PLBG (04-3723)77453 Calle Mazatlan 04-3723 4'. UILDING" SAFETY' DEPARTMENT 4 NB OX (760)-777-7012 0 , 1916kCAL E TAMPICO FAX (760) 777-7011 PT- INTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 -INSPECTION REQUESTS (760)777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT Application Number . . . .X04-00003.723--, Appl Date 4/28/04 Property Address . . . 774E J­CALLE MAZATLAN. APN: 658-.250-012-152 -14496 Application'description*. -PLUMBING Zoning Pro*erty Zo i ]p LO'WDENSITY RESIDENTIAL Application valuation 1000 Owner Contra'dto'r' --------- ------------------------ M/M ANDERSON - ------------- .,CLARKE PLUMBING -INC, W. 7.7-453'.,CALLE MAZATLAN, 35450 PEGASUS:COURT LA QUINTA CA 92253. PALM DESERT CA 92211 (75.0.). 34'5:=6166 WCC,: TALBOT INS' WC:_...'., 1641967200 0_ 10/01/04 CSLB': 65099'9. :,07/.31/04 CCC: C36 ------------------------------------- Permit PLUMBING --------------- Additional debc Permit Fee 22.50 Plan CheckFee3.75' Issue Date ... . . . Valuation 0 Qty Unit -Charge Per Extension BASE - FEE -15.0.0 7.5000 EA -PLB WATER-.-HEATER/VENT ­ ------ - 7.50 -------------- Spec Comments - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 - - - --- - - - - RELOCATE WATER HEATER Fee.summary. Charged Paid Credited ----------- Due .ermit Fee T6ta --:`22,.-50 00 .00 ------ 22.50 Plan Check -Total' ; - 00 00:.. 3 Grand.Tot.al 26..25. 00 .00, 26-..25 P.O. BOX 1504 s t w 79-495 CALLS 'TAMPICO VOICE (760) 777-7012 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777.7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT Application Number: g2:2 - !7-7 Applicant: Applicant's Mailing Address: Date: defog Architect r. Archgect or Engineer's Address: Lic. No. ou1L. imm rtKmi I UEGLARATIONS 1 hereby aftinn under LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION penin d perjury that 1 am licensed 9 ' *0 Sado 7000) a Division 3 a to Business and Pioiessionals Ucenaaend Lio ss in tali roma and artea Clap 23 go 9,? .----- Data `i L Coner,aor Icy affKrrr f>y a perjuryOWNER43ULDER DECLARATION dty «cotnty ttat iegwas • pemdt lob ewub%CL dW iom t» Conlrsetors' StoleLbanse Law 1« Mre fobwip reason (Sec 7031.6. Business and Profssslons Cod4 My irrrptova. OerrroisfStOWIM n, «repair any slnucWn , prior b Its issuarnoa, also 1e0uin'as the appirant f« M VMwdt b pa a sipna0 Profs::Wiot t Code) puumuw t b fn provisions a tM Ccr*scbrs' StMa l *, m Law (Chopler g (oanrwrdrq dom with So7000) a Division 3 alto Busi»ss andthe appk I b a dvi penally a not more t ron iw hundred dolens (t500).xfor a sxmgion violation a Section 7031.6 by any applicant ler a pumil sub jects U Las owner a ire property, «my e: The ears witln =Sut as their sob compansati n vA d0#10 work• and the stnxiurs Is not inlernded «alered for sorb (S.c. 7044, Brtsiness and Prokssiornc Coda The CorMrsctors' Stale Law does net appy b an owner a property who bulls or improves wereon, and who does the work OrAw add whin one sold his or her own mss. pw xW that the i Mmv menta are not iMerded or aft f« sale M. however. the bui6mp or n p ovement is V Las owner Of the lIw a c the o wcfiw-buMw vA have the burden a proving that he or she did not build «improve ler the purpose of sale.). Stab License t Law does not property. am excluisively cw ag with icansad cw*sabrt b oornstucl to project (Soc. 7044. Business and Pfolossions Code: The Cw*a*oW the Coot adw Stale License Stab owner of propaRy who builds «improves theismand who contracts for the projects wilt+ a oonaaaa(s) ticensad pursusrK b U I am exempt under Sea _ . SA P.C. for this reason Date Owner 1 hereby afkwm under penalty Of perjury ona thWORKERS e e following declarations: • COMPENSATION DECLARATION _ I have and wit nakdakn a Owfiicats Of consent b se"mure for wakes' campenubm as provided for by Sec don 3700 a the Labor Code. for the petomran,oe a fhe work for whidn this pen. Is ksued Carrier I have 6-4 vA maintain w*MW 4. Tao TDean . as required by Sedan 6700 a rie Labor Code. f« the pertomwrce a to welt for which fain penult is ff _ Jn li _c tian iuraarnoe f am: • —I carNr that. lo tk l o(ColilogioninarM ia In g weak les issued I not employ any person in any roamer so as b became subject b i„e wwkar V compen comply laws of hose rov and subject b the workers' oongensation provisions a section 3700 aline Labs Code. I SW . tatlm+iln comply wllhi inose provisions. ti Date Appkard . WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE S UNLAWFUL. AO SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO OWAINAL PENALTIE CNN. FIVES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (St00A00), N ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION. DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN S MID SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEYS FEES. . 11weby afrwm wrier CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY penalty d p that there is a construcliorn brndimg sgenry for the perfonrwnoe a its welt ler which itis prem* k issues (SeC. 3007. Civ. C.). lenders Nartie Lenders Address IMPORTANT AW"Gon is hereby mode b the Dirocbr of APPUCANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1. Each person upon wtnose belalf this BWk&q end safety ler a Permit wbject b the conditions and restrictions set tarn on this appicaion. Issued es o result a Ins abeW t n, application Is Vie' each person at Whose MQued and ler whose benefd work is Penfomred and« «Pursuant b any pem* apoNCant.each agrees b, and slaty. aarerd. indemnify and hold i,amr{ett the City of L, t3uYw, Its afGars, agents and employees ler any ad or omission related b the work being perbnned under or following issuance of this peg, 2. Any permit Issued as a result Of fhk appfiabon becomes cam+enc null. void N is d within t w cessation a work ler 160days wo wAjed Pam* bflys Nom dated issuance a such Pentyl « 1 certify that 1 have road lis application ed state that the above construction. and hereby auarorin representatives a Iis county b le ordinancesta to comply with ail city and county and state ws b b retssrg uk%V / boned property for inspection Purposes. Oats v!/ Sgnalure (Applicant or Agenn(X