1998 10 08 PC
October 7, 1998
Mr. Fred Baker
Principal Planner
City of La Quinta
Community Development Department
Re: La Quinta Club Real Project Description - Revision
Dear Fred:
Per instruction from Mr. Chevis Hosea ofKSL Land Corporation I am submitting a fonnal
request to revise the plan area boundary of the La Quinta Club Real Specific Plan as previously
discussed "over the counter." The revision deletes portions of property referred to as the "Keck",
"Brodie" and "Ash" properties not included in the +/- 100 acres of "Anderson" ownership as
depicted in the attached graphic.
Consistent with our previous application, I am requesting a change from RL to TC for the land
use designation for the 38 +/- acres of the non-hillside portions of the Anderson property. It is
the hope ofthe developer that this land use conversion will be considered during the on-going
General Plan Update process that is currently being conducted by the City.
If further information is needed to modify our request, please feel free to call me at (949) 719-
Forrest K. aag, ASLA
Landscape Arch ect
For res t 1<. H a a g. A e 1.. A. InG..
l..anasG.ape ArG.hiteG.ture - l..ana Planning
:2$0 Newport center Orive, suite 104
Newport eeaGoh. C,A Cl:2660
ph (114) 11Cl-oS$4 fax (114)11Cl-oS64
Existing General plan Land Use Designation
La Quinta Club Real
KSL Laml Corporation
La Quinla Califon,ia
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Proposed General plan Land Use Designation
La Quinta Club Real
KSL Land Corporation
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