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AR (13-0631)
55255 Medallist Dr 13-0631 P.O. BOX 1504 . 1 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application, Number: 13-06000631 Property Address: 55255 MEDALLIST DR APN. 767-510-002- - - Application description: ADDITION - RESIDENTIAL Property. Zoning: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL " Application valuation: 40000 Applicant: Tuvl 4 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Owner:. WHEELER 55-255 MEDALIST LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA 92253 1. Architect or Engineer; ------------ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am r ensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Busines nd ro ssionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. LicenseC ss: C27 License No.: .684857 Date- Contractor:. V_ OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION - I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file asigned.statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section7000) of Division 3 of,the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_ 1 I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_ 1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed ' pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). '( ) I am exempt under Sec. , BAP.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: Lender's Address: LQPERMIT Contractor:' EDWARDS CONSTRUCTION INC 51455 DESERT CLUB DRIVE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 (760)777-8202 LiC. No.: 684857 VOICE (760) 777-7012 • FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 7/30/13 D JUL 312013 D ------------------ WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION LA QUiNra ,,.E DEPT. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: r _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided ' for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work forwhich this permit is issued. 1 have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this. permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: CarrierBENCHMARK INS Policy Number WC1914223 _ I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should b oma ct to the workers' compensation provisions of Section , 3700 of the Labor , I h fll fo omply with those visions. Date 141S Applicant: „ 'WAR NG: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for - whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. ' 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced , within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. certify that I have read this application and state the abo a inf tion is correct. I agree to comply with all " city and c unt ordinances and state laws relating t buil ing on ucti a d hereby authorize epresentatives of this co rttyo enter upon the above-mentioned p p y fo i pe • ur oses. Dater II3o !/l3 Signature (Applicant or Agentl: Application Number . . . . . 13-00000631. Permit . . BUILDING PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 349.50 Plari Check Fee 227.18. Issue Date Valuation 40000. Expiration Date 1/26/14 Qty • Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 252.00 15.00 6.5000 THOU BLDG 25,001-50,000 97.50 • Permit . . . ELEC-MISCELLANEOUS Additional desc- escPermit PermitFee . . 15.00 Plan Check Fee 3.75 Issue Date Valuation . . . . 0' Expiration Date .1/26/14 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 PermitMECHANICAL Additional desc .` Permit Fee . . . 31.50 Plan Check Fee 7.88 Issue Date _. Valuation 0 Expiration Date 1/26/14 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension . BASE FEE 15:00 1.00 16.5000 EA MECH B/C >3-15HP/>100K-500KBTU 16.50. Permit . . . PLUMBING Additional desc . Permit Fee . . 24.00 Plan Check Fee 6.00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 1/26/14 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 1.00 6.0000 EA PLB FIXTURE 6.00 1.00 3.0000"EA PLB WATER INST/ALT/REP 3.00 Special Notes and Comments 338 SQ.,FT. SITTING AREA FOR BEDROOM. PER 2010 CALIF. BUILDING CODES. June 28, 2013, 1:11:22 PM jjohnson. LQPERMIT .. _ Application,Number . . . . . 13-00000631 - ----- --------------------- ---------------- Other Fees . . ART IN PUBLIC PLACES -RES 20.00 BLDG STDS ADMIN (SB1473) 2.00 ENERGY REVIEW FEE 22.72 STRONG MOTION (SMI).- RES 4.00 Fee summary Charged ------- Paid Credited Due ----------------- Permit Fee Total 420.00 .00 ..00 420.00 Plan Check Total 244.81 .00 .00 244.81 Other Fee Total 48.72 .00 .00 48.72 Grand Total 713.53 .00 .00 713.53 LQPERMIT - .. . Bin # City of La Quinta Building ex Safety Division P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico is Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # 5' r jJ Project Address: " S -Z 5 L) ( ' r Owner's Name: t4. `v LE e A. P. Number: 7 6 7 4 O Z, Address: rj ,5 "Z,S,S t`7t elw3 1.5-7— Legal Description: LO Z rK 29 61 S 7 ity, ST, Zip: 46 Contractor: j l Telephone: 760 3gJ6 Z$ Description: ddress: 4166 &9r&Project ity, ST, Zi Telephone:7W 7,7-1 a O 2 State Lic. # : —1 CityLic. #: M C4. t D Re t~3 'ct--P R —.W.,Designer: z'o v'?I t(4 Address:7 p /Z u u ( :,L(f fj City, ST, Zip: Ct&` Telephone 76L Gi Z jS6 Construction Type: Occupancy: cY: State Lic. #: Project type (circle one): New dd'n Alter Repair Demo Name of Contact Person: 4'% zw-am> S9• FL: ?J # Stories: #Units: Telephone # of Contact Person: `76 O Estimated Value of Project: Q d po D APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS UNE # Submittal Req'd Reed TRACKING PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Pian Check submitted Item Amount Structural Cates. Reviewed, ready for correctionsQ Plan Check Deposit Truss Coles. Called Contact Person Plan Cheek Balance Energy Calcs. Pians picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical I Grading pian 2" Review, ready for eorrecti issn l Electrical Subeontaetor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up SALL H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading W HOUSE:- '`' Review, ready for corrections/issue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.1.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue ' School Fees Total Permit Fees (A 460 p Pil'r 6 lIo P Pn G I r-, Or _ , _ G M `( N 14T r l _ o I 1." 7'l4Ns K A Td 1 5 -' k)o CGq MAY U ---ffTY OF LA QUINTA COMPO -DEVELOPMENT n .was, Prescriptive Certificate of Compliance: Residential Additions Site Address: Enforcement Agency: CF -1R ADD Pa�e_� � Date: _T1J / 9 I � f II 125 1 [,Building eneral Information i i� _ ff ` Climate Zone # # of Stories rojectN (Type Ingle Family D Multi Family Circle the Front Orientation: E, S6Vbr Degrees Condition' d Floor Area of Addition New Addition Size: D Less than or equal to 100 ft ess than or equal to 1000 (CFA): o not use this form for additions greater than 1000 NOTE: Fbr,Alterations to an existing home, submit a completed CF-lR ALT Form Exc tion: Existing HVAC systems that are replaced or altered to serve the addition maybe included on the CF -IR ADD Form Prescri five Envelope Requirements for Additions Option : Use Option Ifor standard wood and assemblies meeting the Cavity R -value only. For all other use Option 2. • For IOO Jl� additions; the Proposed values must be equal or greater than the Standard column or when indicated when using Package D, "Pkg DI ".I Enter all values in the Proposed Columns. • For less than 1,000 f? additions must comply with "Pkg D" requirements unless indicated in the Standard Column. To meet 'PkgD"minimum ever coir liance re uirements, see RCMA endix B, Table 151-C. Or 151 6 in the RCM. Enter all values in the Proposed Columns. Size ofj Addition 100 ftz or less Less than 1,000 ftz Component Standard Pr..o osed Comment Standard PTopesed Comment Ceiling Insulation R-19 =_ Minimum Pkg D T 51-C Table 1 Wall Insulation R-13 Minimum R-13 1 Minimum Minimum Pkg Table 151-C Floor Insulation R-13 U Fill out U- U U- . factor SHGC factor SAGO Fenestration Fenestration factor SHGC factor SIiGC Enter Proposed Proposed Areas 0.40 PkgD t p ° values then 0.40 Pkg �L� , Below Skip over Y °r ; ` Fill out To Roofing package D (20% Additional Produce ft?. Allowed Maximum Glazing 50 ft -' Below of CFA) +Glass l (� , �j �ea Removed Fenestration Areas Below Radiant Barrier N/A Pkg D Table 151-C See Roofing Products Below PkgD See Roofing Products Below Roofing PkgD g O a ue' Surface Details For the furred portioned of Mass Walls see Furrin Stri s Construction Table below. I J A I I B C D E F G I Pronosed $ee Note Standard Values From JA4 Table ! Framing Thickness, Framed Continuous JA4 Proposed Tag/ I ED'I Assembly Name Material Spacing, U- a JA4 Table Cavity Insulation Assembly Assembly Tag/ or Type' and Size or Other factor Number R -value R -Value? Cell Values U -factors ��Lr I ax wOon lb'' . ►a ,I -A3 , .,-A IO I I Rao .- Ito " ! i -A 3 .S . 1-g b II II i Note: Fo j fuJ ed assemblies, accounting for Continuous Insulation 1 value, see Page JA4-3 and Equation 4-/. For calculating frvred walls use the Mass and Furring Construction table below. 1. For T6ejD indicate the ident yication name that matches the building plans. 2. Indicate the Assembl Name or e: Roo /Ceilin , Walls, Floors, Slabs, Craw! Space�oors andetc-Indiaate-the�re /� and Size: For Wood Metal, Metal Buildings, Mass, enter 2x4, 2x6, or etc... see JA4 for other possili e frdmee type os 1' U NTA 3. Ente I the thickness for mass in inches or Spacing bebveeri framing members ent"r, /�6 "oJ2,124 &C&oSRt jwEfpt tl �r �sse bly description such as Concrete Sandwich Panel, Spandrel Panel, Logs, Straw Bale Panel and etc.... �` , 4. Based on the Climate Zone; enter the Standard U factor from Table 151- Cfor each diffe ent nssembly�Va7rie or. 5. Enter the Table number that closely resembles the proposed assembly. FOR CONSTRUCTION 6. En te the R -value that is being installed in the wall cavity;or between the framing; othenvis , ter " ". 7. Enter the Continuous Insulation R -value for the proposed assembly; otherwise "0 ".4 I 8. Enter the row and column of the U factor value based on Column F Table Number`and en1 a Yy 0/ 9. The Pr posed Assembly Ufactor, Column J. must be equal to or less than the St&fddrdV-Yaitor in -G0 ornF Registr !tial Number: Regi stration DatelTime: HERS PrdUftl�Y: ®9 Z 3 2008 Residential Compliance Forms I August 2009 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN i Prescri ' tive Certificate of Compliance: CF -1R ADD ResidentalAdditions (Page 2 of 5 Site Address: Enforcement Agency:. Date: Furring Sfrt; s Construction Table for Mass Walls Onl A B C D I E F I. G I H I J K L M Proposei Properties of Masonry and Concrete Added Interior or Exterior Insulation Walls From Reference in Furring Space from Reference Joint Appendix Table 4.3.5 4.3.6, 4.3.7 Joint Appendix Table 4.3.13 N w 0= Assembly o o •2 o veu "" o•❑ '- 0 Final Mass Name or T e2 JA4 Table H 'Thiclmess '> W AssemblyQ ? U-factor6•7 Comment .......... 1. Indicate the Mass Thickness from Reference Joint Appendix JA. .Indicate thi Assembly Name'or type: Roof/Ceiling, Walls, Floors, Slabs, Crawl Space, Doors Indicate and etc ... the Frame type and Size: For Wood, Metal, Metal Buildings, Mass, enter 2x4, 2x6, or etc... see JA4 for other possible frame type assemblies. 3. Enter the cable number that closely resembles the proposed assembly. 4. Enter the row and column of the Ufactor value. 5. Enter the Effective R -value listed in the JA4 Table Number. 6. The Final Assembly is calculated by using Equation 4-1 or Equation 4-4 of the Reference Joint Appendix JA4. Enter the value in Column L. 7. Insert the , inal Assembly U factor value back on to the Opaque Surface Details table in Column J. II - --., FENESTRATION PROPOSED AREAS Orientation . Ienestration Type and Frame (North, East, PropsedArea' Maximum Maximum NFRC or I indow, Glass Door or skylight) South, West) ft U -factor" SHGC2' 3• ° Default Valuess 4o JF 9-e_ sll Floc -o c3ja'Yas. a .40 ill I R %- Lo 1 I ztv- w DR-L-- Lo II I I Total L100 , 1. Fenestration area is the area of total glazed product (i. e. glass plus frame). Exception: When a door is less than 50% glass, the fenestration area ma be the glass area plus a "2 inch frame " around the glass. 2. Enter value from Component Package D Requirements in Table ISl-C. 3. Actual fenestration products installed and as indicated in CF -6R -ENV Form shall be equivalent to or have a lower U factor and/or a lower SHGC value) than that specified on the CF -1R ADD Form. 4. Submit la completed WS -3R Form if a reduced SHGC is calculated with exterior shading. S. Lf aDDlicalile at this stage enter "NFRC"for NFRC Certified windows or CEC "Default " valuesfound in Table 116 A or B. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms Registration Date/Tune: CQTY OF LA QUINTA RUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. FC _?- P ®V E D CTION / August 2009 2008 Residential Compliance Forms Registration Date/Tune: CQTY OF LA QUINTA RUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. FC _?- P ®V E D CTION / August 2009 Prescriptive Certificate of Compliance: CF 1R ADD Resldenhal Additions (Page 3 of Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Date: S'.5 -ass /'1 1 Eot92 sf. S 1 9 j ADDITION ALLOWED FENESTRATION AREAS Check applicable box below if the roof addition is exempt from the roofing product "Cool Roof' requirements. Note: If any one of the boxes are checked below, the Aged Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emittance requirements for roofing products in §118(1) are not applicable. Do not f ll table below! I1 A B C D E F I CFA of Area Allowed % Allowed Area Addition Removed Total Area Allowed Proposed Area3• ° ft2 of CFA (A x B) f (C + D) (Table Above) Total]Fenestration Area `j yj Is Product West ' enestration Area (Require In CZ's 2, 4 & 7 -15 558 05 Q ' 1. West Fenestration Area includes west -sloping skylights and any skylights with a pitch less than 1:12. < 5lb/ft> 51b/t2 Type 2. West facing glazing area removed cannot be "counted" twice. " In order to distribute the west glazing area removed to the other orientations, input they west glazing area removed in the Total Fenestration Area row, column D. 3. Include t e Proposed Area of the West facing fenestration in both Area columns below. 4. To meet ompliance, the Proposed Area must be less than or equal to the Total Allowed Area for BOTH the Total and West Fenestration Areas. ROOFING PRODUCTS (COOL ROOFS) §1516912 Check applicable box below if the roof addition is exempt from the roofing product "Cool Roof' requirements. Note: If any one of the boxes are checked below, the Aged Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emittance requirements for roofing products in §118(1) are not applicable. Do not f ll table below! ❑ Roofing compliance Not Required in Climate Zones 1-12, 14, and 16 with a Low Slope. Less or 2:12 pitch. 13Roofinglcompliance Not Required in Climate Zones 1 through 9 and 16 with a Low -Sloped. Roofs pitch greater than 2:12 and product weight less than 51b/ft ❑ Roofinglarea covered by building integrated; photovoltaic panels and solar thermal panels are exempt from the above Cool Roof criteria 13Roof constructions that have thermal mass over the roof membrane with at least 25 lbli is exempt from the above Cool Roof criteria. Note: If no 0RRC-1 label is available, this compliance method cannot be used, use the Performance Approach to show compliance, otherwise, check e applicable box below if Exempt from the Roofing Products "Cool Roof' Requirement: Roof Slope Product Weight Product Aged Solar Thermal CiIIC Product ID Number << 2:12 > 2:12 < 5lb/ft> 51b/t2 Type Reflectance 3A Emittance SRIS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑4 I( ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑4 1. The CRRQ Product ID Number can be obtained from the Cool Roof Rating Council's Rated Product Directory at www.coolrools.orr/products/search 2. Indicate the 3. If the Aged Reflectance type of product is being used for the roof top, i.e. single ply roof, asphalt roof, metal roof, etc. is not available in the Cool Roof Rating Councils Rated Product Directory then use the Initial Reflectance value from directory lard the same use the equation (0.2+0.7(ptnitrat — 0.2) to obtain a calculated aged value. Where pis the Initial Solar Reflectance. 4. Check boxl if Calculate the the Aged Reflectance is a calculated value using the equation above. SRI value by using the SRI- Worksheet hap.-lAvww.enerev. the SRI- Wo>ksheet at cagov/title24/and enter the resulting value in the SRI Column above and attach atopy of to the CF -IR To apply L quid Field Applied Coatings, the coating must be applied across the entire roof surface and meet the dry mil thickness or.coverage recommended by the coatings manufacturer and meet minimum performance requirements listed in §118(i)4. Select the applicable coating: ❑ Aluminulmi -Pigmented Asphalt .Roof Coating ❑ Cement -Based Roof Coating ❑ Other CITY OF LA QUINTA. N3Li t.( INO & SAFETY DEPT. I wA $,r PROVED i FOR CON 7UCTION Registration Number: Registration Date/time: 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 • i II Prescri'tive Certificate of Compliance: CF -1R Residen, i' ] Additions DD (Page 4 ADD Site Address: of Enforcement Agency: Date: te: � sf- sl9l�� HVAC SYSTEMS - HEATING space Individual dwelling DHW heaters must be gas or propane fired, and may not exceed 50 gallons. Hot waterpipe insulation from the DHW heater to the kitchen(s) and on all underground hot water i p is Duct or Configuration Minimum Distribution Piping Heating Equipment (Central, Split, 1j Efficiency Type and Insulation Thermostat T e and Capacity'- 2.3 Space, Package or AFUE or HSPF Location' -Value Type —R H dronic 17UC}E[ S.Oslo"Wrf 11,0H1,.PF Del -uzSS 6-f r3 OV 1z�SSP+aT, (i 1. Indicate Heating Type (Central Furnace, Wall Furnace, Heat pump, Boiler, Electric Resistance, etc.) 2. Electric resistance heating is allowed only in Component Package C, or except where electric heating is supplemental (i.e., if total capacity < 2 KW or 7,000 Btulhr electric heating is controlled by a time -limiting device not exceeding 30 minutes). See §151 (b)3 exception. 3. Refer to he HERS Verification section on Pages 3 and 4 of the CF -IR -ADD Form for additional requirements and check applicable boxes. 4. Indicate Type or Location (Ducts, H dronic in Floor, Radiators, etc. HVAC SYSTEMS - COOLING Standard, Recirculatin i� Cooling Equipment 11 Type d Capacity' -2 Minimum Distribution Duct or Pi mg Configuration Packag ii Efficiency Type and Insulation Thermostat Space, or SEER/EER or COP Location R -Value Type Hydronic II II 1. Indicatebaling Type (41C, Heat pump, Evap. Cooling, etc). 2. Refer to the HERS Verification section on Pages 3 and 4 of the CF -IR -ADD Form for additional requirements and check applicable boxes. 3. Indicate Type or Location(Ducts, Hydronic in Floor, Radiators, etc.) II WATER(HEATING List water heaters and boilers for both domestic hot water (DHIl7 heaters and hydronic heating. space Individual dwelling DHW heaters must be gas or propane fired, and may not exceed 50 gallons. Hot waterpipe insulation from the DHW heater to the kitchen(s) and on all underground hot water i p is es required in all com onent acka es in all climate zones. Water HI ater Type/Fuel ,T Distribution Type Z Number In Tank Energy Factor or External Tank . Insulation e' Standard, Recirculatin system Capacity (al) Thermal Efficiency R -Value' LcI``fSAJ _PWlj II 1. Indicates Type (Storage Gas, Heat Pump, Instantaneous, etc.) 2. Recirculah"ng systems serving multiple dwelling units shall meet the recirculation requirements of §150(n). The Prescriptive requirements do not allow the installation of a recirculating water heating system for single dwelling units. 3. The water heatin tank and pipes shall be insulated to meet the requirements o 150(i). I I SPECIAL FEATURES The enforcement agency should pay special attention to the Special Features specified in this 'checklist hecklist below. These items mayjrequire written justification and documentation and special verification. Radiant Barrier (Roof) YES ❑ NO YES: Required in Climate Zones 2, 4, and 8-15 for additions larger than 100 ft Slab Edge (Perimeter) Insulation ❑ YES ANO YES: In Climate Zone 16 under Compo ent Package R-7 insulation is required. Heated Slab YES: Slabledge Insulation ❑ YES IQ I insulation required for hea d slabs in all Climate Zones. See details in Table 118-A of the standards. i Raised SIali Insulation 13 YES O YES: In Climate Com onent Package Zones 1, 2, 11, 13, 14 &"16 R-8 insulation is required, and in Climate Zonesl 01r,5 1-4 s ti�n�s r u e INTA D. 1 i& Thermal 4ass ' S , - To obtain Compliance Credit for the installation of thermal mass, use the Performa ncF-A p�proac�h - 2008 Resi I f Compliance Forms - -_ - . FOR CONSTRUCTION - 1 Registration Date/time: I l DATE 2009 ' II Prescriptive Certificate of Compliance: CF 1R ADD Residential Additions Site Address: a e5of Enforcement Agency: Date: Sly -asp VI�1 E �sf s 9 1� II HERS VERIFICATION checklist below. SUMMARY - The enforcement agency should pay special attention to the HERS Measures specified in this A completed and signed CF -4R Form for all the measures specified be inspection. shall submitted to the building inspector before final Duct Sealin & Testing HERS verification is required for this measure. ❑ YES 9NO YES: In all Climate Zones, if a new space -conditioning system (HVAC equipment and ducting) is installed to serve I the addition alone, the ducts are to be sealed and tested per §151(f)10. ❑ YES 3kNO YES: In Climate Zones 2 and 9-16, if more than 40 linear feet of new or replacement ducts are installed in unconditioned space to serve the addition, the ducts are to be sealed and tested per §152(b)1D. ❑ YES ❑ EXCEPTION: Existing duct systems that are extended, which are constructed, insulated.or.sealed with asbestos. M NO YES: In Climate Zones 2 and 9-16, if the existing HVAC equipment is replaced (including replacement of the air handler, outdoor condensing unit of a split system, cooling or heating coil, or the furnace heat exchanger) and will serve the addition, the ducts are to be sealed and tested per §152(b)IE. ❑ EXCEPTION: Duct systems that are documented to have been previously sealed confirmed through HERS verification in accordance with procedures in the Reference Residential Appendix RA3. ❑ EXCEPTION: Duct systems with less than 40 linear feet in unconditioned space. . ❑ EXCEPTION: Existing ducts stems constructed, insulated or sealed with asbestos. Refrigerant harge - Split System HERS verification is required for this measure. ❑ YES O YES: In Climate Zones 2 and 8-15, if a newly ducted split A/C or heat pump is installed to serve the addition alone, a ❑ YES ;PkNO refrigerant charge measurement shall be verified per §151(f)7A. YES: In Climate Zones 2 and 8-15, if the existing HVAC equipment is replaced (including replacement of the air handler, outdoor condensing unit of a split system, cooling or heating coil, or the fumace heat exchanger) and will serve the II addition, a refrigerant charge measurement shall be verified per § 152 b 1F. Central Fan Integrated Ventilation System — Airflow and Fan Watt Draw - do not app ly for additions 1,000 flor less. Ducted Split Systems - Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps: Airflow and Fan Watt Draw HERS verification is required. ❑ YES I�Q.NO YES: In Climate Zones 10 through 15, if a new space -conditioning system (HVAC equipment ducting) and is installed to serve the addition alone, the airflow and fan watt draw shall be verified per § 151(f)7B. �i ❑ YES I bNO YES: In Climate Zones 10 through 15, if the existing space -conditioning system (HVAC equipment and ducting) is replaced ( and will serve the addition, the airflow and fan watt draw shall be verified per § 152(b)IF. Documentation Author's Declaration Statement • I cert* that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate 4Ad com ete. Name: � Signature: I I � Company: It) Co 4+ DC�l zip A-><.�- J /moi: L, Date: s 9 1 Address: 7 7 055 %� 1 GI -H y l �l V6 If Applicable 0 CEA or CEPE (Certification #): ?n - i n - tQ City/State/Zip. P� Dom - 9 aa�r Phone: C7� ate -4 790 Responsibly Building Designer's Declaration Statement • I am eligible under Division 3 of the California Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design identified on this Certificate of Compliance. • I certifylthat the energy features and performance specifications for the building design identified on this Certificate Compliance of conform to the requirements of Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. • The bi illding design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information to document provided this building) design on the other applicable compliance forms, worksheets, calculations, pl spec* ti the enforcement enc for approval with this buildingpermit application. Name: I Signatu Compan i �t�'�ffi�110 DCStt %lcJG Address: i I �7-0. De S-�E Buil ING & City/State/Zi ' ////�/� A 1 �g .p/�,/ {V-,. i _ 1 I �or cur quesuons regaratng rne.Cnergy wanaards, contact the Energy Hotline at:=8'Oi-72'!3iV L;VI IQN fl,^,TE _ _ V� 2008 Residen,iial Compliance Forms Registration Date/Time: 2009 Mandato Measures Summary Residential • Site Aii ress: ..s.s a s , MF -1R Enforcement Agencyr (Page l of 3' Date: LYU1C: I I[,ow-rise residential buildings subject to the Standards must comply with all applicable mandatory measures listed regardless of the compliance approach used More stringent energy measures listed on the Certificate of Compliance (CF -1R, CF - (RDD, or CF -IR ALT Form) shall supersede the items marked with an asterisk (*) below. This Mandatory Measures Summary shall be incorporated into the permit documents and the applicable features shall be considered by all parties as minimum Mz=M=withplans. s whether they are shownelsewhereinthedocumentsor in this summary. Submit all rm with plans. § 116(a)1 Doors andwindows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces are manufactured to limit air leakage. §116(a)4i Fenestration products (except field -fabricated windows) have a label listing the certified U -Factor, certified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient I SHGC , and infiltration that meets the req uirements of ¢10-111 a . §117: Exterior doors and windows are weather-stripped; all joints and penetrations are caulked and sealed. § 118(a): insulation specified or installed meets Standards for Insulating Material. Indicate type and include on CF -6R Form. §I 18(i): The thermal em ecifince and solar reflectance values of the cool roofing material meets the requirements of §118(i) when the installation of la Cool of is s ecified on the CF -1R Form. *§ 150(a):II Minimum R-19 insulation in wood -frame ceiling or equivalent U -factor. §150(b): (Loose fill insulation shall conform with manufacturer's installed design labeled R -Value. *§ 150(c):I IMinimum R-13 insulation in wood -frame wall or equivalent U -factor. *§ 150(d):I IMinimum R-13 insulation in raised wood -frame floor or equivalent U -factor. § 150(0: Air retarding wrap is tested, labeled, and installed according to ASTM E1677-95(2000) when specified on the CF -IR Form. �I § 150(g):Mandatory Vapor barrier installed in Climate Zones 14 or 16. §150(1): Water absorption rate for slab edge insulation material alone without facin s is no greater eater than 2.0 ern /inch and shall be protected from pliysical damage and UV litht derioration.b' water vapor permeance rate is no Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Log Measures: §150(e)1A:I Masonry or factory -built fireplaces have a closable metal or glass door covering the entire opening of the firebox. §150(e)1B:I Masonry or factory -built fireplaces have a combustion outside air intake, which is at east l h a wih a readiI a c c t six square triches tri area and is equipped I wittessible, o erable, and ti ht-fittin dam er and or a combustioeasir control device. § 150(e)2: I Continuous burning pilot lights and the use of indoor i for cooling a firebox jacket, when that indoor air is vented to the outside of the Lildin ; are prohibited. Space CO, riditionin , Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: §110-§113: IHVAOequipment, water heaters, showerheads, faucets and all other regulated appliances are certified by the Energy Commission. § 113(c)5: I Water heating recirculation loops serving multiple dwelling units and High -Rise residential occupancies meet the air release valve, backflow revention, um isolation valve, and recirculation loo connection requirements of § l 13(c)5. § 115: Contiguously burning pilot lights are prohibited for natural gas: fan -type central furnaces, household cooking appliances (appliances with an electrrcal su 1 vol a connection with ilot li lits that cohsume less than 150 Btu/hr are exem t ,and of ands a heaters. § 150(h): Keating and/or cooling loads are calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA. § 150(i): Heating systems are equipped with thermostats that meet the setback requirements of Section I I2(c). §1500)IA St water heaters rated with an Energy Factor no greater than the federal minimal standard are externally wrapped with insulation :hav' an installed thermal resistance ofR-12 or eater. §150G)iB? Unfired'storage tanks, such as storage tanks or backup tanks for solar water -heating system, or other indirect not water tanks have R-12 external insulation or R-16 internal insulation where the internal insulation R -value is indicated on the exterior of the tank § 1506)2: First 5 feet of hot and cold water pipes closest to water heater 1ofjhot water pipes are insulated er Standards Table 150;13. 'ngn-recirculating- R en � en o � �/P�, a s. §1506)2: Cooling system piping (suction, chilled water, or brine lines ,and i in �Uh ~ p p g insulated between heatingMrce .01- I T"o k !shall be ihsulated to Table 150-B and Equation 150-A. j i Es O 1 LIJa � § 1500)2: Pipe insulation for steam hydronic heating systems or hot water systems >15 psi, meets the regt�e entsgo t : d § I50(j)3A:I Irisulation is protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment ain — 123-A. g �'O%d�, ' _CT —10—g § 150(j)3A.1 Insulation for chilled water piping and refrigerant suction lines includes a vapor retardant or is a clo entire! d'tioned space. 2008 Resit ential Compliance Forms . I DAT B 009 i i a to Measures Summa ry l MF-1R : -age 2 of 3' Enforcement Agency: .J Date: 150' itS � J3 § (I)¢i Solar water-heating systems and/or"collectors are certified by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation. Ducts and Fans Measures: §150(m)'1: All air-distribution system ducts and plenums installed, are sealed and insulated to meet the requirements of CMC Sectio 603, 604, 605 and Standard 6-5; supply-air and return-air ducts and plenums are insulated to a minimum ns 601, 602, enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape. or other duct-closure system that meets the applicable installed level of R-4.2 or requirements of UL 181, UL 181A, or UL 181B or aerosol sealant that meets the requirements of UL 723. If mastic or tape is used to seal o enin s reater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or to a shall be used § 150(m) I: Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet,metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and sl_ ort Platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross-sectional area of the ducts. § 150(m) D: Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and draw bands § 150(m)7F Exhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampers. N 150(m)8; Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers. § 150(ml Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind. Cellular foam insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that can cause de dation of the material. §150(m)10: Flexible ducts cannot have porous inner cores. §150(o): All dwelling units shall meet the requirements of ANSUASHRAE Standard 62.2-2007 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Llow-Rise Residential Buildings. Window operation is not a permissible method of providing the Whole Building Ventilation required in Section 4 of that Standard. Pool and S a HeatingS stems and E ui ment Measures: §114(a): ,Ar,y pool or spa heating system shall be certified to have: a thermal efficiency that complies with the Appliance Efficiency Regulations electan on-off switch mounted outside of the heater; a permanent weatherproof plate or card with operating instructions; and shall not use ric resistance heatin or a pilot light §1 14(b)1: !Any pool or spa heating equipment shall be installed with at least 36" of pipe between filter and heater, or dedicated suction and return lines, or built— connections for future solar heatin ii § 114(b)2: Outdoor pools or spas that have a heat pump or gas heater shall have a cover. § 14(b)3: Pools shall have directional inlets that adequately mix the pool water, and a time switch that will allow all pumps to be set or .ro rammed to run onl durin off- eak electric demand eriods. [Residential 150(p): Residential ool p systems or equipment meet the pump sizing, flow rate, piping, filters, and valve requirements of § 150(p). TaU titin Measures:150(k)1: (High efficacy luminaires or LED Light Engine with Integral Heat Sink has anefficacy that is no lower than the efficacies contained in ble 150-C and is not a low efficacy luminaire as s ecifred b §150(k)2. § 150(k)3: jThe wattage of permanently installed luminaires shall be determiried as specified by §130(d), §15P50(k)7: Ballasts for fluorescent lamps rated 13 Watts or greater shall be electronic and shall have an output frequency no less than 20 kHz. !Permanently installed night lights and night lights integral to a permanently installed luminaire or exhaust fan shall contain only high efficacy lamps meeting the minimum efficacies contained in Table 150-C and shall not contain a line-voltage socket or line-voltage amp holder, OR shall be rated to consume no more than five watts of power as determined by §130(d), and shall not contain a medium screw-base socket. ighting inte gral to exhaust fans, in rooms other than kitchens, shall meet the plicable requirements of §150(k). ll switching devices and controls shall meet the requirements of §150(k)7. ti rinimum of 50 percent of the total rated wattage of permanently installed lighting in kitchensshall be hiN; Up to 50 watts for dwelling units less than or equal to 2,500 flor 100 watts for dwellin units l gh efficacy. from the 50% high efficacy requirement when: all low efficacy luminaires in the kitche g anger than 2°500 u may be exempt I sensor, dimmer, energymanagement fin_ o ed b a manual on occupant luminaries in g system (FMCS), or a multi-scene programmable c�ntroiesy�t garages, laundry rooms, closets greater than 70 square feet, and utility roo s are highf��7' manual-on occu ant sensor. � B 0 � t § 150(k)9: Permanently installed lighting that is internal to cabinets shall use no more than 20 watts ofpower per linear o i umina e cabinet. d §I50(k)10: IPeimanentiy installed luminaires in bathrooms, attached and detached garages, laundry rooms, clod Adm ' effca ` u 2008 Residential Compliance Forms II 1 DATE �� (� Au , st 2009 1vlan;dato Measures Summa ry Resifnnal M& MSite. Aa e 3 Of 3.. �l S� Enforcement Agency: Date: EXCEPTION l: Permanently installed low efficacy luminaires shall be all; provided that they are controlled by a manual -on occupant sensor certified to comply with the applicable requirements of §119. EXCEPTION 2: Permanently installed low. efficacy luminaires in closets less than 70'square feet are not required to be controlled by a manual -on occu ant sensor. § 150(k) l 1 r Permanently in, luminaires located in rooms or areas other than in kitchens, bathrooms, rooms shall be high efficacy luimnaires, garages, laundry rooms, closets, and utility j EXCEPTION 1: Permanently installed low efficacy luminaires shall be allowed provided they are controlled by either a dimmer switch that complies with the applicable requirements of § 119, or by a manual -on occupant sensor that complies with the.. applicable requirements of §119. EXCEPTION 2: Lighting in detached storage building less than 1000 square feet located on a residential site is not required to comply with § 150(k) 11. §150(k)12 Luminaires recessed into insulated ceilings other nationally recognshall be listed for zero clearance insulationby Un contact (IC) derwriters Laboratories or ized testing/rating laboratory; and have a label that certifies the lumiunaire is airtight with air leakage less then 2.0 CFM at 75 Pascals when tested in accordance with ASTM E283; and be sealed with a gasket or caulk between the luminaire housing Land ceiling- §150(k)13: eilin .§150(k)13: Luminaires providing outdoor lighting, including lighting for private patios in low-rise residential buildings with four or more dwelling units, entrances, balconies, and porches,. which are permanently mounted to a residential building or to other buildings on the same lot shall be high efficacy. EXCEPTION 1: Permanently installed outdoor low efficacy luminaires shall be allowed provided that they are controlled by a manual on/off switch, a motion sensor not having an override or bypass switch that disables the motion sensor, and one of the following controls: a photocontrol not having an override or bypass switch that disables the photocontrol; OR an. astronomical time clock not having an override or bypass switch that disables the astronomical time clock; OR an energy management control system (FMCS) not having an override or bypass switch that allows the luminaire to be j always on EXCEPTION 2: Outdoor luminaires used to comply with Exceptionl to §150(k)13 may be controlled by a temporary override switch which bypasses the motion sensing function provided that the motion sensor is automatically reactivated within six hours. EXCEPTION 3: Permanently installed luminaires.in or around swimming pool, water features, or other location subject to Article 680 of the California Electric Code need not be high efficac luminaires. • §150(k)14:1 illuminated address signs shall comply with Section 148 OR not con screw - base of ower as determined accordingto §130 d . tarn a screw base socket, and consume no more than five § 150(k) I5: I sighting for parking lots and carports with a total of for 8 or more vehicles per site shall comply with the applicable requirements in Sections 130, 132, 134, and 147. Lighting for parking garages for 8 or more vehicles shall comply with the applicable requirements of Sections 130, 131, 134, and 146 § 150(k)16: Permanently installed lighting in the enclosed, non -dwelling spaces of low-rise residential buildings with four or more dwelling units shalI be high efficacy luminaires. CEPTION: Permanently installed low efficacy luminatires shall be allowed provided that they are controlled by an occupant sensor(s) f certified to comply with the applicable requirements of §119. I I I '-XITY OF LAQUINTA CU"LDlMa & SAFETY DEPT. PROVED i r OR CONSTRUCTION C 1 DATE — BY *2008 Resrdentral Complrarrce Forms I ( August 2009 PRESCRIPTIVE ENERGY REQUIREMENTS FOR ROOM ADDITIONS:CLr MATE ZONE 15 For additional information; please review the following State Website: _ www.energy.ca.gov/title24/2008standards Floor area of Room Addition Building Component <100 sq. ft. <1,000 sq.. ft. >1,000 sq. ft. F„ INSULATION - Ceiling: R-19. R-38 R-38 'i Wall: R-1-3 R-13 R-21 Floor: R713 R-19 R-19 GLAZING U -factor: .40 .40 .40 SHGC -.35 .35' .35 Maximum area < 50 sq: ft. Limit of 20% of sq. ft. Limit of 20% of. sq. ft. (+ removed area) (5% west facing) ROOF Radiant Barrier NR Required Required Roofing Materials: All additions require the following: - • Low -sloped (Slope < 2 in 12) Aged Solar Reflectance 0.55 Thermal Emittance 0.75. • Steep Sloped (Slope >2 in 12) <5 lbs. (Ex.:, Composition) Aged Solar Reflectance 0.20 Thermal Emittance 0.75 • Steep Sloped (>2/12) >51b. (Ex.: Tile) Aged Solar Reflectance 0. 1.5 Thermal Emittance 0.75 HEATING AND COOLING EQUIPMENT Space heating No requirements No requirements Package D,' Space cooling Duct insulation R-8 WATER HEATER A standard water heater is a storage tank style with a gas input of 75,000 Btu or less or, an instantaneous with an input of 200,000 Btu or less. SPECIAL FEATURES -;. VERIFICATION summary boxes require the °.appropriate boxes to be checked. Review carefully and mark. -A Performance Method of energy compliance by a professional energy - consultant is an acceptable alternative to this Prescriptive Method of compliance. f IMRERIALTR IUMBER coal Truss Calculations Job # ITL -1 30607PD AS Drag `= 312 Lbs: t A4. (7) A2 (3) . r M C O> O , 0DJP.-n cn� - Drag - 600 Lbs: Al ; T /\ I t J M r • 4 Y - i C: 4 • ® . ` z V 1. . 201-211 © Copyright CompuTrus Inc. 2006 BUILDER: Bob Edwards. ISSUE DATE: 06/26/13 ABOVE PLAN PROVIDED FOR TRUSS RUSSCAL ULAT;ONSAND° ENGINEERED STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR ALL FURTHER PROJECT TITLE: REVISION-1: T 4+ L�1 J060%P� • INFORMATION. BUILDING . EER N RECORD DESIONSIBLEF FOR RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL NON-TRUSS g��y' �'. � ! ' ���� CO..' PLAN. DRAWN BY: u REVISION-2: 1 / A TO TRUSS CONNECTIONS. BUILDING DESIGNER/ENGINEER OF RECORD TO REVIEW AND APPROVE OF ALL DESIGNS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. i l\I .�': .� - ICHECKED BY: DELIVERY LOCATION: • SCALE: REVISION-3: NTS All designs are property of Imperial Truss and Lumber Co.. All designs are null and void if not fabricated by Imperial Truss and Lumber Co.. J f Illlllllllllllr. LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN20'- 2.0' CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4W /GDF/Cq=1.00 TC: 2x4 OF N2 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 1- 2=(-1324) 427 1-.6=(-391) 1228 2- 7=(-688) 250 BC: 2x4 OF k2 SPACED 24.0' O.C. 20-02 2- 3=( -651) 179 ,6- 7=(-391) 1228' 7- 3=( -69) 110 WEBS: 2x4 OF STAND : • Sc e,;- 210 3- 4=( -651) 179 7- 8=(-391) 1228 7. 4=(-688) 250 LOADING p� p-(( GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted:u 11 B Q U I NIA 4- 5=(-1324) 427 8- 5=(-391) 1228 TC LATERAL SUPPORT -. 12'OC: UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 16.0) ON TOP CHORD = 36.0 PSF 1. This design is based only upon the paramet shown.arq�pp s Fqn, &dual building component. Applicability of Eesign,paaremete�s�AE J 4 BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF ` y�Qper incorporation of component is the responsibiGry dflha bu(lding designer. TOTAL LOAD = 43.0 PSF BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG. REQUIRED BRG AREA Unbalanced live loads have been p \`YO LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SO.IN.. (SPECIES) considered for this design. LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL 0'-. 0.0' -62/ 552V 109/ 697H 49.50' 0.88 DF_( 625) Connector plate prefix designators: REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracingrequired whefe5h wq tjt NST 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the resperCNiUurvv con r. 4'- 1.5' O/ 220V 93/ 706H 49.50' 0.35 OF ( 625) C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc _- - BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP 11'- 1.5' 20'- 2.0° -30/ 450V -746/. 127H 108.50' 0.72 DF ( 625) -36/ 590V -7231 113H 108.50' 0.94 DF ( 625) M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = Mi7ek MT series AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. ' and ere for -drycondition' of use. i 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim wedge i ' VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360,TL=L/240 fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainagels provided. i MAX LL DEFL = 0.065' @ 3'• 3.0' Allowed = 0.233'• 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by B. Plates shall be located on both faces of t� ar� p e .MAX TL DEFL = -0.108' @ 5'- 3.0' Allowed = 0.350' _ TPI/VJfCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request." fines coincide with joint center tines. RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.052' -rr- III II I III VIII VIII I III I II I III II I IIII MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.021' @ 19'- 11.0' • MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.035' @ 19'- 11.0' • + . t This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer ` shall verify that this parameter fits with the w intended use of this component. 02* 600.00 LBS DRAG LOAD. 10-0110-01 ' Design conforms to main windforce•resisting `- system and components and cladding criteria. ' 5-03-08 - 10-01 14-10-08 20-02= Wind: 95 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=9.6,BCDL=4.2,, ASCE 7-05, 12 - •12 Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, 3.25 M -4x6 a 3:25 interior zone, load duration factor=1.6, Truss designed for wind loads M -3x4 4.0'�' 3 M -3x4 r in the plane of the truss only. + N O co O O 1A - O 3. Y4 .. OD �( O O ' 0 6 7 M -4X8 MS HS-3x14(S) f O M -3x4 M -3x4 4-01-08 10-01 20-02 12-00 8-02. 20-02 JOB NAME: Wheeler Guest House -Bob Edwards Al, Sc e,;- 210 WARNINGS: p� p-(( GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted:u 11 B Q U I NIA _ 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. 1. This design is based only upon the paramet shown.arq�pp s Fqn, &dual building component. Applicability of Eesign,paaremete�s�AE J F ETY DEPT. Truss: A 1 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +, y�Qper incorporation of component is the responsibiGry dflha bu(lding designer. DES. BY: EE 3. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be latemlly.braced•at 2' and at 10•hin respectivelyhas unless braced througnWo, p \`YO is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of continuous d6,wanggtth contlnuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(LbY�n l/or drywall(BC) y .the DATE 6/25/2013 over structure is the responsibility of the building designer. pe ry g g 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracingrequired whefe5h wq tjt NST 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the resperCNiUurvv con r. CTIO N SE Q .` : 5572518 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -co a en ton nt, TRANS I D : 371835 design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the and ere for -drycondition' of use. i 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim wedge i ' fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainagels provided. i 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by B. Plates shall be located on both faces of t� ar� p e _ TPI/VJfCA in SCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request." fines coincide with joint center tines. -rr- III II I III VIII VIII I III I II I III II I IIII 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches.. MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP2(1L)-E 10. For basic connector plate design val6es1see1ESR't3i9-E5R9.4We IIIIIIIIIIiii►- LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 20'- 2.0' CBC'20lO/IBC2OO9 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4W /GDF/Cq=1.00 TC: 2x4 OF N18BTR; LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 1.2=(-1704) 421 1-6=(-380) 1572 2-6=(•300) 116. 2x4 OF k2 T2 �, SPACED 24.0' O.C. 2-3=(•1377) 295 6-5=(-473) 1800 6-3=( -2) 428 BC: 2x4 OF q2 + 3-4=(-1387) 299 6-4=(-540) 214 WEBS: 2x4 OF STAND; LOADING 4-5=(-1940) 518 2x4 OF q1 A LL( 20.0)+DL( 16.0) ON TOP CHORD = 36.0 PSF OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. JON. TOTAL LOAD = 43.0 PSF BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG AREA BC 7ATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. ' LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SO.IN. (SPECIES) - LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL 1'- 0.0' -62/ .:900V -73/- 67H .5.50' 1.35 OF ( 625)• Unbalanced live loads have been REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. 20'- 2.0' -44/ 834V_ --73/ 67H 1- 5.50' 1.33 OF ( 625) considered for this design. Connector plate prefix BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP prefix) nators; AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=LI360, TL=L/240 • C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) = CompuTrus, Inc MAX LL DEFL = •0.021' @ 0'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.067' t M,M20HS,M18HS,M16= MiTek MT series - - - MAX TL DEFL = -0.039' @ 0' 0.0' Allowed = 0.100' 1 i MAX LL DEFL = 0.130'-@ - 51- 3.0' Allowed = 0.608' • MAX TL DEFL = -0.224' @ 5'- 3.0' Allowed = 0.913' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL DEFL)= 0.112I 40!T' a MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = -0.025' @ 19'- 8.5' ^ R r MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.045' @ 19'- 8.5' This truss does not include any time dependent _ deformation for long term loading (creep) in the total load deflection. The building designer , shall verify that this parameter fits with the intended use of this component. 10.01 10-01 Design conforms to main windforce-resisting 5-03-08 system and components and cladding criteria. 10-01 14-10-08 20-02 - Wind: 95 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=9.6,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, 12 12 Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, 3.25 c-1 M -4X6 a 3.25 interior zone, load duration factor=l.6, - Truss designed for wind loads v 3 in the plane of the truss only. M -1.5x4 M -1.5x4 v 4 C) 3.0° N • - 0 C7 am co A o _ _ �( o 7 6 - 5 M -3x10 M -3x8 M -3x8 M-3x6(S) ` M -3x4 0 IL rL 10-01 20-02 L L � 12-00 8-02 1-00 19-02 y 20-02 WEDGE REQUIRED AT HEEL(S). JOB NAME: Wheeler Guest House -Bob Edwards - A2 OQROFESSIp Id ': 8WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unless oche 'senrSted:oU I NTA ��� �SON101. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design is based only upon the p"argfieters s con a n individualTrusS: A2 and Warnings before construction commences. buiMing component. Appticab Qty of tles gn parap @tars 0dr F N DEPT°2. ac4 compression web bradng must be installed wheie shown +. incorporetlonofcomponentistheres�nsiiof17il1ig�YA 3. Additional temporary bradng to insure stability during construction 2. Design assumes the top and bonomidr"drtls$o•be•latbrally at ® DES. BY•EE is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bradng of 7 o.c. and at 10'o.c. respectivgty unless brace 91.-ughouII��continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(TC) apN['lo�eif NO. CZ64 8 DATE: 6/25/2013 the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bradng required Fy�here ihown4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bradng and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the Fesective r CT'ONSEQ.: 5572519 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to"used in a po0ia`r ' TR EXP, 12-31-14 design loads be applied to any component. and are for -dry condition' of use.11t./ -TRANS ID: 371835 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim ora iffabrication, handling• shipment and installation of components. - necessary.7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. �IVIL6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set foM by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and laced scenter 7PINVTCA in SCSI, Cop es of which w 11 be fumishetl upon request lines coindde with joint center Gaps.11�11 TEBYF 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inc'Value s IEMiTek USA, InC.lCOmpuTrus SOftwafQ 7.6.4-SP2(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311 • ESTakj VIII II I II IIIA • LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 20'- 2.0' { CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=1.00 " TC: 2x4 OF k2 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 1- 2=( •98) 479 1- 6=(-401) 97 6- 2=( -30) 195 BC: 2x4 OF. N2 SPACED 24.0' O.C. - ` 2. 3=( -430) 0- 6. 7=(-524) 33 7- 2=(-1069) 98 WEBS: 2x4 DF STAND 3- 4=(_1138) 47 7- 8=(-450) 34 2- 8=( •24) 870 LOADING 4- 5=(-1304) 79 8- 9=( -27) 501 8. 3=( -319) 55 , TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. LL( 20.0)+DL( 16.0) ON TOP CHORD = 36.0 PSF 9. 5=('-68) 1197 3- 9=( •25) 670 BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12'OC. UON. OL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF 9- 4=( -343) 77 TOTAL LOAD = 43.0 PSF Unbalanced live loads have been BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG AREA considered for this design. LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL LOCATIONS REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SO.IN. (SPECIES) Connector plate prefix designators: REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. 1'- 0.0' -37/ 51V -245/ 29H 49.50' 0.08 DF (625) C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) =CompuTrus, Inc ; 4'- 11.8' -69/ 1120V -35/ 243H 49.50' 1.79 OF ( 625) M,M20HS,M18HS,(06 n Mprefix)k. MT = ries_ BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP' 20'- 2:0' � -30/ 606V -229/ 3H � 5.50' 0.97 OF ( 625) AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. . - VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.002' @ 0'- 0.0' Allowed = 0.067' MAX TL DEFL = •0.004' @ 01- 0.0' Allowed = 0.100' MAX LL DEFL = -0.032' @ 14'- 1.6' Allowed = 0:486' ti MAX TL DEFL = •0.068' @ 141- 1.6' Allowed = 0.729' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.004' @' 19'- 8.5' MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.009' @ 19'- 8.5' i * This truss does not include any time dependent deformation for long term loading (creep) in'the total load deflection. The building designer shall verify that this parameter fits with the 10-01 10-01 intended use of this component. - ' Wind: 95 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=9.6,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7-05, ' 4.-11-12 5-01-04 4-09-08 5-03-08 Enclosed,Cat.2 Exp.C, MWFRS, , interior zone, load duration factor=1.6,' s Truss designed for wind loads , r 12 12 in the plane of the truss only. 3.25 E:--- = M -4X4 - 3.25 3 4.0" M -3x8, M -1-.5x4 G♦ 4 _ I + .. + .. t7 - _ - o- ' O 1 p LO 0 8 9 5 O C M -2.5x4 6 7 M -3x4 M-3x6(S) M -2.5x4, M -2.5x C:)' M -1.5x4 M-1 5x4', . �L is L •L ! 0:10-08 4-01-04 .3-07-07 5-06-07 6-00-07 L � L ,4 12-00 8-02 1-00 18-11-04 0-02-12 20-02 JOB NAME: Wheeler Guest House -Bob Edwards - A3 �x eale®�^) Py`' Q(ZOFESSiO(•/A^tIq-`, ^- WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, ante"ss othervnse at �..tC Ii tlTA 'TOMO �] 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design is based only upon the pamme�arsishowP•a>tdJ45)tor_ n rrfyiv`df i1a FE� DEPT. Truss: A3 and Warnings before construction commences. building component: Applicability of desigZ.4lJAi!r emend pr r t� ul 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +, incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building desig e 3 Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction 2• Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be lateral y 66�� - a ® ' J • LL DES. BY: EE - is the responsibility of the erector- Additional permanent bracing of 2' o.c. and at 1o' o.c. respectively unless braced th6Jghout'f6eiPlen th'"by continuous sheathing such teral act gr sheathing(E+)anil/o*drywall C)` ��TIO NO. 0764 8 �f DATE: 6i25/2013- the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where sft!$d/ frµ` L/r,/ t1\VI 1 v li Vr+ O y( • C CC C 4. No load should be applied to any component unfit after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the resp`eepv can aM NN - _ SEQ. : 5572520 fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greaterthan 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncortosiv environ nt, _ • UP. 12-31 -� 4 �] q C design loads be applied to any component. and are for'drycondition" of use. .TRANS ID:* 371 835 5. Com uTrus has no control over and assumes no res 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. S., r P responsibility for the necessary. ( IL ,� �n'�� �\Q• fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7, Design assumes adequate drainage is provi r'n-�) 1 Y 6. This design is furnished subject to the fimitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of 64 ' pla ce er- - IIIIII I III VIII III I VIII I III VIII IIII IIII • . -+ TPIANfCA in SCSI; copies of which will be famished upon request. tines coincide with joint center lines. 4 OF CA! 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software +7.6.4-SP5(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design vat es see SR -1311, ESR -1988 (K iTek) iiiIIIIIIIIIE _ - LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 15'- 4.0' CBC2010/IBC2009 MAX MEMBER FORCES ''4W./GDF/Cq=1.00 TC: 2x4 OF #2 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 1-2=( -841) 222 5-6=( -52) 60 5-1=(-630) 197 - BC: 2x4 OF k2 • r SPACED 24.0' O.C. 2-3=(,.-849) 220 ,6.4=(-415) 1333 1-6=(•148) 756 • WEBS: 2x4 OF STAND 3-4=(-1447) 459 6-2=( 0) 214 . LOADING 6.3=(-596) 235 TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C. LON.' LL( 20.0)+DL( 16.0) ON TOP CHORD = 36.0 PSF BC LATERAL SUPPORT <='12'OC.,UON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG AREA Connector plate prefix designators: TOTAL LOAD = 43.0 PSF LOCATIONS `REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE SO.IN. (SPECIES) r _ 01- 0.0' 34/ 646V -63/ 67H 3.50' 1.03 OF ( 625) C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) =CompuTrus, Inc LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL 15'•, 4.0' -36/ 673V -63/ 67H 5.50' ,1.08 OF ( 625) M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 = MiTek MT series r REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. _ BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1OPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP -VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. MAX LL DEFL = 0.048' @ 10'- 1.0' Allowed = 0.486' MAX BC PANEL TL DEFL = -0.081' @ 10'- 5.3' Allowed = 0.593' RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON OL OEFL)= 0.106' MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL -0.012'.@ 14'- 10.5' _ MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL = 0.019' @ 14'- 10.5' a ti- This truss does.not include any time dependent in W' + totalmloadeforationdeflectifor lon on. Theobuildingrdesignerthe shall verify that this parameter fits with the 5-03 10-01 intended use of this component. r Design conforms to main windforce-resisting 5-03 10-00-08 15-04 system and components and cladding criteria. 12 12 Wind:,95 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=9.6,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, 3.25 _ a 3.25 Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, r interior zone, load duration factor=1.6, + Truss designed for wind loads M -4X6 in .the plane of the truss only. M -3x M -1:5x4 r 0 1 3.0" CV O x C7 C13 C? CD _ - p 00 - + M-1 .5x4 1 M -3x8 M -3x4 + 5-03 15-04 15-04 JOB NAME: Wheeler Guest House -bob Edwards - A4 Q v �• -TA CITY i Sea°le:pp0 4Y31' WARNINGS: GENERAL NOTES, unlessotherwise ioted:� 1 nv 1AV'G & t -t IN , QNIQ-r -Y A 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes 1. This design is Dried only upon Ne parameteL] shown and is for an ind idu r DEPT. Truss: A4 • and Warnings before construction commences.. building component. Applicability ofidesign parameters antl proper ® 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +- incorporation of component is Ne responsibifdy of t6e]-bolltli6g�leS qe .. 3. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability dudng construction 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be 10tterally bray d at ^ 7b ��,vr,' DES. BY: EE is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced,thrqughouI Iheirttal$qh Dy TIO N -7� A p continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing(T(t) a4d/yrbrywell(80)JT �•O, C / VN 8 DATE: 6/25/2013 the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing equirad wh6re sfiown + 4. No load should be applied to any component unlit after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsi4lly of the respective ntractor. •t S EQ . : 5572521 , fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a noncorrosive environ nt, EXP. 1 2-3 1 - 14 t end are for •d condition" of use. • design loads be applied to any component. "dry z TRANS I D : 371835 ' 5. -0ompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the 6. Design assumes full bearing at all suports shown. Sh w 6 � p5 - fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. necessary. TI ATE k 7, fvDesign assumes adequate drainage 5 p l�1I 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and lac O.thei6eent�� IIIIII I II III I VIII I III III I I III IIII III TPIANTCA in BCSI, copes of which will be furnished upon request nes coincide with joint center lines OF CAL \* 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. MiTek USA, Inc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.4-SP2(1 L) -E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek) IIIIIIIIIIi�ii LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS. TRUSS SPAN15'- 4.0'`100, _ 2; 3 GO TC: 2x4 OF k2 - LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 BC: 2x4 OF k2 ' _ SPACED 24.0' O.C. Design conforms to main windforce-resisting WEBS: 2x4 OF STAND system and components and cladding criteria. LOADING' _ TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C.+UON. LL( 20.0)tDl( 16.0) ON TOP CHORD = 36.0 PSF � _ - Wind: 95 mph, h=15ft, TCDL=9.6,BCDL=4.2, ASCE 7.05, P BC LATERAL SUPPORT_<= 12'OC.'UON. DL ON BOTTOM CHORD = 7.0 PSF Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.C, MWFRS, TOTAL LOAD = 43.0 PSF interior zone, load duration factor=1.6, Connector plate.prefiz designators: - Truss designed for wind loads C,CN,CI8,CN18 (or no prefix) ='CompuTrus, r Inc LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL in the plane of the truss only. M,M20HS,M18HS,M16 =MiTek NT series REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2010 NOT BEING MET. Nate:Truss design requires continuous BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR IOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP bearing wall for entire span UON. - 5-03 AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON -CONCURRENTLY. 10-01 Q 5-03 10-00-'08 15-04 1212 3.25 i - Y a 3.25 Y T ' M -4x6 • t z� ' f. M_ x4 I M -1.5x4 - 3.0" a r + - CD. N O v .. O ' O O - • 4 �II(00 O .. 5 - 6 M -3x8 M-1 .5x4 M -3x4 5-03 15-04 15-04 >• JOB NAME: Wheeler Guest House -Bob Edwards A5 ! Scale: 0.518 io CITY OF 1 A it F�J • WARNINGS: - GENERAL NOTES, � Y 7 d�� V'•i h( 0 10y ti. F �� setons otherwise noted: 1. Builder and erection contractorshould be advised of all General Notes 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an individual - BUILDING & SAF r Truss: A5 and Warnings before construction commences. , , building component. Applicability of design pare meters and proper ) uI -^—® -2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +, incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building designer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 4,,,/ y L� DES. BY • EE 3. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction . is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of 2' o.c. and at 1o' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their le th by� u"• Sl U E Y ® Y DATE: _6/25/2013 - the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 3. co Impact bridging or lateral br plywoods and/or drywal BC). -continuous sheathing such as plywood shed where required where shown r r FOR cO 9 , N �f 1 Y0. / Vv p �( SE Q SEQ. : 5572522 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. fasteners any loads 5. Design trusses to be in Cyn• _ Q EXP . are complete and at no time should greater than assumes are used a noncorrosive erwironment. and are for "dry condition' of use. TRANS I D : 371835- design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. 6 / / �3. ♦ fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. DATE• �l 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by 8, plates shall be located on both (aces of truss, and placed so their center TPINVECA in BCSI, copies of which will be famished upon request Gies coincide with joint center lines. Q IIIIII VIII II I III I VIII 9.Digits indicate size of in inches. Al ,�� I III VIII IIII IIII plate MiTek USA, InC./COmpuTruS Software 7.6.4-SP2(1L)-E 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR -1988 (MiTek) - v Mi l�r•-�d r-vaiva$ion R_- DO t FC{?_1 988X Reissued December 1, 2010 This report is subject to renewal in two years. vvwvvJcc-es.orq 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council' . DIVISION: 06 00 00 -WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES Section: 06 17 53--Shop-Fabricated Wood Trusses REPORT HOLDER: MITEK INDUSTRIES, INC. 14515 NORTH OUTER FORTY, SUITE 300 CHESTERFIELD, MISSOURI 63017 (314) 434-1200 www.mii.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: MiTek® TRUSS CONNECTOR PLATES: TL18, MT18, MT18HST°", M18SHS-, TL20 and MT20 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: ■ 2009 International Building Code (2009 IBC) ■ 2009 International Residential Code (2009 IRC) 2006 International Building Code (2006 IBC) 0 2006 Intemational Residential Code (2006 IRC) a 1997 Uniform Building CodeTA4 (UBC) Property evaluated: Structural ` 2.0USES MiTek® metal truss connector plates are used as joint connector components of light wood -frame trusses. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 MiTek0TL18 and MT18: Models TL18 and MT18 metal truss connector plates are' manufactured from minimum No. 18 gage 10.0466 inch total thickness (1.18 mm)], ASTM A 653 SS, Grade 40 steel"-with_a_.90 galvanization coating [0.0005 inch thickness,,��n each side (0.013 mm)] and having a base-metat:tocc n ss of 0.0456 inch (1.16 mm). The plates hav==teetpI c (9.5 mm) long, punched in pairs. formed e rightla,I=s o the face of the parent metal so that two 4;tRIPole cur along the length. The spacing along .l. d(3 irection of each punched slot is 1 inch -" center. The transverse centerlines of K'�nt%lots re staggered 0.10 inch (2.54 mm). The sta c twe n longitudinal centerlines of the slots is A1f�d( m). There are eight teeth per square inch 64r`�yvmgrl�)efyrface area. Plates are available in 1/2 -inch CC$Mt wt increments, up to i2 inches (304.8 mm), �qrlEWprMh LAse n 1 -inch (25.4 mm) multiples. See Figure 1 3.2 MiTek® MTIBHSTm: Miodel. IviT181-IST'' metal truss connector plates are manufactured from minimum No. 18 gage [0.0466 inch total thickness (1.18 mm)], ASTM A 653, Grade 60, high-strength, low -alloy steel (HSLAS) with a G60 galvanization coating 10.0005 inch thickness on each side (0.013 mm)] and having a base -metal thickness of 0.0456 inch (1.16 mm). The plate has teeth ale inch (9.5 mm) long, punched in pairs formed at right angles to the face of the parent metal so that two teeth per hole occur along the length. The spacing along the longitudinal direction of each punched slot is 1 inch (25.4 mm) on center. The transverse centerlines of adjacent slots are staggered 0.10 inch . (2.54 mm). The distance between longitudinal centerlines of the slots is 0.25. inch (6.35 mm). There are eight teeth per square inch (645 mm2) of surface area. Plates are available in 112 -inch (12.7 mm) width increments, up to 12 inches (304.8 mm), and lengthwise in 1 -inch (25.4 mm) multiples. See Figure 1 for details. 3.3 MiTek®M18SHST": . Model M18SHSTA4 metal truss connector plates are manufactured from minimum No. 18 gage [0.0466 -inch (1.18 mm) total thickness], hot -dipped galvanized steel that meets the requirements of ASTM A 653 SS, Grade 80 steel, with a G60 galvanization. coating [0.0005 inch thickness on each side (0.013 mm)] and having a base metal thickness of 0.0456 inch (1.16 mm). The plates have 3/8 -inch -long (9.5 mm) teeth, punched in pairs formed at right angles to the face of the parent metal so that two teeth per hole occur along the length. The spacing along the longitudinal direction of each punched slot is 1 inch (25.4 mm) on center. The transverse centerlines of adjacent slots are staggered 0.10 inch (2.54 mm). The distance between longitudinal centerlines of slots is 0.25 inch (6.35 mm). There are eight teeth per square inch (645 mm2) of surface area. Plates are available in 1/2 -•inch -width (12.7 mm) increments, up. to 12 inches (304.8 mm), and lengthwise in 1 -inch (25.4 mm) multiples. See Figure 1 for details. 3.4 MiTek® TL20 and MT20"m: Models TL20 and MT2011,' metal truss connector plates are manufactured from minimum No. 20 gage [0.0356 inch total thickness (0.9 mm)], ASTM A 653 SS, Grade 40 steel, with a G60'galvanization-coating [0.0005 inch thickness on each side (0.013 mm)] and having a base -metal thickness of 0.0346 inch (0.88 mm). The plates have 'teeth 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) long, punched in pairs formed at right angles to the face of the parent metal so that two teeth per hole occur along the length. The spacing along the longitudinal direction of each punched slot is 1 inch (25.4 mm) on `Revised April*2011 on. are nm to be construed ar representing aesthetics or onv ocher attributes not specifically addressed. nor are ihev to he construed � as an endorsement of.the subject pone report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by 1CC F.voiuotinn Service. LLC. express or imalied, as :-_@ to ony finding or other matter in this repo n, or as to any product covered by the report. Copyhohf 0 2011 Page 1 of 3 MiTek USA, Inco / COmpuTrus Software Warnings & General Notes WARNINGS: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be advised of all General Notes and Warnings before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be installed where shown +. 3. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. 4. No load should be applied to any component until after all bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be applied to any component. 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handling, shipment and installation of components. 6. This design is furnished subject to the limitations set forth by TPI/WTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an individual building component. Applicability of design parameters and proper incorporation of component is the responsibility of the building designer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length by continuous sheathing such as plywood sheathing (TC) and/or drywall (BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown + +. 4. Installation of truss is the responsibility of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non -corrosive environment, and are for "dry condition" of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and placed so their center lines coincide with joint center lines. 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR -1311, ESR-1988(MiTek). QFtpFESS/p\ '0.00806 z F= ° 3131/15 �ENG1 �4 TF OF CAoF Design conforms to Main Windforce-Resisting FOR GABLE ENDS UNDER 6'-1" IN HEIGHT System also Components and Cladding Criteria. C❑ m uTr U S • Inc. MINIMUM GABLE STUD GRADE - 2x4 STUD GRADE DOUG -FIR Wind: 90 mph, h=30ft max, ASCE 7-05, Custom Software Engineering Manufacturing Enclosed, Cat 2, EXp.C, gable end zone, load duration factor=1.6 ( , GABLE END M -2.5x4 • .. 121 .. _ .. 2x4 BRACE AT 16'-0" o.c. OR AT CENTERLINE. ATTACH WITH 16d M-1 x3 Typical .NAILS SHOWN IN (2) 2x4 STUDS.. t v , 8 _ x STRUCTURAL m TRUSSES "- - M -2.5x4 c 16 �h - MAX PLATE - Ap (2) M -2.5x4 (SPI) VARIES* CENTER VERTICALS VARY AS REQUIRED - ,. BY VENT SIZE OR OUTLOOKER BRACING FOR GABLE END - CUTOUT FOR 42 OUTLOOKER CUTOUT FOR 4x2 OUTLOOKER 0'OFESS1041 p _ JO q( OFF STUD 1x4 ADD-ON. ATTACH OVER STUD (` O Ns WITH 8d NAILS AT 9" O.C. W , Il rt 4x20 L07:1-,ATE: or- 6 � QUI tJo: 0806 t�tG & SAFETY p T� EXP. 3/31/ i 5 EPT.411ii3 PPROVEDtp &NG%CONST RUCTIONOF CAUF /'Cr��uTrus, Inc. FRAMING DETAILS WHERE HIP TERMINATION Custom Software Engineering Manufacturing POINT DOES NOT MEET WITH COMMON TRUSS. FILE DATE REF: IBC 2 SEQ: :TER BLOCK A -A L HIP TRUSS See Engineereing for Details 2x4 Vertical at • i' d 4'-W o.c. typical �i• j I * 2x4 LATERAL BRACING AS SECTION A -A SPECIFIED ON ENGINEERING CompuThis. Inc. Custom Software Engineering Manufacturing PRESSURE BLOCKING DETAIL FOR END JACK BOTTOM CHORD UP TO 8'-0" AT HIP NO. 1 WITH CEILING LOAD OF 10psf Hip No. 1 3-10d Pressure block with Pressure block with 3-10d truss SIDE VIEW 4-16d nails 3,10d 3-10d 4-16d nails - - end jack Bottom chord of Hip 3-10d Pressure block 2'-0" oc typical No. 1 truss NOTE: Attach 2x4 Doug Fir pressure block to bottom chord of hip no. 1 with 4-16d nails. Bottom chords of end joints are attached with 3-10d nails at each end of the, pressure block. �oQaOFESS/ONS` JO V'rn �g "e ®� No. 0806+Ji1�4� �SAFET-Y*�Ilii�TqFILE NO: PRESSURE BLOCKING EXP. 3/31/15a sDEPT. DATE: 01/20/08 �iL��/l%/ �Q �'��i/jC® REF: 15,25-1 s�97 ENG1� P{�;=l i.0t�.S7I ioryIBC 2009 / CBC 2010 OF CP,0 SEO: S5480564 t- -'T R_ — ALTERNATE FRAMING DETAIL AROUND 30" ACCESS campuTrus, Inc. Custom Software Engineering Manufacturing TYPICAL ROOF TRUSS LAYOUT 1 24" 1 24' L 24" 1 24- L 24* 1 24' L 24" i k NOTE: REFER TO APPROPRIATE ENGINEERING DETAIL FOR TRUSS TYPES DESIGNED FOR OVERSPACING. ADJUSTED ROOF TRUSS LAYOUT —single member common (net 24" o.c.) I 24" L 24" L 21" X30" dear [ 21" 1 24' 24" J Seclibn A -A FILE NO: 30" ATTIC ACCESS DATE: 07/23/08 t REF: 25-1 IBC 2009 / CBC 2010 SEQ: S5480563 Ladder Frame Between trusses with 2x4 at 48" o.c. Section A -A (bottom view) (` Q P• JO For Truss Details not shown see appropriate CompuTrusdesig�UI DIf� G & SAFETY bEP 1 � _ Note: Flat over framing material to be equal or better in size and grade i C w p�� pp.�6' � of flat portion of structural member. ,� �.� ,VED . IV�. OVr` i "' i ri �� # t ���5 Ri10T(ON EXP. 3/31115 ENG\%J� /,cn,UTP�Usln�c� . Custom Software Engineering Manufacturing LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS: 2X4 #2 DF -L CHORDS 2X4 STD. DF -L STUDS M -4x4 M -5x6 A I ' A CUTOUT FOR 2x4 "OFF STUD" ADD-ON SAME SIZE AND _ _ GRADE AS TOP CHORD ' - - WITH 16d NAILS AT 12" O.0 ADD ON SPLICE TO OCCUR AT PANEL POINTS WITH CLUSTERS 2 -16d NAILS OUTLOOKERS PER DETAIL (1/4" MAX. OVERSIZE CUT) M-1 x3 ONE SIDE AND (2) 14 GA 2" STAPLES ON OTHER SIDE MINIMUM GRADE CHORDS AND STUDS M -3x6 MIN. OR USE SAME SIZE AS ON TRUSS BALLOON FRAME BEARING WALL T( r FILE NO: SC GABLE END I DATE: 07/01/09 . REF: .I 25-1 IBC 2009 / CBC 2010 SEQ: 5482634 ' CUTOUT FOR 2x4 "OFF STUD" ADD-ON SAME SIZE AND _ _ GRADE AS TOP CHORD ' - - WITH 16d NAILS AT 12" O.0 ADD ON SPLICE TO OCCUR AT PANEL POINTS WITH CLUSTERS 2 -16d NAILS OUTLOOKERS PER DETAIL (1/4" MAX. OVERSIZE CUT) M-1 x3 ONE SIDE AND (2) 14 GA 2" STAPLES ON OTHER SIDE MINIMUM GRADE CHORDS AND STUDS M -3x6 MIN. OR USE SAME SIZE AS ON TRUSS BALLOON FRAME BEARING WALL T( SCISSOR BOTTOM CHORD I I I I BEARING CONNECTIONSARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. DETAILS ON THIS PAGE ARE SUGGESTIONS ONLY AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO BE UTILIZED WITHOUT THE BUILDING ENGINEER'S APPROVAL. 2x4 CONST. DOUG. FIR AT 32" O.C. 2x4 BLOCK w/3 -16d EACH END 4 -16d SCISSOR GABLE END FRAME 16d AT 24" O.C. r2X4NTINUOUS BACKING WITH ILS AT 24" O.C. TO WALL SECTION A JANUARY 1•,2009 SCAB APPLIED OVERHANGS I ST-REP13A MiTek USA, Inc. Page 1 of 1' TRUSS LOAD NG! 40-10-0-10, 0 00 DURATION FACTOR: 1.15 o �� SPACING:"24" O.C. TOP CHORD: 2x4 OR 2x6 I l PITCH: 4/12 - 12/12 MiTek USA, Inc. HEEL HEIGHT: STANDARD HEEL UP TO 12" ENERGY HEEL END BEARING CONDITION NOTES: ,. 1. ATTACH 2x SCAB (MINIMUM NO.2 GRADE SPF, HF, SYP, DF).TO ONE FACE OF TRUSS WITH TWO ROWS OF 10d COMMON WIRE NAILS (.148"DIA. x 3")SPACED 6" O.C. 2. THE END DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID UNUSUAL SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. 3. WHEN NAILING THE SCABS, THE USE OF A BACKUP WEIGHT IS RECOMMENDED TO AVOID LOOSENING OF THE CONNECTOR PLATES AT THE JOINTS OR SPLICES. 2x :A11SCAB. L(L) (2.0 x L) 24" MAX 24" MIN l NOTE: TRUSS BUILT WITHOUT AN OVERHANG. THIS DETAIL IS NOT TO BE USED WHEN OVERHANG HAS BEEN BROKEN OFF. _ IMPyORTANT Thi"&Idetail to be u E on' ith trusses (spans less than 40') spaced 24" o.c. maxi , um and-, ing pitches between 4/12 and 12/12 and 'tot�vp cordloads nuott e ceeding 50 psf. T not'fi"' i"' -`fhes� riteria should be examined individual) v ??,()FESS/ c 1�'�. SOON X0 - D IDS TRUSS DESIGN rLr OATSAD LUMBER GRADES 74486 r n� ri * EX 1-13 C: 00 Z Cry TgTFO z OF IFO�� F CAI .� -1 (FEBRUARY 14, 20121 CONVENTIONAL VALLEY FRAMING DETAIL ST-VAL-LEY1 OO R � MiTek USA, Inc. MOO RIDGE BOARD GABLE END, ( SEE NOTE #6) OR GIRDER TROTRUSS USS ON Baa MiTek USA, Inc. / TRUSS TYPICAL POST ( 24" O.C. ) / CCC All1TC YO \ GABLE END, COMMON TRUSS rL/'11V JCV I IVIV GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. WITH BASE TRUSSES ERECTED (INSTALLED), APPLY SHEATHING TO TOP CHORD OF SUPPORTING (BASE) TRUSSES. 2. BRACE BOTTOM CHORD AND WEB MEMBERS PER TRUSS DESIGNS. TRUSS MUST BE SHEATHED NOTE: 48" O.C. MAXIMUM POST SPACING 3. DEFINE VALLEY RIDGE BY RUNNING A LEVEL STRING FROM THE INTERSECTING RIDGE OF THE (a.) GABLE END, (b.) GIRDER TRUSS OR (c.) COMMON TRUSS TO THE ROOF SHEATHING. LIVE LOAD = 30 PSF (MAX) DEAD LOAD = 15 PSF (MAX) D.O.L. INC = 1.15 ASCE 7-98, ASCE 7-02, ASCE 7-05 90 MPH (MWFRS) ASCE7-10 115 MPH (MWFRS) 4. INSTALL 2 x 4 VALLEY PLATES. FASTEN TO EACH SUPPORTING TRUSS WITH (2) 16d (3.5" X.131-) NAILS. 5. SET 2 x 6 #2 RIDGE BOARD. SUPPORT WITH 2 x 4 POSTS SPACED 48" O.C.. BEVEL BOTTOM OF POST TO SET EVENLY ON THE SHEATHING. FASTEN POST TO RIDGE WITH (4) 10d (3" X.131 -)NAILS. FASTEN POST TO ROOF SHEATHING WITH (3) 10d (3" X.131 -)TOE -NAILS. 6. FRAME VALLEY RAFTERS FROM VALLEY PLATE TO RIDGE BOARD. MAXIMUM RAFTER SPACING IS 24" O.C.. FASTEN VALLEY RAFTER TO RIDGE BEAM WITH (3) 16d (3.5" X.131") TOE -NAILS. FASTEN VALLEY RAFTER TO VALLEY PLATE WITH (3) 16d (3.5" X.131-) TOE -NAILS. 7. SUPPORT THE VALLEY RAFTERS WITH 2 x 4 POSTS 48" O.0 (OR LESS) ALONG EACH RAFTER. INSTALL POSTS IN A STAGGERED PATTERN AS SHOWN ON PLAN DRAWING. ALLIGN POSTS WITH TRUSSES BELOW. FASTEN VALLEY RAFTER TO POST WITH (4) 10d (3" X.131-) NAILS. FASTEN POST THROUGH SHEATHING TO SUPPORTING TRUSS WITH (2) 16d (3.5" X.131-) NAILS. 8. POSTS SHALL BE 2 x 4 #2 OR BETTER SPRUCE PINE FIR, DOUG FIR LARCH OR SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE. POSTS EXCEEDING 75" SHALL BE INCREASED TO 4 x 4 OR BE PRE -ASSEMBLED (2) PLY 2 x 4's FASTENED TOGETHER WITH 2 ROWS OF 10d NAILS 6" O.C.. /Q,�,pFESS/pN ' O SOON q/F� Co G i c 74486 m � EX 7 31-13e7 -' -----1------------ 11 I ------------"- ', ❑ II II II II II ' I II II II II II II II II I, 11 II II 11 I� �, II I, II II II II 1 II II Ii II II II 11 I Ij II II �I' �� II 11 11 11 II II t II II 11 I I II II II 1' II VALLEY PLATE ( SEE NOTE #4) I POST VALLEY RAFTERS ' ( SEE NOTE #8) ( SEE NOTE #2) L I PLAN DRAWING.%, TRUSS TYPICAL POST ( 24" O.C. ) / CCC All1TC YO \ GABLE END, COMMON TRUSS rL/'11V JCV I IVIV GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. WITH BASE TRUSSES ERECTED (INSTALLED), APPLY SHEATHING TO TOP CHORD OF SUPPORTING (BASE) TRUSSES. 2. BRACE BOTTOM CHORD AND WEB MEMBERS PER TRUSS DESIGNS. TRUSS MUST BE SHEATHED NOTE: 48" O.C. MAXIMUM POST SPACING 3. DEFINE VALLEY RIDGE BY RUNNING A LEVEL STRING FROM THE INTERSECTING RIDGE OF THE (a.) GABLE END, (b.) GIRDER TRUSS OR (c.) COMMON TRUSS TO THE ROOF SHEATHING. LIVE LOAD = 30 PSF (MAX) DEAD LOAD = 15 PSF (MAX) D.O.L. INC = 1.15 ASCE 7-98, ASCE 7-02, ASCE 7-05 90 MPH (MWFRS) ASCE7-10 115 MPH (MWFRS) 4. INSTALL 2 x 4 VALLEY PLATES. FASTEN TO EACH SUPPORTING TRUSS WITH (2) 16d (3.5" X.131-) NAILS. 5. SET 2 x 6 #2 RIDGE BOARD. SUPPORT WITH 2 x 4 POSTS SPACED 48" O.C.. BEVEL BOTTOM OF POST TO SET EVENLY ON THE SHEATHING. FASTEN POST TO RIDGE WITH (4) 10d (3" X.131 -)NAILS. FASTEN POST TO ROOF SHEATHING WITH (3) 10d (3" X.131 -)TOE -NAILS. 6. FRAME VALLEY RAFTERS FROM VALLEY PLATE TO RIDGE BOARD. MAXIMUM RAFTER SPACING IS 24" O.C.. FASTEN VALLEY RAFTER TO RIDGE BEAM WITH (3) 16d (3.5" X.131") TOE -NAILS. FASTEN VALLEY RAFTER TO VALLEY PLATE WITH (3) 16d (3.5" X.131-) TOE -NAILS. 7. SUPPORT THE VALLEY RAFTERS WITH 2 x 4 POSTS 48" O.0 (OR LESS) ALONG EACH RAFTER. INSTALL POSTS IN A STAGGERED PATTERN AS SHOWN ON PLAN DRAWING. ALLIGN POSTS WITH TRUSSES BELOW. FASTEN VALLEY RAFTER TO POST WITH (4) 10d (3" X.131-) NAILS. FASTEN POST THROUGH SHEATHING TO SUPPORTING TRUSS WITH (2) 16d (3.5" X.131-) NAILS. 8. POSTS SHALL BE 2 x 4 #2 OR BETTER SPRUCE PINE FIR, DOUG FIR LARCH OR SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE. POSTS EXCEEDING 75" SHALL BE INCREASED TO 4 x 4 OR BE PRE -ASSEMBLED (2) PLY 2 x 4's FASTENED TOGETHER WITH 2 ROWS OF 10d NAILS 6" O.C.. /Q,�,pFESS/pN ' O SOON q/F� Co G i c 74486 m � EX 7 31-13e7 ( DETAIL FOR COMMON AND END JACKS M11/SAC - 8 -20PSF 8/31/2005 PAGE 1 MAX LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 ' - I MiTek Industries, Inc. QTCLL 20.o Plates Increase 1.1s. BRACING I Western Division TCDL 16.o Lumber Increase 1.15 � TOP CHORD Sheathed. BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied. BCDL 10.0 MINIMUM LUMBER SIZE AND GRADE i TOP CHORD 2 X 4 HF, DF -L No.1 I LENGTH OF EXTENSION, BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF, HF, DF -L No.2 AS DESIGN REQ' D 20'-0^ MAX SPLICE CAN EITHER BE 3X6 MT20 PLATES OR 22" LONG 2X4 SCAB CENTERED AT SPLICE W/SAME LUMBER AS TOP CHORD ATTACH TO ONE FACE W/ (A 31"X3.0" MIN) NAILS @ 3" O.C. 2 ROWS 1 �\, T 2.0-0 B-0-0 NOTE: TOP CHORD PITCH: 3/128/12 BOTTOM CHORD PITCH: 0/124/12 % PITCH DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TOP AND / `\ BOTTOM CHORD TO BE "2" MIN. SPACING= 24" O.C. SUPPORT AND CONNECTION BY OTHERS OR 2-16d COMMON WIRE (0.162"DIA. X 3.5") LGT TOE NAILS SUPPORTS SHALL BE PROVIDED @ 4'-0" O.C. ALONG THE EXTENSION OF TOP CHORD. CONN. W/3 16d COMMON WIRE (0.162"DIA. X 3.5" LGT) TOE NAILS 2 3x4 - CONN. W/2 16d COMMON WIRE (0.1DIA. 1Z'DA LGT) TOE NAILS r - 8-0-0 I® 6-0-0 EXT. L-0-0 9-0-0 -0-0 _) EXT EXT. CONN. W/3 16d COMMON WIRE (0.162 DIA. X 3.5" LGT) TOE NAILS _ r CJ i 'o D 2 -6.G -u z BOTTOM CHORD LENGTH MAY BE 2'-0" OR A BEARING BLOCK. CONN. W/2 16d COMMON WIRE(0.162"DIA. X 3.5") LGT TOE NAILS OR SEE DETAIL MII/SAC-7 FOR PRESSUREBLOCKING INFO. LING SHALL BE SUCH THAT THE LUMBER DOES NOT SPLIT ® WARNWG - Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND WCLUDED 67TTEK REFERENCE PAGE 1�-7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane NO Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 mm Applicability of design poromenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss.designer. Bracing shown Citrus Heights, CA, 9561 in is forlateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPI7 Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component iTek` Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. JANUARY 1, 2009 5 1 ANUAHU REPAIR FOR ADDING I ST-REP10 A FALSE BOTTOM CHORD • =00 0 00 MiTek USA, Inc. VERTICAL STUDS Qa 48" O.C.. ATTACHED WITH (3) - 10d (0.131 " DIAM. x 3" LONG) NAILS AT EACH END OF VERTICAL (TYP.). VERTICAL STUDS TO BE 2 x 4 STUD GRADE (OR BETTER) SPF, HF, DF OR SYP. (BOARD SIZE SPECIFIED IS MINIMUM, LARGER SIZE MAY BE USED) 2 x 4 NO. 2 (OR BETTER) SPF, HF, DF OR SYP FALSE BOTTOM CHORD (BOARD SIZE SPECIFIED IS MINIMUM, LARGER SIZE MAY BE USED) MiTek USA, Inc. Page 1 of 1 MAIN TRUSS MANUFACTURED WITHOUT FALSE BOTTOM CHORD. MAIN TRUSS (SPACING = 24" O.C.) REFER TO THE BOTTOM CHORD BRACING SECTION OF THE INDIVIDUAL TRUSS DESIGN FOR MAXIMUM SPACING OF CONTINUOUS LATERAL BRACING WHENEVER RIGID CEILING MATERIAL IS NOT DIRECTLY ATTACHED TO THE BOTTOM CHORD. TRUSS SPAN NOTES 1. LOADING: TOP CHORD: (REFER TO THE MAIN TRUSS DESIGN FOR TOP CHORD LOADING). BOTTOM CHORD: LL = 0 PSF, DL = 10 PSF. 2. REFER TO THE MAIN TRUSS DESIGN FOR LUMBER AND PLATING REQUIREMENTS. 3. MAXIMUM BOTTOM CHORD PITCH = 6/12. 4. THE END DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. 5. FALSE BOTTOM CHORD ONLY DESIGNED TO CARRY VERTICAL LOAD. NO LATERAL (SHEAR) LOAD ALLOWED. 4 r- Q?'OFESSlpN�` Soo 2C cm 74486 _ r EX 1-13n OF CAU- MARCH 12, 2009 0= ^�aI MiTek USA, Inc. WEB BRACING RECOMMENDATIONS I ST-WEBBRACE MiTek USA, Inc. Page 1 of 1 MAXIMUM TRUSS WEB FORCE (Ibs.)(See note 7) BRACE BAY SIZE 24"O.C. 48"O.C. 72" O.C. BRACING MATERIAL TYPE BRACING MATERIAL TYPE BRACING MATERIAL TYPE A I B I C I D A I B I C I D I C I D y size shall be measured in between the centers of pairs of diagonals. 3143 I 3143 4715 4715 I 7074 10'-0" 1610 ( 1886 ( 1886 2829 12'-0" 1342 1572 I 1572 I 2358 14'-0" 1150 1347 1347 2021 16'-0" 1006 1179 1179 1768 18'-0" 894 1048 1048 1572 20'-0" 805 943 I 943 1414 y size shall be measured in between the centers of pairs of diagonals. 3143 I 3143 4715 4715 I 7074 BRACING MATERIALS 1. DIAGONAL BRACING IS REQUIRED TO TRANSFER THE CUMULATIVE LATERAL BRACE FORCE INTO THE 3536 ROOF AND/OR CEILING DIAPHRAGM. THE DIAPHRAGM IS TO BE DESIGNED BY A QUALIFIED 2358 2358 - PROFESSIONAL. 3143 4715 1886` 1886 2829 2. THESE CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON LATERAL BRACE CARRYING 2%OF THE W EB FORCE. FOR STABILIZERS: FOR A SPACING OF 24' O.C. ONLY. MITEK'STABILIZER' TRUSS BRACING SYSTEMS CAN BE SUBSTITUTED FOR TYPE A, B. C AND D BRACING MATERIAL DIAGONAL BRACING FOR STABILIZERS ARE TO BE PROVIDED AT BAY SIZE INDICATED ABOVE. WHERE DIAPHRAGM BRACING IS REQUIRED AT PITCH BREAKS, STABILIZERS MAY BE REPLACED WITH WOOD BLOCKING. SEE'STABILIZER' TRIISC RRAC.INr; INCTAI I ATIr1N C,I nnr AN11 PRr11H ICT CPFr:I1:If`AT1n1 This information is provided as a recommendation to assist in the requirement for permanent bracing of the individual truss web members. Additional bracing may still be required for the stability of the overall roof system. The method shown here is just one method that can be used to provide stability against web buckling. CONTINUOUS LATERAL RESTRAINT 2-10d NAILS (SEE NOTE 4) OQ?,OFESS/ON\ SOON o�F2 c "74486 c m ew"71.w, e CIVIC SOF CAL GENERAL NOTES TYPE BRACING MATERIALS 1. DIAGONAL BRACING IS REQUIRED TO TRANSFER THE CUMULATIVE LATERAL BRACE FORCE INTO THE ROOF AND/OR CEILING DIAPHRAGM. THE DIAPHRAGM IS TO BE DESIGNED BY A QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL. 1 X 4 IND. 45 SYP 2. THESE CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON LATERAL BRACE CARRYING 2%OF THE W EB FORCE. A -OR- 3. DIAGONAL BRACING MATERIAL MUST BE SAME SIZE AND GRADE OR BETTER, AS THE LATERAL BRACE MATERIAL, AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SUCH A MANNER THAT IT INTERSECTS WEB MEMBERS 1 X 4 #2 SRS (DF, HF, SPF) AT APPROX. 45 DEGREES AND SHALL BE NAILED AT EACH END AND EACH INTERMEDIATE TRUSS WITH 2-8d (0.131')2.5-) FOR 1x4 BRACES. 2-10d (0.131'x3") FOR 2x3 and 2x4 BRACES. AND 3-10d (0.131')1') FOR 2x6 BRACES. 4. CONNECT LATERAL BRACE TO EACH TRUSS WITH 2-8d (0.131-X2.5-) NAILS FOR 1x4 LATERAL BRACES, 2-10d (0.131')3') NAILS FOR 24 and 2x4 LATERAL BRACES. AND 3-106 (0.131X7') FOR 2x6 LATERAL BRACES. B 2 X 3 #3, STD, CONST (SPF, DF, HF, OR SYP) 5. LATERAL BRACE SHOULD BE CONTINUOUS AND SHOULD OVERLAP AT LEAST ONE TRUSS SPACE FOR CONTINUITY. 6. FOR ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE REGARDING DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF BRACING. CONSULT C 2 X 4 #3, STD, CONST (SPF, DF, HF, OR SYP) DSB-89 TEMPORARY BRACING OF METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES AND BCSI 1 GUIDE TO GOOD PRACTICE FOR HANDLING. INSTALLING 8 BRACING OF METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES, JOINTLY PRODUCED BY WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA and TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE. w.vw.sbcindustry.com and w .tpinstorg D 2 X 6 #3 OR BETTER (SPF, DF, HF, OR SYP) 7. REFER TO SPECIFIC TRUSS DESIGN DRAWING FOR WEB MEMBER FORCE. 8. TABULATED VALUES ARE BASED ON A DOL. - 1.15 FOR STABILIZERS: FOR A SPACING OF 24' O.C. ONLY. MITEK'STABILIZER' TRUSS BRACING SYSTEMS CAN BE SUBSTITUTED FOR TYPE A, B. C AND D BRACING MATERIAL DIAGONAL BRACING FOR STABILIZERS ARE TO BE PROVIDED AT BAY SIZE INDICATED ABOVE. WHERE DIAPHRAGM BRACING IS REQUIRED AT PITCH BREAKS, STABILIZERS MAY BE REPLACED WITH WOOD BLOCKING. SEE'STABILIZER' TRIISC RRAC.INr; INCTAI I ATIr1N C,I nnr AN11 PRr11H ICT CPFr:I1:If`AT1n1 This information is provided as a recommendation to assist in the requirement for permanent bracing of the individual truss web members. Additional bracing may still be required for the stability of the overall roof system. The method shown here is just one method that can be used to provide stability against web buckling. CONTINUOUS LATERAL RESTRAINT 2-10d NAILS (SEE NOTE 4) OQ?,OFESS/ON\ SOON o�F2 c "74486 c m ew"71.w, e CIVIC SOF CAL 4 9 7 CLIENT= Robe_ rt A. Pitchford; ,Designer= '(760) 34&-2856 .1JECT . WHEELERREMODEL w �4DDRE-55 - :55-255-,Medaiis + 1 La suint_ a Norman Course. JO = 13=140 CITY- 0�0=' LA:QUINTA :f BUILDING & SAFETY -DEP h _ Y _ APPRO\%ED. r. ' DATE _ 0 7"MaY_2013 FOR.0 NST CTION + DATE Eic STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL• ENGINEERING. - DENISE R..POELTLER, INC., • • - - ' -77725 .ENFIELD LANE, STE.4130-""D VE ; ' v - PALM .DESERT, CAr92211- . E EI_ _ - 7EL--(760)'772-4411 FAX (760) 772-4409 - drpfly@aol.com' 'MAY 09.2013 CITY OF, LA QUINTA . COMMUNITY. DEVELOPMENT y: 4 V�.�.' : �� .:.,�" .'�^�, �,.y" �= er=� ti�'f'--_•••.r ebi3 .;..`� �.�'l -.... .Z:.".' .�... . 4 .. � .. .� .. L:Y- .� �.. .,.r3- �'.:.� ., .,,pC�,a^. _ 01-TyOFFLA QU INTA & SAFETY DEPT. A miz ED 1 I � IXAt eW BYQRF DATE 6/1 PO4EELZR ` A 3 �14d 77725 Enfield Lane, #130 REVISED 55-255 Medalist y Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-4411 FAX (760) 772-4409 La Quinta NORMAN COURSE IPAGE AF drpfly@aol.com , ;, CLIENT: ROBERT A. PITCHFORD 77-622 Country Club Drive, Suite 0 - Palm Desert, CA 82211 (760) 546-2556 STRUGTURAL GALGULATIONS DESIGN AND DETAILING OF:' 1. Design beams, posts, and footings. 2. Lateral analysis using ASCE 1-05 and 05G 2010. 20001 15G EXISTING / NEW TILE ROOF LOADS 2010 GBG Mission Tile + Mud = 15.0 PSF Felt = 0.5 P5F 101/52" APA Plywood Sheathing 1.5 P5F FRAMING/TRU55E5 = - 5.0 10517 Insulation = 1.0 PSF 5/5" Gyypboord = 2.5 PSF . Misc./Me�h. = OA P5F DEAD LOAD = 25.0 PSF LIVE LOAD (4:12 SLOPE) = 20.0 P5F MISC. LOADS 2X4 Stud Walls = 14 P5F R PQM 2X6 5tvd Walls = 15 PSF No. 01-TyOFFLA QU INTA & SAFETY DEPT. A miz ED 1 I � 60) 346-2856 BASIS OF DESIGN CODE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC), 200a EDITION CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (GBG), 2010 EDITION INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS STEEL MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, ALLOWABLE 5TR -55 DESIGN (AI50) THIRTEENTH EDITION, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CON5TRUGTION CONCRETE BUILDING. CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR 5TRUGTURAL CONCRETE -(ACI), AGI 518-08 ' AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE INOOD NATIONAL DESIGN OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION (NDS) ANSI/NFoPA, N05-2005 EDITION, NATIONAL FOREST PRODUCTS A55OCIATION SOILS INFO NO SOILS REPORT PROVIDED; USE GBG TABLE 1806.2• FOR MINIMUM VALUES. I OANER/ CONTRACTOR ACCEPTS ALL LIABILITY FOR COMPACTION AND SUBSIDENCE OF UNDERLYING SOILS. SOIL CLAS51FICATION = SAND, SILTY SAND MAX. 501L BEARING PRESSURE = 2000 PSF PASSIVE PRESSURE = 150 P5F/FT. COEFF. OF FRICTION = 025 CONCRETE STRENGTH SLAB, FOOTINGS: f'c' = 2500 P51 28 -Day Compressive Strength 1STEEL F y = 40 KSI, Grade 40, A5TM A615, #5 BARS ' THAT T ATI N T CALIFORNIA IT 15 THE FULL IN OF THE ENGINEER T HESE'GALGUL O 5 CONFORM TO HE GALI O A BUILDING CODE, 2010 EDITION. THESE CALCULATIONS SHALL GOVERN THE STRUCTURAL PORTION OF THE WORKING DRAWINGS. WHERE ANY DISCREPANCIES Or -CUR BETWEEN THESE CALCULATIONS AND THE WORKING DRAWINGS, THE ENGINEER SHALL.BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY 50 PROPER ACTION MAY BE TAKEN. THE STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS INCLUDED ARE FOR THE ANALY515 AND DESIGN OF THE PRIMARY STRUCTURAL SYSTEM. THE ATTACHMENT OF VENEER AND NON-STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS 15 THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT, VBLE55-5PEGIF-IG-AL-L-Y"5HOWN OTBER,WI5E. THE ENGINEER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK NOT A PART OATH --S CsALGULA ONS)NORrF�O(Z 5 EGTION TO ENSURE CONSTRUCTION I5 PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESF Gds G LA.TPON TR�1GTd' L: OBS RATION OR FIELD INVESTIGATION SERVICES ARE RETAINED UNDER A SEPARAT-O.& SAFETY DEPT. UINu APPROVED FOR CONS UCTi ION ' DATE _� y J 6' - " " - -" P'�' BYP DATES WHEELER 77725 Enfield Lane, #130 REVISED 55-255 Medalist PAGE Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-4411 FAX (760) 772-4409 Lo QUinto + NORMAN C OUR SE 2q OF 'Z drpFLy@aol.com , CLIENT: ROBERT A. PITCHFORD '11-622 Country Club Drive, 5ulte O Palm Desert, GA Q221I (7 60) 346-2856 BASIS OF DESIGN CODE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC), 200a EDITION CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (GBG), 2010 EDITION INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS STEEL MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, ALLOWABLE 5TR -55 DESIGN (AI50) THIRTEENTH EDITION, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CON5TRUGTION CONCRETE BUILDING. CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR 5TRUGTURAL CONCRETE -(ACI), AGI 518-08 ' AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE INOOD NATIONAL DESIGN OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION (NDS) ANSI/NFoPA, N05-2005 EDITION, NATIONAL FOREST PRODUCTS A55OCIATION SOILS INFO NO SOILS REPORT PROVIDED; USE GBG TABLE 1806.2• FOR MINIMUM VALUES. I OANER/ CONTRACTOR ACCEPTS ALL LIABILITY FOR COMPACTION AND SUBSIDENCE OF UNDERLYING SOILS. SOIL CLAS51FICATION = SAND, SILTY SAND MAX. 501L BEARING PRESSURE = 2000 PSF PASSIVE PRESSURE = 150 P5F/FT. COEFF. OF FRICTION = 025 CONCRETE STRENGTH SLAB, FOOTINGS: f'c' = 2500 P51 28 -Day Compressive Strength 1STEEL F y = 40 KSI, Grade 40, A5TM A615, #5 BARS ' THAT T ATI N T CALIFORNIA IT 15 THE FULL IN OF THE ENGINEER T HESE'GALGUL O 5 CONFORM TO HE GALI O A BUILDING CODE, 2010 EDITION. THESE CALCULATIONS SHALL GOVERN THE STRUCTURAL PORTION OF THE WORKING DRAWINGS. WHERE ANY DISCREPANCIES Or -CUR BETWEEN THESE CALCULATIONS AND THE WORKING DRAWINGS, THE ENGINEER SHALL.BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY 50 PROPER ACTION MAY BE TAKEN. THE STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS INCLUDED ARE FOR THE ANALY515 AND DESIGN OF THE PRIMARY STRUCTURAL SYSTEM. THE ATTACHMENT OF VENEER AND NON-STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS 15 THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT, VBLE55-5PEGIF-IG-AL-L-Y"5HOWN OTBER,WI5E. THE ENGINEER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK NOT A PART OATH --S CsALGULA ONS)NORrF�O(Z 5 EGTION TO ENSURE CONSTRUCTION I5 PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESF Gds G LA.TPON TR�1GTd' L: OBS RATION OR FIELD INVESTIGATION SERVICES ARE RETAINED UNDER A SEPARAT-O.& SAFETY DEPT. UINu APPROVED FOR CONS UCTi ION ' DATE _� y 1 W p,3' t • -J O p., p E BY DAT I�iK. WHEELER #�3 — — — — 77725 Enfield Lane, #130 _ REVISED 55-255 MedQllst PAGE CL Palm Desert, CA 92211 C760> 772-4411 FAX (760) 772-4409.NORMAN LQ Ovinto GOURSE' =0F IV1 r Q drpfly@aol.com Q� IL PROJECT: r i , z W O LL 1 W p,3' t • W tu 4u Uj ~ Fmd .1 ILI W — — — — V 74) Oz QV,OADry • v Nrvrvaa CL Qvacvva W J ' OL Q' o r Q Q� IL N , O LL ..V^ VI Q � - • z .W Q W _ � � N 4 i4 i44 i4 QIWOJWCJ0.)OJW W Q ®� z 6 i LL �LLLLQ Lis F 4. Q t a OS��n�sn� W w0poln� �O�.Q z LL LL IV Z c Q Q u►tOVS�0Un10p OU1p LL p0-ryu� pp�000 a KQZipFp "Uw � �QLL In i U'U - sl z it 0--- L) tyy J0000 ?LLLL LL JI Fm0. UJ W p,3' 00 00000 00 000005 • W tu 4u Uj ~ Fmd - ILI W — — — — V 74) Oz QV,OADry Nrvrvaa CL Qvacvva W J ' OL Q' o r J O Z Q� IL , O LL d) - • z .W Q W a Z � � a� 4 i4 i44 i4 QIWOJWCJ0.)OJW W ®� z 6 i LL �LLLLQ Lis F 4. Q t a OS��n�sn� W w0poln� �O�.Q z LL LL IV Z c Q Q u►tOVS�0Un10p OU1p LL p0-ryu� pp�000 a KQZipFp "Uw � �QLL In U'U - sl z it 0--- L) tyy J0000 ?LLLL LL JI Fm0. UJ 1 IL 0 a Jug Z uj • W tu 4u Uj ~ Fmd - UUdO'KOW nossaII . V 74) Oz QV,OADry Nrvrvaa Qvacvva W J ' OL Q' o r J O Z z z , O LL d) - • z .W Q W Q J J LL �LLLLQ Lis F 4. z=rvNrLL = m, z4 W w0poln� �O�.Q z LL LL IV Z LL p0-ryu� pp�000 a KQZipFp "Uw � �QLL In z it 0--- L) tyy J0000 ?LLLL LL JI Fm0. IL Z uj Q 4. >2+ITUAsa _nan • 0.Q' ODD W - . F 111 p O W � z , � XKX Xx dd1D W NNN NN z W L�, LL OLL mw 1%n< a •- a z z: • - 1 -LL J�7 ��2d1~L ~ IL WLL n CITY o zQO�O o�HTA BUILDI i'o(~�PT. . AIP 9 7E X W- _Y•-�':' Nom' S_f1LW 1�.1�.4-WJ44, 1 r f" """"' e/ PDATE`� I� 3 WFf1LER �' BY � e 13 14� 77725 Enfield Lane, #130 55-255 Medalist REVISED .PAGE Patm Desert, CA 92211 Lo QUinto <760) 772-4411 FAX (760) 772-4409 NORMAN COURSE OF� drpFty@aol.com ' CLIENT: ROBERT A. PITCHFORD -17-622 Country Club Drive, Suite O Palm Desert, CA 012211 r (760) 546-2856 LATERAL LOADS 2010 GBG and A50E -T-05 SEISMIC COEFFICIENTS IBC SECTION 1613 A50E 1-05 Chapters 11, 12, 15, 14, and 20 EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORGE A5CE 1-05, SECTION 12.8 V= Gs x Wdl SEISMIC BASE 5HEAR (EQ. 12.8-1) Gs 5ds = l • oa . 0 1.1 (NOT LE -55 THAN 0.01) ' (R/I) x (1.4) �ro.y�1.A� (.q• , WHERE p= 1.5 REDUNDANCY FACTOR V= p x Cs x Ad = j� 3 ac O, 11 )c u)o„= o, ►43 WPB, A5CE SECTION VALUE FACTOR SEG. 11.5.1 1 = 1.0 Oaauponag Importance Factor SEG. 1116-1 D Seismic Design Category TABLE 12.2-1 R = 6.5 Response Modification Factor r SEG. 11.4.4 Sds = 1.09 Design 5peatral Response .Acceleration ADDRE55 = 55-255 Medalist, NORMAN 60LF COURSE ZIPCODE _ x2253 LATITUDE = 55.64541015 LONGITUDE = 116.24412441 - 1 ALTERNATIVE BASIC, LOAD COMBINATION FOR ALLOWABLE STRESS DES16N PER ASCE -7-05, SEG. 12.42 SEISMIC LOAD EFFECT E = Eh + Ev (EQ. 12.4-1) WHERE Eh = p0a AHERE Ev = 02 5ds D = 0 rWHERE p = 1.3 PER IBC 200"11 SEC. 1605.5.2 RIC E� OF��VAPACWJ 1 NTA r D + L + 5 + E (Ea. 16-20) wH R UAL Dlk'��1�9'�TY DEPT. E ;Aj1 DATE 1 Convert Address to Lat Long Ueocode Page 1 of 1 i (3�t ATlO N G. n et Convert Address to Lat Long - - -- - - - - --- - - to address with city namconvert address me, street name to las long type the Address 55-255 Medalist, La Quinta, CA 92253 Find Lat Long ad get more accurate lat long value. Map Mouse Over Lat & Long Lat 33.767054 Long -116.482995 27 11 like `------- I —J This geo process is also known as geocode address. ThurOw GUltth Way t1atione,", ae Village...... -... _. You can hold and drop marker to anywhere you want to get the lat long of near places of your address. ' © 2012-2013 www.latlong.net APpRoVED CITY OF L` � INTA D�i ' BUILDING & IR lmn_ 1/, /^^1, Latitude ' i 33.645995 j j Longitude -116.249249 Map Mouse Over Lat & Long Lat 33.767054 Long -116.482995 27 11 like `------- I —J This geo process is also known as geocode address. ThurOw GUltth Way t1atione,", ae Village...... -... _. You can hold and drop marker to anywhere you want to get the lat long of near places of your address. ' © 2012-2013 www.latlong.net APpRoVED CITY OF L` � INTA D�i ' BUILDING & IR lmn_ 1/, /^^1, ` l' u r a „`�• _ Ir �}, ��' �+Y'.t r�• 3 4 _�� r t�: c �� i1s r. ' y �cW DeIiISe PROJECT WHEELEQ R��a��'c� k ,� "' +PAGE ?rs7, � �"�� CLIENT RITCHFORUMESIGNS `r�� A ' POeItI@ri PE , DESIGN BY ; I r JOB NO .'11j� �? . u, DATE :�5/6R013pC` ` � REVIEW BY '' ,e.�; SeismicyAna `Is' (E�uivalent LaL'eral Foice Procedure; ASCE 7 INPUT DATA. r z f DESIGN SUMMARY Y Typical floor height r h10,+ ft `�" �'` # Total base shear M r�LL Typical floor weight wxRi� k i,' V . 0.15 W (SD)` ', ' 0 k,, (SD) Number of floors kms, `' • n it �1� .' ' . 0.11 W (ASD) 0 k, (ASD) Importance factor (ASCE 11.5:1) 1r�1a, �(IBC Tab.1804.5) ;. Seismic design category D Building location Zip Code Latitude: sa5gs5x' { Site class (A, B, C, D, E, F), ` " D �>. (if no soil repos r use D) Longitude: ris 2as2r° . 27 Y `50'6 The coefficient ASCE Tab 12.8-2 ( C rr^ ) F = Sg € 150 000 °hg Sms - 1 500 g Fa:= 1.000The �%119111 coefficient(ASCE Tab. 12.2.1) R ' ✓ , < S, �o o %g Sm, = o goo ,g, F4 .1.500 x ` a r/ JOs �'1 6KO g . ' . So, 0"600�� g ' ha' f 10.0 ft }'! ';k 1.00 (ASCE 128.3, pg 130) xM= 075 ,t'(ASCE Tati12.8-2) h 'W _ 1 k k = - l 10 Ta = Ct(hr,)' = 0.11` Sec, (ASCE VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF LATERAL FORCES Level Level Floor to floor, Height Weight Lateral force 91) each level _ Diauhraam force No.' Name,' Height hx w, wxhxk � C, Fx. V„ O. K EF, -EW, FPx .- ft ft k k. k kft "� k'` k k 1 Roof 10.01 ? 1001 10 ".1.000. • , _ 02. -0 2 -o R 1 0 1.000,'. +' a 02 n Ground 0,0 2 r Ilk 111 MAR MEN E ME i WHEN - u iat. x �4 •,t t _ r - .. � s t • - - PON .e �� w� 0 ILA WIM RA IP RUN • U I T t a .. •,k"' Y j Q/(','�� -rte®{���rpq ® �t �'O f M" ^.rte° ��y/��y� rQ,� 6�;[�{�(sr'_ ryx`�/ j"_'Ty�'�([ L -� • r , 111 "o`,.u.J(T\Yy�p�I' p�Y�I.$`G wn Iliw srIJATE P '�/I 3 Y iEELER DL a 13 -140 77725 Enfield Lane, #130 55-255 Medallst Pain Desert, CA , 92211 - REVISED PAGE_Q� (760) 772-4411 FAX (760) 772-4409 LQ Giuintca: NORMAN COURSE OF drpRy@aol.con�— ' CLIENT: ROBERT A. PITCHFORD -11-622 Country Club Drive, Suite O Palm Desert, CA 012211 (7 60) 546-2856 WIND DE516N ASCE '1-05, CHAPTER 6 ' METHOD 2 - ANALYTI GAL PROCEDURE ' Gtz= 0.00256 (KZ) x (Kzt) x _(Kd) x N)2 x I x w (EO. 6-15) ' Oz= 0,002�ro (o�>���►,no)(a,�S, C®�) ,� �,® I. = GI,.+ P6P ASCE SECTION VALUE FACTOR SEC. 6.5.4 V= 85 MPH BASIC WIND SPEED SEG. Kd = 0.85 DIRECTIONALITY 5EC. 6.5.5 1 = 1.0 IMPORTANCE FACTOR, CATE60RY 11 C EXP05URE CATEGORY SEC. 6.5.6 Kz = 0.85 VELOCITY PRE55URE EXPOSURE COEFFICIENT 5EG: Kzt= 1.00 TOPOGRAPHIC FACTOR (FIG. 6-4) ' SEC. 6.5.8 G= 0.65 GUST FACTOR ' ALTERNATIVE BASIC LOAD COMBINATION FOR ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN PER ASCE '1-05, CHAPTER 6 WIND LOAD EFFECT PER CBC 2010, 5EC. 1605.5.2 D + L + (wl^U (EQ. 16-11), WHERE w= 1.5 WHERE D = DEAD LOAD WHERE L = LIVE LOAD wHEREt-w =-w�i F�QlJINTA (;Il. SAFE_VY DEPT. , gUILOING & E® 1 �P P Rov FOR CONSTRUCTION y DATE ---�� r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Denise PROJECT. [W -HEELER a t�°Y4 PAGE sr!"'`" yCLIENT: PITCHFORD<DESIG NS$r�. DESIGN BY [DR P� q�Poeltler PE x�, JOBNO.: 6t3-140. �.,�. DATE: i05/O6/.13. REVIEW BY. 1a INPUT DATA Exposure category (8, C or D) Importance factor, pg 77, (0.87, 1.0 or 1.15) 1 = '1bU0 Category II ., Basic wind speed (IBC Tab 1609.3.1 VIS) V = '�8.5:mph � Topographic factor (Sec., pg 26 & 45) I( `' r = ���� Flat L r Building height to eave h =f " - ^ Yft Building height to ridge hr = r,14" ft Building length L =21 5 x g It Building width B = 20 5 It �h�-fit Effective area of components A = ,�,- 1.0�„�� ftZ DESIGN SUMMARY Max horizontal force normal to building length, L, face Max horizontal force normal to building length, B, face Max total horizontal torsional load ANALYSIS Velocity pressure = 3.011 kips = 2.58 kips 8.65 ft -kips = d RF bine qh = 0.00256 Kh Krt Ka V21 = 13.36 psf >C I, � I, '�- where: qh = velocity pressure at mean roof height, h. (Eq. 6-15, page 27) Kh = velocity pressure exposure coefficient evaluated at height, h, (Tab. 6-3, Case t,pg 79) = 0.85 Kd = wind directionality factor. (Tab. 6-4, for building, page 80) h = mean roof height = 12,00 ft < 60 ft, [Satisfactory] Deslan pressures for MWFRS p = qh [(G Cpf)-(G Cpl)] where: p = pressure in appropriate zone. (Eq. 6-18, page 28). G Cpr = product of gust effect factor and external pressure coefficient, see table below. (Fig. 6-10, page 53 & 54) G Cpl = product of gust effect factor and internal pressure coefficient. (Fig. 6-5, Enclosed Building, page 47) 0:18 or a =width of edge strips, Fig 6-10, note 9, page 54, MAX[ MIN(0.1 B, 0.4h), 0.04B,31 = 3.00 ft Net Pressures s , Basic Load Cases Net Pressures s , Torsional Load Cases 3E 1 2E 2 3 2E 2 3 2 ZONE 2/3 BOUNDARY 3E 3T 1 2E 2 3T 3E 1 27 ]E 2T aE a \� 6 a �- B a =a7 2E 2 6 0 °T B 4E-_ e _ B IT Y.../ �D t 5 5 5 E I REFERENCE CORNER IE REFERENCE CORNER IE REFERENC CORN,; KODpS E R� WIND DIRECTION WINO DIRECTION BU Q WIN DIRECTION Transverse Direction Longitudinal Direction Transverse Di r=el�rr�n'{�tqq U ;j,dinal D'rection Basic Load Cases FOR �r�dYi oaC seQl s ra Roof angle 0 = 21.32 Roof an le 0 = 0.00 G Cp r Net Pressure with G Cp r Net Pressure with Surface (+GCp I) (-GCp I) (+GCpi) (-GCp I ) 1 0.53 4.73 9.54 0.40 2.94 7.75 2 -0.57 -10.04 -5.23 -0.69 -11.63 -0.82 3 -0.47 -8.73 -3.92 -0.37 -7.35 -2.54 4 -0.42 -8.05 -3.24 -0.29 -6.28 -1.47 1E 0.79 8.09 12.90 0.61 5.75 10.56 '2E -0.89 -14.34 -9.53 -1.07 -16.70 -11.89 3E -0.67 -11.34 -6.53 -0.53 -9.49 -4.68 4E -0.62 -10.68 -5.87 -0.43 -8.15 -3.34 5 -0.45 -8.42 -3.61 -0.45 -8.42 -3.61 6 1 -0.45 -8.42 1 -3.61 1 -0.45 1 -8.42 1 -3.61 3E 1 2E 2 3 2E 2 3 2 ZONE 2/3 BOUNDARY 3E 3T 1 2E 2 3T 3E 1 27 ]E 2T aE a \� 6 a �- B a =a7 2E 2 6 0 °T B 4E-_ e _ B IT Y.../ �D t 5 5 5 E I REFERENCE CORNER IE REFERENCE CORNER IE REFERENC CORN,; KODpS E R� WIND DIRECTION WINO DIRECTION BU Q WIN DIRECTION Transverse Direction Longitudinal Direction Transverse Di r=el�rr�n'{�tqq U ;j,dinal D'rection Basic Load Cases FOR �r�dYi oaC seQl s ra Roof an ile 0 = 21.32 GCpr Net Pressure with Surface (+GCpi) (-GCpi) 1T 0.53 1.18 2.39 2T -0.57 -2.51 -1.31 3T -0.47 -2.18 -0.98 4T -0.42 -2.01 -0.81 Roof an ile 0 = 0.00 GCpi Net Pressure with Surface (+GCpi) (-GCp,) 1T 0.40 0.73 1.94 2T -0.69 -2.91 -1.70 3T -0.37 -1.84 -0.63 4T -0.29 -1.57 -0.37 3E 1 2E 2 3 2E 2 3 2 ZONE 2/3 BOUNDARY 3E 3T 1 2E 2 3T 3E 1 27 ]E 2T aE a \� 6 a �- B a =a7 2E 2 6 0 °T B 4E-_ e _ B IT Y.../ �D t 5 5 5 E I REFERENCE CORNER IE REFERENCE CORNER IE REFERENC CORN,; KODpS E R� WIND DIRECTION WINO DIRECTION BU Q WIN DIRECTION Transverse Direction Longitudinal Direction Transverse Di r=el�rr�n'{�tqq U ;j,dinal D'rection Basic Load Cases FOR �r�dYi oaC seQl s ra thole/ fly 1(+ i buttrftk BY Q-0 DATE 5 l JOB W I'N 'i iL �_A?— _ # 13 • I �'Q STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 77.725 Enfield Lane 0 Unit #130 CKD DATE PG _ Palm Desert, California 9221 1 (760) 772-4411 0 FAX(760)772-4409 OF ' drpfly®aol.com PREPARED FOR: O 21.5 x Zo,S 51"1TIIJh Roo rl foo �- t.ttllN�-a U�b Y Z3 P5F x 20, 5') f'.C2 X l x Ia) .c�� 143 z 1 Z ww.- 17.E h�I. ) - �e�► P�� coNY:r t,6 Z� ! l o PGF 2r 20,5 . w x Z1.5'1 �- C2 X. 1°- 4� P�F� 0.1.43 =. ` � I?L r w� 2oq PLP GoNTr4-cLt, too PLF 2x 21,5'. - N/� H0 PLS. (2).5' 2 /e 1 1cc FWWl . = oo U� Io' Ind siN j vt�AP-. vaticc� =. 1��1�Nat�- clod -1 dOF L Q N,� BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONST CTION . DATE B I 118 Lr I I I I"o I � t "z I I I I � I I X I I I w I I I I II I I I .r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I O 21.E NORTH r Fl IJ r the, &YC4l bt t.�ew BY Oil DATE JOB LU*%,riiL.i&A; 77725 Enfield Lane • Unit 130 CKD DATE ' PG 1 7 Palm Desert, California 92211 772-4411 OFy (760) 0 FAX (760) 772-4409 —�— 0-4 _\ 1V . d A-+ kA ;� ►- 3 N N r1 c� RD I• OF LA Q Ir T . UI DI G& 'A E Pi. O }- ir J:[:) . O CoME, UC ICN DATE ES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f �Yu'q' I>'ume STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING Denise R. Poeltler, Inc. 77.725 Enfield Lane• Unit #130 Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-4411 • (760) 772-4409 BY �2 DATE , . 3 CKD DATE JOB iI•E� - # J �' 'L� PG f5 OF -— OVERTURNING .AT SHEAR PANELS 10 FORCE H PL. HT. M resisting S.P. L FHD= (F H) Mre,at L HOL-DOWN �, � - 2�7 ►®� 1,17 2a i o rt-r-�� �'��. 1777 44'T -r 4- 0 .2508 H TT,+ W% It -Icoj 'r. Va" tr., o s#' Go M MONS CITY OF LA QUJ NTA NU & 6AFE I Y \ 111=I Ut I. FOR CONS' UCTION y DATE I �]A�(,��, th& J - • -p but b-e'S'k BY DRP DATE 5/12- JOB W �£(.P"� 77725 Enfield Lane. • Unit 130 CKD DATE # "140 Palm Desert, Califomia 9221 1 _13 (760) 772-4411 • FAX (760) 772-4409 PG (p OF N J rs, Tn 0 � rl ^n 4t 4-4 > �J 'U) ss► r� b a d $ q ii° / OF UI N' Te )ING1 & Sf F ®P . tl CA k!1 0 _ � 1NOTE: SHEAR PANELS #2 TO HAVE 3X SILL PLATE AND 3X STUDS AT PANEL JOINTS. NOTE: USE HOT -DIPPED ZING -COATED GALVANIZED HARDWARE AT PRESERVATIVE -TREATED SILL PLATE. NOTE: COMMON NAILS ARE REQUIRED FOR SHEAR PANELS AND DIAPHRAGM NAILIN6. SHEAR PANELS: 6d COMMONS (0.131" X 2-1/2" .MIN) ' ROOF DIAPHRAGM NAILING: IOd COMMONS (0.148" X 3" MIN) i CITY OF: CA QUINTA 1 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APP ®VE®ON FOR CO sL }- DATE V NA_ - ILIN6_ - A35 CLIP CONTINUOUS .SHEAR PANEL WALL 5HEATHIN6 allow EDGE (A) SPACING FOOTING FIELD (8) ANCHOR BOLTS 3/8" APA -RATED 5TRUGT. I (A) 8d AT 6" O.G. dia. AT 32'` O.G. Q PLYWOOD, EXP05l1RE I OR 230 PLF (e) 24" O.C.8" .G. 2X P.T. SILL PLATE • EXTERIOR GRD. P.I . = 32/16 � 12 O " O.G. .cl 3X3XI/4" 5TL. WASHER 3/8" APA -RATED 5TRUGT. I PLYWOOD, EXPOSURE I OR (A) 8d. AT A:2 -EXTERIOR GRD. P.I. = 32/16 4" .O.G' 5/8" dla. AT 24" O.G. 360. PLF (B) 8d AT I6" O.G. 3X P.T. SILL PLATE 3X FRAMING AT PANEL 12" O.G. 3X3XI/4" STL. YVASHER . ED6E5 - 1NOTE: SHEAR PANELS #2 TO HAVE 3X SILL PLATE AND 3X STUDS AT PANEL JOINTS. NOTE: USE HOT -DIPPED ZING -COATED GALVANIZED HARDWARE AT PRESERVATIVE -TREATED SILL PLATE. NOTE: COMMON NAILS ARE REQUIRED FOR SHEAR PANELS AND DIAPHRAGM NAILIN6. SHEAR PANELS: 6d COMMONS (0.131" X 2-1/2" .MIN) ' ROOF DIAPHRAGM NAILING: IOd COMMONS (0.148" X 3" MIN) i CITY OF: CA QUINTA 1 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APP ®VE®ON FOR CO sL }- DATE C CA N t0 TABLE 2306 21(1) ALLOWABLE SHEAR (POUNDS PER FOOT) FOR WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL DIAPHRAGMS WITH FRAMINn nF not im ec P10-1 AMNO nO CnI rMSCOld 01LIC9 CAO Wlhln no I —M &,^h continued MINIMUM BLOCKED DIAPHRAGMS NOMINAL Fastener WIDTH OF spacing (inches) at diaphragm boundaries (all cases) FRAMING at continuous panel edges parallel to load MEMBERS AT Cases 3, 4 ,. and at all nel s Cases 5, 6 ° UNBLOCKED DIAPHRAGMS Fasteners spaced 6" max. at au ed s° Case t (No unblocked edges All other or continuous joints configurations parallel to lea Cases 2 3 4 5 and 6 PANEL GRADE COMMON NAIL 1 S¢E OR STAPLE LENGTH AND GAGE MINIMUM FASTENER PENETRATION IN FRAMING inches—(Inch MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL THICKNESS ADJOINING 6 4 PANEL 9� Fastener spacing (inches) at other panel ed EDGES AND Cases � � 2, 3 and 4 ° BOUNDARIES9 inches 6 6 4 3 8d (2'/2" x •0.131' 13/8 3/ s 2 270. 360. -530 _ 600 240 180 3 300 400 600 _ 675 265 200 1'/216 Gage 1 2 175 235 350 400 155 115 3 200 265 395 450 175 130 Structural grades lOdd (3" x 0.148' 11/2 2 .320 425 640 730 285 215 I'/32 3 360 480 720 820 320 240 1'/2 16 Gage 1 2 175 235 350 400 155 120 3 200 265 395 450 175 130 6d° 2" x 0.113' 11/ 2 185 250 375 420. 165 125 3 210 280 420 475 185 140 2 240 320 480 545 215 160 8d (21/2" x 0.131 13/g 3/ e 3 270 360 540 610 240 180 1'/2 16 Gage 1 2 160 210 315 360 140 105 3 180 235 355 400 160 120 i g s - eath�g � tg�e oor d °them :jprades fver,0 ul '/2"x 0.131") 13/8 7/162 Is/3z 2 255 340 505 575 230 170 3 285 380 570 645 255 190 11 16 Gage 0 _ 8d=(2' 2 " x 0.131' 1 13/8 – 165 225 335 380 150 110 3 190 250 375 2 _ 270 360 530 425 600 165 125 240 180 i d u ® C ®1`1q�. Q ®= Z 3 300 400 600 675 265 200 1 „ x 0.148") 1 i/2 2 290 385 575 655 255 190 3 325 430 650 735 290 215 /2 16 Gage 1 2 160 210 315 360 140 105 3 180 235 355 405 160 120 • Odd ( " x 0.148' 11/2 '9/3z 2 320 425 640 730 285 215 3 360 480 720 820 320 240 13/4 16 Gage 1 2 175 235 350 400 155 115 3 1 200 265 395 450 175 1 130 continued TABLE 2306.3 ALLOWABLE SHEAR (POUNDS PER FOOT) FOR WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL SHEAR WALLS WITH FRAMING OF DOUGLAS FIR -LARCH OR SOUTHERN PINE° FOR WIND OR SEISMIC LOADINGb h,IJ,kM For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 -pound per foot = 14.5930 N/m. a. For framing of other species: (1) Find specific gravity for species of lumber in AF&PA NDS. (2) For staples find shear value from table above for Structural I panels (regardless of actual grade) and multiply value by 0.82 for species with specific gravity of 0.42 or greater, or 0:65 for all other species. (3) For nails find shear value from table above for nail size for actual grade and multiply value by the following adjustment factor: --�Specffic-Gravity Adj��tment Factor = [1-(0.5 - SG)], where SG = Specific Gravity of the flaming lumber. This adjustment factor shall not be greater than 1. h Panel edgeswback� wJ h 2 -inch nominal or wider flaming. Install panels either horizontally or vertically. Space fasteners maximum 6 inches on center along intermediate framing members for % inch and'/16 inch panels installed on Vwdkspaaced 24 inches on centre For other conditions and panel thickness, space fasteners maximum 12 inches on center on intermediate supports. c. 3/A ncpettnclmelss or siding with a spanrating of 16 inches on center is the minimum recommended where applied directly to framing as exterior siding. For grooved panel siding, the nominal panel thickness is'_h� tluckness_of thud panel measured at the point of nailing. Alloway g s ear�t�alm es are permitted to be increased to values shown for `/3i inch sheathing with same nailing provided (a) studs are.spaced a maximum of 16 inches on center, or (b) panels are applied with long eil_J1UL ' F:NJ��ILL ®. F _ gRt a joining panel edges shall be 3 inches nominal or wider, and nails at -all panel edges shall be staggered where panel edge nailing is specified at 2 inches on center or less. I �L ��� �• f. Framing -at adjo�ning anel edges shall be 3 inches nominal or wider, and nails at all panel edges shall be staggered where both of the following conditions are met: (1) 10d (3"x 0.148) nails having penetration into _ ng f moretthan 1'/2 inches and (2) panel edge nailing is specified at 3 inches on center or less. al-9_zgpgply�l& Ov peer plywood. Thickness at point of fastening on panel edges governs shear values. erepaneare�ap 'ed on both faces of a wall and nail spacing is less than 6 inches o.c. on either side, panel joints shall be offset to fall on different framing members. Or framing shall be 3 -inch nominal or thicker tijoinitng panel -e es and nails at all panel edges shall be staggered. -�, a ti It -< .g" gory g Po I� g g g g g Pan single i. Ia Seismic Desr o D, E or F, where shear design values exceed 350 ands r linear foot all framing members receiving edge nailing from abutting els shall not be less than a sin a 3 -inch nominal rel F'. i rail memml:68r Wo 2 -mc nominal members fastened together in accordance with Section 2306.1 to transfer the design shear value between framing members. Wood structural panel joint and sill plate nailing shall be staggered allfrahl panel ledges. See Sections and of AF&_PA SDPWS for sill plate size and anchorage requirements. j. Galvanized Aps s�ggilbe hot dipped or tumbled. k. Staples shall•have•a rinitnimum crown width of 2/16 inch and shall be installed with their.crowns parallel to the long dimension of the framing members. 'l: grshear=loa&of-normal or permanent load duration as defined by the AF&PA NDS, the values in the table above shall be multiplied by 0.63 or 0.56, respectively. r m. [DSA/SS, DSA/SS-CC and OSHPD 1, 2 & 4] Refer to Section 2305.1.3, which requires any woodstructural panel sheathing used for diaphragms and shear walls that are part of the'seismic force -resisting system to be applied directly to framing members. 1 PANELS APPLIED DIRECT TO FRAMING PANELS APPLIED OVER'/,' OR '/,-GYPSUM SHEATHING" Fastener spacing at panel edges (Inches) Fastener spsoing at panel edges (Inches) MINIMUM FASTENER 4 3 2' MINIMUM NOMINAL PANEL PENETRATION IN NAIL (common or galvanized tax) NAIL (common or galvanlxsd box) PANEL GRADE THICKNESS (Inch) FRAMING (inches) or staple size S. 4;' 3 2e or staple elze' 4 1 3/ 8d (2'/," x 0.131" common, - 360° 460° 610° I Od (3" x 0.148" common, 290 430 550' 730 3/ 8 2'/,' x 0 .113" alvanized box 3" x 0.128" galvanized box) 8 ® 1 1'/ 16 Gage 155; 235 315 400 2 16 Gage 155 233 310 400 13/ 8d (2'/2" x 0.131" common' 255°: 3954 505° 670° 0dm (3m x 0 148' common, 280 430 550' 730 7/ a ox)- 21/2" x 0.113" galvanized box)- 3 x box) Stract ura 1 Structural 16 1 11/2 16 Gage 170;: ..'.'266'* .. 345 440 2 16 Gage 155 235 310 400 ing sommomEmEm13/ 8d (21/2" x 0.131" common, 280 " 430: 550 730 IW (3" x 0.148" common, 28(1 430 550' 730 a 21/2 x 0.113" galvanized box) 3 x 0.1218" galvanized box) 1 . 0/2 16 Gage 185: 280 375 475 2 16 Gage 155 235 300 400 15/32 11/2 1 Od (3" x 0.148" common, 340 510 6651 870 1 O (3" x 0.148" common, _ _ _ _ 3" x 0.128" galvanized box) 3" x 0.128" galvanized box) 11/ ° 6d (2" x 0.113" common 180 270 350 450 8d (21/2" x 0.131" comon, 21/,' mx 0.113" box) 180 270 350 450 s/16' or 1/4c 2" x 0.099" galvanized box) galvanized Sheathing, plywood siding' 1 11/2 16 Gage 145 220 295 375 2 16 Gage lie 165 220 285 except Group 5 Species s/16° 11/4 6d (2" x 0.099) 140 210. _ 275 360 lid (2'/z" x 0.113'0 140 210 275 360 3/8` 13/8 8d (2'/Z x 0.113'0 160 240. 310 410 10d (3" x 0.128) 160 240 310' 410 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 -pound per foot = 14.5930 N/m. a. For framing of other species: (1) Find specific gravity for species of lumber in AF&PA NDS. (2) For staples find shear value from table above for Structural I panels (regardless of actual grade) and multiply value by 0.82 for species with specific gravity of 0.42 or greater, or 0:65 for all other species. (3) For nails find shear value from table above for nail size for actual grade and multiply value by the following adjustment factor: --�Specffic-Gravity Adj��tment Factor = [1-(0.5 - SG)], where SG = Specific Gravity of the flaming lumber. This adjustment factor shall not be greater than 1. h Panel edgeswback� wJ h 2 -inch nominal or wider flaming. Install panels either horizontally or vertically. Space fasteners maximum 6 inches on center along intermediate framing members for % inch and'/16 inch panels installed on Vwdkspaaced 24 inches on centre For other conditions and panel thickness, space fasteners maximum 12 inches on center on intermediate supports. c. 3/A ncpettnclmelss or siding with a spanrating of 16 inches on center is the minimum recommended where applied directly to framing as exterior siding. For grooved panel siding, the nominal panel thickness is'_h� tluckness_of thud panel measured at the point of nailing. Alloway g s ear�t�alm es are permitted to be increased to values shown for `/3i inch sheathing with same nailing provided (a) studs are.spaced a maximum of 16 inches on center, or (b) panels are applied with long eil_J1UL ' F:NJ��ILL ®. F _ gRt a joining panel edges shall be 3 inches nominal or wider, and nails at -all panel edges shall be staggered where panel edge nailing is specified at 2 inches on center or less. I �L ��� �• f. Framing -at adjo�ning anel edges shall be 3 inches nominal or wider, and nails at all panel edges shall be staggered where both of the following conditions are met: (1) 10d (3"x 0.148) nails having penetration into _ ng f moretthan 1'/2 inches and (2) panel edge nailing is specified at 3 inches on center or less. al-9_zgpgply�l& Ov peer plywood. Thickness at point of fastening on panel edges governs shear values. erepaneare�ap 'ed on both faces of a wall and nail spacing is less than 6 inches o.c. on either side, panel joints shall be offset to fall on different framing members. Or framing shall be 3 -inch nominal or thicker tijoinitng panel -e es and nails at all panel edges shall be staggered. -�, a ti It -< .g" gory g Po I� g g g g g Pan single i. Ia Seismic Desr o D, E or F, where shear design values exceed 350 ands r linear foot all framing members receiving edge nailing from abutting els shall not be less than a sin a 3 -inch nominal rel F'. i rail memml:68r Wo 2 -mc nominal members fastened together in accordance with Section 2306.1 to transfer the design shear value between framing members. Wood structural panel joint and sill plate nailing shall be staggered allfrahl panel ledges. See Sections and of AF&_PA SDPWS for sill plate size and anchorage requirements. j. Galvanized Aps s�ggilbe hot dipped or tumbled. k. Staples shall•have•a rinitnimum crown width of 2/16 inch and shall be installed with their.crowns parallel to the long dimension of the framing members. 'l: grshear=loa&of-normal or permanent load duration as defined by the AF&PA NDS, the values in the table above shall be multiplied by 0.63 or 0.56, respectively. r m. [DSA/SS, DSA/SS-CC and OSHPD 1, 2 & 4] Refer to Section 2305.1.3, which requires any woodstructural panel sheathing used for diaphragms and shear walls that are part of the'seismic force -resisting system to be applied directly to framing members. 1 J, Timm oes after a sakition for resisting tension loads that is fastened with nails. The eatlre be of tension ties has been tested and evaluated to the requirements of ACM The HTT4 and HTT5 are the latest generation of tension ties. They feature an ottltiliae0 naft Patten which results in better performance with less deflection. Desitil to meet new code standards, the HTT4 and HTT5 offer higher loads than dew predecessors The LTT19 LigM Tension Tie is designed for 2x joists or purlins and the LTT208 is for nand- or bob --on applications. The 3' nail spacing makes the LTT20B suitable for wood Hoists with 10dxl'A. The LTT131 is designed for wood chord open web truss atfaetinents to concrete or masonry walls and may also be installed vertically on a in* inun n2x6ShA MIQEFUL• See table F#rtitk Gallranaed. May be ordered HDG; contact Simpson Strong -Tie. Df8TAl1/QiON: • Use all specified fasteners. See General Notes. • For use in vertical and horizontal applications. • To tie multiple 2x members together, the Designer must determine the fasteners For tension ties, per ASTM test standards, required to join members without splitting anchor bolt nut should be finger -tight plus the rand. 'h to 1/2 tum with a hand wrench, with • The Designer shall specify anchor bolt consideration given to possible future type, length and embedment. See SB and wood shrinkage. Care should be taken SSTB anchor bolts on pages 36-40. to not over -torque the nut Impact CODES: See page 20 for Code Reference Key Chart. wrenches should not be used. i a Load Vander not required LTT208" LTT131 (LTT19 similar) 2a�g 136' IM5 (HTT4 similar) U.S. Paten15,467,570 Theseproducts are available with additional corrosion protection. Additional products on , These products are approved for installation with the Stroup -Dore SD Structural - this page may also be available with this option, check with Simpson Strong -Tie for details. Connector screw. See page 30 for the correct substitution and SD screw size. Model No. Material (Ga) Dimensions Sam Thick- nett Fasteners Allowable Tension Loads (160) Deflection at Highest Anchor Bolts Fasteners OF/SP SPF/HF Allowable Load. Code Ref. Strap Plate W L ¢ LTT19' 16 3 13/ 191/8 1% 66e '6,%or3: 8-10dx11h 1310 1125 0.180 8-10d 1340 1150 0.157 M20B3 12 3 2M6 191/4 1'h Vie '6,%or'6 10-10dx1'h 1355 1165 0.195 P9. F4 10-10d 1500 1290 0.185 20W Bblt 1625 1400 0.183 LTT1316 18 3 3'/ 1% '/ 1h31 18-1Odx1'6 1350 1160 0.193 HTT4 11 — 2'h 12% 1% '/.,e sh —i-8-1dkli ;i 3610 3105 0.086 ,104-Jdz2•'W 4235 3640 0.123 01W IMMOMMMMM xTr 3830 .0.112 .itMT 160 HTT5 11 — 216 16 13/a '6e vee 26-1Odx1'6 4350 3740 0.120 L19, IP2, F4 26-10d 4670 4015 0.116 26-16dx2'fi 50906 4375 0.135 HTT5KT' 11 16 2'6 1 16 1'/a /i6 '/a 1 26-SD§lOx2'h 5445 5360 0.103 160 1. Allowable loads have been Increased for wind or earthquake with no further Increase allowed. Reduce where other loads govern, 2. Post design by Specifier. Tabulated loads are based on minimum 34%* post (in 31.4' wall). Post may consist of mutdple members provided they are connected Independently of the holdown fasteners. See pages 210-211 for common post allowable loads. 3.A standard tut washer is required under anchor nut for LTT19 and LTT208 when using IN or 34' anchor bolts. No additional washer is required when using a 3'1 anchor bolt. 4. Deflection at Highest Allowable Tension Load includes fastener slip holdown deformation, and anchor bolt elongation for holdowns installed up to 4'h' above top of concrete. HT74 and HTT5 may be installed raised up to 18' above top of concrete with no load reduction provided that additional elongation of the anchor rod is accounted for. 5.11 the base of the LTT131 is installed flush with a concrete or masonrywall, the allowable load Is 2285 lbs. 6. Allowable tension load for H175 with a bearing plate washer 8P518-2 (sold separately) 3' installed in the seat of the holdown is 5295 Min. for OF/SP and 4555 for SPF/HF. Preservallive- 7. HTT5KT is sold as a kit with the holdown, BP% -2 fteatiad bearing plate washer and 26 -SD 810x2'/: screws. baffier-mvcl g;:.; u 8. Structural composite lumber columns have �' sides that show either the wide face or the B `l edges ofthe lumber strands/venliers. Values In -the tables reflect Installation -into the wlde y .F face..Seetechnicahbulletin T SCLCOLUMN for values on the narrow face (edge) (see 41 page page 215 for details). 9. HTT4 with SO810x1'/2 screws achieves full load orry�a_single 2x6 stud or joist. 10. FUTENER8:10dx1'4 = 0.148 dia. x 1'h' long, 104 =0.148' dia. x'3' long, 16dx2'h - 0.162' dice, x 2'h' Iona, Vertical HTT4 Ho SD 810x1'6 = 0.161' dia. x 1'/i . In2allatinn Hanger not shorn for clarity 0 0 40 0 0 53 =10'-0" " h1� s -o• 13 \w a' -o• 6X AM S-3 6X BEAM CONT. I I I I co 4p I I I 11 �4p I I I I I' I I I I I I I I \vim I I I I I I I I I 118 I I I I –3 1 \� 5_3 �I L- 1 —1.—o r- ,-- --, -- -- --- ------ —, .0 Ln � I 9 -10• I I I I 6 Q I� I I uj 4 BE M I coI AM I 6X BEI 16 I i i I 17 I I I f I I I S -3I �S-3 F 7 I '� • II I I I I 6X BE M 1 I 1 — I 15 (t7Ak I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 OF LA QUINTA r t3UILb4llQAXAFETY DEPT. r~- . APPS FOR CONS UCTION } al DATE • � f Project WHEELER page Denise Poeltler, PE 2 2i Location: B-1 I The Flying Buttress / Roof Beam 77725 Enfield Lane #130 [2010 California Building Code(2005 NDS)] Palm Desert, CA 92211 5.5 IN x 5.5 IN x 3.0 FT #1 - Douglas -Fir -Larch - Dry Use StruCalc Version 5/6/2013 4.4823 PM Section Adequate By: 433.7% Controlling Factor. Shear DEFLECTIONS Center Y Live Load 0.00 IN UMAX Dead Load 0.00 in Total Load 0.01 IN U6254 Live Load Deflection Criteria: L/360 Total Load Deflection Criteria: U240 REACTIONS B B 578 Live Load 233 Ib 233 Ib ,Dead Load 346' Ib 346 Ib ROOF LOADING Total Load 578 Ib 578 Ib Side One: Bearing Length '0.17 in 0.17 in BEAM DATA LL = 20 Span Length 3 ft , Roof Dead Load: DL= Unbraced Length -Top 0 It psf Tributary Width: Unbraced Length -Bottom 0 ft 7.8 It Roof Pitch 4 :12 Roof Duration Factor 0.9 Roof Live Load: LL = 20 psf, Roof Dead Load: MATERIAL PROPERTIES #1 - Douglas -Fir -Larch 0 psf Base Values Adousted Bending Stress: Fb = 1200 psi Fb' = 1080 psi Cd=0.90 CF=1.00 ptf Shear Stress: Fv = 170 psi Fv' = 153 psi Cd=0.90 LENGTHS AND LOADS Modulus of Elasticity: E = 1600 ksi E'= 1600 ksi Min. Mod. of Elasticity: E_min = 580 ksi E_min' = 580 ksi Comp. -L to Grain: Fc -1= 625 psi Fc -1' = 625 psi Controlling Moment: 434 ft -Ib wL = .155 1.5 ft from left support Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adj = 230 Created by combining all dead and live loads. wT = Controlling Shear: 578 lb plf At support. Created by combining all dead and live loads. Comparisons with required sections: Read Provided Section Modulus: 4.82 in3 27.73 in3 Area (Shear): 5.67 in2 30.25 in2 Moment of Inertia (deflection): 2.93 in4 76.26 in4 Moment: 434 ft4b 2496 ft -Ib Shear: 578 Ib 3086 Ib LOADING DIAGRAM Y 3n 57e) 578 ROOF LOADING Side One: Roof Live Load: LL = 20 psf Roof Dead Load: DL= 23 psf Tributary Width: TW = 7.8 It Side Two: Roof Live Load: LL = 20 psf, Roof Dead Load: DL= 0 psf Tributary Width: TW = 0 ft Wall Load: WALL = 36 ptf Non -Snow Roof Loaded Area: RLA = 6 ptf SLOPE/PITCH ADJUSTED LENGTHS AND LOADS Adjusted Beam Length: Ladj = 3 ft Beam Self Weight: BSW = 7 plf Beam Uniform Live Load: wL = .155 plf Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adj = 230 plf Total Uniform Load:', wT = 385 plf CITY ®F LA QUINTA DEPT. BUILDING & SAFETY APpFl® FOR CONST UCTION t DATE SLAB Y CITY ®F LA QUINTA DEPT. BUILDING & SAFETY APpFl® FOR CONST UCTION t DATE SLAB ' Project WHEELER - j ` � Denise Poeltler, PE r 3 Location: B-2 ;I The Flying Buttress Roof Beam 1' 77725 Enfield Lane #130 w Of [2010 Catifomia Building Code(2005 NDS)] Palm Desert, CA 92211 5.5 IN x 7.5 IN x 7.0 FT #1 - Douglas -Fir -larch - Dry Use StruCalc Version ' 5/6/2013 4:48:23 PM LOADING DIAGRAM 9 Secbon Adequate By. 62.89,6 , At support. Controlling Factor. Moment A ft 711- DEFLECTIONS Center I co Live Load 0.03 IN 02532 Read Provided Dead Load 0.05 in 31.66 in3 51.56 in3 ROOF LOADING Total Load ' 0.08 IN U1034 15.96 in2 44.88 in4 41.25 in2 193.36 in4 Live Load Deflection Criteria: U360 Total Load Deflection Criteria: U240 ` REACTIONS A B . 4641 ft -Ib Roof Live Load: ' Live Load 665 Ib, 665 Ib psf Roof Dead Load: DL = Dead Load 963 Ib 963 Ib psf Tributary Width: Total Load 1628 Ib 1628 Ib 9.5 ft Side Two: Bearing Length . 0.47 in 0.47 in ' BEAM DATA 20 psf Roof Dead Load: Span Length 7 ft 0 psf Unbraced Length -Top 0 ft TW = 0 ft Unbraced Length -Bottom 0 ft WALL = 36 1 Roof Pitch 4 :12 0 pif Roof Duration Factor 0.9 ' MATERIAL PROPERTIES #1 - Douglas -Fir -Larch_ SLOPE/PITCH ADJUSTED LENGTHS AND Base Values Adjusted Adjusted Beam Length: Bending Stress:. Fb = 1200 psi Fb' = 1080 psi ' Cd=0.90 CF=1.00 Shear Stress: Fv = 170 psi Fv' = 153 psi 9 Cd=0.90 Beam Uniform Live Load: wL = Modulus of Elasticity: E = 1600 ksi E'= 1600 ksi ' Min. Mod. of Elasticity: E_min = 580 ksi Comp. -L to Grain: Fc -1= 625 psi E_min' = 580 ksi Fc -1' = 625 psi" plf. Controlling Moment: 2850 ft -Ib WT = 465 plf 3.8 ft from left support Created by combining all dead and live loads. Controllin She ar• 16281b LOADING DIAGRAM 9 , At support. A ft 711- Created by combining all dead and live loads. I co Comparisons with required_ sections: Read Provided Section Modulus: 31.66 in3 51.56 in3 ROOF LOADING Area (Shear): Moment of Inertia (deflection): 15.96 in2 44.88 in4 41.25 in2 193.36 in4 Side One: ` 2850 ft -Ib . 4641 ft -Ib Roof Live Load: LL = 20 psf Roof Dead Load: DL = 23 psf Tributary Width: TW = 9.5 ft Side Two: Roof Live Load: LL = 20 psf Roof Dead Load: DL= 0 psf Tributary Width: TW = 0 ft Wall Load: WALL = 36 r plf Non -Snow Roof Loaded Area: RLA = 0 pif SLOPE/PITCH ADJUSTED LENGTHS AND LOADS Adjusted Beam Length: Ladj = 7 ft Beam Self Weight: BSW = 9 plf Beam Uniform Live Load: wL = 190 plf , Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adj = 275 plf. Total Uniform Load: WT = 465 plf I. � . ... I . .. 4 a EATE OF LA QUINTA G & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED C ' --I 4a -- B 9 At support. Created by combining all dead and live loads. Comparisons with required_ sections: Read Provided Section Modulus: 31.66 in3 51.56 in3 ' Area (Shear): Moment of Inertia (deflection): 15.96 in2 44.88 in4 41.25 in2 193.36 in4 Moment: 2850 ft -Ib . 4641 ft -Ib Shear: 1628 Ib 4208 Ib I. � . ... I . .. 4 a EATE OF LA QUINTA G & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED C ' --I 4a -- B ' Project: WHEELER aaee _ :� Denise Poeftler, PE 2� Location: B-3 I The Flying Buttress 201 Roof Beam r :, .^' .. 77725 Enfield Lane #130 of (2010 California Building Code(2005 NDS)] Palm Desert, CA 92211 5.5 IN x 5.5 IN x 2.0 FT 41 - Douglas -Fir -Larch - Dry Use StruCalc Version 5/6/2013 4:48:23 PM LOADING DIAGRAM Section Adequate By: 2254.59/6 �•3 Cillo Df-1.�'I, Controlling Factor. Shear • , . DEFLECTIONS Center Live Load 0.00 IN UMAX " 13� Dead Load 0.00 in ' Total Load 0.00 IN umAX Live Load Deflection Criteria: U360 Total Load Deflection Criteria: U240 Roof Live Load: LL = REACTIONS A B psf Roof Dead Load: ' Live Load 40 Ib 40 Ib psf Tributary Width: TW = Dead Load 91 Ib 91 Ib ft Side Two: Total Load 131 Ib 131 Ib Roof Live Load: Bearing Length 0.04 in 0.04 in '20 psf Roof Dead Load: DL = BEAM DATA Span Length 2 ft psf , Tributary Width: Unbraced Length -Top 0 ft 0 , ft Wall Load: Unbraced Length -Bottom 0 ft 36 plf Non -Snow Roof Loaded Area: RLA = Roof Pitch 4 :12 ' plf SLOPEIPITCH ADJUSTED LENGTHS AND Roof Duration Factor 0.9 LOADS ' MATERIAL PROPERTIES #1 - Douglas -Fir -Larch 2 ft Base Values dLs ed 7 Bending Stress: Fb = 1200 psi Fb' = 1080 psi wL = 40 Cd=0.90 CF=1.00 Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adj = 91 Shear Stress: Fv = 170 psi Fv' = 153 psi WT = 131 plf Cd=0.90 Modulus of Elasticity: E = 1600 ksi E'= 1600 ksi Min. Mod. of Elasticity: E_min= 580 ksi E_min' = 580 ksi ' Comp. -L to Grain: Fc -1= 625 psi Fc -1' = 625 psi Controlling Moment: 66 ft -Ib 1.0 ft from left support ' Created by combining all dead and live loads. t,-.# II'mg Q 1311b LOADING DIAGRAM �•3 Cillo Df-1.�'I, • , . 2 f lb I 13� ROOF LOADING Side One: Roof Live Load: LL = 20 psf Roof Dead Load: DL= 23 psf Tributary Width: TW = 2 ft Side Two: Roof Live Load: LL = '20 psf Roof Dead Load: DL = 0 psf , Tributary Width: TW = 0 , ft Wall Load: WALL = 36 plf Non -Snow Roof Loaded Area: RLA = • 0 plf SLOPEIPITCH ADJUSTED LENGTHS AND LOADS Adjusted Beam Length: Ladj = 2 ft Beam Self Weight: - BSW = 7 plf Beam Uniform Live Load: wL = 40 plf Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adj = 91 plf Total Uniform Load: WT = 131 plf At support. Created by combining all dead and live loads. Comparisons with required sections: Read Provided Section Modulus: 0.73 in3 27.73 in3 ' Area (Shear): 1.28 in2 30.25 int „ Moment of Inertia (deflection): 0.29 in4 76.26 in4 Moment: 66 ft -Ib 2496 ft -Ib Shear: -. 131 Ib 3086 Ib ' wINTA ClTY DEPT. _ BtjILC)INC' & SAFE P�V®N ' FOR CON®� ` . . V1 �►11� QABY / - fii � , •' Project WHEELER Denise Poeftler, PE 2$ • Location: 84 l The Flying Buttress /Lpl Roof Beam 77725 Enfield Lane #130 [2010 Catifomia Building Code(2005 NDS)] Palm Desert, CA 92211 5.5 IN x 5.5 IN x 5.0 FT #1 - Douglas -Fir -Larch -Dry Use StruCalc Version 5/6/2013 4:48:24 PM o" LOADING DIAGRAM Sect►on Adequate By. 509.4 k -4 Cp x (o Controlling Factor. Moment } DEFLECTIONS Center Live Load 0.00 IN UMAX 5ft Dead Load 0.01 in ' Total Load 0.02 IN U3973 328 Live Load Deflection Criteria: L1360 Total Load Deflection Criteria: U240 ' REACTIONS A B Live Load 100 Ib 100 Ib' ROOF LOADING Dead Load 228 Ib 228 Ib Total Load 328 Ib 328 Ib ' Bearing Length 0.10 in 0.10 in Roof Live Load: BEAM DATA 20 psf Span Length 5 ft DL= 23 Unbraced Length -Top 0 ft Tributary Width: TW = 2 Unbraced Length -Bottom 0 ft Side Two: Roof Pitch 4 :12 .Roof Live Load: LL = Roof Duration Factor 0.9 psf Roof Dead Load: MATERIAL PROPERTIES #1 -Douglas-Fir-Larch 0 psf Base Values Adjusted ' 0 Bending Stress: Fb = 1200 psi Fb' = 1080 psi ' Cd=0.90 CF= 1.00 Shear Stress: Fv = 170 psi Fv' = 153 psi Non -Snow Roof Loaded Area: RLA = Cd=0:90 plf " Modulus of Elasticity: E = 1600 ksi E'= 1600 ksi Min. Mod. of Elasticity: E_min = 580 ksi E_min'= 580 ksi LOADS " ' Comp. -L to Grain: Fc -1= 625 psi Fc -1' = 625 psi ft Controlling Moment: 410 ft -Ib BSW = 7 plf 2.5 ft from left support Created by combining all dead_ and live loads. wL = 40 pif Controllin Shear3281b 91 LOADING DIAGRAM -4 Cp x (o t } 5ft 3?,8 328 ROOF LOADING Side One: Roof Live Load: LL = 20 psf Roof Dead Load: r DL= 23 psf Tributary Width: TW = 2 ft Side Two: .Roof Live Load: LL = 20 psf Roof Dead Load: DL= 0 psf Tributary Width: TW = ' 0 ft Wall Load: WALL = 36 plf Non -Snow Roof Loaded Area: RLA = 0 plf SLOPE/PITCH ADJUSTED LENGTHS AND LOADS " Adjusted Beam Length: Ladj = 5 ft Beam Self Weight: BSW = 7 plf Beam Uniform Live Load: wL = 40 pif Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adj = 91 plf Total .Uniform Load: WT = 131 plf g . , At support. Created by combining all dead and live loads. Comparisons with required sections: Read Provided Section Modulus: 4.55 in3 27.73 in3 Area (Shear): 3.21 in2 30.25 int Moment of Inertia (deflection): 4.61 in4 76.26 in4 ` Moment: 410 ft -Ib 2496 ft -Ib j Shear. 328 Ib 3086 Ib f CITY LApEPT & SAFEN s .. •. ! � L ^ +ems - . ' Project WHEELER Denise Poeftler, PE 2.40 01 Location: B-5 ) The Flying Buttress 2 Roof Beam HI 77725 Enfield Lane #130 1 (2010 California Building Code(2005 NDS)j Palm Desert, CA 92211 5.5 IN x 5.5 IN x 3.0 FT #1 - Douglas -Fu -Larch - Dry Use StruCalc Version 5/6/2013 4:48:24 PM LOADING DIAGRAM Section Adequate By: 344.4% 0� .LA QUINTA �I i 1( DEPT. BUILDIN , SAFETY ® x '�'���� FOR CONST UCTION ' BY DATE _� Controlling Factor, Shear -3 fft DEFLECTIONS Cen e Live Load 0.00 IN L/MAX Dead Load 0.00 in Side One: Total Load 0.01 IN U5207 Roof Live Load: Live Load Deflection Criteria: U360 Total Load Deflection Criteria: U240 20 REACTIONS A B Roof Dead Load: DL= 23 ' Live Load 285 Ib 285 Ib TW = 9.5 ft Side Two: Dead Load 409 Ib 409 Ib Roof Live Load: Total Load 694 Ib 694 Ib 20 psf Roof Dead Load: DL= Bearing Length 0.20 in 0.20 in psf Tributary Width: TW = ' BEAM DATA Wall Load: WALL = 36 plf Span Length 3 ft Area: RLA = 0 plf Unbraced Length -Top 0 ft SLOPE/PITCH ADJUSTED Unbraced Length -Bottom 0 ft AND LOADS ' Adjusted, Beam Length: ' Roof Pitch ' 4 :12 ft Beam Self Weight: BSW = , Roof Duration Factor 0.9 plf Beam Uniformlive Load: wL = ' MATERIAL PROPERTIES #1 - Douglas -Fir -Larch Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adj = 273 plf Base Values Adjusted 463 1 Bending Stress: Fb = 1200 psi Fb' = 1080 psi ' Cd=0.90 Shear Stress: Fv = CF=1.00 170 psi Fv' = 153 psi Cd=0:90 ' Modulus of Elasticity: E = 1600 ksi E' _ 1600. ksi ' Min, Mod. of Elasticity: E_min = Comp. -L to Grain: Fc - -L = 580 ksi 625 psi E min' = 580 ksi Fc -1' = 625 psi Controlling Moment: 521 ft -Ib 1.5 ft from left support ' Created by combining all dead and live loads. Controlling Shear: 694 Ib At support. . Created by combining all dead and live loads. Comparisons with required sections: Read Provided Section Modulus: 5.79 in3 27.73 in3 Area (Shear): 6.81 in2 30.25 in2 ' Moment of Inertia (deflection): 3.51 in4 76.26 in4 Moment: 521 ft -Ib 2496 ft -Ib Shear: 694 Ib 3086 Ib LOADING DIAGRAM ` 0� .LA QUINTA �I i 1( DEPT. BUILDIN , SAFETY ® x '�'���� FOR CONST UCTION ' BY DATE _� -3 fft i ROOF LOADING Side One: Roof Live Load: LL = 20 psf Roof Dead Load: DL= 23 'psf Tributary Width: TW = 9.5 ft Side Two: Roof Live Load: LL = 20 psf Roof Dead Load: DL= 0 psf Tributary Width: TW = 0 ft Wall Load: WALL = 36 plf Non -Snow Roof Loaded Area: RLA = 0 plf SLOPE/PITCH ADJUSTED LENGTHS AND LOADS ' Adjusted, Beam Length: Ladj = 3 ft Beam Self Weight: BSW = , 7 plf Beam Uniformlive Load: wL = 190 plf Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adj = 273 plf Total Uniform Load: wT = 463 1 pif ` 0� .LA QUINTA �I i 1( DEPT. BUILDIN , SAFETY ® x '�'���� FOR CONST UCTION ' BY DATE _� ' Project WHEELER 8 -too +X iso Location: B-6 'Roof Beam [2010 California Building Code(2005 NDS)] �� 3.5 IN x 5.5 IN x 3.0 FT Q JrSB 41 - Douglas -Fir -Larch - Dry Use Section Adequate By: 272.6% Controlling Factor. Shear LL = 20 DEFLECTIONS Center Roof Dead Load:. DL= - Live Load 0.00 IN L/MAX • psf Tributary Width: TW = Dead Load 0.00 in t ft Side Two: ' Total Load 0.01 IN U4381 Roof Live Load: Live Load Deflection Criteria: L1360 Total Load Deflection Criteria: L/240 20 REACTIONS A_ B Live Load 225 Ib 225 Ib Roof Dead Load' DL= Dead Load 333 Ib 333 Ib + Tributary Width: Total Load 558 Ib 558 Ib 0 ' Bearing Length 0.26 in 0.26 in WALL = 36 plf BEAM DATA 0 plf Span Length 3 ft LOADS Unbraced Length -Top 0 ft Ladj = 3 ft Unbraced Length -Bottom 0 ft BSW = 4 plf Roof Pitch 4 :12 wL = 150 Roof Duration Factor 0.9 Beam Uniform Dead Load: ' MATERIAL PROPERTIES #1 - Douglas -Fir -Larch plf Total Uniform Load: Base Values Adiusted plf Bending Stress: Fb = 1000 psi • Fb' = 1170 psi Cd --0.90 CF=1.30 Shear Stress: Fv= 180 psi Fv' = 162 psi Cd=0.90 Modulus of Elasticity: E = 1700 ksi E'= 1700 ksi Min. Mod. of Elasticity: E_min = 620 ksi E_min' = 620 ksi ' Comp. -L to Grain: Fc - L = '625 psi Fc - L' = 625 psi ` Controlling Moment: 419 ft -lb ' 1.5 ft from left support Created by combining all dead and live loads. Controlling Shear: -558 Ib At support. ' Created by combining all dead and live loads. - Comparisons with required sections: Read . Provided Section Modulus: 4.29 in3 17.65 in3 ' Area (Shear): 5.17 int Moment of Inertia (deflection): 2.66 in4 19.25 int 48.53 in4 Moment: 419 ft -Ib 1720 ft -Ib Shear: -558 lb 2079 lb ,. Denise Poeftler, PE 2� The Flying Buttress 77725 Enfield Lane #130 Palm Desert,. CA 92211 StruCalc Version 8-0-112.0 5/6/2013 4.4824 PM LOADING DIAGRAM 8 -too +X iso aft �� Q JrSB ROOF LOADING Side One: Roof Live Load: LL = 20 psf Roof Dead Load:. DL= - 23 • psf Tributary Width: TW = 7.5 ft Side Two: Roof Live Load: LL = 20 psf Roof Dead Load' DL= 0 psf Tributary Width: TW = 0 ft Wall Load: WALL = 36 plf Non -Snow Roof Loaded Area: RLA = 0 plf SLOPE/PITCH ADJUSTED LENGTHS AND LOADS Adjusted Beam Length: Ladj = 3 ft Beam Self Weight: , BSW = 4 plf Beam Uniform Live Load: wL = 150 pif Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adj = 222 plf Total Uniform Load: wT = 372 plf ®F INTA C1� 8 SAV DEPT. BUILDING ®\JF_® AP,� TRuGTION FOR CON Y DATE Project WHEELER Denise Poeltler, PE 2� Location: B -7I The Flying Buttress Roof Beam ~� 77725 Enfield Lane #130 + Of (2010 California Building Code(2005 NDS)] Palm Desert, CA 92211' 5.5 IN x 5.5 IN x 3.0 FT #1 : Douglas -Fir -Larch - Dry Use StruCalc Version 5/6/2013 4:48:24 PM 0 • Sedion Adequate By. 679.8 /o 6-7 Co xlo ' Controlling Factor. Shear DEFLECTIONS Center Live Load 0.00 IN L/MAX 39L Dead Load 0.00 in ' Total Load 0.00 IN U9138 LL = 20 Live Load Deflection Criteria: U360 Total Load Deflection Criteria: U240 Roof Dead Load: REACTIONS A B 23 psf Tributary Width: Live Load 150 Ib 150 Ib 5 ft ' Side Two: Dead Load 246 lb 246 Ib Total Load 396 Ib 396 Ib LL = 20 • psf +' ' Bearing Length 0.12 in 0.12 in DL= 0 psf BEAM DATA TW = 0 ft Span Length 3 ft WALL = 36 plf Unbraced Length -Top 0 ft 0 plf SLOPEIPITCH ADJUSTED LENGTHS Unbraced Length -Bottom 0 ft Adjusted Beam Length: Ladj = 3 Roof Pitch 4 :12 Beam Self Weight: BSW = Roof Duration Factor 0.9 plf ' MATERIAL PROPERTIES #1 - Douglas -Fir -Larch 100 plf Base Values Ad sed 164 Bending Stress: Fb = 1200 psi Fb' = 1080 psi WT = Cd=O.90 CF= 1.00 Shear Stress: Fv = 170 psi Fv' = 153 psi Cd=0.'90 Modulus of Elasticity: E = 1600 ksi E'= 1600 ksi Min. Mod. of Elasticity: E min = 580 ksi E_min' = 580 ksi ' Comp. -L to Grain: Fc -1= 625 psi Fc -1' = 625 psi Controlling Moment: 297 ft -Ib 1.5 ft from left support Created by combining all dead and live loads. Controlling Shear: 396 lb At support. ' Created by combining all dead and live loads. Comparisons with required sections: Read Provided Section Modulus: 3.3 in3 27.73 in3 Area (Shear): 3.88 int 30.25 int ' Moment of Inertia (deflection): 2 in4 76.26 in4 Moment: 297 ft -Ib 2496 ft -Ib Shear: 396 lb 3086 lb LOADING DIAGRAM 6-7 Co xlo D%L'' aft 3U0 39L ROOF LOADING Side One: Roof Live Load: LL = 20 psf Roof Dead Load: DL = 23 psf Tributary Width: TW = 5 ft ' Side Two: Roof Live Load: LL = 20 • psf +' ' Roof Dead Load: DL= 0 psf Tributary Width: TW = 0 ft Wall Load: WALL = 36 plf :Non -Snow Roof Loaded Area: RLA = 0 plf SLOPEIPITCH ADJUSTED LENGTHS AND LOADS Adjusted Beam Length: Ladj = 3 ft Beam Self Weight: BSW = 7 plf Beam Uniform Live Load: wL = 100 plf Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adj = 164 plf Total Uniform Load:' WT = 264 plf CITY OF LA QUI IATA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT• APPRQ�ED FOR CONST UCT10N z� l BY DATE I' ' Project WHEELER 3ft Location: B-8 I 93 Roof Beam [2010 California Building Code(2005 NDS)] Al 3.5 IN x 5.5 IN x 3.0 FT #1 - Douglas -Fir -Larch - Dry Use Roof Live Load: LL = Section Adequate By: 977.2% psf ' Controlling Factor. Shear 23 psf Tributary Width: DEFLECTIONS Center 2 ft Side, Two: Live Load 0.00 IN L/MAX Roof Live Load: Dead Load 0.00 in 20 psf Roof Dead Load: Total Load 0.00 IN UMAX 0 psf Tributary Width: Live Load Deflection Criteria: 1_1360 Total Load Deflection Criteria: U240 0 ft REACTIONS A WALL = 36 plf Live Load 60 Ib 60 Ib RLA:= 6 plf Dead Load 133 Ib .. 133 .lb Total Load 193 Ib,, T T93 Ib ' AND LOADS u"t, :Bearing Length 0.09 in 0.09, in Ladj = 3 ft Beam Self Weight: BSW = 4 BEAM DATA Beam Uniform•Live Load: wL = 40 Span Length 3 It Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adj = 89 Unbraced Length -Top 0 ft Total Uniform Load: wT = - 129. Length -Bottom 0 It 'Unbraced Roof Pitch 4 :12 Roof Duration Factor 0.9 MATERIAL PROPERTIES #1 -Douglas-Fir-Larch• ' Base Values A ousted Bending Stress: Fb = 1000 psi Fb' = 1170 psi Cd=0.90 CF=1.30 _ Shear Stress: Fv = 180 psi Fv_. 162 psi Cd=0.90 Modulus of Elasticity: E= 1700 ksi E'= 1700 ksi ..Min..Mod..of Elasticity: :...E—min = '620 ,ksi .: 'E_min' = '620 .ksi 'Comp:1foGrairi: Fc- L= "625:psi . Fc 1 "%625 psi Controlling Moment: 145 ft -Ib 1.5 ft from left support Created by combining all dead. and live loads. Controlling Shear: -193 Ib At support. Created by combining all dead and live loads. ' Comparisons with required sections: Reo'd Provided Section Modulus: 1.48 in3 17.65 in3 Area (Shear): 1.79 in2 19.25 in2 Moment of Inertia (deflection): 0.92 in4 48.53 in4 ' Moment: 145 ft -Ib 1720 ft -Ib Shear:. -193 lb 2079 lb 1 -1 1 page Denise Flying ftler,Butt PE ss �� The Flying Buttress 77725 Enfield Lane #130 of Palm Desert, CA 92211 StruCalc Version 5/6/2013 4:54:30 PM LOADING DIAGRAM � • Fs 9-x � . D F i, 3ft I 93 Al ROOF LOADING Side One: Roof Live Load: LL = 20 psf Roof Dead Load: DL = 23 psf Tributary Width: TW = 2 ft Side, Two: Roof Live Load: LL = 20 psf Roof Dead Load: OL = 0 psf Tributary Width: TW = 0 ft Wall Load: WALL = 36 plf Non -Snow Roof Loaded Area: RLA:= 6 plf SLOPE/PITCH ADJUSTED LENGTHS AND LOADS ,Adjusted Beam Length: Ladj = 3 ft Beam Self Weight: BSW = 4 plf Beam Uniform•Live Load: wL = 40 plf. Beam Uniform Dead Load: wD_adj = 89 .pIf Total Uniform Load: wT = - 129. .pIf , CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONS( -RUCTION DATE [2-11 Ll ,