SFD (9904-186)57171 Medinah 9904-186 LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class r Exp. Date. 701039 0.1/31/"201 j,,[)aie Signature of,Contractor 17 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION' I hereby affirm under penalty of -perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or. my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed . contractors -to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of.the following declarations: () I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work.for which this permit is issued. ( 1 have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier. & policy no. are: Carrier Policy No. SPATE I`UN 03'+-98-0001'2M J(This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and -agree that if I should become. 1 subject to the workers'tcompensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor ••v7 Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions Date ' r . 7 Applicant " Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penfies and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensationda -,mages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees: -- IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a 'permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. ; 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of. issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify.that I have read this application and state that the above information is • correct. I agree to comply with all City;`and. State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned prop erty.fy g[ Mpectionpurposes nature (Owner/Agent) `rpt` " " Date — ! - 77 j BUILDING PERMIT PERMT# DATE VALUATION LOT 9Q -2Tti f' TRACT _7i 1` J S2aO,T9.$0 2fs 28410-2 JOB SITtADDRESS ( /1{ RT l3r APN .iI 't I1 IA%I OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / ENGINEER MCCOMIC•S.€OKTOP ILC TRANS WEST HOUSING WC 750 B ST SW, 31.40 78-401 F HIG'WAY 11<1 SAN DIEGO CA 02101 Uk QUIN'iA. CA. 92253 . (619)557-9191 CBL# 4972 I USE OF PERMIT SFD LOT 26, PLAN 3A It PEijOIT DOES NOT INCLU7'3ia ElUPCK'VUAULS OR .POOL CUSTOM C"O` S'.IRUC TI`.ii4' 3101:1.00 V PORC-EYPATIO 325.00 9r GAR kOWCARPORT 600.00. ESTIMATED COST O1 ` CONI fRUCT,1ON PERMIT FEE .SUiV[h1ARV CONSTRUCTION FEE 101-000-418-000 $1,166.00 PLAN HECK FIM 101-000-4391 3113 $957.99 INISCHAINICAL FLY, 101-000-421-000 ' 51`4.00 MgCi°R1CAl; PEE 101.-000-420-000 $174.96 PLUN113114G FEE ! 01.-000-4.19.000 $192.50 5 iRCSNfi Fv1U'1:ION FEE - RI3SDA 101-000-2.41.000 $25.08 ORAOIN0 M 101-000-423-000 IWRASTRUCl'1:1+R13:PIM 225-000443-342 'bS;S1S.Ci4 ART :1 PURLIC PLACES - RESIC 7'0.1-000-255.000 8376.99 SUB-T(J'r.AL CY-)INS'I'RiJCi70'N AND PLAN CHECK LESS KE -PAID TOTAL PERMIT FEES DUE NOW h . ._ ., ,.,".,_. w. ,..,..,...a+... ..- .✓+._:r, .,rc+, ','—.-..r aa+•... ...r:, ... 'F:..-.`,,. . a.-'".- . :^• : '.s✓'• ... .... . . s. BY Fr_ 1// I DATE FINALED INSPECTOR 50,795.41 ' B,SSSoi.6 $0 "V ild, 85.3>6 1b INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans OX to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans 8 Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final BLOCKWALL APPROV S POOLS - SPAS steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final . Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral17 Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Vottage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Ena otice (Perm) COMMENTS: WESTERN INSULATION I. NC. 4211 Latham Street, Riverade, California 92601 Tel. (909) 686-8760 Fax (909) 686-8786 INSULATION CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT INSULATION HAS BEEN INSTALLED IN CONFORMANCE WITH' THE CURRENT ENERGY REGULATION, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, TITLE 24, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE BUILDING LOCATED AT: TRACT / PHASE: AUGUSTA ® PGA WEST, PHASE 2 ` '_LOT #: F 26 ;-SITE ADDRESS: 57.171 MEDIHAH, IAQUINTA, CA? -------------------------------.............. - EXTERIOR WALLS: MANUFACTURER: Johns -Manville THICKNESS: 3 5/8' R -VALUE: R-13 CEILINCS,• BAITS BLOW . -.MANUFACTURER: Johns -Manville THICKNESS: 13" R -VALUE: R-38 { GENERAL CONIRACT-M, TRANSWEST HOUSING, INC. LICENSE NUMBER: BY: -f 2_ (z lr ewi./ 4 TITLE: S%ok ak Q_f_'A PN_ tiq ua DATE: 7 63 INSULATION CONTRACTOR: *WESTERN INSULATION, INC. LICENSE NUMBER: 481278 ' BY: TITLE: . PROD ION MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 11, 2000 - 02/10/2000 10:58 9097360018 STEEL T PAGE 04 Instailation Certificate: Residential 3 CF -6R Use of this form to eauahl the requkwpmva of the Adn"a m*94ade b ot"Mk but tba bdelrta*m deist be pervaded ertd 0"tw- CS -7 — 17 IM r1 ►H 91a 14 - GS (o Sit* Addmaa An installation certAicate is required to bo pealed 91M buildtatq f511 prbt b OW Ww= d tM In Nam the may be used to moot thea* req uiremer b. Al appi mm a WAd Wow =tM a " Ute *Micienay and type of the apgtlance tndabd nma Ike nt aar bOw t M0111 awaisftob mom ' 0 caul of CompU to (CF -1 R). This artkkoe (or lis of tlent) . peepst d std rl n d byjMlt►fbVWW responsibility for the appllarm Insttaltdbn. L the and•mgned, verily that the equlpar W4listed In the GIM" atbM my WW111 tNw hittte ail d Wood and that the equipment moets or axaada nirq the uimmairu d the Acdler101 8hfld8rdL In tho equiprnom is equivalent to or more eMldsm titan the equipment apacRtedOerdl t+e d Coanplanoe ttavbm0ed m demonsttrste compliance -with the Energy 6111dency Sttutdatds for residastW buiidtrtpa. HVAC SYSTEMS Pluto: My4ronip boiler information Is entered hew. OMm hydronk or txxnbined hyds NS Olin RWI Is hated wtdat Wtaer Nesting systaMs. Basting Lqulp. CEC Certified AChW Otatll>bwon Ouotw FteahtgLOW NO Type (furnace, - Yanut. Wakei tolmm THwatnd tlNof *M16 heat oumo. ata.) Yodel Number (ARAL ems) {,ballon R Yalue dine (>Rltt bo CEC Ceritdled Cooling Equip. Compressor that AaWel Olefrtbutlon Dttot or hType (ulr sterid.. YqMan!i Nu er >EMWW EN -M LoY" Wo A& rLo tt It rL Q t The !wilding aqn nese toss and design hest pain rale have been oetonelned Wlnp am -1 ape dfiad in 504ftn 150(h) of the EnarVy ncy St w and are testa of the cMsAa used for equpmem s0itp acidadaadon. ae 5 i -d (- -I • Ill C ' . 4 r►;G Sgnaarn Dar HVAC Suttentwaor (OW florae) Ort WWW Cononaor Of Orme WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Water Neattng CEC Cartilled System Type Yanuf. Yate i Esurnal Tank tttaulaw i. for on" gas storage (rated input s 75,000 eartvj, aaaottio rasiasattoa and hW pias* ttrttarr bsaisra. Oat Eaatpy FaGor. For W" g u storage ureter hwtara (rated hput *75.000 elft ilat pAbd Input Aaoowry N ditW anti ftv46v t=& F*t bttrt 16614,.eua gas visor haetWo. let iisrd {opts acrd iteasvory V601ens/. For Inetenuvwo a ateotrle vrster heaters, Gat RMad kwA FAUCM A SHOWER HEADS Al tsuata and showerheads metaled are fisted is the Commission's Oinow at WOW FWAM arts Showaaheaft pursuant to Title 24. Part S. Subchapter 2. Sactlon 111. 09"Wes Gals Avvir d yrwrT %192 til Wnb r4 SLMOINVIRI r (Cr. Brost W QalAW Ce00`110011F W O+nar �h�eE!7,-16'00 Q7:52A TOM, WHITE 1 -�0 CR (op P.01 is t! S Y �. ly s ty t .. c r •t i, , 5 — � r ` 1� �'1 � .. t• N }}144t {trtlr�. tiL4�r � 'i ` r *'•. VR uF`f +sail rr 0 .�? i +^ r • t� t i t� ;r �'�f l"• i t4 a1n r +' t d r ;llrrk" {�', talk Crl E i.� : i, +•I �"t f ror.. .. > r{ t r; :The st i�aR& R oofing Proposal ."m : J-. y. Inca..r L k 732542 P.O. Box 117 Thous d Pr71/115 CA 91274 I AND CONSTRUCTION Phone (760) 343-3385 Fax (760) 343-3096 , ` BIDS TO J013 NAME; -TRANS. WEST HOUSING, INC P.G.A. WEST HOMES 78.401-F HWY,111 . , p, ' G.A. WEST (PHASE 2•B) t;{ l;p QUINTA. CA 92253 r LA QUINTA. CA 92253 RHONE 771.3363: FAX 771-9077 GATE 2.15-00 ,Jill '";� • t Qh1AGIN RDOF DORMER V�� Z�x h•11 .4 ^�}�t3wT" t.:" ,rr �t S•it I1t ,L7 � Y(f .ry Y"f n - s 7 i t: _ �.. , '• t r it' . S r � .. 4riis isT tiro !` F, i pr tii, r, tlS ' TM"AlUEE COMPANY INC HAS. INSTALUQZO.ROOF•.,QQ ,►,Z.VENT,5 CORRECTLY, AMC PER EYGINEERS SPEWCATJONS y't,t b+nta t ti a+' Aqy yf a �� Si����!' t�,1�Cru � ted �$I k•� � F l y ko T � �, `� ''rf t ! r ^ t: �Y s ' . �Ij•r '1 t,,{Id + U:i .e fr ii n� +}wr, lltMi r ,r,. sty w>r'�lt;vt7 S 1��. 1!.�M r k, +ct a t '� iii 1 + - t' '� lf� •, rt �tf 1' l lY • r ir4a F I.t i t L °T h �e t r±�IR (:t+�� Y�'�ii 'Tin ``I gtit„ + . � t , 1 t �,� � r• , }"{K y, x Iiftla�x �, ?is t ldlrtf , ," , t. , ,r T i i '�' .. - • ', { k , r� w !�. "�t��w"��% err ttti'Ht � � t • ,,� •la NOTICE ;. 'UndOf Qlc AMchanifli 1 ten 1•41w (Ultfumis Code, of Mvil Ptmraluro SvOon 1181 at Rer1 I anv oon4aclor, subatmrnotfu. loDwur, supplier ether perygl lu: helps to r' ,;; ;;• ImprAr" ynur ptowity but is not paid W his work of supplies, ha n right to OntOrce a claim against your ptopoly. This manna inns. MCI II cout ftaaing your p(opefly Midi bu sold by a aa)n n iter stat 1119 poceeda or the sola t,aaa to swtsN the indebtedriass Ihis can happen evan a you hovc paid your ownrnnttu tuf In Ns. If me SubOemraruir. alnenN of suppGe,r nnwnfi unpaid and if legal action is nK*AMIV In 0311vut 9t enforce the worms of this contract. the plMvodnrd party shell bR anldlan to ftt; nu4tano4lu attorney hat plus all cn111s of suit and irnurest shag armta nn oil suns. which are 1114 Je dovs,rftaf billing at the roto at I % par annum The DanDse Co. • Inc. Is not reaponrut+le for nelayu cuuaud by tveOtr, SMO. nittersd shortage, or delay in mat4lrrd supplied to the Inn nr to wly other dslay bevrurt da wntrcl Tne DanON Ce 1ne tobll 114uhty under this contras or In natio laird! Is limited solely to Ina n imint of this contrarl We at fully.eovemd by workman's compeasatlon and pub,lc happity Insurance. Carfi*ftj names and policy,pumbon available on m9httkL Any aue,ratetl rN d9vlaU0f1 rrom he, a mheva spyl7hr;ldtwl5 involving extra Met N Ifllltclial or labor Wrli only Ip, csicculed upon written utdcrt for smile and will ta;(•9nK` . Will charge over Ino turn rrw!ntiened In this propneal All Atli hunnnis must be rtan4 to writhing mod is based no nuc access to building fns difurA kwftg Iron min ' trurxe ,. ` "K Ljs l' •�F f /� "i ,.Eii ?Pnces am based on current coats of malarial and labor. Increases or rlacnaaa, will he rMlnrted at flow of signinil conlrait !:•ri,1 E? ;v`: a" WTd of during roofing efwlrottons and ate Completion of rootlnp. The DanDan Cc Inc, will not be reapntialbb or liable for dab1ag1/ catie,e,d from arae M God, ouch as e,arthgUelso, thtnderefonns, nag Or *try other weather conditions beyond roofers control. DA 11; nosh. R!h {�'t r • �,7 � „_t �• . •.{,c, t, -, (. i :, 4,!.tx, ?;,7 DATF r ih J j �,I,'' 1 lf��,/1�I1I�t���•� �� /I r J+ y�� n f ANI)ItR CO.' INC. Viy, r IRl.� t f �.`n >ryl�ro.1 't. aN 1 r . , •1 �. }N ��5y1At {S Ft ifi t.1 •'ry r � ••• ♦�t, „ti A'Y •'r t .f -�r hr{!i. u f1 `4 r 'firs• y! P 'w, ' ty > t 1 ` �� r t ` , , . 3" ri_' rT .t`f 1, T t tot's. a t •� a i. rjfit ati s"',,u r ••r, t E I rV.iJatc4. r tl. ^•t , r4 S q t" 1 44. a t'tfM �' rc'•i'\�7 k t Y , r 't � 4• t ri .. , Y•.�'k Y w, •1 � ,4, ye, 7.. tt�r, .� 1'i 1.1•`• ... ; •r , '4i. V07-88.0 08:21 2 FAX N0. 4550212 ' N ' , • •LI . 'F' NI { 1 V it R ! • ¢cel 1. tr !! AR •I. JJ }r y rrf; -:fir IpR, (,'t 5 •• yyytai 7" 44}jr r i W,,,P{l Ya 4 xi z {, ' ^ ^1 4 •:;. 1j)? i t r •1 'y I.f ).F✓ iENTILATION. REQUIREMENTS TIC ROOF AT REA• 3,013 SQ -FT - ROOF ATTIC ENTILATION REQUIREMENTS ROOF ATTIC 2.203 $Q. FT. '(1DIAMET . + a >A1r/I yY i.t=.. t`,.'i" , :1i: ..Ir ••' .: ' stit , ,,,, 800 0.1 s' • SQ. FT. OF VENTILATION AREA REQUIRED y :v ' gt ta . .89 5.1. •34 ;•". '': ^;", :' •` *- % (1)18' DIAMETE R DORMER VENT• $0. FT. OF VENTILATION ,A 14 .69 ?.{>,i `j ir•'"Cr '%:' 34hs• ••L i ryy 'Fti; t a.r-ti..^ii ..rw a.M1-- ,.. ,: _ .ee 6.1. 10.05 PROVIDE A MINIMUM OR.11 DORMER VENTS. rta«t' r do r 2. !. iy7t{ • ]i r` t; Jay(t ) rti t>r 7'1 ;d'w,tr d 1tr i?.Z ;,. •'S. r ROOF ATTIC ENTILATION REQUIREMENTS ATTIC, REFI• 2, 572 SQ.FT. ,N 'ROOF ror • i7 r tit ix- rs• •;` 'r •:. C a 'tr" ,. Y : k. ••Y kis T.: ,;,. ' ,,"-3000'w ,"-3000'• .67 SQ.FT. OF VENTIATION AREA REQUIRED F • (1).18" DIAMETE DORMER VENT w .69 S0. FT. OF VENTILATION ' i 4 '°,fi;j 'r ff ; Ja`i YI,!^w 1 `.l•u r "i i ' •',: •. . 1.'T'. {, ,. .. •. , 1; • . " r . ; )' ''' .d8 e.t " • 2.42 PROVIDE'A MINIMUM OF j t1QORMER VENTS. i' 1r' rar# },nyal S} 1. rrs s t°+ (uRr ey 'c .. ' 1t r rt` "(•1i 4rN1: -- rr; ' ' , )r. 1:, `'3',,, ,i .A.. "" . `ROOF ATTIC iENTILATION. REQUIREMENTS TIC ROOF AT REA• 3,013 SQ -FT - Soo 111..; . ' 0.0460. FT. OF VENTILATION AREA REQUIRED '(1DIAMET DORMER VENT 80. FT. VENTILATION a i ),Ir • .69 Sr R ' rel •' + i `' • . •; ' ; r ;, . •I+ y :v ' gt ta . .89 5.1. S6 PROVIDE A MINIMUM ON J., ORMERS VENTS rT9,.} Yi f , a, ,A 14 I P. 02 1 ,- JAN-18.-00.WED 12:41 2 p r1' s i.'.j . r , 5 • t I ■ kA i i 1,.y L• ,g r , i 1 FAX N0. 4550212 P105/05 uwc•. r if rV IC tei C aacn C>uonfat . alt JfLa 1 .} {' 5 _ and _.Safet o>~i *Bididin_.y, Dis n htn, dnts. of Section 109 of the Uniform-Buildiiig Code, This -Certificate issued pursuant.-rde-the' requirements. certifying that, at the, time .'6f,'is§uance,,--thJs structure was in' compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating Puflding,66n_­itructibn, or iise.For 'the 'tbflo, wing. BUILDING ADDRESS57-111 MEDINAH • Use Classification: 'SINGLE FAMIL,YO MELLING .,Bldg..' Permit No.: 9904-186 Occupancy Group: 'R-3 Construction: VN Land Use Zone: RL 4 Owner of Building: MCCOMIC-SEOkT6P LLC Address:. 750 B STSTE 3140 City: SAN -DIEGO CA 92101 By: ..'DANIEL P.. CRAWFORD JR. Date: 3/29/2000 Building Official 'POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE