1998 01 13 PCTit,/ 4 OF PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California January 13, 1998 7:00 P.M. **NOTE** ALL ITEMS NOT CONSIDERED BY 11:00 P.M. WILL BE CONTINUED TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING Beginning Resolution 98-001 Beginning Minute Motion 98-001 I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for public hearing. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the Minutes of the meetings of December 23, 1997 B. Department Report PC/AGENDA V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Item ..................... TENTATIVE TRACT 28640 Applicant ................ Watson & Christiansen Engineering for TD Desert Development Location ................ East side of Washington Street, south of 4e Avenue within Rancho La Quinta Country Club Request ................. Approval and recommendation to the City Council of a subdivision of land to create 77 single family lots and miscellaneous lots on 22.97 acres Action ................... Resolution 98-_ B. Item ...................... SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 97-617 Applicant ............... La Quinta Golf Properties Location ................ East side of Tom Fazio Lane north of Quarry Lane 232 feet Request ................. Approval and recommendation to the City Council to construct a 3,100 square foot recreation building, tennis court, swimming pool/spa, and parking lot for use in conjunction with existing Quarry clubhouse and golf course. Action .................. Resolution 98- Resolution 98- C. Item ..................... TENTATIVE TRACT 28719 Applicant .............. KSL Land Corporation Location ............... On Baya and Cetrino, east of Mango, within the Citrus Country Club Request ................ Approval and recommendation to the City Council to subdivide 15.6+ acres into 58 single family residential and miscellaneous lots in the Low Density Residential District Zone on land previously subdivided by Tract 24889 and 24890-2 Action .................. Resolution 98- VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Item ..................... SIGN APPLICATION 97-410 Applicant .............. Wells Fargo Bank (Quality Project Coordinating) Location ............... 78-630 Highway 111, within the One Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center Request ................ Approval of a modified sign to the approved sign program for a bank mini -branch located in Albertson's Supermarket Action .................. Minute Motion 98- VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Discussion relative to sideyard setbacks at Rancho La Quinta. IX. ADJOURNMENT PC/AGENDA MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A Regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California December 23, 1997 CALL TO ORDER A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Butler who asked Commissioner Kirk to lead the flag salute. B. Chairman Butler requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Abels, Gardner, Kirk, Seaton, Tyler, Woodard, and Chairman Butler. C. Staff Present: Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, City Attorney Dawn Honeywell. and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: A. Commissioner Tyler requested that Agenda Items D and E be reversed as Items C and E were for the same applicant. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Abels. Unanimously approved. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Chairman Butler asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of November 12, 1997. Commissioner Tyler asked that Page 14, Item 34 be amended as follows: ".....but the living area is in the rear and designed to take their view.....". There being no other changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Abels to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved with Commissioner Seaton abstaining. B. Chairman Butler asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of November 25, 1997. Commissioner Gardner asked that the minutes be amended to show who made the motion to excuse the absent Commissioners. There being no other corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Gardner to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved with Commissioners Abels, Seaton, and Woodard abstaining. PC 12-23-97 Planning Commission Meeting December 23, 1997 C. Chairman Butler asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of December 9, 1997. Commissioner Tyler asked that the minutes be amended on Page 4, Item 11 to read, "......is why they are requesting to keep the four foot bank on Winged Foot...."; Page 7, Item 25, "....a low landscape area at the corner to solve the problem.", "....KSL had agreed with the six foot wall, then maybe the City should agree.", and Page 10, Item 5 "Vice Chairman Woodard asked Commissioner Tyler if he thought the repetitiveness of the garage elevations.....". There being no other corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Seaton/Tyler to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved with Commissioner Kirk abstaining. D. Commissioner Abels asked why there is a discrepancy in the minutes when they being taken and are on tape. Why are they having to take time to make the corrections. 1. Chairman Butler stated he has read the minutes and in listening to the motions as they are made at the meetings, and reading the minutes, he believes that some of the comments that are made by the Commissioners, are either not included in the final resolution or he is misunderstanding the process. Commissioners have made changes and he is wondering if those changes become a part of the final resolution that is passed on to the City Council. Staff stated the minutes are action minutes, not verbatim. Therefore, the action that is taken in regard to the changes to the conditions and general conversation are recorded in the minutes. Chairman Butler confirmed that the changes made by the Commission are recorded in the resolution and conditions that are forwarded on to the City Council. Staff noted that once the action has been taken by the Commission, staff amends the resolutions/conditions before they are signed, filed, and sent to the City Council. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Specific Plan 85-906 Amendment #2 and Conditional Use Permit 97-037, a request of KSL Land Company for approval to allow the construction and operation of interim polo/sports fields with lighting. 1. Chairman Butler noted that a request had been received from the applicant to continue this item to January 27, 1998. It was moved and seconded by Commissioner Abels/Tyler to continue the item to January 27, 1998. Unanimously approved. PC 12-23-97 2 Planning Commission Meeting December 23, 1997 VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Sign Permit 97-411; a request of Century -Crowell Communities to approve one permanent project identification sign for the Marbella Development pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 9.160 (Signs) of the Zoning Code. 1. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Gardner asked for clarification as to whether or not the sign was freestanding. The report reads freestanding, but affixed to the wall. Staff explained that the freestanding is the structure and that is the wall, and this is the way it is identified in the Zoning Ordinance. 3. Commissioner Seaton stated the sign is 17 square feet and the sign regulations allow up to 24 square feet; is there any problem with this sign in regard to those regulations. Staff stated they were within the City's regulations. 4. There being no further questions, it was moved and seconded by Commissioner Abels/Kirk to adopt Minute Motion 97-017 approving Sign Permit 97-411, as submitted. 5. Commissioner Tyler stated this sign is not located at the entrance to the tract, but at the corner. Can the applicant, at some future time, asked for another sign at the entrance; would this be allowed. Staff explained they are allowed to have one sign per street frontage. However, this is a one-sided sign and is identified in the sign regulations that they can have another sign at the entryway. It would be an interpretation to be made by the Planning Commission. They would be allowed to have one sign on the walls flanking the entry. The applicant has chosen to have one, one-sided sign at the corner. 6. Chairman Butler asked if the lighting would come back to the Commission for approval. Staff stated it was to be approved by staff as it is indirect lighting permitted by the Code. 7. Commissioner Tyler asked if the applicant intended to use a material for the letter that was more stable than the plastic proposed. Mr. Ed Knight, the applicant stated this was what was recommended by their sign company. 8. Following the discussion, the motion was unanimously approved. PC 12-23-97 3 Planning Commission Meeting December 23, 1997 B. Site Development Permit 96-590; a request of Lapis Energy Organization for approval of a revision to the design and materials to be used for the pump island canopy and approval of a change for both the canopy and service station/mini-mart building. 1. Chairman Butler noted that a request had been received from the applicant to continue this item. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Kirk to continue this item to a future date. 9. Commissioner Tyler asked if there was any reason why this applicant continues to request a change to this project. Staff stated they were unable to answer the question. Commissioner Tyler stated that in his opinion, each request degrades the project to the point of absurdity. 2. There being no other discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Kirk to continue this matter to a later date. Unanimously approved. C. Street Name Change 97-009; a request of the City for consideration of a street name change for a portion of Via Carmel to Carmel Circle within Rancho La Quinta, east of the intersection of Mission Drive West of Via Carmel. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Tyler asked if Lots 33 and 34, in the islands, were buildable, or is it to be a green space. Staff noted it was the potential, but one has been designed as a pool lot. The rest have not been determined. 3. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioner Abels/Seaton to adopt Planning Commission Minute Motion 97-018, as requested. Unanimously approved. D. Tract 27952; a request of TD Desert Development for approval of a new prototype unit for construction within Rancho La Quinta. 1. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. PC 12-23-97 4 Planning Commission Meeting December 23, 1997 2. Commissioner Tyler asked if the buyer opts for the extra guest suit "E", are the lots big enough that they can meet the building setbacks. Staff stated there is an easement for each property on the side yard, similar to a zero lot line. 3. Commissioner Woodard asked how they share the land. Who owns the property. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the easement gives certain rights where normally one property owner owns the land and the adjoining has an easement. She would have to read the easement to understand what is allowed. Staff noted this is the practice that has been developed throughout Rancho La Quinta. 4. Commissioner Woodard stated the Fire Marshal will normally not approve this as there are no openings with the zero lot line for a wall. Therefore, the property line goes against that one wall. Commissioner Kirk asked why the Fire Marshal would care as there is access. Commissioner Woodard explained that normally there is a five foot sideyard setback and a wall and another five foot setback between the two houses. When you go to a zero side yard, the Fire Marshal requires one of the two walls be fire protected as there is only five feet between the two houses. Commissioner Woodard asked that this item be agendized for the next Commission meeting. 5. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioner Tyler/Abels to adopt Minute Motion 97-019 approving the new prototype for construction within Tract 27952, as recommended. 6. Commissioner Woodard stated he would like to go on record as stating that Pekarek Crandell, Inc. is a very fine architectural firm and he appreciates seeing such excellent plans submitted for Commission review. They are excellent plans and architecture and he applauds the development and the architecture. 7. There being no further discussion, the motion was approved unanimously. E. Sign Permit 92-186. Amendment #1; a requested of Integrated Sign Associates for Auto Club of Southern California for approval of a revision to the sign program for east and west facing signs for the northeast corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street. l . Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. PC 12-23-97 5 Planning Commission Meeting December 23, 1997 2. Commissioner Tyler asked if developer of the Center had any objections. Staff noted that a letter had been received from Mr. Mike Shovlin stating his approval. 3. Commissioner Abels asked if this was the same sign as the one on their offices in West Covina. Mr. Jandt, the applicant representing the Auto Club, stated it was not. 4. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Tyler to adopt Minute Motion 97-020 approving Sign Permit 92-186, Amendment #1, as recommended. Unanimously approved. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VIII. COMMISSIONERS ITEMS: A. Chairman Butler asked who would like to attend the Third Annual Planning Commission Meeting in Rancho Cucamonga on Saturday, January 24, 1998. Discussion followed regarding the conference. Those wishing to attend need to contact staff as soon as possible. B. Chairman Butler asked if anyone would like to attend the New Years Real Estate Forecast put on by the UCLA Extension in January, 1998. If anyone wanted to attend, they are to contact staff. C. Commissioner Tyler gave a report of the City Council meeting of December 16, 1997. D. Commissioner Seaton asked that the Department Report be included in the agenda packet. E. Chairman Butler asked what was to be on the Commission agenda for January 13, 1998, and was there a need to start the meeting at 3:00 p.m. instead of 7:00 p.m. to allow time to discuss the items. Discussion followed between the Commission and staff regarding alternatives to allow a study period whereby the Commissioners would have an opportunity to discuss with staff and the applicant, any outstanding issues relating to the project. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Tyler to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on January 13, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:06 p.m. on December 23, 1997. PC 12-23-97 6 PH #A STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: JANUARY 13,1998 CASE NO.: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 28640 REQUEST: APPROVAL AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 28640 TO SUBDIVIDE 22.97 ACRES INTO 70 RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND OTHER AMENITY LOTS APPLICANT: WATSON & CHRISTIANSEN ENGINEERING PROPERTY OWNERS: T.D. DEVELOPMENT (TOM CULLINAN) LOCATION: EAST SIDE OF WASHINGTON STREET, SOUTH OF AVENUE 48 WITHIN RANCHO LA QUINTA COUNTRY CLUB ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: AN ADDENDUM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) HAS BEEN ADOPTED FOR SPECIFIC PLAN 84-004 OF WHICH THIS TRACT IS A PART. THEREFORE, NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION IS NECESSARY. GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2-4 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) (LDR) ZONING: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (RL) SURROUNDING LAND USES: NORTH: EXISTING RANCHO LA QUINTA GOLF COURSE SOUTH: PARC LA QUINTA (R-1) EAST: EXISTING RANCHO LA QUINTA GOLF COURSE AND OTHER VACANT PROPERTY WEST: PARC LA QUINTA (R-1) BACKGROUND: In 1984, the City CouncV approved Specific Plan 84-004 and Environmental Impact Report No. 90, under Resolution 84-77, which allows up to 1,500 houses with two championship golf courses on approximately 682 acres. Since 1993, several tentative tracts have been approved and recorded under SP 84-004; there are currently 449 approved units with 255 single family and 30 "casita" units built. M-filrUNFER • The proposed subdivision is part of Phase II of the Specific Plan which designates 400 residential units on 85 acres. The 22.97 acres are located in the southwest portion of Rancho La Quinta (in the center of Phase II of the Specific Plan) taking access from Mission Drive West. The tentative tract map proposes 70 single family lots, amenity/common lots, and private streets lots (77 total lots). The amenity/common lots include: a recreational area (Lot 72), a pool area (Lot 63), a common parking area ( Lot "C"). The single family lots range in size from approximately 8,250 square feet to more than 25,000 square feet with lot widths ranging from 25 to 250 feet. Access to the tract will be from a north/south private street (Mission Drive West) connecting Rancho La Quinta Drive, the main access street. The case was advertised in the Desert Sun newspaper on January 2,1998. All property owners within 500-feet of the affected area were mailed a copy of the public notice as required. No written comments have been received. Public Agency Review The tentative tract was sent out for comments to City Departments and affected public agencies on October 21, 1997. Agency comments received have been made a part of the Conditions of Approval. Environmental Assessment Final Environmental Impact Report No. 90 was amended in 1984 as part of Specific Plan 84-004 (The Grove). Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), no additional environmental consideration is required as this map is consistent with Specific Plan 84-004, EIR No. 90. STATEMENT OF ISSUES: Issue 1 - General Plan/Specific Plan consistency The 1992 General Plan designates this property as Low Density Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) with Golf Course surrounding the proposed subdivision. This site is a portion of Phase II of the Specific Plan 84-004 allowing 400 residential units on 85 acres. The density for this phase is 3.0 units per acre, which is consistent with Condition 27 of the SP 84-004 which states: "The residential density is established at a gross density of 2.2 dwelling units per acre with a net density not to exceed six (6) dwelling units per acre." The proposed lot residential widths are not consistent with the SP 84-004. A condition requires a Specific Plan Amendment allowing residential lot widths less than 60 feet prior to recording the map. Issue 2 - Tract Design/Improvements/Health and Safety All single family lots are accessible by private streets. All interior streets are consistent with Condition 15b of SP 84-004 that requires minor streets to be not less than 32-feet wide. Several irregular lots and lots with less than a 60 foot width are proposed. Infrastructure improvements necessary for single family development are required for this project including streets, water and sewer, power, and drainage. The recommended Conditions of Approval require all necessary infrastructure improvements. The recommended conditions will insure that all on -site work is consistent with City standards and the requirements of local service agencies. Electric services will be underground. The applicant's request to subdivide 22.97 acres of land for 70 residential lots and amenity lots are consistent with the General Plan, Specific Plan 84-004, and the Subdivision Ordinance provided that the recommended Conditions of Approval are met. A condition of approval requires the tentative map not be recorded until the Rancho La Quinta Specific Plan Amendment has been is approved allowing lot widths of less than 60 feet. Finding for approval, as noted in the attached resolution, can be made. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 98 recommending to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract 28640 subject to the attached conditions. Attachment: 1 . Location Map 2. Specific Plan Exhibit (The Grove) 3. Tentative Tract 28640 (reduced) Prepared by: Fred Baker, AICP Principal Planner Submitted by: Christine di lorio Planning Manager PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 98- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT 28640 TO ALLOW A 70-LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LAND SUBDIVISION AND MISCELLANEOUS AMENITY LOTS ON APPROXIMATELY 22.97 ACRES CASE NO.: TENTATIVE TRACT 28640 APPLICANT: WATSON & CHRISTIANSEN ENGINEERING (RANCHO LA QUINTA) WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 13th day of January, 1998, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing and recommended approval to the City Council, for a 22.97 acre site with 70 single family lots and other amenity lots, generally on the east side of Washington Street, south of Rancho La Quinta Drive, more particularly described as: BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PORTIONS OF PARCELS 4 AND 5 OF PARCEL MAP 20469 WHEREAS, said tentative map has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" as amended (Resolution 83-63), in that an Environmental Assessment was conducted for Specific Plan 84-004 (The Grove) in 1984, for the overall development of the Rancho La Quinta deveDopment. Final Environmental Impact Report No. 90, as amended, is still valid and binding on this development request. Therefore, no additional environmental review is warranted; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons wanting to be heard, said Commission did make the following Mandatory Findings of approval to justify said Tentative Tract Map 28640: A. The proposed map is consistent with the City of La Quinta General Plan and any applicable specific plans. The project is a Low Density Residential (LDR) District per the provisions of the 1992 General Plan Update; therefore, all provisions of Land Use Element (Chapter 2) shall be met. Specific Plan 84-004 designates the site as residential which permits single family dwellings. Tentative Tract 28640 is consistent with the goals, policies and intent of the La Quinta General Plan and Specific Plan 84-004 (The Grove) provided conditions contained herein are met to ensure consistency with the General Plan, Specific Plan and mitigation of environmental consequences pursuant to Final Environmental Impact Report No. 90 (addendum). RESOPCTT28640 Resolution 98- 6. The design, or improvement of, the proposed subdivision is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan and any applicable specific plans. All streets and improvements in the project conform to City standards contained in the General Plan and Subdivision Ordinance as designed. All on - site streets will be private (32-feet wide right-of-way) which is consistent with Specific Plan 84-004. Access for the single family lots will be provided from an internal north/south street planned under tentative tract map. The density and design standards for the tract will comply with the Land Use Element of the General Plan (Chapter 2) and the Specific Plan. Special conditions are proposed to establish design criteria for the amenity lots . C. The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage, or substantially injure fish or wildlife, or their habitat. The subject site is physically suitable for the proposed land division. The existing golf course, adjacent to the site, was built approximately four years ago. Therefore, this project will not cause substantial environmental damage or injury to fish or wildlife, or their habitat because mitigation measures were completed at the time the site was disturbed as required by SP 84-004, EIR No. 90 (Addendum), and PM 20469. D. The design of the subdivision, or type of improvements, are not likely to cause serious public health problems. The design of the subdivision, as conditionally approved, will not cause serious public health problems because they will install urban improvements based on City, State, and Federal requirements, and Specific Plan 84-004. E. The design of the subdivision, or type of improvements, will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through, or use of, property within the proposed subdivision. The proposed streets are planned to provide direct access to each single family lot. All required public easements will provide access to the site or support necessary infrastructure improvements. WHEREAS, in the review of this tentative tract map, the Planning Commission has considered the effect of the contemplated action on housing needs of the region for purposes of balancing those needs against the public service needs of the residents of the City of La Quinta and its environs with available fiscal and environmental resources; RFSOPCTT28640 Resolution 98- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby reconfirm the conclusions of Final Environmental Impact Report No. 90, as revised in 1984; 3. That it does recommend approval to the City Council of Tentative Tract Map 28640 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached conditions. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Planning Commission, held on this the 13`h day of January, 1998, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: RICHARD BUTLER, Chairman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JERRY HERMAN, Community Development Director City of La Quinta, California RFSOPCTT28640 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 98- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 28640 - RANCHO LA QUINTA JANUARY 13, 1998 GENERAL 1. Upon their approval by the City Council, the City Clerk is directed to file these Conditions of Approval with the Riverside County Recorder for recordation against the properties to which they apply. 2. Tentative Tract Map No. 28640 shall comply with the requirements and standards of § § 66410-66499.58 of the California Government Code (the Subdivision Map Act) and Chapter 13 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC) unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 3. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit or building permit for construction of any building or use contemplated by this approval, the applicant shall obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies: • Fire Marshal • Public Works Department (Grading Permit, Improvement Permit) • Community Development Department • Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department • Desert Sands Unified School District • Coachella Valley Water District • Imperial Irrigation District • California Regional Water Quality Control Board (NPDES Permit) The applicant is responsible for any requirements of the permits or clearances from those jurisdictions. If the requirements include approval of improvement plans, applicant shall furnish proof of said approvals prior to obtaining City approval of the plans. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit. For projects requiring project -specific NPDES construction permits, the applicant shall include a copy of the application for the Notice of Intent with grading plans submitted for plan checking. Prior to issuance of a grading or site construction permit, the applicant shall submit a copy of the proposed Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan for review by the Public Works Department. 4. Provisions shall be made to comply with the terms and requirements of the City's adopted Infrastructure Fee program in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. Printed January 9. 1998 Page 1 of Mum 28640-coa 5. All easements, rights of way and other property rights required of the tentative map or otherwise necessary to facilitate the ultimate use of the development and functioning of improvements shall be dedicated, granted or otherwise conferred, or the process of said dedication, granting, or conferral shall be ensured, prior to approval of a final map or parcel map or a waiver of parcel map. The conferral shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant easements to the City for access to and maintenance, construction, and reconstruction of all essential improvements which are located on privately -held lots or parcels. 6. Prior to approval of a final map, parcel map or grading plan and prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall furnish proof of temporary or permanent easements or written permission, as appropriate, from owners of any abutting properties on which grading, retaining wall construction, permanent slopes, or other encroachments are to occur. 7. If the applicant proposes vacation or abandonment of any existing rights of way or access easements which will diminish access rights to any properties owned by others, the applicant shall provide approved alternate rights of way or access easements to those properties or notarized letters of consent from the property owners. 8. The applicant shall dedicate public and private street right of way and utility easements in conformance with the City's General Plan, Municipal Code, applicable specific plans, and as required by the City Engineer. 9. Dedications required of this development consist of Lots A, B, C, & D (Private Streets) - 33-foot right of way. Dedications shall include additional width as necessary for features contained in the approved construction plans. 10. The applicant shall dedicate 10-foot public utility easements contiguous with and along both sides of all private streets. 11. The applicant shall dedicate any easements necessary for placement of and access to utility lines and structures, drainage basins, mailbox clusters, park lands, and common areas. 12. The applicant shall cause no easements to be granted or recorded over any portion of this property between the date of approval by the City Council and the date of recording of any final map(s) covering the same portion of the property unless such easements are approved by the City Engineer. O 13. As part of the filing package for final map approval, the applicant shall furnish accurate AutoCad files of the complete map, as approved by the City's map checker, on storage media and in a program format acceptable to the City Engineer. The files shall utilize standard AutoCad menu choices so they may be fully retrieved into a basic AutoCad program. If the map was not produced in AutoCad or a file format which can be converted to AutoCad, the City Engineer may accept raster -image files of the map. IMPROVEMENT PLANS 14. Improvement plans submitted to the City for plan checking shall be submitted on 24" x 36" media in the categories of "Rough Grading," "Precise Grading," "Streets & Drainage," and "Landscaping." All plans except precise grading plans shall have signature blocks for the City Engineer. Precise grading plans shall have signature blocks for Community Development Director and the Building Official. Plans are not approved for construction until they are signed. "Streets and Drainage" plans shall normally include signals, sidewalks, bike paths, gates and entryways, and parking lots. If water and sewer plans are included on the street and drainage plans, the plans shall have an additional signature block for the Coachella VaNey Water District (CVWD). The combined plans shall be signed by CVWD prior to their submittal for the City Engineer's signature. "Landscaping" plans shall normally include landscape improvements, irrigation, lighting, and subdivision perimeter walls. Plans for improvements not listed above shall be in formats approved by the City Engineer. 15. The City may maintain standard plans, details and/or construction notes for elements of construction. For a fee established by City resolution, the applicant may acquire standard plan and/or detail sheets from the City. 16. When final plans are approved by the City, and prior to approval of the final map, the applicant shall furnish accurate AutoCad files of the complete, approved plans on storage media acceptable to the City Engineer. The files shall utilize standard AutoCad menu choices so they may be fully retrieved into a basic AutoCad program. At the completion of construction and prior to final acceptance of improvements, the applicant shall update the files to reflect as -constructed conditions including approved revisions to the plans. If the plans were not produced in AutoCad or a file format which can be converted to AutoCad, the City Engineer may accept raster -image files of the plans. Printed 1 /9/98, Page 3 of 1 P:\ttm 28640-coa 17. The applicant shall construct improvements and/or satisfy obligations, or furnish an executed, secured agreement to construct improvements and/or satisfy obligations required by the City prior to agendization of a final map or parcel map or issuance of a certificate of compliance for a waived parcel map. For secured agreements, security provided, and the release thereof, shall conform with Chapter 13, LQMC. Improvements to be made or agreed to shall include removal of any existing structures or obstructions which are not part of the proposed improvements. 18. If improvements are secured, the applicant shall provide approved estimates of improvement costs. Estimates shall comply with the schedule of unit costs adopted by City resolution or ordinance. For items not listed in the City's schedule, estimates shall meet the approval of the City Engineer. Estimates for utilities and other improvements under the jurisdiction of outside agencies shall be approved by those agencies. Security is not required for telephone, gas, or T.V. cable improvements. However, tract improvements shall not be agendized for final acceptance until the City receives confirmation from the telephone authority that the applicant has met all requirements for telephone service to lots within the development. 19. If improvements are phased with multiple final maps or other administrative approvals (plot plans, conditional use permits, etc.), off -site improvements and development -wide improvements (e.g., retention basins, perimeter walls & landscaping, gates) shall be constructed or secured prior to approval of the first phase unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Improvements and obligations required of each phase shall be completed and satisfied prior to completion of homes or occupancy of permanent buildings within the phase unless a construction phasing plan is approved by the City Engineer. 20. The applicant shall pay cash or provide security in guarantee of cash payment for applicant's required share of improvements which have been or will be constructed by others (participatory improvements). Participatory improvements for this development include: A. Prior to agendization of any final map under this tentative map, the applicant shall enter into an unsecured agreement to reimburse the City for the applicant's share of the costs incurred in improvement of Avenue 48 from Dune Palms Road to Jefferson Street including signals and other required appurtenances. The agreement shall require reimbursement according to the original phasing plan for the overall Rancho La Quinta development as may be modified over time with the City's approval. Printed 1 /9/98, Page 4 of 1 P:\ttm 28640-coa The applicant's obligations for all or a portion of the participatory improvements may, at the City's option, be satisfied by participation in a major thoroughfare improvement program if this development becomes subject to such a program. GRADING 21. Graded, undeveloped land shall be maintained to prevent dust and blowsand nuisances. The land shall be planted with interim landscaping or provided with other wind and water erosion control measures approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. 22. Prior to occupation of the project site for construction purposes, the Applicant shall submit and receive approval of a fugitive dust control plan prepared in accordance with Chapter 6.16, LQMC. In accordance with said Chapter, the Applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the city, in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the provisions of the permit. 23. The applicant shall comply with the City's flood protection ordinance. 24. The applicant shall furnish a thorough preliminary geological and soils engineering report (the "soils report") with the grading plan. 25. A grading plan shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and must meet the approval of the City Engineer prior to issuance of a grading permit. The grading plan shall conform with the recommendations of the soils report and shall be certified as adequate by a soils engineer or an engineering geologist. A statement shall appear on the final map(s), if any are required of this development, that a soils report has been prepared pursuant to Section 17953 of the Health and Safety Code. 26. The applicant shall endeavor to minimize differences in elevation at the interface of this development with abutting properties and of separate tracts and lots within this development. Building pad elevations on contiguous lots shall not differ by more than three feet except for lots within a tract, but not sharing common street frontage, where the differential shall not exceed five feet. If compliance with this requirement is impractical, the City will consider and may approve alternatives which minimize safety concerns, maintenance difficulties and neighboring -owner dissatisfaction with the grade differential. 27. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide a separate document, bearing the seal and signature of a California registered civil engineer or surveyor, that lists actual building pad elevations for the building lots. The document shall list the pad elevation approved on the grading plan, the as -built elevation, and the difference between the two, if any. The data shall be organized by lot number and shall be listed cumulatively if submitted at different times. Printed 1/9/98, Page 5 of 1 P:\t-m 28640-coa DRAINAGE The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Engineering Bulletin No. 97.03 and the following: 28. The design of the development shall not cause any increase in flood boundaries, levels or frequencies in any area outside the development. 29. Stormwater falling on site during the peak 24-hour period of a 100-year storm (the design storm) shall be retained within the Rancho La Quinta development unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The tributary drainage area shall extend to the centerline of adjacent public streets. 30. Storm flow in excess of retention capacity shall be routed through a designated overflow outlet and into the historic drainage relief route. 31. Storm drainage historically received from adjoining property shall be received and retained or passed through into the historic downstream drainage relief route. 32. Nuisance water shall be retained on site unless otherwise approved by the Rancho La Quinta Homeowners' Association. A trickling sand filter and leachfield of a design approved by the City Engineer shall be installed to percolate nuisance water. The sand filter and leach field shall be sized to percolate 22 gallons per day per 1,000 square feet of drainage area. 33. If the applicant proposes drainage of stormwater from a design storm directly or indirectly to public waterways, the applicant and, subsequently, the Homeowners' Association if so arranged by the applicant, shall be responsible for any sampling and testing of the development's effluent which may required under the City's NPDES Permit or other city- or area -wide pollution prevention program and for any other obligations and/or expenses which may arise from the such discharge of the development's stormwater or nuisance water. The tract CC & Rs shall reflect the existence of this potential obligation. 34. All existing and proposed utilities within or adjacent to the proposed development shall be installed underground. High -voltage power lines which the power authority will not accept underground are exempt from this requirement. 35. In areas where hardscape surface improvements are planned, underground utilities shall be installed prior to construction of surface improvements. The applicant shall provide certified reports of utility trench compaction tests for approval of the City Engineer. Printed 1/9/98, Page 6 of 1 P:\ttm 28640-coa 36. The City is contemplating adoption of a major thoroughfare improvement program. If the program is in effect 60 days prior to recordation of any final map or issuance of a certificate of compliance for any waived final map, the development or portions thereof may be subject to the provisions of the ordinance. If this development is not subject to a major thoroughfare improvement program, the applicant shall be responsible for all street and traffic improvements required herein. 37. The following minimum street improvements shall be constructed to conform with the General Plan street type noted in parentheses: A. PRIVATE STREETS AND CULS DE SAC 1) Residential - 32 feet wide, curbface to curbface Entry drives, main interior circulation routes, turn knuckles, corner cutbacks, bus turnouts, dedicated turn lanes, and other features contained in the approved construction plans may warrant additional street widths as determined by the City Engineer. 38. Improvements shall include all appurtenances such as traffic signs, channelization markings and devices, raised medians if required, street name signs, sidewalks, and mailbox clusters approved in design and location by the U.S. Post Office and the City Engineer. Mid -block street lighting is not required. 39. The City Engineer may require improvements extending beyond development boundaries such as, but not limited to, pavement elevation transitions, street width transitions, or other incidental work which will ensure that newly constructed improvements are safely integrated with existing improvements and conform with the City's standards and practices. 40. Improvement plans for all on- and off -site streets and access gates shall be prepared by registered professional engineer(s) authorized to practice in the State of California. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the LQMC, adopted Standard and Supplemental Drawings and Specifications, and as approved by the City Engineer. 41. Street right of way geometry for culs de sac, knuckle turns and corner cut -backs shall conform with Riverside County Standard Drawings #800, #801, and #805 respectively unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 42. All streets proposed to serve residential or other access driveways shall be designed and constructed with vertical curbs and gutters or shall have other approved methods to convey nuisance water without ponding and to facilitate street sweeping. Printed 1 /9/98, Page 7 of 1 PAttm 28640-coa 43. Street pavement sections shall be based on a Caltrans design for a 20-year life and shall consider soil strength and anticipated traffic loading (including site and building construction traffic). The minimum pavement sections shall be as follows: Residential & Parking Areas 3.0" a.c./4.50" a.b. Collector 4.0"/5.00" Secondary Arterial 4.0"/6.00" Primary Arterial 4.5"/6.00" Major Arterial 5.5"/6.50" The listed structural sections are minimums, not defaults. Street pavement sections shall be designed using Caltrans design procedures with site -specific data for soil strength and traffic volumes. The applicant shall submit current (no more than two years old) mix designs for base materials, Portland cement concrete and asphalt concrete, including complete mix design lab results, for review and approval by the City. For mix designs over six months old, the submittal shall include recent (no more than six months old at the time proposed for construction) aggregate gradation test results to confirm that the mix design gradations can be reproduced in production of the base or paving material. Construction operations shall not be scheduled until mix designs are approved. 44. Final inspection and occupancy of homes or other permanent buildings within the development will not be approved until the homes or permanent buildings have improved access, including street and sidewalk improvements, traffic control devices and street name signs, to publicly -maintained streets. If on -site streets are initially constructed with only a portion of the full thickness of pavement, the applicant shall complete the pavement when directed by the City but in any case prior to final inspections of any of the final ten percent of homes within the tract. 45. Landscape and irrigation plans for landscaped lots, landscape setback areas, medians, common retention basins, and park facilities shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. Landscape and irrigation plans shall be approved by the Community Development Department. Landscape and irrigation construction plans shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval by the City Engineer. The plans are not approved for construction until they have been approved and signed by the City Engineer, the Coachella Valley Water District, and the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner. 46. Slopes shall not exceed 5:1 within public rights of way and 3:1 in landscape areas outside the right of way unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Printed 1/9/98, Page 8 of 1 PAttm 28640-coa 47. Landscape areas shall have permanent irrigation improvements meeting the requirements of the City Engineer. Use of lawn shall be minimized with no lawn or spray irrigation within 5-feet of curbs along public streets. 48. The applicant shall ensure that landscaping plans and utility plans are coordinated to provide visual screening of above -ground utility structures. QUALITY ASSURANCE 49. The applicant shall employ construction quality -assurance measures which meet the approval of the City Engineer. 50. The subdivider shall arrange and bear the cost of measurement, sampling and testing not included in the City's permit inspection program but which are required by the City to provide evidence that materials and their placement comply with plans and specifications. 51. The applicant shall employ or retain California registered civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, or surveyors, as appropriate, who will provide, or have their agents provide, sufficient supervision and verification of the construction to be able to furnish and sign accurate record drawings. 52. Upon completion of construction, the applicant shall furnish the City reproducible record drawings of all plans which were signed by the City Engineer. Each sheet of the drawings shall have the words "Record Drawings," "As -Built" or "As - Constructed clearly marked on each sheet and be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the accuracy of the drawings. The applicant shall revise the plan computer files previously submitted to the City to reflect the as -constructed condition. 53. The applicant shall make provisions for continuous and perpetual maintenance of all required improvements unless and until expressly released from said responsibility by the City. MINE_4010 54. The applicant shall pay all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposit and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan checking and permits. 55. Schedule A fire protection approved Super fire hydrants (6" X 4" X 2-1 /2" X 2- 1/2") shall be located at each street intersection spaced not more than 330 -feet apart in any direction with no portion of any frontage more than 165-feet from a fire hydrant. Minimum fire flow shall be 1000 g.p.m. for two hour duration at 20 psi. 56. Prior to recordation of the final map, applicant/developer shall furnish one blueline copy of the water system plan to the Fire Department for review and approval. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed/approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: " I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." 57. The required water system including fire hydrants shalt be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building material being placed on an individual lot. 58. A temporary water supply for fire protection may be allowed for the construction of a model unit only. Plans for a temporary water system must be submitted to the Fire Department for review prior to issuance of building permits. 59. Gates installed to restrict access shall be power operated and equipped with a fire Department override consisting of Knox Key Operated switches, series KS-2P with dust cover, mounted per recommended standard of the Knox Company. Improvement plans for the entry street and gates shall be submitted to the Fire Department for review/approval prior to installation. MISCELLANEOUS 60. Swimming pool and related recreation area facilities on Lot 63 shall be installed by issuance of 30`h building permit for this Tract, with plans for facilities approved prior to issuance of first building permit for this Tract. 61. Restroom facilities shall be provided at the common pool and spa complex (Lot 63). Separate restroom facilities shall be accessible to the golf maintenance workers and gardeners during their normal working hours as approved by the Community Development Department. 62. Final map(s) shall not be approved or recorded with lot widths of less than 60 feet until a Specific Plan amendment is approved permitting such lot widths. 63. Developer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta in the event of any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. Printed 1 /9/98, Page 10 of 1 PAttm 28640-coa ATTACHMENT#1 LOCATION MAP 3ENHOWER 01 Ik ATTACHMENT 2 sw,ed 130.1s swept/ laans uosvallap 14411S uolbulyspm b 3 o a t > c— °i O v C:) 00 Vl <M fV O et O O Q _ o 00rq C Q N (T -- -7:3 cr 24 I f 1 �r I R ° ... . ...... PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: JANUARY 13, 1998 CASE NO.: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 97-617 APPLICANT/ PROPERTY OWNER: LA QUINTA GOLF PROPERTIES ARCHITECTS: MARSH & ASSOCIATES REQUEST: ,APPROVAL TO A CONSTRUCT 3,100 SQUARE FOOT RECREATION BUILDING, TENNIS COURT, SWIMMING POOL/SPA AND PARKING LOT FOR USE IN CONJUNCTION WITH QUARRY GOLF COURSE AND CLUBHOUSE LOCATION: EAST SIDE OF TOM FAZIO LANE NORTH, 232 FEET NORTH OF QUARRY LANE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS COMPLETED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT #97-347. BASED UPON THIS ASSESSMENT, THE PROJECT WILL NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT; THEREFORE, A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED. GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: LDR (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, 2-4 D.U./ACRE) ZONING: RL (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: NORTH: PR (PARKS AND RECREATION) / LAKE CAHUILLA ROAD AND PARK SOUTH: RL (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) / VACANT RESIDENTIAL LAND THAT IS PART OF COUNTRY CLUB EAST: RL (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) / VACANT RESIDENTIAL LAND THAT IS PART OF COUNTRY CLUB p:\stan\pc rpt sdp 97-617 (2) BACKGROUND: WEST: RL (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) / CLUBHOUSE, MAINTENANCE FACILITY AND VACANT RESIDENTIAL LAND THAT IS PART OF COUNTRY CLUB SITE BACKGROUND The 2.2 acre site is vacant and is one of five parcels created by Parcel Map 28650, which was approved at a Director's Hearing on November 24, 1997. The site is relatively flat with a slight slope downward toward the north and contains some desert plants. A six foot high masonry wall exists along the west boundary of the site. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed recreation (spa) building will house a fitness room, men and women locker rooms, sauna, four offices, and a conference room and be for the use of the Quarry property owners. The recreation building will be located near the southeast corner of the site with the swimming pool/spa immediately south, the unlit tennis court to the north, and 56 parking spaces to the northwest. A small lake is shown east of the building and pool area. Vehicular access will be on the west side of the site from Tom Fazio Lane North across from a entry into the clubhouse parking lot, and will provide access to the future residential development to the south as well as to the 30 space parking lot for the recreation building. To the north of this parking lot is a separate wall, enclosed 26 space parking lot with a separate access to Tom Fazio Lane North for the country club employees. The proposed one story, maximum 21 foot high building will utilize a series of multiple level gable roofs with exposed rafters combined with parapet walls, and wood trellis' supported by masonry columns. Clerestory windows in the center of the building give the appearance of a second story feature. Exterior building materials consist of a five color blend, two piece barrel roof tile, rough texture plaster wall finish in beige and tan, and aspen dressed fieldstone for wall accents. A conceptual landscaping plan has been submitted indicating tree, shrub, and ground cover species, sizes, and locations. The plants shown are low water types with the minimum tree sizes shown as 24" box size. Short bollard lights, matching those used at the clubhouse will be used in the parking lot areas. Existing landscaping and the masonry wall along Tom Fazio Lane North will be retained except at the two new driveway locations. A six foot high masonry wall to match the existing wall to the northeast, will be provided along the north which is adjacent to Lake Cahuilla Road. Perimeter landscaping along Lake Cahuilla Road will be provided as required by Parcel Map 28650 with development of this site. p:\stan\pc rpt sdp 97-617 (2) PUBLIC NOTICE This request was advertised in the Desert Sun Newspaper on December 23, 1997, and mailed to all property owners within the Quarry Country Club and within 500' of the site. To date, no correspondence has been received. PUBLIC AGENCY REVIEW A copy of this request has been sent to all applicable public agencies and City Departments. All written comments received are on file in the Community Development Department. Applicable comments received have been included in the recommended Conditions of Approval. STATEMENT OF ISSUES: The findings for approval of this Site Development Permit are as follows: 1. The project is consistent with the General Plan and Zoning Code in that the use is permitted in the RL District and has been designed to comply with the applicable RL District and development standards. 2. Environmental Assessment 97-347 has been prepared for this project and staff has determined that no significant impacts will occur that cannot be mitigated. Mitigation measures will be imposed as part of the project approval and a Mitigated Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. 3. The architectural design of the project including architectural style, scale, building mass, materials, colors, details, roof style, is compatible and similar with the clubhouse and other custom residences in the project. 4. The site design of the project including entries, circulation, screening, is compatible with the surrounding project in that the design utilizes similar features. 5. The landscape design of the submitted plan shows that the level of landscaping will be equal to that which exists in the project. Future plans will refine the design. pAstan\pc rpt sdp 97-617 (2) CONCLUSION: The project is well designed and compatible with the surrounding development with minor modifications. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 98-_, certifying a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for Site Development Permit 97-617, subject to the Mitigation Monitoring Plan. Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 98- , approving Site Development Permit 97-617, subject to the above findings and recommended conditions. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Plan Exhibits Prepared by: Stan B. Sawa, Principal Planner Submitted by: Christine di lorio, Pifinning Manager pAstan\pc rpt sdp 97-617 (2) PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 98- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 97-617, SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS, ALLOWING CONSTRUCTION OF A 3100 SQUARE FOOT RECREATION BUILDING AND RELATED FACILITIES CASE NO.: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 97-617 APPLICANT: LA QUINTA GOLF PROPERTIES WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 13" day of January, 1998, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider the request of La Quinta Golf Properties to allow construction of a 3100 square foot recreation (spa) building tennis court, swimming pool/spa and parking lot for use in conjunction with the Quarry Golf Course and Clubhouse in the RL District, located on the east side of Tom Fazio Lane North, 232 feet north of Quarry Lane, more particularly described as: Parcel 1, Parcel Map 28650 WHEREAS, Environmental Assessment 97-347 has been prepared for this project and Staff has determined that no significant impacts will occur that cannot be mitigated and a Mitigated Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons wanting to be heard, said Planning Commission did find the following facts and reasons to justify approval of said site development permit: 1. The project is consistent with the General Plan and Zoning Code in that the use is permitted in the RL District and has .been designed to comply with the applicable RL District and development standards. 2. Environmental Assessment 97-347 has been prepared for this project and staff has determined that no significant impacts will occur that cannot be mitigated. Mitigation measures will be imposed as part of the project approval and a Mitigated Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. 3. The architectural design of the project including architectural style, scale, building mass, materials, colors, details, roof style, is compatible and similar with the clubhouse and other custom residences in the project. P:\STAN\pc res sdp 97-617.wpd Planning Commission Resolution 98- 4. The site design of the project including entries, circulation, screening, is compatible with the surrounding project in that the design utilizes similar features. 5. The landscape design of the submitted plan shows that the level of landscaping will be equal to that which exists in the project. Future plans will refine the design. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby approve Site Development Permit 97-617 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution, subject to the conditions labeled Exhibit "A", attached hereto;. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Planning Commission, held on the 131h day of January, 1998, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: RICH BUTLER, Chairman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JERRY HERMAN, Community Development Director City of La Quinta, California P:\STAN\pc res sdp 97-617.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 98- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 97-617 LA QUINTA GOLF PROPERTIES JANUARY 13, 1998 GENERAL 1. The use of this site shall be in conformance with the approved exhibits contained in Site Development Permit 97-617, unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. The approved site development permit shall be used within two years of approval, otherwise, it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. "Used" means the issuance of a building permit. A time extension may be requested as permitted in Municipal Code Section 9.200.080 D. 3. Developer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta in the event of any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel at its sole discretion. 4. The applicant shall obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies; as needed: - Fire Marshal - Public Works Department (Grading Permit, Improvement Permit) - Community Development Department - Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department - Desert Sands Unified School District - Coachella Valley Water District (per letter of October 27,1997 for PM 28650, on file in Community Development Department) - Imperial Irrigation District - California Regional Water Quality Control Board (NPDES Permit) The applicant is responsible for any requirements of the permits or clearances from those jurisdictions. If the requirements include approval of improvement plans, applicant shall furnish proof of said approvals prior to obtaining City approval of the plans. For projects requiring NPDES construction permits, the applicant shall include a copy of the application for the Notice of Intent with grading plans submitted for plan checking. Prior to issuance of a grading or site construction permit, the applicant shall submit a copy of the proposed Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan for review by the Public Works Department. p:/pc con of app sdp 97-617 Planning Commission Resolution 98- 6. Provisions shall be made to comply with the terms and requirements of the City's adopted Infrastructure Fee program in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. 7. All applicable conditions of Parcel Map 28650, shall be met. No permits for this project shall be issued until parcel map is recorded. 8. Exterior parking lot lighting shall to be low profile, down shining, and comply with Municipal Code and match those used at clubhouse. 9. Trash enclosure shall be provided unless applicant can provide alternative to on - site enclosure, to the satisfaction of the Community Development Department. 10. Tennis court shall not be night lit. 11. Additional trees (24" box size, 2" + caliper) shall be provided in island (1) and along north property line of employees parking lot (3). 12. All requirements of Mitigation Monitoring Plan shall be met (on file in Community Development Department). FIRE DEPARTMENT 13. Provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 1500 gpm for a two hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure which must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. 14. The required fire flow shall be available from a Super hydrant(s) (6 x 4" x 2- 1 /2") located not less than 25 feet or more than 165 feet from any portion of the building(s) as measured along approved vehicular travel ways. 15. The required fire flow may be adjusted at a later point in the permit process to reflect changes in design, construction type, area separations, or built-in fire protection measures such as a fully fire sprinklered building. 16. The applicant/developer shall be responsible to submit written certification from the water company noting the location of the existing fire hydrant and that the existing water system is capable of delivering 1500 gpm fire flow for a two hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure. If a water system currently p:/pc con of app sdp 97-617 Planning Commission Resoiution 98-_ does not exist, the applicant/developer shall be responsible to provide written certification that financial arrangements have been made to provide them. 17. Blue retro-reflective pavement markers shall be mounted on private streets, public streets and driveways to indicate location of fire hydrants. Prior to installation, placement of markers must be approved by the Riverside County Fire Department. 18. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, applicant/developer shall furnish one blue line copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans must be signed by a registered Civil Engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department". 19. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and operational prior to the start of construction. 20. Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided when any portion of the facility or any portion of an exterior wall of the first story of the building is located more than 150 feet from fire apparatus access as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. 21. The roadway shall be not less than 24 feet of unobstructed width and 13 feet 6 inches of vertical clearance. Where parallel parking is allowed, the roadway shall be 36 feet wide with parking on one side. Dead-end roads in excess of 150 feet shall be provided with a minimum 45 feet radius turn around (55 feet in industrial developments). Fountains or garden islands placed in the middle of these turn-arounds shall not exceed a 5 feet radius or 10 feet diameter. City standards may be more restrictive. 22. Prior to final inspection of any building, the applicant shall prepare and submit to the Fire Department for approval, a site plan designating required fire lanes with appropriate lane painting and/or signs. 23. Install portable fire extinguishers per NFPA, Pamphlet #10, but not less than 2A10BC in rating. Contact certified extinguisher company for proper placement of equipment. p:/pc con of app sdp 97-617 Planning Commission Resolution 98-_ 24. Install Knox Key Lock boxes, Models 4400, 3200 or 1300, mounted per recommended standard of the Knox Company. Plans must be submitted to the Fire Department for approval of mounting location/position and operating standards. Special forms are available from this office for the ordering of the Key Switch, this form must be authorized and signed by this office for the correctly coded system to be purchased. 25. If the building/facility is protected with a fire alarm system or burglar alarm system, the lock boxes will require "tamper" monitoring. 26. Conditions subject to change with adoption of new codes, ordinances, laws, or when building permits are not obtained within twelve (12) months. 27. Final conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed. A plan check fee must be paid to the Fire Department at the time building plans are submitted. MISCELLANEOUS 28. Prior to occupation of the project site for construction purposes, the applicant shall submit and receive approval of a Fugitive Dust Control plan prepared in accordance with Chapter 6.16, LQMC. In accordance with said Chapter, the applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the City, in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the provisions of the permit. 29. Graded, undeveloped land shall be maintained to prevent dust and blowsand nuisances. The land shall be planted with interim landscaping or provided with other wind and water erosion control measures approved by the Community Development Department. 30. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall retain a professionally qualified archeological monitor. During grading activities, the project site shall be monitored by the monitor. The monitor is authorized to temporarily divert or stop equipment in order to investigate exposed cultural deposits. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, the project archeologist shall submit a final report (two copies) to the Community Development Department. The final report shall follow the report format contained in Preservation Planning Bulletin No. 4 (a), December, 1989, (OHP). The final report shall be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Commission for completeness and acceptability. Acceptance of the final report by the Commission signifies completion of the archeological mitigation program. p:/pc con of app sdp 97-617 ATTACHMENT 1 5e4A,&vr- a NORTH CASE No. SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 97-617 SCALE LA QUINTA GOLF PROPERTIES I NTS PH #C PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: JANUARY 13, 1998 CASE NO.: TENTATIVE TRACT 28719 APPLICANT: KSL LAND CORPORATION ENGINEER: MDS CONSULTING REQUEST: APPROVAL AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL TO SUBDIVIDE 15.6 -r ACRES INTO 58 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND MISCELLANEOUS LOTS IN THE RL (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT) ZONE ON LAND PREVIOUSLY SUBDIVIDED BY TRACT 24889 AND 24890-2. LOCATION: ON BAYA AND CETRINO, EAST OF MANGO, WITHIN THE CITRUS COUNTRY CLUB. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THIS TENTATIVE TRACT MAP REQUEST HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY ASSESSED IN CONJUNCTION WITH SPECIFIC PLAN 85- 006, WHICH WAS CERTIFIED ON OCTOBER 15, 1985. GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (SPECIFIC PLAN) ZONING: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL BACKGROUND: GENERAL The property is located in the center of the Citrus Country Club, west of Jefferson Street, north of 52th Avenue (Attachment 1). Tract 24890 subdivided the majority C/pc rpt tt 28719 of this site for air space condominiums (five lots) in a duplex configuration providing 52 units with a swimming pool area. Many of the units previously approved were proposed to be on condominium lots of approximately 55 feet wide. To date, the lots and surrounding streets have been rough graded, with the golf course installed to the north, east, and south. PROJECT DESCRIPTION This tentative tract map proposes 58 individual single family lots, varying in size from 7,425 to 12,815 square feet (average 8,413 square feet). The typical lot is 55 feet wide and 135 or 140 feet deep. Two lots (9,353 and 83,712 square feet), including the one previously indicated for a swimming pool area, are shown as landscape lots. The 58 lots are planned to be developed with the approved Ryder Collection residences which are detached single family residences ranging from 2,195 to 2472 square feet. PUBLIC NOTICE This tentative tract map request was advertised in the Desert Sun newspaper on January 2, 1998. All property owners within the Citrus Country Club and within 500 feet of the country club were mailed a copy of the public hearing notice as required by Municipal Code. To date, no comments from these owners has been received. PUBLIC AGENCY REVIEW Staff has sent a copy of the request out for comment from City Departments and applicable public agencies. All written comments are on file with the Community Development Department. Applicable comments have been included in the recommended Conditions of Approval. STATEMENT OF ISSUES: The findings for approval of this map are as follows: 1. The proposed map and its design is consistent with the General Plan and applicable Specific Plan in that the parcels are intended and designated for Low Density Residential. The Specific Plan permits approximately 2245 total units, of which 564 are within the Citrus area. The addition of five units within the Citrus area is acceptable since the balance of the 2245 units have not yet been mapped. The development of the lots will comply with applicable development standards such as setbacks (20 foot rear yard), height restrictions, etc. 2. The design of the subdivision or proposed improvements are not likely to cause environmental damage, or substantially and avoidably injure fish or C/pc rpt tt 28719 wildlife, or cause serious public health problems, since the project is primarily surrounded by development or other urban improvements and mitigation is required by the previous Environmental Impact Report. 3. The design of the proposed map will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large, for access through, or use of, property within the proposed map since none presently exist and easement needed for the future development will be provided. The Specific Plan for this project does not specify a minimum lot width for lots to be developed with detached single family residences. Therefore, it is subject to the Zoning Code requirement of 60 feet. A Specific Plan Amendment, which will include a provision to allow 55 foot wide lots, will be filed in the near future. Staff recommends that a condition be imposed to allow Tentative Tract Map approval with the provision that the Final Map not be recorded until the Specific Plan amendment is approved. CONCLUSION: The findings for approval of this tentative tract map can be made and therefore, this map is acceptable. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 98-_, recommending to the City Council, approval of Tentative Tract 28719, subject to the attached conditions. Prepared by: STAN B. SAWA, Principal Planner Submitted by: CHRISTINE DI IORIOy Planning Manager Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Tentative Tract exhibit C/pc rpt tt 28719 JOMDA MA ST. rm s rcx>As- st. 17"US i YAM NWA sr. CRRU4 coum E CASE No. TENTATIVE TRACT 28719 KSL LAND CORP. ATTACHMENT fam c 'UIURE CCXA*R,aAI SITE NORTH SCALE: NTS PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 98- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 28719 TO ALLOW A 58-LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION ON APPROXIMATELY 15.6 + ACRES CASE NO.: TT 28719 APPLICANT: KSL LAND CORPORATION WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 13th day of January, 1998, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider the request of KSL Land Corporation for approval of a tentative tract map to create 58 single family lots on 15.6 + acres in the RL zone located on Baya and Cetrino, east of Mango in the Citrus Country Club, more particularly described as: Lots 6-11, portions of Lot "A", Amending Tract 28490-2 and Lot "AS", Tract 24889 WHEREAS, said tentative map has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" as amended (Resolution 83-63). The La Quinta Community Development Department has determined that this tentative tract map request has been previously assessed in conjunction with Specific Plan 85-006, which was certified on October 15, 1985; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons wanting to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following Mandatory Findings of approval to justify a recommendation for approval of said Tentative Tract Map 28719: 1. The proposed map and its design is consistent with the General Plan and applicable Specific Plan in that the parcels are intended and designated for Low Density Residential. The Specific Plan permits approximately 2245 total units, of which 564 are within the Citrus area. The addition of five units within the Citrus area is acceptable since the balance of the 2245 units have not yet been mapped. The development of the lots will comply with applicable development standards such as setbacks (20 foot rear yard), height restrictions, etc. 2. The design of the subdivision or proposed improvements are not likely to cause environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish, or wildlife, or cause serious public health problems since the project is primarily surrounded by development, or other urban improvements, and mitigation is required by the previous Environmental Impact Report. C:\pc res tt 28719 Resolution 98- 3. The design of the proposed map will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large, for access through, or use of, property within the proposed Map since none presently exist and the easement needed for the future development will be provided. WHEREAS, in the review of this tentative tract map, the Planning Commission has considered, the effect of the contemplated action on housing needs of the region for purposes of balancing those needs against the public service needs of the residents of the City of La Quinta and its environs with available fiscal and environmental resources; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case; 2. That it does recommend approval of Tentative Tract Map 28719 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached conditions. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission held on this 13th day of January 1998, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: RICH BUTLER, Chairman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JERRY HERMAN, Community Development Director City of La Quinta, California C:\pc res tt 28719 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 98- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 28719 KSL LAND CORPORATION JANUARY 13, 1998 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL GENERAL 1. Upon their approval by the City Council, the City Clerk is directed to file these Conditions of Approval with the Riverside County Recorder for recordation against the properties to which they apply. 2. This Tentative Tract Map shall comply with all requirements and standards of the Municipal Code and Subdivision Ordinance requirements , unless otherwise modified herein by the following conditions. This map shall expire two years after approval by the City Council unless extended pursuant to the provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance. 3. Tentative Tract Map No. 28719 shall comply with the requirements and standards of § § 66410-66499.58 of the California Government Code (the Subdivision Map Act) and Chapter 13 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC) unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 4. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit or building permit for construction of any building or use contemplated by this approval, the applicant shall obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies: • Fire Marshal • Public Works Department (Grading Permit, Improvement Permit) • Community Development Department • Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department • Desert Sands Unified School District • Coachella Valley Water District • Imperial Irrigation District • California Regional Water Quality Control Board (NPDES Permit) The applicant is responsible for any requirements of the permits or clearances from those jurisdictions. If the requirements include approval of improvement plans, applicant shall furnish proof of said approvals prior to obtaining City approval of the plans. c:\pc cond of app tt 28719 Planning Commission Resolution 98- The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit. For projects requiring project -specific NPDES construction permits, the applicant shall include a copy of the application for the Notice of Intent with grading plans submitted for plan checking. Prior to issuance of a grading or site construction permit, the applicant shall submit a copy of the proposed Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan for review by the Public Works Department. 5. Provisions shall be made to comply with the terms and requirements of the City's adopted Infrastructure Fee program in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. PROPERTY RIGHTS 6. All easements, rights of way and other property rights required of the tentative map or otherwise necessary to facilitate the ultimate use of the development and functioning of improvements shall be dedicated, granted or otherwise conferred, or the process of said dedication, granting, or conferral shall be ensured, prior to approval of a final map or parcel map or a waiver of parcel map. The conferral shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant easements to the City for access to and maintenance, construction, and reconstruction of all essential improvements which are located on privately -held lots or parcels. 7. Prior to approval of a final map, parcel map or grading plan and prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall furnish proof of temporary or permanent easements or written permission, as appropriate, for grading, drainage, retaining wall construction, permanent slopes, or other encroachments on property outside this Tract. 8. If the applicant proposes vacation or abandonment of any existing rights of way or access easements which will diminish access rights to any properties or facilities owned by others, the applicant shall provide approved alternate rights of way or access easements to those properties or notarized letters of consent from the property owners. 9. The applicant shall dedicate public and private street right of way and utility easements in conformance with the City's General Plan, Municipal Code, applicable specific plans, and as required by the City Engineer. c:\pc cond of app tt 28719 Planning Commission Resolution 98-_ 10. Private street dedications required of this development include: A. Lot "C" - Baya, Cetrino, and Mango - 37 feet 1 1. The applicant shall dedicate 10-foot public utility easements contiguous with and along both sides of all private streets. 12. The applicant shall dedicate any easements necessary for placement of and access to utility lines and structures, drainage basins, mailbox clusters, park lands, and common areas. 13. The applicant shall cause no easements to be granted or recorded over any portion of this property between the date of approval by the City Council and the date of recording of any final map(s) covering the same portion of the property unless such easements are approved by the City Engineer. FINAL MANS) 14. As part of the filing package for final map approval, the applicant shall furnish accurate AutoCad files of the complete map, as approved by the City's map checker, on storage media and in a program format acceptable to the City Engineer. The files shall utilize standard AutoCad menu choices so they may be fully retrieved into a basic AutoCad program. If the map was not produced in AutoCad or a file format which can be converted to AutoCad, the City Engineer may accept raster -image files of the map. IMPROVEMENT PLANS 15. Improvement plans submitted to the City for plan checking shall be submitted on 24" x 36" media in the categories of "Rough Grading," "Precise Grading," "Streets & Drainage," and "Landscaping." All plans except precise grading plans shall have signature blocks for the City Engineer. Precise grading plans shall have signature blocks for Community Development Director and the Building Official. Plans are not approved for construction until they are signed. "Streets and Drainage" plans shall normally include signals, sidewalks, bike paths, gates and entryways, and parking lots. If water and sewer plans are included on the street and drainage plans, the plans shall have an additional c:\pc cond of app tt 28719 Planning Commission Resolution 98-_ signature block for the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD). The combined plans shall be signed by CVWD prior to their submittal for the City Engineer's signature. "Landscaping" plans shall normally include landscape improvements, irrigation, lighting, and perimeter walls. Plans for improvements not listed above shall be in formats approved by the City Engineer. 16. The City may maintain standard plans, details and/or construction notes for elements of construction. For a fee established by City resolution, the applicant may acquire standard plan and/or detail sheets from the City. 17. When final plans are approved by the City, and prior to approval of the final map, the applicant shall furnish accurate AutoCad files of the complete, approved plans on storage media acceptable to the City Engineer. The files shall utilize standard AutoCad menu choices so they may be fully retrieved into a basic AutoCad program. At the completion of construction and prior to final acceptance of improvements, the applicant shall update the files to reflect as - constructed conditions including approved revisions to the plans. If the plans were not produced in AutoCad or a file format which can be converted to AutoCad, the City Engineer may accept raster -image files of the plans. IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT 18. The applicant shall construct improvements and/or satisfy obligations, or furnish an executed, secured agreement to construct improvements and/or satisfy obligations required by the City prior to agendization of a final map or parcel map or issuance of a certificate of compliance for a waived parcel map. For secured agreements, security provided, and the release thereof, shall conform with Chapter 13, LQMC. Improvements to be made or agreed to shall include removal of any existing structures or obstructions which are not part of the proposed improvements. 19. If improvements are secured, the applicant shall provide approved estimates of improvement costs. Estimates shall comply with the schedule of unit costs c:\pc cond of app tt 28719 Planning Commission Resolution 98- adopted by City resolution or ordinance. For items not listed in the City's schedule, estimates shall meet the approval of the City Engineer. Estimates for utilities and other improvements under the jurisdiction of outside agencies shall be approved by those agencies. Security is not required for telephone, gas, or T.V. cable improvements. However, tract improvements shall not be agendized for final acceptance until the City receives confirmation from the telephone authority that the applicant has met all requirements for telephone service to lots within the development. 20. If improvements are phased with multiple final maps or other administrative approvals (plot plans, conditional use permits, etc.), off -site improvements and development -wide improvements (e.g., retention basins, perimeter walls & landscaping, gates) shall be constructed or secured prior to approval of the first phase unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Improvements and obligations required of each phase shall be completed and satisfied prior to completion of homes or occupancy of permanent buildings within the phase unless a construction phasing plan is approved by the City Engineer. GRADING 21. Graded, undeveloped land shall be maintained to prevent dust and blowsand nuisances. The Cand shall be planted with interim landscaping or provided with other wind and water erosion control measures approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. 22. Prior to occupation of the project site for construction purposes, the Applicant shall submit and receive approval of a fugitive dust control plan prepared in accordance with Chapter 6.16, LQMC. In accordance with said Chapter, the Applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the city, in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the provisions of the permit. 23. The applicant shall comply with the City's flood protection ordinance. 24. The applicant shall furnish a thorough preliminary geological and soils engineering report (the "soils report") with the grading plan. 25. A grading plan shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and must meet the approval of the City Engineer prior to issuance of a grading permit. The grading plan shall conform with the recommendations of the soils report and shall be certified as adequate by a soils engineer or an engineering geologist. c:\pc cond of app tt 28719 Planning Commission Resolution 98-_ A statement shall appear on the final map(s), if any are required of this development, that a soils report has been prepared pursuant to Section 17953 of the Health and Safety Code. 26. The applicant shall endeavor to minimize differences in elevation at the interface of this development with abutting properties and of separate tracts and lots within this development. Building pad elevations on contiguous lots shall not differ by more than three feet except for lots within a tract, but not sharing common street frontage, where the differential shall not exceed five feet. If compliance with this requirement is impractical, the City will consider and may approve alternatives which minimize safety concerns, maintenance difficulties and neighboring -owner dissatisfaction with the grade differential. 27. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide a separate document, bearing the seal and signature of a California registered civil engineer or surveyor, that lists actual building pad elevations for the building lots. The document shall list the pad elevation approved on the grading plan, the as -built elevation, and the difference between the two, if any. The data shall be organized by lot number and shall be listed cumulatively if submitted at different times. DRAINAGE 28. Stormwater falling on site during the peak 24-hour period of a 100-year storm (the design storm) shall be retained in accordance with the approved hydrology study and drainage plan for the Citrus development, Tentative Tract No. 24890. UTILITIES 29. In areas where hardscape surface improvements are planned, underground utilities shall be installed prior to construction of surface improvements. The applicant shall provide certified reports of utility trench compaction tests for approval of the City Engineer. STREET AND TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS 30. The City is contemplating adoption of a major thoroughfare improvement program. If the program is in effect 60 days prior to recordation of any final map or issuance of a certificate of compliance for any waived final map, the development or portions thereof may be subject to the provisions of the ordinance. c:\pc cond of app tt 28719 Planning Commission Resolution 98- If this development is not subject to a major thoroughfare improvement program, the applicant shall be responsible for all street and traffic improvements required herein. 31. The following minimum street improvements shall be constructed to conform with the General Plan street type noted in parentheses: a. PRIVATE STREETS AND CULS DE SAC i. Residential - 36 feet wide if double loaded (building lots on both sides), 32 feet if single loaded. Entry drives, main interior circulation routes, turn knuckles, corner cutbacks, bus turnouts, dedicated turn lanes, and other features contained in the approved construction plans may warrant additional street widths as determined by the City Engineer. 32. Improvements shall include all appurtenances such as traffic signs, channelization markings and devices, raised medians if required, street name signs, sidewalks, and mailbox clusters approved in design and location by the U.S. Post Office and the City Engineer. Mid -block street lighting is not required. 33. The City Engineer may require improvements extending beyond development boundaries such as, but not limited to, pavement elevation transitions, street width transitions, or other incidental work which will ensure that newly constructed improvements are safely integrated with existing improvements and conform with the City`s standards and practices. 34. Improvement plans for all on- and off -site streets and access gates shall be prepared by registered professional engineer(s) authorized to practice in the State of California. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the LQMC, adopted Standard and Supplemental Drawings and Specifications, and as approved by the City Engineer. 35. Street right of way geometry for culs de sac, knuckle turns and corner cut -backs shall conform with Riverside County Standard Drawings #800, #801, and #805 respectively unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 36. All streets proposed to serve residential or other access driveways shall be designed and constructed with vertical curbs and gutters or shall have other approved methods to convey nuisance water without ponding and to facilitate street sweeping. c:\pc cond of app tt 28719 Planning Commission Resolution 98- 37. Street pavement sections shall be based on a Caltrans design for a 20-year life and shall consider soil strength and anticipated traffic loading (including site and building construction traffic). The minimum pavement sections shall be as follows: Residential & Parking Areas 3.0" a.c./4.50" a.b. Collector 4.0"/5.00" Secondary Arterial 4.0"/6.00" Primary Arterial 4.5"/6.00" Major Arterial 5.5"/6.50" The listed structural sections are minimums, not defaults. Street pavement sections shall be designed using Caltrans design procedures with site -specific data for soil strength and traffic volumes. The applicant shall submit current (no more than two years old) mix designs for base materials, Portland cement concrete and asphalt concrete, including complete mix design lab results, for review and approval by the City. For mix designs over six months old, the submittal shall include recent (no more than six months old at the time proposed for construction) aggregate gradation test results to confirm that the mix design gradations can be reproduced in production of the base or paving material. Construction operations shall not be scheduled until mix designs are approved. 38. Prior to occupancy of any homes or other permanent buildings within this Tract, the applicant or others shall install all street and sidewalk improvements, traffic control devices and street name signs giving access from public streets (Avenue 52 and/or Jefferson Street) to those buildings. This requirement may include completion of access route(s) across other property and through other portions of Tentative Tract 24890. If on -site streets are initially constructed with only a portion of the full thickness of pavement, the applicant shall complete the pavement when directed by the City but in any case prior to final inspections of any of the final ten percent of homes within the Tract. LANDSCAPING 39. Landscape and irrigation plans for landscaped lots, landscape setback areas, medians, common retention basins, and park facilities shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect. Landscape and irrigation plans shall be approved by the Community Development Department. Landscape and irrigation construction plans shall be c:\pc cond of app tt 28719 Planning Commission Reso ution 98- submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval by the City Engineer. The plans are not approved for construction until they have been approved and signed by the City Engineer, the Coachella Valley Water District, and the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner. 40. Slopes shall not exceed 5:1 within public rights of way and 3:1 in landscape areas outside the right of way unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 41. Landscape areas shall have permanent irrigation improvements meeting the requirements of the City Engineer. 42. The applicant shall ensure that landscaping plans and utility plans are coordinated to provide visual screening of above -ground utility structures. QUALITY ASSURANCE 43. The applicant shall employ construction quality -assurance measures which meet the approval of the City Engineer. 44. The subdivider shall arrange and bear the cost of measurement, sampling and testing not included in the City's permit inspection program but which are required by the City to provide evidence that materials and their placement comply with plans and specifications. 45. The applicant shall employ or retain California registered civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, or surveyors, as appropriate, who will provide, or have their agents provide, sufficient supervision and verification of the construction to be able to furnish and sign accurate record drawings. 46. Upon completion of construction, the applicant shall furnish the City reproducible record drawings of all plans which were signed by the City Engineer. Each sheet of the drawings shall have the words "Record Drawings," "As -Built" or "As -Constructed" clearly marked on each sheet and be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the accuracy of the drawings. The applicant shall revise the plan computer files previously submitted to the City to reflect the as -constructed condition. MAINTENANCE 47. The applicant shall make provisions for continuous maintenance of all required improvements. c:\pc cond of app tt 28719 Planning Commission Resolution 98 FEES AND DEPOSITS 48. The applicant shall pay all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposit and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan checking and permits. MISCELLANEOUS 49. Swimming pool and related recreation area facilities on Lot "A" shall be installed by issuance of 30t' building permit for this Tract, with plans for facilities approved prior to issuance of first building permit for this Tract. Restroom facilities shall be provided at the common pool and spa complex. Separate restroom facilities shall be accessible to the golf course and H.O.A. workers and gardeners during their normal working hours, as approved by the Community Development Department. 50. Final map(s) shall not be approved or recorded with lot widths of less than 60 feet until a Specific Plan amendment is approved permitting such lot widths. 51. Developer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta in the event of any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. c:\pc cond of app tt 28719 BI #A DATE: CASE NO.: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: REQUEST: LOCATION: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ZONING: BACKGROUND: PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT January 13, 1998 Sign Application 97-410 Wells Fargo Bank (Quality Project Coordinating) Albertsons Supermarket Approval of a modified sign to an approved sign program for a bank mini -branch located in Albertson's Supermarket. 78-630 Highway 111 in the 111 La Quinta Shopping Center The La Quinta Community Development Department has determined this sign application is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15311, Class 11, of the guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act. M/RC (Mixed Regional Commercial) CR (Regional Commercial) Wells Fargo Bank has a mini -branch (28'-2" by 14') in the Albertson's Supermarket in the 111 La Quinta Shopping Center. Presently, there is a 27 square foot (1.5' by 18') internally illuminated channel letter sign reading "WELLS FARGO" on the exterior of Albertsons that was approved by the Planning Commission on March 25, 1997. At that time, Wells Fargo Bank was denied their requested can sign reading "WELLS FARGO" with their stagecoach logo. The existing sign was determined by the Planning Commission to be the acceptable sign (Attachment 1). SIGN REQUEST: The applicants wish to replace the sign on the outside of the supermarket with an internally illuminated can sign 2'3" high by 13' 10 1 /2" long and 12" deep (31.2 square feet ) in the same location. The submitted elevation plan of the front of the market shows the location of the proposed sign in the same location. This sign is the same as their original request in March, 1997, (Attachment 2). cApc rpt sa 97-410 (2) The proposed sign reads "Wells Fargo" with their "stagecoach" logo on the right side. Three -fourth of the sign face background on the left will be red, with the balance black. "Wells Fargo" will be gold in color with the logo white. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES: Issue 1 - Consistency The previous Planning Commission approval permitted individual channel letters, 1.5 feet in height and 21 feet in length (31.5 square feet) with no logo. In order to maintain proper letter proportion, the sign installed is 1.5 feet in height and 18 feet in length (27 square feet). The proposed can sign is 2.25 feet high and 13.87 feet in length (31.2 square feet). As we previously noted in March, 1997, no cabinet signs have been approved for in - line minor tenants. For in -line minor tenants, such as Wells Fargo, block style individual illuminated channel letters with an optional logo is permitted under the sign program. Letter height allowed is 24", with the length allowed to be a maximum of 75% of the leasehold width, with a maximum 50 square feet of sign area. National or regional tenants are permitted to use corporate or their standard signs with approval. To date, several tenants have done this. However, none have been allowed to use cabinet signs. The channel letter sign should be maintained for design continuity. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute Motion 98 denying the requested modification. Attachments: 1. Planning Commission minutes for the meeting of March 25, 1997, for SA 97- 375 2. Sign exhibits Prepared by: Stan B. Sawa, Principal Planner Submitted by: Christine di lorio, Planning Manager c:\pc rpt sa 97-410 (2) Plannma Commission titcetine March 25. 1997 VI. BUSINESS ITE'N,1S: Comm\sioner Tyler withdrew due to a possible conflict of interest as he is a member of the Soap Box Derby, Committee. A. Z.EMPORARY i'SE PERMIT 97-137; a request of the Greater Coachella Valley Soap Box Derby for approval of a one day Soap Box Derby Race and sign program to be held on April 5, 1997. 1. Chairman Abels asked for the staff report. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Chairman Abels asked if there were any questions of staff. There being no questions, Chairman Abels asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. 3. Ms. Lucia Moran, applicant, showed a sample of the directional sign of the event and gave a review of the contest. 4. Commissioner Woodard asked if the cars are all bought from the same place. Ms. Moran explained that the kits must be bought from the franchise which governs the cars restrictions. 5. There being no further comment it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Butler to adopt Minute Motion 97-002 approving Temporary Use Permit 97-137. subject to the findings and Conditions of Approval. Unanimously approved. Commissioner'Fvler rejoined the meeting. B. N A PLIC TI 97-375; a request of Wells Fargo Bank for approval of a new 7tAlbertson's and deviation to the approved sign program for the bank mini -branch located in Supermarket. 1. Chairman Abels asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report. a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. PC3-25-97 Planning Commission Meeting :March 25. 1997 1 Chairman Abels asked if there were any questions of staff. 3. Commissioner Woodard asked if the other signs in the area were individually mounted letters. Principal Planner Stan Sawa stated staff was requiring individual letters for compatibility with the remainder of the shopping center. 4. Commissioner Woodard asked staff to clarify Attachment 1. Staff stated it was the floor plan for the mini -branch. 5. Commissioner Butler asked if the individual letters were used, would they still be able to use the stagecoach logo. Staff suggested that be answered by the applicant. 6. Commissioner Gardner stated that Von's Shopping Center has the Wells Fargo mini -branch without any signs. Why is a sign needed here? Staff stated it is up to the Commission to determine the need for a sign. The mini - branch located within the Von's store is small with an ATM machine on -site. This site is planned to be a manned site with an office and counter. 7. Commissioner Tyler asked if this was taking the place of the branch office located at Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive which is closing. 8. Mr. George Hellerich, sign company representing Wells Fargo, stated their problem with the staff s recommendation. If they go with 8-inch letters the sign would be 18' feet long and staff's recommendation is to keep the 13-foot length. The City's 75% Rule would allow 21 linear feet. If they are allowed the 21-feet, they could go with 18-inch letters. They do not use the stagecoach with the individual letters. If they use 15-inch letters the sign would be 15 feet. 9. Commissioner Woodard asked the height of the Albertson's sign. Staff stated they were four to five feet high. If the applicant was willing to have letters as small as on the cabinet sign, they could leave the letter size the same as shown, and make then individually illuminated letters. Discussion followed regarding the sign size. 10. Commissioner Woodard stated he would prefer the 15-inch individual letters. 11. Commissioners Tv_ ler and Newkirk stated they would prefer the 18-inch letters. PC3-25-97 9 Plammne Commission Meetine March 25. 1997 12. Commissioner Gardner stated they had denied the Pharmacy and other signs and now allowing the Wells Fargo sign. Staff stated the signs had been denied because it was determined that signs displayed the products that were sold there. If a sign was requested to distinguish another business within the store. is would be allowed. When McDonalds went into WalMart a sign was approved by the Commission. 13. Commissioner Butler stated he had no objection to the sign but was uncertain as to whether the 15 or 18-inch should be required. 14. Commissioner Woodard stated he shared the concern raised by Commissioner Gardner, as he would assume that as food is sold, signs would not be needed to identify the products. However, he would not assume that a bank would be inside. He would therefore approve of the sign and would go along with the 18-inch letters. 15. There being no further comment it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Newkirk to adopt Minute Motion 97-003 approving Sign Application 97-375, subject to the findings and Conditions of Approval as recommended by staff and as modified: a. Individual letters be 18-inch in height and 21-feet in length, with the stagecoach logo being deleted; and b. Unanimously approved. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None. VIII. COMMISSIONERS ITEMS. A. Commissioner Woodard stated that while attending the League of California Cities Conference he had spoken with several of those attending regarding study sessions and each time he was informed that they were holding study session. He would therefore, like to see the City's policy regarding study sessions be reinstated. Chairman Abels stated that a discussion would need to be held with the City Attorney to explain what the other cities are doing regarding study sessions. Community PC3-25-97 10 Titit 4 4 Qu&rcu MEMORANDUM TO: Jerry Herman, Community Development Director FROM: Mark Weiss, Assistant City Manager DATE: December 19, 1997 RE: Request by Cultural Commission to present the Draft Cultural Plan to the Planning Commission The Cultural Commission has been working on the development of a Cultural Plan for the City of La Quinta to help guide its cultural development and endeavors. This project was approved by the City Council as a part of the Work Plan of the Cultural Commission. The Cultural Commission has conducted several Valley wide conferences and community workshops to collect information/input from the community and surrounding areas. The Cultural Plan has now been developed sufficiently to take it to the next level - a more formalized review by the community's cultural organizations. Being one of those organizations, the Planning Commission is being asked to review the Cultural Plan and provide feedback for the continuing development of the Plan. Chairperson Kathryn B. Hull and Commissioner John Detlie of the Cultural Commission would like to present the plan to the Planning Commission at the January 13, 1998 Planning Commission meeting. A copy of the plan is attached for your use. On behalf of the Cultural Commission, thank you for your consideration and important feedback/input on the Cultural Plan. T4'vl 4 4 Q" MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: JERRY HERMAN, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DATE: JANUARY 9, 1998 SUBJECT: 3RD ANNUAL PLANNING COMMISSIONERS FORUM This is the last opportunity we will have to make arrangements for anyone to attend the above -noted conference. To date, Commissioner Tyler is the only one who will be attending. If anyone else is planning on attending, please notify staff immediately. Thank you. 25 November, 1997 3rd Annual Planning Commissioners Forum Dear Planning Director: �i tiiv5ti'Ci are `oples o; Gut f jy& t1N/coming Paanni71g Commissioners s Forum. Please help us get the word out about the program by distributing the enclosed flyers and highlighting their importance. This is an excellence program for planning commissioners, design review boards, city council members, and all levels of planning staff. Please note the following facts: • The cost of sending your staff or decision -makers to a League meeting or APA Conference is substantial. Our cost is only $50.00 per person. • Our program is or a Saturday and therefore, will not conflict with work. • 70 people were involved in last year's program, including, speakers and volunteers. 40 evaluation forms were returned from the program, and a of them praised the speakers and the written materials provided. . • Each participant will receive a 3-ring binder filled with information from each speaker, as well as other materials obtained from various sources, such as the recent APA Conference in Monterey. event- ���� c r N1i - !o a �!�, Section, d is ? ,:. F; ri. Th��.�s..,t"? el�c.r� �N..n.,o � d '.� �'c�.: c.l.Ar. , �`;_i�r. an ... a m_,.c �r_ raiser for Section activities. Please support our program by helping us "get the word out." Sincerely, Morrissey AICP Director Inland Empire Section, California Chapter American Planning Association The Inland Empire Section of the American Planning Association is pleased to present L The 3rd Annu.al Planning Commissioners Forum Saturday, 24 January 1998 Rancho Cucamonga City Hall This program has been extremely successful in improving the understanding of planning commissioners and city staff in their roles as practitioners and decision -makers. Last year over 70 planners and public officials from around the Inland Empire attended our program. Last year's participants overwhelmingly approved of the program and issues discussed. Do not be left out of this year's program! Who should attend? Planning Commissioners and all other Public Officials. Regardless of your level of experience it is important to continually update your planning and decision -making skills. The program is focused towards those individuals responsible taking action on development and planning related projects, such as planning commissioners, city council members, and design review board members. Planning StaA- In order for the planning process to work effectively both decision - makers and practitioners must work together. Staff planners can also take this opportunity to informally interact with their commissioners and other board members to understand their concerns. In addition,'the program provides an excellent opportunity to help intorm planning staff of important design and development issues affecting land use today. . . Program Schedule This year's program will have the following topics: • Planning Commissioners Tek it Like It Is. Commissioners from Inland Empire Cities will discuss their experience and provide helpful hints on being a better decision -maker.