2003 05 27 PCPlanning Commission Agendas are now available on the City's Web Page @ www.la-quinta.org PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California MAY 27, 2003 7:00 P.M. **NOTE** ALL ITEMS NOT CONSIDERED BY 11:00 P.M. WILL BE CONTINUED TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING Beginning Resolution 2003-028 Beginning Minute Motion 2003-010 I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for public hearing. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the Minutes of the regular meeting of May 13, 2003. B. Department Report V. PRESENTATIONS: None PC/AGENDA VI. PUBLIC HEARING: A. Item ................. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 2003-006 Applicant .......... California Intelligent Communities and the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency Location ........... Southeast corner of Miles Avenue and Washington Street Request ............ Consideration of entering into a Development Agreement Action .............. Resolution 2003- B. Item ................. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2003-075 Applicant .......... Cham Thi Prince and Lee W. Jones Location ........... 47-120 Dune Palms Road, the southwest corner of Highway 1 1 1 and Dune Palms Road Request ............ Consideration of a use permit for a Cosmetology School, in an existing commercial space Action .............. Resolution 2003- VI1. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Item ................. SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2003-764 Applicant .......... Paul Ehline Co. Location ........... Northeast corner of Madison and Airport Boulevard Request ............ Consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for four new single family prototype residential units with three different architectural designs for each prototype within the Greg Norman Estates Development. Action .............. Resolution 2003- VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None IX. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Report by Commissioner Steve Robbins on the City Council meeting of May 20, 2003 X. ADJOURNMENT: This meeting of the Planning Commission will be adjourned to a Regular Meeting to be held on June 10, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. PC/AGENDA MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA May 13, 2003 I. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 P.M. A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Butler who lead the flag salute. B. Present: Commissioners Jacques Abels, Tom Kirk, Steve Robbins, Robert Tyler and Chairman Butler. C. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, Assistant City Attorney Michael Houston, Planning Manager Oscar Orci, Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer, Principal Planner Fred Baker, Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT ITEMS: A. Chairman Butler asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of April 22, 2003. Commissioner Tyler asked that Page 3, Item 6 be corrected to read, "...there are no City-wide architectural guidelines per se, but projects that are controlled by a Specific Plan, such as this one, do generally contain architectural guidelines for that project." Page 4, Item 2 corrected to read, "This will allow the Arts Foundation property to have direct access to a public road, but the City will request that the existing easterly access road from the Arts Foundation property be permanently closed off. The new road will be a dedicated public road." Page 7, Item 15 corrected to clarify the property referred to was the property on the east side of Washington Street. Commissioner Robbins asked that Page 5, Item 4 be corrected to read, "...he was concerned that if there was no signal, there would be a tremendous impact on the traffic, that a condition would need to be added requiring a Sheriff to be present.... ", "...required at the intersection before it would be opened...." There being no further corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Robbins to approve the minutes as amended. Unanimously approved. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\5-13-03WD.wpd 1 B. Department Report: None V. PRESENTATIONS: None VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Site Development Permit 2003-768; a request of Santa Rosa Builders Inc. and Santa Rosa Development, Inc. for consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for three prototype residential units that range in size from 2,296 square feet to over 3,700 square feet for a 33-lot single family subdivision (Tract 30487) located on the north side of Avenue 58, south of PGA West and approximately 0.3 miles west of Madison Street. 1. Chairman Butler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Butler asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Tyler questioned Condition #7 as to why the exact lots were not identified. Staff clarified it should be written to clarify the exact lots that were affected. 3. Commissioner Kirk asked if the design changes to the retention basin as recommended by the Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee (ALRC) had been made to the plans they were reviewing. Staff stated ALRC had requested the developer to simplify the retention basins design and have staff approve it. 4. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Butler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Brudvik, owner and developer of the project, gave a review of the changes they have made to the project and the retention basins. 5. There being no further questions of the applicant Chairman Butler asked if there was any other public comment on this project. 7. There being no public participation, Chairman Butler closed the public participation portion of the hearing and opened the matter up for Commission discussion. 8. Commissioner Robbins complimented the applicant on his packet presentation. He questioned the blank building wall that faces the street on the "El Rancho" Plan. Mr. Brudvik stated it would be mitigated by the unit next door as you will only see 15 feet of the wall due to the block wall that will be constructed between the G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\5-13-03WD.wpd 2 two houses. Discussion followed regarding the building wall that was being referred to by Commission Robbins. Mr. Brudvik stated he would add architectural detail to break up the building wall. 9. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Robbins/Kirk to adopt Minute Motion 2003-009 approving Site Development Permit 2003-768, as amended: a. Condition #7: Two-story houses may not be built on Lots 2 and 3 pursuant to the requirements of Section 9.60.310 of the Zoning Code. b. Condition #12: The El Rancho plan elevation side -loaded garage wall facing the street shall be upgraded to include additional architectural plant -on elements, subject to approval by the Community Development Department. Unanimously approved. B. Site Development Permit 2002-730, Time Extension #1; a request of Clubhouse Associates for consideration of a time extension for development plans for a 149 unit apartment complex and ancillary facility located on a 10.76 acre triangular parcel on the south side of Avenue 53, east of Jefferson Street. 1. Chairman Butler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Butler asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Tyler asked if there were any changes to any part of the plan or the conditions. Staff stated it is proposed as previously approved by the City Council. 3. Commissioner Robbins noted the Water District had approved new water regulations and this will probably not comply with the new requirements. 4. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Butler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Chuck Crookall stated the reason for the extension was that it took this long to get water service to the site. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\5-13-03WD.wpd 3 5. There being no further questions of the applicant, and no other public comment, Chairman Butler closed the public participation portion of the hearing and opened the matter up for Commission discussion. 7. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Tyler to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2003-027, approving Site Development Permit 2002- 730, Extension #1, as recommended. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Kirk, Robbins, Tyler, and Chairman Butler. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. VII. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Site Development Permit 2002-751 Target Elevations; a request of Washington 1 1 1, Ltd., for review and clarification of Condition of Approval No. 40 for the property bounded by Highway 1 1 1, Avenue 47, Washington Street and Adams Street. 1. Chairman Butler asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Butler asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Kirk stated he had originally requested the higher elevation because big boxes are not traditionally pedestrian orientated and this building was set a distance back from Highway 111. For that reason he thought it should be larger and take advantage of the good designing. At the same time the front elevation has been improved, and he would prefer to change the condition. 3. There being no further questions of staff and no public comment, Chairman Butler closed the public participation portion and opened the matter up for Commission discussion. 6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Robbins/Tyler to direct staff to set a public hearing date for consideration of an amendment to Condition No. 40. Unanimously approved. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\5-13-03WD.wpd 4 B. Plot Plan 83-001 Use Interpretation; a request of KSL Development Corporation for clarification of the allowed use of the property located at 78-501 Calle Ultimo. 1. Chairman Butler asked for the staff report. Planning Manager Oscar Orci presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Butler asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Tyler stated the street was Calle Ultimo not "Avenida Ultimo" and asked when and what was the citizen compliant. Staff explained the complaint that staff was working to resolve. Commissioner Tyler asked if staff had directed the applicant to correct the violation. Staff stated several letters were sent identifing the problems and options available to the applicant, of which the use interpretation is one. Commissioner Tyler asked if the applicant had met the requirements referred to in the letter. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the facility was consolidated because the City had purchased the Ranch property which contained the applicant's maintenance facility. They were not, however directed to use this specific property. 3. Chairman Butler asked about the fuel tanks and whether or not they were buried. Staff stated they, have existing underground tanks install that are not in use as well as one above ground tank to replace the underground tanks. The site is connected to the sewer. 4. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Butler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Ms. Cindy Zamora, representing KSL, explained the request. 5. Chairman Butler asked if there were any questions of the applicant. Commissioner Tyler asked if the neighboring houses were there when the use was approved. Ms. Zamora stated they were. 6. Commissioner Tyler asked about the document created in 1983. Ms. Zamora stated they have restricted the hours of operation. Commissioner Tyler asked how this could be in compliance. Ms. Zamora stated they were continuing the activities on the site that Landmark Land Company had. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\5-13-03WD.wpd 5 7. There being no other public participation, Chairman Butler closed the public participation portion and opened the matter up for Commission discussion. 8. Commissioner Tyler noted the problems that were created by the maintenance building on Avenida Carranza. 9. Commissioner Robbins stated the problems need to minimized on the neighbors. If they are going to continue the use, a block wall and landscaping should be required to mitigate the noise and appearance. 10. Commissioner Tyler stated he would object to the noise, if he were a neighbor. He asked if the conditions went with the property. Staff stated they went with the property. 11. Commissioner Robbins agreed that they were not in compliance with the conditions. As he understands the complaints, they are in regard to the visual impact. The Commission can either tell them to comply with the original conditions, or require them to make it visually nice. Discussion followed regarding the pictures provided by the applicant of the site. 12. Commissioner Kirk asked where the lawnmowers were tested. Staff stated it was the City's understanding that most of the repairs were made inside the building. Staff stated the issue is based on staff's findings not the complaints of the neighbors. Commisioner Kirk stated he would need more information in regard to the neighbors complaints. Staff stated the issue before the Commission is whether or not the use is in compliance with the original approvals. Commissioner Kirk stated he would prefer this come back as a public hearing and allow the neighbors an opportunity to express their concerns. 13. Commissioner Tyler stated he would like to see the compliant submitted by the neighbor. 14. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kirk/Abets to direct staff to set the matter for public hearing within the next 60 days and notify the adjacent neighbors. C. Discussion of Zoning Issues; a request of staff for review of proposed changes to drive throughs and summation of proposed changes to the front yard setback regulations. G:\WPDCCS\PC Minutes\5-13-03WD.wpd 6 1. Chairman Butler asked for the staff report. Planning Manager Oscar Orci presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Butler asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Tyler asked staff to identify the location of the Quail Run and Fairway Plaza project. Staff indicated their location on the map. Discussion followed regarding the various uses on the different sites. 3. Commissioner Tyler asked what right the Commission has to prohibit gas stations or drive throughs. Staff stated they would not be allowed to expand or modify the use. Commissioner Tyler asked if there were any guidelines regarding how many should be allowed within any certain radius. Staff noted usually gas stations are restricted to how many can be on an intersection. 5. There being no further discussion, the Commission recommended the following changes: a. Look at some kind of concentration standard. Limiting the number of new gas stations in the community. Dividing the City, consider aesthetics, traffic and circulation b. Limit the number of drive thrus. Distinguish them by their impacts. Look at the number of trips generated and propose limit for those who go over the standard. 6. In regard to the Village it is incongruent to restrict them in light of what the City is trying to achieve. Staff noted that if a resident had to drive six miles to get gas, then this is a need in the Village. Staff was directed to bring back some options. 7. Assistant City Attorney Michel Houston stated these uses could be limited, but findings would need to be made to make that decision. 8. Staff was directed to set a public hearing to consider front and side yard setbacks and lot sizes before June 30, 2003. Vill. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None. IX. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Commissioner Kirk gave a report on the City Council meeting of May 6, 2003. G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\5-13-03WD.wpd 7 X. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Robbins to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held May 27, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:36 p.m. on May 13, 2003. Respectfully submitted, Betty J. Sawyer, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\5-13-03WD.wpd 8 PH ##A DATE: CASE NO.: REQUEST: LOCATION: APPLICANT: STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 27, 2003 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 2003-006 CONSIDERATION OF ENTERING INTO A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MILES AVENUE AND WASHINGTON STREET. CALIFORNIA INTELLIGENT COMMUNITIES AND THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: AN ADDENDUM HAS BEEN PREPARED TO THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2001-436) WHICH WAS CERTIFIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON FEBRUARY 5, 2002, UNDER RESOLUTION 2002-07. THE REVISED PROJECT DOES NOT REQUIRE THE PREPARATION OF A SUBSEQUENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW IN THAT THE REVISED PROJECT DOES NOT INVOLVE: (1) SUBSTANTIAL CHANGES TO THE PROJECT NOT PREVIOUSLY ANALYZED; (2) SUBSTANTIAL CHANGES WITH RESPECT TO THE CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH THE PROJECT IS BEING UNDERTAKEN; OR (3) NEW INFORMATION OF SUBSTANTIAL IMPORTANCE WHICH WOULD INVOLVE NEW SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT NOT PREVIOUSLY ANALYZED. CURRENT GENERAL PLAN/ZONING DESIGNATION: TOURIST COMMERCIAL, MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND PARK BACKGROUND: Site Background On March 11, 2003, the Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of this project located on a 50-acre subject property, situated at the southeast corner of Miles Avenue and Washington Street, a major entry point to the City. The developer is proposing to develop the following uses on the site: G:\WPDOCS\PC Stf Rpt\CIC-DA-PC STAFF REPT.wpd A. A mid -priced 134 unit suites type hotel; B. 132 Condominium Casitas type units; C. Two restaurants; D. A medical office/clinic facility; E. 30 unit Boutique hotel; and F. 13 courtyard cluster villas; G. 54 residential units containing 29 courtyard cluster and 25 perimeter homes of which 40 units will be moderate income affordable units The City's Redevelopment Agency and California Intelligent Communities propose to entered into a Development Agreement as provided by the La Quinta Municipal Zoning Code and State statues. A Development Agreement is a binding agreement between both parties for the purpose of establishing certainty in the development. Both parties desire to enter into this Agreement for purposes of: 1) identifying the terms, conditions, and regulations for the construction of the Project, certain components of which constitute a Planned Development; 2) setting forth a payment schedule for the Developer's payment to the City of certain amounts designed to compensate the City in the event that certain components of the Project fail to generate specified levels of transient occupancy tax; 3) setting forth a payment schedule for the Developer's payment to the City of Three Hundred Forty -Six Thousand Eleven Dollars ($346,01 1) that the City has expended, or intends to expend, to obtain a matching funds grant from the South Coast Air Quality Management District; 4) requiring the Developer, at its sole cost, to construct a neighborhood park on certain real property owned in fee by the City; and 5) setting forth the extent to which the Developer may construct, develop, use and operate the Project. The Development Agreement complies with the State statues and zoning regulations for the formation of a Development Agreement and further provides for development requirements. The Development Agreement requires annual reviews in accordance with State and local requirements. The City Attorney has, in conjunction with California Intelligent Communities, prepared the Agreement. Public Noticing This application was advertised in the Desert Sun on May 17, 2003. All property owners within 500 feet of the boundaries of the project were mailed a copy of the public hearing notices. As of this writing no correspondence has been received regarding this project. STATEMENT OF MANDATORY FINDINGS: The findings necessary to recommend approval of the Development Agreement can be made, as noted in the attached Resolution. G:\WPDOCS\PC Stf Rpt\CIC-DA-PC STAFF REPT.wpd RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2003-_, recommending to the City Council approval of the Development Agreement. Attachments: Development Agreement (Commission only) G:\WPDOCS\PC Stf Rpt\CIC-DA-PC STAFF REPT.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2003- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, BY AND AMONG THE CITY OF LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND CALIFORNIA INTELLIGENT COMMUNITIES CASE NO.: DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT APPLICANT: CALIFORNIA INTELLIGENT COMMUNITIES WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 27th of May, 2003, hold a duly noticed Public Hearings to consider a Development Agreement; and, WHEREAS, said Specific Plan complies with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" as amended (Resolution 83-63). The Community Development Department completed an Addendum to the previously prepared Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment 2001-436, certified by the City Council on February 5, 2002, for the Specific Plan and Development Agreement. No changed circumstances or conditions are proposed which would trigger the preparation of subsequent environmental review pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21 166; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons wanting to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following Mandatory Findings of approval to justify a recommendation for approval of said Development Agreement: 1. The proposed Development Agreement is consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses and programs of the City of La Quinta General Plan and Specific Plan 2001-055. 2. The land uses authorized and regulations prescribed for the Development Agreement are compatible with the zoning and its related regulations applicable to the property. 3. The proposed Development Agreement conforms with public convenience and the general welfare by providing for extensive public improvements and conforms to good land use practice by encouraging a long-range, comprehensive approach to the development of a major hotel services and mixed residential complexes. G:\WPDOCS\PC Resolutions\CIC-DA PC Reso.wpd Planning Commission Resolution 2003- Development Agreement 2003-006 Adopted: May 27, 2003 4. Approval of this Development Agreement will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare since adequate provisions has been made in previous City approvals to provide for necessary and desirable improvements which are incorporated herein. 5. Approval of this Development Agreement will not adversely affect the orderly development of the subject or surrounding property nor the preservation of area - wide property values, but rather will enhance them by encouraging planned, phased growth. 6. Consideration of the Development Agreement has been accomplished pursuant to California Government Code Section 65864 et seq. and the City of La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.250.030, which governs Development Agreements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case; 2. That it does recommend approval to the City Council of Development Agreement 2003-006 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Planning Commission, held on the 27th day of May, 2003, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: RICH BUTLER, Chairman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JERRY HERMAN, Community Development Director City of La Quinta, California G:\WPDOCS\PC Resolutions\CIC-DA PC Reso.wpd SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND CENTER POINT DEVELOPMENT, LLC May 15, 2003 INTRODUCTION This document is the Summary Report ("Report") for the Disposition and Development Agreement ("Agreement") by and between the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") and Center Point Development, LLC, a California limited liability company ("Developer"). The Agreement facilitates the sale of a 46.6-acre Agency -owned parcel ("Property") to the Developer who will construct: • A 120 room Homewood Suites by Hilton hotel ("Hotel") • 120 one and two story casitas hotel condominium units to be rented as vacation rental units ("Casitas") • A 30-room boutique hotel comprised of 1,200 square foot villas and a spa ("Boutique Hotel") • A 120,000 square foot medical and surgical center comprised of three 40,000 square foot buildings ("MOB") • Two sit-down restaurants ("Restaurants") • 13 courtyard cluster villa homes that will be sold at market sales prices ("Villas") • 54 single family and cluster courtyard homes of which 40 will be sold at prices affordable to moderate income households ("Affordable Cluster Homes"), with the remaining 14 sold at market sales prices ("Market Cluster Homes") • A 2.68-acre park ("Park"). The aforementioned improvements constitute the "Development". This Report has been prepared pursuant to Section 33433 of the California Health and Safety Code (the California Community Redevelopment Law or "Law") and addresses the following: • A summary of the proposed Development. • The cost of the Agreement to the Agency. • The estimated value of the interest to be conveyed, determined at the highest and best uses permitted by the Agency's Redevelopment Plan. • The estimated value of the interest to be conveyed determined at the use with the conditions, covenants, and development costs required by the Agreement. • An explanation of why the sale of property pursuant to the Agreement will assist in the elimination of blight. GAWPDOCS\SumRpt-CIC.doc • Conformance with the Agency's Five Year Implementation Plan. THE DEVELOPMENT The Agency purchased the Property in 1995 in order to reserve land for affordable housing development. Subsequently, the Agency focused its attention on facilitating affordable housing development opportunities on other Agency owned properties located on Avenue 48. In December 1999, the Agency circulated a Request for Proposals that sought a mix of hotel, restaurant, and affordable housing development on the Property. The desire to seek hotel and restaurant uses was generated by the opening of the Indian Wells tennis Gardens, located northwest of the Property. Proposals were received and the Agency entered into two separate exclusive negotiation agreements. The first, in March 2000, encompassed a 10.8-acre segment of the Property and entailed a proposal to develop a Hilton Gardens Inn hotel. The developer and Agency concluded negotiations without reaching agreement because site access issues could not be resolved. The Agency entered into a second exclusive negotiation agreement in February 2001 for the entire Property. This agreement was also terminated after the development entity failed to structure an economically viable project. The Agency then moved forward to secure environmental clearances and entitle the Property with the approval, by the City of La Quinta ("City"), of a specific plan in February 2002. The Developer first contacted the Agency in June 2002 regarding their interest in developing hotel, restaurant, medical office, and affordable and market rate housing on the Property. In August 2002, the Agency entered into an exclusive negotiation agreement with the Developer that initiated a 120 day period during which the Developer would structure a development program, secure tenants, secure financing commitments, and process amendments to the February 2002 specific plan. Further, the Agency and Developer together, would negotiate property purchase terms, and if agreement was reached, draft a disposition and development agreement. The negotiations generated purchase terms that were accepted by both the Agency and Developer, and the attached Agreement was subsequently drafted. Per the Agreement the Developer will purchase the property for $7,054,074. The Developer will then mass grade the Property and construct Seeley Drive, utility, and drainage improvements. The first phase development will comprise the Hotel and 40 Casitas units, and if the Developer demonstrates that they have secured financing and/or tenant commitments, the remaining Casitas units, the Boutique Hotel and the Restaurants. Once the City approves the foundations for the Hotel and the 40 Casitas units, the Developer may then commence construction of the Affordable Cluster Homes, the Park and the first of the three MOB buildings. When the exterior walls of the Hotel and 40 Casitas units are framed, then the Developer may then start construction of the second MOB. Finally, when the Hotel and 40 Casitas units are 75% complete (defined as having the exterior wall stucco and the roofs installed), the Developer may then commence development of the third MOB. G:\WPDOCS\SumRpt-CIC.doc 2 The Agreement provides two Property purchase options. The first, Option A, allows the Developer to purchase the entire Property at one time. This Option was developed because the lender or equity investor who funds the land purchase and site improvement activities may require that a lien be recorded against the entire Property to secure this financing. The second purchase option, Option B, allows the Developer to purchase parcels as each development phase (as described in the preceding paragraph) is constructed. This option would be instituted if the Developer secures financing that does not require that a lien be recorded against the entire Property to secure funds. In order to improve the Property as economically as possible, the Developer desires to mass grade the Property, stabilize the soil, and construct Seeley Drive, and required drainage and utility system improvements. The Agreement includes provisions that give the Agency the option to repurchase portions or all of the Property (if there is a Developer default caused by failure to perform per the terms of the Agreement) at the price the Property was sold to the Developer plus 33% of the cost of the site improvements, and their associated design and soft costs. Per the Agreement, the Agency must review and approve the user commitments, financing, improvements and construction budget for each development phase. The Agency will sell all but the Affordable Cluster Homes' land to the Developer at fair market value. The only financial assistance the Agency will provide is $63,000 per unit or $2,520,000 to secure the Affordable Cluster Homes. These funds will be slated for the Affordable Cluster Homes' pro-rata share of land, site and building plan, engineering, municipal permit and fee, and site improvement costs. The Agency will reimburse the Developer for these costs per a schedule included in the Agreement; the source of funds will be a portion of the proceeds generated from sale of the other parcels that comprise the Property. When the Affordable Cluster Homes are purchased the Agency assistance will be converted in homebuyer silent second trust deed loans. The second trust deed loans will also feature covenants that require the dwellings to remain affordable to moderate -income family households for 45 years. Further, unlike past Agency second trust deed loans, the covenants will not afford the homeowner the option to sell their dwelling at prevailing market values and release the unit from the affordability covenant. Instead, the homeowner must sell their dwelling to either another qualified buyer or if a qualified household cannot be found, as a last resort to the Agency. THE COST OF THE AGREEMENT TO THE AGENCY To date, the Agency has invested $5,714,789 in the Property; these expenditures are comprised of the initial land purchase cost, the cost to improve Miles Avenue and Washington Street, the costs associated with preparing environmental and planning studies, and the interest expense on the bonds used to purchase the property and fund the other costs. The Developer will pay $7,054, 074 for the Property which will reimburse the 1995 Housing Bond fund for $3,678,305 of non -interest expenses. The Agency will pledge $2,520,000 of this amount to fund the silent second trust deed G:\WPDOCS\SumRpt-CIC.doc 3 assistance to the Affordable Cluster Homes, and the remaining $1,158,305 will be pledged to fund some of the costs associated with the Avenue 48 and Adams Street affordable housing development. The specific expenditures were as follows: Property Purchase Cost - $1,977,500 • Washington Street/Miles Avenue Improvements - $1,700,805 • Specific Plan and Environment Studies - $175,000 • Adjoining Property Utility System Reimbursement - $95,898 • Interest Expense on the 1995 Housing Bonds - $1,765,586 • Homebuyer Second Trust Deed Mortgages — $2,520,000 In order sell the Affordable Cluster Homes at costs affordable to moderate -income family households, the Agreement provides that the Agency will fund 40-second trust deed mortgages. The mortgages will cover each dwelling's pro rate share of land ($35,175), architecture and engineering ($7,175), entitlement/municipal fee costs ($11,300), and site improvement costs ($9,350). The Agreement provides that a second trust deed of $40,000 to $63,000 per unit, or an average second trust deed mortgage of $51,500, will be provided to 40 units to permit family households who earn from 81 to 120 percent of the Riverside County median income to purchase these homes. The exact mortgage amount will be determined by the purchase price of each unit. The home prices will range from $216,000 to $251,000. The Agency second trust deeds combined with the homebuyer down payments of 3% will reduce the first trust deed mortgage to $142,000 to $175,000, a level affordable to moderate income family households. The Agency's Redevelopment Consultant has reviewed and verified the costs associated with the Affordable Cluster Homes. The total development cost is projected to be $8,129,700, with sales income projected to be $9,722,000. ESTIMATED VALUE OF INTEREST TO BE CONVEYED The Agency's Redevelopment Consultant reviewed comparable land sales for property designated for commercial, hotel, condominium hotel and single-family uses that was not entitled or improved. This review identified per acre land values ranging from $60,000 to $283,140 per acre depending on size and location. Smaller parcels located in high traffic locations commanded a greater land value. The Agreement provides that the Agency will sell the Hotel, Casitas, Boutique Hotel, MOB and Restaurant parcels to the Developer for $217,800 per acre; the Villas and Market Cluster Home land will be sold for a value of $60,000 per acre. G:\WPDOCS\SumRpt-CIC.doc 4 ESTIMATED VALUE OF THE INTEREST TO BE CONVEYED, DETERMINED AT THE USE AND WITH THE CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, AND DEVELOPMENT COSTS REQUIRED BY THE AGREEMENT The Agreement does not impose additional conditions on the property other than those required by the City's entitlement and environmental processes (imposed through a development agreement involving the City and the Developer), and the requirement that the Developer construct the various uses within the specified time frames presented in the Schedule of Performance. The Agreement does require the Developer to construct 40 dwellings that must be sold at affordable housing costs to moderate -income family households. The Agency's second trust deed mortgage assistance will fund the difference between the sales prices required to fund the cost of developing these units and housing costs that would be affordable to moderate income family households. EXPLANATION OF WHY THE SALE OF THE PROPERTY PURSUANT TO THE AGREEMENT WILL ASSIST IN THE ELIMINATION OF BLIGHT The Property conveyance, and construction of the Development, addresses economic blight within Project Area No. 2 by facilitating development of uses that generate economic demand and additional patrons that will frequent Project Area businesses. Further, the conveyance will facilitate the development of dwellings that will increase and improve the supply of affordable housing within La Quinta Redevelopment Project No. 2. Per the Second Five Year Implementation Plan, the Agency has an obligation to facilitate the production of over 1,500 affordable units by 2004. In order to accomplish this task the Agency must provide incentives to private developers and non-profit organizations to construct units that will be affordable to households within the respective income levels. The Property conveyance and the Development will further the Agency's efforts to promote affordable housing development within Project No 2. CONFORMANCE WITH THE AGENCY'S FIVE YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN The Second Five Year Implementation Plan and the Second Amended Housing Affordability Plan identifies a combination of market rate and affordable housing development for the Property. Further, the Implementation Plan identifies the potential for resort and hospitality uses for the Property. The conveyance of the Property and the subsequent development will conform to the provisions of these Plans. A copy of the proposed Agreement is attached to this Report or is available for review at the Community Development Department located at the La Quinta City Hall. The proposed Agreement will be the subject of a joint public hearing and the Agency and City Council on June 3, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers are located at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California. G:\WPDOCS\SumRpt-CIC.doc 5 PH #B STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: MAY 27, 2003 CASE NO: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2003-075 APPLICANT: CHAM THI PRINCE & LEE W. JONES PROPERTY OWNER: DUNE PALMS PLAZA, L.L.C. REQUEST: CONSIDERATION OF A USE PERMIT FOR A COSMETOLOGY SCHOOL, IN EXISTING COMMERCIAL SPACE LOCATION: 47120 DUNE PALMS ROAD (DUNE PALMS PLAZA), SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND DUNE PALMS ROAD (ATTACHMENT 1) ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR HAS DETERMINED THAT THIS PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA REVIEW UNDER GUIDELINES SECTION 15301 (LEASING OF EXISTING PRIVATE FACILITIES) GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: M/RC (MIXED/REGIONAL COMMERCIAL) ZONING: CR (REGIONAL COMMERCIAL) BACKGROUND: Site Background Specific Plan 96-028 was originally approved for Lapis Energy Corporation on February 4, 1997. The plan called for ± 81,000 square feet of commercial space, consisting of a 2,500 square foot fueling station with CNG capacity, a ± 67,000 square foot self -storage facility, ± 11,010 square feet of auto retail space, and a total of 79 parking spaces. Subsequent amendments to the Specific Plan included approval for the current ±23,000 s.f. building, in which the subject use is contemplated. Project Description The applicant proposes to lease approximately 5,000 s.f. of space in the completed building on Parcel 2, for use as a cosmetology school (Attachment 2). There will be a minimum of 25 enrolled students and two instructors. Not all students will be on site at one time due to scheduling. It is anticipated that there will be seven to eight students on site at any time, as there will be morning, afternoon and evening sessions. The space will be divided into three classrooms and a training area, along with the ancillary space requirements (i.e. restroom(s), storage, etc.). Existing parking on site will be utilized, and the owner has indicated he will restrict parking for this use to 20 spaces, through an agreement with the tenant. Public Notice This case was advertised in the Desert Sun newspaper on May 17, 2003. All property owners within 500-feet of the site were mailed a copy of the public hearing notice as required. No comments have been received. Any correspondence received before the meeting will be transmitted to the Planning Commission. Public Agency Review Staff did not identify any public agencies that the applicant's request might affect. The use determination and conditions to be applied are at the sole discretion of the City of La Quinta. ISSUES Based on the provisions of the La Quinta Zoning Code, Section 9.210.020.F, the following findings as required for this Conditional Use Permit are provided: General Plan Consisten The proposed use is consistent with the land use designation of Mixed/Regional Commercial. The designation allows both residential and commercial, and encourages a mix of uses to allow diversity in available services and goods, reductions in vehicle trips and increased use of public transportation. The City's General Plan Policies encourage provision of a wide range of commercial opportunities and support services. Zoning Code Consistency The proposed use is consistent with the provisions of the La Quinta Zoning Code. Use of the building space as a cosmetology school requires that 24 spaces be provided, at three spaces per student seat and eight students on site at any one time. A retail use in this space would require 25 spaces, while office would require 20 spaces. The original specific plan was approved with a set number of spaces, based on the uses proposed at the time. As a result of changes in use by the current owner, staff has deferred to the Zoning Code provisions to determine parking necessary for this use. The lessor and lessee of the property shall be required to enter in to a written agreement as part of the lease to provide or reserve for the school a minimum of 24 spaces for the duration of the lease. In order to insure that there is adequate parking in operation of the school, the lease will also restrict the number of students per session at the facility to no more than eight at any one time. Compliance with CEQA Processing of this Conditional Use Permit for the proposed use is in compliance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. The La Quinta Community Development Director has determined that the request is exempt from CEQA under Guideline Section 15301 (Leasing of Existing Private Facilities). As a result, no environmental review is required. Compatibility With surrounding Uses Approval of this proposed use will not be a detriment to the public health, safety and general welfare, nor shall it be injurious or incompatible with other properties or uses in the vicinity. Use of the space as a cosmetology school will have similar characteristics and impacts as beauty salons, barber shops, professional offices, and like uses which are permitted by right under the M/RC zoning district. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2003- , confirming the environmental determination of the Community Development Director, and granting approval of Conditional Use Permit 2003-075, subject to conditions as recommended by staff. Prepared by: Wallace Nesbit, Associate Planner Attachments: 1. Location Maps (2 pages) 2. Description of School Operation (2 pages) PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2003- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2003-075, TO ALLOW A COSMETOLOGY SCHOOL IN A COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT 47120 DUNE PALMS ROAD CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2003-075 CHAM THI PRINCE / LEE W. JONES WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 27th day of May, 2003, consider a Conditional Use Permit application for a ± 5,020 square -foot cosmetology school in a commercial building, located at 47120 Dune Palms Road, near the southeast corner of Dune Palms Road and Highway 1 1 1 and more particularly described as: PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP 28422 WHEREAS, said Site Development Permit application has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" as amended (Resolution 83-63), in that the Community Development Director has determined that the proposed Conditional Use Permit is exempt from CEQA review under Guidelines Section 15301 (Leasing of Existing Private Facilities); and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments of all interested persons desiring to be heard, the Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings to justify approval of said Conditional Use Permit: 1. The proposed use is consistent with the land use designation of Mixed/Regional Commercial. The City's General Plan Policies relating to Mixed/Regional Commercial encourage provision of a wide range of commercial opportunities and support services. 2. The proposed use is consistent with the provisions of the La Quinta Zoning Code. Use of the space as a cosmetology school will have similar characteristics and impacts as beauty salons, barber shops, professional offices, and like uses which are permitted by right under the M/RC zoning district. 3. Processing of this Conditional Use Permit for the proposed use is in compliance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. The La Quinta Community Development Department has determined that the request is exempt from CEQA under Guideline Section 15301 (Leasing of Existing Private Facilities). As a result, no environmental review is required. 4. Approval of this proposed use will not be a detriment to the public health, safety and general welfare, nor shall it be injurious or incompatible with other properties or uses in the vicinity. Use of the space as a cosmetology school will have similar characteristics and impacts as beauty salons, barber shops, professional offices, and like uses which are permitted by right under the M/RC zoning district. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby approve Conditional Use Permit 2003-075 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Planning Commission, held on this the 27th day of May, 2003, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: RICH BUTLER, Chairman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JERRY HERMAN, Community Development Director City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2003- EXHIBIT „A„ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2003-075 CHAM THI PRINCE / LEE W. JONES ADOPTED: MAY 27, 2003 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The lease agreement between the lessor and lessee of the property shall incorporate a reciprocal provision, to provide or reserve for the use of the assigned tenant space as a cosmetology school a minimum of 24 spaces for the duration of the lease. 2. The lease agreement shall incorporate a provision to restrict the number of students per session at the facility to no more than 8 at any onetime. 3. A copy of the lease agreement shall be submitted for review, prior to it's execution, to the Community Development Department, for verification of compliance with Conditions 1 and 2. The agreement shall have been approved in writing by the Community Development Department prior to any final inspection for any certificate of occupancy for this use. N89-58-25E a 0� f ! I o JAB. ' to to a I 0 41 Cham T. Prince & Lee W. Jones 45280 Coeur d' alene Indio, Ca. 92201 City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78 495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, Ca. 92253 May 2, 2003 Attention: Wallace Mesbit Associate Planner Re: Request for Conditional Use Permit in the Dune Palms Plaza at 47 120 Dune Palms Rd., La Quinta, Ca.. 92253 to operate a Cosmetology School with retail sales of Beauty Supply products and a discount full service Beauty Salon. The name of the business will be the Coachella Valley Beauty College. It will occupy approximately 5040 square feet of space. The space will consist of three classrooms, two offices, storage area for products, two handicap toilets, a reception area, a customer waiting area. The remainder of the space will consist of 7 Beauty stations. After a student has received 250 hours of classroom and training they will be able to use the 7 Beauty station to perform hair and nail services for customers at a discount price. Due to class scheduling we expect no more than 8 students per shift. The hours of operation will be Tuesday through Thursday from 9a.m., to 9p.m., and Friday and Saturday 8a.m., to 4p.m. Students do not have mandatory attendance times and may attend Morning, Afternoon or Evening Sessions. Approximately 85% of the students will be Part Time. The High School RPO students can only attend 4 hours per day. The business will be licensed by the State of California Private and Postsecondary Education Dept., as well as the State Bureau of Barbering and Cosmetology to operate as a school and a retail business. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Very truly yo rs �--- Cham� Lee . �50 es May 07 03 07:42p Lee Jones 760 772 1295 p.2 Cham T. Prince & Lee w. Jones 45 280 Coeur d' alene Indio, Ca., 92201 (760) 772-5950 Fax: (760) 772-1295 City of La Quinta Community Development Dept., 78-495 Celle Tampicio La Quinta, Ca., 92253 Attention: Wallace Nesbit Associate Planner Subject: Additional information for cosmetology School: CUP 2003-075: 47120 Dune Palms Red., La Quinta, Ca., 92253. In reference to the second item of your fax dated May 6, 2003 we will have approximately 15 portable stackable type chairs to be used in the classrooms and in the customer waiting area. Since we have no way of knowing how many Cosmetology, Esthetician or Manicure Student we will have at either the morning, afternoon or evening session we have to move the chair from classroom to classroom. It should be also noted that we do not expect to have more than 7 to 8 students at either, morning, afternoon or evening session. Shouid you hav y further question please, do not hesitate to call upon me. Cham T Prince &Lee W. J ne C: Dune Palms PIaza, L..,L.,C., via fax. R5-&7-63 11:44 RECEIVED FROM:766 772 1295 P.62 BY #A STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: MAY 27, 2003 CASE NO: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2003-764 APPLICANT/ PROPERTY OWNER: PAUL EHLINE CO. REQUEST: REVIEW OF ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPING PLANS FOR FOUR NEW SINGLE-FAMILY PROTOTYPE RESIDENTIAL UNITS FOR CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE GREG NORMAN ESTATES DEVELOPMENT. LOCATION: NORTHEAST CORNER OF MADISON AND AIRPORT BOULEVARD WITHIN THE NORMAN COURSE. ARCHITECT: SOUTH COAST ARCHITECTS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: SJA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT WAS PREPARED AND WAS CERTIFIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL UNDER RESOLUTION NO. 91-100 FOR SPECIFIC PLAN 90-015. THERE ARE NO CHANGED CIRCUMSTANCES, CONDITIONS, OR NEW INFORMATION WHICH WOULD TRIGGER THE PREPARATION OF A SUBSEQUENT ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS PURSUANT TO PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTION 21166. GENERAL PLAN/ ZONING DESIGNATIONS: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (LDR) AND LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (LDR) PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT SDP 03-764/EHLINE MAY 27, 2003 BACKGROUND: The property is located within the Greg Norman golf course development at the northeast corner of Madison Street and Airport Boulevard within Tract 29657 (Attachment 1). The property consists of 58 lots on Medallist Drive and National Drive, between Kingston Heath and Tiburon Drive. Specific Plan 90-015, Amendment #2, for the Norman Course, approved under Resolution 99-112, provides the Community Design Guidelines for the residential units. Currently, all the private street infrastructure improvements are constructed, and graded pads ready for construction. The applicant had originally received approval from the Planning Commission under Site Development Permit 99-668 for 7 models to be constructed within the 58 lot subdivision. Under that approval, the applicant constructed 10 homes (7 models and three units) on lots 18 thru 24, and 46 thru 48, with one of them being used as a sales office (Lot 18). Another lot (Lot 17) is a parking lot, which serves as the sales office. The lots range in size between 13,939 square feet and 20,037 square feet. The originally approved homes range in size between 4,162 to 4,474 square feet. The majority of the existing units have been sold and are currently occupied, while the sales office and one model home remain available for purchase. The applicant has stated that these homes were difficult to sell due to their price and is now proposing smaller units ranging in size between 2,995 and 3,890 square feet. The lots sizes will not change. PROJECT PROPOSAL: The applicant proposes four new single-family prototype residential units with three different architectural facades for each prototype. A new model home complex, sales office, and parking lot is proposed on the east side of Medallist Drive just south of the project entrance on Lots 55 thru 58. The new parking lot will be located directly across the street. The remainder of the lots will be constructed with the proposed unit types, if approved by the Planning Commission. The project mixes different but compatible architectural styles to create an eclectic street scene. The three architectural designs include Tuscan, Spanish Colonial, and Early California. The plans for each design are attached (Attachment 2). rj ) PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT SDP 03-764/EHLINE MAY 27, 2003 The following is a breakdown of the proposed floor plans: Tuscan 1 Tuscan 2 Spanish Early California Colonial Square Feet 2,555 3,008 3,249 3,258 440 casita 352 casita 432 casita 352 sky deck 2,995 max. 3,360 max. 3,681 max. 280 casita 3,890 max. No. of 2or3 2or3 3or4 3 Bedrooms No. of 3.5 3.5 4.5 3.5 Bathrooms Garage 3 (2-front, and 3 (2-front and 3 (3-front with 3 (2-front and 1- Parkin 1-side loaded) 1-side loaded) 1 1-tandem) side loaded) MATERIALS AND COLORS: A variety of materials are proposed to be used including painted plaster/stucco, two-piece barrel tile roofs with exposed beams, stone veneer, different colored shutters, entry doors, garage doors, fascias, trims and decorative wrought iron. The heights of the homes vary between 20 and 22 feet in height. The color schemes are primarily variations of white, beige, brown and grey stucco with dark accent colors in shades of grey, blue, maroon, brown and black (Attachment 3). LANDSCAPING: The front yard landscaping plan consists of a wide variety of specimen trees, shrubs, vines and ground covers. The plant materials proposed are consistent with other homes within the same development and in the City which, are drought tolerant and appropriate for the desert climate (Attachment 4). ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE REVIEW COMMITTEE (ALRC): The ALRC reviewed this project at the May 7, 2003 meeting and determined that the prototype units were acceptable with one minor clarification to the roof tile. The architect for the project explained that the roof the type would be a two piece, barrel made of concrete. The May 7, 2003, ALRC meeting minutes are attached (Attachment 5). The Committee unanimously approved Minute Motion 2003-018 recommending approval of the prototype units to the Planning Commission as presented. G3 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT SDP 03-764/EHLINE MAY 27, 2003 COMPATIBILITY: Section 9.60.300 of the Zoning Code requires that all second stories and new residential units that are proposed for construction within a partially developed subdivision, are subject to approval by the Planning Commission. The residential units, as proposed, are compatible in architectural style, colors, and overall appearance, with the existing units. STATEMENT OF MANDATORY FINDINGS: Findings necessary to approve this request can be made and are contained in the attached Resolution. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2003- , approving SDP 2003-764, subject to findings and conditions contained in the attached Resolution. Prepared by: Martin Magaria Associate Planner Attachments: 1. Site Location Map 2. Proposed Models Plan Set 3. Color & Material Boards 4. Conceptual Landscape Plans 5. May 7, 2003, Architecture minutes and Landscape Review Committee meeting PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2003- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPING PLANS FOR FOUR NEW SINGLE-FAMILY PROTOTYPE RESIDENTIAL UNITS, EACH WITH THREE DIFFERENT ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS WITHIN THE GREG NORMAN ESTATES DEVELOPMENT FOR TRACT 29657, LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF MADISON STREET AND AIRPORT BOULEVARD. CASE NO.: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2003-764 APPLICANT: PAUL EHLINE COMPANY WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 27T" day of May, 2003 hold a Public Hearing to consider a request by Paul Ehline Company for approval of architectural and landscaping plans for four new single-family prototype residential units with three different architectural designs for each prototype within the Greg Norman Estates Development for Tract 29657, located at the northeast corner of Madison Street and Airport Boulevard, more particularly described as follows: APNs: 767-500-01 1 thru 025; 767-510-001 thru 020; and, 767-570-001-01 1 WHEREAS, the Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee (ALRC) of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 7th day of May, 2003, hold a public meeting to review architecture and landscaping plans for four new single- family prototype residential units with three different architectural facades for each prototype within the Greg Norman Estates Development for Tract 29657; and, WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report was prepared and certified by the City Council under Resolution No. 91-100 for Specific Plan 90-015, there are no changed circumstances, conditions, or new information which would trigger the preparation of a subsequent environmental analysis pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21166. WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.210.010 of the Zoning Code to justify approval of said Site Development Permit: 01 J PAMartin\SDP 03-764 Ehline\PC Reso SDP 03-764.wpd Planning Commission Resolution 2003- Site Development Permit 2003-764-Ehline Company Adopted: May 27, 2003 1. Consistency with the General Plan: The project, as proposed, is consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan in that the design, height, scale and mass of the homes are compatible with an established land uses for the Greg Norman Course). 2. Consistency with the Zoning Code: The proposed project, as conditioned, is consistent with the development standards of the City's Zoning Code and the Greg Norman Specific Plan, which establishes development standards with regard to architecture, building heights, building mass, parking, and landscaping. 3. Compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA): An Environmental Impact Report was prepared and certified by the City Council under Resolution No. 91-100 for Specific Plan 90-015. There are no changed circumstances, conditions, or new information which would trigger the preparation of a subsequent environmental analysis pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21166. 4. Architectural Design: The proposed project complies with the architectural design standards of the Greg Norman Specific Plan and implements the development standards and design guidelines in that document. 5. Site Design: The proposed project complies with the Greg Norman Specific Plan, with regard to lot layout and site design in terms of project entries, interior circulation, pedestrian access, and other site design elements such as scale, mass, and appearance. 6. Landscape Design: The proposed project is consistent with the landscaping standards and plant palette in the Greg Norman Specific Plan and implements the standards for landscaping and aesthetics established in the General Plan and in said Specific Plan. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission for this Site Development Permit. 2. That it does hereby approve Site Development Permit 2003-764, subject to conditions, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution. P:\Martin\SDP 03-764 Ehline\PC Reso SDP 03-764.wpd 0 Planning Commission Resolution 2003- Site Development Permit 2003-764-Ehline Company Adopted: May 27, 2003 PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission held on this 27th day of May, 2003, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: RICH BUTLER, Chairman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JERRY HERMAN, Community Development Director City of La Quinta, California G '1 P:\Martin\SDP 03-764 Ehline\PC Reso SDP 03-764.wpd Planning Commission Resolution 2003- Site Development Permit 2003-764-Ehline Company Conditions of Approval -Recommended V19011I .OTTI l 1. The use of this site shall be in conformance with the approved exhibits contained in Site Development Permit 2003-764 unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. All public agency letters received for this case are made part of the case file documents for plan checking processes. 3. The approved Site Development Permit shall be used within two years of approval, otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. "Used" means the issuance of a building permit. A time extension may be requested as permitted in Municipal Code Section 9.200.080 (D). 4. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Site Development Permit. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the developer of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 5. Should the parking lot not be located on one of the residential lots, the applicant shall obtain written permission from the owner of the property to locate the parking lot on said land for a fixed period of time. Said parking lot shall conform to city standards. 6. The applicant shall post a $1000.00 deposit for each unit that is used as a sales office. After the sales office(s) is/are converted back to a residence, the Community Development Department shall inspect the site(s) for compliance before releasing the deposit back to the applicant. 7. The residential units shall not exceed a maximum height of twenty-two feet. Planning Commission Resolution 2003- Site Development Permit 2003-764-Ehline Company Conditions of Approval -Recommended 8. The four residential units approved for the remainder of the lots within the subdivision in question shall be as follows: Tuscan 1 Tuscan 2 Spanish Early California Colonial Square Feet 2,555 3,008 3,249 3,258 440 casita 352 casita 432 casita 352 sky deck 2,995 max. 3,360 max. 3,681 max. 280 casita 3,890 max. No. of 2or3 2or3 3or4 3 Bedrooms No. of 3.5 3.5 4.5 3.5 Bathrooms Garage 3 (2-front, and 3 (2-front and 3 (3-front with 3 (2-front and 1- Parkin 1-side loaded) 1-side loaded) 1-tandem) side loaded) 9. Any front, side, or rear walls shall be of masonry or other non -wood construction and conform to development regulations of the Zoning Code. 10. Landscaping plans for the units shall comply those plans submitted for this project, and as approved by the Planning Commission. Said landscaping plans shall include a complete irrigation system showing location and size of water lines, valves, clock timer, type of sprinkler, etc. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the landscape plans shall also be approved by Coachella Valley Water District before final approval by the Community Development Department. nJ ATTACHMENT # 36 ------------ SHEET 4] I i 34,133 ter , GOLF I LOUR --�u,-l� 32i 31 g1-T�- --T-T-r-r-�-i-� I21 \ i 30� 28 127 26 25 " 24 23 22 21 � T� g , 18 T- IN LOT D A 1 1 2 1 1- _ L---�--_ _ a i 3 4 i T�-� T T-T-r-r-�I-T---=__- 1 1-1 J J 1 6 71 8 1 9 110111 1121131141151161 171 3 I x, 1 i �`��12 10 4 —SHEET 5 r 16 i 1r ,g l i �1: 6 57 I M.B. 205/4-1656 7 I GOLF COURSE i r � �15' 8 55 —I 25 L -� j6 1o16" 54 — 10 53 I , ,. •'�:, � L5-mil 1L •17�- 29 1 _I N.A.Pq 11 I 4 18� 12V)------_-- �� 3 lg�; 13 --3 LOT E I �2 '�� 1 t 41 40 39 38 37 �� , , �\ �� i 14 42 43 36 I 1 - k 15 ® 5 4 4 4 45 O `v 35i 22 23 24 16 52 5 1 A 29 30 31 32 D ' 33 I �\39 `38 LOT 59 27 28 17 25 26 I 18 19 20 21 E F — — — _ _ SHEET 6 GOLF COURSE 35 24 20 1 17 --------- -- —------^-- - _ AIRPORT BOULEVARD ATTACHMENT Architectural & Landscape Review Committee Minutes May 7, 2003 6. Committee Member Bobbitt stated he too is concerned it he rear elevation. He appreciates that no plantings are nex o the building. Commercial developments typically have too ny plant beds where pedestrians will walk through them and ey become unattractive. It appears Brachy cyiton (Bottle Tree) re to be used and they are a messy, hearty tree and in this cation it might work. The Rhus Lancea is a supple tree tha ill require double staking and it is in a narrow area and they id Ily need an area that is 8 X 8. There needs to be some type o lantings/trees that will stand up by themselves. The Sum would be an excellent example. The growth habits n d to be considered when determining what to use where. iscussion followed. 7. There being no further discu ion, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Cun ' gham/Thorns to adopt Minute Motion 2003-017 approving ' e Development Permit 2003-754, as amended: /The peo a spaces shall be created by the landscape c . rate some decomposed granite in the planters en the car overhang and the western property line. rent type of tree that is substantial on its own to be the parking lot. condary Gateway sign design at the northeast corner site shall come back to the ALRC for review. ensitivity given to the rear elevation with planting. Unanimously approved. --100. C. Site Development Permit 2003-764; a request of Paul Ehline/Medallist Development, Inc. for review of landscaping plans for four prototype units at PGA West Norman Estates located at 81-480 Madison Street. 1. Associate Planner Martin Magana gave an overview of the project and introduced, Mr. Frank Scole and Paul Ehline, landscape architect and developer for the project respectively, who were available to answer questions on the project. 2. Committee Member Thorns stated he likes the models but it needs a better roof treatment such as the better "S" tile. G:\WPDOCS\ARLC\5-7-03.wpd 5 Architectural & Landscape Review Committee Minutes May 7, 2003 3. Mr. Scole explained there will be a two piece barrel made of concrete to create a more authentic Spanish look. 4. Committee Member Cunningham stated he defers to the architect and developer for projects that are behind gates. They will suffer for the lack of detail. If the buyers aren't there, they will change the style. The market will make the determination. A consideration may be to lower the pitch to allow less roof to be seen. Staff stated the buildings are at 22 feet. 5. Committee Member Thorns agreed, but when something is shown at this meeting, to him that is the example of what is proposed to be used. Applicants should be showing what will be used. He understands they are market driven. If the attitude of the Committee is to allow the developer to make that determination he does not see why the projects should be brought before the Committee. 6. Committee Member Bobbitt stated he likes the units and the comments on the roof are well stated. 7. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Thoms/Cunningham to adopt Minute Motion 2003-018, approving Site Development Permit 2003-764, with the following recommendations: a. The roof treatment as verbally presented by the architect shall be used. Unanimously approved. D. Site Development Permit 2003-768; a request of Sant sa Builders for review of architectural and landscaping plans for ct 30487 located on the north side of Avenue 58, south of PG est and west of Madison Street. 1. Associate Planner Gr rousdell gave an overview of the project and introduced a Brudvik, representing the project, who gave a presentati on the project. 2. C ittee Member Thorns stated this is an exciting plan even ough it is located on a long lot. He asked who designed the retention basin planting schemes in the front of the project. Mr. G:\WPDOCSWRLC\.5-7-03.wpd 6 :C r".