1988 12 27 PCA G E N D A PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California December 27, 1988 - 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Flag Salute II. ROLL CALL III. ELECTION OF OFFICERS A. CHAIRMAN B. VICE CHAIRMAN IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. PUBLIC HEARING: APPLICANT: LOCATION: PROJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT 24026 LA QUINTA PARTNERS SOUTHWEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF DUNE PALMS ROAD AND WESTWARD HO DRIVE TO SUBDIVIDE A +32 ACRE SITE INTO 117 FAMILY LOTS. 1. Staff Report 2. Public Comment 3. Commission Discussion 4. Hearing Closed 5. Motion for Commission Action V. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Planning Commission on matters relating to City planning and zoning which are not Agenda items and not Public Hearing items. BJ/AGENDA12.27 Persons wishing to address the Planning Commission should use the form provided. Please complete one form for each item you intend to address and submit the form to the Planning Secretary prior to the beginning of the meeting. Your name will be called at the appropriate time. When addressing the Planning Commission, please state your name and address. The proceedings of the Planning Commission meeting are recorded on tape and comments of each person shall be limited. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes of the regular December 13, 1988. VII. BUSINESS A. B. VIII. OTHER: Item: Planning Commission meeting of Specific Plan #85-006 - Oak Tree West Applicant: Landmark Land Company Location: Generally one -quarter mile south of Avenue 50, bounded by Jefferson Street, Avenue 54, the Heritage Club project, Avenida Ultimo and the easterly portion of the Duna La Quinta project. Request: First time extension request. 1. Staff Report 2. Commission Discussion 3. Motion for Commission Action Item: Discussion of Garage Sale Regulations 1. Staff Report 2. Commission Discussion 3. Motion for Commission Action IX. ADJOURNMENT -------------------- NOTE: THE DECEMBER 26, 1988, STUDY SESSION HAS BEEN CANCELLED. BJ/AGENDA12.27 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California December 13, 1988 7:00 p.m. I, CALL TO ORDER A. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 P.M. by Chairman Walling. The Flag Salute was led by Commissioner Zelles. II. ROLL CALL A. Chairman Walling requested the roll call. Present: Commissioners Zelles, Moran, and Chairman Walling. Chairman Walling moved to excuse Commissioners Steding and Bund. Commissioner Moran seconded the motion. Unanimously approved. B. Staff Present: Planning Director Murrel Crump. III, PUBLIC HEARINGS - None IV. PUBLIC COMMENT - None V. CONSENT CALENDAR VI. A motion was made by Commissioner Moran and seconded by Commissioner Bund to approve the Minutes of November 22, 1988. Unanimously approved. BUSINESS ITEMS Chairman Walling brought Business Item A before the Commission at this time. The Business Item was as follows: A. Redevelopment Project Area No. 2. 1. Mr. Dave Meyer of Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc., consultant to the Redevelopment Agency, made a presentation to the Commission. A copy of said report is on file in the Planning and Development Department. - 1 - BJ/MIN12/13.DFT 2. Commissioner Moran questioned Mr. Meyer regarding the City of Indio's concern regarding the EIR. Mr. Meyer stated that most of the information they are requesting will be addressed in the future as projects are implemented. In addition, he felt the information they were seeking at present went beyond the scope of the EIR written for the Redevelopment Plan. 3. Chairman Walling questioned how our community and other cities had been notified and if anyone had responded. Mr. Meyer stated notification up to this point, had been by publications in the newspapers. Those that own property within the project area will receive a certified letter relative to the joint City Council/Redevelopment Agency public hearing, sometime in late January or early February. 4. Commissioner Zelles questioned how the response from Indio would hold up the proceedings. Mr. Meyer asked their attorney to address this question. Mr. Ron Van Blarcom with Stradling, Yocca, Carlson and Rauth law firm, special council to the agency. He stated that the response merely goes with the document as a response. The Staff wil.. make attempts to work with Indio to solve their concerns. Following further discussion it was stated that the function of the Planning Commission in this matter is to determine, 1.) if the Redevelopment Plan is consistent with the General Plan and, 2.) review the EIR to see that it is complete. 5. Commissioner Moran moved to adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 88-030 recommending to the City Council Redevelopment Project Area No. 2 and associated EIR with the findings that the project is consistent with the General Plan and that the EIR is sufficient to be certified. Following a roll call vote, passed unanimously. B. Tentative Tract No. 21555, Bar Con Development, Dennis Freeman, Parc La Quinta on Washington Street, for a modification of Condition 411, regarding a full turn movement (median break) access to Washington Street. 1. Planning Director Murrel Crump presented the Staff report, a copy of which is on file ir. the Planning and Development Department. - 2 - BJ/MIN12/13.DFT 2. Mr. Erwin Gold, representing Bar Con Development stated that they would like to have a permanent break and would be speaking with City Engineer Frank Reynolds regarding that request, but would accept the provision for a temporary opening at this time. 3. Commissioner Moran moved to approve the request for the modification of Condition #11 regarding full turn movement access to Washington as recommended by Staff. Commissioner Zelles seconded the motion. Unanimously passed. C. Plot Plan No. 88-403 and Setback Adjustment No. 88-003, Palm Royale Development Corporation, located at the southeast corner of Fred Waring Drive and Washington Street. A request for a maintenance building within the Palm Royale project to be located in the southeast corner of the development; a request in the reduction in the required front yard setback from 50 feet to 30 feet. 1. Planning Director Murrel Crump presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Chairman Walling questioned closure of one driveway opening (the northern access rather than the southern access). It was suggested that a Condition #17 be added that should any method of operation change, it would require Planning and Development Department review and approval. 3. Mr. Reza Dadashi, representing Palm Royale Development, Inc., spoke regarding the access points, and the type of activities that will be taking place in the building. Discussion continued regarding these topics. 4. Commissioner Zelles moved to approve Setback Adjustment #88-003 subject conditions. Commissioner Moran seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Zelles moved to approve Plot Plan #88-403 according to the findings and subject to conditions (adding Conditior. #17). Commissioner Moran seconded the motion. Passed unanimously. - 3 - BJ/MIN12/13.DFT VII. D. Plot Plan #88-386 and Variance #87-005, Rick Johnson Construction for the property located at 77-836 Montezuma. A request for an extension of time for Variance #87-005 and Plot Plan #87-386. 1. Planning Director Murrel Crump presented the information presented in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Discussion followed concerning options to bring the plan in consistency with the Village Plan. 3. Commissioner Zelles moved to continue the request, and give the Applicant the opportunity to redesign the building in conformance with the Village Specific Plan. Commissioner Moran seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. OTHER A. Consideration of fences in the Cove area; letter from Ann Young, President of the La Quinta Cove Association. 1. Murrel Crump presented background information to the Commission. A copy of the information is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Ann Young, La Quinta Cove Association spoke regarding the concerns of the Association with regard to the design and materials used to construct fences. 3. Following discussion it was recommended that more information was needed and should be presented to the Commission at a study session. B. Consideration of a possible General Plan Amendment, resulting from the Medium and High Density Residential Land Use Study. 1. By minute motion it was requested that Staff schedule hearings to consider certain amendments to the General Plan. Chairman Walling moved and Commissioner Moran seconded, passed unanimously. - 4 - BJ/MIN12/13.DFT VII. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Moran and seconded by Commissioner Zelles to adjourn to a regular meeting on December 27, 1988, at 7:00 P.M., in the La Quinta City Hall, 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. This meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was adjourned at 8:20 P.M. - 5 - HJ/MIN12/13.DFT STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 27, 1988 APPLICANT/ OWNER: LA QUINTA PARTNERS/LA QUINTA DUNES CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP PROJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 24026; REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE + 32 ACRES INTO 117 SINGLE-FAMILY LOTS LOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF WESTWARD HO DRIVE AND DUNE PALMS ROAD (SEE ATTACHMENT NO. 1) GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (8-16 DU/AC) EXISTING ZONING: R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLING) ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 88-106 WAS PREPARED FOR THIS APPLICATION. THE INITIAL STUDY INDICATED THAT POSSIBLE SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS MAY OCCUR DUE TO THE PROPOSAL, BUT MITIGATION MEASURES MADE A PART OF THE PROJECT WILL REDUCE THESE IMPACTS TO AN INSIGNIFICANT LEVEL; THEREFORE, A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP APPLICATION HAS BEEN FILED TO SUBDIVIDE THE +32-ACRE SITE INTO 117 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS INTENDED FOR SALE, WITH A PUBLIC STREET SYSTEM (REFER TO ATTACHMENT NO. 2). NET DENSITY: 3.99 UNITS PER ACRE (NET ACREAGE = 29.41 ACRES) LOT SIZES: MINIMUM LOT SIZE = 7,200 SQUARE FEET (7200 SQUARE FOOT MINIMUM REQUIRED - SEE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL) DRAINAGE CONSIDERATIONS: ON -SITE STORM WATER DRAINAGE WILL BE DESIGNED TO FLOW INTO THE WHITEWATER CHANNEL. CIRCULATION: PUBLIC STREETS PROPOSED. TWO PERMANENT ENTRANCES ARE PROVIDED, ONE FROM WESTWARD HO DRIVE AND THE OTHER FROM DUNE PALMS ROAD. THE ENTRANCE ON DUNE PALMS ROAD ALIGNS WITH THE NORTHERN ENTRANCE OF THE EXISTING MOBILE HOME PARK TO THE EAST. A - 1 - BJ/STAFFRPT.025 FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ACCESS LINK TO THE WEST HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED (SOUTHWEST CORNER). INTERNAL CIRCULATION CONSISTS OF CUL-DE-SAC STREETS SERVED BY A COLLECTOR STREET. OFF -SITE CIRCULATION: WESTWARD HO DRIVE - DESIGNATED AS A COLLECTOR AT 64.72 FEET OF RIGHT-OF-WAY . DUNE PALMS ROAD - DESIGNATED AS A SECONDARY ARTERIAL AT 88 FEET TOTAL RIGHT-OF-WAY. ANALYSIS: 1. Environmental Considerations - Environmental Assessment No. 88-106 considered the environmental impacts which would be associated with development of Tentative Tract 24026. It was determined that the potential significant impacts identified in the initial study could be mitigated to a level of insignificance; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared for adoption. 2. Permanent access for Tentative Tract 24026 will be taken at two points one on Westward Ho Drive and the other Dune Palms Road. The Applicant has also allowed for an access link to the presently undeveloped, property to the west of this subdivision. The County Fire Marshal has indicated the number of access points provided is acceptable. 3. Maintenance and Common Areas - The City currently requires on -site storm water retention for all projects or provide other technically acceptable means of storm water conveyance. The Applicant proposes to drain on -site storm water to the Whitewater Channel. The proposed landscape buffer provided along Westward Ho Drive and Dune Palms Road will be maintained either by a homeowners association or by the establishment of a landscape maintenance district. A proposed condition has been prepared to reflect these options. 4. Parkland Dedications - Chapter 13.24, Article II, of the La Quinta Municipal Code sets forth requirements for parkland dedications (see Attachment No. 4). Based on this Chapter, 1.03 acres of parkland are required to be dedicated or assessed to secure an in -lieu fee. 5. General Plan Consistency - The property is currently designated High Density Residential. However, a City initiated General Plan Amendment is in process which would designate the property as Low Density Residential. Therefore, 2 - BJ/STAFFRPT.025 approval of this subdivision must be made contigent upon the contemplated General Plan Amendment. 6. Approval of Housing Units - The subdivider has not yet decided when, and by whom single family dwellings will be built. A condition has been drafted allowing for review prior to issuance of building permits of dwelling elevations and floor plans. In either instance whether the subdivision is developed by individual lot builders or as a larger undertaking with specific product types. FINDINGS: Findings for Tentative Tract Map No. 24026 can be found in the attached draft Planning Commission Resolution 88- RECOMMENDATION: 1. By adoption of attached Planning Commission Resolution, No. 88- recommend to the City Council concurrence with the environmental analysis, and approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 24026, subject to the attached conditions. Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Tentative Tract Map 24026 3. Map of general access/developments in North La Quinta 4. Resolution 88- 3 - BJ/STAFFRPT.025 ma RIVERSIDE COUNTY LA QUINTA O a O tr N J a a W z D in MILES AVENUE 3 LOCATION MAP CASE No. te rry ' '4040 ORTH SCALE ATTACHMENT 1 YATTAC� yi1 � • �� • � �" i o i `oZ i � S iI- • -- n__ .1 1 a •i�l� ;; "� 7. . RI J! I UPI , 133HIS NOSd3333f D _ .:... ■ r r■ r r■ r ■ . err . ■ • ■ . • � ■r.■a3r• .■r■r.. � �i i•: r•: ■ i•:: •• i i•. I •r.. r.....�.yr.■ •Z CJ (J ® •r i i• • • ■ as'. �sF ! •r O :.•;:::;;■ •r � .•■.■r. ■..- it I� r� .�.� ■•...p ■r• 'J 3 a ....ti'i•:::.p LU ■....... :�. W D■ .:•::: ::•:: Nr J t•r. ....r■. x-+ ■. 3 ......... 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D . ■ ■ .. • • f I � 0� p :•:•:::: :•::• �; 1 v a �� CL Z a a c� 'a �• 1 Wm auj aZ c� :.•: • ¢: - a• ' 1 • f � ;:::: � -_ �1��� _ ___�-__�-1 �",. �• it PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 88- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL FINDINGS, CONCURRENCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS AND APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 24026 TO ALLOW THE CREATION OF A 117 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION ON A + 32 ACRE SITE. CASE NO. TT 24026 - LA QUINTA PARTNERS WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 27th day of December, 1988, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider the request of La Qu-inta Partners to subdivide 32+ acres into single-family development lots for sale, generally located at the southwest corner of Westward Ho Drive and Dune Palms Road, more particularly described as: PARCEL 1: A PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TSS, R7W, S.B.B.M. AND PARCEL 2: A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TSS, R7E, S.B.B.M. WHEREAS, said tentative map has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (County of Riverside, Resolution No. 82-213, adopted by reference in City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 5), in that the Planning Director conducted an initial study, and has determined that the proposed tentative tract will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, considering all testimony and arguments, interested persons desiring to be heard, Commission did find the following facts and the approval of said tentative tract map: upon hearing and if any, of all said Planning reasons to justify - 1 - BJ/RESOPC.012 1. That Tentative Tract No. 24026, as conditionally approved, is generally consistent with the goals, policies and intent of the La Quinta General Plan for land use density, (when the City initiated General Plan Amendment is adopted), unit type, circulation requirements, R-I zoning district development standards, and design requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. The approval as contemplated herein will not become effective until and unless the City General Plan is amended to designate the subject property as "Low Density Residential". 2. That the subject site has a rolling topography because of the sand dunes, with the overall slope going from the northern to the southeastern side of the property. The proposed circulation design and single-family lot layouts, as conditioned, are, therefore, suitable for the proposed land division. 3. That the design of Tentative Tract Map No. 24026 may cause substantial environmental damage or injury to the wildlife habitat of the Coachella Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard, but mitigation measures in the form of fees for a new habitat area will lessen this impact. 4. That the design of the subdivision, as conditionally approved, will be developed with public sewers and water, and, therefore, is not likely to cause serious public health problems. 5. That the design of Tentative Tract Map No. 24026 will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through the project, since alternate easements for access and for use have been provided that are substantially equivalent to those previously acquired by the public. 6. That the proposed Tentative Tract No. 24026, as conditioned, provides for adequate maintenance of the landscape buffer areas along Westward Ho Drive and Dune Palms Road. 7. That the proposed Tentative Tract No. 24026, as conditioned, provides impact mitigation for storm water, park needs, and noise intrusion. 8. That general impacts from the proposed tract were considered within the MEA prepared and adopted in conjunction with the La Quinta General Plan. - 2 - BJ/RESOPC.012 WHEREAS, in the review of this Tentative Tract Map, the Planning Commission has considered the effect of the contemplated action on the housing needs of the region for purposes of balancing the needs against the public service needs of the residents of the City of La Quinta and its environs with available fiscal and environmental resources; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Commission in this matter; 2. That it does hereby confirm the determination in Environmental Assessment No. 88-106, relative to the environmental concerns for this tentative tract; 3. That it does hereby recommend approval of the subject Tentative Tract Map No. 24026 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached conditions. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on this 27th day of December, 1988, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN WALLING, CHAIRMAN ATTEST: MURREL CRUMP, PLANNING DIRECTOR 3 - BJ/RESOPC.012 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 88- RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 24026 DECEMBER 27, 1988 A. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF APPROV 1. Tentative Tract Map No. 24026 shall comply with the requirements and standards of the State Subdivision Map Act and the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance, unless otherwise modified by the following conditions. 2. This Tentative Tract Map approval shall expire two years after the effective date unless approved for extension pursuant to the City of La Quinta Land Division Ordinance, or a development agreement exists which identifies a longer approval time period. 3. This approval shall not be effective until or unless the property is designated Low Density Residential by City adoption of a General Plan Amendment. 4. The Applicant acknowledges that the City is considering a City -Wide Landscape and Lighting District and, by recording a subdivision map, agrees to be included in the District and to offer .for dedication such easements as may be required for the maintenance and operation of related facilities. Any assessments will be done on a benefit basis, as required by law. 5. The developer shall retain a qualified archaeologist immediately upon discovery of any archaeological remains or artifacts and employ appropriate mitigation measures during project development. 6. The Developer of this subdivision of land shall cause no easements to be granted or recorded over any portion of this property between the date of approval by the City Council and the date of recording of the final map without the approval of the City Engineer. Traffic and Circulation 7. The Applicant shall construct street improvements to the requirements of the City Engineer and the La Quinta Municipal Code, as follows: (a) Westward Ho Drive shall be constructed to City standards for a 72-foot right-of-way width (Collector), with a five-foot sidewalk, and two -percent cross slope to centerline, plus joins. - 1 BJ/CONAPRVL.012 (b) Dune Palms Road shall be constructed to City standards for an 88-foot right-of-way width (Secondary Arterial), with a curb -to -curb width of 64 feet, with a five-foot sidewalk and one and one-half percent cross slope to centerline, plus joins. Dune Palms Road shall be designed for ultimate grade from Westward Ho Drive to the Whitewater Channel, and constructed adjacent to Tract 24026, and further as necessary for reasonable transitions and surface drainage requirements. (c) The interior public street system shall be designed pursuant to the approved Exhibit A (tract map) for TT 24026, with a six-foot sidewalk and two -percent slope. Cul-de-sacs shall be designed for a 50-foot right-of-way with 36-foot width curb -to -curb and a 5 foot utility easement on both sides of the street. Any variations in the approved street system design sections shall be subject to review and approval by the Public Works Department. B. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE FULFILLED PRIOR TO FINAL MAP APPROVAL. 8. Prior to final map approval by the City Council, the Applicant shall submit a proposal to the Planning Commission, for recommendation to the City Council, for meeting parkland dedication requirements as set forth in Section 13.24.030, La Quinta Municipal Code. The proposal for dedication, fee -in -lieu, or combination thereof shall be based upon a dedication requirement of 1.03 acres, as determined in accordance with said Section. 9. A noise study shall be prepared by a qualified acoustical engineer, to be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for review and approval prior to final map approval. The study shall concentrate on noise impacts on the tract from perimeter arterial streets, and recommend alternative mitigation techniques. Recommendations of the study shall be incorporated into the tract design. The study shall consider use of building setbacks, engineering design, building orientation, noise barriers (berming and landscaping, etc.), and other techniques so as to avoid the isolated appearance given by walled developments. 10. Tract phasing plans, including phasing of public improvements, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Public Works Department and the Planning & Development Department. - 2 - BJ/CONAPRVL.012 11. The subdivider shall make provisions for maintenance of the landscape buffers area via one of the following methods prior to final map approval: a. Subdivider shall consent to the formation of a maintenance district under Chapter 26 of the Improvement Act of 1911 (Streets & Highways Code, Section 5820 et seq.) or the Lighting and Landscaping Act of 1972 (Streets & Highway Code 22600 et seq.) to implement maintenance of all improved landscape buffer areas. It is understood and agreed that the developer/Applicant shall pay all costs of maintenance for said improved areas until such time as tax revenues are received from assessment of the real property. b. The Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department a Management and Maintenance Agreement, to be entered into with the unit/lot owners of this land division, in order to insure common areas and facilities will be maintained. A homeowner's association shall be created with the unqualified right to assess the owners of the individual units for reasonable maintenance costs. The association shall have the right to lien the property of any owners who default in the payment of their assessments. The common facilities to be maintained are the 10 foot perimeter parkway lots along Westward Ho Drive and Dune Palms Road. 12. Prior to recordation of a final map, the Applicant shall pay the required mitigation fees for the Coachella Valley Fringe -Toed Lizard Habitat Conversion Program, as adopted by the City, in the amount of $600 per acre of disturbed land. Gradinq and Drainage 13. The Applicant shall submit a grading plan that is prepared by a registered civil engineer who will be required to supervise the grading and drainage improvement construction and to certify that the constructed conditions at the rough grade stage are as per the approved plans and grading permit. This is required prior to acceptance of the work. Certification at the final grade stage and verification of pad elevations is also required prior to final approval of grading construction. 14. The Applicant shall submit a copy of the proposed grading, landscaping and irrigation plans to Coachella Valley Water District for review and comment with respect to CVWD's water management program. - 3 - BJ/CONAPRVL.012 15. A thorough preliminary engineering geological and soils engineering investigation shall be done and the report submitted for review along with the grading plan. The report's recommendations shall be incorporated into the grading plan design prior to grading plan approval. The soils engineer and/or the engineering geologist must certify to the adequacy of the grading plan. 16. Any earthwork on contiguous properties requires written authorization from the owner(s) (slope easement) in a form acceptable to the City Engineer. Traffic and Circulation 17. Applicant shall comply with the following requirements of zhe Public Works Department: a. The Applicant shall dedicate all necessary public street and utility easements as required, including all corner cutbacks. b. The Applicant shall submit street improvement plans that are prepared by a registered civil engineer. Street improvements, including traffic signs and markings and raised median islands (if required by the City General Plan), shall conform to City standards as determined by the City Engineer and adopted by the La Quinta Municipal Code (three-inch AC over four --inch Class 2 Base minimum for residential streets). C. The Applicant shall provide such reasonable cash deposit and/or other security for the payment of costs for the installation of street name signs by the City. d. The Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for submitting a plan and constructing a low water crossing over the Whitewater Channel. The plan must be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and subject to review/approval by the City Engineer and C.V.W.D. prior to construction. The Registered Civil Engineer, who prepared the plan is required to supervise the construction and to certify that the crossing is constructed as per the approved plan. This certification is required prior to acceptance of the work. 18. Applicant shall dedicate, with recordation of the tract map, access rights to Westward Ho Drive and Dune Palms Road for all individual parcels which front or back-up to those rights -of -way. Tract Design - 4 - BJ/CONAPRVL.012 19. A minimum 10-foot landscaped setback shall be provided along Westward Ho Drive and Dune Palms Road. Design of the setbacks shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department. Setbacks shall be measured from ultimate right-of-way lines. a. The minimum setbacks may be modified to an "average" if a meandering or curvilinear wall design is used. b. Setback areas shall be established as a separate common lot and be maintained as set forth in Condition No. 12, unless an alternate method is approved by the Planning and Development Department. 20. The tract layout shall comply with all the R-1 zoning requirements, including minimum lot size and minimum average depth of a lot. The minimum dwelling lot size to be recorded in a final map shall be 7,200 square feet. Walls, Fencing, Screening and Landscaping 21. Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning and Development Department an interim landscape program for the entire tract, which shall be for the purpose of wind erosion and dust control. 22. Prior to final map approval, the Applicant shall submit to the Planning Division for review and approval a plan (or plans) showing the following: a. Landscaping, including plant types, sizes, spacing locations, and irrigation system for all landscape buffer areas. Desert or native plant species and drought resistant planting materials shall be incorporated into the landscape plan. b. Location and design detail of any proposed and/or required walls. C. Exterior lighting plan, emphasizing minimization of light and glare impacts to surrounding properties. 23. Prior to final map approval, the subdivider shall submit criteria to be used for landscaping of all individual lot front yards and the street side of all corner lots. At a minimum, the criteria shall provide for two trees along the street frontage (each), and an irrigation system. C. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE FULFILLED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS. 24. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of any building or use contemplated by this - 5 - BJ/CONAPRVL.012 approval, the Applicant shall obtain permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies: o City Fire Marshal o City of La Quinta Public Works Department o Planning and Development Department, Planning Division o Coachella Valley Water District o Desert Sands Unified School District o Imperial Irrigation District Evidence of said permits or clearances from the above -mentioned agencies shall be presented to the Building Division at the time of the application for a building permit for the use contemplated herewith. 25. Provisions shall be made to comply with the terms and requirements of the City's adopted Infrastructure Fee Program in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. 26. The appropriate Planning approval shall be secured prior to establishing any of the following uses: a. Temporary construction facilities b. Sales facilities, including their appurtenant signage C. On -site advertising/construction signs 27. If a specific dwelling product is envisioned or if groups of lots are sold to builders, prior to the issuance building permits, the Applicant/Builder shall submit complete detailed architectural elevations for all units. The Planning Commission shall review and approve elevations as an agenda Business Item. Basic architectural standards shall be included as part of the C.C. & R's. TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION 28. The Applicant shall pay a proportionate share (1/4) of all fees necessary for signalization costs at the corner of Westward Ho Drive and Dune Palms Road, as determined by the City Engineer. 29. The termination point of the street shown as Lot "H" on Exhibit A (Tentative Tract Map), shall be provided with a temporary turnaround to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department. PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES 30. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the City Fire Marshal. 6 - BJ/CONAPRVL.012 31. The Applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Coachella Valley Water District. Any necessary parcels for district facility expansion shall be shown on the final map and conveyed to the Coachella Valley Water District, in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act. 32. All utilities will be installed and trenches compacted to City standards prior to construction of any streets. The soils engineer shall provide the necessary compaction test reports for review by the City Engineer, as may be required. 7 - BVCONAPRVL.012 STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 27, 1988 OWNER: LANDMARK LAND COMPANY PROPOSAL: SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 85-006 (OAK TREE WEST): A REQUEST TO EXTEND THE EXISTING APPROVAL PURSUANT TO CONDITION #6 OF THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DATED OCTOBER 15, 1985. LOCATION: GENERALLY ONE -QUARTER MILE SOUTH OF AVENUE 50, BOUNDED BY JEFFERSON STREET, AVENUE 54, THE HERITAGE CLUB PROJECT, AVENIDA ULTIMO AND THE EASTERLY PORTION OF THE DUNA LA QUINTA PROJECT (SEE ATTACHMENT W . GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2-4 DU/AC); MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (4-8 DU/AC): SPECIAL COMMERCIAL (REFER TO ATTACHMENT #2)• EXISTING ZONING: R-2 (MULTIPLE -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL): R-5 (OPEN AREA COMBINING ZONE -RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS): C-P-S (SCENIC HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL) (REFER TO ATTACHMENT #3). ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (CITY CASE NO. 85-034; STATE CLEARING HOUSE NO. 85050112) WAS ADOPTED WITH THE ORIGINAL APPROVAL, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA). PURSUANT TO SECTION 15061 OF THE CEQA GUIDELINES, STAFF HAS DETERMINED THAT THE EXTENSION PROPOSAL IS EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ACT. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: THE OAK TREE WEST PROJECT WAS APPROVED TO INCORPORATE THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS: * 45 HOLES OF GOLF ON APPROXIMATELY 400 ACRES. * 2245 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS, OF VARYING TYPES, ON ABOUT 449 ACRES. * A 200 ROOM HOTEL, A 200,000 SQUARE FOOT COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL CENTER WITH OFFICE/COMMERCIAL RETAIL USES, AND A - 1 - BJ/STAFFRPT.024 25,000 SQUARE FOOT GOLF CLUBHOUSE, ALL ON A TOTAL 36.5 ACRE SITE. * A 200,000 SQUARE FOOT OFFICE COMMERCIAL CENTER ON 3.5 ACRES. * A PRIVATE GOLF CLUB FACILITY. * 115 ACRES OF HILLSIDE (UNDEVELOPABLE), TO REMAIN AS NATURAL OPEN SPACE. BACKGROUND The Oak Tree West Specific Plan was conditionally approved by the La Quinta City Council on October 15, 1985 via adoption of Resolution #85-83 (Attachment #4). Condition #6 allows that an extension of up to three years may be approved by the Planning Commission; the original approval period was for three years as well. Although the initial approval period expired on October 15, 1988, the approval will remain in effect until a decision is reached by the Planning Commission, due to the fact that the request for extension was received well in advance of the expiration date. To date, one of the golf courses (the Citrus course) has been completed. Additionally, a temporary clubhouse and course maintenance facility were approved in 1986, and those uses are established and operating. No parcel or tract maps have been filed for this project. ANALYSIS 1. Condition #6 reads as follows: °16. Approval of this Specific Plan shall be limited to a maximum time period of three (3) years by which time the first phase tract (or parcel) maps shall be approved and recorded, and construction in Phase I shall have begun. Time extensions totaling not more than three (3) additional years, submitted in writing prior to the expiration of the approval, may be approved by the Planning Commission." Although State law specific plan, this limiting a specific case, the approval w with policies of still in the heari approved on Octobe was adopted on Novem that the approval which time the activ to be undertaken. been submitted to da the Specific Plan does not provide for expiration or a foes not preclude a local agency from plan to a certain time frame. In this is limited due to potential conflict :he La Quinta General Plan, which was ig process when Oak Tree West was 15, 1985 (the La Quinta General Plan )er 19, 1985). Condition #6 implies would be valid for three years, during Lty noted in the condition would have Because no parcel or tract maps have :e, the extension is necessary to keep in effect. In conjunction with the request to extend the specific eian uyyLuva.L, -Lk- 1J appropriate and reasonable to extend the approval to be consistent with the La Quinta General Plan and to insure - 2 - BJ/STAFFRPT.024 that the overall approval will be consistent with other City policies and requirements. 2. The Planning Commission has options as to whether the approval should be extended indefinitely (no time limit, as with PGA West), or for the time period of three years, as specified in the current Condition #6. Also, any time limit could be tied to other activities occurring, if desired. 3. The Oak Tree West Specific Plan is basically a conceptual master plan for development, although it does give some general development standards. As such, it does not constitute a substantial development right; conversely, formally documented detailed development standards might be protected from additional regulation, (such as growth control measures), with a development agreement. The development standards of what might be described as a "regulatory" specific plan act as a form of zoning, and are enforced through subsequent development reviews. As this is a conceptual specific plan, the requirements for it's approval can be revised as part of the time extension, due to it's non -vesting nature. 4. The following conditions should be revised in order to justify an extension of this Specific Plan: A. Existing Condition #4 may be deleted (refer to revision of existing Condition #6). B. Existing Condition #5 may be deleted as this is required of any development approval. C. Existing Condition #6 reads as follows: "6. Approval of this Specific Plan shall be limited to a maximum time period of three (3) years by which time the first phase tract (or parcel) maps shall be approved and recorded, and construction in Phase I shall have begun. Time extensions totaling not more than three (3) additional years, submitted in writing prior to the expiration of the approval, may be approved by the Planning Commission." Revise this condition as follows: "Approval of Specific Plan 85-006 shall be valid until December 27, 1990, but in any event, will not become effective until the diminishment for Agriculture Preserve #72 has been recorded. Also, the initial phase parcel and/or tract map(s) shall have been submitted to the Planning and Development Department for processing prior to this date. Until the approval is in effect no residential parcel or 3 - BJ/STAFFRPT.024 tract maps, plot plans or other development permits shall be considered, unless it is determined by the Planning and Development Department that certain permits are necessary for continued maintenance of the existing golf course areas. No less than 30 days prior to the referenced expiration date, the Applicant/Developer shall submit a request for extension, accompanied by a status and compliance report on the project, as it relates to the approval conditions. Subsequent time extensions may be granted, as deemed appropriate, by the Planning Commission." This requirement sets a specific date for the diminishment requirement and submittal of the first phase mapping, and allows the Applicant the ability to submit for extensions to comply with those items. D. Existing Condition #7.b. reads as follows: 117.b. For that area over or adjacent to the interim sewage treatment facility near Adams Street and Calle Tampico, the reports shall consider any additional necessary development/ construction preparation of the site due to the possible saturated conditions." Amend this condition as follows: "For that area over or adjacent to the site of the former sewage treatment facility near the Adams Street extension and Calle Tampico, the reports shall consider any additional necessary development/construction preparation of the site due to the presence of sewage sludge and uncompacted fill." This reflects the situation relating to the abandoned interim sewage treatment plant along the Adams Street alignment. E. Amend existing Condition #13 to reflect "Planning and Development Department". F. Amend existing Condition #16 to provide for review of the required water conservation plan by C.V.W.D. as requested by that agency. G. Existing Condition #17 reads as follows: 1117. Prior to the approval of final tract maps or the issuance of grading plans, the Applicant/Developer shall submit a grading plan to the City Engineer for review and approval which indicates the methods for the - 4 - BJ/STAFFRPT.024 collection and retention of all drainage on -site." Amend this condition as follows: "Prior to approval of final maps or issuance of grading permits, the Applicant/Developer shall submit a grading plan to the City Engineer for review and approval, which indicates the methods for collection and retention of all on -site drainage from within the development, as well as historical water runoff originating off -site from the west, until such time that the latter can be disposed of by means of a positive drainage system routing it through or around the project." This specifies the requirement that the Applicant must address tributary drainage concerns as well as those on -site. H. Delete existing Condition #23, as the site is not within the adopted Fringe -Toed Lizard mitigation fee area. I. Amend existing Condition #24, to change the reference to the La Quinta General Plan from "proposed" to "adopted". J. Existing Condition #28 reads as follows: 1128. Development of areas designated for office/commercial uses shall comply with policies set forth in the new La Quinta General Plan for the Special Commercial Land Use Designation." Amend this condition as follows: "Development of areas designated for office/commercial uses shall comply with policies set forth in the La Quinta General Plan for the Special Commercial Land Use designation." K. Existing Condition #29 reads as follows: "29. All gatehouses, access gates and other entries shall provide for stacking space and other design factors consistent with City standards." Amend this condition as follows: "All gatehouses, access gates and other entry areas shall be subject to plot plan review by the Planning and Development Department." 5 - BJ/STAFFRPT.024 L. M. Existing Condition #33 reads as follows; "33. A master landscape standards plan, including landscaping of perimeter setbacks and rights• -of -way areas, shall be submitted for City review and approval." Revise this condition as follows: "A master landscape standards plan, including landscaping of perimeter setbacks, and right-of-way areas shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for review. The plan shall require acceptance by the Riverside County Agricultural Commission office, will final approval be granted by the City Council upon recommendation of the Planning Commission." Existing Condition #34 reads as follows: 1134. Applicant shall dedicate to the City a site for a neighborhood park consistent with the Open Space plan of the proposed La Quinta General Plan with the location and size to be approved by the Planning Commission and City Council (neighborhood parks range in size between 5 to 10 acres, with an average size of 7-1/2 acres), or the Applicant shall agree on other alternate methods to secure park land in the general vicinity of this project." Amend this condition as follows: "At time of submittal of the initial tract or parcel map to the City, the Applicant/Developer shall present a program for the reservation/designation of a neighborhood park site. Required fees or land reservation for this project shall be based upon dedication of 6.56 acres, consistent with the provisions of the La Quinta General Plan and park dedication requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. The parkland compliance proposal shall be subject to approval by the City Council upon recommendation of the Planning Commission." This revision sets a specific size requirement, based upon a 1 acre per 1,000 population standard set forth in the General Plan which stipulates a variable standard of between 1 and 5 acres per 1000 population. This standard is reduced from 3 acres per 1,000 population, as contained in the Subdivision Regulations, due to the fact that there is a significant amount of on -site recreational opportunity via the golf course facilities. Based upon the Subdivision Ordinance standard, 19.68 acres 6 - BJ/STAFFRPT.024 N. would be required, and due to the potential for changes in total unit count and the on -site private recreation available, this standard is not deemed to be appropriate for application to this particular development. Existing Condition #39 reads as follows: 1139. The developer shall comply with the following requirements for public roadway and bridge improvements in accordance with the La Quinta General Plan and City standards and requirements in effect at the time of construction: a. Construct full -width improvements to Avenue 52 between Jefferson Street and the project's west boundary contiguous to the project. b. Install half -width improvements to Jefferson Street contiguous to the project boundary. C. Dedicate necessary rights -of -way for roadway and utility purposes along Avenue 52 and 54 and Jefferson Street to provide for improvements i accordance with the standards of the La Quinta General Plan. d. Improve and widen the existing Jefferson Street bridge over the Coachella Canal in accordance with the La Quinta General Plan and the requirements of the City Engineer. e. Install full -width improvements to a two-lane, local street with 60-foot right-of-way along the current alignment of Adams Street between Avenue 50 and Avenue 52, or along an alternate route as approved by the City (i.e., Tampico between Calle Rondo and Washington Street). These improvements shall be constructed no later than January, 1987. Applicant shall coordinate efforts with the City in order to facilitate completion of the entire access link prior to opening of the new school on Avenue 50. f. Install transition roadway improvements adjacent to the site in accordance with the City standards and the requirements of the City Engineer. 7 - BJ/STAFFRPT.024 g. The Applicant shall submit road striping and traffic control device plans to the City Engineer for review and approval." Revise this condition as follows: 10The Applicant/Developer shall comply with the following requirements for public roadway and bridge requirements, in accordance with the La Quinta General Plan and City standards and requirements in effect at the time of construction: a. Construct full -width improvements for Avenue 52 between Jefferson Street and the project's west boundary contiguous to the project. b. Install 1/2-width improvements to Jefferson Street contiguous to the project boundary. C. Dedicate necessary rights -of -way for roadway and utility purposes along Avenue 52 and 54 and Jefferson Street to provide for improvements in accordance with the standards of the La Quinta General Plan. d. Improve and widen the existing Jefferson Street bridge over the Coachella Canal in accordance with the La Quinta General Plan and the requirements of the City Engineer. e. Installation of full -width improvements to a two-lane local street (60' right-of-way) along the approved right-of-way realignment of Adams Street, between the current east terminus of Calle Tampico, and Avenue 50 at its intersection with Park Street. Installation of this roadway shall be required as a condition to approval of any tract, parcel map or other development application, but in any case, construction shall be substantially complete no later than December 27, 1990, or this specific plan approval shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. The ultimate design shall include bikeway provisions, subject to final approval by the Planning and Development Department and the City Engineer. f. Install transition roadway improvements adjacent to the site in accordance with City standards and the requirements of the City Engineer. 8 - BJ/STAFFRPT.024 g. The Applicant/Developer shall submit road striping and traffic control device plans to the City Engineer for review and approval." The primary focus for this change is the connection of Avenue 50 with Tampico. Right-of-way has been dedicated and accepted for the realignment; however, construction had not started as of January , 1987, as per the original condition. To date, no further progress has been made. The changes to Condition 39.e. place a similar time restriction on the Applicant (i.e., a "second chance" for compliance), and is tied to a voiding of the specific plan's approval. O. Existing Condition #40 reads as follows: 1140. The Applicant shall install a raised center median island, including landscaping and irrigation, as part of road improvements where required by Municipal road standards and the La Quinta General Plan." Revise this condition as follows: "The Applicant/Developer shall make provision for installation, or install, raised center median islands, including landscape and irrigation. Medians shall be required as part of the corresponding road improvement requirements for this project. Where full width improvements are not required, appropriate performance guarantees may be secured, subject to approval by the City Engineer." This revision allows the Applicant to bond for median improvements, so as to avoid segmented road improvements which could cause unsafe and inconvenient conditions. P. Existing Condition #44 reads as follows: 1144. In order to facilitate mitigation of cumulative traffic impacts of these and other area projects, the City shall establish a traffic improvement needs monitoring program. This program will undertake biannual traffic count studies to determine if warrants are met for major roadway improvements. Upon determination of needs, the City may initiate projects to meet those needs." Revise this condition as follows: "The Applicant/Developer shall prepare a traffic study one year after building permit issuance for 9 - BJ/STAFFRPT.024 the initial phase of units (excluding model homes). The traffic study shall include traffic generated from the total Oak Tree West project (i.e., any permitted residential units, club houses, future residential developments, hotel) and shall contain percentages associated with each impact/ improvement. Should the results of the study indicate that traffic signals are warranted, the Applicant/Developer shall pay its share of the signal cost based upon the percentages identified in the traffic study. A letter of credit shall be provided, prior to the issuance of further Certificates of Occupancy, in an amount recommended by the City Engineer to ensure that the traffic study and installation of the traffic signals will be provided. Should the required traffic study indicate that the signal warrants are not met, the Applicant/Developer shall conduct annual warrant studies to determine when the signals are needed. Upon the need for the signals, the Applicant/Developer shall participate in its share of the signal costs as noted above. The Applicant/Developer shall 24-hour traffic count program, road and intersection with triggered when threshold values Applicant/Developer shall pay improvement required based upon traffic generation impact as percentages in the above mentior pay for an annual for each impacted roadway improvements are reached. The for its share of the its project related identified by the ed traffic study. The implementation of this condition shall be administered by the City Engineer, acting upon his technical discretion." This condition is the same as that imposed on the PGA West Hotel Amendment, and reflects a more specific program than the original condition. Q. Amend existing Condition #46 to add sub -condition #46.C., relating to landscape and irrigation plan review by C.V.W.D. R. Revise existing Condition #48 to delete reference to school mitigation agreements approved by the City Council, as these are no longer appropriate. S. Amend existing Condition #57 to reflect "Planning and Development Department". T. Delete the reference to credits against the Infrastructure Fee in existing Condition #58. U. Existing Condition #59 reads as follows: - 10 - BJ/STAFFRPT.024 "59. Applicant shall submit a phasing plan to the City for review and approval. Of particular importance in this phasing plan is the determination of need and scheduling for major public facilities and improvements." Revise this condition as follows: "Prior to any final parcel or tract map approvals, the Applicant shall submit a phasing plan to the Planning and Development Department for review and approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. Specifically, this plan shall address scheduling for the major off -site improvements as required." V. Renumber the revised conditions accordingly. 5. Based solely on the procedural requirements for extension specific plan, no public hearing is required. However, due to the necessary revisions to the conditions, a formal action on the extension should be taken through adoption of a resolution. Also, a notice of decision and action taken should be filed with the City Council for their consent and acceptance. 120VI-014NO .`I Findings can be found in the attached Planning Commission Resolution 88- RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution #88- authorizing an extension of time for Specific Plan #88-006, Oak Tree West, subject to revised conditions of approval. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. General Plan Land Use 3. Existing Zoning 4. City Council Resolution #85-33, adopting the Oak Tree West Specific Plan 5. Resolution #88- with revised conditions of approval - 11 - BJ/STAFFRPT.024 CASE MAP CAM No. SCALE I'm ...... . ... .. X. r -.tam A — Moss, *We des mass ..... .... .. CITY OF LA QUINTA LAND USE PLAN k RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY 2-4 dwellings/acre a V.1-1 MEDIUM DENSITY 4-8 dweRMO/acre HIGH DENSITY 8-18 dwelhngs/acre COMMERCIAL ESPECIAL COMMERCIAL l I L.J. GENERAL COMMERCIAL Z7 Z--t CASE MAP CAW No. k- ORTH SCALE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP .EGEND E{� ' SPECIAL .��„� RESIDENTIAL ZONE -D ONE WELLIA Q Y s� , MULTIPLE FAMILY .2 DWELLINGS 3 G1EMERAL RESMENFIAL 5 OPEN AREA CDMNMG ZONE RESIDENTI�L DEVBMMIT p.� SCENIC HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL xsslsET NAT IT SAL ATION A� _23 OROPMCNT .,,.ttAppRpqBAB �DIYELL�Okfi SME ♦ BiDSMp NHIiNT � ���019AIx4Ely66 T 1,600 60.�T, MINIMUM DWELLING RULE 8,000 SQ_FT. MINIMUM LOT SIZE AD FT. TAGE .000 atQ. FT. jawfuMUM um LOT 812E 1,600 80, FT, MINIMUM . DWELLING SIZE 12,000 So. FT. LOOT SIZE CASE MAP CASE No. SCALE AF*. a d ...1 �7 z-' r'�d l -a' REES0LUTION NO. 85-83 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING, WITH CONDITIONS, SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 85-006 ("OAR TREE WEST") FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended approval of Specific Plan No. 85-006 pursuant to Government Code Section 65500 et sec of the California Planning and Zoning Law and has transmitted the same tc the City Council in compliance with Section 65502 of said law; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held at least one public hearing on Specific Plan No. 85-006, as required by Section 65503 of the California Planning and Zoning Law; and WHEREAS, the Specific Plan, as amended, is consistent with the new La Quinta General Plan as recommended for approval by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Specific Plan is consistent with the adopted La Quinta Redevelopment Project No. 1 plan; and WHEREAS, development of the project, as amended and in accordance with the conditions of approval, will be compatible with existing and anticipated area development; and WHEREAS, the project will be provided with adequate utilities and public services to ensure public health and safety; and WHEREAS, although the project could have a significant adverse impac on the environment, the mitigation measures agreed to by the Applicant ar incorporated into the conditions of approval will mitigate those project impacts to levels of insignificance; and WHEREAS, cumulative and unavoidable impacts were previously addresse within the Statement of Overriding Considerations adopted with the La Qui Redevelopment Project No. 1 of which this Specific Plan is a portion. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of La Quinta does hereby adopt Specific Plan No. 85-006, as amended, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, for certain property in and adjacent to the City, subject to Conditions 1-59 as listed in attached "Exhibit 1", Conditions of Approval - Specific Plan No. 85-006", which Exhibit is incorporated herein as though set fort at length. RESOLUTION NO. 85- 83 APPROVED and ADOPTED this 15th day of October-, 1985, by the following Note: AYES: Council Members Allen, Bohnenberger, Pena and Mayor Cox. NOES: Council Member Wolff. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: CITY L RK APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY TORN MAYOR APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: - 2 - 0 N a N N N N rd Vol N M EXHIBIT 1: RESOLUTION *85-83 SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 85-006 OCAK 7M WEST" -. • it u • •' • ` •�� 1. 7he developer shall coriply with wised Fhibit W (dated August, 1985), the Specific Plan Document for Specific Plan No. 85-006 and the following conditions, which conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflicts with the provisions of the Specific Plan. 2. 7he developer shall ecimPly with the mitigation measures contained within the Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 85-034 Mich are incorporate into the conditions of approval for Specific Plan No. 85-006 and utdch are denoted by an asterisk ( * ) in these conditions of approval. 3. Developrent of this project shall be in accordance with the provisions of the La Quinta Redevelopment Project No. 1 plan and the la Quinta General Plan. 4. Prior to this approval becoming effective, the Applicant shall apply for and receive approval of an amendment to Specific Plan No. 83-001, "Duna La Quinta", deleting that portion which is contained within the boundaries of Specific Plan No. 85-006, "oak Tree West" and shall receive approval of a dimini&went of Agricultural Preserve No. 72 as set forth in the application now on file. 5. Prior to the issuance of a pemnit for establishment of any use contemplated by thi approval, the Applicant shall first obtain any required zoning and land division approvals in accordance with the requirements of the Mmicipal Land Use and Land Division ordinances. 6. Approval of this Specific Plan shall be limited to a maximum time period of three (3) years by which time the first phase tract (or parcel) maps shall be approved and recorded, and construction in Phase I shall have begun. Time extensions totes not more than three (3) additional Years, submitted in writing prior to the expiry tion of the approval, may be approved by the Planning dammuission. Soils/Geology * 7. Prior to approval of final maps or issuance of grading permits, the Applicant sha submit soils reports and more detailed site specific geotechnical reports to the City Engineer for review and approval. In addition to establishing engineering design para¢>setexs for development of the site, the reports shall specifically address the following concerns: a. Fbr those areas adjacent to or on the toes of the slopes of the Santa Rosa Mmmtains, the geotechnical reports shall determine natural slope stability and potential hazards from falling rock or tumbling boulders. b. F'or that area over or adjacent to the interim sewage treatment facility near Adams Street and Calle Tampico, the reports shall consider any additional necessary development/construction preparation of the site due to the possibl saturated conditions. c. For multi -story structures, the reports shall address special design or construction due to the soil and seismic eonditions0 * 8. the Applicant shall comply with the latest Uniform Building Codes, as adopted by the city of La Quinta and in effect at the time of issuance of the building permi The appropriate seismic design criteria will depend upon the type and use of the proposed structure and the recommendations of the approved site specific geotechn and soils reports. SPOW PLAN ND. 85-006 - HMSED =MrrMB OF APPFOM Octrber 15, 1985 Rage 2. * 9. All development, including golf course construction, shall comply with the city' adopted Hillside Development Omlinarnoe. Airguali * 10. Prior to the submittal of any tentative parcel or tract maps or the issuance of grading permits, the Applicant shall submit a omprehensive blowing dust wand sa mitigation plan on the entire site to the Omm vdty Development bamat for review and approval. This plan shall include, but not be limited to, comidera of the following means to minimize blowing sand and dust: implementation of tkni Building Code requirements, development phasing, retention of existing trees, c nation of interim gro xkxwer or crops, and the use of water trucks and spru*1 syste:nns. • 11. All future development shall comply with the resolutions outlined in Ch%Yter 19 of the 'Swtheast Desert Air Basin Oontrol Strategy", February, 1980 (a revisic to the State Inplementation Plan). Specifically, all future development must comply with the requirements of the following plans: a. Air Quality Management Plan, Southeast Desert Air Basin, Riverside County, b. Air resources Board resolution 79-79, Novemiber 1979. C. Air resources staff report, October, 1979. * 12. At the time of submittal of tentative tract maps or plot plans, the Applicant n: deronstrate that the proposed use include provisions for non -automotive means transportation within the project site as a means of reducing denoe an pri automobiles. This may include golf cart path systems, bicycle and pedestrian systems, and other similar systems consistent with the Specific Plan. * 13. Specific project designs shall encourage the use of public transit by providinc for on -site bus shelters as required by the Ommmity Development Director and consistent with the requirements of local transit districts and the Specific P7 * 14. The Applicant shall ervm age and support the use of Su aline van/bus service /Dial -A -Ride/ jitneys between the project site, focal airports (e.g., Palm Spri 2wmmal) , and other regional land uses. Wdroloy/Water conservation * 15. Prior to the approval of final maps or the issuance of grading permits, the Applicant shall submit a hydrology study to the City Engineer for review and approval, which indicates the means and design for protectuwj the proposed development from flooding by 100-year stooks. 2us plan shall be consistent v the purposes of any similar plans of the la Quinta redevelopment Agency and the Coachella Valley Water District then in effect for flood protection. * 16. Prior to the approval of building permits, the Applicant shall prepare a water conservation plan which shall include consideration of: ABC PLAN ND. 95-006 - REVIM) COrIDITICNS OF APPROVAL October 150 1985 Page 3. a. Methods to minimize the of inter, including water saving features inhooarporated into the design of the stncturps, the use of drought tolerant and lair -water usage landscaping materials, and program to increase the effectiveness of Lu dscape and golf course irrigation, as reoaimranded by the State Depariznerht of later pawares. b. Methods for maximizing grourAeter recharge, including the construction of groundwater recharge facilities. c. Methods for minimizing the amotmt of gromdwater used for on -site irrigat including the use of reclaimed water from sewage treatment facilities and the use of irrigation water from the Coachella Canal, shall be considered where feasible. * 17. prior to the approval of final tract maps or the issuance of grading plans, t] AMlicant shall submit a grading plan to the City Engineer for review and app which indicates the methods for the collection and retention of all drainage i Flora and Fauna * 19. Landscaping materials should employ plant materials native to the Coachella v� desert habitats and surrauhding desert to the mmciman degree practical. * 19. Pends constructed in the golf course should include patches of appropriate rid species to increase the habitat value of these pools. * 20. Drip irrigatiaon should be used to the extent practical to minimize the establ; of weedy vegetation. * 21. Developtent should be avoided above the ousting flood control dike at the ba the bajada habitat; however, limited is may be allowed if designed manner sensitive to the habitat. (7he southerly edge of the northwest quarte Section S. TES, R7E, OWL) * 22. The project shall be designed to discourage human access to the bajada and ra slope habitat types, as identified in the biological report pan by LM, I=. (Deoember, 1984) . * 23. Prior to approval of final maps, the issuance of grading permits or the distort of land in the mesquite sand dune area in the northerly portion of the site, ti Applicant shall pay the established mitigation fee for the impacts on the Coact Walley Fringe -Toed Lizard for that area determined by the Department of Fish ar Game to be the habitat area of this endangered species. Noise 24. Prior to the approval of tentative tract maps or the issuance of building pen the Applicant shal1 submit site specific noise studies in accordance with the proposed La Quinta General plan Noise Standards as follows: a. All uses located within 2800 feet of the centerline of major streets. b. For all non-residential use proposed for areas within a 1000-foot radius of designated residential uses. SPFCV7C PLAN MD. 05-006 - MIS'ED MIDII'P ONS CF APPAMPAL October 15, 1985 Page 4. * 25. Based upon the rocamandatioris contained in the policies within the La Quints towrxal Plan, Specific Plan No. 65-W6 shall imm g mate treasures to eraure caePliance with the C:ity•s rew-vioded indoor and outdoor noise standards. these mitigation measures shall include, but not be limited to, the following a. Construction of noise barriers, including wells and beans. b. Siting and orientation of noise sensitive uses within the project. c. Siting of golf course and other less sensitive land uses to serve as noise buffer areas within the project. Light and Glare i * 26. Ire lighting plans for future development projects shall be reviewed by the C to ui n�e light and glare. lard Use_ 27. The mw mmn allowable rawer of residential units shall be 2245. In c:onsidez requests for zoning and/or tentative tract approvals for develogmernt phases., in the number of allowable units may be made an an -as warranted - basis to assure caWI roe with applicable regulationns and the intent of this specific plan. a. %* residential density is established at a gross density of 2.7 dwelling units per developable acne 4excludung hillsides and public street righte. and a net density in excess of five (5) dwelling units per acre should be avoided for those areas shown on Exhibit B. 28. Development of areas designated for office/pial uses shall cmply with policies set forth in the new la Quinta General Plan for the Special cmre=ia Land Use Designation. 29. A211 gatehouses, access gates and other entries shall provide for star ng space and other design factors consistent with City Standards. 30. Design approval for various structures and buildings within the project shall subject to the following: a. Final site plans, floor plans and exterior elevations for the two golf cl houses, hotel and maintenance buildings shall be subject to review and ap by the Planning ammission and City poancil. b. Final site plans, floor plans and exterior elevations for residential str shall be subject to review and approval in the manner specified by applic coning and subdivision regulations in effect at the time. C. Design guidelines and related covenants and restrictions established for project controlling use, site development, building architec-tuue, landscai lighting and related design factors shall be submitted for review and am by the Planning Convassion and City Ommil 'prior to approval of develops awlications. SPBC]FIC PLAN NC. 85-006 - HWISM CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL October 15, 1985 Page 5. 31. Building height for residential uses shall be subject to height limitations specified in the specific plan, except that no building exceeding one story (20 feet in height) shall be allowed within 200 feet of any perimeter property line within the area delineated on Exhibit B or any public street frontage. 32. Perimeter security walls and fences shall be subject to the following standards: a. Setbacks for perimeter walls from the rights -of -sway lines for Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street shall be an average of twenty (20) feet. b. Setbacks for perimeter walls from the right-of-�aay line for Calle Pcndo, Adams Street and Avenue 54, shall be an average of ten (10) feet. c. Portions of the perimeter walls along Avenue 52 shall use wrought iron (or similar open fencing) to provide views from the street into the project. d. The design of perimeter fencing shall take into consideration noise abatement as required in Condition No. 25. e. Fencing located on interior property lines may be placed on the property line. f. All fencing designs, including location and materials, shall be subject to City review and approval. 33. A master landscape standards plan, including landscaping of perimeter setbacks arx rights -of -sway areas, shall be submitted for City review and approval. 34. Applicant shall dedicate to the City a site for a neighborhood park consistent with the Open Space Plan of the proposed La Quinta General Plan with the location and size to be approved by the Planning Canaission and City Cou=il (neighborhood parks range in size between 5 to 10 acres, with an average size of 7'h acres), or the Applicant shall agree on other alternate methods to secure park land in the general vicinity of this project. 35. Provision of on -site, private recreational facilities shall be in accordance with the Municipal Land Use and Land Division Ordinance in effect at the time of deve1gMmt. 36. Prior to submittal of tentative tract maps or developttent plans, the Applicant shall submit a master plan for main and satellite maintenance facilities for the golf course and homeowners associations to the Planning Commission and City Council for review and approval. 37. Applicant is encouraged to maintain all land within the project boundaries in agricultural production until such land is graded for development, provided that such agricultural production is economically feasible. In the event said undeveloped lid is not contumed or placed in agricultural production, Applicant shall plant and maintain said land in appropriate ground cover to prevent dust and erosion and to provide an aesthetically pleasing environment. Traffic and Circulation 38. The Applicant agrees to participate in the City's preparation of a specific plan for the Jefferson Street corridor to determine appropriate means to increase futm traffic capacity and safety along this roadway. The circulation and access plan for Specific Plan No. 85-006 shall cmply with the standards of the Jefferson Street Specific Plan as it is adapted by the La Quinta City Council. SRC PLAN MD. 95-006 - RWISM v" Ir ITIOKS OF APPAWAL October 15, l"5 Prge 6. 39. 2* developer shall oatply with the following requirgpents for yublic raadwat WA bridge ipprovements in a000acdance with the IIa Quints Oenerall plan and City standards and is in effect at the time of : a. Omatruct full -width iaproMawits to Avenue 52 between Jefferson street an, the project's west boundary contiguous to the project. b. Install half -width improvements to Jefferson street contiguous to the p n* bourndary. c. Dedicate necessary rights-of-W for roadway and utility purposes along Avenues 52 and 54 and. Jefferson street to provide for impTvvetennts in accordarnoe with the standards of the Ia Qninta General Plan. d. Uprow and widen the existing Jefferson Street bridge over the Coachella Canal in 1 r r r rdanoe with the La Quints Gun wal Plan and the requill m wayts o; the city Engineer. e. • Install full -width improvements to a two-lane, local street with 60-foot right-of-way along the current alignment of Adams Street between Avenue SO and Avenue 52, or along an alternate route as approved by the City (Le., Tampico between Calle Pcn o and Washington Street) . These int zovenPnts shall be constructed no later than January, 1987. Applicant: shall coordinat efforts with the City in order to facilitate ccopletion of the entire access link prior to opening of the new school on Avenue 50. f. Install transition roadway istprvvetents adjacent to the site in accordance with the City s}mrdards and the requirements of the City Engineer. g. 2e Applicant shall subndt road striping and traffic control device plans to the City Engineer for review and approval. 40. 'The Applicant shall install a raised center median island, including landscapi and irrigation, as part of road inprnvetents *sere required by Xmicipal road standards and the La Quinta General Plan. 41. 2e Applicant shall install all roads internal to the project in accordance wi City standards and the requirements of the City Engineer, in effect at the tam of installation. In addition, the following requirements shall be complied in a. 2e primary loop roads shall be widened to a nUdm n pmwtent width of 36 unless Applicant -- Istrates that adequate pcavmdcn has been made for su cient offf-street parkiM to accommodate all need , including guests, so tin on -street parking is not required. b. All other roads shall be widened to a u nimrn pavement width of 32 feet un the Applicant demonstrates that adequate provision has been made for suffi cient off-street parking to aooamnodate all needs, including guests, so th on-strceet parking is not required. c. Prior to the approval of final maps or the issuance of grading or construc permits, the Applicant small sWmdt an overall site circulation plan to th Ommtunnity Development Department for review and approval. 42. Access to Jefferson Street small comply with adopted City standards (see Condition No. 38) . 43. Bike paths shall be installed along Jefferson Street and Avenue 52 in acoordan with City standards and the requirements of the City Engineer. SPEM IC PLAN NO. 85-006 - It MSED OOND ' CNS OF APPRMAL October 1% 1985 Page 7. 44. In order to facilitate mitigation of emulative traffic impacts of these and other area projects, the City shall establish a traffic improvement needs monitoring program. This program will undertake biannual traffic count studies to determine if warrants are met for major roadway improvements. Upon determina- tion of needs, the City may initiate projects to meet those needs. Public Services and Utilities 45. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the its of the Uniform Fire Code and the La Quinta Municipal Code in effect at the time of development. a. The om ro,mlty Infrastructure Fee Program is the primary method for the City to secure funding for fire station facilities. In conjunction with tentative tract maps and similar approvals, the City may request prepayment of fire facilities fees on an as -warranted basis if funds are needed to facilitate needed construction. :b. The interior private street system shall amply with adopted standards of the Fire Department relating to access and circulation. c. provide required mirniman firefloa and fire hydrants pursuant to standards in effect at time of develoame nt. 46. The Applicant shall ernply with the requirements of the Coachella Valle} Water District. a. The water system shall be installed in accord with District requiranents. The District will need additional facilities, which may include wells, reservoirs, and booster puaping stations, to provide for the orderly expansioi of its system. The Applicant will be required to provide and dedicate to the District any land needed for these facilities. b. The sanitary sewer system shall be installed in accord with District regula- tions. The area small be annexed to Improvement District No. 55 for sanitati< service. 47. The Applicant shall damply with the Mqui.raments of the Imperial Irrigation District. a. provision shall be made to underground utilities to the extent feasible. Generally, all facilities except high voltage lines of 66 KV and above shall be placed underground. b. The existing hick voltage lines shall not be relocated without prior review and approval by the City. It is intended that other available alternatives be evaluated prior to said relocation. 48. The Applicant shall pay a permit school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agreements as approved by the La Quinta City Council and in effect at the time of the issuance of building permits. r 49. All drainage shall be handled as required by the City Engineer and the Coachella Valley Water District. SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 85-006 - WaSM CONDITIONS OF APPRO AL Oictaber 15, 1985 Page 8. 50. The project small comply with the standards and requirements of the La Quinta Redevelopment Project for stonn4ater control. 51. Paquixermts for the installation of solar water heaters shall be determined by the City on a uniform City-wide basis for new construction at a later date. The developer shall comply with the mmicipal requirements in effect at the time of constn=tion. 52. All tentative maps and development plans shall be designed to ensure compliance with the State laws regarding solar accessibility. Tb the extent possible, all structures shall be sited, oriented and designed so as to minimize the energy needs for cooling. 53. The approved Specific Plan shall incorporate the mitigation measures identified in the Air Quality Section of the enviromnantal assessment to reduce vehicular trips, trip lengths, and automobile dependency. 54. A qualified archaeologist shall be retained to monitor grading operations in the areas of the archaeological sites identified in the project's archaeological assessment on file with the City. t 55. if buried cultural remains are uncovered, construction in this area shall be stopped until appropriate mitigation measures can be taken. r 56. All artifacts, field notes and catalog information of the Oak Tree West archaeolc gical sites shall be curated with the uC Riverside Archaeological Research unit. Miscellaneous 57. The location and access to all construction facilities shall be subject to review and apprmal of the Oacmmity Development Department. 58. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the City's adapted Infrastruc Fee Program in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. Certain faci] required as part of this Specific Plan are eligible for credits set forth in the program; these generally include parks, fire station facilities, major streets, traffic signals, bridges and related infrastructure identified in the program. 59. Applicant shall sutmit a phasing plan to the City for review and approval. Of particular importance in this phasing plan is the determination of need and scheduling for major public facilities and improvements. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 88- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ANNOUNCING FINDINGS, CONFIRMING THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION AND GRANTING A TWO-YEAR TIME EXTENSION FOR THE OAK TREE WEST SPECIFIC PLAN. SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 85-006, EXTENSION #1, OAK TREE WEST WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on the 24th day of September, 1985, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing recommending approval of Specific Plan No. 85-006 to the City Council, subject to conditions; and, WHEREAS, the City Council did on the 15th day of October, 1985, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing approving Specific Plan No. 85-006, subject to conditions; and, WHEREAS, the Applicant, Landmark Land Company has requested an extension of the approval for Specific Plan No. 85-006, pursuant to Condition #6 of the Conditions of Approval as part of City Council Resolution No. 85-83; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 27th day of December, 1988, consider the confirmation of environmental determination and approval of a two-year time extension pursuant to Condition #6; and, WHEREAS, said extension request complied with the requirement of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (County of Riverside, Resolution NO. 82-213, adopted by reference in City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 5), in that the Planning Director has determined that the Specific Plan has been previously assessed for environmental impacts as set forth in Environmental Assessment NO. 85-034, and that a Negative Declaration was adopted; and, WHEREAS, at said Public meeting, said Planning Commission did find the following facts and .reasons to justify the approval of said time extension: 1. The Specific Plan is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, subject to the adoption of revised conditions of approval. 2. There are no physical constraints which could prohibit development of the site as conditionally approved. 3. The project will be provided with adequate utilities and public services to ensure public health and safety. - 1 - BJ/RESOPC.014 4. The mitigation measures agreed to by this Applicant and incorporated into the Conditions of Approval will mitigate any adverse environmental impact. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California as follows: 1. The above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case; 2. That it does hereby confirm the conclusion of the environmental assessment relative to the environmental concerns of this Amendment; 3. That it does hereby grant a two-year time extension for the reasons set forth in this Resolution, and further by revising the original approved conditions to read as per the attached Exhibit "A". PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission held on this 27th day of December, 1988, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN WALLING, CHAIRMAN ATTEST: MURREL CRUMP, PLANNING DIRECTOR - 2 - BJ/RESOPC.014 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 88- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PROPOSED EXTENSION OF SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 85-006 - OAK TREE WEST DECEMBER 27, 1988 * Denotes required mitigation measure from EA No. 85-034. + Revised condition per December 27, 1988 Staff Report. GENERAL 1. The developer shall comply with Revised Exhibit "A" (dated August, 1985), the Specific Plan document for Specific Plan No. 85-006 and the following conditions, which conditions shall take precedence in the event of any conflicts with the provisions of the Specific Plan. 2. The developer shall comply with the mitigation measures contained within the Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 85-034 which are incorporated into the conditions of approval for Specific Plan No. 85-006 and which are denoted by an asterisk (*) in these conditions of approval. 3. Development of this project shall be in accordance with the provisions of the La Quinta Redevelopment Project No. 1 plan and the La Quinta General Plan. + 4. Approval of Specific Plan 85-006 shall be valid until December 27, 1990, by which time the diminishment for Agriculture Preserve #72 shall be recorded, and the initial phase parcel and/or tract map(s) shall have been submitted to the Planning and Development Department for processing prior to this date. Until the approval is in effect no residential parcel or tract maps, plot plans or other development permits shall be considered, unless it is determined by the Planning and Development Department that certain permits are necessary for continued maintenance of the existing golf course areas. No less than 30 days prior to the referenced expiration date, the Applicant/Developer shall submit a request for extension, accompanied by a status and compliance .report on the project, as it relates to the approval conditions. Subsequent time extensions may be granted, as deemed appropriate, by the Planning Commission. SOILS/GEOLOGY *+5. Prior to approval of final maps or issuance of grading permits, the Applicant shall submit soils reports and more detailed site specific geotechnical reports to the City Engineer for review and approval. In addition to establishing engineering design parameters for development of the site, the reports shall specifically address the following concerns: - 1 - BJ/CONAPRVL.014 a. For those areas adjacent to or on the toes of the slopes of the Santa Rosa Mountains, the geotechnical reports shall determine natural slope stability and potential hazards from falling rock or tumbling boulders. b. For that area over or adjacent to the site of the former sewage treatment facility near the Adams Street extension and Calle Tampico, the reports shall consider any additional necessary development/construction preparation of the site due to the presence of sewage sludge and uncompacted fill. C. For multi -story structures, the reports shall address special design or construction due to the soil and seismic conditions. * 6. The Applicant shall comply with the latest Uniform Building Codes, as adopted by the City of La Quinta and in effect at the time of issuance of the building permits. The appropriate seismic design criteria will depend upon the type and use of the proposed structure and the recommendations of the approved site specific geotechnical and soils reports. * 7. All development, including golf course construction shall comply with the City's adopted Hillside Development Ordinance. * 8. Prior to the submittal of any tentative parcel or tract maps or the issuance of grading permits, the Applicant shall submit a comprehensive blowing dust and sand mitigation plan on the entire site to the Planning and Development Department for review and approval. This plan shall include, but not be limited to, consideration of the following means to minimize blowing sand and dust: implementation of Uniform Building Code requirements, development phasing, retention of existing trees, cultivation of interim groundcover or crops, and the use of water trucks and sprinkler systems. * 9. All -future development shall comply with the resolutions outlined in Chapter 19 of the "Southeast Desert Air Basin Control Strategy", February, 1980 ( a revision to the State Implementation Plan). Specifically, all future development must comply with the requirements of the following plans: a. Air Quality Management Plan, Southeast Desert Air Basin, Riverside County, 1979. b. Air Resources Board Resolution 79-79, November, 1979. C. Air Resources Staff Report, October, 1979. *10. At the time of submittal of tentative tract maps or plot plans, the Applicant shall demonstrate that the proposed uses include provisions for non -automotive means of transportation within the project site as a means of reducing dependence on private automobiles. This may include golf cart path systems, 2 - BJ/CONAPRVL.014 bicycle and pedestrian systems, and other similar systems consistent with the Specific Plan. +*11. Specific project designs shall encourage the use of public transit by providing for on -site bus shelters as required by the Planning and Development Department and consistent with the requirements of local transit districts and the Specific Plan. *12. The Applicant shall encourage and support the use of Sunline van/bus service, Dial--A-Ride, jitneys between the project site, local airports (e.g., Palm Springs, Thermal), and other regional land uses. HYDROLOGY/WATER CONSERVATION *13. Prior to the approval of final maps or the issuance of grading permits, the Applicant shall submit a hydrology study to the City Engineer for review and approval, which indicates the means and design for protecting the proposed development from flooding by 100-year storms. This plan shall be consistent with the purposes of any similar plans of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency and the Coachella Valley Water District then in effect for flood protection. +*14. Prior to the approval of building permits, the Applicant shall prepare a water conservation plan which shall include consideration of: +a. Methods to minimize the consumption of water, including water saving features incorporated into the design of the structures, the use of drought tolerant and low-water usage landscaping materials, and programs to increase the effectiveness of landscape and golf course irrigation, as recommended by Coachella Valley Water District and the State Department of Water Resources. b. Methods for maximizing groundwater recharge, including the construction of groundwater recharge facilities. C. Methods for minimizing the amount of groundwater used for on -site irrigation, including the use of reclaimed water from sewage treatment facilities and the use of irrigation water from the Coachella Canal, shall be considered where feasible. The water energy plan shall be subject to review and acceptance by C.V.W.D. prior to final approval by the City Engineer. +*15. Prior to approval of final maps or issuance of grading permits, the Applicant/Developer shall submit a grading plan to the City Engineer for review and approval, which indicates the methods for collection and retention of all on -site drainage from within the development, as well as historic water runoff originating off -site from the west, until such 3 - BJ/CONAPRVL.014 time that the latter can be disposed of by means of a positive drainage system to routing it through or around the project. FLORA AND FAUNA *16. Landscaping materials should employ plant materials native to the Coachella Valley desert habitats and surrounding desert to the maximum degree practical. *17. Ponds constructed in the golf course should include patches of appropriate riparian species to increase the habitat value of these ponds. *18. Drip irrigation should be used to the extent practical to minimize the establishment of weedy vegetation. *19. Development should be avoided above the existing flood control dike at the base of the bajada habitat; however, limited improvements may be allowed if designed in a manner sensitive to the habitat. (The southerly edge of the northwest quarter of Section 8, T6S, R7E, S.B.B.M.) *20. The project shall be designed to discourage human access to the bajada and rocky slope habitat types, as identified in the biological reconnaissance report prepared by LSA, Inc. (December, 1984). NOISE +21. Prior to the approval of tentative tract maps or the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit site specific noise studies in accordance with the adopted La Quinta General Plan Noise Standards as follows: a. All uses located within 2800 feet of the centerline of major streets. b. For all non-residential uses proposed for areas within a 1000-foot radius of designated residential uses. *22. Based upon the recommendations contained in the policies within the La Quinta General Plan, Specific Plan No. 85-006 shall incorporate measures to ensure compliance with the City's recommended indoor and outdoor noise standards. These mitigation measures shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Construction of noise barriers, including walls and berms. b. Siting and orientation of noise sensitive uses within the project. C. Siting of golf course and other less sensitive land uses to serve as noise buffer areas within the project. 4 - BJ/CONAPRVL.014 LIGHT AND GLARE *23. The lighting plans for future development projects shall be reviewed by the City to minimize light and glare. T.ANT) TTRF. 24. The maximum allowable number of residential units shall be 2245. In considering requests for zoning and/or tentative tract approvals for development phases, reductions in the number of allowable units may be made on an "as warranted" basis to assure compliance with applicable regulations and the intent of this specific plan. a. The residential density is established at a gross density of 2.7 dwelling units per developable acre (excluding hillsides and public street right-of-way) and a net density in excess of five (5) dwelling units per acre should be avoided for those areas shown on Exhibit "B" +25. Development of areas designated for office/commercial uses shall comply with policies set forth in the La Quinta General Plan for the Special Commercial Land Use designation. +26. All gatehouses, access gates and other entry areas shall be subject to plot plan review by the Planning and Development Department. 27. Design approval for various structures and building within the project shall be subject to the following: a. Final site plans, floor plans and exterior elevations for the two golf clubhouses, hotel and maintenance buildings shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. b. Final site plans, floor plans and exterior elevations for residential structures shall be subject -to review and approval in the manner specified by applicable zoning and subdivision regulations in effect at the time. C. Design guidelines and related covenants and restrictions established for the project controlling use, site development, building architecture, landscaping, lighting and related design factors shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Commission and City Council prior to approval of development applications. 28. Building height for :residential uses shall be subject to height limitations specified in the specific plan, except that no building exceeding one story (20 feet in height) shall be allowed within 200 feet of any perimeter property line within the area delineated on Exhibit B or any public street frontage. 5 - BJ/CONAPRVL.014 29. Perimeter security walls and fences shall be subject to the following standards: a. Setbacks for perimeter walls from the rights -of -way lines for Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street shall be an average of twenty (20) feet. b. Setbacks for perimeter walls from the right-of-way line for Calle Rondo, Adams Street and Avenue 54, shall be an average of ten (10) feet. C. Portions of the perimeter walls along Avenue 52 shall use wrought iron (or similar open fencing) to provide views from the street into the project. d. The design of perimeter fencing shall take into consideration noise abatement as required in Condition #25. e. Fencing located on interior property lines may be placed on the property line. f. All fencing designs, including location and materials, shall be subject to City review and approval. +30. A master landscape standards plan, including landscaping of perimeter setbacks, and right-of-way areas shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Department for review. The plan shall require acceptance by the Riverside County Agricultural Commission office, and final approval to be granted by the City Council, upon recommendation of the Planning Commission. +*31. At time of submittal of the initial tract or parcel map to the City, the Applicant/Developer shall present a program for the reservation/designation of a neighborhood park site. Required fees or land reservation for this project shall be based upon dedication of 6.56 acres, consistent with the provisions of the La Quinta General Plan and park dedication requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. The parkland compliance proposal shall be subject to approval by the City Council, upon recommendation of the Planning Commission. *32. Provision of on -site, private recreational facilities shall be in accordance with the Municipal Land Use and Land Division Ordinance in effect at the time of development. 33. Prior to submittal of tentative tract maps or development plans, the Applicant shall submit a master plan for main and satellite maintenance facilities for the golf course and homeowners associations to the Planning Commission and City Council for review and approval. *34. Applicant is encouraged to maintain all land within the project boundaries in agricultural production until such land 6 - BJ/CONAPRVL.014 is graded for development, provided that such agricultural production is economically feasible. In the event said undeveloped land is not continued or placed in agricultural production, Applicant shall plant and maintain said land in appropriate ground cover to prevent dust and erosion and to provide an aesthetically pleasing environment. TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION 35. The Applicant agrees to participate in the City's preparation of a specific plan for the Jefferson Street Corridor to determine appropriate means to increase future traffic capacity and safety along this roadway. The circulation and access plan for Specific Plan No. 85-006 shall comply with the standards of the Jefferson Street Specific Plan as it is adopted by the La Quinta City Council. +36. The Applicant/Developer shall comply with the following requirements for public roadway and bridge improvements, in accordance with the La Quinta General Plan and City standards and requirements in effect at the time of construction: a. Construct full -width improvements to Avenue 52 between Jefferson Street and the project's west boundary contiguous to the project. b. Install 1/2-width improvements to Jefferson Street contiguous to the project boundary. C. Dedicate necessary rights -of -way for roadway and utility purposes along Avenue 52 and 54 and Jefferson Street to provide for improvements in accordance with the standards of the La Quinta General Plan. d. Improve and widen the existing Jefferson Street bridge over the Coachella Canal in accordance with the La Quinta General Plan and the requirements of the City Engineer. e. Install full -width improvements to a two-lane, local street (60-foot right-of-way) along the approved right-of-way alignment of Adams Street, between the current east terminus of Calle Tampico, and Avenue 50 at its intersection with Park Street. Installation of this roadway shall be required as a condition of approval of any tract, parcel map or other development application, but in any case, construction shall be substantially complete no later than December 27, 1990, or this specific plan approval shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. The ultimate design shall include bikeway provisions, subject to final approval by the Planning and Development Department and the City Engineer. - 7 - BJ/CONAPRVL.014 f. Install transition roadway improvements adjacent to the site in accordance with the City standards and the requirements of the City Engineer. g. The Applicant/Developer shall submit road striping and traffic control device plans to the City Engineer for review and approval. +37. The Applicant/Developer shall make provision for installation, or install, raised center median islands, including landscape and irrigation. Medians shall be required as part of the corresponding road improvement requirements for this project. Where full width improvements are not required, appropriate performance guarantees may be secured, subject to approval by the City Engineer. 38. The Applicant shall install all roads internal to the project in accordance with City standards and the requirements of the City Engineer, in effect at the time of installation. In addition, the following requirements shall be complied with: a. The primary loop roads shall be widened to a minimum pavement width of 36-feet unless Applicant demonstrates that adequate provision has been made for sufficient off-street parking to accommodate all needs, including guests, so that on -street parking is not required. b. All other roads shall be widened to a minimum pavement width of 32-feet unless the Applicant demonstrates that adequate provision has been made for sufficient off-street parking to accommodate all needs, including guests, so that on -street parking is not required. C. Prior to the approval of final maps or the issuance of grading or construction permits, the Applicant shall submit an overall site circulation plan to the Planning and Development Department for review and approval. 39. Access to Jefferson Street shall comply with adopted City standards (see Condition No. 38). 4.0. Bike paths shall be installed along Jefferson Street and Avenue 52 in accordance with City standards and the requirements of the City Engineer. +*41. The Applicant/Developer shall prepare a traffic study one year after building permit issuance for the initial phase of units (excluding model homes). The traffic study shall include traffic generated from the total Oak Tree West project (i.e., any permitted residential units, clubhouse, future residential developments, hotel) and shall contain percentages associated with each impact/improvement. Should the results of the study indicate that traffic signals are warranted, the Applicant/Developer shall pay its share of the signal cost based upon the percentages identified in the traffic study. A 8 - BJ/CONAPRVL.014 letter of credit shall be provided, prior to the issuance of further Certificates of Occupancy, in an amount recommended by the City Engineer to ensure that the traffic study and installation of the traffic signals will be provided. Should the required traffic study indicate that the signal warrants are not met, the Applicant/Developer shall conduct annual warrant studies to determine when the signals are needed. Upon the need for the signals, the Applicant/Developer shall participate in its share of the signal costs as noted above. The Applicant/Developer shall pay for an annual 24-hour traffic count program, for each impacted road and intersection with roadway improvements triggered when threshold values are reached. The Applicant/Developer shall pay for its share of the improvement required based upon its project related traffic generation impact as identified by the percentages in the above mentioned traffic study. The implementation of this condition shall be administered by the City Engineer, acting upon his technical discretion. PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES 42. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Fire Code and the La Quinta Municipal Code in effect at the time of development. a. The Community Infrastructure Fee Program is the primary method for the City to secure funding for fire station facilities. In conjunction with tentative tract maps and similar approvals, the City may request prepayment of fire facilities fees on an as -warranted basis if funds are needed to facilitate needed construction. b. The interior private street system shall comply with adopted standards of the Fire Department relating to access and circulation. C. Provide required minimum fireflow and fire hydrants pursuant to standards in effect at time of development. +43. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Coachella Valley Water District. a. The water system shall be installed in accord with District requirements. The District will need additional facilities, which may include wells, reservoirs, and booster pumping stations, to provide for orderly expansion of its system. The Applicant will be required to provide and dedicate to the District any land needed for these facilities. b. The sanitary sewer system shall be installed in accord with District regulations. The area shall be annexed to Improvement District No. 55 for sanitation service. 9 - BJ/CONAPRVL.014 +c. All landscape and irrigation plans shall be reviewed and approved by C.V.W.D. prior to final approval by the City. 44. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Imperial Irrigation District. a. Provision shall be made to underground utilities to the extent feasible. Generally, all facilities except high voltage lines of 66 KV and above shall be placed underground. b. The existing high voltage lines shall not be relocated without prior review and approval by the City. It is intended that other available alternatives be evaluated prior to said relocation. +*45. The Applicant shall pay a per -unit school development fee as determined by the Desert Sands Unified School District in effect at the time of the issuance of building permits. *46. All drainage shall be handled as required by the City Engineer and the C.V.W.D. *47. The project shall comply with the standards and requirements of the La Quinta Redevelopment project for stormwater control. ENERGY *48. Requirements for the installation of solar water heaters shall be determined by the City on a uniform City-wide basis for new construction at a later date. The developer shall comply with the municipal requirements in effect at the time of construction. *49. All tentative maps and development plans shall be designed to ensure compliance with the State laws regarding solar accessibility. To the extent possible, all structures shall be sited, oriented and designed so as to minimize the energy needs for cooling. *50. The approved Specific Plan shall incorporate the mitigation measures identified in the Air Quality section of the Environmental Assessment to reduce vehicular trips, trip lengths, and automobile dependency. ARCHAEOLOGY *51. A qualified archaeologist shall be retained to monitor grading operations in the areas of the archaeological sites identified in the project's archaeological assessment on file with the City. *52. If buried cultural remains are uncovered, construction in this area shall be stopped until appropriate mitigation measures can be taken. - 10 - BJ/CONAPRVL.014 *53. All artifacts, field notes and catalog information of the Oak Tree West archaeological sites shall be curated with the UC Riverside Archaeological Research Unit. MISCELLANEOUS +54. The location and access to all construction facilities shall be subject to review and approval of the Planning and Development Department. +55. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the City's adopted Infrastructure Fee Program in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. +56. Prior to any final parcel or tract map approvals, the Applicant shall submit a phasing plan to the Planning and Development Department for review and approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. Specifically, this plan shall address scheduling for the major off -site improvements as required. - 11 - BJ/CONAPRVL.014 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: HISTORY t MEMORANDUM HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DECEMBER 27, 1988 GARAGE SALE REGULATIONS The subject of garage sale regulations was presented to the City Council in August of 1986. The Community Safety Department prepared a draft ordinance for consideration. After lengthy discussion, action on this matter was not taken. This subject has not previously been presented to the Planning Commission. CURRENT CONSIDERATION A letter was received by the City Council from Mr. Cameron Marshman requesting consideration be given to the regulations of garage sales among other items. Staff brings this matter to the Planning Commission for discussion and possible recommendation to the City Council. DISCUSSION Garage sales in the City of La Quinta typically number around 12 on any given weekend. There are probably two known instances where the garage sale constitutes an ongoing home business, rather than sale of personal belongings no longer needed by the household. The recognizable negative effect of these sales is a clutter of home made signs which spring -up each weekend at key intersections and along the routes to individual sales. In its total impact the activity of garage sales in the City does not seem to present a very serious problem at this time. The mentioned signs do require a Code Enforcement officer to go around the City and collect them, which has some nuisance value and public expense involved. The referenced letter begs the.City policy question of whether to regulate such sales; there would be two principal reasons to do so: 1.) preclude home businesses under the guise of garage sales; and 2.) Reinforce a City position on garage sales sign use. A third reason which may come to mind is to establish the regulations, now, before the population and potential problems of the City grow. - 1 - BJ/MEMOJH.038 The Community Safety Director advises from his research that most if not all Valley cities have some form of regulation for garage sale activities. From the code enforcement perspective, he would like to have something "on the books". In a summary analysis, Department Staff believe there probably is not an overwhelmingly compelling reason to regulate this activity, but find some current and maybe more long term advantages to establishing a basic set of ground rules. COMMISSION CONSIDERATION Staff is seeking further guidance in this matter and would appreciate the thoughts the Commission may have on this subject. If there is general consensus of opinion, Staff would carry the Commission's comments to the City Council for their deliberation. A copy of Mr. Marshman's letter is attached along with the other historical information for your review. - 2 - BJ/MEMOJH.038 rA ra., , MWO A P �' 4 MEMORANDUM TO Murrel Crump, Planning Director FROM: Roger Hirdler, Community Safety Director DATE: December 14, 1988 SUBJECT: Garage Sales This is the Garage Sale Ordinance that was submitted to Council on August 5, 1986. The Signage language would have to be changed to conform with our present sign ordinance. RH/lmm enclosure MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUANTA To: The City Manager, Honorable Mayor, and Members of City Council From. Roger Hirdler, Community Safety Director Date: August 5, 1986 Subject: Ordinance For Adoption - Regulation of Special Event Sales Attached is a proposed ordinance to regulate special event sales, primarily garage sales. The ordinance will allow two such sales per year, and would be for a period of 72 hours each. There is a $10.00 fee for each sale permit. Signage for special events sales is prohibited, except for one sign on the premises where the sale will take place. The area of the sign shall not exceed four -square feet. The staff recommends the adoption of this ordinance. Respectfully submitted, Roger Hirdler Community Safety Director RH:es B. E. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO REGULATION OF SPECIAL EVENT SALES. The City Council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 11.88 is hereby added to the La Quinta Municipal Code to read as follows: Chapter 11.88 REGULATION OF SPECIAL EVENT SALES Sections: 11.88.010 Special event --Definition. 11.88.020 Permit fee reguest. 11.88.030 Advertising by signs. 11.88.040 Terms of permit 11.88.010 Special event --Definition. "Special event sales" shall include garage sales, yard sales, patio sales and other similar event sales in residential districts for the purpose of offering for sale household or personal goods of the occupant of the premises where such sale is permitted and is not intended for commercial sale of goods purchased elsewhere for such special event sales. 11.88.020 Permit required. Fee. No person shall conduct a special event sale within a residential district without having procured a permit from the city to do so and paying a fee of ten dollars for each special event sale. 11.88.030 Advertising by signs. Persons granted a permit to conduct a special event sale shall comply with the provisions of the municipal code and zoning ordinance, regulating and controlling the use of signs, and failure to comply shall result in the permit being revoked and cause to deny future requests for a permit. 11.88.040 Terms of permit. Any permit granted under this chapter shall be limited to seventy-two consecutive hours and two such special event sales in any calendar year. Ordinance No. Page 2 SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after passage. SECTION 3. POSTING. The City Clerk shall within 15 days after passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the three places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the book of ordinance of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on this 5th day of August, 1986, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ATTEST: CITY CLERK CITY ATTORNEY ghw- o" APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY MANAGER 53-955 Avenida, Velasco La Quinta, Ca 92253 December 5, 1988 Mayor John Pena City of La Quinta P. 0. Box 1504 78-105 Calle Estado La juinta, Ca 92253 Dear Mayor Pena: Since incorporation some 62 ears ago many of us have kept uppermost in mind that our primary reason for incorporation was to gain more control of our destiny and to clean up the environment. Hence it is disheartenin6 not to find regulation of garage sales and/or a tough specific Ordinance on campers, camper shells on this, your first Agenda. Attached is a press clipping; from yesteryear tolling the death of a garage sale Ordinance at the hand of Ms. Judy Cox. A simple application from Palm Desert is also attached. This is invasion -time for campers, motor homes, etc. Already they are parked everywhere with lights on through the night. Let's examine this carefully and not let a ghost of the past intrude.' Yours sincerely, Cameron S. Marshman cc: D.Bohnenberger J. Bosworth W. Rushworth S . Sniff R. Hirdler Saturday,'August 9 Page 6The Valle" • 6 ..P arage sale law, f_ ails LA QUINTA — A proposed ordinance to cap !the number of jgarage sales and charge a $10 sales permit has been struck down by -the city council. + 3 This is ridiculous for garage sales. This is carrying it too far," t,aid Councilmember Judith Cos after_ the ordinance was proposed 1bli Roger lHirdler, public safety coordinator. You don't charge people permit fees to hold a garage -saler'° the said.: ; ¢. w, ..- . "The ordinance set oust to limit residents to" o_ my two garage sales s year. Residents would ;be charged a ,$10 permit fee for, each ele and signs advertising the special event .would be prohibited x.'cept for one sign, no larger than four square -feet, at the residence �evhere the sale was being held. The council decided Tuesday to. continue the issue until Kthe next council meeting. 40 :Councilmember Larry Allen said that the numerous signs placed illegally on telephone phones and utility lines advertising garage sales did not help the image of the neighborhood, specifically the Cove area. Allen also said that Some residents „that he. is aware of hold garage sales in at on their properties every weekend.. ,' -"I want those stopped," he said. 'c s A APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EVENT SALES Garage/Patio or Similar Sales FEE: $!0. NAME OF APPLICANT TELEPHONE LOCATION OF SALE The applicant is the: PROPERTY OWNER TENANT This permit is limited to 72 consecutive hours. Dates of Sale: Hours: From To The purpose of this permit is to allow the applicant to sell ° household or personal goods no longer desired and not Intended for commercial sale of goods purchased elsewhere for sale. The applicant is limited to two (2) special event sales per calendar year. Each sale requires a separate permit. The use of signs advertising such sales is regulated by Section 25,68.160 of the Codes limited to one sign not to exceed 3' square feet in area or over 4 feet In height. Signs can't be placed in the public right-of-way or on utility poles per Section 25.68.090 of the Municipal Codes and Article 2 of the California Penal Code. An•y violation of this permit is considered ��an 'infraction and the permit shall be revoked and future requests'For permits will be der led. APPLICANT SIGNATURE 5-87 DATE (garage)