SFD (9904-187)57161 Medinah 9904-187 LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of :Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force-and'effect'' s' License # Lic. Class"' Exp. Date 741 39 B ` _-. - 01131/;4f pate -;7 •`' %Signature of -Contractor f°' '- - ` OWNER -BUILDER DECLARkION I hereby affirm under penalty of-perjurythat I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees withwages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure isnot intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). () I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under.penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: () I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier Policy No. S'rATE FUND 3)35-X14-f1Tif1 (This.section need not be completed if the permit valuation Is for $100% or less). . ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California; -and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions,of Section 3700 of the Labor Code/ l shall fo)3hwith comply withthose provlslons:~- "`" Date: % Applicant - -• Warning: Failure to secure Workers Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties andcivil fines up to $100,000, in • addition to the cost of compensation, damages,as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees.. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit- subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, an'd-hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. .Signature (Owner/Agent) t' '" "•✓ Date -_.- BUILDING PERMIT FERMT# 1 DATE /yVALUATION LOT.990 87 ,TRACT JOB SITE _ - " - - APN ? - ADDRESS 5.7_1. 1 1R .$ -'-.,.'.•"' 7 ..lO_ . OWNER r CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/ENGINEER MCr_0&t.1C-SE'Ok=P LLC TRANS NEST HOUSING :INC 7_50 B S7' SIT 3140 78-401 F HilGffiVAX 1111 SAN DIEGO CA 92101 LA QUINTA CA 9223 tit;?x:57-x:191 CBL# 4972 USE OF PERMIT •. - r raa - i Nt1.b J l !11 i 1 WI.i13 \.. AFD LOT 5, PLAN :2BV :- PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE 13LRX-K WALLS 6 OR POOL , CUSTOM CO NST KUCTION 2,371,004'W PORCRfP.ATIO 43100 SF A GARAG&CARPORT 600.00 SI. rt 'ESTIMA'f•EdD COST Of CONST :fZUC'f IOIN 2_ 7,;S6 4.4N PEP.Al Z• FEE. SPAIM.A RY ,? CONT 1'RUCT.ION FEE, 101-000-418.'000 PLAN CHECKFa, i01-000-439-315 $861,54 MECH.kVQC'A'L .F fiE 10 f -000-421-400 $98150 g F.LF:C:.1'RICAL'FEF 101-000-420-400 5159.52 x PLUMBING FEE. 141-000419.000. $178.00 STRONG MOTION FEE - RES 101-006-241-000 $21.79 MW,NC1 FkE 101-0004213-000 $'20.00 Y fNFRAS'.Ci2UC 1URE FRE 225-040-11=13-342 E4,7r2 67 ART 1N PUBL1C .PLtkC.iES - RFSM 101-000-255-000 $294.66 Slf;840 Tr1L CONSi•RUCTION,AND PLAN CNEC.K $7,459-15 LESS ME -PAID FEES $0.00 TOTAL PERM f' FEES DUE iNMN1 $7,459.18 RECEIPT DATE BY j y I` DATE FINALED e INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade ,� Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck 6 Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap 4 F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation // Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final POOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROV LS steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Pibg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection &2TEncapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final COMMENTS: Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fbctures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G. F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) INSULATION CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT INSULATION HAS BEEN INSTALLED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CURRENT ENERGY REGULATION, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, TITLE 24, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE BUILDING LOCATED AT: TRACT / PHASE: AUGUSTA® PGA WEST, PHASE 2 'LOT # 25 F SITE,ADDRESS: 57-161 MEDIHAH, LA.QUINT EXTERIOR WALLS• MANUFACTURER: Johns-Manville THICKNESS: 3 5/8" R-VALUE: R-13 ' CEILI GS; BATTS BLOW MANUFACTURER: Johns-Manville THICKNESS: 13" R-VALUE: R-38 GENERALCONTRACTOR: TRANSWEST HOUSING, INC. LICENSE NUMBER: BY: APf S 5+% Q k 2 w I A/ TITLE: 15—,, r n'r2v r.y DATE: 3 Jot 7 140 IN5 LATI N CONTRACTOR: WESTERN INSULATION, INC. LICENSE NUMBER: 481278 BY: ' TITLE: PRODUCrION MANACER DATE: FEBRUARY 11, 2000 02l1a%2000 10:58 9397360018 STEEL T Installation Certificate: Residential KIM-. �-- Uao of this tone Wsetish "mquirwra tits at the Ada+Wattettw Coro til •pdenaL butt w Ih11-11,1M steal M' 151 - t to L 9 04 81to as , �.. PAGE 02 find poat.a� An IntsukWn cartftMs is required to be posted stole bt� etc m E,e b8UW=d *A "W OMS T& *t may be used to most those requirements. Ab appYnOe 1 WW bWm tNhs tit � � the •ftidancy and type of theADQarta a,atiiledRltitltbe Wbefttl'#M#teeppdYlOe cat*Cmdfb" 0ornpUance (CF -M. r* ;on a (ot b equkellM� be prepared e114 ti}pl:.d b/ iftsi PwsOh(!i 0 �► resporssibliby for the appliance InslatVibn. 1, the unders4nod, verity that the squtprnertt Hied In Site on" ebwm MY ttlgfid ws Ib111% arlitlsl Ifraaw and that the equipment meets at access the tequ(retaettls d the Appllautos t�ridatitb. Ib VIOLA I� " tete equipment is equtvalentto or more of lent%antheeq apedld�OerdlbpiedCOA tltoewbn=edm demonstrate compliance with the Energy �ncy S for rt &—;W' -b HVAC SYSTEM Now Htrdronic bailor information Is ordered hon. Otfer hydRmW or awnWrA d IrydF*ft egt,tipattird M bated under Water MoiWng Systema. heating Equip. CEC Candled Actual Otstribudan o mor iiuft LAed Type (tumsar btanut. U&M & Elf type end od= 0"r`tuh M host um atm Wodol Number Air AL o INes CEO Grtifled Coo,tnpp Equip. "'y eek sow ' t=Unit Lanuf. liNra i AckW DloblibWton Dum�tor <ZMid•ney and PIp;Y1�0 hart u et0. Peder Nnn+bre n �Ie1Ye Crag CLJ 4L•1 M --- .14,%. The build design heat lass and design heat gals rota have boort determined tieing ■ n,etltod epen�ed h tiwWon 160(h} of the F.A y tdoncy aro two of the Meta used for equlpmont &W* WW aeW N10M rW= � -0,65 %Greve. - r fg- rMc . Signaa+n Om WAG 3.teorw wr (Co- lilacs)ar GNrtrd CmitUW or *mW WATER HEATING SYSTEMS W■ter Hosting CEC Cortlited Ratsdt Sysum,Type YantA.-Usks i Inputd 1. For smut gas swap• (rated bNmt s 75,000 9w&rL decub r"uw oa and heal ptrtap wow bnUm 1W 6n&V IFa9W r'or targe psa atoragr wnar heaur• (need input 3,75.W* ttarrttr}, lilt listed UVUL R•ooliery atQi*N* and sOrrdw teas. Far Instantaneous pas crater Mews, IN Raad Ir" and Reoowq EM*", For htsunuv soca Weoato wow hestrrs, tW Rafed VVA FAUCM & SHOWER HEADS AN faucets and showsrhoads insWed are Acted in the Commlaicres Dire*q d CGOW Faucets tired S OWNheeAIt. pursuam to Tdle 24, Part 6. Subchapter L Section 111. SIOMMM $&Vie" w%"" 1$a IMN rtwt MM SWNW reelortoo. M.we)oi perterirrrert�.s+.r r-16-00 07:52A TOM. WHITE r r I 1 r.r1., T-lhe'e -DailDe' fnc•* . Lie 732542 1 '{ ` y:.• far I 1 yl a hSt.i ' f .h ;;•.+ilii,:, L P.Ol 5 7 -1161 Vvi A- t Roofing Proposal P.O. Box 277 ThOUS. id Arims, CA 92276 Phone (760) 343-3385 Fax (760) 343-3096 BIDS TO: JOB NAME; TRANS WEST HOUSING, INC P.G.A. WEST HOMES 78-401-F HWY 111 . P.G.A. WEST (PHASE 2-B) LA QUINTA, CA 92253. LA QUINTA, CA 92253 PHONE 771.3363 FAX 771-8077 ' DATE 2.15-00 I°. ,ta't , ; ltrlfil•.i ,w '•,'r ` t ' ;yrs, .. 1*11 r Anll)VL CO. INC, , tr ' r il• {I>t ijI i}i 4 6 , s r + j v 7 ' i:r -t r a`! t y r7'r1. S c 11 - &WAGIN ROOF QoRMER V9= Yyy c) 1y)A %#)y St yyo l `dAf R[j'ry N4 r. . i'}'r {i ' i byK .Y'• ...1 '. ' ' .,,!.' ,. t''tltl 'M C 3 11' 1 • gj ti;. liJ i i t V t t C r SFq fi. ,-ir 1 1 L1 I. { rT !. i !lC` cot's *)iia >f L L'.;1' ?. ir. est y zi I ..i'.t 't. .. '', •:9 ' : u i2T > t 5 • . _ .. .ONJ DEE COMPANY INC. HAS-INSTAL490-ME.ROOF„Q9$MR.VENTS- CORRECTLY, ANG .: . f eguNGINEERS SPEMCAVONS. 3,' FIg... aE t{ -, , E, I, "y ,}I/{f,Y}1• R -. F tvJ ' ' 1. '•.4, r,- • M - +'! . -?. 1}iXl i 4r li ;1 +t , - 7i •I+^ , : tt t .• II•s '-.t, EI, 1 1. - ( q •t r , c 4 i r! 1 ' J k} Ixr`li It.x. , r Sf'\F ,r•tl S • aIte f » t %t” LrFYkt' i$ r • ti ti rt4t} N h I }, , t ..., 1 r i ' r f ^ '-.3 {r • t` +. rt . i. I f , ^ tf ,'y 1 ,,71 1 r R.' ,Y f, t'i + .f, )k•.L , r, ` - `, 4 ', :1: . , . , NOTICE • :., • , . , i i 'undo, an mochamCB: I Ian I,iw fCdldorm Coda of Cavil PtnrMuro 81:uhan 11111 at Req I any oonbador, Bubnnntntptl;r. IOuutur, supplier ntner person tea: hotps to t , • , Improve your Piumity but is not paid mr 144 work of supplies, has a right to entotec d claim against your prowl: ily. This rias" trent. ortoi a noun hearing yn,Er timoo(ty CONI of. gold by a mum amen, raid 1119 Wocseds of the Bala used to Wall, the indshiadn"ee ihi$ van happen "van d ymu hove paid your own n nntam tut In Ns. If me ,. Subeomramcir. Inrwt?f of auppter remajno unpaid and ,f lopal action is nacessety In WIVO u, ardoro" the farm%$ of this contract. thin prltv$antp party shail bre entitled to Itti reaeonool0 idlolney feat plus all (tuna Id Guo and Inluresl shall armia an oil plans, which are dua 30 d0vs ulter bilin At the rat0 at 19 % par enmn%% Tho Danoea Co. Imr. id not reaponuhle tr r nslayll wutwd by W"thW, 11,1210. dnllarBd shortage or delay ,n mAlmwl tyoplied to the Ihh mr to Wit, other delay beyrnvt a$ ventral The DamDN Ca ImC lMmi ttny,hly under this contract or in ftR0t W,G9IG Ilmhsd Soley M Ina v%rounl of this contract w We e fulry•covered by workmen's coMpitipsatlon and pub;lc Ilap111tir InGuranco. Carfior* names and policy,pwmbers ovellable on ^ Any aperet,nn oil juvlation from ha a afmva AWifitadt9us Involvingextra nodal Irudcrial ortabrlr will nn l,y csmuled upon written vrilva for same and wd1 Ir;t ptry . t,fj uxtta eh ►ga rner In" Burn nr, nliw%W In this prnpaael All nlllelr%enb must ba mm" In with' $•1d 1 heead nn 1. "%V W evvess to Wilding In# aLYA kwWng horn ow trurste am based on current Costs M ataildriat and labor. Increases m decreases, will he rMinrrtod at dole of signing contract * ; •' potrne and or outing raonnN njorallons and tree COmptntion or coating. The DSItDon Co Inc, will not be resportatbig or liable for daEnall ca%ysd from anis of God, such AS varlhgYalies, thtlndafltonna, hall or any nihar wevIharcandldons beyond roofers cWtol. ,ta't , ; ltrlfil•.i ,w '•,'r ` t ' ;yrs, .. 1*11 r Anll)VL CO. INC, , tr ' r il• {I>t ijI i}i 4 6 , s r + j v 7 ' i:r -t r a`! t y r7'r1. S c 11 - 07-98.0 09 x.21. 2 FAX N0. 4550212 ' t 5 ti if f a' i, n 'i- C• r T r 4 ^r + rif4 • 7'Y !'R irf.i d. is tibt I P #fi-P.0 Marr gy 1 E h j Y l p t 1 itftd'k "+fjpr t e •"fes*'' .F `•.: ?1y' t•.: .+. {,'t'z.. :•.^,. .+ -. •' ROOF ATTIC -EUNTILATION REQUIREMENTS. r ROOF ATTIC 2,203 SQ. FT. ..OF VENTILATION AREA REQUIRED (1) I8" DIAME7E 4 DORMER VENT +..69 $Q. FT. OF VENTILATION •n , ' %'p p ' ,• 5'de' "i-.. yi i r Yr+ it, °„Y^ r t .?ha t ,«3''_'` .rt: .. t. ,., rl. /' • •. .00.- * 066 PROVIDE A MINIMUM OP1,11 DORMER VENTS. 16jrar f ':.If 4{ 4} 4 r ttH{. Y A.;:, i i.•, 4 "u .)1 13 , . 2. tJ Itl i ROOF ATTIC, ENTILATION REQUIREMENTS < RQOF ATTIC, kREA=,. 2, 572 SQ.FT. 3000 Ii './i /I) a •: +,r't r+ k. '!, t'1 { 1 `yly '': 6 _7... . '. `:.. T r'f r '. t r .• , ;s,fM' •• .57 SQ.FT. OF,VENTIATION AREA •REQUIRED DIAA, .M ,:DOR ERMENT w .69 SQ. FT. OF VENTILATION Al f a •Psi l t .'F T ' :: l°fi} h.; P •+ .. + 1 ..r' : ,: ' f ` + • . J DORMER VENTS. ' ' .68 .f . 2.42 PROVIDE A MINIMUM OFi i' lyari Itityl Iff r ! 'f ki 4C a+ fr .. )dl{xl F'ATtrIC ENTILATIONREQUIREMENTS ROOF ATTIC REAs- 3,013 SQ. FT Ty tt i n' t •t' fa 1f114 1 t r r' 0.04 80. FT. OF.YENTILATION AREA REQUIRED (1) .18?DIAMET DORMER VENT .W SQ. FT. VENTILATION tt£t t•'.,.y r p ,,mFrrar ill + 4'y h i; ,::, • :. .,., , . ., . , ? RMERS 4.56 PROVIDE A MINIMUM 0NVENTS ri r + r4.A..•'s `^ ft lf ' i „IW 1 1 !-.^ { - 1 . - f I . . 1: Iz . 1. z ' "C",Y4'. ja 7r•i kr r I, I•p i f f i, i i rtrri d 7 . f- 11• , t !+ t 't, tif' i 'a4 n itt.1 a , +ik,f ag<, + NS -jo '#i at5 tl ... rpt t:•ey ; '. t' t t. 0 P. 02 t • <i n rt} i. . w r JAN -1.9-00 WED 12: 40 : 2 1Fn y 1 AA I 1 I, 6' Yy I ` +• hip I. , { I - ^. sEr• t P" y 4 1 • I• 4 •+ r. 1 - r , r FAX N01 4550212 Ap, P 4a: ... ;fir. r. a. cv L , , 3 ' t _ Err• L,- r. {-, ,'^ _. ofti.ncatia, . it t R.0 Yp ff " ' u -ta. 1 . ^'* a, ,p city.. br 4Safety•®epartment W1dinr&-'and.'O>F This Certificate iss*uedpursuant,td,lhe.requiremefits, of Sectio' n - .09'of the Uniform Building Code; ? certifying that, at the time of issuane,4this structure -was in compfiqnde with the vadou's'ordinances of theCity,regul F Oting buildin ',co "s&dbtJbn.or.use..,­ or the tb&v'ing., BUILDING ADDRESS: 5T-1 61 MEDINAH. Use Classification: SINGLE FAMILYDWELLING Bldg. Permit No.: -9904-187 Occupancy Group:' R-3 Type of Construction: .VN Land Use Zone: RL Owner of Building: MCCOMIC-SEOI(TOt.11-C Address:, -750-13 STSTE 3140 City:,. fSAN DIEGO CA 92101 By: DANIEL' P.,CRAWFORD JR. Date: 3/.29/2000. Building Ofticial...,-;--i{ POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE