SFD (0459)77243 Calle Mazatlan 0459 PERMIT IiPPLICATION r . 1 4- Citi o La 6uin1_a-:"' 4 Department of Building and Safety JOB SITE ADDRESS/S CE 77-; 24J We Yezatlan CITY/CQMMYNIT STATEIZIP C_ U J, CA 92253 Qux BOK 'of -days.: This permit becomes void iftw6rk not commenced within 180 days fromdate of issuance, OR, if work hasbeen suspended or abandoned*for,a period 180 Plan Check Fee CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE: T his,section need not be completed it' iz LICENSED -CONTRACTORS DECLARATION: I hereby: affirm that I am,libensed under provisions of Chapter 9 - '.the permit is for one hundred..(SIOO) o. less. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and ProfessionsCode: and my license is in full force --'issuecLA shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the WorkersToIbpensation Laws of and effect. California. • License Class - Lic: Number Date Applicant Date" -'-::Contractor NOTICE TOAPPLICANT: If. after making this Certificatiof Exemption, you should become subject to thefflorkerss•,,-,,, •OWNER -BU . L'D 'by 'a irm'that I am exempt from . the Contra . ctor's License 66*.for, the'. I ER' DiCLARATIO"N: , I here' if I` Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit'shall following reason (Sec. 7031.5. Business and.,Professions Code:, Any city or county which requires a perm*il to a a d6ein. d rev,o.ked., 'DIVISION 'construcf, alter, improve, demolish' or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for'. OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY PERMIT CERTIFICATION::': such,permit to file, a signed statement that he is licenserfpursuantto the provisions of the Contractor's License Law b I heiiby certify that rioeicavation live (5) or more feet indepth intb whi ch a person is*req6ired to descend;w ill be (Chapter91cornmenci ng.w ilhsection 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Pr of essions Code) or that he is exempt itiacle in n7 connection with'work:authorized by this permit, and that no building structure, scaffolding, falsework; or therefrom and.the,basisljpr the alleged exemption. Any,,violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit. demolition or dismantling will be more than thirty-six (16) feet high. (Chap 3.2, Grp 2. Art 2, Se6,34f Title8. 9 subjects the applicant to,a,civil penalty of not more than -live hundred dollars ($500.): :.. ... . . . I CA.C.) '. ! , — - . . -O 1, as owner. of the properly, or my employees with wages as their -sole compensation, will do the 'work, and the *0 As'dwner-builder, I will -not employ'anyoni to do work Which would require re a permit from the Division of -structure is not intended or.offered for sale (Sec. 7044,'Businessand Professions.Code: The Contractor's License industrial Safetyas noted* above;°unles§ such person has a permit to do such work fromthatdivision. Law does not apply to an owner of prop erty-who builds, or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or ZON through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not inte . nded or offered for sale. If;however, the O•Oivision,o I Industrial Safety Permit No. building or improvemni is sold within one year of completion. the owner-builder.will have the burden of proving that Date Applicant' he did not build or improve for the purpose.of'sale.). CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY: I herebjalfi6m that theie is a6ristruction lending agency for the pdrformance. ,.,D 1, as owner. of the'property. am-exculsively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec., of the work for -Which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097,-Civ'.C.)." 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does,not apply to an owner of property who. . Lender's.Name builds or 'improves Ahereon, and who contracts for'such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant -to the Contractor's License Law.).- - Lender's Address 0 1 am exernpl,under Sec. 6. & P.C,,(Attached -Certificate).- I certify thaLl have.read this application and state -that the above information iscorrect. I agree to comply with all Daii NVner city and county!ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this county to enter upon'the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION: I hereby affirm that) have a certificate of consent to self-insbre, or -a: 'certificate of Workers' Compensation, Insurance , or a certified copy thereof (Sec: 3800. Lab:.C.): Sidnaturii of Applicant or Agent Date Policy Company 7. No. 0 Certified copy is hereby furnished. -CERTIFICATEOF COMPLIANCE AND AUTHORIZATION OF ENTRY: I certify lhave read this apolicationand state tKat: the information given is correct. I,agree to comply with all state laws and county ordinances relating to bWdling the. City Ouinta Department G/Certified copy, is filed with the,,City guilding'ffiipection Depaftmeni:;I-C i2v- Department construction. -and authorize a representative of of -La of Building and .Safety to enter ;Voa't—e'­:1-)'.7q ','d I upon the property for which I have,applied for this permit for the purpose of making inspections.. Applicant Signature of Applicant or Agent Date Print Applicant/Agent Name JGWNA ADDRESS P. 01 B= 780 CITY/COMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP La Qiintafl, CA 92253 JOB SITE ADDRESS/S CE 77-; 24J We Yezatlan CITY/CQMMYNIT STATEIZIP C_ U J, CA 92253 Qux BOK PAG PAC C. Plan Check Fee TWN' FING. SE S, .TRACT 6-1' 1449 ' LOT' 3-9 i P1t7.rtq Fee MO 0 G-3 Se 450.00 TRACT NAME Santa PDm Cbve OWNER NAME (L. F. MI) CONTRACTOWFIRM NAME SEE= As, Above ADDRESS CITY/COMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP PHONELICNC 5 4—*1 6 315 ' 333 62 A% ARC/ENG FIRM NAME l f1 ADDRESS CITY/POMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP. PHONE 0 r `TLICNC 4 USE OF PERMIT S/F/D with Attached Gu-cme 81. ZON FSB '. SSB SSB ASS OFC, - ZONE ORD 0. : LOT SZ NO _7 "SIDE APPL/PRMT 'q0. DATE 12-28-83 ti 7 Permt to comtruct 2,326 Sq. Ft. of SIFID with Attached Garage I-blobanical Fee $ 26'900 Plan Check Fee 291,20 .CMIStruCtiM Fee 448,00 .36,90 SMI Fee 7,39 P1t7.rtq Fee 73,00 Propertv Development Fee 450.00 A% C; TOTAL FEE VALUATION 1$105,86 BLDG. DEPT. 111111ilil1O r rI NO. OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR NO. OP TION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS 1 Set Back 33 Ventilation System 2 Ftgs & Frms 34 Plenums & Ducts 2A Slab Grade 35 Furnace Compart. 3 Steel 4&s-" 36 Inlets & Outlets' 4 Grout Blocks 37 Combustion Air 5 Bond Beams 38 Compressor 6 Roof Deck 39 Appl. Clearance 7 Framing 40 Fire Damper 8 Vents 41 Smoke Detection Device 9 Garage Fire Wall 42 Commercial Hood 10 Fireplace P.L. ❑ 43 Final 10A Fireplace T.O. ❑ OPEN NO. ADDITIONAL'INFORMATION _ SEWAGE SYSTEM SIZE & LOCATION 11 Exterior Lath 12 Internal Lath 12A Drywall 13 Finish Grade INSULATION Thick R Value 7A Walls (Batts) 12B Ceiling (Batts) 12CT Ceiling (Blown) 14 Final. PLUMBING APPROVALS 15 Ground Plumb 16 Water Piping 17 Rough Plumb 18 'Vents 19 Sewage Disposal 20 Sewer 21 Water Heater 22 Water Softener -23 Water Service 24 Gas Test 25 Final Tank Pit L. Line ELECTRIC APPROVALS REAR OF PROPERTY LINE P/L P/1 STREET NAME 26 Power Pole 27 Conduit 28 Service Entrance .29 Wiring 29A Grounding Wire 29B Bonding 30 Fixtures 31 Service 32 Final J1 5