SFD (9904-185)57181 Medinah 9904-185 LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION "I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that] am licensed under provisions of Ir f` Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and NW 'Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. .=-) c?) License *#tqt 1;W lLiic. Class Exp. Date t n p ;.Q .11)1 V„19 1f31/Vi •o Z'ir-- Iate IE T' Signature of Contractor{—` t. CID e- rI,, C) OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION J ( '• W W. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's U) License Law for the following reason: I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation', will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for _ sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). (.) .1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). O':I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason N Date Signature of Owner O C\1 U. Q WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION Z C) . I hereby affirm• under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: a0 O 'I have and will maintain•a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' X u' = compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the O. Q performance of the work for which this permit is issued. m Q U j . I have and will, maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by ,Q Se? on 3700 of the Labor Code, for.the performance of the work for which this ;'1- permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: .Zarri Policy No. 4 co , • STATE FUND 1135-90-W01336 J (This section need, not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). I certify that in the performance of the work for which this pe`rinit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to.the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if.I should become e subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code,fl shall forthwith comply with those provisions. ` Date: t( C n APPlicant Warning Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000; in addition.to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section.3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a 'permit subject to the conditions' and restrictions set forth on his ap"plication 1 Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at Whose request and for,whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any.permit issued as a result of this applicator agrees to, & shall, indemnity.. &-.hold Harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees:' 2. -Any permit issued as -a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced. within 180 days from date of issuance of such ,permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is Correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to,the building construction, and, hereby authorize representatives of this City, to enter upon the .above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. !.. cti j . r j-ia S' nature (Owner/A ent) T d w' ' -` - - -. Date d `r PERMIT # BUILDINGPERMIT. DATE VALUATION $25U,79i-20 LOT i'=. TRACT 294I1(>-2 / JOB SITE Y I 1 ' AH ADDRESS' APN 761490-1$0 OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / ENGINEER MCCONIIC-SEOKTOP LLC MXNS WEST :HOUS,3ING'fNC 7:508 ST'STE 3140 78-401, F HIGRIVAN i 1 I SAN DIEGO CA 92101 LA. QUINTA CA 92253 (619)_557w9191 ICU# 4972 USE OF PERMIT S[NGL,E FAtv1;1.L•Y UC rt ELI"'INGrBA r. §CK _- QIG 6A. Sim LOQ` 27PLANeft e N CHECK FEE RED Ci D BY 75°`OFOR . M11J ;TIPL E'13.SUAN4TCE OF :SAME PLAN TYPE • :PFMN4IIT DOE.13 NOT INCLUDE WALLS OR POOL G(TSTOM CONSTRUCTION 3,013.00 8r: . PORCH PATIO 325,00 SF Cv.ARAGEICARPORT bDfi.00 SF OST IMATED CONT Ole C NSTRU0f It V 2SU,74S.2lD PERMIT FEE SUMMARY CONSTRUC ON FEES 101,000418-000 $1,16hl.0 PIAN CIE.Cta FRE 101.000-439-318 $39.50 N1E01ANIC IM' FEE - 101-000-4.21-000 $124.00 MECIRICAL :FF.E. 1.01-000.4204)00 t174.96 P111AW13"1 NO b' : I01.-000.419-000 I9 <a4 STRONG MOTION FAX - Rl's.M) 101-000-"_• 41-000 S25,08 GRADING FES 101400423.000 I.t, .ASIRU(_TIJKE.M $5,545.64 ART 1N,Pumac ALACFS - REsm,701-1300-255-000 :3ra:9s r + .. . 11$ SUB -TOTAL CNST1tUCI'ION AND PLAIN CHECP, $7,8611.67 LESS PRE-PAID17,IS $0.00 TOTAL PER1Nij'I' FEES DUENOW S7,866-67 JUN 161999 ^.d F EqE*T 9 %d/ 9 11) i ll.),j BY,. „ ! y I DATE FINALED INSPECTOR /1 INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms 8 Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans OX to Wrap 0 F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath p Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final BLOCKWALL APPROV S POOLS - SPAS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: t Mair -2%16-00 07:52A TOM WHITE , The-DanDee C"q"'9 hwe L is 732542 ROOf/NG AND CONSMUCTIOIV P.01 Roofing Proposal P.O Bo ,%- 177 Thousand P'a/mv, C.A 92276 Phone (760) 343-3385 Fax (76Q)'3,43-.3096 BIDS TO JOE NAME; TRANS WEST HOUSING, INC P.G.A. WEST HOMES 78-401-F HWY 111 P,G.A. WEST (PHASE 2-B) LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 PHONE 771-3363 FAX 771-9077 DATE 2.15-00 SZHASIN R99F DORMER VENA TNED ►_ ®EE COMPANY INC. HAS- INSTAL4CQ 0 . ROOF,.DORA9EIq•• VENTS CORRECTLY, AN PER GINEERS SRECIELCATIONS. NOTICE 'Undo the MechanlAr, I Ian 1. 1w. (i;dldurnia Code of Civil Pn;reA Jrr, $@t;tlon 1181 et Ref) I Arty ow,tiactor, Subirnntnict.)r, ipUuMf. SilppllP.f Qitl@r IINsvil lic helps to improve ynur or umnty but is not paid for ms work or twpplies, has a right to.pmorCr: a claim againet your peovLily. This meal. ttlnl. IROr a (;our hearing your pipppity Mi ad b0 Bold by a mull olli nrut 11v procGeds of the eao imAil to aaU6fy the lndehlednwv; 1 his can happen even It ynu Ivve paid your rvn cnntrnr;t[p In full, If me Subcontractor, 1:1nOnM is supplier remains urpald and :r lopal action is nxwRRary to G)lkwl w enfome the tr.rnlg of this contract. rhe.. p r •rodiup party sha11 ha enlnleri to it,; oUvriey fees plus all MIMS lit 140; wid intilresl shall arnue an all solus. which are Aust 3D do ys after biilrrg at the into• ill 18 y per .nnnum Tho OarlDre Co. Inc, iy not reapenstble tnr r1playu catiscd by weather, sInKf,. inaip.rail shanage or delay In malty of supplied to the 1nh nr lu array other delay hp.yra.i dr control The DanOee Co lilt tohii h:4nhty under"logs contract or in np.glxrtene0 is limited solely in Iho invluni of this Onfram We are fully.yovered by workmen's Compensation and pubile liability litsuranee. Carriarp names and policy numbers avelleble on Any allerahon rn duviarlion from the A above involving extra i'W c)f rn;ttelial or labor will onlyir; iumccuted urnm wnttbn urde's fill same and will ta;r;orrK ein uxtta charge rnrp.r trip. Sura mr• rationed in this prnpnaal All aq;tlurvnis must be mina in wriUling and is tti99ed nil n[;u aS;Ml, to huarfmj hlr di[ccd k+ading from nor frijrKR Pncea arra htraed on current costs of rnafnA*1 and labor. inereasaa or docreases, will hill rafku;tod st time of alyning r ritnict r Orf.vre and or during roaring oprrnlons and the completion of nocifing. The 0e11DAn Co Inc, will not be roapnntcible or liable for paanegn noised from Pian of God, such as earthquakes, thlinderstorms, nail or any n1her weather conditions beyond roofers coni t, ftlf nANl)1;L CO. INC.. DA 1'Ir + 4 j ! DEO -07-98 MON 09.:21 2 FAX NO. 4550212 7 . . j t t , a . PLAN 1: F a ' 9 is ' :. ROOF ATTIC ENTILATION REQUIREMENTS ROOF ATTIC kREA 2,203 SQ. FT. 2203.8.E ' 300a.1 r •34 SQ. FT. OF VENTILATION AREA REQUIRED (1)16° DIAMETEi DORMER VENT- .69 SQ. FT. OF VENTILATION 0.66 PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 11 DORMER VENTS. a PLAN 2: -ROOF ATTIC ENTILATION REQUIREMENTS ROOF ATTIC, kREA= 2, 572 SQ.FT. 300 s.f 1.57 SOFT. OF VENTIA71ON AREA REQUIRED " DIAMETEI DORMER VENT. .69 SQ. FT. OF VENTILATION .69 s:f 2A2 PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF'VENTS. FORMER PLAN^ ,. ROOF ATTIC VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS ROOF ATTIC. kREA- 3,013 SQ.FT. 3013 m.f. 300 8.1. 1, 0,04 $Q. FT. OF VENTILATION AREA REQUIRED (1)18" DIAMETER DORMER VENT • .69 80. FT. VENTILATION 89 s.t. 4.55 PROVIDE A MINIMUM 0 n *RMERS VENTS i S. j 1 it F a ' 9 is ' :. _•aF. 6 , P. 02 l j ' 9 i _.. ' JAN -1 9-00 WED .12: 41 2 ' FM NO. 4550212 *' t R,, 05/0,5 I 1 - - p,ROt,rjr OF FROM HcmeCentersInc PHONE NO. 760+772+3557 Feb. 23 2000 09:38AM Pa OME CE Nc. Gomm 0#100: 11839 6orrento Valley Reed • 6an Diego, Callfomla a2121 , (619) 7954837 • WS -1214 ' FNX (at 9) 755.0801 • Canfraotor l ioenss fi281G73 Orange County: 22343 LA Palma Avenue 9111 • Yonas (.Enda, ftlforNa 92807 Project v (114) 897.1870 • FAX (714) 02-1678 Pelm Desert: 77.692 Country Ctub Dr", SAM 11 • Patrn Desert, Cadifomla 92811 Lot Phase.(Of 9) 772.3555 • FAX (810) 772-3667 1 Las Veprae: 8070 South Arvltle Street, Suite 4_ • Lou Veam, Nevada 98118 Buyer (702) 871.7675 a FAX (102) 871 .7092 6amamordo: 9160 Sunrise Blvd. • Rancho Cordova, California 98742 CASH ORDER © ADD TO LOA_ N ® 9ENCNARQ1- (916)6354M • FAX (918) 636-6132 1ifUIN®OW COVERING ORDER CONDITIONS r H.C•I, to proceed with meemurs Immediately. Homebuyer la'responsible for all maeaure chargee,. Cartcalled orders will be subject to a fifty ($50) dollar processing foo. Additional charges may apply. See terms and conditions statements. ®I Understeand my order Isplaced on (told until home loan approval. Should I cancel after load approval, I am responslNe for any and all coat® incurred with regard to the processing of'my order, (This condition applies to all orders regardloss of deposit or payment plan.) _ I " I would like my order processod as quickiy as possible prier to home loan approval, I understand that should I cnnaol or not L receive home loan approval, I am responsible for any and all coats incurred vAth regard to the processing of my order. (Yhls condition applies to all ordsm that Include a minimum 50% deposit.) If using customer® measurements, N.C.I. wM not be responsible for monsurement accuracy, and H,C.I, will not Install products ordered from these measures. No change orders will be accoptsd regarding installation. Rnal material and hatallatlon charges may very based on actual on site measurements. This to a custom window troatment order. No change orders will be a=pted after recolpt of deposit. 13elame is duo prlor to Installation unless other finanolal arrangements have been made, ' APPROXIMATE DELIVERY TIME SUNDS - 4. S.WEEKS FROM PROCESS DATE as dafined above, SHJTTL"1JS — 10 -12 WEEKS FROM PROCESS DATE as defined above, ' ® 6IMPERiES 9.10 WEEKS FROM PROCESSDATE as defined above. WINDOWS TO BE COVERED IN YOUR HOME INCLUDE; ' G -5; Pf.e-t 0 r ,GLr WINDOW COVERING PAYMENT PLAN SAI.ES•ORDER(S), 8 $ SUBTOTAL _. - - ---- - $ l xf , SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS , MEA.SUR5 CHARGE e, 0 SALES TAX INSTALLATION CHARGES -- _. o CHER CHARGES ' TOTAL SALES PRICE $ 7"' 4 WES'T'ERN INSULA'T'ION8 INC. 4211 Latham Street, Riverside. CaMmia 92001 Tel. (909) 686.8760 Fax (909) 686.8786 INSULATION CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT INSULATION HAS BEEN INSTALLED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CURRENT ENERGY REGULATION, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, TITLE 24, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE BUILDING LOCATED AT: f TRACT) PHASE: AUGUSTA ® PGA WEST, PHASE 2 LOT #: 27j T , SITE ADDRESS: 07ml81MED.I.HAH,-LA QUINTA, 1 . EXTERIAR WALLS- ' MANUFACTURER: Johns -Manville THICKNESS: 3 5/60 R -VALUE: R-13 CEI LIQ 1 V+Si BATTS BLOW MANUFACTURER- Johns -Manville THICKNESS: 13" R -VALUE: R-38 GENERAL. CONTRACTOR: TRA_ NSWEST HOUSING, INC. LICENSE NUMBER: ' TITLE: S n a r ; DATE: 66 INSULATION CONTRACTOR,: WESTERN INSULATION, INC. LICENSE NUMBER: 481278 TITLE: PR ?ION MANAGER DATE: . FEBRUARY 11, 2000 ?0/90'. 9Pa1 >"i 989 606 hal 7 IN-Ir!SNT N -'t0 S=AM ;60 0PM.-TT.-93. 02/10/2000 10:58 9097360018 Installation Certificates: Residential STEEL T PAGE 04 Use of this form to osusry tr,s rM40wnonts el the AdehkhlatNtive Ce+dc to olrtt000t, btll eAs fsrferhsuttart teasel. be "WM04 tori "111.41cl — 3tts Add»asFiRin An instAWicrt carft.We is requWmd to be p*AW ad the btaBOV falba ¢ri0 to vts muwm of *0 tp" "tPML Tw fl alla Notem may be used to meet those requirementz. U a 1 aftft SAWW 400"m—ft the at{itdemy and Mw of the appillaneo Invialed ftttlst bb r9 tubas Wt Mdta GROW COOMW of Compliance (CF -1 R). This todk a (i (orb oquivst srt)a b6 propat*d vWWpod patt at(oi in0 responsibility for the appilanca inatmA lion. I, the and a rs i nod,. verify that the ebqutpntoat! Uated is the I iOQOty at»tre nV algntdttte to tt10 est leo llt/ttiAed wd trial the equipment meats or axceeds the requirmmerta d to AppUance BiQ Atlift In I hiveImd ftthe equipment is equivatont to or more affldeftiVw the equorttent apes An sari of CONOtairm s> ad 10 dert+onstrwo oomp6aics with the Energy lffloiency Stttftdards for to WIdIng8. HVAC SYSTEMS Note: Myotanito boilor irttortntttion is entered here. Omer hydronic or =nbfned hotows equkwm In Well ti war Wwar Heating Systems. Km ing Equip. CEC Caetb{ed ACWW Olmtl trtlon Oticdtxi Hoes Type (furnaw, Manuf. Make Efttdww lypeand sown Otw• host Pump, etc.) nodal Number (A KJ rL afr-I LaeaWn i" alus adm Attli .._— s►.w.►r 3677 CEC Ccrttlled Cooling Equip. Cornprcsoot lino Type (air cand.. Manus. -Make ib L7 A& Cat 3 ¢•t rL a `► ' tt r l.e O r T7ht bulid OV d 349 h moat loss arhd design heat gain rms have been detarmined tsMV a rneUmd sp®dflaol In Sec on t 50(h of the EnwBy ncy st ar and me tubae of the sheds used row aquipmeM eking thrid 30104210n. Ob sr4n ure Darn HVAC SUbertB>6 w (Cat+. ?tarnai ar fiVerrersd Coruraseor er puwror WATER HEA71NG SYSTEMS Ptdttamal NPctcr Hoisting CSC CertMlc1 d PAtttd' Tsnk1 Tank Symam Type Manuf. Make Input NW Capacityyy MWINIOn Worege 989, etc.) tdodol Nurnbor or Otuh) (gallome) L1"tf961 0 1. For sma gas storago (mwd input s 75,0W Gtuftn, a600ulq rtslatanoe and haat pump wise hstiiers, Gd t Aerfr7► Fam. For targe gas storogs wefar hey t we (rsted hput s7S.Wo 81tYlrr}, tilt Relod Ind Aeaeuary Rffielenop and Ghwaby Loss. irar b%WWA snsouo gaa WRtW hs&Wn, Rat P.1dad W"M and Aco®aerp aftidSOW. For Inowntsns®as onoMe vmtw hectors, not PAed 4VA FAUCM A SHOWER HUM Aar faucets and showwhoads installed are h1od ih the Ciommission's Difef tM of t7 IDed Ft AcO ®rid Sh9werlwads, pursuant to T•ttio 24. Pan S. Subchapter 2. Sectlon 111. 1 ;pnm f* Oats. ptu,Rbi p r3 o rsewYtC.e. Nsrno'asl oeasr®tCoc 6PceGrrrsr ra &%4 Asa Janco" 10 91 Certificate of. Occupancy Cit .of La Quinta _ " Safety- Department'' u ld ngand.. This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements, of Section 109 of the Uniform Bui/ding Code, . certifying that, at the time. of issuance, this structure. was in compliance with the various. ordinances .of the City regulating building construction.or use. For the fol%wing: BUILDING ADDRESS: 57-181 MEDINAH Bld Permit No.: 9904-185 Use Clastific tion: SINGLt- FAMILY .DWELLING 9 } Oc600ancy.6r6up: R-3 Type of: Construction: VN Land Use Zone: RL Owner of Building: MCCOMIC-SEOKTOP LLC Address: 750 B ST STE 3140 City: SAN DIEGO, CA., 92101 By: DANIEL P. CRAWFORD .JR. Date: 3/16/2000 Building Official . s0. POST IN A CONSPICUOUS. PLACE