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1992 03 10 PC
♦e e♦ Tk C I T 10 F inta 81 • I9911 Ten Carat Decade FEAU ITING CO1' U S,SXON AGENDA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California March 10, 1992 7:00 P.M. **NOTE** ALL AGENDA ITEMS NOT CONSIDERED BY 11:00 P.M. MAY BE CONTINUED TO THE NEXT COMMISSION MEETING Beginning Resolution 92-007 Beginning Minute Motion 92-010 CALL T'O ORIDE R — Flag Salute ROLL CALL PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Item ................ GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 91-040, CHANGE OF ZONE 91-069, TENTATIVE TRACT 26768 Applicant .......... BESTCO Investments, Limited Location ............ West side of Monroe Street, 1 /4 mile north of Airport Boulevard and 1/2 mile south of 54th Avenue. Request ............. General Plan amendment to amend the City's Land Use Element from Riverside County Agricultural to Very Low Density Residential for approximately 44 acres. Change of Zone from R-1 10 acres to R-1 20,000 single family residential for approximately 44 acres. Tentative Tract 26768 to subdivide +20 acres into 21 single family residential lots. Action .............. Resolution 92- PC/AGENDA 2. Item ................ TENTATIVE TRACT 27332 Applicant ........... Sunrise Desert Partners Location ............ On the east side of Interlachen north side of Hermitage. Request ............. Approval of Tentative Tract Map to divide 7 acres into 5 residential lots for development of 42 condominium units. Action .............. Resolution 92- PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Planning Commission on matters relating to City planning and zoning which are not Agenda items. Persons wishing to address the Planning Commission should use the form provided. Please complete a form and submit the form to the Recording Secretary prior to the beginning of the meeting. Your name will be called at the appropriate time. When addressing the Planning 'Commission, please state your name and address. The proceedings of the Planning Commission meeting are recorded on tape and comments of each person shall be limited to three minutes. BUSINESS SESSION 1. Item ............... PLOT PLAN 92-479 Applicant ........... Sunrise Company Location ............ PGA West Resort. Request ............. To establish a new model type and a new home complex within the PGA West Resort. Action .............. Minute Motion 92- 2. Item ............... Setback Adjustment 92-099 Applicant ........... Gerald Shea Location ............ 45-360 Desert Eagle Court Request ............. To adjust the rear yard setback of 10 feet to 1 foot for a portable gazebo structure and to adjust the rear yard setback of 5 feet to 1-1/2 feet for a portable spa. Action .............. Minute Motion 92- CONSENT CALENDAR Approval of the Minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting held February 25, 1992. OTHER ADJOURNMENT PC/AGENDA 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STUDY SESSION MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1992 City Council Chambers DISCUSSION ONLY 4:00 P.M. 1. All Agenda items. 2. Setbacks - accessory structures 3. Guesthouses PC/AGENDA 3 PH *- PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: MARCH 10, 1992 CASE NOS.: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 91-040 CHANGE OF ZONE 91-069 TENTATIVE TRACT 26768 REQUEST: 1. GENERAL PLAN 91-040 - CONSIDERATION TO AMEND THE CITY'S LAND USE ELEMENT FROM RIVERSIDE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL TO VERY LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (0-2 DU/ACRE) FOR APPROXIMATELY 44 ACRES 2. CHANGE OF ZONE 91-069 - CONSIDERATION TO AMEND THE CITY'S ZONING MAP FROM R-1 10 ACRES TO R-1 20,000 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL FOR APPROXIMATELY 44 ACRES 3. TENTATIVE TRACT 26768 - THE APPLICANT PROPOSES TO SUBDIVIDE +20 ACRES INTO 21 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS APPLICANT: BESTCO INV., LTD & CITY OF LA QUINTA BESTCO OWNER: ANDRE CHARLEBOIS ENGINEER: LLOYD W. WATSON REPRESENTATIVE: GREG SHANNON LOCATION: WEST SIDE OF MONROE STREET, 1/4 MILE NORTH OF AIRPORT BOULEVARD & 1/2 MILE SOUTH OF 54TH AVENUE ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 767-330-007 & 008 (BESTCO PROPERTIES) 767-330-006, 011 & 014 (RODRIQUEZ, YSIANO & WOLLAN) GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: EXISTING - RIVERSIDE COUNTY (AGRICULTURAL) PROPOSED - VERY LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (0-2 DU/ACRE) ZONING: EXISTING - R-1 10 ACRES (RESIDENTIAL) PROPOSED - R-1-20,000 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL STAFFRPT.079/CS -1- ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 91-221 HAS BEEN PREPARED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS APPLICATION. THE INITIAL STUDY INDICATES THAT NO SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS WILL OCCUR THAT CANNON BE MITIGATED BY IMPOSITION OF MITIGATION MEASURES. THEREFORE, A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THIS PROJECT. THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT IS ATTACHED. SURROUNDING EXISTING LAND USES: NORTH: QUALICO DEVELOPMENT (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) SOUTH: LANDMARK LAND (AGRICULTURE FIELD) WEST: LANDMARK LAND (SOD FARM) EAST: RESIDENTIAL & AGRICULTURE FIELDS CIRCULATION: MONROE STREET - PRIMARY ARTERIAL 100 TO 110 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY RELATED PAST ACTIONS: The properties were annexed to the City of La Quinta in 1990/91. The properties were part of Annexation #5 which consists of 2,540 acres. When the City predesignated and prezoned the 2,540 acres during the Annexation process, the City inadvertently did not General Plan and prezone these 5 properties. The 5 properties encompass approximately 44 acres. The City zoned the parcels R-1 10 Acre as a holding designation while the City examined the future long term development potential of this area. Recently, the City reviewed the Landmark Land Specific Plan (90-015) for the area to the west and south of this subject area. The Landmark Land project examined a change from R-1 10 Acre to R-2 in order to develop their 265 acre project which included 1,060 homes and a golf course. The project was approved in December, 1991. Approximately three months ago, the City received an application by Bestco to change their two properties (20 acres) on Monroe Street from R-1 10 Acres to R-1 20,000 Single Family Residential. Based on this application, the City scheduled the request for March pursuant to the City's General Plan review cycle procedures. The City is allowed by State Law to examine changes to the General Plan a maximum of four times a year. STAFFRPT.079/CS -2- The City has included three other properties in the request (which are to the north) because these properties are also General Planned and zoned the same as the Bestco parcels. The three parcels vary in size but make up approximately 24 acres. Therefore, the application before the Planning Commission is to evaluate 44 acres (5 parcels) from Riverside County Agriculture (R-1 10 Acre) to Very Low Density (0-2 DU/acre). The City is currently in the process of doing a comprehensive General Plan Update, however, the update will not be formally reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council until this summer. In previous public meetings, the City Council has recommended that staff evaluate this area and consider a Very Low Density category for the rural area of the City (0-2 DU's/acre). PROPOSAL (Bestco): The site is vacant and surrounded on the north, east and south by existing rural land uses. The site lacks curbs, gutter and sidewalk improvements. The applicant is requesting a rezoning of the property to support the division of this property into 21 new single family lots. The developer has requested that he be allowed to develop estate lots (minimum .68 acres and maximum 1 acre) and build custom homes on these lots. No plans have been submitted detailing the size of the future homes. A Homeowner's Association is proposed as lots will be fee owned and yards will be maintained by each respective owner. The parkway along Madison Street will be maintained by a future Lighting and Landscape Maintenance District. DEVELOPMENT ISSUES (Tract Map Application - Bestco): A. Circulation: The site will be served by one point of access on Monroe Street and will support two-way traffic. The project streets are typically private streets which include a curb to curb measurements of 37 feet with the outer areas devoted to parkway easements. The project will be gated and the applicant will be required to install necessary off -site street improvements along the frontage of their site similar to the new improvements at the La Quinta Estate project (Qualico), to the north approximately 640 feet. f ) 0 STAFFRPT.079/CS -3- B. On -site Water Retention: A retention basin is proposed at the southeast corner of the project site (Lots G & F) by Monroe Street. The basin will be used for flood control purposes. The basin will not be used for recreational purposes. A hydrology study will be required of the developer during plan check considerations to insure that the basins are adequate to meet the needs of the subdivision request. C. Lot Size The applicant has proposed lots which vary in size from .68 acres to 1 acre. The lots are rectangular in size and average .75 acres. The developer's proposal meets the requirements of the R1-20,000 Zoning Code provisions if the property is allowed to be converted from R-1 10 Acres. A discussion on land use in this immediate area is discussed below. D. Land Use Change As previously mentioned, the applicant has requested a change of zone and the City has initiated a change in the General Plan Land Use designation for this property. Therefore, it is appropriate to examine the surrounding area of the site: Qualico: The Qualico development to the north of the area on Monroe Street is currently under construction. This project, Tract 26769, was approved by the City Council on June 18, 1991. The project is on 20 acres with 14 residential lots being developed (0.7 DU/acre). The developer is marketing finished lots for sale to either developers or individual buyers. Madison Estates: This project was approved by the City Council on January 21, 1992. This project is located on Madison Street, 1/4 mile south of 54th Avenue. The City Council permitted the developer to subdivide his property into minimum 10,000 square feet lots. No activity has happened since the tentative map approval. Landmark Land: The City Council approved 1,060 units on 265 acres to the west and south of these properties in December 1991. The approved density is approximately 4 DU/acre (Specific Plan 90-015/EIR). STAFFRPT.079/CS -4- EXISTING GENERAL PLAN GOALS FOR THE CITY: The following policies are currently within the City's General Plan, and are pertinent for this case: Residential Land Use Policy 6.2.2 - Projects which include a mixture of residential housing types shall be encouraged as a means of implementing the City's Housing Element. Residential Land Use Policy 6.2.6 - The development of appropriate incentives to achieve a mix of housing is desirable especially to assure that not all new projects become gated communities. Sites considered for density increases should be evaluated on an individual basis considering such factors as compatibility, available services, infrastructure, traffic impacts, and similar issues. In terms of compatibility, the site is surrounded by other existing or planned projects which are similar in intensity to this particular project. No impacts are anticipated because of land use incompatibility. Urban services can be brought to the site if not presently available. This will benefit other properties in the area whether they are in the City or in the unincorporated County of Riverside. Low density developments which are less than 2 units per acre do not place a burden on City services nor public utility companies. Staff did not receive any negative agency comments on the Bestco application. STAFF COMMENTS: This area of the City has been left in a large estate designation since incorporation into the City of La Quinta. The application by Bestco has spurred the City to evaluate the growth and development potential of this area. In terms of a residential category, the Very Low Density classification of the General Plan is the lowest density the City can consider unless an Open Space designation was implemented on the property. Staff does not support an Open Space designation for two reasons: 1) the City's General Plan states that hillsides with slopes of 20%, flood control facilities, water courses, etc. should be designated Open Space, and 2) the City would be depriving the property owners of their right to develop their property in a similar fashion to those properties in the City to the north, south and west. STAFFRPT.079/CS -5- Traditionally, the Very Low Density (0-2 DU/acre) designation has been characterized by low -density condominium units within recreation oriented gated projects, or detached single family homes on large lots. This area is an ideal setting for large lot development if the property owners chose to explore this type of development in the future. Staff does not foresee all the properties in the next 5 years pursuing development, however, over the next 10-15 years development in this area could be completed if the market can support additional growth. In the last 6 months, there has been renewed interest from members of the community and the City Council to explore rural density categories for this area of the City and properties to the north. The idea has been to assure the quality of life for the City is not eroded by designating the majority of City Low Density Residential (2-4 DU/acre) and by not providing equestrian facilities. At present, the properties north of this location (up to 52nd Avenue and including some of 50th Avenue) are zoned for R-1 20,000 development and, it has been the feeling of the City, that this type of residential development would provide a balance to the City due to the other portions of the City being zoned Special Residential, R-1 Residential, R-2 Residential, etc. Presently, the City has about 50% of the City devoted to Low Density Residential uses. Approximately 10% of the City's General Planned residential properties are in 'the Very Low Density classification. CONCLUSION: Historically, this area was designated by the County of Riverside to provide property for rural housing development. The properties in -the immediate area are Zoned R-1 20,000 (square feet) or one home per 1/2 acre or at a higher density (e.g. R-2). The market demand for housing is varied, and there are requests by developers to provide housing in the $300,000 plus range for this area of the city. Presently, there are many areas of the City slated for low density residential development (detached housing) at a density of 2-4 units per acre. This general area (defined by property south of 50th Avenue and north of 54th Avenue) is approximately one square mile in size and devoted to both areas without and with the Equestrian Overlay (north of 52nd Avenue). Development issues and the number of residential units per acre surfaced during the review of Tract 26972 (Dr. Darr) and Tract 27187 (Mr. Pudney) since many realtors believe estate developments similar to the Green Acre Estates project are not marketable. Therefore, Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission allow a change from R-1 10 Acre to R-1 20,000 because the minimum 1/2 acre lot size would be compatible with other properties to the north, and is consistent with the Very Low Density standards of the City. STAFFRPT.079/CS -6- Staff is not opposed to the Bestco project being gated because there are numerous other projects in the City which are not gated and have public streets. Lot sizes greater than 20,000 square feet and located on a private street typically are gated because the owner's prefer seclusion and, they want to deter drive through traffic. FINDINGS• The proposed change will not adversely affect the ultimate development of this area since the proposal is designed for detached single family residential housing. Additional findings can be made and are contained herein. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends: 1. That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution 92- recommending to the City Council approval of General Plan Amendment 91-040, and confirmation of the Environmental Determination. 2. That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution 92- recommending to the City Council approval of Change of Zone 91-069, from R-1 10 Acres to R-1 20,000 Single Family Residential. 3. That the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolution 92- , recommending to City Council approval of TT 26768, subject to the attached conditions. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Plan Exhibits 3. Environmental Assessment 91-221 4. Agency comments and other information 5. Draft PC Resolution; General Plan Amendment 91-040 6. Draft PC Resolution; Change of Zone 91-069 7. Draft PC Resolution; Tentative Tract 26768 STAFFRPT.079/CS -7- J 3725 ; ` Lai i • I � AVENUE 56 BM —61 - - ----- - --- 71 0 .— r 2 20 h F •i� Y , U I � 540000, FEET 15 14 13 31Y3 :::::::::: l\ 13 I• _25 _ - —------- —--- ------ --- AVENUE' 56 . o -------- ..-- 47 -63 _74!. O ,I i 3722 22 23 2 3721 I AVENUE " S-- - - ---- -- - ' ---- - - - � --- - --_ - --- - - - - o -e6. -77 h � 0 • 27 _ _ - _ . 26 25 33°37'30" 11 -15' 570 571 572 2 010 000 FEET! 573 12' 30" \\� Mapped, edited, and published by the Geological Survey g� �,50 Control by USGS, USC&GS, and USCE rl� 0 ,1 M Iv\'62 Topography from planetable surveys by USBR 1938 GN N and from aerial photographs by Wild A-8 plotter ' Aerial photographs taken 1953. Field check 1956 14{}• Polyconic projection. 1927 North American datum a 1s zsa MILS 10,000-foot grid based on California coordinate system, zone 6 1000-meter Universal Transverse Mercator grid ticks, zone 11, shown in blue UTM GRID AND 1972 MAGNETIC NORTH Red tint indicates areas in which only DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET landmark buildings are shown Revisions shown in purple and recompilation of ( F( woodland areas compiled from aerial photographs taken 1972. This Information not field checked Purple tint Indicates extension of urban areas Vacated Under Construction 55th AVE. Qualico Development Iw Home Vacant // 4.5SAe. siano 0. f /4 4.' � � f 4.77AGLn I /9tAC. t5. S 6 A� O Home eo F per 7 © /B. LML Wo llan Agriculture Rodriguez 2/Ac. Nt b 4 88 V e Landmark J O u Vacated Strei� •tee 1 Q III Par. 3 /785Ac. nt Vacant Bestco Landmark Turf Farm Vacant Bestco (5.to Ae- O I 3.1 1 i 39 4t. t Landmark Agriculture Field 0 A a6 ! , LiI/i sSs4f Pv90�I! AIRPORT BOULEVARD 1soo/-11 7j so' CASE Nm Property Ownership Map/Existing Land Uses Nome 0 MNO SCALE: nts 9t Q OS i v LA ®UENTA GENERAL PLAN VERY LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (0.2 DU/AC) LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2-4 DU/AC) I] MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (i-6 DU/AC) MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (8 12 DWAC) 1] HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (12 16 DU/AC) VILLAGE COMMERCIAL TOURIST COMMERCIAL SPECIAL COMMERCIAL ;C MIXED COMMERCIAL GENERAL COMMERCIAL J COMMERCIAL PARK ElWATERCOURSE/FLOOD CONTROL Riverside County Agriculture 57 OPEN SPACE C MAJOR COMMUNITY FACLJTES Al URBAN MIX -AV ^A. ho NORTN CASE Na Existing City General Plan Exhibit SCALE : nts at -4;"!Nz- 1 CITY OF LA QUINTA INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY CASE NO. TTM 26768, GPA 91-040, CZ 91-069 (EA91-221) BESTCO/City of La Quinta GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The proposed site is located on the west side of Monroe Street, approximately 1/4 mile north of Airport Boulevard. The 44 acre site is primarily vacant and owned by four individuals. Staff has received a request from Mr. Andre' Charlebois to subdivide approximately 20 acres of the subject area into 21 single family residential lots pursuant to the R-1 20,000 Zoning District provisions. Mr. Charlebois owns the southerly 20 acres of the subject site, and three other property owners have title to the remaining 45 acres. The property is presently designated Riverside County Agriculture by the General Plan and Zoned R-1 10 acre. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS EXPLANATION OF "YES" AND "MAYBE" QUESTIONS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 1. EARTH: The soil on this property has been classified as Gilman Loam or Myoma Fine Sands. This type of soil has rapid permeability and it can be used for crop production or homesite development. A majority of the project site is used for agricultural purposes. Mr. Charlebois, BESTCO, is the only applicant at this time who is desirous to pursue development of the site with urban services (single family detached housing). The contouring of the earth to support the project will be done as part of the grading plan, and no on -site work shall be done until a study has been prepared which identifies the cut and fill needs of the site (Charlebois site). The general elevation of the site is below, sea level. The site is in a Zone 3 Seismic/Geologic Hazard area as noted by the County of Riverside Planning Department (1983). A Zone 3 is an area with moderate shaking qualities but less severe than a Zone 12 (highest level). It is categorized as: "effect on people: felt by most people indoors. Some can estimate duration of shaking. But many may not recognize shaking of building as caused by an earthquake, the shaking is like that caused by the passing of light trucks (Riverside County Manual)." Although earthquake damage should not be a major problem at the site, it is important that the Civil Engineer and a Geologist examine the natural forms of the site to determine the existence of any seismic problems. MITIGATION MEASURES: 000-01 Y 1). Grading of the site shall occur pursuant to the approval of the future grading plan as specified by the City's Engineering Department. All work shall be conducted in a manner so that it does not disturb other abutting properties unless off -site agreements have been made and/or approved. The grading quantities have not been submitted, but it is assumed that most of the earth moving at the site (contouring) will occur on the premises. It is also likely sand importation might occur in order to create the finished building pads. 2. The site shall meet the provisions of Uniform Building Code Section 2312 (d) 2 because the project lies within a Seismic Zone 4. It is recommended that all structures be designed according to current Uniform Building Code requirements. 2. AIR: The project site is located within the Southeast Desert Air Basin (SEDAB) and is under the jurisdiction of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). With the proposed construction, there may be air pollutant sources which may deteriorate ambient air quality. These sources are stationary and mobile sources. Stationary source considerations include emission from on -site construction activities and natural gas combustion. Mobile source consideration include exhaust emissions resulting from short term construction activities and long term generation associated with the project. It could be anticipated that with the construction of the proposed project there will be a reduction in the overall mobile emission releases because of related automobile trips which will be generated by the future residents of the subdivision. it is assumed that 21 homes will only generate 10 vehicle trips per day per home. This increase in vehicles trips and/or emissions should not have a significant impact on the City's air quality. MITIGATION MEASURES: 1). Adequate watering techniques shall be employed to partially mitigate the impact of the construction generated dust. 2). Areas graded but not immediately constructed on shall be planted with a temporary ground cover to reduce the amount of open space subject to wind erosion. 3). Grading and construction shall comply with all applicable City Ordinances and the requirements of the Air Quality Management Plan. 3. WATER: With the proposed construction it can be expected that there will be a change in the absorption rate (due to impervious surfaces), drainage patterns and amount and rate of surface water run-off. The project proponent will provide an on or off -site retention/detention basin (off -site if approved by the City Engineer) for the collection of storm water and nuisance water run- off. 0000_i.; This area is not noted to be an area subject to liquefaction. Liquefaction is the germ which is used when the ground water table is very close to the surface, and during an earthquake the ground has a tendency to vibrate building structures from their respective foundations thus causing failure and other adverse side -effects. If the geotechnique study shows that this is a problem at the site, measures shall be taken to mitigate this problem. Note: Recent geotechnical reporting in the area (Buena Engineers - Specific Plan Case 90-015/Landmark Land Company) indicated that free groundwater is not present in this area. This document was used as a reference guide for this project. The project engineer has provided a preliminary retention basin for the Charlebois development, and the water retention area is located on the east side of the site, abutting Monroe Street. The basin is about 1/2 acres in size. The proposed basin has been designed to accommodate a 100 year storm pursuant to City standards. A hydrology report, prepared by the project engineer, will be required if a final tract map application is submitted to the City in the future. MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. The project shall comply with all applicable City requirements regarding storm water and nuisance water. The developer will be required to prepare a hydrology study which identifies the increased water run-off quantities which will be generated at the site by analyzing the assumed quantities in an undeveloped state and factoring this against the development proposal. Based on this study the project engineer will be required to provide an on - site drainage basin(s) which will maintain storm water run-off and allow gradual dissipation of the water into the ground. The basin slope should not be greater than 3:1 and the depth should not exceed five feet. The plan is presently being reviewed by the City's Engineering Department and specific recommendations will be made at the public hearing. 2. Very low flow 1.6 gallon toilets shall be installed in all future homes pursuant to Public Health Code Section 17921.3 (effective January 1, 1992). 4. PLANT LIFE: The subject properties have, in the past, been used for agricultural purposes (production of alfalfa) and, therefore, are presently void of any unique plant life. It is assumed that no major impacts are anticipated by the development of this area or Mr. Charlebois' site. MITIGATION MEASURES: None required. 5. Animal Life: The subject site is not located in an area defined as a Fringed -Toed Lizard Habitat area (a Federally protected species), therefore, no impact mitigation fee is required of the developer if development occurs on the site(s). It is highly unlikely that the Flat tailed horned Lizard exists at this site also since agricultural endeavors have occurred on the property(ies) in the past. MITIGATION MEASURES: None anticipated. 6. NOISE: Because of the proposed construction and subsequent operation of the single family subdivision (Mr. Charlebois), it can be expected that there will be some increase in the existing noise levels on the site. Most of the noise generated will be from motorized traffic coming to and from the site but this type of noise is typical for this type of development. Noise levels along surface roadways adjacent to the site are expected to be 67 CNEL at 100 feet from the roadway centerline (based on future traffic demands within the City) and, it is assumed that all proposed dwellings within 300 feet of Monroe will require noise mitigation to reduce the exterior noise levels to 60 CNEL. MITIGATION MEASURES: 1). As required by the General Plan, this project shall prepare a noise analysis to minimize noise impacts on surrounding land uses. The City's General Plan Guidelines for indoor and outdoor noise shall be met. An acoustical study should be prepared which analyzes the impact of road noise from Monroe Street on the future homesite(s) and the impacts of the site on abutting residents. Mitigation measures can include, but are not limited to: landscape barriers, walls, building wall upgrades, or other measures deemed necessary to meet the City's guidelines. 7. LIGHT AND GLARE: It is anticipated that the building(s) will include lighting. However, at this time, this material has not been submitted to staff but it is assumed that during the plan check process of this case in the future the applicant will be required to gain approval of this material from the City's Design Review Board or the Planning and Building Department prior to construction permit issuance. MITIGATION MEASURES: All lighting will have to comply with the City's "Dark Sky Ordinance". Additionally, light sources shall be shielded to eliminate light glare and off -site spillage onto abutting vacant or developed properties. 8. LAND USE(S): The General Plan has designated the property as Riverside County Agriculture. Mr. Charlebois has requested a density of two homes per acre for his 20 acre site. The tract map request is for 21 residential lots on the 17 net acres. Since staff has received a request from Mr. Charlebois, and the City can only examine General Plan Amendments four times a year, staff has taken the opportunity to include three other properties to the north in this case review. It is up to the Planning Commission and City Council to examine this request and, further, determine if the request has merit for approval. MITIGATION MEASURES: The City Council will be the final government body to review the above -mentioned applications, and to determine whether or not the General Plan Amendment and Change of Zone are warranted for this development application. Denial of the case will mean that the site will retain an Agricultural designation versus a Very Low Density Residential classification as requested by the applicant, Mr. Charlebois. 9. NATURAL RESOURCES: No major adverse impacts are anticipated by the construction of this project. MITIGATION MEASURES: None required. However, the applicant shall meet all necessary requirements of the local serving agencies as outlined in the attached agency comments or as mandated during construction plan implementation. Building energy conservation will largely be achieved by compliance with Title 20 and 24 of the California Administrative Code. These standards are handled by the Building and Safety Department during construction plan check review. 10. RISK OF UPSET: No adverse impact is anticipated due to explosion or release of hazardous substances. MITIGATION MEASURES: None required. However, all construction activities whether or not they are permanent or temporary shall meet all necessary safety standards of the Federal, State and local government requirements. 11. POPULATION: It is not anticipated that the proposed project will have an adverse or significant impact on population distribution, density or growth rate in the area. The developer is marketing the project toward retired people or second home clients. Therefore, it is assumed that the future population of this area will be small in comparison to a normal tract development. The density of the project will be determined by the Planning Commission and City Council based on the number of units per acre which is approved. MITIGATION MEASURES: None required. 12. HOUSING: With the proposed project there may be an incremental demand for additional employment areas to provide jobs for these new residents. The homes will range in price from $-:00, 000 to $500, 000 (or higher) and ultimately be geared to second home retired buyers. Therefore, due to the size of the project, it is assumed that these new homes will have an insignificant impact on employment demand. MITIGATION MEASURES: None is proposed. 13. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION: Additional traffic will be generated by the development of this project. The project is fronting on an existing partially developed major arterial of the City which is planned to have divided north/south traffic on it which provides both access to Interstate 10 and Highway 111 (State roadway systems). It is assumed that the site will generate approximately 100 to 210 vehicle trips per day which is consistent with residential development projections (i.e. 10 trips per home for typical single family home development) as noted in the ITE Trip Generation Manual. This additional number of vehicles will not impact this area of the City since the existing level of service for this thoroughfare is presently under used and at a level A capacity (A being best and F being worst). MITIGATION MEASURES: 1). Compliance with all applicable City requirements regarding street improvements of adjacent street(s). 2). The project shall provide adequate on -site parking to accommodate the proposed use of the property. Two covered garage spaces per unit shall. be required. 3). A eight foot wide public sidewalk and additional equestrian trail shall be provided on Monroe Street as determined by the Planning Commission and City Council. 4. No direct access will be permitted onto Monroe Street from for any of the proposed single family lots except at the main gated entryway. Access should be restricted to right -in and right -out traffic movement after the street median is installed. 5. Bus facilities shall be provided along Monroe Street as necessary for this rural area. 16. UTILITIES: Except for storm water drainage facilities, no significant impacts are anticipated in the area of utilities which include natural gas, communication systems, water, sewer, and solid waste. MITIGATION MEASURES: All necessary infrastructure improvements as mandated by the City or any other public agency shall be met as part of the development of this site. As mentioned before, the site will be required to install appropriate drainage facilities which will contain storm water run-off during seasonal rain storms or to contain nuisance water from both irrigation and surfaced areas (i.e. parking lots, buildings, etc.). 14. PUBLIC SERVICES: The project may create a need for additional fire protection, police protection and maintenance of public roads in the area. The site will also generate additional school age children which will go to the Coachella Valley School District. However, it is anticipated that any increases in this area will be incremental, and further, should only have negligible impacts on existing personnel or services. MITIGATION MEASURES: 00001,1, 1). Prior to the issuance of a building permit the applicant will be required to pay the City's Infrastructure Fee. This fee will help mitigate impacts as noted above. 2). The project shall comply with all requirements of the Fire and Riverside County Sheriffs' Departments. However, the fee exaction request by the County Fire Department shall be examined by the City Council since they are the appropriate final action legislative authority. 3). The developer will be required to pay the Coachella Valley School District's impact fees prior to acquiring a building permit. The current fee has been recently raised from $1.58 per square foot of living area per single family home to $1.65. The fee excludes patios and garages. 4. Water, sewer and electric service provisions shall be made and secured prior to securing building permits. 18. AESTHETICS: The parcels are generally vacant and the development of single: story homes in this area should not effect the ultimate development of this area. MITIGATION MEASURES: 1). The height of the building shall not exceed the requirements of the City's Zoning Code. Single story buildings should be encouraged in this area. 2). The development of the on and off -site landscaping program should take into consideration the unique setting of this property as it relates to abutting properties. 19. RECREATION: No significant adverse impacts are anticipated in this area. MITIGATION MEASURES: The applicant will be required to contribute to the City's park in -lieu fund which is used to develop City parks for both residents and visitors to this area. The fee is based on a ratio of the assumed population of the future housing tract (1-5 acres of park land for each 1,000 residents) as it relates to the entire City, dwelling unit population, and finally land costs of the property. The park fee will be determined prior to final map consideration. 20. ARCHEOLOGICAL/HISTORICAL/PALEONTOLOGY: Due to the historical nature of the City, there may be an adverse impact created by the construction of the project. MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. An archaeological survey by a qualified archaeologists will need to be completed prior to activities which would disturb the site (i.e. site grading). Compliance with the results of the archaeological survey will be required. 2. Prior to any site disturbances or grading, the developer shall initiate an "on -site" lakebed delineation study to be based upon the paleontological survey contained in Specific Plan 90-015 (FEIR/Appendix G). The study shall determine the extent of the ancient lakebed for purposes of implementing a pre -development data recovery program within the limits of the delineated lakebed (Lake Cahuilla). This study shall be submitted to the City for approval. Paleontological monitoring of grading shall be required for cuts made during construction activity. Full time monitoring shall be required, given the ubiquitous distribution. of palebiological remains on the project site(s). The mitigating shall be done under the supervision of` a qualified vertebrate paleontologist knowledgeable in both paleontogical and archaeological sampling techniques. This program shall include a report identifying contact personnel who will be working on -site, the proposed time schedule for grading monitoring, the qualifications of the persons assigned to do such monitoring and the method to be used in reporting on compliance to the City. This report shall be approved by the City prior to the Developer authorizing any work on the program. 21. MANDATORY FINDINGS: It is not anticipated that there will be any adverse impacts by the project in the areas of plant and animal life, long term environmental goals, cumulative impacts, or impacts on human beings. Therefore based on the above information, this project will not have a major or significant environmental impact on the City provided the discussed mitigation measures are met. Attached: Agency Comments Reference Document: EIR, Specific Plan 90-015 - On File 00001._) 6 SoLl1'HERN CALIPC?PNIA gas COMPANY 1981 LUGONIA AVENUE, REDLANDS. CALIFORNIA MAILING ADDRESS n O BOX 3003, REDLANDS. CALIFORNIA 92373-0306 December 30, 1991 City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 ATTENTION: Greg Trousdell RE: Gen. Plan Amend. 91-040, CZ 91-069, Tract 26768 This letter is to inform you that Southern California Gas company has facilities in the area where the above named project is proposed. Gas service to the project could be provided from 4" gas main on Airport Blvd., 1000' E/O Monroe St. without any significant impact on the environment. The service would be in accordance with the Company's policies and extension rules on file with the California Public Utilities Commission at the time contractural arrangements are made. You should be aware that this letter is not to be interpreted as a contractural commitment to serve the proposed project, but only as an informational service. The availability of natural gas service, as set forth in this letter, is based upon present conditions of gas supply and regulatory policies. As a public utility, the Southern California Gas Company is under the jurisdiction of the California Public Utilities Commission. We can also be affected by actions of federal regulatory agencies. Should these agencies take any action which affects gas supply or the conditions under which service is available, gas service will be provided in accordance with revised conditions. Typical demand use for: a. Residential (System Area Average/Use Per Meter) Yearl Single Family 799 therms/year dwelling unit Multi -Family 4 or less units 482 therms/year dwelling unit Multi -Family 5 or more units 483 therms/year dwelling unit These averages are based on total gas consumption in residential units served by Southern California Gas Company, and it should not be implied that any particular home, apartment or tract of homes will use these amounts of energy. b. Commercial Due to the fact that construction varies so widely (a glass building vs. a heavily insulated building) and there is such a wide variation in types of materials and equipment used, a typical demand figure is not available for this type of construction. Calculations would need to be made after the building has been designed. To insure the existing facilities are adequate to accommodate the new development, an engineering study will be required. Detailed information including tract maps and plot plans must be submitted to the Gas Company Market Services Representa- tive, 1-800-624-2497, six months prior to the actual construction of the natural gas pipeline. We have developed several programs which are available, upon request, to provide assistance in selecting the most effective applications of energy conservation techniques for a particular project. If you desire further information on any of our energy conservation programs, please contact our Building Services Department, P.O. Box 3003, Redlands, CA 92373-0306, phone 1-800-624-2497. Sincerely, Kevin Flum Technical Supervisor RIB:mc CC: Environ Affairs - ML209B oij(9 _� Sizaine Transit MEMBER AGENCIES Cathedral City Coachella Desert Hot Springs Indian Wells Indio La Quinta Palm Desert Palm Springs Rancho Mirage Riverside County Mr. Greg Trousdell, Associate Planner Planning and Development Division City of La Quinta P. O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: GPA 91-04C. Dear Greg: JAN 6 6 1992 ' ' - January 1, 1991 Thank you for allowing SunLine Transit Agency to review the general plan amendment listed above. SunLine Transit Agency does not currently operate service in the vicinity of this project. However, as residential projects of this nature are built, the need for transit in these areas increases. Therefore, we would like to request developer to include in his plan, a bus turnout to be located on Monroe Street nearside to the driveway. This would put the bus stop on Lot A. A passenger waiting shelter will be needed at thLs stop. SunLine Transit Agency will be happy to work with the city and with the developer to design a mutual acceptable stop. Yours very truly, S �INE TRANSIT ENCY r Debra Astin Director of Planning DA/ n cc: File i") J 4 A-' 32-505 Harry Oliver Trail . Thousand Palms, CA 92276 • (619) 343.3456 • FAX (619) 343-3645 A Public Agency a ESTABLISHED IN 1918 AS A PUBLIC AGENCY COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT POST OFFICE BOX 1o58 • COACHELLA, CALIFORNIA 92236 • TELEPHONE (619) 398.2651 DIRECTORS OFFICERS DIRECTORS CODEKAS. PRESIDENT THOMAS E LEVY. GENERAL MANAGER CHIEF ENGINEER R LLISCO R RUMPRESID VICE PRESIDENT BERNARDINESUTTON,SECRETARY JOHN W D R RU EN OWEN McC00K. ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER JO NW Mc DELAY December 30, 1991 REDWINE AND SHERRILL, ATTORNEYS THEODORE J FISH File: 0163.1 Planning Commission A N Q 7 City of La Quinta f"J Post Office Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92253 Gentlemen: Subject: General Plan Admendment 91-040, Change of Zone 91-069, Tentative Tract 26768, Portion of Southeast Quarter, Section 15, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Meridian This area is protected from stormwater flows by a system of channels and dikes, and may be considered safe from stormwater flows except in rare instances. This area is designated Zone C on Federal Flood Insurance rate maps which are in effect at this time. The district will furnish domestic water and sanitation service to this area in accordance with the current regulations of this district. These regulations provide for the payment of certain fees and charges by the subdivider and said fees and charges are subject to change. This area shall be annexed to Improvement District No. 55 of Coachella Valley Water District for sanitation service. There are existing district facilities not shown on the development plans. There may be conflicts with these facilities. We request the appropriate public agency to withhold the issuance of a building permit until arrangements have been made with the district for the relocation of these facilities. Plans for grading, landscaping, and irrigation systems shall be submitted to Coachella Valley Water District for review. This review is for ensuring efficient water management. TRUE CONSERVATION USE WATER WISELY Planning Commission 72- December 30, 1991 The area is within Improvement District No. 1 of the Coachella Valley Water District for irrigation water service. Water from the Coachella Canal is available to the area. The developer shall use this water for landscape irrigation. If you have any questions please call Bob Meleg, stormwater engineer, extension 264. Your very truly, Tom Levy General Manager-Ch: RF:cb/e12b cc: Don Park Riverside County Department of Public Health 79-733 Country Club Drive, Suite D Bermuda Dunes, California 92201 (1)f.)()O115 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 210 WEST SAN JACINTO AVENUE • PERRIS, CALIFORNIA 92370 (714) 657-3183 GLEN J. NEWMAN FIRE CHIEF To: City of La Quinta Planning Department Attn: Greg Trousdell Re: Tentative Tract Map No. 26768 December 30, 1991 With respect to the conditions of approval for the above referenced land division, the Fire Department recommends the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with La Quinta Municipal Code and/or recognized fire protection standards: 1. Schedule A fire protection approved Super fire hydrants, (6" x 4" x 2}" x 2P) shall be located at each street intersection spaced not more than 330 feet apart in any direction with no portion of any frontage more than 165 feet from a fire hydrant. Minimum fire flow shall be 1500 gpm for 2 hours duration at 20 psi. 2. Prior to recordation of the final map, applicant/developer shall furnish one blueline copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review/ approval. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed/approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is .in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." 3. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building material being placed on an individual lot. 4. Gates installed to restrict access shall be power operated and equipped with a Fire Department override system. Improvement plans for the entry street and gates shall be submitted to the Fire Department for review/ approval prior to installation. PLANNING DIVISION 0 INDIO OFFICE ❑ TEMECULA OFFICE 79.733 Country Club Drive, Suite F, Indio, CA 92201 41002 County Center Drive, Suite 225, Temecula, CA 92390 (619) 342- M6 • FAX (619) 775-2072 ❑ RIVERSIDE OFFICE (714) 694.5070 a FAX (714) 694-5076 3760 12th Street, Riverside, CA 92501 (714) 275-4777 0 FAX (714) 369.7451 printed on recycled paper To: City of La Quinta Planning Department Re: TTM #26768 December 30, 1991 Page 2 All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Fire Department Planning & Engineering Staff at (619) 342-8886. Sincerely, RAY REGIS Chief Fir�e- Department Planner By Tom Hutchison Fire Safety Specialist JP cc: B-7 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 210 WEST SAN JACINTO AVENUE • PERRIS, CALIFORNIA 92370 (714) 657-3183 GLEN J. NEWMAN FIRE CHIEF To: City of La Quinta Planning Division Attn: Greg Trousdell Re: General Plan Amendment 91-040 Change of Zone 91-069 December 30, 1991 With respect to the review of the above referenced cases, the proposed project will have a cumulative adverse impact on the Department's ability to provide an acceptable level of service. These impacts are due to the increased number of emergency or public service calls generated by additional buildings and human population. This project will contribute to the need for additional fire equipment, personnel, and/or a fire station. A funding source should be identified for the portion of the impacts associated with capitol improvements or one-time costs such as land, buildings, and equipment. If the annual costs necessary for an increased level of service are not off -set ':)y the additional County structural tax, an increase in the Fire Department's annual operating budget will be required. All questions regarding the above requirements should be referred to the Fire Department Planning & Engineering staff at (619) 342-8886. Sincerely, RAY REGIS Chief Fire Department Planner Tom Hutchison Fire Safety Specialist cc: B-7 jP PLANNING DIVISION ❑ INDIO OFFICE ❑ TEMECULA OFFICE 79.733 Country Club Drive, Suite F, Indio, CA 92201 41002 County Center Drive, Suite 225, Temocula, CA 92390 (619) 3428M • FAX (619) 775.2072 ® RIVERSIDE OFFICE (714) 694.5070 • FAX (714) 694-5076 3760 12th Street, Riverside, CA 92501 (714) 275-4777 0 FAX (714) 369.7451 printed on recycled page It .IVERSIDE COUNTY :OIS BYRD, SHERIFF Mr. Greg Trousdell Associate Planner City of La Quinta 78105 Calle Estado La Quinta CA 92253 Dear Mr. Trousdell: Sheriff 82-695 DR. CARREON BLVD. o ItiDIO. CA 92201 • (619) 342-899( December 30, 1991 RE: Gen. Plan Amend. 91-040, C291-069, Tract 26768 Regarding the above mentioned project, we have the following comments from a crime prevention point of view. Regarding Sheriff's Staffing - This project will not significantly impact on the Sheriff's Department's ability to provide police services. Regarding Project Design - All parking areas, entrances/exits and walkways should contain ample lighting which will deter criminal activity and provide a safer environment for all residents. The project entrances should also be well lighted with street addresses highly visible to aid any responding emergency vehicles in locating the facility. Shrubs and bushes should be trimmed low to the ground to eliminate hiding places for criminals and to allow better visibility from the street for patrolmen. Windows and doors should never be concealed by vegetation. Deadbolt locking systems with a minimum one inch case are suggested for all exterior doors and hardened steel bolts should be installed using 3" set screws. Exterior doors not equipped with windows should have a peephole installed in order to allow good visibility of the outside area without having to open the doors. The crime prevention measures outlined in this letter are merely suggestions and are not required as a prerequisite for plan approval. Page 2 Gen. Plan Amend. 91-040 C291-069, Tract 26768 We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the project from a law enforcement point of view. Sincerely, COIS BYRD, SHERIFF �P, Ronald F. Dye, Captain Indio Station Commander CB: RD:gt Fri Legend mmmm Ma :4� Pri bject Site SOURCE: ENOO ENGINEERING Fill �® --`r- p� Scale: t" = 6,000' MasterPlanned Street s r� Figure 20 ,SPECIFIC PLAN 00-015 ......... I III-79 10 l4p an., _ 4700 7 p 4 p p 228pp c • $gym 42p p [20,9001 3 wa. Fred Warina Dr. Avenue 44 7500 (13,100)B9 (7100)89 10,000 0 N C O r SR 111 [20,2001 CD o 0� [22,0001 �, 000� m ch tio. g [17,000] cc N � N � O O m i>3 O O O � 3600 Avenue 50 °° 4900 5300 6400 6300 N N ao o c 'n 0i An 7100 4300 Avenue 52 3200 0 O O LO CO N Legend 1000 1990 ADT estimate from peak 2200 2350 hour counts by Endo Engineering c Avenue 54 50 4400 500 (1200)98 ch Q 1988/89 24-hour counts by Riverside o 0 �+ Site -----�,... ;. County of , .Subject �1800 SP 90-015 800 �� [14001 1989 AADT from Caltrans 600 8 Airport 600 c A '" Blvd. Avenue 58 `O 200 Keller P' 400 oo Keller Pv* (550)s c 600 Road SOURCE: ENOO ENGN&ERING N.T.S. Current • it r Traffic Volumes Scale: 1" = 6.000' LIJ More 19 %.SPECiFIC PLAN 90-015 -� III-76 Douglas Wood & Associates rD/nlea/e 1O4Co 6D 2U 6D 6D 3 2U 2U 4D s �0'io 8/Va 4D 2U 21.1 •t 2jU Avenue 44 Fred Warin 2U Dr. 2U 2U 2U in c 4 N 1 SR 111 © ' 2U °-4-- 4D 2D N 4D 2U 4D 2D 4D H 4U 4D n �e � N o 2U c i au 2U 2U u a 4 Q Avenue 50 2U 2U 2U 2U 2U ?U 2U H �N 2U 2U 2U Avenue 52 • 2U 2U 2U 2U 2U Legend _ -- —'� •I Avenues .f Number of Through Lanes 2U 3D (' g 54 2U1' 2U 2D D-Divided U•Undivided 3D 2U S u L j e c t Site Stop Sign Vj SPP .� 90-01-� ® Signalized Intersection girport s'2U Blvd. 2U ❑ Four-way Stop � 2U 2U Avenue Keller Pi 2U 'z 58 2U - 2U Road 2U 2U SOURCE: ENUO ENGWEERING LJJ Existing fr ffic Circulation Figtxe 18 \ PLAN 90-015 � �$ ►1<, ,SPECIFIC TT .�, PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 92- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING CONCURRENCE WITH ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 91- 221 AND APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 91- 040, A REQUEST TO AMEND THE LA QUINTA GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP FROM RIVERSIDE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL TO VERY LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. CASE NO. GPA 91-040 - BESTCO INVESTMENTS, LTD. & CITY OF LA QUINTA WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did on the 10th day of March, 1992, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider the request to amend the C;ity's General Plan Land Use Map from Riverside County Agricultural to Very Low Density Residential for a +44 acre site, west side of Monroe Street and 1/2 miles south of 54th Avenue, more particularly described as: APN 767-330-007 & 008 APN 767-330-006, 011, &014 WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did find the following facts and reasons to recommend approval of said General Plan Amendment: 1. Traffic impacts caused by the implementation of General Plan Amendment 91- 040 can be mitigated to a large degree. 2. The request for a Very Low Density land use is consistent with the intent of the La Quinta General Plan and does meet the future needs of the community with respect to demographic projections for this area. The character of the community will not be altered if the R-1 20,000 designation is implemented. This estate restricted area is a key component in the City's desire to maintain a variety of housing unit densities throughout the City which translates into a broad fluctuation in housing prices. 3. This General Plan Amendment application complies with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (as amended) and adopted by City Council Resolution 83-68. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Commission in this case; 2. That the Planning Commission does hereby recommend approval of General Plan Amendment 91•-040 as noted herein. REsopc.065 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this 10th day of March, 1992, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: KATIE BARROWS, Chairwoman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JERRY HERMAN, Planning Director City of La Quinta, California RESOPC.065 Vacated ___-----.15 5 t h,gVE. Very Low Density Res. {� + fi7IG r, d7oP6 ZBS SP90-015 pQ Po �VAr. 7 4.774¢ 3 1 OPer N © A e LDR h C. Nt. 4 N � " Low Density Q , ^ Residential SP 90-015 Q �9 Vacated Strep $ DES AA0,V �1 .• :Q sss ss � Q I Low Density Residential SP 90-015 d Poi 3 4 /7 BSAc. ,W 2 v �c �rsr. A, . a ZS 99Ac.� Low Density Residential ' SP 90-015 sSl�� Pv90//! ov/-„ sr !o EXHIBIT . �,�..—CASE N0.6E - o4c_> O N Low Density Residential (2-4 Du's per Acre) Specific Plan 90-015 Landmark Land AIRPORT BOULEVARD CASE NM General Plan Amendment 91-040 Existing - Riverside County Agriculture Proposed - Very Low Density Residential (0-2 Du's/Ac.) r=n lr N�RTN SCALE : nts 9t PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 92- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING CONCURRENCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF CHANGE OF ZONE 91-069 TO THE CITY COUNCIL CASE NO. CZ 91-069 - BESTCO INVESTMENTS, LTD. & CITY OF LA QUINTA WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 10th day of March, 1992, hold a duly notice Public Hearing to consider the request for a Change of Zone from R-1-10 acre, Single Family Residential to R-1 20,000 Single Family Residential on +44 acres, located on the west side of Monroe Street, 1/2 mile south of 54th Avenue; more particularly described as: APN 767-330-007 & 008 APN 767-330-006, 011, & 014 WHEREAS, said Change of Zone request has complied with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (as amended), and adopted by City Council Resolution 83-68, in that the Planning and Development Department has completed an Environmental Assessment/Negative Declaration, which has been reviewed and considered by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta. WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did find the following facts and reasons to justify the recommendation for approval of said Change of Zone. 1. The proposed Change of Zone, as requested, is consistent with the goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan. 2. The proposed zoning is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan and the Land Use Map in accordance with the recommendation of GPA 91-040. 3. The proposed R-1 20,000 Single Family Residential zoning is consistent and compatible with surrounding land use and zoning designations. 4. Approval of this proposal will not result in a significant adverse impact on the environment due to mitigation measures contained in the proposed Negative Declaration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Commission in this case; RESOPC.066 1 2. That it does hereby recommend adoption of the Negative Declaration by the La Quinta Planning Commission pursuant to the attached Environmental Assessment; and, 3. That it does hereby recommend to the City Council approval of Change of Zone 91-069 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and as illustrated in the map labeled Exhibit "A", attached hereto. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this 10th day of March, 1992, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: JERRY HERMAN, Planning Director City of La Quinta, California RESOPC.066 KATIE BARROWS, Chairwoman City of La Quinta, California 2 � �y i j 't��py, 4l{ �P,P� Vacated 55th AVE. 370i6 29f r� PW. A'�° Zoned R-2 �OAC. aSP 90-015 • Poi 7 4.77AG s kn `� e R-2 /9.2/.4c. Nl. a 9 Q _ 1 ess � N I 4 ; � a� e V i >-� Vacated Stre I DEL WAt'V i �'�e say. �s y tS J94C t v 2 'sue UA I% Zoned R-2 Zoned R-2 I SP 90-015 SP 90-015 to Par 5 I' /795Ac. m 9 �4 �11Je srf47 Pv90/I! EXHIBIT___.CASE NO C Zoned R-1 20,000 Residential 4. leAe. t O O Zoned R-2 Specific Plan 90-015 0 MA- AIRPORT BOULEVARD r— r Z a -� NORTH CASE NO. CHANGE OF ZONE 91-069 Existing Zoning - R-1 10 Acre SCALD Proposed Zoning - R-1 20,000 Single Family Residential nts qt PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 92-, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL CONCURRENCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS AND APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 26768 TO CREATE SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ON A 20+ ACRE SITE. CASE NO. TT 26768 - BESTCO INVESTMENTS, INC. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 10th day of March, 1992 hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a request by BESTCO Investments for approval of a subdivision of approximately 20 acres into 21 lots, and other miscellaneous lots, generally located on the west side of Monroe Street approximately 1/4 mile north of Airport Boulevard, more particularly described as: PORTION OF THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF SECTION 15, T.6.S., R.7.E., S.B.B.M. (APN 767-330-007 & 008) WHEREAS, said tentative map has complied with the requirements of the "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (as amended) and adopted by the City Council Resolution 83-68. The Planning Director conducted an initial study, and has determined that the proposed tentative tract will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment; and, WHEREAS, mitigation of various physical impacts have been identified and will be incorporated into the approval conditions for Tentative Tract 26768 in conjunction with this tentative tract, thereby retaining that monitoring of those mitigation measures be undertaken to assure compliance with them; and WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did find the following facts to justify the recommendation for approval of said tentative tract map: 1. That Tentative Tract 26768, as conditionally recommended, is generally consistent with the goals, policies, and intent of the La Quinta General Plan for land use density, unit type, circulation requirements, R-1 20,000 zoning district development standards, and design requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. 2. That the subject site is undeveloped at this time. The proposed circulation design and single family lot layouts are consistent with typical R-1 20,000 subdivisions as conditioned, therefore suitable for the proposed land division. RESOPC.067 3. That the design of Tentative Tract 26768 will not cause substantial environmental damage or injury to the wildlife habitat of the Coachella Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard. 4. That the design of the subdivision, as conditionally recommended, will not impact the existing public sewers and water improvements, and therefore, is not likely to cause serious public health problems. 5. That the design of Tentative Tract 26768 will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through the project, since alternate easements for access and for use have been provided that are substantially equivalent to those previously acquired by the public. 6. That the proposed Tentative Tract 26768, as recommended, provides for adequate maintenance of the landscape buffer areas and provides storm water retention. 7. That general impacts from the proposed tract were considered within the MEA prepared and adopted in conjunction with the La Quinta General Plan. 8. A Negative Declaration has been prepared for this case in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act requirements. WHEREAS, in the review of this Tentative Tract Map, the Planning Commission has considered the effect of the contemplated action of the housing needs of the region for purposes of balancing the needs against the public service needs of the residents of the City of La Quinta and its environs with available fiscal and environmental resources. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby confirm the conclusion of the Environmental Assessment relative to the environmental concerns of this tentative tract; 3. That it does hereby recommend approval of the subject Tentative Tract 26768 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached conditions. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this 10th day of March, 1992, by the following vote, to wit: RESOPC.067 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: KATIE BARROWS, Chairman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JERRY HERMAN, Planning Director City of La Quinta, California RESOPC.067 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 92- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PROPOSED TENTATIVE TRACT 26768 MARCH 10, 1992 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Tentative Tract Map 26768, marked Exhibit "A", shall comply with the requirements and standards of the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance, unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 2. This Tentative Traci: Map approval shall expire two years after the approval by the La Quinta City Council unless approved for extension pursuant to the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance. 3. Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department an interim landscape program for the entire tract, which shall be for the purpose of wind erosion and dust control. The land owner shall institute blowsand and dust control measures during the grading and site development. These shall include, but not be limited to: a. The use of irrigation during any construction activities. b . Planting of cover crop or vegetation upon previously graded but undeveloped portions of the site. c. Provision of wind breaks or wind rows, fencing, and/or landscaping to reduce the effects upon adjacent properties and property owners. The land owner shall comply with requirements of the Director of Public Works and Planning and Development. All construction and graded areas shall be watered at least twice daily while being used to prevent the emission of dust and blowsand. 4. Graded but undeveloped land shall be maintained in a condition so as to prevent a dust and blowsand nuisance and shall be either planted with interim landscaping or provided with other wind and water erosion control measures as approved by the :Planning and Development Departments and Public Works Department. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any building or use contemplated by this approval, the Applicant shall obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies: o City Fire Marshal o City of La Quinta Public Works Department o Planning & Development Department o Coachella Valley Water District o Coachella Valley Unified School District o Imperial Irrigation District o U . S . Postal Service CONAPRVL.047 Planning Commission Resolution 92- Conditions of Approval- TT 26768 March 10, 1992 Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above -mentioned agencies shall be presented to the Building Division at the time of the application for a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. 6. Provisions shall be made to comply with the terms and requirements of the City's adopted Infrastructure Fee Program in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. 7. The appropriate Planning approval shall be secured prior to establishing any of the following uses: A. Temporary construction facilities . B. Sales facilities, including their appurtenant signage. C . On -site advertising/ construction signs. 8. The City shall retain a qualified archaeologist, with the Developer to pay costs, to prepare a mitigation and monitoring plan for artifact location and recovery. Prior to archaeological studies for this site as well as other unrecorded information, shall be analyzed prior to the preparation of the plan. The plan shall be submitted to the Coachella Valley Archaeological Society (CVAS) for a two -week review and comment period. At a minimum, the plan shall: 1) identify the means for digging test pits; 2) allow sharing the information with the CVAS; and 3) provide for further testing if the preliminary result show significant materials are present. The final plan shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for final review and approval. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the Developer shall have retained a qualified cultural resources management firm and completed the testing and data recovery as noted in the plan. The management firm shall monitor the grading activity as required by the plan or testing results. A list of the qualified archaeological monitor(s), cultural resources management firm employees, and any assistant (s) / representative (s) , shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department. The list shall provide the current address and phone number for each monitor. The designated monitors may be changed from time to time, but no such change shall be effective unless served by registered or certified mail on the Planning and Development Department. The designated monitors or their authorized representatives shall have the authority to temporarily divert, redirect or halt grading activity to allow recovery of resources. In the event of discovery or recognition of any human CONAPRVL.047 Planning Commission Resolution 92- Conditions of Approval- TT 26768 March 10, 1992 remains, there shall be no further grading, excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby areas reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent human remains until appropriate mitigation measures are completed. Upon completion of the data recovery, the Developer shall cause three copies of the final report containing the data analysis to be prepared and published and submitted to the Planning and Development Department. 9. Street name proposals shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning and Development Department prior to recordation of an portion of the final map. Street name signs shall be furnished and installed by the Developer in accordance with standards of the City Engineer. Signage type and design shall be subject to review and approval of the Planning and Development Department and the Public Works Department. 10. Prior to final map approval by the City Council, the Applicant shall meet the parkland dedication requirement as set forth in Section 13.24.030, La Quinta Municipal Code, by paying parkland fees in -lieu, as may be determined in accordance with said Section. 11. A noise study shall be prepared by a qualified acoustical engineer, to be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for review and approval prior to final map approval. The study shall concentrate on noise impacts on the tract from perimeter arterial streets, and recommend alternative mitigation techniques. Recommendations of the study shall be incorporated into the tract design. The study shall consider use of building setbacks, engineering design, building orientation, noise barriers (berming, walls, and landscaping, etc.) , and other techniques so as to avoid the isolated appearance given by walled developments. 12. If the tract is phased, tract phasing plans, including phasing of public improvements, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning and Development Department and Engineering Department prior to final map approval. 13. All exterior lighting including that for signage & landscaping shall comply with "Dark Sky" ordinance. FIRE DEPARTMENT 14. Schedule A fire protection approved Super fire hydrants, (6" X 4" X 2-1/2" X 2-1 / 2") shall be located at each street intersection spaced not more than 330 feet apart in an direction with no portion of any frontage more than 165 feet from a fire hydrant. Minimum fire flow shall be 1500 gpm for two hours duration at 20 psi. CONAPRVL.047 Planning Commission Resolution 92- Conditions of Approval- TT 26768 March 10, 1992 15. Prior to recordation of the final map, Applicant/Developer shall furnish one blueline copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review/approval. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed/approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department". 16. The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building material being placed on an individual lot. A temporary water supply for fire protection may be allowed for the construction of model units only. Plans for a temporary water system must be submitted to the Fire Department for review prior to issuance of building permits. 17. Gates installed to restrict access shall be power operated and equipped with a Fire Department override system. Improvement plans for the entry street and gates shall be submitted to the Fire Department for review/approval prior to installation. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: 18. Applicant shall dedicate public street right of way and utility easements in conformance with the city's General Plan, Municipal Code, applicable Specific Plans if any, and as required by the City Engineer, as follows: A. Monroe Street - Primary Arterial, 55 foot half width. 19. The Applicant shall provide a separate lot or lots for private road purposes to be owned in common by owners of the residential lots in the land division. The private road (s) shall conform to the City's General Plan, Municipal Code, applicant Specific Plans if any, and as required by the City Engineer, as follows: A. "B" , "C" , "D" , and "E" Streets - shall be 37 feet wide. B . On site cul-de-sacs, 45 foot radius. 20. Applicant shall vacate vehicle access rights to Monroe Street from all abutting lots. Access to Monroe Street from this land division shall be restricted to street intersections only. 21. Applicant shall provide a fully improved landscaped setback lot of noted width adjacent to the following street right of way(s) : A. Monroe Street, 20 feet wide (minimum) . CONAPRVL.047 Planning Commission Resolution 92- Conditions of Approval- TT 26768 March 10, 1992 22. The Applicant shall provide 10 foot wide public utility easements on each side of the private road lot(s) and public arterial streets. 23. Landscape and irrigation plans for the landscaped lot(s) shall be prepared in conformance with requirements of the Planning Director, and City Engineer, and approved by same officials prior to construction. 24. Applicant shall maintain the landscaped areas of the subdivision such as the landscaped setback lots and retention basins until accepted by the City Engineer for maintenance by the homeowner's association of the subdivision. 25. Applicant shall construct, or enter into agreement to construct, the tract grading and public or quasi -public improvements before the final map is recorded. Applicant shall pay cash, in lieu of and equivalent to the respective construction cost, for those improvements which involve fair -share responsibility that must be deferred until the full complement of funding is available. Payment of cash in lieu of construction may be deferred to a future date mutually agreed by Applicant and City Engineer, provided security for said future payment is posted by Applicant. 26. The tract grading plan shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and approved by the City Engineer prior to final map approval. 27. Applicant shall retain a California registered civil engineer, or designate one who is on Applicant's staff, to exercise sufficient supervision and quality control during construction of the tract grading and improvements to insure compliance with the :plans, specifications, applicable codes, and ordinances. The engineer retained or designated by Applicant and charged with the compliance responsibility shall make the following certifications upon completion of construction: a) all grading and improvements were properly monitored by qualified personnel during construction for compliance with the plans, specifications, applicable codes, and ordinances and thereby certify the grading to be in full compliance with those documents. b) the finished building pad elevations conform with the approved grading plans. 28. The tract shall be designed and graded in a manner so the difference in building pad elevations between contiguous lots that share a common street frontage or join lots with adjoining existing tracts or approved tentative tracts does not exceed three feet. The pad elevations of contiguous lots within the subject tract that do not share a common street shall not exceed five feet. CONAPRVL.047 5 Planning Commission Resolution 92- Conditions of Approval- TT 26768 March 10, 1992 29. The Applicant shall maintain wind erosion control at all times in all areas disturbed by grading. The Applicant's method of erosion control shall be of his choice provided the control results comply with the La Quinta Municipal Code. The Applicant shall post sufficient security with the City prior to receiving a grading permit to ensure compliance of this requirement. 30. Applicant shall install a trickling sand filter and leachfield in the retention basin to percolate nuisance water in conformance with requirements of the City Engineer. The sand filter and leach field shall be sized to percolate 160 gallons per lot per day. 31. Applicant shall provide an Executive Summary Maintenance Booklet for the street, landscape irrigation, perimeter wall, and drainage facilities installed in the subdivision. The booklet should include drawings of the facilities, recommended maintenance procedures and frequency, and a costing algorithm with fixed and variable factors to assist the homeowner's association in planning for routine and long term maintenance. 32. Storm water run-off produced in 24 hours by a 100-year storm shall be retained on site in landscaped retention basin (s) designed for a maximum water depth not to exceed six feet. The basin slopes shall not exceed 3:1. The percolation rate shall be considered to be zero inches per hour unless Applicant provides site -specific data that indicates otherwise. Other requirements include, but are not limited to, a grassed ground surface with permanent irrigation improvements, and appurtenant structural drainage amenities all of which shall be designed and constructed in accordance with requirements deemed necessary by the City Engineer. 33. Applicant may retain storm water run-off from Monroe Street and "B" Street in a retention basin in the landscaped setback lot not to exceed 3 feet in depth with a foreslope not to exceed 5:1. The backslope may be increased to 3:1. 34. The tract shall be graded in a manner that permits storm flow in excess of the retention basin capacity, caused by a storm event greater than the 100 year 24 hours event, to flow out of the tract through a designated emergency overflow outlet and into the historic drainage relief route. Similarly, the tract shall be graded in a manner that anticipates receiving storm flow from adjoining property at locations that has historically received flow for those occasions when a storm greater than the 100 year 24 hour event occurs. 35. A thorough preliminary engineering, geological, and soils engineering investigation shall be conducted with a report submitted for review along with grading plan. The report recommendations shall be incorporated into the grading plan design prior to grading plan approval. The soils engineer and/or the engineering geologist must certify to the adequacy of the grading plan. A statement shall appear on the final subdivision map that a soils report has been prepared for the tract pursuant to Section 17953 of the Health and Safety Code. CONAPRVL.047 6 Planning Commission Resolution 92- Conditions of Approval- TT. 26768 March 10, 1992 36. The access turning movements from Monroe Street to "B" street shall be limited to right turn in and out only. No median opening shall be permitted at this location. 37. Applicant shall have street improvement plans prepared by a registered civil engineer. Street improvements shall be designed and constructed for all streets within the proposed subdivision and for off -site streets as required by these conditions of approval. All street improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the LQMC and adopted Standard Drawings,and City Engineer and shall include all appurtenant components required by same, except mid -block street lighting, such as but not limited to traffic signs and channelization markings, street name signs, sidewalks, and raised medians where required by City General Plan. Street design shall take into account the soil strength, anticipated traffic loading, and design life. The minimum structural section for residential streets shall be 3" AC over 4" Class 2 Base. 38. Miscellaneous incidental improvements and enhancements to existing improvements where joined by the newly required improvements shall be designed and constructed as required by the City Engineer to assure the new and existing improvements are appropriately integrated to provide a finished product that conforms with city standards and practices. This includes tapered off -site street transitions that extend beyond tract boundaries and join the widened and existing street sections. 39. The following specific street widths shall be constructed to conform with the General Plan street type noted therewith: A. ON -SITE STREETS 1. "B" , "C" , "D" , & "E" Streets - full width Local Street, 36 feet wide, refer to Std. Dwg. #105; the cul-de-sac bulb shall have a 45 foot curb radius. B . OFF -SITE STREETS 2. Monroe Street (portion contiguous to tract) - Install half width Primary Arterial (86 feet width improvement option), bond for half of raised median, refer to Std. Dwg. #100 40. The Applicant shall construct an eight -foot wide meandering bike path in the westerly parkway and landscaped setback lot along Monroe Street in lieu of the standard six-foot wide sidewalk. 41. Applicant shall provide a blanket easement that covers the entire landscaped setback lots for the purpose of providing a meandering public sidewalk. CONAPRVL . 047 7 Planning Commission Resolution 92- Conditions of Approval- TT 26768 March 10, 1992 42. Applicant shall submit a copy of the proposed grading, landscaping and irrigation plans to the Coachella Valley Water District for review and comment with respect to the District's Water Management Program. 43. All existing and proposed electric power lines with 12,500 volts or less, and are adjacent to the proposed site or on -site, shall be installed in underground facilities. 44. All underground utilities shall be installed, with trenches compacted to city standards, prior to construction of any street improvements. A soils engineer retained by Applicant shall provide certified reports of soil compaction tests for review by the City Engineer. 45. Applicant shall cause no easements to be granted or recorded over any portion of this property between the date of approval by the City Council and the date of recording of the final map without the approval of the City Engineer. 46. Applicant shall pay all fees charged by the city as required for processing, plan checking and construction inspection. The fee amounts) shall be those which are in effect at the time the work is undertaken and accomplished by the city. 47. An encroachment permit for work in any abutting local jurisdiction shall be secured prior to constructing or joining improvements. 48. The 5-foot wide access easement contiguous to the southerly tract boundary shall be extinguished. 49. The 200-foot wide railraod right-of-way shall be vacated by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company. 50. The 10-foot wide irrigation easement across Lots 11 and 16 shall be extinguished. SPECIAL 51. Dwelling units within 150 feet of the ultimate right-of-way of Monroe Street shall be limited to one story, not to exceed 22 feet in height. 52. The production plans shall be approved by the Design Review Board and Planning Commission prior to the submission of the plans to the Building Department for construction permit issuance via a plot plan application. If custom homes are proposed development standards shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board and included in the C C & R's. 53. The minimum lot size shall be 20,000 square feet. CONAPRVL.047 8 Planning Commission Resolution 92- Conditions of Approval- TT 26768 March 10, 1992 54. The provisions of the R-1 Zoning designation shall apply unless modified herein with all homes with sloped roofs having clay or concrete tile roofs. 55. All homes shall be required to install front yard landscaping prior to final occupancy. Each lot shall have minimum two 15 gallon shade trees (corner lots five minimum 15-gallon trees), minimum ten 5-gallon shrubs and other landscaping (e.g., turf, turf and gravel, etc.), acceptable to the Planning and Development Department. The Applicant/Developer is encouraged to use drought resistant and native plant materials for the project. The landscaping concept shall be approved currently with the review of the model home plans by the Planning Commission. The Applicant will be permitted to post securities to insure that the front yard landscaping is installed for each home if the Applicant does not have plant material installed at the time the house is finaled. All landscaping materials shall be installed within 60 days after occupancy clearances have been given. 56. The mitigation measures of Environmental Assessment 91-221 shall be met. 57. An equestrian trail shall be provided between the west edge of the sidewalk and the property line. The trail and the sidewalk shall be divided by a split rail fence and the trail should be eight feet wide. 58. The Developer shall disclose to the perspective buyers of the lots that the keeping of horses or other livestock is permitted provided the provisions of the La Quinta Zoning Code are met. The Developer shall also disclose that the keeping of horses on abutting properties is permitted if the property is zoned R-1 20,000 or larger pursuant to the City's Municipal Zoning Code. 59. Impacts shall be mitigated in accordance with the provisions of AB 1600, Section 53080 and 63995 of the Government Code or the then existing legislation and/or local ordinances adopted pursuant thereto or any applicable mitigation agreement entered into by the Developer and the District. In addition, the City, Developer and the Coachella Valley Unified School District shall cooperate in exploring alternatives to provide lands or facilities to the District, through joint use agreements, dedications, or Mello -Roos District formation. 60. Perimeter security walls where required by the Noise Study shall be subject to the following standards: A. Setback from right-of-way lines along Monroe Street shall average 30 feet. B . All wall designs, including location and materials, shall be subject to review by the Planning Commission. C . Perimeter wall shall incorporate noise abatement requirements. CONAPRVL.047 9 Planning Commission Resolution 92- Conditions of Approval- TT 26768 March 10, 1992 61. Prior to any site disturbances or grading, the Applicant/Developer shall initiate an "on -site" lakebed delineation study to be based upon the paleontological survey contained in Specific Plan 90-015 FEIR (Appendix "G") . The study shall determine the extent of the ancient lakebed for purposes of implementing a pre -development data recovery program within the limits of the delineated lakebed. This delineation study shall be submitted to the City for approval. Paleontological monitoring of grading shall be required for cuts made during construction activity. Full time monitoring shall be required, given the ubiquitous distribution of paleoniological remains on the project site. The mitigating shall be done under the supervision of a qualified vertebrate paleontologist knowledgeable in both paleontological and archaeological sampling techniques. This program shall include a report identifying contact personnel who will be working on -site, the proposed time schedule for grading monitoring, the qualifications of the persons assigned to do such monitoring and the method to be used in reporting on compliance to the City. This report shall be approved by the City prior to the Developer authorizing any work on the program itself. 62. A bus turnout easement shall be provided on Monroe Street, south of Lot "B" on Lot "A" for the installation of a future shelter pursuant to the request of the Sunline Transit .Agency. 63. A copy of the C C & R's shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for review and approval prior to recordation of the final map by the City. 64. Approval of this map is subject to final approval of General Plan Amendment 91-040 and Change of Zone 91-069. CONAPRVL.047 10 PH #2 STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: MARCH 10, 1992 ITEM: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 27332 REQUEST: APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP TO DIVIDE 7 ACRES INTO 5 RESIDENTIAL LOTS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF 42 CONDOMINIUM UNITS APPLICANT: SUNRISE DESERT PARTNERS; MR. ALLAN LEVIN ENGINEER: STEVE ROBBINS, ESCO LOCATION: NORTH SIDE OF THE EAST SIDE OF NNHERMITAGE N TERLACHEN PRIVATESTREETOSWITHIN THE PGA WEST RESORT) GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2-4 DU/AC} EXISTING ZONING: R-2 MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: PURSUANT TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT GUIDELINES, AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR 83-009) WAS PREPARED ON THE OVERALL SPECIFIC PLAN FOR PGA WEST AND CERTIFIED ON MAY 15, 1984. A SUBSEQUENT SUPPLEMENTAL EIR WAS PREPARED AND ADOPTED AS PART OF AMENDMENT #1 TO THE PGA WEST SPECIFIC PLAN. THIS WAS CERTIFIED ON SEPTEMBER 20, 1988, AND ADEQUATELY ADDRESSES THE PROPOSED PROJECT. MITIGATION MEASURES ADDED TO THE ENTIRE PROJECT AS WELL AS TO THOSE ADDED TO THIS PROJECT, RESPOND TO ALL POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS, INCLUDING TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION, AIR QUALITY, WATER RESOURCES, AND PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES, REDUCING THEIR IMPACTS TO A LEVEL OF INSIGNIFICANCE. THEREFORE, THE PREVIOUS EIR APPLIES TO THE PROPOSED PROJECT SINCE THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE PROJECT ARE ESSENTIALLY THE SAME AS THOSE .ADDRESSED IN THE EIR. THIS EIR REVIEWED IMPACTS .ASSOCIATED WITH PGA WEST AND ITS SUBSEQUENT :DEVELOPMENT PHASES. PCST.044 k�$�,, , r_ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL #: 761-470-031, 036, AND 761-480-025. PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 SECTION 21 T6S, R7E PROJECT DESCRIPTION: THE APPLICANT PROPOSES TO RESUBDIVIDE SEVEN ACRES INTO FIVE LOTS TO DEVELOP 42 RESIDENTIAL UNITS PER THE STATE'S SUBDIVISION MAP PROCEDURES. CIRCULATION: INTERLACHEN & HERMITAGE - LOCAL PRIVATE STREET 37 FOOT RIGHTS -OF -WAY. RELATED PAST ACTIONS: 1. Specific Plan 83-002/PGA West - approval of a 1665 acre project oriented around 4-18 hole golf courses with 5,000 residential units, 20 acre retail/office commercial complex, and 65 acre resort village with 400 hotel and 250 apartment units. The project was approved in 1984. The plan was subsequently revised to increase the number of rooms to 1, 000 in September, 1988. 2. General Plan Amendment 84-002, Change of Zone 84-007, and Environmental Impact Report were approved concurrently with Specific Plan 83-002. 3. Tract Map 21643 subdivided this area in 1989. The map allowed 601 residential units (37 lots) on 391.6 acres. The Final Map was recorded in June, 1989. 4. Tract Map 25499 further subdivided this area into its present status in 1990. Tract 25499 was finaled on April 17, 1990, and Tract 25499-3 was recorded in December, 1990. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The existing site is fully developed with off -site improvements which were made to the site last year as required by the above cited development applications. The site is presently vacant except. for a temporary sales trailer which is located on Lot 1 of the Tract Map request. The site is surrounded by an existing golf course (Private Jack Nicklaus Course) and houses on the south side of Marion. The Developer has indicated that Trophy units will be built on this site. ANALYSIS: 1. The Tract complies with applicable requirements of the R-2 zone. 2. The Tract as proposed and conditioned complies with the adopted Specific Plan 83-002 (Amended) and Final EIR 83-009. PCST.044 s., FINDINGS: 1. The proposed Tract Map is consistent with the goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan and the standards of the Municipal Zoning and Land Division Ordinances, subject to conditions. 2. The proposed Tract Map is consistent with Specific Plan 83-002 (as amended) and Final EIR 83-009. 3. The subject site is currently developed with existing off -site improvements, therefore no known impacts are anticipated by this application. The division of the property will not effect the continued use of the property nor affect the future sale of the existing homes to the north. 4. The design of the land division will not cause public health problems and will not conflict with existing public easements. CONCLUSION: The tentative map is acceptable as presented, subject to the attached conditions. All relevant Specific Plan Conditions of Approval will need to be complied with, as well as those conditions set forth herein. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution 92- recommending to the City Council that the project will not impact the environment pursuant to the past adoption of FEIR 83-009 and approval of Tentative Tract 27332, subject to the attached conditions. Attachments: 1. Location map 2. Tentative Tract Map exhibit 3. Access gate concept for 58th Avenue 4. Draft Resolution 92- 5. Draft Conditions of Approval PCST.044 3 JACK NICK!LAUS PRIVATE COURSE 16 I \ i 0 C CASE No. co � o Riviera 0 i1 0 1� 0 of CASE MAP TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 27332, Sunrise Desert Partners FUTURE GOLF COUR Existing Galler Units O � :age lNh N®RTN SCALE : nts gt r-1 L' A n we F1L TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 27002 UTILITIES GENERAL NOTES OWNER AMta 01 Pa elm ■rw aA Ono. ---CAW&" va"" Y.t" 019MICT 1 PF&= AG1 l� ms•%iW AlL1.iMI� •-••-----------' ta1s.110" 011MICi 48•80COW YAllis P" mas. =�0 iIMonA"IeInw c.►1r i.o ern i. a"1m1ls"L'"a TR♦10A. .... -...... varoL"101111,a SUBDIVIDER C+A1 lA"MIOb ....... /+IL.OI1 tJAJlIIU011 OP tOt.L`t Iw op i m "Ift � Will, s wwta vair ran"el� ' ym cm SIM . iWtO >m NY mil. CmAmmY fm this 1116ICT so" MOM 1n swim 16.1 �`"me ';;,'�'"°'""01 LEGAL DESCRIPTION W0" ■III . AoOIvIlum O Li as i ASSESSORS PARCEL NO • S' v r"Lcl iiui-L ".o.on as ►AM roa li1•.7C•Oa•i 7i1•.O0.0is•s 7i1•.70.6if•i it•tl0.6i•s a TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 27332 i"tHII CITT FLA WIlifli. w.r w � wrwn •w�.� 0 is N tN N U U Q aj Qi Q t a--) 00 LO z a J IL ui v z a a� r- z w PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 92- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT 27332 TO ALLOW THE CREATION OF A CONDOMINIUM SUBDIVISION. CASE NO. TT 27332 SUNRISE DESERT PARTNERS WHEREAS, on May 1, 1984, the La Quinta City Council certified the EIR for PGA West Specific Plan No. 83-002 (Council Resolution No. 84-28) as adequate and complete, adopting "Statements of Overriding Considerations", adopted °'CEQA Findings and Statements of Facts"; and, WHEREAS, the City Council approved the PGA West Specific Plan No. 83-002 (Council Resolution No. 84-31) on May 15, 1984, subject to conditions; and, WHEREAS, on September 20, 1988, the La Quinta City Council did hold a duly -noticed Public Hearing on Amendment No. 1 to Specific Plan 83-002 and, after so doing, did approve said Amendment subject to conditions, and did further certify a supplemental Environmental Impact Report focusing on traffic generation and circulation; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 10th day of March, 1992, hold a duly -noticed Public: Hearing to consider the request of Sunrise Desert Partners to resubdivide 7 acres within Tract 25499 into 5 residential lots for development of 42 condominium units, generally bounded by Interlachen & Hermitage (private streets) and Avenue 58 on the south, more particularly described as: BEING A SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 3 & 6 OF TRACT 25499-3 IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 228, PAGES 33 THRU 39 INCLUSIVE OF MAP IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY WHEREAS, said tentative map has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" as amended, Resolution No. 83-68, in that the Planning Director has determined that the proposed tentative tract is a part of and is consistent with the overall PGA West Specific Plan, as amended, and is therefore exempt from further environmental review pursuant to California Government Code Section 65457; and, G CS/RESOPC.033 - 1 - WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did find the following facts to justify recommendation for approval of said tentative tract map: 1. That Tentative Tract No. 27332, as conditionally approved, is consistent with the PGA West Specific Plan (as amended), the goals, policies, and intent of the La Quinta General Plan and the standards of the Municipal Land Division Ordinance. 2. That the subject site is physically suitable for the proposed land division. 3. The improvements to be required for the development of Tentative Tract 27332 will insure that adequate access, circulation, and public utilities are provided for the health, safety, and welfare of its residents. 4. That the impacts associated with development of Tentative Tract 27332 can be mitigated through the approval conditions imposed upon it, as well as through adherence to those conditions of the PGA West Specific Plan which are applicable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby confirm the conclusion that the previous Environmental Impact Reports for the PGA West Specific Plan, as amended, assessed the environmental concerns of this tentative tract; 3. That it does hereby recommend to the City Council approval of the above -described Tentative Tract Map No. 27332 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached conditions. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this loth day of March, 1992, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: CS/RESOPC.033 - 2 - KATIE BARROWS, Chairwoman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: JERRY HERMAN, Planning Director City of La Quinta, California CS/RESOPC.033 - 3 - PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 92- TENTATIVE TRACT 27332 - RECOMMENDED MARCH 10, 1992 GENERAL 1. Tentative Tract Map No. 27332 shall comply with the requirements and standards of the State Subdivision Map Act, the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance, and all other City, County, and State applicable laws and ordinances. 2. This tentative tract map approval shall expire two years after the original date of approval by the La Quinta City Council unless approved for extension pursuant to the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance. 3. The development of the site and buildings shall comply with Exhibit "A" pursuant to the Planning and Development Department's Tentative Tract Map 27332 file as conditionally approved. 4. Tentative Tract map 27332 shall comply with all applicable conditions and requirements of Specific Plan 83-002, "PGA West", as amended and in effect at the time of recordation. GRADING 5. The Applicant shall submit to the City Engineer a grading plan that is prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, who will be required to certify that the constructed conditions at the rough grade stage are as per the approved plans and grading permit. This is required prior to issuance of building permits. Certification at the final grade stage and verification of pad elevations is also required prior to final approval of grading construction. 6. The developer of Tentative Tract 27332 shall submit a copy of the proposed grading, landscaping, and irrigation plans to Coachella Valley Water District for review and comment with respect to CVWD's water management program. 1)O(11[) J . CS/CONAPRVL.027 - 1 - Conditions of Approval - TT 27332 7. A thorough preliminary engineering geological and soils engineering :investigation shall be done and the report submitted for review along with the grading plan. The reports' recommendations shall be incorporated into the grading plan design prior to grading plan approval. The soils engineer and/or the engineering geologist must certify to the adequacy of the grading plan. Pursuant to Section 11568 of the Business and Professions Code, the soils report certification shall be indicated on the final subdivision map. 8. The developer of Tentative Tract 27332 shall cause no easements to be granted or recorded over any portion of this property between the date of approval by the City Council and the date of recording of the final map without the approval of the City Engineer. 9. All utilities will be installed and trenches compacted t City standards prior to construction of any streets. The soils engineer shall provide the necessary compaction test reports for review by the City Engineer. 10. The remaining southerly unsurveyed area will be surveyed during a season when vegetation and irrigation practices allow good ground visibility. This will be accomplished prior to grading for development on this area. Arrangements will be made by the project applicant for a qualified consultant to monitor initial stages of developmental grading operations. In the event archaeological or paleontological resources are discovered during grading, the monitor will be authorized to temporarily redirect grading operations to allow the resource to be assessed and, if appropriate, analyze. DRAINAGE 11. Drainage disposal facilities shall be provided as required by the City Engineer. The Applicant shall comply with the provisions of the City Master Plan of Drainage, including payment of any drainage fees required therewith. Runoff from the 100-year design storm must be retained on -site as required by the City Engineer and subject to his approval. Applicant is advised that the City Engineer may require drainage release(s) relative to adjacent ownerships. ACCESS/CIRCULATION/STREET IMPROVEMENT 12. The Applicant shall dedicate all necessary public street and utility easements as required by the City Engineer. CS/CONAPRVL.027 - 2 - Conditions of Approval - TT 27332 13. The Applicant, shall submit street improvement plans for private streets prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. Street improvements, including required traffic signs and markings, shall conform to City standards as determined by the City Engineer and adopted by the La Quinta Municipal Code. Street design shall take into account the subgrade soil strength, the anticipated traffic loading, and street design life. All interior private streets shall be a minimum 36-foot curb -to -curb pavement width. PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES 14. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Code and the City Fire Marshal, as follows: a. Prior to recordation of any final map, applicant/ developer shall furnish one blueline copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed/approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." b. Gates installed to restrict access shall be power operated and equipped with a Fire Department override system. Improvement plans for the entry street and gates shall be submitted to the Fire Department for review/approval prior to installation. C. Plans for any fencing that restricts access to the model units must be submitted to the Fire Department for approval. 15. The Applicant shall comply with the following requirements of the Coachella Valley Water District: a. The developer shall obtain an encroachment permit from the Coachella Valley Water District prior to any construction within the right-of-way of the Coachella Canal. This includes, but is not limited to, surface improvements, drainage inlets, landscaping, and roadways. CS/CONAPRVL.027 - 3 - Conditions of Approval - TT 27332 b. The Applicant shall provide and dedicate to the District any land needed for the provision of additional facilities, including, but not limited to, sites for wells, reservoirs, and booster pumping stations. These sites will be dedicated in accordance with the requirements of CVWD and the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. C. The Applicant shall resolve any potential conflict(s) with existing District facilities prior to any approvals for development permits being issued. Verification of CVWD authorization shall be submitted prior to any permit issuance. d. The area is within Improvement District No. 1 of the Coachella Valley Water District for irrigation water service. Water from the Coachella Canal is available to the area. The developer shall use this water for golf course and landscape irrigation. SITE/BUILDING DESIGN 16. The following setback criteria shall be applied to site design: a. A minimum front yard setback of 20 feet shall be required on all residential dwelling units in the project, except for the "Legend" (Plan 40), which is permitted to have a 15-foot setback to accommodate an accessory golf cart storage structure; and the "Galleries" and "Highlands" (units H-1 and H-2 type), which may have a 15-foot setback for side -entry garages. b. A minimum setback of 10 feet between any building and/or building complex shall be required on all residential units. All buildings shall maintain a minimum of five (5) feet from any interior side property line, ten (10) feet on corners. 17. The Applicant shall comply with the recommendations of the completed noise analysis for "PGA West". Interior building design measures established in the noise analysis shall be incorporated into the unit plans submitted for plan check and shall be verified by the Building Official prior to permit issuances. CS/CONAPRVL.027 - 4 - Conditions of Approval - TT 27332 18. The Applicant shall submit detailed landscaping plans for all common areas within Tentative Tract 27332. (Landscaping in individual unit courtyard or other enclosed areas may be installed at the developer's discretion, but shall conform to CVWD and Riverside County Agricultural Commission Office requirements.) Final approval of all common area landscaping shall be given by the Planning and Development Department and shall be inspected by the City prior to or at time of building final. 19. Prior to submittal of landscaping plans as required in Condition 18, the applicant/developer shall: a. Secure the Agricultural Commissioner's approval for landscaping material to be used within the development. b. Secure the CVWD review of the grading, landscaping, and irrigation systems. MISCELLANEOUS 20. The City formed a City-wide Landscaping and Lighting District in 1988. The perimeter landscape lots in this subdivision will be added to the District assessment roll when the final map is recorded. The annual assessment for each lot will be based on a benefit basis as required by law. 21. The developer of Tentative Tract 27332 shall disclose the following information to those buyers of units located within Tract 27332: "The Riverside County Sheriff's Department operates its shooting practice and qualifying range on the north side of Lake Cahuilla. This range is used for monthly practice and quarterly qualifying sessions, and is also used by various other Coachella Valley agencies. For more specific information, contact: Riverside County Sheriff's Department, 46-057 Oasis Street, Indio, CA 92201, (619) 342-8800." This information (or similar wording) shall be disclosed through an amendment to the purchase agreement of the affected units. The amendment shall be signed as "Received and Read" by the prospective buyer. 22. Prior to any permit issuance for the 58th Avenue entry gates, plot plan approval must be obtained from the Planning and Development Department for access and design of the proposed gated access. CS/CONAPRVL.027 - 5 - Conditions of Approval - TT 27332 23. Applicant shall execute appropriate easements for golf course access paths between structures, across residential street lots, etc., to allow for maintenance access of the golf course areas from the existing 58th Avenue maintenance facility. A key map, with all access easement locations shown, shall be provided for review by the Planning and Development Department prior to recordation of the easement instrument(s). 24. Any minor changes in the Tentative Tract Map including, but not limited to, unit locations, unit orientation, unit mix changes (provided such changes do not result in an increase in the approved Tract unit quantity), exterior building color changes, changes in lot lines, lot shape modifications, changes in lot dimensions and street alignment alterations shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Director. Such approval shall not include any multi -story units. All changes shall be deemed compatible with approved unit designs, and shall be consistent with the overall character of the project. 25. The fees of the Coachella Valley Unified School District shall be paid by the developer prior to building permit issuance. 26. All homes shall be single story and not exceed 19-feet in height as measured from the finished pad elevation. WW CS/CONAPRVL.027 - 6 - BI #1 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: MARCH 10, 1992 PROJECT: PLOT PLAN 92-479 APPLICANT: SUNRISE COMPANY; ALLAN LEVIN ARCHITECT: ROBERT ALTEVERS ASSOCIATES REQUEST: TO ESTABLISH A NEW MODEL TYPE AND A NEW HOME COMPLEX WITHIN THE PGA WEST RESORT. THE HOMES WOULD BE LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF INTERLACHEN AT COLONIAL ON A PORTION OF LOT 3 OF TRACT 25499-3. SURROUNDING LAND USES: NORTH: TEMPORARY SALES TRAILERS & ON -SITE PARKING St EXISTING HOMES ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MERION. (PGA WEST RESORT) SOUTH: VACANT (ACROSS 58TH AVENUE) EAST: EXISTING JACK NICKLAUS PRIVATE GOLF COURSE (PGA WEST RESORT) WEST: VACANT (PGA WEST RESORT) GENERAL LOCATION: PGA WEST RESORT - SOUTHERN PORTION OF THE COMPLEX AT INTERLACHEN, NORTH OF HERMITAGE. PGA WEST BACKGROUND RELATED PAST ACTIONS: 1. Specific Plan 83-002/PGA West - approval of a 1665 acre project oriented around 4-18 hole golf courses with 5,000 residential units, 20 acre retail/office commercial complex, and 65 acre resort village with 400 hotel and 250 apartment units. The project was approved in 1984. The plan was subsequently revised to increase the number of rooms to 1,000 in September, 1988. 2. General Plan Amendment 84-002, Change of Zone 84-007, and Environmental Impact Report were approved concurrently with Specific Plan 83-002. 3. Tract Map 21643 subdivided this area in 1989. The map allowed 601 residential units (37 lots) on 391.6 acres. The Final Map was recorded in June, 1989. 0 0 0 �. STAFFRPT.083/CS -1- 4. Tract Map 25499 further subdivided this area into its present status in 1990. Tract 25499 was finaled on April 17, 1990, and Tract 25499-3 was recorded in December, 1990. Legend units were originally planned for Lot 3 and Lot 6 of Tract 25499-3. PENDING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP REQUEST: On February 4, 1992, the Sunrise Desert Partners submitted Tentative Tract Map 27332 for this area. The map proposed to resubdivide 7 acres into 5 lots and, further, to develop 42 residential units. The seven acre site includes Lots 3 & 6 of Tract 25499-3. The Tentative Tract Map is scheduled for the March 10, 1992 Planning Commission meeting. EXISTING SITE DESCRIPTION: The existing site is fully developed with off -site improvements which were installed last year as required by the above cited development applications. The site is presently vacant except for a new temporary sales trailer complex which is located to the north of the proposed model complex site. The site is surrounded by an existing golf course (Private Jack Nicklaus Course) and houses on the south side of Merion (existing Gallery units). See Attachment Map. MODEL UNIT PROPOSAL (TROPHIES - DUPLEX RESIDENCES): The model complex will include four different units. The unit sizes will range from 2,147 (2 bedroom/2 bathroom) square feet to 2,887 (3 bedroom/24 1/2 bathroom) square feet. All units are single story and range from 17 to 19 feet in overall height. Each unit will have a front -loaded two car garage with the units being either separated from the garage or semi -attached on a portion of the garage. A private entry courtyard or bedroom courtyard is generally located between the garage and the residence for each unit. The rear portion of each house will face the 14th hole of the Jack Nicklaus Golf Course. The exterior of the homes will be finished with stucco with the roof material concrete tile. The building colors are desert tones. The PGA West Specific Plan Architectural guidelines are attached. Glass block is used extensively for the side elevation windows of one of the homes for ornamental accenting and to provide lighting into the home during the day. Fixed and sliding windows are used on the other models in addition to the glass block treatments. Sliding glass windows and doors are used extensively along the rear elevation to provide a view to the golf course. f�►0C)0�L.. STAFFRPT.083/CS -2- SETBACKS: The minimum setback requirement for this area of PGA West is: Front: 20-feet * Side: 5-feet from property line (10-feet street side) Rear: 10-feet * 15-feet for side -entry garages (None proposed with this complex). The distance between buildings is 10-feet. STAFF COMMENTS: The model styles are similar in design but vary slightly in overall look because the roof ridge (Hip Roof versus Gable Roof) shifts depending on the plan. This type of design element change helps create an illusion that the units are both different in overall building size, and architecture as viewed from the street. The roof overhang is fairly small along the north and south (side) elevations, more so then the east and west. Small shade covers have been proposed over the fixed or sliding glass windows in most instances. A roofed patio cover is proposed over the rear portion of each home (Average +2 to 8 feet). DESIGN REVIEW BOARD REVIEW: The Board examined the request of the Applicant at their meeting of March 4, 1992. The Board recommended approval of the case based on the fact that the proposal meets all the requirements of the approved specific plan and is consistent with the City's Zoning Code. The Board required the developer to ensure that all southern and western exposure windows have a minimum roof eave of 18 inches or other shading treatment over the window to provide minimum shade cover to the portion of the home which is affected, subject to Staff approval. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the plans are consistent in design theme to other previously approved model plans in the PGA West development and, they are consistent with the PGA West Specific Plan. RECOMMENDATIONS: By Minute Motion 92•- recommend approval of the new Trophy units (Plan #2 thru 5) as presented, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. f")O(f#�O-, STAFFRPT.083/CS -3- Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Large Plans date stamped February 18, 1992 3. Excerpt from PGA West Specific Plan 4. Exhibit A, Conditions of Approval (10('110(�)., STAFFRPT.083/CS -4- EXHIBIT A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PLOT PLAN 92-479 - RECOMMENDED SUNRISE COMPANY 1. All southern and western exposure windows shall have a minimum roof eave of 18 inches or other shading treatment over the window to provide minimum shade cover to the portion of the home which is affected, subject to Planning & Development Department approval. STAFFRPT.083/CS o 0 o� LAKE CANUMA , JACK NICKLAUS PRIVATE COURSE 16 I _ P'C'AWESrI' Rivera FUTURE GOLF C Units C `Uject C1 COcatiOn Hermitage � l u North qt "Desert Architecture" Fit' qA The concept of "desert architecture" will be followed in 9ree West. This type of architecture may range from a "Spanish Mission" to "Southwest Adobe", "Pueblo", or "Territorial" Styles. The architectural integrity of the project will be protected through stringent controls and guidelines applied to each h e of the development. Every development proposal within Oak Trost will require a preliminary design review by the master developer's Architectural Review Committee to insure conformance with the desired architectural perameters. All detailing will enhance and emphasize the character of "Desert Architecture". The base color of all structures will be limited to the spectrum of white, cream, tan, sand, light brown, mauve and other earth tones. Primary colors will be allowed for accents only. Roofing materials will be limited to concrete -based materials for Spanish tiles or shake type tiles. Four basic roof forms will be considered as acceptable: hip, gable, shed and flat. WALL Excerpts from the PGA West Specific Plan document e m CC) 00 Co co ry PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: MARCH 10, 1992 PROJECT: SETBACK ADJUSTMENT 92-099 REQUEST: TO ADJUST THE REAR YARD SETBACK OF 10-FEET TO 1-FOOT FOR A PORTABLE GAZEBO STRUCTURE AND TO ADJUST THE REAR YARD SETBACK OF 5-FEET TO 1 1/2-FEET FOR A PORTABLE SPA APPLICANT: GERALD SHEA LOCATION: 45-360 DESERT EAGLE COURT (LOT 14 - TRACT 23935-1 - TOPAZ) APN: 604-241-024 BACKGROUND: 1. A portable wood gazebo (12-feet x 16-feet) and a 7-foot diameter spa were installed in the rear yard setback area of Lot 14, Tract 23935-1. The facilities were installed by California Spa approximately two months ago. A building permit was not issued for the gazebo structure or electrical hook-up for the spa. 2. Setback regulations for structures in rear yards is 10-feet. In addition, accessory structures such as gazebos and patios must be at least 10-feet from the primary structure, the house. A pool or spa is required to be 5-feet from any side or rear property line. 3. A gazebo is defined as a structure since it is larger than 100 square feet (La Quinta Uniform Building Code). 4. The gazebo is 192 square feet in size and located approximately 1-foot from the rear property line excluding eave overhangs. The structure is approximately 8 1/2-feet in height and higher than the adjacent perimeter block wall which backs up to Dune Palms Road. 5. The La Quinta Zoning Regulations states that the Planning Director approve or disapprove setback adjustments. However, in this case the Planning Director has forwarded this application to the Planning Commission since the policy for Director approval is a maximum 20% deviation. 1){J01)() 4 STAFFRPT.082/CS -1- ANALYSIS: Zoning Code defines a structure as: "Structure" means anything constructed or erected and the use of which requires more or less permanent location on the ground or attachment to something having a permanent location on the ground, but not including walls and fences six feet or less in height. The Zoning Code does not discuss whether or not a structure is a structure by its size but by whether it is attached to the ground in a permanent fashion. This gazebo and spa are located on a concrete slab but the facility is not anchored to the slab. Therefore, the gazebo and spa are deemed portable facilities by the Zoning Code. The La Quinta Building Code does not require a building permit for a one story detached accessory structure or building if the projecting roof area does not exceed 100 square feet. The subject gazebo is larger than 100 square feet, therefore a building permit is required. The Building Department has stated that a portable spa does not need a building permit unless the spa requires new outdoor electric outlets to service the spa. The Uniform Building Code requires a minimum three foot setback for this type of structure if it is not a fire rated assembly. The gazebo is not a fire rated structure. PAST PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: On January 28, 1992, the Planning Commission reviewed a similar request to this application on Sonesta Way (Tract 23269) in the general area of Adams Street and Fred Waring Drive. The permanent patio cover was in the rear yard and it abutted Fred Waring Drive, a major arterial. The Planning Commission allowed the existing structure to remain because: 1) the homeowner's assumed the Contractor had obtained a building permit prior to constructing the patio cover, 2) the structure was not highly visible from Fred Waring Drive, and 3) the facility would not affect the abutting homes adversely if it was allowed to remain. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the covered gazebo be allowed to be located 1-foot from the rear property line and the spa to be located 1 1/2 feet from the rear property line. STAFFRPT.082/CS -2- FINDINGS: If the Planning Commission wishes to allow the gazebo to remain, the following findings should be made: 1. The wood gazebo is located between 4-10 feet from the main structure which is appropriate considering the flammable nature of the structure and its relationship to surrounding facilities. 2. The structure is located abutting Dune Palms Road, a secondary arterial roadway, which is designed to carry moderate levels of traffic from Fred Waring Drive to Highway 111 in the future. The structure will not affect traffic nor hinder aesthetic view corridors in this area. 3. The gazebo structure will help reduce traffic noise from Dune Palms Road, as proposed. 4. The structure is consistent in size to other accessory structures in the area. 5. The gazebo will provide partial shade protection to the home since it is located on the east side of the existing home. 6. The location of the small portable spa in the rear yard will not create a safety problem to the City because the property is enclosed with a 6-foot high perimeter block wall. 7. Approval of this setback adjustment constitutes a special case since the structures are existing and there is limited room in the rear yard and does not apply universally. It should be noted that this lot backs up to Dune Palms Road, therefore, there is no immediate neighbor living behind this lot. The granting of this setback adjustment would not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the surrounding neighbors and the rest of the community. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: By Minute Motion approve a 1-foot rear setback for a portable gazebo and a 1 1/2-foot rear setback for a portable spa on Lot 14, Tract 23935-1 per the Findings of Fact as noted subject to the following conditions: 1. A building permit shall be obtained for the gazebo structure and electrical outlet if it is to remain on the property. STAFFRPT.082/CS -3- 2. A deed restriction on the property shall be immediately recorded stating: a. No solid, permanent walls (or portions of) or roof (or portions of) shall be placed on structure which would constitute converting the gazebo to an enclosed structure. b. The gazebo shall not be attached to the main structure or perimeter wall. C. Should the gazebo be replaced, the new structure shall comply with setback requirements in effect at time of replacement. Attachment: 1. Location Map Exhibit 2. SBA Application and Site Plan as submitted by Applicant 3. Polariod Pictures STAFFRPT.082/CS -4- = m General Location 6 4g sa^ 10 . NUE VD DR ra z E o (lUINT�RA uva�s•w �+� a e y° wn,zzg o� �1ADERA DR 3 i � d11 O DN 1 I � DESERT CREST � v?1U b[fE 1 z t L � 1 NeYa6SLf! o eo�a DR -- v DESERTM[1GT DESERT�IROGXG A 8 u �8 q DESERT GOLD DR, ' W weer« tie 'o DESERT STREAM DOEI I " maeSaOE "er eSOE Gat TOPAZ o w �O WESTVr'ARD HO DR Nerusa! 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Present: Commissioners Mosher, Ladner, Ellson, Marrs, and Chairwoman Barrows. B . Staff Present: Planning Director Jerry Herman, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, and Department Secretary Betty Anthony. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Plot Plan 91-466; a request of Simon Plaza, Inc., Mr. Philip Pead, to modify a previously reviewed plot plan application for a mixed use commercial complex. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. Staff recommended modification to Condition #13 regarding Art in Public Places and addition of a new condition #78 regarding voiding of the original approval. 2. Chairwoman Barrows asked Staff what the height limit of the four story building was. Staff stated it was 50 feet. Chairwoman Barrows asked Staff to explain what the arcade concept was along Washington Street. Discussion followed regarding the arcade. 3. Chairwoman Barrows opened the public hearing. Mr. Philip Pead, applicant, gave a presentation on his proposal. 4. Commissioner Marrs asked the Applicant if the parking structure where it fronts on Highway 111 was one story. Mr. Pead stated it was with roof parking in order to comply with the Highway 111 restrictions . 5. Mr. Pead asked that the Commission revise proposed Conditions of Approval: 25.C., 25.E., 25.F., 57, 60, 68, 71, 72, 73, 74, PC2-25 1 Planning Commission Minutes February 25, 1992 and 75. In addition, Mr. Pead pointed out the number of jobs the project would bring to the City. 6. Commissioner Ellson inquired regarding the water retention site and made a suggestion. Mr. Pead stated the project would use storm drains to take the water off -site and therefore there would be none. 7. Commissioner Ellson asked if the restaurant would have valet parking. Discussion followed regarding parking spaces and valet parking. 8. Commissioner Ellson asked the Applicant to indicate on the plans where the elevator entrances were and inquired if the parking in the structure could be angle parking. Discussion followed as to the elevator entrances, the trash enclosures, and the place for the art work. 9. Chairwoman Barrows questioned the lack of roof overhangs and discussion followed as to how to handle the sun exposure and aesthetics . 10. Commissioner Ellson questioned the amount of landscaping on Highway 111 in front of the parking lot. Mr. Fred Simon, Simon Motors gave a description of the location of the landscaping. 11. There being no further comment, Chairwoman Barrows closed the public hearing and opened the matter for Commission discussion. 12. Commissioner Ladner asked that the Commission go through each of the questioned Conditions of Approval. The following was determined: a. Condition 25. C . and 25. E . would be deleted (addressed in Conditions #40 and #44. b. Condition 25.F. would be changed to 28 feet. c. Condition 57 would stay. d . Condition 60 would remain the same. e. Condition 68 would be reworded to eliminate rooftop landscaping on the parking structure. f . Condition 71 would remain the same. g. Condition 72 would be deleted. h. Condition 73 would be reworded to provide for window shading and Design Review Board approval. i. Condition #74 would remain the same (since the Applicant agreed). j . Condition 75 would be changed to 47 feet back to the start of the ramp structure. PC2-25 Planning Commission Minutes February 25, 1992 13. Commissioner Ellson inquired how the proposed General Plan policy of 35 0 of the land area must be commercial would apply. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated that the project must be reviewed in light of the present General Plan. 14. There being no further comment, Commissioner Fred Mosher moved to adopt Minute Motion 92-008 approving Plot Plan 91-466 (Revised) subject to the amended conditions and with the addition. of Condition #13 amended and the addition of Condition 78 as recommended by Staff. Commissioner Ladner seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. B . Zoning Ordinance Amendment 92-023; a request of the City to add Title 7 entitled "Historic Preservation" to the La Quinta Municipal Code. 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Commissioner Ellson asked what the term of the Commissioner serving on the Committee would be. Planning Director Jerry Herman stated it would be at the discretion of the Council but probably a minimum of one year. She further asked if there was any benefit to the owner of the historical buildings. Discussion followed. 3. Chairwoman Barrows opened the public hearing. Mr. Fred Rice, President of the Historical Society of La Quinta, addressed the Commission regarding historical sites within La Quinta, problems with developers, and discussed how to preserve some of the existing sites . 4. There being no further comment, Chairwoman Barrows closed the public hearing. Following discussion regarding some of the historical sites, Commissioner Ladner moved to adopt Planning Commission Resolution 92-006 recommending to the City Council approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment 92-023 and the Environmental Determination. Commissioner Ellson seconded the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Commissioners Mosher, Ladner, Ellson, Marrs, & Chairwoman Barrows. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAINING: None. C. Zoning Ordinance Amendment 92-022; a request of the City to revise Chapter 9.212, Sign Regulations, of the La Quinta Municipal Code. PC2-25 Planning Commission Minutes February 25, 1992 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Commissioner Marrs asked Staff if the semi -permanent signs could be bonded for. 3. Commissioner Ellson asked if there was a need to have signs on public property and how realtor signs would be handled. Discussion followed as to the different problems that needed to be worked out within the Ordinance. 4. Chairwoman Barrows opened the public hearing. Ms. Judith Owens Burns, Chairwoman of the Local Government of Real Estate Agents, addressed the Commission regarding their desire to work with the Commission to formulate new to working regulations. 5. There being no further comment, Chairwoman Barrows closed the hearing. Following discussion among the Commissioners, Commissioner Mosher moved and Commissioner Marrs seconded a motion to continue the matter for thirty days. Unanimously approved. V . PUBLIC COMMENT: - None VI. BUSINESS SESSION A . General Plan Consistency; a request of Coachella Valley Water District for review of General Plan consistency for the installation of sewer lines. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Commissioner Ellson inquired of Staff where the lines were to be installed. 3. Following discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Marrs and seconded by Commissioner Ladner to adopt Minute Motion 92-009 determining that the project proposed by CVWD within the City of La Quinta is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan. Unanimously approved. PC2-25 4 Planning Commission Minutes February 25, 1992 VII. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Commissioner :Ladner asked that the Minutes be amended on page 3 #15 to show that Commissioner Ladner asked the question instead of Commissioner Ellson. Chairwoman Barrows asked that Page 4, #3 be amended to read "she" not "he". There being no further corrections, Commissioner Marrs move and Commissioner Ellson seconded a motion to approve the Minutes of the regular meeting of February 11, 1992, as amended. Unanimously approved. VIII. OTHER - None A. Planing Director Jerry Herman reminded the Commission to respond to a memo from the Parks and Recreation Manager Clint Bohlen. B . The Commission discussed a letter received from Mr. Gary Hopkins regarding a practice golf range, course, and school. At the conclusion, it was recommended that Staff give the Applicant all the encouragement possible. C . Commissioner Ellson asked Staff to check on the lighting at the entrance to the Cliffhouse Restaurant. D . Commissioner Ellson also inquired about the fencing for the Art Shows at Plaza La Quinta. Staff stated it was required by the Conditions of Approval. IX. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Mosher and seconded by Commissioner Ellson to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a regular meeting on March 10, 1992, at 7:00 P.M. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:12 P.M., February 25, 1992. PC2-25 5 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRWOMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: MARCH 10, 1992 SUBJECT: ACCESSORY :BUILDINGS Attached are draft zoning ordinance of proposed amendments which Staff would like the Planning Commission to review, and make any modifications. It is anticipated that these amendments will be scheduled for public hearing at the next Planning Commission meeting. MEMOJH.180 Conditional uses. ZOA The following use may be allowed subject to obtaining a Conditional Use Permit as provided by Chapter 9.172. A. Second Units: A second unit will only be allowed on a lot or parcel with a minimum of 7,200 square feet or larger. A second unit may be attached, as part of the existing residential unit, which provides provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation; or a unit may be detached with a square footage not to exceed 1200 square feet and is intended for the sole occupancy of one or two persons who are 62 years of age or more, or a handicapped person of any age (and spouse or care giver) , providing provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. The following provisions are applicable: 1. The unit is not intended for sale and may be rented. 2. The lot is zoned for single family or multi -family use. 3. The lot contains an existing single family unit. 4. The second unit is attached to the existing residence and is located within the living area of the existing dwelling. DOCJH.052 1 5. Whenever an increase in floor area is involved, it shall not exceed 30% of the existing living area. 6. The unit maybe a detached unit which does not exceed 1200 square feet and is intended for occupancy for one or more persons 62 years of age or a handicapped person of any age (with spouse or care giver) . 7. The secondary unit shall conform to height, setback, lot coverage, architectural review, site plan review, fees, charges, and other zoning requirements generally applicable to the residential construction in the zone in which the property is located. 8. Local building code requirements shall apply to additions, on detached units, as appropriate. 9. Approval by the local health officer where a private sewage disposal system is being used, if required. 10. Living area means the interior inhabitable area of a dwelling unit, including basements and attics and shall not include a garage or any accessary structure. 11. A minimum of three off-street parking spaces must be provided (two spaces for the primary residence unit and one space for the secondary unit) . DOCJH.052 2 ZOA DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR ATTACHED OR DETACHED GUEST HOUSES These provisions regulate guest houses. All applicants shall be reviewed utilizing the over the counter plot plan process. A deed restriction shall be recorded against the property prohibiting the conversion of the unit to a rental, or for sale or permit the addition of a kitchen. A guest house is a unit which does not have cooking facilities, but has sleeping and/ sanitary facilities; is accessory to a permanent home; is developed on the same parcel; complies with the design guidelines of the zone; is comparable with the existing permit residential. unit and adheres to the development standards of the zone. A detached guest :house, in addition to the above, must comply with the following minimum standards: Height: Single story 17 feet Setbacks: Front 25 feet Rear 10 feet Side 5 feet Street side 10 feet Parking: One space in addition to required for private home Setback from permanent building: 6 feet Maximum square footage: DOCJH.053 1 640 ZOA DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR DETACHED NON -LIVABLE ACCESSORY BUILDINGS. Utilization of the provisions of this section preclude the request of a setback adjustment as may be provided elsewhere in the Zoning Code. The building shall be constructed in a manner as to prevent roof top water from going onto any adjacent parcel. Setback from Street Permanent Rear Yard Side Yard Front Yard Side Height wilding Size Building Setback Setback Setback Limit Limit 0- 100 5 2 2 20 10 8 101 - 199 5 4 3 20 10 10 200 - 250 6 6 5 20 10 12 251+ 6 10 5 20 20 14 DOCJH.054 ZOA ADD TO THE R-1, R-2, AND R-3 ZONES: A. Landscaping. 1. The front yard of all lots, and in addition the side yard of corner lots, shall be landscaped to property line. 2. The landscaping shall include trees, shrubs, and groundcover of sufficient size, spacing, and variety to create an attractive and unifying appearance. Landscaping shall be in substantial compliance with the standards set forth in the Manual on Architectural Standards and the Manual on Landscaping Standards as adopted by the Planning Commission. 3. An irrigation system shall be provided for all areas required to be landscaped. 4. The landscaping shall be continuously maintained in a healthy and viable condition. DOCJH.055