASS 531109 -POWER SUPPLIES -Distributed Generation Power Systems Equipment CLASS 531189 -POWER SUPPLIES -Distributed Generation -Power Systems Equipment - Certified to U.S. Stan d PVI-3.0-OUTD-US-W; provided with two DC input channels, permanently connected, system ratings as follows: Notes: ' 1. All above models in this series may include expansion board with wireless antennae option and will be identified with model designation including "-Z" suffix. 2. For details related to rating, size, configuration, etc. reference should be made to the CSA Certification Record or the Certificate of Complian ce Annex A. I LOW -5 ENERGY Product Datasheet LGete 1z 'pm. aaa m rra ramp pinup The LGate 120 combines a revenue -grade, solid-state power meter with an advanced communications gateway. These components work in conjunction to remotely monitor the performance of residential solar energy installation regardless of panel or inverter type. The LGate 120 is a one-piece completely under glass meter which installs easily using a standard socket base. Performance data is uploaded in near real-time to the Locus Energy SolarOS monitoring platform which provides a suite of tools and analytics for asset managers. DATA COLLECTION AC energy data is collected by the meter and passed to the communications module. Additional system performance data can be collected directly from meteorological sensors and supported inverters via RS -485 or Zigbee connections. All data is stored in non-volatile memory and then automatically uploaded to SolarOS at user configurable intervals. NGTWORK CONNECTIVITY The communications gateway inside the LGate 120 supports plug and play connectivity through a cellular or Ethernet network connection. Once the unit is installed and powered on, it will immediately begin transmitting data without any configuration. For maximum reliability, the communications gateway will automatically route uploads between the wireless and wired connections if either of the networks are unavailable. 1Y1_111111:a*9 • ANSI 02.20 power meter • RS -485 and Zigbee inputs • GSM cellular or Ethernet connectivity + uver the air Tlrmware ii(5dates • Low cost installation • Doesn't require entrance into the house • Plug and play activation • Configurable data upload interval DIAGRAM - TYPICAL CONFIGURATION mmm mmm now =MM 111111WMM =MM m mmm ==W ® mmm ::: Amo MMW ems mmm PV ARRAY f71u'1:111.69[$]I!M INVERTER(S) it I INTERNET LGATE 120 LOCUS ENERGY METER BASE COMM MODULE METER MODULE v v Dimensions 6.95" x 6.5" x 7.3" t Environment 20 to 70C, 95% RH, non -condensing Warranty 5 year limited warranty SPECIFICATIONS DATALOGGER r prr ° ocessoR ARM4 embedded CPU Os Custom version of Linux 2.6, OTA firmware updates Memory 128 MB RAM t Display LCD screen I ncioG 9',Viry and'4 wire ,. .. M ;.., , ,, ,,,.•,f Modbus Zigbee COMMUNICATIONS I LAN RJ45 10/100 Ethernet, full half duplex, auto polarity Cellular 3G GSM Networking DHCP or static SOCKET METER 6.95 in 6.311 in !I Shielded CATS' ELECTRICAL SERVICE Imo— 5.46 in 6.00 in —► 7.30 in — POWER METER Accuracy ANSI 12.20 class 0.29C .... ..........- .. _ . Voltage Inputs 120 - 480 VAC Phases Single phase, Split phase at 50 or 60 Hz Socket Type 2S 1 _AIdS11L.L8 Mdse u LSdr '" _ -" FCC Part 15B- ( PTC RB AT&T Carrier Compliance Enclosure NEMA 3R Type Weight 8 oz Dimensions 6.95" x 6.5" x 7.3" t Environment 20 to 70C, 95% RH, non -condensing Warranty 5 year limited warranty 100 Amp Self -Contained Oil W it hout Bypass • Single meter position • Designed to receive watthour meters that meet ANSI C12.10 • Surface or semi -flush mounting • Overhead or underground feed • Type 3R construction • Snap type sealing ring included • 5th jaw provision at nine o'clock – 011 series only • Ring style • UL 414 listed, complies with ANSI C12.7 • ANSI 61 gray acrylic electrocoat finish • 5th jaw kit — catalog #50365 • Screw type sealing ring — catalog #25016D (included with MS73 catalog numbers) • Steel and clear lexan covers for socket opening • AW hubs LUG DIMENSIONS LU01I 1 t I 150 125 1 600 I 10 3W I 4 I NONE I 14 AWG - 210 AWG 114 AWG - 210 AWG I Fig. 5 I 12 I 12 1 4% t = Meter sockets shown on this page have certain short circuit current ratings when used in conformance with the tables on page 8. 00 COOPER B -Line 2 Data subject to change without notice. Consult local utility for area acceptance. All dimensions in inches. 100 Amp Self -Contained 4 Without Bypass AB Fig. 2 4 D W ►j • AZ i------------- O° 2 I = ------ --------------- 0.1 ----------------Fig.6 - - - Fig. 5 AB O 2 Vie 5 7/is Fig. 4 I AD 4 —►I 3 Y2 .Knockouts — Conduit Sizes AB=W' AZ=2"-1W.-I Yd' -1" HA =AW HUB Fig 7 / Data subject to change without notice. Consult local utility for area acceptance. All dimensions in inches. COOPER B -Line 3 CONDUCTOR LUG RANGE DIMENSIONS (INCHES) AIC AMPACITY SERVICE Nu BER &J4AWS HUB PHASE CONDUCTORNEUTRALD DEPTH VOLTAGE TYPE OF PROV. LINE/LOAD CONDUCTOR NUMBER (H) (W) TiRATIN( t 150 125 600 10 3W 4 AW 14 AWG - 210 AWG 14 AWG - 210 AWG Fig. 1 12 8 4 § 019MS73 t 150 125 600 10 3W 4 AW 14 AWG - 2/O AWG 14 AWG-- 210 AWG Fig. 1 12 B' 4 4B 927, t 150 125 1 600 1 30 4W 1 7 1 AW 1 14 AWG -110 AWG 14 AWG - 210 AWG Fig. 3 17 8 4 5, LUG DIMENSIONS LU01I 1 t I 150 125 1 600 I 10 3W I 4 I NONE I 14 AWG - 210 AWG 114 AWG - 210 AWG I Fig. 5 I 12 I 12 1 4% t = Meter sockets shown on this page have certain short circuit current ratings when used in conformance with the tables on page 8. 00 COOPER B -Line 2 Data subject to change without notice. Consult local utility for area acceptance. All dimensions in inches. 100 Amp Self -Contained 4 Without Bypass AB Fig. 2 4 D W ►j • AZ i------------- O° 2 I = ------ --------------- 0.1 ----------------Fig.6 - - - Fig. 5 AB O 2 Vie 5 7/is Fig. 4 I AD 4 —►I 3 Y2 .Knockouts — Conduit Sizes AB=W' AZ=2"-1W.-I Yd' -1" HA =AW HUB Fig 7 / Data subject to change without notice. Consult local utility for area acceptance. All dimensions in inches. COOPER B -Line 3 October 22"d, 2013 This letter is to certify that the LGate 120 and LGate 320 are communication boards built into the Vision Meter 2S CL200 and 16S CL320 socket meters, respectively. Each of these meters was certified to the ANSI C12.20 (class 0.2%) standard by Underwriters Laboratory on June 7, 2013 as part of the Vision Meter Family (Project Number 12CA71134, Job Number 1001541515, and Report Number R12CA71134- ANSI). ANSI C12.20 is currently recognized as the industry standard for electrical socket meters in both utility and PV monitoring applications. These tests cover both meter accuracy as well as several safety standards including electrical and environmental safety, as well as resistance to various types of mechanical shock. As electrical socket meters are generally installed and maintained by trained and certified professionals, rather than consumers, they do not fit the typical criteria for additional types of UL or IEC certification. If you have any further questions regarding the product certification of any Locus Energy LGate-branded device, please contact us at support@locusenergy.com. The Locus Energy Team Locus Energy, LLC www.locusenergy.com 7.68 [195] 6.63 [168] AA ,62 DIA '3.02 [16] (771-5 77l50 [t3) 31 DIA 1.51 [8] [38] (3 HOLES) 14.88 [378] 11.24 [2a5] 5.80 1.88 [147] [48] IAr 'i0 lf INi 1.64 [42] •1.00 •1.40 •1.15 [26] [35] [29] A,B,C i3 02 KNOCKOUTS 177l 3.76 A,B,C,D KNOCKOUTS A.B,C KNOCKOUTS 95 .28/[7] DIA'5_" 1.87 11.87 KNOCKOUT [29] [48] [48) 1.10 [28] D C B A 2.08 * 10 19 .28 - [53] [3] [5] [7] FROM MTG SURFACE TANGENT KNOCKOUT (DIMENSION ON DRAWING TO CENTERLINE OF "A" KNOCKOUT) A•B,C NEMA TYPE 3R KNOCKOUTS 1.40 X23] [36] WIRING DIAGRAMS FUSIBLE NOT FUSIBLE qY Q4Q $6 AWG X114 AWG AL OR CU A N B H D 1N, B O 1.13 29 C Ni I I I D 1.25 32 TERMINAL LUGS AMPERES MAX WIRE MIN WIRE TYPE 30 $6 AWG X114 AWG AL OR CU 4.86 SEISMIC NOTES: [123] USE S 0 HOLES AA MAX CONFIGURED WEIGHT 8 LB FOR 4' DIA GRADE 5 STEEL MTHE PURPOOUNTING SE OF DETERMINING SEISMIC ANCHORAGE REQUIREMENTS. FOR ALL OTHER APPLICATIONS, CONTACT SQUARE D COMPANY. *DIMENSIONS TO BOX (NOT COVER) KNOCKOUTS SYMBOL CONDUIT SIZE IN MM DIAMETER IN MM A .50 13 .88 22 B .75 19 1.13 29 C 1.00 25 1.38 35 D 1.25 32 1.75 44 DUAL DIMENSIONS: INCHES MILLIMETERS CATALOG NUMBER VOLTAGE RATINGS PERA RATINGS UL LISTED - E2875 7 HORSEPOWER RATINGS 1 O ALL NEUTRALS - INSULATED WIRING 240VAC 480VAC 600VAC DIAG 250 wC STD MAX STD MAX STD MAX 600 VDC 7_ V I BETWEEN ENCLOSURES FOR OPENING OF SIDE HINGED DOOR. 'Cn 10 30 10 30 10 30 10 30 10 30 10 30 STD MAX H221NRB 240VAC,25owC 30 A 1 1/2 3$ 3 • 7 1/2 - - - - - - - - 50 - - - H321NRB 240VAC,250wC 30 B 1 1/2 3 3 ♦ 7 1/2 - - - - - - - - 5 - - - H361NRB 600VAC,600wC 30 B - - - - 3♦ 5$ 71/2♦ 15$ - 7 1/2 - 20 5 - IDA 15 H361RB 600VAC.600wC 30 C - - - - 3 50 71/2 15. - 7 1/2 - 20 5 - 10 15 HU361R8 600VAC,600wC 30 D - - 5 100 - - 71/2 20 - - 10 30 - 5♦ - 15j HU361RBE1 600VAC.600wC 30 D - - 5♦ 10■ - - 71/2 20■ - - 10 30 - 5♦ - 15 HU361NRB 600VAC,600wC 30 E - - 5♦ 10 - - 7 1/2 20$ - - 10 ♦ 30 - 5♦ - 15 NOTES; « UL LISTED - E2875 7 FINISH - GRAY BAKED ENAMEL 1 O ALL NEUTRALS - INSULATED 1 WHEN MOUNTING THESE SWITCHES, ALLOW 3.0OA76] MIN CLEARANCE 7_ V I BETWEEN ENCLOSURES FOR OPENING OF SIDE HINGED DOOR. 'Cn •USE BOTH OUTER SWITCHING POLES • USE BOTH SWITCHING POLES C ■(F CORNER GROUNDED DELTA, INSTALL NEUTRAL AND USE OUTER SWITCHING POLES FOR UNGROUNDED CONDUCTORS. ' FOR CORNER GROUNDED DELTA ONLY, USE OUTER SWITCHING POLES FOR UNGROUNDED CONDUCTORS. JULY 2009 r O « 7 o 1 O a 1 E 7_ V I N 'Cn O N C i (7 a) I ' Q C7 Y 16 CL N I ' 1 1 I CD 1 I L) i T I O m o I N 1 N Q1 . i O ui O 0) O r i 10 O I ll.l CD 0 I 1.°r° r te. 1 C6- U) >- s I ' O c 1 I a 1 f 0 O c t 0 / ' ai 0 i w I I t o. f I oLL f I 7 c ILI 0 10, 0. I { L. O r.N Z 01 tL O O O s. I a; m' I W W 1 V LL o ^+ / 0 f CD - fi ] Ui ui to 3 c y rn U 0) i L U • . { < N 1< L F- N r N U 'C L N I N f U I 7 «L0"' l m (L l0 7 LL Q Q * d O a. N i C d.m N c T CIDt// ' I •> O > E Ui O .12 O' N f0 7 cq C) I la a. 1 J; :3 (O cn N' O' O 0) Jt< Z Z1.O N Xk i )W C', -j CD Z IZ Z I I I I { 1 Q V. 10 N f0 1 - N Z U ID O CL CD O)!.N N 1 ) N i y. O 0 > CL 0 0)a1 or rn Q C t o o l U >= c o c y. 1 m o a a1 a L .E > c r' p a V N U O I jN U 7 .d1 U : CL. fes_ . U : Cl. C 6 LU i V) !.> -Q ,UJ 0 < uU Z ; S . ,Q H' LL W F -- r O « 7 o 1 O a 1 E 7_ V I N 'Cn O N C i (7 a) I ' Q C7 Y 16 CL N I ' 1 1 I CD 1 I i T I O m o I N 1 N Q1 . i O O 0) O r i 10 O I ll.l CD 0 I 1.°r° r te. 1 C6- U) >- s I ' I L d « r 1 O 1 0) 1 C 7_ V C N 'Cn N N I , E O. C u c Z (7 a) I a n f m Q or' O,1 07 i m Y 16 2229 N O' LAJ I Le L Advancing Renewable Technology Washer, Electrical Equipment Bond Patent Pending INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS For lronRidge Please read carefully before installing. WEEB-DMC WEEBL-6.7 WEEB Bonding Jumper -6.7 l Products are tested to UL 467 UL standard for safety grounding and bonding equipment Document Number 104-0404-000039-003 Wiley Electronics LLC. 2006-2010© —All Rights Reserved cq us Int rtek 3098177 SYSTEM OVERVIEW ` V1 1QII LV t Ul 11 IG\.l Jy OLGl 11 lV equipment ground conductor. Important notes: 1. Use general purpose anti -seize compound on fastener threads when installing WEEBs. 2. WEEBs are intended for SINGLE USE ONLY. Functionality will not be guaranteed if reused. Wiley Electronics LLC. 2006-2010© —All Rights Reserved TK 1818 — Polystyrene and Polycarbonate —182 x 180 mm (7.17 x 7.09 in.) Standard Features • Protection Level: • Technical: • UL Recognized Enclosure Materials: • Gasket Material: • Color. • Material Temperature Range: • Accessories: IP66 (NEMA Type: 4X with gray cover, 12K with transparent cover) Smooth or Knockout Sidewalls Gray or Tinted Transparent Cover Multiple Enclosure Mounting options Polystyrene or Polycarbonate Polyurethane Light Gray Polystyrene -25°C to 70°C (-13°F to 158PO Polycarbonate -40°C to 120°C (401 to 248°F) See section below CE U c ® us eg4144 Smooth Sidewalls .- Polystyrene Polystyrene Ordering Polycarbonate Upper Limit Temperature Polycarbonate Height Cat Na Fbididng . " HiigM Mounting Plate (plastic) Cover "Cover Sis mm on) ... Cover St0. information mm (in) Cat Na Type Color Pk. Cal. Na Type Color Pk. 8 Enclosure - low cover 90 mm (3.54 in) 110-407 PS 1818-9-o gray 2 120407 PC 1818-9-o gray 2 B Erictosure - higb_covi r 111 mm (4.37 In) 110 907, PS 1818-11-o gray 2 12_0-907 PC'1818-11-o gray 2 _ E3 Enclosure - top hat cover 165 mm (6.50 In) 109-407 PS 1818-16-o gray 1 121-407 PC 1818-16-o gray 1 8 Enclosure -low cover _90 mm (3.54 in) 111-007 007 , PS 181_6 9 -to trans. 2 i30-007 ' PC1818 9 -to` trans 2 B Enclosure - high cover 111 mm (4.37 in) 111-507 PS 1818 -11 -to trans. 2 130-507 PC 1818 -11 -to trans. 2 l e - Enclosure - top hat cdber 165 mm (6.50 in)l 112-007 w PS 1818 -16 -to trans. 1 131-007 PC 1818 -16 -to trans. _ 1 Sidewalls with Metric Knockouts .- Polystyrene Polyamide 6.6 ■* « Ordering Polycarbonate Upper Limit Temperature r Ordering Height Cat Na Cover Std. Mounting Plate (plastic) Cover Std I Information mm on) Cat Na Type Color Pk. Cat Na Type Color Pk. . _...__ ._ 8 Enclosure -low cover _. _ 90 mm (3.54 in) __. _ _.. 105-407 _._ __. PS 1818-9-m gray _-.- 2 --- 127407 _ ._. ... PC 1818-9-m gray 2 _ e Enclosure -high cover 111 mm (4.37 in) _ 105-907 PS 1818 11-m gray 2 PC 1818-11m gray 2 wj B Enclosure - tap hat cover 165 mm (6.50 in) 104-407 PS 181846-m gray 1 ,127-907 128-407 _ PC 1818-16-m gray _ 1 j 8 Enclosure - tow cover 90 inm (3.54 in) 1_06-007 PS 1818-9-tm trans. 2 137-007 PC 1818-9-tm trans. —2 _ E3 Enclosure - high cover 111 mm (4.37 In) 106-507 PS 1818-11-tm trans. 2 137-507 PC 1818-11-tm trans. 2 R Enclureos- top hat cover 165 mm (6.50 in) 107 007 - µPS 1818 16-tm trans. 1 138-007 PC 1818-16-tm trans Accessories .- Polyamide 6.6 ■* « Ordering 1.14.l1'WD Upper Limit Temperature Std. - Information Cat Na Type Plk. Mounting Plate (plastic) 195-007 TKMPI-1818 1 Mounting Plate'(steel) 197-007 TKMPS-181_8 DIN Rail TS35-144mm 198-144 TS 35/144 1 _ ;Hinge Kit Set - 190.005 - W HK2 Mounting Tab Kit 194-001 MT1 1 Please refer to pages 136-140 for additional accessories and detailed information. 34 Altech Corp.® • 35 Royal Road • Flemington, NJ 08822-6000 • Phone (908)806-9400 • FAX (908)806-9490 • www.altechcorp.com HOUSINGS The metal parts of Altech terminal blocks are housed in precision -molded, self -extinguishing polyamide 6.6 material for maximum dielectric strength, electrical insulation and temperature resistance. Standard features on all housings include funnel -shaped wire entry openings and screwdriver guides. SPECIFICATIONS .- Material Polyamide 6.6 ■* « [Specific Gravity 1.14.l1'WD Upper Limit Temperature 105°C• • All blocks are available (Lowe_r.0i: iiTemperature - W.C= with 130°C material, Volume Resistivity 101,92 cm VO grade, on request. [Su rface_ ResisiivIlty 10r° Dielectric Strength 400KV/cm iFlammab1lity_(lJL94) V2,Grade- ATEX APPROVEDTERMINAL BLOCKS AEx el[I Ex ell £x Many of Altech terminal blocks are AEx eII Ex eII ATEX* approved. They can be used in potentially explosive applications which may occur in chemical and petrochemical industry. These terminals can be used in Class 1, Zones 0, 1 and 2 hazardous locations. These terminal blocks comply to EN 500019. The ATEX Directive besides taking into account the electrical sources of explosion, also considering potentially explosive concentrations of gas, vapor or mist along with dust in the air. The ATEX Directive identities two groups of equipment as per EN 50014. Group 1 where the equipment is intended for use in mining applications. Group 2 where the equipment is intended for all situations other than mines. These groups are further classified into Zones. Zones are areas where there is risk of flammable material being released in the atmosphere. These zones describe the probability of a flammable material being released to atmosphere in explosive concentrations. Zone 0 is the highest risk zone where an explosive atmosphere is expected to exist continuously or for very long periods of time. Zone 1 is an area where an explosive atmosphere is expected to existfor short periods of time, but during a yearthe accumulation of such events is not in excess of 10000 hours. Zone 2 is an area where an explosive concentration of flammable material is not expected and should it be released it will only exist for a very short period of time and where the accumulation of events over a year does not exceed much in excess of 10 hours. *CERT #TUV 06 ATEX 2968U CUSTOM ASSEMBLIES The beauty of the DIN Rail concept is its convenience, the unsurpassed ease with which many different components and devices can be mounted on the same rail. Altech has made things even easier by making it possible for you to order custom designed assemblies with a single part number or, for that matter, your own drawing number. No need to order a - z multitude of parts, no more unwanted inventories of bulk -pack- eek aged accessories. , ,,,,,„ 1 :a4' i 4!c ......... PM, Send Altech your drawings or specifications, and our experi- enced staff will build, mark and ship your assembly, ready for installation. Our on -staff engineers will also assist you in review- ing your drawings. 6 Altech Corp." • 35 Royal Road • Flemington, NJ 08822-6000 • Phone (908)806-9400 • FAX (908)806-9490 • www.altechcorp.com 12.0 rl Ilr rr%/ r r/ LAI A rlr\r n/%/1r RIDGE .79 .04 n 3 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION QTY. ' 1 FLASHING, 9" X 12" X.040", 5052, MILL 1 2 QBLOCK, CONDUIT, 5/16" - 6061-T6, MILL 1 WASHER, SEALING, 1/4" ID X 7/8" OD, EPDM 3 BONDED SS 1 4 LAG SCREW, HEX HEAD, 1/4" x 2-1/2", 18-8SS 1 CONDUIT CLAMP NOT INCL UDED PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF QUICK MOUNT PV. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF QUICK MOUNT PV IS PROHIBITED. 2 a 4 J FLASHING AND BLOCK A VAILABLE IN MILL, CLEAR ANODIZED, AND DARK BRONZE ANODIZED FINISHES M, Quick Mount PV- TITLE: QMCC: CLASSIC CONDUIT MOUNT UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: SIZE DRAWN BY: MPW REV DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES TOLERANCES: FRACTIONALY I/16 A DATE: 7/19/2012 3 DO NOT SCALE DRAWING TWO PLACE DECIMAL 2.02 THREE PLACE DECIMAL ±.005 SCALE: 1:4 WEIGHT:0.65 SHEET 1 OF 1 I Low Profile Composition Mount I QMLPC t -foot not shown in j'— 9.00 top view fors - -- 12.01 L -foot not included. Slot or hole on L -foot must be smaller than the outer diameter of the sealing washer (Item 41 in order to ensure a v NO. ITEM I DESCRIPTION QTY. 1 Flashing, 9" x 12" x .040". AL* 1 j 4Washer, Sealing, S/16" ID x 1-1 /8" OD, SS/EPDM 1 1I Lagcrew, Hex Head, 5/ 16"x , { I t *Avoilable in mill, gkim, and bromP onor&r-rY finsihPs .77 QIlirk Mnunt PV" TIT L1. QMLPC-5: Low Profile Composition with 5" Hardware UNLESS -OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: SIZE DRAWN BY: 1DA I REV DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES LS TOLERANCES:DONOT SCALE DRAW G TWOPLACEDECWt :.DITHREE PLACEDECIMAL :.Ins E: I:a WEIGHT:0.76 I SHEET 1 OF I a Sources: American Wood Council, NDS 2005, Table 11.2 A, 11.3.2 A Notes: 1) Thread must be embedded Ina rafter or other structural roof member. 2) See IBC for required edge distances. "Note: To maintain waterproofing it is important that the alumi—rrr nashing (Item 1) is properly placed under one full course above the mounting block with at least some of the flashing extending up under the course above that as well. See Instructions on back. G,uick Mount PYD 111111111"!V-0 quick Mount PVD Low Profile Composition Mounting Instructions Installation Tools Required: tape measure, roofing bar, chalk line, stud finder, caulking gun, 1 tube of appropriate sealant, drill with 7/32" bit, drill or impact gun with 1/2" deep socket. Locate, choose, and mark centers of rafters to be Lift composition roof shingle with roofing bar,just Slide mount into desired position. Remove any mounted. Select each row course of roofing for above placement of Quick Mount. nails that conflict with getting mount flush with placement of Quick Mounts. front edge of shingle course. Mark center for drilling. Using drill with 7/32" bit, drill pilot hole into roof and rafter, taking care to drill square to the roof. Do not use mount as a drill guide. Clean offany sawdust, and fill hole with sealant. Slide mount back Into position. Place EPDM rubber washer on top of block. Prepare lag bolt with one sealing washer, place You are now ready for the rack of your choice. L -foot onto block. Insert lag bolt through L -foot Follow all the directions of the rack manufacturer and block hole and drive it into rafter, tightening as well as the module manufacturer. to a solid snug fit. 925-687-6686 • www.quickmountpv.com is info@quickmountpv.com BI 7.2.3-1 2700 Mitchell Dr., Bldg. 2 . Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Apr -2012, Rev 3 Lag pull-out (withdrawal) capacities (Ibs) in typical lumber: Lag Bolt Specifications Specific Gravity 5/16" shaft per 3" thread depth ShIT'shaft per 1" thread depth Douglas Fir, Larch .50 798 266 Douglas Fir, South .46 1175 235 Cngdmann Spruce, Ludgepole Pine (MSR 1850 t 8 higher) .46 1175 235 Hem, FIr 1.43 1060 212 Hem, Fir (North) .46 1175 1235 Southern Pine .55 1535 1 307 Spruce, Pine, Fir .42 1025 205 Spruce, Pine, Fir (E of 2 million psi and higher grades of MSR and MEL) .50 1330 266 Sources: American Wood Council, NDS 2005, Table 11.2 A, 11.3.2 A Notes: 1) Thread must be embedded Ina rafter or other structural roof member. 2) See IBC for required edge distances. "Note: To maintain waterproofing it is important that the alumi—rrr nashing (Item 1) is properly placed under one full course above the mounting block with at least some of the flashing extending up under the course above that as well. See Instructions on back. G,uick Mount PYD 111111111"!V-0 quick Mount PVD Low Profile Composition Mounting Instructions Installation Tools Required: tape measure, roofing bar, chalk line, stud finder, caulking gun, 1 tube of appropriate sealant, drill with 7/32" bit, drill or impact gun with 1/2" deep socket. Locate, choose, and mark centers of rafters to be Lift composition roof shingle with roofing bar,just Slide mount into desired position. Remove any mounted. Select each row course of roofing for above placement of Quick Mount. nails that conflict with getting mount flush with placement of Quick Mounts. front edge of shingle course. Mark center for drilling. Using drill with 7/32" bit, drill pilot hole into roof and rafter, taking care to drill square to the roof. Do not use mount as a drill guide. Clean offany sawdust, and fill hole with sealant. Slide mount back Into position. Place EPDM rubber washer on top of block. Prepare lag bolt with one sealing washer, place You are now ready for the rack of your choice. L -foot onto block. Insert lag bolt through L -foot Follow all the directions of the rack manufacturer and block hole and drive it into rafter, tightening as well as the module manufacturer. to a solid snug fit. 925-687-6686 • www.quickmountpv.com is info@quickmountpv.com BI 7.2.3-1 2700 Mitchell Dr., Bldg. 2 . Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Apr -2012, Rev 3 IronRidge Oecembee 30; 2013 IronRidge December 30, 2013 Mr. William Kim Page 5 of 5 ` Mr. William Kim Page 2 of 5 Light Rail (XRL), Roof Flush Mounting System — Structui"al Analysis ( Light Rail (XRL), Roof Flush Mounting System — Structural Analysis Notes — Tabulated values are based on the following criteriar I . Building mean roof height = 30 ft 2. Risk Category .I 3. Roof slope =`7 to 27 deg. 4. Solar panel long dimension = 67.5 in 5. Provide 2 in, clear between roof and rail 6. End caritileve'r slian (niax) = 0.40 x rb ax 'irnum: span from above, tables 7: No rail.splices in end spans 8. No rail splices in middle 1(3 of interior spans 9. Single simple span(s). Tabulated values may be. increased for multiple continuous spans. Contack IronRidge. Our analysis assumes that the rails, including the connections and associated hardware, are installed in a workmanlike manner in accordance with the Ir Light Rail Installation Manual" by lronRidge and generally accepted standards of constiuction practice: Additional information is available at the ItbnRidge web site,, IronRidge.cotn. Vetifeatiori ofPV Module capacity to support the loads associated with the givers array shall be the responsibility of the Contractor or Owner and: not lronRidge or Starling Madison Lofquist. The adequacy of the supporting rpot: framing is to be deterri ined by others. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience if you have any questions; Respectfully yours, Tres Warner,.P.E. Design. Division Manager t Y 71J73 r EXPAt/ it Starling Madison Lofquist; Inca Consulting Structural and Forensic Engineers Notes — see page 5 Starling Madison Lofquist, Inc. 5 1 -2- Consulting Structural and Forensic Engineers Table 1- MAXIMUM SPANS (inches) - Roof Wind Zone 1 Light Rail Wind Speed Ground Snow Load Exposure mph 0 psf 10 psf 20 psf 30 psf 40 psf 50 psf 60 psf 70 psf 100 89 78 66 59 52 47 43 40 105 89 78 66 59 52 47 43 40 110 89 78 66 59 52 47 43 40 120 89 78 66 59 52 47 43 40 Category 130 87 78 66 59 52 47 43 40 B 140 81 78 66 59 52 47 43 40 150 76 76 65 59 52 47 43 40 160 72 72 64 58 52 47 43 40 170 68 68 63 57 52 47 43 40 180 64 64 61 56 51 47 43 40 100 89 78 66 59 52 47 43 40 105 89 78 66 59 52 47 43 40 110 87 78 66 59 52 47 43 40 120 80 78 66 59 52 47 43 40 Category 130 74 74 65 58 52 47 43 40 C 140 69 69 63 57 52 47 43 40 150 65 65 62 56 51 47 43 40 160 61 61 60 55 50 47 43 40 170 58 58 58 54 49 46 43 40 180 54 54 54 53 49 45 43 40 100 88 78 66 59 52 47 43 40 105 84 78 66 59 52 47 43 1 40 110 80 78 66 59 52 47 43 40 120 74 74 65 58 52 47 43 40 Category 130 69 69 63 57 52 47 43 40 D 140 64 64 61 56 51 47 43 40 150 60 60 60 55 50 46 43 40 160 56 56 56 53 49 46 43 40 53 53 53 52 48 45 42 40 P1170 80 50 50 50 50 47 44 42 39 Notes — see page 5 Starling Madison Lofquist, Inc. 5 1 -2- Consulting Structural and Forensic Engineers c IronRidge December 30, 2013 IronRidge Mr. William Kim Page 3 of 5 Mr. William Kim Light Rail (XRL), Roof Flush Mounting System — Structural Analysis Light Rail (XRL), Roof Flush Mounting System — Structural Analysis Notes — see page 5 Starling Madison Lofquist, Inc. Consulting Structural and Forensic Engineers December 30, 2013 Page 4 of 5 Table 2 - MAXIMUM SPANS (inches) - Roof Wind Zone 2 Light Rail Wind Speed Ground Snow Load Exposure mph 0 psf 10 psf 20 psf 30 psf 40 psf 50 psf 60 psf 70 psf 100 83 78 66 59 52 47 43 40 105 65 65 65 59 52 47 43 105 79 78 66 59 52 47 43 40 43 110 76 76 66 59 52 47 43 40 43 120 70 70 66 59 52 47 43 40 Category 130 64 64 64 59 52 47 43 40 B 140 60 60 60 59 52 47 43 40 43 150 56 56 56 56 52 47 43 40 43 160 53 53 53 53 52 47 43 40 41 170 50 50 50 50 50 47 43 40 38 180 47 47 47 47 47 47 43 40 43 100 70 70 66 59 52 47 43 40 43 105 67 67 66 59 52 47 43 40 43 110 64 64 64 59 52 47 43 40 43 120 59 59 59 59 52 47 43 40 Category 130 55 55 55 55 52 47 43 40 C 140 51 51 51 51 51 47 43 40 39 150 48 48 48 48 48 47 43 40 36 160 45 45 45 45 45 45 43 40 170 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 40 180 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 100 65 65 65 59 52 47 43 40 105 62 62 62 59 52 47 43 40 110 59 59 59 59 52 47 43 40 120 55 55 55 55 52 47 43 40 Category D 130 51 51 51 51 51 47 43 40 140 47 47 47 47 47 47 43 40 38 150 44 44 44 44 44 44 43 40 160 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 40 36 170 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 34 180 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 Notes — see page 5 Starling Madison Lofquist, Inc. Consulting Structural and Forensic Engineers December 30, 2013 Page 4 of 5 Notes — see page 5 Starling Madison Lofquist, Inc. Consulting Structural and Forensic Engineers Table 3 - MAXIMUM SPANS (inches) - Roof Wind Zone 3 Light Rail Wind Speed Ground Snow Load Exposure mph 0 psf 10 psf 20 psf 30 psf 40 psf 50 psf 60 psf 70 psf 100 68 68 66 59 52 47 43 40 105 65 65 65 59 52 47 43 40 110 62 62 62 59 52 47 43 40 120 57 57 57 57 52 47 43 40 Category 130 53 53 53 53 52 47 43 40 B 140 49 49 49 49 49 47 43 40 150 46 46 46 46 46 46 43 40 160 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 40 170 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 40 F-1 80 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 100 58 58 58 58 52 47 43 40 105 55 55 55 55 52 47 43 40 110 52 52 52 52 52 47 43 40 120 48 48 48 48 48 47 43 40 Category 130 45 45 45 45 45 45 43 40 C 140 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 40 150 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 160 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 170 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 180 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 100 53 53 53 53 52 47 43 40 105 51 51 51 51 51 47 43 40 110 48 48 48 48 48 47 43 40 120 44 44 44 44 44 44 43 40 Category 130 41 41 .41 41 41 41 41 40 D 140 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 150 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 160 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 170 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 180 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Notes — see page 5 Starling Madison Lofquist, Inc. Consulting Structural and Forensic Engineers