2006 10 11 IAB Minutes INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD Meeting October 11, 2006 CALL TO ORDER Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the hour of 5:30 P.M. by Chairperson Deniel, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Board Members Moulin, Deniel, Olander, and Rassi Board Member Egbert John Falconer, Finance Director, and Vianka Orrantia, Secretary II PUBLIC COMMENTS - Rob Schein and Rick Blanke of Morgan Stanley Mr. Schein and Mr. Blanke advised the Board of the services Morgan Stanley could offer the City in reference to the portfolio, either in a consulting capacity, management capacity or both, if and when the City decides to hire a portfolio manager. Chairperson Deniel advised Mr. Schein and Mr. Blanke that at this time, the structure of the portfolio to be managed has not been decided, nor has an agreement to hire a portfolio manager within the Board or the City Council has been made. In response to Board Member Rassi, Mr. Schein advised that one of Morgan Stanley's current clients in the valley is the City of Coachella. General discussion ensued amongst the Board in regards to Mr. Schein and Mr. Blanke, and how Morgan Stanley compared to previous firms presented to the Board. Mr. Falconer advised that Morgan Stanley is currently one of the City's broker/dealers out of the San Rafael office, and could not see them fulfilling the role of a broker/dealer at this time. III CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - (This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled on the agenda.) Chairperson Deniel asked to discuss Board Member Egbert's current situation under board member items. IV CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on September 13, 2006 for the Investment Advisory Board. Investment Advisory Board Minutes October 11, 2006 MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Olander/Moulin to approve the minutes of September 13, 2006. Motion carried unanimously. V BUSINESS SESSION A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for August 2006 Mr. Falconer reiterated to the Board the difficulty he has had in obtaining Farm Credit paper. The Farm Credit he has been able to obtain has been short-term issues. The report reflects the City's bond debt service payment which was due at the end of August; the approximate amount paid was $10.8 million. The LAIF balances currently reflect a draw down, which is the lowest it has been in the past couple of years. Mr. Falconer advised the Board that the portfolio performance has finally met its benchmark; this is a comparison to the six month treasury at 4.97%. The benchmark is expected to be exceeded within the next couple of months due to a drop in the six month treasury. He also advised that due to the drop in the yield curve, he might extend the average maturity out further. In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer advised that the indicator for the declining yields were in several publications he had read and it may be advised to invest in longer maturing investments. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Olander/Moulin to approve, receive and file the Treasury Report for August 2006. Motion carried unanimously. B. Continued Consideration of the Fiscal Year 2006/07 Work Plan - Review of Investment Policy It was agreed by the Board to retain the current buy and hold restriction in the policy. In response to Board Member Olander, Mr. Falconer advised the Board that based on the current yields; it would not be feasible to extend the two year restriction to three years. Chairperson Deniel stated that the Board will advise Council, at the joint meeting, that the Board is discussing the possibility of allowing a longer maturity on a portion of the portfolio. 2 Investment Advisory Board Minutes October 11, 2006 General discussion was ensued by the Board regarding the investing of GSE's and their current market status. Mr. Falconer advised that Staffs preference for GSE's in lieu of the current dollar limitation would be percentages, due to the flexibility they give towards investments as the portfolio size changes. It was agreed upon by the Board to continue discussions of GSE's at the November board meeting. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Olander to continue the discussion of the 2006/07 Investment Policy to the November meeting. Motion carried unanimously. VI CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL A. Month End Cash Report - September 2006 Noted and Filed B. . Pooled Money Investment Board Reports - July 2006 General comments were made by the Board in regards to the July PMIA report. In response to Board Member Moulin, Mr. Falconer advised that the RFP for auditors is forthcoming. The City's current auditors have been scheduled for a presentation at the end of November with the City Council and a presentation with the Board will be scheduled in the future. Noted and Filed VII BOARD MEMBER ITEMS Chairperson Deniel advised that Board Member Egbert is currently working out of state, which has attributed to his most recent absences from the past few board meetings. Chairperson Deniel conveyed Board Member Egbert's commitment to the Investment Board and his willingness to continue to serve on the Board. In response to Chairperson Deniel, Mr. Falconer advised that if a resignation is to be made, he would recommend that the Mayor receive the resignation letter, due to the fact that this is an appointed seat. In response to Chairperson Deniel, Mr. 3 Investment Advisory Board Minutes October 11, 2006 Falconer stated that the City Manager or City Clerk could also receive a resignation letter. Chairperson Deniel stated that she felt that if a resignation is submitted, it should be addressed to the Investment Advisory Board. It was the consensus of the Board to allow Board Member Egbert to continue with his term if he is able to attend the scheduled monthly meetings. If Board Member Egbert is unable commit to the monthly meetings as scheduled, then the Board will accept his resignation. Chairperson Deniel will follow up with Board Member Egbert and report back to the board at the November meeting. VIII Adjournment MOTION -It was moved by Board Members Moulin/Olander to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ~ -~" " ,Slibmi.tted bv;-, ~. I ' ,( ,- '. ./ /. ,I ( ,. "'/ .... . ) I : ~ ,/ 'i... ,/ ~.' '" I / .1."" ~' , ,:'" I ,. \, , .' ~ -...:: ',' , Vianka Orrantia, Secretary 4