1993 05 25 PC [d 'Qliinta 982 - 1 j92 Ten Carat Decade ~i11l Of !l!a 2lainla MEETING NOTICE A Special Meeting of the CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION DESIGN REVIEW BOARD To be held in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California May 25, 1993 7:00 P.M. AGENDA A discussion of issues pertaining to City development The regular Planning Commission Study Session for May 24, 1993 is Cancelled. . .+. 81lst+\!a- ~ I'-' 'T H 'Qli T' ta sf!.;992 Ten l!J-Decade I. CALL TO ORDER ~l11l Of !l!a fJluinta AGENDA A Special Meeting of the City Council Planning Commission and Design Review Board To be held at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers 7:00 P.M. A. Flag Salute/Roll Call 1I. BUSINESS SESSION A. The Planning Commission and Design Review Board requested the following planning issues be addressed: 1. A review of the planning application process through the Design Review Board, Planning Commission, & City Council. 2. More interaction with the City Council and Commissions/Boards, such as annual joint meetings. Feed back on decisions of the Planning Commission/Design Review Board from the City Council. Suggestions lor desired direction of the Planning Commission/Design Review Board. What concessions are reasonable. Collective agreements on common goals. 3. How do we best adjust aesthetics, economics, and encourage better design. How much design, if any, should the Design Review Board do? How do we want the City to look. 11ze possibility of being guided by trained personnel in architectural matters. Keeping politics out of the design review process. 4. Transportation - congestion reduction issues. 5. Discussion of Highway 111 Corridor, planning and design issues, visual impact analysis, and status of the specific plan. 6. Discussion of the Village Zone concept, planning and design issues, issues being reconsidered in the Village Specific Plan, and in-house review. 7. A review 0/ the Sign Ordinance, abide by established standards, and the problem 01 signs throughout the City. 8. Discussion of commercial building colors and building height unifonnity lor residential units. B. Questions and Answers 111. ADJOVRNMENT