1999 06 08 PCz S Tit,, 4 t o' ��.n.unu 02• G•c,�% OF PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California June 8, 1999 7:00 P.M. **NOTE** ALL ITEMS NOT CONSIDERED BY 11:00 P.M. WILL BE CONTINUED TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING Beginning Resolution 99-048 Beginning Minute Motion 99-009 I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for public hearin Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the Minutes for May 25, 1999 B. Department Report r)rr /nrrw.Nnn V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Item .................. TENTATIVE TRACT 25953 Applicant.......... Oliphant & Williams Associates, Inc. Location........... Northwest corner of Miles Avenue and Dune Palms Road. Request............ Approval of new prototype houses (Plans 4 and 5) and landscaping plans. Action .............. Resolution 99- VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Item ................... DESIGN GUIDELINES 99-004 Applicant........... Coachella Valley Housing Coalition Location............ Throughout the Cove. Request ............. Approval of prototype plans for new residential units. Action ............... Minute Motion 99- B. Item .................. SIGN APPLICATION 99-466 Applicant.......... Airtouch Communications Location........... 78-742 Highway 111 within the One Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center. Request............ Approval of a deviation to an approved sign program to permit corporate signs for a new business. Action .............. Minute Motion 99- C. Item ................... STREET NAME CHANGE 99-011 Applicant........... City of La Quinta Location............ Columbine, northwest of Meadowbrook, and northeast of PGA West Boulevard and Hazeltine. Request ............. Approval of a street name change from Columbine to Paseo de Santillana or Calle de Oso. Action ............... Resolution 99- VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Commission report on the City Council meeting of May 4,1999 IX. ADJOURNMENT PC/AGENDA MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA May 25, 1999 I. CALL TO ORDER 7:00 P.M. A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Tyler who asked Commissioner Butler to lead the flag salute. B. Chairman Tyler requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler. C. Staff present: City Attorney Dawn Honeywell, Planing Manager Christine di Iorio, Senior Engineer Steve Speer, Principal Planners Stan Sawa and Fred Baker, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: A. Staff informed the Commission that a letter had been received from Mr. Peter Murray requesting that the Use Interpretation, Business Item "D" be removed from the agenda at this time. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Robbins to approve the Agenda as amended. Unanimously approved. IV. CONSENT ITEMS: A. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of May 11, 1999. Chairman Tyler asked that the Minutes be modified on Page 10, Item #5 to add the wording "...that traffic signal changes were needed....."; Item #9 the wording changed "The south leg needs to be added to make it complete." There being no other corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioner Abels/Kirk to adopt the Minutes as corrected. Commissioner Butler abstained. Unanimously approved. B. Department Report: None. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS: B. Specific Plan 83-001 Amendment #5 Site Development Permit 99-642; a request of Century -Crowell Communities for approval to modify the total unit count, revise the boundaries to separate the Seasons from Duna La Quinta, and add a new unit type CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\PC5-25-99.wpd I Planning Commission Minutes May 25, 1999 requirement for units necessitating retaining walls higher than four feet along the 50 foot elevation of the Channel berm contained in the Specific Plan; and approval for three new prototype residential plans ranging in size from 1,802 square feet to 2,418 square feet within the Specific Plan. Commissioner Butler asked to be excused and withdrew from the dias due to a possible conflict of interest. 2. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development. Staff asked that an additional condition be added for clarification to specify that the boundaries of the Specific Plan are exclusive of the Seasons area. 3. Commissioner Abels asked if the applicant had submitted the proposed split level residence plans elevation. Staff stated they had not. 4. Commissioner Kirk asked staff to identify the lots with the five foot and higher retaining walls. Staff stated a five foot wall height starting with Lot 8 and increased in height up to Lot 27. 5. Commissioner Robbins asked if there was an ordinance that specified heights of retaining walls. Staff stated the Zoning Code states in Section 9.60.030 Fences and Walls, "Fences and walls cannot exceed eight feet in height" and defines fence or wall as any type of fence, wall, retaining wall, sound attenuation wall, screen, or wind screen, etc. After that they need to be separated if additional height was needed. Commissioner Robbins asked if the proposal was in violation of any City Codes. Staff stated it was not. 6. Commissioner Abels asked if the units identified by staff are to be split level and if the applicant was asking for approval of the units on the north side of the street. Staff clarified the units that staff was requesting to be split level and which pertained to the Site Development Permit. Commissioner Abels stated that at the last meeting, the Commission asked the applicant to submit a complete application and it appears this is still not a complete application. Staff stated the applicant will be required to prepare plans under a Site Development Permit to be submitted to the Planning Commission for compatibility approval for the units on the north side of Calle Norte. 7. Chairman Tyler asked about Attachment #3 which showed the unit length plus the garage length, different than what was submitted at the last hearing, and asked which one was in error. Staff stated the applicant would have to address this. CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\PC5-25-99.wpd 2 Planning Commission Minutes May 25, 1999 8. Chairman Tyler asked if the Seasons were removed would a new specific plan be needed. Staff stated one already exists and this action will clean up the two plans. 9. Chairman Tyler asked about the issues raised at the last meeting by some of the residents who reside on the north side of the street and north of the lake. There appears to be a variable with a 25-30 feet setback from the edge of the lake to some posts that are probably KSL's marking of the edge of the golf course, how do the applicant's lots measure out relative to the markers, and who has the responsibility of maintaining this area. 10. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Kent Armstrong, Century -Crowell Communities apologized for not submitting elevations for the split level units, but their architects did not have the time prior to this meeting. Their concern was to be able to start the north side units and not be tied to the remaining split level units. Mr. Armstrong asked that the two items be separated. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated this was not an issue before the Commission. Mr. Armstrong stated he was working with the Homeowners' Association and they had the plans for review and he believes he had met all the conditions. 11. Commissioner Abels stated that on Calle Norte there is a parking area for the existing homes, and asked if there was any guest parking in front of the swimming pool, or any provision for additional parking. Mr. Armstrong stated no, but the pool area will have twelve parking spaces with parking on one side of the street and two parking spaces in each driveway. 12. Chairman Tyler asked who would be maintaining the property on the north side of Calle Norte where their property ends. Mr. Armstrong stated either KSL or Century will have to clean it up. 13. Chairman Tyler asked about the difference between the length of the house submitted at the last meeting and now. Mr. Armstrong stated the length was mislabeled on this exhibit. 14. Chairman Tyler asked if anyone else would like to speak regarding this project. Mr. Wayne Nystrom, president of the Duna La Quinta HOA, stated that next to the existing swimming pool there are spaces for six cars to be parked. 15. Commissioner Robbins stated his concern was the way the retaining walls are to be constructed on the high side of the berm. There is a safety issue even if the wall is to be 4 or 5 feet as someone could fall over the wall. He would C:\My Documents\WPDOCS\PC5-25-99.Wpd 3 Planning Commission Minutes May 25, 1999 not want the wall to be more than one or two feet in height. Discussion followed as to the area in concern. Staff suggested the applicant consider using wrought iron fencing. Commissioner Robbins stated he would want something to keep from having a straight drop off. A wrought iron fence would be better. 16. Commissioner Kirk stated he was pleased the applicant was working with the HOA and approves of staff s recommendations and the wrought iron fencing. 17. Chairman Tyler asked that any existing curb cuts on Calle Norte that are not used, be returned to curb and gutter. 18. Mr. Armstrong stated that in regard to the four units, they are at grade. The units at the other end have quite a separation,. as much as ten feet. With a seven foot differential it will use up the difference. Commissioner Robbins stated he did not believe the split level would use up the difference. 19. Commissioner Abels asked the applicant how he felt about the wrought iron fence. Mr. Armstrong stated he would use the wrought iron for the retaining wall on Lots 8-26. 20. Commissioner Robbins asked that everything on the south side of the street be brought back to the Commission. Staff clarified that the Specific Plan could be approved as submitted and reserve review of the site development permit to look at the specific elevation details. Commissioner Robbins stated he did not want to approve Lots 1-7. 21. Commissioner Kirk stated the confusion is staffs recommendation for approval of a site development permit at this time. Staff stated the site development permit has to do with the compatibility of the prototypes submitted given the existing buildings on this street. 22. Commissioner Abels stated the confusion is that they do not have a complete package before them. He again objects to having projects submitted in a piece meal fashion. 23. Commissioner Kirk stated he was willing to support the site development permit, but not the specific plan. 24. Commissioner Abels asked the applicant to work with staff to submit a complete package. As submitted, he would not vote for the project until it was complete. CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\PC5-25-99.wpd 4 Planning Commission Minutes May 25, 1999 25. It was moved by Commissioners Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99-046 recommending to the City Council approval of Specific Plan 83-001, Amendment #4, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval as amended: a. Condition #8: prior to issuance of building permits all the units on the south side of Calle Norte shall be redesigned and come back to the Planning Commission including split level. 26. The motion died for lack of second. 27. Commissioner Kirk asked if Condition #8 of the Site Development Permit spoke to this issue and does it need to. Staff stated it was needed for clarification as the prototype being approved, they could go on either side of the street. 28. Commissioner Kirk asked if the site development permit could be conditioned to address only the north side of Calle Norte and the other street and leave the issues raised separate. 29. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Robbins/Kirk to continue Specific Plan 83-001, Amendment #5 to June 22, 1999. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Butler. ABSTAIN: None. 30. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Robbins/Kirk to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99-046 approving Site Development Permit 99-642, subject to the Findings and conditions as amended: a. Condition #8: prior to issuance of a building permit all the units on the south side of Calle Norte shall be redesigned and approved by the Planning Commission, including split level units. b. Condition #9 existing curb cuts shall be removed and replaced with curb and gutter ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler. NOES: Abels. ABSENT: Commissioner Butler. ABSTAIN: None. Commissioner Butler rejoined the Commission. CAMy Documents\WPD0CS\PC5-25-99.wpd 5 Planning Commission Minutes May 25, 1999 C. Tentative Tract Map 29147; a request of KSL Land Corporation for approval of 133 single family lots, a future development lot and other common lot subdivision on 172.88 acres within Specific Plan 90-017 and a portion of Specific Plan 83-002 located at the northeast corner of Avenue 58 and Madison Street abutting the existing Tom Weiskopf Golf Course in PGA West. Chairman Tyler opened the public hearing and asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Robbins asked if this tract had a condition about having an equestrian trail on Madison Street. Staff stated a condition should be provided similar to the tract to the north. 3. Chairman Tyler asked staff to define the meaning of "secondary access". Senior Engineer Steve Speer stated that in Condition #39 the primary entrance is to the north on another tract on Madison Street and the entrances identified as "secondary access" are those in this tract. 4. Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Chris Bergh, MDS Consulting Engineers, stated he agreed with the conditions as recommended including the addition of the equestrian trail requirement. 5. Chairman Tyler asked if anyone else would like to speak regarding this project. There being no further public comment, Chairman Tyler closed the public participation portion of the hearing and opened the matter for Commission discussion. 6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Robbins to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99-047 approving Tentative Tract Map 29147, subject to Findings and Conditions of Approval as amended: a. Add to Condition #79 "perimeter landscaping". b. New Condition #81: The applicant shall construct an equestrian trail along the Madison Street frontage. The location and design of the trail shall be approved by the City. A split rail fence shall be constructed to separate the equestrian trail from the pedestrian sidewalk and perimeter wall in accordance with Section 9.140.060 (Item E.3.a.) of the Zoning Ordinance. The equestrian facilities shall match the CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\PC5-25-99.wpd 6 Planning Commission Minutes May 25, 1999 improvements being installed for Tract 28838 and be completed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the first residence. Bonding for the equestrian facilities shall be posted prior to final map approval ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Abels, Butler, Kirk, Robbins, and Chairman Tyler. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. VII. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Master Design Guidelines 99-00; a request of Coachella Valley Housing Authority for approval of prototype plans for different lots in the Cove area. 1. Chairman Tyler asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Kirk asked why there was no Page 9 and 11 in the Guidelines. Staff stated it was a misnumbering on the applicant's submittal. Commissioner Kirk asked if they were required to submit a minimum number of window elevations. Staff stated there was no minimum. Commissioner Kirk stated there did not appear to be a lot of variation in the windows. Chairman Tyler stated there was a lot of information, but no text to show what goes with what. Four elevations and four plans, but the Guidelines do not state which plan goes with what elevation. 4. Commissioner Kirk stated the window elevation appears to be exactly the same. The first elevation labeled 1280, if that is an elevation the entire facade has no articulation above the openings. Staff stated the drawings show the difference in the elevations. The photos show existing homes to illustrate what they have built. Commissioner Kirk stated he is not in favor of this and would not want to approve it as submitted. 5. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Bill Standafer, construction manager for Coachella Valley Housing Coalition, stated the elevations will fit on either Plan. The difference is whether it is a three or four bedroom house. There are three elevations. Discussion followed regarding the difference between the elevations. 6. Commissioner Robbins stated the photos do not match the plans submitted. They do, however, show the type of houses built by the Coalition and he believes they are a great looking house and fit in with the community. CAMy Documents\WPD0CS\PC5-25-99.wpd 7 Planning Commission Minutes May 25., 1999 7. There being no further discussion, staff was directed to work with the applicant to submit more detailed Guidelines and bring this item back to the Commission at a later date. Unanimously approved. B. Sign Application 99-460; a request of Golden Spoon Yogurt/Ultraneon Sign Company for approval of a deviation to an approved sign program to permit corporate signs fro a new business. 1. Chairman Tyler asked for the staff report. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Tyler asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Abels asked why staff was requesting the applicant remove the yogurt cup from the sign. Staff stated it is not a part of the corporate logo for Golden Spoon, but a product symbol. 3. Commissioner Robbins asked why Starbucks was allowed their round logo sign. Staff stated it is their corporate logo. 4. Commissioner Kirk asked staff if the signs had been installed and is there a penalty for doing this. Staff stated added fee is required for installing them before approval. 5. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Jerry Murdock, Ultraneon Signs, apologized for installing the signs prematurely. Two of the three signs were installed and they were requesting three. 6. Chairman Tyler asked why the third sign had not been installed. Mr. Murdock stated the north elevation was not installed due to being notified by the City that they did not have approval. 7. Commissioner Robbins asked how the applicant felt about the removal of the cup of yogurt. Mr. Larry Lanning, owner of Golden Spoon, stated the conditional use permit shows it is frozen yogurt versus the other type. 8. Chairman Tyler asked how many Golden Spoons there were in California. Mr. Lanning stated 35 in Southern California and some do have the cup of yogurt. 9. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt Minute Motion 99-006, as recommended by staff. Unanimously approved. CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\PC5-25-99.wpd 8 Planning Commission Minutes May 25, 1999 C. Sign Application 99-351. Amendment #1; a request of U. S. Signs for Auto Zone (formerly Chief Auto Parts) for approval of a deviation to an approved sign program to permit new corporate signs for an existing business. Chairman Tyler asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Staff offered an additional alternative being the largest bar stripe cannister that can be shorter than shown. The first two alternatives being the stripe painted or provided on a non -illuminated flat material surface. 2. Chairman Tyler asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Tom Stacey, U.S. Signs, sign contractor for Auto Zone, stated that in regard to staff s comments, the sign meets the City's square footage requirements. The stripes are the same construction as what the letters are and are considered in the industry as illuminated channel letters. The difference is that it is not copy but part of their federally registered trade mark and provides a uniform and tasteful look. All the letters and stripes are five and a quarter inches in depth and typically a canister sign is usually deeper and lit with fluorescent illumination. That is not the case in their signs. The signs are internally illuminated with neon as the lighting source, however it is not an exposed neon application, the neon is concealed within the letter. He went on to describe the materials to be used to make up the sign. Auto Zone has deviated from their standard application of an exposed neon application which is very bright, and enclosed the neon to comply with City standards. He noted that several of the other businesses within the Center have internally illuminated logos as part of their signs. 3. Chairman Tyler stated the stripes in the pictures (handed out by the applicant) and sketch appear to be different. Mr. Stacey explained the length is never any longer than eight feet on the 8' bar. The letters for this store are not as large. Chairman Tyler stated the letters are not a solid mass and the illuminated area is broken up. Mr. Stacey stated the letters as well as the stripes are illuminated. The #8 bar is illuminated and no brighter than the other bars. Chairman Tyler stated the City's concern is to keep the light down to comply with the Dark Sky Ordinance. Mr. Stacey stated the tops of the letters are blocked out to keep the light from going upward. 4. Commissioner Kirk asked if the existing Chief Auto sign, where the color strips that are smaller than these, was illuminated. Staff stated it is an illuminated can sign. CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\PC5-25-99.wpd 9 Planning Commission Minutes May 25, 1999 Chairman Tyler asked if the stripe goes before or after the words. Mr. Stacey stated it varies. Typically they go to the left. It depends on where the street is located. Staff stated that in Palm Springs the sign is different than this proposed sign. Mr. Stacey stated it is not one of their installations. They installed the sign on the Auto Zone store in Cathedral City. Auto Zone is trying to retrofit where they can. 6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Kirk to adopt Minute Motion 99-008, approving Sign Application 96-351, Amendment #1, as recommended. 7. Commissioner Robbins stated he had two issues: first he does not like the orange color as it does not fit with the community; it is too bright. Second, the long bar is too long and disproportionate in size. He would like to see the length of the long bar reduced. 8. Commissioner Butler stated the bars appear to be more red and the pictures submitted do not show what it will look like at night. He concurs with staff s recommendation. 9. Commissioner Kirk stated he concurs and supports staff s recommendation. 10. Commissioner Robbins asked if the Commission shared his concern with the length of the 8`h bar. Staff stated there was some confusion with the motion because there are three options being offered to the applicant: one being to shorten the length, second to paint it out; and third to construct it out of metal. If they chose to cut the length in half, the Commission is also asking that it not be illuminated. Discussion followed regarding the options available to the applicant. 11. Mr. Stacey stated that if the 8`h bar needs to be shortened, Auto Zone would concur. His concern is that if the lighting is not an issue, they do want the W, bar illuminated as it is a part of their trade mark. If it is not illuminated it will appear to be a nonfunctioning light and could cause maintenance problems. 12. Commissioner Kirk stated he understood that all eight bars would not be illuminated. Mr. Stacey asked why the other business in the Center be allowed and not theirs. 13. Commissioner Robbins asked legal counsel for her opinion. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that if this is how their trademark is registered then it cannot be changed. Discussion followed as to what is currently approved in the Center and what is considered a trademark. CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\PC5-25-99.wpd 10 Planning Commission Minutes May 25. 1999 14. Commissioners Abels and Kirk withdrew their motion. 15. Commissioner Robbins asked for a legal opinion as to whether or not the stripe is a trademark. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated it appears to be a part of the trademark. Discussion followed and it was noted that the 8`' bar of the stripe is shorter in the trademark registration. This proportion was deemed desirable by the Commission. 16. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Kirk to approve Sign Application 96-351, Amendment #1 as submitted by the applicant with the 8`h bar reduced in length per their trademark. Unanimously approved. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None. IX. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Chairman Tyler asked if there was any comment on the correspondence received from Centrex Homes regarding a street name change. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Robbins/Abels to place this item on the next agenda. Unanimously approved. B. Chairman Tyler asked if there was any comment regarding the Planning Commission's summer meeting schedule. It was moved and seconded by Commissioner Abels/Robbins to be dark the first meeting of August. Unanimously approved. C. Chairman Tyler gave a report on the City Council meeting of May 18, 1999. X. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Robbins to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held June 8, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:10 P.M. on May 25, 1999. Respectfully submitted, BETTY J. SAWYER, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\PC5-25-99.wpd I I PH; STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: JUNE 8, 1999 CASE NO.: TRACT 25953 APPLICANT/ PROPERTY OWNER: OLIPHANT AND WILLIAMS ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED ARCHITECT: STOFFREGEN FULLER AND ASSOCIATES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: RONALD GREGORY AND ASSOCIATES, INC. LOCATION: NORTHWEST CORNER OF MILES AVENUE AND DUNE PALMS ROAD REQUEST: APPROVAL OF NEW PROTOTYPE HOUSES (PLANS 4 AND 5) AND LANDSCAPING FOR THE SONRISA DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (EA 97-346) WAS CERTIFIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON DECEMBER 2, 1997, FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 25953 (REVISED) FOR WHICH THIS REQUEST IS A PART. GENERAL PLAN/ZONING DESIGNATIONS: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2-4 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE); RL (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) SURROUNDING LAND USES: NORTH: LA QUINTA PALMS (GATED) DEVELOPMENT SOUTH: ACROSS MILES AVENUE, TOPAZ DEVELOPMENT EAST: ACROSS DUNE PALMS ROAD, VACANT AND CACTUS FLOWER DEVELOPMENT WEST: QUINTERRA DEVELOPMENT STPCSONRISA - 33 CONDPCSONR=SA3-33 Page 1 of 3 BACKGROUND: The Sonrisa development is under construction at the northwest corner of Miles Avenue and Dune Palms Road (Attachment 1). There are existing residential developments directly north, west, and east of the site. Tract History - The City Council approved the 132-lot project on December 2, 1997. Three plans for Mediterranean style houses with two different front elevations each, ranging in size from 1,724 square feet to over 2,200 square feet (Plan Units 1-3) were also approved. A summary of each housing unit type is noted in the following table: Plan 1 - 1,724 sq. ft. Plan 2 - 2,220 sq. ft. Plan 3 - 2,292 sq. ft. 3 bedroom 4 bedroom 3 bedroom + study 2 car garage + workshop space 3 car garage 3 car garage Exteriors combine two-tone concrete -tile roofing and overhanging eaves with flat roofs, a multi -tone color scheme, stucco cement plaster surfaces, covered entries, and metal roll -up sectional garage doors. On December 9, 1997, the Planning Commission approved a third elevation option for the three prototype houses by adoption of Minute Motion 97-015, subject to conditions. Tract 25953 was recorded with the County of Riverside on March 13, 1998. Twenty- three houses have been built on Calle Sonrisa and Calle Placido. Project Proposal Proposed are two additional prototype residential units each with three alternative facades (Plans 4 and 5) of 2,088 square feet (3 bedrooms) to 2,480 square feet (4 bedrooms) in size with three car garages. The two plans are one story (17' high), excluding the chimney projections. The units are Mediterranean in nature, utilizing exterior plaster walls and concrete tile roofing to match existing houses. Colors of the exterior plaster walls range from white to light brown and roof tiles are red blends. Front facades have hip and gable roof element combinations with stucco eave elements and include multi -pane windows in different rectangular shapes, stucco surrounds, and decorative pot shelves. Plan 4 also shows a glass block window being used in the master bathroom facing the front STPCSONRISA - 33 CONDPCSONRISA3-33 Page 2 of 3 yard area. To provide additional architectural diversity, Plan 4C offers exposed wood trim around window and garage door areas and transom windows are proposed over the front doors of Plan 5A and 5B. Garage doors are sectional roll -up doors without lites. Typical front yard landscaping plans are attached. The plans show two shade trees per home with lawn, shrubs and vines. A varied plant palette is provided. Architecture and Landscape Review Committee On June 2, 1999, the Architecture and Landscape Review Committee (ALRC), on a 2-0 vote, adopted Minute Motion 99-014, approving Plans 4 and 5 for Tract 25953, subject to conditions. A copy of the minutes is attached (Attachment 2). The ALRC stated the prototypes have a varied use of materials and elevations, creating an attractive streetscape, and are compatible in design with the approved units in the development. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the prototype houses for Tract 25953, subject to the attached conditions. Attachments: 1. TTM 25953 2. ALRC Minutes of June 2, 1999 (Excerpt) 3. Large Exhibits (Planning Commission Only) Paper( Greg T Y: I, Associate Planner Submitted by: ie� 2�� Christine di lorio, PI nning Manager STPCSONRISA - 33 CONDPCSONRISA3-33 Page 3 of 3 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TRACT 25953 (PROTOTYPE UNITS 4 AND 5) OLIPHANT AND WILLIAMS, INC. JUNE 8, 1999 GENERAL 1 . Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of Plans 4 and 5 in this tract, the construction and landscaping plans shall be approved by the Community Development Department. 2. The applicant shall comply with conditions imposed under Tentative Tract Map 25953, Revised. 3. The property owner agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of La Quinta in the event of any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. 4. Upon City Planning Commission approval, a memorandum noting that the City Conditions of Approval for this development application exist and are available for review at City Hall shall be recorded against the property with Riverside County. CONDPCSonrisa4-33Greg ATTACHMENTS r_ Lo7J.UL m (Z000.UL) KI (Y004.01 ) Kb j 6 1327.51' M (1327.54'ZR1 327.40')—U R4,R6CN Attachment 1 I N N Cr to Ir ,ri o CN I� CN 1 N� Ln CD 2654.33' M (2654.37')R1 --- 1327.16' M (1327.20')R1 (1327.10')R3,R4 7 29 1 N C Q 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18L17I6 15 L � - - - LOT "E' q-CALLE-PALMETO—to 13 CN n 102 103 i 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 --12 ;32 �m;120 119 M 117 M 115 j r ON L 105 I �`- --- -- -- --- 114 � I J a 33 � PROSPER LOT "F'� ` � m � L � 106 1108 109 110 132 m 9 I L0 m 35 I 97 107 112 E A - - S TA 36 96 J RETENLOT TION N�Ev0/OR`v a LOST I g f 95 94 n 66 cn 5 " C� 67 w 8 ICo O \.o� 68 © 65 J N O W 69 Q I Ln co Z 37 a 42 70 I� 7 N 0 r 92 i I 73 72 71 64 6 39 43 n I 79 63 1 t r 80 Co 39 91 44 I T 1 74 75 76 77 62 O 5 I o N o o n o 45 ' VISTA-VERDE-q LOT "G"j 81 � I 4 I� " z - - LC 41 46 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 o ^ 2 n N 47 55 56 57 58 I IN 59 �' �„ I O 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Lo -- -- --- --- --- --- -- -- --- --- - - - - - - - — LOT "D"-q-CALLE SONRISA ., ------ "F---------------------- LOT A N89'35 30 E 1296.83 - 1326.8T M (33 66.84)R1 (1326.80')R6 2653.64' M (2653.69')R1 (2653.60')R6 L� 1 MILES AVENUE ATTACHMENT A MINUTES ARCHITECTURE & LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle=Tampico, La Quinta, CA June 2, 1999 10:00 a.m. CALL TO ORDER N at 10:08 a.m. by Planning Manager Christine di Iorio who ledsalute. Committee Members present: Bill Bobbitt and Staff present: Planning Manager Christi ii Norio, Principal Planners Fred Baker and f. Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Greg,wousdell, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: done. III. CONFIRMATION OF TfIE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT CA ktNDAR: A. %Snning Manager Christine di Iorio asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of May 5, 1999. There being no corrections, it was moved and seconded by '? Committee Mem�beerrsCu�rt�ninshamBobbitt to a e he min �s su d. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: ftwftuA. Tract 25953; a request of Oliphant and Williams Associates, Inc., for approval of oe architectural and landscaping plans for two new prototype residential units for the Sonrisa Development located at the northwest corner of Miles Avenue and Dune Palms Road. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Committee Member Cunningham asked if the square footage of the units was increasing. Staff stated yes. Committee Member Cunningham stated the architecture was fresh and the architectural detailing of exterior wall ties in well with the surrounding developments. C:\My Documents\WPD()CS\AI,RC6-2-99.wpd Architectural & Landscape Review Committee June 2, 1999 3. Committee Member Bobbitt concurred with Committee Member Cunningham and stated the project was an attractive tract. He then asked if the issue with La Quinta Palms regarding blocking of view was resolved. Staff stated it was not an issue as the developer was in accordance with the plans that had been approved by the City Council. Committee Member Bobbitt commented that when a new development is proposed it should be understood that a view will be blocked if not by the development, the trees and plant material which are required will further block the view when it reached maturity. He did not think it was reasonable to deny a project due to the project blocking a view. 4. Committee Member Cunningham stated La Quinta Palms was originally approved under Riverside County and basically had no reason for raising an objection. The City reviews all projects as to their impact on surrounding tracts and this tract was approved based on its ability to compliment the surrounding homes. Staff stated the Sonrisa tract had a condition placed on it to require one story units adjacent to La Quinta Palms. 5. Committee Member Bobbitt stated the landscaping and plant pallette were fine as submitted. 6. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Cunningham/Bobbitt to adopt Minute Motion 99-014 recommending approval of Tract 25953, subject to conditions as submitted. Unanimously approved. B. Site Development Permit 99-652; a request of T. D. Desert Development for approval of a 13,400 square foot golf maintenance facility located south of Avenue 48 and east of Dune Palms Road. 1. Principal Planner Fred Baker presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Committee Member Cunningham asked if the maintenance facility could be seen from public view. Staff stated the peak of the building will be seen while driving east. When driving west, very little if any will be seen. The views that will see it are from the golf course and the future Casitas units proposed for that area. 4. Committee Member Cunningham stated there are two views, public and interior. His concern is only for the general public view as the interior will be mitigated by the developer. C:\My Documents\WPDOCSW,RC6-2-99.wpd 2 BI # cewf 4 4 a" MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: JERRY HERMAN, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DATE: JUNE 8, 1999 RE: RE -SUBMITTAL OF MASTER DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR COACHELLA VALLEY HOUSING COALITION, (MDG 99-004) Per Planning Commission, direction the Coachella Valley Housing Coalition is re- submitting for approval their Master Design Guidelines with three elevations and one design option for each elevation. Also, additional architectural details are proposed on each elevation. Staff has reviewed the proposed guidelines and has determined the applicant has provided adequate design deviations to the elevations, and clarity in presentation per Commission request. Upon Planning Commission approval, staff will use the guidelines to evaluate each building permit application from this developer for compliance with the approved guidelines. Planning staff recommends the Planning Commission accept the Master Design Guidelines (MDG 99-004) as presented. C:\WPDdocs\mdg 99-004 RESUBMITTAL.wpd ■ PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: JUNE 8, 1999 CASE NO.: SIGN APPLICATION 99-466 APPLICANT: AIRTOUCH COMMUNICATIONS SIGN COMPANY: ULTRANEON SIGN COMPANY LOCATION: 78-742 HWY. 111, SUITE C, ONE ELEVEN LA QUINTA SHOPPING CENTER REQUEST: APPROVAL OF A DEVIATION TO AN APPROVED SIGN PROGRAM TO PERMIT CORPORATE SIGNS FOR A NEW BUSINESS ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THIS SIGN APPLICATION IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15311, CLASS 11, OF THE GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. ZONING DESIGNATION: CR (REGIONAL COMMERCIAL) GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: SURROUNDING ZONING AND LAND USES: BACKGROUND: M/RC (MIXED REGIONAL COMMERCIAL) NORTH: CR, EXISTING AND VACANT COMMERCIAL SOUTH: CR, STATE HWY 111, EXISTING AND VACANT COMMERCIAL WEST: CR, EXISTING AND VACANT COMMERCIAL EAST: CR, EXISTING AND VACANT COMMERCIAL The new AirTouch Communications office will be located in the center lease space of the Starbuck's building, within the One Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center (Attachment 1). This is one of five tenants for the building. C:\Mydata\PCRPTsa99-466AIRTOUCH6-1-99.wpd SIGN REQUEST: The shopping center has an approved Sign Program which requires a national tenant with 5 or more outlets who have a corporate logo sign design to request approval to use their corporate sign within the One Eleven Shopping Center. The applicant is requesting approval to use their corporate sign design for the two proposed signs (Attachment 2). The request is for individually mounted internally illuminated channel letter signs to be located on the front of the building facing the west, and on the back of the building facing east. Each sign will read "AirTouch" with their logo to the left of the wording. The signs are each approximately 13-feet 6-inches long, by 14 1/3-inches high (16.2 square feet). The sign copy "AirTouch" will have a face that is translucent white acrylic with blue and gold vinyl faced 12-inch to 14 1/3-inch high channel letters. The blue and gold logo is arched shaped and measures approximately 4 feet 6-inches by 14 1/3-inches total (5.4 square feet). The sign returns are made of standard aluminum with white gloss enamel finish. The copy and logos are illuminated with white neon fixtures. The signs will be 5 inches deep and mounted flush with the stucco fascia, with the transformer hidden behind the fascia. The proposed sign locations would be centered on the stucco fascia within the applicant's lease area. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUE: Issue 1 -Acceptability National tenants are permitted to use corporate or their standard signs with approval of the Planning Commission. A number of national or regional tenants have chosen to do this in the Center. The style of the proposed letters is compatible with the other signs in the Center, with the attached conditions of approval. The width of the lease space is 17-feet for which a sign up to 17 square feet is allowed according to the approved Sign Program for the center. Staff recommends that the logo be reduced in width to a maximum of 3-feet and the height reduced accordingly (See Condition No. 2). If the width reduction presents a problem for the neon illumination of the logo, then staff would recommend that the logo be non -illuminated or painted onto the stucco. The returns are proposed to be white enameled aluminum. Staff recommends that the retums be Painted matte black in order to comply with the Sign Program requirement (See Condition No. 3). RECOMMENDATIONS: Adopt Minute Motion 99- approving the requested signs, subject to the following condition: Obtain a building permit prior to installation of the two signs. C:\Mydata\PCRPTsa99-466AIRTOUCH6-1-99.wpd Obtain a building permit prior to installation of the two signs. 2. Reduce the width of the proposed logo graphic to no larger than 3-feet 4-inches. 3. Revise the returns to be painted matte black enamel. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Sign Exhibits Prepared by: Leslie MouriquAnd, A06ciate Planner Submitted by: Christine di lori , Planning Manager C:\Mydata\PCRPTsa99-466AIRTOUCH6-1-99.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: JUNE 8, 1999 CASE NO.: STREET NAME CHANGE 99-011 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPERTY OWNER: CENTEX HOMES LOCATION: COLUMBINE, NORTHWEST OF MEADOWBROOK, AND NORTHEAST OF PGA WEST BOULEVARD AND HAZELTINE REQUEST: APPROVAL OF A STREET NAME CHANGE TO PASEO DE SANTILLANA OR CALLE DE OSO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THE REQUEST IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPTED PURSUANT TO PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTION 15301 (CLASS 1) OF THE RULES TO IMPLEMENT THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT OF 1970, AS AMENDED. GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: PRIVATE LOCAL STREET SURROUNDING ZONING AND LAND USES: PROJECT SITE: NORTH: SOUTH WEST: EAST: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, GOLF COURSE, TOURIST COMMERCIAL LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, GOLF COURSE LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, GOLF COURSE, TOURIST COMMERCIAL LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, GOLF COURSE BACKGROUND: Project Proposal The Planning Commission received a letter from Centex Homes, dated May 13, 1999, requesting that the Planning Commission consider initiating a Street Name Change for Columbine. Columbine is located within PGA West, northwest of Meadowbrook, and northeast of PGA West Blvd., and Hazeltime (Attachments 1 and 2). The street has not been constructed yet, as it is a part of Tract 28960. Construction of new homes will begin construction in the near future. There are no existing homes or residents on Columbine. At the May 25, 1999 Planning Commission meeting, the Planning Commission considered the letter of request that the City initiate a Street Name Change for Columbine to either the preferred name of "Paseo de Santillana", or "Calle de Oso" (Attachment 2). The Commission unanimously agreed to initiate the Street Name Change and place this request on the June 8, 1999 Planning Commission agenda (Attachment 3).The Centex letter cites the recent tragic event in Columbine, Colorado, as the primary reason that the street name should be changed. In addition, the name of the Centex development along Columbine is "de Santillana". Columbine roadway has not been constructed, and will not be dedicated to the PGA West Homeowners Association until after street construction, inspection, and acceptance of the street by the Homeowner's Association has occurred. Centex Homes is the current owner of the street. Applicable Code Provision Based on the Municipal Code Section 14.08.110, the Commission has the right to instruct staff to initiate a street name change and forward to the City Council a recommendation for approval of the request. This recommendation may be made without the public hearing process outlined in Sections 14.08.020 through 14.08.080, since there are no property owners along the affected street other than the developer, Centex Homes. The Commission may do this when it feels it is necessary for the public interest and necessity. By making this finding, the Planning Commission negates the need for public notice and a public hearing. Public Agency Review: The request for this Street Name Change was sent on May 28, 1999, and any pertinent comments received have been incorporated into the consideration of staffs recommendation. STATEMENT OF MANDATORY FINDINGS: The Finding necessary to recommend to the City Council approval of this request can be made and is contained in the attached Resolution. PALESLIE\perptSNC99-011 Columbine5-28-99.wpd RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 99- approving Street Name Change 99- 011 to the preferred name of "Paseo de Santillana". Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Centex Letter dated May 13, 1999 3. Planning Commission Minutes of May 25. 1999 Prepared by: Submitted by: Leslie Mouriquand, Associate Planner Christine di lorio, Planning Manager PALESLIE\perptSNC99-011 Columbine5-28-99.wpd PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 99- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST TO CHANGE THE STREET NAME COLUMBINE TO PASEO DE SANTILLANA. CASE NO.: STREET NAME CHANGE 99-011 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 8th day of June, 1999, in accordance with Section 14.08.110 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, did consider a street name change from Columbine to Paseo de Santillana; and, WHEREAS, said street name change consideration has complied with the requirements of "The Rules if Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" as amended by Resolution 83-68, in that the Community Development Department has determined that the proposed street name change is categorically exempted pursuant to Section 15301 (Class 1) of the guidelines and no further review is deemed necessary; and, WHEREAS, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did at the meeting of June 8, 1999, did find the following facts, findings, and reasons to justify the recommendation of approval of Street Name Change 99-01 1 to the City Council: The public interest would be served by changing the street name as recommended to eliminate potential negative association with a recent tragic event, and provide continuity with the name of the future development along the street. 2. The change in street name would not be confusing for the public or hinder emergency response. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the Planning Commission has followed the requirements of the La Quinta Municipal Code Section 14.08.1 10 pertaining to street name changes. PALESLIE\peresoSNC99-011 Columbine5-28-99.wpd Planning Commission Resolution 99- Street Name Change 99-011 City of La Quinta June 8, 1999 2. That it does hereby recommends to the City Council that Columbine be changed to Paseo de Santillana. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Planning Commission, held on the 81h day of June, 1999, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ROBERT T. TYLER, Chairman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JERRY HERMAN, Community Development Director City of La Quinta, California PILESLIEIperesoSNC99-011 Columbine5-28-99.wpd ATTACHMENT #1 53rd AVENUE 541h AVENUE PGA WEST a uWoxr .eLw. COLUMBINE WEISKOPF 58fh AVENUE CASE MAP NORTH CASE Nm STREET NAME CHANGE 99-011 CITY OF LA QUINTA SCALE: "COLUMBINE" TO "PASEO DE SANTILLANK OR "CALLE DE OSO" ATTACHMENT A CENTEX HOMES RECEIVED my 18 0 May 13, 1999 Planning Commission City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253-1504 Re: Request for Initiation of Street Name Change — Tract 28960 Dear Members of the Planning Commission: 2280 Wardlow Circle Suits 150 Corona, California 91720 Phone:909-279-4000 Fax:909-273-2100 In light of the recent events at Columbine High School, Colorado, Centex Homes would like to request that the Planning Commission initiate a street name change per Section 14.08.110 of the Municipal Code, regarding our Tract 28960. The following are a few suggestions that we have: 1) Paseo de Santillana ("de Santillana" is our project name) 2) Callle de Oso If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate calling me at (909) 279-4000 extension 233. Thank you for your time and consideration. -117 ZohnH. Fong Project Manager JHF/mt La gMA/An me ATTACHMENT #3 Planning Commission Minutes May 25, 1999 14. Commissioners Abels and Kirk withdrew their motion. stripe is a trademark. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated ii a o be a part of the trademark. Discussion followed and it was n at the V bar of the stripe is shorter in the trademark registr i his proportion was deemed desirable by the Commission. 16. It was moved and secaadeT5v Commissioners Abels/Kirk to approve Sign Applicatioq.,.„9� , Amendment #1 as submitted by the applicant with the 8th�ced in length per their trademark. Unanimously approved. IX. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Chairman Tyler asked if there was any comment on the correspondence received from Centrex Homes regarding a street name change. It was moved and seconded +"MNs:7 by Commissioners Robbins/Abels to place this item on the next agenda. Unanimously approved. comment reizardiniz the Commission's summer meeting schedule. t was move an�eY+1ll by Commissioner Abels/Robbins to be dark the first meetin st. Unanimously approved. C. Chairman Tyler gave a reporto City Council meeting of May 18, 1999. X. ADJOURNMENT: There being no fart usiness, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Robbins to adjourn this re meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commi to be held June 8, 1999, at 7;00 D, Ta tmg o the Planning Commission was Respectfully submitted, BETTY J. SAWYER, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California CAMy Docurn nts\WPDOCS\PC5-25-99.wpd 11 JUN-OU-`.j`..i 102= 1U J7XUM•C:tN1tX riUP7t5 1LJ==WZ3LI03 IWv . r-- - ci MC:F11 ., .NNV — 8 few June 8, 1999 Planning Commission City of La Quinta 78A95 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253-1504 Re: Request for Initiation of Street Name Change — Tract 28960 Dear 'Members of the Planning Commission: In a letter that was dated May 13, 1999, Centex Homes had suggested the following two (2) street names: Paseo de Santillana and Calle de Oso. I brought these names changes before the Master Home Owners Association at PGA West and I was not aware of an existing naming pattern within the community. The naming pattern is based upon the course designers and famous golf courses throughout the world. Taking this into consideration, Centex Homes would like to make the following street name suggestion: 1) Spanish Bay Spanish Bay is a well-known course located on the Monterey Peninsula. We feel that this name will stay within the theme of the community and compliment our project. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate calling me at (909) 279-4000 extension 233. Thank you for your time and consideration. .Cohn H. Fong Project Manager JHF/mt Land/PGA/smame2 06-08-99 14:10 RECEIVED FROM:9092732100 P-02