CC Resolution 2006-121RESOLUTION NO. 2006-121 A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA REQUESTING THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION TO TAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNEXATION OF 12.42 ACRES LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF WASHINGTON STREET AND CONCURRENT AMENDMENT OF THE CITY'S SPHERE OF INFLUENCE, AND IDENTIFIED AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 609-040- 005, 609-040-007, AND 609-040-023 ANNEXATION 18 RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, that: WHEREAS, the property owners desire to initiate a proposal pursuant to the Cortese -Knox -Hertzberg Local Government Act of 2000, commencing with Section 56000 of the California Government Code, for the annexation of 12.42 acres located on the east side of Washington Street, immediately south of Hidden River Road, and identified as assessor's parcel numbers 609-040-005, 609-040- 007 and 609-040-023; and WHEREAS, notice of intent to adopt this resolution of application has been given to the commission, each interested, and each subject agency at least 20 days prior to the adoption of this resolution; and WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed is inhabited, and a description of the boundaries of the territory is set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and the City; and WHEREAS, this proposal is consistent with the sphere of influence of WHEREAS, the reasons for the proposed annexation are as follows: The existing senior apartment project will be refurbished for the residents, and the vacant portion of the annexation will be; developed for additional affordable housing for the residents of the City of La Quinta; and WHEREAS, this Council certifies that an Initial Study was prepared to consider the pre -zoning of the properties, and the City determined that the proposed pre -annexation zoning would not have a significant environmental impact as described in the California Environmental Quality Act, and a Negative Declaration was prepared. Resolution No. 2006-121 Annexation 16 Adopted: November 21, 2006 Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, this Resolution of Application is hereby adopted and approved by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, and the Local Agency Formation Commission of Riverside County is hereby requested to take proceedings for the annexation of territory as described in Exhibit A, according to the terms and conditions stated above and in the manner provided by the Cortese-Knox-Hetzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta at a regular meeting thereof held on the 215Y day of November, 2006, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None DON AD PH, ayor City of La Quinta California ATTEST: VERONICA J. NIONTECINO, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: 4Z ,Td� ".THERIgE JENSON, Cit Att rney City of La Quinta, California EXHIBIT "A" REORGANIZATION TO INCLUDE ANNEXATION 18 TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND CONCURRENT DETACHMENT FROM THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY WASTE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT DISTRICT LAFCO 2006-XX-X A portion of the south half of the northwest one -quarter of Section 18, Township 5 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridan, in the County of Riverside, State of California, described more particularly as follows: Beginning at the west one -quarter of said Section 18, said corner being on the existing boundary of the City of La Quinta and on the centerline of Washington Street the following courses: 1. Thence, North 0008'34" East along the westerly line of said Section 8 and centerline of Washington Avenue a distance of 664.02 feet to the northwest corner of the south half of the south half of government lot 2 said corner also being on the centerline of Hidden River Road as shown on Parcel Map No. 12323; 2. Thence North 89034'27" East along the northerly line of said south half of the south half of Section 8 and centerline of Hidden River Road a distance of 475.34 feet to the northeast corner of lot D of said Parcel Map No. 12323; 3. Thence South 0008'34 West along the easterly line of said Lot D and the easterly line of Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 12323 a distance of 400.31 feet to the southeast corner of said Parcel 2 said corner being on the .northerly property line of that parcel of land described in deed to Testa Family Limited Partnership 11; 4. Thence North 89134'28" east along the Northerly line of said Testa Family land a distance of 849.23 feet; 5. Thence South 0020'37"East 265.62 feet to the southerly line of said Testa Land, said point also being on the east -west centerline of said Section 18; to a point of centerline of said Section 18; 6. Thence South 89039'27 West along said east -west centerline of section 18 and southerly of said Testa Family land 1326.81 feet to the point of beginning. Area = 12.42 Acres, more of less PLAN FOR PROVISION OF MUNICIPAL SERVICES ANNEXATION NO. 18 TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA INTRODUCTION This plan of services addresses public utilities, infrastructure, and public services required to serve a proposed annexation of 11.62 t acres of land into the City of La Quinta. Municipal services included in this Plan include water, wastewater, law enforcement, fire protection, parks and recreation, roadway maintenance, and libraries. The proposed annexation area is neither in the Sphere of Influence of the City of La Quinta or in the City itself. It is located on the east side of Washington Street, and south of Hidden River Road, between the major intersections of Fred Waring Drive and 42nd Avenue. The annexation area consists of three parcels totaling 11.62 acres. To the north of Hidden River Road there is multi -family residential development; to the south there is High Density Residential development under construction; to the west of Washington Street there is single family residential development; and to the -east there is vacant desert land. MUNICIPAL SERVICES Water The Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) provides water service to the City. There is currently a water line in Hidden River Road, which will -service the proposed annexation area. CVWD provides domestic water through the extraction of groundwater by a system of wells drilled to depths approximately 700 to 1,300 feet. CVWD estimates water usage for residential development at 3.97 acre-feet per acre, per year. The proposed annexation area, at build out, would therefore consume 43.67 acre-feet of water annually. The District's Urban Water Management Plan indicates that it has sufficient supplies to serve the annexation area for the long term, including plans for recharge of the aquifer. Waste Water CVWD also provides sanitary sewer service to the area. A sewer line on Washington Street and Hidden River Road will serve the annexation area. All wastewater collected north of Miles Avenue, including the proposed annexation area, is conveyed to CVWD's treatment plant at Madison Street and Avenue 38, north and east of the annexation area. The plant currently as a capacity of approximately five million gallons per day (MGD), and is treating approximately three mgd. Capacity is therefore sufficient to accommodate the annexation area. Solid .Waste Burtec Waste Industries provides solid waste disposal services to the proposed annexation area, including solid waste collection, recycling programs, and household hazardous waste disposal for residential customers within La Quinta. Waste is taken to a transfer station located at Edom Hill, and from this location to one of several regional landfills, including the Lambs Canyon, Badlands, or El Sorbrante landfills, located west of the City. Roadways Washington Street is classified as a major arterial in the La Quinta General Plan and provides the only access to Hidden River Road. Washington Street is currently developed to its ultimate right of way of six lanes. Law Enforcement The Riverside County Sheriff's Department, under contract to the City, currently serves the proposed annexation area. The Sheriff's Department operates a station on Dr. Carreon Boulevard in Indio, as well a community policing office on Avenue Bermudas in La Quinta. The Sheriff's Department staffs 43 sworn officers and support personnel for the City. Services include street patrols, traffic enforcement, special enforcement teams, school resource officer, and gang and narcotics enforcement teams. Current response times within the City and the annexation area is approximately 5 minutes. Fire Protection Fire protection services are currently provided to the proposed annexation area by the Riverside County Fire Department, under contract with the City.. The Department operates three fire stations in the City, including the newly completed Station #93, located approximately two miles southeast of the annexation area. Response time to the annexation area would be expected to be about 5 minutes. The City maintains mutual aid agreements with surrounding communities, to assure adequate service in an emergency. Parks and Recreation There are 104.48 acres of developed parkland in the City, which are owned and maintained by the City. In addition to parks, the City also operates a 10,000 square foot senior center, a 20,000 square foot library (see below), and a 6,000 square foot museum. In addition, two parks are planned for the future, totaling 37.3 acres. in proximity to the annexation area is Adams Park, located adjacent to Fire Station #93, approximately one mile from the annexation area. The General Plan encourages the development of 3 acres of parkland for every 1,000 residents. With an ultimate population of 458 persons, the annexation area would generate the need for 0.46 acre of park land. The City's Community Services Department provides recreational activities for the City, including programs for children and adults. The City funds additional park facilities through two mechanisms. The purchase of land for parks is provided for in the City's Quimby Ordinance, which requires the purchase of land, or payment of in lieu fees, for new projects. In the case of the annexation area, both parcels will be required to pay in lieu fees for the purchase of park land. The fee is based on appraised values at the time that tract maps are recorded, and therefore varies. In addition, the City charges a Development Impact Fee, .payable at the issuance of building permits. Development on the southerly portion of the annexation area will be required to pay the required Quimby and Development Impact fees. In addition to City parks, the Coachella Valley Recreation and Parks District operates and maintains four parks in the City, including the La Quinta Community Park/Community Center, Fritz Burns Park, the Coral Mountain Regional Park, and the Lake Cahuilla County Park. These facilities total 1,479.2 acres. Schools The annexation area is within the boundary of the Desert Sands Unified School District. The District operates three elementary schools, three middle schools and one high school in the City. The District opened a new middle school adjacent to the annexation area for the 2006 school year, and also operates the Amelia Earhart Elementary School, the John Glenn Middle School, and the La Quinta High School within the City limits. Libraries The La Quinta Library is located in the Estado, approximately five miles south 20,000 square foot library, completer i Riverside Library System. PUBLIC UTILITIES Civic Center complex, at 78080 Calle of the proposed annexation area. The n 2004, is operated by the County of Electricity Electric service is provided in the proposed annexation area by Imperial Irrigation District. The District currently services the apartments north of Hidden River Road. It has facilities along Washington Street, which will be able service the ultimate development of the area. Mairural Gas The gas company, a Sempra Energy Corporation, currently provides natural gas in the development area. There is a 3" main in Washington Street and a 2" main running along the length of Hidden River Road. Telephone Service Telephone service in the area is currently provided by Verizon, which has existing facilities on Hidden River Road and will provide service to the development. Prepared by: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager Date: City of La Quinta RESOLUTION NO.2006-121 EXHIBIT '4 " SHEET 1 of 1 L4 L+ REORGANIZA 17ON TO INCLUDE ANNEXA 17ON 1 TO CITY OF LA QUINTA AND CONCURRENT to ^ DETACHMENT FROM THE RI WRS)'DE WASTE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT DISTRICT LAFCO XXaY 1 — N 1/4 COR 1 4= 1 AVOW 8934'27" E m 609-040-015 �SOOV8'347W 400.31' T POR770N APN 609-040-015 S89'39'27"W '1326.81' W 1/4 COR L1� �AiD ® LEGAL DESCRIPTION COURSE ANNEXATION BOUNDARY EXISTING CITY BOUNDARY S0020'37"E 265.62' C L ;A JOHN F. YOUNG Exp. 9-30-08 Na 4W5 91 il SCALE: 1 `500' 12.42 Acres 0 500ft STAWGBT LdN.B AVENUE 42 15 SOMBRERO C DESERT MIN C.) CIR• DISCOVER = BAY a R VER RD. � a UI Sw— //7 , 7 LN. I vieffffly JOHN F. YOUNG LS 4665 DA TE NTS BBNG A PAR170N OF THE S 1/2 OF 7HE NW 1/4 T SEC17ON 14 T.5 S, R.7 E SQM. COUNTY T RIVER M STATE 6' CALMNIA 1 CONSTRUCTION TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. CITY OF LA QUINTA sm 10 PLANNING -CIVIL ENGINEERING -LAND SURVEYING - GEOTECHNI'AL ANNEXATION PLAT imop IlNlillil -