1998 02 10 PC5 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California February 10, 1998 2:30 P.M. **NOTE** ALL ITEMS NOT CONSIDERED BY 11:00 P.M. WILL BE CONTINUED TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING Beginning Resolution 98-006 Beginning Minute Motion 98-004 I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for public hearing. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the Minutes for January 27, 1998 B. Department Report V. TOUR OF THE HILLSIDE The Commission will recess at the completion of the tour and reconvene at 7:00 to conducl regular business items. PC/AGENDA VI. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for public hearing Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. VII. PUBLIC BEARINGS: None. VIII. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Item ..................... PRESENTATION ON THE DRAFT CULTURAL PLAN Applicant .............. Cultural Commission Location ............... City-wide Request ................ Review and comment Action .................. No action required B. Item ..................... CONTINUED - SIGN APPLICATION 97-410 Applicant .............. Wells Fargo Bank (Quality Project Coordinating) Location ............... 78-630 Highway 111, within the One Eleven La Quint, Shopping Center Request ................ Approval for a modification to the approved sign program b replace a bank mini -branch sign located on Albertson' Supermarket south elevation Action .................. Minute Motion 98- IX. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL X. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Discussion regarding the tour of the hillsides. A. Commission report on the City Council meeting of February 3, 1998. XI. ADJOURNMENT PC/AGENDA MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA January 27, 1998 I. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 P.M. A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:02 P.M. by Chairman Butler who asked Commissioner Abels to lead the flag salute. B. Chairman Butler requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Abels, Kirk, Seaton, Tyler, Woodard and Chairman Butler. It was noted that Commissioner Gardner arrived late. C. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, Senior Engineer Steve Speer, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Chairman Butler asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of January 13, 1998. Commissioner Tyler asked that the minutes be corrected on Page 1, under Public Comment, to correct the spelling of Mr. Dentley, Page 2, Item 2 change the wording to "55-foot lots" not streets; Page 3, Item 8 be reworded to state, " the frontage for a flag lot was a minimum of ten feet"; Page 6, Item 26 should refer to "recreation sites"; Page 9, Item 18 add the sentence "Commissioner Tyler suggested that Section 3:11, in the future, identify which school district the project would be servicing". There being no other corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kirk/Abels to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS PC-1-27-98 Planning Commission Meeting January 27, 1998 A. Specific Plan 85-006 and Conditional Use Permit 97-037; a request of KSL Land Holdings, Inc. for approval and recommendation to the City Council of an Amendment to the Oak Tree West Specific Plan and Conditional Use Permit to allow interim polo/sports fields/hot air balloon activities and 6,000 square foot lots within a minimum of 55-feet, at the northwest corner of Jefferson Street and 54' Avenue within the Oak Tree West Specific Plan area. 1. Chairman Butler informed those in attendance that the Conditional Use Permit application for the polo fields had been withdraw by the applicant. He then opened the public hearing, and asked for the staff report on the Specific Plan Amendment. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Butler asked if there were any questions of staff. 3. Commissioner Woodard asked staff to clarify that the amendment did not allow any additional lots, just different size lots. Staff stated this was correct. Commissioner Woodard asked if the original lots proposed for the Citrus were to be custom lots, or an attached product. Staff stated originally they were to be duplexes. Commissioner Woodard asked how this arrangement would create more open space with narrower lots and less lot coverage. Staff explained the smaller lots would create more open space that could be used as common area, recreation area, etc., but the applicant had not identified how it would be used. 4. Chairman Butler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Chevis Hosea, representing KSL, explained the project. 5. Commissioner Tyler asked if the site plan showed the new 55-foot lot layout and if the improvements that were in place were for the duplexes that were originally planned for this area. Mr. Hosea explained they were trying to change this development to a single family detached neighborhood and salvage the current improvements and build their "Ryder" homes. 6. Commissioner Woodard asked Mr. Hosea what the plans were for the open space. Mr. Hosea stated it was currently under a market research to see what the builder and homeowners would want. At this time, no determination had been made. PC- I -27-98 2 Planning Commission Meeting January 27, 1998 7. Commissioner Woodard asked if the homeowners who were buying their homes were aware this area was to have attached units. Mr. Hosea stated that the community plan identified these lots as "Cayman" lots which are airspace condominiums. 8. Mr. Michael L. Walker, 55-940 PGA Boulevard, General Manager of the Homeowners' Association for PGA West Residential Association of which there are 1,300 homes, and is located to the south of this development, stated he had no problem with the proposed project. He wanted clarification as to the correct wording of the resolution that the conditional use permit for the polo fields had been deleted. Staff gave him the revised resolution. 9. There being no further public comment, the public comment portion of the hearing was closed and open for Commission discussion. 10. Commissioner Woodard noted that he had spoken with the City Attorney regarding the land purchase he was involved in with KSL. As a member of a limited partnership in this proposal, he feels comfortable voting on any issue relative to KSL, or PGA West, where he lives. It is important that the public be made aware of this fact. 11. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Abels to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 98- 005, recommending to the City Council approval of Specific Plan Amendment 85-006, subject to the Conditions of Approval as modified: ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Kirk, Seaton, Tyler, Woodard, and Chairman Butler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Gardner. ABSTAIN: None. Commissioner Gardner arrived. B. Village on the Green - Environmental Assessment 97-349 Specific Plan 97-031. General Plan Amendment 97-055 Tentative Tract 28601 and Site Development Permit 97-618; a request of Catellus Residential Group and the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency for approval and recommendation to the City Council for certification of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact, approval and recommendation of a Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment, Tentative Tract, and Site Development Permit for a 26 acre, 86 family residential lot subdivision, and 118 senior apartments with recreational amenities on ten acres, reduce several street PC- 1-27-98 Planning Commission Meeting January 27, 1998 widths from the General Plan required 36-feet to 28- and 32-feet at the northwest corner of Jefferson Street and 48"' Avenue. The project is affordable from very low through moderate income levels. 1. Chairman Butler informed the Commission that the applicant had requested a continuance of this application to February 27, 1998. Community Development Director Jerry Herman informed the Commission that correspondence had been received from the City of Indio prior to the meeting and would be included in their Agenda packet for February 27, 1998. 2. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Seaton to continue the project to the Planning Commission meeting of February 27, 1998. Unanimously approved. Commissioner Gardner joined the meeting. V. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Sign Application 97-410; a request of Wells Fargo Bank (Quality Project Coordinating) for approval of a modified sign to the approved sign program for a bank mini -branch located in the Albertson's Supermarket. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Butler asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Tyler asked if there had been any changes to the allowable sizes within this development. Staff stated no. 3. Commissioner Kirk asked if there had been any changes to the Zoning Code that would affect this proposal. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated that the Zoning Code had not changed, but the Commission had just reviewed and approved a request of the Automobile Club for a sign that included channel letters. Commissioner Kirk noted that was under different circumstances. 4. Chairman Butler asked if the applicant wished to address the Commission. Mr. Warren Degree, representing Wells Fargo, apologized to the Commission for taking their time and went on to give a presentation and explanation on the project. He informed the Commission that since the purchase of First PC-1-27-98 4 Planning Commission Meeting January 27, 1998 Interstate Bank by Wells Fargo, a new corporate logo had been designed. They had applied for Federal protection with trademark rights of which he had a copy of the application with him. They do understand the City's position regarding channel letters; they are however, hoping to reach a compromise. The red and black colors are important to Wells Fargo as well as the stagecoach, as it is their new trademark color and corporate identity. However, as all the only other signs in the Center are channel letters, he submitted an alternative design. He proposed using the same size sign as the cabinet, but in -lieu of being a cabinet -style sign with a flat plastic face, that they be allowed to have a 9-inch individual channel letter with a four and a half return and a non -illuminated two inch aluminum red and black background to hide the wires from sight, with an individual logo attached. He then showed photos of what he was proposing. This would give the channel letter look and allow them to use their trademark colors and logo. Discussion followed regarding the new proposal. 5. Commissioner Woodard asked staff to clarify their objection. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio stated staff would be looking for a sign the same size as originally approved by the Commission and compatible with the signs in the Center. In regard to the proposal that Mr. Degree just submitted, staff had not had an opportunity to analyze what he was proposing. Commissioner Woodard asked if it was staffs opinion that the size of the sign was inappropriate to the rest of the tenants in the Center. Staff asked if Commissioner Woodard was referring to the original proposal or the one that was submitted at this meeting. Commissioner Woodard asked about the original proposal. Staff stated the proposal that was analyzed was the one previously denied by the Planning Commission due to it being a canister sign that was not compatible with the remainder of the Center. Staff s recommendation is to uphold the previous decision. Commissioner Woodard noted that the revised plan was within the size requirements. Discussion followed. Commissioner Woodard asked if staff had any objection to the new proposal, or would they prefer to have it referred back to staff. Staff stated they would like to review the proposal before making a recommendation to the Commission. 6. Commissioner Abels suggested that due to the changes and the lack of staff s time to review the proposal, this item be continued. 7. Commissioner Tyler asked what the proposed letter size was compared to what is currently on the building. Mr. Degree stated the letters in this format, would stay within the existing square footage, would be a nine inch letter. Currently on the building is a one and a half foot by 18 inch channel letter sign. The new proposal would include a smaller letter. PC-1-27-98 5 Planning Commission Meeting January 27, 1998 Commissioner Woodard asked if the applicant had any objection to a continuance. Mr. Degree stated it was not his intent to put the Commission into any type of situation and bypass staff. It was his understanding that he had traveled a great distance to present a proposal that was ultimately going to be denied. Therefore, he had already wasted a trip as he did not have access to a staff report prior to arriving. His only option was to offer the Commission an alternative. Wells Fargo has no objection to reprocessing this new submittal through staff. His only concern is whether or not the Commission would be open to this type of design, or is the design going to be denied no matter what. If that is the case, it is not worth their time to work on a solution and then take up the Commission's time once again. 9. Chairman Butler stated it was his understanding that staff wanted time to review the proposal in contrast to the previous submittal. Mr. Degree stated it could be considered a raceway as all it does is house the wiring, but it gives them the effect of the colors. Chairman Butler stated the only issue was the addition of the logo, as they were not increasing the size of the sign. Staff noted they were changing the design which was the issue. 10. Community Development Director Jerry Herman asked the applicant if the owner of the Center had reviewed and approved this proposal. Mr. Degree stated that as of this meeting, they had not. Staff asked if the owner had the right to review and approve the signs. Mr. Degree stated they do have the right. Staff noted that this needed to be done prior to staff s approval. Mr. Degree stated the owner had reviewed and approved the initial sign proposal that was denied by the City. 11. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Seaton to continue this item to the Planning Commission meeting of February 10, 1998. 12. Commissioner Woodard stated he would like to find a way to approve the new proposal at this meeting. 13. Following discussion, the motion was unanimously approved. B. Street Vacation 97-036; a request of Carmen Kelly, Shirley and Joseph Carpini for a determination of a General Plan consistency finding for portions of Calle Sinaloa and Avenida Morales at Avenida Montezuma. PC-1-27-98 6 Planning Commission Meeting January 27, 1998 Senior Engineer Steve Speer presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Butler asked if there were any questions of staff. 3. Commissioner Gardner asked staff what would happen to the property; would it go back to the original property owners? Staff stated the land was subdivided in the 1940's and the land owner at the time, who did the subdividing, dedicated the land and the City has a right of way easement on the adjacent property owners land, or Lot 24. The vacation means the City is vacating their easement rights to the land. The underlying ownership rights belong to the adjacent land owner. 4. Commissioner Gardner asked if this piece of property would now be placed on the tax rolls and if someone will now pay taxes on this property. Staff stated it does increase the size of their property and would be considered a part of their property, therefore they would be responsible for the taxes. 5. Commissioner Tyler noted that staff had requested input from a number of sources and asked if any requests had been received. Staff explained the process for a street vacation and stated that the information would not be received until it was heard before the City Council as a public hearing. 6. Commissioner Woodard asked if the City would pay for new curbs and gutters after the street vacation was completed. Staff stated the new street improvements had been installed. Commissioner Woodard asked what would happen to the small triangular space on the south. Staff stated the property owner of Lot 23 could make a request to the City for the land. It is the City's intent to clean up all these street vacations City-wide rather than have the homeowners do it at their expense. Unfortunately, considering the work load that staff currently has, it is not high on the priority list. Lot 23 will probably gain the extra piece of land. Commissioners and staff discussed why this would not be processed at the same time. 7. Commissioner Kirk asked how much it costs the applicant to go through the process. Staff stated it is $400 plus the cost of producing the necessary documents which could be $7-800. Commissioner Kirk asked how many parcels of this type still exist. Staff stated about 20 or 30. PC-1-27-98 7 Planning Commission Meeting January 27, 1998 8. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kirk/Abels to adopt Minute Motion 98-001 finding consistency with the General Plan for Street Vacation 97-036. Unanimously approved. C. Street Vacation 97-037; a request of W. M. Doran for a determination of a General Plan consistency finding for portions of Avenida Obregon at Avenida Montezuma. 1. Senior Engineer Steve Speer presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Butler asked if there were any questions of staff. 3. Commissioner Gardner asked if Mr. Doran would acquire the property once vacated by the City. Staff stated he would with the exception of a 20-foot easement across the property that would be retained for the gas company. Commissioner Gardner asked what that would do to the use of the property. Staff stated it would preclude any digging or building over the top with any type of structure. Commissioner Gardner asked about driving over the easement. Staff stated they would be able to use it for a driveway access. 4. Commissioner Tyler asked what the size of the vacated area would be. Staff stated the information was not available, but it would be approximately 50- feet wide and probably 60-feet long at the longest point, so approximately 2,000 square feet. 5. Commissioner Woodard asked who initiated this request. Staff stated the adjacent land owner, Mr. Doran, initiated this request. 6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Tyler to adopt Minute Motion 98-002 finding consistency with the General Plan for Street Vacation 97-037. Unanimously approved. D. General Plan Consistency Finding for CVWD Projects; a request of CVWD for a determination of General Plan consistency for CVWD projects at the southeast corner of Calle Tampico and Calle Rondo and the east end of Star Flower Court, east of Blazing Star Trail. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. PC-1-27-98 8 Planning Commission Meeting January 27, 1998 2. Chairman Butler asked if there were any questions of staff. 3. Commissioner Seaton asked if notices were mailed to the neighboring homeowners. Staff stated they had not as it was not required for a General Plan consistency finding. 4. Commissioner Woodard stated the letter from CVWD regarding Well 6704 talks about structures and other amenities and his concern was what it would look like. He asked if staff would be reviewing these amenities. Staff stated the walls are already existing. CVWD was working with the homeowners' association regarding improvements and staff does review the plans regarding the landscaping and meeting of setbacks. Staff explained the Commission first approves the well site and at a later date CVWD would submit the site development plans. 5. Chairman Butler asked if the applicant wished to address the Commission. Mr. Todd Jorganson, representing CVWD, stated there were two sites and gave a description of the projects. 6. Chairman Butler stated the existing well site on Adams Street has no landscaping, which raises the question of why there is a need for two well sites so close together. Mr. Jorgansen stated that some of the well sites are going out of service and they will be replacing them. CVWD will be coordinating the pumping of those that are in close proximity to each other to be sure they do not work against each other. 7. Commissioner Abels asked what was meant by "out of service". Mr. Jorgensen stated they place their well sites in the best place possible to not pick up any of the water sanitation problems that can occur over time. 8. Commissioner Tyler stated his concern about the well site planned for Calle Rondo and Calle Tampico due to its low location for drainage in the City and the collection point for nuisance water; could this be a problem? Mr. Jorgenson stated that when they make agreements with developers, the developer will take their water to onsite facilities. In this case they were redirecting their water into this channel at Calle Rondo and Calle Tampico. CVWD met with City staff and the developer, CPH, and CPH has stated they would have an engineer look into this. 9. Commissioner Tyler asked if the gates would be opaque to hide what is behind them. Mr. Jorganson stated they would hide the interior contents. PC-1-27-98 9 Planning Commission Meeting January 27, 1998 10. Commissioner Woodard asked if the Commission would review any plans on the structures or landscaping. Staff stated no. 11. Commissioner Seaton asked about the noise mitigation. Mr. Jorganson stated it is their goal to mitigate the noise as much as possible. 12. Commissioner Kirk suggested that a letter be sent to Mr. Levy at CVWD asking that he give a presentation on the City's water supply. Staff was directed to draft a letter. 13. Mrs. Barbara Irwin, 44-065 Camino La Cresta, stated she was surprised to read the City's policy on well sites and stated her concern about the well site on Adams Street, south of the Adams Street Park. This area has been under development for over eight years and she has never noted any signs of improvement on this well site in all that time. If the City is not policing the well sites we have now, what will happen to those proposed for the future. 14. Commissioner Tyler asked what prerogatives the City has on this type of eyesore in the community. Staff stated they would research the issue and report back to the Commission. 15. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Gardner to adopt Minute Motion 98-003 finding consistency with the General Plan for the proposed CVWD projects. 16. Commissioner Woodard stated he was concerned that this was being approved without any design or landscaping requirements. 17. Unanimously approved. VII CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Discussion relative to scheduling a date for a tour of the hillside. 1. Following discussion, Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the tour would be scheduled for Tuesday, February 1 Oth at 2:30 p.m. Staff would make the arrangements. B. Commissioner Gardner asked if staff was aware of a fence that had been constructed at Avenida Juarez and Avenida Montezuma made out of oriented strandboard. It is obviously a violation to the City's Code requirements. Staff stated they would inform the Code Enforcement Division. PC-1-27-98 10 Planning Commission Meeting January 27, 1998 C. Commissioner Abels stated his concern about the visibility of the restrooms within the Pizza Hut restaurant at the Vons Shopping Center. It was his opinion that a partition should be placed in front of the Pizza Hut restrooms to block their view from outside the restaurant. D. Commissioner Gardner stated his concern, which stemmed from the lack of adequate restroom fixtures at the proposed recreation facility at The Quarry. What bothers him most is the statement that, "it meets the Code". It was his opinion the Code is the minimum and if the Commission determines it is inadequate, they should require additional fixtures. E. Commissioner Tyler gave a report of the City Council meeting of January 20, 1998. F. Commissioners Gardner and Tyler gave a report on the Planning Commissioner's Forum in Rancho Cucamonga which they attended. G. Commissioner Woodard spoke regarding the Bella Vista project. His concern is that each of the Commissioners go out and visit the site. The entrance is pathetic, the signage is very cheap looking, the lack of landscaping, and finally the distance between the perimeter wall to the first house. The rear yards are ten feet wide which puts the house right on the streets. The entrance is a glaring example of what should not be allowed in La Quinta. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Gardner to adjourn this meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting on February 10, 1998, at 2:30 P.M. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:35 P.M. Unanimously approved. PC-1-27-98 11 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: February 10, continued from January 13, 1998 CASE NO.: Sign Application 97-410 APPLICANT: Wells Fargo Bank (Quality Project Coordinating) PROPERTY OWNER: Albertsons Supermarket REQUEST: Approval of a modified sign to an approved sign program for a bank mini -branch located in Albertson's Supermarket. LOCATION: 78-630 Highway 111 in the 111 La Quinta Shopping Center ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: The La Quinta Community Development Department has determined this sign application is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15311, Class 11, of the guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act. GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: M/RC (Mixed Regional Commercial) ZONING: CR (Regional Commercial) PREVIOUS PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW: The Planning Commission reviewed this request to replace an existing sign at its meeting of January 13, 1998. At the meeting, Mr. Degree, representative for the applicant, presented an alternative design to the proposed internally illuminated can sign. In order to allow staff to review the new sign, the request was continued to this meeting. NEW PROPOSAL: The applicant is now proposing a sign which reflects the corporate appearance but is not entirely internally illuminated (attachment 1). The sign would consist of a raised (1 -'/2 "), non -illuminated background with internally illuminated, raised copy. The sign including background would be 2'-7 19/32" high by 16'-2 25/32" long or 41.7 square feet. The proposed sign would read "Wells Fargo" with their "stagecoach" logo on the right side. Three -fourth of the sign face background on the left would be red, with the balance black. cApc rpt sa 97-410 (org) "Wells Fargo" is individual nine inch high, internally illuminated channel letters mounted to the red background. The 4 1/2 "thick letters would have a gold plex face with black trim cap and returns. The white stage coach logo on the right side of the sign would also be 4 '/2" thick and will be routed out of an aluminum can, which is painted to match the red and black background. The gold illuminated line beneath the stage coach is a part of the same can. The appearance of the sign during the daylight hours would that of their corporate logo, while at night the stage coach, line, and "Wells Fargo" would illuminate. BACKGROUND: Wells Fargo Bank has a mini -branch (28'-2" by 14') in the Albertson's Supermarket in the 111 La Quinta Shopping Center. Presently, there is a 27 square foot (1'-6" by 18') internally illuminated channel letter sign reading Wells Fargo on the exterior of Albertsons that was approved by the Planning Commission on March 25, 1997. At that time, Wells Fargo Bank was denied their requested can sign reading "Wells Fargo" with their stagecoach logo. The existing sign was determined by the Planning Commission to be the acceptable sign (Attachment 2). PREVIOUS SIGN REQUEST: The previously proposed sign for this request was an internally illuminated can sign 2'3" high by 13' 10 1 /2" long and 12" deep (31.2 square feet ) in the same location as the existing sign. This sign was the same as their original request in March, 1997. The proposed sign from the front view had the same design, colors and text as that now proposed. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES. Issue 1 - Consistency The previous Planning Commission approval in March, 1997, permitted individual channel letters, 1'6" feet in height and 21 feet in length (31.5 square feet) with no logo. In order to maintain proper letter proportion, the sign that was installed is 1 '-6" feet in height and 18 feet in length (27 square feet). The newly proposed sign is 2'-7 19/32" high and 16'-2 25/32" long (41.7 square feet). As we previously noted in March, 1997, no cabinet or cabinet appearing signs have been approved for in -line minor tenants. For in -line minor tenants, such as Wells Fargo, block style individual illuminated channel letters with an optional logo is permitted under the sign program. Letter height allowed is 24", with the length allowed to be a maximum of 75% of the leasehold width, with a maximum 50 square feet of sign area. Under this formula, Wells Fargo is permitted 42 square feet of sign. c:\pc rpt sa 97-410 (org) National or regional tenants are permitted to use corporate or their standard signs with approval. To date, several tenants have done this. However, none have been allowed to use cabinet signs or signs which look like cabinets. The channel letter sign as it exists should be maintained for design continuity. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute Motion 98-_, denying the requested modification. Attachments: 1. Revised sign exhibits 2. Planning Commission minutes for the meeting of March 25, 1997, for SA 97- 375 Prepared by: Stan B. Sawa, Principal Planner Submitted by: Christine di lorio, Planning Manager cApc rpt sa 97-410 (org) ATTACHMENT I P!annine commission \lenne \tarcn 1997 BUSINESS ITEMS: Comm sioner Tyler withdrew due to a possible conflict of interest as he is a member of the Soap Box Derb_, Committee. A. E:,IPORARY i'SE PER.N1IT q7-1 337; a request of the Greater Coachella Valley S Box Derby for approval of a one day Soap Box Derby Race and sign program to b eld on April 5. 1997. 1. irman Abels asked for the staff report. Planning Manager Christine di Iori resented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on i in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman I els asked if there were any questions of staff. There being no questions, C rman Abels asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. 3. Ms. Lucia Moran, a licant, showed a sample of the directional sign of the event and gave a revie of the contest. 4. Commissioner Woodard as d if the cars are all bought from the same place. Ms. Moran explained that the is must be bought from the franchise which governs the cars restrictions. 5. There being no further commen it was moved and seconded by Minute Motion 97-002 approving Temporary Use Permit 97-137. subject the findings and Conditions of Approval. Unanimously approved. ler rejoined the meeting. B. -375; a request of Wells Fargo Bank for approval of a new si and deviation to the approved sign program for the bank mini -branch located in t Albertson's Supermarket. 1. Chairman Abels asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report. a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. PC3-25-97 8 Plannme Commission Meetine %l arcn 25. 1997 Chairman Abels asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Woodard asked if the other signs in the area were individually mounted letters. Principal Planner Stan Sawa stated staff was requiring individual letters for compatibility with the remainder of the shopping center. 4. Commissioner Woodard asked staff to clarify Attachment 1. Staff stated it was the floor plan for the mini -branch. 5. Commissioner Butler asked if the individual letters were used, would they still be able to use the stagecoach logo. Staff suggested that be answered by the applicant. 6. Commissioner Gardner stated that Von's Shopping Center has the Wells Fargo mini -branch without any signs. Why is a sign needed here? Staff stated it is up to the Commission to determine the need for a sign. The mini - branch located within the Von's store is small with an ATM machine on -site. This site is planned to be a manned site with an office and counter. 7. Commissioner Tyler asked if this was taking the place of the branch office located at Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive which is closing. 8. Mr. George Hellerich, sign company representing Wells Fargo, stated their problem with the staff s recommendation. If they go with 8-inch letters the sign would be 18' feet long and staff s recommendation is to keep the 13-foot length. The City's 75% Rule would allow 21 linear feet. If they are allowed the 21-feet, they could go with 18-inch letters. They do not use the stagecoach with the individual letters. If they use 15-inch letters the sign would be 15 feet. 9. Commissioner Woodard asked the height of the Albertson's sign. Staff stated they were four to five feet high. If the applicant was willing to have letters as small as on the cabinet sign, they could leave the letter size the same as shown, and make then individually illuminated letters. Discussion followed regarding the sign size. 10. Commissioner Woodard stated he would prefer the 15-inch individual letters. 11. Commissioners Tyler and Newkirk stated they would prefer the 18-inch letters. PC3-25-97 9 c&t,/ 4 4 09mro MEMORANDUM TO: Department Directors Weiss Assistant City }�'l(,� FROM: Mark Y Manager DATE: January 21, 1998 RE: City Council Consideration of Boards and Commissions' Structure and Operations The City Council discussed the organizational structure relating to the City's Boards and Commissions during a Study Session at its regular meeting of January 20, 1998. Pursuant to that discussion, the Council directed staff to prepare options for the Council to consider that, if adopted, would alter existing Commissions' responsibilities, duties and organizational structure. Specifically, the Council will consider the following: • Combining the duties of the Cultural, Parks and Recreation, and Human Services Commissions into one new nine member commission (i.e., a Community Services Commission). The Commission would be comprised of three, three member "committees" that would focus, respectively, on duties currently the responsibility of the aforementioned Commissions (an alternative option discussed included combining the duties of the Cultural and Arts in Public Places Commissions). • Reducing board membership, by attrition, from seven members to five, on the Investment Advisory Board and the Arts in Public Places Commission. The Council has asked that the City's Boards and Commissions be advised of the Council's intent to consider the referenced amendments. The Council is tentatively scheduled to consider this matter at its regular meeting of February 17, 1998 and welcomes comments or suggestions from the Boards, Commissions and public. Please advise Board and Commission Members of this consideration at the earliest opportunity. Questions may be referred to myself or Britt Wilson at 777-7035. Thank you. . c: City Council Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Dawn Honeywell, City Attorney Britt Wilson, Management Assistant City Council Minutes 14 January 20, 1998 3. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION APPROVING STREET NAME CHANGE 97-009 FOR A PORTION OF VIA CARMEL TO CARMEL CIRCLE WITHIN RANCHO LA QUINTA, EAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF MISSION DRIVE WEST AND VIA CARMEL. APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA. 4. APPROVAL OF OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO ATTEND THE AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION'S 1998 NATIONAL PLANNING CONFERENCE IN BOSTON, MASS., APRIL 4-8, 1998. 5. APPROVAL OF OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER TO ATTEND THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES, PUBLIC WORKS OFFICERS INSTITUTE IN SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, ON MARCH 17-20, 1998. 6. APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT FOR TRACT 28457-3, BELLA VISTA. 7. APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO BID FISCAL YEAR 1997/98 CITYWIDE RESTRIPING PROGRAM. 8. APPROVAL OF AGENCY -STATE AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE STATE LOCAL TRANSPORTATION PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM (SLTPP) FUNDING TOWARD AVENUE 48 EXTENSION, ADAMS STREET TO JEFFERSON STREET, PROJECT NO. 96-05. 9. APPROVAL OF AN ADDITIONAL SECRETARY TO THE ALLOCATED POSITIONS SCHEDULE. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended with Item No. 3 being approved by RESOLUTION NO. 98-02. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE ORDER NO. 98-13. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF BOARDS/COMMISSIONS. Mr. Weiss, Assistant City Manager, advised that the reports and minutes of Council's previous discussions on this issue are contained in the staff report and that Attachment No. 3 summarizes some of the changes that were made in 1996. r City Council Minutes 15 January 20, 1998 Mayor Pena felt that Council wishes to have well -functioning commissions with sufficient work to accomplish and to attract willing participants from the community. He felt that we have some Directors staffing commissions in which there seems to be no real flow and he believed Council should consider combining some of them. Council Member Sniff submitted the following suggestions: 1) reduce the Planning Commission from seven to five members; 2) maintain the Building Appeals Board and Traffic Committee as is; 3) maintain the Art in Public Places Commission as is because it has a special task; 4) maintain the Historic Preservation Commission because it's mandated by the State; 5) reduce the Investment Advisory Board from seven to five members; and 6) combine the Youth Advisory Committee, Volunteer Advisory Committee, and Kidsline with a new commission made up of the Parks & Recreation Commission, Human Services Commission, and Cultural Commission, somewhat similar to the Community Services Commission of the past. The new commission would consist of three committees with three members each. This would reduce the burden on staff and yet provide a very functional commission. He felt the commission would have a sufficient number of issues to address and that it was a good time to make the change since there are vacancies on all three commissions. Mayor Pena noted that the Community Services Commission, which functioned very well for a number of years, was separated to gain more involvement from the community, but was supposed to be reviewed later on. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Weiss confirmed that the Volunteer Advisory Committee has been eliminated and that the Youth Advisory Committee and Kidsline have been integrated into the Parks & Recreation Commission. Council Member Henderson asked if the commissioners had been made aware of the integration because she didn't recall any Kidsline issues being addressed at their meetings to which Mr. Weiss responded yes. Council Member Henderson advised that she understood the benefit of reducing the membership on some of the commissions, but wished to hold off on reducing the Planning Commission until after Council has had an opportunity to meet with them and gain their input. She commented that the Building Appeals Board and Traffic Committee don't meet very often, but suggested that they be reviewed and reconfirmed on an annual basis. City Council Minutes 16 January 20, 1998 Council Member Henderson felt the Art in Public Places Commission should be able to function with five members if the Planning Commission can because their responsibility is as great or even greater. She also felt that the Investment Advisory Board should be able to function with five members and concurred on combining the Parks & Recreation Commission, Human Services Commission, and Cultural Commission. Council Member Perkins agreed with getting input from the Planning Commission before reducing its membership and with reducing the other commissions down to five members. He believed the key to combining the commissions is to look at what they've done and what their job has been. He suggested combining the Art in Public Places Commission with the Cultural Commission. Council Member Adolph advised that he hasn't changed his stand since Council discussed this issue last year. He believed community involvement is important and, although, it's easier to come to a consensus with five members, he felt it's hard to maintain a quorum and provides less input from the community. Mayor Pena felt the commissions need clear direction from Council and that Council should review their work plans twice a year and possibly meeting with ^ them when Council is reviewing their own goals. He pointed out that Council can always appoint ad hoc committees for specific issues if needed. He felt attendance problems should be addressed if they exist and agreed with reducing the memberships and combining some of the commissions. Council Member Perkins didn't feel community involvement was a problem in referring to recent issues that drew large attendance at City Council meetings. He also didn't see any advantage to having seven members on a commission, advising that he looks at efficiency, not numbers. Council Member Henderson felt the memberships on the commissions were increased because of the difficulty Council was having in making appointments from the number of qualified applicants. She believed the commissions are doing an excellent job, but felt that they would function well with five members, noting that their main complaint has been that no one from the community attends their meetings. She didn't understand why there was such an uproar last year when she suggested that applicants be required to attend two meetings prior to appointments being made. She felt they should attend if they have interest in the commission. She supported combining the Parks & Recreation Commission, Human Services Commission, and Cultural Commission because she felt the goals in their work plans are similar. She reiterated her wish to see Council meet with the Planning Commission before reducing their City Council Minutes 17 January 20, 1998 membership, but agreed with reducing the Art in Public Places Commission & the Investment Advisory Board to five members, possibly thru attrition. Council Member Sniff was willing to wait until after a joint meeting with the Planning Commission before deciding whether or not to reduce their membership. He wished to see the Art in Public Places Commission remain as a separate commission because he felt it has a singular function. He agreed that there are advantages to having seven members on a commission, but didn't have a problem with reducing the Art in Public Places Commission and Investment Advisory Board to five through attrition. He felt the other three commissions should be combined into one commission consisting of three committees with three members each for a total of nine members. He hoped that staff could bring this back for Council action within one month. Council Member Perkins asked why Council Member Sniff was opposed to combining the Art in Public Places Commission with the Cultural Commission. Council Member Sniff felt the Art in Public Places Commission has a singular function and that it has operated well as it is for about eight years. Council Member Perkins preferred combining the Art in Public Places Commission with the Cultural Commission and the Human Services Commission with the Parks & Recreation Commission. Council Member Henderson noted that the Art in Public Places Commission is looking to seek grants and that they may need to broaden their scope in order to do that, making combining them with the Cultural Commission a viable consideration. Council Member Sniff suggested staff forward these discussions to the commissions for their comments. Kay Wolff, 77-227 Calle Ensenada, Human Services Commission Member, advised that the comments they submitted last year still hold true and that she felt the more eyes and ears out in the community, the better. She noted that community involvement at Council meetings is usually reactive, not pro -active as it is on commissions and if seven members on a commission is bad, then she felt nine would be worse. She believed the mission of the Art in Public Places Commission, which she felt is very distinct from the Cultural Commission, is very time-consuming and it would be hard to accomplish anything with the Cultural Commission. She also felt it would be difficult for the Parks & Recreation Commission, Human Services Commission, and Cultural Commission to pursue very different objectives in a unified manner. Their work plans may City Council Minutes 18 January 20, 1998 look similar, but what they're doing is very different and distinct. She felt the Human Services Commission would not have accomplished their work in regard to the Youth Accountability Board over the last several months had the commissions been combined. Five members may be better than seven, but she urged Council to keep the purposes of the commissions distinct. In response to Mayor Pena, she stated that she felt there would be a lack of continuity with ad hoc committees for long-term issues and added that if money was the issue, she felt the commissioners wouldn't object to their stipend for attending meetings being eliminated. In response to Council Member Adolph, Ms. Wolff advised that they currently have five members and 100% attendance most of the time. Rosita Shamis, 78-955 Del Monte Court, Art in Public Places Commission Member, felt the commissions should have seven members to insure a quorum and was opposed to combining the Art in Public Places Commission with the Cultural Commission because she felt their master plans are very different. She agreed with looking at attendance, but urged Council not to weaken the commissions. Carl Ingram, 78-625 Sanita Drive, Parks & Recreation Commission Chairman, agreed with the comments submitted by Ms. Wolff and Ms. Shamis. Robert Tyler, 44-215 Villeta Drive, Planning Commission Member, advised that he served on the Human Services Commission for a short time and felt their focus was very different from the Parks & Recreation Commission. He also didn't see the logic in reducing the memberships on the commissions if money is the issue because it takes the same amount of staff time either way. In regard to the Planning Commission, he noted that it was increased to seven members when it took on the responsibilities of the Design Review Board and he felt if the membership is reduced, that Council would have an even greater obligation for making sure that there's proper representation on the commission to give insight to the entire spectrum of issues they review. Council Member Sniff reiterated his previous suggestions to: 1) leave the Planning Commission as is for now; 2) leave the Art in Public Places Commission and Investment Advisory Board intact, except for possibly reducing them down to five members; 3) leave the Historic Preservation Commission as is; 4) combine the Parks & Recreation Commission, Human Services Commission, and Cultural Commission into a Community Services Commission, consisting of three committees for a total of nine members. He felt each segment of the commission would be able to discuss the issues singular to each City Council Minutes 19 January 20, 1998 committee and yet be under the broad umbrella of one commission. He also suggested that Council's discussion be forwarded to the commissions for their comments and that staff bring this issue back in one month for potential action. Council Member Henderson agreed with Council Member Sniff and supported reducing the Art in Public Places Commission and Investment Advisory Board to five members. Regarding the comments made about the work the Human Services Commission has done on the Youth Accountability Board -- she felt that it's very exciting and believed that the Commissioners are very dedicated individuals. However, she felt that the work on the Youth Accountability Board would have come about even if they had been a committee as part of a broader commission, because of their dedication and because they would have had more time to focus on that singular issue without having to spend time dealing with other peripheral issues. Council Member Perkins agreed with reducing the Art in Public Places Commission and Investment Advisory Board to five members and felt there's enough interaction between the Parks & Recreation Commission and Human Services Commission to combine them, but wished to leave the Cultural Commission as is if not combined with the Art in Public Places Commission. Council Member Adolph agreed with Council Member Perkins that the Cultural Commission should stand alone, but supported the other suggestions. Mayor Pena agreed with combining the three commissions and asked staff to bring back comments along those lines with Council discussing the number of members at that time. Barbara Irwin, 44-065 Camino La Cresta, felt if the ordinances were re -drafted that it might help the public and commissioners to see what the Council has in mind for these commissions. The Study Session concluded with a majority of the Council directing staff to come back with options to accomplish the following and with input from the various commissions: 1. Combine the Cultural Commission, Human Services Commission, and Parks & Recreation Commission, possibly into a nine -member commission with responsibilities divided into three committees of three members each; 2. Possibly decrease the membership on the Investment Advisory Board and Art in Public Places Commission to five members (to be accomplished through attrition); and, 3. Leave the Historic'Preservation Commission as is. MEMORANDUM TO: Christine di lorio, Planning Manager FROM: Tom Hartung, Director of Building and Safety DATE: January 28, 1998 RE: Minimum Plumbing Fixtures The City has adopted the Uniform Plumbing Code and all its appendices (Attachment 1). Included as Appendix C of the Code (Attachment 2) is a table which specifies the minimum plumbing fixtures for all uses. Compliance with this appendix is verified during the plan check process. 8.04.010 ATTACHMENT 1 Sections: 8.04.010 8.04.020 8.04.030 8.04.040 Chapter 8.04 PLUMBING CODE Adoption of Uniform Plumbing Code. Deletion of certain parts of the Uniform Plumbing Code. Use of plastic pipe in water systems. Private sewage disposal systems. 8.04.010 Adoption of Uniform Plumbing Code. Cenair:. dLC1nY,ents marked and QL6g—,iated as the "Uniform Plumbing Code, 1994 Edition," including all appendices, published by the international Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, and as "IAPMO Installation Standards, 1994 Edition," published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, are adopted for regulating the erection, installation, alteration, addition, repair, relocation, replacement, maintenance or use of any plumbing system. Each and all of the regulations, provisions, conditions, and terms of such "Uniform Plumbing Code, 1994 Edition," and "IAPMO Installation Standards, 1994 Edition," published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, on file in the Community Development Department, are referred to and made a part hereof as if fully set out in this chapter, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. (Ord. 276 § 2 (Each. A) (part), 1995: Ord. 208 § 2 (part), 1992; Ord. 150 § 1 (part), 1989; Ord. 114 § 1 (part), 1987; Ord. 68 § 1 (part), 1985) 8.04.020 Deletion of certain parts of the Uniform Plumbing Code. The following portions of the "Uniform Plumbing Code, 1994 Edition," are deleted: A. Part 1 (Administration), including Sections 10.1-10.5 and 20.1-20.14; B. Section I-8 (Cesspools). (Ord. 276 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 1995: Ord. 208 § 2 (part), 1992; Ord. 150 § 1 (part), 1989; Ord. 114 § 1 (part), 1987; Ord. 68 § 1 (part), 1985) 8.04.030 Use of plastic pipe in water systems. PB, PVC and CPVC, as well as any other plastic pipe, shall not be used for hot and cold water distribution systems within any structure. Any reference to the approved use of such materials is deleted. (Ord. 68 § 1 (part), 1985) 8.04.040 Private sewage disposal systems. The design, installation, operation and maintenance of private sewage disposal systems shall be in conformance with Appendix I of the Uniform Plumbing Code and with standards specified in this section. Where specific standards are not provided within this title or where the administrative authority determines that higher requirements are necessary to maintain a safe and sanitary condition, the "Manual of Septic Tank Practice" (published by the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare) shall be used as guidelines by the administrative authority. (Ord. 68 § 1 (part), 1985) (ts QWnta 9-96) 178 1 I MINIMUM PLUMBING FACILITIES o a; mg g c U m N a N _ C .c m E m ' Y — cd.o w c m �o. O j Cy. 0O _ C m a LL m a Z) m m m E Im Y o E m cm O C m �LL O m cc; C c LLin m O 0 a)O U E,� C cy r m w arncm is N a m m c O �m'v m �� vm 7 O 7 � U. C m a an m w m t -0- w W a0� _ F m m m2 l0 E m a J m� ti aw¢ a c >� E ''nn X V t m� C p z r E m m zm°Q' E �a � r LU 4.J nA¢�m aCL �E 0 7 a 2 C w99 m m tl) m m o p y E c z > m r :3 G m E O O �' ] N OC p ;0 O' c:3EE w am E c cc O N c3mm E ,ntomm Cl) 06 > $ a z 2 ro a T E��c`Qi v av a LLriivr io Cc m� c m .29 vm LOLOui to (7 T N cicE a aS'e ," 2A>0 a w_ 7 aim w itl w w$ I o m c,E' as .5 w ui caa m :3 c aQ c io cr oc� Emm€> t E m ap 14)cca Q1=-U W (L F m !�O ATTACHMENT 2 APPENDIX C m m ao cc Em—ma - N ra LLL L O a O w m N m m 7 m ° w E LL r m N m m a 0 tom m m •m�p. N N O C° d� m N N N N -° m m c O m m $g��rm m film En N c c m E m m m r co I� � 4 (id —a a , ,! a� E m o G r N r m 1 n $(a c N ° $$$ d cd y _o o c E mr�N mmco° aci°vmm �.-NM 62 E cofir¢ NN I E 17 m w 'p ui . m $ E0 mC> o c i0�n €g m L QFL-U � 0 iq APPEND* C UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE 20 «k �.& �ƒ �D 42§§ CD to kk LL � § r, )£ #§ &k 0 �o c$ 19 c r- kkk \\o ffk kk\ Cc, to m IB■ , / \ k /\ D /§k§ a / i 0a)0 Ic �. . \xsig,a �_�;R£GI e e §- $& so 1 kk { #� { o(� � .I �ceU?t E & COY to, om � =w� ao Ln )\\cy . »wCYm-rLn \ �0/ ,� tG . § 2 ƒteaLL | / ££�#& §10 2kE .fJai$ MINIMUM PLUMBING FACILITIES APPENDIX C I �o c N N a = r LO a c� C`EL �2 �a a La m m n = m� my o m n m n LL LL W E � �a cc O O " m m E m LD E $ LO o r _ mo,o 60 m°'d 00 C m Al or- Np LO m ntom 0LocL E -v Ebo n L LILL O O OLn i N Ln in N LLn Ln to m Lbw L en mm V 3 j`L G �rNt70 mm C m L C m L _ C N m LLzr m r s 1 m a o o U m I d o m mep C C O y o o m N C o o$ a E u'n R. n m N 0 0 m LD E$cm 8 lL .- tV t7 or c 0.0 O 9 m� pp Np m IIVV•- N 'Q � O L° n �i w E C o o c8y O N.-.pp- t0 OW w cT m U m � mm m ,TONV pp 2EiE -;— 0 E�Ln� 0 o m v ' O O Opp m C m $N d U mto 0 N m m N L E a U C O mQ Ln m Ln M LLo E�tDMw� J. cn -e C 'O O m F Ln in n v Ln C? Ln Lo m m m m u m r �rtV t7� m m!V m Eo LL . U m O1 f l0 R E td Ul uLn� O �mt E N c o u- t7 V C O �m to Ln rn LLotf Ln M i�tVt�7b m I di O� N O c n c m 0 191 APPENDIX C UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE vs og 2 c ca D N N - N N N O a O a)to t3 m N Ln T N a L na a a a a to L; c b m N a � i m 1 r LL m C m O O O CO m�N Y m m m C mt0 tOo mm ma m V at (! O w itl ma to ma co N m CD to m E NOamamGO. m �a E Q U. 17 t� LLr LL.-NLLif—LL.-d � O m C O � u W Np -m V vpp LL m m m P N N m fL) m m to a N N m O T m m m m m > m m nm nm a m a m t70 m �2� ��t:VO m2��.-�� ' O m m min E� r a a S l �� a �o �m mm mrm= mm mmmmmm mm �a to (3 toa N Q p CO 12 Co m�t�0O/ �d GOcqE to cm o m m m mrC7 m d m a ring" N �p oCO Tmr`Oi�v Ewa to E CD CD 0 E a �6. w u- C44:8 C LLL�Nm� C m m m m U. N � CL_.-LL.-LLr s LLr a n O N O O O V m m x Lot, to to &6 to into o o v o O o to V) v a ` m 7 3LL u m as r� m m N L �we to m m r t0 to L N tom N m mg O �. NtOO 2r. N� � C m to N 7 rn m E m �¢ v S7 C Q W O p O Yd U m m wm Um m C in O N C y m L m m pC m m a _p m 7 u C O mc`a� x aUw 7 m ;9 N N $¢ 8 m E m t'. m c m w to ODU L O ►-o m a° m o ¢� cn �Z to 3W¢ 192 MINIMUM PLUMBING FACILITIES APPENDIX C CO ° L rz 2 to C a M E s fO E E C $ m O c $ CD d EE m p o m E C a om o r m Q L w NA E {L W I m m n C to L« w U m w E wy o n m m nem m (] �'' N id •O w C N V •O C C p7 Q $ o E m = O O CD Q. m to $IL m 7 m� m �� to m m o v m° C 0 0 ° S `o - C G � C cy m c L m ms d u o S m At m 7 U O N m n m m m m sit o m o €NE O o m O N t E c $ ID m o v m o °►°° °m `� Wn _ m tc� C plc L C w «vm m z r V m > Cg O 5 m O {t�ap m m m N n C C 'U m m g .° 7 C= O LL a 7 v E o ywp 2SoZ �+� moc yc cm c E ° m n c E T m w o f E m e sm csim m `o m m v o c o _ m�E nQ� o o n E = =_$ E m rnm _ o 21am 4 m m > °'no W o m L c a Lam nD o ?u o nEy cDCD �� `o+� E s m m 3 E E rj to x m m w 2 W m W W 5� a E rmn m o c E H c m m E oN LL E c s CD $ o c E m y �n ° _o n W o Im yoy JL c C C C c n ++ j L tv m nsm H 3= v o o c m E �L °ao os m" w c n° o a o m �� mn v o � c A c m c wEn EEy w m W w i C w C w m m O C y w 2 C o 0 C mr w •o �m L E E C c E o _was w t G C E m m o -rm c r E o c o a � 3 c:S s m a m LL m c °-�' `o vi m E 'n o c$ r yv m Q W a FL ° r r A C n m O _ (O m m C- �� m W C r U a `° n o E `7 co c 1 o m L c m 7 v m R m0. = m n c w U m m m O U m s U; w u°i Ib Y m N d n O = w 6 j m C m - o p m c C m i O 0 V C m > �j a c m 'mC C n ICO - � jt� m O a m C w w C' w C m d 7 N Z oo C v -_ `-' C O m >. E« N y C 3 ° C C 0 L m m '° m` a > x m H m C o ° n .m- O C c m `m y s rn a t _ y C T m C .O O vy1 T W m c m m C m C m L E m Nol� L> > n w ma o a v = v vo m� mE 'o m �m m> o m2 mulm�- ymcE EFw �c mE ° nP E E cD m pipet O Js LL Q m S F m > Jet C7 c m .6 Q ma [i ;Lci ° F O N F' O w 7i Q N l7 a tD h w c" P- T4'yl 4 4 Q" 76-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA Ql11NTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 TDD (760) 777-1227 February 2, 1998 Mr. Tom Levy Coachella Valley Water District P. O. Box 1058 Coachella, CA. 92236 SUBJECT: PRESENTATION ON CITY'S WATER SUPPLY Dear Mr. Levy: At the Planning Commission meeting of January 27, 1998, the Commission directed staff to write a letter to you requesting a presentation on the City's water supply. The Commisison were interested in a broad overview to help them understand the water supply and how it affects development in the City. This presentation would be at a time that would be convenient for yourself and the Commission. The presentation will be scheduled for a normal Planning Commission meeting which is held every second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Please contact me with a tentative date that you and/or your staff would be available to attend. Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to hearing from you. Very truly yo s, (RRY MERMAN —:Community Development Director JH:bjs c: Planning Commission �1 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL VIA: TOM GENOVESE, CITY MANAGER FROM: JERRY HERMAN, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 1998 SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION TOUR OF THE HILLSIDES The Planning Commission has scheduled Tuesday, February 101h at 2:30 p.m. for a tour of the hillsides as was provided for the City Council. If you were unable to attend and would like to attend, please let Betty Sawyer know as soon as possible. I1-1LLSIDE DEVELOPMENT T TOUR Tuesday, February 10, 1998 2:30 Meet at City Hall 2:45 - 3:15 St. Francis of Assisi Church Add or remove blow sand adjacent to the hillside? 3:30 - 3:45 Avenida Montezuma Should the alluvial fan/boulder field, having a slope gradient less than 20%, be developed? 4:00 - 4:30 Mr. Meyer property 1. Should a boulder field be developed or not? 2. Should locations above the toe of slope with slope Continuing on: gradient less than the 15% or 20% be allowed to developed? If yes, then access to the area would most likely require passage through the hillside areas. Mr. Green property: 1. Should cut and fill be allowed within the Hillside Conservation area? 2. How wide can the canyon be for development to occur? 3. How far from the toe of slope can development occur? 5:30 Return to City Hall - Adjournment ,- 1 i s w E R 87 t' f d {{pp O W WR �f Q G Q) E Q O O1 61 Z7 O Y U Q3 .) tb N O �:N D-T T' �-'R'3 T --:;3RD =-+3NE N'3. : 7144374225 �UAUTY PROJECT COORC1NNTiNG SUI-CiNG PERMIT SERVICES FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET Date:AOO xc ktt From: et.. D3 1333 11: 44A 1 :1: i# of pages ( including transmittal) Fax# : me o -77 7 7MAS Phone# Phone# Fax#s Message:'pupase- e n),7,4�e. re,5r, /ve;. 9 %-4-/a /�7 0wo i#A0e, C%'�Oa��c� . j 8 � )0io� 6PA ry vd /, �00'or 40 -:�vr ua o .1/ L ONE'9 1998` LAQUINTA DEPARTMENT z OE 1M� TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: JERRY HERMAN, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 3, 1998 SUBJECT: DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY Attached please find a copy of the Community Development Status Report. These are the current cases staff is working on that require action by the Planning Commission and/or City Council. PAcw\CCJHDEPT.RPT Z CW G CL W 0 O oo ZCL � � W cc e- a-- O E Q Wa Z O_ U Q N N n- z7 C U M M r- N UU a. U N r' e- N UU a U coM r N UU a U p C O N N M UU a. U N c+7 Ln UU a. U CD a� o E a U c c O ca C.)N n. Q n M UU a_ U O +-� � c >- O 00 'o > •` a� w 0 O �- C 70 + cn L a� O N > c 70 O Z7 > �' _0n _N U LA C Co CO �+ ybU C° O E O 4- Q L o CD`►- L aj v- 0 0 L fa N X C. cu y C 0 .� 0 0 C N 0)L (a -0 m O U ro E c L Cc+• -J O - L CD V C E O to C U cn Z C D V CCD O y N a) O C CO .O L 0 N CD N co > � � ao s o cc U >cn o LE X CL N ��w o L O O m ++ V OC +� a) C c a ca > CD U m 0 O c U +' o O 3 m ``" °' L +- m c '' ° to o c c .- °� -0 O o CL r .2 0C L-0 m c `' N M m C ca *� U +� y N N n c ca a. y cn ca L o c .O co c0 O y .>}' Q) c +� N �p a) � 0 0 . 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