PLBG (04-5596) + SFD (07523) + BLCK (07440)52795 Avenida Martinez 04-5596 07523 07440 °°T d -f BUILDING & SAFETY.DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 1504 (760).777-.7012 F 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO FAX (760) 777-7011 C1OF QUINT' LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 INSPECTION REQUESTS (760).777-7153 PIBJABJC BBP'L . BUILDING PERMIT Application Number . . . . . 04-00005596 Date 7/21/04 Property Address . . . . . . 52795 AVENIDA MARTINEZ APN: 773 -331 -015 -2 -000000 - Application description'. PLUMBING Property Zoning . . . . . . . COVE RESIDENTIAL Application valuation . . _ 4500 Owner Contractor --------------= ----- --- --------------- --------- TRAVIS KATHLEEN SUE .I ALMS'UNDERGROUND CONST, INC. 52795 AVENIDA MARTINEZ ! 38703 VISTA DRIVE LA.QUINTA CA 92253 . CATHEDRAL CITY CA 92234 WCC: VIRGINIA INC WC: 005.00016007 01/01/05 CSLB: 482180 11/30/05 CCC: C427C21 -----------------------------------------=---------------------------------- Permit . . . . . .hUMBING SEWER, Additional.desc Permit Fee 30.00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date Valuation . . . . 4500 Qty. Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 30.00 ----------------------=--------=----------------------------=------ Special Notes and Comments '\ _r SEWER CONNECT/SEPTIC ABAMDONEMENT Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- -------- 7- ---------- ---------- ---------- ..Permit Fee Total 30.00 .00 :00 30.00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00' Grand Total 30.00 .00 .00 30.00 P.O. Box 1504 / • w VOICE (760) 777-7012 78-495 CALLS TAMP.ICO FAX (760) 777-7011 LA QuINTa, CALIFORNIA 92253 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7.153 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT Application Number: O Applicant: Applicant's Mailing Address: Date: Architect or Engineer: Architect or Engineer's Address: Lic. No.. BUILDING PERMIT DECLARATIONS LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my Licens is in full force and effect. Li cense Class L N L C i,/ License No. 7 D Date Contractor-- Y / f n S ?.or OWNER43UILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractors' State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractors' State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).): U I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself or through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, However, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). U 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). U I am exempt under Sec. B.& P.C. for this reason Date Owner WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: 1 have and will maintain a certificate of consent to sell -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the tabor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit •is ssu d. My workers' co pensation insurance carrier and polic number aig Carrier V' j iN fi . ✓ Policy Number 00 / _ I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this perm is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. Date 0 - C Applicanti'rI WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name Lender's Address APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall, defend, indemnity and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omissior related to the work being perforated under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becorres null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this county to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. c7— I If Date Signature (Applicant or Agent) p / _—(% r Lr -z • - a:3 dd . I / - 3Z7a COACHEL LA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT CASH RECEIPT DETAIL Received From: r --w r r..r ... Address: Account No. ,MLot(s) Ty Service Address I •^ , ❑ Meter(s) d Service(s) * SscktIow(s)__ ~ I 0 House L-ateral(a) f ❑ DetectorCheCk(S) * Meter Surcharge ( r Sanitation Capacity C arge 3 • C68 C] W.S.B.F_C. ❑ TemporaryConatructl n Meter r O Tum on Charge - -0- LinCoileclad AZZMr=1 -Name. - - -' — --- — ❑ Inspection Fee - Trac - i Fee War I Sewer - ❑ Plan Check Fees 1 Trac - - 0 Bond Payment - A.D. --Bond— Assi nt i O Customer Deposit — 0 other :OI WUS0:0T 03M t7002-T2--lnr - N° 97632 3 Tract GA Code S E • . 00 + TOTAL S rr Remarks: ' AI - Copy to: Waterservice cash g Cher,k l Casfiiar Money (iti l Order (7 r VOLD AFTER 90 DAYS _ i _. _ - .. 1L 35,12IU - _ 201-55 Q8 7- - anK`ofAmari .•.h' ✓:%! N,:^ ,.e s .ri'•' 'a?"eF-` iN,. : ' N'i!! .N ' ;?ae..: :`y ; =:?;t :•n•,,'?:`N •r :,`"; •. .' '" I '^'`; :.: :•, .• v : A `•i ^`:• _ .; .. - _ - - a ;,.. _Q::':y;:."-.'+` ? .. Via. :• ., . :T, 1F-. .: = : s;: ►' _yam r• P ! `. gyp . T pT IgQS: 1.tX tE Sr4}FAIti.•-GC=-CWS:!- !!►P,s:: !. _ :v,•e•_ •:' t-'• + ':•_ `'• _ ,A M!7 n;;IN Vt;,::GS - ,rJ!O '?'!- '•r4`.R..i: tZ31S°J. •AiF, C.'n' oN=A161UCiN y1FI lir QTFiCS . ., e tl Ni TC .= t U f 'rF:c hlvtLl(gnfT iFF !>'L'A..P.FH- t. S T - .... :... , ;..`' :t !•.Gu.. nErtltoRl n tc rnati '-' hecic ircLa•>4D :oma .K an:: {'i itL9 '+:l YiV ^ <•' :: ';; '•'.' •w}: d : - ''tl{w.'MetYii:. .. .. 11' 2015 508 9 3 7tI■ 1: L 2 4000 3 SRI: L 3 9 70-8 50 7611' i 200 z Noucia NOb ivisod 669Z69S09L %Vd C0: TT b00Z/TZ/10 1 HAMMER PUI IIPIIV,GA,WN, -sae i ii icE P.O. Box 2448'v - CATHEDRAL CITY, CALIFORNIA 92235-2448 17arn aAn-SAAR ,42 i7 -6-0-i3-2-1-7-4"4,8- A _ CUSTOMER'S ORDER NO. DATES ORDERED_ —_/ / ORDER TAKEN BY DATE PROMISED ❑ A.M. ❑ P.M. BILL TO Q / / PHONE ADDRESS MEC ANI -'RC CITY 42-C HELPER , f t ❑DAY WORK D SCRIPTION O WOR/I f - ❑ CONTRACT 0 EXTRA QUANT. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL USED PRICE AMOUNT Gallons Pumping Fee per 1000 gal. 100 /00 42-C _ , f Dumping Fee per 1000 gal. Out of Area Fee Locating / Opening Fee (per hour) Size System: A SERVICE CHARGE OF $20 -WILL BE.DUE ON ALL RETURNED CHECKS. 18% PER YEAR WILL BE CHARGED ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS OVER 30 DAYS. HOURS LABOR AMOUNT TOTAL MATERIALS MECHANICS Q HELPERS Q TOTAL LABOR I hereby acknowledge the satisfactory rTOTAL LABOR completion of the above described work: TAX SIGNATURE DATE COMPLETED i7 L` TOTAL rz- a A 6a&rf,,,j b Building " Address 52-795 Martinez Owner. Dot Investdint. Mailin Address 2544 Dedir Cks. Road Ci 4salia. Zip 93277 Contractor__ Address P.O: BOX 1504 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 209-732-8228 ty jZip I Tel. State Lic: - I City & Classif. Lic. # Arch., Engr., . Designer. Address Tel. City Zip State Lic. # LICENSEDCONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect. SIGNATURE DATE OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following 'reason: (Sec. 7031.5,Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which requires a permit to construct, atter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractors License Law, Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, or that. he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit . subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). ❑ I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Buisness and Professions Code: The,. Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property,.who builds or -improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building orimprovement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.) O I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to con- struct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for 'Such projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to a Contractor's License Law.) O 1 am exempt under Sec. B. 8 P . f Datener or this reason Ow" 1✓ WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I have a certificate of consent to self -insure, or a certificate of Worker's Compensation Insurance, or a certified copy thereof. (ec. 38 0, Labor Code.) Policy No. E — ompany r r` rY took, O Copy is til d with the city. ❑ Certified copy is hereby furnished. E No. €f7523 BUILDING: TYPE CONST. OCC: GRP. A.P. Number "3431-015 Legal Description Project Description U FArtily !?asrasTnr arro ! CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM REMARKS . WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE ^s ° [ Mt.O (This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) valuation fon IRS ,y r I. J y t t t A ~ 3001 b U8 or less.) I certify that in the performanceaof the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any man r-so'as to become ubjec to -thy Worlie s Compensation Laws of Cali omia. ...,r Date m- "wrier >>✓• NOTICE' TO APPLICANT: If, dffdi- 7W55 ig this Certificate o1 Exemption you should become .ZONE: - BY: subject to the Workers' Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith Minimum Setback Distances: comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. - Front Setback from Center Line Rear Setback from Rear Prop. Line CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Side Street Setback from Center Line I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (Sec. 3097, Civil Code.) Side Setback from Property Line Lender's Name Lender's Address This is a building permit when properly filled out, signed and validated, and is subject to expiration if work thereunder is suspended for 180 days. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter the above- mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature of applicant Date Mailing Address City, State, Zip FINAL DATEINSPECTtOR Issued by: Date 4/10/ hermit Validated by: Validation: Sq. Ft. 1475 Size No. Stories No. Dw.' Units New ❑ Add ❑ Alter ❑ Repair ❑ Demolition ❑ Estimated Valuation $839,293 PERMIT AMOUNT Plan Chk. Dep. 250.00 Plan Chk. Bal. Const. 567.51D Mech. . Electrical ----TU-9.72 Plumbing 57,50 S.M.I. .$ Grading 2D.00 Driveway Enc. Infrastructure TOTAL CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM REMARKS . WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE ^s ° [ Mt.O (This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) valuation fon IRS ,y r I. J y t t t A ~ 3001 b U8 or less.) I certify that in the performanceaof the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any man r-so'as to become ubjec to -thy Worlie s Compensation Laws of Cali omia. ...,r Date m- "wrier >>✓• NOTICE' TO APPLICANT: If, dffdi- 7W55 ig this Certificate o1 Exemption you should become .ZONE: - BY: subject to the Workers' Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith Minimum Setback Distances: comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. - Front Setback from Center Line Rear Setback from Rear Prop. Line CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Side Street Setback from Center Line I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (Sec. 3097, Civil Code.) Side Setback from Property Line Lender's Name Lender's Address This is a building permit when properly filled out, signed and validated, and is subject to expiration if work thereunder is suspended for 180 days. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter the above- mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature of applicant Date Mailing Address City, State, Zip FINAL DATEINSPECTtOR Issued by: Date 4/10/ hermit Validated by: Validation: CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE NO. ELECTRICAL FEES NO. PLUMBING FEES 1ST FL. SO. FT. @ $ UNITS —// SLAB GRADE Y Q 2ND FL. SQ. FT. BONDING YARD SPKLR SYSTEM STORAGE TANK MOBILEHOME SVC. BAR SINK POR. SO. FT. @ DUCT WORK ROCK STORAGE GAR. SO. FT. @ POWER OUTLET ROOF DRAINS HEATING (FINAL) OTHER APPJEQUIP. DRAINAGE PIPING CAR P. I SO. FT. @ TEMP. POLE y111,el WALL SQ. FT. GROUT DRINKING FOUNTAIN. SQ FT @ FINAL INSP. URINAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION VALUATION $ WATER SYSTEM WATER PIPING NOTE: Not to be used as property tax valuation LUMBER GR. FLOOR DRAIN MECHANICAL FEES FRAMING % i WATER SOFTENER VENT SYSTEM FAN EVAP.COOL HOOD SIGN WASH ER(AUTO)(DISH) APPLIANCE DRYER REMARKS: GARBAGE DISPOSAL FURNACE UNIT WALL FLOOR SUSPENDED LAUNDRY TRAY AIR HANDLING UNIT CFM FIREPLACE KITCHEN SINK ABSORPTION SYSTEM B.T.U. TEMP USE PERMIT SVC WATER CLOSET' COMPRESSOR HP POLE, TEMIPERM LAVATORY HEATING SYSTEM FORCED GRAVITY AMPERES SERV ENT SHOWER BOILER B.T.U. SQ. FT. @ c BATH TUB FINISH GRADING SQ. FT. @ c WATER HEATER MAX. HEATER OUTPUT, B.T.U. SO. FT. RESID @ 1% c SEWAGE DISPOSAL SQ.FT.GAR @ 3lhc HOUSE SEWER INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURES/INITIALS GAS PIPING PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE DBL TOTAL FEES MICRO FEE MECH.FEE PL.CK.FEE CONST. FEE ELECT. FEE SMI FIEF7 PLUMB. FEE STRUCTURE PLUMBING ELECTRICAL HEATING & AIR COND. SOLAR SETBACK O GROUND PLUMBING If% f4 UNDERGROUND A.C. UNIT COLL. AREA —// SLAB GRADE Y Q ROUGH PL MB. j2 0 BONDING HEATING (ROUGH) STORAGE TANK FORMS EPiIC TANK ROUGH WIRING. DUCT WORK ROCK STORAGE FOUND. REINF. GAS (ROUGH) METER LOOP HEATING (FINAL) OTHER APPJEQUIP. REINF. STEEL GAS (FINAL) TEMP. POLE y111,el GROUT WATER HEATER SERVICE FINAL INSP. BOND BEAM WATER SYSTEM GRADING cu. yd. $ plus x$ =$ LUMBER GR. FINAL INSP. Z FRAMING % i FINAL INSP. ROOFINGAVI/-i f IO 3 A REMARKS: VENTILATION FIRE ZONE ROOFING ' FIREPLACE SPARK ARRESTOR GAR. FIREWALL /1/ LATHING'/)/f f o2q o MESH INSULATION/SOUND FINISH GRADING 01 _ FINAL INSPECTION CERT. OCC. FENCE FINAL INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURES/INITIALS GARDEN WALL FINAL Desert Sands Unified School District CERTIFICATION OF PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FACILITY FEESI NO TO: City rice. . rQ�i'114100^11DATE: -ate Departmenb� C�j� m�nisty/Weri pment 78-105 Calle EsY&o, tltl La Quinta, CA 92253 ��T�®� ��N�®% L I This is to certify tha I UL.ST developer of lj��l which is located atwithin this District, has paid school facility -/fees imposed pursuant to the au hority generat by overnment C de Secti 530 0 i the amount of o ( LIM M cov ring a total of S' square feet of ( ) residential or ( ) industrial/commercial development and that building permits for this footage in this development may now be issued by your jurisdiction. D. G - 6WI& for DESERT SA DS•UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT White - Building Department • Yellow - Facilities Planning • Pink - Accounting • Gold - Developer (10)-37 04 F - Name Street Address AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO DOT INVESTMENTS 2541 Border Links Road .sta Visalia, CA 93277 ay L scare MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO r Name SAME AS ABOVE Street Address . .....c7ty a State L CAT. NO. NNO0582 TO 1923 CA (2-83) J 01 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Individual Grant Deed THIS FORM FURNISHED. BY TICOR TITLE INSURERS The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): J z Documentary transfer tax is $ 33.00 a a (XX ). computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: ( xx) City of La Ouinta , and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, JACK WILDER WILEY, hereby GRANT(S) to DOT INVESTMENTS INC., a California Corporation the following described real property in' the Ci t y of La Quin to County of. Riverside , State of California: Lots 1 and 2 in Block 145 of Santa Carmelita Unit No. 15, as per map recorded in Book 18, Page 92 of Maps in the office -of the County Recorder of said County. M 1 CERTIFIED TO BE A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL TU RE COUNTY ESCROW CO. I O Dated: Jul 17 . ) 9R9 ,? J-ACK: ZWILDt WILEY STATE OF CALIFORNIA oO ) r COUNTY OF i.,,,i D.t .. .f t }SS. --0n1 --before me, the undersigned, a Notary. ublic in an for said State, personallyap eared T 1 lam} ; —__- J personally kno to 'me or proved to me on the basis of sat- isfactory evidence to be the person_ whose name subscri d to the within instrument and acknowledged that executed the same. WITNESS d and official seal. Signature Title Order No. OFFICIAL SEAL DARWIN HEIMER ® NOTARY PUBLIC • CALIFORNIA SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY Ity Comm. E&*u Jan. 16,1993 (This area for official notarial seal) Escrow or Loan No. MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE Ir // RECEIPT NO -2 6 Issued By Date DISTRICT: ❑ Riverside, ❑ Indio ❑ Hemet 17 Perris ❑ Ran o Calif. ❑ Blythe DOH -SAN -122 (Rev. 7/89) DISTRIBUTION: WHrrE - Office file YELLOW - Applicant PINK - Bldg. Dept GOLDENROD - Plans/Records Ih7 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ENVIRONMENTAL A1110"'O18Pervelf4m HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION PERMIT,.APPLICATION FOR A SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMt this ApplicanTf FSibmiform'v✓fth four copies of a scaled plot plan (1-20 scale) drawn to County speculations as indicated on the attached check list )0 .ilk s . A non-refundable filing fee (see below) is required when the application is submitted. Check must be made payable to the County of 0(,iRiverside. Approval of this application shall remain valid for a period not to exceed one year from date of approval. VERIFY ITEMS IN SECTION A FROM BUILDING & SAFETY APPLICATION BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION LOG # Z O t, Contractor, Con Person GI Phone & Firm 'q2 ra Owner tAddress C aL Phone' 8-Gyz ling Address - 3 i e Cir ttY State Zip Job Propery Address Legal Descript' Prop. (PM, Tract, Lot) 17.6 6 O C n s d z 6 6b Lot Size Water Age y/Well Use of Permit P/P, CU, etc. / OtherSQ i1 C p 'r^A l fu Dwelling, MH Site Prep,tc.LJ' 14— 6-- c) Date natureof Applicant CATEGORY: REV CODE FEE CATEGORY: REV CODE FEE SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL 1238 $ 57.00 ❑ SITE EVALUATION UPON REQUEST 7349 $ 43.00 CD ❑ MULTIPLE PARCELS WITHIN SAME (NO PLOT PLAN) LAND DIVISION ❑ SEWER/SEPTIC VERIFICATION 7348 $ 17.00 Z O a. 1 at 4 Parcels (Each) 1238 $ 57.00 (Less than 1 year) b. Each Parcel after 4 7344 $ 24.00 ❑ PRELIMINARY ELECTIVE 7352 $ 23.00 W ❑ Rereview (2nd review same parcel) 7344 $ 24.00 EVALUATION (Attach DOH SAN 53) UY O Site Evaluation in Conjunction with ❑ HOLDING TANK 7351 $ 47.00 Critical Area 7346 $111.00 .' ❑ ALTERNATIVE/EXPERIMENTAL 7345 $222.00 ❑ Site Evaluation Lot Less than SYSTEM 10,000 Sq. Ft. 7347 $ 87.00 INITIAL DATE Holding Tank Agreements Completed ❑ Yes No % -T- Certification of Existing S.D. System Required ❑ Yes I No WQCB Clearance required. (Attach Form ❑ Yes I No DOH SAN 007, Santa Ana Region Only) Soils Percolation Report Required. ❑ Yes No Special Feasibility Boring Report Required. ❑ Yes No Detailed Contour Plot Plans Required (1 to 5 ft interval) ❑ Yes No Otho► ❑ Yes No Staff Specialist Lot Inspection Required ❑ Yes No Lot Inspection Date 940 Soils boring report by 40 Pry # Date Soils Map Page Soil Type Approved by T le -q.., Date U Z No. of System Type of Systems) No. Dwelliinng Units (1) Septic Tank Soil Rate Grease/sand O e [ tO ming Tank ❑❑ Existing" Rephoeme /~ Bed ^ Qxture nr "1 QL oo 57 a Grease I Gal LU U) (2) Leach Line Sq. Ft Bottom trench area Sidewall allowance ® Install Lines) n long ft wide with Leach Bed eq n It. sq. R min. inches rock below drainhes_or of bottom area 0 NA Leachlines/bed special design for slope: (3) Pit Diameter No. Pits Pit Below Seepage page Pit Total Depth Other. Applicable Inlet (BI) 1,71 Max. AllowabDepth N/A _ Overburden tactor ❑ 5 6 / No. 2 System _ REMARKS: — --- _ This application isAPPROVE /DENIED for the category checked in SECTION B above, regarding the design of a subsurface disposal system as indicated on the accompan lo Ian, using the requirements set forth in SECTION C above. A building permit is necessary for the installation of the Z above -designed system. No construction is permitted in the required reserved 100% expansion area. 0 Septic tank and sewer lines must be 50' minimum from any wells P2L Leach lines must be 100' minimum from any wells, including expansion area U(3) Seepage pits must be 150' minimum from any we s, incl ng ex nsion area Signature of Health Official Date e-1-15/cl t9 Ir // RECEIPT NO -2 6 Issued By Date DISTRICT: ❑ Riverside, ❑ Indio ❑ Hemet 17 Perris ❑ Ran o Calif. ❑ Blythe DOH -SAN -122 (Rev. 7/89) DISTRIBUTION: WHrrE - Office file YELLOW - Applicant PINK - Bldg. Dept GOLDENROD - Plans/Records Ih7 ' ! ; 4 of too. OFFICE OF AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER AND WEIGHTS & MEASURES cnlvlN C. KAMINSKAS. Asilsloni oner JAMES O. WALLACE 4080 LEMON STREET, ROOM 19 LEMENCBENV NIS Apdcullurol Commissioner RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 CLEMENT BENVENISIE Mectos of Welphb & Meosures (714) 787.2561 Seo er 49613 Ilighway 86, Suite B12 Coachella, Ca. 92236 p (619) 342-8291 M1 DATE CASE NO. C, C `.J y S / d. DEVELOPER'S NAME: \ C C- L02 M CC ADDRESS:-- ILL 309 I l `- V• 2` 2 CC` y..y TELEPHONE: 5_ 79 S MwYk tie Dear Developer: After reviewing your landscaping plans, all plant material listed is not in violation of quarantine laws governing the Coachella Valley. If substitutions do occur and they differ frau plait Iaterial listed, this office :mast be notified iRmediately. Thank you for protecting and preserving the Coachella Valley's pest -free environment. Agricultura amussioner's office cc: Indio and Riverside office Buena Engineers, Inc. 79-811 B Country Club Drive Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 • (61'9) 345-1588 Client Name .+► j } Client Address 'Ywx s Client Phone v s — (o q', B DATE JOB NO. Z% .- d MOISTURE /37 --/ 6 PROJECT MAXIMUM OPTIMUM Zd-7-Zrmepli' TEST LOCATION LOCATION Z4-,: NUMBER CONTRACTOR NO. ELEVATION OWNER WEATHER DRY TEMP. o at AM MOISTURE at PM PRESENT AT SITE % IbsJCu. ft. Q DENSITY CONTENT CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE FIE REPORT TECHNICIA SIGNATURE { p` FIELD TESTING REFERENCE CURVE MOISTURE DRY MAXIMUM MAXIMUM OPTIMUM TEST TEST LOCATION LOT NUMBER NO. ELEVATION CONTENT DENSITY DRY DRY MOISTURE % IbsJCu. ft. DENSITY DENSITY CONTENT % lbs./cu. ft. % l f v o l /i• / / /27.7 Z Ztk g ai / c7 3 y Q G /1,0.1 //7,S / 1I' wq 11 '-o O %' /i) .- .00 ISO f' D D o 5 ` y 40 P y REMARKS: /e p r cl , ,% N Q c,/ a ao /17.,r >`` oIL 4 t CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE FIE REPORT TECHNICIA SIGNATURE { p` i Buena Engineers, Inc. AN EARTH SYSTEMS, INC. COMPANY i CONSULTING SOILS & ENGINEERING GEOLOGY J 1 1 1 1 1 1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT SANTA CARMELITA - UNIT :15 LOT 2, BLOCK 145 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR TOD DEVELOPMENT B7 -1796-P1 NOVEMBER 1, 1989 BUENA ENGINEERS, INC . %L '. Buena Engineers, Inc. ' AN EARTH SYSTEMS. INC. COMPANY ' 79-811 B COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE • BERMUDA DUNES, CALIFORNIA 92201 PHONE (619) 345-1588 • FAX (619) 345-7315 November 1, 1989 B7 -1796-P 1 ' 89-10-835 TOD Development ' 72-309 Blueridge Court Palm Desert, California 92260 ' Project: Santa Carmel i to - Unit -11115 Lot 2, Block 145 ' La Quinta, California Subject: Geotechnical Engineering Report Presented herewith is our Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared for the proposed single-family residence to be located in La Quinta, California. This report incorporates the tentative information supplied to our office, and in accordance with your request, recommendations for general site development and foundation design are provided. This report was prepared to stand as a whole, and no part of the report should be excerpted or used to exclusion of any other part. This report completes our scope of services in accordance with our agreement. Other services which may be required, such as plan review and grading observation are additional services and will be billed according to the Fee Schedule in effect at the time services are provided. Please contact the undersigned if there are any questions concerning this report or the recommendations included herein. Respectfully submitted, E BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. Reviewed e , _ No. C 041210 P• 3-31-91 R. Layne Richins Staff Geologist Joseph R. Civil Engine e OF CALIf P Brett L. Anderson Project Engineer RLR/BLA/JRV/rcl HD/SER/Copies: 6 -TOD Development 1 - PS File BERMUDA DUNES BAKERSFIELD LANCASTER (619) 345-1588 (805) 327-5150 (805) 948-7538 1 - VTA File SAN LUIS OBISPO VENTURA (805) 544-6187 (805) 642-6727 TABLE OF CONTENTS ' APPENDIX C Standard Grading Specifications ' BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. INTRODUCTION-------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ...- 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK............................................................ 1 _ SITE DESCRIPTION -... 2 FIELD EXPLORATION 3 LABORATORY TESTING 3 3 SOIL CONDITIONS_.._.. - - -- - ._... - 4. GROUNDWATER - - -- -- .._.._.__. 5 REGIONAL GEOLOGY. -- - 5 LOCAL GEOLOGY - -- 5 ' GEOLOGIC HAZARDS - - 6 Primary-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 ' Secondary----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Non -Seismic - 7 CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSIONS - 8 8 ' SITE DEVELOPMENT AND 6RADIN6 9 9 Site Development - Grading -------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Site Development - General-------------------------------------------------------------- 10 ' Excavations-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 TrafficAreas------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 ' Utility Trenches-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 STRUCTURES------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Foundations-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 ' Slabs-on-Grade--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Settlement Considerations ---------------------------------------------------------------- 15 .' Frictional and Lateral Coefficients--------------------------------------------------- 15 SlopeStability---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 Expansion----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 Additional Services--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 LIMITATIONS AND UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS -------------------------------- 17 REFERENCES--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 APPENDIX A Site and Vicinity Map ' Logs of Borings ' APPEND IX B Summary of Test Results _ Table 29-A APPENDIX C Standard Grading Specifications ' BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. November 1, 1989 -1- B7 -1796-p 1 ' 89-10-835 ' INTRODUCTION This Geotechnical Engineering Report has been prepared for the three (3) ' proposed single-family residences to be located in La Quinta, California. A. It is proposed to construct the residence on Lot 2 of Block 145 of the ' existing Santa Carmelita Unit 015 in La Quinta, California. ' B. Structural considerations for residential column loads of up to 20 kips and a maximum Mall loading of 2.0 kips per linear foot were used as a basis for recommendations as provided herein. These are estimated values since we did not have foundation plans available at the time of production of this report. C. All loading is assumed to be dead plus reasonable live load ID. If the actual loading exceeds the assumed loading the recommendations provided herein grill need to be reevaluated. ' PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK ' The purpose of our services was to. evaluate the site soil conditions, and to provide ,conclusions and recommendations relative to the site and the ' proposed development. The scope of work includes the following: A. A general reconnaissance of the site. B.s -drilling. Shal l o,rr subsurface ace expl or ate on by ' C. Laboratory testing of selected soil samples obtained from the exploratory borings drilled for this project. ' D. Review of selected technical literature pertaining to the site. ' E. Evaluation of field and laboratory data relative to soil conditions. F. Engineering analysis of the data obtained from. the exploration and ' testing programs. ' G. A summary of our findings and recommendations in written report. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. November 1, 1989 -2- B7-1796-P1 89-10-835 Contained in This Report Are: A. Discussions on regional and local geoiogic and soil conditions. B. Graphic and/or tabulated results of laboratory tests and field studies. C. Discussions and recommendations relative to allowable foundation bearing capacity, recommendations for foundation design, estimated total and differential settlements, lateral earth pressures and site grading criteria. Not Contained in This Report: A. This report does not address the potential presence of hazardous materials in any manner. SITE DESCRIPTION The proposed residence is to be located in the existing Santa Carmalita Unit 115 in La Ouinta, California. Lot 2 is on the west side of Avenida Nartinez, one (1) lot south of Calle (Nogales. A. The Lot is fairly level throughout. B. The Lot is vacant with sparse short grass, greeds and debris C. The streets are paved throughout the Tract and there are existing utilities along the streets and property lines. D. There are existing residences throughout the Tract including directly^ gest of Lot 2. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. November 1, 1989 -3- B7 -1796-P 1 69-10-835 FIELD EXPLORATION An exploratory boring was drilled for observing the soil profile and obtaining samples for further analysis. A. The boring was drilled for soil profiling and sampling to a maximum depth of twenty (20) feet below the existing ground surface. The boring was drilled on October 5, 1989, using an eight (6) inch diameter hollow -stern auger powered by a CME 45-8 drilling rig. The approximate boring location as indicated on the attached plan in Appendix A, was determined by pacing and sighting from existing streets and topographic features. The boring location should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. B. Samples were secured within the borings with a two and one-half (2.5) inch diameter ring sampler (ASTM D 3550, shoe similar to ASTM D 1566). The samples were obtained by driving the sampler with a one hundred forty (140) pound hammer, dropping thirty (30) inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler one foot was recorded. Recovered soil samples were sealed in containers and returned to the laboratory for further classification and testing. C. Bulk disturbed samples of the soils were obtained from cuttings developed during excavation of the test borings. The bulk samples were secured for classification purposes and represent a mixture of soils within the noted depths. D. The final logs represent our interpretation of the contents of the field logs, and the results of the laboratory observations and tests of the field samples. The final logs are included in the appendix A of this report. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries between soil types although the transitions may be gradual. LABORATORY TESTING After a visual and tactile classification in the field, samples were returned to the laboratory, classifications were checked, and a testing program was established. A. Samples were reviewed along with field logs to determine which would ' be further analyzed. Those chosen were considered as representative of soil which would be exposed and/or used in grading and those deemed ' within building influence. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. tNovember 1, 1989 -4- B7 -1796-P 1 ' 69-10-835 1 B. The relative .strength characteristics of the subsurface soils were ' determined from the results of direct shear tests. Specimens were placed in contact with water at least twenty-four (24) hours before ' testing, and were then sheared under normal loads ranging from 0.5 to 2.0 KSF. ' C. Classification tests consisted of: Expansion Index . (UBC Standard No. 29-2), Maximum Density -Optimum Moisture (ASTM D 1557), and Hydrometer Analysis (California Test Method 203). ' D. Refer to Appendix B for tabular and graphic representation at the teat results. SOiL CONDITIONS As determined by the borings, site soils were found to consist primarily of fine to coarse sands with gravel. The boring log in Appendix A contains a rnore detailed description of the soils encountered. ' A. Blowcounts indicate that the soils are fairly loose near the surface but quite firm below three (3) feet with in-place density generally ' increasing with depth. B. The soils were found to be very dry throughout. C. Scattered gravel and cobbles were encountered throughout the depth of the boring. D. Clayand silt contents of the majority of the site s ) y to soil_ exhibit law ' plasticity. Expansion tests indicate soils to be in the "very low" expansion categoryin accordance with Table 29-A in Appendix B of this report. Refer to section F of the structures section for specific ' explanations and requirements dealing with expansive soil. E. Soils should be readily cut by normal grading equipment. IBUENA ENGINEERS INC. November 1, 1989 -5- 87-1796-P 1 P9=10-835 GROUNDWATER Free groundwater was not encountered in any of the borings; however, local information indicates the groundwater level is in excess of one hundred (100) feet. Fluctuations in groundwater levels may occur due to variations in rainfall, temperature and other factors. REGIONAL GEOLOGY The project site is located in the western Coachella Valley near the base of the Santa Rosa Mountains, east of Indio Mountain. The Coachella Valley is part of the tectonically active Salton Basin. This basin is a closed, inter6ally draining trough that has been filled with a complex series of continental clastic materials during Pleistocene and Holocene time (Van de Camp, 1973). The Sari Andreas rift zone dominates the geology of the Coachella Valley. The Banning and Mission Creek faults, which are parts of the San Andreas system are responsible for earthquakes recently felt in the Coachella Val Ieq. Other regional faults, that have produced events felt in the Coachella Valley are the San Jacinto, Imperial and Elsinore faults (see figures 1 ("'X' 2). Based upon the historical and prehistorical record, the Coachella Valley ' segment of the San Andreas fault system is likely to generate a magnitude seven (7.0) or greater earthquake within the next fifty (50) years. The potential for a magnitude seven (7.0) earthquake within the next fifty (50) ' years is estimated by Seih (1985) as "High' (50%-90%). ' LOCAL GEOLOGY The proposed residence is to be located west of Avenida Martinez, south of ' Calle Nogales in the La Quinta Cove area of Riverside County. Lithogolic units observed on-site consist of quaternary alluvium deposits. ' The project site is located approximately eight and seven tenths (8.7) of a -- mile southwest of the San Andreas Fault Zone. Figure 3 shows the project site in relation to the local geology. ' BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. * uo 11r- — Base map of southern California region with major faults * ti ilem a et al (1973) , S3• 32• `L R - -Bishop N. 1 x 1.\Lone Pine \ 1 ° Tu/ore ` 1946 (6.3) oChino Lok Bakersfield. 1952(7.7,6.4,6.1,6.1) °Baker ojove 1947(6.2) _— °Soma Morio °Bors/ow \ _ _----Gormcn % \ —'—Sonfo1rO—'-Goro Po/mdale 1941(6.0) 1925( 3) \ 1971 (6.4) °San Bernardino o -- Los Ange/e o 1948 (6.5) 1913(6. ! ° i; in ° 19 (6.3)1937 \ 1954(6.2) o + 1968 (6.4) Borrego j \ grow/ey \v\ 1942(6.5)`\ ° 1940(6.7) 1915 (6/4 6 1/4 Son Diego Yumc /.lex co/i 1934 (6.5) 1934 (7.1) 69i5-(7 I J 1935(6.0) 0. /00 Miles Ensenodo 1956(6.8,6.1,6.3,6.4} 0 /00 200 Kms. I/ 1940(6.01 1954 (6.3 6.0) * 1966(6.3• ); / Earth Quakes of magnitude 5.9 and greater in the Southern California Region, 1912 — 1972 (including the North Palm Springs -Earthquake). From Hileman et al (1973) November 1, 1989 -6- B7 -1796-P 1 89-10-835 ' GEOLOGIC HAZARDS ' A. Primary Seismic Hazards: Primary seismic geologic hazards that may affect any property in the ' seismically active southern California region include ground rupture and strong ground motion. ' 1. Fault Rupture: a. The project site is not located in any Alquist-Priolo special ' study zones. Nor are any faults mapped through or adjacent to the project area. At the time of drilling no surface expression of faulting was observed. b. Fault rupture would most likely occur along previously ly established traces. However, fault rupture may occur at other ' locations not previously mapped. t2. Ground Shaking: a. Strong ground motion -is the seismic hazard most likely to ' affect the site during the life of the intended structures. Using methods developed by Seed and 1driss (1982) and Ploessel & Slosson (1974), the following table was compiled ' for anticipated accelerations which may be experienced during an earthquake at the project site. ' TABLE 1 Esti mated Maxi rnum Maxi rnum Repeatable Approximate ' Design* Acceleration Acceleration Ground Distance to Fault Earthquake in Rock ° i n Soil **' Accelerations Proiect Site ' San Andreas 7.5 .43g .39g .25g 6.7rni Richter Magnitude # Deep Cohesionless Soils ' b. Because of the sedimentary nature of the soils on site, ate, ' ground shaking characteristics are expected to include low frequency vibration with relatively high amplitudes_ Duration of shaking could be from fifteen (15) to thirty-six ' (36) seconds. The project area is mapped in Ground Shaking Zone III B (thick alluvium and soft sediments) as designated by the County of Riverside, California. Ground Shaking Zones are based on distance from caustive faults and soil types. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. November 1, 1989 -7- 67-1796-P 1 89-10-835 ' B. Secondary Seismic Hazards: Secondary seismic geologic hazards that may affect the project site ' area include subsidence, liquefaction and ground lurching. 1. Subsidence, whether seismically related or not, is considered a ' potential hazard in this area. Historic records report significant' episodes of subsidence in the La Qui nta area due to seismic forces and/or heavy rain fall and flooding. ' 2. Liquefaction is the loss of strength of saturated cohesionless soils generally from seismic shaking. In order for liquefaction to toccur, three principal conditions must be present. First, the soils must have relative densities below seventy (70) percent; second, ' the water table - perched or otherwise - must be within the upper fifty (50) feet of soils; and third, the soils must have a predominant grain size range between 0.5 rpm and 0.01 rpm. Other ' criteria that identify susceptibility to liquefaction are a uniformity coefficient between two (2) and ten (10) and ten (10) percent passing between .01 rnm and .25 mm, (Hunt, Geotechnical ' Engineering Investigation Manual, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1984). When any of these conditions or criteria are not satisfied, tliquefaction is not considered a possibiltity. 3. No freewater was encountered in our exploratory borings ' indicating that liquefaction is unlikely. Also, the project is not located within the Riverside County Liquefaction Study Zone. ' 4. Ground lurching is generally associated with fault rupture and liquefaction. Because of the distance of the project site to the San Andreas fault system, the possibility of ground lurching ' affecting the site is considered low. ' C. Kaon -Seismic Hazards: Other geologic hazards that could affect the project site include landslides, flooding and erosion. 1. No evidence of past landsliding was observed at the site nor are any known landslides mapped in or around the project site. -the subject property is not at the immediate base of any steep hills and is located on relatively gently sloping ground. 1 ' BUENA ENGINEERS INC. 11 November 1, 1989 -8- 87-1796-P1 89-10-835 2. Flooding and erosion are always a consideration in arid regions. The properties flat topography suggests this is an area of deposition. Increased erosion, either fluvial or aeolian, may occur as a result of construction activity. CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSIONS ' Based on a review of a selected technical literature and site investigations; it is our opinion that the site is suitable for the intended development' provided it is designed around the noted geologic hazards. The following i s ' a summary of our conclusions and professional opinions based on the data obtained. A. The primary geologic hazard relative to site development is severe ground shaking from earthquakes originating on nearby faults. The site is located in Southern California which is an active seismic area. in our opinion, a major sei smic event originating on the San Andreas fault zone would be the most likely cause of significant earthquake actvity at the site within the estimated design life of the `proposed development. B. Subsidence, whether seismically related or not, is considered a potential hazard. Adherence to the grading recommendations contained in this report is necessary to limit differential settlements and subsidence. C. Areas of alluvial soils may be susceptible to fluvial erosion processes. Preventative measures to minimize seasonal flooding should be incorporated into site grading. Disturbances of native ground cover should be minimized. D. Other hazards including liquefaction, lunching, sieching and tsunamis are considered low to negligible. E. It is our opinion that the upper native soil will not provide uniform support for the proposed structures without the recommended sitework. To decrease the potential for settlement and to provide a more uniform and firm bearing support for the proposed structures, we recommend constructing recompacted soil mats beneath all foundations and slabs -on -grade. . F. it is recommended that, at - minimum, any permanent structure constructed on the site be designed to accommodate expected repeatable ground acceler ations in the range of .25g for a duration of up to thirty-six (36) seconds. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. ' November 1, 1989 -9- 67-1796-P 1 89-10-835 1 G. Adherence to the following development recommendations is necessary ' to mitigate potential earth movement problems due to seismic forces, heavy rainfall and flooding. SITE DEVELOPMENT AND GRADING Prior- to any construction operations, areas to be graded should be cleaned of ' vegetation and other deleterious materials. Appendix C, "Standard Grading Specifications" contains specific suggestions for removal and disposal of deleterious substances and, as such, forms a part of these Site Development ' and Grading Recommendations. ' A. Site Development - Gradinq Site grading should be visually checked by Buena Engineers, Inc., or ' their representative prior to placement of fill. Local variations in soil conditions may warrant increasing the depth of recompaction and/or overexcavation. ' 1. Field data and laboratory testin9 indicate that the surface soils are fairly loose and dry. Therefore, recompaction of the bearing ' soils is recommended. 2. To control differential settlement and to produce a more uniform ' bearing condition, foundations should bear on compacted soils. Compaction is to be verified by testing. 3. In order to help minimize potential settlement problems associated with structures supported on a non-uniform thickness ' of compacted fill, Buena Engineers, Inc. should be consulted for site grading recommendations relative to backfilling large and/or deep depressions resulting from site clearing. In general, all ' proposed construction should be supported by a uniform thickness of compacted soil. = t ' BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. November 1, 1989 -10- 67-1796-P 1 89-10-835 4. Building areas should be heavily watered so that near optimum moisture is obtained to a depth of three (3) feet below original grade or the bottom of footings, whichever is greater. The surface should be compacted so at least ninety (90) percent of maximum density is obtained to a depth of two (2) feet below original grade or the bottom of footings, whichever is greater. Fill material shouid then be placed in thin layers at near optimum moisture and compacted to at least ninety (90) percent of maximum density. The intent is to have at least tato (2) feet of soil compacted to a minimum of ninety (90) percent of maximum density compose . the building pad beneath the footings_ 5. These grading requirements apply to building areas and at least five (5) feet beyond building limits. 6. Auxiliary structures including freestanding or retaining walls shall have the existing soils beneath the structure processed as per Items four (4) and five (5) above. The grading requirements apply to three (3) feet beyond the face of walls. If we are allowed to review plans for auxiliary structures, this requirement may be modified. 7. It is anticipated that during grading, a loss of approximately one tenth (1) of a foot due to stripping, and a shrinkage factor of about ten (10) to fifteen (15) percent for the upper three (3) feet of soil, may be used for quantity calculations. This is based on compactive effort needed to produce an average degree of compaction of approximately.ninety-three (93) to ninety-four (94) percent and may vary depending on contractor methods. Subsidence is estimated between two-tenths (2) to three -tenths (3) of a foot. B. Site Development - General ' 1. The following 'general' requirements listed in this section are superceded by the recommendations in the 'Grading' Section A. above. 1 2. Previously removed soils, once cleaned of rocks larger than eight 9 9 (8) inches in greatest dimension, and other deleterious material, ' may be placed in thin layers and mechanically compacted back to finish grade. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. November 1, 1939 67-1796-P1 89-10-335 ' 3. Import soil used to raise site grades should be equal to or better .than on-site soil in strength, expansion, and compressibility ' characteristics. Import soil may be prequalified by Buena Engineers, Inc. Comments on the characteristics of import will be given after the material is on the project, either in-place or in ' stockpiles of adequate quantity to complete the project. ' 4. Fill and backfill should be compacted to the minimum of ninety (90) percent of maximum dry density obtained by the ASTM D 1557 test method. 5. Areas around the structures should be graded so that drainage is positive and away from the structures. Gutters and down spouts should be considered as a way to convey water out of the foundation area. Water should not be allowed to pond on or near pavement sections. 6. Added moisture within previously compacted fill could result in a number of reactions at the surface depending upon the amount of moisture increase, the in-place density of the soil, in-situ moisture content and soil type. Although the soil could in reality be expanding, collapsing, moving. laterally due to the phenomenon "creep", the result is usually movement and will most likely manifest itself visually in structural slabs and street areas as cracks, (horizontal, lateral and vertical displacement). 7. The apparent cure to the problem is to not introduce excess moisture into fill material once in place. To help minimize increased moisture into the fill material, site drainage and landscape is critical. Site drainage should be in the form of roof gutter, concrete brow ditcher, ribbon gutters and gutters, storm drain and other drainage devices. Landscaping should be such that water is not allowed to pond. Additionally, care should be taken so as not to over water landscaped areas. 6. Failure to control increase in moisture content to compacted fill= could result in settlement which could compound the problem by rupturing water lines or -...other services and/or utilities, thus introducing additional moisture into the underlying soil. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC November 1, 1989 -12- B7 -1796-P 1 89-10-835 9. The Recommended Grading Specifications included in Appendix C ' are general guidelines only and should not be included directly into project specifications without first incorporating the site specific recommendations contained in the Site Development - Grading section of this report. Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code contains specific considerations for grading ' and is considered a part of these General Guidelines. 10. It is recommended that Buena Engineers, Inc., be retained to ' provide soil engineering services during construction of the grading, excavation, and foundation phases of the work. This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications or ' recommendations and to allow design changes in the event that subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to start of construction. C. Excavations t1: All excavations should be made in accordance with applicable regulations. From our site exploration and knowledge of general ' area, we feel there is a potential for construction problems involving caving of relatively deep site excavations (i.e. utilities, etc.) Where such situations are encountered, lateral bracing or tappropriate cut slopes should be provided. ' 2. No surcharge loads should be allowed within a horizontal distance measured from the top of the excavation slope, equal to the depth of the excavation. D. Traffic areas ' 1. Streets should be provided with one (1) foot of subgrade compacted to ninety (90) percent of maximum density. ' 2. On-site parking should be provided with one (1) foot of subgrade compacted to ninety (90) percent of maximum density. ' 3. Final preparation of subgrade will depend on paving section designs. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. . November 1, 1989 -13- 87-1796-P 1 89-10-835 ' E. Utility Trenches 1. Backfill of utilities within road right-of-way should be placed in ' strict conformance with the requirements of the governing agency (dater District, Road Department, etc.'). ' 2. Utility trench backfill within private property should be placed in strict provisions of this report relating to minimum compaction standards. In general, service lines extending inside of property may be backfilled with native soils compacted to a minimum of ninety (90) percent of maximum density. 3. Backfill operations should be observed and tested by buena Engineers, 'Inc., to monitor compliance with these ' recommendations. STRUCTURES ' Based upon the results of this evaluation, it is our opinion that structure foundation can be supported by compacted soils placed as recommended above.. The recomendations that follow are based on "very low" expansion category soils. M A. Foundations it is anticipated that foundations will be placed on firm compacted soils as recommended elsewhere in this.report. The recommendations that follow are based on "very low" expansion category soils. 1. Table 29-A gives specific recommendations for width, depth and reinforcing. Other structural consideration may be more stringent and would govern in any case. A minimum footing depth of twelve (12) inches below lowest adjacent finish grade for one (1) story structures and eighteen (18) inches for two (2) story structures should be maintained. 2. Conventional Foundations: Estimated bearing values are given below for foundations on recompacted soils, assuming fill import (if required) to be equal to or better than site soils: BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. November 1, 1959 -14- 67-1796-13 1 39-10-535 ' a. Continuous foundations of one (1) foot wide and twelve (12) inches below grade: i. 1800 psf for dead plus reasonable live loads. ' ii. 2400 psf for wind and seismic considerations. b. isolated pad foundations 2' x 2' and bottomed twelve (12) inches below grade: ' i. 2000 psf for dead plus reasonable live Ioads. ii. 2650 psf for wind and seismic considerations. ' 3. Allowable increases of 200 psf per one (1) foot of additional footing width and 300 psf for each additional six (6) inches of footing depth may be used. The maximum allowable bearing will be 2500 pcf. ' 4. Although footing reinforcement may not be required per Table 29- 4; one (1) number four (#4) rebar at top and bottom of footings should be considered in order to span surface imperfections. Other ' requirements that are more stringent due to structural loads will govern. 5. Soils beneath footings and slabs should be premoistened prior to placing concrete. ' 6. Lateral loads may be resisted by soil friction on floor slabs and foundations and by passive resistance of the soils acting on ' foundation stem walls. Lateral capacity is based partially on the assumption that any required backfill adjacent to foundations and grade beams is properly compacted. ' 7. Foundation excavations should be visually y observed b the soil engineer during excavation and prior to placement of reinforcing ' steel or concrete. Local variations in conditions may warrant deepening of footings. ' 8. Allowable bearing values are net (weight of footing and soil surcharge may be neglected) and are applicable for dead plus ' reasonable live loads. B. Slabs -on -Grade 1. Concrete slabs -on -grade should be supported by compacted ' structural fill placed in accordance with applicable sections of this report. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. !. November 1, 1959 -15- 137-1796-13 1 89-10-535 2. in areas of moisture sensitive floor coverings, an appropriate ' vapor barrier should be installed in order to minimize vapor transmission from the subgrade soil to the slab. The membrane should be covered with two (2) inches of sand to help protect it ' during construction. The sand should be lightly moistened just prior to placing the concrete. ' 3. Reinforcement of slab -on -grade is contingent upon the structural engineers recommendations and the expansion index of the ' supporting soil. Since the mixing of fill soil with native soil could change the expansion index, additional tests should be conducted during rough grading to determine the expansion index of the ' subgrade soil. Also, due to the high temperature differential endemic to desert areas, large concrete slabs on grade are ' susceptible to tension cracks. As a minimum, we recommend that all interior concrete slabs -on -grade be reinforced with 6" x 6" / *i0 x 010 welded wire fabric. Additional reinforcement due to ' the expansion index of the site soil should be provided as recommended in section F below. Additional reinforcement rnag also be required by the structural engineer. 4. It is recommended that the proposed perimeter slabs (sidewalks, patios, etc.) be designed relatively independent of foundation ' sterns (free-floating) to help mitigate cracking due to foundation settlement and/or expansion. ' C. Settlement Considerations ' I. Maximum estimated settlement, based on footings founded on firm soils as recommended, should be less than one (1) inch. Differential settlement between exterior and interior bearing tmembers should be less than one-half (1/2) inch. 2. The majority of settlement should occur during construction. D. Frictional and Lateral Coefficients 1 i. Resistance to lateral loading may be provided by friction acting on the base of foundations, a coefficient of friction of .49 may be used for dead load forces. t 2. Passive resistance acting on the sides of foundation steres (300 pcf, equivalent fluid weight), may be included for resistance to lateral loads. IBUENA ENGINEERS, INC. November 1, 1989 -16- 67-1796-P 1 69-10-635 ' 3. A one-third (113) increase in the quoted passive value may be used for wind or seismic_ loads. 4. Passive resistance of soils against grade beams and the frictional resistance between the floor slabs and the supporting soils may be ' combined in determining the total lateral resistance, however the friction factor should be reduced to .33 of dead load forces. 5. For retaining walls backfilled with compacted native soil, it is recommended that an equivalent fluid pressure of thirty-five (35) pcf be used for well drained Ieve] backfill conditions. ' E. Slope Stabilitu ' Slope stability calculations were not performed due to the anticipated minimal slope height (less than 5'). If slopes exceed five (5) feet, ' engineering calculations should be performed to substantiate the stability of slopes steeper than 2 to 1. Fill slopes should be overfilled and trimmed back to competent material. ' F. Expansion ' The design of foundations should be based on the weighted expansion index (UBC Standard No. 29-2) of the soil. As stated in the soil properties section, the expansion index of the majority of the on-site soils are in the "very low" (0-20) classification. However, during site preparation, if the soil is throughly mixed and additional fill is added, ' the expansion index may change. Therefore, the expansion index should be evaluated after the site preparation has been completed, and the final foundation design adjusted accordingly. G. Additional Services ' This report is based on the assumption that an adequate program of client consultation, construction monitoring and testing will be performed during the final design and construction phases to check ' compliance with these recommendations. Naintain.ing Buena Engineers, Inc., as the soil engi neeri'ng firm from beginning -to end of the project ' will help assure continuity of services. These test would be additional services provided by our firm. The costs of these services are not included in our present fee arrangements. The recommended tests and ' observations include, but are not necessarily limited to the following: BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. idovember 1, 1989 -17- 87-1796-P 1 89-10-635 1 1. Consultation during the final design stages of the project. _ 2. Review of the building plans to observe that recommendations of our report have been properly implemented into the design. ' 3. Observation and testing during site preparation, grading and placement of engineered fill. ' 4. Consultation as required during construction. LIMITATIONS AND UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS ' The analysis and recommendations submitted in this report are based in part upon the data obtained from the boring performed on the Lot. The nature and ' extent of variations throughout the Lot may not become evident until construction. If variations then appear evident, it will be necessary to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. Findings of this report are valid as of this date. However, changes in conditions of a property can occur with passage of time whether they be due to natural processes or works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, ► hanges in applicable or appropriate standards occur whether they result from legislation or broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of one (1) year_ In the event that any changes in the nature, design or location of the building are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and conclusions of this report modified or verified in writing. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative, to insure that the information and recommendations contained herein are called to the attention of the architect and engineers for the project and are incorporated into the plans and specifications for the project. It is also the owners responsibility, or his representative; to insure that the necessary steps are taken to see that the general contractor and all subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. It is further understood that the owner or his representative is responsible for submittal of this report to the appropriate governing agencies_ BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. . November 1, 1989 -18- B7- 1796-P 1 89-10-635 Buena Engineers, Inc., has prepared this report for the exclusive use of the ' client and authorized agents. This report has been prepared in accordance frith generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. No other warranties, either expressed or implied, are made as the professional advice provided under the terms of this agreement, and included in the report. ' It is recommended that Buena Engineers, Inc., be provided the opportunity 9 PP y for a general review of final design and specifications in order that ' earthwork and foundation recommendations may be properly interpreted and implemented in the design and specifications. If Buena Engineers, Inc., is not accorded the privilege of making this recommended review, we can ' assume no responsibility for misinterpretation of our recommendations. Our scope of services did not include any environmental assessment or investigation to determine the presence of hazardous or toxic materials in the soil, surface water, groundwater or air, on, below or around this site. tPrior to purchase or development of this site, 'Pie suggest that an environmental assessment be conducted which addresses environmental ' concerns. ' END OF TEXT Appendices BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. November -1 , 1969 REFERENCES 87-1796-P1 89-10-835 1. Envi corn, Riverside County, 1976, Seismic Safety Element. 2. Greensfelder, Roger tiV., 1974, Maximum Credible Rock Accelerations from Earthquakes in California, CDMG Map Sheet 23. 3. Ploessel, M. R. and Slosson, J. E., "Repeatable. High Ground Accelerations from Earthquakes", 1974 California Geology, Vol. 27, No. 9, Pgs. 195- 199. 4. Seed; H. B. and Idriss, 1. M., 1962, Ground Notions and Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes. 5. Seih, Kerry, 1965, "Earthquake Potentials Along The San Andreas Fault", Minutes of The National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council, March 29-30, 1905, USES Open File Report 05-507. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. B APPENDIX A Site and Vicinity Hap Logs of Borings BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. S'S?DE SETBACK -1 Y Y < I L 5 < O 4I _ O Ic S' SIDE "sETBACK —y- DC" 00.0-w 100.00' APPRoX»nR t3 ai 16 o ,,l 70 / Q w A z S 2 TE a w CALLE 3 NOGALES a W i a Q H VX 3CW11 I'Y MAP (NOT TO SCALE) 0 rn r 0 0 n O N WI O ' Z Z W - . tin 0 Z 'r O o Z 0 o Depth (ft) O :e: • : ►• : : ::...: ::: _ _®. .. Symbol ore y Blows/ft o a CD 0 = CO CD rh O CD s rn - d . n <_ PO CD M 0 O m Z CD N N d 7 L1 Unit Dry Wt. ' (pcf) Moisture (Percent) Soil Type Relative Compaction (Percent) p O O C, V1 to n C7 O Cr 07 N N o CT Cr rn aCo 1+ P_ ra CO o O = CD N •'O M 1 CD 0. 0. CD N A POC" 't. 't. Ot ;v O Cr N Q A O F+ CD L N Q Q C z ^7. CD . o r 0 rn V C^ r 0 0 n O N WI O ' Z Z W - . tin 0 Z 'r O Z 0 V C^ APPENDIX B Summary of Test Results Table 19-A BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. November 1, 1989 0-1 67-1796-P 1 89-10-835 TEST RESULTS BORING/DEPTH 1 @ 0-5' USCS SP SOIL DESIGNATION Al MAYIMUN DENSITY (pcf) 127.7 OPTIMUM MOISTURE 00 9.2 ANGLE OF INT. FRIC. 43.3° COHESION (psf) 20 EXPANSION INDEX 6 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION (b) GRAVEL 32.9 SAND 59.3 SILT 5.2 CLAY 2.6 SOIL DESCRIPTIONS: Al- Brown tine to coarse sand with gravel (SP) BUENA ENGINEERS, INC B7 -1796-P1 MOISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT H O LL _U ® 128 ccU Lu O 126 CL z 124 z W c D 6 8 10 METHOD OF COMPACTION ASTM D-1557-75, METHOD A or .0 SOIL TYPE MAXIMUM DENSITY OPTIMUM MOISTURE Al 127.7 pcf 9.2% Boring 1 @ 0-5' MAXIMUM DENSITY - OPTIMUM MOISTURE CURVES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B7 -1796-P1 4.0 N 3.5- 0 O0 3.0 U) 2.5 Y U) 2.0 U) W F- 1.5 co O Z 1.0 0= Q = 0.5 0 /1 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 NORMAL LOAD (KIPS / FOOT 2 ) DIRECT SHEAR DATA Soil type: Al Boring and depth: 1 @ 0-5' Angle of internal. friction: 43:3° Cohesion: 20 psf ® Samples remolded to 90% of maximum density ❑ Samples relatively undisturbed TABLE NO, 29-A MINIMUM FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS # 0 .*Refer to next page for footnotes. (1) through (10) Footings for Slab do Raised Floor Systems (2) (5) (10) Concrete Slabs 3S4" Minimum Thickness v All Peri- Interior foot- Reinforce - 0 v Y meter ings for slab ment for Premoistening Weighted :4:' s Footings and raised continuous control for soils Piers under Expansion ° s 3 E- (6) floors (6) footings Reinforce- Total under footings, raised floors Index(3) (8) ment (4) thickness piers and slabs Depth below natural Eo o of sand (5) (6) Z surface of ground and finish grade INCHES 0-20 1 6 12 6 12 12 None 6x6- Moistening of Piers allowed Very Low 2 8 15 7 18 18 Required 10/10 ground prior to for single (Non -Ex- 3 10 18 8 24 24 WWF 2" placing concrete floor loads pansive) recommended only 1 6 12 6 15 12 120% of optimum 2 8 15 7 18 1.8 moisture content Piers allowed 21-50 3 10 18 8 24 24 1-//4 top 6x6- to a depth of fpr single Low and bottom 10/10 4" 21" below lowest floor loads WWF adjacent grade. only Testing Required 1 6 12 6 21 12 1.44 top 6x6- 130% of optimum 2 8 12 8 21 18 and bottom 6/6 WWF moisture content 51-90 3 10 15 8 24 24 or //3 to a depth of 27" Piers not Medium @ 24" e.w. 4" below lowest allowed adjacent grade. ars 24" in ext, footing and bent 3' into slab (9) Testing Required 1 6 12 6 27 12 1-//5. top 6x6- 140% of optimum 2 8 12 8 27 18 and bottom 6/6 WWF moisture content 91=130 3 10 15 8 27 24 or #3 to a depth of 33" Piers not High @ 24" e.w. 4" below lowest allowed adjacent grade. 113 ar 2411 in ext. footing and bent 3' into slab (9) Testing Required Above 130 Very High Special Design by Licensed Engineer/Architect .*Refer to next page for footnotes. (1) through (10) ' FOOTNOTES TO TABLE 29-A 1. Pr_ernoistening is required where specified in Table 29-A in order to achieve ' maximum and uniform expansion of sails prior- to construction and thus limit structural distress caused by uneven expansion and shrinkage. Other systems which do not include premoistening may be approved by the Building Official ' when such altematives are shown to provide equivalent safeguards against adverse eff ects of expensi ve sai Is. 2. Underfloor access crawl holes shall be provided rvith curbs extending not less then six (6) inches ebo%ie adjacent grade to prevent surface water from entering the foundation area. 3. Reinforcement for continuous foundations shall be placed not less then three (3) inches above the bottom of the footings end not less than three (3) inches below the top of the stem. ' 4. Reinforcement shell be placed at mid -depth of slab. S. After premoistening, the specified moisture content of soils shall be ' maintained until concrete is placed. Required rnoiture content shall be verified by an approved testing laboratory not more then twenty-four (24) hours prior to placement of concrete. ' S. Cra - ?l spaces under raised floors need not be prernoistened except under_ interior footings. Interior footings which are not enclosed by a continuous ' perimeter foundation system or equivalent concrete or masonry moisture barrier complying with UBC Section 2907 (b) shall be designed and constructed a-, specified for perimeter footings in Table 29-A. 7 Ar_ - - gode bean- not less than twelve (12) inchGS by twelve (12) inches in cross section, reinforced as specified for continuous foundations in Table 29-A ' shall be provided at garage door openings. ' 8. Foundation stern walls which exceed a height of three (3) times the stern thickness above lowest adjacent grade shall he reinforced in accordance with Sections 2418 and 26 14 in the UBC or as required by engineering design, ' whichever is more restrictive. 9. Bent reinforcing bars between exterior footing and slab shall be omitted %.'?hen floor is designed as an independent, "floating' slab. 10. Fireplace footings shell be reinforced with a horizonal grid located three (3) ' inches above the bottom of the footing end consisting of not less than number four (*4) bars at twelve (12) inches on center each way. Vertical chimney reinforcing bars shall be hooked under the grid. t IBUENA ENGINEERS, INC. C APPENDIX C Standard Grading Specification, BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. ' STANDARD GRADING SPECIFICATIONS I PROJECT: SANTA CARMEL ITA. - UNIT 111 15, LOT 2, BLOCK 145 CLIENT: TOD DEVELOPMENT 1. These Standard Grading Specifications have been prepared for the ' exclusive use of our client for specific application to referenced project in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation ' engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. 2. These specifications shall be integrated with the Engineering Report of which they are a part. Should conflicting statements be found between these standard specifications and the itemized ' recommendations contained in the main body of the engineering report, the latter shall govern. ' 3. Buena Engineers, Inc., referred to as the soil engineer, should be retained to provide continuous soil engineering services during ' construction of the grading, excavation and foundation phases of the work, This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications or recommendations and to allow design changes in the ' event that subsurface conditions differ from that anticipated prior to start of construction. ' 4. The presence of our field representative will be for the purpose of providing observation and field testing. Our work does not include ' supervision or direction of the actual work of the contractor, his employees or agents. The contractor for this project should be so advised. The contractor should also be informed that neither ' the presence of our field representative nor the observation and testing by our firm shall excuse him in any way from" defects discovered in his work. It is understood that our firm will ' not be responsible for job or site safety on this project. Job and site safety will be the sole responsibility of the contractor. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. I - C-2 5. if the contractor encounters subsurface conditions at the site that (a) ' are materially different from those indicated in the contract plans or in specifications, or (b) could not have been reasonably anticipated as ' inherent in the work of the character provided in the contract, the contractor shall immediately notify the owner verbally and in writing within 24 hours. This notification shall be a condition precedent before ' any negotiations for "changed or differing site conditions" can proceed. If the owner determines that conditions do materially so differ and ' cause an increase or decrease in the contractor's cost of, or the time required for, performance of any part of the work under this contract, then negotiations shall commence between owner and contractor to ' provide equitable adjustment to owner or contractor resulting therefrom. ' 6. Whenever the words "supervision" .'inspection", or "control" appear they shall mean periodic observation of the work and the taking of soil tests as deemed necessary by the soil engineer for substantial ' compliance with plans, specifications and design concepts. ' 7. These specifications shall consist of clearing and grubbing, preparation of land to be filled, filling of the land, spreading, compaction and control of the fill, and subsidiary work necessary to. complete the ' grading of the filled areas to conform with the lines, grades and slopes as shown on the accepted plans. ' C. The standard test used to define minimum densities of compaction work shall be the ASTH Test Procedure D 1557. Densities shall be expressed as a relative compaction in terms of the maximum density obtained in the laboratory by the foregoing standard procedure. 9. Field density tests will be performed by the soil engineer during grading operations. At least one (1) test shall be made for each five ' hundred (500) cubic yards or fraction thereof placed with a minimum of two (2) tests layer in isolated per areas. Where sheepsfoot rollers are used, the soil may be disturbed to a depth of several inches. Density ' tests shall be taken in compacted material below the disturbed surface. When these tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill= or portion thereof is below the required density, the ' particular layer or portion shall be reworked until the required density has been obtained_ ' BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. I - C-3 10. Earth -moving and working operations shall be controlled to prevent ' grater from running into excavated areas. Excess water shall be promptly removed and the site kept dry. Fill material shall not be ' placed, spread or rolled during unfavorable weather conditions. When the work is interrupted by. heavy rain, fill operations shall not be resumed until field tests .by the soil engineer indicate that the ' moisture content and density of the fill are as previously specified. 11. Compaction shall be by sheepsfoot rollers, vibrating sheepsfoot rollers, ' multiple -wheel pneumatic -tired rollers or other types of acceptable compacting rollers. Rollers shall be of such design that they will be ' able to compact the fill to the specified density. Rolling shall be accomplished while the fill material is within the specified moisture content range. Rolling of each layer shall be continuous over its entire ' area and the roller shall nuke sufficient trips to insure that the required density has been obtained. 12. Existing structures, foundations, trash, debris, loose fill, trees (not included in landscaping), roots, tree remains and other rubbish shall be removed, piled or burned or otherwise disposed of so as to leave the areas that have been disturbed with a neat and finished appearance free ' 15. dative soil free from organic material and other deleterious material may be used as compacted fill, however, during grading operations the soil engineer will re-examine the native soils for organic content. ' BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. from debris. No burning shall be permitted in the area to be filled. ' 13. When fill material includes rock large r ocF.s will not be allowed to nest and voids must be carefully filled with small stones or earth and ' properly compacted. Rock larger than eight (5) inches in diameter will not be permitted in the compacted fill without review as to location by ' the soil engineer. 14. Organic matter shall be removed from the surface upon which the fill, ' foundations or pavement sections are to be placed. The surface shall then be plowed or scarified to a depth of at least eight (5) inches and until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks or other uneven features ' which would tend to prevent uniform Compaction by the equipment to be used. Specific recommendations pertaining to stripping and minimum ' depth of recompaction of native soils are presented in the main body of the soil report. ' 15. dative soil free from organic material and other deleterious material may be used as compacted fill, however, during grading operations the soil engineer will re-examine the native soils for organic content. ' BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. 11 C-4 1 16. Imported material should be tested and reviewed by Buena Engineers, ' Inc., before being brought to the site. The materials used shall be free from organic matter and other deleterious material. 17. Where fills are made on hillsides or exposed slope areas, greater than ten (10) percent, horizontal tenches shall be cut into firm undisturbed natural ground to provide a horizontal base so that each layer is placed and compacted on a horizontal plane. The initial bench at the toe of the fill shall be at least ten (10) feet in width on firm, undisturbed natural ground at the elevation of the toe stake placed at the natural angle of repose or design slope. The width and frequency of succeeding benches will vary with the soil conditions and the steepness of slope. 18. The selected fill material siiall be placed in layers which, when compacted, shall not exceed six (6) inches in thickness. Layers shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly blade -mixed during spreading. After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly compacted to a relative compaction of not less than ninety (90) percent. The fill operation shall be continued in six (6) inch compacted layers ` ayers, as specified above, until the fill has been brought to the finished slopes and graded as shown on the accepted plans. 19. When the moisture content of the fill material is not sufficient to achieve required compaction, water shall be added until the soils attain a moisture content so that thorough bonding is achieved during the compacting process. When the moisture content of the fill material is excessive, the fill material shall be aerated by blading or other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is reduced to an acceptable content to achieve proper compaction. 20. Existing septic tanks and other underground storage tanks must be removed from the site prior to commencement of building, grading or fill operations. Underground tanks, including connecting drain fields and ether lines, must be totally removed and the resulting depressions properly reconstructed and filled. Depressions left from tree removal shall also be properly filled and compacted. BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. r C-5 21. The methods for removal of subsurface irrigation and utility lines will ' depend on the depth and location of the line. One of the following methods may be used: 1) Remove the pipe and compact the soil in the ' trench according to the applicable portions of these grading recommendations, 2) The pipe shall be crushed in the trench. The trench shall then be filled and compacted according to the applicable portions ' of these grading specifications, 3) Cap the ends of the line with concrete to mitigate entrance of water. The length of the cap shall not be less than five (5) feet. The concrete mix shall have a minimum ' shrinkage. ' 22. Abandoned water wells on -the site shall be capped according to the requirements of the appropriate regulatory agency. The strength of the cap shall be at least equal to the adjacent soils. The final elevation of ' the top of the well casing must be a minimum of thirty-six (36) inches below adjacent grade prior to grading or fill operations. Structure foundations should not be placed over the capped well. t ' BUENA ENGINEERS, INC. Title 24 Report for: TOD DEVEIOPMENT COMPANY LA QUINTA SINGLE FAMILY LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 90039M Revised: April 6, 1990 These plans and calculations comply substantially with the 1988 California Energy Commission Regulations for Residential Buildings, Title 20 and Title 24. RICHARD A. PRIMER Energy Management Engineering, Inc. 1910 E. Warner Avenue, Suite A Santa Ana, Ca 92705 (714) 261-5704 [7 ORDER OF CONTENTS 1. Instructions for Compliance Documentation 2. CF -1R Forms (Certificates of Compliance) 3. MF1 Forms (Mandatory Measures Checklist) 4. Title 24 Lighting Requirements • 5. Forms 3R (Construction Assemblies) 6. ,C -2R Forms (Computer Method Summary) 7. Heating and Cooling Calcs • • INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTATION These calculations reflect the new 1988 Second Generation Residential Energy Standards. Numerous changes have been incorporated into the new procedures, including the documentation which is required to be incorporated into the plans. To minimize plan check and field problems, the following information should be put on the plans: 1. CF -1R Form (Certificate of Compliance): Each plan must have a CF -1R Form submitted with the calcs, as well as on the drawings. The form, developed by the CEC, summarizes the energy conservation features required for compliance. The CF -1R Form is 3 pages per plan, the third page being a signature page for owner, architect and energy consultant to sign. Though all three sheets for each plan must be submitted with the calcs, we recommend putting only one page . for signatures on the plans. This reduces redundancy in signing. Whether the plans must be wet signed or not will vary depending on the building department. 2. MF -1R Form (Mandatory Measures Checklist): This is a one page checklist of building features that are. required of all residential buildings built in California. These.must be on the plans as well as in the calcs. 3. A Heating and Cooling Load Summary must be provided. It has been incorporated as the second page of the CF -1R. 4. The convention for Orientation description is as follows: Direction Azimuth (Clockwise Rotation) Orientation 1: Front to North 0 degrees Orientation 2: Front to East 90 degrees Orientation 3: Front to South 180 degrees • Orientation 4: Front to West 270 degrees CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF -1 R• Project Title: LA QUINTA SF Date: 4/6/1990 Project Address: TOD DEV. CO. LA QUINTA Documentation Author: Building Permit # Company: R. A. Palmer & Associates Telephone: (714) 261-5704 Plan Check / Date Compliance Method: MICROPAS3 by Enercomp, Inc. Field Check/ Date Climate Zone: 15 MICROPAS3 v3.01 File-90039Ml2 Weather-CTZ15 Program -FORM CF -1 R User#-MP0265 User -Richard A Palmer & Associates PLAN 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area: 1474 Building Type: Single Building Front Orientation: All orientations Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Number of Stories: 1 Floor Construction Type: SlabOnGrade Infiltration Control: Standard BUILDING SHELL INSULATION Component Insul Thickness Type R -value Location/Comments SlabEdge 0 No Insul SlabEdge 0 R-7 Equiv. Wall 16 ext 1 in foam Wall 11 garage Roof 38 attic THERMAL MASS • Location/Comments kitchen entry bath fireplace hearth carpeted slab kit counters & wainscot WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Tank Capacity Manufacturer and Model # Energy System Type (gal) (or approved equal) Credits Storage Electric 38 AMERICAN EXR42 None SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS 1' Layer foam board (R-5 Min) required at all exterior walls. Heat Pump space heating and cooling (HSPF 6.6 Min, SEER 9.5 Min). Electric water heater is modeled in Micropas compliance run. Area Thickness Cvr R=Val Type (sf) (in) 0 = Exposed SlabOnGrade 145 3.5 0.0 SlabOnGrade 38 3.5 0.0 SlabOnGrade 39 3.5 0.0 SlabOnGrade 8 3.5 0.0 SlabOnGrade 1244 3.5 2.0 InteriorHorz 147 1.0 0.0 • Location/Comments kitchen entry bath fireplace hearth carpeted slab kit counters & wainscot WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Tank Capacity Manufacturer and Model # Energy System Type (gal) (or approved equal) Credits Storage Electric 38 AMERICAN EXR42 None SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS 1' Layer foam board (R-5 Min) required at all exterior walls. Heat Pump space heating and cooling (HSPF 6.6 Min, SEER 9.5 Min). Electric water heater is modeled in Micropas compliance run. • CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF -1 R Project Title: LA QUINTA SF Date: 4/ 6/1990 Project Address: TOD DEV. CO. / LA QUINTA MICROPAS3 v3.01 File-9003gMl2 Weather-CTZ15 Program -FORM CF -1 R User#-MP0265 User -Richard A. Palmer & Associates PLAN 1 GLAZING Glazing Metal Area # of Interior Orientation 1.5 (sf) Panes Shading NOOK Front 20 2 r.shade BR1 Left 20 2 r.shade BR2 Left 20 2 r.shade MBR 1 Left 12 2 r.shade MBR 2 Back 32 2 r.shade MBA Back 8 2 r.shade SL DR Back 40 2 r.shade LIV 1 Back 30 2 r.shade LIV 2 Right 15 2 r.shade DIN 1 Right 25 2 r.shade DIN 2 Right 9.8 1 none KIT Right 12 1 none Exterior Framing Shading Overhang Type 50% bug scrn 50% bug scm 50% bug scrn 50% bug scrn 50% bug scrn 50% bug scrn 50% bug scrn 50% bug scrn 50% bug scm 50% bug scrn ASSUMED HVAC SYSTEMS Assumed Duct Assumed System Efficiency Location HeatPump 6.6 Attic Air Conditioner 9.5 Attic ACTUAL HVAC SYSTEMS HEATING LOAD: INDOOR UNIT: COOLING LOAD: PLAN: 1 33996 BTUH STD LENNOX # CB18-65 53158 BTUH MAX HEAT 35000 BTUH 0 31 F HSPF 7.20 (6.6 MIN) 1.5 Metal 1.5 Metal 1.5 Metal 1.5 Metal 1.5 Metal 1.5 Metal 7 Metal 7 Metal 1.5 Metal 1.5 Metal 1.5 Metal 1.5 Metal Duct R -value 5.0 5.0 OUTDOOR UNIT: 31551 SENS 0115 F LENNOX # HP19-511. 41016 BTUH TOTAL COOL 40100 BTUH 0 11 5F 3.42 TONS 10.20 SEER (9.50 MIN) • • 0 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF -1R Project Title: LA QUINTA SF Date: 4/ 6/1990 Project Address: TOD DEV. CO. / LA QUINTA MICROPAS3 v3.01 File -90039M12 Weather-CTZ15 Program -FORM CF -1 R User#-MP0265 User -Richard A. Palmer & Associates COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications needed to comply with Tide 24, Chapter 2-53 and Title 20, Chapter 2, Subchapter 4. Article 1 of the California Administrative code. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility and the building owner, who shall retain a copy of it and transmit the certificate to any subsequent purchaser of the building. When this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, all building conservation features which vary are indicated in the Special Features/Remarks section. DESIGNER Name: Company: IVERSON WILKINSON Address: 18002 SKYPARK CIRC. IRVINE CA 92714 Phone: 714 4741044 License: Signed: Date: DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Name: R. A PalmejL— Company: Richar oc. Address: 191 6t1 Phone: Signed: ^ Date: v OF lckoin' ' 9Ik , l Name: k Company: TOD DEV. CO. Address: 72-309 BLUERIDGE COURT PALM DESERT CA 92260 Phone: Signed: Date: Name: Tide: Agency: Phone: Signed: Date: ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential MF -1R NOTE: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (*) may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed . on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, -the features noted shall be considered by all parties as binding minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. DESCRIP'T'ION DESIGNER I ENFORCEMENT Building Envelope Measures I/ * §2-5352(a): Minimum ceiling insulation R-19 weighted average. §2-5352(b):. Loose fill insulation manufacturer's labeled R -Value.. t/ b. Outside air intake with damper and control • * §2-5352(c): Minimum wall insulation in framed walls R-11 Weighted average (does not apply to. exterior mass walls). N/A §2-5352(k): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no greater than 2.0 perm/inch. 1 / §2-5311: Insulation specified or installed meets California Energy Commission (CEC) quality standards. Indicate type and form. 1/ §2-5352(f): Vapor barriers mandatory in Climate Zones 14 and 16 only. §2-5352(8) and 2-5303: Space conditioning equipment sizing: attach calculations. §2-5317: Infiltration/Exfiltration Controls a. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. b. Doors and windows certified. c. Doors and windows weatherstripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. ✓ N /A §2-5352(e): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with §2-5351 meets CEC quality standards. §2-5352(d): Installation of Fireplaces 1. Masonry and factory -built fireplaces have: a. Tight fitting, closeable metal or glass door b. Outside air intake with damper and control • c. Flue damper and control 2. No continuous burning gas pilots allowed. HVAC and Plumbing System Measures §2-5352(8) and 2-5303: Space conditioning equipment sizing: attach calculations. t/ §2-5352(h) and 2-5315: Setback thermostat on all applicable heating systems. ✓ * §2-5316(a): Ducts constructed, installed and insulated per Chapter 10, 1976 UMC. §2-5316(b): Exhaust systems have damper controls. §2-5314(c): Gas-fired space heating equipment has intermittent ignition devices. §2-5314: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the CEC. §2-5352(1): Water heater insulation blanket (R-12 or greater) or combined interior/exterior ✓ insulation (R-16 or greater); first 5 feet of pipes closest to tank insulated (R-3 or greater). §2-5312(Exception 1): Pipe insulation on steam and steam condensate return & recirculating piping. §2-5318(d): Swimming Pool Heating 1. System has: a. On/off switch on heater. b. Weatherproof instruction plate on heater. N/A c. Plumbed to allow for solar. 2. 75 percent thermal efficiency. 3. Pool cover. 4. Time clock. 5. Directional water inlet. Lighting and Appliance Measures §2-53520): Lighting'- 25 lumens/watt or greater for general lighting in kitchens and bathrooms. §2-5314(c): Gas fired appliances equipped with intermittent ignition devices. t/ §2-5314(a): Refrigerators, refrigerator -freezers, freezers and fluorescent lamp ballasts certified by the CEC. Indicate make and model number. Foran Revised December 1987 TITLE 24 LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS The standards require that GENERAL LIGHTING fixtures in Kitchens and • Bathrooms have an efficacy of at least 25 lumens/watt. Because fluorescent lamps are considerably more efficient than incandescent lamps, fixtures for General Lighting will usually be fluorescent. A A must be f luorescent A or one of B must befluorescent luorescent Kitchen Lighting Examples One of C must be f luorescent GENERAL LIGHTING is determined by the switch location. The general lighting will be obtained from the luminaire whose switch is positioned in the most readily accessible location by the entry to the kitchen or bathroom. A B C A A can be incandescent A must be fluorescent B can be incandescent A or B nuw befluorescent C can be incandescent Bathroom Lighting Examples Exception: If there. is only one fixture in.a bathroom, it is exempt from the minimum efficiency requirements and may be incandescent. There .is no limit on the amount of lighting installed in kitchens and bathrooms, only a minimum luminaire efficiency' for the general lighting. B Proposed Construction Assembly: Residential Form 3R JLrc•;cct'ritle Add.( -as 'relepM.ne t):•:umentat N.n %ulhot R-11 GAF,. GE WALL .\.Icmhly \3mc Sketch or Construction Assembly ! . List of Construction Components Date OUOZI: ; =::mH • Chu:.:: /Date Agcncy t.sc Vnly Assembly Type: Floor (check one) X Wall 11.00 Ceiling/Roof Fralning Material: Wood Framing Size: 2 x - FramingSpacing: 16 " O.C. Framing Percentage: Wall: X 15% (16" o.c.) 7. 12% (24" O.C.) (check one) Floor/Ceiling: 10% 06" o.c.) Wall Weight / sf: (Packages only) Inside Surface Air Film Total Unadjusted R -Values: 7% (24" o.c.) R -ti alue Cavity(Rc) Frame(Rr) 0.60- Outside Surface Air Film ), STUCCO 11.00 R-11 INSULAIION 3. BUILDING PAPER 4. 2 X 4 FRAMING 5. "GYP 6. 7. Inside Surface Air Film Total Unadjusted R -Values: 7% (24" o.c.) R -ti alue Cavity(Rc) Frame(Rr) 0.60- 0.68 - 0.10 0.18 11.00 ---- 0.06 0.06 -___ 3.46 0,A,5 0.45 0.68 0.68 13.05 5.51 Rc Rr Framing Adjustment Calculation (if applicable): x 1-1 /100 ) + ( 1/5-51 x 15/100 ) ( 1/13.05 I/Rr Fr%/100 1/Rc 1-(Fr%/100) — 1lroL31 U -Value owl 0.092 Total U -Value 10.83 Total R -Value Proposed Construction Assembly: Residential Form 3IZ Ibei"I -rwe Date r. 40. IV*jeC$ 0.IV*jeee Add.eaa R-13 2 -x It STUD WALL SoUint rnm;t. Dwcwm"jzlww Aw1hw Tckplwnc OWA* cd RV I Dale STUCCO WALL WITH FOAM BOARD AUeinMy Name Enf«cerncnt Atency Usc Only JKetcb or Construction Assembly List of Construction Components Assembly Type: Floc (chock o-) X Wall R 13 INSULATION ;3. Ceiling/Roof 4. Framing Material: Wood FramingSize: 2 x 4 7. FramingSpacing: 16 "o.t:. Framing Percentage: Watt . X 15%(16- or-) (check one) 12% (24' ox-) F1oor/Cciling: 10% (1b' ox-) 7% (24' ox.) Wall Weight / sf: (Packages only) Inside'Surfacc Air Film Total Unadjusted R -Values: Framing Adjustment Calculation (if applicable): _118.71 x 1=15/100 ) + ( 1:/ 9 .17 I/Rc : 1-(FrWlo()) I/Rr R•Value Cavi ty(R'c) 0.17 0.18 13.00. 0.06 0.45 4.17 0.68 19.54 Rc X 15/100 ) _ Fr%/l00 1/rotai U -Value Frame(Rc) 0.17 0..18 '0.06 3.46 0.45 4.17 0.68 10.00 Rt 0.062 Total U -Value 16.18 Total R -Value Outside Surface Air FIm. R 13 INSULATION ;3. BUILDING .PAP' 4. - 2 X 4 FRAMING -' 6. 1" LAYER FOAM BOARD - 7. Inside'Surfacc Air Film Total Unadjusted R -Values: Framing Adjustment Calculation (if applicable): _118.71 x 1=15/100 ) + ( 1:/ 9 .17 I/Rc : 1-(FrWlo()) I/Rr R•Value Cavi ty(R'c) 0.17 0.18 13.00. 0.06 0.45 4.17 0.68 19.54 Rc X 15/100 ) _ Fr%/l00 1/rotai U -Value Frame(Rc) 0.17 0..18 '0.06 3.46 0.45 4.17 0.68 10.00 Rt 0.062 Total U -Value 16.18 Total R -Value • • COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 1 C -2R Project Title.......... LA QUINTA SF- Date:........ 04/06/90 Project Address........ TOD DEV. CO. --------------------- LA QUINTA I Documentation Author... Company ................ R.A. PAINER & ASSOCIATES Telephone .............. (714) '261-5704 Compliance Method...... MICROPAS3 by Enercomp, Inc. Climate Zone........... 15 Building Permit # Plan Check / Date Field Check/ Date MICROPAS3 v3.01 File -90039M12 Weather-CTZ15 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0265 User-R.A. PAINER & ASSOCIATES Run -PLAN 1/FRT TO EAST = MICROPAS3 ENERGY USE ---------------------------- SUMMARY = = Energy Use Standard Proposed Compliance = _ (kBtu/sf-yr) ----------------------- ------------- Design ------------------- Design ---------- argin Margin- ---------- - = Space Heating.......... 7 7.88 5.76 2.12 = = Space Cooling.......... 51.62 41.97 9.65 = = Water Heating.......... 12.69 24.18 -11.49 = = Total 72.19 71.91 0.28 = _ *** Building complies re l 0 : velwo v Z Rv ko CoxI Conditioned Floor Area..... 1474 sf Building Type.... .. Single Family Detached Building Front Orientation. Front Facing 90 deg (E) Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Building Stories. 1 Weather Data Type.......... ReducedYear Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Number of Building Zones... 1 Conditioned Volume......... 13708 cf Footprint Area ............. 1474 sf Slab -On -Grade Area......... 1474 sf Glazing Percentage......... 16.5 % of FA Average Ceiling Height..... 9.3 ft BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Floor Cond- Area Zone Type itioned (sf) ---------------------------- HOUSE Residence Yes 1474 Vent Special Volume # of Thermostat Height Vent Area (cf) Units Type (ft) (sf) 13708 1.00 Setback 2.0 n/a C014PUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C -2R Project Title.......... LA QUINTA SF Date... ... 04/06/ MICROPAS3 v3.01 File -90039M12 Weather-CTZ15 Program -FORM C -2R User(#-MP0265 User-R.A. PALMER & ASSOCIATES Run -PLAN 1/FRT TO EAST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPAQUE SURFACES Area U- Insul Act Solar Location/ Form 3 Surface (sf) ------ value R-val ----- ----- Azmth Tilt Gains Comments ----- ---- ----- ---------------- Reference ------------ ------------ HOUSE 3 Wall 196 0.062 R-16 90 90 Yes ext 4 Wall 520 0.062 R-16 180 90 Yes ext 5 Wall 214 0.062 R-16 270 90 Yes ext 6 Wall 479 0.062 R-16 360 90 Yes ext 7 Wall 243 0.092 R-11 90 90 No . garage 8 Roof 1474-0.030 R-38 0 0 Yes attic PERIMETER LASSES Length ---------------- F2 Insul Surface (ft) Factor R-val Location/Comments --------------------- ---------------------- ------------ HOUSE 1 SlabEdge 154 0.720 R-0 No Insul 2 S1abEdge 30 0.500 R-0 R-7 Equiv. GLAZING SURFACES ---------------- SC Interior SC Area # of Frame Open U- Act Glass Shade Gls+ Surface (sf) Panes Type -------- Type value Azmth Tilt ------ ----- ----- ---- Only ----- Type - ---------- Shade ----- ----------- HOUSE ----- ----- 1 Window 20 2 Metal Slider 0.65 90 90 0.77 r.shade 0.22 2 Window 20 2 Metal Slider 0.65 180 90 0.77 r.shade 0.22 3 Window 20 2 Metal Slider 0.65 180 90 0.77 r.shade .0.22 4 Window 12 2 Metal Slider 0.65 180 90 0.77 r.shade 0.22 5 Window 32 2 Metal Slider 0.65 270 90 0.77 r.shade 0.22 6 Window 8 2 Metal Slider 0.65 270 90 0.77 r.shade 0.22 7 Door 40 2 Metal Slider 0.65 270 90 0.77 r.shade 0.22 8 Window 30 2 Metal Slider 0.65 270 90 0.77 r.shade 0.22 9 Window 15 2 Metal Slider 0.65 360 90 0.77 r.shade 0.22 10 Window 25 2 Metal Slider 0.65 .360 90 0.77 r.shade 0.22 11 Window 10 1 Metal Slider 1.10 360 90 0.88 none 0.80 12 Window 12 1 Metal Slider 1.10 360 90 0.88 none 0.80 OVERHANGS Area Window Overhang Overhang Surface ------ (sf) Height Length Height ------ -------- -------- ----------- HOUSE 1 Window 20 4.0 1.5 3.0 2 Window 20 4.0 1.5 4.0 3 Window 20 4.0 1.5 8.0 4 Window 12 4.0 1.5 8.0 5 Window 32 4.0 1.5 0.0 6 Window 8 2.0 1.5 0.0 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C -2R Project Title.......... LA QUINTA SF Date........ 04/06/90 • MICROPAS3 v3.01 File -90039M12 Weather-CTZ15 Program -FORM C -2R User#k-MP0265 User-R.A. PAINER & ASSOCIATES Run -PLAN 1/FRT TO EAST I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • OVERHANGS EXTERIOR SHADING ---------------- Area Shading SC of Surface (sf) Type Ext Shade ------------ ------ --------------- --------- HOUSE S1abOnGrade Area Window Overhang Overhang Surface ----------- (sf) ------ Height ------ Length -------- Height -------- 7 Door 40 6.7 7.0 0.0 8 Window 30 5.0 7.0 0.0 9 Window 15 5.0 1.5 4.0 10 Window 25 5.0 1.5 8.0 11 Window 10 2.5 1.5 4.0 12 Window 12 4.0 1.5 0.0 EXTERIOR SHADING ---------------- Area Shading SC of Surface (sf) Type Ext Shade ------------ ------ --------------- --------- HOUSE S1abOnGrade 145 3.5 2 S1abOnGrade 1 Window 20 50% bug scrn 0.84 2 Window 20 50% bug scrn 0.84 3 Window 20 50% bug scrn 0.84 4 Window 12 50% bug scrn 0.84 5 Window 32 50% bug scrn 0.84 6 Window 8 50% bug scrn 0.84 7 Door 40 50% bug scrn 0.84 8 Window 30 50% bug scrn 0.84 9 -Window 15 50% bug scrn 0.84 10 Window 25 50% bug scrn 0.84 Area Thick Mass Type (sf) (in) ItU9 0 5 1 S1abOnGrade 145 3.5 2 S1abOnGrade 38 3.5 3 S1abOnGrade 39 3.5 4 S1abOnGrade 8 3.5 5 S1abOnGrade 1244 3.5 6 InteriorHorz 147 1.0 System Type ---------------- HOUSE HeatPump Air Conditioner II EP19M MASS Heat Conduct- Surface Cap ivity R -value ------------ ------ Location/Comments -------------------------- 28.0 0.98 R-0.0 kitchen 28.0 0.98 R-0.0 entry 28.0 0.98 R-0.0 bath 28.0 0.98 R-0.0 fireplace hearth 28.0 0.98 R-2.0 carpeted slab 24.0 0.67 R-0.0 kit counters & wainscot HVAC SYSTEMS ----------- Minimum Duct Duct Efficiency Location R -value ------------ ------------- ------- 6.6 HSPF Attic R-5.0 9.50 SEER Attic R-5.0 Duct Efficiency 0.828 0.818 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 4 C -2R Project Title.......... LA QUINTA SF Date........ 04/06/9 I MICROPAS3 v3.01 File -90039M12 Weather-CTZ15 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP0265 User-R.A. PAIMER & ASSOCIATES Run -PLAN 1/FRT TO EAST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Capa- Pilot System # of city Effic- Standby Input Size Type Heaters (gal) iency Loss Rating (Btuh) Credits ---------- ------- ------- ----------- ------ ------------ -------- ---------- Storage Electric 1 38 0.992 RE 0.92% 5 kW n/a NONE SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS ------------------------ • HEAT LOSS: SUM = 26151 STD OUTPUT CAP: SUM*1.3= * 33996 MAX OUTPUT CAP: (SUM+(10*FLOORAREA))*1.3= 53158 -or-, MAX= 45000 Btu/h (whichever is greater) 45000 --- SUMMARY OF HEATING AND COOLING LOADS --- -- AS CALCULATED BY RICHARD A. PALMER & ASSOCIATES,INC. -- COOLING: FRONT TO NORTHWEST HEATING: @31F ODB 31551 BTUH SENS @115F ODB 26151 BTUH HEAT LOSS 41016 BTUH TOTAL 33996 BTUH STD CAP 3.42 TONS 431 SQ FT/TON 53158 BTUH MAX CAP ----PROPOSED EQUIPMENT SELECTION ---- INDOOR UNIT MAKE & MODEL NO: LENNOX # CB18-65 OUTDOOR UNIT MAKE & MODEL NO: HEATING CAPACITY: HSPF: TOTAL COOLING CAPACITY: SEASON ENERGY EFFICIENCY RATIO: AIRFLOW: LENNOX # HP19-511 35000 BTUH @ 31F 7.20 (6.6 MIN) 40100 BTUH @ 115F 10.20 SEER (9.50 MIN) 1600 CFM * MINIMUM R5 INSULATION REQUIRED ON DUCT IN UNCONDITIONED SPACES RICHARD A. PALMER & ASSOCIATES PAGE 1 ---- RESIDENTIAL CALCULATIONS AREA U -VALUE TRANS. (ASHRAE METHOD) TOTAL (sf) DATE: 06 -Apr -90 Tosa = 31 (winter design db) JOB NO: 90039M Tinside= 70 (winter) CLIENT: TOD DEV. CO. dTEMP = 39 (winter) PROJECT: LA QUINTA SF AC/HOUR= 0.9 (winter) LOCATION: LA QUINTA VOLUME = 13708 (cf) PLAN NO: 1 FRAMEWALL 1409 FLOOR AREA: 1474 sf HEAT LOSS: SUM = 26151 STD OUTPUT CAP: SUM*1.3= * 33996 MAX OUTPUT CAP: (SUM+(10*FLOORAREA))*1.3= 53158 -or-, MAX= 45000 Btu/h (whichever is greater) 45000 --- SUMMARY OF HEATING AND COOLING LOADS --- -- AS CALCULATED BY RICHARD A. PALMER & ASSOCIATES,INC. -- COOLING: FRONT TO NORTHWEST HEATING: @31F ODB 31551 BTUH SENS @115F ODB 26151 BTUH HEAT LOSS 41016 BTUH TOTAL 33996 BTUH STD CAP 3.42 TONS 431 SQ FT/TON 53158 BTUH MAX CAP ----PROPOSED EQUIPMENT SELECTION ---- INDOOR UNIT MAKE & MODEL NO: LENNOX # CB18-65 OUTDOOR UNIT MAKE & MODEL NO: HEATING CAPACITY: HSPF: TOTAL COOLING CAPACITY: SEASON ENERGY EFFICIENCY RATIO: AIRFLOW: LENNOX # HP19-511 35000 BTUH @ 31F 7.20 (6.6 MIN) 40100 BTUH @ 115F 10.20 SEER (9.50 MIN) 1600 CFM * MINIMUM R5 INSULATION REQUIRED ON DUCT IN UNCONDITIONED SPACES ---- HEATING LOAD ---- ITEM AREA U -VALUE TRANS. INFILT. TOTAL (sf) (Btu/h- LOSS LOSS (Btu/h) sf-F) (Btu/h) (Btu/h) SLABEDGEI 154 0.72 4324 4324 SLABEDGE2 30 0.50 585 585 FRAMEWALL 1409 0.065 3572 3572 PARTFWALL 243 0.065 616 616 FIR O/GAR 0 0.047 0 0 EXP FIR 0 0.047 0 0 RAISE FIR 0 0.040 0 0 ATTIC Al 1474 0.03 1725 1725 ROOF R1 0 0.051 0 0 GLASSI 21.8 1.13 961 961 GIASS2 222 0.65 5628 5628 SKYLIGHTI 0 1.23 0 0 SKYLIGHT2 0 0.7 0 244 0 INFILT. ((ac/h)*(vol)*1.09*dT)/60 8741 8741 HEAT LOSS: SUM = 26151 STD OUTPUT CAP: SUM*1.3= * 33996 MAX OUTPUT CAP: (SUM+(10*FLOORAREA))*1.3= 53158 -or-, MAX= 45000 Btu/h (whichever is greater) 45000 --- SUMMARY OF HEATING AND COOLING LOADS --- -- AS CALCULATED BY RICHARD A. PALMER & ASSOCIATES,INC. -- COOLING: FRONT TO NORTHWEST HEATING: @31F ODB 31551 BTUH SENS @115F ODB 26151 BTUH HEAT LOSS 41016 BTUH TOTAL 33996 BTUH STD CAP 3.42 TONS 431 SQ FT/TON 53158 BTUH MAX CAP ----PROPOSED EQUIPMENT SELECTION ---- INDOOR UNIT MAKE & MODEL NO: LENNOX # CB18-65 OUTDOOR UNIT MAKE & MODEL NO: HEATING CAPACITY: HSPF: TOTAL COOLING CAPACITY: SEASON ENERGY EFFICIENCY RATIO: AIRFLOW: LENNOX # HP19-511 35000 BTUH @ 31F 7.20 (6.6 MIN) 40100 BTUH @ 115F 10.20 SEER (9.50 MIN) 1600 CFM * MINIMUM R5 INSULATION REQUIRED ON DUCT IN UNCONDITIONED SPACES FRAMEWALL RICHARD A. PALMER & ASSOCIATES RESIDENTIAL CALCULATIONS PAGE 2 38.6 3535 (ASHRAE METHOD) 243 0.065 30 DATE: 06 -Apr -90 Tosa = 115 (summer design db) JOB NO: 90039M Tinside= 75'(summer) CLIENT: TOD DEV. CO. dTEMP = 40 (summer) PROJECT: LA QUINTA SF daRange= 35 (summer) LOCATION: LA QUINTA AC/HOUR= 0.6 (summer) PLAN NO: 1 VOLUME = 13708 (cf) FLOOR AREA: 1474 sf ROOF R1 0 ---- COOLING LOAD ---- 59 ITEM AREA U -VALUE EQUIV. TEMP DIFF TOTAL 0 (sf) (Btu/hsfF) (deg F) (Btu/h) FRAMEWALL 1409 0.065 38.6 3535 PARTFWALL 243 0.065 30 474 PARTMWALL 0 0 23.5 0 FLR O/GAR 0 0.047 30 0 EXP FLR 0 0.047 30 0 RAISE FLR 0 0.040 30 0 ATTIC Al 1474 0.03 59 2609 ROOF R1 0 0.051 59 0 GLAZING SINGLE SINGLE DUAL DUAL !DRAPED DIRECTION AREA(sf) FACTOR AREA(sf) FACTOR $NOSHADING !FRONT 0 58 20 40 800 !FRONT/LFT 0 41 0 25 0 !LEFT 0 58 52 40 2080 !LEFT/BACK 0 74 0 55 0 !BACK 0 66 110 48 5280 !BACK/RGHT 0 49 0 33 0 !RIGHT 0 66 40 48 1920 !RGHT/FRNT 0 74 0 55 0 SKYLIGHTA 0 186 0 152 0 SKYLIGHTB 0 186 0 152 0 $FRONT 0 82 0 59 0 $FRONT/LFT 0 49 0 32 0 $LEFT 0 82 0 59 0 $LEFT/BACK 0 107 0 81 0 $BACK 0 96 0 72 0 $BACK/RGHT 0 66 0 46 0 $RIGHT 21.8 96 0 72 2093 $RGHT/FRNT 0 107 0 81 0 INFILT. 1652.8 2.6 4297 -or- ((ac/h)*(vol)*1.09*dT)/60 5977 5977 KITCHEN/LAUNDRY: 1200 LIGHTS: 4 341.3 (#rm)*(341.3/rm) 1365 PEOPLE: 3 450 (#bdrm)*(450/bdrm) 1350 SUBTOTAL: SUM = 28683 DUCT HEAT GAIN: SUM*0.10 = 2868 SENSIBLE LOAD: SUM+DUCT GAIN = 31551 LATENT LOAD: SENS.LOAD*0.3 = 9465 TOTAL: SENSIBLE+LATENT = 41016 RICHARD A. PALMER & ASSOCIATES PAGE 3 RESIDENTIAL CALCULATIONS (ASHRAE METHOD) DATE: 06 -Apr -90 PROJECT: LA QUINTA SF JOB NO: 90039M LOCATION: LA QUINTA CLIENT.;:r..,;TOD DEV. CO. PLAN NO: 1 FLOOR AREA: 1474 sf -- COOLING LOAD SUMMARY BY ORIENTATION -- FRONT TO NORTH FRONT TO NORTHEAST 30836 BTU/HR SENSIBLE 31321 BTU/HR SENSIBLE 40086 BTU/HR TOTAL 40717 BTU/HR TOTAL 3.34 TONS 3.39 TONS FRONT TO EAST FRONT TO SOUTHEAST 30189 BTU/HR SENSIBLE 30529 BTU/HR SENSIBLE 39245 BTU/HR TOTAL 39688 BTU/HR TOTAL 3.27 TONS 3.31 TONS FRONT TO SOUTH FRONT TO SOUTHWEST 30044 BTU/HR SENSIBLE 30759 BTU/HR SENSIBLE 39057 BTU/HR TOTAL 39987 BTU/HR TOTAL 3.25 TONS 3.33 TONS FRONT TO WEST FRONT TO NORTHWEST 30491 . BTU/HR SENSIBLE 31551 BTU/HR SENSIBLE 39638 BTU/HR TOTAL 41016 BTU/HR TOTAL 3.30 TONS 3.42 TONS • ISLAND ENGINEERING 2895 VELASCO LANE, COSTA MESA, CA 92626 (714) 549-9820 PRO -ECT NOl 90.1301 PRO-Ects PLAN 1 LA OUINTA S.F. TODD DEVELOPMENT CO. CLIENTS iVER66X-4itklNSON ARCHITECTS IRVINE; CA CLIENT MO -ECT N0j DATE .Makch 6, 1990 I I S L A N D E N G I' N E E R I N G JOB NO. 90.1301 DATE: 3-5-90 PAGE:2 of PLAN 1 LA QUINTA S.F. *********************************************************************** TILE ROOF: Live Loads Roof'g Mtl. Sheathing RR & CJ Drywall Miscell's Total D.L. slope > 4:12 16.00 psf = 10.00 1.50 3.00 2.50 1.00 18.00 Total LOAD = 34.00 psf.... LL/1.25 + DL = 30.80 psf.... PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ONE STORY TIMBER STRUCTURE IN LA QUINTA ENGINEER: SCOTT J. SANDERS, PE CALCULATIONS COMPLETED BY:SCOTT SANDERS DATE: 3-6-90 RCE 37149 EXP. DATE: 6-30-92 SOILS REPORT: ASSUMED SOIL BEARING PRESSURE = 1000 PSF TO BE VERIFIED BY.SOILS REPORT AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. WET SIGNATURE REQUIRED COPIES NOT ACCEPTED TABLE NOTES, L DOUGLAS PIR-LARC&4 NO. I FB- 1750 PSB FV 95 PSB E ISOOOOOPSI NO.2 FB- 1450 PSI, FV- 95 PSI, E 1700000PSI 2 19% MAX, MOISTURE CONTENT AT TIME OF INSTALLATION. INSTALLED C20WN UP. 3.1988 UBC 4. MAX. TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION- LP24O MCI a or 0000 .- a°a • mea .. ®®'• - o. ®- •• tea-- a .. o : - o - • a a sa- ms - m c a ® K.-m`•m.. ¢ a :.--aim a _-oo.. .. • • o mm mmm - mem - • m om ,_ .0000. • o000 -. = - Amo TABLE NOTES, L DOUGLAS PIR-LARC&4 NO. I FB- 1750 PSB FV 95 PSB E ISOOOOOPSI NO.2 FB- 1450 PSI, FV- 95 PSI, E 1700000PSI 2 19% MAX, MOISTURE CONTENT AT TIME OF INSTALLATION. INSTALLED C20WN UP. 3.1988 UBC 4. MAX. TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION- LP24O *********************************************************************** I S L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G JOB NO. 90.1301 DATE: 3-6-90 PAGE:4 OF STANDARD CALCULATION LA QUINTA S.F. *********************************************************************** GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1988 UNIFORM NON-BEARING B A L L O O N F R A M I N G A (1) 2 X-4 @ 16" O/C 14'-0" MAX. LATERALLY UNSUPPORTED HEIGH D (1) 2 X 6 @ 16" O/C 20'-0" MAX. LATERALLY UNSUPPORTED HEIGH ALL STUDS W.C.D.F.NO. 2 OR BETTER NAIL WITH 16D AT 241 -•O/C AT MULT-STUDS FRAMING NOTES: A. ALL BEAMS TO FULL BEARING SUPPORTED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE B. ALL ISOLATED POSTS AND BEAMS TP HAVE SIMPSON PB'S OR PCIS MIN., UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. C. ALL WALLS ON WOOD FLOORS ARE TO BE SUPPORTED BY DOUBLE JOIST OR SOILD BLOCKING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. D. ALL SIMPSON HD, PA HOLDDOWNS TO BE FASTENED TO 4X4 POST MIN. E. ALL HARDWARE IS TO BE SIMPSON. F. ALL SHOP DRAWINGS ARE TO BE REVIEWED BY CONTRACTOR AND ARCHITECT PRIOR TO TO SUBMITTAL FOR ENGINEERS REVIEW. G. ALL EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE SECURED W/ 1%2"DIA.X 10" ANCHOR BOLTS A AT 72" O/C, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. H. ALL INTERIOR WALLS TO BE SECURED WITH SHOT PINS PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, CALCULATIONS GOVERN IN A CASES. RECOMMEND RAMSET #3348 AT 36" O/C SHEAR WALLS AND 48" O/C NON SHEAR WALLLS. I. ALL CONVENTIONAL FRAMED PORTIONS OF STRUCTURE ARE TO BE CONSTRUC PER SECTION 2516 AND 2517 OF 1985 UNIFORM BUILDING .CODE, U.N.O.. J. ALL NAILING IS TO BE TABLE 25-Q OF THE.1988 UNIFORM BUILDING COD UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE - /STAND ENGINEERING DATE ' )I (p` (O CONT. NO. ZQ BY CNK'D CODE 1988 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE In all cases calculations will supersede this design criteria sheet. TIMBER West Coast Douglas Fir Larch - 19% Max. moisture content. 4x or 2x: No. l: fb=1500.psi/l750.psi;fv= 95.psi;E=1800000.psi No. 2: fb=1250.psi/1450.psi;fv=95.psi;E=1700000.psi 6x or gr: No. l:fb=1350.psi;fv=85.psi;E=1600000.psi S.S. :fb=1600.psi;fv=85.psi;E=1600000.psi It is recommended that lumber be free of heart center Glued Laminated Beams: West Coast Douglas Fir. Industrial app -grade fb=2400.psi;fv=165.psi; E=1800000.psi CONCRETE 1. Drypack shall be composed of one part Portland Cement to not more than three parts sand. 2. All structural concrete......... All slab -on -grade/ continuous footin.s•........flcflc 3000psi si All concrete shall reach minimum compressivestrength2at028- days. REINFORCING STEEL 1. All reinforcing shall be A.S.T.M. A-615-40 for #5 bars and smaller. All reinforcing shall be A.S.T.M. A=615-60 for #6 bars and larger. Welded wire fabric to be A.S.T.M. A-185, 9" min. lap 1-1/2 spaces, 2. Splicing of bars shall have lapping of 30 dia. or 2'-0" min. in all continuous concrete reinforcement. Masonry reinforcement shall have lapping of 40 dia. or 21- 0". This is in allcases unless otherwise noted. 3• All reinforcing bars shall be accurately and securely placed before pouring concrete; or grouting masonry. 4• Concrete protection for reinforcement shall be at least equal to the .diameter of the bars. Cover shall be as follows: (unless otherwise noted) A. Poured against earth... .........................3.. B. Poured against form below grade.......... 11 C. Slabs on grade (from to of slab). .......2 D. Columns ............... 1 and beams to main bars..................211 /SLnllla7,cNGIMEER/NG DATE CONT. NO. BY L-4CHK'D STRUCTURAL STEEL 1. Fabrication and erection of structural steel shall be in accordance with "specification for the design, fabrication and erection of structural steel for buildings"; AISC current edition. Steel to conform to ASTM A-36; Pipe Columns shall conform to ASTM A53, Grade B. 2. All welding shall be performed by certified welders, using the Electric Department. 'Continuous inspection required for all field welding. 3. All steel exposed to weather shall be hot -dip Galvanized after fabrication, or other approved weather proofing method. 4. Where finish is attached to structural steel provide 1/2" bolt holes at 4'-0" O.C. for attachment of hailers. architectural drawings for finishes (Nelson studs 1/2 x S3n CPL - may be used to replace bolts). MASONRY 1. Concrete block shall beof sizes shown on architectural drawings and/or called for in specs. and conform to A.S.T.M. C-90, grade "N" lightweight units with max. linear shrinkage Of 0.06%. 2. All vertical reinforcing in masonry walls not retaining earth shall be located in the center of the wall, retaining walls are to be as shown in detail. 3. All cells with steel are to be solid grouted, (except retaining wall when all cells are to be solid grouted). W u 14 OR M u SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE 1988 UBC O1/2" Dry.o11 w/ Sd eockr nog: O 7"o/e do fieldedges (table 47—I UBC) O5/8" Dryw dl w/ 6d cooler nage O 7"o/c edge+ • do field (table 47-1 UBC) O4 1/2" DrYwdl w/ 5d cooler nose 0 4 -o/c edge • @ Geld (table 47-1 UBC) • O5/8 Drywall w/ 6d cooler nolle 0 419/c edges do field (table 47-1 UBC) O1/2" Blocked Drywall w/ 5d cooler nalle O 4" c/e • ed9a.k fkdd (table 47-1) O3/B" Bleaiced Drywall w/ Gd cooler nob 0 4" o/c • 049" do field (table 47-1) 7/e" Stucco ever backed loth w/16 gauge Stq*. • O 6"b/c at top do bottom Plate= edge+ and field • of Sher Wall(ICBO REPORT No.11M ) O7/e" Stucco over Paper backed lath wft 16 gauge shear wall and on field. (ICBO report No. 1623. MAR.89/1316 SEPT.89) • 10 3/8" APA STRUCT p SHEATHING with 8d nage at 6 "0/C at edgy and 12" 0/C at field (table 25k UBC • 11 3/8, APA STRUCT p SHEATNING with Od nuts of 4 "0/C at edge+ and 12" O/C at field (table 25k UBC). NOTE 6 • 12 3/8" APA STRUCT p SHEATHING with 8d nole at 3 "O/C at ed9ee end 12" 0/C .at field (table 25k UBC). NOTE 6 • 13 3/8" APA STRUCT p SHHEATHING with Od nage at 2 "0/C at edges and 12" O/C at field (table 25k UM NOTE 6 NOTE 5 h 6 O1/2" APA STRUCT I SHEATHING with lOd nage at .2" 0/C at e49" and 12" 0/C at field (table 25k UBC). NOTE 5 do 6 1107m- I- OTES:L ALL EDGES OF PLYWOOD SHEAR PANELS MUST BE BLOCKED W/ 2X SOLID BLOCKING. 2 " DESIGNATES SILL NAILING h ANCHOR BOLT SPACING W/ SHEAR PANEL APPLIED BOTH SIDES 3. WALL SECTIONS HAVING A HDCHT TO WIDTH OF 1-1/2 TO 1 SHALL BE BLOCKED. 4. ARCHITECT SHOULD SPECIFY MM AND TYPE OF LATH TO BE USED TO MEET ICSO REPORT REOUIREMBM 5. PROVIDE JX STUDS AT TOP & BOTTOM PLATE k BOUNDARY MEMEIE& NAILING SHALL BE STAGGERED. ALT Ug 2-2X PL TOP h BOTTOM 6. WHERE PLYWOOD IS APPLIED TO BOTH FACES OF WALL AND NAIL SPACING O LESS THAN TO FALL OE' 0/C, PANEL JOINTS SHALL BE O"SETT N DffFERENT FRAMNO MEMBERS OR FRAMING SHALL BE 3X NOMINAL W/ NAILING STAGGERED ON EACH SIDE 7. ALL INTERIOR WALLS TO BE SECURED WITH SNOT PNS PER MFR SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS NOTED OTHPRYMST USE RAMSET•f 3348 AT 38" 0/C AT SHEAR WALLS AND 48" O/C AT NON—SHEARER WALLS 8. ALL PLYWOOD APA RATED SHEATHING EXPOSURE 1. PS1-83 9. MAX.BOLT LOAD PER 1998 UBC SEC.25108. Root 1/2" APA RATED SHEATHING EXP 1 PS} -83 24 oe with 8d at 6" 0/C boundary and edges, and I2" 0/C at fcdd. PI 24/0 Floor•. 5/8" APA RATED SiURD-•i—FLOOR pp 1. PS, -83 16ce with IOd at 6" O/C bgmdvy and ed ge+ and 10" at field R 32A6 PLYWOOD SHEAR LOAD VALUE FOR PANEL BOTH SIDES IS L5 TIMES UBC ALLOWABLE FOR ONE SIDE FS1302 27—FED-90 MAX LOAD A& SPACING SILL PLATE NAIL SPACING 50 PLF 100 PLF 1/2" O 1/2" O 72" 0/C 72" 0/C ISO O 18" O/C 16D O 16" O/C 50 PLF 100 PLF 1/2" O 1/2" O 72' O/C 72" 0/C is- AC 16D O 18" O16D 72 PLF 125 PLF 1,12" O /2" O 72" O/C 72" 0/C ISO O 18" O/C 16D O 12" 0/C 72 PLF 125 PLF 1/2" O 1/7,O 72" 0/C 64" 0/C 16D O 1B' O/C 16D O 8" O/C 150 PLF 1;"2" O 64" 0/C p 16D O V. . 175 PLF 350 PLF 1,2" O 1/2" O '72" 0/C SB" O/C 16D•0 18" O/C 16D O B. O/C 180 PLF 380 PLF 1/2- 1,2 O 5r OC 24" / 1tID O 8" O/C 16D O 4" 0/C 325 pLF 650 PLF 1/2" O 1/2" O 24" 0/C 6" 0/C 16D O 4" O/C 16D 0 2" 0/C 264 PLF 396 PLF 1/2" O 1/2" 0 32" O/C 24" O/C 16D O 8" O/C 16D O 3" O/C 384 PLF 578 PLF 1/2" O 1/2" O 24" 0/C 18" 0/C 16D • 4" 0/C -2" 161) 0 0/C 490 PLF 735 PLF 1/2" 0 •16" 0/C 5/8" O 8" 0/C 1W 0 2" 0/C 16D 0 2" 0/C TWO ROWS 636 ptF 1/2"•O 8" 0/C 16D O 2' 0/C TWO ROWS 870 PLF 1/2" O '8" 0/C 16D • '3' 0/C TWO ROWS 7. ALL INTERIOR WALLS TO BE SECURED WITH SNOT PNS PER MFR SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS NOTED OTHPRYMST USE RAMSET•f 3348 AT 38" 0/C AT SHEAR WALLS AND 48" O/C AT NON—SHEARER WALLS 8. ALL PLYWOOD APA RATED SHEATHING EXPOSURE 1. PS1-83 9. MAX.BOLT LOAD PER 1998 UBC SEC.25108. Root 1/2" APA RATED SHEATHING EXP 1 PS} -83 24 oe with 8d at 6" 0/C boundary and edges, and I2" 0/C at fcdd. PI 24/0 Floor•. 5/8" APA RATED SiURD-•i—FLOOR pp 1. PS, -83 16ce with IOd at 6" O/C bgmdvy and ed ge+ and 10" at field R 32A6 PLYWOOD SHEAR LOAD VALUE FOR PANEL BOTH SIDES IS L5 TIMES UBC ALLOWABLE FOR ONE SIDE ISLAND ENGINEERING DATE ';?2, `7 - ( 0 CONT. NO. qoi i30 BY 5J n CHWO SHEET NO. tv G fes"' L ✓1T -'( J`1 Z -f 7 r _ 4T'oV--til'- ob fL A t4i yz" moi'/Z i1 f 61n 10/z T I Beam Mark >>> CENTER SPAN ft W -DL #/ft W -LL #/ft Wp-DL #/ft Wp-LL #/ft X -Left ft X -Right ft P-1 DL lbs P-1 LL lbs X-1 ft P-2 DL lbs P-2 LL lbs X-2 ft P-3 DL lbs P-3 LL lbs X-3 ft CANT. SPAN ft Wp-DLL #/ft, Wp-LL #/ft X -Left ft X -Right ft P-1 DL lbs P-1 LL lbs X-1 ft P-2 DL lbs' P-2 LL lbs X-2 ft > Fb psi > Fv psi .> E psi > L.D.F. 0 > BEAM WIDTH in > BEAM DEPTH in POS. -MOM. in -k NEG. MOM. in -k PROJECT :90.1301 PAGE SUBJECT PLAN .1 LA QUINTA S.F. DATE :3-5-90 BY : SJS M B E R ------------------------------------ B E A M D E S I G N 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 8.00 17:50 6.00 7.00 8.00 360 54 261_ 306 108 280 48 203 238 84 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,500 1;350 1,500 11500 1,500 95 8.5 95 95 95 ,1.8E+06 1.6E+06 1.8E+06 1.8E+06 1.8E+06 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.5 5.5 3.5 3..5 3.5 9.53 6.15 5.35 7.21 4.59 61.4 46.9 25.1 40.0 18.4 0.01 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 PAGE : ' U PROJECT :90.1301 SUBJECT :PLAN 1. LA QUINTA S.F. DATE.:3-5-90. BY SJS REACTIONS Left DL LL Right DL LL lbs lbs lbs lbs 1,440 1,120 1,440 1,120 473 420 473 420 783 609 783 609 1,071 833 1,071. 833 432 336 432 336 - STRESSES Cf- Depth 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Fb: Allow psi 1,500 1,350 1,500 1,500 1,500 Fb: Actual psi 1,159 1,350 1,500 1,320 1,500 Fv: Allow psi 95.0 85.0 95.0 95.0. 95.0 Fv: Actual psi 92.23 37.24 94.91 93.79• 64.86 DEFLECTIONS - - - - - - CENTER SPAN ----------I--------I--------I--------I------- > X -Dist. ft 4.0 8.8 3.0 3.5 4.0 DL Defl in 0.073 0.667 0.095 0.084 0.196 L / Defl. 1,316 315 761 999 490 LL Defl in 0:057 0.593 0.074 0.065 0.153 L / Defl. 1,692 354 979 1,284 629 L/Tot Defl. 740 .167 428 562 275 CANT. SPAN > X -Dist. ft 0.00 .0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL Defl. in 0.000. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 LL Defl. in 0.000 0.000 0.•000.. 0.000 0.000 ISLAND ENGINEERING DATE -'2_2 '45-90 CONT. NO. ' d dyNIU7 7' O It OT Lnc P_ s J o C EA A of yEirtAR- 0AIke=> Fi nt-' I S L A N D E N G I N E E R I N° G JOB NO: 90.1301 DATE: 3-5-90 PLAN 1 PAGE: `Z . LA QUINTA S.F. LONGITUDINAL & TANSVERSE Wind (70MPH/Exp.C) _ (1.3)(1..2)(1)(13) Wind: _ (20 psf)( 16 - 6 ) _ Seismic: Roof = (18 psf)( 41 ) _ Wall = (14 psf) (18-4 ) ( 2 ) _ _ (10 psf) (8-4• ) ( 2 ) _ Floor= ( 0 psf) ( 0 ) ...Controlling Lateral Force: 20.28 psf 202.8 plf for Wind Loads. 738.0 392.0 80.0 0.0 1210.0 x(0.1840 ) = 222.6 plf 222.6 plf LONGITUDINAL & TANSVERSE AT GARAGE.' Wind (70MPH/Exp.C) _ (1.3)(1.2)(1)(13) 20.28 psf Wind: _ (20 psf)( 16 - 6 ) _ Seismic: Roof = (18 psf)( 20 ) _ Wall = (14 psf) (18-4 . ) ( 2 ) _ _ (10 psf) (8-4 ) ( 0 ) _ Floor= ( 0 psf)( 0 ) _ ...Controlling Lateral Force: 202.8 plf for Wind Loads. 360.0 392.0 0.0 0.0 752.0 x(0.1840 ) = 138.4 plf 202.8 plf I S L-A N D E N G I N E E R I N G JOB NO. 90.1301 DATE: 3-6-90 PLAN 1 PAGE: l LA QUINTA S.F. (l Wall @ RIGHT SIDE" L= 12 J = .12 ft. LOAD =( .223 lbs/ft)( 40 ft/2+ 0 )_ 4460.00 lbs. SHEAR = LOAD/L =.4460..o lbs / 12 ft. = 371.7 lbs/ft ** USE 11 OWall @ RIGHT SIDE OF GARAGE: L=10+7 = 17 ft. .LOAD =( 203 lbs/ft)( 20 ft/2+• 0 )_ 2030.00 lbs. SHEAR = LOAD/L = 2030.0 lbs / 17 ft. = 119.4 lbs/ft ** USE <V (3 1 Wall @ LEFT SIDE: L=12+5+6+6+16 = 45 ft. LOAD =( 223 lbs/ft)( 40 ft/2+ 0 )= 4460.00 lbs. SHEAR =•LOAD/L 4460.0 lbs / 45 ft. _ 99.1 lbs/ft = ** USE <8 OWall @ REAR SIDE: L=3+5.5 = 8.5 ft. LOAD =( 223 lbs/ft)( 40 ft/2+ 0 )= 4460.00 lbs. SHEAR = LOAD/L = 4460.0 lbs./ 8.5 ft. = 524.7 lbs/ft * * USE OWall @ BACK OF GARAGE: L=11+2.5+2.5 = 16 ft. LOAD =( 203 lbs/ft)( 61 ft/2+ 0 )_ 6191.50 lbs. ..SHEAR= LOAD/L = 6191.5 lbs / 16 ft. lbs/ft ** USE <1'2 /" (6) Wall @ FRONT OF GARAGE: L=2.75+2.75 = 5.5 ft. LOAD =( 203 lbs/ft)( 20 ft/2+ 0 )= 2030.00 lbs. SHEAR = LOAD/L = 2030.0 lbs / 5.5 ft. = 369.1 lbs/ft * * USE I S L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G JOB NO. 90.1301 DATE* 3-1-90 PLAN 1 PAGE: LA QUINTA S.F. EXAMPLE: WALL 4 . UPLIFT:L (Wall)= 3:00 ft.; Wall Ht., = 8.00 ft. LOAD = 1575.0 lbs.; O.T.M. = 12600.0 ft -lbs. R.M. = 0.0 ft -lbs; NET M = 12600.0 ft -lbs TENSION IN HOLDOWN / 1.33 = 3157.9 lbs. NOTE: LOADING IS VERY CONSERVATIVE NO R.M. IS USED: ALL HD TO HAVE 4X4 POST OR 2-2X STUDS W/ BOLTS MIN. WALL V #/FT W FT 4 LD HT FT OTM TENSION USE 525 3.00 5 '387 2.50 1575 8 12600 3158 HPAHD22 . 6 369 2.75 968 8 7740 1015 8 2328 HPAHD22 8118 2220 HPAHD22 I S L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G JOB NO. 90.1301 DATE: 3-6-90 PLAN 1 PAGE: I 0 ( LA QUINTA S.F. FOUNDATION ANALYSIS. ASSUMED SOIL BEARING PRESSURE = 1000 psf TO BE VARIFIED BY SOILS REPORT & BUILDING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 1. Continuous Footing Design: Roof : ( 32 ) ( 41/2 ) _ Wall : ( 14 ) ( 8 Floor : ( 0 ) ( 0 ) _ Width Required=( 768 )/( 656 plf 112 0 768 plf 1000 - 25 ) = 0.79 * Use 12 in. wide x 12 in. deep cont. ftg. * Use 12 in. wide x 12 in. deep cont. ftg. 2. Point Loaded Footing: P max = SB*S*W/144 Pmax = 3333 lbs. Pmax = 3333 lbs. 3. Pads needed: Pad 1: P = R(L )_ Area = *** Use pad 1000 lbs. from #2 1000 )/( 1000 - 1.01 sq. ft. ...._ 18 " sq. x 18 " deep. 10 ) 1.01. ft. I S L A N. P 9 N 9 JOB NO 90.1301 PATE: 3-6-!-90 PAGE: PLAN 1 Ol Wall @ RIGHT.SIDg L-- 12 = 12 ft. LOAD lbs/ft)(.- 49 ft/2+ 0 4460.00 lbs. SHEAR LOAD/L 4460.0 lbs 12 ft. = 371.7 lbs/ft ........ ... O U Wall @ RIGHT SIDE OF GARAGE: L=1647° _ -ft* LOAD 203 lbs/ft)( 20 ft/2+ 0 2030.0-0 lbs. SHEAR LOAD/L 2030.0 lbs ir? ft. t±9.4.lbs/ft T USE O Wall @ LEFT SIDE: L= ---16 -4T ft. LOAD 223 lbs/ft)( 40 ft/2+ 0 4460.00 lbs. S W L L= 4 s -4 -T ft. 4 'j 60.00 lb SHEAR LOAD/L 4460,0 lbs 4-T ft, -9S=. lbs/ft USE. 10 O Wall @ REARSID -. =3+5.5 8 8 .5 ft'. LOAD 223 lbs/ft)( .40 ft/2+ 0 4460.00 lbs. SHEAR = LOAD/L = 4460.0 lbs 8.5 ft. = 524.7 lbs/ft USE 13 Wall @ BACK OF GARAGE: L=11+2.5+2.5 = 16 ft. LOAD 203 lbs/ft)( 61 ft/2t 0 6191.50 lbs., SHEAR = LO.AD/L 6191.5 lbs 16 ft. = 387.0 lbs/ft USE 12 Wall @ FRONT Of GARAGE: L=2..75+21.75 = 5.5 ft, LOAD 203 lbs/ft)( 20 ft/2+FE 3030.00 lbs. I SHEAR = LOAD/L 2030.0 lbs 5.5 369.1 lbs/ft cl_- Ql USE, 11 No. 37149 Exp. Date 6.30-92 civiv F CA0i I ESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL S FLOOR TRUSSES 85-435. MIDDLETON STREET, THERMAL CALIFORNIA 92274 OFFICE: (619) 397-4122 • FAX: (619) 397-4724 6 Wpuq Iwc&!0'pawn wolloq awl to dm W1 OI pal!W 'Wipl!nq 2w to 410-- IIq papuauwaxl a 416-1 owl 241 Stools ualun up lw1 01 0118% 9 uWl lausaill m I. Wpl,g I...... Inonupuoo 'W043 wOliw Na to Wald WI u! Ppww— n 6upuq A,uUdwal 'Wow UnHIM ala - eu!aa0a NOOA P104 w IPM ul 'weld P-43 —.09 'C '6up.q I..B,!p Inm.ya pawn w fiu!anq laAl[I to , Aaw law 1ww..ad I.Iw sola nlua^n! (q), a,.B!d :Lqulw wr Wl to luta wl u! eu!Ja,q IWoBalp.elnan9! Ina snwtj 'Io!u1Awi u Bupaq jann p ­Wwand Moll meq 01 pain a4 lost Aew ,,-g4uo,o !14 gat w sAwu .0"3"q IW08nP 141 lo-u11 11u0,r,w 141 as, •law 01 Postal". to. III!."Iwa61!p 10 ala 1W 6wxal .w 1e1I1 PaplawI s! to 1nq Wrpl!nq 04110 416ua1 Ion; awl ,OI All..Au!luw uw al Wpaq I..U!p ,w A,—. AJHOU.6 lou I to nA +0011 all ga.ao+u! W1 8 pl slunn two M, 416ua1 salol awl Bull, I1—U! His;91 woo Ala.,, w 1, plana w I, ,w, pamw wwox' •p0)aaa I w 11 'W!—I, lualn snonu,iuw W!,!nw, aWuaow dor I— H Papp q 6upnq yu08e!p 1141 wPuawwoaaa to 11'WPast www aiN o d 041 to LwoJq Am Plus 'Buwnq luau,,,- a0/ und Innpw!Ip,a -4. too pail—I fu0pn01 awn No 11 pllasw 'pp.III. , Owl ort 6urp!nq IVs .paw! '-pal's, .,!to-do awl u! 'slop pno6 I,ual!ppy ',113nq M Ids f! P a0 t oan6!d wU.N. H puodOnrs W .snow Clap slop Pupal wl 'pamw. Ala,ma pt pno6 ayl olw us.np awns • of P—lq p Is puma dol son tug Ni ,ol I, pm11w A,ol3alUln au0 'P2.a q 21 au4 WN rill IIW AIN u0 IwlAa Ind Is OI Ipuadap uHs A, 6upnq IgIL e^'d!d tm rr.w4wlws q '1 Iw /I // // uArr,w o leu awti!d Adeotn a 6upn9 w11 'I,Nwaw qw awl 10 aueld 141 w 611x,q A,e,Odwo ball . o1 A,..,.. ode to t1 '.uald atqull4 qM 't '(w[ aInfi.d w urow ft wenn 1111 to put W1 it 6upnq of px l,rp t1 .0tualle ,nmur rd ',sno ,ell Ili 101 pPwawwOx, a ulluall 6upnq ,elrwrt a 10 n n 241 'fi ,dolt 'O loon tell Al WO43 dol awl to auald Ni on 6uraaq ivisu; OI MUn1uw u011— ,O Aplrnq 041 101 IUILOOw, Allanps to 11 aaOMw 6,xp awau 6np us- Alwnxs pow. .w. aH —,no awl 'pwldd.1. 6w3Ap poduAAIO wl St pa.Owa, q aAW -It- Ir into a P1043dol 041 10 aWLapn a4, Uo poloist aq Ponoys PMw dol w1 101 6 Ivan In --bull -41 'agoad0 11 'snswl alq.6,ol plow lips 041 10 Oueld WI Uo 6upnq A-Woual swnlenll! (nC a,nBri 'aHoww"'ip anuasl lwag Meows., ,x011 Pur fiupnq HIaHl uaa11W fiwa.M 'lop nl' MIpeol AA.N ,o sued, 6-1 :31ON 'PIO4a ls01 awl to outld awl v! Al4!gns Ill poofalW,l4 No w,01'AIBuo aa,Bop So Alall—O ddr In los pus Buwnq le,aln aw w N p1ep1 •n.UO6..c Taal el w Hoo,LI 01 pseapw W A_ slmlq .—'s,Wpall ir41 to Agwow atom'a s, 10, 'wA n Pu. A Into to sus H —.%'n M Hanoi, paOOls to awl o6Pu 04luiarlaq sleuawlr Its1 01 cl law9 Ala1[wraOAde 1[ m[ sup situs, 10 lulla6pu 141 10 Q43.19 -M.. P.11"..q Wosq le12ln t onurluol UNI ppwww HU, awl snyl 'i s,q owl OI pas a,, wswl AN., II V 'Al— 6us,lnq awl to put 241 It Isn't HI -I 141 ....It OI luel,wwo 1Mw I 11 0' IN •!paddy w1 U. plvasa,d a u011epua tow '6uypr4 6uunp a6awep 1ua.,A OI A'nsww fr'paWnot, aA4Aa 1',Iu,M dn >,LO aI0!llnw, pus Lp 12ptaA4 10 anal 941 6urpn,3ur '6ur86o' AOWd 'Poeewp Alle,nl . low1 p01 aw I", an".. 01 —loo—us ....P. a..1 Isnw ,011n1ww u0paa12 U, Aplrnq -11 -9-13 awl 6uua0 :OM1 39VLS L U ,1 'pNHN, M pw.q a,. ANI ..,q 5u!13,.q Iuo.l In Ilq.if— r spM42 dol unq PJ04D dot awl to W aid 241 w O nfug t! Iolxnuw uO—Is ,o Aplrng 041 OI WeLpduw ,MH 'Wald P,oVO dol '1 wnd (6ugw) prow wolloq'C pup'mm,l w ,II—modAe ou.la In!IA. ,o wnd ,,quww ga.r't'aund (6u141nyt) W043 dol'I :Aplrgns +'moll w —ItAa low wl ur —Alla, to Aurid wwl 01 po ldde W a.w N!lan; awl two .41 le pa.owa, sr uol... w Aa[ a ,o alddot OI —,1 soli un ..6-1 ads Wymlp„ Io 112 1-41 'pagdde a W IPINI H Words inlp o1 Wrxq flown—, 10 aarU.A —;-"ft 241 p10.1 w p11.aU! H Ou!xq H purnonw W p,naw, alp A uaa..q 6A!x0s 1x.3 'p412w Iws., 11wau0 awl of a1WAlle algn0wao us so Aggwaseu and our 011'1 w41 "1 41!41 s, n pnuq AIInn11n,a wvr'pno'6 WI uo swna to Ano6 to Algwau, I'd ",agwawpq nll ae'141 4— uo!il,uo A,a.a Is slow p p91 peoV p o11 oil.wq^Oiw pal!eu ad plow! Agwnl Bunaq A,wWw,1 '(416wa1 w Iw1.91 Wpng sal nusuw ,s6u01 10 uwHienu! ol.!pww OI uopfW ,d uo AlwnoOwal psn ttalun 'P.V— -- IW a toanA uwelp ussAllq aqua to Aaad Aa.dt Low to an Wl 'W!IW W ,w Insl.A u 6uol U. as, oil” Put ust—I u w!p sat wM SNI 1w ad pl-4e Wpuq AA,si ual'N,Hs ! awl un W1V1Ow M/pw. 'W rsxp'Wraaq Iwoew,aa N. pion tol'l's, -alio • u1 post Iwwu6!Is o 'gwn!d safwl wl pilot OI W1x,q A,nOdwil luapylns Mods Isnw Iouenuw uwlsan no ,apn0 Ni 'ax10 too to aH sus In sot '+dill- Had. . Wnolle inyl'Ino II^d ,o Ito a.a,q un fgns a0V1'Iswl a,!1 W, slop w 6wvlrnq awl to put W1 01 fgrl I!W 01 ppwwwox, ,m a 11 1—.' 1!. oto 'Alinasal pap as, too. Iosw Nil 'd!1 A enlanq of Wal pinow, Usssnn awl Ir IW, n stoop W wnmt Ovpuq 10 15,U". IIV ml awl do on W!p„ salW!a lop, A pOlrAld t0 salpnq $t wm paw too l—ou— M www puna Au. w paps, W Huss p1nOn, saann 041 10 1459IA aw "a'1'waslAs W!wq 041 10 11tow 1I• w ns fnopwwuan le a sled '14'14&1$aawral '11-41 srtl !,1rW of sapwI re awl Alolla pal McAapn puag un anal 1-,!I 041 to pm p this awl •WrlwO'6waaw q lual , snvnuoW a wa dol to WO, (Ie 41rr Not u! All—d pl.wl W plows sw,q pnoA Ni D 'Wpuq Iw06.1P No I. u., 1eluou,ow, awl I'M. U, •Iwo 0t Pa— Iw WraMt lua —Hiu, Iwo P.Pusrou, a A'AAaroy:uooldo s,.O!.p W!Ppnq awl Is IuaNrwAlw 10 manual -a aq Aew 6upnq uwl 'Buwnq I.A,n So, nlA, Apulw awn No to as,^ ousoddO w1 01 pwnla W pinow W!xq leUa6e!O '.anq I"M IVs w a16ue wrbop go 1 leo. AlowOAdt ,1 pllnsu! as, (HWwnI Ift—w, 13141 wur.t w ,w) 6vpa,q IwHow!pugaa, oON, II pau,I, II (101 un!d (a)l to 'awbnad Ou!pl!nq 041 Ag pu!w,aAp a sunw 12410 'C 'llvl l •+^Blas toed-.- gar 10 stood aw ur 6upnq Iwoe.!O 'L ylll l u 6 A) user 1-o p!IOI 0 1 oB.M4wV 'I :Ag ww9du,owe W Atm uVl'Igl l o,nfi!d u! UAAOw sA41oWl .I,PMOl , pinus Uss.—w Inwn —4 w Pw!,4n, A po,wau. ad w u W!xq InOtn pus Amy :!sada Ww Au0n3p 6urp1!nq "41"M --anal 4 -os 101 wnnpa, a p!t!aeds n Wpuq Iw,al P.I. 'Wrlllnq Hit ps, w, u. ..q—.nn4 l.nP!yp! u6no0 awl Pu. uli!so0 Wrplrng W!,n0 :3NO 3OV1S Tofte raw 11 p!idd. w Hoon AAwI 1141'1a61sap u! Ir ,w pwnsH UOrI!IOd wl u! Agluau ann AAAA p,m o , No 10 aurid awl w MD- 1+0!1 H -M. lowI A,.. of to Wr>eq to A,dayl awl BUIPawa a HO a11s t0 sialso1 Ialln 5-, P!1 OI I ows11 oa pa W, 6u! waprllm Maeda n!1 (w•wen•P ono .v, lows Aua!Av W!w,nq Ni 'e •u6!IIp U! 1!'01 pwms. vw1!w0 owl u1aqu,au owl AW P104ualw OI unit awl Io o d W1 -IW, wM' H W!lop iw!x8m Ap— IIS Aufi'-P WrPIIp -41 'u.lE!ap IIIA W, Ag 1-!I!— W!anq 11Alli W1 w uw!pp uI '( '1wpd.1. psdd. H.Pal, pnaa,usa, Pua •P dol dol .w Io wnd w1 01 HUICU pr!dd. p .l ew P-1.Pu'Alf !— ,x Naw wq A pp PapslUU—S '9 't!.A,aluo M s-11 spas -9!+00, H pwonW, Alluaal o a wao—U, u IaadwO:) 'S sons lwugw 1s, u..1 -Iles, M1 au!OI 1. IAN— pawl 10 Alnulluo, I o w41 'a Al's wJ,w Vital 10 -nW!wp Mn 'aa1 u!a to pw!d a,. LquA. awl 'e Bu!— wokolp o41 ,s uWA wall 01 Iwlald put'IwwaAow 11, W . 1.1 ,AA 01 pa ­q 'Hlnlla.A P.I.-! 'nusuddww .,n.n,. Wald two .11 't .... u0!sap Urw,w un p. 'uo!1. nOA w Usuipun •w&% Is Allwrul 0, sNUU Iw1 .l .uslownsts 'osis!- Iep.P Ids 41111A wutWwJ. on --,1 Pppwl 10 u8!AP 11 Z -g!rod u! Paxid I! ono 4xa H -pad. w ew!x,q -nxA Holl pep"Unus-, f! II -id eu!wu1' Au6noP 6v!POw Na pnww w Al-n—lo s IOU Ing '"1101 Mw W!loq ..". M A,nodwel —!Hpnw! Hwu,u II, p,'fi,np'oaolag lus6wl v! pnwto u!.w t Aaw ,Iotl pole uO!IxA Eu!,np P06twlp Allnnlawls lou a'1 awV sal pod. .I 11410, _ tan- oN 'eu!lo,q AHgdu,01 AAwd MI put Su!Ipw owl pooh adoA lot wgrsuddsa, I sol ­3 3 -nxA ,O API!- 041 wa,wIs 10 API!ng awl Ag paP!.Wd w pinw. pe 'osop n — 14110 .1. Is pwrww A,pInIn to. I. fin'a'l- W.—, 5... u6!fad 44110 Usti sl und 6uw,u1 s,AuOnap 6wpl!w 041 uo uAww W PI -W pop u0!Www pe fiupnq sswl 'nnUwn anew 241 to Aupgali e„aw 341 Hol =u H 'uagwaw, qtr pn4 341 01 HIw!pod'w pt tpAVa w011p 841 Ali pwaol wails w1 w 1p,ma d0, out Ag pw,w weld awl ur ppw now -1 s! Wwand 1M11 Iso Iw06s!0 'wa,Ot 31241 01 ppm Us Buwnq 1wodnp .01 '0!----- l0 How— put uona>w Wo, aurwAtap II141 ON ',WB!wp 6u!pi nq No Act AHH,.dn pHaprsum W ILw s n'1 pOr No 01 suOniauuw 11041 pal wwwala Uo Pwl would ,o •Incl ,ea41'sw6aayde!p'Wpuq a!wsrn •Wn.q [-'I-'6uotq po!1 Is win,'stwwunps, u6nap I ._S 'IW W3AOW sl! IwnaA OI Wrxq IN06.rp A9 pwe,IH, IO p,oyau. Apu3p4im 16uwnq fowl IN. pout pllnwr AIA00,d a Wptq Ina11l Pall—I awl 1141 wnATa ,OI>a0suo A uBrsap Wrp,.M oVl',o1a.Auw u,1 ,O A0p1!M NJ AA Ad sW wep u6n ip on,l 241 uo yn9Jadf uo!Inol 041 H pautwl Put poill. a 041 w prlalsm W w p 6urxq HHH1 'd6upusp uB!WP sl 1 +Vias- pynads as, low HV1 6upnq Ayuo ay, I pal u6gap pain popes awl to Lad t So 'Igwaw pmt Ilnp-N. to 40wal W11eaw ,Ms,, O, u5nup Ag p,rnpa, as, Am H 'Bu too I.oleI 'Alun nwUW1OI Innnwp H, !stowr Hnpwp . poor to u6wp awl lot ppuawwww o, al „ills p -,M -1-03 solid Inas,( 146!1 mol wd!I !pladS u6no0„ 2lnpalai ,—I a, a^wl awl 'alp 10 001 a u! ,Imo, PI- — I. 0—put Yln'a,aw p. own'O ull In,Ongm .I pap H 4-!-'a,np.,a -41 10 -sap's l on Oma, Aew Aawn_UOO WI 'p'0u6! it 'paroubo ,o pllrllw AVO. aH wawwnor 1b!tap wnywBn All-, awl to Aual, 1.41 u awls -a 10 a0ns 1_3 tow It t 11 'walW ,wll m loW r IOfiwloq pole uo4JOA Hurl Wt w a3nt le n Holl 110'pin!gtl put p9u6!wP ale Ann,I poor AIIn1a,n AAaAMtI M11u1u03 wx!11 Ag no Au6!w 6v!pinq Act u!"u! pu!eww uo4.Mtui put wopams—ow, 041 u u,!H, U, •UO9 n!,do.....1, u 1 But- IaBawp ,s,1 A%q!q!up0ta, Aua sw!al.!p AIMAva alnHHUI -laid sinal 041'tn41',Olxnu d ualwa,0•Apl!nq Au6nalp Wrp!!nq priq,np • 10 nn 041 rot aP H6 r se A!wo pluaa d W 'paAH wl w!1!I!gsuOMa, 1n o,nlw 141 01 anp 'IfOw Ind 'Anfnp! n pdr aw u! loupnud I13lu4aal Bu!pal to nua4aeal a.l11auw Ni Hoy aw!6!M saann par 6upnq lot wwepuawwolo, aHyl ww.. Ip, ,.In.,,W It MI W pep ,01 u6nap t Aau!Ouas,Ha,e Us to m!I u! puA alsas, Ap,ns lau ni. piIWI papu,a.Iw!4 III W ,+Haan H p,nd,nu! W wool .adA wwwn aw41 p(nm' Aw!oN'...A, —. Wp.,q Mt p.4— A/ud 141 pAprww W ANI IWI papualur low I! to 'punct Allta!uwa .H -1124 pwnuw 6upnq ,01 % u mou woao, W, al!VM -pato— ,111uo1 awVl uodpaAV n aBHUa l Ln Allo 0) puueld 111 'W wie,lArIII ,VI 10 I1— I.,!p No ,npaoA a pe Wypw It's— Ill I Ulsomawwwn w4nual NI 10. -input 'inoo1 All H S a dwo swalgo,d uoswA pa 6u!IpW pl.!l InnloA'W.6ue q too pima, IN Ipwnoo s ASInu.N IuaMdwdJ Ids W1 41w uonW-03'1104#0 soYwap.101 ploAp uaaq sAIV (uwu0ua Ww ollnsuIuapupw adaput'A,runwww lo 241 10 w da,'wouest— Wun-Inutw atlid ,adupw 10 stow',- Ia,nlaniu H!w 041 to d!4Lagruaw I SuwAww) wnrwwo0 AMs!Apy mwwal Ids 241 Ad raw, a.A.Aggap pt Apna -Imola-- H!w.agnS O!Hpww 41 to o o tueaaA owl win,apn tW %a 'd!4gwwn 3w 1!o0 'woaa noxlnu[ty Iuau0d3 w w0 t11 4111 0' wI 'alwlpa ul nd I wl 'Alain 3.,qW to na,olu! wl o! pu0olnlmu,'Bu!le,q I.H p. Ilaau! Ol 21241 Put 'uW1'.0410 a8p011-4 to Poll lua'Iddl 841'wa11At loo, pans; ALadOA 1 10 A,wn ,uaAww -41 10 uOs!wbox, u! NouonaOUINI 9L61 `3N1 '31niIiSNI 31V1d SS(etll O 6UCS IM'UOSipeW SNOIIVONIWW0338 ONV ANVIONO3 OOZ knII'1SNI JIVI' d ossnul :MS081000M ONI3VNB A t h4`;• k TUI w\r START LAYOUT & GO 24" O.C. SPATES FABRICATORS INC. 85-435 B MIDDLETON ST. THERMAL, CA 92274 (619) 397-4122 FAX: (619) 397-4724 Scale: none GE JOB: TOD DEVLOPMENT LOC: LA OUINTA DESIGNER: SAL QUINONES t ^ l A t h4`;• k TUI w\r START LAYOUT & GO 24" O.C. SPATES FABRICATORS INC. 85-435 B MIDDLETON ST. THERMAL, CA 92274 (619) 397-4122 FAX: (619) 397-4724 Scale: none GE JOB: TOD DEVLOPMENT LOC: LA OUINTA DESIGNER: SAL QUINONES i0P CHORD 2X6 FIR -LARCH i2 30T CHORD 2X4 FIR-U+ACH i2 WEBS 2X4 HEM -FIR STAND. CONVENTIONAL. FRAMING IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ThE TRUSS iL)ESIGNER PLATE MAW)FACTURER NOR TRUSS FABRICATOR. PERSONS ERECTING TRUSSES ARE CAUTIONED TO SEEK ADVICE BY LOCAL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER REGARDING CONVENTIONAL FRAMING. 01 HIP DESIGNED 70 SUPPORT 6-00-00 JACKS WITH NO WEBS. CONNECTOR PLATES MUST BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH REOUIREMENTS OF I_C.B.O. RESEARCH REPORT 02949. ALL PLATES ARE TO BE CENTERED ON THE JOINT, LEFT TO RIGHT AND TOP TO BOTTOM, EXCEPT WHEN LOCATEO $Y CIRCLE UR DIMENSION. SEE DRAWING 130 FOR 'PLATE LOCATIONS ON TYPICAL JOINTS.' PLATE MUNI7OR USED. COt`MCTOR PLATES DESIGNED FOR GREEN LUMBER PER NDS TABLE 6.18. TC X -LOC L -R: 0.29 6.80 10.75 14.70 21.21 0 ESC X -LOC L -R 0.29 7.28 14.22 21.21 C Ni USE THIS DESIGN FOR COFW3 HIP TRUSSES @24' O.C. EXTEND TOP _M CHORD TO HIP RAFTER AND SUPPORT EVERY FOUR FEET. LATERALLY • BRACE FLAT TOP CHORD WITM 2X4 03 OR BETTER HEN -FIR @24' 0.C_ m %GTH 2-15D NAILS AND 2X4 DIAGONAL BRACE PER BMT -76 FIGURE 6(B)o SUPPORT HIP RAFTER WITH CRIPPLE EVERY TWO TRUSSES (68') (D SEON-- 67415 FURNISH A COPY 0 SINGLE CUT WEB i-2 E?M. 1. A 0 0 0 o c= Q ..DE Q r£ vacet arc. *IHPORTANT*X g+su tpr a Far 0 CONTRACTORS WARNING 0 THIS TRUSS IS DESIGNED TO BEAR AND/OR SUPPORT 0 ADDITIONAL LOADS AT SPECIFIC LOCATIONS. ~' PARTICULAR CARE IS ADVISED OURING INSTALLATION o fl o C=3 TO ENSURE THAT THIS TR4)SS IS ERECTED PROPERLY. asa aasoami* as:rtw _ . t ?M cewa ow , smRrmswi WMAL Puma- TOP C4DRO SHALL BE LATERALLY BRACED WITH PROPERLY CONNECTED TC DL 14 _ PSF ORkT; 0795 80700001 PURLINS SPACED AT A MAXIMUM OF 24' O.C. AM s•w..snsEs .soar zo wa vitt . STEM +sorr sono staow3em: acts,a vmsa ss+oia sefrar: rEtu R as s &Us.: &TJM A. Vow „?ir coos oasi ee tanmrsi aw" S 5X1O 5XIO C04 -MA fire. &30-93 8-0-0_15-6-0 8-0-0 i 21-5-0 OVER 2 SUPPORTS • R-1694 W- 3.50' P-169616 k- 3_50' PLT. TYP.-ALPINE SEON-- 67415 FURNISH A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO ERECTION CONTRACTOR FEY 15.3.4 SCALE ¢ 0.375U 0 0 0 o c= Q ..DE Q r£ vacet arc. *IHPORTANT*X g+su tpr a Far =osm %masse Eam3m c"v ARNING an moi . vwxv colo OES EGV CRIT: UBC REF R795--77090 16.0 04/10/90 Q o o Q eff"m3od Fats OWN secarcnsve to an 6g nomas Onaw.-Sm lz v -w O man& ww T• TC LL PSF DAZE o fl o C=3 UM n ow a a m WIJLWN m now Im ,am 131asaErr rr .ars cow -WAS stwow tsras• er W1. - ALPVC asa aasoami* as:rtw _ . t ?M cewa ow , smRrmswi WMAL Puma- TC DL 14 _ PSF ORkT; 0795 80700001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AM s•w..snsEs .soar zo wa vitt . STEM +sorr sono staow3em: acts,a vmsa ss+oia sefrar: rEtu R as s &Us.: &TJM A. Vow „?ir coos oasi ee tanmrsi aw" CA BC DL 5. O PSF Cl -ENG o ALpY o antes assir aos ret:"_m ao+u rat s'" wca` con oo IMTE www Toww w •rTnovz VL.raso wwx+ms. sswr: etr®c nrlrce AM a• aawrL aaM vowousE oar. tones pvlu,+arsy ago iFLte@.ao,eiacas ". ® ' TOf . LD . 35-,o PSF 0/A LEN `• 21-5-0 1 PI TCH ': 4. 7/ 12 n TRt 0 4caaoa srasoema ' oowon rar: .eP►noat o.o.esoa6 -w as fd »: a_el maw; m oo:;usE ms S oUR .FAC . .25 raps w a W7 . oEs si ¢ t PrE smosowt saAosa MINER. - T SETBACK 8' 0' TYPE CIPS-- e a o o a o nacos aarE smrr' .os - searlrmrL MEEM soars no. FM roar comova cov, s (I v JOB' 249 18 SPA SAL 300 REVEL. THIS QW. PR TOP CHORD '.'2X6: FIR -LARCH 12 BOT CHORD '2X4 FIR -LARCH 42 WEBS 2X4 HEM -FIR STAND. CONNECTOR PLATES KjST BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH REOUIREMENTS OF I.C.B.O. RESEARCH REPORT #2949. ALL PLATES APE TO BE CENTERED ON THE JOINT. LEFT TO RIGHT AND TOP TO BOTTOM. EXCEPT bh-IEN LOCATED BY CIRCLE OR DIMENSION. SEE DRAWING 130 FOR 'PLATE LOCATIONS ON TYPICAL JOINTS.' 5X4 TC X -LOC L -R: 0.29 10.75 21.21 BC X -LOC L -R: 0.29 10.75 21.21 SINGLE CUT WEB =-BC: 1 {t1} BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10 PSF LIVE LOAD. PLATE MONITOR USED. CONNECTOR NATES DESIGNED FOR GREEN L('4 ER PER WS TABLE 8.1B. UQSS J I 1079-0 1 iO-9-o 1-5-0 OVER. 2 SUPPORTS R-8.394 6i- 3.5U PLT_ TYP.—ALPItE SEON-- 87415 FURNISH A COPY OF THIS o o a o 0 o XAIWORTANT**Rat ow wpoems RANI `~ fl o mm - ai prr aE+nntor' r io<` 1 QJ o v o o t Es uo ie ssstsE A0 t 4D iea za iii:6tiir y a` a'ei E';'1omtUtr sinowo assai'__ei jai.'• iveE •. V iais aes a ,: S C G C O glum: !E ] 4i1CtfED - sstM hiY6C . . . • low OiCa7i ilE16t_•_ gEOrGs 1 0 At ij .Com- aaRY _!T s tlS J1 FK1 . Me tomik t/falw im91 met tfsmc.taors +a . vav♦ ees aroma s ori_ tp+t waoa rtQ111t..R4iJf l i a;6 F tB ' • T - L 17,' 6LtO iG'10i v C= Q o C=3 lain MAIE asu anc •as r r er ti tlsam ImExIn m J. ' n —Ts ._arc.ry•'_..vY.o^.?r'..^. .•.^,- : c^ -^?"S,— s.'•e.f. .. _ '-' . "'.`r.rrr oo_^••+.vs...: 1-6-0 Na CQl3 i5 * fsp. C►30.93 v R-8391 N- 3.50' 1 TION CONTRACTOR REV 15.3.4 SCALE - 0.2500 'i DESIGN CRIT: ' UBC REF. R795--77031 mA ELL 16.0 PSF PATE 84/10190 ;l aai► -- ;; TC OL 1.4-0 PSF ORWG CAUL 80100002 BC DL (U) 5.O P5n CA -ENG Tot- LO. 35-0 PSF OiA. LEN. 21-6-0 a. Dun.FAc. 1 25. PITCH 4.7/i2 SPACING 24:0' TYPE C0 !?V-_ ` TOP CHORD. 2X5 FIR -LARCH #1 BOT CHORD 2X4 FIR -LARCH #1 WEBS 2X4 HEM -FIR STA.. EXCEPT AS SHOWN :W1 -2X5 NEN-FIR STUD RC -15 CONNECTOR PLATES MUST BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS OF I.C.B.O. RESEARCH REPORT #2949. ALL PLATES ARE TO THETO RIGHT TOP TO BOTTOM. EXCEEPPTCED WHENRLOCATEDD BYJOINTCIRCLELORTDIMENSION.AND SEE DRAINING 130 FOR 'PLATE LOCATIONS ON TYPICAL JOINTS.' PLATE MONITOR USED. 1-5 R-1521: V- 3.50' vj TC X -LOC L -Ft 0-.29 10.63-20-50 30.17 40.71 BC X -LOC L-A- 0.29 7.60 14.05 20.50 26.95 33.40 40.71 SINGLE CUT WEB J -BC: 1.4.7 PROVIDE FOR HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT AT ONE SUPPORT.! A - c! Expected aovement = 314" (i)) BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 10 PSF LIVE LOAD. ALL TOP CHORD SPLICES OCCURRING BETWEEN PANEL POINTS ARE TO BE LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 114 OF PA14EL LENGTH FROM PANEL POINT (WITHIN 12-1 AND SHOULD NOT OCCUR IN PANELS NEXT TO A PANEL POINT SPLICE. CONNECTOR PLATES D£SIGtEO FOR GREEN LUMBER PER NGS TABLE 8.1B. SS2ec1al handling care sbould be taken during shipping and erection a trusses. See "warning" note below_ dote: Expected vertical dead load deflection = .62". Expected vertical lire load deflection = .52", (L/939). 20-6-0 120-6-0 20-6-0_1 z 1-0-0 AVER 2 . • 5x6 75 PLT. TYP.—ALPINE SEAN-- 871S5 FURNISH A COPY QF THIS OESIGN TO ERECTIG Raw a apeme a aan . 0 o *IMPORT ANT * A smL mw w vec,sw ARM I NG " Miatsc tr citsM acm i O O C7 D aErt},WI f= ,IES 9emic"39m . A en f.ms=w m sm"w".sm 'W►-7 splum mm "Uss'$ A7 O O p ,"t P u4 a n ix17E q BWL9 SE Trate: so LTfID6-nmi .. am p a O O itM 11 ;'\ 1t RAW WWI. ALrm i5 .i'OR Iffii 1<8 7LL R: C=2 0 o Q ,.a "'>.,srw; ao cma c wr s aau rw aracaLs . uatgc an+E rme Q LPI o m ` +s W. mm "a 90m a. s am cow go" w uc+a+aiT wade agar ' o mm Tarts n spar swan me amcmam .am ; mar lAilm Eo_n,mm_pELimr O - o saiQ.-aFs 4ins rs iaE a MMU VMMM oWWW 94M. saWi CJ4 6 t9n! 1Qi:B Ll @ mea[ai o RU JrJ ' o Wftn amus ' as' aaaus m _pa ramr. m rm' iaeE *rae mow ism rim rEUMOM swarm t CWR: a O O •"O "O v :, hw - ,mms PLAW nsri ass - IKnaw ae esEOc u ,ao+ sae .am cm6><Luou r ... 3X12 as 110431145 Eso.64&93 A R-14154 w- 3.50' TRACTOR FEV 15.3.4 SCALE - 0.1875 DESIGN CRIT: UBG fsAEF 8795--7685 ' TC LL 16.0 PSFATE 04/09/90 :t TC OL I4.0 PSFPKG 019590099040 9C OL (U) `5- 0 PSFA ENd MCA - `{ TOT.LO. 35_0 PSF 0/A _LEN. 41-0-0 OUR.FAC. 1:25 PITCH .4.7/12 FF {, SPACING 24.0'. TrPE. COMN-- ' •FTOP CHORU '2X6 FIR -LARCH #2 `'BDT.CHORD 2X4 FIR -LARCH #2 WEBS 2X4 HEM -FIR STAB . L CONNECTOR PLATES MUST BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH • REOUIREMENTS OF I.C.B.O. RESEARCH REPORT #2949. CL - ALL PLATES ARE TO BE CENTERED -UK THE JOINT. LEFT TO RIGHT Akg TOP TO BOTTOM. EXCEPT WHEN LOCATED BY CIRCLE OR DIMENSION. SEE DRAWING 130 FOR 'PLATE LOCATIONS ON TYPICAL JOINTS.' PLATE MONITOR USED. T 2-5-11. I TC X -LOC L -Ft 029 13.40 14.50 23.17 0 OC X -LOC L -R: 0.29 6.77 13.23 14.50 23.17 D C N SINGLE CUT WEB 3 -BC: 6 : 2 EGGS: 1. A. 8 v (U) BOTTOM CHOM CHECKED FOR 10 PSF LIVE LOAD. m a (A)1X4 #3 HEM -FIR OR BETTER CONTINUOUS LATERAL BRACING TO m BE EQUALLY SPACED. ATTACH WITH (2)--Bd NAILS.. BRACING 0 MATERIAL TO BE SUPPLIED AND ATTACHED AT BOTH ENDS 30 A v SUITABLE SUPPORT BY ERECTION CONTRACTOR. 0 i O COW4ECTOR PLATES DESIGNED FOR GREEN LUMBER PER NDS O TABLE 8-1B. w 5X4 fl 3X-7 i 2X4 14-6-0 8-19-8 13-3-0 10--2-8 23-5-8 OVER 2 SUPPORTS Ry-80I's w- 3.50" PLT. TYP.-ALPINE SEQW- 87417 FURNISH A COPY OF THIS [DESIGN TQ ERECTION CONTRACTOR ft"m owa u m wigs or- .mmm emom mcT+c to* tv o a o v-= o X* IMPORTANT** aaai.m ae mmmosmu nm.. -mm WARNING z nm& -m-.. swtw.jm a o a o amarnor mm me=. vtcv tirtaa... ate .wr smaw s -baa : asotsc, ao +aas e cm 0 0 0 o064 OR mn MUM M aa o VOM MM A '=WWWAiM soavrifr AM ;;sem C= t3 o o rasa »aatsr ssiawae asses' as vs: xrs nEs sew sve'`.aesrim srisui- 0 0 0 o aaE :`! !. sa: w m , vavm m_ siEa a n s.ims i oisa c: assttiz enEn. o tLPI onErws VON. X p s . sas . as . s ii' i aao asii s¢ twit aires3a CA . uora'sa s a"Eio! aaei"avo iaoi E ieae:ngivi Ts:irraom i a.vo:acimoa[: C=3 vb,w oEs wars . • Rolex ULM a aa3eiaGE saw sar+vi cuss .ni ae7e sEn sz as . TRUSS oia :.sua?!as saw .mu- saes a.aE . saens a< e w _ : _ate 3` e► o o v e=j - c —'m - .w8s oie,E INWI eesaw spu2ncr _ ; 0 p-8036 id- 3.50' Na cau Ex.7.630A3 f REV 15.3_4 SCALE = 0.2500 DESIGN CA IT: USC . AEF A795--77092 TC LL 16.0 PSF" TC DL 14.0 PSF BC OL (U) 5.0 PSF TOT . LO . 35-0 PSF DATE 04/ 10/90 OAWG 0795 90300003 CA -ENG O!A LEN. 23-5-8 DUR.FAC. 1.25 SPACING 24.0" TYPE SPEC-- o T, I'J 7). C!L- T. --4 it V o T, I'J C!L- T. --4 it V o I.M --4 it V X rt n r7 w r% "W. 450 N 1 3 Ixu I J. v f AOT 1:1MIS1, e 64 Z O:lv(.1 LOSZ6 ':}!Tu:) "OPTsIDAT"I 'OIIUOAV UMOI S8SJa@uT2ug 2UTITr s'_ UgWIV d 1.1 i ri v kvwu I [.I, SZ06-Z89 (VIL) ,,[AV NIO,Ta 'W1 r-J.T.V,-Tr: 34 _.T r-, rT,T X,.IrTrfVA rtVNIOT.LNR TES, F" TL R 4 t ,.:THERMAL RMA -' . , ... : .- I..::: - .., .-V Z47 4E' 5 F., T Tj-:ZS LL 7 E -ANCHORS.. t x4 ST.RONGBRAtK N. CO.NSTRUCTION D.Fl 0 V. - 4 - Cn 0- as, . ..... TRUSS PLATE TO M--A.TCH CM40N TRUSS 4-I-4GG. Y "' STAPLES @ 450 (2 ':EACH SIDE) 2x4 S (- = A C T R ON FIRA-14ING CON010N. TRUSS Co Un FRAMING A."NCHLORS ,BEARING W .-V Z47 Co Un FRAMING A."NCHLORS ,BEARING W Z47 T Tj-:ZS LL 7 E TRUSS N. 4 - as, . ..... Co '" TOP CHORD 2x4 02 FIR LARCH 80T CHORD 2x4 #2 FID LARCH No wane or knots should occur in the plate contact area. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to review this draping prior to cutting of lumber to verify cl`oc'all data, including dimeosicos and loads, conform to the fabricator's truss layout and the architectural plans/specifications. All plates are to be centered on the joint, left to right and cop to bottom, except when located by circle or dimension. See drawing 120 for "plate locations on '?picol joints." 2 " 2 " 24" ' ' | J -I J-2 ' ! ! ' | | | 4/ BEARING LEDGERS - C0I![CTIO -~- D OTHERS 8'-0" PLATETYPE PARTIAL FRAMING PLAN , -0 " 2 TJ -7 | J-6 Q' -O" J-5 r C00O§ ^l h / ! . J" | | -4 J--1 VARIES 24112 " 24" / BEARING LEDGERS C0NN CII0',- -] pm c p m mnmeam maRao ON CONTRACTOR BRACING WOOD TRUSSES: COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ®TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE, INC., 1976 INTRODUCTION Inrecognition of the inherent safety of a properly braced rel rynem, the apparent lack of knowledge of now, whan, and where to ll cuadequate bracing, and public in tha interest of ,afety. the Two Plate Institute, Inc., in wbation with its Component Manufacturers ou Cncil meat a ,n.p, hes nd—ken the promotion of these ncom mendniom. Substantial mn ncenbed stud, and deliberative rew eviby the TPI Technical Advisory m Comittee (comprising a membership of the chief uctural engines of m mN,e, plate manufacturing commmn, repro. sentatives of the engineers community. and independent mnsuldng engineers) have been de nind to con eftcl,. Conwlulion with the TPI Component Manulmurert Cmncil fur resulted in binging,,actiol Reld handling end vection problems into a mance from. Inclusion of the tarma n nulmd tion, for onsite handling and section proo,d r is ore direct result of the consulratiom. It is Planned to nude furans and enlarge umn these ;enu;ive ecommendati.w. whin the re mmdarlm br to, mhng m einad —.in . technlcally wurd, of is not intended that they be nmmidsad the only method ter bracing a roof system. Neither should these rammmenmda tion be interpreted as wpoiior to Ol , standard that would necessarily be proferred in lien of an aMitect,. or engines s design lot bracing for a mrticu4r ref sritem. Thee recommendations for bracing wood twoes Originate from the colleaiw t,onlmcer of leading technical wwnna in the wood bun industry. Wt must. due to the pawn cal nsponsibifitin involved. be ,emoted only I a guide for the use of a gu,rfied Wilding designs. Wilds, or erection contract,. Thus. the Two Plate Institute expressly disclaims any responsibility for damages arising Iran the use, appliu. tion, or reliance on the nuommendations and information contained heroin bV Wilding designers or by arm ion contractors. pp pw !M, I`_ 'r 2 i R Figure I(bl It is lesommerdad that diagonal bracing (minimum 2 -inch thick final lumbttl be installed at appro.imately a 45 as angle Io ,he W-1 prem. Diagonal bracing should bo attached to ,le oppe,iI`. side of the some member raDuiring lateral bracing. This bracing may bo cm intermittent at the building designer, , option: however. i, ommended met intermittent twang ma e.ceed 20 feet, Is, twice the horiton,al run of IN diagonal bracing. 4 The ground braces should be located directly in fine with all rum of too chord con,inuous lateral bracing. Otherwise. IN top cho,d of the first Irum un bard sidewari and allow the croon t0 mill. This milt, h— dight. put' 1eia emdous strain o all conectiom of the bracing wnem. i.e., the waight of the truces would then be added to any wind force w construction load wch as bundles el plywood Or ,mf shingles tending to tip the troves - At: wiling of bracing tfould be done m that if tiro busses should rand t0 buckle a tip. the mils will be loused late,ally. cot her withor,wal. Itis not recommended to mil'u r, to the and of the building to bran the first two. These sobs un break old or pull out, thus allowing a'01.1 collapse. A' twnel are sat in place, the builder or election contractor mutt apply sufficient, bracing [o held the iwsun plumb, in alignment and in ufeFmdilion until the permanent bracing, seeking, .nota acan n be installed. Temporo,, bracing should br cot less than 2.4 dimension lumber and should be as "n practical for handling. The uoa of short space pieces of luneer between adjacent buoe' i' no, racommaned, unless used temmrarit, in p.polvion la immediate installation of longe, continuous b,uirg (8 test m length). Temporary bracing lumber should be nailed lin thtwo double headed 16d nails n every intersuikm with tho braced member. Pro=bty of group' of woas. on In. ground. into aructorally braced unit, which are then lobed in . place to as omblim is an acceptable alternate to the oft at -tone method. E.act spacing bewnen twsso should be maintained as bracing is imiallad to avid the hatardom practice of removing bracing to adjust floating at snuthi g is ,colied. This act of "adjusting spacing" can =nes ch ,ruto topple if a keV connection is remed at the wrong Two bracing mum be applied to three planes of reference in the rent I"— to insure stability: 1. Top chord (0 -,hi g) ppm. 2. web number plane u vmical plans perpendicular ;o busier, and 3. bottom chord (coiling) plana. 1. TOO Chord Piano. Mom important to the builder or section contractor is bracing in the plana Of the top Chad. Two top Chords era mreptibla to latera buckling before the, are brand a sheathed. 11 n Nowner carefully wood tweet are designed and fabricated, all this s at stake in the final erection and bracing of a rel a floor W,lem. II It this critical nage of const wctton that many of the rally ugnificant design aoum,iom are either lullilled or ignored. II ignored, the comaoumces may result in ."so! of the nructure, which at ben is. wOsb list Ion of time and manias and which at wan could reran in a con of fit.. The Two Plate I,ntitute "Design Spudicafion, for Light Metal Plate Connected wood Twsaeti • are recommended for IN design of individual wood twos, .s structural components only. Lateral bracing, as may bem ruirll eby design to reduce buckling length of individual ban members. is . con of the woo,, truss design and is he onlr bracing 1.1 will be specified on the ; s deign drawings. LeteraI bracing is o be wpplied in ;he si a speciliad and installed al the Hien specilied On the truss design drawings b, the Wilder or section contractor. The Wilding designer t1sp that the ecified lateral bracing is nomly man stllled d lhat this bracing is wllicienny anchored or restrained by diagonal bracing to prevent in movement. Special design ru,iremem , such as wind bracing, meal bracing, sanuni, bracing, dlaoMagm', shear walls, or other toed vamfer elements and lhm, con the wood tst be considered sepatataly b, me Wildirq designer. He marusses mil denrmin. sit.. location. and m teed of c m for diagonaloloo d. bring as ad w ;hese forces. Diagonal oroams bating is recommended in the plane formed by the lop chords, in the plane formed by the bottom chorda and perpendicular to the true web members, or needed for the overall stability of the entire structure. Trust bracing and connection detail' mould be shown on the building designers haming plan at pen of the design drawings. Bracing materials are not usually furnished as part of the wood truss package, and sh uW be provided by IN Wilder or erestion contractor. The Wilder Or erection conbn:[or is resmmible for proper wood n handling end for Proper 1mm 1 bracing. Re must assure that the wood Iwnes are not 1lwctu1a11y damaged during erection and that they are maintained in alignment before, during, and alter installation, TommrarV Ol erection bracing may follow. but not neceoarilr be limited to, the Wilding designers homing plan, I; is recommended that erection bracing be applied Is each nun is placed in pouvor. 2 Figura Ile) pm+ chi. e Figura llwl STAGE TWO: Durmg Two Erection the Guilder or erection contractor take adu..,o Or ,iom [o assure mat ,he wood [woe, are not orally damaged. Proper rigging, including the Ise of spreads core andcmult iple pickup men, where reWire0, i, Mry to prevent damage during handling, tentative recommendation, are presented in ,he Appendi. sterno. I, nhmnant to brace ,he tinra t two at ,he end of the Wilding etuTly. mAll other tisanes are seed to he first bun. mus me emended that continuous lateral bracing M installed within 6 inches of the ridge line or cmnr lin, and at appro.i i1sla l 8 feet to 16 fat intervals between the edge cane of doped w , a miter him of Ila, a and the ea n. For double member ;r this spacing wtwaen lateral, may Mus in nasto 12 fat to Isern last. oiagowls. located between the lateral bracing anal at at ap,o,immely 45 degree angle. form the triangles requires for nubility in In, plane OI the top chord. NOTE: Long ,pans or heavy toed, may rmui,e closer spacing between lama bracing and closer intewab be,—n diaga n.N. Figure 3(al illustrate, temporary bracing in the plane of the top chord for gable trusses. It pooibte, the continuous lateral bracing for the top chord mould be placed on the tnderfide OI the IDD chord m That i; will cot baa ;O bo removed of the plywood decking is apmrod. The Our— are then held secural, nen during the deskm9 process. It is usually immm nafa, the builder or erection mtw to install bracing in the plane of the top cnord for flat rml'or Iloa vuuses. The use of a similar bracing patio—, recommended for all flat aes. Pe Zia' a[ " m,,,,W to bracing a, the end of list vussn., mown in Figu a 7m1. 7. Web Member Plane. It it also necesnry to install temmrary Mating in ;he plane of the web members. The bracing is mmlly TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Suite 200 Madison, WI 53719 The deign of wtod trumes in accordance with TPI dniph eitarla 1. Two members are initially straight, uniform in am alelion. and uniform in oeign properties. 2. Twaso are plane anw.u.1 mmpommul. i,omlad —ally. braced to preenment vt lateral move, and pealel to each mho at the design spacing. 3. Truss members are pinned at joinn for determination of a,la1 force only, 4. There is confnuit, of chord rr enters at join,, fa dsemina, von of moment It,—. 5. Comweolon members are laterally ren wined at specific lora, lions or ml -11. 6. Superimmmad dead w live lead, set vaniuvv. wind loads n soptied rtorma to the piano Of the top chord. and coneentond bads are applied al •-in,. 7. In addition to the lalersl bracing specified by ted trvo dnipK, the building designer will —it, sufficient bracing n rid" angles to the plane of the wetrop member it to hold inner, tmber in the position amused for it in design. 8. The WiWing designer Ina, the two dodgm) will rotity sulfidembracing and connection, to wilhnand latent loading pf he corn nwcwn The them,, of bracing it to ,only sufficient support at right ugly to the plane of the two to hold every tr n mender in ted position named for it in design. This thea,, mot be applied at three siagn. STAGE ONE: During Building Design and Truss Design individml ben embers are checked for buckling, and lateral bracing is specified Z rmuired for each um member. The building designer must opecily boor this lateral bracing is[o be anchored pr restrairrad W ,.vont lateral --mem, should .II Into member,, m brand, cosi to" it * together a shown in Figure I Ib). This ma, ba amomplis by: 1. Anchorage to wild end walls (Figur I [cit. 2. Diagonal bracing in the plane of web Islamism (Figure 1(d)). 3. Other team a1 determined by the building designer. 3 Figura 241 4wq era. cru 11f Ij nn 4 'mwwo-w.wawrm Figure 2(b) bncirg W,tem depend, to a great e.tent on now m ti ted find low is braced. One satisfactory mnhod is for the firm two top chord to be braW to a make driven into the ground and ..rely endw d. The ground Mace itself mould be suPW'Z .s mown in Figura x Ol it is apt w buckle. Additional ground braces, in the opposite direction, inside ted building are elm recommended, ancati ed at the same loon' specified on the sm chitanl man for pecrmment bracing, and may became pen of the penis ant bracing. It is mended that diagoM bracing W added .t each orb member reouinmg confirms lateral bracing. If mna s p.elti d. it i. recomnunded Inal it be placed .1 no grant her 16 feet innmla along the Irian length for rel [rune and 8 fat im—N fee floc I'M. It is not gomn,lly necessary for dispona bracing l0 run co to oudy for the lull length of the building but it is r.mmmended that ted spacing between sen of diagonal bracing not —pad 20 tat. a twin the ho,, ontal run of the di.gonal Macing. Rove of 2,6 prong -backs —1be used to bras I1m1 buten whir. di.gorw bracing is impractical. Figura apt illunotn diagonal bracing in the plane of the web members: Figure a(b) illustrate the latera m_mmcos t that y otter if lateral bracing is used without diagonal bracing. 3. Be.— Chord Ware. In Older to hold proper specing on flu bottomchord, temmrat,, bracing is recommended in the plana o1 ft* bottom chow. Continuous lateral bracing at no gram Dun 6 feat to 10 fat on centers along the two length is recormhsded fall length o1 the Wilding, nailed to the top of the bottom chord. Diagonal bracing I i i a 1 I ;i I i 1 i l PAT E u H , .. PREPARED, UNDER THESUPERVISION F RE.PAR. ED ISI N O PA OULES,SSOC1 TE I C T AREVISIONS. ,_, , tion nstnta ncontractor rees that an accordance. e theneraliYacce tedontrcs c ` J175 PANORAM R.aIm D Desert,'CACA 922 045 k W R_ t, _Ei NAUT RfZED CHANGES &USTheengrneer preparing Pract c construction contractor i11 be required s ie.oIe and complete re sPonsib ht for REGISTERED RED ClVIL ENGINEER NO S SU LAND PLANNERSCI CIVIL ENGINEER O _ IJ _G__a P L _ G _i these ia S Wt1t be r for, orabt forr, unauthorized O SP job ic n t ns during the o rsePf ccnaruetion of the project, including safety 11 persons, d Pro1PertY that re ui eent shall be made to aPP1 contmuous1eOrsabIe anv:a d not be to _ _ DATE: a _ 6 9 3 d 569 , - . , - , M_ . : ` mb 5AiIG cha s soft se 1. hareSt thePIanSuSt n esooru r4a cnstructionc xtrat endtn emntfYnd ho d' rm i w rkinhitoctorfurthera ees e a , _ APPR VED BY SCALE. 5HOWN BENCHMARK. „ , _ LO tCI 1 45t S,AS OF 1 HET i n wPPr0 ed bt e rearerof thesePans and must be .- alharmless from an and1I 1 abt tY,r aI or aale ed 'm crection w t the n profes,, on : DES. BY. DWN: BY ,1OD 00 ASSIMEDATTOPOF Adess P' NTACARMEL T^rrtrCg .. -., nceof isin from the sole ne 1r enceofde$I n _ work nahis Pr Ject exce tmgIzah ht a ; CHECKED B AT SW COR FIRE -HYDRANT - 1.A 5N N PROJECT NO.; T . -_ rof ssi nal .: : E . O' MARTINEZ ANDNODAL F TiD F.B. JAYDA 1 89 20WO x . _ . , , Address 52-795 Ray tiftez Address Owner HaM A. Tad P.O. BOX 1504 N o . OT440 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 malting I Address 4Q1C E+ City I Zip ITel. Contractor Address City IZip I Tel.: State Lic. City & Classif. Lic. # I Arch., Engr., Designer Address Tel. City Zip State Lic. # LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION. I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 70 130) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect. _SIGNATURE DATE OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION' I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: (Sec. 703.1.5,Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law, Chapter 9 (commencing. with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, or that. he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by 'any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). ❑ I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Buisness and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who. builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.) O I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to con- struct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law.) ❑ 1 am exempt under Sec. B. 8 P.C. for this reason 1 Date WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I have a certificate of'consent to self -insure, or a certificate of Worker's Compensation Insurance, or a certified copy thereof. (Sec. 3800, Labor Code.) Policy No.Company 0 Copy is filed with the city. 0 Certified copy is hereby furnished. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) valuation or less.)' I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California.. Date Owner NOTICE TO APPLICANT. If, alter making this Certificate of Exemption you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (Sec. 3097, Civil Code.) Lender's Name Lender's Address This is a building permit when properly filled out, signed and validated, and is subject to expiration if work thereunder is suspended for 180 days.. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and slate laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives -of this city to enter the above-. mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature of applicant Date Mailing Address City, State, Zip JILDING: TYPE CONST. OCC: GRP. P. Number. Legal Description Project Description 2 -feet X 100 -foot D retaining va I Sq. Ft. Size No. No. Dw. Stories Units New ❑ Add O Alter ❑ Repair ❑ Demolition ❑ Estimated Valuation SIS500 PERMIT AMOUNT Plan Chk. Dep. Plan Chk. Bal. Const. Mech. Electrical Plumbing S.M.I. -*14 Grading Driveway Enc. Infrastructure TOTAL $453.14 , REMARKS w: rrr.R4j5i i.aa W%Ks'1 Al--'AI—.Oirl ' C" 4 ZONE: BY: Minimum Setback Distances: Front Setback from Center Line Rear Setback from Rear Prop. Line Side Street Setback from Center Line Side Setback from Property Line FINAL DATE—INSPECTOR t ± Issued by: Date 3%2913f ermit Validated by: Validation: CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE NO. ELECTRICAL FEES NO. PLUMBING FEES 1ST FL. SO. FT. ® $ UNITS A.C. UNIT 2ND FL. SO. FT. @ SLAB GRADE YARD SPKLR SYSTEM BONDING MOBILEHOME SVC. BAR SINK POR. SO. FT. ® STORAGE TANK FORMS GAR. SO. FT. ® POWER OUTLET ROOF DRAINS DUCT WORK DRAINAGE PIPING CAR P. SO. FT. GAS (ROUGH) METER LOOP WALL SO. FT. DRINKING FOUNTAIN. SO FT ® REINF. STEEL URINAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION VALUATION $ WATER PIPING NOTE: Not to be used as property tax valuation FLOOR DRAIN MECHANICAL FEES SERVICE WATER SOFTENER VENT SYSTEM FAN EVAP.COOL HOOD SIGN WASHER(AUTO)(DISH) APPLIANCE DRYER WATER SYSTEM GARBAGE DISPOSAL FURNACE UNIT WALL FLOOR SUSPENDED $ LAUNDRY TRAY AIR HANDLING UNIT CFM LUMBER GR. KITCHEN SINK ABSORPTION SYSTEM B.T.U. TEMP USE PERMIT SVC WATER CLOSET' COMPRESSOR HP POLE, TEMIPERM LAVATORY HEATING SYSTEM FORCED GRAVITY AMPERES SERV ENT SHOWER BOILER. B.T.U. SO. FT. ® c BATH TUB SO. FT. ® c WATER HEATER MAX. HEATER OUTPUT, B.T.U. SO. FT. RESID ® 11/4 c SEWAGE DISPOSAL SO.FT.GAR ® V4c HOUSE SEWER GAS PIPING PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE DBL TOTAL FEES MICRO FEE MECH.FEE PL.CK.FEE CONST. FEE ELECT. FEE SMI FEE PLUMB. FEE STRUCTURE PLUMBING ELECTRICAL HEATING & AIR COND. SOLAR, SETBACK GROUND PLUMBING UNDERGROUND A.C. UNIT COLL. AREA SLAB GRADE ROUGH PLUMB. BONDING HEATING (ROUGH) STORAGE TANK FORMS SEWER OR SEPTIC TANK ROUGH WIRING. DUCT WORK ROCKSTORAGE FOUND. REINF. GAS (ROUGH) METER LOOP HEATING (FINAL) OTHER APPJEOUIP. REINF. STEEL GAS (FINAL) TEMP. POLE GROUT WATER HEATER SERVICE FINAL INSP. BOND BEAM WATER SYSTEM $ GRADING cu. yd. -Plus-x$-=$ LUMBER GR. FINAL INSP. FRAMING FINAL INSP. ROOFING �� •�%7h��fi[i 3 jo �o / � j�'v4j/ REMARKS: VENTILATION FIRE ZONE ROOFING FIREPLACE SPARK ARRESTOR GAR. FIREWALL LATHING MESH INSULATION/SOUND FINISH GRADING FINAL INSPECTION CERT. OCC. FENCE FINAL INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURES/INITIALS GARDEN WALL FINAL