1996 10 22 PCz �OFTN� PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California October 22, 1996 7:00 P.M. **NOTE** ALL AGENDA ITEMS NOT CONSIDERED BY 11:00 P.M. MAY BE CONTINUED TO THE NEXT COMMISSION MEETING Beginning Resolution 96-037 Beginning Minute Motion 96-036 I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA III. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for public hearing. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the Minutes of October 8, 1996 B. Department Report PC/AGENDA V. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Item .................. CONTINUED - SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 96-589 Applicant ............ Starlight Estates, Inc. Location ............. Northwest corner of Fred Waring Drive and Adams Street Request .............. 1) Compatibility review of new prototype house plans under Chapter 9.60.290 of the Zoning Code Action ............... Minute Motion 96- VI. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Item .................. TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 96-134 Applicant ............ TD Desert Development (Mr. Tom Cullinan, Vice President) Location ............. 48-500 Washington Street - Rancho La Quinta Request .............. Approval of a three day golf tournament event (Skins Game) and sign program on November 29-December 1, 1996 Action ............... Minute Motion 96- VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS Commissioner report of the City Council meeting of October 15, 1996 IX. ADJOURNMENT STUDY SESSION Session Room October 22, 1996 NONE PC/AGENDA BI #1 STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: OCTOBER 22, 1996 CASE NO.: TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 96-134 REQUEST: APPROVAL OF A THREE-DAY GOLF TOURNAMENT EVENT (SKINS GAME) AND SIGN PROGRAM TO BE HELD AT THE RANCHO LA QUINTA COUNTRY CLUB NOVEMBER 29, 1996, THROUGH DECEMBER 1, 1996, PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPTER 9.60.170 LOCATION: 48-500 WASHINGTON STREET APPLICANT: T. D. DEVELOPMENT (MR. TOM CULLINAN, VICE PRESIDENT) ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: THIS PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM CEQA BECAUSE THE GOLFING EVENT IS A MINOR TEMPORARY USE OF THE LAND THEREBY HAVING NEGLIGIBLE EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT PER SECTION 15304 (CLASS 4(E)). GENERAL PLAN: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND GOLF COURSE OPEN SPACE ZONING: RL (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) AND G (GOLF COURSE) On October 7, 1996, an application was submitted requesting approval of the 1996 Skins Game, a three-day golf tournament event to be held on Thanksgiving weekend at the Rancho La Quinta Country Club (Attachment 1). The tournament is scheduled to begin on November 29, 1996. Last year's golf event was held in the City of Palm Desert. The event organizers anticipate approximately 5,000 to 10,000 people per day will attend the golf event. The applicant's program summary and maps are attached (Attachments 2-4). The temporary hospitality tents and other functions will be located near the existing clubhouse except for guest parking for visitors which is planned on property owned by the applicant to the east of Parc La Quinta, a gated community. Sagebrush Avenue, a public street, will be used to provide traffic access MUP001-C to the proposed visitor parking area from Washington Street to this unbuilt development (Tract Map 25154). The public roads in the tract are improved and residential building pads are rough graded but no houses have been built. Also requested are seventeen off -site directional signs (44" square or 13-square feet each) posted along various City streets within a 1.5-mile radius of the event (Attachments 5 and 6). Chapter 9.60.170 (Special Outdoor Events) of the Zoning Code establishes the provisions for approval of special events within residential districts to be approved by the Community Development Director for gatherings of more than 50 people including spectators and participants. This case has been referred to the Planning Commission for review and approval since large crowds are expected to attend this nationally televised golf event. The Planning Commission can approve the request provided Findings and Conditions are met. These include health and safety provisions, parking, security, and traffic related mitigation measures. The Zoning Code permits the following temporary advertising for events of this type: A. One banner per street frontage not to exceed 32 sq. ft.; B. One portable on- or off -site sign not to exceed 55 sq. ft.; C. 30 off -site signs (i.e., directional signs); and, D. 15 bunting signs. Signs in the public street right-of-way under Item C are limited to six square feet in size each. Staff Comments The applicant has hired various contractors to help run the event including parking valets, security/first aid personnel, food caterers and other important service providers. The Riverside County Sheriff's Department is currently working with the applicant to determine the exact security needs for this event. In prior years, the City has permitted many of the existing country club developments in La Quinta to hold golf tournaments on their property (i.e., Bob Hope Chrysler Classic, Diners Club Matches, Lexus Challenge, etc.) provided Findings and Conditions were imposed to reduce the temporary impacts of the event on surrounding properties. Conditions are proposed that comply with the existing provisions of the Municipal Zoning Code. Staff is concerned about whether or not the general parking area can support the guests anticipated (Attachment 7). The estimated total parking spaces needed to accommodate 10,000 people at 2.4 people per car is 4,100. The proposed parking MUP001-C area in Tract 25154 can accommodate 500 parking stalls perpendicular to the curb in the public streets and 800 more parking spaces on the 98 finished lots due to the pad elevation differentials and lack of existing curb cuts on the public streets (i.e., Rio Seco, Casa Del Rio, etc.). Therefore, staff is recommending additional visitor parking spaces in Rancho La Quinta or at other off -site locations north of the project along 48th Avenue or Adams Street (Condition 16). The applicant is aware of this concern and will be present at the meeting to address the issue before the Commission. The conditions also require parking restrictions and traffic control in the existing residential areas south of Sagebrush Avenue leading to the proposed visitor parking. Findings for approval are included in the attached material. Adopt Minute Motion 96-_, approving the 1996 Skins Game Golf Tournament and signing for the upcoming event, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval as attached. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2-4. Various Application Information 5. Directional Sign Graphics 6. Directional Sign Location Map 7. Tract Map 25154 Exhibit (Parking Area) Prepared by: Greg T,rousdell, Associate Planner Submitted by: Christine di lorio, PlanningR Manager MUP001-C CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 96-134 1996 SKINS GAME GOLF TOURNAMENT OCTOBER 22, 1996 FINDINGS: The event will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the community in the area of the proposed event. A. Various public agency permits are required prior to the event occurring ensuring that the event will be conducted in a professional manner. Health Department permits are required for all food and beverage vendors attending the event, and police and fire personnel will be on hand to assist the organizers in providing a safe environment for vehicles and patrons coming to the event. The public roadways providing access to the event are capable to support the local patrons because they are two and four -lane improved thoroughfares that provide access from Highway 111 to the site using Washington Street or other public thoroughfares. Staff is recommending a condition restricting parking on Sagebrush Avenue and other adjacent public streets to alleviate congestion. The applicant and his contract employees are aware of these rules and regulations since they hosted the Don Drysdale Golf Tournament at this site in 1994. No problems are anticipated which would be detrimental to the community based on the recommended conditions. Temporary no parking areas will be provided to the south of Parc La Quinta to discourage visitor parking and congestion in the residential neighborhoods adjacent to the proposed general parking area. B. This project is categorical exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) because the outdoor event is being conducted on an existing golf course with adequate facilities to accommodate the daily patrons and public streets will be used to direct traffic to designated parking areas under Section 15304 (Class 4(e)). C. Temporary signs directing patrons to the event will be displayed throughout the community to help the public find this special event location. The signs will be placed so that they do not interfere with traffic safety signs or other facilities (i.e., traffic signals, etc.). Sign removal will occur immediately after the event is over to guard against the signs becoming roadside debris or litter. 2. There is adequate area to conduct the event and to accommodate the anticipated attendance. A. This nationally advertised sporting event is held in an adequately designed facility which can hold the daily patrons because various facilities will be provided such as restrooms, first -aid station, food and beverages, parking, and other facilities which COND001.12A provide services to those paying to attend the daily activities. The country club has existing buildings (restrooms) and landscaping facilities which complements the other temporary improvements planned for the golf tournament. Guest and employee parking areas will be provided off -site and on property owned by the applicant. CONDITIONS: The golf tournament begins at 11:00 A.M. on November 29, 1996, 8:00 A.M. on November 30, 1996, and 8:30 A.M. and December 1, 1996, and runs until play is completed. 2. The Building and Safety Department may require a building permit to conduct this event. All permits for the event shall be obtained by November 11, 1996, prior to final approval of the temporary use permit. A fire inspection is required for temporary structures (tents, etc.) or any open flame devices by the Riverside County Fire Department before installation and use. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Tom Hutchison, Fire Safety Specialist, at 863-8886. Fire lanes shall be established and maintained during the special event. All permits for the event shall be obtained by November 11, 1996. 4. Portable restrooms shall be provided for patrons and vendors as required by the Building and Safety Department. Restroom facilities to accommodate the physically challenged shall also be provided. Temporary trash receptacles shall be provided so that trash/debris can be deposited accordingly. The site shall be left clean of any litter at the close of the event. 6. Signs in the City right-of-way shall be mounted on minimum 2-inches by 2-inches wood posts unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Director during the issuance of an encroachment permit. No signs shall be closer than 100-feet from an intersection. Temporary signs shall be posted no closer than 5-feet from the edge of the paved area of any public road or street and placed a minimum of 200-feet from an identical sign. Signs in the right-of-way shall not exceed six square feet and signs on private property shall not exceed 12 square feet. Signs placed on private property shall be installed only if authorization has been secured prior to on -site installation. All signs shall be placed in a manner which does not obstruct traffic or street signs or other important equipment (Chapter 9.160.060 of the Sign Ordinance). All temporary directional signs shall be removed by December 4, 1996. 7. Before the outdoor event begins (no later than seven days in advance), a notice shall be given to the existing property owners' associations (i.e., Lake La Quinta, Laguna De La Paz, Parc La Quinta, La Quinta Country Club and Montero Estates) and all property owners along Sagebrush Avenue, Bottlebrush Drive, Date Palm Drive and Saguaro Drive informing them of the upcoming special event and associated parking restrictions and access routes. A copy of the written notice shall be given to the Community Development Department by November 11, 1996. 8. Vendors who sell or serve alcoholic beverages shall obtain a license from the State of California Alcoholic Beverage Control Department. A copy of the license shall be submitted to the Community Development Department by November 25, 1996. All drinks shall be served in paper or plastic cups. 9. Riverside County Sherifrs Deputies shall be employed on -site during the event to provide security and traffic control supervision unless they determine their services are not necessary. 10. Food vendors shall be reviewed and approved for operation by the Riverside County Health Department, as required. They can be reached by calling 863-7000. All vendors shall also obtain a City Business License. 11. The applicant shall work with Waste Management of the Desert to recycle the aluminum cans disposed in the temporary trash receptacles during the outdoor event. 12. If ground excavation is required, please contact Underground Service Alert (USA) at 1-800- 422-4133. The service is free of charge provided USA is given at least two days' notice. 13. Before any cranes, forklifts, or other aerial equipment is raised, please check for existing overhead wires. 14. Proof of Liability Insurance naming the City, and its staff, as additionally insured during the outdoor event in the amount of $1,000,000.00 shall be received on or before November 22, 1996. 15. If public streets are to be closed for this special event, City Council approval is required. Upon approval by the Council, the applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit from the Public Works Department before closure or obstruction of any roadway or placement of any signs, barricades or other advertising or traffic control devices in the street right-of-way. The applicant shall be responsible for installation, maintenance and removal of traffic control devices required in the approved traffic control plan. 16. No parking shall occur on private property unless the applicant has obtained written authorization. Parking along Sagebrush Avenue, Bottlebrush Drive and Saguaro Drive and Washington Street shall be prohibited by visitors of the golf tournament. Temporary "no parking" signs shall be posted by the Public Works personnel pursuant to the direction of the Public Works Director. A concise parking plan showing where all visitor spaces shall be submitted to the Community Development Department prior to final approval of the Temporary Use Permit. This plan shall include guest parking spaces on 48th Avenue, Adams Street, and Rancho La Quinta Drive. Also, parking spaces shall be delineated within Tract 25154. A minimum of 2,500 spaces shall be specified. Proper egress and ingress shall be provided at all times for patrons and vehicular traffic to the outdoor event. 17. All designated private security personnel must possess a valid security license issued by the State of California. 18. No overnight camping in recreational vehicles is permitted during the golf tournament. 19. The Community Development Department may impose additional conditions, or revoke this permit, if any problems arise during the event that needs special attention or consideration. 20. A bond in the amount of $500.00 shall be posted to insure that all off -site directional signs are removed by December 4, 1996. The security can be either a Certificate of Deposit or Letter of Credit naming the City as beneficiary of the account or cash. The security deposit is refundable provided the signs are removed after the event. 21. Parking areas that are not hard surfaced or turf, shall be sufficiently watered daily up to the event's opening, and during, to reduce blowing dust. Tracked out mud and dirt from vehicles onto City streets shall be removed daily or kept damp until removal can occur. The applicant shall submit to the Public Works Department an appropriate method of stabilization of all disturbed vacant lots upon termination of this temporary use for review, and be consistent with the provisions of Chapter 6.16 (Fugitive Dust Control Ordinance) of the Municipal Code. ATTACHMENTS FOR SKINS GAME ATTACH5-C CITY OF LA QUINTA Fred � h Iva.Y 11 I /q/ersfa(81 0 Coin/ry -/ b' 01: 31: :r■r(lAI (Avenue 44) M. City Hall s: 0 aU 3 La Quinta 0 Cove N •r W Avenue 52 PGA West CASE MAP CASE No. Attachment 1 in 0 C �nnnrrr Airport Blvd. ORTH SCALE: nts Vicinity Map qt 7 Attachment 2 •.%. sr•rt. -Ali - r.W lHaUlS NOIDMHSVAm :IIIN=Inv ucavZI:IIv !fLv3 r \NVO GNV 1N31 AV430VOV srnNv.+•iNat►waavr I NOI1dWtiOdNl �li�dl3ladOdd Attachment 3ui z � Y N Attachment 4 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Friday, November 29th, Rancho La Quinta Country Club. AM The Skins Game Pro Am - the four Skins Game participants are joined by 16 other top professionals and 80 very special amateur guests in a scramble format played over the magnificently manicured Rancho La Quinta Country Club course. An 11: OOAM Shotgun start is planned The Pro Am is preceded by a champagne breakfast for all contestants PM The gala Skins Game Pro Am Dinner. Join the four participants, celebrities and dignitaries at an informal dinner and awards program with a few surprises thrown in. Cocktails at 6:OOPM, Dinner at 7.30PM. Saturday, November 30, Rancho La Quinta Country Club 8: OOAM - 4: OOPM The Rancho La Quinta Golf Fair opens Visit the exhibit areas of the golf industries leading manufacturers in both apparel and hard goods Ticket holders only will be invited to play an inter -active part in this first annual event The latest in golf equipment and apparel will be on display presented by the golf industry's leading manufacturers Not only will ticket holders see and feel the latest in equipment and fashion, they will also have the opportunity to purchase items at specially reduced prices! 8:30AM Chi Chi Rodriguez Golf Clinic. All ticket holders are invited 10:30AM The Skins Game - the granddaddy of golfs made -for -TV events Front nine - The first six holes are worth $20, 000 each. Holes 7, 8, and 9 are worth $30, 000.00 Sunday, December 1st, Rancho La Quinta 8: OOAM Rancho La Quinta Golf Fair continues 8:30AM The Skins Game - Back nine. Holes 10, 11, and 12 are worth $30, 000 each. The final six are worth $40, 000 l: OOPM Upon conclusion of The Skins Game, all ticket -holders are invited to participate in a "Jam Session" located adjacent to the hospitality area The Rancho La Quinta Golf Fair will conclude at 4: OOPM. Attachment 5 die . O o eo � Cie GENERAL ADMISSION CONTESTANT MEDIA PATRONS VOLUNTEERS �---�--- 4411 ALL S-*N$ APE Mourovo om B' MGrA4, Sst,N- f6li AVE 50 0 1 2 SAGEBRUSH RANCHO LA QUINTA AVE 48 HWY 111 MILES AVE. FRED WARING EISENHOWER lent 6 .r d ATTACHMENT 7 A6 NORTH RANCHO LA QUINTA COUNTRY CLUB C VIA BOLERO ct ` PARC LA QUINTA l BOrrL.E BR:ISH ORIVE SXBUQ R0 G'oEHSE �'--� Z o tE DEL/PE V�" i i I i R/0 � G GENERAL, ` PARKING AREA y t TA X RA TE AREA INDEX MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA October 8, 1996 L CALL TO ORDER 7:00 P.M. A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:02 P.M. by Chairman Abels who asked Commissioner Tyler to lead the flag salute. B. Chairman Abels requested the roll call: Present: Commissioners Butler, Gardner, Tyler, Woodard, and Chairman Abels. C. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Butler/Tyler to excuse Commissioner Newkirk due to the illness of his wife. Unanimously approved. D. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, and Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed III. PUBLIC COMMENT: None IV. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Chairman Abels asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of September 24, 1996. There being no corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Gardner to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. B. Department Report: 1. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio reminded the Commissioners of the Historical Preservation Commission Workshop on November 2, 1996. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Continued - Site Development Permit 96-589; a request of Starlight Estates, Inc. for a compatibility review of new house plans under Chapter 9.60.290 of the Zoning Code. 1. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio informed the Commission that a request PCto-s 1 Planning Commission Meeting October 8, 1996 had been received from the applicant asking that this hearing be continued to the next Planning Commission meeting. 2. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Butler to adopt Minute Motion 96-036 continuing the public hearing for Site Development Permit 96-589 to October 22, 1996, to permit the applicant time to complete the architectural drawings for the project. Unanimously approved. VI. BUSINESS ITEMS: None VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: A. Chairman Abels informed the Commission about pamphlet that had been distributed to them regarding recreational vehicles. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS A. Commissioner Tyler reported on the City Council meeting of October 1, 1996. B. Commissioner Butler informed staff that the Commissioners had not received the adoption version of the Zoning Code. Staff stated they would see that the Commissioners received the new Zoning Ordinance. C. Commissioner Woodard asked staff to clarify the procedure for selection Environmental Consultants. He understood that there was a list of consultants that had been approved by staff that a developer could select from and if this was true why would staff make the selection for the developer. This would allow the consultant to work for the developer and not the City. Community Development Director Jerry Herman clarified that the process is to allow the applicant, or the developer, to select the consultant or refer the mater to staff. The option is up to the applicant. IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Gardner/Tyler to adjourn this meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting on October 22, 1996. This regular meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 7:19 P.M. Unanimously approved. PC 1 o-8 2 PH# 1 STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: OCTOBER 22, 1996 (CONTINUED FROM OCTOBER 8, 1996) CASE NO.: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 96-589 REQUEST: APPROVAL OF NEW PROTOTYPE HOUSE PLANS FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 23773 (PHASES 2-7) UNDER TITLE 9 (THE ZONING ORDINANCE) LOCATION: NORTHWEST CORNER OF FRED WARING DRIVE AND ADAMS STREET APPLICANT/ PROPERTY OWNER: STARLIGHT ESTATES, INC. (MR. GEORGE C. LANE) DEVELOPER: DEANE VENTURES (MR. JIM DEANE) ENGINEER: V/S ASSOCIATES (MR. ROBERT C. VATCHER) ARCHITECT: MR. DENNIS C. WOOD GENERAL PLAN: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2-4 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) ZONING: RL (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) �Xclaolqzlp. Site Background The Starlight Dunes development is located on the north side of Fred Waring Drive and west of Adams Street (Attachment 1). Gated access to the Tract occurs at Galaxy Drive on Fred Waring Drive and Adams Street with only right-in/right-out access permitted on Fred Waring Drive. Rick Johnson Construction completed the perimeter street and landscape improvements during the construction of the existing Phase 1 single family houses. STRT.222-12a The properties on the east side of Adams Street are in the County of Riverside (Bermuda Dunes Country Club) and either vacant or developed with single family houses. The properties to the north and northwest are in the County and developed with either vacant or developed with single family houses, a church, and commercial nurseries. To the south and southwest, across Fred Waring Drive, are the established residential developments known as La Quinta Highlands and Las Vistas. The properties to the west are vacant and planned for residential development. Forty-seven houses were built along with the retention basin at the northeast corner of the Tract (Attachment 2). The initial houses built in Phase 1 range in size from 2,084 to 3,332+ square feet (3 and 4 bedrooms) and have two- or three -car garages. The Apollo and Phoenix houses are two-story structures. The existing development has the following housing makeup: Horizon - 9 units Frontier - 24 units Apollo - 9 units Phoenix - 5 units 2,084 sq. ft. 2,525 sq. ft. 2,647 sq. ft. 3,332 sq. ft. 3 bdrm./2 car gar. 4 bdrm./3 car gar. 4 bdrm./3 car gar. 4 bdrm./3 car gar. Ng,: During construction the Horizon and Frontier units were increased in size to 2,144 sq. ft. and 2,693 sq. ft. (Information obtained from PP 94-540.) The existing houses have a Spanish/Mediterranean design influence with light-colored stucco walls, "S" shaped concrete tile roofing, and other architectural features. Exterior trim colors range from a beige color to a medium tan. Perimeter tan slumpstone walls with wrought gates were built around the houses for privacy. The existing houses have roll -up, sectional metal garage doors for the two- and three -car garages. A few of the garage structures have side -loaded entries, but most of the existing garage doors face the street. Because Phases 2-7 of the original Tract expired, the applicant submitted a new subdivision map application to complete the project. On September 24, 1995, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the applicant's request to proceed with the continued development of the project as originally planned in 1989 under TTM 23773 which includes six construction phases (101 single family lots) on 28.4-acres. The City Council approved the development request on October 1, 1996 under Resolution 96-35 (Attachment 3). New Application Submittals On October 11, 1996, the developer submitted new architectural plans for this partially developed project. Four prototype housing units are proposed which range in size from 2,400 to 3,650 square feet with three, four or five bedrooms and 2- or 3-car garages. The plans are described below: STRT.222-12a Plan 1-1 Story Plan 2 - 2 Stories Plan 3 - 2 Stories Plan 4 -1 Story 2,700 sq. ft 3,650 sq. ft. 3,400 sq. ft. 2,400 sq. ft. 3bdrm./2 car garage 5 bdrm./3 car garage 4 bdrm./3 car garage 3bdrm./2 car garage Mediterranean style houses are proposed. Exterior building walls are stucco with concrete tile roofing. The roofing styles alternate between hip and gable construction types. Each facade incorporates different vertical column styles. Other decorative features include tile accents, fan lite and recess panel front doors, stucco plant-ons, and metal grid windows. The houses range in height from approximately 14' (one story) to 23' (two stories). Metal roll -up, sectional garage doors are proposed. Eighteen -inch roof eaves will be provided although the architectural plans show varying widths. A circular driveway is proposed for Plan 2. Desert exterior colors are proposed, and the applicant's color and material boards will be available at the meeting. Front yard landscaping will be provided and include lawn with shrubs and trees. The applicant is currently working on his plotting map and has begun working with the existing homeowners' association to define the lots that two-story houses may be built. A Model Complex is proposed on Meridian Way, east of Galaxy Drive with house Plans 1, 3 and 4. Parking for the sales area will occur in the street on Meridian Way or at an existing 10 car parking lot on the west side of Galaxy Way. Public Notice This case was advertised in the Desert Sun newspaper on September 1, 1996 along with Tentative Tract Map 23773 (Phases 2-7). All property owners within 500-feet of the site were mailed a copy of the public hearing notice as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. No negative comments have been received. All correspondence received before the meeting will be given to the Planning Commission. On September 24, 1996, the Planning Commission continued the public hearing for this item to October 8, 1996, at the request of the developer. On October 8, 1996, the Commission continued the applicant's request to October 22, 1996, because the architectural plans were still being prepared. STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES: Issue 1 - General Plan/Zoning Code Consistency This site is designated Low Density Residential (2-4 dwellings per acre) by the General Plan. The Zoning Code Update, which became effective in September, designates this site as RL (Low Density Residential) with minimum lot size of 7,200 sq. ft. The single family lots for this project are generally 9,000 sq. ft. (90' wide by 100' deep) or larger which is consistent with the RL provisions according to Tentative Tract Map No. 23773 (Phases STRT.222-12a 2-7). The typical housing setbacks are consistent with the RL District which requires 20- foot front yards, 5- and 10 foot side yards, and 20-foot rear yards. The placement of the garages on the lot can vary the front yard setback from 15-foot (side -loaded) to 25-foot (front Goaded without a roll -up type garage door). The developer's house plans have some variations in architectural projection. The new Zoning Code, Chapter 9.50 (Residential Development Standards) requires any houses to be built along Fred Waring Drive to be one story in height (22') within 150-feet of the edge of the right-of-way, and Section 9.60.290 (Compatibility Review) requires no two story houses to be built adjacent to (or abutting) existing one story houses " ... unless proof can be provided showing that a two-story unit was proposed for the lot by the prior builder." Therefore, new two-story houses can be built on the north side of Meridian Way and Skyward Way in Tract Phase 2, but no two-story houses can be built along Fred Waring Drive. Also, Section 9.60.300 requires single story houses abutting existing houses surrounding the project's perimeter boundaries unless separated by a street (e.g., future houses built along the north side of Zenith Way). Condition #12 is recommended to insure compliance with Zoning Code provisions. Architecturally, the applicant's plans are consistent with the existing houses in the Starlight Dunes development. Findings and Conditions are recommended to ensure the continued development of Tract is similar to the houses built by the initial developer as required by Section 9.60.290 of the Zoning Code. Issue 2 - Streetscape Design The developer has planned most of the houses to have minimum 20-foot front yard setbacks except for variations created by Plan 2 which has a side -loaded garage with a minimum 16.5-foot setback. Section 9.30.030 (RL District) of the Zoning Code requires that ".... projects with ten or more dwelling units shall incorporate front setbacks varying between 20 ft. and 25 ft. or more in order to avoid streetscape monotony." Adopt Minute Motion 96- , approving Site Development Permit 96-589 for four new prototype house plans for Tentative Tract Map 23773 (Phases 2-7), subject to Findings and Conditions of Approval as attached. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Phase 1 Development Map 3. Tract Map Exhibit (Reduced) 4. Large Exhibits (Planning Commission only) STRT.222-12a Prepar6d by: Gredilrousdell, Associate Planner Submitted by: Christine di lorio, Planning Manager STRT.222-12a CONDITION OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 96-589 STARLIGHT ESTATES OCTOBER 22, 1996 The architectural aspects of the development will be compatible and not detrimental to other existing houses in the Starlight Dunes development based on Conditions. 2. The proposed houses are compatible in size to the existing Starlight Dunes dwellings, and no impacts are anticipated provided the minimum house size in the tract is 1,875 sq. ft. 3. No two story homes will be built next door or behind any existing single story houses within the development or along the perimeter tract boundaries including Fred Waring Drive. CONDITIONS: 1. Eighteen inch roof eaves shall be provided for all dwellings units. Stucco "boxed" roof eaves are permitted. 2. Stuccoed pop -outs shall be provided around all windows and doors where space is available, subject to final approval by the Community Development Director. 3. Perimeter block walls shall be constructed for each house prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. The new walls shall be constructed of slumpstone block to match previously built block walls in the development unless wood frame stucco fencing is installed to match the design characteristics of the house. 4. Pedestrian gates leading into the side and back yards shall be wrought iron and be similar in design and material to the existing single family homes built by Rich Johnson Construction. Pedestrian gates shall not exceed 48" in width unless located in a sideyard of 12-feet wide or larger (Section 9.160.030 (D2)). 5. The landscape/irrigations plans shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review. The plans will require Community Development Department, Coachella Valley Water District, and the Riverside County Agriculture Commissioner approval before they will be considered final. The plans shall include the following: (A) front yard landscaping shall include lawn and a minimum of ten shrubs (i.e., 5-gallon or larger) and two trees (i.e., one @ 15-gallon and one @ 24 box) for interior lots and five trees (i.e., 4 @ 15-gallon and one @ 24"-box) for corner lots, and (B) landscaping or fencing shall screen all COND589-c ground mounted mechanical equipment (i.e., A/C condensing units, pool equipment, etc.). All provisions of Chapter 8.13 (Water Efficient Landscaping and Irrigation) shall be met. The developer and subsequent property owner shall continuously maintain all landscaping in a healthy and viable condition. 6. Lawn areas for front yards shall be either Hybrid Bermuda (Summer) or Hybrid Bermuda/Rye (Winter) depending upon the season when it is installed. All trees shall be double staked to prevent wind damage. All shrubs and trees shall be watered with bubblers or emitters. Landscape improvements shall be installed before final occupancy of the house. 7. Ground mounted equipment (air-conditioning condensers, etc.) shall be located in side and rear yard areas behind screen walls or landscaping. All equipment shall be a minimum distance of five -feet from the property line. 8. The concrete driveways shall include expansion joints and a broom finish (or better) texture. 9. All requirements of Tentative Tract Map 23773 (Phases 2-7) and the RL Zone District shall be met during building permit plan check approval. 10. One-story houses (22' or less in height) shall be constructed within 150-feet of the right-of- way of Fred Waring Drive or along the north tract boundary nor adjacent to the side or rear of any existing single family houses as required by Chapters 9.50 and 9.60 of the Zoning Code. 11. Temporary model complexes (sales offices) and signs/flags shall be consistent with Section 9.60.250 of the Zoning Code which provides requirements for siting a model complex and advertising for projects that have more than 20 or more houses planned in the project. A minimum of ten off-street parking spaces will be provided for a model home sales complex according to Chapter 9.150 (Parking) of the Zoning Code. A Minor Use Permit is required. COND589-c OCTOBER 22, 1996 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ATTACHMENTS SDP#96-589 STARLIGHT ESTATES, INC. ATTACH13-C Attachment 1 Vicinity Map Case No: TTM 23773 Location: NW corner of Fred Waring Dr. and Adams St. Applicant: Starlight Estates Legal Description: Being a portion of Parcel 4 of Parcel Map 5361 STARLIGHT LANE FIRED WARlNG DRIVE e Vin7-c Attachment 2 STARLIGHT DUNES PHASE #1 DEVELOPMENT MAP fD. NOTHING178'4SjN MW COIR. PARCEL 41 PAL 11179, R.ss.00 IPA Afewim6. Sir ezo,.kcr. gi&i MIf'f!'oi`s. RAo. w740077I1W 34A/ i' FUTURE DEVELOPMENT EXISTING TWO STORY HOUSES EMSTING ONE STORY HOUSES PHASE 2RACT_NO_ LOTS Attachment 3 ----- ----- --- ---- 1 ! 1 1 I 2 23773-2 17 3 23773-3 �7 4 23773-4 20 JN 85-01-00 5 23773-5 24 _ 6 23773-6 20 , 7 23773 13 ..3-31-94 101 TOTAL (NOTE: Adjacent Phases may be.combined) • --- I I R !s! ED)�