AR (04-6261)BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 150.4 (760).777-7012 78-495 CALLE TAMPIcO FAX (760) 777-7011 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92.253 INSPECTION REQUESTS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT Application Number . . . . . 04-.00006261 Date 10/22/04 Property Address . . . 57133 M,_._ERION APN: 762-031-010- - - Application description . . . ADDITION'- RESIDENTIAL - Property Zoning . . . . . . . •LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL' Application valuation 8404 ,= Owner Contractor -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- _' .. tN--- - - - -- - - - - - -` M/M TOM MURPHY EDWARDS CONSTRUCTION, BOB' 57133 MERION 51455 DESERT.CLUB DRIVE LA QUINTA CA 92253 LA QUINTA CA 92253 WCC: PREF INS ".' WC: WKN1090403 %01/01/05 CSLB: 684857 03/31/06 CCC: B ------ Structure Information 104.SQ. FT. CASITA ADDITION ----- Construction Type . . . . . TYPE V - NON RATED Occupancy Type . . . . . . DWELLG/LODGING/LONG <=10 Flood Zone . .. . . . NON -AO FLOOD ZONE Other struct info . . . . . CODE EDITION 2001 CBC BEDROOMS 1.00 FLOOD ZONE NO FIRST FLOOR SQ FTG .104.00 -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- Permit . . . -•--=--------------------=---;------- BUILDING. PERMIT Additional desc Permit Fee . . 108.00 Plan --Check Fee 70.20 Issue Date . . .� Valuatiaon .. X8404 Expiration Date 4/22/05 D Qty .'Unit Charge Per "v Q .tension 7.00 9.0000 BASE FEE THOU.. BLDG 2`,;001-25, 0 0 OCT �5Z��- 45.00 63.00 ------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . -- - - - - -- ELECT-ADD/ALT/REM C/ OFA ---- ------- Additional desc INgN QU/ �eoppr A Permit Fee . . . . 18.64 Plan Check Fee 4.66 Issue Date . . .. Valuation. 0 Expiration Date 4/22/05 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 104.00 .0350 ELEC;NEW RES-. 1 OR 2 FAMILY 3.64 '. -------------------------------------------- Permit. . . . . . . ---------------------- MECHANICAL° - Additional desc .44 P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO illirl LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT Application Number: Applicant: Applicant's Mailing Address: Architect or Engineer: 1 VOICE (760)'777-7011 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: A0, Architect or Engineer's Address: Lic. No.. BUILDING PERMIT DECLARATIONS LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm une penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Padene, and my Li a is in full force and effect. ) t —7 License Cl a 's icse No. (o T I ,,—'Datev 2Z Contractor___'YJJJ OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractors' State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractors' State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).): U I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself or through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). U I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). U I am exempt under Sec. , BA P.C. for this reason Date Owner WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of t . work for which this permit is issued. hay nd will ai in workers' compensate insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is o rt' compensation comp rance carrier�gd pg1ipy nl �p�J,arg- arrier UUU VX . Policy Number W}�YV I iJ "l O yq _ I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, 1 shall fjort��with (comp>withpr ision WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name Lender's Address APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 160 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit tancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the abo a in rmation is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building constructi —n, and hereby authorize representatives of this cou t en r repo b e -mentioned pr perty for inspection purposes. / ate G 4 Signature (Applicant or Agent): Page 2 Application Number . . . . . 04-00006261 Date 10/22/04 Permit Fee 24.0.0 Plan'Check Fee 6.00 Issue Date . . . Valuation - 0 Expiration Date 4/22/05 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE'FEE 15.00 1.00 9:0000 EA MECH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPL REP/ALT/ADD 9.00 Permit . . . . . PLUMBING Additional desc -Permit Fee . . . 15.00 Plan Check Fee 3.75 Issue Date Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 4/22/05 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension - BASE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FEE .15.00. Special Notes and Comments 104 SQ. FT. ADDITIONTOEXISTING CASITAl 0/2.2/04 10:42:45 AM JJOHNSON Other Fees . . . . ENERGY REVIEW FEE 7.02 STRONG MOTION. (SMI) - RES .59 Fee summary 'Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 165.64 .00 ..00 165.64 Plan, Check Total 84.6'1 .0,0 .00 84.61 Other Fee Total 7.61 .00 ..00 7.61 Grand Total 257.86 .00 .00 257.86 X A X lv l? •t. : /W Zvb414 'cd A -l► 10cA4V4-' ca. --Gr City of La Quinta Building aT Safety Division P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # rr 2(0� a(• b Project Address: �7 / -l� jp O%mer's Name: ( A. P. Number: %6 �,, —O O� Address: �O,p Legal Description: 00 (7 � ! City. ST. Zip. (� � Contractor: FTelephone: —(-77 c5 00 Address: XProject Description: City, ST, Zip: U( r ( v-— Telephone• State Lic. # : City Lic. #: Arch., Engr est2n- � Address: I City, ST, Zip: Telephone: [ !� P ��D v 'mss >: .. Construction Type:. Occupancy: State Lic. #: Project type (circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Name of Contact Person: - Sq. Ft.: # Stories: # Units: — Telephone # of Contact Person: ( �� stimated Value of Project: APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # I Submittal Req'd Rec'd TRACKINGPERMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted f-16'04 Item Amount Structural Calcs. Reviewed, ready for corrections I�Z Plan Check Deposit Truss Calcs. Called Contact PersonC;Kz8 Plan Check Balance nergy Cales. Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmittedp� 3 111echa • al Grading plan 2" Review, ready for correcti ns/issue eetrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- �"' Review, readv for correctionsfissue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees Total Permit Fees 1 Coachella Valley Unified School District This Box For District use Only . , P.Q. Bvg 847, Thermal,, CA 92274 DEVELOPER FEES PAID . -(760) 398-5909 — Fag (760) 398-1224 AREA: AMOUNT LEVEL ONE AMOUNT: LEVELTWO AMOUNT: MITIGATION AMOUNT: CONWAND. AMOUNT: DATE: RECEIPT: CHECK #: INITIALS: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE' (California'Education Code 17620) Project Name: PGA West Date October 22, 2004 Owner's Name: Tom Murphy Phone No. (760)777- 1 8202 Project Address: 57-133 Merton St., La Quinta, CA 92253 Project Description: Room Addition. APN: 762-031-010 - .Tract #: Lot #'s: Type of Development:' Residential XX Commercial . Industrial Total Square Feet of Building Area: 104 Sq.Ft. ,Certification of Applicant/Owners: The person signing certifies that the above information is correct and makes this statement under penalty of perjury and further represents that he/she is authorized to sign on behalf of the owner/developer. Dated: October 22,1004 .Signature: SCHOOL DISTRICT'S REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ABOVE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: (CIRCLE ONE), Education Code Gov. Code Project Agreement Existing Not Subject to Fee 17620 65995 Approval Prior to 1/1/87 Requirement Note: Pursuant to AB 181, Room additions or remodels 500 Sq.Ft. or less, are exempt from school fees. Number of Sq.Ft. 104 Amount per Sq.Ft. -0- Amount Collected $ -0- Building 0.Building Permit Application Completed: Yes/No By: Carey M. Carlson, Asst. Supt., Business Services Certificate issued by: Elsa F. Esqueda, Facilities Analyst Sign ; NOTICE OF 90 DAY PERIOD FOR PROTEST OF FEES AND STATEMENT OF FEES Section 66020 of the Government Code asserted by Assembly Bill 3081, effective January 1, 1997, requires that this District provide (1) a written notice to the project appellant, at the time of payment of school fees, mitigation payment or other exactions ("Fees"), of the 90 -day period to protest the imposition of these Fees and (2) the amount of the fees. Therefore, in accordance with section 66020 of the Government code and other applicable law, this Notice shall serve to advise you that the 90 -day protest period in regard to such Fees or the validity thereof, commences with the payment of the fees or performance of any other requirements as described in section 66020 of the Government code. Additionally, the amount of the fees imposed is as herein set forth, whether payable at this time or in whole or in part prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. As in the latter, the 90 days starts on the date hereon This Certificate of Compliance is valid for thirty (30) days from the date of issuance. Extension will be granted only for good cause, as determined by the School District, and up to three (3) such extensions may be granted At such time as this Certificate expires, if a building permit has not been issued for the project that is the subject of this Certificate, the owner will be reimbursed all fees that were paid to obtain this Certificate of Compliance. MV:ctmydocstdevfees/certificate of compliance form tables.doc 1/16/03 T TANDY'S INSPECTION INC. PO BOX 13766 PALM DESERT, CA 92255 SPECIAL INSPECTION DAILY REPORT OFFICE/FAX 909.769s717. ; PAGER 760.776.3339 TYPE OF INSPECTION PERFORMEDDATE SAMPLE INFORMATION SUPPLIER TICKET NUMBER MIX NUMBER TIME SD AMPLE AIR TEMP SAMPLE TEMP PHYSICAL ADDRESS PERMIT NUMBER -- l h�As (t�i-- (o2 (e JOB NAME TYPE OF STRUCTURE LOCATION ARCHITECT ENGIN C� \ 17<)^ G GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUBCONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION OF -WORK -INSPECTED r 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, AND TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS & APPLICABLE BUILDING LAWS. ;deli PECT S SIGNAT E NSPE TORS CERTIFICATION AGENCY AND NUMBER SAMPLE INFORMATION SUPPLIER TICKET NUMBER MIX NUMBER TIME SD AMPLE AIR TEMP SAMPLE TEMP SLUMP TIME IN MIXER LOCATION WELDING INFORMATION PROCESS WELDERS NAME CERTIFYING AGENCY AND CERTIFICATION NUMBER 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, AND TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS & APPLICABLE BUILDING LAWS. ;deli PECT S SIGNAT E NSPE TORS CERTIFICATION AGENCY AND NUMBER �.° .ERTIF'ICATTE OF COMPLIANCE: RE SIi�E�1T.IAL (Pale 1 of 3 .Lttlq. -r `-Mb v,s t Paw Building Pcrtnit d Plan Chcck , Datc Ficld Check I Date orccrncn Qcncy se n,y GENERAL INFORMATION oral Conditioned FloorArea Average Ceiling Height: �� It ( onditioned Slab. Floor Area uildint; Type: �gl_c Family _ Addition heck on,.; or mote) Multi-l"amily _ Existing -Plus -Addition 0 F ottt Orientation: 7 North South ! East / West i All Orientations tient orientation in degree:; frutn True North and circle unci UmbeC Ui Stories_ _ umber of dwelling Units lour CorvAruetion Type: Sla Raised Floor 6:;rcle rntc or beth Required for this submittal___ yes _-_no ow 111 rFrame Type Cavity Sheathing !. oc euthor rel t poste . t ontnliance Method (Packase or Computer) Climate Zone Building Pcrtnit d Plan Chcck , Datc Ficld Check I Date orccrncn Qcncy se n,y GENERAL INFORMATION oral Conditioned FloorArea Average Ceiling Height: �� It ( onditioned Slab. Floor Area uildint; Type: �gl_c Family _ Addition heck on,.; or mote) Multi-l"amily _ Existing -Plus -Addition 0 F ottt Orientation: 7 North South ! East / West i All Orientations tient orientation in degree:; frutn True North and circle unci UmbeC Ui Stories_ _ umber of dwelling Units lour CorvAruetion Type: Sla Raised Floor 6:;rcle rntc or beth Required for this submittal___ yes _-_no ow 111 rFrame Type Cavity Sheathing Total .R- Assembly Location/Comments Type I wd = wood insulation Insula tionI Value' i U ?actor(attic, garage, cynical, etc.) I stl = steel K -Value R -Value !rill ' 2 043 _._ +_ _ i Wall ... --' - - Roof _ Hoof _ till' loor Iloor { :ab F ti Q, DEPT- s'yrpr�sctitltr�ctt�itpllt_`TotatR.V!iteancAsertihl_'ti-ciA.[cnut.r_yuiedto-tom . 4 . liol!-; Juirtrrtgnt�.(�r the Prete ript- Pctcl; ge: At FOR FENESTRATION _ DA: znestxatirur Orien• Area { Fenestrations . I wicstcaiioa iT•v ei'f'as. ration rout .ei3 4 'kylight_._ I — —� August 2001 Att. A-2 ICA TE OF 1ANCEe RESIDEN 2 of 3) CF -IR, >t` -)--C4- r m)eci t tete i Date - VAC SYSTENE ore: Input hydronic or combined hydronic data under Water Heating Systems, except Design Heating Load. Distribution Heating hquipment Minimum 'type and Duct or Type Otmace, heat. Efriciency Location Piping Thermostat um tic. AFUEorHS11) dccu attic etc.) R -Value T e Heat Pump Configuration (split orE!t-, c Cooling Equipment Minimum Duct - Heat Pump Tvpe (air conditioner, Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Configuration ,est pump,evs . coolin (SEEP) attic .etc. R -Value T (Ulit ' lit or aoka it: L ` f __._. -ED DUKT5 and TXVs or Altern§dve NeajyjAe Sealed Ducts (all climate zones) t` (Instai)t:r testing and ccniflkation and HERS rater field votitication roquircd, t /g 150 vrk *• TXVs, readily accessible (climate zones 2 sad 3.15 omly) . (Instal'cr r:sang and certification and HERS Rater or field verification required) , Ret:rigerant Charge/Air Flow (olimfitc zones 2 and K -IS only) (Iii -oiler testing r.nd certification and HERS Rater or Sind critcation required) Alternative to Sealed Ducts and TXVs (see Package C or D Alterrative Package Features for Project Climate Zone)' Climate Lone Window SHGC Window U -Factor SEER Heating WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Energy' External Rated' Tank Factor or Tank Water Heater Distribution Number lnpu!(kW Capacity. Recovery Standby' Insulation Type Type. in System or 8witr) (gattuus) EffaciencL Loss (°%) R -Value For snub I gss storage water heaters (rate: inputs of lose afar, or equal to 75,000 Bt dht), cwtric resistance. and heat pump water heaters, list Energy t:scto,•. fur large gas storage water heaters (rated input ot'wcater than 75,00a litwho, list Rated input, Recovery Efficicney and Standby Less. For instanwneous gas water heaters, list rated input and recovery efTeiencies. + PECIAL Fll*•ATURE5 (add gxtTa sheets ifnecessLrv). Package C and D: TXVs, Sealed Ducts, Radiant arriers (see installation requirements for radiant barriers in Section 8:13 of the 200 1. Residenti al Manual). uckage C: thermal mass (thermal mass type, covering, thickness, and description). �'tkfllglx�G-°r LtAL12>44r A-3 Compliance Forms - August 2001 —�- -- IFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL JP 3 of 3) CF—IR C-2 —4') IMPLIANCE SIATEMENT its certificate of compliance lists the building features and pertbrinance specifications needed to comply with tie 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement -m. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate compliance is submitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature that varied is indicated in the Special Features/Remarks section. The tindersigned recognize that compliance using .ct srafing and TXVs requires installer testing and certification and field verification by an approved HERS kr. igner or Owner (per Business and Protessions Code) Documentation Author Name; E2> to> (Firm: Title/Firm., 7 Address: phone: Telephone: T(si (dire) Agency ,gency: Irc I stump) (dKIC) a A-4 :)mpliance Forms August 2001 ANDATORY ];MEASURES CHECKLIST; RESIDENTIAL (Pae, 1 of 2) 21I• -IR N ote: Lowdse residential buildings sui>ject to the Standards must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used items marked with an asterisk (•) rosy be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance, When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by al parties as,. mirtinutn, component performarrt- specification, for the. mandatory measures whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or oil this checklist only. r crntr•r;:nns Check or initial anolicable boxes when completed or enter N/A if not applicable, -.. - �— `^ ~�-DESIGNER -SCRIMON ENFORCEMENT r _ jilding Envelope Measures: — _B it, hai: siinimu.n R-19-colinginsulation. �15Ufb): I,ocsc fill itiaulation rtrariufactun:r's labeled R•Valuc. 150(c): M;aimum R. 13 w9ll insulation in wood framed wit1 g or equivalent U -factor in mete! frame walls �- i-- �do not apply to exterior trlass walls) �""•'-'- 1 §'150(d): Minimtnn R-13 raised floor insulution in frarncd floor,. L.. §1.1,0(1')- Slam edge insu!ation . water absorption rate no greater Utan 0.30/'o. water vapor tremrnisstoii rate no ( t 0►..1' eater !hat! 2 U gernVinch. form. $118: Insulation opccifrc•d or rnsrallcd mecis insulation quality standards. Indicate type and t/ i§1 16-17: Fcntstration Products. Exterior Dn,ts, and infilcration/Exfiltration Controls i i L Doers and windowi between conditioned and unconditioned spaces'de5igncd to limit u(r leakagc, I i ? Fenc_tratlon products (except field-fahricatcd) have latxl with certified U•Factor, certified Solar Heat i Gain Cocf(wicm (SHGC), and inf!Irration certification. 1 i 3, 'rarterior doers and windows woetberstrippcd; all joints and penetrations caulked and scaled. § I50(gi: Vapor barriers mandatory in Climaic Zones 14 aml 16 only. - ^ , I5(1(f): Spe:iaE infiltration barrier installed to comply with 151 meets Convnission quality standards. p1S0(e): Installation of firepla,;cs, Dccorai:vc Gas AppliinceS and Gas Logs. I , 1, Masonry• and tactory-hudt firep!aees have: a. (:!useable metal or glass door. I h. Outside air intake tvi;h damper and cr?ntrol ! i I C. Fire damper and cwurul !/fes 2. No c:ominuous gaming gas pilot lights al!%awed. pace Conditioning, Water !Heating and Plumbing System Measures: I l0• y ! ! 3: H VAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets ceitifrcd by the Cwrmission, I tit 5U(!s}: Heating ancVor cooling loads calculated in uccordancc with ASHRAE. SMACNA or AC:CA. t g l atlp). StOack thereto -ma on all applieab!e heating xndiur cooling syatents. i Pipe and tank insulation 1. Storage gas water heater.& rated with an Energy Factor less than 0.58 must be externally wrapped with insulatiun i:aving an installed themul resistance of R-1.2 or greater. 3. First t fon of pipets closest to water heater tank, non-rec.irculnting systems, insulated (R •s or greater) S. Back-up tanks for solar system, unf iced storage tank- ;, qr other indirect hot water tanks have R I /�. extcmui insulation err R-16 combined internnUextemal insn)at!on. 4. All buried or exposed piping insulated in mcirculating sceiions of hot water systenur. 5. c uulir,g system piping ticlow se^ F instdatcd. t i 6. Piping insulated between heatieg 3ourec anJ indirect but water tank. �odlpffance Forms — - — August 2001 ' - = ------ _____— A-5 ` s' MA.NDA'T®RX mu 4,SURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL (page 2 of MF -IR uv_etc: L-1wrise residential buildings subiect to the Standards must contain, these measures regaidless of the compliance approacl: used. Iter» marked with an asterisk (• j may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Coripliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall be considered by all parties as irinimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measures whether they tire shown elsewhere in the doc,;ments or on this checklist only. r-1 tions: Check or initial applicable boxes when completed or enter N/A if not applicabic. TION -ar•.e Conditioning, _Water Heating and Plumbing ?ISt)(m): Ducts and Fans 'MI Measures: (continued) 1. All duct» acrd plenums installed, seated and inaulated to meet the requitement of the 1938 CMC Seen.3115 601, 603, 6U: and Standard (,•3; ducts insulated co a minimum (nstolhed hovel of 1Z 4.1 or enelost d entirely in wnaitioned apace. Openings shalt M sealed. with mastic, tape, aerosol sealant, or other duce-0osure system that maetti the applicable requiretnents of UL 191. UL 181A, or UL 1818. If rtwst;c or tape is iLsed to seal Openings grrvter than 1/4 inr:lt, dee combination of mastic and either mesh or tape.. shall be used. Building caviar,, ship oar be used for conveying conditioned air. ,lcints and scams of Juct systems and their -:ompor-ents shall not be seaicd with cloth hack rubbor jdhesivC duct taps, unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and drowbands. Builditt� cavities, support pletforrns for air handlers, and pkcnums defined or constructed a nh materials other thin r:ealed sheet metal, duct board nr flexible duct shall not be used forconveying conditioned air. Building cavities anal support platforms ;trey conuio ducts, Uucut insurlietl in cavities slid support plarfitrnu, shall not be compressed to caasc rt•ductions is rile :rose-sectivrral area of the ducts i . 3eints and ,tams of duct systems and theircomponents shai I not be sealed with cloth back rubhcr adhsive, duct ;apes uolrs s such tape is uscri in combioa, v a with mastic and drawbarids. 3. ENIU111+t 11111 9y8tems have. bank dratl or awomade damp.:rs. :. t;rovity . entilakiug systetr,3 serving condiuonud space have ;iUr r automati•,, .:rr eeadiiy arccmible, rrtuu:+Ily operated damper -3. t+ )'r?mctrsu of tosutatiou. !nsulation shal! he protected troo.- damage, including that due to sunlight, :n .,Sean, equipment maintenance, and wind but not limited to the following: Insulation exposed tat weathershail be suitable for outdoor servic. e.g., protected by aluminum, sheet metal, painted cnuvtrs, or plastic cover. Cellular team insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that it. water r_e!nrdant and provides shiclditttt from solar radiation tbat can cause dcgrsdotion of the material. 114; Pool ind Spa Heating Systems and Equipment. i. Systc.n is ramified witb 7,S% thermal efficiency, on•ofrsu arch, weatherproof operating iisr u ions, no eleclr:,� ••e:,ir+tance hearing and no pilot Boit. 2. System as installed with: a. A: ;cast 16" of pipe SerHeen 1111c- and heater fir tirturo: solar heating. b. Cover for outdoor poolf or outdoor spas. 3. Puttl ayswrn has di:coiciml inlgts aaU a 61(:11lation pump bore switch. 11 S: Gm, ;red central fi:rnaces, pool haters, spa heaters or 9ousehold cocking appliances hake no arntinur+n ly loaning pilot 1!ght. (Excaptiow Nun -electrical conking appliances With with ;.;lot < ? Stl N f.lg• (Q: '.'ani fltwf!ttattriul mc.ct sDceifii•d cr.+..erin _ ._—_ DESIGNER ENFORCOME..; '* ' U rhting ;Measures: Luminaires for general lighting in kitcbcns shall hw v larnps with an eMeacy of 40luntunsiwatt or greater -ib, general lighting in kitchens. 71tis general lighting shall be contrr,!icd by a sw itch on a reac14 i Al 1 i i acct.ssi',le ligh;iwir control panel at an entrance to the kitchen;. _ t I : 50(k)2.- Roo:rz with a ,bower or bathtub mus? have either,iat least otic- luni;uairc with lamp, with an i ctlica;,y of a0 iumens,wan or greater switched vt the entrance to the room or unc of tine ahernatives to this reyunemc,:t aliowed in ;! 50(02.. and incandescent recesscl ceiling fixturex are 1C ;insulatiun ::over) a roved. Forms August 2001 A-6