SFD (9904-182)57211 Medinah 9904-182 LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION j, hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that 1, am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals' Code, and my License is in full force and effect. > License '# Lic. Glass .,Exp. Date 701019 I fnir G,?, Signature of Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION by affirm under penalty of perj6ry that I am exempt from the Contractor's' I'her License Law for the following reason: owner -of the property, or my, emPioyees with wages as their sole 6o mpensation, will do.the work, and the structure isnot intended or offered for ale (Sec. 7044, , Business & 'professionals' Code): as owner of the property, am'exclusively contracting with. licensed contractors, toconstruct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). I am exempt under S4ction B&P.C. for this reason Date, 8ibnaiure'.of Owner :VVORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1. hereby affirm .'urider penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ) . I have 'and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, ,As , provided .,for by,Sectidn 3700 of the Labor Code, for the p6jormance of the work for which this permit. is issued.- ) -'I have'and wilfm 'aintain workers' compensation. insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which, this p . eimit. isissued: My kers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: C.aei rri,:Policy NO., S. 035-984001236 A '(Tfiis,section'need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). I certify that in the performance of the work for Which this pirmit is issued, I'shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become' subject to the workers' corirIpensation,iaws of California, and agree that if I should become s u-bJect _ to the workers!-dompensation provisions of Section 3.700 1 of the Labor Code, 1: shall forthwith'cornply with those provisions. Datd" Applicant—(I'-- -S A Learning: Failure to secure Workers' eMpensation coverage is unlawful and shall . subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of com'peris,ation, damages as provided for in Sec'tion 3706 of ihe", Labor Code, interest and attor.ney's'fees.. IM`PORTANT..Ap:pli&aiion is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety subject f6r. a* permit subto the :conditions and restrictions set forth on his application;.. -1.Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at. whose request and for whose benefit work is performed und.e,r. or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this.applicaton agrees to, & shall,. indemnify hold'harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers,,'agents and employees. .2.,,Any_p6rrnit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 18.0 days from date of issuance of such' permit,,or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I pprtify'that, I have read this application 'and 'state that the above informati,on is. correct. I agree tocomply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, arid . hereby authorize representatives. of this City to enter upon, the above --me'n'tioned property for inspection p.urposes. J Signiture'(Own6r/A§ent) Date PERMIT ,I I I BUILDING PERMIT R250,79,5.20 LOT TRACT DATE VALUATIONr3O JOB r ME 1),W'AH 761480-190 ADDRESS ADDRESS T OWNER CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/ENGINEER NICCONUC-SEOUOP'L LC TRAN'S WEST HOUSING NC 750 ST STT' 31:46 ' 7i1-#101 F R 101-INVAY It I SAN DIEGO 'CA 92101 LA QUINTA CA 92253 QUO 4972 USE OF PERMIT NfULTIPLF,ISSUANCE 0, F SANTE PLAN TYPE - PM, 11T DOES NOT INCLUDEDLOCKVVikLLS OR POOL CUVOM COWST RUCrIO14 3101100 SF PORCH/PATIO 3255) SF 0ARAODCARPORT 600,0 SF TINL J) CONT OF CONSTTItUCT ION ESAX F .PERMff. FRESUNSIARY CONSTRUCTION FFM 101-000-418-000S1,168,o0 PLAN CHECK 1FE-8 101-4a0-439-318 $239.50 FFE $124.00 ELECtRICAL-FEE 101-000-420-000 $17,l;.96' PLUMBING FIX,. 101-000419-000 $192.50 smot4G,himm,FEE - Raw 101-000-241-000 GRADING FEE. 10.1-000-423-00.0 $20.00 INFRASTRUCTME FEE 22_5-000443-, 41 $5,545,64 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES - RESM 701-000-255-000 $376.99 -CK CONRUCTION AND PJAN CHI. SUJ3401AL SI 5 $7,866.(7 LESS Pa-PVEIFEES $0.00 PAID, TOTAL PERMIT FELL DUE NOW S7.9".67 JIU.N., 161999 1TV n AEC W "B T Fr BY6 DATE FINALED INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE I INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings / Ducts Slab Grade Steel Return Air Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap F.A.U. Framing /t Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath / Final Final .3 POOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVA S steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footin s Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final COMMENTS: Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) Feb7_is,=00 08:33A TOM WHITE i . 7,11-1; I, o ;y Thi DanBee ' %rnpmlybui. Lic 732542 r . ROOFING AND CONSTRUCTION P.02 Roofing Proposal P.O. Box 177 Thauiaad Pa/ms, CA 92276 Phone (760) 343.3385 Fax (760) 343-3096 BIDS TO: JOB NAME: TRANS WEST HOUSING, INC P.G.A, WEST HOMES 78-401-F HWY 111 P C A WFST (PHASF 2-171) LA OUINTA, _CA 92253 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 PHONE 771-3363 FAX 771-9077 DATE 2.15.00 THE DAN DEE COMPANY INC. HAS INSTALL 60- THE ROOF DORMER VENTS COBRECTLY, PER ENGINEERS SPECIFICATIONS, iIT N „ Undar the Meehan,cti' Liven Law r(:AlCnmiA Coda or nivo PronadurA &W.hon I ie1 At $CQ 1, unv willraclw. subcontractor, !anorer. F inpiiAr othser pe-aArrn itq h Ip; hr rmpmve your nrnparty hill rs not pp10 Lit hie work of suppltr:a. Itd5; a tight to enforce a daim agatnFt your prnparty , t htr, mesons thol. Oltor a Willi, lIuiling your property Weld be sfAd by a court oMeer and the oroceeds of the sale used to Wilily the ,ntfarttpdness I his uon hovoon even if you have paid your own enntractor •r, tna it N. &tkom6ir.!or. ontiror for SUPDl,4r f0ttlitlf's unuold 8110 it !"at outiun is necessary" to collect or enforme the 1pnn:e of lhlc Cbntroet Iho prcvailu+g Wrt'y sh71i ria amiliad to tF ;rusaonable altomey fees plus all costs of suit and Interesr snag! accuse an all sitrmq. whim are ane 3n d:wv unur billing at the rate at id q. per annum Tho Danoee Ca III'. b uut rr WLnhrurn. fur urrbytt cauhntr uy wv.tutn:. ;omit, II Vittf.r till suuuagr. cv hrtyy u, rnincr,dt suDOtleu to the roD or o arty oiner delay ntFyOnn AR Cn11tfn! I nt9 bentfritt Go Inn, lot.11 Itui)titly tatthxr lh:c vont ou; cm r.t rnJphpurtc;u is Iirnilod solaly to the amount of this contrast We am fully ccvered by WIDrkmers's compensation and public liability Ing uranF.e,CArrleri names and policy numbers available on rsq asst. Any allond,ua (M grxvtDUun fruit, Ifle If abuvc 6ec(;I9cattom:nvolving IiI cost of mAlerial N IAhnr w:Ii OMv hit Ask- lRtXi up,xn Writiem orders for same, inn -mil nriftnrnq In Wa enarf1e over the -sual mqnt on.An to tni% nrnpeAgl All ggntRPw1NA fnj, j tip rnigk, in w,ilhrng and is based on free acceAA In hlsldtnrl frit 31trnl iu;atinuttl friml n tn,rwn Priree are bred on current cotta of malerial and latinr, InctnAera nr dionmraxps. will hF, rpnprfpd At ilmn of tioninfl tontrn:rt. eoliro and or during roofing operations and the eompretlon of roofing, Tut DanDno Co Inc, Mil not be responsible or hebte for damage causerl from Kia M Gell, Allth sA 64tehgt,A64A, thin -Lo Otw-te, hull v, ary ulhv, waulher aw:dltivuo tmyund nnrlcro conirnf. DA'11 CIL JAN -19=00 WED 1.2; 38 2 FAX N0. 4550212 b 1' PIAN 1:.. ` ROOF ATTIC VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS ROOF ATTIC AREA m 2,203 SO. FT. ,$ ,a 300 s.f 7.34 SO. FT.. OF VENTILATION AREA REQUIRED (1)18- DIAMETER DORMER VENT .69 SQ. FT. OF VENTILATION .69 s.f. 10.68 PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 11 DORMER VENTS. PLAN 2: } ROOF ATTIC VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS ROOF ATTIC AREA, . , 2, 572 SQ.FT. , 300 54' m 8.57 SOFT. OF VENTIATION AREA REQUIRED (1)1Ir DIAMETER DORMER VENT a ..69 SO. FT. OF VENTILATION 69 S.t 12.42 PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 13 DORMER VENTS. ,F s \ rPLAN43 .. ' ROOF ATTIC -VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS ROOF ATTIC AREA= 3,013 SQ.FT. z . 300 e.f. ' a 10.04 60. Fr. OF VENTILATION AREA REQUIRED (1)18" DIAMETER DORMER VENT s .69 SO. FT. OF VENTILATION fig S.f. 14.55 PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 15 DORMERS VENTS P. 02/05 02/10/2000 19:58 9097360018 STEEL T PAGE 04 Installation Certificate: ResidentialCF-6R 3 _• Use of Into form to sotlaty the nquwgra w of the Ada"atro6eCdo is 90woM6 but aw bdwststtsu tial be }eovtiaal tetra Patoc S'`7 - - I I Y1h En 10-A- Ai 911 - 350 AGO0,48 An (nstaliation carnilo we is required b be posted at SM buiktsnq tttttprbt b ow kwmm d 66 PaIRt . 17th fOtn1 may be used to meet those requiromerb. Al rppfyrloe • 1{itW Wow =1!M a0W — Ina offitaancy and type of the appllar o 4tatabad Inose bb ret to better ellen f ls appM#ttga fapaaiftd t tl►ihe Cefglicaa of Compliarta (CF•I R). This esnikoe (or b agUMk1ord) aW be prepsted wid WFW biI1M p t►h) 0 ow" responsibltity for the appilance instaildion. I. the and srsignod, vor*y that the equipmoto Ided In She co" Wwo ttty aipnt m N Sits NOW at kneeled and that the oqupment moots or axmeds the MQU4 MMU d the AppAerlod 8h11 I df. Ih { hew ttutilsed sttu tho equipment is equivalent to or more o idatttthm the equoment spst:ifled CwMcata of Cplltplirloe WJWOed 10 domonstrsts oompUwca wth the Energy ENloianoy Standards for I-- - tSli) __ --.1. MVAC SYSTEMS Note: Nydronip boilor infonrsibn 1s ontored hose. Cthw hydmrtlo or oomhlnsd hydraMe equomant Is fated WWW Water MeaBng Systems. Heating Equip. CEC Csrttlisd AaWW OWtsbutsw D"w Load Nw Type (furnace, Siilanut. Make i Efficlow ljrpeand PBeftm ow. 60heat pump, ate.) Model Number (AFUIL e 1 ttfon 06 alum ftstdFo (stun? Cas+ f`"Ka► 4 fi Gs?'y b "t% $'i rA/l sd.Z _ JO u w_ r — A it CEC C vi dled Cooling Equip. Compresaw Unit Aww DWAbutdon Diol w hType (tilt cond..Modii.Nuor 8 r n AW CaXi • r 12- a_ s t • It ,-At-p... t The building d sign Haat lass end design host Quin rata have been oetennined tntttq a method spedlsd In Section ISON of the Enwvy rtcy St a and are two of the aftMa used IIx equipment sitting and selowbn. 2- (0-ob Srdw-'-'C• orbs i NC S+4naA+ Dast HVAC Sutlonw&w (Ca. ?fates) w wwsf cAnn=w Oarrtn WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Water Heating CFC Cortified Ralodt Tonk freer Syawm Type Yanuf. Yska i inolltlkW CatwaW Rwwwrtl External Teak For sa" gas storage (rated inputs 75,= GU", daub rwlatanw and haat pump stater k@@WL Ott &"W FWW. For Vrgo p as atongewatar hwwa (terser Y►Ptrt s7tl,(i00 w1 9. list Fisbd Input, iiaooltsny aJfdartar ane lwt+ y Loss. For Inerw0 aftem" pas water haaws. bt Raind ergs stir! Raoeroq fit6dorssil. For Inewfluvw9w summe water heaters,11st fused kwA FAUCETS i SHOWER H1EAOs Ali f sucots and showwhoods !resealed are Gstad ih the C l mlipion's Diracc y of Willad Fwosu and She; a toads. pursuant to Title 24. Part 6. Subchapter 2. Soctlon 111. 6ipnafuv 0 Oar vhakwAvt3uassatr—tri.lirw)ewaft1MslCarrseo wOQwwr 00940a Jrwry . 192 FROM : HonieCentersInc PHONE NO. : 760+772+3557 Feb. 23 2000 09:41AM P7 +1fl HOME CENTERS, INC. Qwneral d Iles;11838 Sorrento Valley Road • San Dlepa, Californla 82121 (of 9) 7513.8337 • 6N•121 4 •FAX (s1 9) 765.o8D1 • Contractor License W91 673 Orange County. 22343 La Palma Avenue 9111 • Yorba Unda, California we87 Project (714) 692.1270 • FAX (714) 692.1578 ; Palm Dread 77.428 Country Club Drive, Sulte H • PAlm Desert, CralNernla 92211 , Lot _ 3 Phase _.., (619) 779 -Mg a FAX (610) 772.3667 a Lau Vegas: t3oro souk Arvllle street, suite a • t.ae Vegas, Nevada 891t8 Buyer T ►S Liao: : 1pSr_,s (}= 871.7075 • FAX (70 871 .?M Sacramento: 3480 Sunrise 9W. • R" Cordova, Calgolnia 95742 CASH ORDER E3 „ADD TO LOAN © BENCHARGE 0 (M6)S35.3399 • FAX (616) 635.6132 WINDOW COVERING ORDER CONDITIONS. H.C.I, to proof*d with -measure immedlatsly. Homebuyer I9 rosponsible for all'maasure charges. Cancelled orders will be subjeot to a fifty ($60) dollar processing too. Additional charges may apply, See terms and oondiNono statements. I understand my order Is placed on hold until home loan approval. Should I cancel after loan approval, I sun responsible for any end all coats Incurred with regard to the procmaing of my order. (This condition applies to all orders regardless of deposit lar payment plan,} j"""`► I would like my order processed as quickly as possible prior to home loan'approval. I understand that should I cancel or not LLJJ receive home ban approval, I am responsible for any and all costa incurred with regard to the processing of my order. (This condition appll®sato all orders that include a minimum 60% deposit.) It suing customom mostauroments, H.C.I. will not be responsible for measurement accuracy, and H.C.I. will not install products ordered from these moasuroo. No change orders wilt be accepted regarding installation: Final material and Installation charges may vary batted on actual on tilts msasurerr*nts. This Is a oustom window treatment order. No change orders will be accepted atter receipt o? deposit, Elelance is due prior to Installation unless other financial arrangements hava boars made, APPROXIMATE DELIVERY TIME 12 ©LINK, • • 4.6 WEEKS FROM PROCESS DATE as defined above. r7 SHU1i016 -- 10.• 13 WEEKS FROM PROCESS DATE as defined above. t I DRAPERIES 8.90 WEEKS FROM PROCESS DATE as defined above. WINDOWS TO BE COVERED IN YOUR HOME INCLUDE: WINDOW COVERING PAYMENT PLAN SALES ORDER(S) N $ N $ SPECIAL WSTRUCTIONS SUBTOTAL MEASURE CHARGE SALES TAX INSTALLATION CHARGES $ Sin $ ;3qw— O'C'HER CHARGES . $ .. TOTAL SALES PRICE $ nCb^Q1T A►Ar%11AIT. ,r 3 .. WESTERN INSULATION, .INC. 4211 Latlutrrx ftvct. Riverside, California 92S01 Tel. (909) 686-8760 Fiat (909) 686-6786 INSULATION CERTIFICATE , THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT INSULATION HAS BEEN INSTALLED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CURRENT ENERGY REGULATION, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, TITLE 24, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE BUILDING LOCATED AT: TRACT / PHASE:. - AUGUSTA 0 PGA WEST, PHASE 2 Lor Vii: 30. -_ SITE ADDRESSc _57-21.1 MEDIHA,H, LA_QUINTA,_CA ------­----------- _--------------------------------------------- MANUFACTURER: ----------------=-----MANUFACTURER: r Johns -Manville THICKNESS: 3 5/8 R -VALUE: R-13 CEILINGS: BATTS BLOW MANUFACTURER: Johns -Manville 'THICKNESS: 13' R -VALUE: R-38 ` .----.....----.................................................... GENERAL CONMCTOR: TRANSWEST HOUSING, INC. LICENSE NUMBER: -701039 BY:Y- TITLE: Q4 Derr , DATE: INSULATION CONTRACTOR: WESTERN INSULATION, INC. LICENSE NUMBER 481278 BY: TITLE: PRODUCTION MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 11, 2000 s o {. .« tiFY..N •- .. ,w^"•.JM`-.f.. w;...+F - `^n*eYfw!f•^ ^^ + . - ......., ,.. w.. -rwwY` .,•M+✓' ..,.. .!_ - 4. _ u ? .Uertificate:.o a ad C o a ity ft wuinta . ZA;_ Building and Safety Depar tment OF F + This Certificate issued pursuant. -to the requirements of Section '09 of the Uniform Building certifying that, at the time of issuance, g Code, this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction or use. For the following: BUILDING ADDRESS: 57-211 MEDINAH Use Classification: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING _ Bldg: Permit No.: 9904-182 Occupancy Group: R-3 Type of Construction: VN Land Use Zone: RL I Owner of Building: MCCOMIC-SEOKTOP LLC Address: 750 B ST STE 3140 City: SAN DIEGO, CA., 92101 1 By: DANIEL P. CRAWFORD JR. Date: 3/7/2000 Building Official 11 POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE