1993 11 09 PC��/y, a/ 9?a 2uton ta
A Regular Meeting to be Held at the
La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, California
November 9, 1993
7:00 P.M.
Beginning Resolution 93-042
Beginning Minute Motion 93-051
CALL TO ORDER - Flag Salute
1. Item ............... CONTINUED - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 93-008 &
Applicant .......... Agustin Martinez (La Quinta Meat Market)
Location ........... Northeast corner of Calle Tampico and Avenida Bermudas
(78-100 Calle Tampico).
Request ............ Approval to remodel and enlarge an existing 1,581 square
foot one story commercial building and a request to vary
from the C-V-N Zoning District Standards (street side yard
setback) and modify the City's Off -Street Parking Code
Action ............. Resolution 93- , Resolution 93-
This is the time set aside for citizens to address the PIanning Commission on matters
relating to City planning and zoning which are not Agenda items. When addressing the
Planning Commission, please state your name and address.
1. Item ............... PLOT PLAN 93-512
Applicant .......... TD Desert Development (Chuck Strother)
Location ........... South side of 48th Avenue east of Washington Street.
Request ............ Approval of preliminary landscaping plans, gated entrance,
and administration building for 48th Avenue.
Action ............. Minute Motion 93-
Approval of the Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of October 26, 1993.
MONDAY, November 8, 1993
4:00 P.M.
All Agenda items.
The Planning Commission took public testimony and conceptually approved the applicant's
architectural design package on the La Quinta Meat Market on October 26, 1993. However,
the Planning Commission instructed staff to evaluate and research the applicant's request to
eliminate cross access between the La Quinta Meat Market site and the existing Circle K
property to the east.
Prescription or Prescriptive Access or Easement Rights
The 1988 book entitled A Guide to Real Estate in California, describes a prescription easement
as "....essentially as one would acquire land by adverse possession, that is by constant use for
a period of five years without protest or recorded notice of consent. This type of easement may
be lost by mere non-use continuing over a five-year period.
Note that the use must be adverse to the owner. If the owner has given permission to use his
land, the essential element of adverse use does not exist, and an easement may not be obtained.
The permissive use cannot ripen into an easement, generally.
PCST.154 1
Legislation prevents the acquiring of an easement by prescription if the owner posts the property
as prescribed. The law states, in effect, that if the land is posted at each entrance, or at
intervals of no more than 200 feet, by a sign stating 'Right to pass over by permission subject
to control of owner, Civic Code 1008,' an easement may not be obtained."
Staff contacted the City Attorney's office and called the Circle K Corporation office in Arizona
to pursue this issue further. On November 3, 1993, we spoke with Robert O. Lincks, with the
Arizona office of Circle K. He stated that their office has researched their files and they could
not find a legal agreement between their store and the abutting subject parcel. However, he
requested that the City retain the common access way because of its historical significance to
their store (see the attached letter).
Staff has spoken with the City Attorney regarding this issue. Ms. Dawn Honeywell has stated
that she does not believe the historical usage of the property could be classified as a
"prescriptive" or entitled access because the original owner of the La Quinta Pharmacy would
have had to object to the use of his property for common access. No information has been
received confirming or disputing these facts. The City Attorney states that the Planning
Commission could approve the applicant's request, and no legal problems would occur, because
the site has legal access to Calle Tampico. The Planning Commission's action would not impact
Circle K's business because their primary site access would not change (i.e., Calle Tampico).
However, Circle K could pursue legal litigation with the applicant if they thought their rights
were being diminished or violated.
If the Planning Commission decides to approve the applicant's request, it will be necessary to
delete Conditions #13 (P3), #41, #42, of the Conditional Use Permit and Conditions #6 and #7
of the Variance.
Public Notice
The letter from Circle K states that the City did not notify their organization of the October 26,
1993, meeting. Public notices are mailed to all property owners within 300 feet of the request.
The notice was mailed to Mr. Raymond M. Fine of Phoenix, Arizona, the owner of the land
Circle K sits on.
Applicant's Response
The applicant has stated that his property title does not contain any requirement for reciprocal
access between his property and Mr. Fine's property, and additional background on this issue
is provided in Mr. Garland's letter of October 29, 1993. In response to Mr. Garland's letter,
staff has pointed out some of the problems with the elimination of the common access and staff
has always said that the City would like to retain the common system because, 1) it is convenient
for business patronage of either site; 2) it is an historical access program; 3) we did not know
all the legal facts of the site; 4) the Engineering Department believes it would be a safer
circulation system; and 5) the C-V-N District discourages staff from recommending elimination
of the existing cross access program.
PCST.154 2
Staff still recommends that the Planning Commission retains the common access program as it
exists as it is consistent with the provisions of the C-V-N Zone District.
Approve Resolution 93- and 93- approving Conditional Use Permit 93-008 and
Variance 93-023 subject to the attached conditions, allowing the La Quinta Meat Market to
enlarge the existing commercial building at 78-100 Calle Tampico and deviate from both the
existing standards of the C-V-N and Off -Street Parking Standards.
1. Letter from Circle K
2. Letter from Mr. Garland
3. Previous staff report
4. Draft Conditions of Approval
'I tsY
11- 4-ZW .!U•U1A.n •LIKLLL n RLiL L31AIL— t-•tul r r fav, r S.T 4.
5 November 4, 1993
Mr. Greg Trousdell
Associate Planner
City of La Quinta
P.O Box 1504
La Quinta, CA 92253
(610) 777-7101
RE: Our store #457 - 78110 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
Dear Mr. Trousdell;
. N O V 0 3 1993
CiT'! OF Lfi. G�livi�.
CM -We We9(lQggUfelE
4bW s 40M greet, P aNx, AZ 8&90
Pursuant to our telephone conversation yesterday, we are advised that the new owner of the adjacent
property is seeking permission to erect a fence or wall between the property we lease and his property.
These two parcels and the patrons who shop there have enjoyed cross access for many, many years.
The use has been open and continuous, and as far as we can determine, for at least 20 years. The
historical use should not be changed unilaterally.
Our store has been very successful and enjoys grocery sales figures in the upper 113 of our 2,800 stores
across the nation. Our sales would suffer severely I our neighbor were allowed to erect such a structure
and we will defend our rights agressively. Undoubtedly, the new owner knew when he purchased the
property of the use.
Therefore, we request that the City not allow any impedance to the cross traffic that has been occurring
at this site and deny any request to do so, We are also checking our files and with our tide company to
determine if there are any written agreements, easements of record, etc. in e)dstence that we are
unaware of.
Incidentally, we were not notified of the October 26th public hearing on this issue and appreciate you
taking the time to contact us. If you have any questions or comments please call me at (602) 437-0600.
For your convenience, our facsimile number is (602) 530-5037. Please keep us informed of the status
of this issue.
ASW. Mgr - D"M &W WNWn DhrbiOPe
cc Cortland 811w Esq.
Twram Huff
ftpr"W 8 Bmba-e Fine Twt
OW. Mgr Z5917
POST OFFICE BOX 52085 • PHOENIX, AZ 85072 • (602) 437-0600
'now I
770 —
October 29, 1993
City of La Quinta
Department Of Planning
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92553
Jerry Herman,
Planning Director
—163 Cathedral Canyon Urive
Cathedral City, CA 92234
'a 1 0 IV
NOV 0 3 1993
La Quinta Meat Market Remodel
C.U.P. 93-008 & Variance 93-023
Public Hearing of the Planning Commission 10/26/93
Dear Mr. Herman:
I feel obligated to write this letter to you, as well as cause
copies of the letter to be sent to Katie Barrows, Chairwoman of the
Planning Commission, and to the City Attorney's Office to respond
to the comments Steve Speer, of the Public Works Department made at
the close of the Public Hearing of our project referenced above.
I believe that at the time we, my client and I, did not have
sufficient time to respond to Steve Speer's concerns nor were we
ever made aware that there might be legal questions regarding our
site plan solution of the subject property, prior to his comments.
In an earlier informal meeting with members of the City's planning
staff (yourself and Greg Trousdell) as well as with Fred Bouma of
the Department of Public Works, no question of a legal nature was
raised. The joint use of the parking was merely termed
"historical". Some mention of providing a two-way access/egress
point was made regarding the driveway at the northwest corner of
our project because some patrons of the Circle-K Store had been
observed actually going on the wrong side of the street on Calle
Tampico in order to enter the store's parking lot. At that time we
felt that this would be forcing us to solve the city's problem
created with the construction of the median island. We still feel
this is the case. We said so then and we categorically say so now
even with the new issue being raised regarding the Circle-K Store's
"prescriptive rights".
Avenida Bermudas was not even extended north of Calle Tampico six
(6) months ago, therefore, there wasn't even a driveway off of it
to access either property. Upon review of Miller & Starr's
"California Real Estate Law Commentary" I find that a "prescriptive
easement" must be in use for a period of five (5) years to even be
considered as a burden to Mr. Martinez's property. In light of
this fact alone, we see no "pres,-,riptive right" established. At
this writing Mr. Martinez is in the process of preparing a
notification to the present owners of the Circle-K Store and the
present land owners (if there is a difference) in writing that he
will be allowing said access across his property until such time as
he commences the renovation work on this property. In this way Mr.
Martinez will retain vested interest in his own property by
allowing access as opposed to access being "hostile and adverse" to
his rights. This notification will also be conspicuously posted at
Mr. Martinez's northwest drive way as soon as possible.
I find it curious and counter productive that this whole issue of
Circle-K's "prescriptive rights" of access across Mr. Martinez's
property was not raised any sooner, and not raised as just that, a
legal issue. In that way we could have been prepared to address it
as a legal question or adjust to it if, in fact, a "prescriptive
easement" had been established and was upholdable.
In conclusion then, my client and I find no grounds for a
"prescriptive right" of access across his property due to the short
span of time involved nor do we believe a "prescriptive right" to
park on Mr. Martinez's property has ever been established. Mr.
Martinez, is talking with the former tenant of his building, was
told the tenant had his parking spaces posted for his patron's use
only and had had that parking restriction enforced regularly.
We look forward to resolving this issue prior to or at the next
meeting of the planning commission and the project moving ahead in
an expeditious manner. As I stated at the meeting of October 26,
1993 my client stands ready to abide by the conditions of approval
and altering his site parking, circulation and access scheme as
developments to the north of his property start to take shape in
like or similar manner to the over-all conceptual site plan that
Greg Trousdell brought to the October 26, 1993 Planning Commission
Si rely,
Charles D. Garland
cc: La Quinta City Attorney
Katie Barrow, Planning Commission Chairwoman
DATE: OCTOBER 26, 1993
The existing vacant building was built in the early 1960's. The building was used by Mr. Louis
Campagna (La Quinta Pharmacy) until recently. The applicant purchased the property in July,
Pro sal
The applicant is proposing to remodel plus add on to an existing one story 1,581 square foot
commercial building on 0.18 acres. The new building is designed to accommodate a new meat
market as well as a small second story office for the owner. The new addition is approximately
930 square feet. The property is presently in the Village Specific Plan area and is governed by
the C-V-N Zone District provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code. The conditional use
permit was required because the meat market is classified as a Group 14 land use in the Village
"North" Zone which defines "small good sales" as retail sales which are carried by customers
and deliveries are by small delivery trucks.
A variance application is being requested to reduce the Avenida Bermudas building side setback
line from 25 feet to 6 feet for the new addition along the frontage of the site. He has also
proposed a variance to have a single driveway entrance on Calle Tampico approximately 56-feet
from Avenida Bermudas, to allow off -site parking arrangements, and to allow minor
architectural projections into the front yard setback.
Surrounding_ Land Uses
Existing vacant building
Existing Circle K store
Date grove
Site Information
The parcel is developed with a one story commercial building. Low voltage utility lines run
along the southerly side of the property. Presently, both streets are paved at this time to allow
two-way traffic movement. Curb, and gutter improvements were recently installed by the City.
Existing Building
New Building
Front (Calle Tampico)
Interior side
Street side
*Note: a variance is requested. The roof overhangs on the building also require a variance
because they are within 3-feet of the property line.
The existing single story building has a flat roof (with parapet) with stucco exterior. A tile
roofed entry exists on Calle Tampico on the south side of the building. The applicant intends
to install a new concrete the roof for the two story addition and a concrete tile covered walkway
and/or covered overhang around the three sides of the existing building. The one and two story
project is reminiscent of the Spanish Revival architectural motif and the materials which are used
appropriate for the Village area (stucco, exposed wood beams, file roofing, etc.). The design
style is appropriate for this area.
Site Plan Chance
The plan is different from the existing site layout because the owner would prefer not to share
his driveway and parking program with he existing Circle K store to the east. Mr. Martinez
proposes a one-way access loop with the entrance at Avenida Bermudas and the exit on Calle
Tampico. In the original submittal, the parking spaces were adjacent to the existing building and
a shared driveway was used between both businesses (see the Design Review Board Report).
PCST.151 2
Mr. Martinez has said that he is opposed to the original design because Circle K customers will
use his designated parking spaces, the convenience store is a 24-hour use, and he will have to
form a binding agreement allowing reciprocal access arrangements with a property owner(s) he
does not know.
New Parking Lot Design
The building has an existing parking lot on the east side of the building with access to the
parking lot from Calle Tampico and Avenida Bermudas. The applicant is proposing to resurface
and reconfigure the parking lot with angled parking on the east side of the property allowing
exiting onto Calle Tampico from Avenida Bermudas. The parking spaces are 9-feet by 18-feet
with a 16-foot (one way) drive aisle. Seven parking spaces are proposed. The parking space
on the north side of the building is for the owner and/or loading.
Design Review Board Action
On September 1, 1993, the Design Review Board examined the initial application designed by
New Age Design and Mr. Charles Garland to remodel the old La Quinta Pharmacy building into
a meat market/convenience store. Since the drawings were determined to be incomplete, the
Board voted to continue the case to October 6, 1993, at the request of Mr. Garland. On
September 27, 1993, staff received the revised submittal.
On October 6, 1993, the Design Review Board conditionally approved the project based on the
applicant's revised exhibits. A copy of the Design Review Board report is attached. The
conditions of the Design Review Board are noted in the attached draft conditions. A copy of
the draft Design Review Board minutes from the meeting are attached. The final vote was 7-0.
The Board felt the remodel request was a good example of what can be done to an existing
building to make it compatible with the Village design standards. The Design Review Board
was not opposed to the Applicant's request to close off the shared access driveway and eliminate
the reciprocal access program.
On October 19, 1993, Staff received copies of the second revision to the project since its initial
presentation to staff and the Design Review Board. The October 19, 1993 plans reflect many
of the features and requirements of the Design Review Board based on their October 6, 1993
meeting. The only items which are not included are the Design Review Board's request to have
additional tree wells in the parking lot, that the rear elevation be upgraded, and that the sidewalk
abutting the building on the west side be eliminated.
PCST.151 3
Access to Calle Tampico
The site currently has direct access to Calle Tampico from a shared driveway with the existing
Circle K facility on the east side of the site. The existing driveway allowed two-way travel to
both properties. The applicant has requested that the City allow the existing driveway to be
divided so that cross -travel from each property can no longer occur. The design allows one-way
travel on Mr. Martinez's property with an exit driveway onto Calle Tampico.
Mr. Martinez has stated that the reason he would like to discontinue the shared driveway is
because of the amount of traffic coming to and from the Circle K business. He is also
concerned about the large gasoline trucks which come to their site and his additional liability
The C-V-N Zoning District has a regulation regarding access to Calle Tampico. The Code
stated "additional access points from Calle Tampico shall be a minimum of 330-feet removed
from the right-of-way line of the intersection of Avenida Bermudas. No additional direct access
points shall be permitted between Avenida Bermudas and Desert Club Drive. Properties in this
block shall take access off an extension of Bermudas or Desert Club at a point no less than 200-
feet north of the Calle Tampico right-of-way line".
A variance would be necessary because the one-way drive would be classified as a new point
of access to the site and the driveway would be moved closer to the intersection of Calle
Tampico and Avenida Bermudas.
One of the main disadvantages of the applicant's request is that it will close off any future
common access from Circle K through this site to Avenida Bermudas. The original specific plan
envisioned cross -access or reciprocal access for the commercial properties without access to
Calle Tampico. Therefore, the applicant's request will negate any future shared access with
either Circle K or the existing Sand Bar Restaurant to the east. However, this access program
might not be as important now that the Calle Tampico median has been installed and these three
existing businesses have been allowed permanent access to Calle Tampico based on their original
Riverside County development approvals.
The Engineering Department has reviewed both site plans of the applicant with and without
shared access to the Circle K property. They have written a condition which requires shared
access (Condition #18) and reconstruction of the Calle Tampico driveway per the August 25,
1993 submittal.
Off -Site Parking
The existing C-V-N Zoning District does not permit off -site parking, however, the Off -Street
Parking Standards were amended in 1991 to permit businesses the advantage to pay cash money
towards the future implementation of a future assessment district or parking improvement district
in the C-V Zoned areas.
PCST.151 4
The expansion of this property will require the applicant to secure or bond for a minimum of
four spaces to account for the new 930 square foot addition. The variance application will assist
the applicant in having off -site parking spaces for his new expansion request.
The applicant has attempted to meet the goals and policies of the adopted Village Specific Plan
by incorporating tile roofing, a varied roof design, vertical columns and arches, and other new
materials which are encouraged or required in the Village Specific Plan. Staff supports the
proposal provided the recommended conditions are imposed.
Approve Resolution 93- and 93- approving Conditional Use Permit 93-008 and
Variance 93-023 allowing the La Quin ta Meat Market to enlarge the existing commercial
building at 78-100 Calle Tampico and deviate from both the existing standards of the C-V-N and
Off -Street Parking Standards.
1. Vicinity Map
2. Design Review :Board Report (October 6, 1993)
3. Design Review Board Minutes of October 6, 1993
4. Agency Comments
5. Draft Resolutions with Conditions of Approval
6. Large plans (Planning Commission only) dated October 19, 1993
7. Large plans (Planning Commission only) dated August 25 & September 27, 1993
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On September 1, 1993 the Design Review Board examined the initial
application designed by New Age Design and Mr. Charles Garland to
remodel the old La Quinta Pharmacy building into a meat
market/convenience store. Since the drawings were determined to be
incomplete, the Board voted to continue the case to October 6, 1993 at
the request of Mr. Garland. On September 27, 1993 staff received the
revised submittal.
The Applicant is proposing to remodel plus add on to an existing one
story 1,581 square foot commercial building on 0.18 acres. The new
building is designed to accommodate a new meat market as well as a
small second story office for the owner. The new addition i;
approximately 930 square feet. The property is presently in the
Village Specific Plan Area and is governed by the C-V-N Zone District
provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code.
A variance application is being requested to reduce the Avenidi
Bermudas building side setback line from 25 feet to 6 feet for the new
addition along the frontage of the site. He has also proposed a
variance to have a handicap parking space on the property line, and to
allow minor architectural projections into the front yard setback.
Surroundina Land Use
Site: Existing vacant building
North: Vacant
South: Vacant
East: Existing Circle K store
West: Date Grove
Site Information
The parcel is developed with a one story commercial building. Low
voltage utility lines run along the southerly side of the property.
Presently, both streets are paved at this time to allow two-way traffic
movement. Curb, and gutter improvements were recently installed by the
Existing Building New Building
Front (Calle Tampico) 10-feet 10-feet *
Interior Side 43-feet 43-feet
Street Side 6-feet 6-feet *
Rear 39-feet 25-feet
* Note: A Variance is requested.
The existing vacant building was built in the early 1960's. The
building was used by Mr. Louis Campagna (La Quinta Pharmacy) until
recently. The Applicant purchased the property in July, 1993.
The existing single story building has a flat roof (with parapet) with
stucco exterior. A tile roofed entry exists on Calle Tampico on the
south side of the building. The Applicant intends to install a new
concrete tile roof for the two story addition and a concrete tile
covered walkway and/or covered overhang around the three sides of the
existing building. The one and two story project is reminiscent of the
Spanish Revival architectural motif and the materials which are used
appropriate for the Village area (stucco, exposed wood beams, tile
roofing, etc.). The design style is appropriate for this area.
Minor Architectural Changes
In the new submittal, the project architect has refined the
architectural drawings and modified some of the past architectural
features. The changes are:
1. The front door entry on Calle Tampico has been moved to the
southeast corner of the building facing the parking lot.
2. The column and eaves of the east, west and south side of the
building have been modified. The eaves are smaller and the
original freestanding columns are attached to the building except
on the south elevation.
3. The architect eliminated the arched parapet on the Calle Tampico
elevation and in its place is a new concrete tile roof structure.
4. The architect has changed the exterior architectural features of
the second story building (e.g. windows, tile, stucco score lines,
DRB10/6/CS -2-
S. A new parkway landscape and hardscape design was submitted.
6. The roofed areas have a 4:12 pitch throughout.
7. The trash enclosure was repositioned on the site abutting the
common easterly property line. The enclosure has a secondary
pedestrian access area.
8.- Texture concrete was added to the Calle Tampico driveway entrance.
9. A new five foot wide planter was added to the east side of the
existing building.
10. The proposed sign has been removed from the roof and relocated
below the arch on the east and south sides of the building. No
specific design on the signs have been submitted.
11. A new four foot high concrete masonry block wall is proposed along
the easterly property line separating this property from th
existing convenience store.
Site Plan Change
A new site plan has been submitted. The plan is different because the
owner would prefer not to share his driveway and parking program with
the existing Circle K store to the east. Mr. Martinez proposes a
one-way access loop with the entrance at Avenida Bermudas and the exit
on Calle Tampico. In the original submittal, the parking spaces were
adjacent to the existing building and a shared driveway was used
between both businesses. Mr. Martinez has said that he is opposed to
the original design because Circle K customers will use his designated
parking spaces, the convenience store is a 24-hour use, and he will
have to form a binding agreement allowing reciprocal access
arrangements with a property owner(s) he does not know. The
Engineering Department is evaluating the new submittal and the!
comments will be presented to the Planning Commission.
New Parking Lot
The building has an existing parking lot on the east side of the
building with access to the parking lot from Calle Tampico and Avenida
Bermudas. The Applicant is proposing to resurface and reconfigure the
parking lot with angled parking on the east side of the property
allowing exiting onto Calle Tampico from Avenida Bermudas. The parking
spaces are 9-feet by 18-feet with a 16-foot (one-way) drive aisle.
Seven parking spaces are proposed. The parking space on the north side
of the building is for the owner and/or loading.
Staff would offer the following comments:
1. Incandescent uplighting should be used for the parkwa
landscaping. The fixtures shall meet the provisions of the City's
Outdoor Lighting Ordinance. The lighting should include glare
control features which will help direct the light to the trunk of
the tree. The lights should be located either on the ground or
eight feet off the ground mounted to the trunk of the tree.
DRB10/6/CS -3-
2. The trash enclosure dimensions should be a minimum size of 8-feet
by 15-feet. Landscaping should be used around the refuse area.
3. The existing building is approximately 6-feet from the westerly
Avenida Bermudas property line. The new addition would extend the
building along this 6-foot building setback line. The second story
which is at the back is also 6-feet from the building setback
line. This proposed setback does not meet the requirements of the
C-V-N Zone District which requires a 25-foot building setback from
any property line in order to reduce the future physical separation
of buildings along the visual impact of the building on the street
and to retain a pedestrian scale. The code does allow exceptions
to this provision on a case -by -case basis if it is found that the
integrity of the Village Specific Plan is being maintained. The
Planning Commission will determine whether the setback variance
will be permitted.
4. The sidewalk on Calle Tampico should be either six to eight feet
wide to allow both pedestrian and bikeway traffic on this primary
arterial street. The sidewalk on Avenida Bermudas should be six
feet wide.
5. The final sign program and landscape plan should be reviewed by the
Design Review Board prior to issuance of a building permit.
6. A street tree program should be incorporated into the project for
both street frontages. The trees should be spaced at 20-feet
intervals. The program could consist of palms or canopy trees.
The developer might examine using Jacaranda, Willow, olive or other
type of tree which is either colorful or feathery in texture.
These types of trees will not block the visibility of the proposed
building structure or hinder building sign identification. All
parking lot trees should include deep well watering systems to
ensure tree growth.
7. All landscaping areas should be irrigated by drip irrigatio
methods where possible and all nuisance water shall be retained
on -site within the landscape areas or by other approved methods
(e.g. drywell).
8. The decorative concrete paving used to accent the driveway entry on
Calle Tampico should be textured concrete and colored to add
attention to this area.
9. All exposed wood beams should be made of rough sawn lumber with
decorative exposed rafter tails. The beams should not be painted
or stuccoed. The roof structure shall not extend into the City's
10. The architectural materials and colors of the building shall be
architecturally compatible (i.e. identical architecture, colors,
and/or materials) with the Village Specific Plan Design Goals.
Cement plaster texture used on building shall be of a decorative
nature and approved by the Planning Department prior to issuance of
a building permit.
DRB10/6/CS -4 -
11. One on -site handicap space shall be required (A.D.A. standards
8-foot ramp plus 8-foot wide parking space).
12. The windows and doors on the first floor level should be single,
small -pane division openings (e.g. French doors, casement opening
windows). The windows and doors should be recessed into the
building not less than six inches. A stuccoed plant -on detail
should be added around these facilities to add character to the
proposal. The frames should be wood, but metal will be allowed if
it is anodized a dark color.
13. All roof mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened by the
decorative stucco parapet per municipal code requirements.
14. Recessed lighting should be used along the covered pedestrian
walkway for security and safety reasons.
15. Decorative lighting should be used on the east side of the buildin<
in the parking lot for patron safety if the facility is to be open
during evening hours. Fixtures shall be approved by the Planning I
Development Department prior to issuance of a building permit.
16. The underside of the pedestrian arcade should be wood planking or
exterior plaster.
17. A shrub hedge should be installed along the easterly property line
if the parking lay -out is approved by the Engineering Department.
18. No portion of the building (e.g. building eaves, etc.) shall
encroach into the City's right-of-way.
19. The pedestrian sidewalk (on -site) on the west side of the building
should be four feet wide in order to increase the landscaping area
along Avenida Bermudas.
20. Fifty percent (50%) of the parking area shall be shaded by tree
cover. Triangular planter areas should be incorporated at the end
of each of the on -site parking spaces.
21. The four foot high masonry on the east property line shall be
stuccoed to match the remodeled building and it should not be any
closer than ten feet to the front property line.
Store -front Character
The owner has decided to shift the importance of his store to the east
side of the building or towards the on -site parking spaces. This
change has modified the original store -front design on Calle Tampico.
The new elevation on Calle Tampico has been architecturally upgraded
except the store windows are no longer present. The windows are on th
east side facing the proposed parking lot. The east side is more
attractive, but the south side has suffered by this loss. The Design
Review Board should discuss whether or not the owner should upgrade
this side of the building to maintain an interesting or inviting visua
image for this image corridor. The Design Review Board should also
review the architectural/pedestrian character of Avenida Bermudas.
DRB10/6/CS -5-
The plans have been revised, however, there still are a few minor items
on the floor plan which do not correspond to the elevation drawings.
For example, the site plan has a column in the center of the building
(west side) but this column is not shown on the elevation drawings.
Staff has spoken with the designer, and he has stated that the
architectural elevation is correct. The other minor item is the floor
plan which shows a fixed, high glass window on Calle Tampico, but the
window is not delineated on the elevation sketch. The designer states
that the window is supposed to be installed. These items are minor,
but they should be discussed at the meeting to make sure that proper
corrections can be made in the future.
The applicant has attempted to meet the goals and policies of the
adopted Village Specific Plan by incorporating tile roofing, a varied
roof design, vertical columns & arches, and other new materials which
are encouraged or required in the Village Specific Plan. Staff
supports the proposal provided the recommended conditions are imposed.
The Design Review Board should review the plans in light of the above
Staff comments and recommended conditions. Should the Design Review
Board feel major revisions are needed your recommendation can include a
recommendation to refer the plans back to the Design Review Board prior
to Planning Commission approval.
1. Large Plans (dated September 27, 1993)
2. Vicinity Map
3. Previous Design Review Board report
DRB10/6/CS -6-
BI *t
The Applicant is proposing to remodel plus add on to an existing one
story 1,581 square foot commercial building on 0.18 acres. The new
building is designed to accommodate a new meat market as well as a
small second story office for the owner. The new addition is
approximately 930 square feet. The property is presently in the
Village Specific Plan Area and is governed by the C-V-N Zone District
provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code.
A variance application is being requested to reduce the Avenid+
Bermudas building setback line from 25 feet to 6 feet for the new
addition along the frontage of the site. He has also proposed a
variance to 1) reduce the two-way driveway widths from 26-feet to
approximately 23 and 24-feet, 2) have a handicap parking space on the
property line, and 3) have approximately 18-foot long parking stalls.
Surrounding Land Use
Site: Existing vacant building
North: Vacant
South: Vacant
East: Existing Circle K store
West: Date Grove
Site Information
The parcel is developed with a one story commercial building. Low
voltage utility lanes run along the southerly side of the property.
Presently, both streets are paved at this time to allow two-way traffic
movement. Curb, and gutter improvements were recently installed by the
DRB9/1.GT/CS -1-
Existing Building
Front (Calle Tampico 10-feet
Exterior Side 43-feet
Street Side 6-feet
Rear 39-feet
* Note: A Variance is requested.
New Building
The existing vacant building was built in the early 1960's. The
building was used by Mr. Louis Campagna (La Quinta Pharmacy) until
recently. The Applicant purchased the property in July, 1993.
The existing single story building has a flat roof (with parapet) with
stucco exterior. A tile roofed entry exists on Calle Tampico on the
south side of the building. The Applicant intends to install a new
concrete tile roof for the two story addition and a concrete tile
covered walkway and/or covered overhang around the three sides of the
existing building. On the west and south elevations the covered
walkway will extend to or over the street property line. On the east
side the roof eave will extend over a portion of the resurfaced parking
lot. The roof pitch for the pedestrian arcade will be 3:12 and 4:12
for the second story office. The building will be restuccoed and new
architectural plant-ons will be used on along the top of the parapet
and on the second story windows.
The one and two story project is reminiscent of the Spanish Revival
architectural motif and the materials which are used appropriate for
the Village area (stucco, exposed wood beams, tile roofing, etc.). The
design style is appropriate for this area.
Parking Lot
The building has an existing parking lot on the east side of the
building with access to the parking lot from Calle Tampico and Avenida
Bermudas. The Applicant is proposing to resurface the parking lot and
revise the existing angled parking with 90-degree parking. The parking
spaces are 9-feet by 18-feet with a 24-foot (two-way) drive aisle.
Seven parking spaces are proposed with one handicap space. The parking
space on the north side of the building is for the owner.
" n n 11 r•.n / i` cr - 7 -
Staff would offer the following comments:
1. Incandescent uplighting should be used for the parkwa
landscaping. The fixtures shall meet the provisions of the City's
Outdoor Lighting Ordinance. The lighting should include glare
control features which will help direct the light to the trunk of
the tree. The lights should be located either on the ground or
eight feet off the ground mounted to the trunk of the tree.
2. The trash enclosure should include a separate pedestrian access way
into the trash receptacle other than by using the front gates.
Attached is a drawing of this design scenario. The trash enclosure
dimensions should also be reevaluated. Landscaping should be used
around the refuse area.
3. A sign concept has been submitted. The applicant has requested a
roof mounded non -illuminated channel letter sign on the south
elevation. The letters are painted brown. The sign will need to
be relocated below the roof since such signs are prohibited.
Staff would recommend that the sign program incorporate natural
textures, possibly sandblasted wood sign, which could emulate the
"village" character of this area. However, other materials could
consist of routed wood, individual wood or metal letters, or other
4. The existing building is approximately 6-feet from the westerly
property line. The new addition would extend the building along
this 6-foot building setback line. The second story which is at
the back is also 6-feet from the building setback line. This
proposed setback does not meet the requirements of the C-V-N Zone
District which requires a 25-foot building setback from an3
property line in order to reduce the future physical separation of
buildings along the visual impact of the building on the street an(
to retain a pedestrian scale. The code does allow exceptions to
this provision on a case -by -case basis if it is found that the
integrity of the Village Specific Plan is being maintained. The
Planning Commission will determine whether the setback adjustment
will be permitted.
ld be eight
5. to allow sidewalk Peedestrianoandalle bikewayptrafficuif required byewide
City Engineer.
6. The final sign program and landscape plan should be reviewed by thl
Design Review Board.
7. A street tree program should be incorporated into the project for
both street frontages. The trees should be spaced at 20-feet
intervals. The program could consist of palms or canopy trees.
The developer might examine using Jacaranda, Willow, Olive or othe
type of tree which is either colorful or feathery in texture.
nRn9/1.GT/CS -3-
These types of trees will not block the visibility of the proposed
building structure or hinder building sign identification. All
parking lot trees should include deep well watering systems to
ensure tree growth.
8. All landscaping areas should be irrigated by drip irrigation
methods where possible and all nuisance water shall be retained
on -site within the landscape areas or by other approved methods
(e.g. drywell).
9. Decorative concrete paving should be used to accent the two-way
driveway entry on Calle Tampico. The textured paving should be
concrete and colored to add attention to this area. The texturing
should be the width of the driveway and 18-feet in length on -site.
10. All exposed wood beams should be made of rough sawn lumber with
decorative exposed rafter tails. The beams should not be painted
or stuccoed. The roof structure shall not extend into the City's
11. The architecture materials and colors of the building shall be
architecturally compatible (i.e. identical architecture, colors,
and/or materials) with the Village Specific Plan Design Goals.
Cement plaster texture used on building shall be of a decorative
nature and approved by the Planning Department prior to issuance of
a building permit.
12. A landscape planter should be installed between the 90-degree
parking stalls and the east side of the building. This would
eliminate the need for the concrete wheel -stops. The planter
should be 2 1/2 feet wide.
13. The ninth parking stall should be removed because it will impact
on -site circulation movement. A landscape planter should bE
installed in its place. The driveway should be a one-way driveway
for site exiting per the Engineering Department standards.
14. The one on -site handicap space should be redesigned to meet the
A.D.A. standards (e.g. 8-foot ramp plus 8-foot wide parking space).
15. The windows and doors along Calle Tampico should be single,
small -pane division openings (e.g. French doors, casement opening
windows). The windows and doors should be recessed into the
building not less than six inches. A stuccoed plant -on detail
should be added around these facilities to add character to the
proposal. The frames should be wood, but metal will be allowed if
it is anodized or painted a dark color.
16. Additional architectural fenestration should be added to the east,
west and south elevations similar to the north elevation.
17. All roof mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened by the
decorative stucco parapet per municipal code requirements.
nRR9/1.GT/CS -4-
18. Recessed lighting should be used along the covered pedestrian
walkway for security and safety reasons.
19. Decorative lighting should be used on the east side of the building
in the parking lot for patron safety if the facility is to be open
during evening hours.
20. The building corners should be beveled or rounded to create
interest in the overall design of the building.
21. Colored or textured paving should be used along the south side of
the building.
22. Ceramic tile accents should be used on the south elevation.
23. The underside of the pedestrian arcade should be wood planking or
exterior plaster.
24. Landscape planter should be provided adjacent to the west side of
the building and contain ground cover and medium (6-feet) tall
The Design Review Board should Review the plans in light of the above
Staff comments. Should the Design Review Board feel revisions are
needed, conditions requiring review by the Staff or Design Review Board
before submission to the Building and Safety Department.
1. Large Plans
2. Vicinity Map
3. Trash Enclosure Detail (with pedestrian access way)
nRR4 / t . M/rq -5-
O 4&l
jr— "Jr� wt: #-O. (.nr)
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A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California
October 6, 1993
5:30 P.M.
A. Chair Curtis brought the meeting to order a 1 P.M. and Boardmember
Ri ed the flag salute.
A. Present: Boardmembers Fr ice, David Harbison, Randall W ' James
Campbell, Planning C issioner Barrows, and Ch ' an Curtis.
Boardmembers Harbiso ampbell moved to excuse Board ber Anderson.
Unanimously appro
B. Staff present- lanning Director Jerry Herman, ncipal Planner Stan Sawa,
Associate anners Greg Trousdell and ie Mouriquand-Cherry, and
Depa nt Secretary Betty Sawyer.
Staff stated th entury Homes was present and r sted to be added to the agenda eview
of their ar ectural plans for Phase VI of th Quinta Highlands tract. Th units were
approv or Phases I, III, and V in 1991 92 (76 lots). Boardmember a asked if staff
had iewed the plans and was prepa to give a report. Staff sta they had done so.
ning Commissioner Barrows as if Century Homes had info tion on the previously
approved units. Mr. John Pavel ted they did. There being urther questions, Planning
Commissioner Barrows mov d Boardmember Campbell nded a motion to place the item
fourth on the agenda. Un ously approved.
Conditional Use Permit 93-008 and Variance 93-023; a request of Augustin
Martinez, (La Quinta Meat Market) for approval to remodel and enlarge an
existing 1,581 square foot one story commercial building and a request to vary
from the C-V-N zoning district standards (street sideyard setback) and modify the
City's Off -Street Parking requirements for a building located on the northeast
corner of Calle Tampico and Avenida Bermudas.
Design Review Board Minutes
October 6, 1993
1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Planning Commissioner Barrows asked staff if the wall at the back end of
the property would be a block wall. Staff stated they would retain the
existing landscaping but a new block wall was proposed along the east
property line. Planning Commissioner Barrows stated her concern for
safety at the rear of the property and whether the building lighting would
be enough. Staff went on to explain the lighting proposed for the project.
3. Boardmember Rice asked what the height of the common property line
wall would be. Staff stated it was proposed to be four feet.
4. Boardmember Campbell asked if the City had any standards for trees.
Staff stated that the City has not adopted a street tree ordinance but the
draft material is used as a guideline for tree type. It was mentioned that
the adopted specific plan has a street tree program.
5. Boardmember Campbell questioned the treatment of the metal window
frames. Staff stated that the Village Specific Plan allowed the applicant
to either go with wood or anodized metal provided it was painted.
6. Boardmember Campbell asked if the concrete sidewalk on Avenida
Bermudas was required by the City. Staff stated they recommended
reducing the width but could eliminate the sidewalk and require
landscaping if the Design Review Board felt it was more appropriate.
7. Mr. Charles Garland, architect for the applicant stated he was in
agreement with the staff report and would answer any questions of the
S. Boardmember Wright asked if on the north elevation the tile roof eyebrow
could be extended across the rear of the structure. Boardmember Wright
also asked why the tower element on the east side was not the main
entrance as opposed to the southeast corner being the entry into the
building. Mr. Garland stated the entrance was based on what the owner
wanted due to the interior layout of the equipment and the corner entrance
was a compromise to keep the entrance away from the cabinet layout and
to keep close to Calle Tampico.
F �
Design Review Board Minutes
October 6, 1993
9. Chairman Curtis asked that if the entrance was to be on the southeast
corner of the building, could an entry statement be added to this area. He
stated the sign and column setup needed to be moved to the corner with
the door. Mr. Garland stated it would be easier to rearrange the interior
and try to put the entrance on the south side by putting more glass on the
front side. Chairman Curtis stated that the south elevation did need more
store -front glass to dress up the new business.
10. Boardmember Campbell stated his concern that the ramp for the handicap
would be blocked. Mr. Garland explained the handicap access.
Discussion followed.
11. Boardmember Harbison stated there was some confusion regarding the
Tampico frontage. It was uncertain as to whether it was the entry or
whether there needed to be a window display so it would not look like the
east side of the building. Mr. Garland stated he would address the issue
with the owner.
12. Chairman Curtis asked if some other architectural upgrades could be done
to the north elevation. Mr. Garland stated his concern that this is the
delivery side and any low building projections would interfere with truck
deliveries. Boardmember Harbison stated that due to the amount of traffic
passing through this area, something was needed to dress up the loading
dock. Boardmember Campbell suggested that possibly a small balcony
could solve the problem. Discussion followed regarding alternatives to
dress up the north side building elevations.
13. Planning Commissioner Barrows expressed her concern for lighting on the
north and west elevations as it was a place to congregate and security
would be a problem. Mr. Garland stated this was a concern of the owner
as well. This was why he was trying to separate his building from the
business to the east.
14. Planning Commissioner Barrows stated that if more windows were added
she wanted to be assured that she would not see the backs of display racks
from the exterior of the building. Mr. Garland stated he would address
the issue with the owner.
15. Boardmember Campbell asked if the block wall separating the two
businesses would be stuccoed. Mr. Garland stated it was one of the
Design Review Board Minutes
October 6, 1993
16. Boardmember Campbell stated the plans did not match the elevations.
Column pilasters on the west side that did not match the elevations as well
as the east side shows existing trees and the elevations show Cypress
trees. Mr. Garland explained the floor plan was submitted before the
elevations were drawn and the elevations show the proposed changes. He
further stated the extra columns would be eliminated.
17. Boardmember Campbell asked what the reason was for the walkway on
the east side. Mr. Garland stated the owner did not want a lot of
landscaping to maintain, therefore the walkway was provided. It also
made it easier for deliveries. Members stated that the additional walkway
would encourage debris and graffiti and landscaping would be preferred.
18. Boardmember Campbell recommended that the trash enclosure be moved
to the east property line. Mr. Garland stated this was already planned and
was a condition proposed by staff.
19. Boardmember Campbell asked if Mr. Garland had any problem using
painted metal window frames instead of the anodized metal. Mr. Garland
stated he had no objection.
20. Boardmember Campbell stated he was not comfortable with a relationship
of a 18" overhang with a half of a column that is 9" and is a half round
that turns into a rectangular piece right above on the same plane. Mr.
Garland stated he would rectify the problem.
21. Boardmembers Rice and Harbison stated they felt the improvements made
a great improvement on the building.
22. Planning and Development Director Jerry Herman asked if the Board
intended to require windows and a door on the Tampico elevation.
Chairman Curtis stated that they wanted the door to be an entry statement
and it could be on the east or the south elevation. Staff stated their
concern that if windows were added that a condition be added to restrict
the amount of window signage that could be allowed.
23. There being no further comments, it was moved by Boardmember
Campbell and seconded by Planning Commissioner Barrows to
recommend approval of Conditional Use Permit 93-008 and Variance 93-
023 subject to staff conditions as well as the following:
DRB10 6 r'
Design Review Board Minutes
October 6, 1993
a. The plans are to be updated to match the elevations before being
submitted to the Planning Commission.
b. Additional architectural features need to be added to the north
C. The walkway on the east side of the building be eliminated and
landscaping installed in its place.
d. The building entry be either centered on the building on the east
or south side of the building.
e. The trash enclosure be moved to the east property line.
f. That painted metal window frames be used instead of the anodized
g. The Cypress trees be replaced by canopy trees.
h. Window signing should be regulated per the La Quinta Municipal
The vote was unanimously approved.
B. Plot Plan 93-510; a request of La Quints Real Estate Development for approval
of a new unit plan for Tract 23268-Acacia.
1. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand-Cherry presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning
and Development Department.
2. Chairman Curtis asked what the status of the uncolored lots was. Staff
stated these lots were owned by individual owners for custom homes.
3. Boardmember Wright commented on the square footage of the smallest
existing unit, of which 18 of the first 90 units were. The proposed
smallest unit were slightly smaller than these existing units. Staff stated
that in addition, the proposed largest unit is 169 square feet larger than the
existing largest unit. Discussion followed regarding the product mix.
Staff then showed a video of the area in question.
4. Planning Commissioner Barrows asked what the City required in the
number of trees to be planted. Staff stated that Condition #2 required two
15-gallon trees were required on the interior lots and five 15-gallon trees
on corner lots.
5. Chairman Curtis asked if anyone wished to speak on behalf of the
applicant. Mr. Rick Snyder, representing Acacia Homes, stated he was
agreement with the staff's recommendations and would answer any
questions of the Board.
DRB10-6 5
Design Review Board Minutes DRAFT
October 6, 1993
6. Chairman Curtis asked if they were the builders of the original tract. Mr.
Snyder stated they were.
7. Planning Commissioner Barrows asked if the garage doors were proposed
to be metal roll -up or wood. Mr. Snyder stated this had not been
determined as of yet but they would be the same as the existing garages.
8. Chairman Curtis asked how many homes were planned for Phase I. Mr.
Snyder stated that the first phase would consist of 20 homes and from
there on, it would be dependent upon financing and sales. Chairman
Curtis asked if the mix was also dependent upon sales. Mr. Snyder stated
they would be to a point. Chairman Curtis asked if there were any
limitations on the size of the units due to lot sizes. Mr. Snyder stated no.
9. Boardmember Rice asked if the price range would be comparable to the
existing units. Mr. Snyder stated they would be.
10. Boardmember Campbell asked the applicant to explain the window break-
up treatment. Mr. Arnold stated it was a dual pane window with a
sandwiched frame in between to meet the Title 24 requirements.
11. Boardmember Harbison question the use of 12" overhang and stated his
desire to see 18" overhangs. Mr. Snyder stated that both 12" and 18"
overhangs were being used.
12. There being no further questions, Boardmembers Harbison/Rice moved
and seconded a motion to recommend approval of Plot Plan 93-510 subject
to staff s conditions as well as the following:
a. That all units have 18" overhangs.
b. That the material of the garage doors match the existing homes in
the tract.
The motion was approved unanimously.
C. Palm Royale Park; a request of the Parks and Recreation Department for review
of park design located on the west side of Adams Street between Fred Waring
Drive and Miles Avenue.
1. Parks and Recreation Manager Clint Bohlen presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning
and Development Department.
DRB10-6 0 6
Design Review Board Minutes
October 6, 1993
2. Chairman Curtis asked for clarification of the grade elevation. Staff stated
it was 17-feet at its lowest point in the retention basin.
3. Boardmember Harbison questioned the fact that the people in this
neighborhood do not want an active park. Staff stated that in the forums
held, the overwhelming opinion was to have a passive park. They did not
want the area to become a hangout for kids.
4. Boardmember Harbison stated his concern about the street drains being an
eyesore. He felt dry wells were needed to dry the area out. Staff stated
the Master Plan acknowledged the problem and the issue would be
addressed before construction took place.
5. Chairman Curtis suggested that the area be regraded to bring the water to
a specific drainage area and this could possible solve the problem. Staff
stated this would be addressed in the construction drawing stage.
6. Mr. John Pavelak, Century Homes, stated his concern that the passive
park be built. He felt that even though the homeowners in the area
requested a passive park, that the area was ideal for a soccer field and
based on his experience in developing parks, the field would be used if it
was built. He felt the City should not let the fear of the "hang-out"
problem deny the families the opportunity to have a recreation area.
7. There being no further discussion, Boardmembers Rice/Campbell moved
and seconded a motion to recommend approval of the Palm Royale Park
as submitted with the addition of grading the park for drainage.
Unanimously approved.
D. Architectural Plan Approval for La Quinta Highlands - Tract 23269; a request of
Century Homes for architectural approval to develop Plans 3 through 5 in Phase
VI of Tract 23269.
1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented a verbal staff report since the
item was added to the agenda.
2. Chairman Curtis questioned staff as to what the party fencing would
consisted of. Staff stated the front fencing would be decorative masonry
and the interior sideyards could be wood, but the street sides would be
masonry or stucco.
DRB10-6 7
Design Review Board Minutes
October 6, 1993
3. Mr. John Pavelak, representing Century Homes presented their proposal.
He stated that they built 76 homes in this tract over the last few years in
Phases 1, III, and V and they have recently purchased 22 lots in Phase VI.
Williams Development Company was originally going to build 44 homes
but they did not complete their phase. Mr. Pavelak stated he is building
homes which are similar in size to the surrounding existing homes.
4. Chairman Curtis asked if the applicant would be constructed models. Mr.
Pavelak stated the models were already existing on Las Vistas Drive.
5. Boardmember Wright asked if the bonus room was added to the plan.
Mr. Pavelak stated that 97% of the previous home buyers requested the
room so they added it to the plan.
6. Boardmember Wright asked what the average lot size was and the price
range for the homes. Mr. Pavelak stated roughly 7,200 square feet and
the price range was $125-150,000.
7. Boardmember Rice stated his concern that again there were no 18" roof
8. Boardmember Wright asked what the S.E.E.R. rating was for the air
conditioning condensers. Mr. Pavelak stated he didn't know but they met
the State Title 24 requirements.
9. There being no further questions, Boardmembers Wright/Rice moved to
recommend reapproval of the architectural plans for Phase VI of Tract
23269, subject to staff conditions and the requirement that overhangs be
18" and that the air conditioning condenser have a minimum S.E.E.R.
rating of 10.0 or better. Unanimously approved.
E. Application Submittal Requirement Review
1. Chairman Curtis clarified for the Board their responsibility. The Board
was to review the document and attachments and make any revisions as
they felt they related to the Design Review Board.
2. Boardmember Wright clarified that the Board will make these revisions
within two weeks and resubmit these documents to staff who would
compile the information and return it to the Board for final approval.
Members discussed with staff the Board's role in the Planning process.
DRB10-6 8
Design Review Board Minutes
October 6, 1993
3. Boardmember Campbell asked if staff was satisfied with the current
handout. Staff stated these were the documents currently being used and
if the Board had any suggestions they would be welcome. Staff indicated
they would insert the Design Review Board process where appropriate.
Chairman Curtis asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of September 1,
1993. There being no additions or corrections, Boardmembers Curtis/Campbell moved
and seconded a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved.
It was moved and seconded by Boardmembers Harbison/Campbell to adjourn to a regular
meeting of the Design Review Board on November 3, 1993, at 5:30 P.M. This meeting of the
La Quints Design Review Board was adjourned at 7:42 P.M., October 6, 1993.
DRB10-6 9
'&4 4 4 QuArry t
78.495 CAIIE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 922S2 - (619) Tn-7000
FAX (619) 777-7101
City Manager
�sistant City Manager
_ l is Works Director
; C- ty Engineer
v8uilding & Safety
marks & Recreation
_ F re Marshal
vCG Water District
_A:=-r'mperial Irrigation Dist.
A.-�uthern California Gas
=j.--resert Sands School Dist.
CV Unified School Dist.
DATE : B- /B - y3
tom- este Management
=,-0�Postal Service
�eral Telephone
&--K-ss ociate
Colony Cable
y9l�nline Transit
Caltrans (District II)
Agricultural Commission
CV Archaeological Soc.
Cit. of I di W 11
y n an e s Riverside County:
City of Indio Planning
CV Mount. Conservacy Planning Department
CV Recreation & Parka—EnvironAental health
L-- umber of Commerce —'
LA QUINTA CASE NO(S): �0frieotiRc- (JSF /�E�li� �3 �8 �C�. i�iei}T Ma.til�+
AUG 2 3 199'3
The City of La Quinta Development Review Committee is conducting an initial
environmental study pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) for the above referenced project(s). Attached is the information
submitted by the project proponent.
Your comments are requested with respect to:
1. Physical impacts the project presents on public resources, facilities,
and/or services;
2. Recommended conditions; a) that you or your agency believe would mitigate
any potential adverse effects; b) or should apply to the project design;
c) or improvements to satisfy other regulations and concerns which your
agency is responsible; and
3. If you find that the identified impacts will have significant adverse
effects on the environment which cannot be avoided through conditions,
please recommend the scope and focus of additional study(ies) which may
be helpful.
Please send your response by You are invited to
attend the DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE meeting at La Quinta City Hall:
Date:_ Time:
Contact Person: )�MD L) SDELA- Title: AAge. atcj+c1,{Z�
Comments made b Title: Captain
Date: 08/19/93 Phone:863-8990 Agency/Div iston Indio Sheriff's Department
This department has no ojection to the request for remodel&enlargement.
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did
on the 26th day of October, 1993, and the 9th day of November, 1993 hold duly noticed Public
Hearings to consider the request of the La Quinta Meat Market for approval of a Conditional
Use Permit to allow construction of a second story addition and enlargement of the existing one
story building in the C-V-N Zone located at the northeast corner of Avenida Bermudas and Calle
Tampico, more particularly described as:
WHEREAS, said Conditional Use Permit is categorically exempt per Section
15303(c) of the California Environmental Quality Act because the change of use of the property
and enlargement of the existing building will not exceed an occupant load of 30 persons; and,
WHEREAS, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any,
of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did find the following
facts and reasons to justify approval of said Conditional Use Permit:
1. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the
2. The Conditional Use Permit, as conditioned, is consistent with the zoning requirements
and intent of the C-V-N zone and Downtown Village Specific Plan.
3. That the environmental impacts associated with the development of this project can be
mitigated through the approval conditions imposed upon it.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the
City of La Quinta, California, as follows:
1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the
Commission in this case.
2. That it does hereby approve Conditional Use Permit 93-008 for the reasons set forth in
this Resolution and subject to the attached conditions.
PASSED, ,APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta
Planning Commission, held on this 9th day of November 1993, by the following vote, to wit:
City of La Quinta, California
JERRY HERMAN, Planning Director
City of La Quinta, California
NOVEMBER 9, 1993
* Added by staff on 11-5-93
1. The development shall comply with the approved exhibits and the following conditions,
which shall take precedence in the event of any conflicts.
2. The approved conditional use permit shall be used within one year of the approval date;
otherwise, it shall become null and void and no effect whatsoever. "Be used" means the
beginning of substantial construction which is contemplated by this approval, not
including grading, which is begun within the one-year period and is therefore diligently
pursued to completion. Extensions of time may be requested prior to expiration pursuant
to Municipal Code; requirements if the extension request is made one month prior to the
expiration date. The expiration date shall be November 9, 1994.
3. Outside lighting shall be shielded and directed so as not to shine directly upon
surrounding adjoining property or public rights -of -way. Lighting plans including light
pole heights (10 feet) and light types shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning
Director prior to issuance of a building permit. Lighting shall comply with the Outdoor
Lighting Control Ordinance.
4. Adequate trash facilities shall be constructed as approved by the Planning and
Development Department prior to issuance of building permit. Plan to be reviewed for
acceptability by applicable trash company (Waste Management of the Desert) prior to
City review.
5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any building or use
contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall obtain permits and/or clearances from
the following public agencies:
o City Fire ]Marshal
o City of La Quinta Public Works Department (grading per
and improvement
o Planning and Development Department,
o Coachella Valley Water District
0 Desert Sands Unified School District
o Imperial Irrigation District
o Riverside County Health Department
& Building & Safety Department
Conditions of Approval
Conditional Use Permit 93-008
November 9, 1993
The applicant is responsible for any requirements of the permits or clearances from these
jurisdictions. If the requirements include approval of improvement plans, applicant shall
furnish proof of said approvals prior to obtain City approval and signatures on the plans.
Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above -mentioned agencies shall be
presented to the Building Division at the time of the application for a building permit for
the use contemplated herewith.
6. Provisions shall be made to comply with the terms and requirements of the City's
adopted Infrastructure Fee program in effect at the time of issuance of a building permit.
7. Prior to issuance of any building permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning and
Development Department for review and approval by the Design Review Board, a
preliminary plan (or plans) showing the following:
a. Landscaping, including plan types, sizes, spacing, locations, and irrigation system
for all landscape areas. Desert or native plant species, drought resistant planting
materials, and drip emitter irrigators shall be incorporated into the landscape plan.
b. Location and design detail of any proposed and/or required walls.
Preparation of the detailed landscape and irrigation plans shall be in substantial
conformance with the approved conceptual landscape plan on file with the Planning and
Development Department. The final plans submitted shall include the acceptance
stamps/signatures from the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner's Office and
Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD).
8. Handicap access, facilities and parking shall be provided per Federal, State and local
9. All construction and graded areas shall be watered at least twice daily during construction
to prevent the emission of dust and blowsand.
10. Construction shall comply with all local and State building code requirements as
determined by the: Building and Safety Director.
11. At the time of issuance of an encroachment permit for the work contemplated hereunder,
the applicant shall pay cash or provide security in guarantee of public improvements.
Conditions of Approval
Conditional Use Permit 93-008
November 9, 1993
A. Current Improvements: Construction of sidewalks along the street frontage of the
development and construction/reconstruction of drive entries - secure in the
amount of approved estimates for this work.
B. Deferred Improvements: 2.24 % of the cost to design and construct a traffic
signal at Ave Bermudas and Calle Tampico. This improvement will be
constructed by others at a future date. Security shall remain in place until the
improvement is constructed and the Applicant's share has been paid.
12. The applicant shall dedicate public street right of way and utility easements in
conformance with the City's General Plan, Municipal Code, applicable specific plans,
and as required by the City Engineer.
Dedications required of this development include:
A. Corner cutback at intersection of Tampico and Bermudas
Street right of way geometry for cul-de-sacs, knuckle turns and corner cut -backs shall
conform with Riverside County Standard Drawings #800, #801, and #805 respectively
unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer.
* 13. The applicant shall dedicate or deed access rights to the development to the east.
14. Prior to occupation of the project site for construction purposes, the Applicant shall
submit and receive approval of a fugitive dust control plan prepared in accordance with
Chapter 6.10, I.a Quinta Municipal Code. In accordance with said Chapter, the
Applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the city, in an amount sufficient
to guarantee compliance with the provisions of the permit.
15. Nuisance water produced by this development shall be retained on -site. In design of
retention facilities, the percolation rate shall be considered to be zero unless the applicant
provides site -specific data that indicates otherwise.
Conditions of Approval
Conditional Use Permit 93-008
November 9, 1993
A trickling sand filter and leachfield of a design approved by the City Engineer shall be
installed to percolate nuisance water. The sand filter and leach field shall be sized to
percolate 22 gallons per day per 1,000 square feet of drainage area.
16. The development shall be graded to permit storm flow in excess of retention capacity to
flow out of the development into the adjacent streets. The development shall be graded
to receive storm flow from adjoining property at locations that have historically received
17. Improvement plans for all on- and off -site driveways and parking lots shall be prepared
by a registered civil engineer. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in
accordance with the La Quinta Municipal Code, adopted Standard Drawings, and as
approved by the City Engineer.
Pavement sections shall be based on a Caltrans design procedure and shall consider soil
strength and anticipated traffic loading. The minimum pavement section for entry drives
and parking areas shall be 3.0" a.c./4.50" a.b.
18. The following improvements shall be constructed:
1. Sidewalk along both street frontages of the property. Sidewalk
construction shall include a wheelchair ramp at the corner of Calle
Tampico and Avenida Bermudas including necessary removal and
replacement of curbing.
1. The; one-way entry drive along the north side of the building shall be a
minimum of 18' wide. The inside turn radius at the northeast corner of
the building shall be a minimum of 15'.
2. This development shall reconstruct the driveway opening as necessary on
Calle Tampico to match the parking lot configuration of this development
and the Circle K development east of this property.
Conditions of Approval
Conditional Use Permit 93-008
November 9, 1993
3. The Applicant shall provide access along the east property line to/from the
development to the east. The access width and configuration shall meet
the requirements of the City Engineer.
19. Access points and turning movements of traffic shall be restricted as follows:
A. Avenida Bermudas - within 100' to 124' north of south property line.
B. Calle Tampico - within 42' to 66' east of east property line.
20. The applicant shall pay all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and
construction inspection. Deposit and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the
applicant makes application for the plan checks and permits.
21. Plans for on -site and off -site grading, drainage, sidewalks, parking lots and entries, and
lighting shall be submitted to the Engineering Department for plan checking and are not
approved for construction until signed by the City Engineer.
22. Incandescent uplighting shall be used for the parkway landscaping. The fixtures shall
meet the provisions of the City's Outdoor Lighting Ordinance. The lighting should
include glare control features which will help direct the light to the trunk of the tree.
The lights should be located either on the ground or eight feet off the ground mounted
to the trunk of the; tree.
23. The trash enclosure dimensions shall be a minimum size of 8-feet by 15-feet and include
a separate pedestrian access. Landscaping should be used around the refuse area.
24. The sidewalk on Calle Tampico shall be either six to eight feet wide to allow both
pedestrian and bikeway traffic on this primary arterial street. The sidewalk on Avenida
Bermudas shall be: six feet wide. The requirements of the Engineering Department shall
be met.
25. The final sign program and landscape plan shall be reviewed by the Design Review
Board prior to issuance of a building permit.
Conditions of Approval
Conditional Use Permit: 93-008
November 9, 1993
26. A street tree program shall be incorporated into the project for both street frontages.
The trees shall be spaced at 20-feet intervals. The program shall consist of palms or
canopy trees (e.g. Jacaranda, Willow, Olive or other type of tree which is either colorful
or feathery in texture).
27. All landscaping areas shall be irrigated by drip irrigation methods where possible and all
nuisance water shall be retained on -site within the landscape areas or by other approved
methods (e.g., drywell).
28. The decorative concrete paving used to accent the driveway entry on Calle Tampico shall
be textured concrete and colored to add attention to this area.
29. All exposed wood beams shall be made of rough sawn lumber with decorative exposed
rafter trails. The beams should not be painted or stuccoed.
30. The architectural materials and colors of the building shall be architecturally compatible
(i.e., identical architecture, colors, and/or materials) with the Village Specific Plan
Design Goals. Cement plaster texture used on building shall be of a decorative nature
and approved by the Planning and Development Department prior to issuance of a
building permit.
31. One on -site handicap space shall be required (A.D.A. standards 8-foot ramp plus 8-f0ot
wide parking space).
32. The windows and doors on the first floor level shall be single, small -pane division
openings (e.g., French doors, casement opening windows). The windows and doors shall
be recessed into the building not less than six inches. A stuccoed plant -on detail should
be added around these facilities to add character to the proposal. The frames shall be
wood, but metal will be allowed if it is painted a dark color.
33. All roof mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened by the decorative stucco
parapet per Municipal Code requirements.
34. Recessed lighting shall be used along the covered pedestrian walkway for security and
safety reasons.
35. Low profile decorative lighting shall be used on the east side of the building in the
parking lot for patron safety if the facility is to be open during evening hours. Fixtures
shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department prior to issuance of a
building permit.
Conditions of Approval
Conditional Use Permit: 93-008
November 9, 1993
36. The underside of the pedestrian arcade shall be wood planking or exterior plaster.
37. No portion of the building (e.g., building eaves, etc) shall encroach into the City's right-
38. A shrub hedge shall be installed along the easterly property line if the non -shared parking
lay -out is approved by the Planning Commission. The four foot high masonry wall on
the east property lime shall be stuccoed to match the remodeled building and it shall not
be any closer than ten feet to the front property line.
39. The pedestrian walkway (on -site) adjacent to the west side of the building shall be
eliminated in order to increase the landscaping area along Avenida Bermudas.
40. Fifty percent (50%) of the parking area shall be shaded by tree cover. Triangular planter
areas should be incorporated at the end of each of the on -site parking spaces if angled
parking is allowed.
*41. A landscape planter shall be installed between the 90-degree parking stalls and the east
side of the existing building. The planter shall be a minimum inside (clear) width of two
feet wide. Raised, six inch concrete curbing shall be used to construct the planter and
every three parking spaces an additional triangular tree well shall be installed. Concrete
wheel -stops shall be used.
*42. Parking space #8 shall be eliminated and the landscape planter shifted south
approximately five feet of its present location to allow proper vehicular turning
movement around the building.
*43. The trash enclosure shall be moved to the northeast corner of the property.
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did
on the 26th day of October, 1993, and the 9th day of November, 1993, hold duly -noticed Public
Hearings to consider the request of the La Quinta Meat Market for a Variance to Section 9.160
(Off -Street Parking) La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC), to permit a reduction in the on -site
parking standards to allow off -site parking, and a Variance to Section 9.90.074 to permit a one
and two story addition within six feet of the property line (Avenida Bermudas) and allow minor
architectural building encroachments, or any other items deemed necessary by the Planning
Commission, more particularly described as:
S.B.B.M. APN: 769-030-009
WHEREAS, said Variance is categorically exempt per Section 15311 of the
California Environmental Quality Act because the Variance consists of minor accessory features
pertaining to the existing building and its enlargement; and
WHEREAS, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any,
of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did find the following
facts and reasons to justify the granting of said Variance:
1. The strict application of the off-street parking requirements and design standards to the
subject property will deprive the Applicant of providing an innovative design solution for
his new meat market. The minor adjustments will help the developer achieve his on -site
parking needs for this commercial development request without having to lose on -site
parking spaces.
2. The new structure setback on Avenida Bermudas will not impact the immediate area
because the existing one story structure is in the same area. The new request is only a
minor change to the existing structure.
3. There are no physical constraints which prohibit development of the site.
4. The proposal project conditions will insure that no long-term environmental impacts
affect the community or abutting properties.
5. The Conditions of .Approval will assure that the project is designed in an orderly fashion.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the
City of La Quinta, California, as follows:
1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the
Commission in this case.
2. That it does hereby confirm the conclusion of the Environmental Assessment which
indicated that approval of the Variance would not constitute a significant impact on the
environment and hereby approves a categorical exemption of environmental impact.
3. That it does hereby grant said Variance 93-023 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution
and subject to the attached conditions (Exhibit "A").
PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta
Planning Commission, held on this 9th day of November, 1993, by the following vote, to wit:
City of La Quinta, California
JERRY HERMAN, Planning Director
City of La Quinta, California
RESOPC.115 2
NOVEMBER 9, 1993
1. The approval shall remain active as long as Conditional Use Permit 93-008 in effect.
2. Approval of the Variance is subject to approval of Conditional Use Permit 93-008.
3. The minimum setback on Avenida Bermudas shall be six feet for the new building
4. The applicant shall deposit cash money with the City to guarantee the construction of off -
site parking spaces per the requirements of Section 9.160.025 (Parking Agreement). The
funds shall be used to develop a public parking lot in the Village area. The Agreement
and/or cash deposit shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Planning and
5. The covered pedestrian canopy on Calle Tampico shall be a minimum of six inches and
30-inches from the existing property line.
6. The two-way aisle.way can be a minimum width of 24-feet.
7. The handicap parking space can be located adjacent to the Calle Tampico property line.
RESOPC.115 3
The subject property which was previously known as "The Pyramids" was granted specific plan
approval in November, 1994. To date, a Washington Street entry design and preliminary
landscaping design has been approved along with architectural plans for the first residential
To date, one 18-hole golf course has been installed. This golf course is presently being
renovated so that it may be opened this season. A temporary clubhouse structure is under
construction on the site at this time.
The applicant has submitted conceptual landscaping plans for the 48th Avenue frontage and
preliminary architectural plans for the project entrance which aligns with Adams Street and
administration building adjacent to the entry.
Street improvements including center medians are installed on 48th Avenue between Washington
Street and Adams Street. The curb on the south side of Adams and improvements east of
Adams have yet to be installed. The applicant is presently grading the extension of 48th
The proposed 48th Avenue landscape design places a heavy emphasis upon the use of trees. A
perimeter fence which is at this time proposed to be a vine covered chain link fence would be
PCST.155 1
provided at the 20-foot setback line in order to comply with the common area landscape setback
requirements. A six foot wide meandering sidewalk is shown adjacent to 48th Avenue. The
center median landscaping, is proposed as a part of this project.
The primary tree adjacent to the perimeter fence will be Eucalyptus Torquata (Coral Gum) with
the accent tree within this area consisting of California Peppers and Date Palms. As ground
covers, drought tolerant, spreading plants are proposed. Between the meandering sidewalk and
curb, drought tolerant shrubs and ground covers, along with Palo Verde and Mesquites spread
out along the frontage are proposed. The applicant has also shown a landscape design for the
center median which consists of Eucalyptus, Mesquite, Palo Verde, and drought tolerant shrubs
and ground cover. The landscape design which has been provided, extends from Washington
Street to approximately Dune Palms Road. The design for the area between Dune Palms Road
and Jefferson Street will be submitted in the future.
The entry area which aligns with Adams Street will consist of a card gated entry and
administration building which in the future will function as a homeowners' association or
management building. The landscape design at the entry will consist of Date Palm plantings,
special paving design, stucco courtyard walls and ornamental iron security gates to match the
main entrance on Washington Street, and a low stucco wall monument and entry sign. Under
planting around the Date Palms will consist of either Brazalian Pepper or Citrus with a flowery
Eucalyptus background tree. The parking lot for the administration building will be adjacent to
48th Avenue and screened by a combination of berming and shrub planting. Surrounding the
administration building will be either Ficus Nitadas or similar type of trees.
Immediately to the west of the 48th Avenue entrance is an existing CVWD well site. This well
site will be screened through the use of eight foot stucco wall and the perimeter landscape
The administration building is proposed to be a 3,500 square foot single story structure. The
structure will be approximately 17.5 feet tall and be Spanish in nature to conform with the
architectural nature of the project. Exterior materials will consist of a two tone colored stucco
walls, multi -colored tile roof, stucco pop -outs around windows, and teal colored window and
door accents. Along the west side of the building on the windows the applicant shows
decorative metal grills.
The Conditions of Approval for the specific plan require a noise study along 48th Avenue. This
noise study may require a masonry block wall along the frontage. Therefore, it should be noted
that the chain link fence may need to be replaced with a masonry wall.
PCST.155 2
The City has median guidelines for planting. It appears that the planting shown does not
conform with the guidelines for this street. Therefore, the landscaping will need to be revised
A f the eneral guidelines for this street are attached.
to conform with the guidelines. copy o g
Overall, the landscaping except as noted above, and administration building proposed are
acceptable to staff.
Design Review Board Action
The Design Review Board reviewed this request at their meeting of November 3, 1993, and took
action to recommend approval subject to staff recommended conditions and additional conditions
which they added. Attached are Conditions of Approval including those recommended by the
Design Review Board as noted. Conditions #9-11 were added by the Design Review Board.
Conditions #9 and #10 which pertain to the administration building, were added in order to
provide a better designed building. Condition #9 requires a two piece mission tile roof with
cement kickers, and Condition #10 requires the metal grills on all windows of the building.
Condition #11 requires that the applicant use low level bollard type parking lot lighting rather
than standard parking lot lights on 12-foot high poles.
The Design Review Board also provided the applicant with some advice regarding landscaping
Staff recommends by adoption of Minute Motion 93-
to the attached conditions.
1. Plan exhibits
2. ]Excerpt from City Landscape Guidelines
3. Proposed Conditions of Approval
approving Plot Plan 93-512, subject
PLOT PLAN 93-512
NOVEMBER 9, 1993
1. The median landscaping shall be revised to conform with the City guidelines for median
landscaping design, with plans reviewed and approved by the Engineering Department.
2. That the specific plan required noise study shall be completed to determine whether a
block wall or a chain link fence may be permitted. The noise study shall be completed
prior to landscaping being installed in case additional berming is necessary.
3. That drip or emitter irrigation shall be utilized to the greatest extent.
4. That all ground areas shall be covered with ground cover or other decorative inert
5. That the meandering sidewalk be a minimum 4 feet from the 48th Avenue curb.
6. That the entry sign at Adams Street shall be allowed to be the same as that approved for
the main Washington Street entry.
7. That final landscaping and architectural plans including irrigation systems, materials and
colors, pavement patterns, wall heights, etc. shall be reviewed and approved by the
Planning and Development Department prior to issuance of permits or beginning of
8. That the administration parking lot area shall be screened through the use of berming and
planting so that the minimum amount of screening from the parking lot pavement
elevation shall be 3.5 feet.
9. Roof tile on administration building to be two-piece mission tile with kickers.
10. Window metal grill work to be provided on all windows and be openable from the inside.
11. Parking lot lighting to be modified from pole mounted lighting to low profile bollard type
lighting with lighting to be approved by the Planning and Development Department prior
to the issuance of a building permit.
Conditions of Approval.
Plot Plan 93-512
November 9, 1993
12. The development of the site shall be general in conformance with exhibits contained on
file for Plot Plan 93-512, unless otherwise amended by the conditions.
13. The plot plan shall be used within one year of Planning Commission approval date of
November 9, 1993, otherwise it shall become null and void and of no effect. "By used"
means beginning of substantial construction which is allowed by this approval, not
including grading, which is begun within the one year and thereafter diligently pursued
to completion.
14. That all applicable conditions of Specific Plan 84-004 shall be complied with as
15. That the landscaping and irrigation plans allowed by this project shall be reviewed and
approved by the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner and Coachella Valley
Water District Water Specialist prior to any installation occurring.
16. That final working drawings for uses allowed by this permit shall be reviewed and
approved by the Planning and Development Department prior to issuance of any building
permits and/or any work occurring, whichever occurs first.
17. That prior to issuance of a building permit or beginning of entry design work, plans shall
be reviewed and approved by the Engineering Department and City Fire Marshall.
18. That all above grade utility boxes shall be screened by landscaping and shown on the
landscaping plans„
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A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California
October 26, 1993 7:00 P.M.
A. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 P.M. by Chairwoman Barrows and
Commissioner Abels was asked to lead the flag salute.
A. Chairwoman Barrows requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Adolph,
Ellson, Marrs, Abels, and Chairwoman Barrows.
C. Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Stan Sawa,
Associate Planner Greg Trousdell, Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand-Cherry,
Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer, and Department Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Conditional Use Permit 93-008 and Variance 93-023; a request of Agustin
Martinez for approval to remodel and enlarge an existing 1,581 square foot
commercial building and a request to vary from the C-V-N Zoning District
standards (street sideyard setback) and modify the City's Off -Street Parking Code
1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Commissioner Adolph asked if there was an existing common access
easement agreement between the two properties. Staff stated there was no
such document in writing to the City's knowledge. It appeared to be a
mutually agreed upon arrangement.
3. Commissioner Adolph asked if there would be adequate access for the gas
trucks to refuel the existing Circle K gas pump tanks. Staff stated they
did not know, but it appeared they could be services.
PC10-26 1
Planning commission Minutes
October 26, 1993
4. Commissioner Adolph questioned whether the previous owner (the
pharmacy) had any liability problems with regards to the shared parking.
Staff stated they had no knowledge if there had been.
5. Commissioner Adolph questioned the access to the dumpster by the
disposal company. Staff stated that Waste Management had received a
copy of the plans and were asked for their comments and none had been
received. However, the final construction plans require their approval.
6. Commissioner Adolph asked what the City's position was regarding
driveway access onto Calle Tampico. Staff stated this area was governed
by the Village Specific Plan which had very specific requirements and this
was one of the variances the applicant was requesting a deviation from.
Discussion followed regarding the driveway access and parking spaces.
7. Commissioner Adolph stated his concern about the architectural design by
allowing the building to project to the property line on the south elevation.
He felt this would open a "pandora's box". Staff stated that this was an
isolated case as future buildings would be new construction and they
would have to justify special circumstances, whereas this was an existing
building. Discussion followed regarding possible alternatives for the
design of the remodeled structure.
8. Commissioner Ellson asked whether a stipulation could be placed on the
applicant that as the land surrounding the project developed a joint access
program could be provided at that time. Commissioners discussed with
staff the effects of future development and the parking that would be
9. Chairwoman Barrows asked if the wall dividing the parking lot could be
shortened and not extend out to the street but leave enough room for
vehicles to exit.
10. There being no further discussion with staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened
the public hearing. Mr. Charles Garland, representing the applicant
discussed the project with the Commission and asked that instead of a wall
perhaps a solution would be curbing.
11. Commissioner Abels stated the curb could end at the point the building
PC10-26 2
Planning Commission Minutes
October 26, 1993
12. Chairwoman Barrows asked that adjacent to the curb be heavily
13. Commissioner Adolph asked if trees could be put sawtoothed into the curb
to help meet the parking lot shade requirements. Mr. Garland stated he
had no objections. Discussion followed regarding the location of the
existing Oleanders on the north property line.
14. Commissioner Adolph suggested that the concrete curbing be reduced to
allow room for the trash trucks to have access to the north of the proposed
building expansion.
15. Commissioner Adolph asked why the restroom door opened directly into
the meat locker. Discussion followed regarding Health Department
requirements and the location of the restroom.
16. Commissioner Adolph asked whether the walk-in freezer was a freezer or
a cooler. Mr. Garland stated it was both. Discussion followed regarding
the contents of the cooler.
17. Commissioner Adolph asked the applicant what the depth of the roof
parapet would be. Mr. Garland stated it would be four feet and would
hide all the mechanical equipment.
18. Commissioner Adolph brought up the issue of recessing the facade away
from the property line. Discussion followed regarding the facade and roof
structure and how this could be accomplished.
19. Commissioner Ellson stated her concern that the signs be restricted so as
not to clutter the store -front windows. Staff stated the signs would have
to be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board.
20. Commissioner Ellson asked that the planting on the west elevation be
appropriate to discourage graffiti.
21. Chairwoman Barrows asked that the lighting be adequate for security.
Mr. Garland stated this was a condition.
22. There being no further public comment, Chairwoman Barrows closed the
public hearing.
PC10-26 3
Planning Commission .Minutes
October 26, 1993
23. Commissioners discussed among themselves the issue of common access
and shared parking. The consensus was that a concrete curb be required
along the east property line with landscaping. The entire plan would be
reviewed by the Design Review Board and Planning Commission.
24. Commissioners discussed Conditions #13 being eliminated; #39 amended
to not eliminate the sidewalk but move it to the curb; #38 be amended to
require a curb and not a masonry screen wall.
25. Assistant City Engineer Steve Speer asked that the Commission consider
the: issue that Circle K may have "prescriptive rights" in regards to the
access that they have "traditionally and historically" had. He went on to
explain "prescriptive rights" and stated the case(s) needed to be continued
for two weeks to give staff time to research the issue. Commissioners
asked if Circle K had been informed of the application. Staff stated the
property owner was noticed and no comment had been received. Staff
and the Commission discussed possible alternatives for access onto the
26. Staff stated the problem with prescriptive rights was in regards to the rear
access off of Avenida Bermudas. Discussion followed regarding the
27. Commissioner Abels moved to continue the item to give staff time to
investigate the problem. Commissioner Ellson seconded the motion.
Commissioner Adolph asked staff if the Commission could approve the
item on the condition that what the Commission is doing is legal after
advise of counsel. Staff stated the Commission could approve the case but
it would not prohibit Circle K from filing an injunction and stopping the
construction. Staff stated they felt the item should be resolved before the
Commission approves the project.
28. Commissioner Abels withdrew his motion and Commissioner Ellson
withdrew her second.
29. Commissioner Abels moved to conceptually approve the building design
but continued the parking landscaping and circulation for two weeks.
Commissioner Marrs seconded the motion. The motion passed
unanimously subject to staff's recommendation and with the following
PC10-26 4
Planning Commission Minutes
October 26, 1993
a. The roof line to be recessed back as far as possible (2 feet
b. Conditions #13 and #39 of the Conditional Use Permit would be
B. Street Name Change 93-003; a request of La Quinta Golf Properties, "The
Quarry", :for approval to change the entry road name from Schwabacker Road to
Quarry Lane.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development
2. There being no comments of staff, Chairwoman Barrows opened the
public hearing. There being no public comment, Chairwoman Barrows
closed the hearing.
3. There being no discussion, Commissioners Ellson/Abels moved and
seconded to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 93-039 recommending
approval of Street Name Change 93-003 to the City Council.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Adolph, Ellson,
Marrs, Abels, Chairwoman Barrows.
NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
A. Tentative Tract 23269; a request of Century Homes, Mr. John Pavelak for
approval of architectural plans for Phase VI.
1. Associate Planner Greg Trousdell presented the information contained in
the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and
Development Department.
2. Commissioner Adolph asked if the applicant intended to install the
sideyard fencing and of what material. Staff stated he was conditioned to
put masonry fencing in the rear but they were allowed to install wood
fencing in the interior sideyards.
PC10-26 5
Planning Commission Minutes
October 26, 1993
3. There being no further questions of staff, Chairwoman Barrows asked if
the: applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. John Pavelak
spoke regarding the project.
3. Commissioner Ellson asked if the applicant owned the project to the west
of Las Vistas, Phase VII and if so what size home would be built. Mr.
Pavelak stated they owned it jointly with Triad Pacific and their plans
were for homes ranging from 1,600 square feet to 2,300 square feet.
4. Commissioner Ellson asked if the landscaping would be upscaled as
compared to the other tract. Mr. Pavelak stated it would be compatible.
5. Commissioner Adolph asked why there was a lack of greenery and large
trees. Mr. Pavelak stated they would address this issue.
6. Ms. Jenny Plantz, Topaz property owner, asked that the Planning
Commission give these tracts the same consideration and concern that they
expressed for the Village area. She felt wood fences should be outlawed
in the City of La Quinta.
7. Ms. Allyson Devinney, La Quinta Vistas property owner, stated that she
had spoken with a Century Homes sales person and they were advertising
Plan 2. Chairwoman Barrows stated they are being approved for Plans
3, 4, and 5. Discussion followed between Ms. Devinney, the applicant
and the Commission regarding what units would be sold.
8. Ms. Devinney asked how wood fences were allowed to be built. Staff
clarified that the fences were constructed before the current fencing
regulations were put in place. She further requested that no two story
units be allowed.
9. Commissioner Ellson asked what could be required regarding the fencing.
Discussion followed between the Commission and staff regarding the R-1
standards and the conditions suggested by staff regarding the fencing.
10. There being no further discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Abels
and seconded by Commissioner Adolph to adopt Minute Motion 93-048,
subject to staff recommendations. The motion carried unanimously.
B. Plot Plan 93-510; a request of La Quinta Real Estate Development Partners for
approval of new units for Tract 23268, Lots 24-33 and Lots 130-139 on the west
side of Harland Drive off Seeley Drive, north of Miles Avenue.
PC10-26 6
Planning Commission ;Minutes
October 26, 1993
1. Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand-Cherry presented the information
contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning
and Development Department.
2. Commissioner Ellson asked if all the fencing would be block. Staff stated
that staff was proposing it all to block. Discussion followed regarding the
existing fencing.
3. Commissioner Adolph asked what was proposed for the existing fence
adjacent to the Mobile Home park that was falling down. Staff asked that
the applicant answer this question.
4. Mr. Rick Snyder, representing Acacia, addressed the Commission and
stated they agreed with all the Conditions of Approval except Condition
#19. They would like to follow the same standard conditions established
in the area which are wood fences on the rear and sideyard. The front
yard would be slump block wall with decorative wrought iron.
5. Chairwoman Barrows requested that two specimen trees be planted instead
of only one.
6. Commissioner Abels stated his preference to see the condition requiring
the block wall be required.
7. Commissioner Ellson requested that on Plan "B" and "D" where the back
of the house is to the south, a trellis effect be applied to give shade. Mr.
Snyder agreed to build the overhang.
8. Commissioner Ellson asked why the applicant went with a new
architectural unit when the units were selling. Mr. Snyder stated they felt
a new unit type was needed.
9. Mr. Snyder stated his concern for being required to put a block wall up
when the tracts adjacent have wood fencing. Discussion followed
regarding the condition of the existing wood fence and the surrounding
10. Commissioner Adolph asked why the applicant did not continue with the
stone work on the front of the houses. Mr. Snyder stated he felt the new
plan was more compatible.
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Planning Commission Minutes
October 26, 1993
11. Commissioner Ellson asked what the price range would be. Mr. Snyder
stated they would be as much as the market would allow, but would range
between $120,000 to $175,000.
12. Mr. Jack Stotz, Acacia resident, stated that the property owners of Acacia
were concerned about the compatibility of the new units. He stated that
50% of the existing homes are greater than 2,000 square feet and what is
proposed is 80% under 2,000 square feet.
13. Mr. Max Flora, Acacia resident, stated that he would request that the
fencing not be wood, that the noise level during construction be
controlled, and that the trucks be rerouted to North Harland and not travel
down Seeley Drive.
14. Mr. Katie Tomas, Acacia resident, asked that wood fences not be allowed,
and that she bought her home because of the stone front treatment.
15. Mr. Russell Robertson, La Quinta resident, stated he was glad to see the
Planning Commission was trying to make tracts more compatible.
16. Mr. Bob Grimes, Sagebrush resident, asked if the developer had to come
back to the Planning Commission approval for the next group of homes
in this phase. Staff stated only if they changed any part of the design.
17. Staff stated that they had counted the number of houses in Phase I that are
over 2,000 square feet in size and there are approximately 17-20 units and
that represents 21 % of the tract.
18. Commissioner Ellson asked if the mix was determined at this point or is
it determined by the market in regards to what sells will be built. Staff
stated it would be determined by the market.
19. Mr. Blain Grimes, Acacia resident, asked that the Commission keep
consistency in the phase with the same amenities. He was also concerned
for the smaller units.
20. Mr. Bob Grimes, stated that his son's house could have a 1,300 square
foot house next to his because the mix is not predetermined. Mr. Snyder
stated he would only build the larger house plans on each side of Mr.
Grimes house.
Planning commission Minutes
October 26, 1993
21. There being no further discussion, it was moved by Commissioners
Ellson/Marrs to adopt Minute Motion 93-050, subject to the attached
conditions that will include the block wall, shading on Plans "B" and "D"
when they have a southern exposure, and at least one 24" box size
specimen tree be planted. Discussion followed among the Commissioners
regarding the requirement for a block wall. Following the discussion,
Commissioner Marrs withdrew his second. The motion died for a lack of
a second.
22. Commissioners Mans/Abels moved to adopt Minute Motion 93-050
subject to the attached conditions, and that the existing fencing on the
north would remain and the existing fencing on the east would remain and
be repaired. Commissioner Adolph asked if a condition was being placed
on the developer regarding mix. Staff recommended that the mix be
required to be 20 of each plan.
23. Commissioners Mans/Abels amended their motion to include a condition
that at least 20 % of the units proposed on the 75 lots be the larger unit of
2,360 square feet. The motion failed with Commissioners Mans, Abels,
voting yes and Commissioners Ellson, Adolph, and Chairwoman Barrows
voting no.
24. Commissioner Abels/Mans moved to adopt Minute Motion 93-050 subject
to the attached conditions, shading on Plans "B" and "D" when they have
a southern exposure, and at least one 24" box size specimen tree be
planted, and that the existing fencing on the north would remain and the
existing fence on the east would remain and be repaired, and that
maximum 20% of the units constructed on the 75 lots would be of the
smaller size, 1,280 square feet. The motion carried on the following
vote: Commissioners Abels, Marrs, Chairwoman Barrows voting yes,
and Commissioners Adolph and Ellson voting no.
C. Street Name Change 93-004; a request of Lake La Quinta, Wilma -La Quinta and
Landrex California for approval of a Resolution of Intent to set a public hearing
to consider a street name change from Via Soud to Via Avante.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development
PC10-26 9
Planning Commission ;Minutes
October 26, 1993
2. There being no questions of staff, Chairwoman Barrows asked if the
applicant wished to address the Commission. Mr. Kurt Dunham, Sr.
representing Lake La Quinta stated their reasons for the name change.
3. There being on questions of the applicant, Commissioners Ellson/Mans
moved to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 93-040 adopting a
Resolution of Intention setting December 14, 1993, as the date for a
public hearing to consider Street Name Change 93-004.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Adolph, Ellson,
Marrs, Abels, Chairwoman Barrows.
NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
D. Street Name Change 93-005; a request of the City for approval of a street name
change for Via Caliente, and/or Forbes Circle, and or West Harland Drive.
1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the
staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development
2. Commissioners discussed with staff how the problem came to be and
which streets should be changed with the least amount of trouble to the
property owners. Following the discussion, staff was instructed to write
letters to those property owners on Las Vistas and see if they had any
objection to changing to Seeley Drive and if they concur, set the item for
public hearing.
3. Following the discussion, it was moved by Commissioners Abels/Marrs
to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 93-041 recommending to the
City Council that West Harland Drive be changed to Forbes Circle and
that Lowe Avenue be changed to Bradford Circle.
ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Adolph, Ellson,
Marrs, Abels, Chairwoman Barrows.
NOES: None. ABSENT: None.
A. There being no corrections to the Minutes of October 12, 1993, Commissioners
Abels/Marrs moved and seconded a motion to approve the Minutes as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
PC10-26 10
Planning Commission Minutes
October 26, 1993
Staff informed the Commission that a tentative date had been set for a joint meeting between the
City Council, Planning Commission, and Design Review Board for November 23, 1993, at 7:00
A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Mans to adjourn this regular
meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on
November 9, 1993, at 7:00 P.M. at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers. This meeting
of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 10:25 P.M., October 26, 1993.
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