2001 10 09 PCT4ht °F 4Qum& Planning Commission Agendas are now available on the City's Web Page @ www.la-quinta.org PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California OCTOBER 9, 2001 7:00 P.M. **NOTE** ALL ITEMS NOT CONSIDERED BY 11:00 P.M. WILL BE CONTINUED TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING Beginning Resolution 2001-125 Beginning Minute Motion 2001-017 I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call 11. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for public hearing. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the Minutes of the regular meeting on September 25, 2001. B. Department Report V. PRESENTATIONS: None PC/AGIENDA VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Item ................... CONTINUED - SPECIFIC PLAN 2000-048 AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 29858 (PHASE 2) AMENDMENTS - PALMILLA Applicant........... Forrest K. Haag for RJT Homes, Inc. Location............ Southwest corner of Avenue 50 and Jefferson Street Request ............. To modify development standards for building setbacks and on -site retention basins for a private residential development on approximately 73 acres. Action ............... Resolution 2001- , Resolution 2001- B. Item ................... CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2001-063 Applicant........... Sprint PCS Location............ 46-600 Adams Street, Storage USA Request ............. Installation of a 68-foot high wireless antenna camouflaged as a palm tree (Monopalm prototype design) and related ground mounted equipment for cellular telephone service within a self -storage facility on 3.77 acres Action ............... Resolution 2001- C. Item ................... VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2001-010 Applicant........... Edwin G. Cosek (Andrew's Bar and Grill) Location............ 78-121 Avenida La Fonda (formerly Chez Monique) Request ............. Review of exterior remodeling plans for an existing one story commercial building to include outdoor patio dining, landscaping, signs and vehicle parking areas on 0.17 acres Action ............... Resolution 2001- D. Item ................... VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2001-012 Applicant........... Santa Rosa Plaza, LLC Location............ The north side of Calle Tampico, between Desert Club Drive and Avenida Bermudas Request ............. Review of development plans for 18 buildings ("Casitas" units) on a portion of the 14 acre Embassy Suites site. Action ............... Resolution 2001- PC/AGENDA E. Item ................... SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2001-714 Applicant........... Madison Development LLC Location............ Northwest corner of Washington Street and Highway 1 1 1, within Point Happy Commercial Center Request ............. Review of development plans for one retail building Action ............... Resolution 2001- VII. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Item ................... SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2000-671, AMENDMENT #1 Applicant........... Toll Brothers (Gary Lemon) Location............ In the Norman Golf Course, on the north side of Airport Boulevard, east of Madison Street Request ............. Review of architectural plans for one new prototype residential unit Action ............... Minute Motion 2001- VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None IX. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: X. ADJOURNMENT PC/AGENDA MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA September 25, 2001 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Abels who asked Commissioner Kirk to lead the flag salute. B. Present: Commissioners Richard Butler, Tom Kirk, Steve Robbins, Robert Tyler, and Chairman Jacques Abels. C. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, Assistant City Attorney John Ramirez, Planning Manager Christine di lorio, Senior Engineer Steve Speer, Associate Planner Wallace Nesbit, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed IV. CONSENT ITEMS: A. Chairman Abels asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of September 11, 2001. Commissioner Tyler asked that Page 3, Item 10 be corrected to read, "....for Plan 1..."; Item 11, "...reduce the height of Plan 2... "; Page 8, Item 3, "...to match up with the Stater Bros. Market."; Page 11, Item 18, "...requiring Mr. Shovlin to change..."; Page 14, Item 2, "...asked if the existing abandoned two story house..."; Page 19, Item 26.a. "With the removal of the 40 acre parcel at the southwest corner of Madison Street and Avenue 60 from the application." There being no further corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Robbins/Butler to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved. B. Department Report: None. V. PRESENTATIONS: None. G:\WPDOCS\PC9-25-01.wpd 1 Planning Commission Minutes September 25, 2001 VI. PUBLIC HEARING: It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Butler to reorganize the Agenda to take Public Hearing Item "C" and Business Item "A" before Public Hearing Item "B". Unanimously approved. A. Capital Improvement Project 2001-694; a request of the City for review of building elevations and landscape plans for the La Quinta Community Park to be located at the northwest corner of Westward Ho Drive and Adams Street. 1. Staff requested this item be continued to October 23, 2001. 2. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Robbins to continue this application to October 23, 2001. Unanimously approved. B. Specific Plan 2000-048. Amendment #1: a request of Forrest K. Haag for RJT Homes, Inc. to modify development standards and text information for a private residential development on no more than 178 houses on approximately 73 acres located at the southwest corner of Avenue 50 and Jefferson Street. 1. Staff informed the Commission that a request had been received from the applicant requesting this item be continued to October 9, 2001. 2. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Butler to continue this application to October 9, 2001. Unanimously approved. VII. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Street Name Change 2001-012; a request of Lake La Quinta Communities to set a public hearing date to initiate a street name change for Via Trieste within Lake La Quinta. 1. Chairman Abels asked for the staff report. Planning Manager Christine di lorio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. GAWPD0CS\PC9-25-01.wpd 2 Planning Commission Minutes September 25, 2001 2. There being no questions of staff or public comment, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kirk/Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2001-121 declaring the Planning Commission's intention to hold a public hearing on Street Name Change 2001-012 on November 13, 2001. VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS - CONTINUED B. Environmental Assessment 96-328 Addendum Specific Plan 96-028 Amendment #2 and Site Development Permit 2001-709; a request of Bart Rinker for certification of an Addendum to Environmental Assessment 96-328; Specific Plan Amendment to allow 23,184 square feet of retail space on 1.88 acres currently approved for 1 1,010 square feet of retail space and revising the total Specific Plan building area to 118,884 square feet; and consideration of development plans for a 23,184 square foot retail building. 1. Chairman Abels opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Associate Planner Wally Nesbit presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Abels asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Kirk stated he could not find where turf was identified on the conceptual plan, but did find it in the text and he assumes all the green on the conceptual plan is turf. Staff stated the turf was not denoted on the conceptual plan, but they are requesting to place their retention in the two areas identified. There would be minimal retention in the Dune Palms Road area. The majority of the retention would be to the east side retention basin to comply with the Zoning Code standards. Any further explanation could be given by the application. Commissioner Kirk asked about the Mitigation Monitoring Plan as to whether staff had the Mitigation Monitoring Plan with the compliance check marks for this project and the dates it was checked. Staff stated it would be in the file. Commissioner Kirk asked who was responsible for retaining the record and who was monitoring the Mitigation Monitoring Plan. Staff noted it was the responsibility of the case planner. It is not done on the forms, but the information is kept in the case file. Planning Manager Christine di G:\WPD0CS\PC9-25-01.wpd 3 Planning Commission Minutes September 25, 2001 lorio stated they are used to monitor the project. Since 1996, staff has simplified them and removed the standard Uniform Building Code and Zoning Code conditions so they are specific to the project. 3. Commissioner Butler asked what the difference was between the two Specific Plans they received. Staff stated the updated Specific Plan was in a legislative format to note the changes made. Commissioner Butler asked if the parapet was to cover the issue of the height and if they reduce the height of the building and expose the mechanical equipment, is it being done by structure or parapet? If it is being done by the parapet, then the inside of the building roof will not have to be lowered and create additional problems. He doesn't want to make an issue of one foot if it means the building itself has to change to accommodate this issue. Staff stated the applicant would address this issue. 4. Commissioner Tyler questioned whether this project would have any impact on the empty gas station at the corner. Staff stated it had no bearing. Commissioner Tyler stated that when this project was originally reviewed, a lot of time was spent on the internal circulation pattern between the gas station and the other retail buildings, plus access through the project site. He does not see any of those issues being discussed at this time. Staff stated the building layout is fairly simple. Other than having north/south access at the driveways on either side of the buildings, there is no other access. Staff showed the circulation pattern on the site plan. Commissioner Tyler asked if area that appears to be a retention basin would be graded out and the retention basin moved to the landscape areas as shown. Staff stated the applicant could better define what would be relocated and how the drainage would be handled. Commissioner Tyler asked how many parking spaces are required versus what is proposed. Staff stated they were required to have 87 and the original use required 36 and they had 56. They are required to supply 87 and they have 89 parking spaces. 5. Chairman Abels asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Bart Rinker, applicant, stated he has read the staff report and conditions and concurs with all, but has a question on two of them. The first issue is the height of the building as they want it to remain at 23 feet. The storage unit to G:\WPDOCS\PC9-25-01.wpd 4 Planning Commission Minutes September 25, 2001 the south seems to have a height of 28 feet and the fuel bays of the service station are equal to 20-25 feet. In trying to stay in conformity with their neighbors they are trying to hide the mechanical equipment. Second, is the lighting plan. Their initial lighting plans had pole lights at 31 feet which is quite high. They would like to have another light study completed and resubmit it to staff and have the light standards come up to 22 feet. 6. Chairman Abels asked if anyone else would like to speak on this item. There being no further discussion, the public participation portion of the hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion. 7. Commissioner Butler asked the height of the originally proposed building. Staff stated there was nothing in the Specific Plan text and staff did not know what the original conceptual elevation height. 8. Commissioner Kirk stated he had question on two of the conditions. First, is the lighting where staff is suggesting the lighting be no greater than 18 feet. If he reads the Zoning Code correctly, he would be allowed to have 22 foot high light pole. Staff stated the Parking regulations does allow up to 25 feet. Staff wanted to make it as low as possible because most of the lighting is on the perimeter, especially along Dune Palms Road where it is within 20-30 feet of the roadway and staff was trying to prevent any light spillage onto the roadway. The applicant is looking for some type of compromise in the height. Commissioner Kirk stated the staff report states the Zoning Code requires the lights to be no more than 18 feet in height or the maximum building height of the zoning district, which he assumes is 22 feet of the setback. Staff stated the 18 feet comes from the section concerning lighting. There is also a standard that will allows them to go up to 25 feet. Staff's concern was the spillage, not the height. 9. Mr. Robert Ricciardi, landscape architect for the project, stated that in regard to the amount of turf to be used, the drawings before the Commission are presentation drawings only. The green area represents planters only. The landscaping plans has been submitted to the Commission. The landscape strip in front of Dune Palms Road will have no retention. All the water will drain G:\WPCiOCS\PC9-25-01.wpd 5 Planning Commission Minutes September 25, 2001 to the strip in the rear of the property. In regard to the parking, they do meet the requirements for Mixed Regional Commercial. Where the parking is needed will depend upon what type of uses go in. 10. Commissioner Tyler asked if the business would have open bays or only open in the back. Mr. Ricciardi stated only in the back; no overhead doors would be in the front. On the rear elevations, the stepping out treatment along the edge will be added to carry it throughout the building. All garage doors will be on the east side. The amount of car parking is substantial. 11. Commissioner Butler asked if there would be any security fencing in the rear. Mr. Ricciardi stated there are no plans at this time. 12. Mr. Rinker stated the uses proposed will be auto related retail uses. There are no plans to have mechanical shops. 13. Ms. Lydia R. Shinohara, from Pacific Engineering, civil engineer for the project, stated she has a question regarding Condition #32 to comply with NPDES provisions as it was her understanding this was completed for the entire project for the storm water pollution plan. Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated he would request the condition remain. If it is a mute issue, they would not require it to be done. 14. Commissioner Kirk asked if the words "if applicable" could be added. Staff stated there was no problem with adding the words. 15. There being no further public comment, Chairman Abels closed the public hearing and open the project for Commission discussion. Commissioner Tyler noted corrections that needed to be made in the Specific Plan document. 16. Commissioner Butler stated his only issue was the height. He would prefer they go to 23 feet and not have to reduce the roof line in order to hide the mechanical equipment. 17. Commissioner Kirk stated it was a good project and his only issue is that he did not want light standards higher than the building. As long as the new study shows no spillage he has no issue. G:\WPDOCS\PC9-25-01.wpd 6 Planning Commission Minutes September 25, 2001 18. Commissioner Robbins stated the rear or east side of the building will be visible and is in need of something to break the building up due to the length of the building. He would like to see some architectural detail added to break it up. Mr. Ricciardi stated they had a similar problem on another building in a different complex and they solved this by alternating the height. The colors could go darker to give the relief. They did add tile at the ends to bring some detail around to the rear. They could pop out the bays six inches. Commissioner Robbins stated that on the sign program the letters appear to be hugely out of proportion. Staff stated the sign program was integrated into what was approved last year. There are some size standards. Commissioner Robbins stated that if the size is limited to 50 square feet he is comfortable with the proposal. 19. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kirk/Butler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2001-122 certifying an Addendum to Environmental Assessment 96-328, as submitted: ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Robbins, Tyler, and Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Kirk. ABSTAIN: None. 20. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kirk/Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2001-123, approving Specific Plan 96-028 Amendment #2, subject to the findings and Conditions of Approval as submitted. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Robbins, Tyler, and Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Kirk. ABSTAIN: None. 21. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kirk/Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2001-124, approving Site Development Permit 2001-709, subject to the findings and Conditions of Approval as amended: a. Condition #56: All pole mounted light standards shall be limited in height to 20 feet. b. Condition #59: The building height shall not exceed 23 feet. C. Condition 60: Add "Staff to work with the applicant to increase the articulation on the east side of the facade." G:\WPDOCS\PC9-25-01.wpd 7 Planning Commission Minutes Septernber 25, 2001 ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Butler, Robbins, Tyler, and Chairman Abels. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Kirk. ABSTAIN: None. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None. IX. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Commissioner Tyler gave a report on the City Council meeting of September 18, 2001. X. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Robbins to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held October 9, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. on September 25, 2001. Respectfully submitted, Betty J. Sawyer, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California G:\WPCOCS\PC9-25-01.wpd 8 PH #A PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: OCTOBER 9, 2001 (CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 25, 2001) CASE NO.: SPECIFIC PLAN 2000-048 AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 29858 (PHASE 2) AMENDMENTS APPLICANT: FORREST K. HAAG FOR RJT HOMES, INC. REQUEST: TO MODIFY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR BUILDING SETBACKS AND ON -SITE RETENTION BASINS FOR A PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (PALMILLA) OF NO MORE THAN 178 HOUSES ON APPROXIMATELY 73 ACRES LOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 50 AND JEFFERSON STREET ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (EA 2000-401) WAS CERTIFIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON NOVEMBER 21, 2000 (RESOLUTION 2000-150) FOR THE 73 ACRE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. NO CHANGED CIRCUMSTANCES OR CONDITIONS AND NO NEW INFORMATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED THAT WOULD TRIGGER THE PREPARATION OF A SUBSEQUENT NEGATIVE DECLARATION. GENERAL PLAN/ZONING DESIGNATIONS: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2-4 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE); RL (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) SURROUNDING LAND USES: NORTH: ACROSS AVENUE 50, VACANT AND THE UNDER CONSTRUCTION TALANTE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF 78 HOUSES SR PC PalmillaMerger- Greg/52 - Printed: October 5, 2001 Ro 9/25; Eng 10/5 Page 1 of 4 SOUTH: CITRUS RESORT AND CLUB EAST: ACROSS JEFFERSON STREET, RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN INDIO WEST: THE ESTANCIAS RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT BACKGROUND: Planning Commission Action: On September 25, 2001, the Planning Commission, on a 5-0 vote, continued discussion of the applicant's setback changes to October 9, so that the applicant's retention basin design changes could be considered at the same public hearing. Project History: The Palmilla development, located at the southwest corner of Avenue 50 and Jefferson Street, is under construction. The development approvals for the 73-acre site are noted below: Specific Plan 2000-048 (City Council Resolution 2000-152) - The adopted Specific Plan provides the design guidelines and standards for 178 single family houses. The project is designed around a series of open space water features (Attachment 1). Tentative Tract Map 29858 - City Council Resolution 2000-153 allows a mix of 90 single family attached residences and 72 detached single family homes on lots ranging from 8,208 square feet to 21,136 square feet. The average lot size for the attached product is 10,446 square feet and 15,534 square feet for the detached product. Recordation of Tract 29858 (Phase 1), consisting of 141 residential lots on approximately 65.36 acres, occurred on July 13, 2001. On June 19, 2001, the City Council, on a 5-0 vote, adopted Resolution 2001-82, approving design changes to Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase 2) consisting of a reduction in the number of lots, cul-de-sac streets, and reconfiguring of the rear yard common open space areas on seven acres. Recordation of Phase 2 of Tract 29858 is pending. Site Development Permit 2001-694 - On March 27, 2001, the Planning Commission adopted Minute Motion 2001-008 approving six prototype houses ranging in size from 2,894 square feet to over 4,000 square feet in one and two story plan types. The Building and Safety Department issued construction permits for some of the developer's model houses in July. Based on tract map approvals, the developer is planning to build only 159 houses. SR PC PalmillaMerger- Greg/52 - Printed: October 5, 2001 Ro 9/25; Eng 10/5 Page 2 of 4 Project Request: The applicant has requested changes to the Palmilla development standards as follows: • Rear yard setbacks of 10 feet instead of 20 feet per Condition 56 of City Council Resolution 2000-152 for lots that do not back up to common open space areas. This setback change would match lots backing up to open space areas within the project. • Architectural projections are being requested to be allowed into front yards. However, no specific encroachment distance is noted and architectural projection is not defined. Project changes are proposed because the developer is having difficulty plotting their prototype units on lots that do not back onto common open space areas when lot depths are less than 120 feet and irregularly shaped. The applicant is also requesting changes to the Specific Plan document and conditions to allow their retention basin depths to be 10'-0" instead of 6'-0" as required by Condition #26 of City Council Resolution 2000-152 (Specific Plan) and Condition #27 of City Council Resolution 2001-62 (Tentative Tract Map) pursuant to Section 13.24.120(L1) of the Subdivision Ordinance. This modification will allow the developer's proposed 1.6 acre basin at the southeast corner of the development (Comrnon Lot "D" of TTM 29858, Phase 2) to be deeper than normal to account for the loss of open space areas to internal lake features (Attachment 2). Under this design proposal, approximately 8.7 acre-feet of stormwater will be detained in this primary, private on -site basin. Public Notice: These Amendment requests were advertised in the Desert Sun newspaper on September 15 and 27, 2001, and mailed to all property owners within 500-feet of the site. To date, no comments have been received from adjacent property owners. Any written comments received will be handed out at the meeting. Public; Agency Review: Only City Departments were asked to comment on this Amendment request. All comments have been incorporated into the attached draft Conditions of Approval, as appropriate. STATEMENT OF MANDATORY FINDINGS: Regarding the developer's request to deepen the retention basin depth, the Public Works Department has prepared a document (Attachment 3) which allows for a basin to be deeper than six foot when the size of the basin is larger than 20,000 square feet, provided certain design standards are met including a maximum percolation time period of 240 hours and creation of terraced side slopes. To protect the 3:1 side slopes from erosion, the Community Development Department supports using turf as SR PC PalmillaMerger- Greg/52 - Printed: October 5, 2001 Ro 9/25; Eng 10/5 Page 3 of 4 a soil stabilizer while areas for non -turf use should be benched areas and the bottom of the; basin to conserve water usage pursuant to Chapter 8.13 (Water Efficient Landscaping) of the Municipal Code. See Specific Plan Conditions 26 and 48 and Tract Conditions 27 and 49. Another planning issue that arises is whether deeper basins should require additional landscape enhancements and pedestrian access facilities with safety lighting. Staff supports basic enhancements such as additional perimeter trees and concrete sidewalk access to certain areas of the basin, but not necessarily to the bottom of the basin. In essence, large basins become lakes during 100-year storm incidents and playground equipment should not be encouraged in the bottom of the basin(s) for safety reasons. Changes to City Ordinance design standards to allow deep retention basins should only be done in conjunction with a specific plan document to insure basins are an integral part of the project's open space elements as it is for this project. The findings needed to approve this request can be made, and are contained in the attached Resolution. Changes requested by the developer and staff to the existing conditions are highlighted in the attached material. By allowing deeper basins, the developer benefits by devoting less land area to retention basin areas and more area to other private open space features. RECOMMENDATION: 1 . Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_, approving Specific Plan 2000- 048 (Amendment #1), subject to the attached findings and conditions; and 2. Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_, approving Amendment #2 to Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase 2), subject to the attached findings and conditions. Attachments: 1. Specific Plan 2000-048 Exhibit 2. Phase 2 Retention Basin 3. Public Works Department Memo by: G�641rdusdeII Associate Planner SR PC PalmillaMerger- Greg/52 - Printed: October 5, 2001 Ro 9/25; Eng 10/5 Submitted by: Christine di I o r i o Planning Manager Page 4 of 4 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001-_ A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF TEXT AND CONDITION CHANGES FOR A PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY CASE NO.: SPECIFIC PLAN 2000-048, AMENDMENT #1 (PALMILLA) APPLICANT: FORREST K. HAAG FOR RJT HOMES, INC. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 251h day of September and 91h day of October, 2001, hold duly noticed Public Hearings for an amendment to the retention basin and setback design standards for a master planned community of no more than 178 housing units on approximately 73 acres, generally located on the southwest corner of Avenue 50 and Jefferson Street:, more particularly described as: Portion of the NE 1 /4 of Section 5, Township 6S, Range 7E, S.B.B.M. APN: 772-050-007 and -008; Tract 29858 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 251h day of September, 2001, continue Amendment #1 to Specific Plan 2000-048 to October 9, 2001. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 21 st day of November, 2000, approve Specific Plan 2000-048 establishing design guidelines and development standards for a master planned community of 178 housing units on approximately 73 acres by adoption of Resolution 2000-152. WHEREAS, a Mitigated Negative Declaration (EA 2000-401) was certified by the City Council on November 21, 2000, under Resolution 2000-150 for the Palmilla development. No changed circumstances or conditions and no new information has been provided that would trigger the preparation of a subsequent Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons wanting to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings of approval to justify a recommendation for approval of said Specific Plan Amendments: 1. That the proposed Amendment is consistent with the goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan in that the property is designated Low Density Residential which permits the uses proposed for the property and is consistent RESOPC SMPalmillaMerger - Greg52 Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Specific Plan 2000-048, Amendment #1 - Palmilla October 9, 2001 Page 2 with the goals, policies and intent of the General Plan Land Use Element (Chapter 2) provided conditions are met. Under this Plan, the project density is roughly 2.4 units per acre which is within the density range for this low density residential area. Development of the site with 159 units reduces the project density to 2.17 units/acre. The Amendment provides design standard changes for building setbacks and on -site retention basins that will not impact off -site developments, nor adversely affect the development standards of Section 13.24.120 (Drainage) of the Subdivision Ordinance. 2. That the Specific Plan Amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare in that original development objectives are being met through extensive public improvements and good land use practices of encouraging common open space corridors, varied setbacks, unique housing designs, and retention basin sizes based on hydrology reports, etc. Large retention basins shall be an integral part of the development's open space and include areas for walking and picnicking in a park -like setting. Basin slopes shall be gradually sloping and be sculpted to enhance their aesthetic appeal while limiting the amount of turf to accomplish this end. 3. The mitigation measures of EA 2000-401 are binding on this development for such issues as noise, archaeological monitoring and on -site water retention. 4. The Specific Plan Amendment is suitable and appropriate provided the recommended Conditions of Approval are met. 5. That the proposed Specific Plan Amendment is an update to the original plan for development of a private residential development of not more than 178 houses on a 73-acre site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby require compliance with those mitigation measures required in Environmental Assessment 2000-401 (City Council Resolution 2000-150); and RESOPC SMPalmillaMerger - Greg52 Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Specific Plan 2000-048, Amendment #1 - Palmilla October 9, 2001 Page 3 3. That it does hereby recommend approval to the City Council of Specific Plan 2000-048 (Amendment #1) for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached conditions. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Planning Commission, held on this 911 day of October, 2001, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JACQUES ABELS, Chairman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JERRY HERMAN, Community Development Director City of La Quinta, California RESOPC SNUalmi11aMerger - Greg52 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001-_ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SPECIFIC PLAN 2000-048, AMENDMENT #1 (PALMILLA) OCTOBER 9, 2001 GENERAL 1. The applicant and/or developer agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Amendment. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel and any other challenge pertaining to this project. This indemnification shall include any award toward attorney's fees. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. Prior to the issuance of a grading, construction or building permit, the applicant shall obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies and departments: • Fire Marshal • Public Works Department (Grading Permit, Improvement Permit) • Community Development Department • Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department • Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • California Water Quality Control Board (CWQCB) The applicant/developer is responsible for any requirements of the permits or clearances from those jurisdictions. If the requirements include approval of improvement plans, applicant shall furnish proof of said approvals prior to obtaining City approval of the plans. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit. For projects requiring project -specific NPDES construction permits, the applicant shall submit a copy of the CWQCB acknowledgment of the applicant's Notice of Intent prior to issuance of a grading or site construction permit. The applicant shall ensure that the required Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan is available for inspection at the project site. A:\CondPC SP48#2 Palmilla Merger.wpdm - Greg52 Printed October 5, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Specific; Plan 2000-048, Amendment #1 October 9, 2001 Page 2 PROPERTY RIGHTS 3. Prior to approval of any future final tract map(s), the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights required of future tentative map(s) or otherwise necessary for construction or proper functioning of the proposed development. Conferred rights shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant access easements to the City for emergency services and for maintenance, construction, and reconstruction of essential improvements. 4. The applicant shall dedicate or grant public and private street right of way and utility easements in conformance with the City's General Plan, Municipal Code, applicable specific plans, and as required by the City Engineer. 5. Right-of-way dedications required of this development include: B. PRIVATE STREETS - Residential: 31-foot width. On -street parking is prohibited and provisions shall be made for adequate off-street parking for residents and visitors. The CC&R's shall contain language requiring the Homeowner's Association to provide for ongoing enforcement of the restrictions. C. CULS DE SAC - Use Riverside County Standard 800 (symmetric) or 800A (offset) with 39.5-foot radius, or larger. 6. Right-of-way geometry for knuckle turns and corner cutbacks shall conform with Riverside County Standard Drawings #801 and #805 unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 7. Dedications shall include additional widths as necessary for dedicated right and left turn lanes, bus turnouts, and other features contained in the approved construction plans. 8. The applicant shall dedicate ten -foot public utility easements contiguous with and along both sides of all private streets. The easements may be reduced to five feet with the express concurrence of IID. AACondPC SP48#2 Palmilla Merger.wpdm - Greg52 Printed October 5, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Specific; Plan 2000-048, Amendment #1 October 9, 2001 Page 3 9. The applicant shall create perimeter setbacks along public rights of way as follows (listed setback depth is the average depth if meandering wall design is approved): A. 50th Avenue and Jefferson Street - 20 feet The setback requirement applies to all frontage including, but not limited to, remainder parcels and sites dedicated for utility purposes. Where public facilities (e.g., sidewalks) are placed on privately -owned setbacks, the applicant shall dedicate blanket easements for those purposes. 10. The applicant shall dedicate easements necessary for placement of and access to utility lines and structures, drainage basins, mailbox clusters, park lands, and common areas. 11. The applicant shall vacate abutter's rights of access to public streets and properties from all frontage along the streets and properties except access points shown on the approved Specific Plan. 12. The applicant shall furnish proof of easements or written permission, as appropriate, from owners of any abutting properties on which grading, retaining wall construction, permanent slopes, or other encroachments are to occur. 13. If the applicant proposes vacation or abandonment of any existing rights of way or access easements which will diminish access rights to any properties owned by others, the applicant shall provide approved alternate rights of way or access easements to those properties or notarized letters of consent from the property owners. GRADING 14. This development shall comply with Chapter 8.11 of the LQMC (Flood Hazard Regulations). If any portion of any proposed building lot in the development is or may be located within a flood hazard area as identified on the City's Flood Insurance Rate Maps, the development shall be graded to ensure that all floors and exterior fill (at the foundation) are above the level of the project (100-year) flood and building pads are compacted to 95% Proctor Density as required in Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 65.5(a)(6). Prior to issuance of building permits for lots which are so located, the applicant shall A:\CondPC SP48#2 Palmilla Mergermpdm - Greg52 Printed October 5, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Specific; Plan 2000-048, Amendment #1 October 9, 2001 Page 4 furnish certifications as required by FEMA that the above conditions have been met. 15. Prior to issuance of any grading permit(s), the applicant shall furnish a preliminary geotechnical ("soils") report and an approved grading plan prepared by a qualified engineer. The grading plan shall conform with the recommendations of the soils report and be certified as adequate by a soils engineer or engineering geologist. 16. Slopes shall not exceed 5:1 within public rights of way and 3:1 in landscape areas outside the right of way unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 17. The applicant shall endeavor to minimize differences in elevation at abutting properties and between separate tracts and lots within this development. Building pad elevations on contiguous lots shall not differ by more than three feet except for lots within a tract or parcel map, but not sharing common street frontage, where the differential shall not exceed five feet. The limits given in this condition and the previous condition are not entitlements and more restrictive limits may be imposed in the map approval or plan checking process. If compliance with the limits is impractical, however, the City will consider alternatives which minimize safety concerns, maintenance difficulties and neighboring -owner dissatisfaction with the grade differential. 18. Prior to occupation of the project site for construction purposes, the applicant shall submit and receive approval of a Fugitive Dust Control plan prepared in accordance with Chapter 6.16, LQMC. The applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the city, in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the provisions of the permit. 19. The applicant shall maintain graded, undeveloped land to prevent wind and water erosion of soils. The land shall be planted with interim landscaping or provided with other erosion control measures approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. 20. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide building pad certifications stamped and signed by qualified engineers or surveyors. For each pad, the certification shall list the approved elevation, the actual elevation, the difference between the two, if any, and pad compaction. The data shall be organized by lot number and listed cumulatively if submitted at different times. A:\CoridPC SP48#2 Palmilla Merger.wpdm - Greg52 Printed October 5, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Specific; Plan 2000-048, Amendment #1 October 9, 2001 Page 5 DRAINAGE The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Engineering Bulletin No. 97.03 and the following: 21. Stormwater falling on site during the peak 24-hour period of a 100-year storm (the design storm) shall be retained within the development unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The tributary drainage area shall extend to the centerline of adjacent public streets. 22. Stormwater shall normally be retained in common retention basins. Individual - lot basins or other retention schemes may be approved by the City Engineer for lots 2.5 acres in size or larger or where the use of common retention is impracticable. If individual -lot retention is approved, the applicant shall meet the individual -lot retention provisions of Chapter 13.24, LQMC. 23. Storm flow in excess of retention capacity shall be routed through a designated, unimpeded overflow outlet to the historic drainage relief route. 24. Storm drainage historically received from adjoining property shall be retained on site or passed through to the overflow outlet. 25. Retention facility design shall be based on site -specific percolation data which shall be submitted for checking with the retention facility plans. The design percolation rate shall not exceed two inches per hour. 26. Retention basin slopes shall not exceed 3:1. Maximum retention depth shall be six feet for common basins and two feet for individual -lot retention. Basins over 20,000 square feet in size may be up deeper than six feet, subject to approval by the City Engineer pursuant to the design guidelines addressed in Exhibit "A". Large basins shall have sculpted sides in varying heights and allow concrete pedestrian access (4' wide) into portions of the basin from adjacent private streets. 27. Nuisance water shall be retained on -site. In residential developments, nuisance water shall be disposed of in a trickling sand filter and leachfield approved by the City Engineer. The sand filter and leechfield shall be designed to contain surges of three gallons per hour per 1,000 sq. ft. (of landscape area) and infiltrate five gallons per day per 1,000 square feet. 28. , the La Quinte Safety Department or the Riverside Gounty Sherif ., Department), retention basins she" be visible from adjeeent gtreet(g). No fence A:\CoridPC SP48#2 Palmilla Merger.wpdm - Greg52 Printed October 5, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Specific: Plan 2000-048, Amendment #1 October 9, 2001 Page 6 or wall shall be constructed around basins unless approved by the Community Development Director and City Engineer. 29. If the applicant proposes discharge of stormwater directly or indirectly to the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel, the applicant shall indemnify the City from the costs of any sampling and testing of the development's drainage discharge which may be required under the City's NPDES Permit or other City - or area -wide pollution prevention program, and for any other obligations and/or expenses which may arise from such discharge. The indemnification shall be executed and furnished to the City prior to issuance of any grading, construction or building permit and shall be binding on all heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and successors in interest in the land within this tentative map excepting therefrom those portions required to be dedicated or deeded for public use. The form of the indemnification shall be acceptable to the City Attorney. If such discharge is approved for this development, the applicant shall make provisions in the CC&R's for meeting these potential obligations. 30. The project shall be designed to accommodate purging and blow -off water from any on -site or adjacent well sites granted or dedicated to the local water utility authority as a requirement for development of this property. UTILITIES 31. The applicant shall obtain the approval of the City Engineer for the location of all utility lines within the right of way and all aboveground utility structures including, but not limited to, traffic signal cabinets, electrical vaults, water valves, and telephone stands, to ensure optimum placement for practical and aesthetic purposes. 32. Existing aerial lines within or adjacent to the proposed development and all proposed utilities shall be installed underground, unless otherwise allowed by General Plan Amendment 2000-073. Power lines exceeding 34.5 Kv are exempt from this requirement. 33. Utilities shall be installed prior to overlying hardscape. For installation of utilities in existing, improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements maintained or required by the City Engineer. The applicant shall provide certified reports of trench compaction for approval of the City Engineer. A:\CoridPC SP48#2 Palmilla Merger.wpdm - Greg52 Printed October 5, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Specific; Plan 2000-048, Amendment #1 October 9, 2001 Page 7 STREET AND TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS 34. The applicant shall install the following street improvements to conform with the General Plan street type noted in parentheses. (Public street improvements shall conform with the City's General Plan in effect at the time of construction.) A. OFF -SITE STREETS 1. 50th Avenue (Primary Arterial) - Construct 38-foot half of 76-foot improvement (travel width, excluding curbs) plus 6-foot sidewalk. 2. Jefferson Street (Major Arterial) - applicant shall pay cash fee to reimburse City for street improvements made to applicant's frontage through the City's Capital Improvement Program. Reimbursement amount shall cover all costs related to installing curb, gutter and outside 20 feet of roadway paving; the reimbursement amount shall be reduced by the percentage of non - City funds expended on the Jefferson Street Widening project. B. PRIVATE STREETS 1. On -site streets: a. Two -Way Traffic: construct 28-foot wide full -width improvements (measured from gutter flowline to gutter flowline) within the 31-foot right of way. All on -site streets shall be constructed with "wedge" type curb design as approved by the City Engineer. b. One -Way Traffic: the following streets shall be designated as one-way travel only: Lot D: construct minimum 20-foot wide full -width improvements (measured from gutter flowline to gutter flowline) within a minimum 23-foot right of way. Street shall be constructed with "wedge" type curb design as approved by the City Engineer. ii. Lots C and G: construct minimum 16-foot wide full - width improvements (measured from gutter flowline to gutter flowline) within a minimum 19-foot right of A:\CondPC SP48#2 Palmilla Merger.wpdm - Greg52 Printed October 5, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Specific; Plan 2000-048, Amendment #1 October 9, 2001 Page 8 way. Street shall be constructed with "wedge" type curb design as approved by the City Engineer. C. Cul-de-Sacs: All cul-de-sac bulbs which contain raised landscaped islands shall be designated as "One -Way" and applicant shall construct minimum 20-foot wide full -width improvements (measured from gutter flowline to gutter flowline) within a minimum 23-foot right of way. Construct a "wedge" type curb design as approved by the City Engineer. d. Lots S & U: provide for two-way traffic by constructing minimum 22-foot wide full -width improvements (measured from gutter flowline to gutter flowline) within a minimum 25-foot right of way. Street shall be constructed with "wedge" type curb design as approved by the City Engineer. 2. All on -street parking is prohibited with the exception of guest parking by permit only and enforced by the Homeowners' Association and the applicant shall be required to provide for the perpetual enforcement of the restriction by the Homeowners' Association. C. CULS DE SAC - Use Riverside County Standard 800 (symmetric) or 800A (offset), with 38-foot curb radius. Entry drives, main interior circulation routes, turn knuckles, corner cutbacks, bus turnouts, dedicated turn lanes, and other features contained in the approved construction plans may warrant additional street widths as determined by the City Engineer. 35. Improvements shall include appurtenances such as traffic control signs, markings and other devices, raised medians if required, street name signs, and sidewalks. Mid -block street lighting is not required. 36. The applicant may be required to extend improvements beyond development boundaries to ensure they safely integrate with existing improvements (e.g., grading; traffic control devices and transitions in alignment, elevation or dimensions of streets and sidewalks). A:\Cor,dPC SP48#2 Palmilla Merger.wpdm - Greg52 Printed October 5, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Specific: Plan 2000-048, Amendment #1 October 9, 2001 Page 9 37. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the LQMC, adopted standards, supplemental drawings and specifications, and as approved by the City Engineer. Improvement plans for streets, access gates and parking areas shall be stamped and signed by qualified engineers. 38. Knuckle turns and corner cutbacks shall conform with Riverside County Standard Drawings #801 and #805, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 39. Public streets shall have vertical curbs or other approved curb configurations which convey water without ponding and provide lateral containment of dust and residue for street sweeping. Onsite private streets shall have a wedge curb, the design of which shall be approved by the City Engineer. The lip of the wedge curb at the flowline shall be vertical (1/8" batter) and a minimum of 0.1' in height. Unused curb cuts on any lot shall be restored to normal curbing prior to final inspection of permanent building(s) on the lot. 40. The applicant shall design street pavement sections using Caltrans' design procedure (20-year life) and site -specific data for soil strength and anticipated traffic loading (including construction traffic). Minimum structural sections shall be as follows (or approved equivalents for alternate materials): Residential & Parking Areas 3.0" a.c./4.50" c.a.b. Collector 4.0"/5.00" Secondary Arterial 4.0"/6.00" Primary Arterial 4.5"/6.00" Major Arterial 5.5"/6.50" 41. The applicant shall submit current mix designs (less than two years old at the time of construction) for base, asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete. The submittal shall include test results for all specimens used in the mix design procedure. For mix designs over six months old, the submittal shall include recent (less than six months old at the time of construction) aggregate gradation test results confirming that design gradations can be achieved in current production. The applicant shall not schedule construction operations until mix designs are approved. 42. The City will conduct final inspections of homes and other habitable buildings only when the buildings have improved street and (if required) sidewalk access to publicly -maintained streets. The improvements shall include required traffic control devices, pavement markings and street name signs. If on -site streets are initially constructed with partial pavement thickness, the applicant shall A:\CondPC SP48#2 Palmilla Merger.wpdm - Greg52 Printed October 5, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Specific: Plan 2000-048, Amendment #1 October 9, 2001 Page 10 complete the pavement prior to final inspections of the last ten percent of homes within the project or when directed by the City, whichever comes first. 43. General access points and turning movements of traffic are limited to the following: A. 50th Avenue - Main project entry, to be located approximately 1,250 feet west of the centerline of Jefferson Street. No restrictions applied to turning movements at this location. B. 501h Avenue - Emergency access entry (20-foot wide) from the end of the cul-de-sac in "B" Street, to be located approximately 2,400 feet west of the centerline of Jefferson Street. This point of entry will be restricted to right -turn movements only. C. Jefferson Street - Secondary project entry, to be located approximately 600 feet south of the centerline of 50th Avenue. This point of entry will be restricted to right -turn movements, and a left -turn into the project if the applicant desires to construct an appropriately designed opening in the median island. LANDSCAPING 44. The applicant shall provide landscaping in required setbacks, retention basins, common lots, and park areas. 45. Landscape and irrigation plans for landscaped lots and setbacks, medians, retention basins, and parks shall be signed and stamped by a licensed landscape architect. The applicant shall submit plans for approval by the Community Development Department prior to plan checking by the Public Works Department. When plan checking is complete, the applicant shall obtain the signatures of CVWD and the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner prior to submitting for signature by the City Engineer. Plans are not approved for construction until signed by the City Engineer. 46. Landscape areas shall have permanent irrigation improvements meeting the requirements of the City Engineer. Use of lawn shall be minimized with no lawn or spray irrigation within 18 inches of curbs along public streets. A:\CondPC SP48#2 Palmilla Merger.wpdm - Greg52 Printed October 5, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Specific; Plan 2000-048, Amendment #1 October 9, 2001 Page 11 47. A six-foot wide meandering sidewalk shall be constructed along 501h Avenue and Jefferson Street within the 32'-0" right-of-way and setback. 48. Large retention basins (over 15,000 square feet) shall limit turf use to 40 approximately percent. Large basins shall include a dense planting of shade trees (one 24" box tree every 30 feet in random pattern) around its perimeter and adjacent to pedestrian access areas. Turf shall be used to control water runoff on basin slopes of greater than 4:1, but not be used to cover the bottom of the basin. PUBLIC SERVICES 49. The applicant shall provide public transit improvements as required by Sunline Transit and approved by the City Engineer. MAINTENANCE 50. The applicant shall make provisions for continuous, perpetual maintenance of all on -site improvements, perimeter landscaping, access drives, and sidewalks. The applicant shall maintain required public improvements until expressly released from this responsibility by the appropriate public agency. FEES AND DEPOSITS 51. The applicant shall pay the City's established fees for plan checking and construction inspection. Fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan checking and permits. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 52. The Specific Plan shall be amended throughout, wherever appropriate, to clearly state that the following shall require approval of Site Development Permits: A. Perimeter wall and landscaping B. Common area landscaping C. Model homes, both attached and detached D. Monument identification signage A:\CondPC SP48#2 Palmilla Mergermpdm - Greg52 Printed October 5, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Specific; Plan 2000-048, Amendment #1 October 9, 2001 Page 1:2 53. The Specific Plan Plant List on pages 2.35 through 2.38 shall be amended to focus on native and non-invasive plant types. 54. The project shall be surrounded on the north and east boundary by a 4-foot berm topped with a 6-foot wall, as measured from finished grade for all areas shown in Figure 3 of the Noise Analysis as requiring a 10-foot wall. The project shall be surrounded on the north and east boundary by a 2-foot berm topped with a 6'-0" wall, as measured from finished grade for all areas shown in Figure 3 of the Noise Analysis as requiring a 8'-0" wall. Design of the berm and wall shall be subject to Site Development Permit review. 55. The last paragraph in Section 2.6.3, Recreation, on page 2.11 shall be deleted. 56. The tables on pages 3.4 and 3.5, "Detached Single Family Units" and "Attached/Zero Lot Line Units," respectively, shall be amended to allow only a 6-foot wall height. 57. The tables on pages 3.4 and 3.5,Units" and "Attached/Zero Lot Line Units," respect , shall be amended to allow 10 foot reaI yard setback to. lots back" psee, and a 20 foot rear y setback for lots whoeh do not bee7k onto o' as follows: A. Rear yard setbacks for houses and guest houses shall not be less than 10 feet. Primary dwelling units that do not back onto open space shall have varied setbacks of 10'-0" to 20'-0", or more. B. Pop -out design elements can protrude a maximum of two feet into the front yard setback. C. Air condition compressor units shall be a minimum distance of four feet from side yard property lines. 58 Project signage shall conform to the standards for monument signage contained in the Zoning Ordinance. 59. The Specific Plan shall be amended to require the location of two story homes in conformance with the standards of Section 9.60.310 of the Zoning Ordinance. A:\CondPC SP48#2 Palmilla Mergermpdm - Greg52 Printed October 5, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Specific; Plan 2000-048, Amendment #1 October 9, 2001 Page 1:3 60. On page 3.3 of the Specific Plan, under "B. Permitted Uses," and anywhere else it may occur, the word duplex shall be replaced by the word "attached." 61. Five copies of the Final Specific Plan, with all amendments required above integrated into the document, and with these conditions of approval appended to the document, shall be submitted to the Community Development Department prior to the issuance of any permit. 62. The project proponent shall comply with all mitigation measures contained in the Environmental Assessment 2000-401. DOME=STIC WATER AND SANITARY SEWER 63. Pursuant to the requirements of the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD), the project proponent shall annex to Improvement Districts No. 1 for irrigation service. 64. Landscaping, irrigation and grading plans shall be submitted to CVWD for review and approval. 65. All plans for domestic water connections to existing CVWD lines shall be submitted to the District for review and approval. 66. The project proponent shall obtain all necessary approvals from the District for the well site located at the northeastern corner of the property. 67. The project proponent shall demonstrate, prior to recordation of the final map, that Bureau of Reclamation facilities on the project site do not conflict with the proposed project, to the satisfaction of the District. FIRE DEPARTMENT 68. All water mains and fire hydrants required fire flows shall be constructed in accordance with the appropriate sections of CVWD Std. W-33, subject to the approval by the Riverside County Fire Department. Fire hydrants shall be located at each intersection and spaced 330 feet apart with no portion of any lot frontage more than 165 feet from a hydrant. Minimum fire flow shall be 1,000 G.P.M. for a 2-hour duration at 20 PSI. Blue dot retro-reflectors shall be placed in the street eight -inches form centerline to the side that fire hydrant is on, to identify hydrant locations. A:\CondPC SP48#2 Palmilla Merger.wpdm - Greg52 Printed October 5, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Specific Plan 2000-048, Amendment #1 October 9, 2001 Page 14 Public access buildings (i.e., recreation halls, clubhouses, etc.) require Super fire hydrants to be placed no closer than 25 feet and not more than 165 feet from any portion of the first floor of said building following approved travel ways around the exterior of the building. Minimum fire flow for these areas would be 1,500 G.P.M. for a 2-hour duration at 20 PSI. 69. The minimum dimensions for fire apparatus access roads entering and exiting this project shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet in each direction and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. Parking is permitted on one side of roadways with a minimum width of 25 feet. Parking is permitted on both sides of roadways with a minimum width of 36 feet. The applicant or developer shall prepare and submit to the Fire Department for approval, a site plan designating required fire lanes with appropriate lane painting and/or signs. 70. All interior fire apparatus access roads shall be a minimum of 20 feet unobstructed width and an unobstructed vertical clearance of 13'6". Atty portion of an exterier wall of the first starry of any building shall be leea within 150 feet f rern fore apparatus --- teasured by an approved route around the extevier of the buildhi#-. All structures shall be accessible form an approved roadway to within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior of the first floor. 71. Gate entrance/exit openings shall be not less than 15 feet in width. Gate entrances shall be at least two feet wider than the width of the travel lane serving that gate. All gates shall be located at least 40' from the roadway and shall open to allow a vehicle to stop without obstructing traffic on the road. Where a one-way road with a single traffic lane provides access to a gate entrance, a 38-foot turning radius shall be used. Gates shall have either a secondary power supply or an approved manual means (KNOX) to release mechanical control of the gate in the event of loss of primary power. Automatic gate pins shall be rated with a shear pin force, not to exceed 30 pounds. Gates activated by the rapid entry system shall remain open until closed by the rapid entry system. Gating plans shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval prior to installation. 72. The maximum dead-end street length is limited to 1,320 feet for areas not located in a designated high fire hazard zone. A secondary access roadway is typically provided when such a condition exists. A:\CoridPC SP48#2 Palmilla Mergermpdm - Greg52 Printed October 5, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Specific: Plan 2000-048, Amendment #1 October 9, 2001 Page 15 73. Cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum outside radius of 38 feet to face of curb with a minimum inside radius of 26 feet to islands or center landscape features. The entire radius of 38 feet is required to properly turn fire department vehicles. Vehicle parking along the curb should be prohibited when the minimum radius is used. 74. Any nonresidential building greater than 5,000 square feet shall have internal fire sprinkler systems per NFPA 13 Standard, and be approved for use by the Fire Department. 75. The proposed street bridges shall be designed to handle a live load of 60,000 lbs. over two axles. 76. The required water system, including fire hydrants, shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building material being placed on an individual lot. SCHOOL FEES 77. The project proponent shall demonstrate their payment of school fees prior to the issuance of a building permit. A:\CondPC SP48#2 Palmilla Merger.wpdm - Greg52 Printed October 5, 2001 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001-_ A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT #2 TO TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 29858 (PHASE #2) CASE NO.: TTM 29858 (PHASE #2), AMENDMENT #2 APPLICANT: FORREST K. HAAG FOR RJT HOMES, LLC WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the gth day of October, 2001, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing for RJT Homes to review design changes for on -site retention basins for Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase; #2), on property located at the southwest corner of Avenue 50 and Jefferson Street, more particularly described as: APN: 772-050-007 and 772-050-008 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 21 st day of November, 2000, approve Specific Plan 2000-048 establishing design guidelines and development standards for a master planned community of 178 housing units on approximately 73 acres by adoption of Resolution 2000-152. WHEREAS, a Mitigated Negative Declaration (EA 2000-401) was certified by the: City Council on the 21 st day of November, 2000 (Resolution 2000-150), for the Palmilla development. No changed circumstances or conditions and no new information has been provided that would trigger the preparation of a subsequent Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments of all interested persons wanting to be heard, said Planning Commission did recommend to the City Council mandatory findings for approval of Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Amendment #2) as required by Section 13.12.130 of the Subdivision Ordinance: 1. That the proposed Amendment is consistent with the goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan in that the property is designated Low Density Residential which permits the uses proposed for the property and is consistent with the goals, policies and intent of the General Plan Land Use Element (Chapter 2) provided conditions are met. Under this Plan, the project density is roughly 2.4 units per acre which is within the density range for this low density residential ResoccRJT 29858 Rev2; Greg T.-52 Started 9/19 Planning Commission Resolution 2001 _ Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase 2), Amendment #2 Forrest K. Haag for RJT Homes, LLC October 9, 2001 Page 2 area. Development of the site with 159 units reduces the project density to 2.17 units/acre. The Amendment provides design standard changes for building setbacks and on -site retention basins that will not impact off -site developments, nor adversely affect the development standards of Section 13.24.120 (Drainage) of the Subdivision Ordinance based on design parameters and engineering requirements. 2. The Tentative Tract Map Amendment will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare, as the drainage facilities have been designed to contain on -site stormwater and will be privately maintained by the Palmilla Homeowner's Association (HOA), as conditioned. Large retention basins shall be an integral part of the development's open space and include areas for walking and picnicking in a park -like setting. Basin slopes shall be gradually sloping and be sculpted to enhance their aesthetic appeal while limiting the amount of turf to accomplish this end. 3. The Tentative Tract Map Amendment is compatible with the City's Zoning Ordinance and Specific Plan 2000-048 (Amendment #1) in that common areas provide open spaces areas for the enjoyment of the Palmilla residents. 4. Development of the Tentative Tract Map Amendment is compatible with the parcels on which it is proposed, and surrounding land uses as an extension of existing residential uses in the vicinity. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby require compliance with those mitigation measures required in Environmental Assessment 2000-401 (City Council Resolution 2000-150); and ResoccRJT 29858 Rev2; Greg T.-52 started 9/19 Planning Commission Resolution 2001- Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase 2), Amendment #2 Forrest K. Haag for RJT Homes, LLC October 8�, 2001 Page 3 3. That it does hereby approve Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase 2) Amendment #2 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached conditions. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on the 9th day of October, 2001, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JACQUES ABELS, Chairman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JERRY HERMAN, Community Development Director City of La Quinta, California ResoccRJT 29858 Rev2; Greg T.-52 Started 9/19 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001-_ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 29858 (PHASE #2), AMENDMENT #2 OCTOBER 9, 2001 GENERAL 1. The subdivider agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this tentative map amendment or any final map thereunder. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the subdivider of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. Prior to the issuance of a grading, construction or building permit, the applicant shall obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies and departments: • Fire Marshal • Public Works Department (Grading Permit, Improvement Permit) • Community Development Department • Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department • Desert Sands Unified School District • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • California Water Quality Control Board (CWQCB) The applicant is responsible for any requirements of the permits or clearances from those jurisdictions. If the requirements include approval of improvement plans, applicant shall furnish proof of said approvals prior to obtaining City approval of the plans. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit. For projects requiring project -specific NPDES construction permits, the applicant shall submit a copy of the CWQCB acknowledgment of the applicant's Notice of Intent prior to issuance of a grading or site construction permit. The applicant shall ensure that the required Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan is available for inspection at the project site. A:\CondPC T29858-2 Retention Palmilal.wpd -GREG 52 Printed: October 5, 2001 Page i of is Planning Commission Resolution 2001- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase 2), Amendment #2 October 9, 2001 Page 2 3. This Map approval shall expire and become null and void on June 19, 2003, unless an extension of time is granted according to the requirements of Section 13.12.150 of the Subdivision Ordinance. PROPERTY RIGHTS 4. Prior to approval of any future final tract map(s), the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights required of future tentative map(s) or otherwise necessary for construction or proper functioning of the proposed development. Conferred rights shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant access easements to the City for emergency services and for maintenance, construction, and reconstruction of essential improvements. 5. The applicant shall dedicate or grant public and private street right of way and utility easements in conformance with the City's General Plan, Municipal Code, applicable specific plans, and as required by the City Engineer. 6. Right of way dedications required of this development include: A. PUBLIC STREETS 1. 50th Avenue (Primary Arterial) - no additional dedication required. 2. Jefferson Street (Major Arterial) - no additional dedication required. B. PRIVATE STREETS Residential: 31-foot width. On -street parking is prohibited and provisions shall be made for adequate off-street parking for residents and visitors. The CC&R's shall contain language requiring the Homeowner's Association to provide for ongoing enforcement of the restrictions. C. CULS DE SAC - Use Riverside County Standard 800 (symmetric) or 800A (offset) with 39.5-foot radius, or larger. A:\CondPC T29858-2 RetentionPalmilal.wpd -GREG 52 Printed: October 5, 2001 Page 2 of is Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase 2), Amendment #2 October 9, 2001 Page 3 7. Right of way geometry for knuckle turns and corner cutbacks shall conform with Riverside County Standard Drawings #801 and #805 respectively unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 8. Dedications shall include additional widths as necessary for dedicated right and left turn lanes, bus turnouts, and other features contained in the approved construction plans. 9. The applicant shall dedicate ten -foot public utility easements contiguous with and along both sides of all private streets. The easements may be reduced to five feet with the express concurrence of IID. 10. The applicant shall create perimeter setbacks along public rights of way as follows (listed setback depth is the average depth if meandering wall design is approved): A. 50' Avenue and Jefferson Street - 20-feet each The setback requirement applies to all frontage including, but not limited to, remainder parcels and sites dedicated for utility purposes. Where public facilities (e.g., sidewalks) are placed on privately -owned setbacks, the applicant shall dedicate blanket easements for those purposes. 11. The applicant shall dedicate easements necessary for placement of and access to utility lines and structures, drainage basins, mailbox clusters, park lands, and common areas. 12. The applicant shall vacate abutter's rights of access to public streets and properties from all frontage along the streets and properties except access points shown on the approved Specific Plan. 13. The applicant shall furnish proof of easements or written permission, as appropriate, from owners of any abutting properties on which grading, retaining wall construction, permanent slopes, or other encroachments are to occur. A:\CondPC T29858-2 Retention Palmilal.wpd -GREG 52 Printed: October 5, 2001 Page 3 of is Planning Commission Resolution 2001- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase 2), Amendment #2 October 9, 2001 Page 4 14. If the applicant proposes vacation or abandonment of any existing rights of way or access easements which will diminish access rights to any properties owned by others, the applicant shall provide approved alternate rights of way or access easements to those properties or notarized letters of consent from the property owners. GRADING 15. This development shall comply with Chapter 8.11 of the LQMC (Flood Hazard Regulations). If any portion of any proposed building lot in the development is or may be located within a flood hazard area as identified on the City's Flood Insurance Rate Maps, the development shall be graded to ensure that all floors and exterior fill (at the foundation) are above the level of the project (100-year) flood and building pads are compacted to 95% Proctor Density as required in Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 65.5(a) (6). Prior to issuance of building permits for lots which are so located, the applicant shall furnish certifications as required by FEMA that the above conditions have been met. 16. Prior to issuance of any grading permit(s), the applicant shall furnish a preliminary geotechnical ("soils") report and an approved grading plan prepared by a qualified engineer. The grading plan shall conform with the recommendations of the soils report and be certified as adequate by a soils engineer or engineering geologist. 17. Slopes shall not exceed 5:1 within public rights of way and 3:1 in landscape areas outside the right of way unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 18. The applicant shall endeavor to minimize differences in elevation at abutting properties and between separate tracts and lots within this development. Building pad elevations on contiguous lots shall not differ by more than three feet except for lots within a tract or parcel map, but not sharing common street frontage, where the differential shall not exceed five feet. The limits given in this condition and the previous condition are not entitlements and more restrictive limits may be imposed in the map approval or plan checking process. If compliance with the limits is impractical, however, the City will consider alternatives which minimize safety concerns, maintenance difficulties and neighboring -owner dissatisfaction with the grade differential. A:\Cor,dPC T29858-2 Retention PalmiIal. wpd -GREG 52 Printed: October 5, 2001 Page 4 of is Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase 2), Amendment #2 October 9, 2001 Page 5 19. Prior to occupation of the project site for construction purposes, the applicant shall submit and receive approval of a fugitive dust control plan prepared in accordance with Chapter 6.16, LQMC. The Applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the city, in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the provisions of the permit. 20. The applicant shall maintain graded, undeveloped land to prevent wind and water erosion of soils. The land shall be planted with interim landscaping or provided with other erosion control measures approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. 21. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide building pad certifications stamped and signed by qualified engineers or surveyors. For each pad, the certification shall list the approved elevation, the actual elevation, the difference between the two, if any, and pad compaction. The data shall be organized by lot number and listed cumulatively if submitted at different times. DRAINAGE The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Engineering Bulletin No. 97.03 and the following: 22. Stormwater falling on site during the peak 24-hour period of a 100-year storm (the design storm) shall be retained within the development unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The tributary drainage area shall extend to the centerline of adjacent public streets. 23. Stormwater shall normally be retained in common retention basins. Individual - lot basins or other retention schemes may be approved by the City Engineer for lots 2.5 acres in size or larger or where the use of common retention is impracticable. If individual -lot retention is approved, the applicant shall meet the individual -lot retention provisions of Chapter 13.24, LQMC. 24. Storm flow in excess of retention capacity shall be routed through a designated, unimpeded overflow outlet to the historic drainage relief route. 25. Storm drainage historically received from adjoining property shall be retained on site or passed through to the overflow outlet. 26. Retention facility design shall be based on site -specific percolation data which shall be submitted for checking with the retention facility plans. The design percolation rate shall not exceed two inches per hour. AACordPC T29858-2 RetentionPalmilal.wpd -GREG 52 Printed: October 5, 2001 Page s of is Planning Commission Resolution 2001- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase 2), Amendment #2 October 9, 2001 Page 6 27. Retention basin slopes shall not exceed 3:1. Maximum retention depth shall be six feet for common basins and two feet for individual -lot retention. Basins over 20,000 square feet in size may be deeper than six feet, subject to approval by the City Engineer pursuant to the design guidelines addressed in Exhibit "A". Large basins shall have sculpted sides in varying heights and allow concrete pedestrian access (4' wide) into portions of the basin from adjacent private streets. 28. Nuisance water shall be retained on site. In residential developments, nuisance water shall be disposed of in a trickling sand filter and leachfield approved by the City Engineer. The sand filter and leechfield shall be designed to contain surges of 3 gallons per hour/1,000 square feet (of landscape area) and infiltrate 5 gallon per day/1,000 square feet. 29. In developments for which security will be provided by public safety entities (e.g., the La Quinta Safety Department or the Riverside County Sheriff's Department), retention basins shall be visible from adjacent street(s). No fence or wall shall be constructed around basins unless approved by the Community Development Director and the City Engineer. 30. If the applicant proposes discharge of stormwater directly or indirectly to the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel, the applicant shall indemnify the City from the costs of any sampling and testing of the development's drainage discharge which may be required under the City's NPDES Permit or other City - or area -wide pollution prevention program, and for any other obligations and/or expenses which may arise from such discharge. The indemnification shall be executed and furnished to the City prior to issuance of any grading, construction or building permit and shall be binding on all heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and successors in interest in the land within this tentative map excepting therefrom those portions required to be dedicated or deeded for public use. The form of the indemnification shall be acceptable to the City Attorney. If such discharge is approved for this development, the applicant shall make provisions in the CC&R's for meeting these potential obligations. 31. The project shall be designed to accommodate purging and blowoff water from any on -site or adjacent well sites granted or dedicated to the local water utility authority as a requirement for development of this property. UTILITIES 32. The applicant shall obtain the approval of the City Engineer for the location of all utility lines within the right of way and all aboveground utility structures A:\CoridPC T29858-2 RetentionPalmiial.wpd -GREG 52 Printed: October 5, 2001 Page 6 of is Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase 2), Amendment #2 October 9, 2001 Page 7 including, but not limited to, traffic signal cabinets, electrical vaults, water valves, and telephone stands, to ensure optimum placement for practical and aesthetic purposes. 33. Utilities shall be installed prior to overlying hardscape. For installation of utilities in existing, improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements maintained or required by the City Engineer. The applicant shall provide certified reports of trench compaction for approval of the City Engineer. 34. Existing aerial lines within or adjacent to the proposed development and all proposed utilities shall be installed underground, unless otherwise allowed by General Plan Amendment 2000-073. Power lines exceeding 34.5 Kv are exempt from this requirement. STREI=T AND TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS 35. The applicant shall install the following street improvements to conform with the General Plan street type noted in parentheses. (Public street improvements shall conform with the City's General Plan in effect at the time of construction.) A. OFF -SITE STREETS 1. Avenue 50 (Primary Arterial; 100' R/W option): Widen south side of street along all frontage adjacent to the tract boundary. Street widening improvements shall include all appurtenant components such as, but not limited to, curb, gutter, traffic control striping, legends, and signs, except for street lights. Other significant new improvements required for installation in, or adjacent, to the subject right of way include: (a) 6-foot wide meandering sidewalk (b) 12-foot wide landscaped median from west tract boundary to a point 1,050 feet west of the Jefferson Street centerline. (c) Traffic signal at the project's main entry when warrants are met. Applicant is responsible for 50% of cost to design and install traffic signal if complementing cost share from development on other side of street is available at time signal is required. If complementing share is not available, Applicant shall pay 100% of cost to design and install signal at "T" intersection. If, however, the Applicant's development progress trails that of the developer on the AACondPC T29858-2 Retention Palmilal.wpd -GREG 52 Printed': October 5, 2001 Page � of is Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase 2), Amendment #2 October 9, 2001 Page 8 other side and the other developer has installed a "T" intersection signal serving the other side, Applicant shall construct the fourth leg to the intersection and modify the existing signal at own expense. The landscape median improvement is eligible for reimbursement from the City's Development Impact Fee fund in accordance with policies established for that program. 2. Jefferson Street (Major Arterial): a. Applicant shall pay cash fee to reimburse City for street improvements made to applicant's frontage through the City's Capital Improvement Program. Reimbursement amount shall cover all costs related to installing curb, gutter and outside 20 feet of roadway paving; the reimbursement amount shall be reduced by the percentage of non -City funds expended on the Jefferson Street Widening project. b. Applicant shall pay cash fee to reimburse City for traffic signal at the Jefferson/Avenue 50 intersection. The cash fee shall cover 6.25% of cost to design and install the signal (25% of a quarter -signal share was not funded by Measure A). C. Applicant shall install 6-foot wide meandering sidewalk along the property frontage. B. PRIVATE STREETS 1. On -site streets: A. Two -Way Traffic: construct 28-foot wide full -width improvements (measured from gutter flowline to gutter flowline) within the 31-foot right of way. All on -site streets shall be constructed with "wedge" type curb design as approved by the City Engineer. B. One -Way Traffic: the following streets shall be designated as one-way travel only: i. Lot D: construct minimum 20-foot wide full -width A:\CondPC T29858-2 Retention PalmiIal. wpd -GREG 52 Printed: October 5, 2001 Page B of is Planning Commission Resolution 2001- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase 2), Amendment #2 October 9, 2001 Page 9 improvements (measured from gutter flowline to gutter flowline) within a minimum 23-foot right of way. Street shall be constructed with "wedge" type curb design as approved by the City Engineer. ii. Lots C and G: construct minimum 16-foot wide full - width improvements (measured from gutter flowline to gutter flowline) within a minimum 19-foot right of way. Street shall be constructed with "wedge" type curb design as approved by the City Engineer. C. Cul-de-Sacs: All cul-de-sac bulbs which contain raised landscaped islands shall be designated as "One -Way" and applicant shall construct minimum 20-foot wide full -width improvements (measured from gutter flowline to gutter flowline) within a minimum 23-foot right of way. Construct a "wedge" type curb design as approved by the City Engineer. D. Lot R: provide for two-way traffic by constructing 28-foot wide full -width improvements (measured from gutter flowline to gutter flowline) within a 31-foot right of way. Street shall be constructed with "wedge" type curb design as approved by the City Engineer. A minimum 25-foot wide "hammerhead" turn around area shall be constructed adjacent to Lot 85. E. Lot U: provide for two-way traffic by constructing minimum 22-foot wide full -width improvements (measured from gutter flowline to gutter flowline) within a minimum 25-foot right of way. Street shall be constructed with "wedge" type curb design as approved by the City Engineer. A minimum 25-foot wide "hammerhead" turn around area shall be constructed adjacent to Lot 134 and Lake Lot Z. 2. All on -street parking is prohibited and the applicant shall be required to provide for the perpetual enforcement of the restriction by the Homeowners' Association. Guest parking by permit only and enforced by the Homeowners' Association is allowed only in designated off-street parking areas. A:\CondPC T29858-2 Retention Palmilal.wpd -GREG 52 Printed(: October 5, 2001 Page 9 of is Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase 2), Amendment #2 October 9, 2001 Page 10 C. CULS DE SAC - Use Riverside County Standard 800 (symmetric) or 800A (offset), with 38-foot curb radius. Entry drives, main interior circulation routes, turn knuckles, corner cutbacks, bus turnouts, dedicated turn lanes, and other features contained in the approved construction plans may warrant additional street widths as determined by the City Engineer. 36. Improvements shall include appurtenances such as traffic control signs, markings and other devices, raised medians if required, street name signs, and sidewalks. Mid -block street lighting is not required. 37. The applicant may be required to extend improvements beyond development boundaries to ensure they safely integrate with existing improvements (e.g., grading; traffic control devices and transitions in alignment, elevation or dimensions of streets and sidewalks). 38. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the LQMC, adopted standards, supplemental drawings and specifications, and as approved by the City Engineer. Improvement plans for streets, access gates and parking areas shall be stamped and signed by qualified engineers. 39. Knuckle turns and corner cutbacks shall conform with Riverside County Standard Drawings #801 and #805 respectively unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 40. Public streets shall have vertical curbs or other approved curb configurations which convey water without ponding and provide lateral containment of dust and residue for street sweeping. On -site private streets shall have a wedge curb, the design of which shall be approved by the City Engineer. The lip of the wedge curb at the flowline shall be vertical (1 /8" batter) and a minimum of 0.1 ' in height. Unused curb cuts on any lot shall be restored to normal curbing prior to final inspection of permanent buildings► on the lot. 41. The applicant shall design street pavement sections using Caltrans' design procedure (20-year life) and site -specific data for soil strength and anticipated traffic loading (including construction traffic). Minimum structural sections shall be as follows (or approved equivalents for alternate materials): Residential & Parking Areas Collector Secondary Arterial 3.0" a.c./4.50" c.a.b. 4.0"/5.00" 4.0"/6.00" AACondPC T29858-2 Retention Palmilal.wpd -GREG 52 Printed: October 5, 2001 Page 10 of 15 Planning Commission Resolution 2001- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase 2), Amendment #2 October 9, 2001 Page 11 Primary Arterial 4.5"/6.00" Major Arterial 5.5"/6.50" 42. The applicant shall submit current mix designs (less than two years old at the time of construction) for base, asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete. The submittal shall include test results for all specimens used in the mix design procedure. For mix designs over six months old, the submittal shall include recent (less than six months old at the time of construction) aggregate gradation test results confirming that design gradations can be achieved in current production. The applicant shall not schedule construction operations until mix designs are approved. 43. The City will conduct final inspections of homes and other habitable buildings only when the buildings have improved street and (if required) sidewalk access to publicly -maintained streets. The improvements shall include required traffic control devices, pavement markings and street name signs. If on -site streets are initially constructed with partial pavement thickness, the applicant shall complete the pavement prior to final inspections of the last ten percent of homes within the project or when directed by the City, whichever comes first. 44. General access points and turning movements of traffic are limited to the following: A. 501h Avenue - Main project entry, to be located approximately 1,250 feet west of the centerline of Jefferson Street. No restrictions applied to turning movements at this location. B. 50" Avenue - Emergency access entry (20-foot wide) from the end of the cul-de-sac in "B" Street, to be located approximately 2,400 feet west of the centerline of Jefferson Street. This point of entry will be restricted to right -turn movements only. C. Jefferson Street - Secondary project entry, to be located approximately 600 feet south of the centerline of 50th Avenue. This point of entry will be restricted to right -turn movements, and a left -turn into the project if the applicant desires to construct an appropriately designed opening in the median island. LANDSCAPING 45. The applicant shall provide landscaping in required setbacks, retention basins, common lots, and park areas. AACordPC T29858-2 RetentionPaimilal.wpd -GREG 52 Printed: October 5, 2001 Page 11 of 15 Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase 2), Amendment #2 October 9, 2001 Page 12 46. Landscape and irrigation plans for landscaped lots and setbacks, medians, retention basins, and parks shall be signed and stamped by a licensed landscape architect. The applicant shall submit plans for approval by the Community Development Department prior to plan checking by the Public Works Department. When plan checking is complete, the applicant shall obtain the signatures of CVWD and the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner prior to submitting for signature by the City Engineer. Plans are not approved for construction until signed by the City Engineer. 47. Landscape areas shall have permanent irrigation improvements meeting the requirements of the City Engineer. Use of lawn shall be minimized with no lawn or spray irrigation within 18 inches of curbs along public streets. 48. A six-foot wide meandering sidewalk shall be constructed along 50th Avenue and Jefferson Street in the right-of-way and landscape setback. 49. Large retention basins (over 15,000 square feet) shall limit turf use to 40 approximately percent. Large basins shall include a dense planting of shade trees (one 24" box tree every 30 feet in random pattern) around its perimeter and adjacent to pedestrian access areas. Turf shall be used to control water runoff on basin slopes of greater than 4:1, but not be used to cover the bottom of the basin. PUBLIC SERVICES 50. The applicant shall provide public transit improvements as required by Sunline Transit and approved by the City Engineer. MAINTENANCE 51. The applicant shall make provisions for continuous, perpetual maintenance of all on -site improvements, perimeter landscaping, access drives, and sidewalks. The applicant shall maintain required public improvements until expressly released from this responsibility by the appropriate public agency. FEES AND DEPOSITS 52. The applicant shall pay the City's established fees for plan checking and construction inspection. Fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan checking and permits. AACordPC T29858-2 RetentionPalmilal.wpd -GREG 52 Printed: October 5, 2001 Page i2 of is Planning Commission Resolution 2001- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase 2), Amendment #2 October 9, 2001 Page 13 MISCELLANEOUS 53. The project proponent shall comply with all mitigation measures contained in the Environmental Assessment 2000-401. 54. Lot 12 shall have a minimum frontage width of 35 feet to comply with Table 9- 2 of the Zoning Ordinance. DOMESTIC WATER AND SANITARY SEWER 55. Landscaping, irrigation and grading plans shall be submitted to CVWD for review and approval. 56. All plans for domestic water connections to existing CVWD lines shall be submitted to the District for review and approval. FIRE DEPARTMENT 57. All water mains and fire hydrants required fire flows shall be constructed in accordance with the appropriate sections of CVWD Std. W-33, subject to the approval by the Riverside County Fire Department. Fire hydrants shall be located at each intersection and spaced 330 feet apart with no portion of any lot frontage more than 165 feet from a hydrant. Minimum fire flow shall be 1,000 G.P.M. for a 2-hour duration at 20 PSI. Blue dot retro-reflectors shall be placed in the street eight -inches form centerline to the side that fire hydrant is on, to identify hydrant locations. Public access buildings (i.e., recreation halls, clubhouses, etc.) require Super fire hydrants to be placed no closer than 25 feet and not more than 165 feet from any portion of the first floor of said building following approved travel ways around the exterior of the building. Minimum fire flow for these areas would be 1,500 G.P.M. for a 2-hour duration at 20 PSI. 58. The minimum dimensions for fire apparatus access roads entering and exiting this project shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet in each direction and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 1 X-6". Parking is permitted on one side of roadways with a minimum width of 25 feet. Parking is permitted on both sides of roadways with a minimum width of 36 feet. A:\CondPC T29858-2 Retention Palmilal.wpd -GREG 52 Printed: October 5, 2001 Page 13 of 15 Planning Commission Resolution 2001- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase 2), Amendment #2 October 9, 2001 Page 14 59. All interior fire apparatus access roads shall be a minimum of 20 feet unobstructed width and an unobstructed vertical clearance of 13'-6". Any paition of an exterier wall of the first stoiy of any building she" be lec within 150 feet from fire apparatus eeeegs ag measured by an appioved route around the exterior of the buildiW. All structures shall be accessible form an approved roadway to within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior of the first floor. The applicant or developer shall prepare and submit to the Fire Department for approval, a site plan designating required fire lanes with appropriate lane painting and/or signs. 60. Gate entrance/exit openings shall be not less than 15 feet in width. Gate entrances shall be at least two feet wider than the width of the travel lane serving that gate. All gates shall be located at least 40' from the roadway and shall open to allow a vehicle to stop without obstructing traffic on the road. Where a one-way road with a single traffic lane provides access to a gate entrance, a 38-foot turning radius shall be used. Gates shall have either a secondary power supply or an approved manual means (KNOX) to release mechanical control of the gate in the event of loss of primary power. Automatic gate pins shall be rated with a shear pin force, not to exceed 30 pounds. Gates activated by the rapid entry system shall remain open until closed by the rapid entry system. Gating plans shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval prior to installation. 61. The maximum dead-end street length is limited to 1,320 feet for areas not located in a designated high fire hazard zone. A secondary access roadway is typically provided when such a condition exists. 62. Cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum outside radius of 38 feet to face of curb with a minimum inside radius of 26 feet to islands or center landscape features. The entire radius of 38 feet is required to properly turn fire department vehicles. Vehicle parking along the curb should be prohibited when the minimum radius is used. 63. Any nonresidential building greater than 5,000 square feet shall have internal fire sprinkler systems per NFPA 13 Standard, and be approved for use by the Fire Department. 64. The proposed street bridges shall be designed to handle a live load of 60,000 lbs. over two axles. A:\CondPC T29858-2 Retention Palmilal.wpd -GREG 52 Printed: October 5, 2001 Page is of is Planning Commission Resolution 2001- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Tentative Tract Map 29858 (Phase 2), Amendment #2 October 9, 2001 Page 15 65. The required water system, including fire hydrants, shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building material being placed on an individual lot. A:\CordPC T29858-2 RetentionPalmilal.wpd -GREG 52 Printed: October 5, 2001 Page is of is ATTACHMENTS ,ter. 100 --4f -: 116 05 /Attachment 2 101 08 LAKE) 114 1 10 4 8 Cl 102 103 117' 120 121 IN, 91 910, L T1 1. �3 12.7 E 124 128 A 25 A 89 TC7 7 12 6 7 5 130 4 3 !'911111111111111111 2 jjlllj -A B.t. E., 3 1-2.- .... ... 139 10 11 12 9 S.D. UkE 17,3 8 13 13 SEES . 18 137 P�N RETENTj 14 ��'—`135 134 17 16 15 Is 136 01 � ...._ _SEE �H T 2 1, POMELO ST. 71ti Ar- @7 17 -f R J\ CIT TRA T NO 29858-2 ENGINEERING BULLETIN 97-03 (Amendment #1) Attachment 3 RETENTION BASIN SHAPE CRITERIA for RETENTION BASINS OVER SIX FEET DEEP 1. Visibility o One hundred percent (100%) of the retention basin lot shall be visible from a city -maintained street if security patrol is provided by a public agency. u In gated communities, if the basin area is not 100% visible from a privately owned street within the community, the community shall provide and maintain perpetual unobstructed visibility of the basin from adjoining private properties. Security lighting shall be provided in all areas not visible from the street. • The landscaping trees shall be located and sized in a manner to avoid creation of hidden areas larger than 100 square feet. 2. Basin Bottom Aspect Ratio - The aspect ratio (length to width) of the basin bottom shall not exceed 5:1, where length is considered the longer distance and width is the shorter distance in this calculation. Additionally, the line defining the length is any straight line of the designer's choice passing through the basin bottom area centroid, or a free form line of designer's choice that divides the bottom into equal parts. The width is a straight line measured perpendicularly to the length line. 3. Basin Depth Aspect Ratio - The aspect ratio (narrowest width at basin bottom to average basin depth) of the basin depth shall be greater than 5:1 [computed as follows; [(Wn/Da):1 ]. Where Wn = Narrowest Width at Basin Bottom (measured in accordance with the length/width definitions used in the Basin Bottom Aspect Ratio calculation) Da = Average Depth (measured along retention basin lot boundary) ,6(4,4/*r TAMDEMSTAMSPEEMNotes & Concept9\010824ampd qF_ rr, , OCT �► CITY OF LAQUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT Page 1 of 2 ENGINEERING BULLETIN 97-03 (Amendment #1) - continued 4. Maximum Basin Depth - The maximum basin depth in neighborhoods with public streets where security patrol is provided by a public agency is six (6) feet deep adjacent to the street. The maximum ponding depth when the 100-year storm is contained is five (5) feet deep at any location. The maximum basin depth may be increased in gated communities where security patrol is privately funded provided the following criteria are met: • The retention basin lot size exceeds the following minimums for the desired basin depth. 7 feet deep, area exceeds 20,000 square feet 8 feet deep, area exceeds 22,500 square feet 9 feet deep, area exceeds 25,000 square feet 10 feet deep, area exceeds 30,000 square feet 11 feet deep, area exceeds 40,000 square feet 12 feet deep, area exceeds 50,000 square feet 0.15 ac) 13 feet deep, area exceeds 60,000 square feet 0.38 ac) 14 feet deep, area exceeds 70,000 square feet 0.61 ac) 15 feet deep, area exceeds 80,000 square feet 0.84 ac) 16 feet deep, area exceeds 120,000 square feet (2.75 ac) 17 feet deep, area exceeds 160,000 square feet (3.67 ac) 18 feet deep, area exceeds 200,000 square feet (4.59 ac) 19 feet deep, area exceeds 240,000 square feet (5.51 ac) 20 feet deep, area exceeds 280,000 square feet (6.43 ac) • The aspect ratio limits defined in the Basin Bottom and Basin Depth criteria are not exceeded. • The basin shall have eight (8) feet wide level terraced benches around the entire perimeter of the basin located at water surface contours where the water is 5, 10, and 15 feet deep. • The basin shall have a five (5) feet wide level terraced bench located one (1) foot above the 100-year water surface level around the entire perimeter. • In no event shall the maximum water depth exceed ten (19) feet deep at any location when the 100-year storm is contained. • In basins over eight (8) feet deep, trees shall be planted in the 8-foot wide terraces. The number of trees shall be calculated by multiplying the basin lot boundary length by the number of 8-foot wide terraces in the basin and then dividing by 100. • Design consultant shall demonstrate through certified testing that soil in the retention basin is capable of percolating entire 100-year storm retention capacity in less than 240 hours. EC � VE OCT - 5 ��► CITY OF LAQUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT TAMDEMSTAMSPEEMNotes & Concepts\070924a.wpd Page 2 of 2 zo r I` LL W 0 �Z vM/ < MZ ig la N r Mi OCT �i CITY OF LAQUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: OCTOBER 9, 2001 CASE. NOS: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2001-063 APPLICANT: SPRINT PCS PROPERTY OWNER: LA QUINTA 2-SPC, LLC REPRESENTATIVE: TELECOM WIRELESS SOLUTIONS LOCATION: 46-600 ADAMS STREET, STORAGE USA REQUEST: INSTALLATION OF A 68-FOOT HIGH WIRELESS ANTENNA CAMOUFLAGED AS A PALM TREE (MONOPALM PROTOTYPE DESIGN) AND RELATED GROUND MOUNTED EQUIPMENT FOR CELLULAR TELEPHONE SERVICE WITHIN A SELF -STORAGE FACILITY (PHASE 2) ON 3.77 ACRES ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THIS PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE PROVISIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) PURSUANT TO SECTION 15332 (CLASS 32) IN THAT THIS IS AN IN -FILL DEVELOPMENT. GENERAL PLAN/ ZONING DESIGNATIONS: COMMERCIAL PARK/COMMERCIAL PARK PER SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 99-036 (PLANNING AREA #1) SURROUNDING LAND USES: NORTH: REGIONAL STORMWATER CHANNEL SrPC CUP 63 Sprint - Page 1 Printed: October 5, 2001 Greg - R9/25 SOUTH: ACROSS CORPORATE CENTRE DRIVE, VACANT EAST: VACANT (FUTURE WELL SITE) WEST: STORAGE USA (PHASE 1) BACKGROUND: The project site is located within the recently completed expansion of the Storage USA complex (Phase #2) located 400 feet east of Adams Street and north of Corporate Centre Drive. This self -storage complex, on 3.77 acres, was approved by the Planning Commission on April 11, 2000. This facility is located within the boundaries of Specific Plan 99-036, a 36-acre master planned commercial/industrial project, which was approved by the City Council on September 7, 1999. Presently, Sprint is installing a 65'-0" high monopalm communication antenna at the La Quinta Resort and Club (CUP 2001-061) and has received Planning Commission approval to install communication tower (CUP 2001-062) on Imperial Irrigation District property at 81-600 Avenue 58. Project Request: The applicant is requesting approval to install a permanent 68' high digital cellular telephone antenna in the mini storage facility where the storage of RV vehicles is permitted (Attachments 1-3). The monopole antenna is designed to replicate a palm tree with the support pole being covered in brown fiberglass bark and antennas concealed within flexible resin palm fronds. Including palm fronds, the height of the monopalm is approximately 73'- 0" tall. The height of the antenna is based on radio frequency transmission needs factoring in changes in topography and man-made structures, ensuring communications with other local Sprint antennas. Four Sprint antennae, providing wireless communication, are located within a five -mile radius of this new cellular site. Residentially zoned properties are a minimum distance of 0.25 miles to the north of this proposed antenna site. Sprint's lease area is approximately 579 square feet, and located approximately 640 feet east of Adams Street, 320+ feet north of Corporate Centre Drive, 60+ feet south of a regional stormwater channel. A 6-foot high masonry wall is proposed to encircle the monopalm and its related ground -mounted electrical equipment cabinets eliminating two existing RV parking spaces (Spaces 23 and 24) from the paved storage lot. Ground mounted electrical cabinets will not be visible from off -site properties. No supplemental landscaping is proposed. Public; Notice: The case was advertised in the Desert Sun newspaper on September 28, 2001, and mailed to surrounding property owners within 500 feet as required by Section SrPC CUP 63 Sprint - Page 2 Printed: October 5, 2001 Greg - R9/25 9.210.020 of the Zoning Ordinance. To date, no written correspondence has been received. All correspondence received will be forwarded to the Commission prior to the meeting. Public Agency Review: The applicant's development request was sent to responsible agencies and City departments on July 12, 2001, and all pertinent comments received have been incorporated into the Conditions of Approval. STATEMENT OF MANDATORY FINDINGS: Findings necessary to approve Conditional Use Permit 2001-063 can be made and are contained in the attached Resolution with the exception of the following: A. Landscaping - Since a landscaping plan was not submitted, staff recommends that the applicant prepare a plan that includes vine attached to security walls and a minimum of two additional palm trees to complement and accentuate the monopalm structure (Condition 8). B. On -site Parking - As designed, no service vehicle parking spaces are proposed as required by Section 9.170.060(G) of the Zoning Code. Under the Code provisions, two parking spaces shall be set aside for this communication facility (Condition 9). RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ approving Conditional Use Permit 2001- 063, subject to the attached Findings and Conditions of Approval. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Site Plan 3. Elevations P�.repar d by: Submitted by: r Gregg. * us�ell Christine di lorio Associate -Planner Planning Manager P:\GRE:G\SRPC CUP63SprintAdams 2001.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A 68' HIGH MONOPALM COMMUNICATION ANTENNA AND RELATED GROUND MOUNTED EQUIPMENT WITHIN PHASE #2 OF STORAGE USA LOCATED AT 46-600 ADAMS STREET CASE NO.: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2001-063 APPLICANT: SPRINT PCS WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 9t' day of October, 2001, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing, at the request of Sprint PCS, to consider a 68-foot high wireless radio communication antenna and related ground mounted electrical equipment cabinets and wall enclosure for placement within Storage USA, more particularly described as: Assessor's Parcel Number: 649-020-054 WHEREAS, at the Public Hearing upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following findings to justify approval of said Conditional Use Permit: 1 . The design and improvements of the proposed monopalm are consistent with La Quinta General Plan Policy 7-1.4.10 that requires utilities and communication facilities to blend in with the desert environment and surrounding improvements. 2. The proposed monopalm communication antenna is consistent with current standards of the Zoning Code (Section 9.170.010, Commercial Communications Towers) in that potential adverse visual effects have been mitigated by design of the palm tree appearance of the structure. Ground mounted mechanical equipment will not be visible from outside the development. 3. The proposed monopalm communication antenna is consistent with surrounding commercial land uses and an appropriate use for the CP Zoning District. 4. The installation of the monopalm antenna and related equipment is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32) of the California Environmental Quality Act. 5. The design of the monopalm communication antenna is not likely to cause serious public health problems, or adversely impact the general public welfare or safety, in that public agencies have reviewed the project and found no significant concerns. It has also been determined that the height of the monopalm antenna will not obstruct air travel based on FAA regulations. ResoCUP63 Sprint - p/greg 7/16; 9/25; 104 Planning Commission Resolution 2001- Conditional Use Permit 2001-063, Sprint PCS October 9, 2001 6. The design of the monopalm communication antenna is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage, or substantially, and unavoidable injure fish or wildlife, or their habitat, in that urban improvements such as buildings and landscaping exist at the site to buffer this new improvement. Furthermore, this area is protected from regional stormwater flows by the C.V. Stormwater Channel. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1 . That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of said Planning Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby approve the above described Conditional Use Permit, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this 91h day of October, 2001, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JACQUES ABELS, Chairman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JERRY HERMAN, Community Development Director City of La Quinta, California P:\GRE:G\ResoPC CUP63 No EASprint.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001-_ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2001-063, SPRINT PCS OCTOBER 9, 2001 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Conditional Use Permit. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. This indemnification shall include any award toward attorney's fees. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. Prior to the issuance of an improvement or building permit, the applicant shall obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies, or departments: • Community Development Department • Building and Safety Department • Riverside County Fire Department • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • Federal Communication Commission (FCC) • Federal Aeronautical Association (FAA) The applicant is responsible for any requirements of the permits or clearances from those jurisdictions. If the requirements include approval of improvement plans, applicant shall furnish proof of said approvals prior to obtaining City approval of the plans. 3. Development of this site shall be in substantial conformance with Exhibits approved and contained in the file for Conditional Use Permit 2001-063, unless amended by the following conditions. FEES AND DEPOSITS 4. The applicant shall pay all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposits and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for the plan checks, permits, and inspections. CONDCUP63 Sprint @Adams Printed: October 4, 2001 P-Greg/9-25 Page 1 of 2 Planning; Commission Resolution No. 2001- Conditional Use Permit 2001-063, Sprint PCS October 9, 2001 FIRE DEPARTMENT 5. Prior to building permit issuance, final construction plans shall be submitted to the Fire Department for review and approval. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT 6. Before any cranes, forklifts, or other aerial equipment are raised, please check for overhead wires pursuant to the provisions of California Title 8 (Electrical Safety Orders). Non -qualified electrical workers can get no closer than 6 feet from IID distribution lines and no closer than 10 feet from transmission lines. People operating boom type lifting or hoisting equipment can get no closer than 10 feet from IID distribution lines and not closer than 17 feet from transmission lines. 7. If ground excavation is required, even for seemingly benign applications such as anchoring a tent, please contact Underground Service Alert (USA). This service is free of charge provided USA is given at least two working days' notice (800- 227-2600). MISCELLANEOUS 8. A minimum of two 40 foot tall palm trees shall be planted in close proximity to the monopalm communication tower and vines shall be esplanade on the outside of the security walls in 15-foot increments. An automatic timer irrigation system is required. 9. A minimum of two service vehicle parking spaces shall be provided. These spaces shall be signed to preclude use by other mini storage users. 10. Heavy gauge, opaque metal gates shall be installed. Chain link fencing is not allowed. CONDCUP63 Sprint @Adams Printed: October 4, 2001 P-Greg/9-25 Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENTS rA Attachment 1 l'+g T STORM Ffi tip iY" 4 'f :4 1. 46Ih AVE. - 461h AV -. 1 aSI Jrc T4 OAd j 1 a Z N ORENCE t LA QU I N TA VICINITY MAPERR DIRECTIONS FROM SPRINT REGIONAL OFFICE IN IRVINE: 405 FREEWAY NORTH TO 55 FREEWAY NORTH. TO 91 FREEWAY EAST, TO 1-10 FREEWAY EAST, APPROX 100 MILES TO INDIO. CA.. EXIT WASHINGTON ST. TURN RIGHT. TO HWY 111 TURN LEFT. TO CORPORATE WAY TURN RIGHT. THOMAS BROS. MAP: RV849-H2 DRIVING DIRECTIONS THE MITE SPEI TELE MOU CABI P F.'Pm SPRI 461K PLEA IMPL PHOI PROI PHOI T OWNI AOOF CON,, PH01 AP SITE TELE 182: SANT CON, PM AREA JURk CURE ZON1 A.P.h HANG Now and rights incidental Ilion. on the map Of said Now and rights incidental riion, an the map of said alk K40w and rights incidental otion, on the map of said n thereon. below and rights incidental municipal 2000-267424. Official Records. m thereon. Wow and rights incidental hr communications. once by electrical mneons. No. 2000-396210. Official Records. rent is not disclosed ,PHIC SCALE hneh - 100 it Attachment Z w6SrwARD NO ltw I n I'd- 2- Bross disk "RCE 26401" per PM 29351, P.M.B. I 197/33-36 iq N at. I� Thence Soutn 73'00.58" Eost 21.08 feet: Thence South 29'41'07" West 24.75 feel: Thence North 89.45'34" West 13.50 feel la the POINT OF BEGINNI Said parcel contains 579 square feet. more or less. Proposed Sprint Access Easement Legal Description Being a strip of land 20.00 feet in width over o portion of Paree shown by Parcel Mop NO. 29351, in the City Of LO Quints. Count, Riverside, Slate of Colifornio, On file in Boric 197. Pages 33 to Parcel Maps. records of Riverside County. California, lying 10.00 I each side of the following described centerline: COMMENCING at the southwest comer of said Parcel 1. Thence along the southerly line of said Parcel 1, North 89'42'27" 20.00 feet to a line 20.00 feel easterly and parallel with meosur right angles from the westerly lime of said Parcel 1, said point a the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence along said parallel line North 00'04'01" East 279.89 feet: Thence dep rt'eng said parallel Jim North 89'45'47* East 225.44 1 Thence North 0014'26' East 18.30 feel to the POINT OF TERMIN The sidelines of said 20.00 fool wide strip of land are to be ssl shortened so os to begin on the southerly line of said Parcel 1 at all angle points. Proposed Sprint Utility Easement Legal Description Being l�r a portion of Pairce wn by PxrMap No. 29351. in the City of L shown ef a Quintc. COun1 Riverside. State of California. an Me in Book 197. Pages 33 to Parcel Mops. records of Riverside County, California, lying 4.00 IL each Side of the following described centerline: COMMENCING at the southeast corner of said Parcel 1: Thence along the southerly line Ot sod Parcel 1, South B9'42'27 1.49 feel: Thence North 0014'13" West 2.32 feet to the TRUE POINT OF 8 Thence South 8945'47' West 40.30 feet: Thence North 0014'13 West 271.19 feet: Thence South 89'45'47" Weal 112.85 reek Thence North 0014*26" East 25.07 feel to the POINT OF TERM6 ` The sidelines of said 8.00 loot wide strip of land are to meet I points and beextendedor%Loose Area. to end an the lout swlhaoslerly ` I Lille �I Proposed Sprint MORopelm� /t�`` J7 t ; posed Sprint se 4 6 LeaAreas q� 1� (579 SF.) �. t �rcei (.Accen posed 20' wide Sprint I I ? I; Basirmlrnt I I Proposed 8wide Sprint I Utility Basement I I1. M.- 415.27' _ 210-0' -� 990.90' _� ccRAORAra IAr� /0/8.48' Ne9•i2 27'B ----------------- . - ---------- - --- Fd. l incur' PLS 6697" per I 1 PY 29351, P M.B. 197/33-36 t 11.70' north of PL car. i A : ^I I c41 i. Fd. S & IN 'LS 5749' t 3 per PM 29351, P M.8 I l� 197/33-36 I I I \77i I Attachment 3 PROPOSED SPRRR "" t E W IR wlENNS TOT { PER XEtOR. SECTORS. IT 195'. ]BS. ()t'L K )9Y K I.R'0). (Ltl)T BRRCItQS TO RE MTA LED OR ALL SECTORS) PROPOSED SPRINT PwEI wtCxwS 13 wfEMYS TOTAL, [PER SECTOR. SECTORS, IY. I9Y. Z.T. I)[L TO - (YOT BRPCK[I$ RC W.-LEO ON aLL SECTORS) - PROPOSED SPROO !)S' LKR10Pt PROPOSED SPRwI f13' YONOPtLY� g g g C PROPOSED SPRMr a �$ BTS EW.W., e PROPOSED s -O' 0CH PROPOSED SPRM CWl RLOCR STS E PROPOSED e'-0' x6x CYO BLOCK Zu r- EAST ELEVATION ® 3 SOUTH ELEVATION PROPOSED SPRM !)S' YWgPR111-,,i PROPOSED CROPITx PROPOSED x-CONi1411RlTKRD PROPOSED SPRmT t)S' xpDPYY PROPOSED RECT CADDIE) CRBRICIS (TA) FOR TELCO (YMOM ON CM %RW R/OM XRNCE WITS PROPOSED PPC CA0KT PROPOSED OPS txIEIRH R/SERRCE LIOIT PROPOS(p PAC CRBu4T z PROPOSED 6'-0' ISO. CYY BLOCK RIR1 PROPOSED B'-O' IDCx CM BLOCK RAIL .- PROPOSED PPC CUPW -- -- A � R/SERv" Wrt 9 - PROPOSED ECR RECEPTACLE - l Yq)xfED ON C))11 RILL {E' M OIC P S PROPOSED B' O I ROILAROS (TYP) ________ __________________>�__________ _ _____-__-- PROPOSED T PROPOSED xCX PRCWC SLAS CONCRETE SW CONCRETE $IP8 SL EAST EQUIPMENT ELEVATION 4 SOUTH EQUIPMENT ELEVATION PH #C PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: OCTOBER 9, 2001 CASE: NO.: VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2001-010 APPLICANT: EDWIN G. COSEK (ANDREW'S BAR AND GRILL) PROPERTY OWNER: MONIQUE JEAN PIERRE REQUEST: REVIEW OF EXTERIOR REMODELING PLANS FOR AN EXISTING ONE STORY COMMERCIAL BUILDING (FORMERLY CHEZ MONIQUE) ON 0.17 ACRES TO INCLUDE OUTDOOR PATIO DINING, LANDSCAPING, SIGNS AND VEHICLE PARKING AREAS LOCATION: ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USE: BACKGROUND: 78-121 AVENIDA LA FONDA (SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AVENIDA LA FONDA AND DESERT CLUB DRIVE) THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THIS REQUEST IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15332 (CLASS 32) OF THE GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) AS AMENDED (CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 83-63). THE PROPERTY IS SURROUNDED ENTIRELY BY LAND THAT IS ZONED VC (VILLAGE COMMERCIAL) AND EITHER DEVELOPED WITH COMMERCIAL LAND USES OR VACANT. The property is located on the southwest corner of Avenida La Fonda and Desert Club Drive in the downtown Village area. The existing one story building of 1,920 square feet (circa 1978) was until recently operated as Chez Monique tavern. Building walls are clad in white stucco with half -round windows on the north and east building elevations. Wood roof eaves are painted blue and brown; roof mounted mechanical equipment is screened by a concrete the mansard roof and low -profile stucco parapet wall (Attachment 1). From the south elevation, the roof equipment is not screened. No landscaping exists around the existing building facing the streets. SRPC VUP2001-10, Greg 53 - Page 1 Printed: October 4, 2001 Fm SS VUP6 - 9/25 The commercial structure is on a rectangular parcel measuring 75' wide by 100' in depth, backing up to a 20-foot wide paved alley on its south boundary. The westerly 25' of the lot is vacant. Overhead utility lines and poles flank the north side of the alleyway. Off -site infrastructure improvements are currently being completed by the City, including new public parking spaces, hardscape, decorative lighting and landscaping features on Avenida La Fonda (Attachment 2 - The Village). The Desert Sage Restaurant is located to the west of this site. Approximately six to eight unmarked parking spaces are located on the north and south sides of the building. A masonry enclosure for a commercial trash bin also exists at the southwest corner of the site adjacent to the alley. An existing internally illuminated cabinet sign, measuring approximately 4'-0" high by 5'-0" long, is mounted on the north building elevation by the front entry door. The Chez Monique sign panel has been removed from the sign cabinet leaving the flourescent bulbs exposed. Project Proposal: The applicant proposes to remove the northerly parking area and replace it with an outdoor dining area. Two sets of French doors will be installed on the north side of the building with new decorative glass lens lanterns and other incandescent lighting added. Dining areas are enclosed by a Navajo white stucco wall that includes glass panels between 5'-0" high pilasters topped with globe lights. A trellis is proposed over the outdoor dining area using 4" by 6" rough sawn wood joists at 8-inch centers that are attached to the facade and extend over the patio area to the proposed front yard stucco wall, a span of approximately 30'-0". Trellis members are supported by two 4" by 12" rough sawn glue laminated wood beams and 4-inch metal structural support posts spaced 15'-0" apart with vertical clearances of 8'-6" to 9'-6". Metal support poles are to be covered with rough sawn lumber to match the other trellis elements. Roof ,joist ends are capped using rough sawn lumber. The applicant is proposing new landscaping consisting of Mesquite and Palo Verde trees, Mexican Fan palms and various five gallon shrubs on Avenida La Fonda. The number of trees is not specified. A combination of five gallon shrubs such as Bougainvillea, Day Lily, Desert Spoon and Hibiscus are also used in the 10'-6" wide parkway. Similar plant material is proposed on west side of the outdoor dining area. Desert Gold gravel in 3/8" size will be used for groundcover along with annual color. Jasmine vines are proposed to be attached to the pilasters. Oleander shrubs will screen the 25' wide undeveloped property to the west of the existing building that is planned to be covered in gravel to reduce blowing dust. Parkway landscaping is also proposed on Desert Club Drive using wood planter boxes for areas adjacent to the building planted with Verbena and Lantana shrubs. SRPC VUP2001-10, Greg 53 - Page 2 Printed: October 4, 2001 Fm SS VUP6 - 9/25 Existing parking spaces on the south side of the building will be expanded to include an additional parking stall to the west of the existing trash enclosure for a total of six spaces. Under the proposal, two driveway approaches where the parking area was will be removed. The applicant proposes to install a 10 square foot light blue neon sign on the east elevation between the half -circle windows and copy will read "Andrews" in script style; behind the neon lighting is a dark blue Plexiglas panel mirroring the sign copy details up to a letter height of 20-inches. The electric transformer for the sign is to be mounted inside the building. No other permanent signs are proposed. Public Notice: This request was advertised in the Desert Sun newspaper on September 24, 2001, and mailed to all property owners within 500 feet around the project boundaries. To date, no correspondence has been received. Public; Agency Review: All written comments received are on file with the Community Development Department. All applicable agency comments received have been made part of the Conditions of Approval for this case. Architecture and Landscape Review Committee Action: The Committee reviewed this request at its meeting of October 3, 2001, and on a 2-0 vote, adopted Minute Motion 2001-042, recommending approval, subject to the attached recommended conditions (Attachment 3 - Draft Minutes). STATEMENT OF MANDATORY FINDINGS: The Findings required in Section 9.65.040 (Village Use Permit Review Process) of the Zoning Ordinance can be made as noted in the attached Resolution with the following exceptions: 1. Architectural Design - The architectural design of the project, including but not limited to the architectural style, scale, building mass, materials, colors, architectural details, roof style, and other architectural elements, are compatible with surrounding development and with the quality of design illustrated in the Village at La Quinta Guidelines with the exception of the wood joists for the patio cover shall be able to resist warping (Condition 36C). 2. Site Design - The site design of the project including entries, circulation, screening, is compatible with the surrounding area, provided 90-degree alleyway parking is designed to comply with Condition 24 and unused curb cuts are removed (Condition 18). Staff recommends the reduction in required parking spaces based on the availability of off -site parking in the Village. However, the SRPC VUP2001-10, Greg 53 - Page 3 Printed: October 4, 2001 Fm SS VUP6 - 9/25 dining area shall not extend more than 25 feet from the north side of the building (Condition 36D). Prior to opening the restaurant, the applicant shall also repair the existing trash enclosure by installing new heavy gauge metal gates (Condition 36B) and upgrade exterior building lights (Condition 35). 3. Landscape Design - Project landscaping, including but not limited to the location, type, size, color, texture, and coverage of plant materials has been designed so as to provide relief, complement buildings, visually emphasize prominent design elements and vistas, screen undesirable views, provide a harmonious transition between adjacent land uses and between development and open space, and provide an overall unifying influence, and be compatible with surrounding development and the concepts of the Village at La Quinta Guidelines in that the plans provide an attractive appearance surrounding the existing building and new parking areas. To comply with the tree shading requirements of the Zoning Code Section 9.150.080(M6), one tree shall be planted at the southwest corner of the property (Condition 37A). RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_, approving Village Use Permit 2001- 010, subject to conditions. Attachments: 1. Existing Site Plan Exhibit 2. Village Improvement Map 3. Draft ALRC Minutes of October 3, 2001 are by: Greg Tr�u�dell, Associate Planner Submitted by: Ch stine di for , Planni g Manager SRPC VUP2001-10, Greg 53 - Page 4 Fm SS VUP6 - 9/25 Printed: October 4, 2001 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING EXTERIOR REMODELING PLANS AND PARKING AND LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS FOR AN EXISTING COMMERCIAL RESTAURANT (FORMERLY CHEZ MONIQUE) CASE NO.: VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2001-010 APPLICANT: EDWIN G. COSEK (ANDREW'S BAR AND GRILL) WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 9" day of October, 2001, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider the request of Edwin G. Cosek (Andrew's Bar and Grill) for approval of a Village Use Permit to allow exterior remodeling and construction of new parking areas for a restaurant located at 78-121 Avenida La Fonda, more particularly described as: APN: 770-122-001; Lots 1-3 of Desert Club Tr. Unit #1 Southwest corner of Desert Club Drive and Avenida La Fonda WHEREAS, on October 3, 2001, the Architectural Review Committee, on a 2-0 vote, recommended approval of the restaurant expansion plan, subject to conditions requiring landscape and patio cover upgrades. WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons wanting to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following Mandatory Findings to justify approval of said Village Use Permit: A. The project is consistent with the General Plan and Zoning Code in that the use is permitted in the Village Commercial District and has been designed to comply with the applicable VC District development standards, guidelines, and provisions as addressed herein. B. The project will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare in that the outdoor dining is a permitted use and parking is provided both on- and off -site in close proximity. The proposed bar and grill restaurant will operate in conformance with all applicable City requirements and the reduced number parking spaces, as required by the Zoning Code, for this expansion request will not adversely impact continued development of commercial uses in The Village due to shared off -site parking arrangements by and between the City of La Quinta, and the applicant. Two driveway approaches at the intersection of Avenida La Fonda and Desert Club ResoPC VUP 2001-010.wpd Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Village Use Permit 2001-010, Mr. Edwin Cosek October 9, 2001 Drive will be removed by this project in compliance with The Village design guidelines, enhancing downtown pedestrian safety. C. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Section 15332 because only outdoor dining is proposed along with development of additional parking stalls and landscaping improvements for an existing commercial building. Infrastructure improvements and other urban services exist at this time to serve this remodel request. D. The architectural design of the building, with the remodeling, is compatible with the surrounding uses and quality of design illustrated in the Village at La Quinta Design Guidelines, provided upgrades are made to the patio trellis and parking lot design as conditioned. Site lighting shall be shielded when required and low level for pedestrian activities. E. The proposed 10 square foot exposed neon building -mounted permanent ID sign is consistent in size, color and location with Chapter 9.160 of the Zoning Code, provided the lighting does not produce excessive and unwanted glare. F. The site design of the project including building entries, circulation, screening, and landscaping is compatible with the surrounding businesses, provided the parking spaces comply with City design provisions, including shading, landscaping and lighting, as recommended. G. The landscaping plans provide an attractive appearance surrounding the existing building and new outdoor dining area through the uses of varying species of trees and palms and shrubbery. Groundcover elements provide water retention for plants and gravel will be used to control dust. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1 . That the above recitations are true and constitute the Findings of the Planning Commission in this case; and 2. That it does hereby approve Village Use Permit 2001-010 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution, subject to the attached conditions. ResoPC. VUP 2001-010.wpd Planning Commission Resolution 2001- Village: Use Permit 2001-010, Mr. Edwin Cosek October 9, 2001 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission held on this 9" day of October, 2001, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JACQUES ABELS, Chairman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JERRY HERMAN, Community Development Director City of La Quinta, California p:\stan\vup 2001-006 pc res.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001-_ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2001-010 EDWIN G. COSEK (ANDREW'S BAR AND GRILL) OCTOBER 9, 2001 GENERAL 1. 'the applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Village Use Permit and any other challenge pertaining to this project. This indemnification shall include any award toward attorney's fees. 'the City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. Prior to the issuance of a grading, construction or building permit, the applicant shall obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies and departments: O Fire Marshal O Public Works Department (Grading Permit, Improvement Permit) O Community Development Department 0 Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) Imperial Irrigation District (IID) California Water Quality Control Board (CWQCB) 'The applicant is responsible for any requirements of the permits or clearances from those jurisdictions. If the requirements include approval of improvement plans, applicant shall furnish proof of said approvals prior to obtaining City approval of the plans. 'The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit. For projects requiring project -specific NPDES construction permits, the applicant shall submit a copy of the CWQCB acknowledgment of the applicant's Notice of Intent prior to issuance of a grading or site construction permit. The applicant shall ensure that the required Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan is available for inspection at the project site. A:\Cond PC VUP10 Andrews Bar.wpd Greg - 53 - Printed October 4, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Village Use Permit 2001-010, Mr. Edwin G. Cosek October 9, 2001 Page 2 PROPERTY RIGHTS 3. The applicant shall vacate abutter's rights of access to public streets and properties from all frontage along the streets and properties except access points shown on the approved site plan. 4. 'fhe applicant shall furnish proof of easements or written permission, as appropriate, from owners of any abutting properties on which grading, retaining wall construction, permanent slopes, or other encroachments are to occur. 5. If the applicant proposes vacation or abandonment of any existing rights of way or access easements which will diminish access rights to any properties owned by others, the applicant shall provide approved alternate rights of way or access easements to those properties or notarized letters of consent from the property owners. IMPROVEMENT PLANS As used throughout these conditions of approval, professional titles such as "engineer," "surveyor," and "architect" refer to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. 6. Improvement plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers and landscape architects, as appropriate. Plans shall be submitted on 24" x 36" media in the categories of "Rough Grading," "Precise Grading," "Streets & Drainage," and "Landscaping." Precise grading plans shall have signature blocks for Community Development Director and the Building Official. All other plans shall have signature blocks for the City Engineer. Plans are not approved for construction until they are signed. "Streets and Drainage" plans shall normally include signals, sidewalks, bike paths, entry drives, gates, and parking lots. "Landscaping" plans shall normally include irrigation improvements, landscape lighting and entry monuments. "Precise Grading" plans shall normally include perimeter walls. Plans for improvements not listed above shall be in formats approved by the City Engineer. A:\Cond PC VUP10 Andrews Bar.wpd Greg - 53 - Printed October 4, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Village Use Permit 2001-010, Mr. Edwin G. Cosek October 9, 2001 Page 3 7. The City may maintain standard plans, details and/or construction notes for elements of construction. For a fee established by City resolution, the applicant may acquire standard plan and/or detail sheets from the City. 8. When final plans are approved by the City, the applicant shall furnish accurate AutoCad files of the complete, approved plans on storage media acceptable to the City Engineer. The files shall utilize standard AutoCad menu items so they may be fully retrieved into a basic AutoCad program. At the completion of construction and prior to final acceptance of improvements, the applicant shall update the files to reflect as -constructed conditions. If the plans were not produced in AutoCad or a file format which can be converted to AutoCad, the City Engineer may accept raster -image files of the plans. IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT 9. The applicant shall construct improvements and/or satisfy obligations, or furnish an executed, secured agreement to construct improvements and/or satisfy obligations required by the City prior to approval of a final map or parcel map or issuance of a certificate of compliance for a waived parcel map. For secured agreements, security provided, and the release thereof, shall conform with Chapter 13, LQMC. Improvements to be made or agreed to shall include removal of any existing structures or obstructions which are not part of the proposed improvements. 10. If improvements are secured, the applicant shall provide estimates of improvement costs for checking and approval by the City Engineer. Estimates shall comply with the schedule of unit costs adopted by City resolution or ordinance. For items not listed in the City's schedule, estimates shall meet the approval of the City Engineer. Estimates for improvements under the jurisdiction of other agencies shall be approved by those agencies. Security is not required for telephone, gas, or T.V. cable improvements. However, development -wide improvements shall not be agendized for final acceptance until the City receives confirmation from the telephone authority that the applicant has met all requirements for telephone service to lots within the development. 1 1. If the applicant fails to construct improvements or satisfy obligations in a timely manner or as specified in an approved phasing plan or in an improvement A:\Conti PC VUP10 Andrews Bar.wpd Greg - 53 - Printed October 4, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Village Use Permit 2001-010, Mr. Edwin G. Cosek October 9, 2001 Page 4 agreement, the City shall have the right to halt issuance of building permits or final building inspections, withhold other approvals related to the development of the project or call upon the surety to complete the improvements. GRADING 12. Slopes shall not exceed 5:1 within public rights of way and 3:1 in landscape areas outside the right of way unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 13. Prior to occupation of the project site for construction purposes, the applicant shall submit and receive approval of a fugitive dust control plan prepared in accordance with Chapter 6.16, LQMC. The Applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the city, in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the provisions of the permit. 14. The applicant shall maintain graded, undeveloped land to prevent wind and water erosion of soils. The land shall be planted with interim landscaping or provided with other erosion control measures approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. DRAINAGE 15. Nuisance water shall be retained on site and disposed of in an approved manner. The proposed landscape area within the 25'-0" lot shall retain 100% of the runoff and nuisance water in this area. UTILITIES 16. The applicant shall coordinate with Imperial Irrigation District for the removal or relocation of the existing power if it conflicts with the proposed parking stalls from the alley. 17. Utilities shall be installed prior to overlying hardscape. For installation of utilities in existing, improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements maintained or required by the City Engineer. The applicant shall provide certified reports of trench compaction for approval of the City Engineer. A:\Cond PC VUP10 Andrews Bar.wpd Greg - 53 - Printed October 4, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Village Use Permit 2001-010, Mr. Edwin G. Cosek October 9, 2001 Page 5 STREET AND TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS 18. Improvements shall include removal of the existing driveway approaches off of Avenida La Fonda and Desert Club Drive. The applicant shall complete the sidewalk improvements along the 25'-0" of vacant property to match the existing sidewalk to the west. In the areas where the driveway approaches are removed, standard curb and gutter and sidewalks shall be constructed. New sidewalks shall match the existing color scheme as used in the recently constructed village improvements. 19. 'The applicant may be required to extend improvements beyond development boundaries to ensure they safely integrate with existing improvements (e.g., grading; traffic control devices and transitions in alignment, elevation or dimensions of streets and sidewalks). 20. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the LQMC, adopted standards, supplemental drawings and specifications, and as approved by the City Engineer. Improvement plans for streets and parking areas shall be stamped and signed by qualified engineers. 21. 'The applicant shall design street pavement sections using Caltrans' design procedure (20-year life) and site -specific data for soil strength and anticipated traffic loading (including construction traffic). Minimum structural sections shall be as follows (or approved equivalents for alternate materials): Parking Areas 3.0" a.c./4.50" c.a.b. 22. 'The applicant shall submit current mix designs (less than two years old at the 'time of construction) for base, asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete. 'The submittal shall include test results for all specimens used in the mix design procedure. For mix designs over six months old, the submittal shall include recent (less than six months old at the time of construction) aggregate gradation 'test results confirming that design gradations can be achieved in current production. The applicant shall not schedule construction operations until mix designs are approved. 23. General access points and turning movements of traffic are limited to the following: A. All parking access shall be restricted to the alley. A:\Conti PC VUP10 Andrews Bar.wpd Greg - 53 - Printed October 4, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ Conditions of Approval - Recommended Village Use Permit 2001-010, Mr. Edwin G. Cosek October 9, 2001 Page 6 24. Parking requirements for the site are: A. The first parking stall west of Desert Club Drive (Stall #6) shall accommodate handicap parking. An ADA accessible handicap ramp shall be constructed adjacent to the existing sidewalk on Desert Club Drive. B. The proposed parking spaces off of the alley shall have raised parking blocks a minimum of 2' south of the existing building. 25. The City will conduct final inspections only when the buildings have improved street and (if required) sidewalk access to publicly -maintained streets. The improvements shall include required traffic control devices, pavement markings and street name signs. If on -site streets are initially constructed with partial pavement thickness, the applicant shall complete the pavement prior to final inspections. QUALITY ASSURANCE 26. 'The applicant shall employ construction quality -assurance measures which meet the approval of the City Engineer. 27. 'The applicant shall employ or retain qualified civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, surveyors, or other appropriate professionals to provide sufficient construction supervision to be able to furnish and sign accurate record drawings. 28. 'The applicant shall arrange and bear the cost of measurement, sampling and testing procedures not included in the City's inspection program but required by -the City as evidence that construction materials and methods comply with plans, specifications and applicable regulations. 29. Upon completion of construction, the applicant shall furnish the City reproducible record drawings of all improvement plans which were signed by the City. Each sheet shall be clearly marked "Record Drawings," "As -Built" or "As -Constructed" and shall be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the accuracy of the drawings. The applicant shall revise the CAD or raster -image files previously submitted to the City to reflect as -constructed conditions. MAINTENANCE 30. The applicant shall make provisions for continuous, perpetual maintenance of all on -site improvements, perimeter landscaping, access drives, and sidewalks. The A:\Cond PC VUP10 Andrews Bar.wpd Greg - 53 - Printed October 4, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Village Use Permit 2001-010, Mr. Edwin G. Cosek October 9, 2001 Page 7 applicant shall maintain required public improvements until expressly released from this responsibility by the appropriate public agency. FEES AND DEPOSITS 31. The applicant shall pay the City's established fees for plan checking and construction inspection. Fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan checking and permits. FIRE DEPARTMENT 32. Prior to opening the restaurant, the applicant shall contact the Fire Department (863-8886) for a walk-through safety inspection. COAC;HELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 33. -the District will furnish domestic water and sanitation service to this area in accordance with the current regulations, provided the payment of certain fees and charges are obtained. This site shall be annexed to Improvement District Nos. 55 and 82 for sanitation services. 34. The District requires restaurants to install a grease interceptor, including a sample box, sanitary tee and running trap with clean -out, prior to any discharge to its sanitation facilities. The size of the grease interceptor will be determined by the Riverside County Environmental Health Department and approved by the District. Installation of the interceptor will be inspected by the District. MISCELLANEOUS 35. Nonconforming Wal-pak security lighting on the building shall be replaced with shielded light fixtures in compliance with City requirements, ensuring parking spaces are also adequately lit. The final lighting plan and fixture specifications shall be submitted with the remodel plans to the City's Building and Safety Department. Unshielded exterior incandescent building lights shall not exceed 160 watts. Globe lighting on top of the patio wall shall be frosted to conceal the light source. 36. Prior to building permit issuance, the following revisions shall be completed: A. Reconstruction of the south -facing roof parapet to match existing building textures and colors and materials. A:\Cond PC VUP10 Andrews Bar.wpd Greg - 53 - Printed October 5, 2001 Planning Commission Resolution 2001- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Village Use Permit 2001-010, Mr. Edwin G. Cosek October 9, 2001 Page 8 B. Heavy gauge, opaque metal gates shall be installed on the existing trash enclosure. The masonry enclosure shall be painted to match the building. C. Glue laminated joists shall be used to construct the patio cover. D. Bench seating for patron waiting is required to be installed inside the patio area along the north side screen wall thereby reducing the dining area to a depth of 25'-0" from 30'-0". 37. 'The final landscaping and irrigation plans shall be submitted to the Community Development Department, including the following revisions: .A. Parkway trees shall have a minimum caliper size of 1.0" or greater. Palm trees shall have a minimum brown trunk height of six feet. One tree (24- inch box size with 1.5 inch caliper) shall be planted to shade Parking Stall #1 shown on the site plan. B. Five gallon shrubs shall be planted at 3'-0" intervals. C. Shrubs shall be irrigated with bubblers or drip emitters from an automatic irrigation system. D. Raised wood planter boxes on Desert Club Drive shall be made of concrete or comparable material. A:\Cond PC VUP10 Andrews Bar.wpd Greg - 53 - Printed October 5, 2001 ATTACHMENTS i Attachment 1 V* w E.., U O aNtenV Ov` ca goOW �a r, aaaq¢ a _Q. 0- . , . G U RS 00 wz 4UPOPA p %.- - r ,C 3ARIQ 9f1'ID 'c' am z 0 'S S tt s _'APN' ,. ;� •r DESERT CLUB DR. .SFF .qidFFT i9 2L i Architectural & Landscape Review Committee Minutes October 3, 2001 DRAFTAttachment 3 trying to make any type of a statement, but actually playing it down. Committee Member Cunningham stated he did t want to add detail, but that the building seemed out of balanc and should have something to balance the weight of the tire building. Discussion followed regarding the roof line. 4. Committee Member Bobbitt stated it was a andard desert plant pallette. Some of the tree varieties are fas growing and are short rooted which tends to make them high aintenance. He would not use as many of this variety be/bbought hey are high maintenance and can be a liability if not maintaaddition, the date palms in front of the building should at a younger stage because the older ones can beity in high traffic areas because of crown drop. The 1prrge planting areas for the shade trees are great as the trees wA be healthier. Mr. Lathrop stated they were restricted on wha 'plants they could use because of the Washington Square Specic Plan. Discussion followed on date palm trees. 5. There being no furthof discussion, it was moved and seconded by Committee Membef Cunningham/Bobbitt adopt Minute Motion 2001-041 recomfnending approval of Site Development Permit 2001-708, as commended. a. Prior o issuance of building permit revise the south building ele at increasing the size of the portico columns and the gieatrafoil to match the lower gable on either side of the ,main structure. E. Village Use Permit 2001-010; a request of Edwin G. Cosek (Andrews Bar and Grill) for review of exterior remodeling plans for an existing one story commercial restaurant building (formerly Chez Monique) on 0.17 acres to include outdoor patio dining, landscaping and vehicle parking areas located at 78-121 Avenida La Fonda. 1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Committee Member Cunningham asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Ed Cosek stated he was available to answer any questions. G:\WPDOCS\ARLC\ALRC 10-3-0 Lwpd 4 Architectural & Landscape Review Committee Minutes October 3, 2001 3. Committee Member Bobbitt asked about the steel tubing indicated on the patio cover. Mr. Cosek stated the steel columns would be supporting the main beam that the rafters run on. The steel beams would be covered with resawn cedar and stained to match. Committee Member Bobbitt asked what would be on top of the lattice for shade. Mr. Cosek stated it would be an open lattice. Committee Member Bobbitt stated his concern was that the wood would warp and turn. Mr. Cosek stated they would be using blocking and are adding a fascia in front. It would also be stained. Committee Member Bobbitt stated that if they were to have the open ends it should have some type of gingerbread finish. 4. Committee Member Cunningham stated he would suggest a laminated material or paralams for the patio cover. Committee Member Cunningham stated the blocking would not keep the wood from turning. The only thing he has found that works in the desert is gluilams or paralam as they will not turn and will stain well. He then asked how the existing roof ties in, or does not tie in with the existing fascia. Mr. Cosek stated they would be removing the existing fascia and run the boards back underneath. ANO, The pilasters will be stuccoed the same color as the building. They would be using lexon glass enclosures rather than wrought iron on the windows. Committee Member Cunningham stated his only concern was the use of woods and would recommend paralams be used. Discussion followed on how the roof construction would tie in. 5. Staff asked if the Committee had any concern regarding the box frame system not having lattice work above. Committee Member Bobbitt stated he had seen some that are open and are attractive if heavy enough. He asked the size of the wood. Staff stated they would be 4" X 6". 6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Committee Member Cunningham/Bobbitt adopt Minute Motion 2001-042 recommending approval of Village Use Permit 2001-010 as amended: a. Paralams shall be used for the patio cover joists. 1=. Village Use Permit 2001-012; a request of Santa Rosa Plaza, LLC for review of landscapii and architectural plans for 18 buildings "Casitas" portion of a 14 acre s e to be located on the north side of Calle Tampico, between Desert Club a d Avenida Bermudas. GAWPDOCSWA MALRC10-3-01.wpd PH #D STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: OCTOBER 9, 2001 CASE NO.: VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2001-012 REQUEST: REVIEW OF 18 CASITAS BUILDINGS, EACH CONTAINING EIGHT UNITS, FOR A TOTAL OF 144 UNITS ON A PORTION OF THE SANTA ROSA PLAZA SPECIFIC PLAN PROPERTY LOCATION: THE NORTH SIDE OF CALLE TAMPICO, BETWEEN DESERT CLUB DRIVE AND AVENIDA BERMUDAS. APPLICANT: SANTA ROSA PLAZA, LLC ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (EA 2000-406) WAS CERTIFIED ON FEBRUARY 6, 2001 BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR SPECIFIC PLAN 2000-050. THERE ARE NO CHANGED CIRCUMSTANCES, CONDITIONS OR NEW INFORMATION WHICH WOULD TRIGGER THE PREPARATION OF A SUBSEQUENT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PURSUANT TO PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTION 21166. GENERAL PLAN/ ZONING/ DESIGNATIONS: VILLAGE COMMERCIAL/VILLAGE COMMERCIAL BACKGROUND: Site Background The project site is currently vacant desert land. The site is bounded on three sides by roadways, specifically Calle Tampico on the south, Avenida Bermudas on the west, and Desert Club on the east. The La Quinta Evacuation Channel occurs along the northern boundary of the site. The City Council approved the Specific Plan, with conditions of approval, on February 6, 2001. The Specific Plan provided for up to 72 casitas on the northern end of the property, with the option to add up to 78 more on parcels originally planned for retail commercial development in the southern half of the site (called parcels 4, 5, 6 and 7 in the Specific Plan). G:\WPDC)CS\PC Stf Rpt\SantaRosaP VUP.WPD Proiect Request The Village Use Permit application requests approval for the construction of a total of 144 casitas units, 72 on the northern end of the property, and an additional 72 immediately south of the planned hotel on the site. A total of 18 buildings are proposed, each housing 8 one -bedroom units. The casitas' architectural style is Mediterranean, and is generally consistent with the approved Specific Plan. Two building types are proposed, one with stone veneer, and one without. Coloring of the buildings will also vary slightly. The buildings are proposed to be stucco, in varying tones of off white, with wrought iron banisters and balcony railings. This is a slight but acceptable modification to the renderings provided in the Specific Plan, which showed stucco stair railings. Tile pitched roofs are proposed. Wood shutters are included, as are wood exposed rafters under the eaves of the buildings. The facade includes square pillars which provide shaded balconies and patios. On the other sides of the buildings, the elevations appear to show similar pillars, although the lack of renderings makes this item difficult to gauge. A broad mix of plant types is proposed, which will create visual interest on the property. Parking has been provided consistent with the requirements of the approved Specific Plan. Public Notice This application was advertised in the Desert Sun newspaper on September 28, 2001. All property owners within 500 feet of the site were mailed a copy of the public hearing notice as required by the Zoning Ordinance of the La Quinta Municipal Code. To date, no comments have been received. Public Agency Review All written comments received are on file with the Community Development Department. All applicable agency comments received have been made part of the Conditions of Approval for this case. Architecture and Landscape Review Committee Recommendations: The Architecture and Landscape Review Committee reviewed the Village Use Permit at its meeting of October 2, 2001, and recommended conditions of approval, which have been incorporated into the attached conditions. G:\WPDIJCS\PC Stf Rpt\SantaRosaP VUP.WPD STATEMENT OF MANDATORY FINDINGS: As conditioned by the Architecture and Landscape Review Committee, the findings necessary to recommend approval of the Village Use Permit can be made, as noted in the attached resolution with the following exceptions: Finding #5 - Architectural Design: The stone veneer, which appears to be only included on small portions of one prototype, is recommended by the ALRC to be utilized as an integral design material for this prototype (Condition #2), since the siting of the buildings will make all sides highly visible to pedestrians walking through the project. Findina #6 - Site Design: The Specific Plan included a condition of approval which required that any casitas planned for parcels 4, 5, 6 and 7 would include 50% of the land in landscaping. The current configuration of the parcels, results in 45.7% landscaping, net of building and parking lot areas. This calculation, however, does not include the gazebo or pavilion area located immediately south of the casitas. If this area is added to the calculations, the landscaped area for the casitas will exceed the required 50% of landscaped area. A condition of approval has been added (Condition #1) which requires that the gazebo/pavilion area, and the surrounding landscaping, be constructed with the southern buildings of the casitas. The Specific Plan required that all perimeter improvements be included with the first phase of development. As this appears to be the first phase, the condition has been reiterated (Condition #5). The lighting for the project site was required in the Specific Plan to meet the City' standards. Preliminary plans submitted by the project proponent do not meet those standards. A condition of approval (Condition #6) has been added which requires that the project proponent receive staff approval for the lighting plan. Findings #7 - Landscape Design: The Specific Plan included a condition of approval that berming be provided throughout the site. The berming, however, is not shown on the landscaping plan provided. A condition of approval has been recommended by the ALRC (Condition #3) which requires staff review of final landscaping plans to assure that berming is included. Finally, the majority of the landscaping is proposed to be in turf. In order to ensure water efficient landscaping, the ALRC recommends the addition of a condition of approval (Condition #4) which limits turf to 25% of all landscaping areas. G:\WPDIDCS\PC Stf Rpt\SantaRosaP VUP.WPD Finding #8 - Sign Program No master signage program has yet been submitted for the project site. A condition of approval is included (Condition #7) which requires the approval of both a master signage program, and a conforming signage permit for the casitas project. The lighting specifications submittal by the project proponent includes banner poles on each of the light fixtures. Banners are considered as signse under the Municipal Code. As such, banners, if desired by the project proponent, are required to be included in the Specific Plan. Banners are not mentioned in the approved Specific Plan. As such, any banners to be proposed must be enumerated in the Specific Plan, and require a Specific Plan Amendment. A condition of approval has been added to address this issue (Condition #8) . RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_, recommending to the City Council approval of Village Use Permit 2001-012, subject to the findings and conditions. Attachments: 1. Development Plan Booklet 2. Elevations, Site Plan and Floor Plans 3. ALRC Minutes of October 2, 2001 Prepared by: Nicole Sauviat Criste, Consulting Planner Submitted by: 0z Christine di lorio, Pla ping Manager G:\WPDC)CS\PC Stf Rpt\SantaRosaP VUP.WPD PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QU1NTA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR 18 CASITAS BUILDINGS ON A PORTION OF A 14.3 ACRE SITE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF CALLE TAMPICO, BETWEEN DESERT CLUB AND AVENIDA BERMUDAS. CASE NO.: VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2001-012 APPLICANT: SANTA ROSA PLAZA, LLC WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 9th day of October, 2001, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing for the Santa Rosa Plaza project for review of a Village Use Permit to allow construction of a 144 casitas on a portion of a 14.3 acre site located on the north side of Calle Tampico, between Desert Club Drive and Avenida Bermudas, more particularly described as: APN 770-020-001 & 770-020-002 WHEREAS, the Architecture and Landscape Review Committee for the City of La Quinta did, on the 2nd day of October, 2001 recommend approval of the proposed project, by adoption of Minute Motion 2001-043, subject to conditions of approval; WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons wanting to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings recommending approval of said Village Use Permit: 1. The proposed Village Use Permit is consistent with the General Plan goals, policies and programs relating to the Village Commercial land use designation, and supports resort residential and commercial opportunities for the residents and visitors to the Cove. 2. The proposed Village Use Permit, as conditioned, is consistent with the standards of Specific Plan 2000-050, which establishes development standards for the project. 3. The proposed Village Use Permit will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare, as it has been designed to be compatible with surrounding development, and conform with the City's standards and requirements, as conditioned. G:\WPDOCS\PC Resolutions\PCResoSRPVUP.WPD Planning Commission Resolution 2001- Village Use Permit 2001-012 Santa Rosa Plaza 4. The proposed Village Use Permit complies with the architectural design standards for Specific Plan 2000-050, and implements the high quality standards called for in that document. 5. The proposed Village Use Permit is consistent with the landscaping standards and palette in Specific Plan 2000-050. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case; and 2. 'that it does hereby approve Village Use Permit 2001-012, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution, and subject to the Conditions of Approval attached hereto; and 3. 'That it does hereby confirm that Environmental Assessment 2000-406 assessed the environmental concerns of this Village Use Permit. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission held on this 9th day of October, 2001, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JACQUES ABELS, Chairman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JERRY HERMAN Community Development Director City of La Quinta, California GAWPDOCSTC ResolutionsTCResoSRPVUP.WPD PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL VILLAGE USE PERMIT 2001-012 - SANTA ROSA PLAZA OCTOBER 9, 2001 1. 'The parcel immediately south of the southeastern four casitas buildings will be improved, including the gazebo/pavilion and associated landscaping, prior to the issuance of occupancy permits for these buildings. The design and elevations of the gazebo/pavilion shall be reviewed by the Architecture and Landscape Review Committee prior to the issuance of building permits. 2. Prior to the issuance of the first building permit, the stone veneer shall be included as an integral design material of one prototype. 3. The final landscaping plan shall be amended to include berming throughout the interior of the property, varying in height from 1 to 3 feet. The amended landscaping plan shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval. 4. Turfed areas shall not exceed 25% of the landscaped area. 5. All perimeter improvements, including landscaped parkways and street improvements, shall be completed prior to the issuance of any occupancy permit for the proposed casitas. 6. Lighting for the project site shall conform to the City's standards. A final lighting plan shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. 7. A master signage program for the entire site encompassed in Specific Plan 2000-050 shall be approved by the Planning Commission prior to the permitting of individual signs for the casitas buildings and associated land uses. 8. No banners are permitted without a Specific Plan Amendment. 9. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this tentative map or any final map thereunder. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. G:\WPDOCS\PC Resolutions\PCResoSRPVUPCOA.WPD ATTACHMENT #, Architectural & Landscape Review Committee Minutes October 3, 2001 3. Committee Member Bobbitt asked about the steel tubing indicated on the patio cover. Mr. Cosek stated the steel columns would be supporting the main beam that the rafters run on. The steel beams would be covered with resawn cedar and stained to match. Committee Member Bobbitt asked what would be on top of the lattice for shade. Mr. Cosek stated it would be an open lattice. Committee Member Bobbitt stated his concern was that the wood would warp and turn. Mr. Cosek stated they would be using blocking and are adding a fascia in front. It would also be stained. Committee Member Bobbitt stated that if they were to have the open ends it should have some type of gingerbread finish. 4. Committee Member Cunningham stated he would suggest a laminated material or paralams for the patio cover. Committee Member Cunningham stated the blocking would not keep the wood from turning. The only thing he has found that works in the desert is gluilams or paralam as they will not turn and will stain well. He then asked how the existing roof ties in, or does not tie in with the existing fascia. Mr. Cosek stated they would be removing the existing fascia and run the boards back underneath. The pilasters will be stuccoed the same color as the building. They would be using lexon glass enclosures rather than wrought iron on the windows. Committee Member Cunningham stated his only concern was the use of woods and would recommend paralams be used. Discussion followed on how the roof construction would tie in. 5. Staff asked if the Committee had any concern regarding the box frame system not having lattice work above. Committee Member Bobbitt stated he had seen some that are open and are attractive if heavy enough. He asked the size of the wood. Staff stated <d they would be 4" X 6". ;. 6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Committee Member Cunningham/Bobbitt adopt Minute Motion 2001-042 recommending approval of Village Use Permit 2001-010 as amended: a. Paralams shall be used for the patio cover joists. F. Village Use Permit 2001-012; a request of Santa Rosa Plaza, LLC for review of landscaping and architectural plans for 18 buildings "Casitas" portion of a 14 acre site to be located on the north side of Calle Tampico, between Desert Club and Avenida Bermudas. G:\WPD0CS\AR1,CWI,RC 10-3-0l .wpd 5 Architectural & Landscape Review Committee Minutes October 3, 2001 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Committee Member Cunningham asked if the applicant would like to say anything. Mr. Dan Brown, representing the applicant, gave a presentation on the project. 3. Committee Member Bobbitt asked the height of the buildings. Mr. Brown stated 26 feet. Committee Member Bobbitt asked about the brackets shown on the elevations and whether or not they were structural. Mr. Brown stated they were not structural and were made out of wood. Committee Member Bobbitt went over the plant list and suggested they eliminate the eucalyptus trees. Barrel Cactus are expensive and can be a liability. Committee Member Bobbitt recommended the date palms be inspected and young in age. 4. Committee Member Cunningham stated he liked the project and had no objections. 5. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Committee Member Cunningham/Bobbitt adopt Minute Motion 2001-043 recommending approval of Village Use Permit 2001- 012, as recommended. G. Site Development Permit 99-659; a request of Point Happy Ranch LLC for review of architectural and landscaping plans for a mixed use project consisting of commercial buildings and senior care living in villas and multi -tenant buildings located on the west side of Washington Street, south of Highway 111. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Committee Member Cunningham asked if the applicant would like to address the Committee. Mr. Dennis Sunstrom, the applicant, gave a presentation on the project. G:\WPDOCS\ARLCW,RC 10-3-01.wpd 6 PH #E STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: OCTOBER 9, 2001 CASE NOS.: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2001-714 REQUEST: DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR ONE RETAIL BUILDING LOCATION: NORTHWEST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND HIGHWAY 111, WITHIN POINT HAPPY COMMERCIAL CENTER APPLICANT/ PROPERTY OWNER: MADISON DEVELOPMENT L.L.C. REPRESENTATIVE: JOHN VUKSIC, ARCHITECT ZONING: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: THE CITY COUNCIL CERTIFIED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2000-395 FOR SPECIFIC PLAN 2000-043, POINT HAPPY COMMERCIAL CENTER. NO CHANGED CIRCUMSTANCES OR CONDITIONS AND NO NEW INFORMATION IS PROPOSED WHICH WOULD TRIGGER THE PREPARATION OF A SUBSEQUENT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PURSUANT TO PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTION 21166. SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USE: NORTH: CITY OF INDIAN WELLS (RC) RESORT COMMERCIAL SOUTH: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) EAST: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL WEST: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) A:\Bldg No. 2\PC staff rpt. SDP 2001-714.wpd BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Property Description The currently vacant project site, located at the northwest corner of Highway 1 1 1 and Washington Street, consists of one parcel consisting of .689 acres. The project site is within Point Happy Specific Plan 2000-043, adopted by City Council on May 5, 2000, which establishes guidelines and standards in a focused development plan for the distribution of land uses, location and sizing of supporting infrastructure, development standards, and requirements for public improvements. The Design Guidelines portion of the Plan provides specific design criteria which includes Architectural Guidelines utilizing a contemporary interpretation of Colonial Spanish style architecture; and Landscape Guidelines that complement and accent the project with perimeter landscaping which is consistent the Highway Design Guidelines. Application Under Consideration The request is for approval of a Site Development Permit to construct one retail building of 5,000 square feet (Attachment 1) within the Point Happy Commercial Center Specific Plan 2000-043. Site Plan The site has frontage on Washington Street taking access to the center from signalized driveways on Washington Street and Highway 111 with a drive way access located at the midway point on Highway 1 1 1. Parking will be provided by Madison Development as they will be constructing on -site improvements (parking, parking lot lighting, parking lot planter landscaping) for the entire commercial center. Architectural Design Building No. 2 The structure is basically rectangular in shape and uses a variety of interlocking roof types and heights ranging from 17 to 22 foot with flat concrete roof tile (Attachment 2). Tower elements will be highlighted with a stone the veneer at the base. The proposed east and west elevations are provided with recessed windows and architectural pop outs with concrete and stone veneer. Wall material consists of exterior cement plaster with a light sand finish in a four shades of brown with a decorative cornice trim that wraps around each elevation. Proposed windows will be sectional pane glass with anodized frames. Lighting Site lighting consists of nine 18-foot high steel square post with a round 2' concrete footing, located generally on the perimeter of the interior pavement, with box luminaries directed downward. All poles have one 400 watt metal halide lamps. A:\Bldg No. 2\PC staff rpt. SDP 2001-714.wpd Landscape Plan The applicant has asked that Landscaping Plan be withdrawn from this submittal in that the plan is not consistent with the Point Happy Specific Plan. The Landscaping Plan will be submitted to the ALRC Committee and the Planning Commission for consideration at later date. Sign Plan Sign Plans for the each user will be submitted and reviewed by the Planning Commission at the appropriate time. ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE (ALRC) REVIEW: The ALRC reviewed this request at its meeting of October 3, 2001 (Attachment 2). The Committee unanimously adopted Minute Motion 2001-040, recommending approval. COMMENTS FROM OTHER DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES: The applicant's request was sent to sent City Departments and affected public agencies on September 13, 2001, requesting comments to be returned by September 28, 2001. All applicable comments are incorporated in the Conditions of Approval. PUBLIC NOTICE: This case was advertised in the Desert Sun newspaper and posted on September 28, 2001. All property owners within 500 feet of the site were mailed a copy of the public hearing notice. ANALYSIS AND ISSUES: The findings necessary to approve the Site Development Permit can be made per Section 9.210.010 of the Zoning Code as noted in the attached resolution. There are no Issues. RECOMMENDATION: 1 . Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2001- , approving Site Development Permit 2001-714 to allow development plans for one retail building, subject to conditions. A:\Bldg No. 2\PC staff rpt. SDP 2001-714.wpd ATTACHMENTS 1. Project Location Exhibit (Parcel Map 29736) 2. Site Plan and Elevations 3. Draft Minutes of the ARLC meeting of October 3, 2001 Prepared by: Fred Baker, AICP Principal Planner Submitted by: Christine di lorio Planning Manager A:\Bldg No. 2\PC staff rpt. SDP 2001-714.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA GRANTING APPROVAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR ONE RETAIL BUILDING CASE NO.: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2001-714 APPLICANT: MADISON DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the, 9th day of October, 2001 hold a duly noticed Public Hearing, to review building elevations, site plans for one 5,000 square foot commercial building on .689 acres generally located at the northwest corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street; and WHEREAS, the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee of the City of La Quinta, California did on the Xd day of October, 2001 hold a public meeting to review building elevations and site plan for one 5,000 square foot retail commercial building on .689 acres generally located at the northwest corner of Highway 1 1 1 and Washington Street, more particularly described as: PARCEL MAP 29736, PARCEL NO. 2 WHEREAS, said Site Development Permit has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970�" as amended (Resolution 83-63). The City Council certified Environmental Assessment 2000-395 for Specific Plan 2000-043, Point Happy Commercial Center. No changed circumstances or conditions and no new information is proposed which would trigger the preparation of a subsequent environmental assessment pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21166. WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons wanting to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings of approval to justify approval of said Site Development Permit 2001-714. 1. The proposed commercial building is consistent with the City's General Plan in that the property is designated Community Commercial (CC). The Land Use Element (Policy 2-3.1) of the 1992 General Plan Update allows retail business. The project is consistent with the goals, policies and intent of the La Quinta General Plan Land Use Element (Chapter 2) provided conditions are met. 2. The proposed project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Point Happy Specific Plan in that the project is a permitted use and complies with the development standards and design guidelines. AABIdg, No. 2\PC RESO. SDP 2001-714.wpd 3. The proposed commercial buildings are consistent with the City's Zoning Code in that development standards and criteria contained in the Point Happy Specific Plan 2000-043 supplement, replace or, are consistent with those in the City's Zoning Code. 4. The site design of the proposed project is compatible with the commercial development in the in the area, and accommodates site generated traffic at area intersections. 5. The architectural design of the project is compatible with surrounding development and development in the area in that it is similar in scale to the development in the area; the building materials are a durable, aesthetically pleasing, low maintenance, and a blend of surfaces and textures are provided. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Commission in this case; 2. That it does approve Site Development Permit 2001-714 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached conditions. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Planning Commission, held on this the 91h day of October, 2001, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JACQUES ABELS, Chairman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JERRY HERMAN, Community Development Director City of La Quinta, California A:\Bldg No. 2\PC RESO. SDP 2001-714.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2001-714 OCTOBER 9, 2001 GENERAL 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this site development plan. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. Prior to the issuance of a grading, construction or building permit, the applicant shall obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies: • Fire Marshal • Public Works Department (Grading Permit, Improvement Permit) • Community Development Department • Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department • Desert Sands Unified School District • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • California Water Quality Control Board (CWQCB) The applicant is responsible for any requirements of the permits or clearances from those jurisdictions. If the requirements include approval of improvement plans, applicant shall furnish proof of said approvals prior to obtaining City approval of the plans. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit. For projects requiring project -specific NPDES construction permits, the applicant shall submit a copy of the CWQCB acknowledgment of the applicant's Notice of Intent prior to issuance of a grading or :site construction permit. The applicant shall ensure that the required Storm Waiter Pollution Protection Plan is available for inspection at the project site. 3. Permits issued under this approval shall be subject to the provisions of the Infrastructure Fee Program and Development Impact Fee program in effect at the time of issuance of building permit(s). A:\Bldg No. 2\PC COA SDP 2001-714.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2001-714 OCTOBER 9, 2001 PROPERTY RIGHTS 4. Prior to issuance of any permit(s), the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights required of this approval or otherwise necessary for construction or proper functioning of the proposed development. Conferred rights shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant access easements to the City for emergency services and for maintenance, construction, and reconstruction of essential improvements. 5. The applicant shall dedicate or grant public and private street right of way and utility easements in conformance with the City's General Plan, Municipal Code, applicable specific plans, and as required by the City Engineer. 6. The applicant shall dedicate ten -foot public utility easements contiguous with and along both sides of all private streets. The easements may be reduced to five feet with the express concurrence of IID. 7. The applicant shall dedicate easements necessary for placement of and access to utility lines and structures, drainage basins, mailbox clusters, park lands, and common areas. 8. The applicant shall furnish proof of easements or written permission, as appropriate, from owners of any abutting properties on which grading, retaining wall construction, permanent slopes, or other encroachments are to occur. 9. If the applicant proposes vacation or abandonment of any existing rights of way or access easements which will diminish access rights to any properties owned by others, the applicant shall provide approved alternate rights of way or access easements to those properties or notarized letters of consent from the property owners. 10. Prior to placement of any privately -owned buildings or other costly structures in the City's drainage easement along Washington Street, the applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit for that purpose. The permit will require that in the event the City finds it necessary to construct, reconstruct or maintain facilities therein, the applicant shall indemnify the City from expenses exceeding those which would have been incurred with hardscape or landscaping. A:\Bldg No. 2\PC COA SDP 2001-714.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2001-714 OCTOBER 9, 2001 IMPROVEMENT PLANS As used throughout these Conditions of Approval, professional titles such as "engineer," "surveyor," and "architect" refer to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. 11. Improvement plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers and landscape architects, as appropriate. Plans shall be submitted on 24" x 36" media in the categories of "Rough Grading," "Precise Grading," "Streets & Drainage," and "Landscaping." Precise grading plans shall have signature blocks for Community Development Director and the Building Official. All other plans shall have signature blocks for the City Engineer. Plans are not approved for construction until they are signed. "Streets and Drainage" plans shall normally include signals, sidewalks, bike paths, entry drives, gates, and parking lots. "Landscaping" plans shall normally include irrigation improvements, landscape lighting and entry monuments. "Precise Grading" plans shall normally include perimeter walls. Plans for improvements not listed above shall be in formats approved by the City Engineer. 12. The City may maintain standard plans, details and/or construction notes for elements of construction. For a fee established by City Resolution, the applicant may acquire standard plan and/or detail sheets from the City. 13. When final plans are approved by the City, the applicant shall furnish accurate AutoCad files of the complete, approved plans on storage media acceptable to the City Engineer. The files shall utilize standard AutoCad menu items so they may be fully retrieved into a basic AutoCad program. At the completion of construction and prior to final acceptance of improvements, the applicant shall update the files to reflect as -constructed conditions. If the plans were not produced in AutoCad or a file format which can be converted to AutoCad, the City Engineer may accept raster -image files of the plans. GRADING A:\Bldg No. 2\PC COA SDP 2001-714.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2001-714 OCTOBER 9, 2001 14. This development shall comply with Chapter 8.11 of the LQMC (Flood Hazard Regulations). If any portion of any proposed building lot in the development is or may be located within a flood hazard area as identified on the City's Flood Insurance Rate Maps, the development shall be graded to ensure that all floors and exterior fill (at the foundation) are above the level of the project (100-year) flood and building pads are compacted to 95% Proctor Density as required in Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 65.5(a) (6). Prior to issuance of building permits for lots which are so located, the applicant shall furnish certifications as required by FEMA that the above conditions have been met. 15. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall furnish a preliminary geotechnical ("soils") report and an approved grading plan prepared by a qualified engineer. The grading plan shall conform with the recommendations of the soils report and be certified as adequate by a soils engineer or engineering geologist. 16. Slopes shall not exceed 5:1 within public rights of way and 3:1 in landscape areas outside the right of way unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 17. Prior to occupation of the project site for construction purposes, the applicant shall submit and receive approval of a Fugitive Dust Control Plan prepared in accordance with Chapter 6.16, LQMC. The applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the City, in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the provisions of the permit. 18. The applicant shall maintain graded, undeveloped land to prevent wind and water erosion of soils. The land shall be planted with interim landscaping or provided with other erosion control measures approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. 19. Prior to issuance of building permit(s), the applicant shall provide building pad certifications stamped and signed by qualified engineers or surveyors. For each pad, the certification shall list the approved elevation, the actual elevation, the difference between the two, if any, and pad compaction. The data shall be organized by lot number and listed cumulatively if submitted at different times. DRAINAGE The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Engineering Bulletin No. 97.03 and the following: A:\Bldg No. 2\PC COA SDP 2001-714.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2001-714 OCTOBER 9, 2001 20. Stormwater falling on site during the peak 24-hour period of a 100-year storm (the design storm) shall be retained within the development as per the approved hydrology/storm drainage for Specific Plan 2000-043 or unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The tributary drainage area shall extend to the centerline of adjacent public streets. 21. If the applicant proposes discharge of stormwater directly or indirectly to the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel, the applicant shall indemnify the City from the costs of any sampling and testing of the development's drainage discharge which may be required under the City's NPDES Permit or other City- or area -wide pollution prevention program, and for any other obligations and/or expenses which may arise from such discharge. The indemnification shall be executed and furnished to the City prior to issuance of any grading, construction or building permit and shall be binding on all heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and successors in interest in the land within this development plan excepting therefrom those portions required to be dedicated or deeded for public use. The form of the indemnification shall be acceptable to the City Attorney. If such discharge is approved for this development, the applicant shall make provisions in the CC&Rs for meeting these potential obligations UTILITIES 22. The applicant shall obtain the approval of the City Engineer for the location of all utility lines within the right of way and all above -ground utility structures including, but: not limited to, traffic signal cabinets, electrical vaults, water valves, and telephone stands, to ensure optimum placement for practical and aesthetic purposes. 23. Existing aerial lines within or adjacent to the proposed development and all proposed utilities shall be installed underground. Power lines exceeding 34.5 kv are exempt from this requirement. 24. Utilities shall be installed prior to overlying hardscape. For installation of utilities in existing, improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements maintained or required by the City Engineer. The applicant shall provide certified reports of trench compaction for approval of the City Engineer. STREET AND TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS A:\Bldg No. 2\PC COA SDP 2001-714.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2001-714 OCTOBER 9, 2001 25. The applicant may be required to extend improvements beyond development boundaries to ensure they safely integrate with existing improvements (e.g., grading; traffic control devices and transitions in alignment, elevation or dimensions of streets and sidewalks). 26. Parking facilities shall conform to the requirements of LQMC Chapter 9.150 27. Improvements shall include appurtenances such as traffic control signs, markings and other devices. 28. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the LQMC, adopted standards, supplemental drawings and specifications, and as approved by the City Engineer. Improvement plans for streets, access gates and parking areas shall be stamped and signed by qualified engineers. 29. Streets shall have vertical curbs or other approved curb configurations which convey water without ponding and provide lateral containment of dust and residue for street sweeping. If a wedge or rolled curb design is approved, the lip at the flowline shall be vertical (1/8" batter) and a minimum of 0.1' in height. Unused curb cuts on any lot shall be restored to normal curbing prior to final inspection of permanent building(s) on the lot. 30. The applicant shall design street pavement sections using Caltrans' design procedure (20-year life) and site -specific data for soil strength and anticipated traffic loading (including construction traffic). Minimum structural sections shall be as follows (or approved equivalents for alternate materials): Residential Collector Secondary Arterial Primary Arterial Major Arterial 3.0" a.c./4.50" c.a.b. 4.0"/5.00" 4.0"/6.00" 4.5 "/6.00" 5.5"/6.50" 31. The applicant shall submit current mix designs (less than two years old at the time of construction) for base, asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete. The submittal shall include test results for all specimens used in the mix design procedure. For mix designs over six months old, the submittal shall include recent (less than six months old at the time of construction) aggregate gradation test results confirming that design gradations can be achieved in current production. A:\Bldg No. 2\PC COA SDP 2001-714.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2001-714 OCTOBER 9, 2001 The applicant shall not schedule construction operations until mix designs are approved. 32. The City will conduct final inspections only when the buildings have improved street and (if required) sidewalk access to publicly -maintained streets. The improvements shall include required traffic control devices, pavement markings and street name signs. If on -site streets are initially constructed with partial pavement thickness, the applicant shall complete the pavement prior to final inspections. LANDSCAPING 33. The applicant shall provide landscaping in required setbacks, retention basins, common lots, and park areas. 34. Landscape and irrigation plans for landscaped lots and setbacks, medians, retention basins, and parks shall be signed and stamped by a licensed landscape architect. The applicant shall submit plans for approval by the Community Development Department prior to plan checking by the Public Works Department. When plan checking is complete, the applicant shall obtain the signatures of CVWD and the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner prior to submitting for signature by the City Engineer. Plans are not approved for construction until signed by the City Engineer. 35. Landscape areas shall have permanent irrigation improvements meeting the requirements of the City Engineer. Use of lawn shall be minimized with no lawn or spray irrigation within 18 inches of curbs along public streets. QUALITY ASSURANCE 36. The applicant shall employ construction quality -assurance measures which meet the approval of the City Engineer. 37. The applicant shall employ or retain qualified civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, surveyors, or other appropriate professionals to provide sufficient construction supervision to be able to furnish and sign accurate record drawings. 38. The applicant shall arrange and bear the cost of measurement, sampling and testing procedures not included in the City's inspection program but required by the City as evidence that construction materials and methods comply with plans, specifications and applicable regulations. A:\Bldg No. 2\PC COA SDP 2001-714.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2001-714 OCTOBER 9, 2001 39. Upon completion of construction, the applicant shall furnish the City reproducible record drawings of all improvement plans which were signed by the City. Each sheet shall be clearly marked "Record Drawings," "As -Built" or "As -Constructed" and shall be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the accuracy of the drawings. The applicant shall revise the CAD or raster -image files previously submitted to the City to reflect as -constructed conditions. MAINTENANCE 40. The applicant shall make provisions for continuous, perpetual maintenance of all on -site improvements, perimeter landscaping, access drives, and sidewalks. The applicant shall maintain required public improvements until expressly released from this responsibility by the appropriate public agency. FEES AND DEPOSITS 41. The applicant shall pay the City's established fees for plan checking and construction inspection. Fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan checking and permits. FIRE MARSHALL 42. Approved super hydrants, shall be located not less than 25 feet nor more than 165 feet: from any portion of the buildings as measured along approved travel ways. 43. Blue dot reflectors shall be placed in the street 8 inches from centerline to the side that: the hydrant is on, to identify hydrant locations. 44. Minimum fire flow 1500 GPM for a two hour duration. Fire flow based on type VN construction and a complete fire sprinkler system. 45. Building plans shall be submitted to the Fire Department for plan review to run concurrent with the City plan check system. 46. City of La Quinta ordinance requires all commercial buildings 5,000 sq. ft. or larger to be fully sprinkled. NFPA 13 standard. Sprinkler plans will need to be submitted to the Fire Department. 47. Any operation that produces grease -laden vapors will require a Hood/duct system for fire protection. (Restaurants, drive-thru's, etc.) A:\Bldg No. 2\PC COA SDP 2001-714.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2001-714 OCTOBER 9, 2001 48. The required water system, including fire hydrants, shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building material being placed on an individual lot. 49. The applicant or developer shall submit to the Fire Department for approval, a site plan designating required fire lanes with appropriate lane painting and/or signs. 50. Install a KNOX key box on the building. (Contact the fire department for an application.) 51. Install portable fire extinguishers as required by the California Fire Code. A:\Bldg No. 2\PC COA SDP 2001-714.wpd 133HIS NOIDNIHSVM FS A IFTA C H M F N T- ATTACHMENT # Architectural & Landscape Review Committee Minutes DRAFT October 3, 2001 i 3. There being no further discussion, it was moved nd seconded by Committee Member Cunningham/Bobbitt a pt Minute Motion 2001-039 recommending approval of Sid Development Permit 2001-671, Amendment #1, subject to the conditions as recommended. B. Site Development Permit 2001-715.; a request of Sean Kearney for review of architectural plans for a single family residence located at 78- 775 Lowe Drive, within Acacia�,t" 1. Planning Manager Christine di lorio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Dev�topment Department. 2. Committee Member Bobbitt stated he had a potential conflict of interest due to the proximity of his residence to this home and therefore, withdrew from the meeting. 3. There being no quorum due to the possible conflict of interest, the application was removed from the agenda and no action was taken. C. Site Development Permit 2001-714; a request of John Vuksic for elevations and landscaping plans for one retail building (Building #2) located at the northwest corner of Highway 1 1 1 and Washington Street within Point Happy Specific Plan 1. Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Committee Member Cunningham asked if they were windows or blockout as shown on the elevations. Staff stated it was to be qT windows and the applicant could explain in more detail. 3. Mr. John Vuksic, representing the applicant, gave a presentation Q on the project. 4. Committee Member Cunningham asked what the users would be Mr. Vuksic stated so far they had a Tuxedo shop and realtor. Committee Member Cunningham stated he liked the windows on Washington Street with the pop -outs, and asked if there were any City codes that would preclude someone from advertising in the G:\WPDOCS\ARLC\ALRC 10-3-01.wpd 2 .21 Architectural & Landscape Review Committee Minutes October 3, 2001 window. Planning Manager Christine di lorio stated the Specific Plan and Sign Ordinance which restricts the amount of window advertising. 5. Committee Member Bobbitt asked what material the window frames would be constructed of. Mr. Vuksic stated they were a sage green aluminum. 6. Committee Member Cunningham stated he had no issues and thought it would be a good addition to the center. 7. Committee Member Bobbitt stated he agreed. 8. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Committee Member Cunningham/Bobbitt adopt Minute Motion 2001-040 recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2001-714, as recommended. D. Site Development Permit 2001-708; a request of Tom Lathrop for review of building elevations and landscaping plans for a 25,240 square foot two story building located on Avenue 47, west of Adams Street within the Washington Square Specific Plan 1. Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the information contained in `the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Committee Member Cunningham asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Tom Lathrop gave a presentation on the project. 3. Committee Member Cunningham asked if the exterior would be a sand finish. Mr. tathrop stated it would be machine sprayed, and ® noted some of the architectural details on the building. Committee Member Cunningham stated the gables portico in the upper center appears to be light in�tature in relation to the balance of the building. The columns either side do not carry down with scale. Planning Manager Ch 'stine di lorio asked if the Committee wanted the columns enhanc d and increase the size of the quatrafoil. Committee Member Cunningham stated yes. Mr. Lathrop stated this side of the building is pushed very close to Avenue 47 so you are basically within 20 feet of the building when driving by. Across the street is residential and he was not G:\WPDOCCS\ARLC\ALRC 10-3-01.wpd 3 B 1 #A DATE: CASE NO.: APPLICANT: REQUEST: LOCATION: ZONING: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: BACKGROUND: PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT OCTOBER 9, 2001 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2000-671, AMENDMENT #1 TOLL BROTHERS (GARY LEMON) REVIEW OF ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR ONE NEW PROTOTYPE RESIDENTIAL UNIT IN THE NORMAN GOLF COURSE, ON THE NORTH SIDE OF AIRPORT BOULEVARD, EAST OF MADISON STREET RL (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) LDR (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EA 90-159 FOR SP 90- 015) FOR THE PROPERTY THIS PLAN WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN WAS CERTIFIED ON DECEMBER 3, 1991, BY THE CITY COUNCIL. AN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ADDENDUM TO THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT WAS COMPLETED FOR AMENDMENT #1 WHICH WAS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON DECEMBER 1, 1998. NO CHANGED CIRCUMSTANCES OR CONDITIONS EXIST AND NO NEW INFORMATION HAS BEEN SUBMITTED WHICH WOULD TRIGGER THE PREPARATION OF A SUBSEQUENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE 21166. The property is within the Norman golf course on the north side of Airport Boulevard, east of PGA West. These units are proposed for Tract 29348-2. Specific Plan 90- 015 Amendment #2 for The Norman Course, approved under Resolution 99-112, provides the Community Design Guidelines for the residential units. Previously, eight prototypical residential plans were approved for the applicant on April 11, 2000. Four plans are 60 foot wide units with the remaining plans 70 feet wide. The previously approved plans include a Santa Barbara, Contemporary, and Italiante style for each plan type. The residences are presently under construction. P:\STAIN\sdp 2000-671 am 1 pc rpt.wpd PROJECT PROPOSAL: Proposed is a new one story (22'-3" feet high) 60 foot wide prototypical plan containing 3,270 square feet of area with a three car garage (Attachment 1). Two facades are proposed, with the applicant describing them as Santa Barbara and Contemporary in style. Features of each facade include multi -paned windows, stucco popouts, and multi -level interlocking hip roofs. The side and rear elevation for both facades will be the same. The rear elevation includes a small covered patio detailed columns and plaster popouts. The side elevations include single and multi -paned windows and plaster window surrounds. The unit is similar to the previously approved plans. Exterior materials will match those previously approved and include flat or S-shaped concrete roof tiles, plaster walls and small amount of stone accent on the bottom of the garage area pilasters of the Contemporary plan. Colors will also match those being used and include primarily earth tone colors varying from white to brown and red. Landscaping will match that being provided for the units under construction and include two trees (24" box size or larger) per lot, lawn, five gallon shrubs, palm tree accents, and annual color. ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE (ALRC) ACTION: The ALRC reviewed this request at its meeting of October 3, 2001, and by adoption of Knute Motion 2001-039 recommended approved as submitted, subject to the Staff recommended conditions (Attachment 2). FINDINGS: As required by Section 9.210.010 (Site Development Permits) of the Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Commission is required to determine that the following findings can be made prior to approval: 1. The project is consistent with the Design Guidelines of Section 9.60.330 (Residential Tract Development Review) of the Zoning Code and Architectural Guidelines of the Specific Plan (SP 90-015, Amendment #2). The Zoning Code design guidelines require a minimum of two different front elevations, varied roof heights, and window and door surrounds for flat elevation planes. The proposed units comply with these requirements in that two facades per plan are proposed, roof heights are varied with the combination of roofs, and plaster surrounds are provided where required. The P:\STAN\sdp 2000-671 am 1 pc rpt.wpd Specific Plan guidelines dictate architectural themes, exterior color ranges and materials, and design criteria. The proposed plans are also in compliance with these items. 2. The architectural design of the project, including but not limited to the architectural style, scale, building mass, materials, colors, architectural details, roof style, and other architectural elements, are compatible with surrounding development and with the quality of design prevalent in the City. The architectural styles, scale, building mass, materials, colors, architectural details, roof style, and other architectural elements of the units are attractive and compatible with surrounding developments to the south and west and with the quality of design prevalent in the City. 3. Project landscaping, including but not limited to the location, type, size, color, texture, and coverage of plant materials has been designed so as to provide relief, complement buildings, visually emphasize prominent design elements and vistas, screen undesirable views, provide a harmonious transition between adjacent land uses and between development and open space, provide an overall unifying influence, enhance the visual continuity of the project, and complement the surrounding project area, ensuring lower maintenance and water use. The planting will be similar to that which is now being provided for the previously approved plans. The pallette includes those plants specified in the specific plan, as well as additional compatible plants. 4. This project is consistent with the General Plan in that the proposed single family residences are allowed within the General Plan designation of low density single family residential. 5. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt from California Environmental Quality Act Requirements pursuant to Section 15303, Class 3(a) of the Guidelines for Implementation. 6. The proposed lots for these plans are sufficient in size to accommodate the prototype unit plan. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute Motion 2001- , approving Site Development Permit 2000-671, Amendment #1, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. P:\STAIN\sdp 2000-671 am 1 pc rpt.wpd Attachment: 1. Proposed plans 2. Draft ALRC Minutes for the meeting of October 3, 2001 Prepared by: Stan B. Sawa, Principal Planner Submitted by: )CLI Christine di loriol Planning Manager P:\STA.N\sdp 2000-671 am 1 pc rpt.wpd Minute Motion 2001- Conditions of Approval - Recommended Site Development Permit 2000-671, Amendment #1 October 9, 2001 General 1. This approval is for a 3,270 square foot plan and supplements the eight previously approved plans. 2. Front yard landscaping plans shall conform with that previously approved by the Community Development Department. 3. Prior to issuance of building permits for any of the units authorized by this approval, final working drawings shall be approved by the Community Development Department. p:\stan\sdp 2000-671 amend #1 pc coa.wpd ATTACHMENT 2 MINUTES ARCHITECTURE & LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA October 3, 2001 10:00 a.m. I. CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee was called to order at 10:03 a.m. by Planning Manager Christine di lorio, who led the flag salute. B. Committee Members present: Dennis Cunningham and Bill Bobbitt. C. Staff present: Planning Manager Christine di lorio, Principal Planners Stan Sawa and Fred Baker, Planning Consultant Nicole Criste, Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed."RA"' IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Planning Manager Christine di lorio asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of September 5, 2001. There being no corrections, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Cunningham/Bobbitt to approve the minutes as submitted. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Site Development Permit 2001-671 Amendment #1; a request of Toll Bros. for review of architectural plans for one new prototype residential unit on the north side of Airport Boulevard, east of Madison Street within the Norman Golf Course 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Committee Member Cunningham asked if the applicant would like to address the commission. Mr. Gary Lemon stated he was in agreement with the staff's recommendation. G:\WPDCCS\ARLC\AI.RC 10-3-0l .wpd Architectural & Landscape Review Committee Minutes October 3, 2001 3. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Committee Member Cunningham/Bobbitt adopt Minute Motion 2001-039 recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2001-671, Amendment #1, subject to the conditions as recommended. B. Site Development Permit 2001-715; a request of Sean Kearney for review of architectural plans for a single family residence located at 78- 775 Lowe Drive, within Acacia. 1. Planning Manager Christine di lorio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Committee Member Bobbitt stated he had a potential conflict of interest due to the proximity of his residence to this home and therefore, withdrew from the meeting. 3. There being no quorum due to the possible conflict of interest, the application was removed from the agenda and no action was taken. C. Site Development Permit 2001-714; a request of John Vuksic for elevations and landscaping plans for one retail building (Building #2) located at the northwest corner of Highway 1 1 1 and Washington Street within Point Happy Specific Plan 1. Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Committee Member Cunningham asked if they were windows or blockout as shown on the elevations. Staff stated it was to be windows and the applicant could explain in more detail. 3. Mr. John Vuksic, representing the applicant, gave a presentation on the project. 4. Committee Member Cunningham asked what the users would be Mr. Vuksic stated so far they had a Tuxedo shop and realtor. Committee Member Cunningham stated he liked the windows on Washington Street with the pop -outs, and asked if there were any City codes that would preclude someone from advertising in the G:\WPDGCS\ARI.C\AI.RC 10-3-0I .wpd 2